Jean Baptiste Charbonneau – Lewis And Clark`s Youngest Explorer


Jean Baptiste Charbonneau – Lewis And Clark`s Youngest Explorer
Vo l u m e 6
Number 67
c o m p l i m e n ta r y i s s u e August 2012
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau – Lewis
And Clark’s Youngest Explorer (Part 1)
The Fearless
And Brilliant
ou know that startled
feeling you get when a
bee buzzes right past your
ear or a mosquito appears
out of nowhere and hums
its gonna-getcha song before
it lays in for the puncture?
Those sounds can make you
swat madly at the air, shake
your head violently, and
duck and cover with futility.
Last week, as I hunched over
the backyard garden beds
digging out Japanese clover
and the random tarragon that
reseeded, I nearly jumped
out of my skin from a loud
vibration and whirring near
my head. But contrary to the
“yikes” feeling an insect stirs
in me, this little engine sound
By Helen Maguire
hen Lewis and
Clark arrived in the
Hidatsa-Mandan territory
in October 1804, they hired
French trapper Toussaint
Charbonneau and his
pregnant Shoshone wife
Sacagawea as interpreters
for their expedition.
child this woman
had boarn, and as
common in such cases
her labour was tedious
and the pain violent.”
Wintering at Fort Mandan,
on February 11, 1805, Lewis
recorded the birth of Jean
Baptiste: “About five Oclock
this evening one of the wives
of Charbonneau was delivered
of a fine boy. It is worthy of
remark that this was the first
Over the course of
the two-year journey,
baby Baptiste won
the hearts of the
rough men of the
Credits & Sculptor: Healther
corps. Captain Clark Photo
Soderberg, Cascade Locks, OR
called him "Pompy,
my little dancing boy."
But the rest of the story of the continues pg. 13
State Trail Plan is
King Of Roads Highway
committed to
By Mayor Jim Kight
ecently, I was given a
preview of trails projects
currently under construction
in the Columbia Gorge.
The Historic Columbia River
Catch 3-401
remember, restore
and reconnect.
One of the
most significant
historic roads
in the nation,
the Historic
Highway was
between 1913
and 1922 as
America’s first
scenic highway.
Kristen Stallman, our tour
on light rail projects.
Special Election May
Complicate Fate of
Milwaukie Light Rail
delighted me. It came from
an Anna’s hummingbird.
ometimes you have to vote
in order to secure the right
to vote. That’s exactly what
will happen when Clackamas
County voters go to the
polls for a special election on
September 18. A “Yes” on
Measure 3-401 is a vote to
require countywide electoral
approval for any expenditure
I watched it go straight for
the bee balm to investigate
and drink from the long red,
arched petals. Hummingbird
bills are unique in their length
and shape, and depending
on the species, have adapted
to drink nectar from specific
flowers. West of the Cascade
Range we see hummers go
for whatever is around in the
By Julie Milling
spring, including rosemary
blossoms and even arthropods,
to one of their favorites
an Gogh Days, a delightful
later in spring and summer,
event celebrating the
fuchsias. All hummingbirds
beauty of summer's signature
have long tongues that extrude flower--the sunflower--which
far beyond the bill, and that
extension is controlled by
Coal 10
small bones and muscles
that fork and wrap around
the back of the skull.
guide from the Oregon
Department of
commented that it
was designed so that
you could reach out
and touch nature.
Combined with the
Columbia River
Gorge’s natural
beauty, the highway
became known as the
“King of Roads.”
The Columbia Gorge is one
of the major attractions for
visitors coming to Oregon.
By Mark Ellis
In the 1950’s the
water level route
known as I-84
obliterated many sections
many in the county feel is the
boondoggle of a
new century: the
Orange Line.
At specific issue
is a commitment
by the Board
Clackamas Patriots in Action including
candidates John Ludlow & Tootie Smith of County
PMLR Project
(BCC) to deliver
But even if the citizenry wins
$25 million in tax revenues—
that right, it is unclear whether the county’s contractual share
they can stop what has already of overall funding for the $1.5
been set in motion, and what
Van Gogh Days, Focusing On Summer’s
Sunflowers, Due August 4-5
member of
the Corp of
has been
Vincent Van Gogh made
famous in his series of works
painted from 1887-89, returns
to picturesque Rasmussen
Farms in the heart of Oregon’s
Hood River Valley for the
10th time, August 4-5.
The activity-filled
weekend is the
kick-off of the
sunflower season.
Fields of the
colorful blooms
can be seen at
Rasmussen Farms
throughout the
the return
trip from
Clark led
a small
included the
of the old highway. As a
result sections were either
abandoned or disconnected.
Today, 62 of the original 73
miles of the Historic Highway
are now open to travel by
motor vehicle or by foot and
bicycle. Once all the trail
segments are completed it
will create a “King of Trails.”
Pedestrians and cyclist will be
able to travel from Troutdale
to The Dalles without ever
having to share the shoulder
of I-84 with cars and trucks.
billion project—to regional
agency TriMet.
Free market activists
and sympathetic
never wanted
the deal, but as
economic conditions
worsened post2008 the expensive
commitment has
come under withering
fire from all points on
the political spectrum.
continues pg. 2
month of August. There
are 70 named varieties of
sunflowers in the gardens, as
well as traditional
growing among
the vines of
their 10-acre
pumpkin field.
Admission and
parking are free.
Van Gogh
continues pg. 11
Your 17
The Anna’s is one that you
will likely see in your park
continues to page 18
Best 18
Union 22
2 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
The Northwest Connection
from the Publisher
The Northwest Connection
JoLinn Kampstra
reaches your community…
Call For Our Special Rates!
The Northwest Connection and
Staff would like to thank all of our
readers, columnists, and advertisers
for their continued support.
Wishing You And Your Family A
Warm and Happy Summer Season!
Catch 3-401...
continued from pg. 1
Says Roberts, “The budget
implications of this decision
(to fund the Orange Line)
Foreclosures in the State of
Oregon are above the national concern me deeply.”
Even if
average, and
3-401 does
the Oregon
pass, county
Food Bank
attorneys and
has been
other officials
have interpreted
that it will only
demand for
apply to future
the last two
projects, not the
years of this
Jim Knapp & Other Patriots in Protest already-underconstruction line.
is that if the
Sheriff Craig Roberts has
outlined his misgivings
about the situation in terms
of loss of revenue for basic
has vowed to mount court
county services, specifically
challenges against the measure.
in the area of public safety.
Can the Orange Line
be stopped?
Cascade Policy Institute (CPI)
President John Charles doesn’t
think so, but he suggests
option would save a lot of
money while still providing
a very usable park-and-ride
facility to northbound
motorists traveling on
“Passage will do more than stop the Orange Line,”
Barton says. “It will send a clear message that
the voters have had enough of this irresponsible
spending. Voters will make all future and final
decisions on light rail.”
that passage of the rightto-vote measure could lead
to a truncated project, with
the adjusted terminus at SE
Tacoma Street, 200 yards short
of the Multnomah/Clackamas
county line. “The (Tacoma)
99E,” says Charles.
CPI has put together a
video clip, available on their
website, which shows how
much money would have to
continues to page 4
The Northwest Connection | 3
August 2012
Public Forum
Economic Development Dollars Being Used Shadow Government
For Social Programs In Multnomah County In Damascus Censors
Damascus Mayor, Again!
programs, agricultural
investment plans, small
business lending, and
infrastructure improvements.
By Patrick Sheehan, State
Representative House District 51
ultnomah County
has some funny ideas
about what constitutes
economic development.
Our state constitution
allocates lottery profits to
fund public education (59%),
economic development
(25%), parks and salmon
habitat (15%), and problem
gambling treatment (1%).
In the 2011 Legislative
session, Rep. Matt Wand
and I sponsored HB 3188,
which forced counties to
report where they spend these
economic development dollars.
The first report was released
this spring. Most counties
reported on main street
Multnomah County, whose
$3.5 million in economic
development has both the
largest allocation and the
shortest report in the state
simply reads, “Social service
education and job training
programs, family economic
security programs; costs
directly related to construction
of court facilities.”
When I pressed Multnomah
County Economic
Development Director John
Tydlaska for details, he cited a
bug on the reporting website
that only allowed a short
answer. He later responded
to me with a detailed report.
What I saw blew me away.
The county reported spending
constitutionally mandated
economic development
dollars on homeless youth
services, debt service, GED’s
for prison parolees, and
tax preparation assistance
for low-income families.
Damascus Council
Wants Vote… Kind Of
Forms “Team Secret”
You see when “Ask Damascus”
put measures on the ballot
your vote actually decided
issues, but this will be an
advisory vote, meaning it
can be disregarded. The
birth of this idea came
from the stinging defeat the
council received when voters
overwhelmingly rejected
their Multibillion dollar plan,
demanding an accounting and
vote on future city plans.
I want to be clear – these
are worthwhile programs.
I’ve personally volunteered
at New Avenue’s for Youth,
which receives a portion of
the $726,000 the county
spends on homeless services
from this fund. While
these programs may be
worthwhile, they are not
economic development.
The justification for
spending this money on
homeless youth shelters
was cited as, “Provides
intervention for 1,000
homeless youth visibility,
which has a direct impact on
citizen perception of safety.
Improving the safety of
pedestrians and shoppers in
the retail core are explicitly
identified implementation
actions under two of the
four strategies in the 2009
Portland Downtown
Retail Strategy.”
That justification seems
like “seven degrees
of separation” from
continues on pg. 6
Louise later guided the
secret meeting of councilors,
city committee members
and current candidates
(Team Secret) in how
Urban Growth Boundary
changes and de-annexation/
could be used.
“Team Secret” was born
that Saturday in April.
A discussion item was how
to proceed after passage of
measure 3-389, your right
to vote on city plans, and
members of the council
By Dan Phegley
(Team Secret) believe they
have the solution. After the
vote, they rejected the city
uch has happened
attorney written interpretation,
since Saturday, April
and reinterpreted based on
21 and the locked door,
redefining a few words. This
secret council meeting at
resulted in three different
Wescott's in Damascus.
One between Louise Nielson
interpretations of the measure
On 7/19/12 a plan discussed at (City Facilitator) and John
from which to choose; one
the secret meeting was passed Morgan (City Community
being the original language,
by council and the idea of
Development Director)
voting on city plans sent to
withdrawing part of the city
discussed how to counter
Metro or LCDC for approval.
from Metro's Urban Growth
the citizens group “Ask
A second interpretation
Boundary and possibly from
Damascus.” This discussion
included development code
the city will be sent to voters.
took place on March 12, 2012 and a few other issues. Both
with the following comment
rejected by Team Secret. The
The problem is, like the
by Louise to John, “The
third, and adopted, option
multibillion dollar city plan,
challenge of course, is to get Dan requires a vote on any city
they have no idea of cost
et al to the table. I think the
notification sent to Metro or
or the effect, plus it puts
LCDC whether it affected
Metro fully in control as
the city in any way or not.
Metro could deny or change
This change brought in even
whatever they presented.
a negotiation.” (Dan, being
individual homeowners and
And the vote? Well actually
Dan Phegley and et al, being
your vote will not count.
Ask Damascus and citizens)
continues pg 4
By Steve Spinnett
Mayor, City of Damascus
ome of you are aware
that I have filed a lawsuit
against four city councilors
regarding an off site nonpublicized secret meeting with
a majority of city councilors
that were in attendance
discussing city business. I
have since reconsidered and
am dropping the lawsuit.
at least three major items
that were discussed at the
secret meeting were brought
forward at council meetings
and action was taken. Two
of these items were land-use
issues, with council bypassing
the Planning Commission—
another departure from
our established protocol.
I will have our private
investigator’s taped phone
interview with an attendant
in the secret meeting laying
out clearly what was discussed
posted on my website www.
For a reward for dropping
the lawsuit council voted to
censor me again from the
Damascus City News Mayors
Monthly until after the
As things developed I
November election. Not for
discovered that this could
anything I have said in the
potentially cost the taxpayers a past, but perhaps anything
significant amount of money
I might say in the future.
beyond what the individual
The last time I was censored
councilors would be liable
for and that the lawsuit could the city took a survey and
extend well beyond two years. voila the citizens of Damascus
wanted to hear from me—
I don’t feel this is in the best
after all, they voted for me
interest of the community.
as their representative.
I know the citizens are
[email protected]
weary of the length of time
it is taking to produce the
comprehensive plan, the
infighting, and, frankly, all
the drama. I don’t want to
participate in adding to all the
negatives a lawsuit produces.
However, I do know that
4 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Public Forum
Creep” tag deployed in the
be spent on opulent buses with primary to boost conservative
commission chair candidates
pricy amenities and related
John Ludlow and Tootie
gifting to equal the costs
Smith, doesn’t mince words
of the Portland-Milwaukie
when asked about the
line. Charles: “The bottom
prospects for Measure 3-401.
line is, you can’t do it.”
“Passage will do more than
Asked whether he thinks
stop the Orange Line,” she
passage and subsequent
challenges could tie up the $25 says. “It will send a clear
million commitment, Charles message that the voters
have had enough of this
replies in the affirmative.
irresponsible spending. Voters
“Delays on such a large,
will make all future and final
complicated project would
decisions on light rail.”
cause numerous other
cost increases.”
Catch 3-401...cont. pg 2
At a July strategy meet-up
Knapp shared his impression
of the mood of the
electorate, gleaned
from many hours
going door to
door and manning
booths. “The
Milwaukie construction John Charles, President, citizens are
outraged at the
contractor Jim Knapp
Cascade Policy Institute
thought that
fell short of forcing
light rail will
an open-seat run-off against
Democrat Martha Schrader
in the May primary, but his
without a vote of
the people.”
empires, growing government
and throwing money at the
next fad. Light rail is a
financial boondoggle that
the planning class has
invested in so deeply they
cannot dig themselves
out, despite its deep flaws
and voter discontent.”
Bridget Barton is
Barton speaks to
a partner at public
Charles shares Barton’s bus-friendly approach to cost-effective and
the frustration
affairs company Third
many citizens have
proportional public transportation. “If we begin to expose these
Century Solutions,
directed at the BCC,
which manages the
boondoggles to the sunlight of voter approval,” he says, “TriMet will be and toward county
grassroots Oregon
governance in general,
forced to return to the basics of providing bus service, which carries
especially with regard
Project. OTP has
two thirds of all daily TriMet trips anyway.”
to transportation, land
taken a front-anduse, and property rights
center position
policy. “Elected officials
against what
in the county have
Asked for her perspective on
apparent county majorities
hard data on costs,
the real motivations behind
see as an encroaching,
on rider services, and most
3-401 on the ballot were
such seemingly implausible
centrally-planned scheme
important, they have ignored
projects Barton says, “All too
to expand the reach and
the will of the voters,” she says.
often these big government
power of Portland’s agenda.
“Riders are better served by far
projects are not about
less expensive buses with more
Barton, who came up with
providing services to taxpayers
flexible routes that serve more
the inspired “Stop Portland
but rather about building
areas, more stops, and can
be adjusted to accommodate
changes in ridership.”
Damascus Council "Team
than interpreting the intent of Louise Neilson. This meeting
Secret" continued from page 3
Charles shares Barton’s
the measure, or possibly the
was also attended by council
was passed at a work session
hammer was the only intent.
candidates Mary Wescott,
not council meeting!
James DeYoung and Donald
In elections it is said “it does
This option being the most
Arbuckle which rounds out
not matter who gets the
expensive, the most intrusive
“Team Secret.” In opposition
most votes, what matters
and least supported holds
to team secret’s slate of
is who determines which
all property owners hostage
candidates will be Mayor
votes count”. Similarly
but does serve two purposes;
Steve Spinnett along with
it does not matter how
one being “the hammer they
council candidates William
well law is written and
need over them” to stop
(Bill) Wehr and Ask Damascus By Deborah Flewelling
intended, what matters is
citizens from interfering with
founder Dan Phegley.
who interprets that law.
centralized planning while
Thanks and we will
This is the same council,
blaming Ask Damascus and
The words lawyer
keep you posted.
citizens for the whole debacle. excepting our mayor,
and attorney are used
that limited citizen use of
The second, to establish the
synonymously, but what
the initiative only to see
idea that citizens can use the
is the difference?
initiative to write and pass law citizens demand it back.
Lawyer means one
but the council gets to decide Both matters were topics
whose profession is to
what each word means and
of discussion at the secret
give legal advice and
interpret overall meaning of meeting attended by
assistance to clients and
any measure, all retroactively. councilors Mary Wescott,
represent them in court.
It appears using a hammer over Marlo Dean, Diana Helm,
bus-friendly approach to
cost-effective and proportional
public transportation. “If
we begin to expose these
boondoggles to the sunlight
of voter approval,” he says,
“TriMet will be forced
to return to the basics of
providing bus service, which
carries two thirds of all daily
TriMet trips anyway.”
In a financial tableau which
ranks with some of the
worst economic landscapes
in American history, visions
of a 7.3 mile, $ billion+ rail
line seem to many people to
appear incongruous, divorced
from reality. More incisive
observers hint that the reality
is all too real: crony-driven
greed at the public trough.
“TriMet has thrived on the
'inside baseball' approach
to financing rail projects,”
says Charles. “County voters
should send the message that
they want to be asked before
obligating themselves to the
large costs associated with
passenger rail systems.”
“The optimum outcome is a
clear, resounding ‘YES’ vote
on Measure 3-401,” concludes
Barton. “Voters will then have
the right to decide the future
of light rail projects and other
variations of Portland creep
into Clackamas County.”
Deborah's Desktop
Lawyer Vs. Attorney
JoLinn Kampstra
Helen Maguire
Copy Editor
Attorney means a person
legally appointed or
empowered to act for
another: a proxy; especially
an attorney at law.
So, anyone can be an
attorney for another, such
as an attorney-in-fact, but
a lawyer would be both.
Tina Husak | Gary Randall
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107 East Historic Columbia River
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Our mission at The Northwest Connection is to provide an educational, informative community
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newspaper that promotes free market principles. We support and honor the Constitution and
our founding fathers. Our goal is to stimulate the local economy by promoting area businesses
Administration, Distribution, Sales & Marketing Staff: | Brian Herigstad | Dale Seale
Contributing Writers:  | Mark Anderson | Roger Bothwell | Chana Cox | Bill Ehmann | Mark Ellis | Deborah Flewelling | Dan Franklin | Traci Hensley | Dr. Jamie Houston
Mayor Jim Kight | Sven Larson | Victoria Larson | John Ludlow | Helen Maguire | Brian F. Mayer | Julie Milling | Delinda Morgan | Michael Nielsen | Paula Olson | Randal O'Toole |
Dan Phegley | Eric Revell | Roxanne Ross | Patrick Sheehan | Steve Spinnett
| Victoria Taft Connie Warnock | William Wehr
Cover Mast Photo Credit: Dennis Noreen
The Northwest Connection Enterprizes, Inc. is a monthly published community newspaper. We welcome letters to the editor and public opinion articles. All submissions must be typed and
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The Northwest Connection | 5
August 2012
Public Forum
METRO And Your Home
own a home. That rating takes
into account the average cost
of homes in the entire state.
We all know how inexpensive
homes are in Central, Eastern
and Southern Oregon. Hence
our more dense urban areas
are very highly priced.
lot. Instead their newest
mandate of “Smart Growth”
includes people stacked up at
a minimum rate of 12 units
per acre. That requirement
begets condominiums and
apartments, not homes on
lots. The supply of land has
lands that greatly add to the
costs which are then passed
on to the consumer. The
scarcity of land has driven
the price of buildings and
lands skywards. METRO,
DLCD, and my opponent,
are partly responsible.
supply of lands will continue
to be stifled; yet demand
increases. American humorist
Will Rogers perhaps said it
best; “Buy
land. They
ain't making
any more of
METRO decided long ago that we all needed to stop allowing ourselves to
the stuff.”
Clackamas County
has abundant lands.
If elected as your
Clackamas County
By John Ludlow, Candidate,
Commission Chair I
believe that the American dream of home ownership should include a home
Clackamas County
I have been
will advocate at the
Commission Chair
on a large lot. Instead their newest mandate of “Smart Growth” includes people Oregon Legislature
a Real Estate
Broker for
for urban growth
stacked up at a minimum rate of 12 units per acre.
over thirty
boundary flexibility
ver wonder why the
years. In that
for our county.
price of homes and land
time I have
Abundant useable
is so high in the tri-county
land is integral to
metropolitan area? Consider
heard, “Why
job creation and
that supply normally is a
is property
Let’s go back to the rule
a quality of life that doesn’t
product of demand. The
been overly restricted yet
so expensive here?” asked
require our citizens to live in
supply is how much/many
demand continues. That,
by people who are moving
three story bunker cubes.
of a certain product is made.
coupled with overregulation,
to the tri-county area from
Remember in November; It’s
The demand is how much
makes the land more
other parts of our state as well allowing ourselves to believe
the status quo, or Ludlow.
a product is wanted. The
expensive and the housing
as from out of state buyers.
regional government known as Oregon is the 16th most
prices simply follow suit.
Candidate, Clackamas
of home ownership should
METRO has decided that the expensive state in which to
County Commission Chair
include a home on a large
For over 40 years we have all
heard that the Department
of Land Conservation and
money and time. Since failing Development (DLCD) is
after years to come up with a
here to save us from ourselves
solution to the Comprehensive and to keep Salem and
Plan, and the endless blaming Portland from becoming next
of Mayor Spinnett has now
door neighbors. METRO
worn thin, their only answer
came along and began
is to throw something back
requiring people to stack
to the voters. It has been the
and Metro. A “Yes” vote
up rather than spread out.
pattern of behavior from this
would change direction and
One of the results is that
Council for years now that it
focus on using city staff
will make an unsound decision builders and businesses have
and tax money to legally
had to build on marginal
and not count the cost or the
draw up a proposal to
fallout. The Council is basing
change the Urban Growth
its rationale for all this in
Boundary (UGB).
that they have “listened” to
This action by Council is
the citizens by taking public
By William Wehr
shortsighted and poorly
testimony. Several Councilors,
thought out. This will only
along with staff, met with
be an advisory vote by the
Metro recently for input
citizens to Metro. It is not
before making their decision
“Alice came to a fork in
a decision to proceed as a
to proceed. So, we the citizens
the road. 'Which road
smaller city or to get out of
only have anecdotal assurances
do I take?' she asked.
UGB. Metro will make that
from Council that all is well.
'Where do you want to go?'
decision. If this question is
Our citizens deserve better.
responded the Cheshire Cat.
passed by the voters, quite
“Council members came to a
possibly our city effectively
'I don't know,' Alice answered.
fork in the road. 'Which road
will function handicapped
'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't
do we take?' they asked.
for two years or more as
matter.” -- Lewis Carroll,
staff focus time will be on
'Where do you want to
Alice in Wonderland
completing this challenge
go?' responded Metro.
to Metro. The money
'We don't know,' they answered.
needed, possibly in the tens
he Damascus City Council
'Then,' said Metro, 'it
of millions as the city is on
on July 19, 2012 voted
doesn't matter.” Council
hold, will be a budget buster.
and passed a motion to place
In Wonderland
And all this for what? Metro
on the November ballot a
unilaterally made the decision
question to the voters: Do
to include our area in the
the citizens want to proceed
The Northwest
UGB, and it was done in
with redrawing the UGB to
2002. Metro is going to do
accommodate the lower than
what Metro decides what
expected population figures?
is in its best interest today
The councilors, except Mayor
is on the web.
and for the future. The new
Spinnett and Councilman
“Plan” could be outright
Jackman who both voted no,
visit us at
rejected, redrawn, accepted
then want to use this vote as
or to do nothing and let
the foundation for moving
Damascus hang while it
forward as a city. A “No” vote
drags it out indefinitely.
by the citizens would continue
The City Councilmen have
the course of completing the
put the taxpayers on the hook
Comprehensive Plan on the
for an unknown amount of
agreed schedule with LCDC
Damascus City Council Hops
Down Rabbit Hole Searching
For New UGB Line
DISCLAIMER: The Northwest Connection’s public opinion editorials are an opportunity for all citizens to voice their opinions on issues. We do not necessarily
endorse any columnist or published public opinions. All are encouraged to respond and submissions will be published on space available basis.
6 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Public Forum
Voter Integrity: Part One Of Five
By Chana Cox, Ph.D
he vote is sacred. The
integrity of the voting
system is essential to the
faith and trust on which
a constitutionally limited
republic depends. Almost all
Americans recognized that
the Jim Crow laws, which
made it impossible for African
Americans to vote in many
When Kennedy beat Nixon
states, were gross betrayals of
it was widely accepted that
the principles on which this
nation is founded. Americans the Daley machine had
passed the Voting
Rights Act
and the 22nd
Yes, our system is open to massive fraud, but it always
They corrected
has been. What has changed is that there is now an
that injustice.
increasingly broad-based and bi-partisan belief that
Nonetheless, there
elections are being stolen.
has always been
a more insidious
and subtle
form of vote
delivered the necessary ‘dead’
manipulation. With
votes to ensure victory. But
increasingly close elections
people accepted the result
and less willingness to accept
nonetheless and moved on.
the results of flawed processes, When Bush beat Gore the
accusations of fraud from all
result was lawsuits – and law
sides have grown exponentially. suits have resulted in almost
every close election since then.
“Final” results are consistently
being challenged and
cont. from pg 3
changed. Recounts often
previous lack of transparency
economic development.
seem to continue until the
has allowed them to treat a
The next largest investment
political party in control of
constitutionally mandated
was $703,000 for the
the procedures in particular
fund as slush to fund pet
badly needed East County
projects and fill in budget gaps. precincts has produced results
Courthouse. The allocation
favorable to their own.
So what’s the harm? Programs
is going toward longwith direct and immediate
term debt service, not the
economic benefit for their
immediate and incremental
communities are struggling.
economic development
The Portland Development
needs of the community.
Commission has six different
Six hundred eighty-two
Neighborhood Prosperity
thousand dollars are being
Initiatives hungry for these
spent at the Londer Learning
dollars. Areas of Parkrose,
Center, which provides
Division and Rosewood are
English language and GED
looking to transform into
education to adults getting
vibrant business districts
out of jail or prison, or in
with sidewalks, streetlights
recovery from addiction. This and common architecture to
is a good program, but again,
give the community visual
not economic development.
continuity as a destination
for commerce. That’s
Perhaps the biggest stretch is
the $169,000 lottery allocation economic development. Not
for Family Economic Security. homeless youth services or
Sixty percent of this is spent on tax preparation assistance
contracts with CASH Oregon, for low-income families.
which primarily provides
As a legislature we need
free tax preparation services
to continue to work to
to low income families.
increase transparency. The
people voted for the state
The theme here is that
Multnomah County’s appetite lottery to do very specific
things – and this isn’t it.
for social programs is greater
than its resources. The
Economic Develop.
None of this is new. Yes, our
system is open to massive
fraud, but it always has been.
What has changed is that
there is now an increasingly
broad-based and bi-partisan
belief that elections are being
stolen. This is a function
of very close results and
very public lawsuits.
Department report “NISTIR
7770: Security Considerations
for Remote Electronic
UOCAVA Voting,” electronic
systems which were designed
in part to avoid the perils of
tampering with paper ballots
are instead even more open
to wide-spread and virtually
undetectable tampering.
Add it all up and the citizens
of the United States and
Oregon are losing trust in
one of the fundamental
mechanisms of our
government. And they are no
longer willing to just move on.
Fortunately, these are not
difficult problems to solve.
They can be solved while
simultaneously reducing the
costs of the elections and
the inconvenience to voters.
The problem is clear and it
Over the next few weeks
is growing. After the Bushthe U-Choose Educational
Gore contest, many states
Forum will present five very
moved to electronic voting.
Oregon has thankfully retained simple proposals which, if
implemented, should greatly
paper ballots. In states with
increase the integrity of the
automated systems, evidence
election system in this state.
of tamering can "disappear."
As documented in the
administration’s Commerce
The Northwest Connection | 7
August 2012
Public Forum
Oregon BLM Counties Must Craft
Their Own Sustainable Funding
originally granted to a railroad, decisions about their budgets.
then took back when the
Recreation, culture, and
railroad failed to live up
most public works programs
to the terms of the grant)
should be funded out of
would have been private had
user fees rather than taxes.
they not been taken back by
If users aren’t willing to pay
in these counties (of which I
for them, then they aren’t
property owner pays more than Congress. Perhaps so, but
am one) have been getting a
really needed. Counties could
$2.80 per thousand dollars in the amounts the counties
free ride for decades. While
are asking federal taxpayers
also stop funding land-use
assessed value to the county,
federal lands impose little cost property owners in Curry and to pay—either through an
planning and let the state
on counties, the payments
Josephine counties pay only 60 extension of timber payments pay for those programs if
out of timber receipts have
it feels they are needed.
cents, and rates are also much or via DeFazio’s bill—greatly
been many times greater
exceed the amount that private To the extent that these cuts
lower than average in Coos,
By Randal O'Toole
than the federal government
Douglas, and Jackson counties. forestland owners pay in
aren’t enough to maintain
would have paid if it had paid
property and harvest taxes.
public safety and human
ordinary property taxes.
service programs, county
any Oregon counties,
Counties throughout
leaders will have to make
particularly in
the country that have
it plain to voters that they
Southwestern Oregon, are in
national forests in
will have a choice between
deep financial trouble. Coos,
them receive 25% of Recreation, culture, and most public works
somewhat higher property
Curry, Douglas, Jackson,
timber sale receipts.
taxes or accepting major
Josephine, Klamath, Lake,
programs should be funded out of user fees rather including
In most cases, this
the sheriff,
cuts to these programs.
and Lane counties historically
was more than
There is no justification for
received 15 to 33 percent of
property taxes before
forcing federal taxpayers
their revenues from the federal
sales declined. But
elsewhere to subsidize county
government as payments in
the greatest difference was in
taxpayers in Oregon.
lieu of property taxes for the
Oregon, whose valuable oldservices.
national forest and Bureau of
Randal O’Toole is a senior
growth timber produced 40% these counties except Lake
spend a significant amount
Land Management (BLM)
fellow with the Cato Institute
of national forest revenues
of money on what might be
and Lane. But Oregon law
lands in those counties.
and author of American
in the 1970s and 1980s.
prevents counties from raising called luxuries, including
Nightmare: How Government
Those payments came out of
recreation, cultural resources,
taxes without voter approval,
Congress allowed the states
Undermines the Dream of
timber sale revenues; but as
and community development Homeownership. He is a guest
and county commissioners
to divide these “25-percent
concerns over the spotted owl
suspect that few voters will be programs (which mainly
funds” between schools and
contributor for Cascade Policy
and other environmental
willing to double or quadruple means land-use planning).
county road departments.
Institute, Oregon’s free market
issues led to a decline in
their county tax burden.
Most states gave half to each,
County leaders need to accept public policy research center.
timber sales after 1990, the
but Oregon gave 75% to roads Representative Peter
reality and make some hard
payments also fell. To ease the
and 25% to schools. This
transition to more sustainable
meant that Oregon county
divide western Oregon BLM
revenue sources, Congress
road departments were literally lands into two chunks. One
provided “temporary” funding
rolling in cash in the 1970s
portion, containing mostly
out of general funds.
and 1980s, but it also meant
old-growth timber, would
Each time temporary funding that the decline in timber
be set aside for conservation.
was set to expire, though,
sales hit them the hardest.
The other portion, mainly
counties complained about a
is now on the web, visit us at:
second-growth timber, would
To make matters worse, the
financial crisis; and Congress
BLM paid a whopping 50% of be managed as a source of
extended the funding. The
revenues for the counties.
the revenues from most of its
latest extension was added
western Oregon timber sales
While some environmental
to a transportation bill that
to counties. This compares
groups oppose this plan, I
Congress passed on June
with just 10% of timber
don’t see anything wrong with
29. But this bill extends
receipts paid by the BLM to
managing cutover land for
the funding only one more
counties elsewhere. While the timber. But I have to wonder
year, so county treasuries
national forest funds were split why Southwest Oregon
may be emptied next year.
between roads and schools,
counties should continue to
Curry County has threatened
all BLM funds went straight
live off of federal taxpayers,
to simply shut down, and
into county general funds.
who otherwise would get
the Oregon state auditor
The result is that these counties any receipts from Forest
recently reported that all of
Service and BLM sales.
have some of the lowest
these counties have a high
property tax rates in the state. County leaders say these
risk of financial distress.
While the average Oregon
BLM lands (which Congress
The truth is that taxpayers
The Northwest Connection
Lower The Capital Gains
Tax, Ignite Oregon’s Recovery
By Eric Revell
s the state of Oregon
struggles to ignite an
economic recovery, barriers
to economic growth must be
removed. Oregon’s overall
tax burden is among the
highest in the country, both
in terms of the 9.9% personal
income rate, but also more
importantly when it comes
to attracting investment,
in capital gains, which are
also taxed at a 9.9% rate. A
commonly held misperception
Such an onerous business
climate has become the norm
in Oregon, which is vying
with Massachusetts for the
highest capital gains rate in
about the capital gains tax
America. Washington, our
is that it only affects the
neighbor to the north, has no
rich. In truth, the chilling
state tax on capital gains, so
effect it has on investment
its investors are only subject
has a much broader reach.
For businesses to make sound to the federal capital gains tax
choices regarding new projects which is currently 15% far
and hiring that lead to growth, more palatable total tax burden
than what Oregonians face.
they require a tax code that
For Oregon to spur the
doesn’t discourage private
economic growth necessary to
individuals from risking their
put its fiscal house in order,
assets in the marketplace.
When people view a given state its lawmakers would do well
to significantly reduce if not
as hostile to investment, they
eliminate the capital gains
simply relocate to a friendlier
tax in the Beaver State.
environment, taking jobs
and tax revenue with them.
8 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Public Forum
Community Watch
Local Priorities
By Traci Hensley, Canby
City Councilor
ome may view small town
public office or committee
seats as unimportant or
inconsequential but that
notion is simply not true.
A fiscally responsible
government begins in the
Budget Committee. Budget
Committee members have an
important role in shaping the
financial health of the city.
It is important that
Urban Renewal projects
are funded through Tax
Increment Financing. Funds
are created by borrowing
against the future increase
in the property-tax revenues
the project is expected to
create. With rising costs and
shrinking revenues, municipal
budgets are very tight. It is
for this reason it is important
to invest the UR funds into
projects that will increase the
value of properties that will
It is important for Budget Committee
members to scrutinize expense line items
to ensure the citizen investment is not
unnecessary or inappropriate
expenditures be removed
by committee before the
budget is approved and
adopted by the city council.
Once the budget is adopted, it
is difficult to stop funds from
being spent. Each expense
presented to the city council
seems to be introduced with
language such as “this item
is in the budget” as implied
permission to spend. For this
reason, any questionable line
items need to be addressed
at the committee level.
An example would be the
Urban Renewal Budget in
Canby. I was one of the ‘no’
votes on the budget because
there are expenditures
budgeted that I believe are
not a good use of UR funds.
Canby has enjoyed successes
with Urban Renewal in our
Canby Pioneer Industrial
Park that has brought some
wonderful businesses to
town providing many family
wage jobs as well as a much
needed Façade Improvement
program to assist businesses
in making improvements to
their storefronts helping the
Downtown district to become
more inviting to customers.
These are examples of how
an Urban Renewal District
works towards the plan goals
by investing in projects that
eliminate blight and create
an environment in which
job creating private sector
development can thrive.
It is true that I am not an
advocate for Urban Renewal
but we do have a district
established in Canby so I’d
like to see it continue to be
used appropriately and these
are the types of projects I can
support using UR funds for.
result in increased tax revenue.
Public buildings never
come into the tax roll so the
community will never receive
a monetary return on that
type of UR investment. It is
a better strategy to first make
investments in projects that
promote private investment
in business districts. This
is how we build the tax
base, provide much needed
jobs to the community and
revitalize the local economy.
Just as in our family budget,
where it wouldn’t be prudent
to purchase the flashy new
car hoping that our future
job income will pay for it,
cities must invest first in
tax-base building property to
ensure the revenue stream is
coming in before building the
flashy new civic structure.
It is important for UR
Commissioners to remain
diligent in protecting the
taxpayers’ dollars by investing
them in projects that will
realize the maximum benefit.
It is important for Budget
Committee members to
scrutinize expense line
items to ensure the citizen
investment is not squandered.
"Community Watch"
is a monthly column
to highlight issues and
happenings occurring at
the local government level,
presented by The Clackamas
Leadership Fund, which is
An Oregon Political Action
Committee dedicated to
helping fiscally conservative
citizens run for and achieve
election to local non-partisan
office in Clackamas County.
Oregon’s Minimum Wage Prices Teens Out
By Michael Nielsen
regon’s minimum wage
laws are changing our
economy, and it doesn’t seem
to be for the better. When
analyzing Monthly Current
Population Survey data from
the Census Bureau for 2012,
it is suspicious that we are
behind the rest of the nation
in teen employment, while
our lowest paid workers are
paid the second highest in
the country. Teens, who often
hold entry-level, minimum
wage jobs, are severely
disadvantaged by this policy.
line for employers because
of higher labor costs.
Oregon’s unemployment
among high school graduates
aged 18 to 20 tops the national
charts, with a rise of more than
200% from 2008 to 2011.
This gigantic leap dwarfs the
U.S. unemployment rate for
the same demographic, which
only shows an increase of
around 30%. Our minimum
wage, being tied to inflation,
has increased steadily over
the last four years and has
been harming the bottom
It seems impossible that
increases in the minimum
wage are helping employment
rates among teens. Considering
that Oregon’s young workers
are employed at some of the
worst rates in the country,
it seems probable that our
minimum wage laws are
pushing young workers out
of the labor market. Our
state wage regulations should
be seriously reconsidered.
The Northwest Connection | 9
August 2012
Public Forum
Oregon Lawmakers: Get Proactive On The Economy
page to realize that this was a
42% decline from our 8.1%
growth rate the year before.*
make Oregon attractive relative is another area where state
to its peers in the West.
legislators could be proactive.
Oregon’s tax rates continue to While there is no steady,
It is a bit frightening to see the make the state uncompetitive long-term growth in private
employment in Oregon,
numbers from the Bureau of
compared with others. The
government employment is
Labor Statistics. Comparing
high individual income tax
doing well. In 2001, at the
the recession year of 2001 to
is a good example. Since two
By Sven Larson
the recession year of 2010,
thirds of the state’s tax revenues bottom of the Millennium
recession, there were 181
there is absolutely no private- come from the individual
ho wouldn’t want
sector job growth. There
income tax, state legislators are state and local government
employees per 1,000 privateto live in the Pacific
are as many people working
more interested in a tax code
sector employees. In 2010,
According to
private jobs in Oregon today
that maximizes revenue than
at the bottom of the Great
the 2010 Census, Oregon
as there were a decade ago.
one that promotes growth.
Recession, that ratio had risen
has enjoyed a relatively large
to 191.
population growth. There
were 12% more people in
manufacturing has
the Beaver State in 2010
become big in Oregon, Oregon’s tax rates continue to make the state
in plain
than in 2000. This is good
and 16,000 Intel
compared to the national
uncompetitive compared with others. The high
employees should be
growth rate of 9.7%.
proud of their jobs. But individual income tax is a good example
while the
Oregon is attractive. But
it is problematic that
other than a pleasant climate, this particular branch
a breathtaking coastline, and
of manufacturing is
beautiful mountains, what
the only driver of the
makes Oregon stand out?
state’s economy. Jobs
As a result, Oregon has a
From an economic viewpoint in the electronics industry are 9% state income tax bracket
essentially standing still,
among the easiest to move,
the answer is “not much.”
job-wise, over the long term,
that covers the vast majority
both nationally and globally.
Over the past decade Oregon
Oregon’s governments kept
of income tax filers. Even
had a few years of strong
adding to their payrolls.
The problem is that the
California is more lenient
growth, but that was driven
Beaver State lacks consistent
toward individual incomes.
Since the summer of 2010
entirely by computer and
growth-promoting policies.
there have been some
And let’s not forget that
electronics manufacturing.
Instead of being economic
reductions in local government
Washington and Nevada
While production of computer visionaries, the lawmakers in
employment, but available
have no state income tax at
components and other
Salem come across as runall.
In terms of business taxes, Bureau of Labor Statistics
electronic products surged
of-the-mill ho-hummers.
Oregon ranks about the same data shows no break in
from 10% of the state’s
the trend of swelling state
Oregon’s ranking with the
as for individual income
economy in 2001 to 30% in
payrolls. In other words, the
Tax Foundation has not
taxes: better than California
2010, the rest of the private
prevailing spending-as-usual
and Idaho, but worse than
sector stood still or declined.
attitude continues in Salem.
Washington and Nevada.
And even though recent
high – currently 17th highest
This is yet more evidence that Instead of complacency, the
media headlines noted that
state lawmakers are taking
state legislature needs to
Oregon saw the second highest
take a proactive approach
economic growth rate in the
attitude to economic policy.
to the economy. Their duty
country at 4.7% in 2011, you
the other hand, there is no
is not first and foremost to
would have to read down the
Government employment
concerted effort in Salem to
John Charles Speaks Out
In Why We Left The Left
the Socialist Workers Party
and the local Sierra Club
group and embraced the
virtues of central planning.
After leaving the Oregon
Environmental Council
in 1996, Charles began
working for the Cascade
Policy Institute, Oregon’s
free-market think tank,
where he is in his 16th year.
Charles joins 22 other
contributors to the
book, which was edited
by Tom Garrison.
The book can be purchased
in an electronic format for
$3.99 on Amazon and other
maintain government and the
status quo, but to facilitate
the growth of prosperity and
economic freedom in the state.
To do this, they could start
with something as simple as
capping tax-funded payrolls
to what the private sector can
afford. If there are no new jobs
being created in the private
sector, then at the very least
there should be no expansion
in tax-funded payrolls, either.
Another step is a more
competitive tax code.
Interstate migration data
from the Census Bureau
shows that while Oregon
has gained population over
the past decade, Washington
is a much stronger magnet.
It is fair to assume that
Washington’s lack of income
tax is a major reason for this.
There is a lot more to do,
of course, but these two
measures would be a good
way to start.
Sven Larson is a guest
contributor for Cascade
Policy Institute, Oregon's
free market public policy
research center. He holds
Ph.D in social sciences
with major in economics
and has taught economics at
colleges in three countries.
His resesach on health policy,
taxes, and government
budgeting and entitlement
reform has been published
by think tanks including
Cascade Policy Institute and
the Wyoming Libery Group. e-book websites. For those
without e-book readers
like the Amazon Kindle or
Barnes and Noble Nook, free
software can be downloaded
to read the literary work.
Charles describes beginning his
career with the Environmental
Defense Fund in New York
City, before moving to Oregon
to work as Executive Director
ohn A. Charles, Jr., Cascade
of the Oregon Environmental
Policy Institute President
Council, a position he held
Americans for Prosperity-Oregon is a statewide organization committed to educating citizens
and CEO, is a contributing
for 16 years. Gradually,
about economic policy and then training, motivating and mobilizing them to work for
author for the recently released
it became clear that the
limited government and economic and personal freedom at the federal, state and local level.
book, Why We Left the Left:
forecasts of environmental
Personal Stories by Leftists/
collapse had been proven
Liberals Who Evolved to
Are you looking for a local TEA Party? Do you want your voice
wrong, that environmental
Embrace Libertarianism.
to be heard at the federal, state, and county level?
problems were actually getting
In the book, Charles recounts solved through economic
Please join us for the next Clackamas County Chapter meeting
his childhood love for the
growth and technological
environment and his college
innovation, and that top-down
With less than 100 days remaiing, we face the most important election of our lifetime. Do you want to be
years becoming a political
planning was causing more
part of an effort to turn out the largest vote possilbe for liberty and accountable government this November?
activist. Spurred by popular
problems that it cured.
Our guest speaker will be Karla Kay Edwards, State Director of Americans For Prosperity, Oregon.
predictions of doom such as
“My early political beliefs
The Population Bomb and
Please bring a friend. Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
started getting trumped by
Limits to Growth, Charles
August 10, 2012, Clackamas Sheriff's Public Safety Training Center
reality,” he wrote, “so I had two
concluded that capitalism
12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015
basic choices: either change my
was a failed economic model
assumptions, or deny reality.
as it promoted exponential
I decided that changing my
See More Details and RSVP on
growth on a finite planet. He
assumptions would be easier.”
began attending meetings of
10 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Special Feature
Is Oregon Too Green
For Coal?
By Roxanne Ross
here were two groups
protesting about coal
during President Obama’s
visit to Portland on Tuesday,
July 24th. One is against coal
jobs in Oregon and southwest
Washington and was protesting
because President Obama
has not acted quickly enough
to stop the transportation
and exportation of coal.
The other, Americans For
Prosperity, was protesting
because President Obama’s
energy and environmental
policies have been in the
way of American jobs. One
thing they agree upon, most
Oregonians are not aware of
what is at stake here, and they
want to get their message out.
These Oregon and southwest
Washington coal jobs may be
outsourced to Canada if the
environmentalists and the
can pressure the politicians
enough to block the 1,545
on-going jobs and the 5,950
construction jobs associated
with the coal projects. Most
of these jobs are union family
waged jobs.
The United
States has 28%
of the world’s
coal supply
and is already
exporting from
nine ports in
the east. This
industry has
been safely
these exports
without a
nationally known crisis.
The Pacific Northwest needs
these jobs. Being a showcase
in green has not benefited the
pocketbooks of its citizens.
If Oregon is to employ its
people and if the state is to
gain the resulting income
tax supporting our state
government, Oregon needs
Hard Work Not Government
Job Build America
jobs. It’s about jobs period.
Oregon needs jobs that
pay more than barista jobs.
Oregon needs jobs that
are not heavily funded by
taxpayers like the greenie
jobs our politicians keep
providing. Locking up
most of Oregon’s land as a
showcase of wilderness and
preventing the sustainable
logging from utilizing
our natural resources has
impoverished our rural areas.
These coal jobs
could greatly
benefit rural
areas in Coos,
and Morrow
counties as well
as Multnomah
Our president
and our
have both
talked about
creating jobs, but the
green jobs financed with
taxpayer money haven’t
been enough for Oregon.
Here are privately financed
coal jobs that will add to
the public coffers and our
political leadership is doing
all they can to stop them.
According to Governor
Kitzhaber’s 4/25/2012 letter
building roads and runways,
I understand what too many
others in government do not
understand; jobs and a strong
economy are not created by
he would also take the time
building roads and bridges.
to mow the lawns of a couple
Roads and bridges are built in
of widows who lived nearby.
response to free people creating
Instead of marching in the
jobs and a strong economy
streets demanding that
which will support needed
government take other people's infrastructure. Government
resources and 'do something'
protects but does not create
about the problems he saw, he the environment which allows
used his own resources to help business to grow and succeed.
the needy and inspired others Instead, it is business and
to do the same. He taught by
entrepreneurial innovation
his example that America is
which creates the environment
defined by free people, not
which allows government to
by government programs.
function. More simply, which
This is the vision of America
that I support and will work
for as your Congressional
By Delinda Morgan
Representative in Oregon's
discovered America at a very Congressional District 1. And
I will bring to the job the work
early age. The America I
ethic I've learned and lived
discovered was first shown to
me by my parents who valued for more than 40 years as I've
built a business and raised a
family, hard work and doing
family. Because I understand
the right thing with the right
motivation. The America they and respect the value of
showed me was a land of hope hard work, I trust those who
and opportunity where people earn a living and support
themselves, their families and
helped one another without
their communities to make
waiting for or demanding
far better decisions as to how
a government program to
to spend their money than
solve their problems.
politicians and bureaucrats
Though he worked long hours,
in Washington D.C.
often working six days a week,
I have worked as a contractor
my father still found time to
and a farmer for many
serve in the community and
years, and though I have
there were many Sundays
worked in infrastructure,
when he mowed our lawn,
to Secretary of the Interior
Ken Salazar, the US Army
Corps of Engineers, and the
Bureau of Land Management,
Governor Kitzhaber states
“Greenhouse gas emissions
from the transport and
combustion of coal are also a
major concern…Oregon faces
particular threats from climate
change including the reduction
in the amount of precipitation
falling as snow and the
resulting effects on water
supplies and fish and wildlife
as well as power production
from hydroelectric dams, more
frequent and intense storm
surges, more flooding, likely
loss of land in coastal area,
more frequent and severe forest
fires and increased forest pests
and diseases, and detrimental
impacts to shellfish fisheries as
a result of ocean acidification.”
And if it is not enough that
he has swallowed whole the
global warming fanatics
alarmist agenda to the point
came first, the people and
prosperity or government?
of prognosticating all this
doom and gloom, Governor
Kitzhaber is willing to
outsource these exportation
jobs to Canada in his efforts
to dictate to China how
they obtain their energy “If
the United States is going
to embark on the large scare
export of coal to Asia it is
imperative that we ask –and
answer – the question of
how such actions fit with
the larger strategy of moving
to a lower carbon future.”
pdf )
In this region, where unions
vie with other unions in
costly and sometimes violent
turf wars, the unions, who
stand to lose thousands of
these potential coal related
jobs, are strangely quiet.
Could this be because the
union leaders donated union
money and solicited union
workers to the campaigns of
these same politicians who
are now trying to prevent
coal jobs for union workers?
Perhaps union leaders would
prefer union workers stay
unaware of the jobs their
politicians wish to outsource.
The time has come for new
leadership in Washington
D.C.: leaders who understand
President Obama and his
the private sector; leadership
supporters have it exactly
backwards, believing that those who uphold the Constitution
which was written for
who succeed and prosper in
the purpose of protecting
America owe their success to
individual liberty and limiting
the government. The truth
government and leaders who
is that government owes its
respect rather than revile
very existence to successful
success and prosperity.
individuals. America's
shining path to prosperity
As your congressional
already exists, but President
representative I pledge to
Obama and other politicians
use the power of The People
in Congress are blocking
to control the government
that path, erecting barriers
rather than using the
to prosperity rather than
power of the government
protecting the rights of people to control The People.
to pursue opportunity.
The Northwest Connection | 11
August 2012
Places to Go & People to See
Van Gogh Days
continued from pg. 1
Days was an immediate hit
when it was introduced in
2003. Painters,
photographers, and
those who just enjoy
strolling through
fields of bright
sunflowers in one of
the Northwest's most
scenic locales, flocked
to the popular
destination farm.
scenery at Rasmussen Farms.
Photograph sunflowers, paint
them, or pick a bouquet from
the farm's U-pick garden.
While a
visit to the
fields any
time during
Van Gogh
Days is a
treat, the
of August
Individuals, art
4-5 offers
groups, photography
many special
clubs, and other
lovers of the bright blooms, are A Quilt Show and Sale
invited to enjoy the summer
featuring lovely handmade
flowers and the beautiful rural
quilts—including some with
sunflower themes--will be a
part of the weekend event.
picnic tables? Fruit and a
selection of cold beverages are
available in the sales barn.
Enjoy live music both
afternoons. There will be
free tasting of
wines from Hood
River Vineyards,
and Hood
River’s popular
restaurant will be
offering delicious
barbecue favorites at the
farm, including pork or beef
sandwiches, hamburgers,
and more. Why not enjoy a
picnic at one of Rasmussen
Farms’ covered or outdoor
Visit the sales barn to try
sunflower desserts, and find
recipes and
throughout the
weekend. Of
course, the sales
barn is always
stocked with
the freshest
summer produce and fruit,
gourmet food items, plants,
and home decorating ideas.
Kids will want to participate in
vegetable games and treasure
hunts. And everyone will have
the opportunity for a “sneak
peek” trip through Rasmussen’s
very popular corn maze slated
for an early opening this year.
The 2012 theme is “Scouting
the Gorge: Celebrating 100
Years of Girl Scouts.”
There is plenty of room in
the spacious flower fields
for individuals and small
groups--no reservations are
needed. But the Rasmussen
staff does recommend
reservations for large groups
to assure the best experience.
(Whether visiting as an
individual or with a group,
please leave dogs at home.)
Rasmussen Farms is open
seven days a week from 9am
to 6pm. Located at 3020
Thomsen Road, six miles south
of Hood River, Oregon. For
information, call 541-3864622 or 800-548-2243,or
visit the website at www.
12 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Places to Go & People to See
Seeks Food,
Craft & Fine
Art Exhibitors
he 2012 Sandy
Oktoberfest is seeking
food vendors, craft vendors,
and artists for this year’s
festival, held September
7th, 8th and 9th.
Food vendors can be
either non-profit groups
or commercial operations,
and they are assured of no
duplication. Only one food
vendor of each type is allowed
to ensure good sales in the
food court area near the
entrance to the Biergarten.
The craft vendors are placed
on a paved area with excellent
exposure to attendees.
A Fine Art Show is held
indoors with excellent lighting
and air conditioning.
Application forms are available
at www.sandyoktoberfest.
net; click on “Booth
Rental” for Craft and Food
Vendors; click on the “Art
Show” link to obtain a Fine
Art Show application.
For more information,
contact Bud Abraham
net), 503-816-7304
graphic designer
Specializing in
Single and Multiple page layouts
Marketing Materials
Identity Packages
[email protected]
The Northwest Connection | 13
August 2012
Places to Go & People to See
Jean Baptiste cont. from pg. 1
Charbonneau family, to
explore the Yellowstone
River. On July 25, 1806, they
came upon an unusual, free
standing sandstone formation
on the south shore of the river
that Captain Clark named
“Pompy’s Tower” after the
one-and-a-half year-old Jean
Baptiste. Under a protected,
natural over-hang, Clark
etched his own name and the
July 25 date, his birthday.
Clark’s etching, now preserved
under an unbreakable glass
shield, is considered the only
lasting physical evidence
that the Corps left on the
landscape during the journey
my own child--I do not forget
the promis which I made to
After the expedition, Clark
wrote to Touissant: “As to your you and Shall now repeet them
that you may be
little Son (my boy Pomp) you
well know my fondness for him certain--Charbono,
and my anxiety to take and raise if you wish to live
with the white
him as my own child. I once
people, and will
more tell you if you will bring
come to me, I will
your son Baptiest to me I will
give you a piece of
educate him and treat him as
land and furnish you
with horses, cows,
& hogs...Wishing
you and your
family great suckcess & with
anxious expectations of seeing
my little dancing boy Baptiest
I shall remain your friend.”
In 1809, Toussant
Charbonneau and Sacagawea
traveled down the Missouri to
St. Louis with Jean Baptiste.
Toussaint, together with all
of the expedition’s enlisted
men, received land
warrants in the
amount of 320
acres. This, plus the
voucher for $533.33,
paid for their
interpreting services.
Toussaint was not
a farmer, however,
and on March 26,
1811, he transferred
his land title to Clark for
$100.00. In April, he and
Sacagawea boarded a Missouri
Fur Company barge bound for
the upper Missouri country,
cont. to pg 16
14 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Places to Go & People to See
The Northwest Connection
is now on the web,
visit us at:
The Northwest Connection | 15
August 2012
Special Features
Another Rural County Under Attack
the Coquille River.
This is not land that’s just
sitting there idle
that no one wants;
it’s farmlands that
have been targeted
to be taken out of
By Mark Anderson
production and used
for “restoration”
ike any writer trying their purposes. In other
hand at a suspense novel
words, those evil
or two, I’ve thought about
(they’d throw in
ways to commit the “perfect
“rich” but these
murder.” Actually, it wasn’t so are hardly wealthy
much the murder—which is a farmers we’re talking
rather morbid thing to think
about) landowners
about—but the hiding of the are once again
body that usually intrigued me. destroying the
planet, so the best
Sometimes, these macabre
thing to do is get
flights of fancy involved
rid of them—and
stashing the evidence
permanently lock
somewhere way out in an
up the land in
unpopulated area where the
conservation banks.
law would never find it. At
one point, I thought I had a
According to the USFWS:
suspense novel that might go
“Conservation banks are
somewhere, which naturally
permanently protected lands
inspired even larger fantasies
that contain natural resource
about movie deals. I even
values. These lands are
came up with the tag line:
conserved and permanently
“It’s not murder if no one ever
managed for species that
heard you scream.”
Defazio on behalf of the
Coos County Land Rights
Association Organizing
market value of $24.5 million. Committee, the effect of the
When is this happening? Now. Bandon Marsh Expansion
The USFWS has sent letters
with an “Offer to Purchase”
to the aforementioned 67
landowners. And remember,
the funds to buy up $24.5
million worth of land all come
from the U.S. taxpayer.
“will ultimately wipe out four
self-sustaining communities
(including Bandon, Coquille
Valley, Coquille and
Myrtle Point), an estimated
population of 15,000.”
Granted, I was
Hundreds of
19 at the time.
The environmental left used to work in and around major cities to get noticed; miles away?
I mention all this
Portland and
not for any nefarious now, they don’t want you to notice what they’re doing, so they move in and
Salem will
reasons but simply
never hear
attack areas of low population where there aren’t enough people to cause a
to point out this
them scream.
fuss big enough to attract the attention of either the media or population of
sort of “stashing
So why
the evidence” is a
is all this
larger areas that could force legislators to stop it.
parallel to the new
modus operandi of
Now we
the environmental
come back
are endangered, threatened,
left: do your dirty work
to that point I made
candidates for listing as
in areas where no one can
earlier about “credits that
endangered or threatened, or
hear their victims scream.
bank owners may sell.”
are otherwise species-at-risk.
The environmental left used
Conservation banks function to
remove dikes and tide gates,
to work in and around major offset adverse impacts to these
allowing formerly useable
cities to get noticed; now,
species that occurred elsewhere,
land to become flooded with
they don’t want you to notice sometimes referred to as off-site
ocean water, at which point
what they’re doing, so they
mitigation. In exchange
the helpless landowner will
move in and attack areas of
for permanently protecting
have no choice but to sell.
low population where there
the land and managing it
aren’t enough people to
for these species, the Service
But, even worse, this is
cause a fuss big enough to
approves a specified number
simply the beginning.
attract the attention of either
of habitat or species credits
In subsequent phases,
the media or population
that bank owners may sell.”
an additional
of larger areas that could
the total
force legislators to stop it.
point: “credits that bank
to 14,567 or an increase of
We’ve seen it with the effort
owners may sell.”
1,538.6% over the current size.
to remove four perfectly good
And remember too that
In an email from
dams on the Klamath. The
of The Nature
Klamath River Basin has far
the USFWS,
fewer voters and media outlets
than, say, the Columbia River.
to our rural neighbors:
Tribe, and others, wherein
We’ve seen it with the
they discuss “the distribution
The Bandon
efforts to shut down nearly
for those restored acres,”
Marsh Refuge currently
4,000 miles of roads in the
Denney states a target of 167
encompasses 889 acres.
Wallow-Whitman National
miles of river. Considering the
Forest—and not the Mount
In “Phase I” of the
Coquille, the North, East, and
Hood National Forest.
Bandon Marsh Expansion
South Forks combined total
some 186 miles, their target
And we’re seeing it now with
is to reclaim 89.6% of the
Coos County. The Nature
acquisition. That represents
entire Coquille River system.
Conservancy, in partnership
an increase of 413.7%.
with the US Fish & Wildlife
According to Bonnie
Service and Oregon Dept.
Phase I includes
Montoya-May, an urban
of Fish & Wildlife, is
154 parcels (owned by 67
planning professional, in a
snapping up land all along
landowners) with a real
letter to Congressman Peter
The following is also from
Bonnie’s letter to DeFazio:
“Even more disturbing is the
speculation that the Federal
Government via agencies
such as the
now in the
landbanking and
and that
the Bandon
is merely
a cash
shell game
enabling the
of private lands at bargain
recessionary prices for resale
to local and out-of-state
developers and state-run
public-private partnerships,
at the going market rate of
$45,000 per acre of mitigation
credit. Which by the way,
can be multiplied per acre if
sold by species, sub-species,
pairs, habitat-kinds (riparian,
wetland, upland, forest, etc.).”
Here’s how this works. Groups
like the Nature Conservancy
snap up land to put them
into conservation banks and
...cont. pg 16
16 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Special Features
Jean Baptiste cont. from pg. 13
leaving Baptiste in Clark’s
charge so that the boy could
commence his education.
Multnomah County Chair Uses
Library List For Electioneering?
While living in St. Louis,
Pomp received the best
education money could
buy. Unlike most Indian
boys of the time, Pomp was
taught to read and write
in English, and to read
classical Greek and Latin.
In Part 2 of this series,
we will learn about the
adventures of Jean Baptiste
Charbonneau’s adult life.
You Think
English Is
• The bandage was wound
around the wound.
• The farm was used to
produce produce.
• The dump was so full
that it had to refuse
more refuse .
• We must polish the
Polish furniture.
• He could lead if he
would get the lead out.
• The soldier decided
to desert his dessert
in the desert.
• Since there is no time
like the present, he
thought it was time to
present the present.
• A bass was painted on the
head of the bass drum.
• When shot at, the dove
dove into the bushes.
• I did not object
to the object.
• The insurance was
invalid for the invalid.
• There was a row among
the oarsmen about
how to row .
• They were too close to
the door to close it.
• The buck does funny
things when the
does are present.
• A seamstress and
a sewer fell down
into a sewer line.
• To help with planting,
the farmer taught
his sow to sow.
• The wind was too strong
to wind the sail.
• Upon seeing the tear in
the painting I shed a tear.
• I had to subject the subject
to a series of tests.
• How can I intimate this to
my most intimate friend?
I claim this because that is
exactly what The Friends of
the Library tax backers are
telling their supporters.
By Victoria Taft
ultnomah County
Library card holders
probably thought they only
got nasty-grams and found
out when their reserved books
were in via email. Nope.
Thanks to an alert 5th Listener
we learn the library system's
"Listserv" is also being used
to electioneer in favor of
a proposed tax increase.
Multnomah County Library
card holders received an email
in their inbox recently. It's a
note from County Chair Jeff
Cogen telling library patrons
that their beloved libraries
could be cutback, and urging
them to "participate" in a
"community discussion"
on raising their taxes.
The county email is an
example of how local public
officials use
taxpayer funded
against you.
These officials
use public
resources on
public time
to electioneer
in favor of
tax increase.
Will opponents get the same
advantage of free advertising
using public resources? Of
course not. Does this violate
campaign laws in Oregon? I
think it does, but I'm checking
with an attorney to make sure.
are able to sell mitigation
credits. A developer in, say,
Portland, wants to build
a building, but it’s going
to destroy some habitat or
wetland or what have you.
The developer has to have
an offset—a mitigation—so
he buys a credit for whatever
it is he’s destroying from a
“conservation bank” that has
some habitat or wetland or
whatever the developer was
destroying. These “credits”
go for multiple thousands
of dollars. Bonnie mentions
$45,000 but credits in Eugene
are going for $55,000 per
credit; ecosystemmarketplace.
com has them for $84,500
in Oregon. (Which is
cheap—the listed price in
Virginia is for $653,000.)
Additionally, as Bonnie points
out, an acre can have much
more than its base price. If
you have a wetland acre that
is also riparian and houses
spotted owls and subspecies,
it’s the environmental jackpot
because each of those credits
can be sold separately.
If this reeks of carbon
credit trading, you’re
on the right scent.
Which library do you use?
How often? What do you
do there? And then this:
What's the biggest threat to
our local libraries? What?
The meetings you're being
asked to attend are about one
thing: raising your taxes by
establishing a new "library
district" to jack up property
taxes of those who live in
this heretofore never before
established new "district."
Back where I come from (oh,
wait, that's here!) we call those
counties. Counties fund the
Are they talking about
porno watching bums? The
coming Zombie Apocalypse?
No. They're talking about
reducing services, naturally.
libraries through existing taxes.
If they can't afford to keep
the libraries going then they
need to cut back elsewhere.
Is it any wonder the Left
is constantly trying to
declare some new species
as “endangered?”
comment form: www.fws.
And did I mention that,
many times, The Nature
Conservancy and their ilk buy
the land using grants funded
by the US taxpayer—and
take a hefty commission each
time they sell the land back to
another agency or developer?
Mark Anderson is co-owner
of GRIP Productions, an
MBA, a Ph.D. candidate,
and the host of the “I Spy
Radio Show,” which is
heard Saturdays, 11-noon,
on KYKN (1430-AM) in
the greater Salem area
or anywhere via kykn.
com. Podcasts are also
available after the show
airs via www.ispyradio.
com. He can be reached at
[email protected].)
The email then asks you to
take a survey. In his email
Cogen then asks you to
go to this link: https://
to answer some questions.
Check out the preamble
on the questionnaire!
The "community discussions"
are being held throughout the
summer to electioneer in favor
After doom and gloom
of a new taxing district and
preamble and how great it
increased spending on libraries.
would be to raise your taxes,
Mark Anderson
continued from pg 15
the questions commence.
they've rigged the survey.
And somehow the
conservatives are accused
of being evil capitalists?
If you’d like to do something
about this, or to find out
more about it, here you go:
Visit www. for
news and more info on the
Bandon Marsh Expansion.
You can also listen
to my interview with Bonnie
Montoya-May and Sharon
Waterman by going to the
Archives Page of www. Their show
aired on June 23, 2012.
The USFWS says
they want public input on
this and other such plans
(for the Willamette Valley no
less). You can write to them
at YourWillametteValley@ or by using their
I will be filing a campaign
complaint with the Secretary
Then we eventually come to
of State's Office but you
the big question: What do
know how those things go.
you want, dead baby harp
If found guilty there's only
seals or fluffy puppies?
a $75 fine. By the way, I'm
Oh, and you MUST
still looking for a lawmaker
answer the question because
who will propose this $75 fine
nobody gets out of here
will apply to every offense;
without singing the blues.
in other words, every person
County officials will, of course, who receives emails or liarflyers like this in the future
use this no-choice answer to
will be worth a $75 fine. Who
pretend there's good support
will stand up and do that?
for raising taxes because
Let ‘em hear you scream.
The Northwest Connection | 17
August 2012
Family Health
Your Money, Your Health
Spend more money on food
and you'll not need to spend
so much on healthcare.
Simple, right? So how come
some patients complain about
the cost of their prescribed
lack of gratitude attitude is
particularly amusing when the
price complaint comes from
someone who drives a Lexus
or gets their nails done every
week. Money talks. Where
do you want to spend your
money? On toxic substance for
your nails, or supplements and
simply cannot buy into the
four-dollar-a-bottle spice
jars in most grocery stores!
food that keep diabetes at bay?
exclusively organic foods.
Both of us declared ourselves
happier and healthier than
we've ever been in our lives.
A three story house may, or
may not, make you happy.
But local and organic food,
supplements, and lifestyle
changes will make you
healthier and therefore happier.
It's worth a try isn't it?
By Victoria Larson, N.D.
n last month's column I
said that the most valuable
attribute of money is that it
"talks." How you spend your
money makes a difference in
how the world works. What
is available and what isn't.
How fast things get to you,
how fresh they are when they
do. WE make these choices,
or should be making them,
not the corporations that
would have us buy into what
they want us to purchase. A
lot of factors affect cost and
even more affect our choices.
When we don't think things
through we may make foolish
decisions or choices. Taking
responsibility is more difficult,
and sometimes more costly,
than the easy way. Food is
cheaper and healthier than
supplements, yet many people
would rather take the pill
than make changes in their
lifestyle choices. Scrimping
on the cost of food in order
to take a multivitamin is not
a wise choice. As a nation we
spend less on food than other
countries. And we buy more
junk - both food and stuff.
Historically, Americans now
spend less of their income on
food than we did fifty or a
hundred years ago. And then
almost everyone had a garden
or access to street vendors!
I work for a Damascus farmer
and find it interesting that
some customers comment
on the rising cost at the farm
stand, when in fact, most of
the prices have not changed
in two to three years. Are
these comments being fueled
by media reports? The price
of many grocery store items
are increasing (think corn for
instance) but locally grown
produce, that has not been
shipped in from the farm
belt of California or Mexico
or Chile for instance, has
remained pretty stable.
Americans' favorite past-time
may be complaining. We
complain about things we have
no control over, like weather
and taxes. We complain about
things we have some control
over, like traffic decisions and
aging issues. But to complain
about something you have
pretty much total control over
makes no sense. How you
spend your money in health
costs is largely in your hands.
supplements. After all, these
were not prescribed for
my benefit, but for theirs.
Some patients deal with this
complaint by buying over-thecounter supplements, only
to find that they don't work
the same and they eventually
come back to the higher
quality prescribed ones.
Perhaps these patients have
forgotten that their prescribed
supplements, many of
them formulated and even
manufactured in the greater
Portland area, are for their
benefit. It is the patient who is
keeping that cancer, diabetes,
heart disease at bay. The
Dog Groomer Wanted
in Damascus
Experienced Dog Groomer
wanted for Part-Time work.
Full Time Work Possible
down the road. Please call
Tori at 503-558-1200.
House Cleaner/
29 Years Experience. Strong
Christian ethics. Excellent
References. CNA. Rain
or Shine, you can count
on me! 503-668-0703
Stop Dreaming
and Start Flying
Quality, Affordable,
Safe flight instruction at
Gorge Winds Aviation
Troutdale Airport.
Call Steven Cochrane
503-703-6766 or email
at [email protected]
Make 2012 the year
to finally do it!
Where does the value lie in
the dollar equation? None of
us feel that we have enough.
All of us want more. But
stepping out of that equation
and looking at the big picture
reminds me of an encounter
I had a couple of years ago
with a wonderful woman at
New Seasons. She and I were
standing shoulder to shoulder
at the bag-it-yourself herb
and spice counter—a good
way to save money by the
way. We were marveling at
the fact that so many of the
organic spices were on sale.
They come directly from the
Frontier co-operative, the
importing company. Virtually
all other herbs and spices
are from merchandisers,
not importers, so that alone
keeps the price down. I
to you. How you spend your
dollar will tell you, and the
community, how you feel
about these things. That tiny
The customer and I got to
38 cent bundle of cilantro
talking while bagging our
spices and discovered that both from WinCo is certainly a
monetary bargain. But the
of us were single (and aging!)
large one dollar bundle of
women who buy almost
organic cilantro I sell
at the Boring Farmers'
Market is fresher,
keeps longer, and will
please your palate
more. I consider that a
better bargain for you,
for me, and for the
community at large.
Making such choices is up
Keep your community alive
by keeping your dollars
closer to home and buying
closer to home. Buy from
farmers' markets, CSAs, and
roadside entrepreneurs for
better taste, better economy,
and better health for all. Just
plain better all around.
18 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Family Health
The Best Medicine? Dogs!
be a ripe old age and went to
heaven keeping all my secrets.
he knew where his real home
was. In tears, I watched
him go. In my heart, I
said a silent "goodbye.”
Health Care Tips
For Your Pet
therefore making an excellent
broad spectrum protection
in a pill, called Trifexis (you
may recognize the commercial
with the dog running around
the yard in a bubble). And for
those of you who don't know,
there is heartworm in Oregon!!
My "must have" Christmas
and birthday presents were any
of Albert Payson Terhune collie
books. Once I almost had a
collie. I was twelve or thirteen,
and prone to small adventures.
Very early one Saturday
By Connie Warnock
morning, while my sister and
parents slept, I dressed and
walked up to the
was born into a dog loving
water tank park
family. Simple as that.
only a couple of
Our first dog was a black
long blocks away.
and white cocker named
I sat on a swing,
Freckles. It was traumatic from
pondering my
the start because I became
fantasy life, when
allergic to him and could
a full-grown
only play with him outside.
collie walked up
We found him a good home,
and laid his head
and a few years later, while
in my lap. I was thrilled and
hiking in Oneonta Gorge, I
took it as a definite sign that
was captivated by a red cocker life was on the upswing. He
puppy following a couple up
had a collar, but no tag. So
the steep steps to the road.
holding onto his collar, home
I admired the heck out of
we went. I took him up to
him, and pretty soon I had
my bedroom, and closed the
given them my name and
door. We sat on the floor until
address in case they couldn't
he got restless. "I need to feed
keep him! Sure enough, they
you!" I said to Lad, his new
delivered him to me a few
name. I opened the door and
weeks later, on a Saturday
before I could stop him, he
night while my parents were
was in my parents’ bedroom.
hosting a party. Surprise!
I put my arms around him
No longer allergic, I was in
and lifted him up, fell over
heaven. Rusty was actually
backwards, and lay on
half cocker and half piranha.
floor covered in dog - to
Fortunately he never met the
my parents’ dismay!
mailman; however he did bite
our neighbor, a lawyer (!), who Back up at the water tank
just happened to try retrieving park, Lad and I parted
company. I watched him head
a napkin while having dinner
down the block. Obviously
at our house. Rusty lived to
At school, I was on the
softball team. I played second
field and could be counted
on to make a concerted effort
to catch a fly ball, unless a
dog passed by. Many was the
ball that escaped me while I
was bent over petting a stray.
Somehow I got through phys
ed without
making the
coach and
the school
too crazy.
And my one
home run
was hit with
bases loaded!
An amazing
unreal event that I
will never forget.
USS Ranger Update
This, and in very simple terms,
with the precise positioning
or neighborhood because it
of light reflection off the
resides year-round all along the microscopic air bubbles on
west coast of the United States. the feathers’ surface, creates
At about four inches long
the iridescent sheen.
with a five-and-a-quarter inch
I stopped weeding and
wing span, it is one of
the larger species of
hummingbirds here
in North America.
By Jim Kight
the east of the donation site
is privately held. They are
major milestone has been proposing hotels, restaurants,
shopping venues, marina and
achieved recently for the
residential component to
USS Ranger aircraft carrier,
toward having it permanently complement the development.
docked on the Columbia River As an added bonus, the
property is out
in Fairview.
of the flood plain
which will be a
cost saving to
Dicus has
in the future.
that a large
of private
land is being given to the
foundation. This 20 acre parcel
just to the east of Chinook
Landing in Fairview will
be donated by Columbia
Edgewater LLC. In addition
to the land donation, space in
the river is also being donated.
This additional donation will
accommodate the ship as a
permanent berthing space.
The next phase
is to double
donations by
next year. Currently the
donations are at the $600,000
level. The total projected
budget for the USS Ranger
is $20 million. There are
130 volunteers currently
working on the project.
The USS Ranger is expected
to provide over 500 jobs
and $40 million in the
local economy. This would
a major tourist attraction
for the Pacific Northwest.
One of the keys to this project
is partnering with private
development to provide public Go Ranger!
amenities. The 10 acres to
My own kids grew up with a
variety of dogs, ranging from
a Llhasa Apso named Moe,
an Old English Sheepdog
named Promise, a beloved
St. Bernard named Brandy,
to an unforgettable Golden
Retriever named Toby.
All of you dog lovers
out there know exactly
what I'm about - it's that
unconditional love, big
brown eyes that understand,
and that total availability
of hugs and doggy kisses.
My next column will continue
the saga of my life with dogs.
They are the best medicine.
And I send a special human
hug to Lucy and her owner.
The Fearless 1
The males are quite
catch them in the
right angle of light
and you will see
their heads fully
hooded in brilliant, iridescent,
fuchsia-colored feathers. The
females are just about all
green on the back from their
heads down to the center part
of their broad tails. You will
notice a reddish-pink patch
on their throats and grayish
speckles up their cheeks.
Hummingbird plumage in
general is quite striking on
account of the structure of
the feathers. The barbules,
which come off the barb or
main “stem” of the feather,
are raised three-dimensionally,
forming V-shaped valleys.
By Dr. Jaime Houston
Advantage and
FrontLine Plus just
do not seem to be working
as well this year. Are there
any other products you
would recommend that
might work better?
Yes!! There have been
huge improvements of
flea preventative products
in the area of veterinary
medicine in the past four years.
Comfortis is a pill you give
to your pet once a month. It
is a prescription medication
that has been on the market
for a few years now, and has
proven both safe and effective.
We at The Village Vet have
used this medication since it
was approved by the F.D.A.
and have been very impressed
by its results. Recently, the
maker of this product has
combined it with a de-wormer
and heartworm preventative
I know that giving a pill to
certain pets is an adventure
in itself to try and get them
to swallow therefore we are
also promoting a new topical
flea and tick product called
Activyl Plus. This product
is very effective in killing
fleas and ticks and absorbs
very fast into the skin.
All of these medications are
priced very similarly and
worth the extra to keep those
darn fleas not only off your
pets but also your carpet,
bedding, and us! Yuck!!
I personally have been
using Comfortis for my
dog for years and am very
happy with its results.
The Village Vet LLC strives
to make flea/tick season
more bearable with more
effective products. So if you're
looking for some effective flea
preventatives and killers please
give us a call we'll get your dog
or cat's fleas gone whether it's
a pill or topical!! Give us a call
at 503-658-4200 or stop by!
I have been buzzed before by
hummingbirds and I have been
the object of their dry, squeaky,
repetitive scolding calls, but I
have never played this game of
hide and seek with them before
now. Usually I observe them
chasing other hummers away
from the nectar feeder as they
dive in long elliptical patterns,
then hover, calling out their
“tewk” warnings with bravado.
My meeting with the male
Anna’s hummingbird ended
when he flew into the
neighbor’s apple tree. He
had a better view of me than
I of him. Once I located
observed this male Anna’s
his perch, he buzzed off
going from flower to flower.
toward another yard. In the
He moved away and hovered
about three feet away from me. meantime, I’ll keep the bee
balm growing tall and hope for
I crouched in a still position
another enchanting encounter
and he continued to hover.
He then rose about six inches with these magnificent
where he was blocked from my and fierce trochilidae.
view by the top rail of our steel
mesh fence. I rose about six
inches and as soon as we made
eye contact he dropped down,
out of my line of vision again.
This up-down game continued
for less than a minute but it
demonstrated to me just how
savvy of their surroundings
these little guys are.
The Northwest Connection | 19
August 2012
Pay Attention
By Brian F. Mayer
Co-Founder, Phonics Phactory
living in the same house as
we are—if they are home.
As Nicolas Negroponte,
founder of One Laptop
per Child, has stated:
“Computing is not about
computers any more. It is
about living.” In my humble
opinion, living abysmally.
Do not take my word for it.
Take the time to read the
book by Nicholas Carr, The
Shallows: What the Internet
is Doing to Our Brains.
Family Health
(those who answered the call
to defend freedom in World
War II). He taught us the
value of using our minds in
learning. Doing math in our
manual transmission. Once
I got it home, Dad, to my
surprise did not get mad. He
decided instead to make me
fix it. My spring break plans
Too many parents today, when it comes to teaching
their kids, are iPhonies.
You just take it apart, learn
how it works while you are
taking it apart, and then figure
out what is not working.
Replace that part and put
it back together again.”
To this day, I have a quiet
confidence instilled by my
Dad that everything in
life can be fixed. You just
have to pay attention.
So, pay attention. Learning
has suffered in the digital
went right out the window.
heads, memorizing long lists,
age. Students today get
knowing the multiplication
hen I was first
From learning to drop the
In the digital age, learning
more excited about the
introduced to the
tranny out of the car, to taking simulated on-line games
isn’t what it used to be. It was tables, and quoting poetry
educational world a story
it all apart, Dad supervised
a remarkable social process
than playing the real one
honestly, that was my mother’s the whole process. Do you
was circulating concerning a
involving more than just
with real basketballs. Read
young girl who was asked to
have any idea how many parts The Shallows. Pay attention.
exposure to new information. contribution to my father’s
write a report on penguins.
and little finger bearings there Become iParents not iPhonies.
It was relational with teachers, list!) was a way of life. My
Her entire report consisted
tutors, mentors, or apprentices father was a man with a quality are in a transmission? We
What values can our kids learn
of thirteen words: “This book working with the master. The mind. Dad did not have a
had parts and grease laying
from us when we have less face
told me more about penguins interchange of humanness gave lot of formal school training,
everywhere. As I took out
but he knew how to think.
time than Facebook time? Pay
than I really wanted to know.” learning its values along with
each little part, Dad made
attention. Our kids are not
me list it on a chart he had
After twenty years of directing its information. Not anymore. us how to think as well.
living. They are merely existing
made. As we were getting
a private elementary school
Ever see a child not playing
with little purpose other than
close to finishing this week
As a teenager who had just
and observing digital American with one of their parent’s
feeling entitled. They need
long project, I asked my Dad
learned to drive and was
culture, I feel somewhat
iPhones so the parents can
the touch of your humanness,
how many transmissions he
given the keys to his 1965
the same way. People are
escape the children? As I
had fixed when he had owned not the touch screen of an
Falcon Ranchero, Dad used
no longer living, they are
was once told recently: “It
iPad. They need a mentor, a
the gas station in Lodi. He
gathering information. They
is your job to teach my kid,
living model. They need you
Hotare surfing over the wealth
not mine. I just feed him.”
Mom...Dad. Pay attention.
I asked how he knew what to
rodding around, I dropped
of knowledge we once scuba
Too many parents today,
first gear out of the three speed do. His answer: “It is simple.
dived into. We watch 24 hour when it comes to teaching
cable news, surf the net, log
their kids, are iPhonies.
onto Netflix, socialize on
My father was a member
Facebook, and then start to
of the Greatest Generation
think about those who are
Check Us Out On-Line
20 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Faith Encouragements
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from
Creative Compromise
was a lot of jealousy and
competition. The Articles of
Confederation that gave a
semblance of unity were not
effective in getting the states
to cooperate and focus on
collective goals and interests.
By Pastor Bill Ehmann,
Wood Village Baptist Church
If the situation had continued,
it is doubtful that the United
States of America would
have become a reality. There
was so much emphasis on
independence that unity
could hardly exist. It was
under this cloud of potential
failure that the Continental
Congress gathered to
try to find solutions.
Eventually, there was creative
compromise. They had to agree
to disagree on some issues and
still work toward shared goals.
could not
have all
of their
They had
to bond
together nationally on what
would give them strength in
numbers while also preserving
individual state power to
prevent their lives from being
run by the government.
wo or more individuals,
no matter how close and
like-minded they are, will
eventually need to find ways
to compromise their ideas
and opinions in order to
have a peaceful and fulfilling
They do not
have to think
alike in order to One of the famous lines from the Continental Congress
think together.
went something like this: “Gentlemen, we must all hang
A lot can be
together or most assuredly we will all hang separately.”
when people
who think very
differently about something
During those months of
developed into a system
can listen to each other, respect secret meetings, there was a
whereby through the Senate,
one another and determine
lot of disagreement among
each state would have equal
what benefits both of them
the men as they promoted
influence regardless of its size,
through what might be called their personal desires and
and through the House of
“creative compromise.” This
opinions and argued their
Representatives, the people
process can be applied to
preferences. These were not
could exercise their influence
any relationship, whether it
career politicians or paid
according to population. Add
be marriage, sports, business
government employees, but
to that the executive branch
– or even government.
farmers, lawyers and family
and the judicial system,
and there was a balance of
At the time of the Declaration
power and influence.
of Independence, the original
realized the states needed to
13 states operated in a spirit
It was a good system that
bond together to succeed,
of individuality. They were
worked for a lot of decades.
not very united. In fact, there but they did not want to give
It is still a good system, and it
up their independence.
Looking for a Good Read
By Pastor Roger Bothwell
o often we are admonished
to read our Bibles in search
of forgiveness, salvation and
eternal life. However,
sometimes we can
read just for the
sheer pleasure of
the content. Some
of Paul’s adventures
are as exciting as
Indiana Jones’. There
are shipwrecks, mob
scenes, a snake bite, escaping
a city in a basket. There is the
awesome beauty of the Psalms
and of course the narrative
of David’s many battles.
Ecclesiastes is filled with great
20 | The Northwest Connection
ideas. Chapter 9 alone is full
of entertaining thoughts.
Solomon tells of a poor
wise man, surely an
oxymoron, who saved
his city from a siege
by a strong king. The
problem is he never
tells us how. But I want
to know. In verse 7 we
read, “Eat your food
with gladness, and drink your
wine with a joyful heart, for
God has already approved
what you
do.” That
drives a
like me
just a bit
crazy. In
verse 8
he said,
be clothed in white.” White
was worn to festivals. Some
paraphrase this as each day
dress beautiful and fancy.
Verse 11 says, “Time and
chance happen to them all.”
The “them” is us. Good times
and bad times come to us all.
can still work if its basic tenets
are followed. The collective
system needs to carry out
responsibilities related to the
security of the country
and cooperative or
defensive international
relationships. It
can coordinate and
facilitate programs
within the country as
a whole that would be
impossible for one state
to accomplish on its own.
One of the famous lines from
the Continental Congress
went something like this:
“Gentlemen, we must all
hang together or most
assuredly we will all hang
separately.” To follow this kind
of thinking and action is to
accept the reality of creative
compromise. It worked for
them and it can work for us.
In the nation of Israel
following the death of King
Solomon, his son Rehoboam
became king. Rehoboam
would have been wise to listen
to the older advisors along
with the younger ones and
then work toward creative
compromise, because their
advice differed greatly. But he
listened to one side, ignored
the other and lost his kingdom.
The coming months of
political warfare could
be replaced by creative
compromise that seeks answers
that are in the best interest
of everyone. It worked 225
years ago, and I think it could
still work today. Creative
compromise is a principle
that can be applied to any and
all relationships – even those
that challenge you today.
Accidents happen. The last
verse says, “Wisdom is better
than weapons of war, but one
sinner destroys much good.”
I think before I go to sleep
tonight I will reread one of
my favorites. In Acts 12 Peter
is in prison and an angel aids
him in a great escape. It’s an
awesome story that should fill
all our hearts with courage
and hope. As Paul said, “With
God on our side, who can
be against us?” Do you want
some really great reading? Your
Bible is full of good stuff.
August 2012
The Northwest Connection | 21
August 2012
Faith Encouragements
their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Failed Experiments In Removing Evil
by Dan Franklin
world in Genesis, it was not an
experiment. God doesn't do
experiments because he knows
everything. But when we read
it, we experience it as if it was
an experiment. God sees
the intense evil in the
world and he chooses to
wipe out humanity and
preserve only a small,
God-fearing family. As
we read we might think,
"Okay, this is how God
is going to remove evil
Without going into specifics, it from the world. He will
became evident
wipe away all the evil
that the
people and preserve
experiment of
only the good people." If
seeing if they
this is what we think, we
could remove
are soon disappointed.
After the flood, Noah and
from evil
his family ushered in a
failed. The
new start for humanity.
reason it failed
In the midst of this, God
was that they
promised never to use a
realized the evil
worldwide flood to wipe
was not somewhere "out there" out humanity again. But look
in the world. The evil was "in at what he said when he made
here," inside each one of us.
this promise in Genesis 8:21:
In fact, the greatest evil in the "Never again will I curse the
movie was manifested through ground because of humans,
the person who appeared
even though every inclination
to be the most innocent.
of the human heart is evil
lmost immediately
before he lost his mind,
M. Night Shyamalan made
a movie called The Village.
The story revolved around
a cloistered community of
people who had experienced
such pain as a result of human
evil that they had looked
to remove themselves from
society. The movie was not
great, but the theme and
the message were great.
When God flooded the whole
from childhood. And never
again will I destroy all living
creatures, as I have done."
God didn't say, "I will
never flood the earth again
God's angels graciously took
them away from the corrupt
and evil city. Then, as soon as
they are clear of Sodom, Lot's
two daughters got their father
drunk and seduced him so they
could continue the family line.
I remember one of my
professors saying, "You
can take the people out of
Sodom, but you can't take
Sodom out of the people."
Throughout Genesis, God
shows us these "experiments"
with how to remove evil.
All of them fail. God
demonstrates that the only
true way to deal with evil is
not to deal with our external
because I have removed evil
circumstances, but to deal with
by removing all those rotten
our own evil hearts. And, in
people. Therefore I will never
anticipation of the Messiah,
have a need for another flood."
this is exactly what he promises
He hadn't removed evil
in Ezekiel 36:25-27: I will
and he knew this. And this
sprinkle clean water on you, and
reality became unmistakably
you will be clean; I will cleanse
evident in Genesis 9 when
you from all your impurities
Ham selfishly humiliated and
and from all your idols. I will
violated his own father. Evil
give you a new heart and put a
remains. The flood couldn't
new spirit in you; I will remove
remove evil because evil is
from you your heart of stone and
not out there, it is in here.
give you a heart of flesh. And I
Ten chapters later, we get a
will put my Spirit in you and
strikingly similar story. Lot
move you to follow my decrees
and his daughters are removed and be careful to keep my laws.
from the evil city of Sodom.
Proverbs 16: 1-23 Written By King Solomon
New International
Version (NIV)
1 To humans belong the
plans of the heart,
but from the Lord comes the
proper answer of the tongue.
2 All a person’s ways
seem pure to them,
but motives are weighed
by the Lord.
3 Commit to the Lord
whatever you do,
and he will establish
your plans.
than much gain with injustice.
9 In their hearts humans
plan their course,
but the Lord establishes
their steps.
10 The lips of a king
speak as an oracle,
and his mouth does
not betray justice.
11 Honest scales and balances
belong to the Lord;
all the weights in the
bag are of his making.
4 The Lord works out
everything to its proper end — 12 Kings detest wrongdoing,
for a throne is established
even the wicked for
a day of disaster.
13 Kings take pleasure
5 The Lord detests all
in honest lips;
the proud of heart.
they value the one who
Be sure of this: They will
what is right.
not go unpunished.
14 A king’s wrath is a
6 Through love and
messenger of death,
faithfulness sin is atoned for;
but the wise will appease it.
through the fear of the
Lord evil is avoided.
15 When a king’s face
brightens, it means life;
7 When the Lord takes
pleasure in anyone’s way,
his favor is like a rain
in spring.
he causes their enemies to
make peace with them.
16 How much better to
get wisdom than gold,
8 Better a little with
August 2012
to get insight rather
than silver!
17 The highway of the
upright avoids evil;
those who guard their
ways preserve their lives.
18 Pride goes before
a haughty spirit before a fall.
19 Better to be lowly in spirit
along with the oppressed
than to share plunder
with the proud.
20 Whoever gives heed
to instruction prospers,
and blessed is the one
who trusts in the Lord.
21 The wise in heart are
called discerning,
and gracious words
promote instruction.
22 Prudence is a fountain
of life to the prudent,
but folly brings
punishment to fools.
23 The hearts of the wise
make their mouths prudent,
and their lips promote
but its every decision
is from the Lord.
The Northwest Connection | 21
22 | The Northwest Connection
August 2012
Business Briefs
Roth IRA: For Your
Retirement … And Beyond
estate taxes. In 2012, your
f you’re somewhat familiar
estate would be subject to
with investing, you may
these taxes if it were worth
know that the Roth IRA is
more than $5.12 million
a great retirement-savings
(or less, if you made certain
vehicle. But are you aware
gifts). In 2013, however, this
that some of its benefits
amount is scheduled to drop
can also pay off for the next
to $1 million unless Congress
generation of your family?
acts on this issue. (Some
To understand why this is so,
states also have estate taxes
it’s necessary to be familiar
that apply at amounts less
with a Roth IRA’s features. For than the federal amount.) In
starters, when you contribute
any case, if you have a sizable
to a Roth IRA, your earnings
estate, you should consult with
have the potential to grow
your tax and legal advisors.
tax free, provided you don’t
When you invest in a Roth
start taking withdrawals until
IRA, your goal, first and
you’re 59½ and you’ve had
your account at least five years. foremost, is to help fund your
The amounts you contributed retirement. In fact, basically
all your decisions regarding
aren’t taxed when withdrawn
your Roth IRA — how
because you’ve already paid
taxes on the money you put in. much to contribute, where to
invest the money and when
And the potential for tax-free
to begin taking withdrawals
earnings can continue even
when your beneficiaries inherit — should be based on
your Roth IRA, though you’ll your own retirement goals.
However, as a side benefit
need to consult with your
to investing in a Roth IRA,
tax advisor on this issue.
you may find that you could
Roth IRA also offers other
help out the next generation,
features that can help you
or two, of your family.
build resources for retirement
while possibly helping your
surviving family members. For
one thing, you can contribute
to your Roth IRA for as long
as you have some earned
income, up to the contribution
limits, and as long as you meet
certain income limitations.
Even if you’ve officially
“retired,” you might do some
consulting or part-time work.
So you could put some of your
earnings into your Roth IRA.
This ability to keep funding
your Roth IRA virtually
indefinitely can give you more
flexibility in managing your
retirement income — and,
depending on how you do
manage that income and
what your other objectives
may be, you may also end up
with more money that could
be left to your beneficiaries.
Also, unlike a traditional
IRA or a 401(k), a Roth IRA
does not require you to start
taking minimum distributions
at age 70½. In fact, you are
never required to withdraw
money from your Roth IRA.
And by leaving your account
intact for as long as possible,
you’ll potentially have more
money available for a variety
of options — one of which
may involve leaving sums
to your beneficiaries. Your
non-spouse beneficiaries must
take annual required minimum
distributions, but they have the
option to take the distributions
over their lifetime.
Keep in mind, though, that
your Roth IRA is part of your
estate for purposes of federal
Union Pacific Railroad: Shaping
America For 150 Years
By Mayor Jim Kight
Union Pacific story.
e didn’t have any
difficulty spotting the
Union Pacific train painted
in Armour yellow with the
bright signal red strip on the
bottom. As we were directed
on the Anniversary Special
of Union Pacific at the Hoyt
Street train
we were
by how
the train
was. This
train will
the twentythree states
that the
Our host for this reception
celebrating the 150 years
of service to our country
was Robert Turner, Senior
Vice President of Corporate
Relations. The train serves
as Bob’s home. His
personal sleeping car
was built in 1914. The
Honduras mahogany
paneling that
surrounds his sleeping
quarters speaks of a
by-gone area when
trains were the chief
mode of transportation. The
day quarters of the same car
has elegant appointments
throughout and gas light
fixtures that have been
converted to electricity. Built
into a cabinet is a television
set that rises out of the base
with the push of a button.
It seems oddly out of place,
but a reminder that this
is a working office with
computers, and the like.
What follows is an interview
with the Robert, who is
well-versed in sharing the
Bob, tell us how
Union Pacific
Railroad was started.
We attribute our
beginnings with President
Abraham Lincoln who, in
July 1, 1862, signed the
Pacific Railway Act. From
that single act on the part of
President Lincoln
we have grown to
serve a majority
of the United
States with 8,000
locomotives and
44,000 employees.
We are the fifth
oldest Fortune
500 Company
on the New York
Stock Exchange.
We can move 1 ton of
freight 500 miles on
one gallon of diesel. A single
freight train can take 300
trucks off of our crowded
highways and freeways.
There is no doubt about the
fact that trains are the most
efficient means of moving
large volumes of freight.
Manufacturers and shippers
recognize that, and that is why
our business continues to grow.
What kind of
growth do you see
for Union Pacific?
This year alone we will
invest in purchasing 100
locomotives at a purchase price
of $2.5 million each. That is
a real job creator at General
Electric and Caterpillar
which manufacture our
In a snap-shot locomotives. From the year
what is Union 2000 to 2011 we invested
Pacific doing today? $31 billion in upgrading
equipment and infrastructure
At any given
time throughout to better serve our customers
and provide thousands
the day we have 150 trains a
day going through the state of of jobs for the nation.
Nebraska. Our headquarters
What do you see for the
is Omaha and that is where
future of your railroad?
the original Continental
We will continue to grow
in order to accommodate
the demands of our country.
Currently, besides purchasing
new locomotives, we are
building new rail cars because
of the increased orders.
In part we see a change in
manufacturing returning to
America from foreign markets.
line began. Throughout
This is a complete turnaround
the 32,000 route miles, we
from what we have seen in the
have 1,200 trains operating
past as manufacturers were
during a 24 hour period.
seeking a cheaper labor force to
We move goods that keep
the south and overseas. If this
America alive. Literally every
trend continues it will only
part of this nation’s survival
help to strengthen our country
depends on the moving
and the railroad will continue
of products like food, oil,
to see prosperous times.
gasoline, chemicals, trucks,
automobiles, and a thousand
As a footnote Troutdale has
other items. In the process
twenty-seven trains a day
we save energy doing it.
pass through our city. There
How efficient is moving is also a railroad bridge
traversing the SandyRiver.
freight on the railroad?
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August 2012
The Northwest Connection | 23