La Salle Academy


La Salle Academy
La Salle Academy
More Than A Mission - A Miracle Every Day
2013 - 2014 Annual Report
President’s Letter
Page 2
Chairman’s Letter
Page 3
Principal’s Letter
Page 4
Financial Summary
Page 5
Our Gracious Donors
Page 6
Memorials and Tributes
Page 17
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
President’s Letter
Dear Friends,
On September 14, 2013, we celebrated the completion of ten successful years at La Salle
Academy with a Gala at Chestnut Hill College. We are LSA Proud. We have discovered, and
acknowledged at the event, that La Salle Academy is more than a mission; it is a miracle
everyday. We spent the year highlighting our PROUDest moments and celebrating the
wonderful community we have created in the past decade. This feeling is a part of La Salle
Academy every day. Our current students are thriving, as demonstrated through standardized test scores,
as well as in their social, emotional and spiritual lives. Our graduates are excelling; three classes have
graduated high school, and many of them are enrolled in post-secondary education, have joined the military,
or are pursuing employment. We are LSA Proud!
As a Board of Trustees and as a staff, we remain clear about, and faithful to, our mission of educating
students whose potential is limited by financial, social, academic or emotional challenges, and whose
parents and guardians desire, but cannot afford a Catholic education. The average yearly income for a
family of four is $19,000; 62% of our students are from a single-parent family, 8% live with a grandparent or
with another family member, and all of our families qualify for the Federal Free Lunch Program. With the
commitment of our Board, and your help and donations, La Salle Academy provides an excellent education
within an Extended Day and Year model with a very modest tuition of $250 a year.
As I reflect on the year, I think of what Child Advocate and Author Marian Wright Edelman said, “Education
is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found
it.” The La Salle Academy community has been built through the unwavering kindness and support of our
generous Board of Trustees, benefactors and donors, who give our students the opportunity to truly make
a difference not only in themselves, but in their own families and communities. Your time, talent and treasure
give our students the educational opportunity to break the cycle of generational poverty, and I can truly say
that we are making a difference in the lives of so many who would not otherwise have the chance. Together
we will leave the world better than we found it.
Thank you for your investment in our students and their dreams. We are LSA Proud!
Sister Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
President of La Salle Academy
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Chairman’s Letter
Dear Friends,
I have the pleasure of saying the same things to you again this year: thank you for your time,
your involvement, your energy and your love of La Salle Academy. Our Board of Trustees
offers you our most sincere gratitude for your generous support. Your generosity enables us
to continue our efforts to provide a values-based Catholic education to our students facing
the inner city struggles of poverty, addiction, job loss and low graduation rates. It is because
of your generosity that La Salle Academy can help our students of many faiths overcome
these obstacles and become productive and successful citizens in whatever life path they follow.
Your financial support has helped us to have an exceptional year, but our school is never content to rest on
past success. LSA continues to innovate and evolve to meet the challenges our students face. We
celebrated a Ten Year Gala that showcased La Salle Academy students, graduates and mission. We met
and exceeded our Development goals, our students improved their personal standardized test scores, our
teachers and students responded remarkably well to RtII, a national program that enables teachers to use
data to effectively drive instruction and improve learning using a multi-tiered system of support in grade
schools. In addition, our high school graduation rate is approaching 90%. After three graduating classes
from high school, close to 50% of our graduates are pursuing various forms of higher education, 10% of
our graduates are serving in the U.S. Military, approximately 25% are in the workforce and the remainder
are pursuing employment.
La Salle Academy continues to stand out as an exceptional school surrounded by an exceptional community.
We continue to cultivate the support of donors who have consistently given each and every year and who
help us reach our operating budget each year since we opened our doors. You have provided an amazing
education to children who, without your generosity, would be lost in a broken public school system. La
Salle Academy stands as a beacon in the transformation of Urban Education.
The education provided by La Salle Academy establishes the strong educational foundation that our
students need. At the heart of our community lies the belief that a quality, values-based education will break
the cycle of poverty.
Thank you for believing in our work, in our community and in our students. Please come visit our unique
school to see how your involvement makes a lasting impact, one student at a time. Come see what La Salle
Academy Proud looks like in action.
With sincere gratitude,
Jim Lynch
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Principal’s Letter
Dear Friends,
Reflecting back on the 2013-2014 school year, I am extremely PROUD of all we have
accomplished. Our students continue to grow academically, socially, faithfully and confidently.
They have excelled academically with the help of the Response to Instruction and Intervention
(RtII) program, a national framework that enables teachers to use data to effectively drive
instruction and improve learning using a multi-tiered system of support. The Character
Education and Peer Mediation programs help our students continue to carry out the Five
Goals. At La Salle Academy, we call this individualized program WIN for What I Need. At our
WIN time, students receive additional reading remediation, support or enrichment, helping us to achieve
our Middle States goal of increasing Terra Nova NCE scores well within the allotted timeline. I am PROUD
that this past year again saw strong increases in our students’ standardized test scores. The chart below
notes the incredible progress our students have made throughout their years at LSA. We celebrated our
surprise second place finish in the CYO basketball playoffs, our school-wide Fine Arts Festival and our
successful graduating class. Our eighth grade graduating class of 2014 is well on their way to achieving
their next goal of being counted among the high school graduating class of 2018. Each friend, donor and
supporter of La Salle Academy makes such an impact on each and every one of our students, and I am
continuously grateful for those who make our proud moments and community possible.
One of my favorite books is WONDER by R.J. Palacio and a great quote from that book is, “Your deeds are
your monuments. Build with memories instead of stone.” Thank you for building monumental memories for
our students.
This graph documents the growth of three students who began at a high, medium or
low academic level and who attended La Salle Academy for all six years. The CSI is
the overall Cognitive Skills Index score that relates to generalized cognitive abilities.
Teresa Diamond
Proud Principal of La Salle Academy
Please note the remarkable improvement of the CSI scores. The student who began
with a 68 CSI graduated with a CSI of 86, an 18 point improvement. It is clear that La
Salle Academy continues to assist students at all levels to reach their highest academic
potential. These results are representative of all our students and have been consistent
with each graduating class. La Salle Academy’s impact grows exponentially with each
of our students.
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➤ Page 5
La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Financial Summary
La Salle Academy is deeply grateful to our Board of Trustees and to our Benefactors who
have made this past year (2013-2014) an extremely successful fundraising year. Our Board
Members’ and our Benefactors’ generosity are key factors in our success. La Salle Academy
spent $1,485,000 for operations in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Gifts And Grants By Source Of Funds
During fiscal year 2013-2014, La Salle Academy received $1,612,000 in unrestricted gifts in support
of operations and $364,000 in restricted gifts for Endowment and capital projects.
Board and Board Related
Families, Faculty & $Staff
$30,000 from United Way,$etc.
of La Salle Academy
$3,570.00$ 2,105,000
Other Non Profits
Other Non Profits
Friends of La
Salle Academy
Friends of La
Salle Academy
, etc.
Operating Expenses By Program
Academy spent $1,485,000 for operations in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Academic Program
Graduate Support
Transfers to Endowment and
Working Capital
$ 2,105,000
Graduate Support
2006 andhas a curren
t balanceof $2,080,000. Th
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s in2013. This fund has
a current value of
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nd security for the long term operations of La Salle
Graduate Support
La Salle Academy Endowment Fund
The La Salle Academy Endowment Fund was established in 2006 and has a current balance of $2,080,000. The
Board established a second Endowment fund with an intermediate focus in 2013. This fund has a current value
of $800,000. These Endowments provide support, stability and security for the long term operations of La Salle
Academy and its mission.
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
La Salle Academy continues to live out our mission of educating the whole student, reinforcing the Five Goals whenever
possible, and instilling in our students a genuine gratitude. Our students and staff take this very seriously, and we thank
you. Thank you, Board of Trustees, Benefactors and Donors! Thank you for your gift between July 1, 2013 and June
30, 2014. We are humbled by your generosity.
Mission Sustainers
Gifts above $25,000
James J. and Sue Anderson / Anderson Construction
Bridge Educational Foundation
Christian Brothers, District of Eastern North America
The Estate of Anne Castellan
John and Mary Lou Chappell
Connelly Foundation
Bruce J. and Carolyn Cumby
Customers Bank
James & Mary Jo Danella/Danella Construction Corp
Double H Manufacturing Corporation
William & Muriel Elliott Foundation
Firstrust Bank
Theresa and John Foody
Dale and Amy Lintner/Dale Corporation
Kathleen and James J. Lynch
Eileen and Tony Maginnis
Jill Nerney
Thomas P. Nerney /United States Liability Insurance Group
New York Life Insurance Company
Frank and Anne Palopoli
Brian and Barbara Riley
Sisters of Saint Joseph, Chestnut Hill, PA
J. Michael and Elaine Whitaker
White and Williams LLP
Partners in Mission
Gifts from $10,000 to $24,999
A Front Row Seat to Learning
American Endowment Foundation
Donna and David Bartynski
James Basile
Beneficial Bank Foundation
Dennis and Audrey Durkin
Donna and Joseph Ferrier
Hamilton Family Foundation
Henkels Foundation
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Carol and Michael Kempski
La Salle University - Sigma Phi Lamda
Dale and Amy Lintner
Edward and Linda Loughlin
The Lubert Family Foundation
Maguire Enterprises
John and Dawn McCarrick
Movers Specialty Services, Inc. / Timothy Hughes
MRA, Inc / Susan and Peter Altringer
Allen and Bryn Mutzig
Mary Ann and Michael O'Donnell
Frank Pancoast
Patriarch Family Foundation
Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Penn Treaty Special Services District
Betsy and Frank Polizzi
RealMarq Corporation
The Schiel Family Foundation
Statesman Foundation, Inc.
Frances C. and Joseph Stimmler / Regina Nursing Center
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern NJ
Alicia and Fran Van Kirk
Mary Ann and William G. Walter
Bayada Home Health Care
William and Jeanne Whitmore
Robert and Mary Gene Woods
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
San Miguel Circle
Gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Tim and Peggy Abell
Ace American Insurance Co.
BLOCS (Business Leaders Organized for Catholic Schools)
Bernadette and Guy Cellucci
Michael and Marilyn Cuneo
Anthony and Karen Delvescovo
Driscoll Consruction Company, Inc.
Michael and Peggy Driscoll
Fenningham, Stevens & Dempster LLP
John and Maureen Fenningham
Carole M. Filtz
First Priority Bank
The Fretz Corporation
Bernard and Nancy Halfpenny
Ann Marie and Terry Horner
Italian American Spirit, Inc.
Joe Hand Promotions
Brian and Carol Kelly
Legacy Advisors
J. P. Mascaro & Sons
Thomas F. McGowan and Family
Betty Moran
Denise and Michael Moran
Deanna and Thomas Muth
Joseph and Susan O'Connor
Kathleen A. Ott
Ellen and Gerry Pappert
Drs. Carol Melvin Pate and John Melvin
Patriot Financial Partners
Penn Liberty Bank / Brian Zwaan
PNC Financial Services Group
John and Maureen Ryan Rilling
John T. Schmitt and Claudia Campbell
Seed the Dream Foundation
Spiezle Group, Inc. / Thomas Perrino
BSI Electrical Contractors
Utility Line Services, Inc.
Waste Management
Gregory and Beth Webster
Medaille Circle
Gifts from $1,000 to $4,999
ABC Fulfillment, LLC / Eileen & Tony Maginnis
Lisa Agnew
Thomas Allen
Richard and Roseanne Atcavage
Joseph Banecker
Don and Sandy Barton
Dr. Richard and Mary Behler
Joan and Robert Bergan
Scott Berman
Anne Marie and Jay Borneman
Daniel and Shelley Boyce
Joanne Boylan
Conrad and Donna Boyle
James Castellan
Donald and Ellen Cericola
Carol Chiodo and Michael Cavenaugh
Elizabeth and Stephen Christian
Church of the Assumption
John Convey
T. William Coughlan
Mary and Dennis Daly
The Danny Craige Foundation
Karen and Michael DeAngelis
Kristine G. Derewicz
Jen and Matthew Devine
Teresa Diamond
Dan and Maura Diehl
Joseph and Caroline Donahue
Rachel Dondero
Michael Dougherty
Doylestown Orthopaedic Specialists
James and Dianna Driscoll
Michael and Kimberly Driscoll
Mary Anne and Frank Duffy
Crown Holdings, Inc.
Alona and Martin Fayer
Daniela and John Fayer
Joseph Fayer
James J and Christine Fien
James Fitzsimmons
Lawrence Fluehr
Eileen Flynn
Sean and Anne Flynn
Foundation Structures, Inc. / The Driscoll Family
Ellen and John Funchion
Drs. Lisa Galante and Thomas Deberardinis
Helen Marie Gallagher
Dan and Nancy Gallagher
Stephen Gardner
James and Rosemary Garrity
Dominic and Janet Genuardi
Matthew and Lisa Gillin
James and Maureen Glanzmann
Glanzmann Subaru
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Medaille Circle (continued)
Gifts from $1,000 to $4,999
Paula and Thomas Grace
Pamela Grady
Karen and Ronald Guerra
Mary Lou Hanna / YBH Audi
Jim and Lisa Hasson
James and Sarah Hasson
Samuel Herb
Shane Heskin
Donna and Robert Higgins
Dr. Darrell and Anne Hoffman
John and Lynn Holt
Dr. Eugene and Patricia Hughes
Anne and Ray Hyer III
Index Encapsulation Equipment, LLC
Rev. John Lyons
San Miguel School Camden
Kevin and Christina Johnson
Eileen and John Johnson
Sam King
Drs. Kristen and John Kucharczuk
Suzanne and Ronald Lesicki
Ellen and Tony Lordi
Andrew and Krista Lynch
Karen and Marty Lyons
Sidney and Mary Jane Mac Leod, Jr.
Ruth and Dan MacMullan
Peter and Celeste Madden
Eileen and Tony Maginnis
James and Trish Malott
Pat and Joe Malott
Jeff and Michelle Martinides
Nancy and William Matthews, III
Mark and Maureen McAdoo
Michael McCarthy
Marianne and William McGinn
Helen and John McKay
Laura and Marc McKenna
Anita and William McMahon
William and M. Sandra McMahon
Jim and Elizabeth Mellon, Jr.
Merck Partnership for Giving
Carol L. and Frank Messaros
MicroSoft Matching Gifts Program
Denise and Robert Miller
Charles P. and Mary Jo Miller
Marianne Miller
Morris Capital Management Group
O'Donnell Family Foundation
Michael and Teresa O'Neill
William O'Neill, Jr. / International Raw Materials
Mariann and Gerald Owens
Thomas Palmer
James R Palmieri
Albert and Terri Paramito
Kevin Passerini
John Paul
Pete's Car Wash Express, LP
Pete's Express West Chester, LP
Albert and Joan Phelan
Philadelphia Activities Fund
Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company
Barbara and Tom Piper
Frances Poole
Deborah and Joseph Powell
James and Jennifer Princivalle
Matthew and Patricia A. Rankel
Douglas Ress
Arthur and Irene Rodgers
Michael and Maureen Rossi
Daryn Rush
Patricia Santelle
Bethann and Richard Scanlan
Gena and Jim Scanlon
R. L. Stephenson, Inc.
Edward Solvibile
John and Joan Sperger
Rev. Herbert Sperger
Letitia and Matthew Squillaro
St. Thomas of Villanova
Angela Stout, DMD
Subaru of America Inc.
Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.
Maureen and Robert Swartley
TACTIX Real Estate Advisors, LLC
Vincent and Angela Tague, Jr.
Daniel C. & Thirza J. Tanney Foundation
Christopher Tatreau
Director's Grant Program of The Barra Foundation
The Jim and Kay Gately Charitable Fund
The Haverford Trust Company
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Verizon Foundation
Visucius Consulting LLC / John Schaefer
Carmen H. Walker
Wells Fargo Foundation
Daniel and Kathleen Whelan
Thomas Whitaker
The William L. and Claire E. Hawkins Charitable Gift Fund
Carol Wolfington
YBH Audi Golf Outing
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Saint John Baptiste de La Salle
Gifts from $500 to $999
Joseph and Beth Bailey
Bradley and Meganne Borneman
Robert and Susan Brown, Jr.
Dr. John and Barbara Carabello
Jawood and Martha Carlin
Megan Cellucci
Rob Cellucci
David and Lisa Chaffin
Chit Chat Charity
Brother Carl Clayton, FSC
The Cook Family
Karin and Timothy Davis
John DeGirolamo, Jr
Eileen and Tony DePaul
Mary Anne Devine
Charles Diskin MD
Brian Driscoll
Bernard and Pamela Drueding lll
Kelley and Robert Fisher
Kathleen and Thomas Fitzpatrick
Dave and Donna Geppert
Edward and Francine Giannone
Kenneth Gibb
John Gilbert
Tina Wahl Glanzmann and Jim Glanzmann
John and Maureen Gorman
Cecilia and Monroe Gottsegen
Janice and Gary Graf
George and Susan Haitsch
Christopher Hasson
Mary and Vincent Hauser
Lisa and David Henrich
Timothy and Aurora Hughes
Ed Jaeger
Jefferson Imaging-Doylestown MRI
Meg Kane
Bob and Theresa Kellner
Kristin and Tom Kolsun
Karl and Sharon Kyriss
Christopher and Juli Lange
Kate and Robert Loftus
Kimberly and Mark Logue
Beth and William Luce
Mark Lynch
TJ and Amy Lynch
Thomas MacAniff, Esq.
Cathy Matchett
Ted and Peggy McKeon
Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts To Education
Members Give
Celeste & Paul Missett
Mary and Robert Moran
Greg Morano and Forrest Patterson
Donna Morgan-Raieta
Donald and Marie Mulholland
Paul and Theresa Murtagh
Andrea and Nello Naticchione
Catherine and Robert Needle
Edward Nelling
Network for Good
Gerald and Jackie O'Connor
Jeremiah O'Grady
Michael Olsan
Peter Parashes
J. Gregory Pirmann
Thomas F. Quigley, Jr.
Susan Reid
Scott and Sheryl Reidenbach
George Rigterink, Esq.
Charlene and John Roberts
Jean Marie and Jim Rogers
Edwin and Margaret Saeger
Justin and Laura Schlegel
Jay and Jill Shapiro
Susan Shea
Joan and Richard Shusterman
Jack and Marilou Smith
Michael and Patricia Sperger
St. Rose of Lima, CYO
Grete Terjesen
Roland and Ruth Thomas, Jr.
Denise P. Tucker
Patricia and Raymond Van Haute, Jr.
AJ and Leslie Vassallo
Maulin Vidwans
Greg and Erin Vizza
Theresa Welsh
Frederick Woll ll
Timothy and Jacqueline Woolley
WWS Physical Therapy, Inc
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Saint Joseph Circle
Gifts from $250 to $499
Enna and Jeff Allen
Edward and Barbara Ambacher
Avery Foundation
Ann and Mark Baiada
John Balaguer
Howard and Maureen Barrett
Margaret and Patrick Bethal
Gary Biehn
Robert E. Bolger, Jr.
Justin P. Borkowski, Esq.
Boutin Altieri, P.L.L.C.
Richard Bove
Eileen and Kevin Brett
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Diane and Stephen Brocky
James Broderick
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Melissa L Burke
James and Marie Clark
Laura and Paul Cohen
Stanley and Trudy Cohen
Michael and Helen Cornely
Jerry and Stephanie Cosgrove
Pat and Joe Crawford
Tom and Fran Cross
John and Marilyn Cullen
John and Patricia Cunningham
Nancy and Paul Cushing
Accounting Department, Dale Corp.
Louis and Mary Ann DeAngelo
Rev. Monsignor David Diamond
John and Rosalee DiIulio
John Dockray
Alice and Michael Doyle
Charles and Rita Dunleavy, Jr.
Stan Duzy
Jeanne Esposito
Joseph Fox
Maryellen and William Fox
Nancy Sabol Frantz
Beatrice and David Gathman
Lenora M Griffin
Joseph and Luci Harp
Daniel Harrison
Noel Hodgson
Mary Lou and Rob Holmes
William Janssen
Sean and Gina Kent
Edward Keenan
Jacinta and Ted Koerper
Edward Kohlhepp
J Mark and Sue Lankford
Heritage Coach Co.
Nancy and Thomas Lavin
Matthew Lendzinski
Doreen and George Maddox
William Maguire
Karen Mariscal
Eileen and Steve Matchett
Elizabeth and Frank McDermott
Anne and Edward McKenna
Joan Meddin
Monsignor John Miller
Anne Mohan
Charles and Rosalie Morgan
Serena N. Morrissey
Mount St. Joseph Academy
Erin and Jeffrey Needham
Sandra Niemotka
Joe and Bernadette Nolan
Tom and Nancy O'Hara
Robert Omrod
Parent/Guardian Contributions
Kimberly and Shaun Patel
Tom and Beth Perrino
John and Lori Nicoletti Peruto
John and Joan Phelan
Maryann and Dave Redlinger
Reilly, Janiczek, McDevitt P.C.
John and Barbara Rilling
Joanne and Brian Robinson
Thomas Rogers
Mary Ann and Chic Roselle
Christopher and Tiffani Rosenbleeth
Madeliene and Fred Rullo
Bernard and Elizabeth Schaffer
The School At Church Farm
Andrea and John Schwab
Lori Smith
John Smithson
Herbert and Maria Sperger
Brian and Mary Beth Stefanowicz
Andrew Stephenson
Timothy and Barbara Susanin
Richard Traub
Susan Vinchiarello
Amy Vulpio
Elizabeth and William Weihenmayer
James and Polly Whelan
Patrick White
Matthew and Nancy Williamson
Elise Wilson
Rosemarie Wirth
Matthew and Alison York
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Yalitza Adorno
Kathleen Albany
Marian and William Albertus
Courtney and Daniel Algeo
Karla Alicea
Mary Altimairo
B.J. and Clare Ambrose
America's Charities
American Express Foundation
Daniel and Laraine Andrews
Sheryl Armington
Jeffrey and Nancy Bailey
Brian and Katie Baillie
Mary and Peter Bannigan
Robert Barnes
Frederick and Elizabeth Bartlett
Barbara A. Basile
Donna and Robert Bassett
Mary Anne and Raymond Battaglia
Mary and William Battle, M.D.
Becker School Supplies
Elva and Harry Beisswenger
Myron Berman
Charles and Gwen Bernstein
Edward and Dottie Berry
Diane and Richard Biborosch
Daniel and Sherry Billig
Christopher and Susan Bilotta
Sr. Margaret Birtwistle, SSJ
Alyse Bodine
James and Janet Bogorowski
Caroline and William Bole
Janet and William Bonenberger
Scott Bova
Patricia Brabson
Joanne Bradley
Patricia Bradley
Nancy and Timmo Bressler
Mallory Briggs
Colleen and J. J. Broderick
Mary Jeanne and Robert Broderick
Frank Bruno
Anna Bryan
Judith Bucko
Janice and John Bunting
Linda and Michael Burg
Shannon Burgess
Colleen and Dan Burns
Dolores and Francis Burns
Ann Butchart and Marian Luongo
Katherine Butler
Dudley and Karen Buzby
John and Jane Callan
Lawrence Capuzzi
Dolores and Johan Carbucia
Robert Cardone
William Carney
James Carr
Cristina Carrasco and Yancey Garcia
Susan Castellan
Anthony and Mary Ann Catanzaro
Daniel Celluci
Chestnut Hill Dental
Dan and Elena Cipolla
Kenny and Bridget Clark
Constance Clery
Nancy and Raymond Colaianni
Jessica Colon and Victor Alicea, Sr.
Mary Genovese Colvin
Anthony and Linda Conti
Frank and Jovita Corace
Cordasco Financial Network
Kelly and Steve Cordasco
Sister Cathy Corrigan, SSJ
Marion Costello
David Creagan
Roxana Cross
Markedia Cuffee
Patricia Cunningham
Joseph and Loretta Curci
Ann and James Curvan
Joaquin and Susan Dacanay
William Daley
Christine and Daniel Dalton
Jane and Steve Dalton
Sister Wanda Davidson, SSJ
Debra Davis
Mary Beth and Peter Davis
Maureen Davis
Frances and Henry De Vincent
Stephen DeAngelo
Anita Deasey
Karen Deasey, M.D.
Martha De Berardinis
C. Thomas and Karen Deiley
Magda DeJesus
Jean Delferro
Raymond Derbyshire
Bhupendra Desai
Patricia Dever
John and Maureen Devlin
Moira Devlin
John and June Diangelo
Robert and Therese DiMedio
Len and Ellen DiPaul
Dolores Disla
Anthony and Rosemarie Distefano
Sharon M. Donnelly
Bob and Patricia Doman
Larry and Jean Donato
Mary Anne Donnelly
Noreen and William Donoghue
Dennis M. Donohue
Chris and William Doring
Tonisha Douglas
Barbara and Joseph Downey
Sarah Downey
Sandi Draper
Leslie and Denis Dunn
Amie Edwards and Rong Wang
Meg Eisenschmid
Rosamarie Eleoterio
Timothy Erb, Jr.
Melva Exner
Douglas and Kathleen A. Farrell
James and Regina Farrell
Sharon Faust
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Federation of Defense & Corporate
Counsel, Inc.
Vincent Ferrara, M.D.
Janet Ferraro
Bruce and Thomasene Fishberg
Gregory Fitzsimmons
Patricia and Robert Fleming
Jens and Leslie Fog
Joan Fogarty
Deborah Forte
Diane and Joseph Foster
Caron and Marc Francy
Jacqueline Franklin
Nancy Fusco
John and Kathleen Galdo
Susan Gallagher
Michael and Amy Gallagher
Brother Brendan Garwood
Kate Ward-Gaus and Skip Gaus
Catherine Gelb
Mark Gibbons and Jessica Pritchard
Steven Gibbs
Martie Gillin
Regina and Craig Gleason
Jerry Glynn
Thomas Goebeler, Jr.
Joe and Mary Goldbeck
Thomas and Marie Goldkamp
John and Susan Goldner
Roberto Gonzalez and Jenny Morales
Bridget Grady
Edward and Dolores Grady
James and Theresa Grady
Walter Graf
Charles Graham
Mary Graham
Dorothy and Robert Graino
Michelle Grant
Edward and Theresa Hagan
Daniel and Regina Haley, Jr.
Father Edward Hallinan
John and Virginia Halstead
Claire and David Hampton
Joan Hanby
Anne Harkins
Antonia Chion and Joe Harkins
Anne Kathleen and Gerald Harlacker
David and Diane Harp
Rep. Kate Harper
Christine A. Hartmann
Eileen and Joseph Hartnett, Jr.
Theresa Hartnett
Dorothy Haydanek
Edwin Heins, Jr.
Marijean and Mark Hemmert
John and Tink Henfey
Mary Heron
Rosemary Herron, RSM
Harry and M. Elizabeth Hession
High Note Investments, LLC
Catherine and John Hoban
Deborah and Michael Hobbs, Sr.
Ann Marie Hocker
Bernadette Holman
Joe and Barbara Houldin
Howland, Hess, Guinan, Torpey,
Cassidy & O'Connell, LLP
George and Margaret Huck
Edward and Margaret A. Hughes
Helen and John Hughes
Kevin Hughes
Patricia and Robert Hughes
Perry Huntington
Charles and Judith Hurchalla
Eloise and William Hyndman
C. R. and Miriam Jarden
John and Maura Jennings
Thomas Johanson
Elise and James John
Mary Johnson
Charles and Christine Joram
Matthew Joram
Christine Joyce
Joan Judge
Dominic and Margaret Juliano
Christopher Jungers
Lori Kachmar
Kathleen Kahlau
Stephanie Kaplan
Eugene and Robin Karr
Kathleen Keenan
Kevin and Robin Kelley
Barbara and Kevin Kelly
James and Lyn Kelly
Jayne Kelly
Megan Kelly
Sister Patricia Kelly, SSJ
Joseph Kempski
Deborah Kenderdine
Kennedy House, Inc.
Lydia and Thomas Kennedy
Debra and Michael Kennedy
Jessica King
Martin and Mary Jean King
Jeanne and Theodore Klaus
Edmund Klimek
Jennifer and Ronald Knight
Robert Knight
Paul Kollmer-Dorsey
Sr. Christine Konopelski, SSJ
John and Mary Ann Kozel
Kreischer Miller
James and Sharon Krimm
Thomas Krimm
Bernard and Dorothy Kueny
Patricia and Terrence Kyle
Alfred and Susan LaManna
Eugene and Nancy Langerfeld
Patricia and William Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laskow
Sr. Jean Laurich, SSJ
Miriam Lavin
Amelia and Robert Lawlor
Brother Dennis Lee, FSC
Geraldine LiBetti
Andrew and Lisa Linden
Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Anne and Gregory Locasale
Mary Lynch
Peter Lynch
Monica Lynn
Gail and Robert MacFarland
Constance and Edward Mack
Wynn W. Madeja
Barbara Makas
Martin Malvey
Dennis Manning
Regina Mapes
Kim Marren
Margaret and Ronald Martin
Rachel Martin
Susan and Wayne Martin
Anthony Massa
Kathleen Mc Carron
Mark and Suzanne Mc Innes
Geri Mc Tear
John and Maryann McAndrew
Michael McBride
Michael McCabe
Kathleen McCarron
Angela and Patrick McDonough
Krista and Philip McElroy
Kathleen and Thomas McGeough
Rose and William McGinnis
Eileen McGowan
Sister Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
Joan McIlvaine
Clyde and Taryl McKee
Barbara and John McKeeta
Maryann and Patrick McKendry
Lorraine and William McKenna
Mary McKenna
William and Rachel McKernan
Marianne McKinney
James and Jeanne McLaughlin
Robert McMackin
Rosemary and Vincent McNichol
Joseph McPeak
Sr. Kathy McShane, SSJ
William S. McVeigh
Wilka Melendez and David Velez
Mercy Vocational High School
Debra Mickens
Anne and Joseph Migatz, Sr.
Eileen Marie Miller
Joseph and Theresa Millet
Agatha Mingos
Anthony Miscioscia
Edward Molloy
Theresa and William Mongan
Kathleen Moran-Gannon
Joseph Morelli
George J. Moroney
Catherine Morris
James Morrissey
Melanie Mulgrew
Philip and Rosemarie Mullen
J. Edmund Mullin
Brian and Kristin Murphy
Deirdre Murray
Mary Beth Musetti
Karen and Louis Muth
Dr. Ali Naji
Stephanie Naylor
Enos and Kathlene Ney
Cahn Nguyen
Jeffrey and Karen Nicholson
John and Margaret Nolen
Barbara and Robert Norton
Etta and Mark Norton
Denise and Michael Nuccio
Rosemary O'Connor
Jennifer and Michael O'Donell, Jr.
Eleanor and William O'Kane
Dennis and Judith O'Leary
Gerald and Margaret Mary O'Neill
Kathleen and Michael O'Neill
Donielle Oberholtzer
George and Ingeborg Obermeyer
Christine Olenik
Deborah and William Omlor
Michael Onufrak
John Orlando
John Orner
Kathleen Orner
Geoffrey and Janene Osborne
Christine and Thomas Ostrander
Dorothy and Jacob Owens
Dorothy and Walter Padlo
Elisa Pagnotti
Regina H. Pakradooni
Leo and Rosemary Pall
Cheryl Parker
Maryanne Parsons
Dr. Mae Pasquariello
PayUSA, Inc.
Dr. Patrick and Kathleen Pellecchia
Tracy and William Pellicano
Cynthia and Frederick Pennekamp
Regina Penot
Rita Perry
Karen and Robert Peterman
Patricia Peterson
Francis and Miriam A. Pfluger
Katelynn Picinich
Robert Plaut
Arlene and Michael Plevyak
Chistopher J. Poli
Claire Prendergast
Robert Pugh
Megan Quail
Quinn & Wilson, Inc.
Dorothy and Francis Rafferty
Christina and Michael Razzi
Joan Regan
Bill Regli
Abraham and Sherri Reich
Amy and Barry Renninger
Johanna Morales Reyes
Reverend Philip Ricci
Tanya and Brian Richam-Odoi
Anne Marie and Robert Riethmiller
Emily Riley
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Robert and Susan Riley
Jennefer Rivera
Joan and Thomas Robinson
Kevin Roddy and Sandra Tomkowicz
Yimilia Torres and Juan Rodriguez
Marcelino and Pearl Rodriguez
Cathy Rohm
Giselle Rosenfeld
Dolores and William Rubin
Dennis Rubisch
Sandra Ruiz
J. Eric Russo
Leslie and Patrick Ryan
Christopher and Sheila Salogub
Alfred and Leslie Salvitti
Louis and Susan Santore
Todd and Tonja Saunders
Gary and Lynne Savrin
Susan Sayer
Lori Scheetz
Carole and Robert Schmutzler, lll
Jerry and Nancy Schneider
Sister Anna Louise Schuck, SSJ
Elmer and Patricia Schulgen
Karen and Robert Schwartz
Donna and Tom Scully
Barbara Seaborn
Catherine Seese
Allyson Semple
Ellen Semple
Sarah Shalitta
Patricia Sharkey
Donald and Eleanor Shaw
Cory and Ray Shay
Elizabeth Sher
Ann and Ed Shott
Ileana and Joseph Shott
Glenn Sickenberger
Siemens Corporation-Malvern Tax
Kathe Sierra
Kelly and Sally Simpson
James and Patricia Sinnott
Sisters of Saint Joseph-Holy Trinity
Sisters of Saint Joseph Petra House
Sisters of Saint Joseph Resurrection
Catherine and David Skelly
Stephano Slack
Adrianne and Gerald Slattery
Eileen and Joseph Slawek
Darren Smith
Victoria Smuk
Daniel and Jeannette Sneberger
Angelica Soriano
Charles and Deborah Sproule lll
Bill and Jackie Stackhouse
Patrick and Wendy Stanton
Jennifer Stauffer
Target Stores
Ronald Stewart
John and Louise Storb
Cyril and Leona Strentansky
Linda and William Stute
Lisa Sugarman
Jason and Rosalind Sutch
Bonnie and John Sweeder
John and Susanne Swiger
Michael and Phyllis Swillum
Anthony and Mary Ann Szuszczewicz
Alexandra Tanney
Frances and James Tanney, Jr.
John and Rosemary Taylor
Kathleen and William Taylor
AJ and Megan G. Thomson
Margaret Thrash
Joan Tomlinson
John and Jacqueline Toner
Julia Torres
William Touey
Barbara Tuben
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Greater Rochester
Joan and Timothy Urbanski
Elizabeth Useem
Carol and Thomas Van Kirk
Andrew and Irene Vecchione
Meg and Robert Verrelle
Kelly Vesey
William Vonier
Glenn and Patricia Walker, Sr
Antoinette Walsh
Susan Walsh
Isabel Wambach
Cornelius Wang
Anne and Patrick Ward
Barbara Waschenko
Helene Weathers
Jean and Ross Weaver
Debra Weinrich
Rose Weinstein
Maureen Welch
Brian and Marcia Weller
Clayton and Phyllis Wells
John and Patricia Welsh
Alan and Beverly Weyland
Whitemarsh Valley Country Club
Joel and Patti Wiedermann
James and Margaret Mary Wilkins
Alice and Kenneth Williams
Freida and John Williams
Andrew and Karen Willis
Cora and John Wojnar
Kevin Woods
Megan and Robert Woods
Elizabeth and Joel Worster
Vi Yee
Martha Yoder
Janice and Joseph Zadlo
Thomas Zaleski, Esq.
John and Stephany Ziegler
Jean and Stephen Zivitz
Nancy Zoeltsch
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Sponsor A Student Program
The cost to educate a student at La Salle Academy exceeds $10,000 per school year. This amount includes
the cost of our Academic program, our Extended Day and Extended Year programs, and the costs for our
special teachers and field trips. Every student at La Salle Academy received almost full financial aid. Tuition
accounts for less than 1% of our income.
Students can be sponsored at a Full Year ($10,000), a Half Year ($5,000) or a Quarter Year ($2,500). Thank
you to the people below who generously support our Sponsor a Student Program on a yearly basis or
through a 6-year commitment:
John and Mary Lou Chappell
William and Muriel Elliott Foundation
Alona and Martin Fayer
Daniela and John Fayer
James and Kathleen Lynch
The Lubert Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia C. McCloskey
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Frank and Anne Palopoli
John J. Schaefer
Frances C. and Joseph Stimmler
Sponsor A Student Program
Thank you to our Ten Year Gala Sponsor a Student Patrons
Tim and Peggy Abell
Richard and Roseanne Atcavage
Don and Sandy Barton
Carol Chiodo and Michael Cavanaugh
Guy and Bernadette Cellucci
Dennis and Mary Daly
James and Mary Jo Danella
Mike and Karen DeAngelis
Anthony and Karen DelVescovo
Matt and Jen Devine
Jim and Diana Driscoll
John and Maureen Fenningham
Donna and Joseph Ferrier
Steve Gardner
Jim and Rosemary Garrity
Jim and Maureen Glanzmann
Thomas and Paula Grace
Pamela Grady
Ronald and Karen Guerra
Bernard and Nancy Halfpenny
Jim and Lisa Hasson
Kevin and Christina Johnson
Jack and Eileen Johnson
Brian and Carol Kelly
Michael and Carol Kempski
John and Kristen Kucharczuk
Ron and Suzanne Lesicki
Tony and Ellen Lordi
Edward and Linda Loughlin
Marty and Karen Lyons
Dan and Ruth MacMullan
Patricia and Joe Malott
Jeff and Michelle Martinides
Nancy and William Matthews
Mark and Maureen McAdoo
Jim and Elizabeth Mellon
Robert and Denise Miller
Marianne Miller
Denise and Michael Moran
Thom and Deanna Muth
Allen and Bryn Mutzig
Joseph and Susan O'Connor
Mike and Theresa O'Neill
Frank and Anne Palopoli
Megan Cellucci and Kevin Passerini
Carol and John Melvin Pate
Tom and Beth Perrino
Albert and Joan Phelan
Frank and Betsy Polizzi
Jim and Jennifer Princivalle
Cathie Driscoll and Joe Ragg
Brian and Barbara Riley
John and Maureen Rilling
Michael and Maureen Rossi
John Schmitt and Claudia Campbell
Edward Solvibile
John and Joan Sperger
Letitia and Matthew Squillaro
Angela Stout
Alicia and Fran Van Kirk
Greg and Beth Webster
Bill and Jeanne Whitmore
Bob and Mary Gene Woods
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Pennsylvania EITC Donors
The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit program provides significant donations to La
Salle Academy. We are grateful for those companies that support LSA through this critical state
program. With gratitude, La Salle Academy recognizes the companies below who participated in EITC
during the 2013-2014 fiscal year:
James J. Anderson Construction
BLOCS (Business Leaders Organized for Catholic
Bridge Educational Foundation
BSI Electrical Contractors
Customers Bank
Danella Construction Corporation
Dale Corporation
Double H Manufacturing Corporation
Driscoll Construction Company, Inc.
First Priority Bank
Firstrust Bank
Foundation Structures, Inc.
The Fretz Corporation
The Haverford Trust Company
Henkles Foundation
Joe Hand Promotions
J.P. Mascaro & Sons.
Movers Specialty Services, Inc.
New York Life Insurance Company
PNC Bank
Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
Waste Management
La Salle Academy also recognizes the companies who participated in the new Opportunity
Scholarship Tax Credit program. We are grateful for those companies that specifically support LSA
tuition through this crucial state program. Sincere thanks to the companies below who participated
in OSTC during the 2013-2014 fiscal year:
ABC Fulfillment, LLC
Bayada Nurses
Customers Bank
Dale Corporation
Double H Manufacturing Corporation
Henkles Foundation
Highway Materials
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Legacy Advisors
Maguire Enterprises
Morris Capital Management Group
MRA, Inc.
Penn Liberty Bank
Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company
RealMarq Corporation
Please contact Megan G. Thomson (215-739-5804) to learn more about how your business can participate
in the EITC and the OSTC Programs.
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Memorials and Tributes
Gifts In Honor Of:
Ms. Joan M Fogarty
Ms. Helen Marie Gallagher
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. Norman Baseman
Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin
Sisters of Saint Joseph Resurrection Community
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Ambrose
Ms. Patricia K Cunningham
Ms. Christine Joyce
Mrs. Kim Marren
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. David C Skelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. Brian P Driscoll
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Algeo
Mr. Gregory Fitzsimmons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Movers Specialty Services, Inc.
Dale Corp. Accounting Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Verrelle
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F Doyle
Ms. Joan M Fogarty
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Mr. James J Scanlan
Mr. James J Scanlan
Ms. Anita C Deasey
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D Walker, Sr.
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
John, Stephany, Jack, Shaun, Matthew, Paul, Michael
and Mark Ziegler
Gifts In Memory Of:
Mr. Norman Baseman
Ace American Insurance Co
Ms. Kathleen M Albany
The Albertus Family
Mr. Thomas Allen
Ms. Mary H Altimairo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A Altringer
Ms. Sheryl Armington
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B Bailey
Mr. John Balaguer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Bassett
Mr. Scott Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F Biborosch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P Biehn
Ms. Alyse Bodine
John L. Altieri, Jr., Edmund J. Boutin and Robert P.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Brown, Jr.
Mr. Frank Bruno
Ms. Anna Bryan
Ms. Shannon Burgess
Mr. Daniel Cellucci
Mrs. Guy Cellucci
Mr. Rob Cellucci
Mr. and Mrs. David B Chaffin
Mary Genovese Colvin and Margaux Pelegrin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J Conti
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Memorials and Tributes (continued)
Mr. David Creagan
Mr. and Mrs. John M Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. James J Curvan
Ms. Debra A Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M DiMedio, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P Doring, Jr.
Mr. Michael Dougherty
Ms. Sarah Downey
Ms. Sandi A Draper
Mr. and Mrs. Frank X Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Durkin
Ms. Rosamarie Eleoterio
Mr. and Mrs. James P Farrell
Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jens B Fog
Ms. Deborah W Forte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Francy
Ms. Nancy Sabol Frantz
Ms. Nancy Fusco
Mr. Kenneth Gibb
Mr. Steven Gibbs
Mr. Thomas Goebeler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P Grace
Mr. and Mrs. John S Halstead
Mr. Shane Heskin
Perry K Huntington
Mr. Ed Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson
Ms. Lori A Kachmar
Ms. Stephanie Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kempski
Kennedy House, Inc.
Ms. Jessica King
Mr. and Mrs. John M Kozel
Kreischer Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J Lawlor
Ms. Geraldine LiBetti
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T Locasale
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lynch
Ms. Regina B Mapes
Ms. Karen Mariscal
Mr. and Mrs. John F McCarrick
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D McKee
Mr. and Mrs. John R McKeeta, Jr.
Ms. Marianne C McKinney
Ms. Joan Rosoff Meddin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A Migatz, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Miller
Ms. Agatha Mingos
Mr. Anthony Miscioscia
Mr. and Mrs. William F Mongan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P Moran
Dr. Ali Naji
Ms. Stephanie Naylor
Ms. Sandra L Niemotka
Mr. and Mrs. John M Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J O'Leary, Sr.
Mr. Michael Olsan
Mr. and Mrs. William R Omlor
Mr. Michael N Onufrak
Mr. John A Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey H Osborne
Ms. Elisa Pagnotti
Mr. Peter Parashes
Mr. and Mrs. William J Pellicano
Ms. Rita Perry
Ms. Katelynn Picinich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J Plevyak
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L Powell, Jr.
Ms. Megan Quail
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J Rafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham C Reich
Reilly, Janiczek, McDevitt P. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E Renninger
Mr. Douglas Ress
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F Robinson
Mr. Thomas C Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C Roselle, Jr.
Mr. Daryn Rush
Ms. Patricia Santelle
Robert M Schwartz, Esq.
Ms. Allyson Semple
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shapiro
Mrs. Susan Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M Shusterman
Mr. Glenn Sickenberger
Ms. Lori Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G Sproule III
Statesman Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer Stauffer
Mr. Ronald Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William F Stute
Ms. Lisa Sugarman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason T Sutch
Tactix Real Estate Advisors,LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William J Taylor III
Mr. Richard K Traub
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Van Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W Van Kirk
Mr. Maulin Vidwans
Mr. William Vonier
Ms. Amy Vulpio
Ms. Antoinette Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. William G Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J Ward
Ms. Debra Weinrich
Ms. Rose Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K Weller
White and Williams LLP
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Memorials and Tributes (continued)
White and Williams LLP IS Dept
Ms. Elise Wilson and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F Woods
Ms. Martha Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zivitz
Mrs. Gus Welsh, Jr.
Ms. Helen Marie Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John Fayer
Mr. Joseph Fayer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J Fayer
Mrs. Gus Welsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J Andrews
Mr. Robert S Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J Battaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Beisswenger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M Billig
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J Bilotta
Mr. and Mrs. William Bonenberger
Ms. Patricia A Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Timmo Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Broderick
Ms. Judith M Bucko
Mr. and Mrs. John R Bunting III
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C Buzby
Mr. and Mrs. John A Callan
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Caramenico III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cardone
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cipolla
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J Curci
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Henry G De Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Deiley
Mr. Bhupendra V Desai
Ms. Patricia A Dever
Ms. Teresa Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. John A Diangelo
Mrs. Mary Anne Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Durkin
Amie Edwards
Ms. Melva M Exner
Ms. Sharon Faust
Vincent L Ferrara, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fishberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E Gaus
Ms. Catherine Gelb
Mr. John G Gilbert
Mr. Jerry Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. John D Goldner
Ms. Bridget Grady
Mr. and Mrs. James J Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S Graino
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S Guerra
Ms. Joan O Hanby
Mr. and Mrs. David J Harp
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Harp
Mr. Edwin S Heins, Jr.
Rosemary Herron, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. John J Hoban
Ms. Bernadette M Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houldin
Dr. and Mrs. George F Huck
Mr. Kevin Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. William Hyndman
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jarden, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Johanson
Ms. Mary E Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F Joram, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. James G Kelly
Ms. Jayne R Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E Knight, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E Kueny, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence W Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LaManna
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A Langerfeld
Mr. and Mrs. William P Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A MacFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F Mack, Jr.
Mr. Dennis P Manning
Ms. Rachel Ann Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne William Martin
Mr. Anthony J Massa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGeough
Mr. and Mrs. William McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A McKendry
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Mr. Robert F McMackin
Mercy Vocational High School
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P Millet, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen A Moran-Gannon
Ms. Melanie L Mulgrew
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J Mullen
Mr. J. Edmund Mullin
Ms. Mary Beth Musetti
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Norton
Mr. and Mrs. George M Obermeyer
Ms. Christine M Olenik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Neill
Mr. John Edward Orner
Ms. Kathleen M Orner
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Padlo
Patrick E Pellecchia, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H Pennekamp
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Memorials and Tributes (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J Peterman
Mr. Robert Plaut
Quinn & Wilson, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. and M. Cathlene
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J Riethmiller
Ms. Joanne Robinson
Ms. Cathy L Rohm
Ms. Giselle Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. William J Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Salvitti
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Santore
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Savrin
Ms. Susan M Sayer
Mr. John T. Schmitt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C Schmutzler III
Ms. Catherine C Seese
Ms. Elizabeth D Sher
Siemens Corporation-Malvern Tax Department
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Simpson
Stephano Slack, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F Sneberger
Mr. and Mrs. John W Storb
Mr. and Mrs. John W Swiger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R Swillum
Ms. Grete Terjesen
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Van Kirk
Ms. Barbara A Waschenko
Libby, Bill, Lauren, Nikki and Will Weihenmayer
Maureen A Welch and Chandni Parikh
Dr. and Mrs. John Joseph Welsh
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S Wiedermann
Mr. Frederick P Woll II
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B Worster
Vi C Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A Zadlo
Ms. Joan A Tomlinson
Ms. Susan Walsh
Mr. Cornelius J Wang
Mr. and Mrs. John W Wojnar
Thomas Zaleski, Esq.
Ms. Joan C McIlvaine
Anne, J Gregory, Fred Pirmann and
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Juliano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S Burg
Cordasco Financial Network
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cordasco
Ms. Patricia A Dever
Janice and Gary Graf
Mr. Walter Graf
Howland, Hess, Guinan, Torpey, Cassidy & O'Connell,
Mr. and Mrs. John F McAndrew
Mr. James D Morrissey
Ms. Deirdre Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J Szuszczewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Juliano
Mr. and Mrs. James W Clark
Mrs. Margaret M Thrash
Mr. Stan B Duzy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin, Jr.
Ms. Mary E Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J Piper
Mrs. Susan J Reid
Mr. Thomas J Whitaker
Assumpta Football
Mr. John T. Schmitt
Mrs. Gus Welsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D Bannigan
Mr. and Mrs. John J Galdo
Mr. and Mrs. David Hampton, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Keenan
Ms. Megan Kelly
The Gene O'Connor Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G Owens
Mr. John T. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J Schulgen
Ms. Alexandra Tanney
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Organizations and Corporations
The following companies and institutions have contributed their time and effort to our students and to the
educational mission of La Salle Academy:
Agile Cat
Ancillae Assumpta Academy
Art Well
The Barnes Foundartion
Chestnut Hill College
Crane Arts Center
Dancing with the Students
Danella Construction Companies
Firstrust Bank
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc.
Healthy Newsworks
IBX Healthy Futures
La Salle College High School
La Salle University
Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Merion Mercy Academy
Mount St. Joseph Academy
Philadelphia Police Department – 26th District
Police Department Christmas Party
St. Alphonsus’ Confirmation Class
St. Patrick Parish, Malvern
St. Rose of Lima, CYO, North Wales
Sigma Phi Lambda, La Salle University
Speak Up
Temple University
United States Liability Insurance Group
Urban Blazers
Villanova University
Villanova University Campus Ministry
West Catholic High School
Matching Gifts Program
The following companies and organizations have generously matched donor gifts to La Salle Academy:
Ace American Insurance Company
American Express Foundation
BNY Mellon
Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts
Merck Partnership for Giving
New York Life Foundation
Novartis US Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
Subaru of America Foundation
Vanguard Group
Verizon Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
➤ Page 22
La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
Volunteers in Service to La Salle Academy
La Salle Academy was blessed with many volunteers who helped our students in so many ways from
teaching Ballroom Dancing and Chess, to running 5Ks and organizing fundraisers.
Sincere thanks to:
Susan Altringer
Norman Baseman
David and Donna Bartynski
Diane Biborosch
Bernadette Cellucci
Ellen Cericola
Bruce Cumby
Patricia Cunningham
Ann and Jim Curvan
Eileen and Tony DePaul
Kathleen Dickey
Maura Diehl
Chris Doring
Diana Driscoll
Kim Driscoll
M. Cathlene Driscoll
Mary Anne Duffy
Audrey and Dennis Durkin
The Friends of La Salle Academy
Martie Gillin
Pam Grady
Lisa Henrich
Donna and Bob Higgins
Debbie Hobbs
Lynn Holt
Pat and Bob Hughes
Meg Kane
Julie Lange
Nancy Lavin
La Salle University
Kathleen G. Lynch
Norma Jean Loughran
Patty Malott
Eileen Maginnis
Denise Miller
Bro. Gerald Molyneaux
Betty Moran
Denise Moran
Deanna Muth
Andrea Naticchione
Mary Ann O’Donnell
Anne Palopoli
Partners in Outreach
Pauline the Magician
Amy Renninger
Barbara and Brian Riley
Arthur and Irene Rodgers
Mary Ann Roselle
John Schmitt
Susan Shea
Sigma Phi Lambda Charities
Adrianne Slattery
Alicia Van Kirk
Kristina Wahl Glanzmann
Mary Wahl
Mary Ann Walter
Polly Whelan
Mary Gene Woods
Friends in Education
The following individuals have contributed their time and effort to our students and to the educational
mission of La Salle Academy:
Christian Aument
Lori Boccuzzi
Fran Cross
Ann Curvan
Lou DeAngelo
Rosalie Dilulio
Mary Anne Duffy
Christopher Jungers
Pam Grady
Pat Hughes
Rev. John Lyons
Mary MacGillivray
Bridget Massit
Dan McCormick
Marie McCormick
Maureen Meachan
Msgr. John Miller
Becky Millspaugh
Jill Nerney
Pat and Cynthia O’Hara
William and Deborah O’Hara
Mae Pasquariello
JJ Ragg
Irene Rodgers
Peggy Saeger
Joseph Selfridge
Rev. Herbert Sperger
Joanne Sullivan
Rev. Stephen Thorne
Elaine Whitaker
➤ Page 23
La Salle Academy Annual Report 2013-2014
10 Year Anniversary Gala
A Decade of Success
A Night to Remember
More than a Mission
A Miracle Every Day
A School, A Mission, A People to be Proud of!
On September 14, 2013, we celebrated a decade of success at the La Salle Academy 10th
Anniversary Gala at Chestnut Hill College. The Gala marked a time to celebrate our school, our
model, our Board of Trustees, our dedicated benefactors and our mission. With the help of our
wonderful, hard-working Event Committee, the Gala was truly a night to remember. La Salle
Academy was able to surpass our Ten Year Gala goals for donations raised and for people
attended. We are extremely PROUD of what our students and graduates have achieved thus far.
Yet, we must remember all of the sustained donations, consistent energy and love it takes to keep
La Salle Academy so strong for many decades to come. Our staff acknowledges the courage it
takes for our students to walk through our doors every day, especially in July. Thank you for
generously lifting up our students and giving them the opportunity to dream big. Thank you to all
who have supported our community, and for confirming that La Salle Academy is more than a
mission, it is a miracle every day.
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122
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Our United Way Number is 15142
Thank You! Danke! Merci! Gracias!
Thank you to our La Salle Academy Board of Trustees, our benefactors, our donors and you! Your donation helps us grow. Your
donation helps us offer an Extended Day, an Extended Year, field trips, a state of the art Science Program, a strong Fine Arts program,
Enrichment programs, Sports and athletics and our unique Graduate Support Program. The La Salle Academy family is most grateful!
Board of Trustees
Mr. Timothy Abell
Mrs. Susan Altringer
Mrs. Donna Bartynski
Bro. Carl Clayton, FSC
Mr. Bruce Cumby
Mr. James Danella
Ms. Teresa Diamond
Mr. Dan Diehl
Mrs. Maura Diehl
Sr. Karen Dietrich, SSJ, PhD
M. Cathlene Driscoll, Esq.
Mr. Dennis Durkin
John C. Fenningham, Esq.
Mr. James Hasson
Mrs. Geraldine Henwood
Eugene P. Hughes, Jr. MD
Ms. Meg Kane
Mr. Dale Lintner, Jr.
Mr. James Lynch
Mrs. Kathleen G. Lynch
Mrs. Eileen Maginnis
Bro. John McGoldrick, FSC, PhD
Sr. Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
Mr. Michael J. O’Neill, Jr.
Mr. Frank C. Palopoli
Carol Melvin Pate, EDD
Mr. Brian Riley
Mr. John Rilling
Sr. Catherine Robinson, SSJ
Mr. Art Schiel
Mr. John Schmitt
Angela Stout, DMD
Mrs. Alicia Van Kirk
Mrs. Kristina L. Wahl Glanzmann
J. Michael Whitaker, MD
Board Emeritus
Bro. Kevin Dalmasse, FSC
John Behan, Esq.
Mr. Joseph F. Conners
Mr. John Costello
Mr. John J. DiIulio, Jr.
Mr. James Fitzsimmons
Ms. Joan “Popo” Flanigan
Mr. Kevin Funchion
Mr. Daniel J. Gallagher
Mr. Joe Houldin
Mr. Greg Melinson
Mr. Thomas Nerney
Mrs. Jill Nerney
Mrs. Mary Ann O'Donnell
Sister Judy Oliver, SSJ
Mrs. Donna Palmieri
Mr. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Ricci
Sr. Anna Louise Schuck, SSJ
Mr. Edward Solvibile
Rev. Herbert J. Sperger
Ms. Maria Tucker
Ms. Meg Urbanski
Mr. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr.
Daniel Whelan, Esq.