report on the first three months of fiscal year 2002
report on the first three months of fiscal year 2002
REPORT ON THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF FISCAL YEAR 2002 SALES UP BY 8% DESPITE WEAK TV MARKET OVERPROPORTIONATELY HIGH EBIT GROWTH OF 10% TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION TO BE CLOSED 2002 2 Foreword TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN. PERFECTION AND INNOVATION. BY BALANCING THE INTERESTS Loewe is off to a successful start in fiscal year 2002. The 8% increase in sales in the first quarter, together with an improved product mix, led to a 10% increase in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). On a comparable basis, earnings per share were up 11% to EUR 0.59. According to information from GfK, retail sales of televisions in Germany persisted at 8 percent below the previous year’s level in the first three months of 2002. Contrary to the trend, Loewe was able to deliver more sets to retailers and increase its market share. Deliveries to our foreign partners again made a disproportionately high contribution to the Group’s growth. Accordingly, the foreign share of sales is now 53%. We also enhanced our international presence and technological lead in the first three months of 2002. The product line marketed in the U.S. through our own sales company since the beginning of the year is concentrated on high-end large-format sets based on HDTV (high-definition television) technology that have been developed especially for the North American market. These sets for highresolution television are a very actively growing market segment in the U.S. Moreover, all 100 Hz televisions have been converted to the new MediaPlus Q 2500 chassis platform. In addition to simultaneous digital TV and radio reception (DVB) and easy Internet access, these TV sets with their own sound system – consisting of Certos and Concertos – can now be used as a combined system as well as form a total system with the Bose Lifestyle 50 sound system. For Loewe, CeBIT, from March 13 to 20, 2002, was the forum for the introduction of digital TV and the third generation of Internet-capable television, TV Online plus. The “Living Room of the Future” included a practical demonstration of the networking of Loewe TV sets and electronic home automation (control of lighting, blinds, mobile Internet access und much more). 3 2002 SYSTEMATICALLY, WE STRIVE TO ATTAIN OUR GOALS OF SHAREHOLDERS, CUSTOMERS, EMPLOYEES AND THE ENVIRONMENT In addition, Loewe products received awards for their outstanding design quality at CeBIT. The iF International Forum Design Hanover conferred awards on the Aconda select and Articos 32 televisions, the Concertos satellite system and the RC 1 remote control. In addition, Loewe was the only manufacturer to receive the “iF Silver Award” for a sound system, the Certos. Designzentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen in Essen also presented the products Articos, Certos and RC 1 the “red dot award”. In the coming quarters of the current year, Loewe will selectively increase investments aimed at meeting the challenges of the market. We will increase the brand experience for our discriminating customers and make it more widely accessible. We will continue to develop the presentation of the premium brand among our trading partners and expand our efforts in export marketing. Moreover, we will strengthen our competence in home cinema and home multimedia to make access to the huge amount of multimedia content even easier for our customers – whether via television or the Internet. We will offer the first solutions for the intelligent, electronically networked home, and thus open up a newly developing market. For all of 2002, we expect a further increase in the key performance indicators in relation to 2001. One growth pillar will again be the internationalization of the Group, which we will push ahead with according to plan. For that reason, we are confident that we will achieve our ambitious medium-range growth targets of 8% in sales, 10% in EBIT and more than 10% in earnings per share in 2002. Kronach, May 2002 Dr. Rainer Hecker, Chairman of the Executive Board of Loewe AG 2002 4 Report 1st Quarter 2002 THE LOEWE GROUP AT A GLANCE*) in EUR million 1st Quarter 1st Quarter Change 2002 2001 in % Sales 96.0 89.3 + 8 Germany 44.6 43.7 + 2 Foreign 51.4 45.6 + 13 7.5 6.8 + 10 4.2 3.8 + 11 0.59 0.53 + 11 + 93 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Net income after minority interests Earnings per share in EUR**) Further key figures Cash flow provided by operating activities 19.1 9.9 Capital expenditure 4.0 5.6 – 29 Depreciation and amortization 4.6 4.8 – 4 Development costs 3.1 2.6 + 19 1,218 1,124 + 8 Number of employees *) Following the resolution passed in December 2001 concerning the closing of the Telecommunications division, only the figures for the Home Media Systems division to be continued are reported. The previous year's figures were adjusted accordingly. The interim financial statements as of March 31, 2002 and the annual financial statements as of December 31, 2001 are in accordance with IAS and were compiled using the same accounting and valuation methods. **) Net income in relation to the number of shares outstanding totaling 7,149,400 shares (previous year: 7,075,000 shares). 5 2002 Convincing video technology and surround sound audio: the Spheros S with MediaPlus technology SALES GROW BY 8% TO EUR 96 MILLION Under the employee stock option program started DESPITE DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENT in 1999, which involved a total of 500,000 stock options, 425,600 options can still be exercised by Despite the difficult economic environment, first 2005. Including these options, the fully diluted quarter sales of the division to be continued were up earnings per share came to EUR 0.55. 8% over the comparable period of the previous year. The 8% medium range growth target has thus been met. Despite unsatisfactory developments in individual countries, the foreign business grew at a disproportionately high rate of 13%. In Germany, the Company was able to achieve sales growth of 2% despite the weak market for TV sets. DISPROPORTIONATELY HIGH EARNINGS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF 2002 GROWTH 1. SALES UP PRIMARILY IN EXPORTS The 10% increase in relation to the comparable period of the previous year in earnings before interest Sales and taxes (EBIT) to EUR 7.5 million in the division to in EUR million 1st Quarter 1st Quarter Change 2002 2001 in % 80.2 74.9 + 7 15.8 14.4 + 10 96.0 89.3 + 8 be continued results from the expansion of business volume and again a slightly improved product mix Home Media Systems with continued stable prices. The EBIT margin was up Televisions and by 0.2 percentage points to 7.8%. multimedia DVDs, video recorders, As expected, the earnings of the division to be dis- stereo systems, accessories continued were in line with planning. The write-downs Total taken and provisions made in 2001 for discontinuing the Telecommunications division are also adequate in view of the shutting down of activities decided in the meantime. TELEVISION/MULTIMEDIA PRODUCT AREA The German market for televisions, which was As a consequence of the improved EBIT and lower net already down 3% in 2001, declined by almost 9% interest expenses, the net income after minority from the previous year in February/March 2002. interests of the division to be continued rose by 11% Due to their high positioning, this negative trend to EUR 4.2 million. Consolidated net income after had only a minor effect on Loewe products. As minority interests was up by 13%. In the first three a result, Loewe’s market share by value increased months of 2002, the earnings per share also rose by 1 percentage point to 14.8%.1 No data are available 11% to EUR 0.59 in the division to be continued for the other European markets. and in the Group by 13%. 1 Source: GfK, Retail market for televisions in Germany GfK, Retail markets, February/March 2002 2002 6 Report 1st Quarter 2002 It was possible to increase sales in the television/ large-format set Aconda 102 in the first three multimedia product area by 7%. The sales growth months of 2002. The introduction of new TV prod- was concentrated on the growth segments large- ucts also resulted in high growth rates in Australia format sets and 16 : 9 format sets. Following their as well as in the United Kingdom, where distribution market launch in the fourth quarter of 2001, the channels were expanded and Loewe profited from new large-format sets Articos and Aconda 102 con- the strong market growth for large-format televisions. tributed to this growth in the first quarter of 2002. In the other Western European countries, the purchasing behavior of the distributors was charac- DVDS, VIDEO RECORDERS, STEREO SYSTEMS terized by the uncertain market situation also pre- AND ACCESSORIES PRODUCT AREAS valent in those markets. This resulted in noticeable Sales in these product areas grew by 10%. As ex- sales declines in some areas compared to the first pected, sales of video recorders were slow due to three months of 2001. However, the reduction of the substitution effects of DVD players. Sales of DVD order backlogs caused sales in some countries to be players were also below those of the previous year exceptionally high in the first quarter of 2001. since Loewe did not follow a 30% decline in average prices in the market out of earnings considerations. Sales in the Telecommunications division to be dis- The significant sales growth in stereo systems is attrib- continued were EUR 5.0 million in the first three utable to the introduction of the new Concertos months after EUR 4.8 in the comparable prior year sound system. The technology and design of this period. They are not included in the sales figures of subwoofer satellite system developed in the Home Media Systems division to be continued. collaboration with Bose are matched to the new Systems product family. Concertos was launched together with the Articos TV at the end of the fourth quarter of 2001. The similarly considerable sales growth in accessories is primarily due to new 2. EARNINGS CONTINUE TO GROW AT AN OVERPROPORTIONATELY HIGH RATE racks for the Systems line. EBIT FOREIGN SHARE OF SALES CLIMBS TO 53% in EUR million In line with the Company’s strategic goals, Loewe continued to expand its foreign sales, posting a 13% gain in the first three months of 2002. At 53%, the foreign share of sales surpassed the 50% hurdle. The newly organized subsidiary in the U.S. made a significant contribution to this outcome. The noticeable increase in U.S. sales is due both to the low sales in the first three months of 2001 as well as the reduction of the order backlog for the newly launched 1st Quarter 1st Quarter Change 2002 2001 in % Home Media Systems 7.5 6.8 + 10 EBIT margin in % 7.8 7.6 7 2002 The Loewe Channel turns online applications into child’s play The 10% increase in earnings before interest and Due to the lower commitment of funds in working taxes to EUR 7.5 million was primarily due to a capital and lower tax payments, the balance of higher gross margin, which climbed 1.2 percentage interest expenses and income was slightly lower and points to 28.1% of sales. Higher sales volumes, very as a percentage of sales was unchanged at 0.4%. stable sales prices, a slightly improved product mix and reduced wholesale prices offset the cost of labor As in the previous year, the balance of other operat- and materials in production. In addition, the take- ing income and expenses was in line with budget. over of sales activities in the U.S. by our own subsidiary Loewe Opta, Inc. resulted in higher average profits due to the elimination of the margin of the previous distributor. 3. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BELOW PREVIOUS YEAR DUE TO TIMING DIFFERENCES The disproportionately high increase in sales and marketing expenses of EUR 2.1 or 1.0 percentage At EUR 4.0 million, the capital expenditure of the point to 17.5% of sales compared to the prior year first three months of 2002 was below that of the period was primarily related to the costs for the comparable prior year period due to timing differ- sales organization of Loewe Opta, Inc., USA in the ences. In addition to development costs subject to first three months of 2002. mandatory capitalization in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) (EUR 1.2 million), General administrative expenses increased at a they related to expenses for construction (EUR 0.4 disproportionately low rate of EUR 0.1 million and million), tools for new products (EUR 0.3 million) declined by 0.1 percentage points to 2.8% of sales. and other investments aimed at lowering costs and enlarging capacities, especially in production. At EUR 4.6 million, depreciation and amortization for the first three months of 2002 were slightly under the previous year level due to lower depreciation on tools. Home Media Systems Capital expenditure in EUR million Depreciation and amortization 1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter Intangible assets 2002 2001 2002 2001 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.4 2.6 4.0 3.2 3.4 Property, plant, and equipment Financial assets Total – – – – 4.0 5.6 4.6 4.8 2002 8 Report 1st Quarter 2002 Seven different upgrade kits can extend the capabilities of the new Systems TV Articos 32 at any time. 4. REDUCTION IN NET LIABILITIES DUE TO SEASONAL FACTORS Compared to December 31, 2001, the balance sheet structure as of March 31, 2002 is primarily marked by the customary seasonal reduction in trade receivables as well as the associated lower need for in EUR million March 31, December 31, March 31, 2002 2001 2001 Fixed assets 61.8 62.4 59.1 Working capital 37.0 47.1 37.4 working capital. Together with the continued positive development of sales and earnings, it was possible to noticeably reduce net liabilities. Assets/liabilities discontinued after deduction of liabilities at EUR 5.4 of the division to be discontinued Shareholders’ equity Minority interests Net liabilities Working capital, Home Media Systems The balance of assets tied up in the division to be million was nearly unchanged from the end of the 5.4 5.1 6.5 79.4 75.2 73.2 0.8 0.8 0.7 24.0 38.6 29.1 March 31, December 31, March 31, 2002 2001 2001 in EUR million previous year. The slight increase in relation to the balance as of December 31, 2001 is primarily due to the sharp reduction in trade accounts payable compared to the slower reduction in inventories. Primarily due to structural changes, inventories within the working capital increased by EUR 5.1 million compared to the balance at the end of the previous year. Since the fourth quarter of 2001, deliveries to Inventories 50.2 45.1 50.7 14.2 14.5 20.2 36.0 30.6 30.5 thereof: raw materials and supplies, unfinished goods German Loewe organization, resulting in a reduction thereof: finished goods and merchandise addition, the takeover of distribution activities in the U.S. market by Loewe Opta Inc. made it necessary and other assets 70.6 90.9 66.2 Other provisions – 46.9 – 50.2 – 41.4 – 36.9 – 38.7 – 38.1 37.0 47.1 37.4 Trade accounts payable Working capital of the finished goods inventory at the French distributor with a corresponding increase at Loewe. In Trade accounts receivable and other liabilities dealers in France have been made directly via the to set up a new finished goods inventory. 9 2002 Storage space with elegance: the Articos 32 on Cube 2 In line with the seasonal trend of sales, trade accounts receivable and other assets were reduced by 5. CASH FLOW NOTICEABLY HIGHER THAN IN PRIOR YEAR PERIOD EUR 20.3 million compared to the balance as of December 31, 2001. The increase by March 31, 2001 is due to the higher sales volume. in EUR million 1st quarter 1st quarter The increase in other provisions compared to March Cash flow from 31, 2001 takes into account the general extension of Operating activities of the the warranty period for Loewe products to two years, Home Media Systems division higher bonus obligations related to volume and Investing activities of the possible license claims by third parties. The reduction Home Media Systems division since December 31, 2001 relates primarily to the Free cash flow of seasonal payment of bonuses to dealers. Home Media Systems division 2002 2001 19.1 9.9 – 4.0 – 5.5 15.1 4.4 – 0.4 – 4.5 1.0 – 5.9 15.7 – 6.0 Free cash flow of The assets tied up in the Telecommunications division Telecommunications division to be discontinued primarily relate to inventories and Net cash used/provided by trade accounts receivable as well as other provisions. financing activities Both inventories and trade accounts receivable de- Cash-effective change in liquidity clined since yearend by EUR 3.2 million each. The EUR 4.2 million increase in shareholders’ equity to EUR 79.4 million (before distribution of the dividend for fiscal year 2001) relates exclusively to the net income for the first three months of 2002. Shareholders’ equity in EUR million Balance as of 12/31/01 Subscribed Capital Other Profit Total capital reserve retained brought shareholders’ earnings forward equity 7.1 44.9 5.5 17.7 75.2 – – – 4.2 4.2 7.1 44.9 5.5 21.9 79.4 Net income 1st Quarter 2002 Balance as of March 31, 2002 2002 10 Report 1st Quarter 2002 The feeling of cinema at home: With its integrated Dolby Digital upgrade kit, the Aconda offers a breathtaking sound experience. At EUR 19.1 million, the cash flow from operating A system remote control was developed to production activities was EUR 9.2 million higher than in the readiness. In addition to controlling the audio/video comparable prior year period due to a EUR 4.2 system, this unit can also control home networking million reduction in tax payments and due to the functions via an RF interface. fact that the net current assets at EUR 4.9 million were reduced more strongly than in the comparable In the development of LCD (liquid crystal display) prior year period. televisions, the focus was on mechanical design and the development of the electric circuitry for a 20 inch The net cash used by investing activities of EUR 4.0 unit which will be launched in the fall. million was EUR 1.5 million lower than in the comparable prior year period. This decrease is primarily In digital television, the next product generation was due to the timing of invoices. On an annual basis, realigned to take into account the requirements for investment spending will be higher than the level of pay TV, particularly in the German language area. the previous year. Development on the TVO 3 online platform for At EUR –0.4 million, the free cash flow of the multimedia televisions was continued to production Telecommunications division to be discontinued was readiness so that the products will be launched on clearly better than the prior year value of EUR –4.5 the market in the next quarter. million. The negative balance in the first quarter of the prior year was primarily due to the buildup of SALES AND MARKETING inventories and trade accounts receivable. The product line marketed through our own sales Overall, the cash and cash equivalents of the Loewe company in the U.S. is concentrated on high-end large- Group were increased by EUR 15.7 million to EUR format sets based on HDTV (high-definition television) 16.4 million in the first quarter of 2002. technology (1080i) that have been developed especially for the North American market. They are DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES designed for high-resolution television signals, a technology that will be implemented in the U.S. before In the first quarter of 2002, all 100 Hz televisions being introduced in Europe. were converted to the new MediaPlus Q 2500 chassis platform. As a result, the entire 100 Hz prod- Loewe has once again proved the outstanding uct range can be outfitted with one base platform quality of the design of its sets in 2002. The iF Inter- and at the same time this has made it possible for national Forum Design Hanover conferred awards on all sets to be upgraded with DVB and online access. the Aconda select and Articos 32 televisions, the Moreover, all sets are now technically capable of Concertos satellite system and the RC 1 remote con- being integrated into a combined system with both trol. In addition, Loewe was the only manufacturer to a separate sound system – consisting of Certos and receive the “iF Silver Award” for a sound system, the Concertos – as well as forming a total system with Certos. Designzentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen in Essen the Bose Lifestyle 50 audio system. also presented the products Articos, Certos and RC 1 the “red dot award”. 11 2002 The DVD player and television form one unit: the Xemix can be operated effortlessly with the remote control of the Loewe television. For Loewe, CeBIT 2002 was the forum for the intro- product liability, interest, and currency risks as well duction of digital TV and the third generation of as the potential effects of the EU Electronic Waste Internet-capable television, Loewe Online plus. The Directive as of 2005. The individual risks are in part “Living Room of the Future” included a practical interrelated and can overlap. No significant changes demonstration of the networking of Loewe TV sets arose in the first three months of fiscal year 2002 and electronic home automation (control of lighting, from the previous year. blinds, mobile Internet access und much more). The MediaPlus TV sets make it possible for Loewe to offer the central control units for future home auto- IMPORTANT EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE QUARTER mation applications. After negotiations with several potential buyers, NEW JOBS CREATED Loewe AG decided to close Loewe Telecom GmbH since it was not possible to adequately protect the With an 8% expansion of business volume in the Loewe brand in the context of temporary licensing. Home Media Systems division to be continued, the number of employees at the end of the quarter was OUTLOOK FOR ALL OF 2002 up proportionately to 1,218 compared to the end of the first quarter of the previous year. Of the 94 The first three months of 2002 were successful for employees added, 31 are primarily involved in Loewe. We achieved our mid-range targets of expanding sales and marketing, 17 in development increasing sales by 8%, EBIT by 10% and earnings and 23 in production including quality assurance. per share by over 10%. Loewe Opta, Inc. USA, which commenced operations in the first quarter of 2002, is included in the build- Despite the worsened overall economic conditions, up of human resource capacities with 13 persons. we are also confident of achieving our ambitious Compared to yearend 2001, the number of growth targets for all of fiscal year 2002. employees in the Home Media Systems division increased by twelve. OTHER INFORMATION At the end of the first quarter of 2001, eighteen This quarterly report was thoroughly reviewed by the persons were still employed in the division to be dis- group auditor Abstoß & Wolters OHG, Wirtschafts- continued, some of whom will leave the Company prüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, or be taken over into the Home Media Systems Mönchengladbach. No exceptions were found. division. As of March 31, 2002, the Executive Board held RISKS OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 572,025 shares in Loewe AG, which was unchanged from the balance as of December 31, 2001. The most important risk areas include market risk, the technology and design position, dependence on important suppliers and employees in key positions, 2002 12 Report 1st Quarter 2002 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2002 in EUR million Sales January - March 2002 January - March 2001 % % 101.0 94.1 Division to be discontinued – 5.0 Home Media Systems division 96.0 100.0 – 4.8 89.3 100.0 – 69.0 – 71.9 – 65.3 – 73.1 27.0 28.1 24.0 26.9 – 16.8 – 17.5 – 14.7 – 16.5 General administrative expenses – 2.7 – 2.8 – 2.6 – 2.9 Other operating income/expense 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 Income from participating interests 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EBIT of the division to be continued 7.5 7.8 6.8 7.6 Manufacturing cost of goods and services produced in order to generate sales*) Gross margin Selling expenses Interest and similar income Interest and similar expenses 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 – 0.4 – 0.4 – 0.4 – 0.4 7.2 7.5 6.5 7.3 0.0 0.0 – 0.1 – 0.1 Profit from ordinary activities (EBT) of the division to be continued Profit from ordinary activities (EBT) of the division to be discontinued Profit from ordinary activities (EBT) Income taxes Net income before minority interests Minority interests Net income after minority interests 7.2 7.5 6.4 7.2 – 2.9 – 3.0 – 2.6 – 3.0 4.3 4.5 3.8 4.2 – 0.1 – 0.1 – 0.1 – 0.1 4.2 4.4 3.7 4.1 thereof: Division to be continued 4.2 4.4 3.8 4.2 Division to be discontinued 0.0 0.0 – 0.1 – 0.1 *) the following items up to and including interest and similar expenses only contain information concerning the division to be continued Basic earnings per share 0.59 0.52 0.59 0.53 division to be continued 0.55 0.49 Number of shares issued 7,149,400 7,075,000 Number of shares and options issued 7,575,000 7,575,000 Basic earnings per share of the division to be continued Diluted earnings per share of the 13 2002 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF MARCH 31, 2002 in EUR million 3/31/2002 12/31/2001 3/31/2001 ASSETS Fixed assets*) Intangible assets Property, plant, and equipment Financial assets 9.4 9.5 8.9 52.2 52.6 49.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 61.8 62.4 59.1 Inventories 50.2 45.1 50.7 Trade accounts receivable 66.1 86.1 62.1 Current assets*) Other short-term receivables 4.5 4.8 4.1 16.4 9.5 2.4 137.2 145.5 119.3 Deferred tax assets*) 1.6 1.3 0.9 Assets of the division to be discontinued 8.5 11.7 10.2 209.1 220.9 189.5 Cash and cash equivalents Total ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Shareholders' equity Subscribed capital Capital reserve 7.1 7.1 7.1 44.9 44.9 43.6 Retained earnings 5.5 5.5 2.5 Distributable profit 21.9 17.7 20.0 79.4 75.2 73.2 0.8 0.8 0.7 26.5 27.7 26.2 3.5 1.9 0.5 46.9 50.2 41.4 76.9 79.8 68.1 4.3 4.3 4.9 Trade accounts payable 30.8 29.8 33.3 Other short-term liabilities 13.8 24.4 5.6 48.9 58.5 43.8 3.1 6.6 3.7 209.1 220.9 189.5 Minority interests Provisions*) Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Tax provisions Other provisions Liabilities*) Long-term debt Provisions and liabilities of the division to be discontinued Total LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY *) of the division to be continued 2002 14 Report 1st Quarter 2002 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY TO MARCH 2002 in EUR million 2002 2001 7.2 6.5 Operating activities*) Profit from ordinary activities Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets 4.6 4.8 Increase in pension provisions – 1.2 – 0.9 Income taxes paid – 1.6 – 5.7 9.0 4.7 Increase in inventories – 5.1 – 7.7 Decrease in trade accounts receivable and other assets 20.3 16.4 Decrease in other provisions – 3.3 – 0.1 Decrease in trade accounts payable and other liabilities – 1.8 – 3.4 Change in net current assets 10.1 5.2 Net cash provided by operating activities 19.1 9.9 – 4.0 – 5.6 Net cash before changes in net current assets Change in net current assets Investing activities Payments for purchases of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposals of investments Net cash used by investing activities 0.0 0.1 – 4.0 – 5.5 Free cash flow of the division to be continued 15.1 4.4 Free cash flow of the division to be discontinued – 0.4 – 4.5 Total free cash flow 14.7 – 0.1 Financing activities Borrowing 1.0 0.0 Repayment of loans 0.0 – 5.9 Net cash used/provided by financing activities 1.0 – 5.9 15.7 – 6.0 3/31/2002 12/31/2001 Cash-effective change in liquidity Composition of cash and cash equivalents Change (in EUR million) Liquid funds Short-term bank loans Cash and cash equivalents *) 16.4 9.5 6.9 0.0 – 8.8 8.8 16.4 0.7 15.7 The following items up to and including net cash used by investing activities only contain data of the division to be continued 15 2002 Loewe in Berlin: the new gallery “Unter den Linden” REVIEW REPORT does not convey overall a suitable understanding of the Group’s assets, financial position and earnings or does not suitably present the risks of future develop- To: the Executive Board of Loewe AG, Kronach ment. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of the employees of the Group and analytical audit evalu- We have reviewed the interim consolidated financial ations and therefore does not provide the assurance statements consisting of the balance sheet, income achievable through an audit. Since in accordance statement and statement of changes in shareholders’ with our engagement, we have not performed an equity and the group management report for the audit, we cannot issue an audit opinion. period January 1 to March 31, 2002. The preparation of the interim consolidated financial statements and On the basis of our review, we certify that no matters the group management report according to Interna- became known to us which give us cause to believe tional Accounting Standards (IAS) is the responsibility that the consolidated interim financial statements of the company’s management. Our responsibility is were not prepared in all material aspects in conformi- to issue a report concerning the interim consolidated ty with IAS or that in accordance with the principles financial statements and the group management of orderly accounting, the group management report report on the basis of our review. does not convey overall a suitable understanding of the Group’s assets, financial position and earnings We conducted our review of the interim consolidated or does not suitably present the risks of future financial statements and management report in development. accordance with the German principles for the review of financial statements established by the “Institut Mönchengladbach, May 03, 2002 der Wirtschaftsprüfer” (IDW). These standards require that we plan and perform the review such that Abstoß & Wolters OHG with a critical evaluation, we can obtain reasonable Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft assurance that no indications are present that the Steuerberatungsgesellschaft consolidated interim financial statements were not prepared in all material aspects in conformity with IAS or that in accordance with the principles of Grage Straaten orderly accounting, the group management report Auditor Auditor LOEWE AG Industriestrasse 11 D-96317 Kronach PO Box 1554 D-96305 Kronach Telephone switchboard: + 49 (0) 92 61/99-0 Investor Relations: + 49 (0) 92 61/99-984 Public Relations: + 49 (0) 92 61/99-217 Customer Care Center: + 49 (0) 18 01/22 25 63 93 Fax: + 49 (0) 92 61/99-994 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Ticker symbol: LOE Security code number: 649410 ISIN code: DE 0006494107 Stock market trading with official listing and participation in the MDAX Indices: MDAX (since December 27, 2001) DAX 100 DAX 100 Software & Technology CDAX General CDAX Technology MSCI Morgan Stanley Capital International
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EBIT and more than 10% in earnings per share in 2002, given that these targets are ambitious in this market situation.