rhodes singers - DLynx


rhodes singers - DLynx
Timothy M. Powell, conductor
David Ramsey, associate conductor
Timothy W. Sharp, musical director
(on sabbatical leave during 2004-2005)
Jeff Kirk, saxophone
Mona Kreitner, conductor
Assisted by
Perry Redfearn and David Ramsey,
Wilson Chapel
Christ United Methodist Church
4488 Poplar
Sunday, October 10, 2004
3:30 p.m.
"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child"
Jeff Kirk, saxophone
Perry Redfearn, organ
Canciones y villanescas espirituales
iQue buen afio es el del cielo!
Alma, gozalde,
pues del cielo ay pan en el suelo
y danlo de balde.
Alma, llegad a gustar,
que solamente a de costar
el llegar limpiamente.
Se quereis gozar del cielo,
alma, gustadle,
pues del cielo ay pan en el suelo
y danlo de balde.
Francisco Guerrero
What a great year is that of heaven!
Soul, enjoy it,
for down from heaven there's bread on earth,
and it's given for free.
Soul, come and taste,
for all that it costs
is that you arrive pure.
If you want to the joy of heaven,
soul, taste it,
for down from heaven there's bread on earth,
and it's given for free.
Soloist: Amy Wells
Tan largo a sido'n gastar,
It is so generous for him to sacrifice,
el que oy se a dado,
he who today gave himself,
que, por dar, esta empefiado
that, in the giving, all is begun,
y no tiene mas que dar.
and he has no more to give.
El hijo de virgen madre,
The son of the virgin mother,
despues que se enamor6,
because he loved us,
en sus amores gast6
in his love he sacrificed
quanto here& de su padre.
what he inherited from his father.
Tan dulce a sido en amar,
So sweet was he in love,
el que oy se a dado,
he who today gave himself,
que, por dar, esta empefiado
that, in the giving, all is begun,
y no tiene mas que dar.
and he has no more to give.
Soloists: Libby Austin, Susan Wang, Kimberly Beydler
i0, venturoso dia!
Oh, fortunate day!
i0, felix hora que tan de buena gana
Oh, happy hour, that so willingly
Christo me di6 su came soberana!
Christ gave me his sovereign flesh!
Y dixome: mortal, todo soy tuyo;
And told me: Mortal, I am all yours—
fenezca ya tu mal.
your sin is now at an end.
i0, muestra d'amor grande y sin medida,
Oh, sign of love great and beyond measure,
que, porque yo biviese,
that, so that I might live,
Christo me dio su sangre que beviese!
Christ gave me his blood to drink!
Y dixome: mortal, todo soy tuyo;
And told me: Mortal, I am all yours—
fenezca ya tu mal.
your sin is now at an end.
Soloists: Libby Austin, Laura Rigazzi, Sonia Nkashama
Go where I send thee!
arr. Paul Caldwell and Sean Ivory
Go Where I Send Thee! is based on a familiar African-American spiritual. The arrangers have expanded a text that is
preserved with many variants. In this version the numbers one through twelve represent many significant Biblical characters,
from "One for the little bitty baby born in Bethlehem" to "Twelve for the twelve disciples."
David Ramsey, piano
James Whitboum
Son of God Mass (2001)
Timothy M. Powell, conductor
Jeff Kirk, soprano saxophone
David Ramsey, organ
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Soloist: Libby Austin
Kyrie meditation
Glory be to God on high
And on earth peace and goodwill to all.
We praise thee, we bless thee,
We adore thee, we glorify thee.
We give thee thanks
For thy great glory.
O Lord God, heavenly King,
God the Father almighty.
Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Receive our prayers.
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
Have mercy upon us.
For only thou art holy ; Thou only art the Lord,
Thou only, Jesus Christ, art most high
With the Holy Ghost
In the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te, benedicimus te,
Adoramus te, glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi propter
Magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine Deus, Rex caelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, filius patris.
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Miserere nobis.
Suscipe deprecationem nostram,
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
Miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dominus,
Tu solus altissimus., Jesu Christe,
Cum sancto Spiritu :
In gloria Dei Patris. Amen.
Lava me
I believe in one God.
Cleanse me, Lord.
Lift up your hearts to the Lord.
It is meet and just.
Credo in unum Deum.
Lava me Domine.
Sursum corda habemus ad Dominum Dignum
Et justum es.
Sanctus and Benedictus
Holy art thou, Lord God of Sabaoth.
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He that cometh
In the name of the Lord.
Sanctus Dominus Deus sabaoth.
Pleni cunt caeli et terra, gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit
In nomine Domini
Pax Domini
The peace of the Lord be with you,
And with thy spirit.
Pax Domini sit simper.
Vobiscum pax Domini.
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei
Qui tollis peccata mundi:
Miserere nobis.
Dona nobis pacem.
Lamb of God
Who takest away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.
Grant us thy peace.
Jeff Kirk is Director of Events Administration and Coordinator of Commercial Music at Belmont University. He joined the
Belmont faculty in 1987 and teaches courses in commercial saxophone, arranging, commercial composition, instrumental
ensembles, commercial music seminar and directs the jazz ensemble.
Mr. Kirk is currently completing his Doctorate of Education at the University of Memphis, Department of Leadership with an
emphasis in Higher Education Administration. He has achieved the status of A.B.D.. Mr. Kirk received a Master of Music in
Music Education from Belmont University and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Miami. He is a member of the
Tennessee Touring Artists Program, member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and a former officer for the International Association
of Jazz Educators. He was the director of the 1994 Tennessee All State Jazz Band and also currently serves as a high school
woodwind clinician. Professor Kirk has extensive recording experience including: Dion, Firefall, Kenny Rodgers, Niteflyte,
and others. He also has recorded television jingles for Ford, Toyota, Crook and Chase theme, and several local and national
retail stores. As a live performer, he has toured with Pure Prairie League and Maynard Ferguson, and has been the headline act
for Big Orange Jazz Festival, Fort Lauderdale Festival, Ringling Brothers-Sarasota Jazz Festival, Kool Jazz Festival, Atlanta
Jazz Festival, Summer Lights Festival and more. He has also opened for such acts as Bobby McFerrin, Stanley Turrentine,
and Mark Murphy.
Mr. Kirk was nominated in two Grammy categories (best jazz album and best jazz instrumental solo) for his album entitled
Clouds (Jazz Mania Records). He has been nominated for the Nashville Music Award and was selected as Middle Tennessee
1995 Jazz Musician of the year. His new album project for 88 Grand Productions, Come Thou Fount, is a collaborative effort
with keyboardist Russell Davis.
Timothy M. Powell is an accomplished violist, conductor and composer. He joins the Rhodes faculty this year as Director of
the Rhodes Singers, the Rhodes MasterSingers Chorale and the Rhodes Orchestra. Dr. Powell holds a Doctor of Musical Arts
degree in Conducting from the University of South Carolina, where he studied conducting with Larry Wyatt and voice with
Walter Cuttino. In 2002, Powell was awarded a William J. Fulbright research grant to Bulgaria, where he studied the original
manuscripts of Bulgarian composer Dobri Hristov with the intention to produce the first international performance edition of
Hristov's Liturgy No.1 of St. John Chrysostom. Dr. Powell served as Director of the Honors College Choir at the University
of South Carolina, and was a 2002 fellow in the South Carolina Conductors Institute as well as a 1999 National Choristers
Guild scholar. His numerous compositions include four major works for orchestra or choir, including his "Wedding "Mass for
choir and strings, and Incarnatus Mysterium: 7 Nativity Settings for unaccompanied choir. He received his Bachelors degree
in Church Music (cum laude) and Masters degree in Church Music from Belmont University, where he studied conducting
with Timothy W. Sharp and Robert Gregg, viola with Monisa Angell, and composition with John Arnn. Dr. Powell is a
member of Pi Kappa Lambda Music Society and American Choral Directors Association. In addition to his duties at Rhodes
College, Dr. Powell directs the Christ United Methodist Church Chancel Choir.
Mona Kreitner directs the Women's Chorus and teaches voice at Rhodes. She holds degrees from Mansfield University and
the Eastman School of Music, and is completing a doctorate in musicology at the University of Memphis. Ms. Kreitner is also
the director of music at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church.
David Ramsey is Distinguished Service Professor of Music at Rhodes, teaching organ, music literature, and accompanying.
He is the associate conductor of the Rhodes Singers and MasterSingers Chorale, and accompanies both groups as well as the
Women's Chorus. Mr. Ramsey also is director of music and organist for First Presbyterian Church, and is the longtime
organist for AutoZone Park and the Memphis Redbirds Baseball Foundation.
The Rhodes Music Department acknowledges the Loyd Templeton Fund,
which helps to support choral music concerts at Rhodes.