Imprint : Selangor, Pet


Imprint : Selangor, Pet
Ilmu Kehidupan : Ringkas tapi Signifikan
Author : Mohd Zaini Ariff, Sabtu M Ali,
Roza Roslan…[et. al]
Imprint : Selangor, Petaling Jaya: Galeri Ilmu Sdn.
Bhd., 2013
Pagination : 473 pages
Synopsis :
Ilmu Kehidupan: Ringkas tapi Signifikan adalah sebuah buku yang
ringkas ilmunya. Namun pengisiannya memang signifikan.
Membawa pembaca untuk merenung diri ... bagaimana kita
menjalani dan menghabiskan hayat di dunia ini untuk menempuh
alam akhirat nanti. Ini kerana akan tiba suatu masa nanti kita akan bertemu jua dengan titik
noktah kehidupan di dunia yang akhirnya bakal menentukan sama ada kita ke syurga ataupun
Usahawan Akhirat
Author : Mohd Zaini Mohd Ariff
Imprint : Selangor, Petaling Jaya: Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd.
Pagination : 327 pages
Synopsis :
Kehidupan dunia berada di dalam dimensi kepalsuan. Jika dunia
dikejar bersungguh dunia akan meninggalkan kita. Akhirat
sebenar dunia yang kekal abadi. Kejarlah akhirat kerana kita tidak
akan rugi. Buku ini menceritakan bagaimana menjadi usahawan
akhirat dan memberi motivasi ke arah tersebut sambil memberi
peluang kita berfikir dan bermuhasabah. Ia sangat bermanfaat.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Cukupkah Wang Anda?
Author : Hajah Rohani Datuk Hj. Mohd Shahir
Imprint : Selangor, Petaling Jaya: Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd.
Pagination : 253 pages
Synopsis :
Cukupkah Wang Anda? Membawa kita kepada solusi dalam
mengurus wang agar apabila tiba hari persaraan, kita sudah ada
tabungan yang cukup untuk menyara sisa hidup di muka bumi
Allah tanpa dibelenggu oleh masalah kewangan. Buku ini dapat
membantu semua pembaca dalam memperbaiki keadaan
kewangan masing-masing dan keluarga serta yang lebih penting mendapat hidayah daripada
Allah SWT agar sentiasa diberkati dan lebih mendekati-Nya.
Bijak Mengurus Wang
Author : Hajah Rohani Datuk Hj. Mohd Shahir
Imprint : Selangor, Petaling Jaya: Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd.
Pagination : 324 pages
Synopsis :
Bagi kebanyakan manusia, untuk mengumpul wang dalam jumlah
yang besar mengambil hampir keseluruhan hidup sedangkan
untuk menghabiskannya hanya dalam sekelip mata. Buku ini
mengajak kita untuk menjadi lebih bijak dalam menguruskan
wang agar apabila tiba hari tua, hidup kita lebih tenteram dan
tenang tanpa dibelenggu dengan masalah kewangan.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
30kg Dalam 80 Hari
Author : Sufian Sulaiman
Imprint : Shah Alam, Selangor: Grup Buku Karangkraf
Sdn. Bhd., 2015
Pagination : 264 pages
Synopsis :
Buku ‘30kg Dalam 80 Hari’ merupakan pengalaman sebenar
seorang jurulatih kecergasan dalam membantu seorang gadis
yang mahu menurunkan berat badannya. Hasil teknik, kaedah,
strategi dan tip yang diberikan, berat badannya turun sebanyak
37kg. Impian untuk tampil dengan bentuk badan yang lebih
menarik dan sihat kini boleh direalisasikan dengan kehadiran buku ini. Bukan sekadar cakap
kosong, setiap tip yang diberi sudah terbukti pun dan hasilnya cukup luar biasa.
Rahsia Makanan Sunah
Author : Ustaz Fauzi Mustaffa
Imprint : Shah Alam, Selangor: Saffron Integrated
Marketing Sdn. Bhd., 2014
Pagination : 154 pages
Synopsis :
Buku Rahsia Makanan Sunnah menyingkap pelbagai jenis
makanan yang menjadi kebiasaan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang
baik lagi berkhasiat. Buku ini mengandungi keterangan tentang
makanan sunnah seperti kurma, madu, za’afaran, susu dan tharid.
Dapatkan rahsia-rahsia makanan sunnah yang membawa kepada
kecemerlangan kaum Muslimin, jasmani dan rohani kerana pemakanan yang baik akan
melahirkan keperibadian diri yang cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Maulidur Rasul : Sejarah, Hukum & Adab-Adabnya
Author : Dr. Mohd Azhar Abdullah
Imprint : Kuala Lumpur: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd., 2014
Pagination : 124 pages
Synopsis :
Buku Maulidur Rasul ini mengandungi jawapan atas pelbagai
persoalan yang berlegar di sekitar masalah sambutan maulid.
Penulis berusaha menampilkan satu perbahasan yang ringkas
namun padat bagi memudahkan pembaca memahami pengertian
maulid, sejarah, hukum, adab dan semua yang berkaitan
dengannya. Perbahasan buku ini berpandukan pelbagai rujukan
daripada kitab-kitab warisan ulama dahulu dan semasa untuk menampilkan pendapat yang
sederhana dan bersikap adil dalam perbezaan pandangan.
Becoming The Best : Build a World Class Organization
Through Values-Based Leadership
Author : Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr.
Imprint : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Pagination : 216 pages
Synopsis :
In his first book, From Values to Action, Harry showed how selfreflection, balance, true self-confidence and genuine humility are
the traits of today’s most effective leaders. This book his highly
anticipated follow-up, Kraemer reveals how, in practical terms,
anyone can apply these principles to become a values-based
leader and to help create a values-based organization.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
The Trust Edge
Author : David Horsager
Imprint : New York: Free Press, 2009
Pagination : 347 pages
Synopsis :
This book unveils how trust has the ability to accelerate or destroy
any business, organization, or relationship. The lower the trust,
the more time everything takes, the more everything costs, and
the lower the loyalty of everyone involved. Conversely, an
environment of trust leads to greater innovation, morale, and
productivity. The trusted leader is followed. From the trusted
salesperson, people will buy. For the trusted brand, people will pay more, come back, and tell
others. Trust, not money, is the currency of business and life!
Why Kids Make You Fat… And How To Get Your Body Back
Author : Mark Macdonald
Imprint : New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015
Pagination : 309 pages
Synopsis :
Mark Macdonald offers everyday strategies to help parents
wrangle their busy schedules and put healthy eating choices at
the top of their “to do” list without banning their kids’ favorite
foods from the house. Why Kids Make You Fat isn’t about living
“healthier” but about living better. Without good health, he
argues, the quality of life you want for yourself and your family
isn’t possible.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Leadership BS : Fixing Workplaces and Careers One
Truth at a Time
Author : Jeffrey Pfeffer
Imprint : New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015
Pagination : 259 pages
Synopsis :
In Leadership BS, Jeffrey Pfeffer shines a bright light on the
leadership industry, showing why it’s failing and how it might be
remade. He sets the record straight on the oft-made prescriptions
for leaders to be honest, authentic, and modest, tell the truth,
build trust, and take care of others. Rooted in social science, and
will practical examples and advice for improving management, Leadership BS encourages readers
to accept the truth and then use facts to change themselves and the world for the better.
Information Governance : Concepts, Strategies And Best
Author : Robert F. Smallwood
Imprint : New Jesey: John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Pagination : 442 pages
Synopsis :
Information Governance (IG) is a rapidly emerging "super
discipline" and is now being applied to electronic document and
records management, email, social media, cloud computing,
mobile computing, and in fact, the management and output of
information organization-wide. IG leverages information
technologies to enforce policies, procedures and controls to manage information risk in
compliance with legal and litigation demands, external regulatory requirements, and internal
governance objectives.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Crisis Communications : The Definitive Guide to Managing
The Message
Author : Steven Fink
Imprint : New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013
Pagination : 314 pages
Synopsis :
Crisis Communications offers proactive and preventive methods
for preempting potential crises. This book reveals proven
strategies for recognizing and averting damaging crisis
communications issues before it’s too late. This book also offers
ways to deal with mainstream and social media, use them to your
advantage, and neutralize and turn around a hostile media environment.
Think Like an Engineer : Use Systematic Thinking to Solve
Everyday Challenges & Unlock the Inherent Values in Them
Author : Mushtak Al-Atabi
Imprint : California: Creative Commons, 2014
Pagination : 235 pages
Synopsis :
This book shows what it takes to create a thriving business culture
that has intense focus on the customer by analyzing data, by
being open to the truths it reveals, and by having the guts to act
on those conclusions in order to prevail in the marketplace. The
Big Data-Driven Business is a complete guide to the future of business as seen through the lens of
big data, with expert advice on real-world applications.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Change Your Day, Not Your Life
Author : Andy Core
Imprint : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Pagination : 229 pages
Synopsis :
Change Your Day, Not Your Life offers a proven strategy to help
you become energized at work. This book is designed as a
resource for work-life balance, a tool to help you increase
productivity during the final two hours of work by up to 47
percent, content to fuel employee communication, and a
curriculum that departments can use in weekly or monthly meetings to keep everyone working at
their best.
Author : Mikkel Svane & Carlye Adler
Imprint : San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015
Pagination : 200 pages
Synopsis :
Startupland is indispensable reading for all entrepreneurs who
want to make their ideas the next big thing. This book will inspire
and empower you to follow your own dream and create your own
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Slim Down Now : Shed Pounds And Inches With Real
Food, Real Fast
Author : Cynthia Sass
Imprint : New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015
Pagination : 327 pages
Synopsis :
This book offers another path. It’s a simple yet powerful mealbuilding strategy that will allow you to enjoy healthy foods, feel
satisfied and energetic and lose weight all at the same time. In
Slim Down Now, author reveals the scientifically demonstrated
power of pulses, which she has incorporated into a dynamic, flexible weight-loss pelan that
focuses on how these supershredders can ultimately transform your body.
Leadership 2030
Author : Georg Vielmetter & Yvnonne Sell
Imprint : New York: AMACOM, 2014
Pagination : 244 pages
Synopsis :
Leadership 2030 ties together the interlocking effects of each
megatrend on the business environment, highlighting new
strategies and new leadership skills required to survive. In the
rush to produce quarterly profits in chaotic conditions, the longer
view is often obscured. This expansive, forward-thinking book
helps businesses everywhere prepare for the seismic changes
taking shape on the horizon.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
Leading Forward : Successful Public Leadership Amidst
Complexity, Chaos, And Change
Author : Tim A. Flanagan & John S. Lybarger
Imprint : New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Pagination : 239 pages
Synopsis :
Leading Forward fills that gap by providing a development
framework and assessment tool based on the four dimensions of
effective leadership empowerment, fairness, leaders, and
supervisors. These four dimensions are critical competencies that
leaders must develop in order to succeed now and in the future.
This book offers a practical and effective framework for developing great leaders for the public
The Three Commitments of Leadership
Author : Tom Endersbe, Jay Therrien & Jon Wortmann
Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012
Pagination : 193 pages
Synopsis :
The Three Commitments of Leadership is a simple, but not
simplistic message - leaders can improve their performance by
focusing on clarity, stability and rhythm. This book delivers the
answers that are the foundation of an evolution in the way
human beings will lead for the future.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
The Big Shift in IT Leadership
Author : Hunter Muller
Imprint : New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Pagination : 238 pages
Synopsis :
This book delves into communication, collaboration, relationships,
technology, innovation, talent management, and more to provide
well rounded guidance toward principled leadership. Simple,
straightforward language explains the basics of each area, and is
expanded upon by real world stories and revealing anecdotes
gathered from the author′s exclusive interviews with visionary
thought leaders from major organizations worldwide. You get perspective from the top on
established and emerging leadership strategies, helping you put these ideas to work right away.
Social Media Communication : Concepts, Practices, Data,
Law and Ethics
Author : Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
Imprint : New York : Routledge, 2015
Pagination : 251 pages
Synopsis :
This book explores the emerging field of social media
communication, as practitioners use new tools to communicate
with the public through mass media or directly via social
networking. Examining platforms such as Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube and Vine. This book also explores and
analyzes journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising and marketing.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016
The Media and Human Rights : The Cosmopolitan
Author : Ekaterina Balabanova
Imprint : New York : Routledge, 2015
Pagination : 210 pages
Synopsis :
This book is a strong first step in establishing what human rights
instruments and monitory bodies exist (without overcomplicating)
and how human rights issues are portrayed in mass media. This
book is a much-needed addition to understanding the current
state of human rights coverage in mass media.
Self Leadership
Author : Andrew Bryant & Ana Lucia Kazan
Imprint : New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013
Pagination : 222 pages
Synopsis :
It is generally accepted in the business literature that the heart of
leadership is leading self. Self-leadership is also the path to being
a 'responsible' leader. This book tells you what to do if you want
to get better at leading self.
Pusat Sumber Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan |
Kemaskini pada 9 Mei 2016