- Tonganoxie Christian Church
- Tonganoxie Christian Church
Upcoming Events On the Calendar: July 19 Worship Center—Class July 20-24 CIY– High School Trip July 25 Women’s Brunch July 26 Worship Center—Class Aug 2 Worship Center—Class Aug 3 Jeremy Albert Joins TCC Aug 10 Dave Whisler Joins TCC Aug 12 GCA begins school BITS & PIECES WORSHIP CENTER CLASS JULY 19, 26 OR AUG 2 Learn more about the plans to renovate TCC’s sanctuary. See details on page 4. CIY TRIP — JULY 20-24 Be in prayer for our high school students and sponsors who will travel to Illinois for their annual Christ in Youth trip. WOMEN’S BRUNCH — JULY 25 Join the women of the church for our rescheduled brunch! 9:0010:30 a.m. on Saturday at the VFW park. Mo Tu We Th Fri Sa 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Nearly 150 adults and kids took part in our MEGA Sports Camp VBS this past week as attendees and volunteers. Thanks to everyone for making it a success! Details Inside—p. 2 Tonganoxie Christian Church TCC has a piece of property that has been donated to the church in the Ozawkie area. If you are interested in purchasing the land, please contact Mike Mielke, our deacon with the Finance Team, for details. Don’t forget to continue your support for our $1 for One program. All funds collected go toward outreach in the community. Drop off a dollar weekly in the collection boxes throughout the building. July, August & Sept 2015 Su ANOTHER NEW HIRE! Thank you to Jenny Kessler and Sandra Benedict for filling in as secretaries while Andrea Novotney was on vacation! V O L U M E Established 1872 CONNECT WITH US: Office: 204 Washington Street Web: www.tongiecc.org Email: [email protected] Phone: (913) 845-2821 Look for us on facebook! Senior Minister, Ross Frisbie Associate Minister, Steve Howell Associate Minister, Jeremy Albert* Children’s Minister, Dave Whisler* Secretary, Andrea Novotney Treasurer, Merelyn Stites *Coming in August! Tonganoxie Christian Church exists to exalt Jesus Christ by reaching people, connecting and equipping them to love God and serve others. I S S U E 7 UPCOMING SERMONS July 19 Philippians (Ross Frisbie) July 26 Philippians (Steve Howell) August 2 Philippians (Ross Frisbie) Tonganoxie Christian Church 5 3 , TONGANOXIE CHRISTIAN CHURCH P.O. BOX 504 TONGANOXIE, KS 66086 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #4 After months of preparation, Tonganoxie Christian Church is excited to share the vision and the details of our renovation to the church sanctuary! August 9 Philippians (Ross Frisbie) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: TCC Makes New 2 Staff Hire Prayer Needs 2 Special Worship Center Update 3 Elder Minutes 7 Nominations for Elder/Deacon 7 Upcoming Events 4 We thank you for your patience during this long process. All of us eagerly wait for the day when we return to worship in this space. Now, the time is closer! Inside, you will learn more about our next steps and what you can do to partner with us. Check out pages 3-6 for an overview of the plans and details on where to learn more about this project. J U L Y 2 0 1 5 PAGE 2 TCC Adding New Minister to Staff Please be in prayer for the Whislers as they make the transition to TCC next month! Tonganoxie Christian Church is excited to announce the hire of Dave Whisler for the position of Children’s Minister! Dave visited our church on July 12 as he and his wife helped lead kids’ programming, and he accepted our invitation to join the TCC staff beginning on August 10th. closely with the volunteers to develop and equip them to serve. Please be in prayer for the Whislers as they make this transition, and for Tonganoxie Christian Church as we welcome these new additions into our church family. We are excited for a new chapter in the life of TCC’s youngest members! Inside the May Elders Meeting SUMMARY OF MINUTES FROM THE JULY 2, 2015 MEETING Attendees: Chad Kietzmann, Jason Bailey, Scott Reynolds, Jonathan Myers, Larry Bailey, Michael Smith, Mark Maxwell, Ross Frisbie, and Steve Howell. Jim Ruth attended as a participant of the Elder Mentorship training which will go from April through September. Jim Ruth shared with the Elders the September 19th all day Leadership conference at Ozark Christian College. This conference focuses on church leadership and it is highly recommended that prospective Deacon/Elder candidates attend along with current Deacon/Elders. Dave previously served at as a Children’s minister in Indiana after studying at Cincinnati Christian University. Dave has worked as a lawyer and a senior minister, but his passion is ministering to children. Larry Bailey volunteered to be the Elder Liaison backup resource for GCA filling in for Scott Reynolds when he is not able to attend. He and his wife, Kathy, have two grown kids who also serve in ministry. Dave’s role at TCC will be to lead and grow our children’s program, ministering to children and their families. He will work Ross and Steve shared their ministry reports with the Elders. Ross shared that the month of July increased communications with congregation around the sanctuary remodel will go into effect. This communication will share the overall initiative as approved by the Elder Board. This initiative called “Continue the Work….” coincides well with the current sermon series. These increased communications will outline the project details, plan and estimated costs, including what is currently covered by insurance and previous donations and what is still outstanding to be funded for the work to be completed. Progress has been made as the concrete work and conduit for sound system have been laid and completed. Chad Kietzmann raised a motion to approve the communication plan with the congregation. Jason Bailey seconded the motion. Approved unanimously. Deacon and Elder candidates are PAGE 7 now being accepted by the nomination committee. The nomination committee is Jason Bailey, Jonathan Myers and Chad Kietzmann. The committee has already received some nominations from the congregation so thank you. Please feel free to provide any recommendations to the committee or Elder Board. The nomination committee has begun working with a list of candidates that they will contact to determine their willingness to serve as a Deacon or Elder. Attendance A prospective Children’s Director candidate has been identified. His name is Dave Whisler and he will be meeting with the Elder, Deacons and staff on Saturday July 11th. On Sunday, July 12th, Dave will be leading Children’s Church during 3rd service and we have asked some volunteers to attend to evaluate how he interacts with the kids. Date General Other 6/14 $11,428 $ 6/21 $12,134 $ 414 6/28 $ 9,025 $ 211 7/5 $ 9,042 $ 702 7/12 $22,060 $ 382 Date Worship Study 6/14 312 150 6/21 335 151 6/28 332 142 7/5 278 113 7/12 286 129 Giving 58 For Your Prayers This Week... Decisions Key Fobs: We are always excited when people give their lives to Christ and get immersed as believers in June! Jakob Regier (son of Kendon & Suzanne Regier) was baptized on June 21. Praise God for A group of high school youth and sponsors will be heading to Illinois for their annual Christ in Youth Trip this week. Jeremy Albert will begin as our new Associate Minister of Creative Arts on Aug 3. Vacation Bible School just wrapped up a terrific week of “Mega Sports Camp.” the decision (and for an available cattle tank while our baptistry is out)! Please be in prayer for safe travels to and from the conference (multiple vehicles and multiple drivers!). Please be in prayer for the family as they move and settle into our community. Please be in prayer for the kids and families that we reached for Christ. Also, be in prayer that the event will be a spiritual milestone for our youth, drawing them closer to Jesus. Also, be in prayer for Jeremy and our volunteers as they partner in ministry. Also, praise God for a huge crew of volunteers that helped make it a success! TONGANOXIE CHRISTIAN CHURCH The installation of our new magnetic locks and the key fobs that will operate them has been postponed until later this month. Thanks for your patience as we get the new system In the aftermath of a pipe burst in TCC’s baptistery, our facility was damaged and rendered unfit for normal use. The Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall areas were restricted to a handful of activities, and worship services were moved to our Family Life Center Gym. While God has blessed our church to have a facility that could accommodate our congregation during this time, we are ready to move forward and begin making repairs and upgrades to the damaged part of our building. We invite you to partner with us to continue the work that needs to be done in our sanctuary. Our target is to raise the needed funds ($59,960) by the end of August. Once funded, the construction should happen quickly and allow us to return to worshiping in this space. Will you commit to funding this goal? Prayerfully consider what amount of giving you can contribute. Even a small amount can help, so we invite you to sponsor whatever components you can. Share your commitment to help us Continue the Work…… Instructions: Select some of the needed components and decide a quantity to sponsor.* Fill out the form below and return it with your payments to Tonganoxie Christian Church. Contributions can also be made to our general fund during our weekly offering time at worship services. Questions? Please call the church office at (913) 845-2821 or visit www.tongiecc.org. Drywall—$12/sheet Lumber—$5/board Hardware—$1/screw Cement—$5/bag Plywood—$40/sheet Lights—$100/fixture Paint—$20/gallon Sound Cables—$50 Carpet—$3.50/tile Labor—$25/hour Door—$1,000 TV—$800 Pulpit—$500 Sound Equip—$2,000 Baptistry—$6,000 Item Qty. Price Since this area was part of the original construction from the 1970s, it has been over three decades since our worship center has been given a significant facelift. The church leadership made the decision to add some important remodeling plans to the needed repair work so we could create an improved space to best serve our church and the men and women we hope to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The plans for renovating this portion of the building will make the church facility more accessible, more inviting, and more functional than ever before. Your involvement is critical to making this vision become a reality. We need your support in prayer for our church and our church leaders. We need your support in attitude as you provide encouragement for the project. We need your support in generosity to fund the projected costs. Thank you in advance for your partnership in this exciting work! Subtotal Phase 1 of the Renovation will... Improve the Sanctuary stage and give greater visibility to the baptistry, expand the main entryway, add a welcome/information center by the entrance, and replace carpet. Order total: Payment Options Check Cash One-Time Gift Ongoing Support Name * Donated funds may be allocated at the discretion of the church towards any portion of the renovation project and may not go specifically to the items selected. SPECIAL REPORT FROM THE WORSHIP CENTER COMMITTEE Still Needed Phase 1 Costs: Materials: Lumber, Sheetrock, Tape, Mud, Nails, Screws Lighting Décor Plumbing Supplies Phase 2 of 2 $14,000 $1,000 $300 $2,500 TV's, Wall Mounts, Cords $5,000 Paint & Stain $1,000 $10,000 Sound Equipment $6,000 Stone and supplies for baptistry surround $2,000 $81,500 Phone & Internet supplies $3,000 Concrete $2,000 Already Provided Carpet (Insurance) Consider Additional Ideas We want to answer your questions and help you $4,000 Welcome Center and A/V Desk Doors Phase 2 may include upgrades to our main entrance, offices, fellowship hall, and nursery/toddler areas. All of these upgrades will be considered later. Price: Stage Lighting (Donated) $30,000 $2,000 understand the plans for the facility. While some details Electrical Supplies (Donated) are included in this newsletter, we want to give you the Labor (Donated) opportunity to learn more in an interactive forum. Pulpit & Communon Table (Donated) $1,000 On July Baptistry (Donated) $6,000 Fixing A/C Vents (Donated) $5,500 19, July 26, or August 2, members of our Worship Center Committee will be in the (not-yet $2,000 $40,000 Seating (To be included in Phase 2) ($20,000-$40,000) and process. Total Cost (Does not include seating): $132,300 Everyone is invited to attend one of these sessions. You Donations & Insurance finished) Sanctuary during the 9:15 hour for a presentation and Q&A session about the renovation plans do not need to RSVP for the class—just plan to attend. Timeline Expected Total: 20% for unexpected changes and expenses - September 2014: The “Great Flood” of TCC - October 2014: Worship Center Committee Forms to begin discussing changes - February 2015: Architects volunteer to create prints for the project - April 2015: Investigation of regulations and permits needed for the project - June 2015: Deconstruction process begins - July-August 2015: Formal City approval of plans should be granted - August 2015: “Continue the Work” challenge to congregation to fund the remaining cost - Fall 2015: Phase 1 Construction Final Amount Needed: ($81,500) $50,800 $9,160 $59,960
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- Tonganoxie Christian Church
Tonganoxie Christian Church
Established 1872
Office: 204 Washington Street
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (913) 845-2821
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