List Beat the Heat!


List Beat the Heat!
Windsor Place
2921 West First St.
Coffeyville, KS 67337
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Volume XXI,
No. 7
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
Beat the Heat!
By Cheryl Brown, Oxford Activity Director
Page 12
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
Mailing List
The Town Crier is mailed free of
charge to the volunteers, families
and friends of Windsor Place. If you
know of someone who is interested
in receiving our newsletter by mail
or e-mail, please feel free to offer this
mailing list form to them.
Mailing List Form
The residents at Windsor Place are looking forward to the upcoming months. There will be lots of excitement as we prepare for the upcoming fair craft exhibit and going out to the rodeo. But also keeping up with our daily activities here at Windsor
The Chelsea Community has already started working on entries for the craft fair. They have come up with some great
ideas and we plan to bring those wonderful ideas to life. They decided on doing some paintings, puzzles, homemade wreaths,
along with other items. We will have a busy month ahead of us working on all the projects that they would like to complete.
Aside from that they have continued to enjoy their daily exercise along with the activity of their choice for the morning. They
enjoy playing games such as basketball, kickball, bowling, ring toss, and trivia just to name a few. They have also been busy
planting flowers in the Chelsea courtyards.
The Chelsea Community held a social for Fathers Day. They enjoyed cake, punch, and a gift to let them know they are
appreciated. Memories were made and a good time was had by all. There were also Fathers Day socials held on the other communities that were enjoyed as well.
The Boys and Girls Club has started their summer session and the residents couldn’t be more enthused. With school out
for the summer the residents miss the interaction with the children and are very excited that the kids are coming over from the
Boys and Girls Club. There are many fun activities such as crafts, puzzles, board games and some other things in place for the
children and residents to do together.
A van ride was scheduled by the residents through out the building. They decided that they wanted to go on an outing and
picked Cherryvale, Kansas as there destination. There was lots of fun and laughter had on the way up there. Once they reached
Cherryvale they decided they wanted to go to Big Hill Lake and have a look around. They really enjoyed getting out and just
taking everything in. They want to plan more rides and outings in the near future.
Remember families, activity calendars are posted with in each community and the residents love to have families join
London/Cambridge Ladies gather for a gardening session.
Send completed form to Windsor
Place in care of the Newsletter Department. Please report any address
changes to the same address.
“Unbecoming” a Nursing Home!!
Mary Seager and Lucille Miesner playing a game of flyswatter ball.
Juanita Tipton joins the Reminiscence
g ro u p o n t h e O x f o rd p a t i o .
Page 2
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
The Road We Travel
By: Monte Coffman, Executive Director
Raymond Frost, Human Resources, came to Windsor Place on April 15 (Tax Day) 1992, fresh from 20 years at AT&T and
2 summers of degreed work at KU; as he was later to refer to nursing facilities; it was his first experience with “these places”
called nursing homes.
Almost every1hing was broken in the place; and if it wasn’t broken, it didn’t work (including staff). Families were justifiably up-in-arms at the conditions, and State Surveyors were here on complaints monthly.
These were the days of a 2 sided facility; Oxford Place on the south, Windsor Place on the North. The double-doorway
archway in middle hall just to the north of the now Eden Store was sealed over at the Health Department’s behest; we had to
demonstrate we were able to correct the many problems that were present and on-going before being allowed to operate as one,
totally complete facility.
Raymond’s office was the last resident room on the north side of Cambridge Hall before the Campus Center, now Room #1;
it had a card table, a folding chair, and a zone line reeking of urine. The phone he used was on the kitchen wall in the Campus
Center. The kitchen is where he set up interviews to staff the entire building, all departments.
During the first year he completed the CNA course, so he could, as he put it, “help residents who were crying out for help,
while those who are here to care for them, walk right past, letting them sit in their own waste. But they are right there telling
me what I am not allowed to do.”
In those 1992 days, each meal was scheduled twice, 2 separate groups. A group of residents would be brought into the
Dining Room, served breakfast, eat and be removed, making way for the next group. In the turn-around time between the first
group and the second group, all tables had to be bussed, all dishes washed to prepare for the next breakfast group. Thus it was
for lunch and dinner; Raymond worked every meal, every day.
And there was the design, staffing and training for the SCU, Alzheimer’s Unit (with Sue Kanady), assuming ownership
of Windsor Place of lola, opening Tyler Street Assisted Living, planning the new 8th Street Assisted Living on Eighth Street,
opening and staffing Windsor Place of Independence
Raymond and I, along with Kama Lowenstein, taught Leadership courses for several semesters at CCC; our target participants were nursing home administrators, directors of nursing and department managers. These efforts have now been replaced
by the state and “culture change.”
So it continued, change upon change, new employee upon new employee until we arrived at this year, 2016, and a State
Survey yielding 5 deficiencies with low scope and severity. Reviewing the state report, Raymond said to me, “We would have
killed for a survey like this in those early years of days gone by.”
No longer is everything broken; on a good day, which is most days, we work to fulfill our Windsor Place mission with our
values intact. Soon, Windsor Place will serve without Raymond. He has made clear his intent to re-read the complete works
of Shakespeare and not have to handle the call- ins of “I have been up all night with vomiting and diarrhea.”
I will forever owe Raymond a great indebtedness for his constant service, trusted counsel and insightful wisdom. I will
miss much about him not being here every day. I wish him well; when you don’t see him anymore will be his last day.
I am pleased to inform you that earlier this week a job offer for the Human Resource Director position was extended and,
now, has been accepted by Dave Parshley. This is a good selection and hire for our company. Dave and his wife, Yurika, will
be relocating from Alabama to Coffeyville. His exact start date has yet to be determined, but most likely around the third week
of July. He does not have any health care or long-term care experience, which I consider a real plus.
Dave brings a solid academic understanding of human and organizational behavior. He has a solid track record of stability
and performance. As important, he clearly shares our HMK values and philosophies. No one can, or ever will be Raymond
Frost; his legend and legacy are firmly established here. I spoke openly to Dave and his wife about this. However, like Dean
Smith in the mid-90’s, I am confident Dave will have his own personal mark to imprint in our lives.
I believe Dave will do an outstanding job for us. I believe you will enjoy getting to know Dave as he will be a great fit
for HMK.
Warmest, Regards,
Monte Coffman
Executive Director
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
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2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Page 3
Resident Quotes
“As a kid, what was your favorite pastime during the summer months?”
Collected By: Karen Wilson, Cheryl Brown and Sarah Herriman
Lucille Miesner..................I looked forward to me and my
cousins going to Grandmas.
Thelma Harrington............ Playing in the water in the
My summer consisted of bailing
Marlene Thompson.
hay all summer with my Dad and
Fred Dexter........................ I loved to go fishing and swimming in the summer.
John Holyfield................... I traveled to Arkansas with my
family and we camped out too.
Donald Haymaker..............I liked to go fishing, that was my
favorite thing to do.
Sharon Russell...................I went swimming at the community pool in Rogers, Arkansas
where I grew up at.
Dorothy Tieaskie............... On Sundays my family hosted a
rodeo on our family farm every
Diane Jones....................... I went dancing down in South
Town and swimming up on the
Beverly Morrison.............. I always went swimming, my
sister had a pool.
Pat Hargis.......................... Playing games, tag and hopscotch.
Mark Henry and Aunt Becky
celebrating at the Father’s Day Social.
Edith Nokes....................... I likes to go swimming and jump
off of the high dive. At night we
would catch lighting bugs in a
Dorothy Jensen.................. We made homemade lemonade
and ice cream and sat under the
shade tree or went swimming.
J.R. Smith.......................... I liked to ride the mules and go
Darlene Laughlin...............I went bike riding with my friends
and we would ride our bikes
down to the pond and go for a
Shirley Owen.....................Playing, swimming ,and fishing
in the creek.
Mary Lapona......................Going Swimming.
Dennis Bellamy................. Mowing grass and not getting
paid and playing baseball with
my friends.
Onieta Keller......................Going on vacation to grandma
Leora Allen........................ Eating outdoors, and picnic.
Mark Henry........................Catching fireflies and fishing.
Geraldine Taylor................ Eating watermelon.
Orpha Sutley...................... Going swimming.
Sam Foster......................... Playing baseball.
The Humanities program draws a good crowd for a little music.
Margaret Thompson models a wreath
she helped design for the 4th of July.
Marvin Flanders is joined by family to celebrate Father ’s Day.
Windsor Place Community Members enjoying ice
cream bars on the London patio during reminiscence.
Loretta Ellis shows off the mask she made.
Thelma Harrington works on fair
crafts during the weekly sewing corner.
Windsor Place Community Members chopping cucumbers for dinner.
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2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
some “Luvin” from Bella.
Thelma Carson and Valerie Roeder dancing to karaoke music on the Chelsea Community.
Ellen Rhodes works on an art
project during Night Time Activities.
July 2016
F a t h e r ’s
Down time after root beer floats.
Dennis Bellamy learns the “Nae Nae” from Boys and Girls club children.
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Hugh and Betty Kimmons are all smiles .
Assisted Living Residents enjoy a baby of a former employee.
Fire Captain Roskey playing the piano
during the monthly Fireman’s lunch.
Page 9
Assisted Living Ladies eliminate
all who enter their paths
during their water gun fight!
Lum Sidwell and friends, Cathy, and Lonnie, hanging out during a family party.
Page 8
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
News From Assisted Living
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Resident of the Month
June (J.R.) Smith.
By Cheryl Brown, Oxford Activity Director
The Resident of the month for the month of July 2016 is July is June (J.R.)
J.R. was born on June 19th, 1919 in Elgin, Kansas to Lloyd and Jane Smith.
J.R. is one of ten siblings. He went to school up until the 8th grade when he then
decided to follow his father’s footsteps and go work in the oil field. He worked in
the oil field as a well driller most of his life.
At the age of 40 J.R married Phyllis Smith on August 15th, 1959 in Coffeyville,
Kansas. They have a daughter also named Phyllis Smith who lives in Tahlequah,
OK and a son Harry Howard who live just miles from them in South Coffeyville,
OK. They made their home in South Coffeyville where they have resided for the
last 24 years.
J.R. is a Veteran and was discharged in 1944. While in the service most of his
time was spent in the Panama Canal. In his spare time he would play poker while he
was over seas. J.R.s hobbies include playing cards, especially solitaire and he also
likes to spend time with his family and tell the staff stories from when he served for
our Country. He attended church through out his whole life and is Baptist.
Congratulations J.R. for being chosen Windsor Place Resident of the Month
for the Month of July 2016!
In Loving Memory
Assisted Living Residents and staff prepare to soak Sonia on her way through the water zone.
Assisted Living Ladies (along with
Sonia) shuck some corn for dinner.
Moved Out Of The Community
Roger Bolte
James Friley
Glydene Smith
Gloria Noblitt
John Lamb
Phyllis Shivers
Sarah Saner
Christine Cook
Charles Michel
Linda Spencer
Sherry Todd
By: Alice Long, Assisted Living Activity Director
Coffeyville Public Library provides a movie for us to watch each month. It is a wonderful outing for us, providing a cool
place for us to watch a movie and snacks to enjoy. This month they showed “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” The residents
love watching older, familiar movies they remember watching when they were younger.
We had a good time with our local fire department personnel when they came to eat lunch with us. With much laughter
and clapping of hands, two of the firefighters were encouraged to play the piano for us after lunch!
Our residents love to do crafts. We tied fabric on a foam wreath and made beautiful watermelon wreaths to decorate the
doors of their rooms. It looks like summertime when you walk down our halls and see watermelons on their doors.
We had a great time taking Red Hat people to Jack’s Place in Liberty. We had such a big group go that we had to sit at two
tables. Lots of visiting and eating was enjoyed. It was a pleasure to have Sonia with us to enjoy the outing too!
Our family party was a huge success. We had hamburgers, baked beans, slaw chips and cobbler ala-mode. We decorated
the tables with sea glass painted vases filled with fresh blue hydrangeas. Our entertainment was provided by Kelly Oldham
singing and playing guitar.
We took a field trip to the Voice of the Martyrs Museum in Bartlesville, OK. It was a very informative visit about the
persecution of Christians around the world. We heard about the creative ways VOM distributes Bibles and tracts to countries
that don’t allow Christian literature inside their borders. The wall of Martyrs was very moving, seeing the many people that
have died for their faith.
Sue Leonard showed the residents how to make baby bonnets out of white handkerchiefs. It was a lot of fun using our
sewing skills to make these bonnets. The bonnets are then given to each new baby born at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center.
It is a wonderful handmade keepsake for the parents! A big thank you goes out to Sue Leonard, Bonita Keith, Carol Perkins and
Janet Morgan who came to help us make these baby bonnets.
Page 5
Delina Fern Anderson
Betty Preble
Billy Spoon
Clarence Housel
Irene Ward
Community Members
Celebrating Birthdays This
James Wintjen
Evenyn Moore
Fred Dexter
Thelma Harrington
Edith Nokes
Margaret Thompson
Benny Sowell
Dorothy Krein
New Arrivals To
The Community
Jimmie Atkinson
Sarah Saner
Gladys Hatchett
Stanley Sherrell
John Lamb
Karleen Woollard
Jonina Anthony
Velma Wright
Christine Cook
Norma Banzet
Dorene Orr
Emalee Cummings
Linda Spencer
Peggy Belt
Jason Arnold
Mary Atkinson
Lorraine Lutz
James Hales
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2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Page 7
*Just a Reminder*
The Windsor Place Alzheimer’s
Family Support Group will
meet this month on Sunday,
July 10th at 2:30 pm in the
Campus Center.
Mary Seager and Geneva
Myer having fun on the van ride.
Windsor Place Community Members enjoying a game of kick ball.
Wi n d s o r P l a c e C o m m u n i t y M e m b e r s s h o w o f f t h e n e w c o t t o n
c a n d y m a c h i n e t h e y p u rc h a s e d t h ro u g h R e s i d e n t C o u n c i l .
D o r o t h y Ti e a s k i e a n d Va l e r i e
Roeder work on bowling techniques.
Sharon Russell and Karen
Wi l s o n e n j o y i n g a v a n r i d e .
Wi n d s o r P l a c e l a d i e s s h u c k i n g c o r n f o r t h e i r t h e m e m e a l .
J.R. Smith tells about his experiences in the oil
field during night time reminiscence on Chelsea.
Sharylon DeMott displays her
wreath made for the 4th of July.
Boys and Girls Club children pause to visit with Frances Long.
B e n n y S o w e l l a n d w i f e , M a rd e l l e , c e l e b r a t i n g F a t h e r ’s D a y.
Thelma Carson practicing
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2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Page 7
*Just a Reminder*
The Windsor Place Alzheimer’s
Family Support Group will
meet this month on Sunday,
July 10th at 2:30 pm in the
Campus Center.
Mary Seager and Geneva
Myer having fun on the van ride.
Windsor Place Community Members enjoying a game of kick ball.
Wi n d s o r P l a c e C o m m u n i t y M e m b e r s s h o w o f f t h e n e w c o t t o n
c a n d y m a c h i n e t h e y p u rc h a s e d t h ro u g h R e s i d e n t C o u n c i l .
D o r o t h y Ti e a s k i e a n d Va l e r i e
Roeder work on bowling techniques.
Sharon Russell and Karen
Wi l s o n e n j o y i n g a v a n r i d e .
Wi n d s o r P l a c e l a d i e s s h u c k i n g c o r n f o r t h e i r t h e m e m e a l .
J.R. Smith tells about his experiences in the oil
field during night time reminiscence on Chelsea.
Sharylon DeMott displays her
wreath made for the 4th of July.
Boys and Girls Club children pause to visit with Frances Long.
B e n n y S o w e l l a n d w i f e , M a rd e l l e , c e l e b r a t i n g F a t h e r ’s D a y.
Thelma Carson practicing
Page 8
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
News From Assisted Living
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Resident of the Month
June (J.R.) Smith.
By Cheryl Brown, Oxford Activity Director
The Resident of the month for the month of July 2016 is July is June (J.R.)
J.R. was born on June 19th, 1919 in Elgin, Kansas to Lloyd and Jane Smith.
J.R. is one of ten siblings. He went to school up until the 8th grade when he then
decided to follow his father’s footsteps and go work in the oil field. He worked in
the oil field as a well driller most of his life.
At the age of 40 J.R married Phyllis Smith on August 15th, 1959 in Coffeyville,
Kansas. They have a daughter also named Phyllis Smith who lives in Tahlequah,
OK and a son Harry Howard who live just miles from them in South Coffeyville,
OK. They made their home in South Coffeyville where they have resided for the
last 24 years.
J.R. is a Veteran and was discharged in 1944. While in the service most of his
time was spent in the Panama Canal. In his spare time he would play poker while he
was over seas. J.R.s hobbies include playing cards, especially solitaire and he also
likes to spend time with his family and tell the staff stories from when he served for
our Country. He attended church through out his whole life and is Baptist.
Congratulations J.R. for being chosen Windsor Place Resident of the Month
for the Month of July 2016!
In Loving Memory
Assisted Living Residents and staff prepare to soak Sonia on her way through the water zone.
Assisted Living Ladies (along with
Sonia) shuck some corn for dinner.
Moved Out Of The Community
Roger Bolte
James Friley
Glydene Smith
Gloria Noblitt
John Lamb
Phyllis Shivers
Sarah Saner
Christine Cook
Charles Michel
Linda Spencer
Sherry Todd
By: Alice Long, Assisted Living Activity Director
Coffeyville Public Library provides a movie for us to watch each month. It is a wonderful outing for us, providing a cool
place for us to watch a movie and snacks to enjoy. This month they showed “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” The residents
love watching older, familiar movies they remember watching when they were younger.
We had a good time with our local fire department personnel when they came to eat lunch with us. With much laughter
and clapping of hands, two of the firefighters were encouraged to play the piano for us after lunch!
Our residents love to do crafts. We tied fabric on a foam wreath and made beautiful watermelon wreaths to decorate the
doors of their rooms. It looks like summertime when you walk down our halls and see watermelons on their doors.
We had a great time taking Red Hat people to Jack’s Place in Liberty. We had such a big group go that we had to sit at two
tables. Lots of visiting and eating was enjoyed. It was a pleasure to have Sonia with us to enjoy the outing too!
Our family party was a huge success. We had hamburgers, baked beans, slaw chips and cobbler ala-mode. We decorated
the tables with sea glass painted vases filled with fresh blue hydrangeas. Our entertainment was provided by Kelly Oldham
singing and playing guitar.
We took a field trip to the Voice of the Martyrs Museum in Bartlesville, OK. It was a very informative visit about the
persecution of Christians around the world. We heard about the creative ways VOM distributes Bibles and tracts to countries
that don’t allow Christian literature inside their borders. The wall of Martyrs was very moving, seeing the many people that
have died for their faith.
Sue Leonard showed the residents how to make baby bonnets out of white handkerchiefs. It was a lot of fun using our
sewing skills to make these bonnets. The bonnets are then given to each new baby born at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center.
It is a wonderful handmade keepsake for the parents! A big thank you goes out to Sue Leonard, Bonita Keith, Carol Perkins and
Janet Morgan who came to help us make these baby bonnets.
Page 5
Delina Fern Anderson
Betty Preble
Billy Spoon
Clarence Housel
Irene Ward
Community Members
Celebrating Birthdays This
James Wintjen
Evenyn Moore
Fred Dexter
Thelma Harrington
Edith Nokes
Margaret Thompson
Benny Sowell
Dorothy Krein
New Arrivals To
The Community
Jimmie Atkinson
Sarah Saner
Gladys Hatchett
Stanley Sherrell
John Lamb
Karleen Woollard
Jonina Anthony
Velma Wright
Christine Cook
Norma Banzet
Dorene Orr
Emalee Cummings
Linda Spencer
Peggy Belt
Jason Arnold
Mary Atkinson
Lorraine Lutz
James Hales
Page 4
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
some “Luvin” from Bella.
Thelma Carson and Valerie Roeder dancing to karaoke music on the Chelsea Community.
Ellen Rhodes works on an art
project during Night Time Activities.
July 2016
F a t h e r ’s
Down time after root beer floats.
Dennis Bellamy learns the “Nae Nae” from Boys and Girls club children.
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Hugh and Betty Kimmons are all smiles .
Assisted Living Residents enjoy a baby of a former employee.
Fire Captain Roskey playing the piano
during the monthly Fireman’s lunch.
Page 9
Assisted Living Ladies eliminate
all who enter their paths
during their water gun fight!
Lum Sidwell and friends, Cathy, and Lonnie, hanging out during a family party.
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2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Page 3
Resident Quotes
“As a kid, what was your favorite pastime during the summer months?”
Collected By: Karen Wilson, Cheryl Brown and Sarah Herriman
Lucille Miesner..................I looked forward to me and my
cousins going to Grandmas.
Thelma Harrington............ Playing in the water in the
My summer consisted of bailing
Marlene Thompson.
hay all summer with my Dad and
Fred Dexter........................ I loved to go fishing and swimming in the summer.
John Holyfield................... I traveled to Arkansas with my
family and we camped out too.
Donald Haymaker..............I liked to go fishing, that was my
favorite thing to do.
Sharon Russell...................I went swimming at the community pool in Rogers, Arkansas
where I grew up at.
Dorothy Tieaskie............... On Sundays my family hosted a
rodeo on our family farm every
Diane Jones....................... I went dancing down in South
Town and swimming up on the
Beverly Morrison.............. I always went swimming, my
sister had a pool.
Pat Hargis.......................... Playing games, tag and hopscotch.
Mark Henry and Aunt Becky
celebrating at the Father’s Day Social.
Edith Nokes....................... I likes to go swimming and jump
off of the high dive. At night we
would catch lighting bugs in a
Dorothy Jensen.................. We made homemade lemonade
and ice cream and sat under the
shade tree or went swimming.
J.R. Smith.......................... I liked to ride the mules and go
Darlene Laughlin...............I went bike riding with my friends
and we would ride our bikes
down to the pond and go for a
Shirley Owen.....................Playing, swimming ,and fishing
in the creek.
Mary Lapona......................Going Swimming.
Dennis Bellamy................. Mowing grass and not getting
paid and playing baseball with
my friends.
Onieta Keller......................Going on vacation to grandma
Leora Allen........................ Eating outdoors, and picnic.
Mark Henry........................Catching fireflies and fishing.
Geraldine Taylor................ Eating watermelon.
Orpha Sutley...................... Going swimming.
Sam Foster......................... Playing baseball.
The Humanities program draws a good crowd for a little music.
Margaret Thompson models a wreath
she helped design for the 4th of July.
Marvin Flanders is joined by family to celebrate Father ’s Day.
Windsor Place Community Members enjoying ice
cream bars on the London patio during reminiscence.
Loretta Ellis shows off the mask she made.
Thelma Harrington works on fair
crafts during the weekly sewing corner.
Windsor Place Community Members chopping cucumbers for dinner.
Page 2
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
The Road We Travel
By: Monte Coffman, Executive Director
Raymond Frost, Human Resources, came to Windsor Place on April 15 (Tax Day) 1992, fresh from 20 years at AT&T and
2 summers of degreed work at KU; as he was later to refer to nursing facilities; it was his first experience with “these places”
called nursing homes.
Almost every1hing was broken in the place; and if it wasn’t broken, it didn’t work (including staff). Families were justifiably up-in-arms at the conditions, and State Surveyors were here on complaints monthly.
These were the days of a 2 sided facility; Oxford Place on the south, Windsor Place on the North. The double-doorway
archway in middle hall just to the north of the now Eden Store was sealed over at the Health Department’s behest; we had to
demonstrate we were able to correct the many problems that were present and on-going before being allowed to operate as one,
totally complete facility.
Raymond’s office was the last resident room on the north side of Cambridge Hall before the Campus Center, now Room #1;
it had a card table, a folding chair, and a zone line reeking of urine. The phone he used was on the kitchen wall in the Campus
Center. The kitchen is where he set up interviews to staff the entire building, all departments.
During the first year he completed the CNA course, so he could, as he put it, “help residents who were crying out for help,
while those who are here to care for them, walk right past, letting them sit in their own waste. But they are right there telling
me what I am not allowed to do.”
In those 1992 days, each meal was scheduled twice, 2 separate groups. A group of residents would be brought into the
Dining Room, served breakfast, eat and be removed, making way for the next group. In the turn-around time between the first
group and the second group, all tables had to be bussed, all dishes washed to prepare for the next breakfast group. Thus it was
for lunch and dinner; Raymond worked every meal, every day.
And there was the design, staffing and training for the SCU, Alzheimer’s Unit (with Sue Kanady), assuming ownership
of Windsor Place of lola, opening Tyler Street Assisted Living, planning the new 8th Street Assisted Living on Eighth Street,
opening and staffing Windsor Place of Independence
Raymond and I, along with Kama Lowenstein, taught Leadership courses for several semesters at CCC; our target participants were nursing home administrators, directors of nursing and department managers. These efforts have now been replaced
by the state and “culture change.”
So it continued, change upon change, new employee upon new employee until we arrived at this year, 2016, and a State
Survey yielding 5 deficiencies with low scope and severity. Reviewing the state report, Raymond said to me, “We would have
killed for a survey like this in those early years of days gone by.”
No longer is everything broken; on a good day, which is most days, we work to fulfill our Windsor Place mission with our
values intact. Soon, Windsor Place will serve without Raymond. He has made clear his intent to re-read the complete works
of Shakespeare and not have to handle the call- ins of “I have been up all night with vomiting and diarrhea.”
I will forever owe Raymond a great indebtedness for his constant service, trusted counsel and insightful wisdom. I will
miss much about him not being here every day. I wish him well; when you don’t see him anymore will be his last day.
I am pleased to inform you that earlier this week a job offer for the Human Resource Director position was extended and,
now, has been accepted by Dave Parshley. This is a good selection and hire for our company. Dave and his wife, Yurika, will
be relocating from Alabama to Coffeyville. His exact start date has yet to be determined, but most likely around the third week
of July. He does not have any health care or long-term care experience, which I consider a real plus.
Dave brings a solid academic understanding of human and organizational behavior. He has a solid track record of stability
and performance. As important, he clearly shares our HMK values and philosophies. No one can, or ever will be Raymond
Frost; his legend and legacy are firmly established here. I spoke openly to Dave and his wife about this. However, like Dean
Smith in the mid-90’s, I am confident Dave will have his own personal mark to imprint in our lives.
I believe Dave will do an outstanding job for us. I believe you will enjoy getting to know Dave as he will be a great fit
for HMK.
Warmest, Regards,
Monte Coffman
Executive Director
July 2016
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
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Volume XXI,
No. 7
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
Beat the Heat!
By Cheryl Brown, Oxford Activity Director
Page 12
2921 West First - (620) 251-5190 - Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
July 2016
Mailing List
The Town Crier is mailed free of
charge to the volunteers, families
and friends of Windsor Place. If you
know of someone who is interested
in receiving our newsletter by mail
or e-mail, please feel free to offer this
mailing list form to them.
Mailing List Form
The residents at Windsor Place are looking forward to the upcoming months. There will be lots of excitement as we prepare for the upcoming fair craft exhibit and going out to the rodeo. But also keeping up with our daily activities here at Windsor
The Chelsea Community has already started working on entries for the craft fair. They have come up with some great
ideas and we plan to bring those wonderful ideas to life. They decided on doing some paintings, puzzles, homemade wreaths,
along with other items. We will have a busy month ahead of us working on all the projects that they would like to complete.
Aside from that they have continued to enjoy their daily exercise along with the activity of their choice for the morning. They
enjoy playing games such as basketball, kickball, bowling, ring toss, and trivia just to name a few. They have also been busy
planting flowers in the Chelsea courtyards.
The Chelsea Community held a social for Fathers Day. They enjoyed cake, punch, and a gift to let them know they are
appreciated. Memories were made and a good time was had by all. There were also Fathers Day socials held on the other communities that were enjoyed as well.
The Boys and Girls Club has started their summer session and the residents couldn’t be more enthused. With school out
for the summer the residents miss the interaction with the children and are very excited that the kids are coming over from the
Boys and Girls Club. There are many fun activities such as crafts, puzzles, board games and some other things in place for the
children and residents to do together.
A van ride was scheduled by the residents through out the building. They decided that they wanted to go on an outing and
picked Cherryvale, Kansas as there destination. There was lots of fun and laughter had on the way up there. Once they reached
Cherryvale they decided they wanted to go to Big Hill Lake and have a look around. They really enjoyed getting out and just
taking everything in. They want to plan more rides and outings in the near future.
Remember families, activity calendars are posted with in each community and the residents love to have families join
London/Cambridge Ladies gather for a gardening session.
Send completed form to Windsor
Place in care of the Newsletter Department. Please report any address
changes to the same address.
“Unbecoming” a Nursing Home!!
Mary Seager and Lucille Miesner playing a game of flyswatter ball.
Juanita Tipton joins the Reminiscence
g ro u p o n t h e O x f o rd p a t i o .