thanks to my scholarship, I am fulfilling my dream.
thanks to my scholarship, I am fulfilling my dream.
Thanks to my scholarship, I am fulfilling my dream. 2008 annual report It wasn’t that long ago when April Bowman was a high school student at Mariner High School in Everett. She wanted to attend college but money was an issue, and she didn’t grow up in a college-going culture to help her understand the ins and outs of selecting and applying for schools. Still, her parents were supportive, and April was in the first cohort of students awarded College Success Foundation scholarships under the Achievers Program. Today, after graduating from the University of Washington, she has returned to Mariner as a College Preparatory Advisor for CSF. April is giving back by helping students become collegeready and prepare for college by coordinating the application process, assisting with the financial aid forms, and mentoring them through the high school-to-college transition. “I love the energy of the students,” she observes, “and I love that I’m having an impact on their lives.” ” Thanks to my scholarship, I have a career that doesn’t feel like work. I am helping people and serving as a role model to students in my community. ” — a p r i l b o w m a n CSF College Preparatory Advisor and Achievers Scholarship Alumna College Su ccess Foundation Pe rform an ce Sco re Card (thro ug h D ecemb er 2008) 1,291 Graduates with bachelor ’s Degr ees As we enter our ninth year as an organization, the College 1,400 Success Foundation is in 14 municipalities across Washington 1,200 600 Foundation and Washington State Mentors. We thank the many individuals and organizations who have joined us on our quest, including long-term benefactors—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Costco Wholesale, and Chateau Ste. Michelle. We also wish to acknowledge the exceptional contributions of our Board member—The Honorable Gary Locke—who has championed the Governors’ Scholarship for Foster Youth over the years and who is serving the nation as U.S. Secretary of Commerce. And we honor our many volunteers, especially our high school and college mentors, who provide ongoing guidance and support to our scholars. Thanks to the scholarships, mentoring, and support our scholars have received, they are able to achieve their goal of a college education and fulfill their career and life dreams. 925 800 include two supporting organizations—the DC College Success In 2008 we examined how the College Success Foundation does its work, month after month, student by student. After collecting and examining the feedback from constituents, we created a forward-looking 12-year plan to increase organizational efficiency while improving our services to all our students. We are in the process of rolling out a more broad-based outreach within the state for high-need school districts. 1,291 1,000 State, manages five scholarship programs, and has grown to At the end of 2008, we have disbursed over $85 million to low-income, highpotential students for scholarships. With those funds, we have awarded 5,461 scholarships and seen nearly 1,300 graduate. C u m u l at i v e G r a d u at e s 558 400 200 0 5,461 242 22 2002 34 67 2003 2004 Chair and CEO Vice Chair President and COO 2006 2007 2008 Sch olar ships Awarded C u m u l at i v e s c h o l a r s h i p s awa r d e d ( i n c l u d e s D C CSF f o r 2 0 0 8 ) 6,000 5,461 5,000 4,660 3,850 4,000 3,180 3,000 2,000 2,540 2,020 1,300 1,000 0 2002 $85,400,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Disbur sed to Students for Scholar ships C u m u l at i v e m i l l i o n s o f d o l l a r s disbursed for scholarships $100.0 $85.4 $80.0 $68.3 $60.0 $52 $38.5 $40.0 Bob CravesAnn Ramsay-JenkinsDeborah J. Wilds, Ph.D. 2005 $20.0 $0.0 $25.7 $2.3 2001 $6.9 $14.2 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 The scholarship programs of the College Success Foundation are fulfilling students’ dreams. 2 | C o l l eg e s ucce s s f o u n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u a l rep ort Each of our scholarship programs is designed to provide students with the preparation, tools, and financial resources they need to complete their college degrees. Ac h i ev er s S ch o lar sh i p p rogra m ... A non-traditional, multifaceted scholarship program that supports students from 16 high schools with high percentages of low-income students and funded by a 15-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. C h at eau S t e. Mi ch elle S c hol a rs hi p f u nd ... A scholarship that has traditionally benefited underrepresented students of color with the goal of broadening diversity at the University of Washington and Washington State University. In the future the scholarship will be broadened to include all postsecondary institutions in the state. C o st co S ch o lar sh i p Fund ... A long-standing scholarship program that brings the business community and individuals together to help underrepresented students of color at the University of Washington and Seattle University. Go v er no r s’ S ch o lar sh i p f or F os t er You t h... A scholarship program that helps young men and women from foster care in Washington State continue their education and earn a college degree despite the often extraordinary challenges they face. Leader sh i p 1000... A scholarship program funded by individuals, foundations, or businesses which provides four-year scholarships to deserving students who need assistance attending any college in Washington State. Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 3 achievers scholarship program The Washington State Achievers Scholarship is an innovative multi-year, multi-level program designed to encourage low-income, high-potential students to obtain bachelor’s degrees. Created in 2001 and funded by a 15-year $120 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Achievers Scholarship Program redefines how students in 16 Washington State schools discover and qualify for college scholarships. Recipients are selected on non-traditional measures designed to identify which students are most likely to succeed in college. The Achievers Program starts early with college awareness and preparation for students who otherwise might not fully understand the college entry process. Specific programs, such as HERO for underrepresented students, especially young men of color, offer opportunities and promise at a time when many students start dropping out of school. As students progress, they receive academic and mentoring support. The mentoring continues into college to help them succeed. It concludes with alumni networking programs and post-baccalaureate career and graduate education guidance. ” Thanks to my scholarship, I can continue my education, ” not just for myself, but for the entire community. — r ay c o r o n a achi evers scholar s h ip p r o g r am 3 9 6 1 sch o l a r s h i ps s i n c e 2 0 0 1 8 4 0 g r a du at e s at e n d o f 2 0 0 8 $120 million raised 4 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u a l rep ort A senior at Mariner High School in Everett, Ray Corona was excited and nervous about the prospect of being selected for an Achievers Scholarship. He knew it would be difficult especially since English was a challenge for him. Not to be discouraged, Ray worked on his application essays every day for a month at the school’s career center, met the additional Achievers requirements, and was awarded a scholarship. “My goal was to get into college,” he observes, “and now I can work to promote education with other students from the Hispanic community.” Ray is planning to attend Western Washington University in the fall. On the left, Ray Corona, Achievers Scholar Candidate and Mariner High School senior; at right, College Success Foundation College Preparatory Advisor April Bowman and, at center, College Preparatory Associate Riley Haggard, both Achievers alumni, pictured at Mariner High School Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 5 Alex Bountharath has never been afraid of hard work. He worked two jobs in high school to raise money to help pay for college. Alex had assumed he would have to maintain this same workload once he got to college, even though it would interfere with his studies and his extracurricular life. With help from the Chateau Ste. Michelle Scholarship, he attended Washington State University where he was a residential advisor and worked as a Multicultural Student Mentor for the Asian American Pacific Islander Student Center. He received his degree in Communications with a minor in Hospitality Business Management in four years, thus becoming the first person in his family to graduate from college. Today, he works for Holland America Cruise Lines and Bellevue Radio, Inc. L-R: Chateau Ste. Michelle President and CEO Ted Baseler with Chateau Ste. Michelle Scholarship alumnus Alex Bountharath pictured at the winery 6 | C o l l eg e s ucce s s f o u n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u a l rep ort chateau ste. michelle scholarship fund By providing financial support that reaches throughout the state, Chateau Ste. Michelle—led by President and CEO Ted Baseler—advocates for increasing diversity at our state’s colleges and universities. For the past seven years, Chateau Ste. Michelle has worked in partnership with the College Success Foundation to provide scholarships to underrepresented minority students at the University of Washington and Washington State University through its annual Chateau Ste. Michelle Diversity Dinner. Beginning in 2009, the Chateau Ste. Michelle Scholarship Fund will broaden its focus to provide four-year diversity scholarships to underrepresented, low-income minority students in Washington to attend any college or university in our state under the auspices of the Leadership 1000 Scholarship Program of the College Success Foundation. “At Chateau Ste. Michelle we are committed to the belief that diversity is key to our success as a business,” notes Baseler. “Unfortunately, higher education is often inaccessible to the families of underrepresented minority students. These deserving individuals should not be denied the opportunities for learning and discovery that are available to their peers in a university setting.” ” Thanks to my scholarship, I got the breathing room I needed in college to do everything from spending time in ” the library to participating in community assistance. — AL e x b o u n t h a r a t h c h ateau s te. mic h el l e sch o l ar s h ip f u n d 1 0 7 sch o l a r s hi ps si nce 2001 6 2 g r a du at e s at e nd of 2008 $ 2 .5 m i l l i o n r ai se d Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 7 costco sc holarship fund Since 2000, Costco Wholesale has teamed with the University of Washington and Seattle University to create scholarships for high achieving, underrepresented students. The goal of the Costco Scholarship Fund is to assist the universities with the balance of diversity on their campuses. A supporter of the College Success Foundation from the very start, Costco has demonstrated its commitment to offer deserving students access to college. Each year, the company hosts the Costco Scholarship Breakfast that brings together nearly 1000 members of the business and philanthropic community, providing funding for hundreds of scholarships. “We believe in the power of education and its impact upon the future of our country,” says Costco President and CEO Jim Sinegal. “Through the Costco Scholarship, young men and women from diverse backgrounds are able to graduate from college and ultimately broaden the diversity of an educated workforce in our communites.” ” Thanks to my scholarship, I was able to experience college and approach my future in an entirely different way—to go where I ” wanted to go and learn what I wanted to learn. cost co scholarsh ip f u n d 9 0 2 sch o l a r s h i ps s i n c e 2 0 0 1 3 5 0 g r a du at e s at e n d o f 2 0 0 8 $ 1 8 .9 m i l l i o n r a i s e d 8 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u a l rep ort — Elizabeth Carbajal Elizabeth Carbajal had always dreamed about attending college, but her family was poor. Her mother had to work hard to make ends meet, but her family was committed to seeing her and her sister have the opportunity to get an education. Thanks to her Costco Scholarship, Elizabeth attended the University of Washington where she double-majored in sociology and art. After graduation, she was hired by Costco and has worked there for three-and-a-half years as an inventory control specialist. “The scholarship changed my life,” she notes. L-R: Costco Senior Vice President Ecommerce & Publishing Ginnie Roeglin with Costco Scholarship alumna Elizabeth Carbajal pictured in the Ecommerce/Publishing offices of Costco Wholesale Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 9 Lane Shtelen spent the first eight years of her life living alone with her grandparents in Ukraine. Then suddenly she was whisked away by her parents to the U.S. and thrust into a life with a family she hardly knew. After some troubling times and a chaotic family situation, she entered foster care at the age of 14. Over the next five years Lane was placed in six different foster homes and struggled with difficult life challenges. However, she prevailed and received a Governors’ Scholarship, eventually graduating from Western Washington University with a major in sociology. Now Lane volunteers and helps other foster youth, letting them know that they, like she, can be successful in college and in life with the right supports. L-R: Seattle Niketown assistant manager Summer Pelger, Governors’ Scholarship alumna Lane Shtelen, and former Governor Gary Locke pictured in the Seattle Niketown store. Nike is a founding sponsor of the Governors’ Cup Golf Tournament, proceeds from which fund the scholarship program. 10 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort washington state governors’ sc holarship for foster youth The numbers are staggering—nationally only 3% of foster youth attain bachelor’s degrees. The Governors’ Scholarship gives young people from foster care in Washington State a chance to earn college degrees. Begun in 2001 by then Governor Gary Locke, the Governors’ Scholarship—supported and endorsed by all former and current Washington State Governors—brings hope and opportunity to those raised in foster care so they can become self-sufficient and productive adults, prepared for success in life, school, and work. The challenges are often enormous. Foster youth can be transferred from home to home when they are young and then set out on their own when they are 18 with no resources to continue their education. Many of these students have faced additional challenges such as difficult family situations, homelessness, and shelter living. This year, over $500,000 was raised at the annual Governors’ Cup Golf Tournament in support of the scholarship, bringing the total raised to $3.3 million. The amount was enough to provide 44 four-year college scholarships. Over 75 businesses contribute annually to the event, including founding sponsors KKR and Nike. ” Thanks to my scholarship, I realized on a deeper level that there were people who believed in me—people who ” felt I had the potential to stay in school and not drop out. — lane shtelen was h in g to n s tate g o ver n o r s ’ sch o l ar s h ip f o r f o s t e r y o u t h 1 7 6 sch o l a r s h i ps si nce 2001 1 7 g r a du at e s at e nd of 2008 $ 3 .3 m i l l i o n r ai se d Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 11 leadership 1000 sc holarship The Leadership 1000 Scholarship Program matches deserving young men and women with generous individual, foundation, and business donors who promise to provide $5000 for each of four years to assist their scholars in earning their college degrees. The types of donors who sponsor a Leadership 1000 student are those who value education and recognize the importance—and the advantages—of bringing opportunities for learning to students who otherwise might not be able to attend college. They are people who want to reach out and make a difference, one student at a time. A Leadership 1000 Scholarship can be customized around a general set of requirements requested by the donor, such as a student attending a particular high school or college or pursuing a specific major. In 2008 under the Leadership 1000 Program, The Martinez Foundation—founded by former Mariner great Edgar Martinez and his wife Holli—pledged to fund ten $20,000 four-year scholarships for Latino undergraduates. Other businesses and individuals, such as O Wines and M Powered Events, also created innovative scholarship programs. ” Thanks to my scholarship, I was able to connect with someone whose commitment to philanthropy went far beyond finances. He is a mentor whose career and life experiences are helping to ” shape and develop my professional and personal growth. leadershi p 1 0 0 0 sc h o l ar s h ip 1 5 6 sch o l a r s h i ps s i n c e 2 0 0 1 1 9 g r a du at e s at e n d o f 2 0 0 8 $ 2 .7 m i l l i o n r a i s e d 12 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort — j o n k e l e ta Jon Keleta was born in Eritrea—a small civil war-torn country in East Africa. His mother escaped to Germany with Jon shortly after birth, then to America when he was eight years old. Life wasn’t easy though. Due to his mothers’ back injury when Jon was 17, he worked nearly full time during high school to help pay the bills. Clearly, Jon isn’t afraid of adversity or hard work. Donor Tom Garland recognized and respected his fortitude, and supported Jon financially to help him earn a degree in Finance and Accounting at the University of Washington. He also continues to help guide Jon professionally. Today, Jon provides Advisory Services with the Seattle firm Ernst & Young. L-R: Leadership 1000 alumnus Jon Keleta with mentor and Leadership 1000 donor Tom Garland pictured in the downtown offices of Ernst & Young Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 13 district of columbia college success foundation The District of Columbia College Success Foundation (DC CSF) completed its first year of operation in 2008, with a cohort of 167 students attending more than 70 universities around the country. In addition, another 174 young men and women from the D.C. Anacostia neighborhood were selected to be part of the second cohort of the DC Achievers Scholarship Program. d c csf B ob C r av e s Chair, President, and CEO S u e By e r s Chief Academic Officer College Success Foundation H er b T i l l e ry Executive Director Only 9% of D.C. ninth graders go on to earn college degrees, compared to a 23% national average. Funded through a 15-year $116 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Achievers Program provides scholarships, mentoring, and highintensity college preparation services annually to as many as 250 highly motivated, low-income students from six public high schools. Over the next ten years, approximately 2,250 students will be impacted—students who might not otherwise know how to apply, afford, or attend college. Shaped around the specific challenges faced in the District of Columbia, the program includes hometown mentors to provide individual guidance, the HERO program to support young men of color, and the ACE summer experience to give students a first taste of college. 14 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort The DC College Success Foundation works with other organizations throughout the District under the Double the Numbers coalition, designed to raise D.C.’s college graduation numbers closer to the national average. Some of the key participating organizations include D.C. Public Schools, D.C. Office of the State Superintendent for Education, The D.C. Education Compact, The D.C. College Access Program, and the Mayor’s Office. The DC College Success Foundation and Costco Wholesale collaborated on the first joint scholarship breakfast in the District of Columbia, designed to raise money and encourage college attendance for deserving students who want to attend college but cannot afford it. For further information on the District of Columbia College Success Foundation, the DC CSF 2008 Annual Report is available upon request. washington state mentors The mission of Washington State Mentors (WSM) is to promote and support quality mentoring that fosters positive youth development and academic success. There are estimated to be more than 240,000 children in Washington State who could benefit from having a mentor yet only 30,000 have one. This leaves a gap of more than 200,000. Washington State Mentors is closing that gap. Washingt on S tate Ment ors J im M a r s h President & COO L a r ry W r i g ht Executive Director Washington State Mentors is the only organization serving the statewide mentoring community, acting as an information broker between the state’s 200 direct-service mentoring providers, state agencies and benefactors. With the support of Washington State’s Department of Social and Health Services, Costco Wholesale, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and several companies including Bank of America, WSM is increasing the capacity of mentoring programs and improving the quality of the mentoring provided by directing new streams of revenue to the field. including best practices in mentoring. Perhaps most significantly, the number of children with a mentor has grown from 12,000 to 30,000 in the last four years, in part due to the efforts of WSM. Washington State Mentors is the champion of mentoring in Washington State and remains committed to closing the mentoring gap. For further information on Washington State Mentors, the WSM 2008 Annual Report is available upon request. Since its inception in 2004, WSM has awarded more than 75 grants to direct-service mentoring providers worth $4 million. WSM has delivered more than 100 training sessions on a variety of topics Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 15 2008 washington state highlights New Ventures and Partnerships College Bound Scholarship Program Launched: Governor Chris Gregoire and the Washington State Legislature inspired all Washington students to dream big when they created the College Bound Scholarship. CSF and the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) helped launch the program that puts low-income seventh and eighth graders on the path to a college education by offering the promise of tuition when the student reaches college age if the student keeps up his or her grades and stays crime-free. Thanks to a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CSF has established a marketing and outreach program throughout the state so that low-income families are able to sign up for the scholarship opportunity. College Access Network Builds in Washington State: As part of developing a Washington State College Access Network, the College Success Foundation completed an in-depth geographically based gap analysis of college access/readiness services in the state with grant support from College Spark Washington. CSF is partnering with the HECB, GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), NELA, College Spark Washington and National College Access Network on this project. Based on the findings, a plan was developed to provide in-school and community-based college readiness supports to target student populations in areas of need. In addition, plans are underway to launch a statewide college access network that will bring together youth serving organizations, colleges and universities and access organizations to better coordinate college access supports and fill existing geographic gaps in services. 16 | C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort KnowHow2GO Washington Campaign Launched: KnowHow2GO is a national grassroots effort designed to help ensure that students have the information they need to prepare for college. Collaborating with the Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA), CSF provided leadership and support to the KnowHow2GO Washington campaign, which was launched in spring 2008. A college access summit was held at the University of Washington and over 200 people attended the day-long event. Coalition Brings Together Statewide Efforts for Education Reform: Washington Leads, a coalition of advocacy and policy organizations, corporations, and individuals, began last year. It is now known as Excellent Schools Now and is a diverse group representing many sectors of the community. It has as its mission to “coalesce public and political will to deliver higher expectations and achievement for all children.” The College Success Foundation has taken an active role in the organization, providing leadership and support. Among its efforts was support for the CORE 24 initiative to strengthen high school curriculum requirements. Funding Raised for Tacoma Expansion: The College Success Foundation raised $2 million of the $3 million needed to open the Tacoma College Success Foundation offices in 2009. In addition, CSF has developed many collaborating partnerships with Tacoma organizations and is meeting with Tacoma community stakeholders and opinion leaders in support of the program. Summer Enrichment Experiences Fundraising Events JumpStart Begins: JumpStart is a new academic support program for Achievers Scholars who have been identified as needing additional developmental course work in math and/ or English to be successful in the college class room. In the first year of the program 189 students participated in the program at either Eastern Washington University or one of 12 Washington community colleges. In addition to developmental instruction in math and/or English, students participated in special orientation and student engagement activities that supported not only academic development but acclimation to college life and the campus experience. DC CSF operates a similar JumpStart program. Martinez Scholarship Hits a Home Run for Students: The Martinez Latino Scholarship Fund, under the auspices of the Leadership 1000 program, was funded this year. Thanks to the efforts of Edgar and Holli Martinez, a very successful gala event was held in October to raise money to provide ten $20,000 four-year undergraduate scholarships for Latino students. Additional funding will support Master in Teaching diversity scholarships for graduate students of color at the University of Washington and Washington State University. CSF will administer the undergraduate scholarships through the Leadership 1000 program. Ongoing Summer Programs Acquaint Students with College: Several summer enrichment programs were held to assist students with the transition to college. These included ACE, the Achievers College Experience, Make It Happen, and the HERO (Higher Education Readiness Opportunity) Academy. These four day/three night programs provide students with a specialized college campus experience. The annual ACE program was held in June 2008 on the campus of Central Washington University and provided newly selected Achievers Scholars with the information and resources they will need to successfully navigate the college admissions and financial aid process and build a community of learners. Make it Happen! The College Experience is a one-ofa-kind program designed to help foster youth discover how to prepare for college. More than 100 students spent four days on the University of Puget Sound campus learning how to deal with the complexities of applying and paying for college. In addition to the HERO Academy, the HERO program offered academic enrichment and college awareness programs at several locations to help increase college readiness for underrepresented youth, especially 7th to10th grade males with the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. 2008 Costco Breakfast Raises Record Funds for Scholarships: The annual Costco Scholarship Breakfast raised more than $3 million, bringing the total to date to nearly $19 million. The 1000 attendees from the business and philanthropic communities heard keynote speaker Erin Gruwell, the president and founder of the Freedom Writers Foundation, talk about her experiences working with whom others called “unteachable at-risk” students in a Southern California high school. In addition, students spoke of how the Costco Scholarship has changed their lives. Dinner and Music Add to the Annual Chateau Ste. Michelle Scholarship Fundraiser: A longstanding event at Chateau Ste. Michelle, the winery’s Diversity Dinner and Concert raised more than $240,000 to fund scholarships for underrepresented students at the University of Washington and Washington State University. Held at the Chateau’s grounds in Woodinville, the 2008 featured performer was Smokey Robinson. 8th Annual Governors’ Cup Golf Tournament Benefits Foster Youth: On a beautiful sunny day in September 2008 at the TPC at Snoqualmie Ridge, more than $530,000 was raised to provide 44 four-year college scholarships for foster youth. Organized by Governor Gary Locke, all the living Washington State Governors support the event. In attendance were Governors Evans, Lowry, and Rosellini, in addition to host Governor Locke. Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 17 ou r d on o rs Thank you to the 2008 donors of the College Success Foundation. Your generosity and support have nurtured the lives of thousands of deserving young men and women as they achieve their dream of a college education. The list is cumulative, showing all donations since inception in 2000. This list does not include donors to DC CSF or WSM. individuals/foundations $100,000,000 & above Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 Jeff and Susan Brotman Craves Family Foundation The Raikes Foundation Jim and Janet Sinegal Stuart Foundation $500,000 - $999,999 Anonymous Gary E. Milgard Family Foundation William Jenkins* and Ann Ramsay-Jenkins $100,000 - $499,999 Steve and Connie Ballmer Jack and Becky Benaroya Casey Family Programs Anne C. Dinning The Martinez Foundation/Edgar and Holli Martinez McCormick Tribune Foundation M.J. Murdock Foundation The Norcliffe Foundation University of Washington Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Joel and Maureen Benoliel Al Berger and Carol Auerbach Jabe Blumenthal and Julie Edsforth Thomas and Tracy Garland Heily Foundation Lumina Foundation Alfred and Tillie Shemanski Fund/ Tillie and Alfred Shemanski Testamentary Trust Brad and Jan Silverberg Southern Wine and Spirits Foundation Washington Dental Service Foundation $10,000 - $49,999 William and Janette Adamucci Ken and Marleen Alhadeff The Anderson Foundation Anonymous John and Debbie Bacon Stanley and Alta Barer Ted and JoAnne Baseler Donna Benaroya Carl and Joann Bianco Frank and Charlene Blethen Geoffrey T. Boisi Brettler Family Foundation Frederick and Victoria Campbell Scott and Linda Carson Richard and Suzan Chavez Gene Colin Richard and Bridget Cooley Richard and Chris DiCerchio Rick and Jacquie Doane Robert and Julia Dreyfoos Barney Ebsworth Tom and Sue Ellison Jacob Engelstein 18 | The Honorable and Mrs. Daniel J. Evans Bob and Karen Felton Furuta Lee Foundation Joseph and Terri Gaffney Richard and Barrie Galanti Vincent Gierer Bob and Eileen Gilman Family Foundation Glaser Progress Foundation Goldring Family Foundation Charles and Barbara Goodman The Grousemont Foundation David and Cathy Habib Nick and Leslie Hanauer Andrew and Carol Harris Angelique and Amy Haugerud William Helsell Steven and Sandra Hill Mike Hoffman Hoffman Watson Foundation Inc. Steve and Cathy Hooper Mitzi Hu Jeremy and Jacquelyn Jaech Mark and Mary Janci William M. Jenkins Endowed Scholarship JJJ Foundation Charles* and Lilian Kaplan Richard and Karmann Kaplan Henry & Nancy Ketcham Foundation Skip and Jackie Kotkins Michael Krasik and Nancy Geiger The Laurel Foundation Franz and Grace Lazarus Rhoady and Jeanne Lee Lester and Connie LeRoss Tom and Megan Luce Chris and Susan Marker Stafford Mays and Laurie Black David and Pam Mcdonald TJ McGill and Suzanne Sinegal McGill John and JoAnne McKay McKesson HBOC Foundation, Inc. Paul and Susan Moulton Valerie J. Newman Blake and Molly Nordstrom Gary and Lana Ojendyk Scott and Laurie Oki Orinoco Foundation John and Mary Pat Osterhaus Peach Foundation Frank and Renate Perry Dean and Gwenn Polik Henry Popkin and Barbara Di Ferrante Pro-Build Fund of the Homebuilding Community Foundation Herb and Lucy Pruzan Ray of Hope Foundation Steve Ritt and Laurie Rosen-Ritt The Roberts Foundation Gene and Ginnie Roeglin Bill and Jeanie Rosen Doug and Deborah Rosen Stan and Michele Rosen Bill and Jill Ruckelshaus Jon and Judy Runstad Michelle A. Rupp William and Patti Savoy Seattle Children’s Hospital Foundation Ed and Molly Shonsey William Shook and Teri Fischer George Snyder Hugh and Linda Straley The Honorable Lonny and Marcia Suko Mark and Patricia Suwyn Mikal and Lynn Thomsen US Bancorp Foundation Arthur and Eva Wahl Nick and Silvia Waltner Washington Mutual Foundation Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Bob and Jan Whitsett John Williams and Margaret McCurdy Williams Windermere Foundation John Waechter and Marka Jenkins Waechter Washington State University Foundation Ann Wyckoff Ken Youmans John and Donna Luger Jeff and Robin Lyons Ed Maron Bob and Cindy Masin John and Mary Ellen Matthews Stanley and Lilian McMullin Mike and Linda Morgan Dan and Joyce Murphy James Murphy Sheila A. Newlands Mark Nielsen Frederick* and Susan Paulsell David and Cherie Petterson The Presto Foundation Sheri Ranis Charles and Dorothy Rapp Tim and Donna Rose Randy and Betty Rubenstein George Russell, Jr. Michael and Jo Anne Sandler Howard and Sheri Schultz Doug W. Schutt Lester M. Smith Foundation Orin Smith Michael Stratis Stuart and Barbara Sulman Jack Weisbly Richard Weisman Charlie and Lynn Winters Robert Wolfe $5,000-$9,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Laura Andersen Ray and Edith Aspiri AT&T Foundation Mark and Deborah Bailey Deborah Berg Brian Bosworth and Hilary Pennington Paul and Deborah Brainerd Robert R. Braun Jr. Herb and Shirley* Bridge Alan Bubitz Don and M.K. Burdick Deb Cain Melissa Chabran Bill and Paula Clapp Bruce Coffey Jeff and Anne Cole Theodore and Patricia Collins John and Kathy Connors Eastman Kodak Charitable Trust Ron and Bonnie Elgin Aaron Feit Bruce and Maryann Flynn Jason Flynn Jackie and Gail Frank William and Mimi Gates Richard Gerhardt Barbara Gross Jerry Hanauer* Aaron Hoard and Jaime Greene Rick Holley George and Carolyn Hubman Paul and Katharine Hylbert Craig Jelinek David Kadue KeyBank Foundation Randy and Laurie Koehler Miklos and Natalia Kohary Wayne and Bev Lauerman Steve and Susan Lebow David and Melinda Littrell Marty and Sharon Lott C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort Barry and Ginger Ackerley Robert Albanese David V. and Mary Alhadeff Victor and Susan Alhadeff Richard Allen The Allwin Family Foundation Lorie Almon Robert Alshuler DeAnn Alvarez Elsworth and Nancy Alvord Bob Anderson Erik Anderson Apex Foundation Kathleen Ardourel Kevin and Patrice Auld W. Robert Ayer Ken Baca Robert and Pauline Bach Peter L. and Gwen Bachman Connie B. Barry Andrew Bartmess John Bates Paula B. Begoun Lori Behar Larry and Sherry Benaroya Nancy Bennett-Evans James Berg Dan Bernardo Bart Black Rebecca Bogard Chris Bolves Edgar and Elisabeth Bottler Aaron Bresko Jon Bridge and The Honorable Bobbe Bridge Mike Brosius Dean Brown Bernie Bubman Pauline Burbank Suzanne M. Burke Dave and DeeAnn Burman Charlie and Barbara Burnett Steve and Marlene Burns Steve and Donna Burnstead Sue Byers Patrick Callans Bill and Phyllis Campbell Steve Cantrell Tom and Cynthia Captain Robert K. Carrol The Cattarulla Fund of The Dallas Foundation Mark Christopher Dave and Mari Clack Bruce Cleland Craig and Sue Cole Brad Creswell Ricky J. Curotto Lucio and Marta Dalla Gasperina Nader Damaghi David and Jane Davis Joseph A. Dear Terry and Marilyn Diamond Diamond Family Foundation Charles Dickey and Sheila Wyckoff-Dickey Anthony G. DiRe Bill and Sally Douglas Donna S. Duncanson Robert and Talitha Easterly Brad Edwards and Karen Koon Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Paul and Nancy Etsekson Jon and Katherine Evans Pat Fahey James and Gretchen Faulstich Mark Flippo and Elise Purcell Susan C. Foster Tom and Maryl Foster Dellanie Fragnoli Joe Fraser Jennifer and Jason Freeman George Fuchs Joseph Fuller Patrick Fuscoe Ernie Gabiati Theresa Gallant The Honorable Booth Gardner Carver C. and Carmen Gayton Frank and Rose Genovese Gary Gigot Wayne and Anne Gittinger Cynthia Glaser Karen Glover and Thaddas Alston Peter Goldman and Martha Kongsgaard Jeff and Vicki Gordon Doug and Jean Gore Barry and Suzanne Goren Tom and Ann Gores David and Deborah Grant Josef and Stephany Gray Matt Griffin and Evelyn Rozner Heinz Grimm Bill and Sue Grinstein Gerald and Carolyn Grinstein Delphine Haley Richard Hanen Patrick and Stephanie Hardwick Dave Harruff Scott E. Hayes Kenny Henke James Henriot Mary Herche Mary Herrick The Hilen Foundation Suzanne Hittman John K. Hoerster Elizabeth Hofmann Mack L. Hogans Kim Holapa Mark Holtzinger Jeffrey Howard Michelle Hughes and Paul Johnson Lee and Ginnie Huntsman Lori Hussa Arthur D. Jackson, Jr. James Family Charitable Foundation Sarah K. Johnson Frank and Julie Jungers Juniper Foundation Hal Kaplan and Caroline Bombar Kaplan Irv and Laura Karl George and Ellen Kauffman Carolyn Kelly Frederick and Marianne Kiga Anne E. Lee Kilcup Deborah T. Killinger Ken and SaSa Kirkpatrick Dennis Knapp Jim and Lorna Kneeland Ted Koehn and Sloan Chong P.D. Koon Mark Koth Moe and Susan Krabbe Jim Kranick and Gail Tsuboi Betsy Lampman Dennis and Elizabeth Lane Shelley B. Lanza Paul and Christine LaPonte Howard and Arthe Kelly Lee Lewis Levin Kay Lewis Gregory and Stacy Lill Alexander Lindsey and Lynn Manley The Honorable Gary and Mona Locke Merritt and Marsha Long Keith and Judy Love Charles S. and Karen Lytle Michael Maas Justin Magaram and Amy Schottenstein Pete and Leslie Magid Steve Mandel, Jr. Stephen and Susan Mandel Wade Maples Jack Mariani Jud Marquardt and Connie Niva Tanguy and Julie Martin Randy and Kathryn Massengale Jerome and Sarah Mathews P. Gerry and Barbara Maurer Jeff McBride Bruce R. and Jolene McCaw Susan McConnaha Richard L. McCormick Richard and Caron McCune John McDowell Greg McGahey Bob McHenry Stuart McKee Norm McKibben Reed and Lisa McKinlay McKinstry Company Charitable Foundation Carl T. McKnight Stan and Charlotte McMurray Erica Meier Steve Messmer Gina Meyers Simon Michael Steve Mills John and Pat Minola Stan and Betsy Minor The Minute Maid Company John T. Mirante Charles Mitchell Tim and Kimberly Mitchell Joseph Montesano Maureen Muecke Alan and Jody Mulally Bob Nebel John and Laurel Nesholm Ann Lustig Nieder Donald and Melissa Nielsen Tom Noonan and Eileen Robison Erik and Julie Nordstrom Stephen Norman Tom and Cathy O’Keefe Richard and Jane Olin Joseph and Cheryl Oliver Laron Olson Gerald L. Pauling II Linda Perkins Donald Petersen Joseph Peterson Tom and Brooke Pigott Morris and Marlene Piha Cheryl Podolny Jimmy Podolny Susan Pollack Michael Pollard Dave and Teri Pool Eddie and Kim Poplawski Arlen and Debra Prentice Terry Pressman Anne Preston Rodney and Constance Proctor Blair Qunell Steve Quintrell and Gaylia Meitzen Brad L. Rader Michael Rau and Ruth Stockdill David Rauch Francis Ravel William and Barbara Rayburn Susan Reams Rick and Jenny Redman Pat and Ann Redmond The Honorable Norm and Constance Rice Charles Ridley and Marcia Chan Jim and Doreen Rigos Don Roberts Jonathan and Elizabeth Roberts Floyd and Judy Rogers Stuart and Lee Rolfe Bruce Rose Jim Rose Neil Ross Joe Rouske Tom Rowland Todd Ruberg Arthur and Ellen Rubinfeld Russell J. Sarazen Gina Schoeben Mick and Marnie Schreck Terry and Kathleen Scodeller John and Debbie Scott Mark Segale Bijal Shah Greg and Heather Shavey Otniel Shor Ralph E. Siegel Robert E. Simpson David Sinegal Sam and Jane Skrivan Phil and Helen Smart Dawn Smith and Laurie Johnson Mickey Smith Sam and Pat Smith Val Rie Smith H. Martin Smith, Jr. Lorraine Solaegui Samuel R. Sperry Barbara Stanczak Harriet Stephenson Arnold Stevens Gary Stines Lynn Stoudenmire Eric Strand and Linda Breneman Cathy Stringer Barry and Robin Stuck Kimberley Suchomel John Sullivan George Sundborg Tony and Dorothy Swies Gene and Tyra Sword Lyn Tangen Dominic Tarantino Michael and Winifred Tate John and Lynne Thelan Steve and Margaret Thorndill Sandy Torrey Margot Tyler Carole Viney William R. Warnock Lori Wedlake Bob Weinberg and Jeannie Butler Mark Weisman Jesse and Sylvia Welch Curtis and Karen Wells Rich and Jody Wheeler Brian Whelan Fred and Deborah Wilds Susan Wilhite A.O. Dennis Willows Larry and Katie Wright Tom and Sharla Wybenga Steve and Beverly Wyse Xtra Corporation Charitable Foundation Glenn and Roberta Yaffa Michele Yapp Ronald Yutrzenka $500 - $999 Norman Aehle Bev Akada Norm Andersen John and Dorothy Anderson Kirk Andreasen Bill and Karen Baker Scott Baker Sheila Baker Bob and Wendy Bates Howard and Lynn Behar Dennis Bekemeyer Mark Bevan Fraser and Deirdre Black John and Maria Bliss Charles R. Blumenfeld and Karla J. Axell Scott Breckenridge Robert H. Brennan Donald E. Brown Edward W. Bulchis Kenneth and Juli Bunting Shawn Byrnes Gary and Chris Carpenter Douglas and Debra Carr Daniel Chao Kenneth and Suzanne Christianson Michael K. Copass Paul and Barbara Couture Collin Cremo David L. Crouch Victor Curtis Clark Daffern Bill and Patty De Groodt Dean and Shari Derby Gregory Dunn and Mary Disis Education Assistance Foundation William and Virginia Ellis William and Sharon Fassett Stanley W. Fitzpatrick Tom Fleck Steve and Patty Fleischmann Patrick Flessner Sheri Flies Cindy R. Fontaine Michael and Lindsay Foody Todd Frazer and Lisa Predovich Marc and Jo Anne Gaspard Gerry Gerron Steven Gillman Paul and Teresa Goodman Jeff Green The Honorable Chris Gregoire Greg Hanon Ken and Cathi Hatch Greg and Lori Heck LaQuita Hester Ruth Hill Larry and Theresa Pan Hosley David B. Ingram Jerry and Joan Johnston Jeff Jordan Walter and Cynthia Kaczynski Michael Kahn William B. Karst Jim and Lisa King Gerald and Kathy Kingen Douglas P. Kintzinger Jim Klauer Susan Knox Josh Knudson Marc Kubota Lee Lambert JJ Leary Jerry and Charlene Lee Steven and Harriet Lodge Patricia Loera Richard Luty Todd and Susan Marker June A. Markov John Matchette Kurt Mathisen Lisa McCabe Gary McGill Tim McGinnis Joseph L. McKinstry Dorene McTigue Vincent and Madeleine Mennella Debora Merle Jeff Miles David and Victoria Miles Robert Miller Vail K. Miller Maarten Moog Gary L. Moore and Eileen T. Marshall Tomio Moriguchi James and Jean Morris Marc Munson D. P. Newland Craig Norman Andrea Padilla William Pan and Vicki McCracken Robert Parise Michael and Diane Parrott Lisa Peterson Eric Pettigrew Joseph P. Portera John T. Powers Charles R. Richmond Edward and Millie Russell Paul and Joanne Sabado Craig Saddler George and Laurie Schuchart Sue Secker Earl and Charyl Sedlik Allen and Kathleen Shoup Eric and Judy Spangenberg Patricia Stanford Jim Sterk V. Rafael and Donna Stone Scott Strodel Dana Sullivan and Vicki Legman James M. Sylvanus Gary and Dorothy Takasumi Kim Thomas Anita L. Thompson Mimi Thompson Stacy Thrailkill Todd and Kathy Thull Jay L. Tihinen Tony Unan Tom and Karen Vander Ark WaferTech Weyerhaeuser WRG Design, Inc. G. Thomas Hargrove Gathering of the Governors Global Resources Groff Murphy Trachtenberg & Everard PLLC H.J. Heinz Co. Hannah Int. Foods Hershey Foods Corp. HKA, Inc. Holland America Line Home Depot The Hoover Company Huhtamaki - Chinet Products Hunter Douglas Fabrication Hussmann Corporation Immunex Corporation JM Smucker Co. Jones Dairy Farm Junior League of Seattle K & L Gates LLP Kennedy Associates Koval Marketing KPMG, LLP Kraft Foods Krasnow Saunders Cornblath, LLP Kroger/Fred Meyer Laird Norton Company LLC Lexmark International, Inc. London Luxury LLC Luce Forward Lutheran Community Services NW Macy’s Mariani Packing Company Moet Hennessy USA Molina Healthcare of Washington, Inc. Money Tree, Inc. Morey’s Seafood MPowered Events Nintendo of America Nonni’s Food Company Northwest Natural Products Leeds Engineering Co./Olde Thompson Palm Bay International PEMCO Insurance Peninsula Packaging Company Pfizer Inc Philips Consumer LifeStyle Philips International Philips Oral Healthcare RealNetworks Regatta Tropicals LTD Reser’s Fine Food Rich’s Consumer Brands RMC Constructors Rubenstein’s Contract Carpet, LLC Russell Investment Group Sabert Corporation Sabey Corporation Saputo Cheese USA Sara Lee Bakery Group Schnitzer Investment Corp Seattle Financial Group Seattle Mariners Seattle Seahawks Seattle University School of Law San Francisco State University Office of University Advancement & Development Sheppard Mullin Solo Cup Company Solutionz, Inc. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Sound Ford Southern Wine & Spirits Span Construction & Engineering, Inc. Spin Master Ltd. Sterling Savings Bank Strong & Associates Suncadia SVG Distribution, Inc. Swedish Health Services Tarantino Sausage Thompson & Knight L.L.P Tillamook Cheese TJ Design Strategies, Ltd. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Toysmith Tree Top Inc. Trilogy Partners Turner Construction Universal Music Distribution Universal Studios Home Entertainment University of Washington Board of Regents University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences University of Washington Health Sciences University of Washington Office of Minority Affairs University of Washington Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs University of Washington School of Business Administration University of Washington School of Medicine University of Washington Undergraduate Academic Affairs Verizon Viaquest Inc Vizio, Inc. Vulcan Northwest, Inc. Whalen Furniture Mfg Wilcox Farms Williams, Kastner & Gibbs, PLLC Washington State University Office of the President Washington State University College of Business Washington State University Division of Student Affairs, Equity & Diversity Washington State University Office of Student Affairs Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Yamaha Corporation of America Young’s Market Company, LLC Michael and Camille Vaska Dave and Christie Vik Eileen Votteler Mike and Debbie Warfield Joe and Gail Wenaweser Sheryl Willert Bruce W. Williams Deborah Wilson Julie Wilson Phyllis Wise Jenny Wong Stephen Wong Robert and Kathleen Woolf David C. Wu William and Carol Wurts Peggy Zullo Jonathan Zweig * deceased businesses/organizations $20 million and above Costco Wholesale $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 Casio $500,000 - $999,999 Campbell Soup Company $100,000 - $499,999 Allied Marketing, Inc. American Express Anderson Daymon Worldwide BelGioioso Cheese The Benaroya Company CHEP Equipment Pooling Systems Colgate-Palmolive Company First Quality Georgia-Pacific Corporation Gillette Company GoldToeMoretz Greenberg Glusker Harvest Manor Farms Huish Detergents Inc. Intuit Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Company Johnson Controls Kellogg Company Kelsen, Inc. Kimberly-Clark Corporation KKR - Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Ledcor Industries Inc. Mastronardi Produce Limited MCM A Meisenbach Company Mulvanny G2 Architecture NELA Nice-Pak Products, Inc. Northwest Atlantic Partners Pacific Coast Feather Company Panasonic PepsiCo, Inc. Perkins Coie LLP Pharmavite LLC Procter & Gamble Puget Sound Energy Request Foods, Inc. Robinson Construction Safeco Insurance Schiff Nutrition GRP Inc. Sealy, Inc. Seattle Pacific Industries Inc. (Unionbay Sportswear) Seattle University President’s Office Seyfarth Shaw, LLP Starbucks Coffee Company Sugar Bowl Bakery Talking Rain Beverage Trident Seafoods Corporation Unilever USA United Stationers Supply Co. US Bank US Nutrition Inc. UST Vine Street Group Washington Mutual $50,000 - $99,999 Access AT&T Barclay Dean Construction Bechtel National, Inc Birds Eye Food Inc. The Boeing Company Borghese Buena Vista Home Entertainment Capital One Services, Inc CG Roxane Clorox Company - Brita Coca-Cola North America Crescent Inc. Dean Foods Dairy Group Del Monte Foods Dole Packaged Foods Dorel Industries Dorsey & Whitney, LLP DWI Holdings, Inc. Foster Pepper PLLC Group Health Cooperative GTech Corporation Hanes Brands Inc Hewlett Packard Jackson Dean Construction Jarden Branded Consumables JVC Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. M.A. Mortenson Company Marler Clark LLP, PS Michelin North America Microsoft Corporation Novak Construction nZania O Wines Oberto Sausage Co. Pactiv Corporation Philip Morris USA Poly-America, L.P. Premera Blue Cross Qwest Rand McNally & Company Ricardo Beverly Hills Ruiz Foods Safeway SC Johnson The Seattle Times Ste. Michelle Wine Estates University of Washington Office of the President $10,000 - $49,999 21st Century Designs 3M Company Acosta Advanced Marketing Services Advantage Sales & Marketing Albert David Pearls & Gems Alltrade, LLC Alorica, Inc. Alpine Fresh, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. American Sporting Goods Amgen Arnall Golden Gregory LLP Arthur Schuman Inc./Zanetti AT&T Wireless At-Sea Processors Association AVISTA Bader Martin Ross & Smith, P.S. Bakemark Bank of America Battelle Pacific Northwest Division Bayer Corporation Bechtel Infrastructure Corporation Best Express Foods, Inc. Beverage Distributors of Colorado Bimbo Bakeries USA Binney & Smith BNSF Railway Company Boeing Employees’ Credit Union BP Cherry Point Refinery Brother International Callison Architects Camanchaca, Inc. Carters Inc Cingular Wireless Classic Accessories Collotype Labels International Comcast Covenant Mortgage Corporation Crunch Pak Custom Decorators Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Deloitte & Touche The Dial Corporation Divatex Home Fashions Inc. Dovex Eastman Kodak Company Esquel Enterprises LTD Eurofresh Farms Ferguson Construction, Inc. Fisher Communications, Inc. Flexon Industries Frank Russell Company Fuji Photo Film USA, Inc $5,000 - $9,999 Accenture Acme Foods Sales, Inc Aidells Sausage Company Aiello Coyle Blaschak Alaska Airlines Allergan Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. American Barcode American Pacific International Capital, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Co., Inc. Ann’s House of Nuts Anthony’s Restaurants AP World Marketing Barcelo Enterprises, Inc. Ben Bridge Jewelers Brown & Cole Stores Butzel Long Canon Carter, Ledyard & Milburn Charles Schwab Charlie’s Produce Chevron Chevron Texaco Global Lubricants CokeM International Continental Mills Crider Inc. Darigold Dawson-Forte Cashmere Daymon Worldwide, Inc. Direct Services Discovery Foods Duraflame, Inc. Elcatex Electrolux Home Care Products Eli Lilly and Company Elite Spice Inc. Epson America Ferrero USA, Inc. Ford Motor Company Foster Farms Frenchman Hills Vineyard FujiFilm USA Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. General Motors Corporation GNO International, LLC Gold Harbor Commodities, Inc. Golf Savings Bank Heinz Consumer Products Hollander Home Fashions Information Resources, Inc. InfoSpace, Inc. Ingram Entertainment, Inc. Interstate Construction Group Inc. Iris USA, Inc. JBR Gourmet Foods - San Francisco Bay Coffee JJ Snack Johnsonville Sausage K&L Beverage Company LLC Kalty Salios Sales KAO Brands Kendal Floral Kier & Wright L&M Northwest Lane Furniture Lee Sherman & Associates Lifetime Brands Liz Claiborne, Inc. LNK International Inc. Maidenform, Inc. Marco Wood Products dba Handy Home Products Martinelli & Co. McCormick & Company, Inc. McKinstry Company Mead Johnson Nutritionals Miller Brewing Company The Minute Maid Company Mittenthal & Associates Moose Creek, Inc Mountain High Hosiery, Ltd. National Presto Industries, Inc. Navarre Corporation NorthWest Handling NuCal Foods, Inc. NY Pizza Company, Inc. Ore-Cal Corporation P&L Imports Italy Paper Magic Group Perrigo Phoenix Down Corp. ProSports Club Puget Sound Business Journal PureTek Corporation Quaker Foods and Beverages Quellos Group Raven Trust Fund Reckitt Benckiser Regence Blue Shield Republic Clothing - Evie Roy Farms, Inc. Royal West Sales, Inc. Saint-Gobain Containers Saltchuk Resources, Inc. Samson International Samsung Electronics America Sanyo Fisher Company Sara Lee Coffee & Tea Sara Lee Food and Beverage Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 19 Scott Laboratories Seattle University Albers School of Business & Economics Seattle University Jesuit Community Seville Classics, Inc. Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Smithfield Foods Southwestern Bell Sunbelt Beverage Company, LLC. Supreme Corq, Inc. Team Marketing, Inc. Transportation Solutions, Inc. Tyson Foods, Inc. US Trust University of Washington College of Education University of Washington Graduate School University of Washington School of Dentistry University of Washington School of Information Vinotemp International Corp. Visual Impact Voss, Cook & Thel LLP Warehouse Demo Services Washington Dental Service Wespak Sales WestCoast Hospitality Corporation WhiteWave Foods Washington State University CBE Distinguished Faculty Washington State University College Agricultural, Human & Natural Resource Sciences Younger Optics Young’s Columbia Wine Company Zones, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 AAA Bowls Unlimited ACCO Brands, Inc. Accumed Inc. Aconex RT Acosta Sales & Marketing Advanced H20 AEM & Associates, Inc. Agrolabs Inc Alaska Distributors Co. All Wood Cabinetry Alliance Marketing Alliances Northwest American Bank Note Company American Household, Inc. American Pride Seafoods Ameri-Tech Dist., Inc. AMO USA, Inc. Anita G. Inc Apache Mills Apio, Inc. Armstrong Teasdale, LLP Arthur Anderson Asia Discount Center Associated Grocers AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Authentic Lifestyle Products Avenues in Leather Avis Rent A Car Baby Lulu Baker & Taylor Banfi Vinters Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Bar-S Foods Bechtel Hanford, Inc. BECU Tukwila Financial Center Belo Corporation Bensussen Deutsch and Associates Benton Rural Electric Association Bernafon Bernard and Sons Big Valley Ranch Bissell Black & Decker, Inc. Bonneville Bounty Fresh LLC 20 | Brown & Williamson Tobacco Baker & Taylor Marketing Services, Inc. (BTMS) Budget Rent a Car Burdette Beckmann Inc. Bureau Veritas Bushnell Outdoor Products C&W Company C.M. Holtzinger Fruit Co. Canandaigua Wine Cardile Brothers Mushroom Packaging Inc. Carl Buddig & Company Cascade Bank Castrol North America Celeste CH2M Hill, Inc. Charles & Vinzant CHEP USA Chicken of the Sea International Citterio USA Cityice Cold Storage Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Cliffstar Corporation Clover Stornetta Farms Inc. CMI Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Coinstar Coleman Company Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment ConAgra Conair Corporation Coors Brewing Company Corrections Corporation of America Corus Brands Country Gourmet Creations in Optics Crivelli Mack Daewoo Electronics America, Inc. Damascus Bakery Inc. DDB Seattle Del Real Foods Dell Inc. Dell USA, LP DeLonghi Design Resources, Inc. DIAGEO Diamond Foods Incorporated Dillon/Flaherty Investments, Inc. Dimensions Furniture DIR Group, Inc. DLA Piper Rudnick Gary Cary DMi Furniture, Inc. Domex Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll, P.C. Dream International Ltd. Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Duni Corporation Duro Bag Mfg Company Dyson E. Mishan and Sons Inc. Eagle Bar Supply Eber Bros. Wine & Liquor Corp. Ecclissi Eliason Enterprises Inc. Elttaes Enterprises Embassy Flavours Ltd. Energizer Personal Care - Playtex Engineers Northwest, Inc. P.S. ESI Distribution Eureka Co. Fellowes Inc. Fila Filippo Berio Olive Oil The Finance Project Fletchers Fine Foods Flexsteel Industries Foley Belsaw Forsa Editores Four Hands Fowler Packing Company Francis Coppola Winery Franklin Corporation Franz Family Bakeries Fresherized Foods, A Division of Avomex Frito Lay Furnco International The Gaitan Group, PLLC Garvey, Schubert & Barer General Mills Geneva Watch Group Georgia Pacific Corp. Gertmenian and Sons Giorgio Fresh Co. Glazer’s Distributors Glen Raven Gloria Vanderbilt Apparel Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc. Golden Mills Golin Harris Communications, Inc. Gourmet Settings Grgich Hills Cellar Hallmark Global Services, Inc. Hamilton Beach Hansen’s Natural Hansgrohe HARDT Equipment Harlan Bakeries, Inc. The Harris Soup Company Heidelberg Distributing Co. Heineken USA Hertz Corporation High Liner Foods Hi-Tech Interiors Home Fashions International Westgate Home Honda Auto Center of Bellevue Hormel Foods HP Hood LLC Hyster Sales Company Igloo InGear Products Ingram Book Group, Inc. Innovative Merchandising Solutions, LLC International Biscuits and Confections Inc. Interstate Brands Companies Intrepid Properties IPC USA Inc. Ito En North America Inc. Itron Jakks Pacific, Inc. JanSport, Inc. Java Trading Company Jennie-O Turkey Store Jewelry to Your Doorstep Joint Juice Inc Just Desserts K.B. Socks, Inc. dba K. Bell Kaiser Aluminum Keebler Company Kerry Key Bank National Association King Television - Seattle Kings River Packing Kingsburg Orchards Kobrand Corporation Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP La Brea Bakery, Inc. The Lakeside Group, LLC Lancer and Loader Group LLC Land O’ Lakes, Inc. LeafGuard by Beldon Enterprises LendingTree Les Schwab Tire Centers Liggett Vector Brands Litterpurrfect Company Little Farm Frozen Foods Inc. Little Giant Solutions Little Hotties Warmers London Fog Industries - Pacific Trail Louis Dreyfus Citrus Inc. Louisville Bedding Co Lynden, Inc. M.S. Walker, Inc. Madera Quality Nut, Inc. Maples Rugs Marie Callender’s Mars Petcare US Marvin Richards Mass Marketing Services C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort Matlock & Associates, INC McDonald’s MeadWestvaco MECO Corporation Meduri Farms Mellon Private Wealth Management Menasha Packaging Mercuries Asia LTD Merisant Company Mesa International Meyer Corporation Michael Toshio Cuisine Milton’s Fine Foods Mission Pharmacal Mitchell Stroum & Associates Mitsubishi Digital Electronics MJ Gross Moark LLC Mohawk Home Monterey Gourmet Foods Morrison & Foerster LLP MTD Products Inc. Musco Family Olive Co. Native Floral Group Nelson Jewelry Nestle Purina Petcare Co. Nestle Waters North America Neutrogena Corp. New Bright Industries Newell Rubbermaid Nine Stars International Nordstrom NORPAC Foods, Inc. Northwest Pet Products, Inc. Novartis Consumer Health Nu Element, Inc. Office Star Products Olsen Brothers The Oppenheimer Group OPUS NORTHWEST, LLC Osram Sylvania, Inc. P&G Associates PA Distribution, Inc. Pacific Northwest Bank Pacific Public Affairs, Inc. Pacific Seafood Group Paramount Home Entertainment Peake Marketing Pepperidge Farm Pepsi Bottling Goup Perdue Farms Performance Designed Products Physicians Insurance Pierce County Community Network PL Developments Planet 3 Pleasant Company Publications Polyvinyl Films Inc. Powermate Corporation Principal Performance Management Produce-ing Results Int’l LLC Publications International Pugh Capital Management, Inc. PWP Industries QFC R.J. Reynolds Ready Pac Reily Foods Company Rexton Inc RG Barry Rich Products Corp. Rigos Bar and CPA Review Robinson Pharma Inc Rose Enos S.C. Johnson S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Saeco USA San Francisco French Bread Sanford Sara Lee Foods US Schering-Plough Schneider National, Inc. Schwan’s Global Consumer Brands SCM Consultants, Inc. Seaboard Farms, Inc. Seattle Post Intelligencer Seattle University College of Arts & Sciences Seattle University Food Services Seattle University Office of the Provost Seattle University Office of the VP for Student Development Seattle University School of Nursing Seattle University, University Advancement Office Sentry Safe Setton International Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Shapiro and Associates Shasta Northwest, Inc. Shell Oil Company ShowerTek Shuman Produce Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Siemens Skotdal Real Estate Skyway Luggage Company Sleep Innovations Smarterville, Inc. Smith and Greene Company Smurfit-Stone Container Enterprises, Inc. Snack Alliance Snack Factory Inc. Sony Electronics Source Northwest, Inc. Sprint Square-H Brands, Inc. Stardust Diamonds The Starfish Group Stemlit Grower Inc Stock Pot Inc. Stroum Enterprises Sunopta Sunsweet Growers Superior Coffee Swift & Company Swift Transportation Co., Inc. T.J. Harkins Tai Foong USA Inc. Techno Source Temple B’nai Torah Thompson Dyke Associates Timbercreek Wholesale Tim’s Cascade Snacks Tramontina USA, Inc. Tricord Pharmaceuticals Trimfit Inc. Trinity Fruit Sales True North America True Seating Concepts Tupman Thurlow Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment UBNA, Inc. Unilever Bestfoods, USA Unilin Flooring United Distributions, Inc. Universal Furniture Urban Partners LLC USA Products Group University of Washington College of Engineering University of Washington Intercollegiate Athletics University of Washington Libraries University of Washington School of Nursing University of Washington School of Pharmacy University of Washington School of Social Work Valley Fine Foods VEHRS Inc. Ventura Foods Vienna Beef Ltd. Viewpoint Leather Works VP Buildings, Inc. W.P. Appliances, Inc. Wacom Technology Walker’s Shortbread Inc. Walla Walla River Vineyard Warnaco Swimwear Group Washington Hills Washington Wine Commission Wayne Farms LLC Wells Fargo Western Asset Management Company Western States Petroleum Association WestFarm Foods Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Wholly Guacamole WM Wrigley Jr. Company Wright Hotels, Inc. Wright Runstad & Company Washington State University College of Education Washington State University College of Liberal Arts Washington State University College of Pharmacy Washington State University West The Woodinville Weekly Wyckoff Farms & Coventry Vale Winery Yanosan Inc. Yardarm Knot, Inc. YoCream International Zdi Zirkle Fruit Company $500 - $999 AB Sales and Marketing Alcan Packaging Capsules of California Altair Lighting Andrews Horse Heaven Ranch, Inc. ATK Foods Averitt Express, Inc. Bender Chaffey Corporation The Blotner Group at Smith Barney Blount Fine Foods Breville USA BrownTrout Inc. C and H Sugar Company Campus Drive Inc. CDS Distributing, Inc. Chas Komar Chronicle Books Consup North America Inc. Delaware Beverage Co. DeLille Cellars Eder Bros, Inc. Empire Distributors of North Carolina, Inc. Evergreen America Corporation Eyewear Designs Ltd Fifth Avenue Theatre Frontier NW, Inc. Gallo Winery Gamache Farms Hunter Fan Company Innerstave, LLC Lifestyle Solutions MassMutual Financial Group Midwest Beverage Company, Inc. Nine Lives Book Club OceanBeauty Seafoods, Inc. Orian Rugs PMI-Aladdin Polder Inc. Reynolds Investments Road Apparel, LLC Service Distribution Company Sidley & Austin Snapware Strategic Paper Group THQ, Inc. Tonkon Torp LLP United Beverages, Inc. Washington Fruit & Produce Company WireLogic (AudioQuest) XTRA Lease in kind gifts 3M Company 98.9 KWJZ Smooth Jazz Alaska Airlines BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Rebecca Bogard Bonneville Ray and Gay Brook CHEP Equipment Pooling Systems ClearChannel Clorox Company - Brita Yvette Colpitts The Confectional at Pike Place Market Costco Travel DDB Seattle Deer Creek Awards DIAGEO Dr. Phil Foundation The Fairmont Newport Beach The Fairmont Palliser Fifth Avenue Theatre Filson Roger Hoen Holland America Line Il Terrazzo Carmine Restaurante Italiano Kendal Floral Kennelly Keys Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Earl and Kristin Lasher Lowell-Hunt Catering Francois Martin John and JoAnne McKay Molina Healthcare of Washington, Inc. Nike Nonni’s Food Company Pacific Cabulance Ponti Seafood Grill Precision Wire Puget Sound Business Journal Sara Lee Food and Beverage Seattle Mariners Seattle Sounders FC Snoqualmie TPC Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Sugar Bowl Bakery Suncadia Talking Rain Beverage Alise Tarich United Airlines Warner Home Video The Westin Wild Ginger Restaurant Yarrow Bay Grill and Beach Café Donors for the District of Columbia College Success Foundation and donors for Washington State Mentors are listed in their 2008 annual reports respectively. co ll eg e s u cce ss f o u n dat ion and subs idiar ie s c o n s o l i d at e d s tat e m e n t o f a c t i v i t i e s a n d c h a n g e s i n n e t a ss e t s 2008 2007 Public Support and Revenue Contributions $ 7,977,945 $ 94,915,636 Fundraising Events - net of expenses 4,219,523 3,771,814 In-kind Contributions 826,618 260,760 Government Grants 2,681,207 2,340,459 Investment Income (Loss) (3,296,333) 4,678,250 Total Public Support and Revenue 12,408,960 105,966,919 w h o w e a ssi s t These charts illustrate the profile of Washington State students currently being served by programs that the College Success Foundation manages. Note, however, that each individual program has its own profile that could differ from the composite charts. Charts are based on data available. Data is not available for all students served. Race/Ethnicity Expenses Scholarships Awarded Other Programs Total Program Expenses 19,120,591 10,913,234 30,033,825 15,599,966 8,779,232 24,379,198 Management and General Fundraising Total Expenses 1,647,451 1,207,216 32,888,492 1,091,546 822,749 26,293,493 Change in Net Assets (Note 2) (20,479,532) 79,673,426 Net Assets – Beginning of Year 135,525,188 55,851,762 Net Assets – End of Year $ 115,045,656 $ 135,525,188 c o n s o l i d at e d s tat e m e n t o f f i n a n c i a l p o s i t i o n Family Income 10%* Independent 18% Latino/ Hispanic 16% Asian/Pacific Islander 22% Black/African American 31% White/Caucasian 8% MultiRacial 10% >$50,000 7% <$10,000 13% <$50,000 19% <$20,000 20% <$40,000 21% <$30,000 December 31 2008 2007 Assets Cash and Investments $ 16,826,620 $ 14,555,459 Pledges and Other Receivables 8,778,403 6,632,210 Total Current Assets 25,605,023 21,187,669 Long-term Investments 53,134,691 69,669,362 Long-term Pledges Receivable 84,071,212 87,082,883 Property and Equipment 726,591 454,601 Total Assets $ 163,537,517 $ 178,394,515 Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $ Program and Scholarship Commitments Total Current Liabilities 1,235,011 $ 20,625,844 21,860,855 1,578,476 15,636,568 17,215,044 Long-term Program and Scholarship Commitments Total Liabilities 26,631,006 48,491,861 25,654,283 42,869,327 Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 115,045,656 163,537,517 1% American Indian 4% Other Family Size 7% One 10% Two * Independent students include foster youth and other students without parental support. Gender 21% Six or more 20% Five 19% Three 57% Female 43% Male 23% Four 135,525,188 $ 178,394,515 Note 1: A copy of the 2008 Consolidated Audited Financial Statements for College Success Foundation and Subsidiaries is available upon request. Note 2: Because College Success Foundation follows generally accepted accounting principles, large grant contributions were recognized as revenue during the past nine years, but expenses related to these revenues will be recorded as the scholarship, program and indirect expenses are incurred over the life of these long-term grants, which range from five to fifteen years. This may result in a negative change in net assets in a particular year, but since it is a result of following generally accepted accounting principles, it is an accounting shortfall and not a cash shortfall. Scholarship, program and indirect expenses relating to these grants of $24,263,000 were recognized during the year ending December 31, 2008. Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 21 ou r m en t o rs Michael Rottersman Nova Schauss Amy Sherbourne Val Rie Smith Nancy Sprick Lauren Thompson Brad Tomhave Justine Tvedt Jessica Wallace Robert Yuong Moncef Belgacem Alphonso Buechl Susan Charrier Patricia Coleman Kenneth Colman Lorelie de Leon Bridget Elliot Aida Fraser-Hammer Barry Fretwell Kevin Garling Lakesha Gates Joshua Gerstman Synthia Gounder Jeremy Hall Melissa Hougland Sandy Lam Pauli Lavochin Debra Leroy Michael Martinson Anel Mercado Sweeney Motinola Ngam Nguyen Randy Nunez Doug Porter Lisa Predovich Perry Raak Marcia Rebmann Merri Rieger Michael Robinett Davy Robinson James Schiechl Stori Thomas Terri Turner Tammy Unruh Allen Whitten Foster K i t t i ta s Mentoring is at the heart of what we do! We believe that mentoring plays a strong role in our scholars’ lives as they navigate the road to success in college. We thank all those individuals for their caring guidance and knowledgeable support to help these deserving young men and women achieve their dreams of a college education. 2008 Hometown Mentors Special thanks to our Hometown Mentors who volunteer their time to assist students in the Achievers High Schools as they prepare for college. Your assistance is so important at such a critical turning point in their lives. Cleveland Amy Baeder Michelle Bagley Victoria Bernstein Kanisha Buss Andre Canty Karen DeVilla Jeron Gates Seneit Habte Lenny Haynes Marc Johnson Tiffany Jones Karol Kinney Katy Kravitz Solynn McCurdy Rosalinda Mendoza Lee-Lee Miao Jen Newman Sybil Powell Eddie Reed Randy Riley Peter Ruelas Ay Saechao Jennifer Schoen Adria Sneed Mary Sullivan Layla Taylor Stori Thomas Jen Waak C l o v e r Pa r k Teresa Antonopolos Praxia Apostle Keith Blocker Travis Campbell Mimi Chan Joy Cruz Kelsey Dawson John DeMars Mitchell Dietz Jennifer Dixon Filma Fontanilla Carletta Garraway Sandra Glasse Yolanda Haskins Hugh Hedges Ron Jacobs Jenee James Edward Judie 22 | Anthony Keen Lee Lambert Tasha Landram Mary Morales-West Wesley Niblack Bob Oba Julie Oldds Jon Orozco Maria Otero Samantha Pairis Noah Prince Cozette Shackelford Casey Silbaugh Andrea Simmons Jaron Townsend Chris Trinidad D av i s Betty Andrews Stacey Andrews Elizabeth Baranowski Jessica Barriga David Curry Ricardo deVilla Joe Farina Ray Funk Mireya Galvez Amanda Garcia David Garcia Ner Garza Mark Gibson Criselda Gonzalez Luis Gutierrez Yolanda Guzman Patricia Hernandez Mai Hoang Craig Hooper Linda Iasella Adriana Janovich Sagrario Jimenez Annie Kunkel Heather Magana Cody Mains Susan Martin Maria Martinez-Escobar Nancy Mazzola Maggie Mendoza Maria Mendoza Jacqueline Meyer-Garcia Andres Moreno C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort Carrie Nelson Ann Newell Michael Palencia Susan Parker Jose Pizano Gilbert Plascencia Jennifer Ramos Vickie Reed Laura Riel Manuel Rodriguez Lonni Rodriguez-Funk Carmen Romero Allison Sanchez Isidra Sanchez Vicente Sanchez Joy Staley James Stewart Patricia Tate Yajaira Tovar Rafael Villalobos Norm Walker Emily Washines Jennifer Weber Marsha Wesley Charles Wheaton F o ss Norma Barrineau Linda Bautista Joan Davis Kelli Delaney A.J. Edwards Timothy Ford Erica Green Heather Hanson Juanita Jeffreys Christal Jenkins Jamila Jones Michael Jones Arlando Lara Abigail Larson Patricia Leo Kristin Lyons Shannon Millican Michael Mirra Brian Naasz Kyle Nelson Jean O’Laughlin Linda Phan Shekina Plaskett Andre Benjamin Alphonso Buechl Tino Castenedo Halima Dahir Emily DeJulio Mark Dingfield Lisa Gallo Andrea Gamboa Jeron Gates Lakesha Gates Vicki Gezon Synthia Gounder Sarah Graham Elsie Gutierrez Lettie Haggard Riley Haggard Jeff Heiman Lakeisha Jackson Andrea Krook Carl Livingston Donna Mattison Miriam Mina Danny Ormeni Lori Parrish Randy Riley Jacques Rodriguez Jilian Ryan Michael Sebade Alisha Stalkfleet Enrique Tarver Josh Warren Jaclyn Winters Terry Yoshimura Kent Meridian Laurie Alcorn Wade Barringer Duane Baumann Kelie Hyatt Nancy Jewett Todd Smith Gerry Sorenson Lincoln Babette Beckham Cheryl Bockus Shelby Cail Selina Chambliss Dexter Clark Andrea Cobb Heather Conklin Melannie Cunningham Travis Davio Caleb Ellis Tomieka Garrett Fred Hoheim Martina Iniguez Tracy Johnson Rene Jones Robert Jones Shanaiah Joyce Kjirsten Kennedy Kevin Kildun Kristin Kucklick LuAnn Kucklick Amy Lavold Ron Lucas Emily McCann Courtney McGinnis Betsy Miller Elizabeth Miller Rashad Norris Lori Parrish Andy Pederson Steve Schain Tammy Lynn Schaps Nova Schauss Jenna Serr Maria Silva Carrie Staloch Erlinda Suarez Crystal Viken Bobby Walston Jajuan Winseberry Mabton Lori Appleby Denny Brown Josue Estrada David Garcia Rafael Garcia JR Gomez Monica Guerra Dave Mendoza Maria Mendoza Rubi Perez Vicente Sanchez Susan Sartian Jesus Sustaita Nicolas Sustaita Lucia Tovar Yajaira Tovar Jay Tyus Mariner Lea Ambion Kerry Ayers Beau Beckner Ana Blackstad Melissa Bolstad Joan Bright David Brown Ashley Burns Cynthia Burns Deidre Carpenter Rocio Carrion Danette Carter Hsiao Chi Ruth Comstock Lani De La Cruz Leiann DeVelder Mawiayah Fields Maureen Fortney Aaron Gaines Riley Haggard Karena Hooks Neil Jaeger Alex Johns Elaine Johnson Robin Li Eric Lucas Artemio Madrigal Rich Mar Robert Mbugua Sarah McCoy David McFadden Barbara McPherson Hannah Nguyen Maynard Okereke Timothy Ong Jill Orcutt Sondra Ordway Molly Ormsby Lise-Inger Porter John Rivera-Greene Malissa Robertson Kelly Robinson Mary Rudis Peter Ruelas Siiri Sampson Maureen Schmitz Marianne-Veals Sebastian Audrey D. Sharp Kevin A. Sutton Jordan Svien Teresa Traner Meg Troutman Hobey Un Jeffrey Un Sandie Vea Marlon Wallace Lindsey Wille Jessica Williamson Kim Wilson Julie Young M o u n t Ta h o m a Sadie Allen Tom Blasey Brooke Brown Bronson Castellano DJ Chrisostomo Andrea Cobb Kelsey Dawson Chris Dodos Kelli Dukleth Filma Fontanilla Kyle Franklin Juliana Geddes Ronnie Gordon Cliff Harris Tobi Johnson Kelsey Kalawarf Carol Lentz Roberto Lopez Jessica Luppino David Osterhouse Noah Prince Angelina Quiles Ron Rasmus Karen Richards Randy Riley Amber Robinson Tracy Robnett Melody Rodriquez Elanore Ross Maria Salado Ineliz Soto Rory Stilson Lauren Thompson Jared Wigart Walter Williams Stevenson DeAnn Brannan Heather Hoffberger Bill Hundley Sally Mansur Andrew Nichols Lucy Nichols Jeri Tobias T o n a sk e t Caroline Applebee Anita Asmussen Julie Colbert Brandi Collier Rose Corso Cilla DeGraff Maile Detillian Gary Garner Brenda Grove Glen Grove Rebecca Hightower Valerie Kauffman Gordon Kent Rene Maldonado Lissa Mensikk Robert Nau Patty Schertenleib Michelle Silverthorn Pat Stevens 2008 College Mentor Coordinators Antioch University - Seattle Shantii Alas Bastyr University Carol Duke Bates Technical College Dion Teague Bellevue Community College Barbara Brodsky Columbia Basin College Sylvia Arechiga Grays Harbor College Arlene Torgerson Clark College Feliciana Peralta Green River Community College Bryce Hughes Clover Park Technical College June Stacey-Clemons Cornish College of the Arts Jerry Hekkel Edmonds Community College Shirley P. Sutton Big Bend Community College Everett Community College Janice Lovelace Cascadia Community College Kimberlee Bedell Eastern Washington University Maria Reyna Central Washington University Jason White The Evergreen State College Corey Leneker Centralia Community College Kelly Kravitz Gonzaga University Molly Spilker Heritage University Miguel Puente Highline Community College Yoshiko Harden-Abe Joshua Magallanes Lake Washington Technical College Lower Columbia College Therese Montoya Northwest University Amy W. Jones North Seattle Community College Jeffrey Vasquez Truman Kathy Carroll W e s t Va l l e y Rene Baily Shawna Beese-Bjurstrom Jodee Cahalan Molly Cline Travis Collins Trek Davis Stacy Delcour Austin DePaolo Cassie Flaherty Russel Hyslop Shoreline Community College Yvonne Terrell-Powell Special thanks to our College Mentor Coordinators on each college campus. Each CMC is a valuable resource on the college campus. We appreciate the crucial support they provide our college scholars. Art Institute of Seattle Eric Dean Tammie Rubin James Swanson Rob Thompson Nance Wells Marija Welton Kim Yaussy Albright Olympic College Pacific Lutheran University Nova Schauss Peninsula College Kathy Murphy-Carey Pierce College Carol Hill Renton Technical College Saint Martin’s University John Hopkins Seattle Central Community College Richard Appleton Seattle Pacific University Niki Amarantides Seattle University Kimberly Thomas Skagit Valley College Anita Ordonez South Puget Sound Community College Steve McRavin Spokane Community College Ruth Silverthorne Spokane Falls Community College Beverly Schoen South Seattle Community College Rosie Rimando Vanessa Reed Tacoma Community College Margaret Robinson Trinity Lutheran College Dave Ellingson Betsi Little University of Puget Sound Carol Lentz University of Washington Jennifer C. Schoen Mary Pat King Ann Kruger Travis Merrigan Ann Myers Gary Neal Cheryl Perry Michelle Plaggerman Julie Poage Andrea Sheffler Judith Throop Jamie Zink Yelm Jeannie Beierle Wanda Curtis Mary DeLong Bill DeVore Stacy Field Michaelle Harle Christina Hazen University of WashingtonBothell Molly Ormsby Hung Dang University of WashingtonTacoma Bernie Liang Dr. Sharon Parker Dr. Cedric Howard Walla Walla University Walla Walla Community College Kristi Wellington-Baker Washington State University Sharon Ericsson Washington State University – Tri-Cities Mary Bauer Ken Hooper Diane Jelle Barbara Lowe Rod MacDonald Sam McLean Doug Meyer Curt Nelson Jerry Price Lorene Rang Jeff Role JeanieAnn Teague Amber Wasankari Elizabeth Wilcox Brad Wood Wenatchee Valley Community College, District Campus Vicki Turner Western Washington University Dale Tamayose Whatcom Community College Kathy Barnes Whitman College Clare Carson Penny Hood Whitworth University Esther Louie Yakima Valley Community College Kathryn Bauer Sue Perrault Washington State University – Vancouver Bola Majekobaje Wenatchee Valley Community College Bertha Sanchez Co llege suc c ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 23 2 0 0 8 c o l l e ge s u cce ss foundat ion staff Special thanks to all of our 2008 CSF staff members for their dedication and hard work in making the dreams of a college education of so many of our students become a reality. Executive Bob Craves Chair & CEO Ann Ramsay-Jenkins Vice Chair Deborah Wilds President & COO Cindy Garcia development Leadership 1000 Barry Goren Director Cindy Garcia e va l u at i o n a n d research Lorraine Solaegui Director 24 24 | external r e l at i o n s human resources Susan Pollack Director Erica Meier Director Denise Whitbeck Francis Roungthong Community Engagement Austin De Paolo Lee Lambert Foster Care Education & Policy Alexia Everett IT a n d a d m i n i s t r at i o n Tanguy Martin Chief Information & Administration Officer Marketing Tara Rockey Aubrey Mathwig Lavelle Freudenberg IT Support Finance and Acc o u n t i n g John McDowell Chief Financial Officer Mike Andrews Paula Ho Tara Rockey John Sparks C o l l eg e s u c c e s s f ou n d at io n 2 0 0 8 a n n u al rep ort Patrick Hardwick Manager Mat Kordell Software Development Gena Peth Manager Douglas Morgan Sunita Koratkar programs Sue Byers Chief Academic Officer Sequoya Lazo College & Alumni Services Jesse Welch Director Jennifer Funk Sarah Graham Lakeisha Jackson Terry Paull Lisa Predovich Peter Ruelas Jennifer Tell Ann Tran College Bound Scholarship Program Michelle Alejano Director Alyson Galloway Richard Lasso Lucy Nichols Robert Watt Pre-College Accelerated Services Randy Riley Director Leanard Haynes Jamila Jones Richard Li Lorraine Parrish Noah Prince Vicente Sánchez Jordan Svien Abigail Taitano Stori Thomas Pre-College Services Val Rie Smith Director April Bowman Kelsey Dawson Samantha de LaFuente Filma Fontanilla Lakesha Gates Yolanda Guzmán Riley Haggard Evelyn Heflen Rebecca Hightower Diane Jelle René Jones Robert Jones Roberto López Donna Mattison Lucy Nichols Randy Nunez Ken Ormsby ˜ Felis Peralta Kimi Rabun Jilian Ryan Ay Saechao Nancy Sprick Jenny Yu Scholarship Services Steve Thorndill Director Kathy Battraw Moira MacLean Vickie Rekow Heidi Seivert Yeri Yun co l le ge success fo u ndati on board o f dir ect or s We thank our Board of Directors for their extraordinary commitment and service over the years and welcome four new Board members for 2009*. We want to recognize the service of long-time Board member Merilee Frets who retired from the Board of Directors in 2008. Her contributions over the years are greatly appreciated. We also wish to pay special tribute to The Honorable Gary Locke, who is serving the nation as Secretary of Commerce in President Barack Obama’s Cabinet. Governor Locke has not only volunteered his time and expertise to guide our foundation over the years but also was the driving force behind the Governors’ Cup Golf Tournament which funds our Governors’ Scholarship for Foster Youth. Jerry Quinn Lee Board Chairman MulvannyG2 Architecture The Honorable Gary Locke (Retired) Governor of Washington State 1997-2005 Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP James P. Murphy* Senior Vice President, International Costco Wholesale Douglas Picha* President Seattle Children’s Hospital Foundation Bob Craves Chair and CEO College Success Foundation Joseph A. Dear Chief Investment Officer Cal Pers Ann Ramsay-Jenkins Vice Chair College Success Foundation Merilee A. Frets (Retired) Vice President Washington Trust Bank, Spokane Deborah J. Wilds, Ph.D. President and COO College Success Foundation Joseph Gaffney Secretary of the Board Partner, Dorsey & Whitney LLP Kathleen A. Ross, snjm, Ph.D. Founding President Heritage University Frederick L. Campbell, Ph.D. Dean Emeritus, Undergraduate Education University of Washington Frank Greer* Partner, GMMB Samuel H. Smith, Ph.D. Treasurer of the Board President Emeritus Washington State University Gerri Craves Board of Trustees Gonzaga University International Colleges of Washington Board Mack Hogans Former Senior Vice President Weyerhaeuser Company Executive Director Puget Sound BOLD Initiative Tricia Raikes Trustee, Raikes Foundation Deborah Rosen* Educator and Community Volunteer The Honorable Lonny Suko United States District Judge Eastern District of Washington Margot Tyler Senior Program Officer, Education Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Copywriting: Tony Dirksen – Redmond Advisors Design: Sarah Conradt Photography: Mel Curtis, Luis Gomez, Terry Firman C o llege succ ess fo undat io n 2008 annual repo rt | 25 Our S tud ents ’ C olleges and Universities Scholars in Washington State have attended the following colleges and universities: American University Antioch University Seattle Arizona State University Art Institute of Portland Art Institute of Seattle Barry University Bastyr University Bates Technical College Bellevue Community College Berklee College of Music Bethel College Big Bend Community College Boise State University Brigham Young University Idaho Brigham Young University Utah California Design College California Poly Technical State University California State University Los Angeles California State University-Sacramento Cascadia Community College Catholic University of America Central Washington University Centralia Community College City University Clark Atlanta University Clark College Cleveland State University Clover Park Technical College Cogswell Polytechnical College Columbia Basin College Concordia University Cornish College of the Arts East Central University Eastern Connecticut State University Eastern Washington University Edmonds Community College Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Everett Community College Evergreen State College Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida International University Gonzaga University Grays Harbor College Green River Community College Henry Cogswell College Heritage University Highline Community College Idaho State University John Brown University Lake Washington Technical College Lewis-Clark State College Lower Columbia College Manhattan School of Music Millersville University Missouri Valley College Montana State University - Northern Norfolk State University North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University North Park University North Seattle Community College Northwest Christian College Northwest Indian College Northwest University Northwestern College of Iowa Olympic College Oregon Institute of Technology Pacific Lutheran University Park University Peninsula College Pierce College Portland State University Prescott College Puget Sound Christian College Renton Technical College Rutgers The State University of New Jersey Saint Martin’s University Seattle Central Community College Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Seattle Vocational Institute Shoreline Community College Skagit Valley College South Puget Sound Community College South Seattle Community College Spokane Community College Spokane Falls Community College Stanford University Stony Brook University Tacoma Community College Trinity Lutheran College Tulane University University of Alaska Anchorage University of Connecticut University of Georgia University of Great Falls University of Hawaii at Hilo University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Houston University of Idaho University of Louisiana Monroe University of Miami University of Minnesota University of Missouri - Columbia For more information or to become a mentor, please contact us at: College Success Foundation 1605 NW Sammamish Road Suite 200 Issaquah, WA 98027 425.416.2000 University of Nevada University of Puget Sound University of South Dakota University of South Florida University of Washington University of Washington - Bothell University of Washington Tacoma University of West Georgia Walla Walla Community College Walla Walla University Washington State University Washington State University - TriCities Washington State University - Vancouver Wenatchee Valley College Western Oregon University Western Washington University Whatcom Community College Whitman College Whitworth University William Penn University Xavier University Yakima Valley Community College Proud member of