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Docum mentt Maanageement 1001 Digital Doccuments aand Signattures FM MLS Instittute of Re eal Estate e 545 57 Roswell Ro oad Atla anta, Georgia 30342 404 4-255-8660 Digital Documents and Signatures ©2015 by FM MLS All rights re eserved. n any form or by any means, elecctronic, mechanical, No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in photocopying, recording, or otherwise, o withou ut prior written pe ermission of FML LS. D are trademarks of Core e Logic, Inc. and//or its subsidiarie es. Matrix, Realiist, Fusion, and DocuPro, FormsPro is a trademark of WedToolset.com W m, Inc. ademark of Go Paperless P Solutio ons. eSign is a tra ii Mar 2015 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ta able off Conte ents ABOUT FMLS S ....................................................................................................................... 5 OUR COMMITTMENT TO MEMB BERS ........................................ ....................... ...................................... 5 FMLS PROD DUCTS AND SERV VICES ..................................... ....................... ...................................... 5 GEORGIA REA AL ESTATE COMMISSION CON NTINUING EDU UCATION COUR RSE GUIDELINE ES .......... 6 CONTINUING G EDUCATION .................................................. ....................... ...................................... 6 ATTENDANCE POLICY ....................................................... ............................................................. 6 CELL PHONE ES ................................................................. ....................... ...................................... 6 PROHIBITION N OF RECRUITING G (520-1.B4) .......................... ....................... ...................................... 6 NOTICE OF STUDENT APPRO OVAL (520-1.B2) ..................... ....................... ...................................... 6 COURSE CREDIT R .............................................................. ............................................................. 6 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 7 LOGGING IN TO O FMLS ........................................................................................................... 8 PASSWORD RULES........................................................... ............................................................. 8 HOW WE COM MMUNICATE WIT TH YOU ....................................................................................... 9 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 10 WHAT ARE THE T BENEFITS? ................................................ ....................... ...................................... 10 HOW DO DOCUMENTS O GET INTO A DOCUME ENT MANAGEMEN NT SYSTEM? ..... ...................................... 11 HOW IS DOC CUMENT MANAGE EMENT USED? ......................... ....................... ...................................... 11 GETTING STAR RTED WITH DOCUMENT O MANA AGEMENT ............................................................... 12 FORMSPRO ........................................................................................................................... 13 ACCESSING FORMSPRO ................................................... ............................................................. 14 REAL ESTATTE FORMS LICEN NSING ...................................... ....................... ...................................... 14 FORMSPRO HOME PAGE .................................................. ............................................................. 16 HOME PAGE E TOOL BARS .................................................. ....................... ...................................... 17 ............................................................. 18 USING THE BREADCRUMB NAVIGATION A BAR....................... . ADDING A NEW CLIENT ..................................................... ............................................................. 18 CREATING A FOLDER FOR A NEW CLIENT ........................... ............................................................. 20 ADDING FOR RMS TO A FOLDE ER ........................................... ....................... ...................................... 21 USING THE SEARCH TAB TO FIND FORMS ........................... ............................................................. 22 ADDING SPE ECIAL STIPULATIO ONS ........................................ ....................... ...................................... 25 COMPLETING G FORMS WITH QUICK VIEW ............................. ....................... ...................................... 26 PRINTING FORMS O ............................................................. ............................................................. 26 CREATING/USING FORMS PACKAGES A ..................................................................................... 32 USING A FOR RMS PACKAGE ................................................ ....................... ...................................... 33 USING FMLS ESIGN .............................................................................................................. 36 OPTING IN TO FMLS ESIGN .............................................. ............................................................. 37 ACCESSING FMLS ESIGN ................................................. ............................................................. 38 USING THE ESIGN WIZARD ................................................ ............................................................. 41 ............................................................. 41 STEP 1 - SIG GNING SESSION CONFIRMATION ....................... . STEP 2 - REVIEW E SIGNERS ............................................... ............................................................. 43 STEP 3 - UPLOAD P SESSION DOCUMENTS ............................ ............................................................. 44 Marr 2015 iii Digital Documents and Signatures STEP 4 - ADD SIGNING LOCATIONS ............................................... .................................................. 46 STEP 5 PREVIEW SIGNING SESSION .............................................. .................................................. 48 STEP 6 START SIGN NING SESSION ................................................. ....................... ........................... 49 COM MPLETING THE SIGNING SESSION N ............................................. ....................... ........................... 51 ESIG GN HISTORY .......................................................................... ....................... ........................... 56 SESSION STATS .......................................................................... .................................................. 57 SESSION SIGNERS ...................................................................... .................................................. 58 SESSION DOCUMENTTS ................................................................. .................................................. 58 SESSION ACTIVITY LOG ............................................................... .................................................. 58 ADDITIO ONAL FORMSPRO FEATURES S........................................................................................ 59 QUIC CKPRINT ............................................................................... ....................... ........................... 59 COM MPLETING A QUIC CK PRINT FORM .............................................. ....................... ........................... 60 FOLDER HISTORY ........................................................................ .................................................. 63 DEA ACTIVATING CLIENTS, FOLDERS AND A FORMS.............................. .................................................. 64 REM MOVING FORMS ...................................................................... ....................... ........................... 64 DEA ACTIVATING FOLD DERS .............................................................. ....................... ........................... 65 DEA ACTIVATING CLIENTS ............................................................... ....................... ........................... 65 RES STORING CLIENTS S AND FOLDERS .............................................. ....................... ........................... 66 PERSONALIZING FOR RMSPRO .................................................................................................. 69 EMAIL A SIGNATURE ....................................................................... ....................... ........................... 69 IMPO ORT CONTACTS ..................................................................... ....................... ........................... 70 MAN NAGE MY FORMS S PACKAGES ................................................... ....................... ........................... 71 MY PROFILE DATA ...................................................................... .................................................. 72 ADDITIO ONAL ESIGN FEATURES ................................................................................................ 74 PRE EFERENCES ............................................................................ ....................... ........................... 74 EMA AIL NOTIFICATION NS ................................................................. ....................... ........................... 75 SIGN NATURE PREFER RENCES .......................................................... ....................... ........................... 76 USIN NG FORM TEMPL LATES............................................................. ....................... ........................... 76 REVIEW W AND EVALUA ATION ..................................................................................................... 81 APPENDIX: FMLS INS STITUTE OF REAL E ESTATE: SCHOOL POLIC CY .......................................... 82 APPENDIX - SETTING UP INTELLIGENT ZONES IN A DOCUMENT S IGNER FIELD ......................... 84 SIGN NATURE BUTTON N/INITIALS ....................................................... ....................... ........................... 84 DATTE AND TIME........................................................................... .................................................. 85 CHE ECK BOX ................................................................................ ....................... ........................... 85 RAD DIO BUTTON ........................................................................... ....................... ........................... 86 FOR RM FIELD ............................................................................... ....................... ........................... 87 iv Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ab bout FML LS Firs st Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (FMLS) is the premierr data service es provider for real estate proffessionals in Georgia. FML LS was found ded by a hand dful of real es tate brokers iin Atlanta in 1 1957. Tod day, members ship is growin ng quickly and d is spreading g in every dire ection through hout Georgia and the Southeast. Currently, C FML LS has thousa ands of office es and servess tens of thoussands of real esta ate agents. The FMLS listing database contains activve listings loccated all over Georgia and the Sou utheast. A nettwork of comp puters, serverrs and third p arty support vvendors enab ble member o offices and d agents to ha ave immediate e electronic access a to all liisting informa ation maintain ned in the FML LS premier web-bas sed system, Matrix. M In addition to prope rty data, our llistings are en nhanced by th he use e of photos, virtual tours, ta ax information n, mapping, scchool informa ation, census data and more! Rea al estate companies that belong to FML LS enjoy maxiimum coverag ge and expossure for their clients. An indep pendent study y shows FMLS S listings sell,, on the avera age, much fasster than thosse plac ced with other multiple listing services. Thrrough our maiin office and two t satellite lo ocations, FML LS members have access to: help deskk sup pport 7 days a week; on-sitte hands on trraining; online e training; and d free CE classses. Also, re eal esta ate supply centers are ava ailable at all th hree locationss. Ou ur commitm ment to members FMLS’ mission is s to “help fulfill financial dre eams by provviding superio or technology,, service, and d train ning to facilita ate the succes ss of our mem mbers.” FM MLS Produ ucts and Services S Matrix Matrix Mobile e Realist Tax FormsPro FormsPro Mo obile GoFMLS eSign Real Trends en Houses Georgia Ope DocuPro FIND RatePlug counts Member Disc FMLSWeb Marr 2015 Comprehe ensive Statistica al Reports Cloud CMA A FMLS Statts StatsPro end Premium Market Tre RE Forms Xceligent Fusion ListingBoo ok Property P Panorama Media Too ols ment Resource Down Paym e SafeRent 5 Digital Documents and Signatures Georgia Real Estate E Commiss C ion Conttinuing E Education n Course e Guidellines All classes are on a pass//no pass system m. Please review the policiess below regard ding attendance e, cell phones, rec cruiting and stu udent approval. Continuing Education All individua als who hold an active real es state license arre required to ccomplete 24 ho ours of Commisssion approved continuing c educ cation during each four year renewal r period.. (Licensees w whose license n numbers are less than 100,000 are nott required to co omplete continu uing education for renewal). A renewal period begins p to the current renewal due date. For example, e Comm mission approvved continuing e education four years prior 1, 2011. must be co ompleted betwe een April 1, 200 07 and March 31, 3 2011 for a rrenewal due da ate of March 31 A licensee who has succe essfully comple eted an approved course to m meet his continu uing education credit may t course for credit unless at a least one fulll year has passsed. The coursse may be repe eated on the not repeat that 366th day to o receive CE credit. Attendan nce Policy To receive certification forr this course, under u the schoo ol approved byy the Georgia R Real Estate Com mmission, for s of continuing education cred dit, all students s must be prese ent and on time e for all classro oom three hours presentatio ons. This requires students to o be seated and d ready at the announced commencement ttime and promptly re eturn from all brreaks, being re eady to participate in all exerccises. Sign the e attendance ro oster at the beginning of o class with yo our name and time of arrival. Upon your arrivval, you will be e given a Training Affidavit by the Instrructor. Fill out the t Training Afffidavit—including Course Title e, your name a as it appears on n your license, rea al estate license number, sign nature, and datte—and return to Instructor att the end of cla ass to receive CE Credit. Failure to put your y signature and enter time e in and fill out a and return the Training Affida avit will result in no earne ed CE credit as s per the GREC C. Please note: Initials are nott accepted as a signature by the GREC. Failure to comply c will nulliify the student’s opportunity to o receive the d designated cred dit. Cell Pho ones The use of cell phones an nd electronic de evices during th he presentation ns is expresslyy prohibited. Please set all o off mode. Fa ailure to comply will nullify the e student’s opp portunity to recceive the equipment in the vibrate or designated credit. Prohibition of Recru uiting (520--1.B4) No recruitin ng for employm ment opportunities for any real estate brokera rage firm is allo owed in this casse or on school prem mises. Report promptly any effort e to recruit by anyone to: Michele Mo orris at 404-255 5-4219 option2 2, FMLS Institutte of Real Esta ate, P.O. Box 4 420128, Atlanta a, GA 30342 or - The Ge eorgia Real Esttate Commissio on. Notice of o Student Approval A (52 20-1.B2) Document Management: Digital Docume ent Storage wa as renewed as a Continuing E Education courrse, good for 3 ontinuing Educ cation Credit, (S School Code: 65561.) 6 hours of Co The approv ved instructors are Kevin Theobald, Bob Ramsey, Joi Hard diman, Sallie M Mobley, Kay Bu urt, Pat Deneen, an nd Kirsten Cam mpbell. Course Credit C Continuing Education Cre edits are entere ed within two weeks. w To veriffy your credit, yyou must call th he Georgia Real Estate e Commission (GREC): 404-6 656-3916, or viisit http://www.g grec.state.ga.u us/info/wcls.log gin. You will need to entter your license e number and set s up a passw word to gain onlline access to G GREC transacctions. 6 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ob bjectives s At A the end of th his course, yo ou will be able e to: Access an nd navigate Fo ormsPro. Use Forms sPro to create e, print and em mail digital re eal estate con ntracts. Create Forrms Packages to streamlin ne FormsPro usage. Deactivate e clients and folders. f Use Preferrences to cus stomize Forms sPro, manage e Forms Packkages and restore deactiva ated clients and d folders. Access an nd navigate FM MLS eSign. Create an electronic sig gning session n; upload docu uments to be signed; and a add signing locations to contracts. View a signing session’’s progress/hiistory. es for non-GA AR and/or non n-R.E.Forms. Create signing template Marr 2015 7 Digital Documents and Signatures Loggin ng in to FMLS F To log in to t FMLS, you must be an FMLS F membe er with your o own user nam me and passw word. Your broker mu ust submit a Computer C Use er Form to obtain these. D Do not share yyour user nam me or password with other ag gents or clientts. 1. From your compute er desktop, op pen an Intern net browser w window. 2. Navigate to www.ffmls.com. ame and Pass sword and click Login. 3. Enter your User Na Passwo ord Rules 8 1 FMLS F requires bi-annual pass sword changess for security pu urposes. 2 Passwords P can contain both le etters and num mbers and mustt be at least 6 ccharacters in le ength. 3 You Y cannot use e the same pas ssword twice. 4 c your pa assword before the bi-annual change, go to the Iff you need to change FMLS.com F hom me page, hoverr over My FMLS S on the left na avigation bar, a and click on Change C Passw word. 5 Disclosing D your user name and password to another party (other than a te eam member or o assistant with hin that office) can result in a fine of $1000 a and termination n of service. (R Rule 11.1) Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ho ow We Commun C icate witth You At FMLS, F we pro ovide more to our members s than just acccess to a dattabase of listings! We use e sev veral methods s to pass along important in nformation inccluding Real Estate marke et trends (both h loca ally and nationally); state and a local news that influencce our marke et; updates an nd bulletins when our software products are affe ected; and mo ore! Please ttake advantag ge of one, or all of the methods. Marr 2015 9 Digital Documents and Signatures Docum ment Man nagement Overv view What is Document Man nagement? Document Man nagement is a set of softw ware tools to sstore, retrieve, manage, m and share s importa ant documentts associated with a client or transaction n. Transactio on information n may be loca ated in many different placces and in ma any different fo ormats. Bu uyer or Sellerr owned docu uments Fo ormsPro Pe ersonal Files Le enders In nspectors Ap ppraisers Quickly fin nding the document you ne eed can be difficult and afffect the servicce you provide your clients, an nd could affec ct contract neg gotiations. Documentt Managemen nt brings all client/transactiion documentts together in one place, m making your job easierr! What are the ben nefits? 10 Global and any y-time access s to documentts via the We b ong term storage (10 years s) Lo Unlimited electtronic storage e space Fiile size up to 10MB Elliminate/Redu uce paper sto orage space Prrotection against fire and water w damage e Document sharing saves tim me and improv ves productivvity Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ho ow Do Doc cuments Get G Into a Document Management Systtem? Ho ow is Docu ument Man nagementt Used? Attach documents to your FMLS Listings nd retrieve clie ent documentts Store an Share do ocuments with clients and others Task ma anagement an nd tracking for each client Storage and retrieval for past trans sactions Marr 2015 11 Digital Documents and Signatures Getting g Started d with Do ocumentt Manage ement From the moment the Listing L Agreem ment or the Buyer B Brokera age Agreemen nt is signed, p paperwork begins to accumulate fo or the transac ction. Getting g those docum ments into the e Document Managem ment system right away means that you can retrieve tthe documentts quickly no matter where you u are, and you u can share im mportant information with o others. Three FMLS tools combine to provid de you with co omprehensive e document m management – FormsPro o, eSign, and d DocuPro. Each of th hese tools willl fit into your workflow w so th hat you can a accomplish yo our everyday tasks faster with autom mation. How? ? Complete yo our contracts in FormsPro for buying an nd selling clie ents; get the documentts electronically signed using eSign; sto ore documentss in DocuPro; use Docume ent Manager to manage e it all. FormsPro o and eSign are a covered in the following pages. Do ocuPro is covvered in the D Document Managem ment 102: Dig gital Docume ent Storage class c (3 CE h hours). In ord der to benefit fully from FMLS Doc cument Mana agement, you will want to take both classses. 12 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Fo ormsPro ___ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ __________ ___ Ob bjectives: In th his section, yo ou will learn how h to: Access an nd navigate Fo ormsPro. Use Forms sPro to create e, print and em mail digital re eal estate con ntracts. Create Forrms Packages to streamlin ne FormsPro usage. Deactivate e clients and folders. f Use Preferrences to cus stomize Forms sPro, manage e Forms Packkages and restore deactiva ated clients and d folders. ___ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____ Geo orgia state law w enables rea al estate licen nsees to take advantage off pre-printed ccontracts thatt have bee en prepared by b legal couns sel. FMLS offfers free acce ess to forms liibraries through its softwarre. This s one-click ac ccess provide es anytime access to the fo orms, increasing agent pro oductivity. ForrmsPro is the first tool in the FMLS Docu ument Manag gement Syste em and makess using stan ndardized forms easy – the e preparer sim mply fills in th he blanks. In addition, Form msPro provid des simple tools for printing p or em mailing the com mpleted formss to clients fo or review; and d for storing, orga anizing and re etrieving them m. ForrmsPro’s strea amlined desig gn allows age ents to quicklyy add a new cclient, add one e or more tran nsaction folde ers for the clie ent, add forms s to a folder, a and complete e the forms. T This keeps alll form ms related to a single client digitally storred in one loccation. Also in ncluded is the e ability to cre eate form ms packages so that you can c add forms s to a folder w with just one cclick of the mo ouse. . In Form msPro, you willl set up one “hangin ng” folder forr each of yourr clients. Y You can then n create file fo olders for each propertty or transac ction that a Client has. One Client older can contain “hanging” fo multiple file fo olders or transactions. Everry form you usse will be place ed into the ap ppropriate file ffolder for the specific transsaction and fo or the speccific Client. Marr 2015 13 Digital Documents and Signatures Accessing Forms sPro 1. From the FMLS.com home page e, click on the e tab for Form msPro. sPro may also o be accessed from Matrix x. Hover overr the Docs ta ab and click o on 2. Forms Form msPro. Real Es state Form ms Licensing FMLS des signed Forms sPro to provide access to preprinted p con ntracts. Two separate con ntract libraries are available in n FormsPro, both of which h were written n by real estatte law firms. One library was writte en by the Geo orgia Associattion of Realtors’ (GAR) leg gal counsel. A Agents who a are members of GAR may use the GAR library of forms free of charge. Age ents who are n not GAR mem mbers may pay a yearly fee to GAR R to use that library. Agen nts who are no ot members a and who do n not wish to pay the fe ee to GAR ma ay take advantage of the se econd library,, R.E. Forms, which is provvided free of charge to all FMLS members. Again n, a real estatte law firm wrrote this librarry. The firm w was employed by a partners ship between FMLS and Georgia G MLS. 14 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e first time you u click to ente er FormsPro, the following screen appe ears with choicces for accesss to real estate contra acts: Plea ase read the screen carefu ully before choosing one o of the three methods. Once e you have m made a ch hoice, you pass through to o FormsPro on n your next a nd subsequent visits witho out having thiss scre een display. If you are e a GAR memb ber, enter your NRDS ID num mber in the box provided and cclick on the Submit button. Iff you do not remember your NRDS N ID, clickk on the link to ssearch the GA AR database byy email address or o Last Name. The NRDS ID D number you n need will be em mailed to you. IIf you have trou uble locating your y ID number, please conta act your local b oard or call the e GAR office att 770-451-1831 1. If you are e not a NAR/GA AR member an nd would like to o pay the fee in n order to use G GAR forms, clicck on the Purchase the GAR R forms button.. You are direccted to a page on the GAR w website where yyou will provide your y personal in nformation and d a credit card n number. Amerrican Express, MasterCard an nd er from GAR. You will use th Visa may y be used for pa ayment. You will w receive a F orms ID numbe his number in the first box to t gain access to forms. If you pre efer not to pay the t GAR fee, you y may use th he FMLS/GAML LS forms free o of charge by clicking on the R..E. Forms button. A short “Terms of Use” d document shou uld be read and d accepted in o order to continue to FormsPro and a the R.E.Forrms. Marr 2015 15 Digital Documents and Signatures FormsP Pro Home e Page When you u access Form msPro, the ho ome page ope ens with a Qu uick Start wind dow. Use the lin nks in the win ndow to acces ss features off FormsPro qu uickly. Includ ded are: Link Nam me Usage Add a New w Client Use e this link to set s up a new client in anticcipation of fillin ng in forms for a transaction n Add Form(s) to a Client & Folder Use e this link to place p an addittional form orr forms in an e existing clie ent’s folder. Work with an Existing Client C Use e this link to locate an exissting client an nd continue working. eSign Histtory Use e this link to view v a listing of your active e eSign sessio ons. Quick Prin nt Use e this link to print p blank forrms. Select the e option you want, w or click Close C . NOTE: If you would preffer not to see the t Quick Start window, just u uncheck the b box at the botto om of the window. 16 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures You u can access the Quick Sta art options at any time, by clicking the Q Quick Start link in the up pper righ ht corner of the screen. Ho ome Page e Tool Barrs The e tool bar contains various functions ava ailable in Form msPro. The e table below defines the ittems found on n the Home P Page tool bar.. Item m De escription Tim meout The time out counter is a seccurity feature,, indicating the amount of ttime leftt in the curren nt session. If yyou leave you ur computer, the system lo ogs you u out of Form msPro at the e end of the sesssion. Help Access an on-lin ne guide for b both users an nd brokers. Quiick Start Access the Quic ck Start links as well as the e Quick Start menu. Pre eferences Se et preferences s to tailor Form msPro to your business ne eeds. Bre eadcrumb Ba ar Pro ovides links back b to each p previous page e you navigatted through to o get to the t current pa age. Icon Bar Ico ons link to varrious functionss in FormsPro o. This bar is dynamic and d cha anges depend ding on the ta ask you are doing in FormssPro. Marr 2015 17 Digital Documents and Signatures Using th he Breadc crumb Nav vigation Ba ar The Bread dcrumb Navig gation Bar is a grey bar loc cated directly underneath tthe FormsPro o logo. As you open items in the system, s that ittem appears in the breadccrumb bar. Usse this bar to move backwards s to previous screens by clicking c on the e white underllined text. Adding a New Client Before you can work with w FormsPro o, you must ad dd the client tto the FormsP Pro system. F FormsPro c informattion to popula ate fields in th he forms. Takke the time to o be complete e and uses the client thorough when w setting up the client. Contacts from Matrix do n not automaticcally come ove er to FormsPro o; you must ad dd them in Fo ormsPro. Crea ating the clien nt record is se etting up a “ha anging” folder for each e of your clients. c To add a client to ForrmsPro: 1. From the FormsPro o Home page e, click on Add New Clien nt – OR – froom the Quick Start ow click on the Add a New w Client linkk. Windo 18 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e Client Inform mation window w appears: 2. Complete the fields on the e screen. Onlly the Last Na ame field is a required field d. 3. If there is a secondary s clie ent, click the Secondary Client tab. s, click the No otes tab. 4. To add notes n: 5. Choose yourr Close option Save & Con ntinue Sav ves the client in nformation, and d then opens the New Folderr screen to set up the pro operty folder. Sellecting this option runs you th hrough a “mini--wizard” where you can create e the pro operty folder an nd the forms. Save & Clos se Sav ves the client in nformation, and d then closes tthe window. Cancel Cancels the addittion of this clien nt. Marr 2015 19 Digital Documents and Signatures Creating a Folder for a New w Client If you sele ected Save and a Continu ue as your clo ose option, yo ou can create file folders fo or each property or o transaction that a client has. h One clie ent “hanging” folder can co ontain multiple e file folders or transac ctions. Place every form yo ou use into th he appropriate e file folder fo or the specificc transaction and for the e specific clie ent. 1. Click to t select a Ty ype for your client: Buyer, Seller, Landlo ord, or Tenan nt. 2. Type an FMLS num mber in the bo ox provided, and a then clickk on the Load d FMLS Datta button. oads property y profile data from FMLS in nto the folder,, which will au uto-populate iinto forms. This lo 3. If you do not have an FMLS# at this time, typ pe a name forr the folder in the box proviided. The Folder Name field is i required. 4. Type any notes desired in the bo ox provided. 5. Click on o the Save & Continue e button to ad dd a form to th he folder. (Yo ou may click o on Save & Close e to save the folder withou ut adding a forrm at this time e – you can a add forms late er.) NOTE: If you are just beginning b you ur work with a listing client, t, and do not yyet know the FMLS#, n the same way, w if you do not yet know w the address of the properrty your leave thatt box blank. In buying clie ent will make an offer on, you y may want to name the e folder “Prelim minary Contra acts.” You may change the name of the folder and a enter the e FMLS# laterr. Clicking on n Load FMLS S Data will m the FMLS database d and auto-populatte forms at an ny time. upload infformation from 20 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ad dding Form ms to a Folder To keep things organized, o pla ace every form m you use into o the approprriate file folde er for the speccific tran nsaction and for f the specifiic client. To add forms to o a folder: 1. From the Se elect Forms sc creen, find the e form using tthe Browse tab. Click on n the + sign to o open a folde er and view its s contents. 2. Click on the + sign again to open a sub b-folder. (Altternatively, click on the Se earch tab to llocate ng a portion of o the form na ame. See belo ow.) the form usin t box next to t the form yo ou wish to add d to the folder. You may a add 3. Click to place a check in the several form ms to the folde er at once by checking c seve eral boxes. Marr 2015 21 Digital Documents and Signatures 4. Click on o Save & Continue C to add the forms s to the folderr and move to o a list of form ms ready for entering information. Using th he Search h Tab to Find Forms s As an alte ernative to selecting the forrms from the list, you can u use the Searcch tab to find a form using its number n (F4, F20, F etc.), or by b typing a wo ord or words contained in the form. Usse the Select bu utton to add th he form. 22 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Co ompleting Forms 1. Double click to open the folder f that con ntains the form m you want to o complete, iff needed. t open: 2. Double click on the form to cons on the to oolbar change e. Nottice that the ic Use the Save icon to save the form m as you workk and at form completion. Once savved, it sets the e historical re estore point. Marr 2015 23 Digital Documents and Signatures se the Print ic con to print th he completed form – with o or without Us wa atermarks. Us se the Email icon i to email the form (with h or without w watermarks). If you y have a fo orm open and d choose ema ail option, onlyy the open form will be em mailed. se this icon to o access the S Select Formss window to ad dd Us ad dditional forms to the folde r. Us se the More Options O button n to: Add Highlighting to ffields so you can see them m easily. e text color in fields from black to blue or blue to Toggle black fo or easy readi ng. Add N//As to empty ffields in the fo orm. Best Pra actice: use this opttion after you have comple eted all the otther fields. Maximize the form vview by collap psing the toolbar. Us se the Go To Page button drop down to o quickly movve to other pa ages within a document. se the Zoom In/Out button ns to make vie ewing the form m on the Us sc creen easier. as of the form,, type appropriate informattion. Many fie elds prefill fro om the client 3. In the shaded area d and the FML LS listing info ormation (if yo ou selected a listing.) record 4. Use ta ab to move frrom field to fie eld. 5. When n you are done e, click the Sa ave icon on the t toolbar. 24 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ad dding Spec cial Stipula ations Sev veral forms ha ave a section for adding Sp pecial Stipula ations. The exxample below w is the Exclussive Buy yer Broker Ag greement. 1. Use the Add d button in the e Special Stip pulations secttion of a form to select from m a list of pre epared special stipulations. 2. Place check marks next to o the stipulatiions you wan t to add to yo our document, then click on n the Select butto on. The stipu ulation inserts s into the sec ction. 3. Click Save icon i to save changes c to the form. Marr 2015 25 Digital Documents and Signatures Comple eting Form ms with Qu uick View A fast way y to complete forms is usin ng the Quick View tab. In nstead of see eing a replica of the form and tabbin ng to fill in bla anks, the Quic ck View tab presents fieldss on your scre een for quick input of informatio on on the form m. 1. From the Edit Form m screen, click k the Quick View V tab. plete the fields s. 2. Comp 3. When n you are done e, click the Sa ave icon. 4. To retturn to the forrm view, click on the Edit Form F tab. Printing g Forms To print form(s): f 1. Locate e the client in the list of clie ents on the ho omepage. 2. Doublle click on the e client’s name. The list off folders for th hat client appe ears: 3. Doublle click to ope en the approp priate folder an nd display the e forms inside e. 26 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 4. Click to highlight any form m and activate e the icon barr. 5. Click on the Print icon. 6. The Select Forms F to Printt window opens. Place che eck marks in tthe boxes forr the forms yo ou would like to o print. 7. Click OK. Th he Combine Forms F in the Following F Ord der screen op pens. Marr 2015 27 Digital Documents and Signatures 8. Drag and a drop the forms in the list to the desired order. 9. Click OK O to continu ue. The Watermark W scrreen appears s. 10. Click on o the approp priate image in i the Waterm mark window tto print the fo orm(s) with or without waterm marks. 11. Click OK O to continu ue. FormsPro o combines th he forms you sselected into a single pdf d document. 28 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 12. Click Open or Save or Cancel C . ombined pdf file appears, click c on the prrinter icon o on the top too olbar to print tthe 13. When the co form(s). 14. Make approp priate choices s for number of o copies, pag ges, etc., in th he Print dialo og window, the en click on the OK O button to print. ng is complete e, close the window w by cliccking on the X in the upperr right corner of the 15. When printin window. Em mailing Forrms To email e a form((s) to a client: 1. Locate the client in the lis st of clients. 2. Double click on the client’’s name. 3. Double click to open the appropriate a fo older and disp play the formss inside. 4. Click to highlight one form m and activate e the icon barr. 5. Click on the Email icon. Marr 2015 29 Digital Documents and Signatures 6. The Select S Forms to t Email wind dow opens. Pllace check m arks in the bo oxes for the fo orms you would like to print. O . The Com mbine Forms in the Following Order scrreen opens. 7. Click OK 8. Drag and a drop the forms in the list to the desired order. 30 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 9. Click OK to continue. mage in the Watermark W wiindow to ema ail the form(s) with or witho out 10. Click on the appropriate im watermarks. he Email Information windo ow appears. 11. Click OK to continue. Th f options: 12. Choose the following Determin ne if you want to send individual docum ments as attacchments or co ombine the documen nts into one attachment. a If you wa ant to receive e a copy of the e email, place e a check in th he Send me a copy of th his email chheck box. If you wa ant notification when the cllient views the e documents, place a checck in the Nottify me whe en documen nts are view wed checkboox. ect in the Sub bject box, and a note to the e client in the Message boxx. FormsPro 13. Type a subje sends a link to the form(s) in the body of the email m message it se ends. The link is good for 10 days. 14. You may add d email addre esses, if desirred. Separate e multiple add dresses with ccommas. 15. Click Send to t send the email. 16. You will rece eive confirmattion that the email e is being g prepared an nd has been ssent. Marr 2015 31 Digital Documents and Signatures Creating/Using g Forms Package es The Forms Packages feature f of FormsPro provid des added flexxibility for Age ent, Brokers, and Office Staff, in th hat it allows th he user to collect a set of fo orms (GAR, R RE Forms, FM MLS and/or O Office) and save them m together for fast and easy y addition to clients’ c folderrs in FormsPrro. There are two ways to set up a form ms package: n existing fold der for a clien nt that already y contains the e all forms you u normally usse can serve An as s the basis for the template e. A bogus folder may be created and used d for the creatting the template, then dea activated on nce the templlate is saved. Templates s can be used d repeatedly to t quickly fill the t folder of a new client w with the contra acts needed for closing g. To create e a Forms Pa ackage from an a existing folder: f 1. Locate e the client whose w folder contents c reflec ct what you w wish the packa age to contain n. 2. Doublle click on the e client’s name to open the e list of folderss for that clien nt. 3. Click once o to highlight the appro opriate folder and activate the icon bar. 4. Click on o the Forms Package icon i on the menu m bar. The e New Formss Package win ndow opens. 32 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 5. Type a name e for the Form ms Package in n the box provvided. 6. Click Save. A confirmation appears. 7. Click on the OK button to o continue. sting folder: To create a Forms Package from an exis If a folder does not n exist which contains all the forms yo ou want to use e for a templa ate, you can ccreate a bo ogus client an nd a bogus fo older for that client. c Add d to that folder all the forms s you want to o use in your ttemplate. The en, follow the e steps above e to crea ate the templa ate. See pag ge 21 of this guide g for instr uctions on ad dding forms to o a folder. O Once you u save the tem mplate, you ca an deactivate the bogus cl ient and folde er. See e pages 90-96 6 of this guide e for instructio ons on deacti vating folderss and clients. Us sing a Form ms Packag ge To use a Forms Package: cessary. 1. Add a New Client if nec ew Folder for the client. 2. Create a Ne k Save & Co ontinue. 3. Name the folder and click ow, click on th he Forms Pa ackages tabb. 4. In the Selectt Forms windo Marr 2015 33 Digital Documents and Signatures 5. Click once o to highlight the Forms Package yo ou want to us e. 6. Click on o Save & Continue C to begin filling out o the forms ffor the client o or Save & C Close to save the t folder with h the template e forms in it. (You will be a able to return n later to fill ou ut the forms.) 34 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ad dding a Ne ew Folder to an Exis sting Clien nt The ere may be tim mes when you u need to add d a new folde r for a client. For example e, your buyer has look ked at severa al properties and a you would d like to keep the documen nts on each p property in a sep parate folder. You would want w to add a new folder fo or the client w when negotiations begin on ano other property y. 1. Click on Hom mepage to view v your list of o clients. st and double click to open that client. T The list of clie ent folders app pears: 2. Locate the client in the lis T New Fold der window a appears: 3. Click on the Add New Folder icon. The 4. Complete the New Folderr screen. Follow the stepss on page 20 tto complete this screen. ve and Clos se. 5. Click on Sav Marr 2015 35 Digital Documents and Signatures Using FMLS eSign _______ __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ ________ Objectives: In this sec ction, you will learn how to:: Acc cess and navig gate FMLS eS Sign. Create an electro onic signing session; s uploa ad documentss to be signed d; and add sig gning loca ations to contrracts. View w a signing se ession’s progress/history. Create signing te emplates for non-GAR n and d/or non-R.E.F Forms. ________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _________ Getting sig gnatures on a real estate contract c can be b a time-con nsuming task, especially w when one contract can require the e signatures of o 6 or more individuals. E Electronic sign nature softwa are not only automates s the process s, it can also speed s up the period for acq quiring all signatures, and greatly reduce op perational cos sts. Electronic c signatures have been use ed legally in Georgia G real e estate transacctions since M May of 2009 when Hou use Bill 127 was w signed into o law. FMLS eSign was d designed to fo ollow the mandates of the law so tha at you can fee el safe using it in your real estate transa actions. FMLS eSign is availablle free of charge to all FML LS members. eSign is inte erfaced into th he FormsPro o software so that agents can move from m contract cre eation to contrract signing w with just a few clicks of the mouse e! What is th he difference between b an electronic e sign nature and a d digital signatu ure? 36 Electronic sig gnature: is a stylized s scriptt associated w with a person. In commercce and the law, a signature on a docum ment is an indication that th he person ado opts the inten ntions re ecorded in the e document. Digital signatu ure: is where you actually sign a screen n or pad and tthe signature e is onverted into an image of your y signature e. co Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Op pting in to FMLS eSign Beffore you can begin b to take advantage off the eSign so oftware, you m must use the one time Optt In proc cess. You arre not required d to go throug gh these step ps again. Follo ow these step ps: 1. Open Forms sPro. 2. Hover over Preferences P s. es. 3. Click on My Preference S eSign on the t My Preferrences page. 4. Click on Optt-In to FMLS 5. Click on the Activate button. 6. You will rece eive confirmattion that your account has been activate ed. o Click on the OK button to e Opt In proce ess. complete the Marr 2015 37 Digital Documents and Signatures Accessing FMLS eSign 1. Acces ss FormsPro. 2. Doublle click on the e client name to open the liist of folders ffor the approp priate client. 3. Doublle click to ope en the transac ction folder for that client. 4. Click once o to highlight the docum ment to be sig gned. The to oolbar activate es. 5. Click on o the eSign n button on the main menu u. 38 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e Select Form ms to be signe ed window appears: 6. Type a name e for the Signing Session in the box pro ovided. (You might want to o use the nam me of the contract to be signed and the client name as the e session nam me.) 7. Place a chec ck mark in the e box for each h document to o be signed d during the sesssion. 8. Click OK to continue. The e Select the Signer S window w opens. 9. Place check marks in the boxes for tho ose individualls whose sign natures are re equired. 10. Click OK to continue. Fo ormsPro gathe ers informatio on from your a account. eSig gn opens in a new window. Marr 2015 39 Digital Documents and Signatures NOTE: If you havve pop up bloccking softwaree turned on, yyou may needd to click on thhe Go to eSign n button. 11. In you ur first eSign session s you will w be require ed to accept a an End User L License Agree ement. Click on o the I Acce ept button to continue. 40 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Us sing the eS Sign Wiza ard E-sign has a quic ck, easy to fo ollow six-step wizard that w walks you thro ough the proccess of setting g up ur session, ind dicating signe ers, uploading g sessions doccuments, add ding signing lo ocations to you doc cuments and starting s the se ession. Ste ep 1 - Sign ning Session Confirrmation In Step S 1 of eSig gn, you config gure the session. Use e the table below to comple ete the fields.. Field De escription Tra ansaction Name Automatically po opulates from m FormsPro; u usually with th he transaction n fold der name. Yo ou can change e if needed. Ses ssion Title Automatically po opulates from m FormsPro. Y You can chan nge if needed. Email Message Lea ave blank to include i only tthe default em mail message from eSign. Y You ma ay edit and inc clude instructtions for your signers in ad ddition to ins structions prov vided by eSig gn. The default ema ail from e-Sig n contains a llink that acce esses the doc cuments. Signer Sequenc cing De etermine whetther the e-ma ail will go to on ne signer at a time for sign nature or if all signers will w receive th he document a at the same ttime. If you se elect one e signer at a time in order,, other signerrs will not rece eive the email until the e first person signs and so on. Include Me as a Signer Ch heck this box to t include you urself as a sig gner. It is a be est practice to o do this s. Marr 2015 41 Digital Documents and Signatures Allow Sig gners to delegate to another person Use this option o only in those rare occcasions whe ere someone has a Power of Attorney and d is allowing a another perso on to sign in h his or her place. Fo or example, ellderly person,, and through h Power of Atttorney, the son/daug ghter signs things for the pa arent. NOTE: Ta alk to your Brroker to deterrmine if this op ption is viable e in your situation. Send CC Email Enter email addresses s for individua als outside of the signing session who might nee ed a final vers sion of the sig gned docume ents, such as an attorney, lender, orr broker. DO NOT put yourr email addre ess or that of a any of the signers, because b you and the signe ers will autom matically get a final, complete ed version. Session Password P This optio onal field allow ws you to pro otect the signiing session. Note that, if used, you u must share this password rd with all sign ners either witth a separate email or via phone p or text message. Confirm Password P Retype password to co onfirm the spe elling of the p password. Click on o the Next button b to conttinue to Step 2. 42 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ste ep 2 - Rev view Signe ers This s step is where you specify y the order off signers. eSig gn lists the sig gners in a sug ggested orde er, how wever, you can change the e order. 1. Use the Mov ve Up or Mo ove Down bu uttons to dete ermine the ord der for signing g the docume ent. dd New butto on to add an additional a sign ner or select a an individual from the 2. Click the Ad Address Book. 3. Enter the name of signer and the emaiil address. 4. If desired, se elect the type of Authentica ation for this ssigner. More information iss found on FMLS.com, Training, T Kno owledge Base e, E-Sign, Autthentication O Options. 1. Use the Delete button to remove a sig gner from the list. e spelling or email e addresss, click the pe encil icon un nder the edit 2. To edit an incorrect name column. e and click k Save. 3. Make your edits st contains ev veryone that needs n to sign n, click on the Next button to continue. 4. Once your lis Marr 2015 43 Digital Documents and Signatures Step 3 - Upload Session S Documents D s Step 3 has s two parts. The T first part of o Step 3, you u will need to configure the e Signers for e eSign so that appro opriate names s will appear in signing loca ations on eacch form. The second part o of Step 3 is arranging the forms in the t order you u want them signed. 1. For th he first docum ment, click on the t drop down arrow next to each role llisted for that document. 2. Selectt the individua al from the drrop down list who w is in that role. 3. Click Apply A signe ers to all tem mplates to fill f out the sign ners for the o other documen nts. 4. Click on o the Next button b to conttinue. 5. If you see the mess sage box belo ow, it is becau use a signing g location exissts on one or more of the ay happen if o one individual is buying a forms that has not been configured with a name. This ma property (rather tha an a couple). Since there are locations for two buyers, you must inform eSign that the 2nd signature s is no ot needed forr this session . 44 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 6. Click on the OK button to o continue. The screen ressets and a listt of documents appears: 7. If more than one document is included in the sessio on, click to hig ghlight the do ocument you w want to move and use the Mov ve Up or Mo ove Down buuttons to place them in a specific order. 8. If you have a company sp pecific form to o be signed, u use the Uploa ad Add’l Do ocuments button to locate it on your compu uter and add iti to the list. NOTE: If you are uploa ading a docum ment for the firstt time, you will need to “map”” the locations tthat require siignatures. You u do this in Step p 4. If the com mpany specific fform will be used again, you m may want to save the mappe ed template to eliminate e havin ng to map the d document with each use. The maxiimum file size for f unloading to o eSign is 10 M MG. 9. Click on the Next button to continue to o Step 4. Marr 2015 45 Digital Documents and Signatures Step 4 - Add Sign ning Locattions FormsPro o automatically y adds the sig gning location ns based on tthe template a assigned in th he previous step. Therre are cases where w you will want map th he additional signature loccations within the documentt(s) to indicate e to your signers where the ey need to sig gn or initial; c heck a box, p place a date, etc. This is s particularly useful of you have agency y forms or add ditional docum ments that yo ou need your client to ac cknowledge. 1. When n you click on Next from the e previous ste ep, Step 4 op pens with the ffirst form to re eview for signatture placemen nt. 2. Click the t + sign nex xt to the word d Pages on th he left to open n a pages view w. 3. Click the t + sign nex xt to the word d Markup to open a list of o option to allow w you to markkup the docum ments, if need ded: sttrike-through un nderline highlight heck boxes ch te ext boxes Note: when you us se Markup option, Markup Zones are ad dded to the do ocument once e confirming the ch hanges in Step 4. There wiill be a notifica ation requiring g you confirm mation that the ey want to add th hese Markups s to the docum ment. If you have h added sstrike through markups, you will see a promp pt that remind ds you that in some cases, adding a strik ike through m may require iniitials from all signerrs near the sttrike though te ext. 4. Scroll down the forrm until you ge et to the first place you wa ant signed. 46 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 5. Click the dro op down arrow w in the Signe er box to selecct the name o of the signer. This is an important step to ensurre you have the t right pers son signing in the right p place. 6. Drag and dro op the yellow Signature sq quare (or the D Date/Time sq quare, etc.) to o the location where the sig gnature should be. 7. Repeat steps s above for additional sign ner locations. The forms w will appear in tthe in the order you selected d in Step 3. 8. Click on the Next button to continue to o Step 5. Marr 2015 47 Digital Documents and Signatures Step 5 Preview Signing S Se ession In Step 5, you review th he documents s to verify tha at the signaturre blocks are in their prope er locations. 1. Scroll through all th he documents s verifying tha at the signing locations are e in the prope er place. If eed to make adjustments, click the Pre evious buttonn to return to Step 4 and m make the you ne chang ges. 2. Click on o the Next button b to conttinue. 48 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ste ep 6 Start Signing Session S In th his step, you can add to th he system-gen nerated emai l sent to yourr clients aboutt the signing ses ssion. 1. Make any de esired change es or additions to the emai l message. T The text you e enter is insertted after the firstt line of the em mail and befo ore the instrucctions. 2. Click on the Finish butto on to start the signing sess ion. Emails a are generated d and sent to the on Stats scree en displays sh howing you th he session infformation. signers. A Signing Sessio Marr 2015 49 Digital Documents and Signatures 3. When n you are done e, you can eitther create a new signing ssession by cliicking New S Signing Session icon OR sign out of eS Sign by clickin ng the Sign O Out icon. 50 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Co ompleting the t Signin ng Session n The e signing sess sion continues s in each individual’s emaiil account. Th he email rece eived by the sign ner(s) contain ns simple instructions and a link to begin n the processs. The e signing proc cess consists of three steps: Marr 2015 51 Digital Documents and Signatures Step 1 The signe er reviews his signature and d initials. If changes are n needed the sig gner can makke them during this s step. For in nstance, the signer s may wis sh to add an initial to his n name. Step 2 The signe er may choose e as his legal signature one e of six differe ent signatures presented o on the screen OR R he may cho oose to “draw”” his own sign nature. A sim mple click to p place a dot ne ext to the desired sig gnature OR a click on the “Draw your signature and initials” link iss required. If one of th he six signatu ures is chosen n, the signer may m proceed to Step 3. If the signer chooses to o “draw” his own o signature, he will follow w the instructions outlined below. 52 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Dra awing a Signature Clic cking on the Draw D your signature s an nd initials linnk changes thhe screen for the signer. T Two box xes are presented in which the signer will use his mo ouse (or a styllus if he ownss one) to “draw w” his sign nature and iniitials in the bo oxes. A Clear button is ava ailable in casse more than o one effort is required. Ste ep 3 The e signer is req quired to read d and agree to o the Consum mer Disclosure e. The signerr on the link to o read d the disclosu ure, and then places a che eck in the I ag gree box, andd click on the Start button n. The e document(s) display for signing. s Marr 2015 53 Digital Documents and Signatures The signe er clicks Startt and the document automatically scroll s to the signing location. Signer clic cks the highlig ghted field an nd the esignatture appears. The signe er clicks next to t continue th hrough all the documents, p placing his/he er signature in n the designated spots. Clicking on the Done button b provide es confirmatio on that the sig gning was completed succcessfully. A on the Yes button b and the e signing sess sion is comple ete. final click 54 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e last screen informs i the siigner that he will w be notifie d when all pa arties have sig gned the doc cument(s) and d that a fully executed e copy y will be ema iled to him. When the docum ment has been n signed by all signers, the e fully execute ed document will be emaile ed to eac ch Signer. Th he document will w be access sed by a link in the email m message. Clic ck the Down nload Signin ng Session Files link to save the doccuments to the e computer fo or uplo oading to Doc cuPro. The do ocuments are e saved as a zzip file. Age ents involved on either side e of the transa action may w want to save th he fully execu uted documen nt on theiir computers to t upload to DocuPro. D Marr 2015 55 Digital Documents and Signatures eSign History H FMLS eSign keeps a lo og of the prog gress of each signing sess ion. You mayy access the log at any time. 1. Log in n to FormsPro o. 2. Click the t eSign History link on n the Quick Start S window. The Session S Historry screen app pears. This is s a list of all yyour eSign sesssions. 3. Click on o the Magn nifying Glass icon in the e Action Menu u column for tthe appropriate session. 56 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e Signing Ses ssion Informattion screen op pens. The e Signing Ses ssion Informattion screen co ontains 4 secctions: Sessio on Stats, Sesssion Signers, Ses ssion Docume ents, and Ses ssion Activity Log. A brief d description off each section n follows. Se ession Statts This s section contains general information about a the sign ning session. Links are avvailable to dow wnload the lattest version of the docume ent and its cerrtificate of autthenticity. The session pas ssword may also be changed for the ses ssion, if appliccable. Marr 2015 57 Digital Documents and Signatures The table below defines the options in the current status field. Status Deffinition Building The e session is in n building (settup) state and d has not bee en sent out for signing. In Progres ss The e session setu up has been completed c an nd session ha as been sent o out to clients for signing. Completed d The e session has s been signed d by all signing g parties and completed. Cancelled d The e session has s been cancelled by the acccount owner. Session n Signers This sectio on displays a list of invited signers for th he session. T The name or email address of a signer may be ed dited and the invitation to sign s resent. Session n Docume ents This sectio on displays th he documents s included in the t signing se ession. Inform mation on the e documentt(s) includes the number off pages in the e document, itts size, and th he number off signature locations in i the docume ent. Session n Activity Log L This sectio on contains a list of all actiivity for the se ession. Each h activity in the e list will inclu ude the date and time the t activity oc ccurred, the IP P address of the t individual (which rough hly identifies tthe location of the com mputer the sig gner used), an nd a descriptio on of the eve nt. 58 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ad dditional FormsP Pro Featu ures ForrmsPro has many m additiona al features to assist you in managing an nd working wiith your clientts. For exa ample, you can print blank forms to use on the go; yo ou can deactivvate / reactiva ate clients, folders, and d forms, import contacts fro om Matrix, and view folder history. Qu uickPrint The e Quick Print features f lets you y quickly print a blank fo orm or fill out a form and print. 1. Click on Quick Print on the Quick Sta art menu – O OR – click on Q Quick Print from the Quick Start menu. 2. Click on a pllus (+) sign to expand a fo older and sub b-folders and vview its conte ents. 3. Click on the form you wan nt to print, the en on Contin nue. The form m opens. Marr 2015 59 Digital Documents and Signatures 4. Click on o the Print icon to print the t blank form m. Comple eting a Quick Print Form F If you nee ed to complete e a form quick kly, you can access a the forrm, complete the information, and print. You u can save thiis form for an existing clien nt or set up a new client an nd save it in a new folder. 1. From the FormsPro o main screen n, click on the e Quick Starrt link. The drrop down menu appears. o Quick Prrint. The Quic ck Print windo ow appears. 2. Click on 3. Navigate to and click to select th he form. 4. Click on o Continue e. The form opens. 5. Comp plete the form by typing dire ectly into the fields. Use th he Tab key to o move from ffield to field. 6. Click on o the Save button. The Quick Q Print-Sa ave window a appears: 60 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 7. Do one of the following: hoose to save e the form to an a existing client, click on tthe client’s na ame and eithe er If you ch choose an a existing folder in which to place the fform, Or click on New Fold der to save itt in a new foldder. Then continue to follo ow directions on en to save the e forms. the scree Marr 2015 61 Digital Documents and Signatures 8. 62 If you choose to t save the form for a new client, click o on the New C Client button.. The create F window w appears: New Client & Folder plete the scre een and click Create. The client and follder are creatted and are viewable in Comp the Fo orms Pro Clie ent list. Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Fo older History Durring the cours se of negotiatiions, Real Estate contractss are often ch hanged. Form msPro provide es the ability to restore a previous ve ersion of a co ontract if the n need arises. IIf changes ma ade to a contract toda ay are not acc ceptable to yo our client, you u can restore to yesterday’s version. To restore a pre evious versio on of a contrract: 1. Open the folder for the ap ppropriate clie ent. 2. Double click to open the folder f that con ntains the doccument. 3. Click once to o highlight any y form in the folder. 4. Click on the Folder Histtory tab. A lis st of history rrecords displa ays. 5. Locate the appropriate a co ontract in the list and click o once to highliight it. (Carefu ully choose th he correct version. The Crea ated column will w provide da ate and time information to o aid in your choice.) 6. Click on the Restore buttton. Marr 2015 63 Digital Documents and Signatures Deactiv vating Clients, Folde ers and Fo orms FormsPro o provides a deactivation to ool you can us se to delete fo orms, and rem move clients o or folders. You may want w to deacttivate folders because negotiations fell tthrough for a particular transaction, or when a cliient’s transac ction is closed d so that you will w have a sh horter list of acctive clients to o work with. It is imporrtant to note th hat when FormsPro deactivates clients or folders, it d does not dele ete them. It is important to note tha at once you re emove forms from f a folder,, they cannot be restored. Removing Forms s 1. Doublle click on the e client’s name from the Lis st of Clients. 2. Doublle click on the e folder that co ontains the fo orm you want to delete. 3. Click once o to highlight the form. 4. Click on o the Remo ove button. 5. Clic ck OK to conffirm the deacttivation. The form f is removved. 64 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures De eactivating g Folders You u may deactiv vate client fold ders and remo ove them from m the list. If th he folder you deactivate con ntains forms, they t will be de eactivated alo ong with the ffolder. FormssPro will not p prompt you rega arding this. Please P take ca are to choose e the correct ffolder for dea activation. 1. Double click on the client’’s name from the List of Cllients. 2. Click once on the folder you y want to de eactivate. 3. Click on the Deactivate button. 4. Click OK to confirm the deactivation. d The T folder is d deactivated a and removed ffrom the clien nt. De eactivating g Clients When you deactivate a client from FormsP Pro is only rem moves the clie ent from the F FormsPro app plication, it does not remov ve the client frrom your list o of Matrix conttacts. 1. From the Lis st of Clients, click c once on the client to b be deactivated d. ox appears assking you to cconfirm the 2. Click on the Deactivate button. A confirmation bo deactivation. Marr 2015 65 Digital Documents and Signatures 3. Click OK O to confirm m the deactiva ation. The clie ent is deactiva ated and rem moved from the list. Restoring Clients s and Fold ders It is imporrtant to note th hat when FormsPro deactivates clients or folders, it d does not dellete them. Deactivate ed clients or folders f may be b restored at any time – tthey may be a added to and edited. This provides you with flexibility and d saves you tim me when a cllient returns to you for reall estate needs! To restorre a client: 1. Hoverr over Preferrences on the Main Menu bar. 2. Click My M Preferen nces. The My M Preference es window op ens. 3. Click on o the Resto ore Deactiva ated Clients s/Folders linnk. 66 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures The e Restore Dea activated Item ms window op pens. 4. Click once on the client’s name from th he list of clien nts. 5. Click on Res store in the pop p up box. n. 6. Click on the Done button s. 7. Click Close to exit the My Preferences sh button to see s the restorred client in th he list. 8. Click Refres To restore a folder: P s on the Main n Menu bar. 1. Hover over Preferences es. The My Preferences P w window openss. 2. Click on My Preference eactivated Clients/Fold C ders link. The Restore De eactivated Item ms 3. Click on the Restore De ns. window open Marr 2015 67 Digital Documents and Signatures o the + sign to expand the client’s fold der in the list o of clients. 4. Click on 5. Click once o on the fo older to be re eactivated. 6. Click Restore R from m the pop up box. 7. Click Done D . 8. Click Close C to exitt the My Prefe erences. 9. Click Refresh R buttton to see the e restored clie ent in the list. 68 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Pe ersonaliz zing Form msPro Pre eferences give e you the ability to persona alize FormsPrro. You will b be able to crea ate and edit yyour ema ail signature, import contac cts from other programs, m manage formss packages, a and restore dea activated clien nts and folders. eM Mail Signatture 1. Hover over Preferences P s. es. 2. Click on My Preference mail Signatu ure link. 3. Click on the Edit My Em esired email signature. s 4. Type your de 5. Click on the Save button. Marr 2015 69 Digital Documents and Signatures Import Contacts C You can im mport your Matrix contacts s or contacts from f another Contact Man nagement sysstem into FormsPro o. Before you import, you must m save you ur list of conta acts as a csv ffile. 1. Hoverr over Preferrences. 2. Click on o My Prefe erences. 3. Click on o the Imporrt Contacts link. 4. Brows se to find your CSV file. 5. Click on o the Uploa ad button. 6. Contin nue to follow screen s directions to importt contacts. 70 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Ma anage My Forms Pa ackages 1. Hover over Preferences P s. es. 2. Click on My Preference y Forms Pac ckages link. 3. Click on the Manage My e 4. Click to highlight a forms package for editing. ns on the men nu bar to Rename, Manage e Forms, or D Delete a formss package. 5. Use the icon Marr 2015 71 Digital Documents and Signatures My Proffile Data Your personal informattion stored in the Profile Da ata screen in FormsPro is used to auto--populate fields in GAR G forms - exactly as it ap ppears. If you u would prefe er to have the fields popula ate differently, you can upd date this inforrmation. Changing your infformation on this screen d does not change yo our roster info ormation in the e FMLS database. Chang ges here will o only affect new transactions in FormsP Pro. Previously populated forms will rem main unchang ged. To change e your FormsPro Profile Da ata: 1. Hoverr over Preferrences. 2. Click on o My Prefe erences. The My Preferences window w appears. 3. Click on o the My Prrofile Data link. 72 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 4. Type your pe ersonal inform mation in the boxes b on the right side of tthe screen exxactly as you want to see the information autto-populate in n fields on GA AR Forms. 5. Click on the Save button. Marr 2015 73 Digital Documents and Signatures Additio onal eSig gn Featu ures This sectio on describes additional fun nctions and operations tha at are useful in n tailoring eSign to fit your busin ness needs. Prefere ences Additional eSign tools are a available in Preference es to customizze the progra am so that age ents realize maximum productivity. To access s eSign Prefferences: 1. From the Quick Sta art menu, click eSign His story. o the Preferences butto on. The Prefe erences scree en appears. 2. Click on Three e sections are available in Preferences: P Email Notificcation, Signatture Preferencces, and Templates. Each section s is cov vered in the fo ollowing page es. 74 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Em mail Notific cations At various v points s in the signing session, yo ou receive em mails to notify you of particu ular actions. Y You can n choose whic ch emails you want to rece eive by placing g a check in tthe checkbox. In th he Personal Preferences P section, s click on o the Email notifications yyou want to re eceive. Field Name Description D Ses ssion Started d Receive R an em mail when the e signing sesssion is started d. Ses ssion Signed d Receive R an em mail when ea ach signer signs the docum ment(s). Ses ssion Delega ated Receive R an em mail when a ssigner delega ates the sessio on to anotherr individual. Ses ssion Viewed d Receive R an em mail when a ssigner views tthe session. Ses ssion Decline ed Receive R an em mail when a ssigner decline es to sign a do ocument. ck on the Upd date Prefere ences button n. Clic Marr 2015 75 Digital Documents and Signatures Signatu ure Prefere ences You can set s your preferences for the e Signature fo ont you use fo or every signing session and for all your eSign n emails. 1. Click to t choose a fo ont for every signing session. This will eliminate the e need for you u to make the ch hoice every tim me you need to sign a doc cument. 2. Type an email sign nature in the box b provided. 3. When n you are done e, click Upda ate Preferen nces. Using Form F Templates Templates s enable you to map signa ature locations s on documen nts that are no ot part of the GAR or R.E. Form ms libraries, bu ut are frequen ntly used. Crreating a temp plate eliminattes the need tto drag and drop signa ature boxes onto o the docum ment(s) each time they are e used. To create e a template: 1. Click on o Preferences. 2. Click on o the Temp plates button. 76 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 3. Click the Ne ew Template e icon. The Te emplate Deta ails screen op pens. D screen n. 4. Complete the Template Details Field Name Description Title Enter a title forr the template e. Gro oup Enter a name for f a group; fo or example, in n-house forms. Des scription Enter a descrip ption of the fo orm. Buy yer through Other O Signer Ty ype the numb ber of signatu res needed fo or each signe er type in the box prrovided. Doc cument Click Browse to o locate the fo orm for mapp ping and temp plate creation. 5. Click on the Save Detaills button. Th he form uploa ds and openss. op signature boxes b (or initiials, or date, e etc) to the ap ppropriate placce on the form m for 6. Drag and dro each signer. Marr 2015 77 Digital Documents and Signatures 7. Click the t Save buttton to continu ue. The temp plate appearss in the list. To use a template: 1. Start a signing session. 2. In Ste ep 3, click the Upload Add d’l Docume ent to upload the custom document to the list of docum ments. 3. Brows se to and sele ect the docum ment you are adding. a 4. Click Upload U Doc cument. 78 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 5. When the do ocument appe ears in the listt, click on the e Template iicon in the View column. 6. When the lis st of Template es appears, lo ocate the app ropriate temp plate in the Usser Templatess section and click once to highlight it. Marr 2015 79 Digital Documents and Signatures 7. Click on o the Next button b to conttinue. The Designate Sign ners screen a appears. 8. Use th he pick list to choose the names n for the mapped sign natures. 9. Click on o the Next button. b The additional a form m is added to o the list. 10. Click Next N to move e to Step 4. 11. Contin nue with the signing s sessio on as usual. The T template e is applied to the form. 80 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Re eview an nd Evalua ation Con ngratulations in completing g Document Management M 101! Beffore you leave e, you must: 1. Complete the evaluation. our FMLS Tra aining Affidav vit and return n to your instrructor. 2. Complete yo We encourage you y to come back b and take e another classs with us as w we have enjo oyed having yo ou. Marr 2015 81 Digital Documents and Signatures Appen ndix: FML LS Institu ute of Re eal Estatte: School Policyy Courtesy y in the Clas ssroom/Stu udent Respo onsibilities The FMLS Institute of Rea al Estate will make m every effo ort to ensure th at the materials and classroo om instruction you receive e in this course e are of the high hest quality. Yo ou, as a studen nt, have a responsibility to ensure that the learning ex xperience in the e classroom is positive for you u and your fello ow students. The FMLS Institute of Real Estate req quires you obs serve the follo owing rules to facilitate goo od citizenship he classroom:: among all students in th 1. Be on time for all clas ss sessions. Sttudents arriving g more than 10 0 minutes late w will not be eligible for CE s. credits 2. Sign th he attendance roster at the be eginning of clas ss with your na ame and time o of arrival. Upon n your arrival, you will be given a Trraining Affidavit by the Instruc ctor. Fill out the e Training Affid davit—including g Course Title, your y name as itt appears on yo our license, rea al estate license e number, sign nature, and datte—and return to Instructor att the end of class to receive CE C Credit. Failu ure to put your signature and enter time in and fill out and return n the Training Affidavit A will res sult in no earne ed CE credit ass per the GREC C. Please note: Initials are not accepted a as a signature s by th he GREC. 3. a cell phones// electronic dev vices in an “off”” or “silent” mo de. Do not textt or check messsages during Place all a class s session. If you inadvertently y leave a phone e on and it ring gs, turn it off im mmediately. You u will have time att the break to return calls. Faiilure to comply will nullify the student’s oppo ortunity to receive the design nated credit. 4. Childre en or pets are not n allowed in the t classroom. Service dogs, of course, are e permissible. 5. Ask qu uestions related d to the course e material. Yourr instructor will determine whiich questions a are pertinent to that day’s material and will be ha appy to answer other question ns at breaks or after class. 6. Our ha ands-on classes are very fast pace. If you arre not technica ally qualified, w we may not be a able to stop the cla ass to catch you u up. We have to complete th he course agen nda in the time allotted. 7. Allow others o to listen to the instructo or by not talking to other stud dents during the e class. Our insstructors have the autthority to dismiss a student fro om a class if th he student is re epeatedly disru uptive or talking g during the class. 8. eat to visit the restroom during class instrucction, please do o so quietly and d return to When leaving your se eat as soon as possible. Do not n use cell pho ones or other ccommunication n devices in the e bathrooms your se or bath hroom area. Ex xcessive time away a (more tha an 10 minutes) from course in nstruction will re esult in no earned d CE credit. 9. Profan nity is not tolera ated, or allowed d, in classroom ms. 10. Keep your y place in th he classroom tidy by cleaning up any tissuess, drinks or oth her materials w when you leave the t class session. 11. Do nott leave early fro om any class. Early E departure es from a CE c lass will result in no earned ccredit. Class Ca ancellations s All FMLS classes c are fre ee to all our members m who have their ow n, active FMLS username a and password.. Students sh hould make ev very effort to atttend the classe es that they havve registered fo or; however, if you know in advance that you will be unable u to attend, you are expected to unreg gister yourself ffrom that class to allow another felllow student the e opportunity to o sign up for tha at particular cla ass. To unregistter: 82 Lo og into fmls.com m. Go o to Training and My Courses s. Cllick on the courrse you wish to o unregister from under the "ccurrently registe ered for future classes" se ection. Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Scroll dow wn to the botto om of the page and click on th he blue "Click h here to unregistter" link. mbers who repeatedly registe er and do not atttend and/or un nregister may b be temporarily blocked from Mem registration and will automatically y be placed on a stand-by onlly status until yyou actually attend a class ag gain. Excessive abuse of o class registra ation will resultt in a call to Bro oker/Office Man nagement and//or forfeiture off FML LS classes. Eve ery effort is mad de to conduct classes c as sche eduled; howeve er, there are tim mes when classses must be canc celled due to extenuating e circ cumstances such as inclemen nt weather conditions or otherr emergencies.. We will attempt to ema ail you of any unforeseen u can ncellations. How wever, in the evvent of incleme ent weather, please chec ckwww.fmls.c com and/or NBC’s 11 Alive Ne ews. Spe ecial Needs s If yo ou are an individual with a dis sability who may require assisstance or special accommoda ation, or if you n need morre information on o disability acc cess, please co ontact the FML LS Institute of R Real Estate at 4 404-255-4219 and pres ss option 2. Equ uality The e FMLS Institute e of Real Estatte is committed d to equality of educational op pportunity and d does not disc criminate against students or employees e on the basis of ra ce, color, natio onal origin, relig gion, sex, disab bling cond dition, age, vetteran status or sexual orientattion in its progrrams and activvities. No Make-Up Policy P The e FMLS Institute e of Real Estatte has adopted a no-make up p policy for misssed classroom presentations. Stud dents, of course, can retake any a class if nec cessary. GR REC Policies s We abide by all Ge eorgia Real Es state Commission policies and d procedures. Our Instructorss will cover the ese at very CE credit course and the ey are listed in the front of all CE course han ndouts. the beginning of ev e FMLS Institute e of Real Estatte will enter and d process yourr earned creditss within two we eeks of your CE E The clas ss. All licensed FMLS membe ers (with an actiive, FMLS use r name and pa assword) who ccompleted all th he clas ss requirements s (including sig gnatures with tim mes denoted a as in and out) w will receive CE credit. Please plan your CE courses accordingly a as your y renewal due d date deadliine is your resp ponsibility. To m manage and ve erify your credit, you mu ust call the Geo orgia Real Esta ate Commissio on (GREC) at 4 404-656-3916 o or visittwww.grec.sta ate.ga.us/info/w wcls.login. A lic censee who ha as successfully completed an approved courrse to meet con ntinuing educattion credit mayy not repe eat that course for CE credit unless u at least one full year h as passed. The course may b be repeated on n the 366th day to receiv ve credit. Perrsonal Prop perty We cannot be resp ponsible for your personal pro operty such as iPads, cell pho ones, laptops, etc. Please do not ve your persona al belongings unattended. u Up pon completion n of your class, please ensure e you have colle ected leav all of o your persona al items. Sweatters, jackets, glloves, etc. will be held in a losst and found biin, which is unattended. Twice e a year, we willl donate all leftt items to a cha arity of our cho oosing. Dis sclaimer The e FMLS Institute e of Real Estatte reserves the right, in its disscretion, to dism miss you from a class or to ca ancel your registration and/or to decline e subsequent registrations r if yyou demonstra ate inappropriate or unaccepttable cond duct such as using profanity, abuse of FMLS S property, dissruptive behavio or, signs of alccohol or drugs, in connection with a class or activity y of the school or its staff or fa faculty. In such a case, your B Broker will be ccalled and notified by FM MLS Manageme ent. REV V: 3/10/15 Marr 2015 83 Digital Documents and Signatures Appen ndix - Setting up Intelligen nt Zoness in a Do ocument Signer Field eSign permits you to se et up special Intelligent Zones within a d document. Th hese zones allow you to cial conditions on a field, such s as requirring a respon se, selecting one in a serie es, or place spec requiring that t if a certaiin condition is s met, a respo onse is requirred. Require ed vs. Optio onal vs. Co onditional Signing Fiields Required The default condition is Required. This means tthat the signer must respond to this field. Optional If yo ou select Option nal, then the sig gner has the o ption to respon nd or to skip this field. Conditional Conditioning a sign ning field mean ns that you tie o one signing fielld to another, d depending on what you select, th he conditioned field f will act up pon whatever h happens to the other signing op down menu, you can choo ose which Signa field. Using this dro ature field you wish to cond dition. Once se elected, another drop down m menu appears. T This is where yyou must choo ose what the co ondition of the field is. For exa ample: Let’s sa ay we have one e check box and one signature field. We’ve se elected the sign nature field and d changed it so o it is ditioned upon CHK1 C that is a check box. We e set the condittion where if CHK1 is cond chec cked then the signature s is req quired. If it is no ot selected then it is hidden frrom view. Signatu ure Button//Initials When you u drag down or o select a pre evious inserte ed Signature ffield or Initialss field, you ca an place a condition on o these field ds. 1. Click the t Gear icon n next to the signature s indicator. The Prroperties dialo og window ap ppears. 2. Selectt the radio button to indicate whether th he field should d be Required d, Optional orr Condiitional. 84 Th he default con ndition is Req quired. This means m that the e signer mustt respond to this field. If you select Op ptional, then the t signer ma ay choose to rrespond or to o skip. onditional, the en the signer must respond d to this field,, if the signer responded If you select Co o a previous field. to Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures 3. Click the dro op-down arrow w to select the e field that yo ou want to ma ake the contin ngent field. Da ate and Tim me If yo ou insert a Da ate/Time field in a document and want tthe time only, you must change the type e of field d. 1. Click the Ge ear icon next to the field. The T Propertiess dialog windo ow appears. f the drop down list nex xt to date form mat. 2. Select time from w DATE: Initialls even thoug gh you have sselected the T Time or Time and NOTE: The box will still show Datte options. 3. Select the ra adio button to indicate whe ether the field should be Re equired, Optio onal or Conditional. ault condition is Required. This means tthat the signe er must respond to this field d. The defa If you se elect Optional, then the signer may choo ose to respon nd or to skip. If you se elect Condition nal, then the signer must rrespond to thiis field, if the signer respon nded to a prev vious field. Ch heck Box You u can add a check box if yo ou want the signer to ackn nowledge an ittem on a form m. By default, che eck boxes are e optional to sign, though you may make e them Required or Condittional on anotther field d. Marr 2015 85 Digital Documents and Signatures 1. Click the t Gear icon n next to the field. f The Pro operties dialog g window app pears. 2. Selectt the radio button to indicate whether th he field should d be Required d, Optional orr Condiitional. Th he default con ndition is Req quired. This means m that the e signer mustt respond to this field. If you select Op ptional, then the t signer ma ay choose to rrespond or to o skip. onditional, the en the signer must respond d to this field,, if the signer responded If you select Co o a previous field. to 3. Click the t drop down list next to place p the con nditional item o on the field. Radio Button B When you u select radio buttons, a po op up menu will w ask you ho ow many you wish to creatte. The default is 3; 3 however, you y may chan nge that to a higher h or lowe er amount. Please note tha at each time you create e a radio butto on groups the ey are tied tog gether so onlyy 1 of the entire group mayy be selected by b the user. Also A radio butttons are optio onal to sign byy default. 86 Mar 201 15 Digital Docume ents and Signa atures Fo orm Field You u can create a Form field th hat the signerr must type in n a response. For example e, you would use this s if you wish fo or a signer to enter their em mail address into a blank ffield. By defau ult, Form field ds are required to sign, but you can mark m them as s Optional. Marr 2015 87 FMLS Technical Support 404-255-4219 Any technical questions regarding the functions in Fusion, FormsPro, or Realist (Tax) should be addressed to the FMLS Help Desk staff. FMLS Administrative Support 404-255-8660 ______________________________________________ Questions regarding listing changes, fees, computer user forms and other administrative questions should be directed to Administrative Support. Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5 pm. Weekend Saturday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Sunday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm NOTE: Use the “FMLS Computer User Form” to obtain a User Name & Password for a new agent, change a User Name to a different company, delete a User Name, change name or address information, change user access level, etc. This form can be located on the FMLS homepage under Administrative Support/Forms. Fax Computer User forms to 678-904-0444 or Email: [email protected] (technical & how to questions) Email: [email protected] (suggestions) Live Chat: Available M-F 9am-5pm on the FMLS.com home page at the bottom of the left navigation bar. FMLS Hotline (Confidential voice mail where possible rule violators can be reported) 678-904-0446 - or - [email protected] Please leave name, broker code and a phone number where you can be reached. Without this information, we can not follow through with the complaint. ____________________________________________ Training Class Registration Steps: 1. Visit the FMLS website at www.fmls.com 2. Enter your User Name and Password. 3. Hover over Training on left nav bar. 4. Click on Training Schedule. 5. Select location and class topic. Email: [email protected] Email [email protected] FMLS Store Locations FMLS Main (Sandy Springs) 404-257-1447 FMLS NE (Duluth) Store 678-475-0544 FMLS NW (Marietta) Store 678-290-9493 Purchase FMLS maps, decals, clothing, software, closing gifts, display stands, measuring devices, calculators, accessories, jewelry, brochure boxes, signs, supplies, and much more. Visit one of our 3 locations or shop online at www.fmls.com and click on FMLS Store. To check on internet orders and shipments: Email us at: [email protected] Supra Key/Lockbox Issues 404-843-3672 Call Supra for any issues concerning lockboxes or lockbox keys. Supra stops issuing boxes at 4 PM. FMLS has 3 convenient locations to serve your real estate needs. Each of our 3 centers offers training, real estate supplies and Supra keys and lockboxes. FMLS Main Office 5457 Roswell Rd Atlanta, GA 30342 404-255-8660 –or1-800-505-FMLS 404-255-8602 (fax) FMLS Northwest Center 166 Barrett Pkwy., Suite D Home Center Village Marietta, GA 30066 678-290-9493 678-290-9251 (fax) FMLS Northeast Center 2250 Satellite Blvd., Suite 215 Satellite Court Duluth, GA 30097 678-475-0544 678-475-0594 (fax)
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