VFW BERT FULLER POST 9578 ALPINE CALIFORNIA February 2016 Commander’s Message Post Officer Roster: 2015-2016 Commander: Bill Frazer Email: [email protected] Senior Vice: Bob Minton Junior Vice: Kevin K Quartermaster: Carl Silva Chaplain: Theo Bazdorf Adjutant: Kerry Parsons Judge Advocate: Rick Storms Service Officer: John Rizzo TRUSTEES 1ST Year: Jack Gauthier 2ND Year: Jerry White 3rd Year: James Abercrombie ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE NEWSLETTER PLEASE MAIL OR EMAIL TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES. 844 Tavern Road, Alpine CA, 91901 Email to : [email protected] Hi Comrades and Members, I hope everybody's doing well! 2016 is off to a good start, I love seeing all the volunteers who took their me to donate food and cook for our members, Thank you! The food is great! The Post is looking good, membership is up to 98%, thanks to Carl, Theo and Rick. If you haven't renewed your membership, the Post can help you out, plus we are always looking for new members. Remember be proud and show your VFW Card. If you or your friend is looking a great place to hold a meeng, party, wedding or special event, the Post is the prefect place, with a great deck, and the pao with a bar. If you haven't heard the County of San Diego has approved money to expand the Wall of Honor at the Alpine Community Center for our Veterans. Don't forget tax season is upon us and our government wants your hard earn money! Super bowl Broncos vs. Panthers, with the Post hosng a Super Bowl Pot Luck Party on the 7th. Don't forget the Post meeng is on the 13th at 11am and we will need to start planning our events for the year. Also, elecons are just around the corner. We start taking nominaons in March and elect new members in April. We will need to elect a new Commander and a few officers could use a break. Don't forget your sweetheart on Valenne's Day, the 14th! We now have 5 Post members cerfied in CPR Pro and AED, special thanks goes out to Mr. Kirkpatrick (KP) geEng a member of his Border Patrol Unit to give the training free of charge. If you need help with your VA benefits or know anyone who needs help, go see John Rizzo, he's been doing a great job as our Service Officer. To the entertainment commiee, keep up the great job, fun, comedy, bands, games, karaoke, and more! Seriously, if you haven't been to the Greatest Post in San Diego lately, you are missing out! Til next month your Post Commander Bill Frazer The new website at www.vfw9578.com is sll open for suggesons. Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] V F W B E R T F U L L E R P O S T 9 5 7 8 A L P I N E C A L I F O R N I A F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 w w w .v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m i t @ v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m 4 4 5 - 6 0 4 0 Men’s Auxiliary Officers: 2015-2016 President: David Verdugo Vice President: Kevin Casey Jr VP: Joel R. Murrillo Chaplain: John Snyder Treasurer: Steve Abercrombie Guard: Vince Roussel TRUSTEES 1st Year: Jim Dymond 2nd Year: Mark Merriman 3rd Year: John Kehrli Men’s Aux. Message First some Post business: Please remember to carry you membership card (Current) since it will be asked for at the canteen. This is not a new policy, just one that the Post has to enforce. Your guests are welcome as always, but please remember to sign them in and when you leave they must as well unless another member will take responsibility for their conduct. Remember it is a privilege and not a right. We have a new event that JR is heading up with the entertainment commiee. It’s a chili cook off. All you need to do is make your best chili you would like judged, put it in a crock pot, and bring it to the Post to be judged by your peers. To taste and vote for the best chili you pay $5.00 and go to work trying and vong. The event is planned for Sat. 27 February. The event begins at 3:30, tasng at around 4:00, and the judging results at 6:00. Thanks to J.R. for puEng this event together. There is also a friendly game of bar/ canteen poker on Wed. from 4:30 to 5:00 weekly. We voted our volunteers for the third and fourth quarters and I’m proud to congratulate Fernando for the third and JR for the fourth. Again congratulaons guys and thanks for the help and hard work. A special thanks to John our Chaplin for really bringing the posion up to another level. I personally am moved by his messages and guidance for our meengs and events. We have a lot of volunteers to thank for all their efforts over the past month. Jim D, John K, and Steve A, for the burger burn the first Sat of the month and Fernando, Brian, and Joe doing the second Sat. Also thanks to Carolyn and Theo filling in at the BBQ while our meeng are going on. Thanks also to Steve C, Bobbie C, Carolyn V, and myself for providing the Wild boy’s and Girl’s breakfast. Thanks to Mark M. for taking care of the recycling on a regular basis. Marshall thanks for your support. The Men’s Aux. will serve lunch on Sat. 6 Feb. and Sat. 13 Feb. from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. The “Wild Boys and Girls” will serve our tradional breakfast on Sun. 7 Feb. from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Our next monthly meeng will held the first Saturday of the month at 11:00AM. Don’t forget to buy a burger or a dog aSer the meeng. Please keep our acve service members that are in harm’s way in your thoughts and prayers as well as our veterans that have sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms and the life we all enjoy. God Bless America! David Verdugo, Men’s Auxiliary President Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] V F W B E R T F U L L E R P O S T 9 5 7 8 A L P I N E C A L I F O R N I A F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 w w w .v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m i t @ v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m 4 4 5 - 6 0 4 0 Auxiliary Officers: 2015 – 2016 President: Sheila Snyder (619) 990-0536 Senior Vice: Nancy Hauer Junior Vice: Be?y Rabell Treasurer: Linda Pipkin Secretary: Janice Simmons Chaplain: Donna Lowell Guard: Elvira Storms Conductress: Vikki Hemmen TRUSTEES 1st Year: Kimberley Rivera 2nd Year: KaAe Abercrombie 3rd Year: Bea Conklin KITCHEN MANAGER Mary Sabol POST HOURS MONDAY – THRU FRIDAY 12:00 Noon to Closing SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 9:00AM Till Closing Post Phone Number: (619) 445-6040 Fax Number: (619) 4458740 SCHEDULED MEETING DAYS VFW AUXILIARY 1st SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 0930 MEMBER’S MEETINGS 2ND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH HOUSE COMMITTEE 1000 GENERAL MEETING 1100 House Committee RICK STORMS DAN CHRISTENSEN HANS LUDWIG DENNIS FOREMAN BENNY COPE Aux. Message Hello, everyone and welcome to February! I am waing on confirmaon regarding a Valenne’s Day event at the VAMC in La Jolla, and as soon as I have the informaon, I will submit that in an e-blast for any volunteers and/or parcipaon. We were also presented with our most updated Charter for our Auxiliary, which is now ready to place on the wall of our meeng room on Feb. 6. I also aended the District/Department official visit dinner, receiving an award for our 100% membership from Department President, Kathy W. I did receive an email from my other VAMC LJ contact. The informaon is as follows: We are requesng the VFW Auxiliary once again to please sponsor the refreshments for the yearly paent/ Veteran Art Show & Compeon. The date is Wednesday March 2 2016 me commitment: arrive at VA by 1030 & ready to serve from 1100am to 300pm. We will leave a large metal cart outside the Spinal Cord Unit entrance to help with unloading. We usually have around 300 aend the show (inpaents, outpaents, volunteers and staff/Veterans). Donaons and contribuons requested please. VFW Aux. supplies: 3 large Costco cakes, 3 large veggie trays, Finger sandwiches, Fresh fruit trays, Warm foods: lile meatballs and/or weenies, Fruit punch or iced tea or soda (please also have some diet drink opons!), all plates, cups, napkins, utensils (forks). VAMC will supply: Coffee & coffee pot, punch bowl and the large knives to cut cakes. I am requesng Auxiliary members and Post comrades to assist with the donaons and to aend this event to show our support for the folks at the VAMC. Please let me know if you will be able to assist with this funcon. I would like to nofy my contact of how many people will be in aendance. Thank you in advance for your contribuons, donaons, volunteering and all things great for our Veterans. Let’s keep that support and dedicaon going, always. RespecUully, Sheila Jo, President/Aux 9578 Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] VFW BERT FULLER POST 9578 ALPINE CALIFORNIA JANUARY 2016 w w w .v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m i t @ v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m 4 4 5 - 6 0 4 0 CHAPLAIN’S Chaplain’sMESSAGE Message Let’s let I.R.M.A. be the acronym to come, standing for: Integrity, Respect, and Despite some anti-religion groupsfor inthe the year United States demanding “separation of churchManners and state”, virtually all presidents George Washington to Barack have professed to be men AEtude. Weofallour should strive from to beer understand ourselves and Obama our comrades, to the end that ourof faith. Following is a sample of a few personal and public presidential prayers, which could very well relaonships on Planet Earth be smoother. In other words, let’s try to remove peEness and be applicablehere today: George Washington A Prayer for Guidance small-mindedness from--our lives during 2015 and(1793): beyond.O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and Lord, may we be more tolerant andthy compassionate toward new year. Help hearty thanks, that it hath pleased great goodness to keepother and human preservebeings me thethis night past from all us thestrive dangers are subject to, andour hasfriends, given mefamilies sweet and sleep, whereby I find mya to for poor peacemortals and good will amongst andpleasant fellow veterans, thus creang body serene refreshed and comforted for performing the duties of this day, in which I beseech thee to defend more existence for all. AMEN. me from all perils of body . Amen. Charlie Howell was in a serious auto accident last week, Army Vietnam veteran andand Postsoul Life. .Member Thomas Jefferson -- A Prayer for the Nation (1801): Almighty God, who has given us this good and is recovering at Sharp Hospital. land for our heritage; We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful Lord, God, forwill. yourBless healing in behalf of Charles Howell. May he knowand thepure blessof thyAlmighty favor and gladwe topray do thy ourgrace land with honorable ministry, sound learning, ing of goodSave health in this hour and throughout his life. Bless whoand minister to Charles in body, manners. us from violence, discord, and confusion, from all pride arrogance, and from everymind and and grant a quickand recovery evilspirit, way. Defend ourhim liberties, fashionfrom into his onerecent unitedinjuries. people, AMEN. the multitude brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endow with thy spirit of wisdom those whom in thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail . . . Amen. Abraham Lincoln -- A Prayer for Peace (1865): Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continues... until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid another drawn with the sword... so still it must be said that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and for his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. John F. Kennedy -- A Prayer of Gratitude (1963): Let us therefore proclaim our gratitude to Providence for manifold blessings--let us be humbly thankful for inherited ideals--and let us resolve to share those blessings and those ideals with our fellow human beings throughout the world. On that day let us gather in sanctuaries dedicated to worship and in homes blessed by family affection to express our gratitude for the glorious gifts of God; and let us earnestly and humbly pray that he will continue to guide and sustain us in the great unfinished tasks of achieving peace, justice, and understanding among all men and nations and of ending misery and suffering wherever they exist. George H. W. Bush -- A Prayer to Help Others (1989): Heavenly Father, we bow our heads and thank you for your love. Accept our thanks for the peace that yields this day and the shared faith that makes its continuance likely. Make us strong to do your work, willing to heed and hear your will, and write on our hearts these words: "Use power to help people." For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people. Help us to remember it, Lord. The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers; may he not leave us or forsake us; so that he may incline our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways... that all peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other. Theodore Bazdorf, Chaplain Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] V F W B E R T F U L L E R P O S T 9 5 7 8 A L P I N E C A L I F O R N I A F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 w w w .v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m i t @ v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m 4 4 5 - 6 0 4 0 Quartermaster’s Message The first month of the new year is over with nothing but good news. The Post recently had our annual inspecon from District and we passed with flying colors. The Post building and grounds have received full aenon and we have a good financial outlook for 2016. I must remind all annual members that dues for 2016 should be paid to help keep our membership strong. Your Quartermaster is always available 24/7 to take care of post business or just answer quesons. Please make every effort this year to sign new members and come to the Post to visit our great facility. It is an honor to be your Quartermaster and I look forward to working with members, officers and employees to improve our operaon. Carl VFW ANNOUNCES LANDMARK SEMESTER FOR VFW’S ‘SPORT CLIPS HELP A HERO SCHOLARSHIP’ PROGRAM NAMES 133 STUDENT VETERAN RECIPIENTS KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) is pleased to announce 133 service members and veterans have been named recipients of the VFW’s “Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship,” making the 2016 spring semester the highest award period since the program’s inception in 2013. These student veterans will receive over $563,500 in combined aid. For many student veterans, military educational benefits are often exhausted before the full costs of a college education are accounted for, leaving many without a completed degree or burdened with excessive student loans. BISHER’s QUALITY MEATS The Very Best In Meats Dan Bisher, Owner 2330 Main St #A Ramona 92065 Josh Lehman, Manager (760) 789 1488 Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] A LIFESAVING EXPERIENCE FOR A STRUGGLING VETERAN A VFW UNMET NEEDS GRANT COMES AT THE RIGHT TIME January 27, 2016 “After returning from Kuwait in 2014, I was diagnosed with PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. My first few months home were filled with suicidal thoughts and severe depression,” said Kyle Orian, an Army and Air Force veteran. Orian served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Desert Storm. After nearly 15 years in the military, he also suffers from nerve damage in his hands, chronic back pain and a traumatic brain injury. “My psychiatrist recommended I do a year-long treatment, but I wasn’t comfortable being gone that long. But I did end up going away for a few months,” said Orian. Orian applied for Line of Duty benefits to help cover his expenses while he was unable to work. He is currently waiting on word back about his case. In the meantime, his brother takes care of him while his wife Sarah works full-time to pay the bills. “While I was away in treatment, my wife did a lot of research and came across the VFW Unmet Needs program. When I came home, we applied for it,” says Orian. “We needed a reliable car to get me back and forth to the VA Medical Center for my almost daily appointments. Within the last three months, I’ve had surgery on both hands.” Orian and his wife applied for a $1,400 grant to cover repairs on their car. They were approved and got the money in just two weeks. “The VFW keeps their promises, and we were blown away by how smooth and immediate the process was,” said Orian. “This experience has been a lifesaver. We also received a $500 gift card to Wal-Mart—which was unexpected and so beneficial!” says Orian. “Hats off to the VFW supporters. They’re angels in our eyes.” The VFW Unmet Needs program assists service members and veterans who have been deployed in the last six years and have run into unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other militaryrelated activity. V F W B E R T F U L L E R P O S T 9 5 7 8 A L P I N E C A L I F O R N I A F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 w w w .v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m i t @ v f w 9 5 7 8 .c o m 4 4 5 - 6 0 4 0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Home made Clam Chowder with fresh crusty French bread 2 Groundhog Day Baked Potato Bar 3 Beef and potato tacos rice and beans salsa $5- margaritas $2.50 by Gloria and Clarence 4 Sloppy Joes & 5 Fish Fry, Chips 5pm -7pm. Karaoke with Karaoke with Ricky, 6pm to Fred-6pm to 10pm 10pm 6 Rib Eye Steak, Au Gran Potatoes and corn Live music by Kemo Sabe 7 Wild boys & girls breakfast9am-noon $7.00 Super Bowl Pot Luck 8 Roasted drumscks 9 Potato & leek soup 10 Meatloaf parsley potato vegetables $5 by Darla and Jo 11 Sloppy Joes & Chips Karaoke with Fred-6pm to 10pm 12 Lincoln’s Birthday Fish Fry, 5pm -7pm. Karaoke with Ricky, 6pm to 10pm 13 Valennes Day Party! 14 Valenne’s Day Eggs to order, bacon, sausage, O' Brian potatoes, biscuits & gravy-$7 15 Chicken and rice 18 Sloppy Joes & Chips Karaoke with Fred-6pm to 10pm 19 Fish Fry, 5pm -7pm. Karaoke with Ricky, 6pm to 10pm 20 Rib-eye steak, au gran potatoes & veggie5pm 7pm Jodi's 50th birthday party, & karaoke 21 Eggs to order, bacon, sausage, O' Brian potatoes, biscuits & gravy $7 add pork chops $10 22 Beef Strog- 23 Taco salad anoff, 5pm unl gone. 25 Sloppy Joes & Chips. Karaoke with Fred6pm to 10pm 26 Fish Fry, 5pm -7pm. Karaoke with Ricky, 6pm to 10pm 27 Baby back ribs, baked potatoes and corn Washington’s Birthday 16 Beef Strog- 17 Barbecue anoff with pork sandwich Fresh Crusty and chips $5 French bread and dessert5pm unl gone$5.00 24 SpagheE and garlic bread $5 Friday 28 Eggs to order, ba- 29 Beef pot con, sausage, O' Brian roast & mashed potatoes, biscuits & potatoes 5pm gravy-$7 add pork chops $10 Newsleer by Lakeside Computer Consulng Group 619 561 6621 [email protected] Saturday Prime Rib Live band Sidekicks VFW Post 9578 844 Tavern Road Alpine, CA 91901