Saint Paul Newsletter - Saint Paul United Methodist Church


Saint Paul Newsletter - Saint Paul United Methodist Church
Saint Paul United Methodist Church
Worship Services
at Saint Paul
Sunday Worship
9 and 10:30 a.m.
Saturday Worship
6 p.m.
Wednesday 645 Worship
(Dining Room)
6:45 p.m.
Watch Worship
at Saint Paul
Time Warner Cable
(Channel 13 or 71.11)
12 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
11 a.m.
Radio Ministry
Sundays, 11:30 a.m.
The Saint Paul Hour
on 1240 AM/KFOR
Visit our website
Like us on Facebook
Vol. 76, No. 9 (USPS-516 620) November 2015
Periodical postage paid in Lincoln, Nebraska. Published
monthly. Known office of publication is Saint Paul United
Methodist Church at 1144 M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 685082123. Address all correspondence to Saint Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2123.
Subscription price, one dollar per year. Postmaster: Send
address changes to Saint Paul News, 1144 M Street, Lincoln,
Nebraska 68508-2123.
Saint Paul News
1144 M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Gratitude Sunday, it’s coming right away,
November 1. We’re not waiting until the
Thanksgiving holiday. We’re thankful now and
always. One reason we’re so thankful is that
we’ve paid off our debt for the third phase of our
building project, which provided a remodeled
kitchen and new heating and air conditioning
for the Sanctuary. Another reason we’re so
thankful is for all the people in our lives who
have blessed us with their earthly presence and
gone on to God’s glory and eternal presence. So
we celebrate All Saints Day. And we’re thankful
Dr. David J. Lux
for the opportunities we have to bless people’s
Senior Pastor
([email protected])
lives with our ongoing ministries in 2016.
Sunday, November 1 (and at the Saturday evening service October 31)
we’ll be offering our financial commitments for our 2016 ministries, our
operating funds. This is what Saint Paul Church people do, and it truly
is a sharing of God’s amazing grace. Out of thanksgiving for God and
for people in our lives, we share a significant portion of our resources
to provide Church and Spirituality and Hope and Compassion for this
community and beyond. Your commitment makes a difference for good.
Thank you.
Now that we have paid off our debt, we are not going to borrow again in
the near future. But we have some building needs we haven’t been able to
address yet. Our most recent major projects were to re-model the kitchen
and to replace the HVAC system for the sanctuary, and we were able to
add the projectors in the Sanctuary and completion of the organ (new
trumpet and flute stops, and complete revoicing) with special gifts. With
the money we still have coming in from 3 year pledges for the Building
Fund, and from special gifts, we need to improve the sound system in the
Sanctuary, remodel or renovate the choir room area downstairs, add light
switches to the Sanctuary (changing over from turning on and off breaker
switches), and buy new chairs for the Dining Room and some of our
We are thankful for what we have done together, and what we will be
doing together into the future. I hope you will make a special effort to be
in church for Gratitude Sunday, November 1.
- David
Gratitude Sunday Brunch: November 1
Join us for brunch in the Bevins Family Life Center.
Brunch will be served from 9:30 - 11 a.m.
(Regular Worship schedule)
Holiday Happenings
November 25 - Thanksgiving Eve at First-Plymouth
Be part of a Lincoln tradition: The Thanksgiving service held jointly by Saint Paul and First-Plymouth.
This year the service will be at First-Plymouth (20th and D). Kirstie Jeanette Garnes will be the featured preacher.
Music will be presented by the combined choirs of First-Plymouth and Saint Paul, directed by Tom Trenney.
November 29 - Hanging of the Greens
Help us prepare for the season of Advent, and join us on Sunday, November 29, at 5 p.m. as we trim the trees, halls,
Sanctuary, and Dining Room! There will be music, cookies, cider and plenty of fun and fellowship for all! Meet in
the back of the Sanctuary.
Holiday Cookie Walk: Calling All Bakers!
Fall is in the air! Leaves are changing color. Overcast days that inspire you to stay home and…BAKE! That’s right!
It’s the perfect time to bake!
Saint Paul is getting ready for the annual Holiday Cookie Walk on December 4 and we would love your help in
bringing this annual tradition to life! Consider baking a few dozen cookies or if candy is more your forte, that would
be great too!
Cookies and goodies can be brought to the church office at any time, we have freezer space or you can drop them off
on Tuesday, December 1st.
We also need help decorating sugar cookie cut outs on Tuesday December 1st and Thursday, December 3rd.
Advent Devotional - Deadline November 2
New Beginnings is the theme for Advent 2015. We are seeking personal stories of beginnings, or those that reflect
people or events that have influenced your life. Suggested length is 250 words. Stories may be submitted to Nancy
Savery ([email protected]) or Annette Wiechert ([email protected]) or leave them at the church
Advent Heifer International: Giving Gifts To Those In Need!
Join us at the Heifer International Gift Market during Advent. The market will be open in the Bevins Family Life
Center during the three Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings prior to Christmas. Diane Bartels, Rogene and
Tom Silletto.
Page 2
Saint Paul News
November 2015
Holiday Happenings
Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and support
our United Methodist Orphanage in Jalingo, Nigeria during
Saint Paul Church Shopping Day
at Ten Thousand Villages.
Sunday, November 8
12 - 5 p.m.
Ten Thousand Villages Lincoln
8th and “P” Streets
in Lincoln’s historic Haymarket
10% of all purchases will be returned to Saint Paul UMC and
will be used to support our Nigerian Orphanage.
By shopping at Ten Thousand Villages You give the gift that gives twice!
Supporting Fair Trade practices through purchases promotes
development opportunities for disadvantaged producers,
especially women and marginalized groups, as well as helping to
protect children from exploitation.
Again this Christmas, you are invited to celebrate the birth or life of a loved one by contributing to the
Christmas decoration fund. Poinsettias will cost $7.95 each and those who wish may claim them following the
final Christmas Eve service. Please use the form below (return it to the church office with your payment) when
ordering your poinsettias. Please print and list names exactly the way you want them listed in the bulletin.
Thank you. Deadline for ordering poinsettias is Wednesday, December 9.
Please place a poinsettia in the Sanctuary in honor of: ________________________________________
or in memory of: ____________________________________________________________________
Given by: _______________________________________________________________
Payment of $_____________ is enclosed.
__ I will pick up my poinsettia following the 10 p.m. service.
__ I will not pick up my poinsettia. Please deliver it to one of our shut-ins.
November 2015
Saint Paul News
Page 3
645 Worship - It’s Never Too Late...
Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. in the Dining Room
Lattes and dessert will be served.
Childcare is available.
Kirstie Jeanette Garnes
Associate Pastor
([email protected])
Starting and Continuing Your Faith Journey at Saint Paul
(CLASS = Christian Life and Service Seminars)
Becoming a member at Saint Paul UMC means that you are becoming a part of our spiritual family. In CLASS 101
you will learn about the history of the church, our core values, what the Bible says about church membership, what
it means to be a member at SPUMC and why being a member of a local church is so important to your spiritual
During CLASS 201, you will learn three habits that will energise or renew your spiritual life:
• Bible Reading - Practical steps to making time with God a powerful part of every day through Bible reading and
study. You will also receive helpful tips on overcoming the largest obstacles you’ll face as you get started.
• Prayer - You’ll learn a pattern for prayer taken right out of the life of Jesus.
• Christian Relationships - At Saint Paul, there are many opportunities to gather with other Christians. First,
there’s the larger group worship experience at the weekend services. Second, there are life groups, where you can
connect with other believers in a deeper, more personal way.
Both Classes will meet Sunday, November 15, from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
We’ll start with lunch together, then break off into each class.
The United Methodist Campus Ministry at UNL
Monday Motive-ation Worship
Every Monday at 9 p.m., Student Union Regency A Room on the Second Floor
All are welcome!
Page 4
Saint Paul News
November 2015
Children and Family Ministries
Children’s Christmas Program
The Kids for Christ Sunday School kids and children’s choirs will once again
put on a Christmas program on Sunday, December 13th. If your child would
be interested in a speaking or nonspeaking part this year, please email Cathy
Link ([email protected]).
Halloween Spooktacular Costume Contest Winners!
Congratulations to Nora Link, Preston Scott, and Jude Zmarzly!
Cathy Link,
Director of Children
and Family Ministries
([email protected])
Saint Paul United Methodist Youth (SPUMY)
Get this info on your calendars!
November 1, 8, 15, 22- SPUMY
Who: All youth
What: Saint Paul Youth Group Meetings
Where/When: Dining Room at 5:30 p.m.
Dinner followed by activities and service projects.
November 4, 11, 18 - Wild Wednesdays
Lexi Gardner,
Director of Youth Ministries
([email protected])
NO Wild Wednesday
November 25th!
November 29!
November 2015
Who: All youth
What: After-school youth activities
Where/When: Every Wednesday from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Youth get picked up from school and come back to Saint Paul for Bible
study, social time, study hall, dinner, and optional choirs. For more
information, please email Lexi Gardner ([email protected]).
November 1, 8, 15, 22- Confirmation
Who: All Confirmands
What: Confirmation Class
Where/When: Room 225 at 4:30 p.m.
November 29 - Family Opportunity: Hanging of the Greens
Who: All youth with their parents and siblings
What: Annual decorating the church for Christmas
Where/When: Sanctuary at 5:00 p.m.
Please note - this is not a supervised youth activity, however we
encourage youth and their families to join in this annual tradition.
Saint Paul News
Page 5
Musical Musings
Music for 9 a.m. Worship
November 1 – All Saints Day; Reliance
November 8 – Rezounding Praise
November 15 – Children’s Choirs both services
November 22 – Rezounding Praise
November 29 – Special Music
No Wild Wednesday November 25th!
Thank You!
Thank you Saint Paul for all of your thoughts and prayers! I’m on the
mend from my 2nd hip replacement surgery. Hopefully very soon, I’ll
put away the cane for a good long time. I must say, It’s been interesting
learning how to walk properly again. Thank you, Dick Morris, for holding
down the fort while I was recovering. It feels great to be back at the piano!
Alicia Opoku,
Director of Music
([email protected])
First Friday Concert/Art Series
12:10 p.m.
Friday, November 6
The Lincoln Contemporary Dance Project
Professionally trained dancers and choreographers committed
to presenting contemporary modern dance.
Art by Robert S. Egan
Robert is affiliated with Noyes Gallery. He is a photographer of fine arts in black and white.
The exhibit will be in place for the entire month.
The concert is free and open to the public. Lunch ($5) will be available
starting at 11:30 a.m. and after the concert in Paine Parlor.
The McKinley Bells will be heard from the church tower prior to the concert and will be
played by Brent Shaw. They will also be broadcast into the Sanctuary.
If you wish to help underwrite expenses for the series, there are several categories for
support. Please contact Tasha Griffin ([email protected] or 402-477-6951). Checks
should be made out to Saint Paul United Methodist Church and designated for First
Friday. Contributors will be listed in the programs.
Mezzo-Forte (under $50)
Forte ($50-99)
Fortissimo ($100-239)
Sforzando ($250-499)
Grande ($500 and over)
Business Contributors
For further information about the programs or the opportunity to support First Friday at
Saint Paul, please contact Dick Morris (402-261-3104 or [email protected]).
Page 6
Saint Paul News
November 2015
Chancel Chat
Lots of wonderful things will be happening musically in November. On
November 1 as we remember those who departed this year, the choir will
celebrate their lives through the music of Vaughan-Williams beautiful
setting of For All the Saints. During the month of November the choir also
will be singing music by Telemann and John Ness Beck. The Beck setting
Rejoice, the Lord is King will showcase our new festival trumpet stop on
the organ. Dick Morris needs no encouragement to utilize this spectacular
addition to the organ. Saint Paul will continue our long tradition of
celebrating Thanksgiving Eve with First-Plymouth Congregational Church
who will host the combined service this year. Our choir will combine with
the First-Plymouth Choir conducted by their Director of Music Tom
Trenney to sing music of John Rutter and Caroline Jennings. Dick Morris
will assist at the organ and I will enjoy the glorious sounds of these two
really terrific choirs. I hope you will be able to join us. The end of November
is always special as we move into Advent and some of the most profound
music of the church. Looking ahead on December 13, the Chancel Choir
will offer our annual Christmas gift to the congregation by singing four
beautiful holiday anthems featuring the music of Mack Wilberg, Robert
Young, Phillip Stopford and a highly engaging setting of Ding,Dong,Merrily
on High. Save the date for your church and your chancel choir.
- Bill Wyman, Director of Music
Unit Meeting
Wednesday, November 4
10:30 a.m. in the Dining Room
Join us to learn about Flood
Buckets, School Kits and more
from Ann Cerveny’s experience
“A Week Being a Helper” at the
Midwest Mission Distribution
Center. Mary Fagler will conduct
the World Thank Offering Service,
and our deceased members will be
remembered. Servers are Wesley
Group, and greeters are Officers.
Executive Board meets at 9:15 a.m.
in Room 155. Sign up on the Event
Registration or call the church office
(402-477-6951) for reservations by
November 2. Contact: Mary Starr
(402-489-1122) or Sheila Biggs
November 2015
William A. Wyman
Director of Music
United Methodist Women
Kriss-Kross Applesauce
Wednesday, November 11
from 6-7 p.m. in Room 145
They will study chapter 4 of We
Make the Road by Walking. Contact:
Eunice Higgins (402-438-6265).
Group I
Monday, November 16
7 p.m. in Paine Parlor
Rogene Silletto will present the
Thank Offering. Tom Lamberson
will present a program on Clinic with
a Heart. Hostesses are Judy Bowlby
and Rogene Silletto. Contact: Mary
Starr (402-489-1122).
Group II
Wednesday, November 18
9:30 a.m. in Room 155
Eunice Higgins is Hostess. They will
continue the study of There’s a Hole in
My Heart Only God Can Fill. Contact:
Charlene Adden (402-466-6158).
Saint Paul News
Group 36
Wednesday, November 18
1 p.m. in Room 155
Judy Robins will present a
program on the Linus Quilt
Project. She is also the hostess.
Contact: Addie Lancaster (402-4776951).
Wesley Group
Tuesday, November 24
12 p.m., lunch in the Dining Room
Rosemary Swanson will present a
program on France. She is also the
hostess. Contact: Kay Remus (402676-4432).
Page 7
News of the Saint Paul Community
Wednesday Night Supper
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Dining Room
Suggested donation: $5 for adults, $2
for children (with a family rate not
exceeding $15)
November 4: Sloppy joes, potato
wedges, scalloped corn, cole slaw, deep
dish apple crisp
November 11: Pigs in blanket,
macaroni and cheese, french fries, green
beans, fruit salad, chocolate cake
November 18: BBQ ham loaf, scalloped
potatoes, carrots, dilly bread, tossed
salad, assorted dessert bars
Classes, Groups, Events
Church isn’t just on Sunday morning
around here! There are many great
groups and classes meeting throughout
the week at Saint Paul. Guests are
always encouraged and welcomed in any
class or group.
United Methodist Men
Every Monday/11:45 a.m./Dining Room
Enjoy lunch and informative
Turn the Page Evening Book Group
Monday, November 2/7 p.m./Room 145
We will discuss Just Mercy, a biography
about the criminal justice system, by
Bryan Stevenson. Just Mercy is one
of two alternates for the 2016 One
Book One Lincoln selection. The book
review will be led by Linda Striman.
Reverend Stephen Griffith, Executive
Director of Nebraskans for Alternatives
to the Death Penalty, will join the
discussion and tell us about NADP.
All are welcome to join our discussions.
For questions call Rogene Silletto (402483-6323) or Ann Cerveny at (402440-2420).
Centering Prayer
Tuesday, November 3/7 p.m./Chapel
Thursday, November 5/1:15 p.m./Room
Jan Peck will show her pictures of her trip
to her homeland of Sweden. Guests are
welcome to attend.
Senior Adult Fellowship
Tuesday, November 10/11:30 a.m./
Dining Room
Program will be announced in
upcoming bulletins. Please sign up
on the Event Registration or call
the church office (402-477-6951) by
Monday morning, November 9.
Page 8
Saint Paul Day at Don and Millie’s
Sunday, November 15/Don and
Millie’s (5200 S. 56th Street)
If you eat there and inform them you
are from Saint Paul Church, 20% of
your check comes back to the church.
Morning Book Discussion Group
Wednesday, November 18/10 a.m./Room
We will discuss Stella Bain by Anita
Thursday, November 19/1 p.m./Room 155
Millie Corkill is the facilitator. Call
Millie with questions (402-488-1096).
Caregiver Education Group
Tuesday, November 24/1:30 p.m./Room
Relaxation Techniques will be presented
by Terri Swanson, Aging Partners.
Beginners Welcome!
Mondays at 5:45 p.m.
Thursdays at 5:45 p.m.
(First Thursday of the month
is at 7:45 p.m.)
Introductory Price: $20 for
10-class punch card
(Limit ONE introductory price
punch card per person)
Regular Price - $50 for
10-class punch card
One Day Mission u
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Saint Paul United Methodist Church
1144 M Street Lincoln, NE 402-477-6951
Sign In, Coffee, Rolls - 8:30
Program 9 – 3
“Latin America – People and Faith”
Study Leader: Reverend Karen Jeffcoat
Music Leader: Alicia Opoku
Free parking in our church garage – enter on 11th Street between M and N
and at Great Western Bank garage – enter on 12th Street between M and N.
Registration Deadline is Sunday November 8.
You must be registered to attend.
Registrar is: Mary Louise Dutcher
Call: 402-423-4783
E-mail: [email protected]
Cost: $10 includes lunch or $5 without lunch. Pay at the door.
Tell registrar if you have special meal needs.
Saint Paul News
November 2015