By/ John Migliorini, Director of Sales, Anne Veith


By/ John Migliorini, Director of Sales, Anne Veith
By/ John Migliorini, Director of Sales, Anne Veith Communications& Strategy Manager, Maja Bersaa, Art Director, and
Karin Gert Nielsen, Managing Director, Scandinavia & Finland
From the left: Charlotte, Kenne, Maja, Mikkel, Karin, Klaus, Anne and John
We are looking forward to welcome the California delegation for the March 4th day. We have put
together a full program for the Californian delegates. We are pleased to welcome to Copenhagen,
Michael Martin, Manager International Marketing, US Travel Association
Lilly Kimmelshue, Marketing Manager, Visit California
Brian Said, Director, San Diego Tourism Authority
Charles Schuler, Assoc. Deputy Airport Director, San Francisco International Airport
Hubertus Funke, Director International Tourism
Tom Kiely, Executive Vice President, San Francisco Travel
Angela Jackson, Director International Media relations, San Francisco Travel
Hannah Avol, Senior Manager, Santa Monica Convention & Visitors Bureau
Terry Selk, Director, Yosemite/Mariposa County Tourism
Tracy Farhad, Executive Director, Solvang Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mark Crabb, Director, Sonoma County Tourism
Annie Allen, Director Sales & Marketing, City Pass
Hermine Baker, CEO/Owner Atmani Wine Country Tours
Siw Jacobsens, Atmani Wine Country Tours
March 4th – Agenda
- Breakfast meeting for Californian Delegates
- Media Lunch for 90 persons
- Tour Operator Meeting
- Evening workshop for 200+ travel trade
February 2013
Activities February 2013
Discover America Stockholm, February 5th
We participated in the annual workshop. We had tabletop presentation for 100 travel trade professionals.
California International Summit, 19-21 February
KGN participated in the 2013 summit.
February 2013
Ferie For Alle, Herning Travel Trade Show, 22-24 February 2013
This year 64.000 visitors visited the fair during the 3 days. We had a booth were California Maps, IVG and
Roadtrip brochure were distributed.
February 2013
Market Overview
The Nordic Region is the fourth largest European visitor to the US and the sixth largest worldwide visitor
with 1,161,953 in 2011. In 2012 Nordic visitors to California counted 210,000 with an 18.7% market share,
and compared to other European markets, the region has the second highest percentage of the population
traveling to California, namely 64% of a population of 25 million. Consumers enjoy six weeks paid vacation
scattered throughout the year and are traveling more than ever. They stay longer than the average traveler
and spend more than $20 billion on travel each year.
The economic model of the Nordic countries, specifically Denmark, Norway and Sweden, is helping weather
the debt crisis plaguing the EU. These markets have recently functioned as so-called safe havens with
investors purchasing government bonds.
 Because the countries (except Finland) are not part of the Eurozone, they have been spared of
much of the economic turbulence seen in Southern Europe.
 The private consumption is expected to increase by 2.5% annually until 2015.
 The unemployment rate is 6% on average – one of the lowest in the EU.
 GDP growth rate is 2.8 % on average, and is expected to increase by 2.5% annually until 2015.
Key Market Strategies
 Use Online Training Program to raise the importance and development of more official California
 Due to limited advertising resources, focus on PR through press fams and individual media fams,
newsletter and media pitches distributed throughout the region in multiple languages.
 Participate in Discover America events/workshops in the Scandinavian countries and Finland
 Annual tour operator & airline partner round table meeting and Thanksgiving celebration (350 Key
Industry executives)
 Co-op events with California Wines
 Co-op with Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, Swiss Air and SAS in promoting their new airlifts for
agent and media fams.
February 2013
Airline news
Direct routes from the Nordic Region to the US at a glance
American Airlines
Helsinki – Chicago
Copenhagen - New York EWR
Stockholm - New York EWR
Oslo - New York EWR
Delta Air Lines
Copenhagen - New York JFK
Stockholm - New York JFK
Keflavik - New York JFK
Helsinki - New York JFK
Keflavik - New York JFK
Keflavik - Boston
Keflavik - Minneapolis
Keflavik – Seattle
Keflavik - Washington Dulles
Keflavik – Denver
Iceland Express
Keflavik - New York EWR
Keflavik – Boston
Keflavik – Chicago
Keflavik – Orlando
Copenhagen - New York EWR
Copenhagen – SFO
Copenhagen - Chicago
Copenhagen - Washington
Stockholm - New York EWR
Stockholm - Chicago
Oslo - New York EWR
Oslo - New York JFK
Stockholm - New York JFK
Reopening June 2013
Boeing 767-300
9 weekly
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Seasonal, Reopening June
Seasonal, Reopening June
Seasonal, Reopening June
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Airbus A330-300
2 Daily
2 Daily
6 weekly
Reoponing April 2013
NEW this year
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Seasonal, Reopened
4 weekly
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 757-200
10 weekly from April 2013
6 weekly from April 2013
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A340-300
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A330-300
3 weekly from May 2013
3 weekly from May 2013
787 Dreamliner
787 Dreamliner
February 2013
Competitions – OTP
We have approached airlines to set up a new competition “win a trip to California”
Competition is planned to run during the whole month of March 2013 and reach 3500 travel trade
We are seeking to get 250 new travel agents registered. This will also be promoted during the workshops
throughout the year.
Virgin Atlantic will sponsor two tickets to USA
Linda Røygård, Freelance, e.g. Motor and, Denmark, September 23rd-October 2nd 2012
FDM MOTOR is a customer magazine by FDM which is the Danish association of car owners. MOTOR is the
largest magazine concerning cars, car ownerships, and thereby also road trips, etc.
Status: Articles on published. Article in Motor will be published this spring.
Paulina Bylén, Affärsresemagasinet Voyage, Sweden, January 10th-14th 2013
Wilshire Hotel, Los Angeles
Affärsresemagasinet Voyage is a travel magazine for the selective, high-income travelers who are used to
luxury when it comes to experiences and style.
Contribution: 1 night comp., 3 nights media rate of $179 per night
Status: Article exp. to be published in March 2013.
This has already made it to the front page of the website: “Editor’s tip for your next LA visit – the roof top
bar at Kimpton’s new boutique hotel at 6317 Wilshire Boulevard”
February 2013
Jonas Henningsson, Aftonbladet, Sweden, January 16th-20th 2013
San Francisco
Aftonbladet is the largest daily newspaper in the Nordic Region with over 2,5m. daily readers (online and
print). The paper features a weekly section, and a bi-monthly travel magazine, which is one of Sweden’s
most read travel magazines.
Lars Dyhr, Editor-in-Chief, Check-in Billund, Denmark, January 26th – 31st 2013
Los Angeles, Solvang,
Check-in Billund is a travel trade magazine published by Billund Airport – Denmark’s second largest airport
– distributed to subscribers and throughout Billund Airport. They focus on all destinations reachable from
the airport and all aspects of the trip, from best accommodation to the culinary experiences to beaches and
cities. Readers are mainly 25+ and use the magazine as inspiration for their next trip.
Tobias Larsson, Vagabond RES, Sweden, March 10th-17th 2013 (pending)
San Francisco, Wine country
Vagabond started 25 years ago and has grown to become Sweden’s largest and highest respected travel
magazine. The journalists have won multiple awards for e.g. Journalist of the Year 2010, and the content is
of great quality. The readers are loyal, and curious of new destinations to explore, new ways to travel, and
new things to experience, and so are the journalists.
Kai Hartmeyer, TV2, Denmark, March 11th-20th 2013
Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Solvang, Monterey, Big Sur, San Francisco.
Kai Hartmeyer and Inge Hartmeyer are producers at Denmark’s largest commercial television group, TV2.
The concept, “In the footsteps of “Sideways”, will become a travel feature including music from Sideways,
the places featured in the movie, focus on vineyards, golf courses, “Taste of Solvang Festival”, and more. It
February 2013
will also have a strong focus on interviews with Danish and American locals giving their point of view on the
Sideways-features of the area. Other than the main TV2 broadcast, the program will also be broadcast as a
special edition of the online show “Livet længe leve” (Long Live Life) on regional channel TV2 Fyn, as well as
“Golfmagasinet”, a TV2 golf series giving the latest scoops and inspiration for golfers. Lastly, an online
version will be broadcast on, and articles will be published in the largest golf magazine in
Denmark, “Dansk Golf”.
Contribution: Accommodation in Solvang.
Dorte Hansen, Freelance, Denmark, March 16th-25th 2013
Los Angeles
Dorte Hansen is a freelance travel journalist. She writes for Politiken’s travel supplement. Politiken is
Denmark’s largest national daily with a core focus on politics and society. Politiken’s readers are welleducated and have a high representation of decision-makers in both the public and private business sector.
They live in larger cities and are interested in culture. Politiken readers travel more than the average Dane.
For this trip, Dorte Hansen will also be writing for the Jyllands-Posten’s Living supplement, which focuses of
home decoration and interior design. Jyllands-Posten is the 3rd largest daily newspaper. The readers are
located all over the country, and are often engaged in the business world with an income above average.
Dorte Hansen also expects to sell articles to other Danish media in connection with this trip.
Camilla Nivaro, Bazar, Denmark, March 23rd-April 1st 2013 (pending)
Los Angeles
Bazar is a monthly lifestyle magazine for young women. They want to do a travel report on LA with spas,
shopping, surfing, dining, clubbing. To be published September 2013.
Joakim Raboff, Aftonbladet, Sweden, April 2013 (pending)
San Francisco
Aftonbladet is the largest daily newspaper in the Nordic Region with over 2,5 m daily readers (online and
print). The paper features a weekly travel section, and a bi-monthly travel magazine, which is one of
Sweden’s most read travel magazines. Joakim Raboff has been assigned to write a comprehensive guide if
San Francisco in connection with the new CPH-SFO route starting April.
Preben Hansen, Turen går til, Denmark, April 14th-May 10th 2013
Solvang, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, South Lake Tahoe
Turen går til (”Going to...[insert destination here]”) has been published for more than 60 years and has
become the biggest and most popular travel guide in the Nordic countries. The guides are sold in multiple
European countries. The aim is to only write about the things that are worth going for, which ensures a
continuous high standard.
Contribution: Alcazar Hotel in Palm Springs. Accommodation in South Lake Tahoe. Accommodation, two
dinners, two museum media passes, comp. passes for Old Town Trolley Tours, comp. passes for
Hornblower Cruises & Events, admission to major attractions in San Diego. Wine Valley Inn & Cottages in
Katrine Pedersen, Rejs med børn, Denmark, end April 2013 (pending)
February 2013
The readers of Rejs med børn are families and in particular urban parents that have the opportunity to give
priority to travelling. They provide a guide for child friendly experiences in California mentioning every visit,
experience, hotel etc. They are cooperating with some of the most influential Danish family media, e.g. TV2
Go Morgen Danmark (morning talk show on largest commercial TV channel), CoverKids and Vores Børn
(”our kids”).
Rina Mardahl, Traveller, Denmark, May 12th-19th 2013 (pending)
Amgen Tour
Traveller is a free travel magazine distributed at airports, cafés, beauty parlors, media agencies, and hotels.
The magazine is of high quality and targets a well-educated, well-off audience with unique travel
experiences. She will publish a travel report on California featuring hotels, restaurants, sights, etc. in the
magazine, as well as an article on the Amgen Tour. Therefore Rina Mardahl will be joined by her cycling
expert friend so they can cover the race professionally. It is also a supplement to Berlingske Tidende, which
is Denmark’s largest newspaper with roots in the business world, distributed in the most affluent cities in
Nikolaj Witte, Rejseprogrammet, Denmark, June 1st-July 13th 2013 (pending)
Rejseprogrammet is a Danish travel website giving inspiration, tips, reviews, etc. of everything travel
related. They differentiate themselves in that they have videos from all the destinations they have visited,
and they have the most travel videos of any Danish travel sites. This trip will focus on traveling in an RV
with small kids and cover multiple locations throughout the state.
Contribution: he is in contact with Cruise America
Tom Nørgaard, Politiken, Denmark, August 8th-15th 2013 (pending)
San Francisco
Politiken is Denmark’s largest national daily with a core focus on politics and society. Politiken’s readers are
well-educated and have a high representation of decision-makers in both the public and private business
sector. They live in larger cities and are interested in culture. Politiken readers travel more than the average
Dane. Travel Writers and Photographers Conference, gastronomy, couchsurfing.
February 2013
Trade and Media Activities 2013
1000+ consumers visit Fort Swanson for
a full day travel show, we will partner
with Oregon and share at the workshop
Press conference, travel trade
workshop, 200 agents and media
Swansons Long Haul day
Osby, Sweden
March 2 2013
Discover America
Press &
March 4 2013
Discover America
March 4
Trade &
consumer show
March 6 – 8 2013
March 20
California Wine Tasting
200 travel agents
KGN & JM participate
50 wine suppliers, 300-400 guests
Trade & media
travel show
Gothenburg, Sweden
March 21 – 24 2013
SAS inaugural flight SFO
Trade & media
Copenhagen – SFO
April 8 2013
Atlantic Link Reception
Trade & Media
April 19 2013
Karin 50 years reception
Las Vegas
June 8 – 12 2013
KGN & JM will participate
Pow Wow
45.000+ visitors
KGN will join a group of VIP’s and
Executives on the flight
February 2013
PR Overview
Newsletters / Press Releases
Biggest ever USA workshop in Scandinavia to take place 4th of March in Copenhagen
Press release distributed February 7th 2013
Total reach: 70,000
Total value: $ 2,800
February 2013
Newsletter, February 2013
English version click here
February 2013
This Month’s Results from Previous Newsletters
San Francisco celebrates Pi
Press Coverage
For scans of all articles please see PDF
Total reach: 1,112,000
Total value: $ 26,600
February 2013
Graphic Work
Invitation USA Workshop March 2013
Exhibitor Magazine
28 pages
February 2013
Press Room
After the launch of our new website we created a separate press room with latest news, videos, images, ebrochures and more.
Social Media
In June we ran a competition on Facebook and Twitter which increased our number of followers by 30%.
We have recently repeated that success and the number is increasing drastically once again. Currently we
are running an advent calendar with daily prizes.