Matrix 101 -Finding Properties and the Customer Portal
Matrix 101 -Finding Properties and the Customer Portal
Matrrix 10 01 Finding Propertiies and th he omer Porttal Custo FM MLS Instittute of Re eal Estate e 545 57 Roswell Road R Atla anta, Georgiia 30342 404 4-255-8660 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal ©2013 by FMLS® All A rights reserved d. p of this docum ment may be reproduced or trans smitted in any forrm or by any mea ans, electronic, m mechanical, No part phottocopying, record ding, or otherwise e, without prior written w permissio n of FMLS. nc. and/or its sub bsidiaries. Matrrix, Realist, Matrix, and DocuPro, are trademarks of CoreLogic, In Aug g 2014 i Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Ta able off Conte ents ABOUT FMLS S ....................................................................................................................... 3 OUR COMMITM MENT TO MEMB BERS ............................................................................................ 3 FMLS F PRODU UCTS AND SERV VICES .......................................................................................... 3 GEORGIA REA AL ESTATE COMMISSION CON NTINUING EDU UCATION COUR RSE GUIDELINE ES .......... 4 CONTINUING G EDUCATION .................................................. ....................... ...................................... 4 ATTENDANCE POLICY ....................................................... ............................................................. 4 CELL PHONE ES ................................................................. ....................... ...................................... 4 PROHIBITION N OF RECRUITING G (520-1.B4) .......................... ....................... ...................................... 4 NOTICE OF STUDENT APPRO OVAL (520-1.B2) ..................... ....................... ...................................... 4 COURSE CREDIT R .............................................................. ............................................................. 4 COURSE OBJE ECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 5 LOGGING IN TO O FMLS ........................................................................................................... 6 LOGGING IN TO WWW.FMLS S.COM ...................................... ............................................................. 6 PASSWORD RULES........................................................... ............................................................. 6 HOW WE COM MMUNICATE WIT TH YOU ....................................................................................... 7 FMLS F HOMEP PAGE ................................................................................................................ 9 ACCESSING MATRIX .............................................................................................................. 10 AGENT DASHB BOARD.............................................................................................................. 11 NAVIGATION N TABS ............................................................ ....................... ...................................... 11 WORKING WITH W WIDGETS ................................................. ............................................................. 12 SEARCHING FO OR LISTINGS ..................................................................................................... 16 ADDING ADD DITIONAL SEARCH FIELDS ................................. ....................... ...................................... 21 VIEWING SEAR RCH RESULTS ................................................................................................... 22 VIEWING PROPERTY R DETAILS ............................................ ............................................................. 23 USING THE BUTTON BAR .................................................. ............................................................. 25 SAVING MATR RIX SEARCHES ................................................................................................... 27 VIEWING RECENT E SEARCHES ............................................ ............................................................. 28 PERFORMING A MAP SEARC CH ................................................................................................ 29 USING THE SPEED P BAR ......................................................................................................... 31 SPEED BAR SHORTHAND EXAMPLES X .................................. ............................................................. 31 CREATING AND A USING SPEE ED BAR SHORTCU UTS ................. ....................... ...................................... 32 THE CLIENT PORTAL ............................................................................................................. 34 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT TH HE PORTAL ............................... ....................... ...................................... 34 ACCESSING A CONTACT’S PORTAL ........................................................................................ 35 AUTO SEARC CHES ............................................................. ....................... ...................................... 36 VIEWING PORTAL O ACTIVITY ............................................... ............................................................. 37 CLIENT SEARCH............................................................... ............................................................. 39 USING EMAIL ........................................................................................................................ 41 SENDING DIRECT EMAIL TO CLIENTS .................................. ............................................................. 41 SET UP AUTO EMAILS ....................................................... ............................................................. 43 VIEW EMAIL HISTORY ....................................................... ............................................................. 45 Aug g 2014 i Matrix 101 SETTING UP MATRIX SETTINGS .............................................................................................. 46 INFORMATIO ON TAB............................................................ ....................... ...................................... 46 HEADER AND D FOOTER ...................................................... ....................... ...................................... 46 MOBILE HEA ADER .............................................................. ....................... ...................................... 47 CMA COVER R SHEET ........................................................ ....................... ...................................... 47 PORTAL INFO ORMATION ...................................................... ....................... ...................................... 48 EMAIL SIGNA ATURE ............................................................ ....................... ...................................... 48 SETTING UP THE PORTAL GREETING R .................................. ............................................................. 49 2 Au ug 2014 Working with B Buyers Ab bout FML LS Firs st Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (FMLS) is the premierr data service es provider for real estate proffessionals in Georgia. FML LS was found ded by a hand dful of real es tate brokers iin Atlanta in 1 1957. Tod day, members ship is growin ng quickly and d is spreading g in every dire ection through hout Georgia and the Southeast. Currently, C FML LS has thousa ands of office es and servess tens of thoussands of real esta ate agents. The FMLS listing database contains activve listings loccated all over Georgia and the Sou utheast. A nettwork of comp puters, serverrs and third p arty support vvendors enab ble member o offices and d agents to ha ave immediate e electronic access a to all liisting informa ation maintain ned in the FML LS premier web-bas sed system, Matrix. M In addition to prope rty data, our llistings are en nhanced by th he e of photos, virtual tours, ta ax information n, mapping, scchool informa ation, census data and more! use Rea al estate companies that belong to FML LS enjoy maxiimum coverag ge and expossure for their clients. An indep pendent study y shows FMLS S listings sell,, on the avera age, much fasster than thosse plac ced with other multiple listing services. Thrrough our maiin office and two t satellite lo ocations, FML LS members have access to: help deskk sup pport 7 days a week; on-sitte hands on trraining; online e training; and d free CE classses. Also, re eal esta ate supply centers are ava ailable at all th hree locationss. Ou ur commiitment to memberrs FMLS’ mission is s to “help fulfill financial dre eams by provviding superio or technology,, service, and d train ning to facilita ate the succes ss of our mem mbers.” FM MLS Prod ducts and d Services s Matrix Realist Tax FormsPro eSign st 1 Addition Fusion DocuPro FIND norama Property Pan Member Disc counts SafeRent Aug g 2014 Comprehe ensive Statistica al Reports FMLS Statts StatsPro Xceligent Website Contact W Georgia O pen Houses ListingBoo ok GoFMLS RatePlug DPR 3 Matrix 101 Ge eorgia Re eal Estate e Commis ssion Con ntinuing Educatio on Course e Gu uidelines All classes c are on o a pass/no pass p system. Please revie ew the policie es below regarding attenda ance, cell phones, recrruiting and stu udent approva al. Co ontinuing Education E All individuals i wh ho hold an ac ctive real estate license are e required to ccomplete 24 hours of Com mmission app proved continu uing educatio on during eac h four year re enewal period d. (Licenseess who ose license nu umbers are le ess than 100,000 are not re equired to co omplete contin nuing education for rene ewal). A rene ewal period begins four years prior to th he current ren newal due datte. For exam mple, Com mmission app proved continu uing educatio on must be co ompleted betw ween April 1, 2007 and Ma arch 31, 2011 for a re enewal due da ate of March 31, 3 2011. A lic censee who has h successfu ully completed d an approve ed course to m meet his contiinuing educattion cred dit may not re epeat that cou urse for creditt unless at lea ast one full ye ear has passe ed. The coursse may y be repeated d on the 366thh day to receiv ve CE credit. Atttendance Policy P To receive certifiication for this s course, und der the schooll approved byy the Georgia Real Estate Com mmission, for three hours of o continuing education cre edit, all stude ents must be p present and o on time e for all classroom presenttations. This requires stud dents to be se eated and rea ady at the ann nounced comm mencement tiime and prom mptly return fro om all breakss, being readyy to participatte in all exercises. e Atttendance willl be taken at the t beginning g, at the resum mption after b breaks and ag gain at th he end upon completion off the course. A no make-u up policy for m missed classrroom presenta ations is hereby adopte ed. Failure to comply will nullify n the stud dent’s opportu unity to receivve the design nated cred dit. Cell Phones The e use of cell phones p and pa agers during the presentattions is expre essly prohibite ed. Please se et all equ uipment in the e vibrate or offf mode. Failu ure to complyy will nullify th e student’s opportunity to rece eive the desig gnated credit.. Pro ohibition of o Recruitin ng (520-1.B B4) No recruiting for employment opportunities s for any real estate brokerrage firm is alllowed in this case o school premises. Repo ort promptly an ny effort to re ecruit by anyo one to: or on Mic chele Morris at a 678-904-8497, FMLS Ins stitute of Reall Estate, P.O.. Box 420128 8, Atlanta, GA A 303 342 - or - The Georgia Rea al Estate Com mmission. No otice of Stu udent Apprroval (520-1.B2) Mattrix 101: Findiing Properties s and the Cus stomer Portall was renewed as a Contin nuing Education cou urse, good for 3 hours of Continuing Edu ucation Credi t, (School Co ode: 65072.) The e approved instructors are Kevin Theobald, Bob Ram msey, Joi Hard diman, Sallie Mobley, Rich hard Ren nton, Kay Burrt, Jan Beaudoin, and Pat Deneen. D Co ourse Credit Con ntinuing Educ cation Credits are entered within w two we eeks. To veriffy your credit, you must ca all the Geo orgia Real Es state Commission (GREC): 404-656-391 16, or visit http p://www.grec.s nfo/wcls.login.. You will nee ed to enter yo our license nu umber and se et up a pas ssword to gain n online acces ss to GREC transactions. t 4 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Co ourse Objjectives At the end of this s course, stud dents will be able a to: Access Matrix M from Navigate e Matrix throu ugh the dashb board widgetss and system tabs. Navigate e the Matrix search screen n to locate pro operties that m match buyers' criteria. Utilize ad dditional crite eria fields and search opera ators to defin e and refine ssearch resultss for buyers. ctive map for geographicall property sea arches; utilize e the overlayss, Use the Matrix interac s. drawing and points off interest tools a save searrches using both b the searcch screen and d map optionss. Create and Utilize th he Matrix Spe eed Bar for fas ster and more e efficient sea arching by lea arning short-h hand codes an nd protocol, as a well as sav ve a Speed Ba ar shortcut. Create, customize c an nd utilize the specific s functi ons of a Clien nt Portal to prrovide individua alized service e for each cus stomer. Use the Client Portal and Dashboa ard Widgets to o monitor cusstomer-viewin ng activity. sting informattion directly to o customers i ncluding setting up auto e emails and vie ew E-mail lis email his story. Manage personal pro ofile informatio on, notification n preferencess and email ssignatures. Aug g 2014 5 Matrix 101 Lo ogging in to FMLS S To log in to FMLS, you must be b an FMLS member m with your own use er name and password. Y Your broker must submit a Computter User Form m to obtain the ese. Do not sshare your usser name or ssword with otther agents or o clients. pas Logging in to o www.FML 1. From your co omputer desk ktop, open an Internet brow wser window. 2. Navigate to www.fmls.c w com. U Name an nd Password and click Log gin. 3. Enter your User Pas ssword Ru ules 6 1 FMLS requires r bi-annual passworrd changes fo or security purposes. 2 Passwo ords can conta ain both lette rs and numbe ers and must be at least 6 characters in length. 3 You can nnot use the same s passwo ord twice. 4 If you need to change your passw word before th he bi-annual cchange, go to o the FMLS.c com home page, hover ove er My FMLS o on the left navvigation bar, a and click on Change Pas ssword. 5 Disclosing your userr name and pa assword to an nother party ((other than a tteam membe er or assistantt within that offfice) can result in a fine off $1000 and termina ation of service e. (Rule 11.1 ) Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Ho ow We Co ommunic cate with You Y At FMLS F we prov vide more to our members s than just acccess to a data abase of listin ngs! We use sev veral methods s to pass along important in nformation inccluding Real Estate marke et trends (both h loca ally and nationally); state and a local news that influencce our marke et; updates an nd bulletins when our software products are affe ected; and mo ore! Please ttake advantag ge of one, or all of the methods. Em mail Ourr primary method of communication with h our membe rs is email. F FMLS sends e electronic com mmunications regarding im mportant chang ges to our pro oducts and se ervices. Plea ase be sure to o add FMLS to your tru usted sender list. FM The e home h page is s another important and ce entral commun nication chan nnel we have with our members. Itt acts as comm mand central. The story ccarousel rotate es through 3 very newswo orthy e for a momen nt to topiics which are changed regularly, giving you fresh, re levant information! Pause read d a few lines to determine whether toda ay’s topics are e of interest to o you. If theyy are, click on n the Rea ad More butto on to see the whole story. The topics a automatically rrotate on the screen, but yyou can n click to flip to o the stories faster f if desire ed. NewsRoom The e NewsRoom m button on the left navigation bar conta ains an archive of stories previously included in th he carousel. Check the Ne ewsRoom reg gularly to makke sure you d didn’t miss som mething impo ortant, or to o re-read an article! a Me essage of the t Day Mes ssage of the Day is anoth her m feature you ’ll want to wa atch for. Criticcal issues succh as thos se pertaining to agent safe ety, a software e issue or FM MLS hours of o operation willl be displayed d therre. Aug g 2014 7 Matrix 101 Social Media Add ditionally, FML LS posts notic ces and real estate e driven content to three different ssocial media cha annels: Twitte er, Facebook,, and LinkedIn n. Yes! Soci al Media! FM MLS is involve ed in Social M Media bec cause it is so popular in tod day’s technolo ogy-driven wo orld. Twitter a and Facebook content con ntains both h FMLS and real r estate ind dustry news. LinkedIn con ncentrates mo ore on FMLS news and proffessional dev velopment. Like us on Fac cebook, follow w us on Twitte er, and join the FMLS group on Link kedIn. You’ll be glad you did d – and you u’ll have inform mation most o of your counte erparts don’t have! Follow F us on Twiitter @flms_news @ @flms_alerts @ 8 Like us on Fa acebook ers FMLSmembe Join th he FMLS group o on LinkedIn 82 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal FM MLS Homepage When you first lo ogin to FMLS you see the FMLS F Homep page. The FM MLS Homepag ge is divided into sev ven primary se ections: Fre equently Used Links L Navigattion Bar Frequently Asked ons Questio Social Media Links Aug g 2014 News Carousel Ca alendar & Up pcoming Eventts Fe eatured Trraining Video Ad ddresses, Lo ocations, Em mails 9 Matrix 101 Ac ccessing Matrix To access a Matrix x directly from m the home pag ge, click the ttab for Matrix x. When you log intto Matrix, the News Screen opens. Thiss screen has tthe latest info ormation abou ut Mattrix and FMLS S. You have tw wo choices: Read latter Mark as Read e presented with w a Matrix lo og-in screen, login using yyour FMLS crredentials. NOTE: If you are 10 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Ag gent Dash hboard Des signed to give e you at-a-gla ance summaries of the imp portant information and sing gle click acce ess to majjor program fu unctions, the Agent Dashb board or home e page is com mprised of Navigation Tab bs at the top of the page and Widgets. Navigation Tabs s Speed bar Search FMLS Links Widg gets Navigation Tabs The e navigation ta abs at the top p of the Matrix x home page enable you to o move from section to secction with hin Matrix. De escriptions fo or each tab folllow. Hom me Returns s you to the ho ome page for M Matrix and will d display your Wiidgets. Sea arch Use the e search tab to search for listiings by propertty type, includin ng Residential,, Rental, and Cross Pro operty. Statts Use this s tab to analyz ze market trend ds and activity b based on prope erty type such as Residential, Commerc cial, Land/Farm m, Rental, and Cross Propertyy. You can create statisttical charts and d graphs, and e export statistica al data. System m presets allo ow you to quickly generate sttandard charts and graphs, or customize the em with your own parame eters to create a higher-level view of the ma arket. Aug g 2014 11 Matrix 101 My Matrix Use the e My Matrix tab b to contacts, A Auto Emails, Co oncierge, Save ed Searches, access Sent Em mail’s, Create or o Update CMA A’s, and View yyour Watched L Listings. In add dition, you can n manage yourr listings and up pdate your acccount settings. Pub blic Records Use this s tab to search h for Realist taxx information an nd Market Tren nds Premium. Doc cs Use this s tab to access s FormsPro and d DocuPro. Link ks Use this s tab to quickly y access links tto third party ap pplications. Fina ance The Fin nance tab conta ains various ho ome financing, personal finan ncing, investme ent, and retirement calcula ators. Help p Access s on-line Help, tutorials, t and vvideos about Matrix. Logout Use to sign out, when n you are finish ed working in M Matrix, then clo ose your web browse er. Wo orking with h Widgets Wid dgets are panels on the Ma atrix home pa age that provid de quick acce ess to useful information and Mattrix functions. b clicking and d dragging th he widget hea ader. Reposition a widget by vering over the e widget head der and clicking the close icon. Close widgets by hov w are placed in the Additional A wid dget and can b by clicking an nd be removed b Closed widgets dragging g the closed widget w out of the t additionall widget. The News Wiidget The News W Widget showss important information n about FMLS S Support, Eve ents, and Update es. Locked in nto place, you u cannot rem move from the dashboard n nor move it to a another location. Ho ot Sheets Widget W Today’s Ho ot Sheet Widg get displays information n on listings th hat are new to o the or have chang ged in status or database, o price since the time sele ected. Click Custtomize to sellect and save e the change types (e.g. Price e Reductions)) for a Click specific loccation or type of property. C on the "Pro operty Type" ((e.g. Residential) to view the results. 12 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal The Recent Portal P Visittors The Recent Portal Visito ors Widget shows you when a client uses tthe portal to m mark a property a as a Favorite, a Possibilityy, or a Reject, or m makes a note about a prop perty. Click on the e contact nam me to view the e contact pag ge under My M Matrix. Click an icon to view w the item. y Favorite Searches S My Quickly acccess the searches you havve saved as Favorites. The Market Watch W Widg get property type from the drop pChoose a p down menu u, and then click Customizze to choose, select, and save e your criteria a. Select a tim me range in th he shortcut pa anel and then click the chang ge type (e.g. N New Listing) to vview the listings matching yyour criteria. Aug g 2014 13 Matrix 101 My y Listings Easily acce ess your listings by status a and property typ pe by clicking g on the item. My y Carts Click on the e link to view items currenttly saved in a ccart. My y Stats Access Sta atistical inform mation for area as around you ur properties. Recent Porta al Visitors Shows the last few Conttacts that havve accessed th heir Client Po ortal. Icons ind dicate listings marrked as favorites and Note es. Click on the e contact’s na ame to drill do own the Portal. C Recent Use Contacts Shows the last few Conttacts you havve used in Ma trix. Click on the contact’s name to driill down the contact page. 14 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Extternal Link ks One click a access to popular FMLS software an nd other usefu ul links withou ut having to le eave Matrix. Ad dditional When you cclose (X) a widget it appea ars here. Open n previously closed widgetss by using click and drag to restore back to dashboard.. Aug g 2014 15 Matrix 101 Se earching for f Listin ngs Folllow the steps below to perrform a search h for listings. This example e will guide yo ou through perfforming a bas sic Residentia al search; how wever, the ste eps for perform ming other se earches are similar. The e Matrix platfo orm’s navigatiion menu barr allows you to o access the search featurres in several way ys. 1. Hover over the t Search ta ab. A drop do own opens. ng for. 2. Click to select the type of property you are searchin arch screen fo or that propertty type openss. The Sea ng the informa ation on the n next page: 3. Complete the screen usin 16 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Propertty Type Sec ction The Res sidential searc ch screen is used u for both attached and d detached lisstings. Place a check in the box to se elect the type of property yyou want to se earch. Status Section Select one or more sttatuses. Click k the Calenda ar icon to sele ect a search d date or date range. To unselect a checke ed box, click th he box. Locatio on Section In the Map section, en nter an MLS# # or address a as a center po oint. w a magnifying glass icon n at the end o of the field havve a Find the Value search h Fields with window. k the search icon. The Find d the Value w window openss. Search for o or scroll to fin nd the Click item you want. Hiighlight the ite em and click A Add or double e click to sele ect. s more th han one item hold down the e CTRL key o on the keyboa ard while clickking To select on th he desired ite ems with yourr mouse. To re emove a sele ected item holld down the C CTRL key on the keyboard d while clicking g with yourr mouse and the t item will de-select. d You can also type e the value yo ou are looking g for in the fie eld, such as C Cobb for Coun nty or Subd division Name e in the Subd division/Comp plex field. Click k More to add d an additiona al address se earch. Aug g 2014 17 Matrix 101 Fin nd the Value Icon S Price Section You may y search by th housands or by b exact dolla ar value, depe ending on whether the (000) checkbo ox is checked.. To search s by Ran nge, uncheck the (000s) ch heckbox, ente er the price ra ange in the fie eld. Exam mple: 150000 0-200000, finds all listingss with a list priice ranging fro om $150,000 0 to $200 0,000. To search s on Ren ntals less than $1000 per m month, put 0--1 in Price fielld and it will p pick up th hose listings less l than $1K K. Propertty Details Section S 18 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal There arre some spec cial characters s you can use e to get the re esults you want. + (plus sign) Indicates s greater than n or equal to: Allows you to o search for vvalues that are greater than or equal to th he value you e entered. Whe en using the e + characterr, it must follow w the value yyou enter. Bathroom ms: 3+ Findss all listings th hat have 3 or more bathroo oms. - (min nus sign) Indicates s less than orr equal to: Allo ows you to se earch for valu ues that are less than or e equal to the vvalue you ente ered. When u using the – cha aracter, it mu ust follow the vvalue you entter. Bathroom ms: 4- Finds all listings th at have 4 batthrooms or lesss. Range You can enter a rang e; for examplle for year built, you can: Enter 2003 for exxactly 2003 3 for the range e. Enter 2003-2013 e 2003+ for 20 003 or newerr. Use Use e 2003- for 20 003 or older. Feature es Section To select s more th han one item hold down the e CTRL key o on the keyboa ard while clickking on th he desired ite ems with yourr mouse. To re emove a sele ected item holld down the C CTRL key on the keyboard d while clicking g with yourr mouse and the t item will deselect. d Sele ect the And ra adio button fo or search resu ults that conta ain all of your selected item ms. Sele ect the Or radio button for search s resultss that contain n any of your selected item ms. Sele ect the Not radio button forr search resullts that do nott contain yourr selected item ms. Aug g 2014 19 Matrix 101 Attache ed Options Section Use this section for Residential R Atttached only. s more th han one item hold down the e CTRL key o on the keyboa ard while clickking To select on th he desired ite ems with yourr mouse. To re emove a sele ected items ho old down the CTRL key on n the keyboarrd while clickin ng with your mouse and the item will deselect. ect the And ra adio button fo or search resu ults that conta ain all of your selected item ms. Sele Sele ect the Or radio button for search s resultss that contain n any of your selected item ms. Sele ect the Not radio button forr search resullts that do nott contain yourr selected item ms. Remarrks Section n Type e the name off the item you u wish to searrch in the provvided field. Use a comma to separate individual param eters such ass the names o of two items. e full name is not known, or o the spelling g is unclear, u use the asterissk (*) as a willdcard If the to re eplace the mis ssing informa ation. *Circle C C* To exclude e a valu ue use the (!) to exclude th hat value. !*Ciircle C* this re eturns all listin ngs NOT T in Circle C. k Results on the button ba ar to view the e listings in a g grid format; cclick 4. When you arre done, click Map button to view the lisstings in a ma ap. 20 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Ad dding Addittional Searrch Fields You u can add add ditional search fields to any y search scre een in Matrix. 1. Click Add next to Additional Fields. Th he Frequentlyy Used Fieldss dialog windo ow opens. 2. Select the fie eld(s) you want from the Available A Field ds Column. Click Add. 3. To search fo or a field, type e the field nam me in the searrch field. 4. When you arre done, click k Back. The added a field ap ppears at the bottom of the e search scre een. NOTE: Any addiitional fields you y add remain on the sea arch screen un ntil you removve them. Aug g 2014 21 Matrix 101 Vie ewing Se earch Res sults Onc ce you have entered e your search s criteria a, you can vie ew the resultss in one of tw wo ways: In a grid listing m On the map Vie ewing the Grid G List To view v our searrch results in a grid listing, click Resultts. The resultts grid opens. Map View Se election Box Click to FMLS # to view De etails Button Bar B 22 Displlay Type View w Icons Click Addre ess to view on Map Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Vie ewing Prop perty Detaiils To access a the de etails of a pro operty, click th he MLS # linkk on the grid ffor the properrty you want tto view w. The Default view is the Agent A Full Re eport. Displlay Drop p Down Map Buttton Property Photos Icon Links Tax Link Button Bar Aug g 2014 23 Matrix 101 Ico ons Icon ns under the picture are lin nks that take you y to variouss sites with ad dditional inforrmation aboutt this listing. Opens the Map sho owing location of property. Acce esses the history of this listing g. Opens the Realist Map for this pro operty. Opens the Realist Neighbourhood d Profile. Laun nches FIND. Opens Down Paym ment Resource.. Laun nches the Insta aView Virtual To our. Laun nches a third pa arty virtual tourr. Opens DocuPro forr access to doc cuments that h ave been adde ed to this listing g. Opens RatePlug. Visib ble to listing agent only. View Supra showing g activity. Visib ble to listing agent only. View Supra key boxx settings. Visib ble to listing agent only. Assig gn Supra key bo ox. 24 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Using the Bu utton Bar Mattrix features a consolidated d task driven button bar. B Buttons are grrouped togeth her by tasks fo or actions that can be performed d while viewin ng listing searrch results. Th he button barr remains con nsistent across results page e and map vie ews. The linkks found on th he button bar include: Actions Click Actions A to access the fun nctions to: Return to your y search Criteria C to revisse your choicces Email or prrint selected liistings Generate a CMA Generate Driving D Directions Generate Stats S Export sele ected listings Generate a Quick CMA Reffine Click Refine R to acc cess the func ctions to: View the se earch results through the e eyes of one o of your clients to see which h listings may y have been sent s to the cliient's Portal. Y You'll see the e date emailed and whether yo our client has classified anyy listings as fa avorites, posssibilities or rejjects. Narrow the e results on th he screen to o only those sellected Discard the e selected listtings (or "Un-D everse a Disccard operation n) Discard" to re Sort the res sults in a partticular order ((Results view only; not Map view) Sav ve Click Save S to acce ess the functio ons to save yo our search ass a: New Saved d Search New Auto Email E for auto o-prospecting g New Speed d Bar Shortcu ut Carrts Click Carts C in orde er to: Aug g 2014 Add selecte ed listings to the Cart curre ently displaye ed in the bar View the co ontents of the e Cart currenttly displayed iin the bar Select diffe erent carts fro om the drop do own in order to add to or vview its contents 25 Matrix 101 Vie ew Listings s on a Map p 1. To view all listings on the map, click the Map icon on the grid sscreen. The map p opens show wing the prope erties in relati on to each otther. 2. Click on a prroperty to view w a mini repo ort of the prop perty. MLS numberr to view the Agent A Full rep port. 3. Click the FM gent Single Line link to return to the grid. 4. Click the Ag 26 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Sa aving Mattrix Searc ches With Matrix you can c save sea arches for clients whose ne eeds are so s pecific that yo ou are unlikelly to find d property matches quickly. When the search s has be een saved, yo ou can call it u up again and again untiil you find justt the right hom me for your buyer. You ca an also save ssearches to m make your job b eas sier in other areas such as farming. To save a searc ch: 1. Build the sea arch using the e criteria of yo our choice. 2. Click Save on o the button bar. 3. Click New Saved S Searc ch. The Save e a New Searc rch window op pens. 4. In the Search name field, type a name for the searcch. (Required d) 5. If you want to o associate th his search witth a specific ccontact, click the drop dow wn arrow in the e Contact Field d. A list of con ntacts opens.. (Optional) Aug g 2014 27 Matrix 101 6. Click the che eck box if you u want to mark k this search as a Favorite e. It appears o on the Agent Dashboard in the Favorite e searches widget. (option al) 7. Click Save. Vie ewing Rece ent Search hes Mattrix saves you ur last 50 rece ent searches. To access, cclick the drop down arrow next to Recen nt Sea arches on the Agent Dashb board. To view v all recen nt searches, click c the View w All link at thhe bottom of tthe list. To view v the searrch results, click any of the e searches an nd the grid scrreen opens. 28 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Pe erforming g a Map Search S On the Matrix ho ome page, clic ck on the Sea arch tab and select the prroperty type. ce you are on n the search page, p input yo our search cri teria (excluding a County, City or Area)) then Onc click on the Map p tab or the Map M Search link. ck and hold on n the map as you move yo our mouse in o ea for order to pan tthe view and locate an are Clic sea arching. You can c also zoom m into or out of o an area by using the con ntrols on the m map as displa ayed belo ow. The listing gs will auto-p populate and will w be identifiied by a pin in n the map. Aug g 2014 29 Matrix 101 If th here are too many m propertie es to display individual ico ons, the map a appears with sections and num mbers indicating the properties in that se ection. Clic ck on a sectio on and it will enlarge e showing the individ dual propertie es. Use e the drawing tools to selec ct a search re egion on the m map by drawing boundarie es around the des sired areas. You Y can choos se to draw a radius, r rectan ngle, or a polyygon. Examples of all three e are sho own below. NOTE: When us sing the map search, s do no ot select a cityy or MLS area a in the basic search criterria pag ge as this may y conflict with h the search re egions you drraw and could d result in no listing matches. 30 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Us sing the Speed S Ba ar Perrform Google--like searches s in Matrix. Yo ou can search h for listings tto tax recordss; the speed b bar reduces the time e needed to perform a searrch. Enter criiteria directly into the Spee ed Bar. The e Speed Bar accepts a two ty ypes of input:: 1. Speed Bar Shorthand: S a series s of simp ple codes you u enter into th he Speed Bar. Matrix transslates your entries into search criteria and run ns the corres ponding searrch. Shorthand tips: mbine your Sh horthand code es in any orde er (except for beds and baths) Com Put spaces s betwe een Shorthand codes, not commas S To run any Matrix search thatt you've Save ed As a Speed d Bar shortcu ut, 2. Speed Bar Shortcuts: enter its nam me in the Spee ed Bar and Matrix M runs tha at saved searrch. Speed Bar Sh horthand Examples E Critteria Sh horthand Status A for f active; S for f sold Pro operty Type DE ET, ATT, COM M, LND, MUL L, RNT, LOT Ex xamples: DET T for Detached d Single Fam mily, A CP for A Active Cross Property City y Atllanta for the city c of Atlanta a Stre eet Name ky ynard for Kynard Street (en nter exact Strreet Name an nd omit Streett Type) Stre eet Number and a Nam me 12 23 Main for 12 23 Main St (en nter exact Strreet Name an nd omit Streett Type) MLS S® Numbers 58 836359 or 5836359 47352 259 Listt Price (In Tho ousands $5 500-550 or $500+ or $500-(th his is the curre ent price for A Actives; the S Sales Price forr Solds) Bed ds and Baths 4+ + 3+ for 4 or more m beds and d 3 or more b baths Squ uare Feet 20 000+ sqft or 20 000-2500 sqfft Acrres 10 0 acres or 10- acres or 10+ + acres or 10--15 ac Ope en Houses OH H 10/28/2014 or OH 0 (0 m means today) Ros ster Search AG G Brown or AG A Adam Brow wn Aug g 2014 31 Matrix 101 Cre eating and d Using Spe eed Bar Sh hortcuts You u may save yo our Speed Ba ar search as a shortcut to u use it again in n the future. T This example is crea ating a Subdivision Speed Bar shortcut, but the step s are the sam me for any sho ortcut you cre eate. 1. Click Search tab. s screen n opens. 2. Click Residential. The search division/Comp plex field type e the name off the subdivision. 3. Enter your search criteria. In the Subd 4. If you want to o include morre than one subdivision, tyype the secon nd name. Use e commas bettween subdivisions. 32 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal 5. View your re esults. Click Save S , New Speed S Bar S Shortcut. The Sav ve New Speed d Bar Shortcu ut window ope ens: e and Descrip ption. NOTE: The “/” in fron nt is required,, do not delete. 6. Type a name 7. Click Save. n the Speed B Bar. Click the e magnifying glass. 8. To Use yourr shortcut, type the name in r the e name, you can c find it und der My Matrixx, My Speed B Bar Shortcuts. 9. If you can’t remember k to access the search crite eria. 10. Click the link Aug g 2014 33 Matrix 101 Th he Client Portal The e Client Portal in Matrix pro ovides you with private we b pages for cclients that willl help to imprrove client collaboratio on. The Clien nt Portal lets you y personallyy brand the in nformation de elivered to eacch individual buyer or seller. The e Portal also serves s as a powerful comm munication too ol by allowing g clients to ca ategorize listin ngs acc cording to theiir level of inte erest, as well as a log converrsation notes between you u and them. Y Your clients can furthe er customize their Portal ex xperience by creating and saving searcches of their o own. Mattrix also provides you with detailed clien nt activity and d Portal usage e statistics. Things to Kn now About the Portal 34 When yo ou send direc ct emails or au uto emails of listings they a automatically go into the C Client Portal. c create and save their own o searchess. Clients can It is a co ommunication tool connects you with yo our client whe never additional property information is required. f le ets you easilyy track listing activity and cclient interest. Matrix’s Hit Counter functionality e the Portal is s dynamic, your client will a always be vie ewing live, up--to-the-minute e Because data. So o, whether the ere has been a change in L Listing Price, or perhaps, a and updated p public remark, your client wiill see it all in real-time. Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Ac ccessing a Contac ct’s Porta al 1. Click My Ma atrix, and then n click Contac cts. A listing of your conta acts opens. 2. Click the Contact’s name.. P The portal p opens in n a pop-up wiindow. 3. Click Open Portal. Aug g 2014 Age ent Information n Dis splays your con ntact informatio on. vorites Fav Slid deshow of prop perties marked d as Favorites b by client. Porrtal Greeting Cre eate a greeting g for all your cliients to see on the Home Pag ge of the eir Portal. We elcome Tab Ho ome Page tab w where your clie ent can come b back and see th he link ks and notes. 35 Matrix 101 operties Tab Pro Accesses the list of properties yyou have sent tthough either d direct mail or auto ema ail searches. em ect Emails and Reports Dire Pro operties and re eports you have e directly emailed to your clie ent. Inc cludes CMA’s D Driving Directio ons, listings, etcc. es Icons Selected Propertie Pro operties that ha ave been markked by either yo ou or your clien nts as Favorites, Possib bilities, or Disca ards will displayy a count. Clickk on the e link and only tthose listings a appear in the lisst and on the m map. cent Notes Rec Dis splays the 3 mo ost recent Note es to, and from m, your client for up to 10 listings. Listtings with Unre ead Notes will a appear with an on. astterisk in the ico My Searches Dis splays a list of custom saved searches yourr client has crea ated to the t Portal. Clicck the link to vie ew the results. Autto Searches Dis splays list of Au uto searches w when new listing gs that meet yo our clie ent’s criteria ap ppear on the syystem. Click the e link to view th he res sults. Auto Searche es Onc ce you have sent s an auto search s to you ur client’s porttal when new properties m match that sea arch crite eria, the client receives an email notifyin ng him/her off the new prop perties as sho own in the exa ample belo ow: When your clientt clicks the lin nk, the portal opens: o 36 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal The e Buyer full re eport is the de efault. Click Display D to se lect another vview from the drop down. Vie ewing Porttal Activity The ere are severa al ways to vie ew a client’s portal p activity. From the Agent Dashboard, you can u use the Recent Porta al Visitors wid dget. ere are three icons on the widget. w The The e heart icon ta akes you to a grid view of the t propertiess the client ha as marked as a Favorite. Aug g 2014 37 Matrix 101 If a note has bee en included, click c the Note e icon. The sccreen expands opening the e note. The e client’s note is on the left. There is a space for you to respond to o the note on the right. Entter you ur note and cliick Add Note e. When your clientt accesses the portal again n, a new Note e Notification appears. 38 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Client Search h You ur clients can search for prroperties from m the Portal. 1. From the We elcome tab, click Search link. The Map p opens with tthe search criteria box. h criteria as ne eeded and click Search. T The screen re esets with the e properties 2. Enter search marked on th he map and the listing belo ow. n search for Active A properrties only; sold d properties d do not displayy. Notte: Clients can Aug g 2014 39 Matrix 101 3. Click on an icon on the map m to view the e mini report.. ew the listing details. 4. Click on the FMLS# to vie ns under the picture p to marrk the listing a as a favorite, a possibility, a reject or ad dd a 5. Use the icon note. Once marked, m it sho ows up on the e listing and a appears on the Agent Dash hboard. 40 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Us sing Email Mattrix has severral email optio ons that assis st you in gettin ng the informa ation out to yo our clients an nd pros spects. Sending Dire ect Email to o Clients You u can select listings and em mail them dire ectly from Ma trix. 1. Select the lis stings that you u would like to o email from your Search Results page e. Click the ch heck box next to each listing to o make your selections. N ote: The Ema ail button will be “greyed out” ect at least on ne listing. until you sele ave made you ur selections, click on Ema ail button to ggo to the Ema ail page. 2. Once you ha Aug g 2014 41 Matrix 101 3. Use the table e below to co omplete the sc creen. Field Name Description D To: CC: Type T the email address or a assign an exissting contact by clicking th he To: T link. You can c also startt typing the na ame of the co ontact you wissh to se end the email. All contactss that start witth those letterrs appear. Cliick to se elect. To sele ect more than one contact in your conta act list, hold do own th he CTRL key on your keyb board as you sselect the nam mes. Cre eate New Con ntact To T create a ne ew contact, se elect this link. A contact qu uick add windo ow appears. l Required R fields s are highligh hted. Click C Save wh hen done. BCC C me a copy Click C this chec ckbox if you w want a copy se ent your email. Display All A customer displays are au utomatically a available to yo our client. Usse this ch heckbox only y if you want to o send the ho ot sheet displa ay. Sub bject Type T a subjectt for your ema ail. If you leavve it blank, it ssends with no o su ubject line. Email Body Type T a body fo or your email.. If you leave it blank, it defaults to a sttandard email with a link to o the listings: Editt Your Signature Click C this link to t edit your em mail signature e for this ema ail only. The d default siignature is the e one you sett up in My Ma atrix. 4. When you arre done, click k Preview to view how you ur listings willl look to your client or Sen nd. 42 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Sett up Auto Emails E 1. Select the lis stings that you u would like to o email from your Search Results page e. Click the ch heck box next to each listing to o make your selections. N ote: The Ema ail button will be “greyed out” ect at least on ne listing. until you sele ave made you ur selections, click Save o on the button b bar. 2. Once you ha A Email. The Save a New N Auto Em mail screen op pens. 3. Click New Auto e a New Auto Email page, select s a conta act in the Con ntact drop-dow wn list to assign 4. On the Save the auto ema ail to an existing contact. To T add a new contact, clickk the Create a New Con ntact link. ect for the em mail in the Sub bject field. 5. Enter a subje utomatically populate p the message m field d. If you want to add a perssonal messag ge 6. Matrix will au before the au uto-populated d text, enter itt in the Messa age field. 7. Scroll down to the settings section. Aug g 2014 43 Matrix 101 8. Click the En nable concie erge mode checkbox c und der the Settings section. Once you en nable Concierrge Mode, Ma atrix will hold tthe matching listings in the e “Concierge,,” where you may m approve the t listings to be added to your client’s p portal, or reje ect them. Oncce approved, yo our client will receive an em mail with a lin nk to view the Portal. 9. Select Show w this conta act in Reverrse Prospec cting to allow w a listing age ent to see if th heir listing was sent in an auto o email. ble as a Fav vorite Searc ch to add the search to thee Favorites Se earches list on the 10. Select Enab Matrix Home e tab. hedule setting g to specify wh hen auto ema ails are sent tto your client. The ASAP setting 11. Select a Sch sends auto emails e as soo on as possible e, the Daily se etting sends e emails every d day selected at 8:00AM or 6:00PM, and the Monthly se etting sends e emails at mid dnight on the ffirst of the mo onth. 12. Click Save. 44 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Vie ew Email History H Mattrix keeps trac ck of all emails you send th hrough the syystem for 90 d days. You can n view your e email histtory two separate ways: Se ent Email link or Contacts llink both loca ated under Myy Matrix. nt Email Sen y, click on the e My Matrix tab and then n the Sent Email link. 1. To view yourr email history d or to view v in the Po ortal, click the e drop down a arrow. 2. To view the details ntacts Link Con 1. To view yourr email history y, click on the e My Matrix tab and then n the Contac cts link. ontact you wa ant, click the drop d down arrrow. 2. Select the co op down arrow w next to Sent Emails. 3. Click the dro Aug g 2014 45 Matrix 101 Se etting up Matrix Se ettings You u can update your persona al information in Matrix. Clic ck My Matrix tab. Click My y Information n. The window w opens with the My Inform mation tab. Information Tab T This s page allows s you to mana age the perso onal informatio on used by M Matrix. For eacch of the fields belo ow you can either use the value from yo our roster enttry, if there is one, or enterr a value manually. It is recommende ed that you us se the roster value whenevver one is ava ailable. Header and Footer F The e following are e the Header and Footer te emplates use ed for the Clie ent Portal. To change c this banner b and information, clic ck Select a d different pack kage. 46 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Mo obile Heade er This s page allows s you to mana age the inform mation you wissh to display on the heade er on your mo obile porttal. CM MA Cover Sheet S The e following fields are used on your CMA A Cover Sheett. For each fie eld you can e either use the value defiined on the In nformation tab b, or override it with a valu e, which is sp pecific to the CMA Cover S Sheet. Aug g 2014 47 Matrix 101 Portal Inform mation play on your Portal welcom This s page allows s you to mana age the inform mation that yo ou wish to disp me pag ge. Use the drrop-downs be elow to select which inform mation should be shown. (Y You can edit the info ormation on th he Information n tab.) Em mail signatu ure Plea ase edit your email signatu ure, which is added a to the bottom of em mails you send d from Matrix. 48 Au ug 2014 Finding P Properties and Customer Porrtal Settting up th he Portal Greeting 1. Click My Ma atrix. G Wind ow opens. 2. Click My Porrtal Greeting. The Portal Greeting ormation you want into the e screen. 3. Enter the info This informa ation will appe ear at the top of the portal sscreen as a g greeting. Aug g 2014 49 Matrix 101 50 Au ug 2014 FMLS Technical Support 404-255-4219 Any technical questions regarding the functions in Fusion, FormsPro, or Realist (Tax) should be addressed to the FMLS Help Desk staff. FMLS Administrative Support 404-255-8660 ______________________________________________ Questions regarding listing changes, fees, computer user forms and other administrative questions should be directed to Administrative Support. Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5 pm. Weekend Saturday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Sunday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm NOTE: Use the “FMLS Computer User Form” to obtain a User Name & Password for a new agent, change a User Name to a different company, delete a User Name, change name or address information, change user access level, etc. This form can be located on the FMLS homepage under Administrative Support/Forms. Fax Computer User forms to 678-904-0444 or Email: [email protected] (technical & how to questions) Email: [email protected] (suggestions) Live Chat: Available M-F 9am-5pm on the home page at the bottom of the left navigation bar. FMLS Hotline (Confidential voice mail where possible rule violators can be reported) 678-904-0446 - or - [email protected] Please leave name, broker code and a phone number where you can be reached. Without this information, we can not follow through with the complaint. ____________________________________________ Training Class Registration Steps: 1. Visit the FMLS website at 2. Enter your User Name and Password. 3. Hover over Training on left nav bar. 4. Click on Training Schedule. 5. Select location and class topic. Email: [email protected] Email [email protected] FMLS Store Locations FMLS Main (Sandy Springs) 404-257-1447 FMLS NE (Duluth) Store 678-475-0544 FMLS NW (Marietta) Store 678-290-9493 Purchase FMLS maps, decals, clothing, software, closing gifts, display stands, measuring devices, calculators, accessories, jewelry, brochure boxes, signs, supplies, and much more. Visit one of our 3 locations or shop online at and click on FMLS Store. To check on internet orders and shipments: Email us at: [email protected] Supra Key/Lockbox Issues 404-843-3672 Call Supra for any issues concerning lockboxes or lockbox keys. Supra stops issuing boxes at 4 PM. FMLS has 3 convenient locations to serve your real estate needs. Each of our 3 centers offers training, real estate supplies and Supra keys and lockboxes. FMLS Main Office 5457 Roswell Rd Atlanta, GA 30342 404-255-8660 –or1-800-505-FMLS 404-255-8602 (fax) FMLS Northwest Center 166 Barrett Pkwy., Suite D Home Center Village Marietta, GA 30066 678-290-9493 678-290-9251 (fax) FMLS Northeast Center 2250 Satellite Blvd., Suite 215 Satellite Court Duluth, GA 30097 678-475-0544 678-475-0594 (fax)
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