September 2008 - NYTRO Southern Tier


September 2008 - NYTRO Southern Tier
Volume 16, Issue 8
September 2008
Upcoming Events
September thru December 2008
October 4, 2008 (Saturday)
Special Rates at Demon Run ATV
Jasper Fall Foliage ATV Fun Run
Trails thru the end of this year!
October 11, 2008 (Saturday)
Join NYTRO of the Southern Tier for
Demon Run ATV Trails - ATV
only $15 for a single membership or
Poker Run
$25 for a family membership, and
parking fees are only $10 per ATV
thru the end of 2008. Go to
Go to
for more info. for
more info.
Check us out on the web at
Chapter Information
NYTRO of Western NY
PO Box 2, Macedon, NY 14502
676 Madison Ave, Angola, NY 14006
(716) 549-6118 - [email protected]
Executive Director – Pamela Burns—[email protected]
President – Dale Mackey
Assistant Director – Joanne Wemes—[email protected]
Serving Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming, Genesee,
Treasurer – Patrick Heifferon—[email protected]
Cattaraugus, and Allegany Counties
NYTRO of Central NY
NYTRO of Northern NY
PO Box 2, Macedon, NY 14502
PO Box 225, Adams, NY 13605
(315) 986-0966 - [email protected]
(315) 232-2076 - [email protected]
President – Joanne Wemes
President – Michael Bellinger
Serving Monroe, Wayne, Livingston, Ontario, Yates and
Serving Lewis, Oswego and Jefferson Counties
surrounding Counties
North County ATV Association
NYTRO of the Southern Tier
NYTRO of Eastern NY
1111 Carrie Ave, Endicott NY 13760
PO Box 136, Greenfield Center, NY 12833-0136
(607) 786-0676 - [email protected]
(518) 857-2874 - [email protected]
President – Gary Burns
President – Fay “Moak” Detraglia
Serving Broome, Chemung, Tioga, Stueben, Tompkins, Schuyler,
Serving Saratoga, Warren, Fulton, Rensselar, Schenectady,
Chenango and Delaware Counties
Montgomery, and surrounding Counties
(Special rates apply to this chapter. Please contact them
before sending in your application)
NYTRO OHV News is published monthly except for December and January
by the New York Trail Riders Organization, Inc., PO Box 2, Macedon, NY 14502.
All copy and advertisements should be sent to:
PO Box 2
Macedon, NY 14502
Deadline for copy and ads is the 25th of the month prior to publication.
Ad Sizes and Rates:
Full Page
Volume 16, Issue 8
9.5” x 7.25”
$100 per year
1/2 Page
4.25” x 7.25”
$50 per year
Business Card
2” x 3.5”
$25 per year
Page 2
Chapter News
NYTRO Eastern NY
Club Officers
President-Moak Detraglia
e-mail: [email protected]
Vice President-Jim McKernon
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 518-692-7852
Secretary-Sheri Detraglia
e-mail: [email protected]
Treasurer-Mike McKernon
Trail Coordinator-Jim Glockner
phone: 518-893-0242
NCATVA Members
We have been contacted by a land
owner that states he owns a ten
acre parcel located within our
lease. He is requesting we respect
his land and stay OFF IT. NCATVA
does not promote trespassing and
until we can contact Finch
regarding this issue, we are
shutting down trails 18,19 & 20. If
you have any questions please
contact me.
To stay up to date on this issue,
keep an eye on the Trail Report
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page. You can use the link from
the main page or go to http://
ncatvatrails/. I would put this page
in your favorites because Bill will
be keeping this page up to date
with trail info.
logo on the back and the front left
side has a smaller color logo on it.
They are gray and the price is $10
per shirt.
Well, it’s that time of year again;
Membership renewals were
due September 1st 2008 and no
later than September’s Meeting.
Remember, the land lease
payment is due Oct 1st so please
let’s get all renewals in on time.
If you are interested in them
please let me know so I can pull
them for you.
Please mail your check and a copy
of your current paperwork for your
machine(s). Please include your
membership number.
Remember to stay on the trail and
respect the land and the
landowner! OVH Ridding is a
privilege, not a right!
Everyone who joined from
September 2007 until May of 2008
is up for renewal. If you’re not
sure if you’re up for renewal, then
please drop me an E-mail or give
me a call.
North Country ATV Association
NYTRO of Eastern NY
A division of NYTRO Inc.
New club trail maps available—if
you haven’t received one yet
please let us know, Bill has done a
great job on the map and we
appreciate all his hard work.
If anyone is interested, the club
has a limited quantity of t-shirts
left. They have the full large color
Sizes available:
small large x-large xx-large
See you all on the trail,
Be safe.
President Moak Detraglia
[email protected]
Proud Sponsor of NYSORVA
Page 3
Chapter News
NYTRO Southern Tier
• Mud Bog
Club Officers
• Concessions
President-Gary Burns
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 607-786-0676
- Walt will have the Snack Bar
open and will have a tent with
water, soda & snacks.
Vice President-Dave Conner
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 570-746-3374
• Door Prizes
Secretary-Pam Burns
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 607-786-0676
• Need to invite Vendors to exhibit
Treasurer-Ron Horton
E-mail: [email protected]
• We need help with:
- Need to contact vendors for
Southern Tier Chapter News
- Publicity: post fliers
- Registration
- Parking
- Poker: drawing of cards,
tracking of hands
- ATV Pulls
- Road Crossings
NYTRO Southern Tier Meeting
Minutes for September 9, 2008
Please let us know where you
can help!
Ride CoordinatorsRick & Tammy Nichols
E-mail: [email protected]
Nine members and one guest
The treasurer’s report was given.
Elections are coming up in
September. Ballots will be emailed if there are any positions
with competition; snail mailed to
those without e-mail.
Nominations so far:
• President: Gary Burns
• Vice President: Rick Nichols
• Secretary: Pam Burns
• Treasurer: Ron Horton
• Membership Coord: Pam Burns
• Trail/Ride Coord: Tammy Nichols
Anyone else interested in
holding an office, please
contact Pam at
[email protected] or
607-786-0676 ASAP to be
added to the ballot!
Next Club Meeting: Tuesday,
October 14, 7pm at Rick &
Tammy’s house in Breesport.
Let’s Ride!
Pam & Gary Burns
Planning for October 11th
Poker Run:
• Poker Run
- $20 entry fee per rider; $5 per
- $5 per person goes towards
prize fund
• Obstacle Course
- Included in price, optional part
of the trail
- Ideas Needed!!!
• ATV Pulls
- included in price, prizes to
consist of framed photo of rider/
ATV with class and place added
via computer
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 4
Chapter News
NYTRO Northern NY
Club Officers
President-Mike Bellinger
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (315) 232-2076
a trail system to meet the V&T
information concerning County and
rules. But I have ran into some
Village roads as to whether we will
delays on other areas.
have to insure them along with
Due to a major spring storm/
maintaining the corridor trail.
tornado and scheduled logging
So roughly we are looking at 24
contracts on the County
miles of woodland trails, seasonal
Reforestation lots that were
roads and very little blacktop. For
opened to ATV’s, it was difficult to
now until we have a signed
quickly implement a game plan to
landowners agreement and some
Thanks to the tropical storms in
open the original parcels. That in
kind of documentation from the
the Gulf we will once again have a
turn delayed the road openings
county in hand we can only work
wet weekend on the 13th to look
would have connected other lots.
on establishing and clearing what
News from the North
forward to. Trail development has
progressed over the last few
months. I have been busy working
with the Politicians, Department
Heads & Trail Coordinator to wrap
up planning and development of
the County ATV Trail System.
After several outings mostly on
foot and planning stages we are
So for now we will sign on the
finally getting closer. I am happy
private landowners and continue
to announce that we have been
to map and seek out further areas
given the unofficial go ahead to
to develop.
develop two local area
reforestation parcels in the
From the beginning it has been
Lorraine area, giving us 1,300
emphasized that having an ATV
acres to work with.
Trail System would generate an
economic impact to the
community. Unfortunately by not
looking at the bigger picture from
those in charge at the time some
of the possible local towns was left
off of the original trail system plan
and I hope to be able to rectify
that. At least in my own village I
should be able to create enough of
Volume 16, Issue 8
is already open.
This Fall and up coming spring
should be the turning point that
the northern Chapter so needed.
So until we meet on the trails may
Being realistic and environmentally
you and your families be safe and
compliant, we will hopefully be
ride free to the winds. You will
able to establish in several years
have to contribute something for
over 15 miles of woodland trails.
the rest.
For now I am looking at four
without major work or financial
commitment. I have three private
land owners ready to sign on
giving us another three miles of
private trails and have to finalize
Thank You,
Michael Bellinger
Coordinator/Trail Manager
Page 5
Chapter News
NYTRO Western NY
Club Officers
President: Dale Mackey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-549-6118
Vice President: Norm Queeno
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-941-6280
Treasurer: Julie Mackey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-549-6118
Secretary: Sandy Queeno
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-941-6280
for a second ride. Our second ride
we hit some of the blue trails. We
are considering a return trip to hit
all the blue and black trails,
possibly in October.
We also had a ride and camping
weekend in Lake Demmon on the
second weekend of August. Riders
were pleased to find more trails
already constructed and even
more on the way. Although
everyone wimped out of the mud
pit this time around, everyone still
had a great ride. Hats off to
Southern Chapter for the great job
they are doing there.
October ??? - Blue and Black trial
ride at Majestic
Please remember beginning in
August, our newsletter will start
being sent via email to save costs.
If you would still prefer to receive
your newsletter by mail in a paper
version, please let us know and we
will continue to mail it. If you
prefer mail, there will be a charge
of $5/year starting with next
year’s dues. Please call Dale or
Norm with any questions on this.
Thank you!
Dale, Julie, Norm & Sandy
Our upcoming events are:
Check out our Yahoo! Groups
In July we had a great ride at
Majestic Trails in Rew, PA. We
went on a morning ride, returned
for lunch and hit the trails again
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 6
Chapter News
NYTRO Central NY
Club Officers
President: Joanne Wemes
E-mail: [email protected]
Vice President: Paul Hansen
[email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer: Bob Hedden
Ride Coordinator: OPEN
Website: Craig Robillard
[email protected]
Fundraising Coordinator: OPEN
Chapter Information
Our Helmet raffle is under way.
Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
This helmet retails for $219 there
is also 2nd and 3rd prizes. The
drawing will be at the conclusion
of the “Big East Powersports
Show” Oct 5th.
We also are selling Raffle tickets
for the Cash Raffle for NYSORVA.
Tickets are $5 each and top prize
is $1000 with 19 runner up cash
Volume 16, Issue 8
So please support the club and
either purchase or help sell these
tickets. Please email
nytroatvny@aol or call
315-986-0966 for tickets.
This is a much needed fundraiser
for the chapter.
The yahoo forum is up and running
and all of you that have an email
address should have received a
personal invite! So please open it
and except! It’s not Spam! CHECK
IT OUT! Here’s the link: http://
NYTRO central.
Check out our new website design.
Give us your feed back!
Our next ride is October 11 ~
Demon Run Poker Run. We will be
meeting at the McDonald in
Hornell. We will be leaving at 8:45
am sharp! For more information
see enclosed flyer or email
[email protected] or call 315986-0966
We will be selling tickets for the
Helmet and Cash raffle. We NEED
members support so please take
some time and Volunteer to help
out. Please email if you can help
out to: [email protected]
It was decided at last meeting not
to schedule any meeting dates for
the next 2 months. So watch your
newsletter and email for the next
meeting dates.
October 4, 2008 (Saturday)
Jasper Fall Foliage ATV Fun
Run. If your interested going
contact Dave at 585-529-4574
If you have any helmet/cash raffle
tickets signed out please return
them ASAP to the Central Chapter.
See you at the show or the Ride!
We will be set up at the Big East
Power Show Oct 3– 5 in Syracuse
at the On Center. This is HUGH
event for the club and a great
opportunity to promote the club
and our sport. Check out the
website: http://
Page 7
Chapter Events
NYTRO Western Chapter
Please check out our Yahoo!
Groups page for details.
Western Chapter Upcoming
• October ??? - Blue and Black
trial ride at Majestic
NYTRO Central Chapter
NYTRO Eastern Chapter
The next meeting will be
September 25th at 7:30pm at
Friendly’s by the Wilton Mall.
Eastern Chapter Upcoming
Check our website at http:// for
more info!
NYTRO Southern Tier Chapter
Next club meeting is Tuesday,
October 14th, 7pm at Rick &
Tammy’s House in Breesport.
NYTRO Southern Tier Chapter
Upcoming Events:
October 4: Jasper Fall Foliage
October 4 & 5: Outdoor Show at
Wilkins RV in Kanona, NY
October 11: Poker Run at Demon
Run ATV Trails
NYTRO Northern Chapter
NYTRO Code of Ethics
• Always wear protective gear while riding
• Always wear a helmet
• Never ride alone
• No drugs or alcohol
while riding
Our regularly scheduled meeting is
held at the conference room of the
Mansville Rescue Squad Building.
Our meetings there are on the 3rd
Thursday of the month.
• Ride within your limi-
Northern Chapter Upcoming
your machine (state
Events and Activities
• Respect the environment - stay on the trails
• Register and insure
• Respect the rights of
• Less noise equals
more trails
Reminder...NYTRO is not
responsible for inaccurate
information supplied to us. Many
times we do not receive info until
just days before the event. Please
understand that we are at the
mercy of those sending this
information to us. If you would like
to see more events posted, call or
e-mail us as soon as you find out
about a listing. But please make
sure you have all the details and
that it is correct.
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 8
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 9
For Sale
Baja 90 comes with complete
parts machine, $550.00 or BO.
Call Ray 518 376-6573
Brand new 2007 Sunl 110 four stroke pit bike, only 2 tanks of
gas used, located in West Sand Lake, NY.
Ignore date on bottom, camera date not set. For more info call Ray
at 518 376-6573.
2003 Honda Sportrax 300EX $2,599 or Best Offer
5 speed, with reverse
Low hours
Electric start
Super clean
Neutral indicator light
Trails only, never raced
Meticulously maintained
Clear title ready for transfer!
New rear tires (Honda OEM)
installed June 2008
New battery Spring 2008
New oil filter Spring 2008
New oil change Spring 2008
• Owner's Manual
• Z1R Rail Apex Helmet
Needs nothing, ready to ride!
Don't pass up this fantastic quad!
Email: [email protected]
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 10
For Sale
Fulton ATV Lock and Hold
Down Security System
Front and rear adjustable locking
hooks and floor anchors for trailer
or truck deck. Eliminates tie-down
straps. Keyed alike for
convenience. All hardware and
instructions included. Brand new,
won’t fit my current trailer. List
$85.00, Now $40. Dave (585) 334
-0122 or [email protected]
Fulton Receiver-Mount Cable
Vinyl coated 15-foot 5/8-inch steel
cable on a receiver lock. For
bicycles, ATVs, or other equipment
on trailer or in pickup bed. 2 keys.
Brand new. Never used. $15.
Dave (585) 334-0122 or
[email protected]
Arctic Cat ATV Tool Carriers
Double hook Velcro-closure
adjustable tool carriers attach to
any rack made of round tubing.
Black. Excellent condition, used
just twice. Complete in original
package. $15. Dave (585) 3340122 or [email protected]
Ogio H2O Fanny Pack
Green rip-stop nylon with 3
compartments and 2 lock-in onequart plastic water bottles.
Removable rain-proof cover.
Discrete Yamaha Grizzly logo.
Brand new, never used. $10.
Dave (585) 334-0122 or
[email protected]
Scorpion VX-14 dirt helmet &
travel case.
For any off-road use including
snowmobiling. White with black &
green trim. Size XL, worn once.
Package list $179.90. Now
$125.00 Dave (585) 334-0122 or
[email protected].
Volume 16, Issue 8
2003 YAMAHA KODIAK 400 $2400 (LIVONIA)
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2008-05-20, 8:13PM EDT
SNOW PLOW INCLUDED. 585-3678691 OR 585-202-5758.
Two (2) 2006 Arctic Cat 250s
One Red, One Green; 400-500
miles on each. Just serviced this
month. Excellent Condition. Asking
$2500 each or both for $4500.
Contact Walt Webster at 607-2592417 or [email protected].
Options: AM/FM CD player w/4
speakers, Pillows for Sofa, TV Antenna w/Booster, Tub Surround,
Raised Oak Cabinet Doors, Wood
Edged Counter Top, Microwave,
Deluxe Roller Drawer Guides, Sink
Covers, Queen Mattress, stabilizer
Jacks, Security Lights on Door
Side, Hitch Light, 6 Gal. Gas/
Electric Water Heater, Smoke Detector, Exterior Shower, Tinted
Windows, Second Door in Cargo
Bay, Propane Generator Installed ($4,000 Value), Ladder,
2x 55 Gallon Fresh Water Tanks,
TV Shelf in Bedroom Area, Dinning
Table, Awning, 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator, Cable hookup, Night Shades,
Deluxe Lighting, 3500 BTU Air
Conditioner, Stove/Oven with
Cover, Light over Kitchen Sink,
Bathroom Accessories, Foot Flush
Toilet, Sky Light over Shower, LP
Detector, Porch Lights, Chrome
Rings and Caps, Fiberglass Exterior, Diamond Plate Floor, Ramp
Extension, Bedroom Exterior Cook
Stove, Tie Down Rings/Rails, Full
Screen for Cargo Bay.
A MUST SEE!! $19,500.00
315-597-1617 or 585-750-9219.
“Why leave your cycles, ATV and
Snowmobiles at home
when you can enjoy the
convenience and comforts
home with a KZ Toy
2004 KZ 26ft.
Toy Hauler
condition, never
used as a hauler!!
Page 11
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 12
Z1R Helmet Could Be Yours
This top-of-the-line Z1R off-road helmet could be yours,
and in the size and color of your choosing, if you are the lucky
winner of the NYTRO Central Chapter helmet raffle.
The Intake Flame is Z1R’s best dirt riding helmet.
Performance certified by the Snell Foundation, this
outstanding head gear is constructed of fiberglass with aramid
fiber and Dyneema reinforcement for superior strength and
light weight. Built on Z1R’s North American Round / Oval head
form with a dual-density foam liner, the Intake Flame is a
very comfortable helmet to wear. The Cool-Max® interior
wicks moisture away to keep the wearer cooler and drier, and
is fully removable and washable. Cheek pads are also removable and interchangeable for size.
Multiple vents move air through the helmet, and the mesh foam mouthpiece prevents roost from
entering though the chin bar vent. The visor is adjustable and rubberized goggle grabbers hold
eye wear in place. D-ring closure on the adjustable chin strap completes the specifications.
This great helmet is available in numerous color choices to match or compliment any quad or
dirt bike. Graphics models with a black base have a choice of red, blue, green, gold, alloy silver,
or black chrome accents. Solid color choices are fluorescent orange with white accents, gloss
white, or black Rubatone (rubberized) finish. Sizes run from extra small up thorough double
extra large.
The manufacturer’s suggested retail list price is $219.95 for this premium model. For more
information, go to
This great Z1R helmet is first prize in the Central Chapter’s 2008 summer season fund
raiser. Two second prizes of Zarboy ATV T-shirts, courtesy of Elite Motorsports, and three third
prizes of Spectro Oils camouflage baseball caps will also be awarded. For more information on
these companies and their products, visit and
Only 600 tickets will be sold at a donation of $2 each or 3 for $5. That means entrants have a
1 in 100 chance of scoring something. Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of the Big East
Powersports Show in early October.
Tickets will be available at the NYTRO Central booth at Gander Mountain in the Rochester
suburb of Henrietta, NY, from 12 noon to 5 PM on meeting days of Sunday August 17 and
Sunday September 21. This location is just off Jefferson Road near Marketplace Mall. Tickets will
also be available in the NYTRO booth at the Big East Powersports Show at the On Center in
downtown Syracuse on the weekend of October 3 to 5, 2008, and at other events yet to be
determined. Or contact [email protected].
Volume 16, Issue 7
Page 13
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 14
Dealer Discount List
Action Cycle
Albany Honda
All Seasons Equipment Inc.
Alternative Sports Connection
Appolson's Polaris
Arkport Cycles
Armstrong MotorSports
Ballantyne RV/Marine
Bennett Motor Sales
Binghamton Honda
Canandaigua MotorSports
Caldwell’s Motor Toys
Charlie’s Cycle Center
CJ's Motorsports
Conklin Cycle Center, Inc.
Cycle City
Cycle Enterprises II
Cycle Stop Motorsports
Daisies Café
Darrell’s Inc.
Deerfield Sportshop
DeGolier Florists
Dietzen's Carpeting
Dirt Works Cycles
Ellington Snowmobiles
Filer’s Powersports
Free Wheeling Cycle
Gallup & Ten Haken
Glider City Powersports
Gowanda Starcraft
Hamburg Honda
Hartloff Polaris
Hebeler's Sales & Service
Hector's Cycle Sales, Inc.
Holiday Harbor (Yamaha/Bombardier)
Hollink Motor Sports
Ithaca Recreation Sports
Klispie Machine Shop & Sales
Lamb & Webster Inc. (Honda)
Linda Promanda
Lock City Cycle
Loomis Powder Coating
Menneto Powersports
Motor Toy Salvage
Muddogg Fabrication
Nader's Tech Polaris
Nesco Arctic Cat & Yamaha
Niagara Outdoors
Nick’s Marine
Northeast ATV Sales
Norton Enterprises
O’Meal Tractor, Inc.
O’Neill Sales, Inc.
Paradise Bay Yamaha
Pierce Auto Supply
Pine Hill ATV Park
Pioneer Motorsports
Pirates Custom Powersports
Potter County Family Campground
Powersports Unlimited
Pro-Way Parts & Accessories
Ranco Equipment
S & L’s Off Road
Schutts Saw & Mower Service/Arctic Cat
Scott Jarrell’s Ried’s Tires
Seymour’s Motorized Sports, Inc.
Southern Tier HONDA
Southern Tier Polaris
Sportline Power Products
State Farm—Steven J. Robinson
Steve Mathewson's Suspension Systems
Stone’s Snow Sled’s
Street Track N Trail
Support Plus Racing
TNT Sport Cycle
Trucks Maintained, Inc.
Ward Performance
Watertown Power Sports
Western New York Cycle, Inc.
Wild Creations (airbrush art)
Williamsville Competition
Zahm & Matson
1889 Union Road
390 New Karner Road
60 Freeman’s Bridge Rd
2395 Michigan Rd
5820 Southwestern Blvd.
1 Main Street
2422C Rte 12B
7447 Rt. 96
6453 St Hwy. 28
120 East Arterial Highway
2366 Rochester Road
RD #2 Box 2335 Stateline
Rt 219
2020 College Ave
784 Conklin Road
2814 Buffalo Road
2370 Rt. 65
2550 West Henrietta Road
2723 South Park @ Ridge
240 Route 104
9514 Rt. 12
106 E Green Street
156 Newton Street
2312 West Road
Harris Hollow Road
Rt. 31
1699 Military Road
8926 West Main Street
1741 Cedar Street
11147 Stafford Road
5133 Camp Road
10937 Allegheny Road
6476 Main Road
1200 East Second Street
Avon Avenue, PO Box 609
386 South Union Street
1906 Elmira Road
5832 Camp Road
4120 Rt. 98
32 Main Street
6117 Robinson Road
175 Brooklyn Street
1757 Route 9
RD 2, Box 2335
50 Bennett Rd
124 West 13th St.
1056 US Highway 11
223 Witmer Road N.
Route 434 Box 319
131 South Keystone Ave
4431 Brown Road
2351 Lyon Road
6226 Route 96
3039 Rt. 426
113 East Main Street
11395 Pine Hill Road
12889 Meyers Road
367 Dawson Hill Rd
3075 E. Second Street
1526 Eden Evans Center Rd
1623 Gowans Road
7380 Boston State Road
Chautauqua Road
685 Fairmount Ave
4940 Southwestern Blvd,
1350 New Loudon Rd
1907 SR 14
1469 Olean Portville Road
38 E Quaker Service Rd
237A Pittsford-Palmyra Rd
4750 Lovers Lane
4386 Maple Ridge Road
13723 Conneaut Lake Road
Box 100
415 Oriskany Blvd.
50 Burkherd Avenue
2858 Route 21 North
19310 US Route #11
6695 South Transit Road
2629 Moore Hill Road
182 South Main Street
1756 Linquist Drive
West Seneca, NY 14224
Albany, NY 12205
Scotia, NY 12302
Wayland, NY 14572
Hamburg, NY 14075
Arkport, NY 14807
Hamilton, NY 13346
Victor, NY 14564
Flycreek, NY 13337
Binghamton 13901
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Russell, PA 16345
Limestone, NY 14753
Elmira, NY 14901
Binghamton, NY 13903
Wesleyville, PA 16503
W. Bloomfield, NY 14585
Rochester, NY 14623
Lackawanna, NY 14218
Ontario, NY 14519
Remsen, NY 13438
Dunkirk, NY 14048
Fredonia, NY 14063
Bennington, VT 05201
Ellington, NY 14732
Macedon, NY 14502
Tonawanda, NY 14217
Clymer, NY 14724
Elmira, NY 14904
Gowanda, NY 14701
Hamburg, NY 14075
Forestville, NY 14062
Pendelton, NY 14094
Jamestown, NY 14701
Celoron, NY 14720
Spencerport, NY 14559
Newfield, NY 14867
Hamburg, NY 14075
North Java, NY 14113
Hamburg, NY 14075
Lockport, NY 14094
Mansfield, PA 16933
Clifton Park NY 12065
Russell, PA 16345
Hilton, NY 14468
Elmira Heights, NY 14903
Gouverneur, NY 13642
N.Tonawanda, NY 14120
Apalachin, NY 13732
Sayre, PA 18840
East Bethany, NY 14054
Palmyra, NY 14522
Farmington, NY 14564
Findley Lake, NY 14736
Fredonia, NY 14063
Cohocton, NY 14826
Sardinia, NY 14134
Spencer, NY 14883
Coudersport 16915
Angola, NY 14006
Angola, NY 14006
Hamburg, NY 14075
Fredonia, NY 14063
Jamestown, NY 14701
Hamburg, NY 14057
Cohoes, NY 12047
Montour Falls, NY 14865
Olean, NY 14760
Queensbury NY 12804
Macedon, NY 14502
Cattaraugus, NY 14719
Newark, NY 14513
Conneaut Lake, PA 16316
Maple Springs, NY 14756
Whitesboro, NY 13492
Depew, NY 14043
Palmyra, NY 14522
Watertown, NY 13601
Lockport, NY 14094
Nichols, NY 13812
Holland, NY 14080
Falconer, NY 14733
Dealers set their own discount options. Call for your specific needs. Discounts may change without prior notice.
Volume 16, Issue 8
Page 15
Newsletter Printing & Distribution
PO Box 2
Macedon, NY 14502
Newsletter printed and distributed by: Sunrise Imaging, Macedon, NY 14502 315-986-8831