I BUKU KETERANGAN PETA SATÜAN LAHAN DAN TANAH LEMBAR KOTAAGUNG, SUMATERA EXPLANATORY BOOKLET OF THE LAND UNIT AND SOIL MAP OF THE KOTAAGUNG SHEET, SUMATRA Oleh/By : A. Hidayat, H. Darul SWP, Junus Dai, H.Y. Sumulyadi, Hendra £, A. Hermawan., Yayat AH, P. Buurman, T. Balsem SEKALA/SCALE •6° 1:250.000 LEMB AR/SHEET : 1010 99° 106° 0 - 0 • 8 •3° «a - TO -0° - • ^ •3° 0911 - ^ 0910 -6° 1011 { \ - Ml HO • PROYEK PERENCANAAN DAN EVALUASI SUMBER DAYA LAHAN PENGELOLAAN DATA BASE TANAH PUSAT PENELITIAN TANAH BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN LAND RESOURCE EVALUATION AND PLANNING PROJECT SOIL DATA BASE MANAGEMENT CENTER FOR SOIL RESEARCH AGENCY FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1989 Penanggung jawab Head of the Project DR. M. SUDJADI Kepala Pusat Penelitian Tanah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian De part erne n Pertanian The Director of the Center for Soil Research Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Department of Agriculture Urusan mengenai publikasi ini harus dialaniatkan kepada: Kepala Pusat Penelitian Tanah Jalan H. Juanda 98, TUpon 23012 Bogor 16123, Indonesia Correspondence concerning this publication should be addressed to: The Director of the Center for Soil Research Jalan K Juanda 98, Phone 23012 Bogor 16123, Indonesia Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use j Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact soil.isric(5)wur.nl I indicating the item reference number concerned. BUKU KETERANGAN PETA SATUAN LAHAN dan TANAH LEMBAR KOTAAGUNG (1010), SUMATERA Explanatory booklet of the LAND UNIT and SOIL map of the Kotaagung Sheet (1010), Sumatra Sekala/Scale 1 : 250.000 Oleh/By: A.Hidayat, H.Darul SWP, Junus Dai, H.Y.Sumulyadi, Hendra S., A.Hermawan, Yayat A.H., P.Buurman dan/and T.Balsem. Buku Keterangan Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah ini dihasilkan oleh Tim Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah dari Pn.yek Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan, program kerja sama teknis antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Bank Pembangunan Asia, dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tanah (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian) dan dikoordinasikan oleh Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL). Survei dan pemetaan dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tanah bekerjasama dengan konsultan dari HASK0NING Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects. This Explanatory Booklet and the accompanying Land Unit and Soil map have been produced by the Soil Data Base Management Team of the Land Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP, part II), a technical cooperation programme between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank, executed by the Center for Soil Research (part of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development of the Department of Agriculture) and supervised by the National Coordination Agency for Surveys and dapping (BAKOSURTANAL). The survey and mapping were carried out by the Center for Soil Research, in cooperation with the consultants of HASKONING Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects. PUSAT PENELITIAN TANAH BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN DEPARTEMEN PERTANIAN CENTER for SOIL RESEARCH AGENCY for AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE Hak cipta dilindungi. Tidak sebagianpun dari publikasi ini dapat direproduksi kembali, disimpan dalam suatu sistim penyimpanan dan penarikan data, atau dipindahkan kedalam bentuk apapun atau dengan alat/cara seperti : elektronik, elektrostatik, pita magnetik, mekanik, fotokopi, direkam atau sejenisnya tanpa adanya ijin secara tertulis dari penerbit. Edisi pertaraa, 1989. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition, 1989. Cara merujuk buku ini: A.Hidayat, H.Darul SWP, Junus Dai, H.Y.Sumulyadi, Hendra S., A.Hermawan, Yayat A.H., P.Buurman dan T.Balsem, 1989. Buku Keterangan Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah lembar Kotaagung (1010), Sumatera. Pusat Penelitian Tanah. Bogor. How to cite this book: A.Hidayat, H.Darul SWP, Junus Dai, H.Y.Sumulyadi, Hendra S., A.Hermawan, Yayat A.H., P.Buurman and T.Balsem, 1989. Explanatory booklet of the Land Unit and Soil map of the Kotaagung Sheet (1010), Sumatra. Center for Soil Research, 1010 - ii PENUNTUN UNTUK PEMAKAI USER MANUAL Buku keterangan ini adalah penjelasan dari Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah lembar Kotaagung (1010), Sumatera, sekala 1:250.000. This booklet is an explanation of the 1:250,000 scale Land Unit and Soil map of the Kotaagung mapsheet (1010), Sumatra. Legenda peta berisikan satuan lahan yang merupakan satuan geomorfik dan dibatasi dengan cara menginterpretasi foto udara, citra satelit dan citra Radar. Isi dari tiap satuan lahan diperiksa di lapangan dan kemudian dicatat. Hanya sebagian dari semua informasi ini disajikan dalam peta, sedangkan sebagian lagi diberikan secara ringkas dalam Buku Keterangan ini; informasi yang lebih lengkap dapat tersedia jika diminta. The legend of the map consists of Land Units, which are geomorphic units, delineated by interpretation of images such as aerial photographs, satellite imagery and Synthetic Aperture Radar. The contents of each of the units is checked in the field and recorded. Only part of this information can be represented in the map; the remainder is briefly documented in the present explanatory notes, and more complete information is available upon request. Sirobol peta menunjukan grup fisiografi (huruf besar), tipe batuan (huruf kecil), dan pembagian lebih Ianjut berdasarkan atas lereng dan tingkat torehan (pada daerah berlereng dan angkatan) atau berdasarkan lingkungan pengendapan/hidrologinya (pada daerah aluvial resen dan marin), yang ditunjukan oleh angka. Huruf kecil yang berada dimuka kode grup fisiografi menunjukan adanya tutupan dari bahan lain, seper.ti tutupan abu volkan pada perbukitan dari batuan sedimen atau lapisan bahan organik tipis pada dataran aluvial. Map symbol s indicate physiographic group .(capital letter), rock type (lower case letter), and subdivisions according to slope and dissection (in sloping and uplifted areas) or to sedimentary/hydrological environment (in recent alluvial and marine areas), indicated with numbers. Lower case letters preceding the physiographic group code are used to indicate covers of material with differing composition, such as volcanic ash covers on hills of sedimentary rocks, or thin peat on alluvial plain units. Grup fisiografi tersebut adalah : Kubah Gambut, Aluvial, Marin, Teras Marin, Dataran Tuf Masam, Dataran, Tuf Masam Toba, Volkan, Karst, Perbukitan, Pegunungan/Plato dan Aneka Bentuk. Grup Dataran Tuf Masam, Tuf Masam Toba, Volkan, Kubah Gambut dan Karst pembagiannya didasarkan pada tipe batuan dan morfologi yang spesifik yang hubungannya erat dengan sifat tanah yang spesifik. Grup yang lainnya sebagian besar hanya berdasarkan pada raorfologi. The physiographic groups are : Peat Domes, Alluvial, Marine, Marine Terrace, Acid Tuff Plains, Plains, Toba Acid Tuff, Volcanic, Karst, Hill, Mountain/Plateau and Miscellaneous. The Acid Tuff Plain, the Toba Acid Tuff, the Volcanic, the Peat Domes and the Karst group are based on rock type and specific morphology, with a close link to specific soil characterestics. The other groups are largely morphological . Untuk semua satuan lahan, data keadaan tanah dan hubungan tanah dengan bentang alam disajikan pada Uraian For all land units, data on soils and soil/landscape relations are presented in the Land Unit Descriptions. These 1010 - iii Satuan Lahan. Uraian satuan lahan ini merupakan bagian terpenting dari Buku Keterangan ini sebab semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi setiap satuan lahan untuk penggunaan tertentu disajikan disini. descriptions form an essential part of the Explanatory Notes, because all information that is necessary to evaluate a land unit for specific uses is listed here. Semua informasi geografik dapat diperoleh dalam format komputer (didigitasi). Semua data utama dari tanah (dari profil yang dianalisis) juga disimpan dalam komputer dari dapat tersedia bagi para pemakai yang memerlukan. Pada tahap selaniutnva. perangkat lunak untuk evaluasi lahan yang mempergunakan parameter-parameter yang ada pada uraian satuan lahan akan segera disediakan oleh Proyek Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah (PDBT). All geographic information is available in computer (digitized) format. All primary soil information (analyzed profiles) is also computerized and can be made available to the user. At a later stage, land evaluation software Permintaan untuk penilaian Kesesuaian Lahan dari tiap satuan lahan untuk berbagai keperluan dapat diajukan ke Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Requests for suitability ratings of the land units for various purposes can be submitted to the Center for Soil Research, Bogor. which us^<: t-ho r\?*~?™cVcrc listed j.ti the Land Unit Descriptions will be made available by the Soil Data Base Management Proyect (SDBM). 1010 - iv DAFTAR ISI 1. Pendahuluan 1.1. Latar belakang 1.2. Konsepsi legenda : 1.3. Struktur legenda satuan lahan Hal aman 1 1 1 2 2. Metodologi 2.1. Peta dasar 2.2. Interpretasi citra 2.3. Survei dan data lapangan 2.4. Uraian satuan lahan 2.5. Data base dan pengelolaan data 2.6. Relaibilitas peta 3 3 4 4 5 . 6 9 3. Lokasi daerah peta dan sumber informasi 3.1. Lokasi dan batas admlnistrasi 3.2. Sumber informasi 10 10 10 4. Keadaan umum fisik daerah 4.1. Geologi 4.2. Fisiografi 4.3. Hidrologi 10 10 16 18 '. 5. Satuan lahan 5.1. Satuan lahan dan tanah 5.2. Isi dari uraian satuan lahan 19 19 23 6. Daf tar pustaka Laporan pemetaan tanah 23 24 Daftar Gambaran Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lokasi peta dan batas administras! Relaibilitas peta Indeks peta topografi dan jalur terbang potret udara Indeks citra Radar STAR-1 dan Landsat Indeks laporan survei dan pemetaan tanah Peta geologi bagan Grup fisiograf i Satuan lahan, blok diagram dan penampang melintang 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 21 Daftar Tabel Tabel 1. Grup fisiografi Tabel 2. Analisis standar dan tambahan PDBT Tabel 3. Nomor dan nama lembaran peta topografi sekala 1:50.000 2 5 10 Lampiran Lampiran 1. Uraian satuan iahan 25 1010 - v CONTENTS 2. InCroducCion 1.1. Background 1.2. Legend concept 1.3. Structure of the land unit legend Page 1 1 1 2 ' ' 2. Methodology 2.1. Base maps 2.2. Image interpretation 2.3. Field survey and field data 2.4. Land unie description 2.5. Data bases and data processing 3 3 4 4 5 & 2. C . 1'to.^j j. ex i d u n XL y 9 3. (Map location and sources of information) 3.1. (Location and administrative boundaries) 3.2. (Sources of information) , 10 10 10 4. (General physiography of Che area) 4.1. (Geology) 4.2. (Physiography) 4.3. (Hydrology) 10 10 16 18 5. (Land units) 5.1. (Land units and soils) 5.2. (Contents of a land unit description) 19 19 23 6. (References) (Soil survey reports) 23 24 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Location and administrâtive boundaries 7 Map rel lability 8 Index of topographic maps and flight lines of aerial photos .. 11 Index of STAR-1 Radar and LandsaC imagery 12 Index of soil survey reports 13 Geological sketch map 14 Physiographic groups 15 Land units, block diagram and cross section 21 List of Tables Table 1. Physiographic groups Table 2. Standard and additional SDBM soil analyses Table 3. Numbers and names of 1:50,000 topographic maps 2 5 10 Appendix Appendix 1 : Land unit descriptions 25 1010 - vi 1. PENDAHULUAN 1. INTRODUCTIOH l.l.Latar belakang 1.1.Background Buku Keterangan dan Peta Satuan Lahan & Tanah ini merupakan sebagian hasil akhir survei tanah tinjau Sumatra yang dilaksanakan untuk Proyek Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan dan diprakarsai tahun 1985 oleh Pemerintah Indonesia serta dibiayai oleh Bank Pembangunan Asia. Pelaksanaan survei dilakukan antara bulan Nopember dan Desember 1987 oleh Tim Survei Tanah dari Pusat Penelitian Tanah, sedangkan korelasinya dilakukan pada bulan Januari - Februari 1989. This explanatory booklet and the included maps are part of the final results of the reconnaissance soil survey of Sumatra, which was carried out for the Land Resources Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP), initiated in 1985 by the Goverment of the Republic Indonesia and financed by the Asian Development Bank. The sheet was surveyed between November and December 1987, by teams of Center for Soil Research (CSR). Map correlation was done in January February 1989. 1.2.Konsepsi legenda 1.2.Legend concept Legenda untuk survei ini didasarkan pada pendekatan satuan lahan. Pendekatan ini dianggap paling sesuai untuk survei ini, sebab pada sekala 1:250.000 dengan intensitas pengamatan lapangan yang kurang, semua batas satuan dapat ditarik dengan cara menginterpretasi citra. Legenda satuan lahan memungkinkan adanya pembatasan setiap satuan dengan sembarang ukuran yang masih dapat dipetakan (tergantung skala peta) dengan memanfaatkan namanama morfologi sederhana dan berulang. Pendekatan ini menunjang Struktur hirarki dan merupakan sistem terbuka sehingga dapat diperbaharul sesuai dengan penerapannya di Indonesia; ia tidak memuat parameter iklim (parameter iklim disimpan dalam data base terpisah dan dapat digabung dengan data base satuan lahan). Tambahan pula legenda satuan lahan erat hubungannya dengan legenda terdahulu di Indonesia mengenai bentuk lahan, sistem lahan dan satuan lahan tanpa k e l i r u peng guna anny a (Desaunettes, 1977; RePPProT, 19851988; Kips et al., 1981. The legend for this survey is based on the Land Unit approach. This approach is considered most suitable for this survey, because at a scale of 1:250,000 , with low-density field checks, all unit boundaries are obtained by image interpretation. The land unit legend allows the delineation of mappable units of any size (depending on map scale), it makes use of morphological names which are simple and recurrent, it supports an hierarchical structure, it is an open system that can be amended for use anywhere in Indonesia, and it does not contain climatic parameters (the climatic parameters are stored in a separate data base which can be combined with the land unit data base). Satuan Lahan ini diberi batasan berupa lahan dimana satu atau lebih komponennya mempunyai ciri-ciri khusus dan merupakan satuan lingkungan dengan sembarang ukuran yang dapat dibatasi pada peta. Satuan terkecil yang masih Furthermore, the land unit legend is closely related to previous Indonesian land form, land system and land unit legends (Desaunettes, 1977; RèPPProT, 1985-1988; Kips et al,, 1981) without being confusing. A Land Unit is defined here as an area of land of which one or more attributes have special characteristics, and it refers to an environmental unit of any size that can be delineated. The smallest unit that can be 1010 - 1 dapat d i b a t a s i tanpa menghiraukan sekalanya berukuran 2 mm lebarnya bila bentuk memanjang dan kurang lebih 3 sampai 4 mm bila berbentuk bülat. Pada sekala 1:250.000, suatu satuan yang membulat dengan diagonal 4 mm meliputi kurang lebih 80 ha. Satuan lahan dikelompokkan dalam grup-grup f i s i o g r a f i dan kadangkadang dibagi lagi kedalam sub-grup. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, lihat pada Buurman et al (1988) dan Balsem et al. (1989) delineated on any map, irrespective of scale is about 2 mm wide if it is a linear feature and' about 3 to '4 mm across if it is a circular feature. At a scale of 1:250,000, a circular unit of 4 mm across has a surface of nearly 80 ha. Land units are grouped together in Physiographic Groups and, in some cases, in Sub-Groups. For more detailed information, see Buurman et al., (1988) and Balsem et al., (1989) 1.3.Struktur legenda satuan lahan 1.3.Structure Semua satuan lahan diberi kode berupa huruf dan angka/dijit; masing-masing dengan konotasi khusus tergantung tingkat klasifikasinya. All mapping units are coded by means of a sequence of characters and digits, each with its specific connotation which depends on its level in the classification. Contoh:Au.l.1.3- Dataran aluvial luas, tanggul sungai/alur-alur drainase. Example: Au.l.1.3 - Broad Alluvial Plain; levee/spillway. Physiographic Group Belief magnitude Grup Fisiografi Relief, ukuran besarnya r • Au. 1.1.3 — Landform/dissection /vegetation Au. 1.1.3 -Bentuk lahan/torehan/vegetasi Litologi- of the land unit legend Lithology -Sub-grup: Morfologi Subgroup : morphology Tabel 1 menyajikan Grup Fisiografi yang diidentifikasi di Sumatra dan pulau-pulau di luarnya. Contöh-contoh pembagian lanjut hanya disajikan untuk grup Kubah Gambut dan grup Dataran. Table 1 lists the Physiographic Groups which have been identified in Sumatra and the outer islands. Examples of subdivisions are given for the Peat Dome and Plain groups only. Tabel 1. Grup Fisiografi Table 1 : Physiographic Groups "i A. B. D. H. I. K. M. P. QT. V. X. A. Alluvial B. Marine \ D. Peat Domes H. Hilly I. Acid Tuff Plain K. Karst * M. Mount a in/Plat eau P. Plain Q- Toba Acid Tuff T. Marine Terrace V. Volcanic "' X'.Miscellaneous ALUVIAL MARIN KUBAH GAMBUT PERBUKITAN DATARAN TUF MASAM KARST * PEGUNUNGAN/PLATO DATARAN TUF MASAM TOBA * TERAS MARIN VOLKAN ANEKA BENTUK *) Tidak dijumpai pada lembar peta Ini. ; '•"'' ' '•' ' ' *) Not present in this mapsheet. ' ': 1010 - 2 Pembagian Ianjut grup Kubah Gambut dan Dataran adalah sebagai berikut. Subdivision of Plain groups : the tipis <0,5m air tawar- sedang 0,5-2m tebal >2m Peat Domes and thin <0,5m fresh water medium 0,5-2m thick >2m eutrofik — eutrophic— pasang surut/bagian tepi kubah bergaram |Sda tidal/saline fringes of doues—|ditto Peat Dones- Kubah Ganbut air tawar |sda fresh water-|ditto oligotrofik- oliqotrophic pasang surut/bagian tepi kubah bergaram — | S d a Bentuk wilayah datar- tidal/saline fringes of domes—|ditto Penorehan tanpa sedikit sedang sangat ekstrim Land form flat- Dissection none slight moderate strong extreme datar - berombak 1 Sda berombak 1 Sda Dataran—litologi— berombak - bergelombang-|sda bergelombang 1 Sda datar berbukit kecil —I Sda berombak berbukit keciH Sda flat to undulating 1 ditto undulating 1 ditto Plain—lithology— undulating to rolling—|ditto rolling 1 ditto flat with hillocks 1 ditto undulating with hillocksl ditto Struktur legenda disusun dernikian rupa sehingga lanskap datar,raelandai,tertoreh, bergunung, dsb. dengan mudah dapat dipilih oleh komputer. Struktur ini langsung berkaitan dengan potensi lahan untuk pertanian. The legend structure is such, that flat, sloping, dissected, mountainous landscapes, etc., are easily selected by computer. The structure is directly related to agricultural potential of the land. 2. METODOLOGI 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1.Peta dasar 2.1.Base maps Peta dasar untuk keperluan pencetakan Peta Satuan Lahan & Tanah disediakan oleh BAKOSURTANAL. Untuk lembar peta i n i , peta dasar yang digunakan adalah peta JOINT OPERATIONS GRAPHICS (JOG), Lembar SB48-6, Seri 1501, Edisi 1, Kotaagung yang d i k e l u a r k a n oleh D. Survey. Ministry of Defence. United Kingdom, 1969. Base maps for'the printed Land Unit and Soil map were provided by BAKOSURTANAL. For the present sheet, the basemap was the Joint Operations Graphics (JOG), Sheet SBU8-6, Series 1501, Edition 1, Kotaagung, published by D. Survey. Ministry of Def.ence. United Kingdom, 1969. 1010 - 3 2.2.Interpretasi cltra 2.2.Image interpretation Survel t i n j a u ini sebagian besar didasarkan pada interpretasi citra dan batas-batas satuan sesungguhnya ditarik berdasarkan c i t r a . Macam citra yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: The surveys are extensively based on image interpretation and virtually all unit boundaries are imagery - based. The following imagery was used: - p o t r e t udara hitam/putih sekala 1:100.000, Angkatan Udara Australia 1976 (umumnya kualitas rendah karena dicetak berulang kali dan pemrosesan yang kurang baik). LAÎTDCAT »v/upuoii. waina », Dana 5-/) sekala 1:250.000 tahun 1985 yang diperoleh dari LAPAN (kualitas bervariasi, sekala kurang t e l i t i ) . - c i t r a Radar stereo STAR-1, 1988 (cetakan hitam putih, kualitas tak optimal). 1:100,000 scale black/white aerial photography, Australian Airforce, 1976, (usually poor quality due to recopying and poor processing). 1:250,000 LANDSAT colour r.nmpnxii-w (bands 5-7), 1985, obtained from LAPAN (varying quality, inacurate scale). 1:250,000 STAR-1 stereo Radar imagery, 1988 (black/white positive prints, quality not optimal). 2.3.Survei dan data lapangan. 2.3 .Field survey and field data Pelaksanaan survei tinjau dapat dibagi dalam beberapa tahapan kerja: The implementation of the reconnaissance survey can be split up into a number of essential steps : 1. penelaahan data dan informasi dari peta dan laporan tersedia. 2. i n t e r p r e t a s i c i t r a dan penetapan daerah kunci 3. pengamatan lapangan dan pemasukan data ke komputer 4. p e n y u s u n a n s a t u a n l a h a n dan pemasukan data ke komputer. 5. analisls contoh tanah ó.melengkapi u r a i a n s a t u a n lahan dengan data analisis. 7 . korelasi.verifikasi lapangan 8. groduksi peta akhir 9 . d i j i t a s i peta dan pemrosesan data base lainnya. Semua pengamatan di lapangan (pemboran dan profil) dicatat, diberi kode dan dimasukan sesuai dengan prosedur standar PDBT, s e p e r t i diuraikan dalam Laporan Tehnis PDBT No.5 (Balsem et al., 1988). Kode ini terutama diadaptasi dari standar FAO dan USDA (FAO, 1977; SCS, 1978; Gallup, 1978). Contoh tanah yang r e p r é s e n t a t i f dianalisis sifat-sifatnya seperti yang disajikan pada Tabel 2. 1. perusal of existing maps and reports 2. image interpretation and selection of sample/key areas 3. field observations and computer data entry 4. preliminary land unit descriptions and computer data entry 5. soil sample analyses 6. completion of land unit descriptions with analytical data 7. correlation/'field verification 8. final map production 9. map digitizing and other data base operations. All observations in the field (augerings and profile pits) were described, coded and entered according to standard SDBM procedures as described in SDBM Technical Report No.5 (Balsem et al., 1988). These codes are mainly adapted from standard FAO and USDA codes (FAO, 1977; SCS,1978; Gallup, 1978). Representative soils were analyzed for the properties listed in Table 2. 1010 - 4 Tabel 2. Analisis tanah standar dan tambahan PDBT. Table 2. Standard and additional SDBM soil analyses. Analisis Standar 1. tekstur 2. karbon organik 3. KTK NH40Ac pH 7 4. basa dapat ditukarkan dalam NH40Ac 5. Al dalam KC1 IM 6. kerapatan lindak pF 2,5 7. kadar air pF 4,2 8. pH (H20, KC1 , 1:2,5) 9. N total 10.K tersedia 11.P tersedia Standard Analyses 1. teksture 2. organic Carbon 3. CEC NHâOAc pH 7 4. exch. Bases in NHâOAc 5. Al in 1 M KC1 6. bulk density pF 2.5 7. water content pF 4.2 8. pH (H2O, KC1, 1:2.5 9. total N 10.available K 11.available P Analisis tambahan untuk tanah volkanik: - kemasaman terekstraksi dalam BaC^TEA (pH 8.2) - Al, Fe dan Si terekstraksi oksalat mineralogi pasir - retensi fosfat untuk Oksisol: mineralogi pasir untuk Spodosol: , - Fe, Al,C terekstraksi pirofosfat - Fe, Al terekstraksi ditionit untuk endapan marin: - garam terlarut - kadar sulfur - kadar air lapangan (tanah belum matang) untuk tanah berkapur: - kadar karbonat untuk tanah Gambut: - kadar serat - kadar abu - kerapatan lindak Additional Analyses for Volcanic soils: - extractable acidity in BaC12-TEA 2.4. 2.4.Land unit Uraian satuan lahan Uraian satuan lahan berupa uraian umum yang dibuat untuk setiap satuan peta. Uraian yang dibuat i n i merupakan generalisasi dari beberapa pengamatan. Atribut satuàn lahan (lihat bab 5.2) digunakan untuk evaluasi lahan ybs. Struktur uraian satuan lahan didasarkan pada suatu cara yang telah dipublikasikan oleh RePPProT (1988) dengan beberapa tambahan. Disamping dari pengamatan dl lapangan dalam penyusunan uraian satuan lahan i n i . - oxalate extractable Al, Fe and Si - sand mineralogy - phosphate retention for Oxisols: - sand mineralogy for Spodosols: - pyrophosphate extractable Fe, Al, C - dithionite extractable Fe, Al for marine deposits: - soluble salts - sulphur content - field moisture content (unripe soils) for calcareous soils: - carbonate content for peat soils: - fibre content - ash content - bulk density description Land Unit descriptions are general descriptions which are made for each of the mapping units. Such descriptions are generalizations of point observations. The land unit attibutes (5.2) are used for land evaluation. The structure of the land unit descriptions is based on those published by RePPProT (1988) with amendments. In addition to the field observations, the following sources were 1010 - 5 juga dipergunakan beberapa lain terutama dari : informasi used in Che compilation unit descriptions: of the land - RePPProT, 1988: Review of Phase I Results, Sumatra. - PPPG, 1978: Peta Geologi Lembar Kotaagung, Sumatera, Sekala 1:250.000. - Semua laporan survei yang tersedia dari daerah ybs (Gambar 5). - RePPProT, 1988 : Review of Phase I Results, Sumatra - GRDC, 1978 : Geologic Map of the Kotaagung Quadrangle, Sumatra, Scale 1:250 000. - All available survey reports for the area (Figure 5). 2.5. Data Base dan Pengolahan Data. 2.5.Data Iw»»« Seperti disebutkan diatas, semua data lapangan dan analisis disimpan dalam data base. Data base yang utama ialah: - pengaraatan lapangan (pemboran dan penampang tanah). - data analisis - uraian satuan lahan As mentioned above, all field and analytical data are stored in computerized data bases. The main data bases are : - field observations (auger and pit). - analytical data - land unit descriptions Data base pengamatan lapangan berlsi semua parameter yang dapat diukur di lapangan dari setiap tempat pengamatan. Yang didiskripsi dan disimpan adalah nomor tempat/site, tempat, lereng, vegetasi/penggunaan lahan dan semua sifat-sifat tanah yang diukur di lapangan seperti Struktur, porositas, tekstur, warna, dll. (lihat Laporan Teknis PDBT No 5a, Versi 1.1 - Balsem et al., 1988). The field observations data base contains all parameters that were measured in the field, for each of the observations sites. Described and stored are site number, location, slope, vegetation/landuse and all soil properties that are measured in the field, such as structure, porosity, teksture, colour etc (see Technical Report No 5, Version 1.1 - Balsem et al. , 1988). Data base analisis berisi semua hasil analisis kimia, fisika dan mineralogi serta semua data hasil perhitungan dari analisis ini yang biasanya dipergunakan untuk menilai kesuburan atau klasifikasi tanah (Lihat Laporan Teknis No 7a - Buurman, 1988; Laporan Teknis No 17, Muslihat et al., 1989). The analytical data base contains all results of chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses and all properties used for fertility appraisal or classification, that are calculated with these analyses (see Technical Report No 7 - Buurman, 1988; and Technical Report No 17 «- Muslihat et al., 1989). ar id i~Zc pi ^«- Pada data base pengamatan lapangan dan data base analisis, data dapat dikeluarkan dengan cara memanggil /menuliskan nomor pengamatan, nomor lembar peta, satuan pada legenda, administrasi (kabupaten atau provinsi) atau dengan yang lainnya yang ditentukan oleh koordinat geografik. In both the field observations and in the analytical data base, data can be retrieved by observations number, mapsheet , legend unit, administrative area (province, kabupaten), and other areas defined by geographic coordinates. Data base uraian satuan lahan berisi uraian urnum dari tiap satuan peta untuk seluruh Pulau Sumatera yang dikatalogkan menurut lembar peta. The land unit description data base contains the general description of each mapping unit for the whole island of Sumatra, catalogued by mapsheet. 1010 - 6 GAMBAR 1 : LOKASI PETA DAN BATAS ADMINISTRASI FIGURE 1 : LOCATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES 103°30' 5°00' 10B°00- A : Kabupaten Lampung Utara B : Kabupaten Lampung Selatan C : Kabupaten Lampung Tengah O h-» O P.Tabuhan 6°00' 1 : 1 000 000 Jalan Sungai/Anak Sungai 10 20 30 40 km Kota/Pcmukiman Bâtas Kabupaten V2Ä Lokasi Peta GAMBAR 2 : RELAIBILITAS FETA FIGURE 2 : HAP RELIABILITY 103°30' 6°00' 45' 104°00' 105°00' TINGKAT RELAIBILITAS Tinggi '•'.'."2.''•[•'. o Io Sedang 1 Rendah P.Tabuhan 6°0OJ Jalan Sungai/Anak Sungai Kota/Pemukiman 10 1 : 1 000 000 20 30 _40km Uraian umum berasal dari penyederhanaan semua pengamatan pada seluruh satuan peta, termasuk analisis laboratorium dari profil yang lain. Parameter yang disimpan berisi semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk penilaian evaluasi lahan (lihat Laporan Teknis No 13a - Balsem & Buurman, 1989). Uraian satuan lahan dari semua satuan peta yang terdapat dalam lembar peta ini disajikan pada Lampiran 1. The general description is derived by generalizing information of all observations within the mapping unit, including laboratory analyses of separate profiles. The parameters stored contain all the information necessary for land evaluation procedures (see SDBM Technical Report No. 13, - Balsem & Buurman, 1989). The land unit descriptions of all mapping units relevant to the present sheet are listed in Appendix 1. 2.6.Relaibilitas peta 2.6. Map reliability Relaibilitas dari peta tergantung pada beberapa faktor seperti: kerapatan pengamatan, keragaman tanah, kualitas dari citra penginderaan jauh, lokasi dari titik pengamatan atau daerah kunci, ketepatan dari batas tanah maupun batas satuan lahan, tingkat pengetahuan dan pengalaman surveyor. Tidak semua dari faktor faktor ini dapat diukur dan karena itu harus diperkirakan. The rel lability of a map depends on many such factors as observation density, soil homogeneity or complexity, quality of the remote sensing imagery, the location of sample/key areas, accuracy of soil units and soil boundaries, the level of education and the amount of experience of the soil surveyor. Not all of these can be measured and so they have to be estimated. Berdasarkan faktor faktor tersebut diatas, terutama kerapatan pengamatan, maka diperkirakan mengenai relaibilitas peta, dan untuk itu dibagi menjadi 3 grup (Gambar 2 ) . Based on the above factors, but mainly on observation density, three classes of map reliability have been established (Figure 2). 1010 - 9 3 . LOKASI DAERAH PETA DAN SUMBER INFORMASI 3 . 1 . Lokasi dan Bâtas A d m i n i s t r a s ! Secara g e o g r a f i k daerah p e t a Kotaagung (1010) t e r l e t a k a n t a r a 1O3°3O dan 105°00 Bujur Timur dan antara 5 dan 6° Lintang Selatan (Gambar 1 ) . Secara adrainitratif daerah peta terraasuk kedalam Provinsi Lampung yang terdiri dari Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Lampung Tehgah dan Lampung Selatan. j.Z. Sumber Informasi Dalam pelaksanaan survei dan pemetaan tanah tingkat tinjau ini sumber informasi yang telah digunakan adalah peta topografi, peta geologi, potret udara, citra landsat, citra Radar serta beberapa peta dan laporan survei terdahulu sebagai nara sumber. Disamping peta topografi skala 1:250.0.00 ( B A K O S U R T A N A L , 1 9 8 6 ) digunakan pula peta topografi berskala 1:50.000 (1986) yang diperoleh dari BAKOSURTANAL. Lembaran peta dan nomornya disajikan pada Tabel 3. Tabel 3. Nomor dan Nama Lembaran Peta Topografi Skala 1:50.000 11 12 13 14 21 22 Kembangbanan 23 U. Sigin 24 Bengkunat 31 Tampang 32 P. Tabuan 33 Kagungan 34 Putihdoh 41 42 üjungtapuan 43 Krui 44 Krui 51 Banjarnegara 52 Sanggi 53 Liva 54 Sunberjaya 61 Kotaagung 62 Pringsevu 63 Airnaningan 64 Padangratu berkualitas rendah sampai sedang dengan tutupan awan lk. 10%. Ikhtisar jalur terbang dan Nomor photo disajikan pada Gambar 3. Sumber informasi lain yang dipakai ialah dari Citra Landsat dan Radar seperti disajikan dalam Gambar 4. Beberapa laporan survei tanah terdahulu beserta peta tanahnya telah ditelaah dalam pekerjaan kompilasi data untuk memperkokoh data base tanah daerah ybs. Gambar 5 menyajikan lokasi daerah survei cod;r.g!;in juûul laporan survei dicantumkan pada Daftar Pustaka. 4. KEADAAN UMUM FISIK DAERAH 4.1. Geologi Menurut geologinya (Gambar 6) lembar peta Kotaagung ini dibangun atas dua rangkaian pegunungan Bukit Barisan (yakni satu rangkaian di sebelah barat patahan Semangko dan satu lagi di sebelah t i m u r n y a ) , jalur pantai terangkat di bagian barat, aktivitas volkanik yang luas di bagian tengah dan di bagian tepi timur pegunungan Barisan, batuan sedimen muda di timur dan batuan intrusi baik di timur maupun di barat rangkaian pegunungan. Pretersier Di sisi timur rangkaian pegunungan batuan skis Pretersier dan granit Kretasius "terpangkas" oleh proses peneplanisasl. Batuan skis terdiri dari berbagai batuan: dari skis biotit dan muskovit hingga skis amfibol. Intrusi granit Kretasius bervariasi litologinya dari granit ke diorit. Peta geologi yang digunakan ialah Peta geologi skala 1:250.000 dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung lembar Kotaagung tahun 1978. Potret udara yang dipakai ialah potret udara hitam/putih skala 1:100.000 (Royal Australian Air Force, 1976) Tersier Sebagian besar rangkaian pegunungan Barisan terdiri dari batuan Tersier yang aiengalami pelipatan dan patahan. Kebanyakan batuan ini asalnya volkanik dan biasanya berkomposisi intermedier (Tov: lava andesitik dan breksinya) atau felsik (Tmv: tuf dasitik dan liparitik). Kumpulan batuan ini dijumpai di dalam rangkaian pegunungan di kedua sisi Teluk Semangko. 1010 - 10 CAMBAR 3 : INDERS PETA TOPOGRAFI DAN JALUR TERBANG POTRET UDARA FIGURE 3 : INDEX OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND FLIGHT LINES OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 103°30- 45' 104°0O' 15' 30' 10S°0Ó\ o h-» O ^v|P.Tabuhan '32 R 4/8282 : Nomor Jalur terbang 115 — 99 : Nomor foto udara vv (64): Nomer Lembar Peta Topografi 1 : 50 000 GAHBAR 4 FIGURE 4 103°30' 5°00' INDERS CITRA RADAR STAR-1 DAN LANDSAT INDEX OF STAR-1 RADAR AND LANDSAT IMAGERY I05°00' 104°00' O O 6°00' Liputan Radar 1 : 250 000 STAR - 1 , 1 0 1 0 - 1,2,3,4,5,6 Liputan Zitra Landsat A : 124 - 6 4 - 1 1 , 3 0 - 0 5 - 1 9 8 5 B : 124 - 64 - I , 30 - 0 5 - 1985 C : 123 - 6 4 - 1 1 4 - 1 1 - 1 9 8 4 0 : 123 - 6 4 - I I , 1 4 - 11 - 1984 g^j D ierah TidakTerliput GAMBAR 5 : INDERS LAPORAN SURVEI DAN PEMETAAN TANAH FIGURE 5 : INDEX OF SOIL SURVEY REPORTS 103°3O' 45' 104°00' 106°00' 5°(xr o h-' O 6°00' j pusat Penelitian Tanah, 1986 Propinsi Uopunq, Lenbaga Penelitian Tanali, 1968 DAS Sekaipung Pusat Penelitian Taub, 1981 DiS Sekatpung Atas Leibaga Penelitiao Tanan, 1971 CAMBAR 6 : FETA GEOLOCI BAGAH FIGURE 6 : GEOLOGICAL SKETCH HAP 105 OO1 BT 103 30' BT Volken Kuarter Tertier 3 Qrv Qlv Tersier 2 Tersier o I—> o Pratersier 10 15 Km 6 00' LS 105"00' BT Pratersier 103 30' BT Kuarter Tersier 3 Tersier 2 Tnp Tmbg Sedimen Tmtp Sumber : Geologi Lembar Kota Agung . Geological Research and Development Centre, 1978 GAHBAR 7 : GRUP FISIOGRAFI LEMBAR KOTAAGUNC FIGURE 7 : PHYSIOGRAPHIC GROUPS OF THE KOTAAGUNG SHEET tO6°ÖÓ' io4°cxr o o 6°00J H | Grup Aluvial / Alluvial Group WÊÊÊ G>^9 OaXäran Tui Masam / Acid Tuff Plain Group l g Grup Marine /Marine Group j.:;J»Ü Grup Dataran I Plain Group T~| „ . . „ . . ^ ^^m Q T T J I Grup Teras Mar\n/Manne Terrace Group ^ ^ H Voikan / Volcanic Group - K . H.|j Grup Perbukitan / Hilly Group U \~k ' j Grup Pegunungan / Mountain Group ! Gtup Aneka Bentuk / Miscellaneous GrQtifl'. ' I n t r u s i granit pada rangkaian barat berumur Tersier dan juga raengandung inklusi granodiorit dan d i o r i t . Bagian barat rangkaian pegunungan kebanyakan terdiri dari batuan sediraen Tersier Atas yang telah mengalarai pelipatan (Tnp) yang tersusun dari batupasir, batulurapur. batuliat, napal dan biasanya mengandung campuran tuf fel sik/raasam. Meskipun peta geologi sekarang tidak menunjukkan hal i n i , zone pantai kurang mengalami pelipatan s e r t a t e r d i r i dari t e r a s marin t e r angkat seperti yang di temukan di sebagian besar pantai Sumatera bagian barat. Singkapan-singkapan kecil (sisa erosi) batuan Tersier tua dari Formasi Telisa Bawah (Tmtp) dijumpai tersebar di seluruh lembar peta i n i . Batuan ini terdiri dari pasir kuarsa, serpih dan tuf masam/f e1s ik serta kadang-kadang napal. Kuarter Sebagian besar batuan-batuan tua terselubung oleh deposit volkanik Kuarter. Lembar p e t a i n i memuat seki t a r tujuh pusat erupsi volkanik Kuarter utama dan beberapa pusat kecil. Bahan volkanik Kuartèr tertua berupa Tuf Lampung (Qlv) dan Tuf Ranau (Qrv). Keduanya b e r s u s u n a n d a s i t i k dan l i p a r i t i k . Tuf Lampung terdapat di bagian tepi timur lembar peta ini dan tuf Ranau di jumpai ke arab s e l a t a n Danau Ranau (Lembar 1011) tepatnya di bagian baratlaut lembaran peta i n i . Tuf Lampung dan tuf Ranau pada gilirannya tertutup oleh bahan volkan muda (Qhv). Bahan volkan muda i n i , yang menutupi lebih 40% lembar peta, bervariasi antara andesitik dan basalt i k . Pusat erupsi utama adalah Gunung Tanggamus, Bukit Rindingan dan Gunung Sekincau. D e p r e s i - d e p r e s i di dalam p a t a h a n Semangko dan sekitar pinggiran timur lembaran peta ini t e r i s i oleh endapan aluvial Kuarter, sedangkan di sepanjang pantai terdapat berselang-seling jalursempit endapan marin muda dan setempat-setempat beting kerang. 4.2. Fisiografi Bentang alam pada lembar peta Kotaagung dapat digolongkan dalam semb i l a n grup: A l u v i a l , Marin, Teras M a r i n . D a t a r a n , D a t a r a n Tuf Masara. Perbukitan, Pegunungan. Volkanik dan Aneka Bentuk Wilayah. Pegunungan Sebagian besar rangkaian Pegunungan Barisan termasuk dalam grup Pegunungan. Sebagian besar lahan memiliki lerene lebih curam dari 10Xrtancanvattertoreh. Pembagian lebih lanjut terutama berdasarkan litologinya. Perbukitan Satuan lahan yang termasuk dalam grup Perbukitan terdapat di bagian tepi rangkaian pegunungan dan di pinggiran kompleks skis tua dan granit di timur laut lembar peta. Semua pol a perbukitan tergolong dalam tipe" random". Pembagian lanjut berdasarkan pada lereng dan bahan induk dan tingkat torehan pada kategori rendah: H*.1.1 :Perbukitan dengan pola random dan lereng melandai H*.1.2 :Perbukitan dengan pola random dengan lereng cukup curam. H*.1.3 :Perbukitan dengan pola random dengan lereng curam. H*.1.5 :Lahan bergelombang dengan bukit- bukit kecil H*.1.6:Bukit-bukit kecil berpola wilayah bergelombang Litologinya beraneka ragam (dinyatakan sebagai * ) , seperti: dasitik, basaltik, andesitik/basaltik (batuan volkanik) , kasar masam, halus masam, halus masam/dasitik (batuan sedimen), skis dan gneis (batuan metamorfik) dan granit (batuan intrusi). Volkan Bentang alam yang berasal dari volkan yang masih mempertahankan bentuk aslinya (yakni belura berubah bentuk dan menjadi kompak oleh pelipatan) termasuk dalam Grup Volkan. Volkan-volkan muda pada 1emba peta ini semuanya terdiri dari lapisan-lapisan berselangseling lava dan piroklastika (kode 1010 - 16 litologi a dan b) . Kebanyakan volkan ini termasuk cukup muda guna mempertahankan bentuk spesiftk krucutnya. Di beberapa daerah dijumpai dataran volkan yang luas. Dataran volkan di baratlaut yang bersambung dengan kawah Ranau t e r d i r i d a r i tutupan tuf dasitik. Pembagian lanjut berdasarkan morfologiriya dari grup volkan pada lembar peta i n i adalah sebagai berikut: V*. 1. 2 :Lereng a t a s volkan >30%) (lereng V*.1.3 : Lereng tengah volkan (16-50%) V*.1.4 :Lereng bawah volkan (<16%) V*.2.2 : Dataran volkan berombak V*.2.3 : Dataran volkan bergelombang V*.2.6: Dataran volkan bergelombang dengan bukit-bukit kecil V*.2.11:Sisa erosi daerah volkan bergunung Semua satuan lahan ini dibagi lebih lanjut menurut tingkat torehannya. Satuan V*.2.11 menyatakan lahan sisa erosi volkan tua yang telah kehilangan morfplogi aslinya tapi belum mengalami lipatan. Dataran volkan dijumpai di luar kaki volkan, yang menunjukkan penyebaran paling jauh abu volkan dan lahar, bahkan kadang-kadang merupakan tempat bertemunya bahan volkan yang berasal dari berbagai pusat erupsi di 'sekitarnya. Dataran Tuf Masam Dataran tuf masam yang tidak begitu luas di peta ini terdapat di sekitar batas timur lembar peta ini dan merupakan dataran sedimen dengan ignimbrit dari tuf Lampung dan tuf Ranau sebagai bahan induk. Dataran ini lebih luas penyebarannya pada lembar peta di sebelahnya yakni Tanjungkarang (1110) dan Menggala (1111). Pada lembar peta ini hanya tiga subunit yang ditemukan: Litologi satuan-satuan hingga berpasir halus. ini dasitik Dataran Sisa peneplain yang terbentuk pada intrusi granitik yang tertutup oleh skis dan serpih dijumpai di bagian pojok timur laut lembaran peta ini. Ke arah barat peneplain ini berbatasan dengan pegunungan dengan bahan induk yang serupa dan ke arah selatan ia tertutup oleh bahan volkan muda. Sisa peneplain ini termasuk dalam grup Dataran. Pada lembar ini dibagi lebih lanjut menurut morfologinya ke dalam: P*. 3 : Dataran berombak P*.4 : Dataran berombak sampai bergelombang P*.5 : Dataran bergelombang Setiap satuan ini selanjutnya dibagi menurut tingkat torehan. Teras Marin Pantai barat lembar peta ini dicirlkan oleh jalur panjang dari sedimen pantai terangkat yang dalam hal ini diklasifikasikan sebagai Teras Marin. Berdasarkan peta geologi teras-teras ini termasuk pada sedimen Tersier Atas (Neogene). Berbagai tingkat/ tangga dapat diidentifikasi. Teras-teras tua di bagian yang paling timur menunjukkan adanya torehan yang paling kuat, sedangkan yang paling muda di bagian terdekat dengan pantai tampaknya masih utuh (tingkat penorehan klas 1 ) . Satuan tersebut dibedakan atas: Tdf.2: Teras marin berombak pada batuan sedimen halus dan tuf masam Tdf.3: Teras marin bergelombang pada batuan sedimen halus dan tuf masam Litologi dasitik (tuf masam), menunjuk kepada percampuran dengan bahan berombak ignimbrit dalam sedimen marin dan pantai. Idq .3.1 : Dataran tuf masam agak tertoreh Idq.3 . 2 : Dataran tuf masam berombak Marin cukup tertoreh Idq.4.2 : Dataran tuf masam berombak Grup Marin ini terutama ditemukan sampai bergelombang cukup ter- berupa jalur sempit sepanjang pantai barat. Karena bagian pantai berangsur toreh 1010 - 17 naik sedangkan paparan (shelf) sempit dan terjal, maka penyebarannya terbatas. Satuan yang dijumpai adaiah: B*.1.2:Kompleks beting pantai dengan cekungan B*.3: Beting karang dan dataran karang B*.4: Dataran pasangsurut berlumpur B*.7: Dataran dan kipas pantai sempit tak dibedakan 01 eh karena beting karang tidak disurvei oleh proyek sekarang ini maka penyebarannya diambil dari peta topografi dan geologi. Aluvial Grup Aluvial pada lembaran peta ini dinyatakan dalam lima subgrup. Lembah-lembah sungai sempit dalam lingkup grup Dataran dijumpai di bagian timur lembaran peta i n i . Cekungan-cekungan tertutup ditemukan baik dalam patahan Semangko maupun di berbagai bagian dalam atau pada batas daerah volkan, dimana sedimentasi volkan membendung sistem drainase. Teras-teras sungai terdapat sepanjang aliran yang b e r c a b a n g -cabang (braided) yang mengalir ke luar daerah lingkupan pegunungan sebelah barat. Satuan-satuan yang dijumpai adaiah: 4.3. Hidrologi . Dari uraian fisiografi dan geologi di atas ternyata wilayah yang dicakup lembar peta Kotaagung umumnya terdiri dari relief kasar pegunungan, perbukitan, kompleks volkan serta pelembahan yang memanjang di dalam kawasan patahan Semangko. Relief demikian memberikan keadaan hidrologi yang khas di daerah tersebut. Umumnya kompleks pegunungan terutama di bagian timur patahan Semangko dengan lltologi yang serupa dicirikan pola dendritik; sebagian besar pegunungan sebelah barat patahan mempunyai gradien lereng relatif besar sehingga pola drainase terutama di bagian tengah daerah aliran sungai didominasi pola paralel. Sebagian aliran bawah sungai-sungai tersebut disimpangkan arahnya hampir sejajar dengan garis pantai karena bagian ini merupakan jalur angkatan (uplift) pantai lama. Pola aliran radial yang utuh terdapat di krucut volkan muda a.l Gunung Sekincau, G. Rindingan, G. Tanggamus. Pola aliran demikian tidak tampak lagi pada daerah volkan tua karena perubahan radikal bentuk krucutnya oleh gerakan tektonik/deformasi ; sebaliknya disini ditemukan umumnya pola aliran dendritik. A*.1.2 : Pelembahan a l u v i a l l u a s (non-salin) A*.1.2.1: Jalur meander pelembahan aluvial luas (non-salin) A*.2.2.1: Kipas aluvial dan koluvial agak tertoreh A*.3.2 : Cekungan aluvial tertutup A*.3.4 : Dataran danau (resen) A*.3.5 : Dataran danau tua A*.4.3.2: Teras sungai bergelombang cukup tertoreh A*.5 : Dataran b a n j i r sungaisungai melebar/bercabang. Pelembahan yang terisi bahan volkanik di k a w a s a n patahan Semangko didrainase ke arah selatan/tenggara oleh Way Semangko yang mendapat suplai air dari daerah sekitarnya termasuk DAS sempit eskarpmen patahan Semangko. Pelembahan Semangko ini ke arah tenggara meluas ke dataran aluvial yang merupakan pusat konsentrasi pemukiman disekitar Kotaagung. Aneka Bentuk Di antara aneka bentuk wilayah hanya eskarpmen yang dijumpai. Bentuk ini menonjol terutama sepanjang patahan Semangko dan di bagian aliran atas berbagai sungai di kawasan tersebut. o Dataran tinggi berupa pelembahan yang agak luas terdapat di sekitar kaldera Gedongsurian (ketinggian >900m dpi) dan merupakan daerah hortikultura yang potensial di daerah ini karena keadaan drainase yang baik. Jalur pantai di daerah yang dicakup 1010 - 18 lembar peta ini memang relatif sempit dengan pola a l i r a n pendek yakni sebatas dataran rendah yang umumnya langsung berbatasan dengan kaki perbukitan. Maka oleh sebab i t u pola a l i r a n serba lurus yang khas pada sungai-sungai di barat patahan Seraangko menunjukkan dominasi desakan aliran keluar muaranya. luas yang merupakan dataran banjir. Di selatan Pringsewu terdapat pelembahan tertutup yang luas yang selalu tergenang air. Di kaki lereng perbukitan, di selatan Wonosobo dan sekitar Gunung Dempo terdapat klpas aluvial/koluvial yang menampung bahan dari daerah atasnya. Di sebelah selatan G.Sekincau terdapat dataran danau bekas danau tua. Disepanjang sungai-sungai kecil di pantai barat terdapat dataran banjir dari sungai yang bercabang-cabang. 5.SATUAN LAHAN 5.1.Satuan lahan dan tanah. Secara garis besar satuan lahan lembar peta Kotaagung (1010)) dapat dikelom- Bentuk wilayah umumnya datar, datar pokkan kedalam 9 (sembilan) grup agak cekung dan dàtâr agak melandai 'yaitu: Grup Aluvial (A) , Marin, (B),dengan lereng 0-3% . Meliputi luas Teras Marin (T) , Dataran Tuf Masatn 62.450 ha (7,95%). (I), Dataran ( P ) , Volkan (V), Perbukitan (H) , Pegunungan dan Plato (M) Jenis tanah utama di daerah ini adalah serta Aneka Bentuk (Gambar 7 ) . Pada jenis tanah yang relatif muda dan pada setiap satuan lahan umunya diketemukan umunnya berasosiasi dengan lingkungan lebih dari satu satuan tanah (pada air/basah, antara lain Tropaquepts tingkat Great G r o u p ) , dan agar (telah berkembang), dan Fluvaquents memudahkan pembacaannya maka setiap (belum berkembang). Di daerah kipas satuan tanah yang dijumpai pada setiap atau peralihan dijumpai jenis tanah satuan lahan ditentukan luas Dystropepts/Eutropepts berpenampang penyebarannya secara kualitatif, dalam, bertekstur halus sampai sedang, yaitu: drainase baik. -Sangat dominan: apabila penyebarannya >75% dari luasan Satuan Lahan. -Dominan: apabila penyebarannya antara 50-75% dari luasan Satuan Lahan. -Cukup: apabila penyebarannya antara 25-50% dari luasan Satuan Lahan. - Sedikit: apabila penyebarannya 10-25% dari luasan Satuan Lahan. - Sedikit sekali: apabila penyebarannya <10% dari luasan Satuan Lahan. Dibawah ini akan diuraikan mengenai satuan lahan dan tanah yang dijumpai pada setiap grup fisiografi. Grup Aluvial (A) Terbentuk dari bahan endapan sungai, dan endapan hasil aluviasi/koluviasi di kaki lereng perbukitan/pegunungan yang landai. Tersebar antara ketinggian 0-lOOm dpi. di sepanjang jalur aliran Way Seputih dan W.Waja yang merupakan jalur aliran sungai meander. Di kiri kanan aliran W.Semangka terdapat lembah aluvial Tanah berpenampang dalam mempunyai tekstur bervariasi dari halus sampai kasar, kadang-kadang berlapis-lapis. Drainase pada umumnya terhambat sampai sangat terhambat. Tingkat kesuburan tanahnya sangat tergantung pada bahan di daerah sekitarnya dan daerah dari mana bahan itu berasal. Umumnya unsur hara di daerah ini sedang sampai sangat rendah, dimana lapisan atas lebih baik daripada lapisan bawah. Dengan pengendalian air yang baik terutama untuk daerah pelembahan di timur lembar peta, daerahnya mempunyai potensi yang besar sebagaj. daerah persawahan. Penghambat utama adalah genangan air permanen, banjir dan kandungan unsur hara. Grup Marin (B) Merupakan dataran rendah yang memanjang dari utara ke selatan sepanjang/ sejajar pantai barat lembar peta. Terletak pada ketinggian 0-20m dpi. , berupa dataran pasang surut berlumpur, 1010 - 19 beting-beting pasir pantai (beach ridges) dan cekungan-cekungan antar beting (swales). Bentuk wllayahnya datar, datar agak cekung, sedang beting pasir pantai uraumnya datar agak cembung dengan lereng 0-3% . Meliputi luas 13.440 ha (1,70%) . lahan kering baik semusim maupun tanaman tahunan dengan mengupayakan peningkatan kesuburan tanah. Jenis tanah utama di daeran ini adalah Hydraquents dan S u l f a q u e n t s yang merupakan tanah-tanah belum berkerabang di daerah dataran pasang surut yang selalu tergenang a i r . Sulfaquents Grup Dataran Tuf Masam Dijumpai d i timur l a u t lembar p e t a . Bentuk wilayahnya berombak sampai bergelombang dengan d i s e l i n g i oleh cekungan-cekungan. Bahan pembentuknya berupa t u f masam bersusunan d a s i t sebagai hasil a k t i v i t a s volkan. Terl e t a k pada k e t i n g g i a n 50-170m d p i . dengan variasi lereng 3-15% . Meliputi mciu^ahau mas jcuiû Uöllöll yallg lilt Uga UUUllg p l r i t tinggi yang bila rauncul di permukaan dalatn jumlah di atas ambang t o l e r a n s i tanaman akan sangat raembahayakan. Ketiga jenis tanah ini berpenampang dalam, tekstur umumnya halus bercampur bahan organik, drainase sangat terhambat, hampir sepanjang tahun daerahnya tergenang a i r . Di daerah beting pasir pantai dijumpai Tropopsamments, merupakan tanah belum berkembang, bertekstur k a s a r / p a s i r , drainase cepat. Beting pasir pantai cocok untuk perkebunan kelapa sedang cekungan antar beting untuk persawahan dengan jenis padi yang lebih toleran terhadapair asin. Penghambat utama berupa genangan a i r / banjir, keracunan s u l f a t , tekstur kasar di daerah beting pasir serta unsur hara tanaman (kesuburan tanah) yang rendah. Grup Teras Marin (T) Terdapat di bagian barat daerah peta dan hampir sejajar dengan garis pantai. Terletak pada ketingglan antara 0-200m dpi. Bentuk wilayah berombak sampai bergelombang dengan v a r i a s i lereng antara 3-5% . Terbentuk dari bahan tuf masam dan batuan sedimen. Meliputi luas 49.500 ha (6,30%). Jenis tanah utama yang dijumpai adalah Dystropepts/Eutropepts, yaitu yang menempati daerah punggungnya. Pada daerah bawahnya. dijumpai tanah Tropaquepts. Tanah umumnya berpenampang sedang sampai dalam, tekstur umumnya halus dan drainase baik. Daerah i n i bisa dikembangkan untuk pertanian i/.oju na ( Jenis tanah utamanya antara lain Kanhapludults dan Dystropepts, berpenampang sedang sampai dalam, tekstur umumnya h a l u s , drainase baik. Kesuburan tanahnya rendah sampai sangat rendah demikian pula kandungan bahan organiknya. Dystropepts mempunyai kandungan hara yang r e l a t i f lebih baik. Sebagian besar jenis tanah Kanhapludults mempunyai s i f a t f i s i k yang jelek disebabkan banyak terdapatnya lapisan kedap a i r (lapisan dengan kandungan kongkresi besi dan mangan tinggi). Dilain pihak adanya lapisan kedap a i r i n i mempunyai dampak p o s i t i f untuk daerah persawahan karena tidak membutuhkan a i r terlalu banyak disamping dapat menyimpan a i r . Di cekungan cekungan dan pelembahan (dataran rendah) dijumpai jenis tanah Tropaquepts, berpenampang sedang, t e k s t u r halus, drainase terhambat. Dengan pengendalian a i r yang baik (perbaikan dan pengaturan a i r ) daerahnya berpotensi baik untuk persawahan, sedang daerah berombak sampai bergelombang untuk pengembangan perkebunan terutama kelapa sawit dan karet dan pertanian lahan kering. Penghambat utama antara lain kandungan hara tanaman rendah (miskin) dan sifat fisik tanah jelek. Grup Dataran Bahan pembentuknya dataran i n i berupa batuan i n t r u s i masam terutama granit dan b a t u a n m e t a m o r f i k (skis). Penyebarannya terutama d i sebelah 1010 - 20 GAMBAR 8 : SATUAN LAHAN, BLOK DIAGRAM PAN PEHAHPANG HELINTANG LEKBAR KOTAAGDNG FIGURE 8 LAND UNITS. BLOCK DIAGRAM AiïD CROSS SECTION OF THE K0TAAGUNC SHEET 1010 - 21 timur l a u t daerah peta dengan bentuk wilayah berombak sampai bergelombang. T e r l e t a k pada k e t i n g g i a n a n t a r a 90150m dpi, dengan v a r i a s ! lereng antara 3-15%, meliputi luas 2 2 . 3 7 5 ha (2.85%). J e n i s tanah utama yang dijumpat d i da e r a h i n i a d a l a h K a n h a p l u d u l t s . Dystropepts, Hapludults dan Tropaquepts. Kanhapludults dan Hapludults menempati l e r e n g tengah punggungan. berpanampang dalam. tekstur bervariasi d a r i halus sarapai sedang. Di 1 ereng Udll Ua.tsi.all D y s t r o p e p t s dan T r o p o r t h e n t yang merupakan tanah-tanah muda. Sedang di lereng bawah dan dataran di jumpai Dystropepts dan Humitropepts dengan kandungan bahan o r g a n i k tinggi. Jenis-jenis tanah tersebut berpenampang dalam. tekstur halus sampai agak kasar di lereng atas, agak halus sam pai halus di lereng tengah dan bawah dengan drainase baik. Di lereng bawah kadang-kadang dijumpai batuan besar (boulder) yang b e r a s a i d a r i 1 ereng atas/tengah. Kesuburan tanahnya sedang sarapai tinggi di daerah dataran ren- uc i u u t pai Dystropepts, berpenarapang dalam. tekstur bervariasi dari halus sampai kasar, drainase baik. Tropaquepts di jumpai di daerah peierobahan/cekungan, berpenampang sedang sampai dalam. tekstur bervariasi. drainase terhambat. Kandungan unsur hara dari tanahtanah t e r s e b u t uraunya rendah sampai sangat rendah, kandungan bahan organik juga rendah. Kecuali daerah pelembahan/cekungan, daerah i n i t idak cocok untuk per sawahan. Tanaraan p e r t a n i a n 1 ah an kering dapat dikernbangkan di daerah berorabak, berorabak agak bergelombang. sedang perbukitan k e c i l hendaknya dihutankan untuk raenjaga kondisi a i r di daerah bawahnya. Penghambat utama a n t a r a l a i n t i n g k a t kesuburan tanah rendah dan keadaari topografi di daerah bergelombang agak berbukit. Grup Volkan (V) Grup volkan pada daerah peta ini umumnya t e r d i r i d a r i lereng volkan, dataran volkan dan daerah volkan tererosi. Terletak pada ketinggian 25-2000m dpi . Lereng atas dan tengah t e l a h mengalami pengiki san I a n j u t , berlereng curam sampai sangat curam dengan lereng >30%, sedang lereng bawahnya berlereng <16% . Bahan pembentuknya berupa tuf dan lava inter raedier sampai basis, sedangkan dataran volkan disekitar Liwa terbentuk dari tuf masam. Meliputi luas 228.685 ha (29,10%). Jenis tanah utama di lereng atas dan tengah terutama Dystrandepts, Dengan memperhatikan tindakan konservasi tanah. lereng-lereng bawah berpotensi sebagai pengembangan perkebunan kopi. l a d a , cengkeh dan pertanian lahan kering sedang di d a e r a h d a t a r a n untuk persawahan. Lereng atas dan tengah hendaknya tetap sebagai hutan lindung/hutan tutupan. Penghambat utaraa adalah lereng dan batuan besar di lereng tengah dan bawah. Grup Perbukitan (H) Daerahnya terletak di lereng pegunungan dan volkan terutama di bagian selatan lembar peta. Bahan pembentuknya berupa bahan volkan (tuf dan b a t u a n a n d e s i t ) , b a t u a n sedimen, batuan plutonik masam ( g r a n i t ) dan batuan metamorf, sesetempat ditutupi oleh bahan tuf masam Ranau. Terletak pada ketinggian 5-1000m d p i , dengan perbedaan t i n g g i (amplitudo) <300m dari daerah sekitarnya. Bentuk wilayahnya berbukit, berlereng curam sampai sangat curam dengan lereng >16% Meliputi luas 145.530 ha (18,50%). Di lereng a t a s perbukitan umumnya dijumpai jenis tanah Dystropepts, di lereng tengah Hapludults dan Kanh a p l u d u l t s , sedang d i lereng bawah dijurapai Humitropepts. Tanah umumnya berpenarapang dalam, tekstur agak halus sampai halus. Kesuburan tanahnya rendah sampai sedang untuk yang berkembang d a r i bahan volkan, rendah sampai sangat rendah untuk yang terbentuk dari bahan lairmya. 1010 - 22 Kecuali lereng melandai yang dapat digunakan sebagai lahan pengembangan pertanian lahan kering dengan memperhatian konservasi tanah, lereng curam hendaknya digunakan sebagai hutan. Pembatas utama berupa lereng dan bahaya erosi. Grup Pegunungan dan Plato (M) Terletak pada ketinggian antara 251.350m dpi, umumnya berlereng agak curam sampai sangat curam sekali, dengan lereng >30% . Bahan pembentuknya berupa bahan volkan Tersier, batuan plutonik masam, batuan metamorfik dan tuf masam. Meliputi luas 232.335 ha (29,55%). Jenis tanah utamanya adalah Dystropepts yang menempati lereng atas. Hapludults menempati lereng tengah sedang di lereng bawah ditempati Humitropepts. Tanah berpenampang dalam, bertekstur halus sesetempat di lereng atas bertekstur sedang dengan drainase baik. Kandungan unsur har a tanaman dari tanah-tanah tersebut umumnya rendah sampai sangat rendah, sedang di lereng bawah dengan lereng <30% umumnya mempunyai kesuburan yang lebih baik. Kecuali di lereng bawah yang landai daerah ini tidak berpotensi untuk pengembangan pertanian dan hendaknya dipertahankan sebagai daerah hutan. Penghambat utama berupa topografi/lereng, erosi dan kesuburan tanah yang rendah.. - Luas dan penyebarannya pada tiap Propinsi yang diliput. - Bahan penunjang yang digunakan antara lain citra satelit, foto udara dan radar serta peta-peta - Bahan induk sebagai bahan pembentuk tanah mellputi tingkat pelapukan, litologi dan formasi geologinya - Sumber dan kualitas air serta kemungkinan pengembangan perikanan, bahaya banjir dan genangan. - Vegetasi dan penggunaan lahan - Tingkat bahaya erosi (yang dipercepat) - Satuan tanah (tingkat great group) yang mencakup sifat kimia dan morfologinya. - Ketinggian dari muka laut (meter) - Bentuk profil satuan lahan - Pola drainase - Keadaan lereng dan distribusinya - Perbedaan tinggi - Bentuk wilayah serta pembagian yang lebih lanjut (land facet). - Fragmentasi lahan guna pengembangan pertanian, dan - Tingkat relaibilitas. Disajlkan pul a gambaran satuan lahan berupa penampang melintang, yang memberikan.gambaran keadaan dan letak tiap satuan lahan guna memudahkan pemakai. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Balsem, T., & P. Buurman, 1989. Guidelines for Land Unit DescripGrup Aneka Bentuk tion. Soil Data Base Management Project Technical Report No. 13, Menempati luas 14.685 ha (1,85%), dan Version 2. Soil Data Base Managemerupakan bentukkan spesifik terdiri ment, Center for Soil Research, dari X.l berupa lembah sungai terjal • Bogor tererosi atau lereng terjal/escarpment dan X3 berupa badan air (danau). Balsem, T., P. Buurman & U. WoodSichra, 1988. Penggunaan kode komputer untuk data lapangan. Proyek Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah, Laporan 5.2. Isi Uraian Satuan Lahan. Tehnis No. 5a, Versi 1.1. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Bogor Merupakan bagian terpenting dari buku penjelasan ini, menguraikan 59 satuan Buurman, P., 1988. Sifat-sifat kimia, lahan yang terdapat pada lembar peta fisika, dan mineralogi untuk data Kotaagung (1010)), secara detail dalam base tanah. Proyek Pengelolaan Data bentuk/format yang baku guna memudahBase Tanah, Laporan Tehnis No. 7a, kan para pemakai. Versi 2.0. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Uraian tersebut antara lain mencakup: Bogor. 1010 - 23 Buurman, P., T. Balsem & H.G.A. van Panhuys, 1988. Klasifikasi satuan lahan untuk survey tingkat tinjau Sumatera. Proyek Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah, Laporan Tehnis No. 3a, Versi 1.2. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Desaunettes, J.R., 1977. Catalogue of landforms for Indonesia. FAO/UNDP Land Capability Appraisal Project Working Paper No. 13, Soil Research Institute, Bogor FAO/UNESCO, 1977. Guidelines for soil RePPProT (Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration), 1988. Review of Phase I results Sumatra. Ministry of Transmigration, Jakarta. SCS (Soil Conservation Service), 1978. Pedon coding system for the National Cooperative Soil Survey. USDA, Washington D.C. Soil Survey Staff, 1987. Keys for Soil Taxonomy. Soil Management Support Services Monograph No. 6. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Daftar Laporan Gallup, D.L., 1981. Proposed coding system, for pedon data for trial by the Center for Soil Research, Bogor. AGO/INS/78/006, Manual 3. Bogor GRDC (Geological Research and Development Center), 1978. Geologic map of the Menggala quadrangle, Sumatra, scale 1:250.000. (Nomor adalah nomor laporan dalam file SUMREP) 84. Laporan updating peta tanah tinjau daerah Toboali - Mesuji. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, 1986. 86. Survei dan pemetaan lahan dengan sistem land unit di DAS Sekampung Kips, P.A., D.Djaenudin & Nata untuk tuJuan evaluasi lahan. Pusat Suharta, 1981. The land unit apPenelitian Tanah, 1981. proach to land resources surveys for land use planning, with particular 184.Survei dasar dalam rangka pembangunan pertanian Lampung. Buku I: reference to the Sekampung waterSinopsis; Buku II: Fakta fisikshed, Lampung province, Sumatra, Inbiologis; Buku III: Tinjauan, donesia. rekomendasi dan lampiran-lampiran. Muslihat, A., U.Wood - Sichra & Buku IV: Lampiran peta. Lembaga P.Buurman, 1989. Soil .sample Penelitian Tanah, Bogor, 1968. analysis data base - User Manual and Technical Manual. Soil Data Base 340.Survei dan pemetaan tanah tinjau Management Project, Technical Report DAS S e k a m p u n g A t a s . Lembaga No. 17, Version 1.0. Center for Soil Penelitian Tanah, 1972. Research, Bogor. PPPG - see GRDC RePPProT (Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration), 1985. Review of Phase IB results Cenmtral Kalimantan. Ministry of Transmigration, Jakarta. 1010 - 24 LAMPIRAN 1. URAIAN SATUAN LAHAN APPENDIX 1. LAND UNIT DESCRIPTIONS 1010 - 25 LABD UUU.T REPORT LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOBOR MftP IMAGE: C80SS SECTIŒ: escarp \ B.l.5.2 \ \ \\ —4 ~ \ v- J /lh 1. S. \2.3 V \ \, . X I.S •A r \TT2\ ^X-~ 1 1.2 1.1 .2 '"A •\ 1.1.2 \ \ • ^\ S'Y »vib «1 unie rocks -tllurial s«diMnt2 - volunic rocks 1 . LATO DHIT: A u . 1 . 2 w rit« *M«1 ¥ JVfti • is . V . 2.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 54 km2 lt. OCCBIHEBCE fay H8CVBBCE: Lampung: 99% 5. SIATOS IDEBTIFIESS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. lâBD QSIir DESCHIPrtCH: Broad alluvial valleys,mixed sediments, slopes 0-3Ï 7 . SATTEiTjL 124/64/30/05/85, 123/64/30/05/85 8 . AffiMTATT1:100.000 05/8292-027, 05/8292-029 9 . RADftR : STAR 1/250/88/1010 3-5 10. 1MKEBT WJEHIAL 11. SOCK OOTCSGP: X a. Heathering : Slight b. Utbology : clay, sand c. Formation : Qal 12. HATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodxisk : b. Inondation: 15. VBEEIATIOS/LAffl) OSE : Perennial River, Shallow wells Sungai (river) Medium None mixed gardens of fruit trees, upland crops, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), rainfed wetland rice, towns, villages : 100 X Area used 16. ACCELERATED EBOSICH a. Occarence : None b. Evidence : 17. SOU. CHEAT GSIOOP Dominant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification fluvaquents tropaquepts 32. HHmm>WHlATJ.vfc PROFILES: eqy/ / /87/sr/1010/52/ Z of area Lab. checked yes yes 70 X 30 X /29 / lqt/ 1010 - 26 / /87/tb/ 18. SOHL CHABACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: b . Depth: c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsail subsoil peatsoil Dominant > 501 Associated 1 moderately fine moderately fine fine medium -- very deep Poorly drained --— -- subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: -- very deep Poorly drained topsoil Associated 2 high medium very high very high method topsoil Olsen very high Bray I medium very low very high subsoil very high g. Total P: topsoil subsoil very high h. CTC pH 7 topsoil high medium subsoil medium high medium strong acid moderately acid moderately acid neutral i. Soil Beaction:topsoil j . Al Sat. subsoil topsoil subsoil medium — — -— -— — --- --— --- k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulpb. pot.: m. Salinity : u. other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p . Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: i 16.2 13.4 20.9 19.3 1 1 19. ALTITUDE: 7 j ni "*T n ^^T ^^ I^IB ** 20. PLAH/HKWILE: Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: 21. L.U. BHAUHfiEE: a. Pattern: braided c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat 22. SWBEz c. Length: 23. SLOPE DISTH.: e. Curvature: straight Valleyfoottams: 100 % InterHuves 0.0 0.0 0 2 ni 15 m b . density: Very low b . Variability: Low d. Variability: : 0-81:0 %, 9-25Ï: 0 X, 24. HELŒF AMPLI. : a. Amplitude: very low 25. TEBRAŒ: Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m 26. CHESnr/KBDGES: a. Shape: no crests b . Length: 27. VALLET FLOOR: 28. 1MB FACETS: Bange: d. Width: a. Width: 25-55X: 0 % b. Variability: Low c. Variability: e. Variability: b . Variability: - 1 - Alluvial valley, fluvaquents, 70% -2~ Levees, tropaquepts, 30X -3-4- 29. Valleys: Medium blocks Interflravcs: 30. BEUABXLHT: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 1 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADOITiaSAL BOTES: .1010 - 27 CBOSS SECTIOB: A.1.2.1 A. 1 . 2 . 2 present rlrer nwler scar TVA A.1.2.2 older subsoil illurial saUiat« 1 . LARD (BIT: A f . 1 . 2 . 1 3. AREA: 28 km2 2. W F SHEET: 1010 4 . lUaiKHtüi b y FKOVHKZ: Lampung: 99% edit date: 28/04/89 Status: Final 5 . SXftIDS IDERIIFXEBS : (Updated by: AH 6 . LAID UNIT DESCBHTIOH: Meanderbelts of broad alluvial valleys,fine sediments,slopes 0-3Z 7. 8 . AEBTAT9 . »A11AH 1 0 . M W T MATEPTAT. 124/64/30/05/85, 123/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 56/8294-35 , 56/8294-39 Star 1/250/88/1010 - 5 11. BOCK OUTCROP: 0X a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Formation 12. HATES a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVEBS a. Floodrisk Slight clay Qal Fresh Perennial River Sungai (river) High None 15. VBSETATICB/LAHD USE bush, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages 80 X Area used 16 a. Qccoreace : None b. Evidence 17. SOU. GREAT GBODP Daainant >5OZ associated 1 associated 2 32. iqt/ ity/ Classification tropaquepts fluvaquents dystropepts LES: /341-18 /72/sk/1110/4V /184-05 /68/is/1110/51/ Z of area 55 X 35 X 10 X /50 / /60 / eqv/ 1010 - 28 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-18 /72/is/1010/23/ / /ll Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •rinffrnl **** ' c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. F: arthod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil sobsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : a. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: DoBinant > SOX moderately fine moderately fine -deep Poorly drained -— very high medium Olsen very high very high very high very high --slightly acid slightly acid - — — — — - — 1.6 0.0 0 - - • Associated 1 fine fine — deep Moderately well --medium very low Olsen very high very low high medium — -very strong acid very strong acid --— — — — -4.7 0.0 0 Animrinted ?. fine fine — moderately deep Imperfectly drained -— medium very low — — very low very low — -slightly acid slightly acid --— -— -— 2.1 0.0 0 19. ALtlTDDE: 20. Range: 100 m Miniüun: 40 m 60 m t: No pronounced highs/lows Included: 21. L.0- PBATWGE: a. Pattern: meandering b. density: Very low c. Variability: low 22. SLOPE: a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoss: 100 X IntertLoves : O-8Z:0 X, 9-25X: 0 X, 25-55X: 0 X 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Anplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2X, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests c. Variability: 26. CREST/RIDGES: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FOX»: a. Width: b. Variability: Low 28. LAUD FACETS: -1- Levees, tropaquepts, 55Ï -2- Spillways and oxbow, fluvaquents, 35X -3- Old meanderbelt, dystropepts, 10X -429. SRAGMEHTATIOS: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Small blocks 30. REXIABILITT: 1' reliable, 2= probable, 3» tenable, 4° plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 ,, 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADOITIOSAL BOXES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet 1110. 1010 - 29 ISEP-SDBH, CSR-BOSCK CSDSS SECTIQH: MAP IMAGE: V P.3.2 v H.l.3.3 —. y / V.l.4.2 .1 f 1.2.2 B.1.3.J \ 2 . MAP SHEET: 1010 3 . AREA: 63 km2 LARD O I T : A u . 2 . 2 . 1 •••• m ™ - > b y HKWIDEE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final STATUS IDBSTHTEBS : Updated by: AH LAND IUMJLTT DESC8XPTI0S: Sligthly dissected alluvial and colluvial fans, mixed sediments, slopes 3-8X 124/64/30/05/85 7. 1:100.000 5 /8292-27 , 56 /8296-77 8. Star 1/250/88/1010 3-4 9 . BAIME 11. BOCK CURCSÛP: 0 % 1 0 . KftHESnr DttTEBIAI. a. Weathering Slight clay, sand, gravel b . Litfaology Qal c . Foimatiora Fresh 1 2 . HUEK a. Quality Medium wells, Deep wells b . Source None 1 3 . FISHERIES None 1 4 . HIVESS a . F l o o d r i s k b_ luEondaibiOD None 1. 4. 5. 6. 1 5 . VBtanniZGH/IABD OSE Area used 16. ACCELEKaXED EBOSICH a. Occurence b . Evidence bush, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), lakes (danau), towns, villages 80 X Localised Various 17. SOU. GSEAT GBOOP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ite/ Classification eutropepts tropaquepts HIAIIVE EBQFILES: /87/er/1010/33/ Z of area 70 Z 30 X /17 / iqt/ 1010 - 30 Lab. checked yes yes /87/sr/1010/33/ /25 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil odmeralsoil c. Drainage: d. e. f. g. b. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. Dominant > 501 medium moderately fine Associated 1 fine fine very deep Well drained medium Each. K: topsoil subsoil low medium Total E20: topsoil subsoil low Avail. P: aetbod Bray I topsoil low subsoil very low low Total P: topsoil subsoil very low CEC pH 7 topsoil high subsoil very high Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil strong acid Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil low Al taxicity : acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot cbstr. layer : Organic Matter : 3.7 TEB : 37.2 Total observations: 3 Associated 2 very deep Poorly drained very low low medium low Bray I very low very low medium very high high high strong acid slightly acid very low very low 2.4 24.0 1 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 450 m Mininmn: S m Range: 30 m DoBinaat: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: 21. L.U. DBAHMGE: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: long e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTR.: ValleybottOBs: 30 X Interflows : 0-81:60 %, 9-25X: 10 %, 25-551: 0 % b. Variability: Medium 24. RELIEF «MPU.: a. amplitude: very low 25. TBHB»>TMUndulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests 26. CREST/BUDGES: c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLES FLOOR: a. Hidth: narrow b. Variability: Medium 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Fan head & middle fans, eutropepts, 70% -2- Toe & valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 30% -3-4IoterCluves: Large blocks 29. FRAGMHSTATICB: Valleys: Small blocks 30. REUABXLXCT: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q;: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDXTIGSAL MOTES: 1010 - 31 UM) O U T KEKBT LREP-SCŒH, CSR-BOSGB W F OMGE: CBDSS SECTIGH: 1. IABD OBIT A u . 3 . 2 2 . KAP SHEET: 1010 3 . AREA: 113 km2 4 . «»•nminnur« by EBQKTDtCE: Lampung: 9 9 Ï Updated by: AH edit date: 28/04/89 Status: Final. 5 . SX&1FOS Closed basin / depression, mixed sediments, slopes 0-3% 6 . IABO MBIT 123/64/30/05/85, 124/64/30/05/85 7 . SA3TELLHŒ s . AIER 1:100.000 56 /8294-043, 56 /8294-037 g . BADAR star 1/250/88/1010 -5 1 0 . FftKEST M»TBBTAI11. BOCK OOTCSOP: 0 Z a . Heatbering Slight b . Lxt&ology clay, sand, c . Foiœatian Qal Fresh 1 2 . HftTEK a. Q n a l i t ^ b . Source Perennial River, Shallow wells Sungai (river) None Seasonal 1 3 . FXSHEBXES 1 4 . KIVESS a . FloodLrisk upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), rainfed wetland rice, towns, villages 1 3 . VBEEIATIOS/LftliD OSE Area used : 100 Z 16. S^X'IKmXATIK'" E9KK>TO3i a. Occurence : None b. Evidence : 17. SSOU. CP1TAT GRODF Doniiiant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification tropaquepts eutropepts Z of area 80 Z 20 Z 1010 - 32 lab. checked yes yes IM «a il i m o i i n u i i i i i j Dominant > 501 Proparties a. Textnre: Associated 1 fine moderately fine fine moderately fine — — -— topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil very deep deep c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: Poorly drained high Imperfectly drained high — topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: g. Total P: h. CEC pH 7 -- medium low high high low medium method topsoil sobsoil — -- — -- topsoil subsoil high low very high high topsoil subsoil very high very high medium strong acid slightly acid strong acid slightly acid i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil topsoil sobsoil k. Al toxicity : --- p. Organic Matter : — -— -— 4.1 q. TEB : 30.1 16.5 r. Total observations: 4 2 1. Acid solph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : 1 9 . AIXITOBE: 2 0 . PLAI/IBQFILE: -• — -— -- - 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTB.: Valleybottoms: 100 I - — — - - - Pattern: centripetal Variability: low Steepness:flat Length: long - 0.0 0.0 0 1.9 150 m HiniKon: 95 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: a. c. a. c. 2 1 . L . 0 . 1DBAIKAGE: — ---— --- high -— j. Al Sat. — — -'-— 100 m b. density: Very low Variability: Low Variability: Low e. Curvature: straight 2 4 . RELIEF AHFLI.: 25. 26. 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 2 8 . "-*»" FACETS: I n t e r f i l e s : 0-81:0 X. 9-251: 0 X, 25-55X: 0 b. Variability: Low a. Wi»11II imiu : very low Flat, slope .<ZX, 0-50 m 4. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very wide b. Variability: Low - 1 - Depressions, tropaquepts, 80Ï - 2 - Transitions, eutropepts, 20Ï -3-4- 29. ISaGMEXTATiai: Valleys: Large blocks Interflnves: s 30. OTITAHTT TTV- 1» reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4 plausible 10.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 29: 2 18.d-q: 1 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 31. AOOrnOML BOTES: 1010 - 33 LHEP-SDBM, CSR-BOGGR mir HtF IMAGE: C8OSS SBCTIOB: k A.3.5 \ IK. H. 1.3.3 M ,V A. A.3 .5 A.3.4 vH.l.3.3 ) • " • * . A 4 ft, ) H.2.3.« A Muta ==*=- (jöuiiï" Tolcuiic D d s ' ^ rrr..rrr-jzrrr—7old •CdlBUtS ' tcid tuffs 2 . MAP SHEET: 1010 3 . ASIA: 18 km2 IAD) OMIT: Au. 3 . 4 orxnBBHCE by ROVIHCE: Lampung : 99% edit date: 29/04/89 Status: Final SUIDB IDIHTIÏTÎHS : Updated by: AH ÎAHD UHIXÏ DESCSIFTiaS: Lacustrine plain,mixed sediments, slopes 0-32 7 . g*TFIT.HTTM gjB^WHIJM ; 124/64/30/05/85 /8296-81 S . ABBTAI. FBOTDGHAISS : 1:100.000 9 . BADAR : star 1/250/88/1010 - 4 i i . BOCK asmaos: x 10. FASEBT MATBMTATa. (feathering : Slight b. litholosy : clay, sand, peat c. Foimation : Qal 12. MâTES a. Quality : Fresh . b. Source : Perennial River, Shallow wells 13. FÏS&ERXES : Danau (lake) 14. HIVEBS a. Floodrisk : High b. Xnmidatiasi : Seasonal 15. VBGEtéTIOH/lASIIJ OSE : , bush, swamp (rawa) including sedges, upland crops,, rainfed wetland rice, lakes (danau), towns, villages 40 I Area osed 1. 4. 5. 6. 16. a. Occurence b. Evidence None 17. SOU. GREAT GRCOP Dominant >5OZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. iqt/ Classification tropaquepts tropofluvents X of area 90 % 10 X Lab. checked yes yes HAUKIJLES: /87/hj/1010/52/ /20 / evt/ 1010 - 34 /87/af/10l0/54/ /6 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Pi<i£wi t ii.fw a. Texture: topsoil snbsoil b . Depth: peatsoil •rinornlsnn c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CTC p9 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: a. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > SOX moderately fine moderately fine — very deep Very poorly drained low low medium high Bray I very low very low very high very high high high strong acid strong acid very low very low --— -— 4.4 19.6 2 Associated 1 fine fine — deep Well drained medium medium very high very high Olsen high high very high very high high high very strong acid very strong acid — ---— --3.3 14.7 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 250 m Miniman: 230 m 240 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows FLAB/PROFILE: Included: b. density: Very low a. Pattern: centripetal L.O. B8AIHÄGE: c. Variability: low b. Variability: Low a. Steepness:flat SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: concave Valleybottcms: 100 % SLOPE DISTS. : Imterflmves : O-8Z:0 %, 9-251: 0 %, 25-551: 0 X RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low irragnATiBFlat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests CKEST/RUDGES: b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: VALLET FLOGB: a. Width: wide b. Variability: Medium LAKD FACETS: -1- Lacustrine plains tropaquepts, 90% -2- Lacustrine plains tropofluvents, 10% -3-4FRACMEBTAnOB: Valleys: Large blocks InterOjnves: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. REt.TABTlf.Tinr: 1» reliable, 2 - probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 2 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 18.d-q: 1. 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 29: 2 31. AODITIOHAL HOTES: 1010 - 35 f-All u m IfHHIIT LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR MAP IMAGE: GBOSS SECTIOH: H. l.J.J ^ 2.z.i * A.3 S A.J .4 v\> A Vlllaqe IJ v\ *j n l S4VUS 3* F?™* savais M (ï«n -liciutriM rol canic r3d A ** r •* — - ' K i d tuff$ * 1. LAND OBIT: Au.3.5 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 84 km2 Lampung: 99% 5 . STATOS IDEHTIFXEBS : Updated by: AH edit, date: 29/04/89 Status: Final. 6 . LAND MSIT DESCHIPTIOS Ancient lake bottom,mixed sediments, slopes 0-3% 124/64/30/05/85 8 . ABBTAT- PBOTOGBAPBS • : 1:100.000 52 /8296-81 , 53 /8316-147, 54 /8296-61 9 . RADAR : star 1/250/88/1010 4-5 11. ROCS OUTCROP: '0 % 1 0 . PARER MATERIAL a. Weathering : Slight b. Litbology : clay, sand c. Formation : Qal 12. MATES a. Quality : Fresh 4. iiiiinMJi by b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b. Inondation: 15. VBGEXATZCH/LAHD OSE : Area used Perennial River, Shallow wells. Sungai (river) Low Seasonal , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), lakes (danau), towns, villages : 70 % a. Occoxence : None b. 17. Evidence SOIL GSEAI GROUP DoBinant >50X Associated 1 Associated 2 iqt/ : : Classification tropaquepts tropofluvents eutropepts /87/hj/1010/52/ X of area /23 checked yes 30 % yes 10 % no evt/ 1010 - 36 Lab. 60 % /87/af/10ip/52/ /4 / 1B STUT f*Hftïlflf™THfiTSTTf"S PxupaarU.es a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil Bin*r*Ti «nf 1 c. Drainage: d. Ezch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total D O : topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: aetbod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CBC p H 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. A l toxicity : 1. Acid smlph. pot.: a. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer*: p. Organic Hatter : q. TED : r. Total observations: Doainant > 501 moderately fine fine Associated 1 -- -- very deep very deep Poorly drained Moderately well very high low medium high medium low very high Bray I very low Olsen very high very high very low high medium very low medium medium high low low low strong acid strong acid strong acid very low very low strong acid — -- -— --• 4.6 5.3 1 Associated 2 coarse moderately coarse -— --- — 0.8 4.2 1 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTXÏOBE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 400 m M i n i m a : 240 m Bange: 260 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows PLAH/XBOFI1E: Included: a. Pattern: centripetal b. density: Very low l . O . BBAJBAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low SUSS: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: straight SLOPE DISTR. : ValleybottOBs: 100 X Interfloves : O-8Z:0 X. 9-251: 0 X, 25-551: 0 X wil.TW AMPLI-: a. Aaplitode: very low b. Variability: Low VfnaAjmFlat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests CHEST/HEDGES: b. Length: c. Variability: e. Variability: d. Width: VALLES FLOER: b. Variability: a. Width: LAND FACETS: - 1 - Lake bottom, tropaquepts, 60% - 2 - lake bottom, tropofluvents, 30Ï -3- Transitions, eutropepts, 10% -*Valleys: Large blocks Interflmves; 30. HKI.1TAWirT.TTy: lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 1 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 2 l«.b: 3 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24; 1 28: 2 29: 2 31. AIUU1T1CBAL BOTES: No analysed profile for eutropepts 1010 - 37 LUD nur MAP IMAGE: V ? 1 i A.4.3 .2 X.5 ** * ' * ' ^ \ •A / * nlcuic roda f t 7 CtUlUWl à 'j^Äi.V^P' (oW) nlcuic rocks { ""Z'i «IIOTUI «dient« 1. 4. 5. 6. 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 52 km2 LAHD OSUT: Au. 4 . 3 . 2 00CHiBB9CE b y ÏBOTIBCE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 20/06/89 Statos: Final . STATUS IDBSXIFIIBS : Updated by: AH IJUBID immuLï DE9CSXFTI0R: Moderately dissected rolling river terraces, mixed sediments, slopes 8-15% 7 . SATEUUtTE SCERES 8 . AEBIAL fHOTOGBAFHS 9 . BADAR 1 0 . EftHESnr MATFHTA1. : 124/64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 4 /8282-115, 4 : Star 1/250/88/1010-5 /8282-113 11. BOCK COTCaOP: 20 X a . Heattaering : Partial b . LitJsology : clay, andesitic lavas, sand c . Founation : Tnp , Qhv 12. HATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. BIVE9S a. Floodrisk : None None OSE Area u s e d 1 6 . ACCEUEHATED ESDSICH moist primary lowland forest, bush 15. 0 X a . Occnrence b . Evidence 17. SOXLfimy^TGR0DP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Localised Various : Classification dystropepts X of area 99 X X X UIMJWÜIHJUMgyAT • w». P R O F I L E S : / /87/HJ/1010/24/ / /46 1010 - 38 Lab.. checked yes .* 18. SOIL CBABACTEBISnCS a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. 8h. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil Drainage: Euch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: aetbod topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil sobsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil sobsoil Soil Beaction:topsoil subsoil &1 Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid smlpfa. pot.: Salinity : OUter TeariLcity: Boot obstx. layer : Organic Matter : TE8 : Total observations: 1 9 . AIXIOTDE: 20- HLAH/HBOBHLE: 2 1 . L.O. QBATJU6E: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SU0SE DISTE.: 2 4 . BELIEF «MFLI.: 25. TraPATTIB2 6 . CHEST/HIDGES: 2 7 . VAULET FUXS: 2 8 . LAKB FACETS: 29. 30. mg.TABTT.1TTy: lO.b :3 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 Dosdnant > 501 moderately fine fine Associated 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 ' 0.0 0 very deep Moderately well high low high medium Bray I low very low high medium high high strong acid moderately acid very low very low 2.0 11.7 0 300 m MiniaDB: 200 m Bange: 250 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: X Interfluves : 0-81:20 X, 9-251: 80 X,25-55X: 0 X b. Variability: Medium a. Avplitode: medium Rolling 9-15Ï, 0-50 m c. Variability: Medium b . Lengtib:Moderately long a. Shape: Irregular e. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate b. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow -1- interfluves, dystropepts, 99Z -2-3-4Valleys: Interfluves: Small blocks » reliable, 2- probable, 3- temable, *= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 3 18.c: 22: 2 23: 3 24: 3 28: 3 29: 3 31. ADDITIOBAL KTTES: Representative profile transfered from Aq.5. 1010 - 39 UUT MAP CBOSS SECTIOH: ff X.2.2.3 X- Jf -X' X.2.2.4 A.5 f/£ »olaiic roda A -.<f<* " j ï «liariil sediient* 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 1. LAID o m Aq.5 hw l^mUfTHTT': Lampung: 99Z 4. 3. AREA: 212 km2 5. SIATOS ID!BBTIFIERS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAB) OBIT DESCHrPTIOH : Floodplain of braided river , coarse sediments, slopes 0-3X 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8. ATOTAT- F B7IDG8AFBS • 1:100.000 4 /8282-115, 3A /8285-05 , 56 /8292-123 9. RADAR : Star 1/250/88/1010 2-4 10. FAREIT MltTPRTAT. 11. ROCK CÜTCBOP: 20 X a. Heatfaering • Slight b. Litbslogy sand, gravel c. Foxnatiom Qal a. Quality Fresh 12. MATES b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISDERIEjS Sungai (river) Medium 14. RIVERS a Floodrisk b Immdation None 15. VBGEtATICJ8/LAKD DSE bush, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area osed 30 % 16. ATTTfJlf TBDATTOTI WBTRTftttt a. Oc carence None b. Evidence Bot relevant 17. SOIL Qgm LI GBOOP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification tropaquepts Z of area 60 X tropofluvents dystropepts /44 / 30 X no io x yes ity/ 1010 - 40 Lab. checked yes . /87/HJ/1010/24/ < /46 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Testbare: topsoil sabsoil b. Depth: peatsoil nnineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Utah. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pB 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Beactiom: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tozicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot cfljstx. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 50Z fine fine Associated 1 Associated 2 moderately fine fine very deep Poorly drained low very low low low Bray I very low low very low high high very high moderately acid moderately acid very low very low very deep Imperfectly drained high low high medium Bray I low very low high medium high high strong acid moderately acid very low very low 3.3 25.2 1 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 11.7 4 19. AOTTOPE: 20. Maximum: 400 m mnimmn: 0m Dominant: Ko pronounced highs/lows Included: Range: 2 1 . L . B . DRAINAGE: a. c. a. c. e. b. density: Very low 2 2 . SLUFü): 2 3 . SLOPE DISTK. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . T£KBATJS: 2 6 . CREST/BXD5ES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOCK: 2 8 . LfUKD FACETS: 2 9 . fBAGMESITATIQH: Pattern: braided Variability: low Steepness:flat Length: Garvature: 150 m b. Variability: Low d. Variability: Valleybottams: 60 % Interfluves : O-8Z:40 %, 9-25Z: 0 %, 25-55X: 0 X a. amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: moderate . b. Variability: Medium -1- Valleys/Low araes, tropaquepts, 30% -2- Levees or bars, tropofluvents, 40% —3- Levees or bars, dystropepts, 30% -4Valleys: Small blocks Xnterdaves: Small blocks 30. BElT.TABin.irTr: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lo.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q[: 1 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AiaJITIDHAL BOTES: No a n a l y s e d p r o f i l f o r T r o p o f l u v e n t s 1010 - 41 LAfiD UHJLIT LHEP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR HftF DMGE: CHOSS SECTIGH: T.J.2 A.5 1.2.1 8.1.2 —XJ-S'"--.; icid tuffsifine felsic sediKntiry rodcs urine s«liicntf finekoarM 1 . LAMB nSlIT: Bfq.1.2 4 . mrniiniuMyrin1 b y illurill sediMiits 2. MSP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 88 km2 Lampung: 99% s. STAXDS Updated by: AH 6. U B mir Complex of eroded beach ridges and filled in swales, fine and edit date: 20/06/89 Statins: Final coarse sediments (partly ripened). 7. SATELLITE 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 9 . HAUSE 23 /8282-141, 23 /8282-139, 3A /8285-05 Star-1/250/88/1010 3-4 1 0 . PAHEBHT ÜSUTEKIAL a. Weathering b. Litinology c. Formation 12. HÉIER a. Quality b. Source 13. flSHBSIES 14. KITOHS a. Floodrisk 11. BOCK OTTCHOP: 0% Slight sand, clay Qal , Qg Brackish . , Rain, Perennial River Laut (sea) None None 15. VBSSSàJICS/lêMD USE tidal forest, bush, alang-alang, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, coconut (kelapa), reafforestation, beaches, towns, villages 16. Area used iSSATHD SS0GIŒ9 a. Occorence b . Evidence 90 % Localised Various 17. Sim. GBE&T GH0DP Classification X of area Donämant >S0Z tropopsamments 70 X Lab. checked yes Associated 1 tropaquepts 30 X yes X Associated 2 3 2 . BEH8ESHBTATXVE BBO8F1LES: est/ / /87/SR/1010/44/ /36 / iqt/ 1010 - 42 /87/SR/1010/44/ /37 is. s o n . CHARACTERISTICS Dominant > 50X coarse topsoil subsoil coarse Depth: peatsoil very deep mineral soil Somewhat excessively Drainage: very low Exch. K: topsoil very low subsoil very low Total K2O: topsoil very low subsoil Olsen Avail. P: method very low topsoil very low subsoil medium Total P: topsoil subsoil medium CEC pH 7 topsoil low very low subsoil Soil Beactiom:topsoil moderately acid subsoil moderately acid Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid solph. pot. : Salinity : very slightly Otter Tozicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Hatter : 2.1 HEB : 2.1 Total observations: 1 Properties a. Textbnure: b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k_ 1. m. m. o. p. q. r. Associated 1 fine moderately fine Associated 2 very deep Poorly drained low low low low Bray I very low very low very low very low high low strong acid moderately acid very low very low very slightly 3.1 12.7 1 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. Bange: 20 m Minimum 0 m 10 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: 21. L.D. BKAŒ&SE: a. Pattern: parallel b. density: Low c. Variability: low b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: a. Steepness:flat d. Variability: c. Length: e. Curvature: Valleybottons: 30 % 23 _ SLOPE DXSTfi.: Imterflraves : 0-81:70 % 9-25X: 0 %, 25-551: 0 % 2 4 . BELIEF «MPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m 2 5 . TEBBAID: a. Shape: Level 2 6 . CHEST/HEDGES: c. Variability: Medium b. Length:Short d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Medium 2 7 . VALLET F1O0E: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Medium 2 8 . LABD FACETS: -1- Ridges, tropopsamments, 70% -2- Swales, tropaquepts, 30% -3-*Interdaves: Medium blocks 2 9 . FBAfiMMTAPOH: Valleys: Small blocks 30. BE3LIABIUTT: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 l * . b : 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 2 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 29: 2 31. ABDITXO&IAL SÛTES: 1010 - UÜHJLT R E f ö K T , CSR-BOKH SECnOBT: HAP I H.2.3.4 X.2.2.1 | 1 F I A.2.2.1 B.4.1 colliniil sedixnts 1 . 1AEHJ tJBdT: Bf 3 . ABE&: 28 km2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 by : Lampung: 99% 5. SIATOS HJEEITITXEHS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAB© DUIT m S U U P I l O B : Tidal mud flats, fine sediments (unripe) 7. SATELLITE SCEBES : 124/64/30/05/85 8. AERIAL fmaUGBABBS : 1:100.000 9. BAD&B : Star-1/250/88/1010 3-1 3A /8285-09 , 4 /8282-99 , 54 10. PAHEST M&TEBIAL /8296-75 11. ROCK COTCSOP: 0 % a. Weathering : Slight b. Litibology : sand, clay c. Formation : Qal 12. HATER a. Quality : Brackish b. Source 13. FISHERIES : Rain : Tambak (estuary) 14. HI WHS a. Flocdrisk : None b. TmniiiBnii3»fr.fiinmn• Permanent 15. WjEKEiai'llWILA» OSE : tidal forest, bush, rainfed wetland rice, fishponds (tambak), beaches, towns, villages Area used 16. M "n "in ii TtngAinPTni : 20 X iPPinRTfBCT a. Occurence : None b. Evidence : Not relevant 1 7 . SOJXOTE&TOTOTP Damimamt >SOZ Classification hydraquents Associated 1 sulfaquents X of area 65 X 35 X X Associated 2 3 2 . 8ESHESEWTE&TIWE FKQFILES: eqw/ / /87/TB/1010/33/ /01 / 1010 - 44 lab. checked yes no 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mimeralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil k. 1. subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Beaction:topsoil subsoil Ai Sat. topsoil subsoil Al tenacity : Acid smlph. pot.: n. o. p. q. r. Other Toxicity: Boot obstx. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: e. f. g. h. i. j. Dominant > SOX moderately fine moderately fine Associated 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 very deep Poorly drained very high very high very high very high Olsen very high very high very high very high high high slightly acid slightly acid deep moderately 4.2 24.0 1 Bange: 5 m Müaimm: 0 m 5 m Bouillant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: a. Pattern: b. density: L.BL c. Variability: b. Variability: Low a. Steepness:flat SUBS: d. Variability: c. Length: e. Corvatore: SLOPE DISHS. : Valleybottons: 100 % InterQaves : 0-8Z:0 %. 9-25Z: 0 X, 25-55X: 0 % a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: b. Length: CKEST/REDEES: d. Width: e. Variability: VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: IAS© FACETS: -1- Tidal flat, hydraquents, 65% -2- Tidal flat, sulfaquents, 35% -3-•FBAQHEBTATiaS: Valleys: Large blocks Interflnves: 19. 2 0 . PLAH/HSQIFTLE: 21. 22. 23. 2*. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. BELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 3 18.c: 3 18-d-q: 3 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ABOITiaBAl BOTES: No analysed profil for Sulfaquents 1010 - 45 LAB UUT LBEP-SDBI, CS8-) CSOSS SECTIOB: ,„ ftljic .'•• "iirï* • « d T S i i ü ; « ' " • s«Ji«iUiY rods 2 . MAP SHEET: 1010 1 . LAND MUIT: B c q . 7 »laaie rodo iSSfiTu!«'"*" *" U 3 . AREA: 19 km2 4. K i n i m i i ' . by FSO7ESCE: Lampung: 9 9 Ï . SI&TOS IDESrnFIEaS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final . IXHD DIHI1T DESCHIPTICB: Undifferentiated marine deposits, calcareous and coarse sediments (unripe), slopes 0-3X. 124/64/30/05/85 7 . S0JTELJLJLTE 8. ATPWTAff. iwwimmWJPAHI*K 1:100.000 23 /8282-143, 3A /8285-05 , 3A /8285-11 Star-1/250/88/1010 4-5 9 . HABAB 11. BOCK OOICmP: 10 X tO. HUBERT MÄTEHIAL a. Weatterins b . Litfaology c . Fonœatiom 12. MUTER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk Partial limestone/marble, sand Qs Brackish Rain Laut (sea) None None 15. VBSETATIOB/IJUH) MSE bush, upland crops, coconut (kelapa), beaches, towns, villages a r e a used 60 I 16. ACCELERATED ERQSIGB None a. Qccoience b . Evidence 17. SOU. GREAI GBDDP ÏÏUrmpfl imarwtL > 5 0 ï Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification troporthents tropopsamments Z of area 85 X 15 X Lab. checked yes yes 32. REEBESEBTATIVE PROFILES: eot/ / /87/SR/1010/44/ /48 / 1010 est/ - 46 /87/SR/1010/44/ /36 18. SOn. CBABiB.1E1LUSIXU» a. Tndtnxo: b. Depth: topsoil sobsoil ]peatsoil Rralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil sobsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil •ethod Avail. P: topsoil sobsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil topsoil Al Sat. subsoil Al toxlcity : Acid snlph. pot.: Salinity : Other Tenacity: Boot obstr.. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Dominant > 50Z coarse coarse — very shallow Somewhat excessively low very low low low Olsen very low very low high high very low very low strongly alkaline strongly alkaline -— --— -20 cm 3.3 22.5 1 Associated 1 coarse coarse — very deep Somewhat excessively very low very low very low very low Olsen very low very low medium medium low very low moderately acid moderately acid -— --very slightly -— 2.1 2.1 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20 m Minimun: 0 m Drainant: No pronounced highs/lows 2 0 . PLAH/ÏBOFXLE: Included: a. Pattern: b. 2 1 . L.DL B8AIBMISE: c. Variability: a. Steepness:flat b. 2 2 . SLOPE: c. Length: d. e. Curvature: not recorded 2 3 . SLOPE DISTE.: Valleybottons: 0Z Interduves : 0-81:100 Z, 9-25X: 0 Ï 25-551: 2 4 . BELIEF AMPUL: a. Amplitude: very low b. 2 5 . TEKBAEB: Flat, slope <ZX, 0-50 m 26J QKEST/BXDGES: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLEY FLOGS: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LAMB FACETS: -1- Marine deposits troporthents, 85% - 2 - Marine deposits tropopsanments, 15Z -3-42 9 . IBACME8TATIOB: Valleys: Interduves: Small blocks. 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 10 m density: Variability: Low Variability: 0% Variability: c. Variability: "= reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOaaL ROTES: Representative profile for tropopsanments is extrapolated from Bfq.1.2. Subsoil contain coral reef remnants. 1010 - 47 TOIT SEFOBT UŒP-SDON, GSK~BOGCB. BLOCK DIAGRAM: GRÇBSS SBCTICffl: a.i.2.2 f r 1.2.1 T.3. 2 i / y M* A.5-J 1 . LAHD DHIT: Tdf.2.1 ïï tuffstfine üi felsic setfientiry ndts icid " T.1.2 •aril» »diwits finclcune ' */ sediMflts 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. A8EA: 156 km2 4 . nmmnywin' by SBOTHCE: Lampung: 991 5 . STATUS HJE8TIFEEBS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAÉD KHIT DESCSIFnOH: Slightly dissected undulating marine terraces, acid tuffs and fine felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 3-8X . 7 . SATELLITE SCBBES S . AEBIAL raniDGSAFBS 9 . SABAB : 12V64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 23 /8282-137, 3A /8285-5 , 3A /8285-13 : Star-1/250/88/1010 2-3 1 0 . BABB9T IW*TB»TAT- 11. BOCK U U I U K Q P : 0 X a. Weathering : High b . Littuology : dacite, claystone, sandstone c. Fomnatian 12. MATER : Tnp a. Quality : Fresh b. Source 13. FISHERIES : Perennial River, Medium wells : Laut (sea) 14. BIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b . Xnanndatioxi: None 15. vBraPTATirraa/TJiiMïïi ÜTSE : secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 70 X 16. a. Occnrence : Common b . Evidence : Various 17. SOIL QttFAT GSOOP Classification Lab. checked Z o f area Dooinamt >50I dystropepts 80 X yes Associated 1 eutropepts 10 X yes Associated 2 tropaquepts 10 X yes 32. UÜMUMKÜBlnrA-rIMK SBDFILES: ity/ / /87/ER/1010/43/' /39 / ité/ / /87/ER/1010/24/ /45 / iqt/ 1010 - 48 / /87/HJ/1010/24/ /43 1 8 . SOIL CH Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil sabsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil Drainage: Each. K: tapsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil sobsoil Avail. P: aetfaod topsoil sabsoil Total P: topsoil sabsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil »eaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid snlph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstx. layer : Organic Matter : ZEB : Total observations: n—<»—y* > SOZ medium fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 fine fine very deep Well drained high medium high medium Bray I very low very low very low very low medium medium moderately acid strong acid very low low very deep Moderately well high very low high low Bray I very low very low low low medium medium slightly acid moderately acid very low very low very deep Poorly drained medium low medium medium Bray I very low very low medium low medium medium strong acid strong acid very low very low 2.2 6.0 4 1.2 13.4 0 3.9 10.2 1 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 50 m Minim)o ni Bange: 10 m DcariLnant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped 20. PIAH/rBOmE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low 2 1 . L.U. DBADUGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Low 2 2 . SLOPE: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 2 3 . SLOPE DISTE.: ValleybottoBs: 10 X Interfloves : 0-8Z:80 %, 9-2SZ: 10 X, 25-551: 2 4 . BEUEF AMFLI.: a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium 2 5 . TBUBATPUndulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m 26. a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: 2 7 . VALLES FLOOR: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low 2 8 . LAID FACETS: -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 80% -2- Interfluves, eutropepts, 10% -3- Valleys, tropaquepts, 10% -429. FBAQMERTATIOB: Valleys: Small blocks Interdoves: Large blocks 30. RKI.TABn.TTy: 1= reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADOrrtOBAL BOIES: Representative profile for Eutropepts is extrapolated from Tdf.3.2 1010 - 49 LAID U U T REBQBT BLOCS LBEP-SDBM, CSB-BOSOR DltESUtf: CSOSS SECTIOS: 1.3.2 1.2.1 A.5 8.1.2 «a I acid tuftsifi« feliie «dintuy rods T.3.2 tait» sHiwiu £ lilimil saliwits finetcoirse 1 . LftHD UUT: T d f . 3 . 2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 339 km2 4 . I»'«'!«!»«»-» by PBEWISCE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 5 . STATUS HJEHTIFIESS : Updated by: AH Moderately dissected rolling marine terraces, acid tuffs and 6. um msnr fine felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 8-15Ï.. 7 . SATELLITE SCEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8 . AffiBTAT- PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 3A /8285-15 , 3A /8285-09 , 23 /8282-137 9 . BADAB : Star-1/250/88/1010 1-5 1 0 . PABE8T M&TESIAL 11. BOCK OtnrtStXP: 0Ï a . Heatbering : High b. Littoology : dacite, claystone, sandstone c. Formation : Tnp 12. KATES a. Quality : b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. HIVEBS a. Floodrisk : b. Inondation: Fresh Perennial River None None None 1 5 . VBGETATHWLAKD OSE : , bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 30 X 16. ACCELE8ATED EBOSIGH a. Occmrence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOU. GBEÄT GSCÖP Damnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ ite/ / / Classification dystropepts eutropepts tropaquepts TATIVE IK3FTLES: /87/ER/1010/44/ /87/HJ/1010/24/ Z of area 80 I 10 % 10 X /34 / /45 / 1010 - 50 Lab. checked yes yes yes iqt/ / ite/ / /87/HJ/1010/24/ /87/ER/1010/24/ /43 / /45 / Pi upei 11 <i H a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b . Depth: peatsoil muerai soil c. Drainage: d. Erch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. F: aotbod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CTC pffl 7 topsoil siob soil i. Soil Beactiam:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tozicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TJEB : z. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAS/PBQFILE: 2 1 . L.0- D8AW0E: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TEBBAIH: 2 6 . CREST/BUDGES: 27. VALLET FLOCK: 28. LAID FACETS: Donnant > SOX moderately fine fine — deep Moderately well very low very low very low low Bray I very low very low very low very low low low strong acid very strong acid very low high yes — --100 cm 1.8 4.8 5 Uni—: 200 m Associated 1 moderately fine fine — very deep Moderately well high very low high low Bray I very low very low low low medium medium slightly acid moderately acid very low very low no -— --1.2 13.4 1 Minimal: 5m Associated 2 fine fine -very deep Poorly drained medium low medium medium Bray I very low very low medium low medium medium strong acid strong acid very low very low no ----3.9 10.2 0 Bange: SO m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 10 2 Interflaves : 0-8Z:25 X, 9-251: 45 X, 25-551: 20 X a. A^litode: low b. Variability: High Rolling 9-15*, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Upper & middle slopes, dystropepts, 80Ï -2- Foot slopes, eutrbpepts, 10X -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X 29. FBAGMEBTATIGH: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2« probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: l 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 31. ADDITIQML BOTES: Representative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from Tdf.2.i 1010 - 51 U B U U T REPORT IBEP-SDBN, CSR-BCSOR BUCK BIAGSAM: CSOSS SECTICB: [.1.2.2 V.2.J.2 1.3.1 V.2.2.Z »UiotpUe rod» - ^ 1^ " ^ • • •• •'• • • 7 "^ V " ' tulislcojrs« felsi< inttnediitetiaflc tufts'ufic Uns 1 . LAHD OOIT: Idq.3.1 2. MftP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 29 kro2 4 . UaJIHUKUE b y PHCWIHCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS IDEHTIFIERS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . IABDD DHTT DESCRXPTiaS: Slightly dissected undulating acid tuff plain, acid tuffs and coarse felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 3-8% 7 . g*inTJ„|Tlf Mf-MHHX 8. ÄBBT«T,. IBOTOGSACBS 9 . BADAR : 123/64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 : Star-1/250/88/1010 - 3 1 0 . FftKHBTI MATERIAL 11. ROCS OfltlCROP: 0% a . W e a t h e r i n g : High b . Litfaology : liparite, dacite, sandstone : Qlv a. Quality :Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : Sungai (river) 14. BIVERS a. Floodriak : None None c. Formation 12. W I E R I S . VEGETAXKWLâHD USE Area used , horticultural crops, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coffee (kopi), towns, villages 100 % a. Occorence b. Evidence Localised Various 16. 17. SOIL G8EAT GSGOP DoBinant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 32. «enciLtfftTi udh/ iqt/ /84-13 /84-16 Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts PROFILES: /85/AH/1111/13/ /85/dn/llll/23/ X of axea 60 % 30 % 10 % /03 / /11 / ity/ 1010 - 52 Lab. checked yes yes yes /3A0-13 /71/Dn/1010/62/ /26 is. son. CHABACTESISTICS Properties a. Textbare: topsail subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. S: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2Q: topsoil subsoil £. 'Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil J. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Ai tozicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. OUbier TcariLcity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TIB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: zo. vim/mams-, 2 1 . L . 0 . DBAHSAGE: 2 2 . SWIPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF âMPLI.: 2 5 . TEBKABH: 26. CXEST/BIBGES: 27. VALLET FLOOR: 28. LAID FACETS: 29. FfiAQMEBTATIQBI: Dominant > SOX moderately fine moderately fine -very deep Well drained low very low very low very low Bray I high very low low very low low very low excessive acid very strong acid high very low yes ---140 cm 1.6 1.0 0 Associated 1 medium fine -deep Well drained -— low very low Bray I --low very low -— moderately acid strong acid -— — ---— 1.6 0.0 1 Associated 2 moderately fine moderately fine — very deep Poorly drained low very low very low very low Bray I low low very low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid medium high yes -— -125 cm 1.9 0.9 0 170 m Kinimnm: SO m Bange: 70 m ©traînant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: a. .Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium c. Length: long d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 10 % Interfluves : 0-81:75 X. 9-251: 15 X, 25-55Z: 0 X a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Flat top/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 60% -2- Middle & lower slopes, dystropepts, 30% -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% -*Valleys: Small blocks Imterflmves: Large blocks 30. BELIABULITT: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 3 18.c: 3 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 2«: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AMJITIQSaUL BOTES: Representative profiles for Kanhapludults and Tropaquepts are exrtrapolated from sheet 1111. 1010 - 53 LSEP-SDBM, CSR-BOSOR HMD U U T BLOCK DIAGRAM: 1 . LAID OBIT: Idq.3.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 36 km2 4 . OGCnBETCE b y PBCWIBCE: Lampung: 99Ï 5 . STATUS IBESmTTERS : Updated by: AH edit dat«: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LABD MBIT DESCBTPTIOS: Moderately dissected undulating acid tuff plain, acid tuffs and coarse felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 3-8%. 7 . g*TPlT, iYV ^ - ^ M | y ; 8 . ADUAL PHOTOGSAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . BADAK : Star-1/250/88/1010-5 124/64/30/05/85 56 /8294-35 10. BASEST MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : dacite, sand, claystone c. Fomation : Qlv 12. HATES a. Quality : b. Soorce : 1 3 . FISHERIES : 1«. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b . IsBnudatxcoi: 11. ROCK cmCBOB: 0 % Fresh Perennial River, Medium wells None None None 15, VBGETATIGII/LAHD OSE : alang-alang, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages Area used : 80 X 16. ACCELERATED EBQSIOB a. Occorence Common b . Evidence Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Z of area Classification Lab. checked Dcmijiant >SOX kanhapludults 60 X yes Associated 1 dystropepts 30 X no Associated 2 tropaquepts 10 X yes 32. RIUHESUW1ATIVI r PROFILES: udh/ /84-20 /85/dr1/1111/12/ /17 iqt/ /14-1 /75/F /1111/13/ /12 ity/ 1010 - 54 /86/AH/1010/64/ /0.6 / 18. SOIL CBABACTERISTICS Properties a. Tertore: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peafcsoil •tueralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K20: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CXC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i.'Soil Heaction:topsoil sobsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid snlph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. XEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAB/BB0FILE: 21. L.0. 2 2 . SÜ0PE: 2 3 . SfcOTE DISTB.: 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TESBAXH: 26. CHEST/BUDGES: 27. VALUE! FLOCH: 28. LAUD FACETS: 29. FBAGMHBTATiaB: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained low low low very low — -very low very low low low strong acid strong acid very low very low — ----1.4 2.5 0 Associated 1 Associated 2 medium moderately fine very deep Poorly drained low low very low very low very low very low medium low strong acid very strong acid very low very low 0.0 0.0 0 2.5 1.1 0 ""•••• 90 m Mi ni m m : 50 m Bange: 70 m Dominant.: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Low c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 10 % Interfluves : 0-81:80 % 9-25X: 10 X. 25-55X: 0 % a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m c. Variability: Low a. Shape: Level b. Lengtln:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Flat top/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 60X -2- middle & lower slopes, dystropepts, 30Î -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4Valleys: Small blocks ImterOjmres: Large blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 22: 3 23: 3 24: 3 28: 2 29: 3 31. ADDTTIOHAL BOIES: Representative profiles for Kanhapudults and Tropaquepts are extrapolated from sheet 1111. 1010 - 55 LABO n u r LBEP-SDBH, CSR-BOGO8 REPCBT BLOCK S H ry n i IH - acid tuffslcoaise felsic sediientarv rodes .1. USD raiT: Idq.4.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. ABEA: 111 km2 4 . nrrnpiaariM: b y ERD7IBCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . SIATOS HJEBTTFUBS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAND OBIT DESCHIPTIGEI: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling acid tuff plain, acid tuffs and 7 . SATELLITE SCXMES coarse felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 3-15% : 8 . AERIAL BBDI0G8AFHS : 1:100.000 g . BABAS : Star-1/250/88/1010-5 56 /829A-35 1 0 . PAHEHTT MATESIAL 11. BOCK OOnCSOP: 0 % a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : dacite, liparite, sandstone c. Foxmation : Qlv 12. HATEB- a. Quality : Fresh b. Source 13. FISHERIES : Perennial River, Medium wells : None 14. RXVE8S a. Floodrisk : None b . ifTTHinnia^qit-ïqn ; None 15. VBGEÏAUCH/LAHD OSE : , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Axea osed : 90 X 16. ACCELEBATED EBOSIOB a. Occorence : Common b . Evidence : Various 17. SOIL G8EAI Z of area Classification Lab. checked Damimant >SOZ kanhapludults 55 X yes Associated 1 dystropepts 35 X yes Associated 2 tropaquepts 10 X yes 32 _ HHMIKK^Jiïï ATTI yreFW*FnrTR> : udh/ /84-19 /85/US/1010/14/ iqt/ /84-17 /75/dn/1010/23/ /9 ity/ 1010 - 56 /340-31 /85/dn/1010/62/ /26 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Ercfa. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: metbod topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pffl 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Réaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tozicity : 1. Acid solph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Tozicity: o. Root obstc. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Itartiwmt > 501 fine fine Associated 1 medium — Associated 2 fine moderately fine very deep Well drained low low very low very low Bray I very low very low very low very low low very low strong acid very strong acid very high very high yes very shallow salt free deep Well drained -— low very low low very low -— moderately acid strong acid -— -— — deep Poorly drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low very low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid very high very high yes -salt free 125 cm 1.9 0.4 0 1.6 0.0 2 125 cm 1.9 0.7 0 — — 150 m MUniQum: 60 m Range: 80 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: b. density: Moderate 2 1 . L.D. D3ADBASE: a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium 2 2 . SLOPE: a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottons: 10 % Interfluves : 0-81:55 %, 9-251: 35 X, 25-551: 0 % 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium . b. Variability: Medium 2 5 . TEHRAIB: Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m 26. a. Shape: Level b. Lengtto:Moderately long c. Variability: Low d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low 2 7 . VALUE! FLOOK: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Crest/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 55% 2 8 . LAND FACETS: -2- Middle & lower slopes, dystropepts, 35% -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% -429. IBACMSHTATIOH: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Large blocks 1 9 . AUXTODE: 20. 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADOITIGHAL BOTES: Representative profiles for Kandihapludults and Tropaquepts are extrapolated from sheet 1111. 1010 - 57 LR£P~SDBM, CSR~BOGOR LAHB m m REFOBT CROSS SBCTICS: BLOCK DIAGRAM: alluiial sediients 1. LAHB D M T : Pg.4.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 4. immun« :«. by FSDWIHCE: Lampung: 99% «cid plutonic rocks 3. AREA: 66 km2 5. STATUS iBunniUBs : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final. 6. LABD OBIT DESCHIFTICH: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling plain, acid plutonic rock, slopes3-15% 123/64/30/05/85 7. SATELLITE 1:100.000 56 /8294-39 9. RADAR Star-1/250/88/1010 - 5 10. BAREST MATERIAL 11. BOCK aOTCSOP: 0 % a. Weathering High sand, granodiorite, dioritp b. Litbology Kgr c. Formation Fresh 12. HATER a. Quality Perennial River, Deep wells b. Source None 13. FISHERIES None 14. KIVEKS a. Floodrisk b . Imnradatiom None 15. VEGEXATK3S/LAHD OSE upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland Area used 16. ACCELESATEO ESOSIdB a. Occorence b. Evidence 17. son. rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages 90 % Common Various mane Dominant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults Z of area 65 X 30 X tropaquepts 32. BEEBESEHTATXVE FBQFILES ity/ /84-2 5X uda/ /7a / 1010 - 58 Lab. checked yes yes no /87/er/1010/24/ /42 is. s o n . CBAHACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsail subsoil peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Erch. K: topsoil Dominant > SOX fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine very deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low low low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid very low very low no deep Well drained medium medium very low very low Bray I very low very low low medium very low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes 2.7 0.9 0 98 cm 1.6 3.3 0 Associated 2 b. Depth: subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: g. h. i. j. k. 1. a. n. o. p. q. r. Method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstx. layer : Organic Hatter : TIB : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 2 1 . L.O. QBAIHASE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISIB.: 2 4 . PFirimng ètWU..-. 2 5 . TFHHaATTH2 6 . C8EST/RHDGES: 2 7 . VAUEI FLOOR: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 29. IBACMEHTATICH: 0.0 0.0 0 150 m Minimum: 100 m Range: 110 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: low b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight Valleybottoas: S% Interfloves : 0-81:60 % 9-25X: 35 %, 25-551: 0 % a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level c. Variability: Low b. length:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Slopes, dystropepts, 65% -2- Convex Top/Crests, hapludults, 30% -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 5% -4Valleys: Small blocks Imterflmves: Medium blocks 30. HEUABHJtTï: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 l*.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AHDXTXQSAI. BOTES: Representative profiles for Dystropepts and Hapludults are extra polated from other L.U. 1010 - 59 L U D OBIT HEKKT IfiEP-SDEM, BLOCS D U O A M : SECXXC23: B.l.3.3 P.4.2 P.4.2 K.3.2 A/'VSA, /:• '.--•:} I <=• •etaiorphic rocks leUiorBÈic acid plutonic rodcs 1. LABD CHIT: . F t n . 4 . 2 2. MSP SHEET: 1010 3. ABE&: 116 km2 4. n m u t M a t by ESCWBCE: Lampung: 99% s . SXÄTOS njKsnriFiEKS Updated by: AH edit, date: 20/06/89 Status: Final : 6. LAID raSIT DESCaiPTICH: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling plain, metamorphic rocks, slopes 3-15%. 7_ 123/64/30/05/85, 124/64/30/05/85 8 . AyPTATT.. IMWIBVII*3BAvta 1:100.000 56 /8294-39 9. HÄlttftH Star-1/250/88/1010 - 5 10. VtMEBI MftTEKlÄL 11. BOCK aOTCSßP: 0 % a. Heatbexing High b . Littoology gneiss, schists pTse c . Foiatation Fresh 12. H t m a. Quality Perennial River, Medium wells b . Source None 14. HIVEKS a. Floodrisk None None 1 5 . VBSETÄTI08/LAHD OSE area used 16. ACCEUEBaXED EBOSICB a. Cccurence b. upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 99 I Common Various 17. SOn. GBE&T GSOOF Dandmaiit >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. udh/ iqt/ Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts TATIWE ÎBDFTLES: /340-52 /71/SD/1010/62/ /340 /71/DN/1010/64/ X of area 60 X 35 Z 5% ity/ /14 /23 1010 - 60 lab. checked yes • yes yes /184-1 /68/IS/1010/64/ /50 / 18. Tl<HMlll li ivft a. Texture: b. c. d. e. t. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •dneralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total S2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: metbod topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pO 7 topsoil »aihsoil Soil Heaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al taxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Taxicity: Boot cbstr. layer : Organic Matter : TBB : Total observations: Dominant > 501 moderately fine moderately fine Associated 1 medium fine ciated 2 medium moderately fine very deep Well drained very low very low low low Bray I very low very low medium very low very low very low slightly acid moderately acid very low very low no moderately deep Well drained very low very low medium very low Bray I very low very low medium medium very low very low moderately acid very strong acid deep Poorly drained 2.1 0.0 2 3.3 1.8 2 very low very low low very low strong acid strong acid 0.5 0.0 1 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ISO m Minimum: 90 m Bange: 120 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60Ï of area flat-topped PIABI/ÏBQFTLE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate L.O. BSAHSftGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium SLOPE: c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Corvatore: straight SLOPE DISTE.: Valleybottans: 5X Interfloves : 0-8X:70 %, 9-25X: 25 X, 25-55X: 0 X B>Ft..TFF JMMIWT..T a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium TggnATMundulating 2- SX, 0-50 m a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium CBEST/HIDSES: d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low VALLEST FLOCK a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, kanhapludults, 60% LAHD FACETS: -2- Interfluves, dystropepts, 35X -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 5X -4Interfloves: Medium blocks FBAEMEHTATIOH: Valleys: 30. H1Kf.TABTT.TTY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4° plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 1 28: 2 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL SOXES: 1010 - 61 LBEP-*3DBM, C3K~*BOG0R BLOCS DIAGSAM: J W P.4.2 P.5.2 P.4.2 P.4.2 acid plutonic rocks alluriil' adiKnts 1 . L A » BBIT: P g . 5 . 2 2 . MftP SHEET: 1 0 1 0 acid plutonic redo 3 . AREA: 4 2 km2 4 . tuaTumtwnuiriw. b y SBOSTDBCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS njHSrEFUSS : Updated by: AH e d i t d a t e : 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAUD ŒSTT OESCBIPnOB: Moderately dissected rolling plain, acid plutonic rocks, slopes 8-15%. 7. SAÜELLHTE H^MMKK : 8 . AERIAL ffflOTOGSAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . BADaS : Star-1/250/88/1010-5 56 /8294~37 10. PAHfflnr M»TBBTAî- 1 1 . BOCK OTTCSOP: 0 X a . Heatfaering : High b. Litbology : granite, c. Foxmation : Kgr 12. K&HH granodiorite, a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Deep wells 13. FISHERIES : None 14. KIVEBS a. Floodrisk : None '. b. Imumdation: None 15. VBKEDUnQB/lABID USE : bush, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, coconut (kelapa), towns, villages Area used : 90 % 16. ACCELERATED EBOSXÖ9 a. Qccorence : Common b. Evidence : Various '17. SOU. GSEAT G8ÖDP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults tropaquepts Z of area Lab. checked yes yes no 65 % 30 X 5X 32. BEEKESEOTATIVE PBOFHLES: ity/ / /87/ER/1010/24/ /42 / uda/ 1010 - 62 /84-2 /85/AH/1010/64/ /7a / 18. SOU. CHABACTEBISTICS Properties Dominant > 501 a. Texture: topsoil fine subsoil fine b. Depth: peatsoil nineralsoil very deep Well drained c. Drainage: d. Exclu. S: topsoil medium subsoil medium e. Total K2O: topsoil medium subsoil medium Bray I f. Avail. P: method very low topsoil very low subsoil low g. Total F: topsoil subsoil low h. CEC pB 7 topsoil medium subsoil medium i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil very low k. Al toxicity : no 1. Acid sulph. pot.: ni. Salinity : m. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obskur, layer : p. Organic Matter : 2.7 q. TUB : 0.9 r. Total observations: 0 19. 20. 2 1 . L.O. 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE BISTB.: 2 4 . BELIEF AMELI.: 2 5 . TEBBAIH: 2 6 . CBEST/BIBSES: 2 7 . VAIXEÏ FLOCK: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 2 9 . FBAQfflBSTAÏIGB: Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 deep Well drained medium medium very low very low Bray I very low very low low medium very low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes 98 cm 1.6 3.3 0 0.0 0.0 0 ISO m Kimiaamm: 100 m Bange: 120 m : non-linear and random 40-60X of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping c. Length: moderate Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 5% Interfiles : 0-81:20 X, 9-25X: 65 %, 25-551: 10 % a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level c. Variability: Medium b. Length: Long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Slopes, dystropepts, 65% -2- Convex tops/Crests, hapludults, 30% -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 5% -4Valleys: Small blocks Interfftaves: Medium blocks 30. WEI.TAim.TTr: 1= reliable. 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 3 31. AOOTTIOBAI. DOTES: Repesentative profiles for Dystropepts and Hapludults are extrapo lated from other L.U. 1010 - 63 LBEP-SDBM, CSK-BOBQ8M KBIT REPOST CSOSS SECTIOB: IMAGE: V.l.4.2 ZS@r 1 . 1AHD D D T : V a b . 1 . 2 . 3 -tolcanic rods titenediiteniflc tnffimflc latu 2. M&P SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 193 km2 4 . otXOBBBCE b y FS091ECE: Lampung: 99% 5 _ smunois Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . L A B Hfflll DESCHIPÎ1C0: Strongly dissected upper slopes of volcanoes,intermidiate and mafic tuffs an d lavas, slopes >30X 124/6A/30/05/85 7 . SATEUUTTE 8. 1:100.000 ATPlttTTA 9 . BADAB 55 /8295-71 , 52 /8296-85 , 54 /8296~63 : Star-1/250/88/1010 4-5 1 0 . PABEEnr MMTESIAI. 11. HOCK OOTtKOP: 10 % a . Weathering : Slight b . Lltifasology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c . Formation : Qhv 1 2 . H&TEB « a . Q u a l i t y : Fresh b . Source : Rain, Perennial River : None 1 3 . FXSSSESXES 1+. BXVQBS a . F l o o d r i s k : None b. Izmmdafcioxi: None i s . wB&Ewmm/ism USE : moist primary lowland forest, moist primary submontane forest, bush, coffee (kopi) Area used 15 X 16. AOCELEBATEB E80BIDH a. Ocomrence Common b. Various Evidence 1 7 . SOU. iS&EAT CT00P Classification Z of area Lab.-checked Dttannant >SBZ dystrandepts 50 % yes Associated 1 troporthents 30 % no Associated 2 humitropepts 10 % yes 3 2 . HHPHESEKTATTWE HBDFIIUES: iny/ 7 /87/hj/1010/61/ /30 / ith/ /340-47 /71/H /1010/61/ /73 / ith/ 1010 - 64 /340-47 /71/H /1010/61/ /73 / 18. SOIL OHABACTISISTICS Pj.opert.ies Dominant > 50Z medium a. Texture': topsail subsoil medium b. c. d. e. £. g. n. i. j. k. 1. m. n. 0. p. q_ Depth: Associated 1 Associated 2 medium medium peattsoil mineraXsoil Drainage: Excn. K: topsoil subsoil Total 820: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil smbsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CBC p9 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil smbsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulpb. pot.. : Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot, obstr. layer : Organic Matter : ir»jw : 1. Total observations: 19. AUITIBE: 20. 21. L.O. 22. SI0PE: 23. SflTitnptP' DISTM. : 24. BFiï..TFIF A M P L I . : 25. TESHABST: 26. CHEST/HEDGES: 2 7 . VALLET F1LODB: 28. LAND FACETS: 29. fBA&OTATXQB!: deep moderately deep Well drained very low very low low low Bray I very low very low very high very high very low very low strong acid slightly acid very low very low medium very low Bray I very low very low high medium very low very low excessive acid moderately acid 11.2 2.0 2 0.0 0.0 0 14.3 0.0 2 Bange: 800 m : 2000 m Mtninaim: 600 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: radial c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High a. Steepness:very steep d. Variability: Medium c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex Valleybottans: % Interfluves : HI-SS :0 % 9-25Ï: 10 %, 25-55Ï: 40 %, >55X: 50 % b. Variability: High a. Amplitude: very high Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Very irregular b. Lengtth:Long c . V a r i a b i l i t y : High d. Width: moderate e. Variability: High a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Middle parts, dystrandepts, 50% -2- Upper parts/Crests, troporthents, 30% -3- Lower parts, humitropepts, 10% -4- Rock out crop, 10% Valleys: Intterfluves: 30. BELlABlLnrï: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-«j: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AMJITKIIW. KOTES: no analysed p r o f i l e for Troporthents 1010 - 65 (eot) LAHD BOIT IHEP-SDBM, CSB-BOGQBM MAP IMAGE: SECÏTCM: T ,»'. rJM-lL.i. I V.l.4.2 1 . um miT: Vab.l.3.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 424 km2 4 . njunimrw.JC. b y BBOVIIBCE: Lampung: 99X s. sx&ms Updated by: AH edit, date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LASBD QJIfiMT DE9CSXPTIQ9: Strongly dissected middle slopes of volcanoes, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 16-50% 7. RAT1B1..ÏÏ..IlTW 8 . *1JPTJDLÏÏ. 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 g. BAD&S 54 /8296-69 , 52 /8296-83 , 55 /8296-71 Star-1/250/88/1010 4-5 10. P&BBm iMi»TipitT«iT.. a. 11. BOCK tflmatUP: 10 X Partial b. litlnolcgy andesitic tuffs, basalt, andesitic lavas c. Formation Qhv a. Quality Fresh b. Perennial River 1 2 . H&XER 13. Heatlœring Source flSHESHS None 14. EIVEHS a . F l o c d r i s k b. XraomidaitïQii 15. VBGE3ÄTI0H/L*JSD USE None None moist primary lowland forest, bush, upland crops, horticultural crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages &rea o s e d 16. 50 % tATHn ÜBOSIGSI a . Occnurence Common b . Evidence Various 17. SOIL QBE&T GSODP Classification Z of area lab. checked Dominant >50Z humitropepts 55 X Associated 1 dystrandepts 20 X yes yes Associated 2 troporthents 15 X no 32. KEEBESEOTATWE H8QFHJES ity/ / /87/hk/1010/54/ /17 / ith/ /86-17 /81/sr/1010/21/ /01 / iny/ 1010 - 66 /87/hj/1010/61/ /30 is. son. cHSBàcnBisncs Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. n. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil nfneralsoil Drainage: Each. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulpb. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TJE8 : Total observations: 19. 2 0 . PLAH/PSDSFXLE: 2 1 . IL.ro. BHAEMGE: 2 2 . S£jUU£E: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF d M P U . : 25. 26. 27. VALLEY FU0CH: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 29. Damnant > SOX fine fine Associated 1 medium medium very deep Well drained medium low medium very low Bray I very low very low very high very high medium low excessive acid excessive acid high medium yes deep Well drained very low very low medium very low Bray I very low very low high medium very low very low excessive acid moderately acid 120 cm 5.0 1.3 4 11.2 2.0 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 1000 m t&mijEinmi: 200 m Bange: 800 m Dominant: linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: linear and random < 40% of area flat-topped a. Pattern: radial b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High a. Steepness:mod. steep d. Variability: High c. Length: long e. Curvature: straight Valleybottons: 0 % Imterflraves : 0-81:5 7., 9-25Z: 20 %, 25-551: 50 %, >55X: 25 % a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16%,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: High b. Length:Long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Midth: b. Variability: -1- Lower& middle parts, humitropepts, 55% -2- Middle parts, dystrandepts, 20% -3- Upper patrs, troporthents, 15% - 4 - Rock out crops, 10% Valleys: Small blocks Interduves: Small blocks 30. BEUABXLX1IY: 1= reliable. 2= probable, 3° tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AmuuLXJUJiSAL BOXES: Representative profile for Dystrandepts is extrapolated from other LU. 1010 - 67 LAMD OBIT LBEP-SÜBH, IMAGE: •BOSS SECTICB: 1. LAHD OBIT: Vab.I.A.2 4 . OOCmiEBCE b y HffiOTIHCE 5. Slams 6 . I.ATO g g n DESCHIPTÎOH 7. RATTTET i . || TV. 8 . AIPMTM, leUTOGSAEHS 9 . BABAR 10. PAHEHT MUXBIAL a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Formation 12. «AXES a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVEES a. FLoodrisk OSE 13. CSK-BOBŒM Area used 16. AOCELEKATED E80SICI9 a. Occnrence b. Evidence 2. MftP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 523 km2 Lampung: 99% Ppdated by: AH edit: date: 20/06/89 Status: Final Moderately dissected lower slopes of volcanoes, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-15%. 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 52 /8296-83 , 55 /8295-79 , 55 /8295-71 Star-1/250/88/1010,4-5 11. BOCK OOTC80P: 5% Partial andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt Qhv Fresh Perennial River None None None moist primary lowland forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, horticultural crops, ralnfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 70 i Common Various 17. SOIL GBEAT GSOTP Classification humitropepts dystropepts dystrandepts Damnant >5OZ Associated 1 Associated 2 m ith/ iny/ / / Z of area 50 X 20 X 20 X Lab. checked yes yes yes ma /87/ua/1010/54/ /87/ua/1010/54/ /6 / /14 / 1010 - 68 ity/ /87/US/1010/53/. /16 / 1« «sniTi n u n r n n s n n Associated 1 moderately coarse fine -very deep Somewhat excessively medium very low very high high Bray I very low very low very low very low low low very strong acid strong acid high high yes --— 120 cm 1.6 1.0 5 DoMnant > 501 moderately fine fine b. Depth: -—jitoiraiKnil very deep Well drained c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil high subsoil very high e. Total K20: topsoil very high subsoil very high £. Avail. P: method Bray I topsoil very low subsoil very low g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil very low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil medium low subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil strong acid very low j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil very low — k. Al toxicity : — 1. Acid sulph. pot.: -m. Salinity : n. Other Taxicity: -— o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 4.3 8.0 q. TEB : 1 r. Total observations: Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil peatsoil Associated 2 fine fine — moderately deep Well drained very low very low low medium Bray I very low very low medium low very low very low very strong acid very strong acid low medium yes — -— 120 cm 3.9 2.0 2 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAB/P8QFILE: Mxxiama: 1000 m Ifiniümaiiii: 100 m B a n g e : 750 m Dominant: linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked 21. L.0. mRATlIMTE: a. Pattern: dendritic b . den!sity: Mod. hish c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High 22. SLOPE: a. Steepness:sloping d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 10 % 23. sum: DISTR. : Imterflraros : 0-81:10 %, 9-25Z: 60 %, 25-551: 20 % b. Variability: High 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI. a. Amplitude: medium 2 5 . TEHKAUB: Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m 26. CREST/BUDGES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: very wide e. Variability: High 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Medium 28. LAND FACETS: -1- Lower parts, humitropepts, 50% -2- upper parts, dystropepts, 20% -3- middle parts, dystrandepts, 20% -4- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% 29. FBAGMESTATIGH: Valleys: Small blocks Interdoves: Large blocks 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 31. = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 ADDITIOttL BOTES: 1010 - 69 , CSS-HOGCSM LAHD HSÎT HEFCHT MAF IHBGE: SBCTICH: Ä.2.1.2 1 . LAHB HffllT: Vab.1.4.3 2. MAP SWEPT- 1010 3. AREA: 446 km2 4 . OCCnSMCE b y HKWII3CE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STÄUBE HJEHTUTEBS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . ILASIID EUUBIJLX DESCHUTIOBI: Strongly dissected lower slopes of volcanoes, intermediate and mafic tuffs 7 . SÄHBUUTTE and lavas, slopes 8-15% 124/64/30/05/85 8 . »WlgTAT- HBOOTGSÄME 1:100.000 9 . HMMK Star-1/250/88/1010 4-5 54 /8296"65 , 54 /8296-69 , 4 10. /8282-113 11. BUCK OETTCSaP: a. Heatberims b. Utbology c. Formation 12. H&XBK a. Quality Fresh Perennial River None 1 4 . RITOSS a . F l o o d r i s k b_ andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt Qhv b . Sonucce 13. F1SH3EHEES 5 X Partial TiiiiiiBffnilafrü rvm 1 5 . VH^EHÄTIOIBI/IiAHiD I1ÜS£E None None moist primary lowland forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, horticultural crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used 60 % a. Qccmremce Common b. Evidence Various 16. 17. son. Classification Z of area Lab. checked yes Dandinant >50Z humitropepts 50 % Associated 1 dystropepts 25 % yes Associated 2 dystrandepts 20 % yes ity/ ith/ / /87/ua/1010/63/ /5 / iny/ / /87/ua/1010/54/ /14 / 1010 - 70 /340-1 /71/dn/1010/63-/ /3 Dominant > SOX fine fine -b. Depth: very deep Well drained c. Drainage: medium d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil medium medium e. Total K2O: topsoil medium subsoil Bray I £. Avail. P: method very low topsoil very low subsoil medium g. Total P: topsoil medium subsoil medium b. CEC p9 7 topsoil low subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil excessive acid very low j. Al Sat. topsoil high subsoil k. Al toxicity : yes -1. Acid sulph. pat.: — ra. Salinity : -n. Other Toxicity: 120 cm o. Soot obstr. layer : 3.3 p. Organic Matter : 3.0 q. TEB : 1 r. Total observations: Properties a. Textare: Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained medium low low very low Bray I very low very low low low medium low strong acid very strong acid -— --— -— 4.2 3.6 4 topsoil subsoil peatsoil Associated 2 fine fine — moderately deep Well drained very low very low low medium Bray I very low very low medium low very low very low very strong acid very strong acid low medium yes -— -120 cm 3.9 2.0 0 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 800 m Mininmm: 300 m Bange: 500 m Dominant: linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked PIAH/ÏBQFILE: Included: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic L.O. D8AHHASJE: c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High a. Steepaess:sloping SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex SLOPE Valleybottons: 5 % Xmterfiboves : O-8Z:1S % 9-25X: 60 %, 25-55Z: 20 % WW-TEP AMPLI.; a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: High TEmaflirmRolling 9-15%, 0-50 m CHEST/BIDSES: c. Variability: High a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Long d. Width: wide e. Variability: High VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low LAUD FACETS: -1- Lower parts, humitropepts, 50% -2- Upper parts, dystropepts, 25% -3- Middle patrs, dystrandepts, 20% -*- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 5% FHAQMEBTATIQSI: Valleys: Small blocks InterflLraves: Medium blocks 30. BEUABSLITT: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AUUUTIUBAL SUITES: Representative profile for Dystrandepts is extrapolated from other L.U. 1010 - 71 U H D HOTT HEFOBT IBEP-SOBM, CSK-BOSŒM MAP B Ö G E : SECTIQH 2. MAP SMEET: 1010 3. AREA: 81 km2 Lampung: 99% Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Statins: Final 5. sins e. LAID nnnr DESCSIFTIOIS: Slightly dissected undulating volcanic plain, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 3-8% 123/64/30/05/85, 124/64/30/05/85 7 . SATEULXTE 1:100.000 56 /8294-41 , 57 /8292-77 8 . ATHinrAïï.: Star-1/250/88/1010-4-3 9 . RADAR 1 . LAMB EMIT: Vab.2.2.1 4 . QOEnRESEE b y ii. sacs cmncaaP: o % 1 0 . EftHESnr «WTBBTAL 12. 13. 14. 15. High a . WnmthpriiTig andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt b . Litbology Qhv c . Foxmation Fresh HBUTEB a. QmaUtty Perennial River b. Source None FISDER1XS None BIVBBS a. Floodrisk b . TniiiiiifliiilatïoiD None VHGEIAnaH/XABU USE upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 100 % Area msed 16. a. Occorence b. Evidence 17. Common Various S O I L ffSRFATT G&OIIJP Dominant >5OZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Z of area 50 I 20 % 20 X Classification dystropepts humitropepts hapludults 32. SIeXBESBSnTAXXVl! PBOFTLES: /340-17 /71/DN/1010/62/ ity/ uda/ /340-14 /71/DN/1010/62/ /39 / /030/ 1010 - 72 ith/ Lab. checked yes yes yes /87/US/1010/54/ /002/ 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Dominant > 501 a. Textare: topsoil fine subsoil fine b. Depth: - peafcsoil raûnecalsoil very deep Well drained c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil very low very low subsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil sdbsoil very low £. Avail. F: method Bray I topsoil very low subsoil very low g. Total P: topsoil low low subsoil h. CTC p9 7 topsoil very low subsoil very low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. al toxicity : 1. acid «"Hf** pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Natter : 1.3 q. TEB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 1 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 2 1 . L.D. BHAIBIftSE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE BISTft.: 2 4 . «gUTIglir AMPLI.: 2 5 . TBBTO>T1I- 26. Q8E5T/RHQGES: 27. VALIES FIDOS: 28. IAMB FACETS: 2 9 . F8AGME9TATIGIH: 3 0 . B1Kir.TABiri.nnr: lO.b : 2 18.d-q: 2 12.a: 1 19: 2 Associated 1 moderately fine moderately fine Associated 2 moderately fine fine very deep Well drained high medium high medium Bray I very low very low medium very low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid medium medium yes deep Moderately well very low very low high very high Bray I very low very low high medium very low very low neutral neutral 120 cm 3.6 3.1 0 1.5 0.0 0 Maximum: 400 m tüminnams: 150 m Sauge: 170 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 602 of area flat-topped Included: No pronounced highs/lows a'. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping ' b. Variability: Medium c. Length: extremely d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottams : : 10 % InterflLioves : : 0-81:60 0-81:60 %, 9-251: 20 %, 25-551: 10 X . a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Low low Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Hidth: narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 55% -2- Interfluves, humitropepts, 15% -3- Interfluves, hapludults, 20% -4- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% Valleys: Small blocks Interftaves: Large blocks 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 IS.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITKMAL BOIES: Representative profiles for Humitropepts and Hapludults are extrapolated from other L.U. 1010 - 73 um «crr LBEP-SDBM, CS8-B0GCSM SECTIGH 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 74 km2 Lampung: 99% Updated by: Ah edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final Slightly dissected undulating volcanic plain, acid tuffs, slopes 3-8% 7. SATELLITE SCBSES 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 52 /8296-87 8. ASBIflL 9. SABAS Star-1/250/88/1010-5-6 10. KAarar 11. BOCX OQTQBC8P: 0 % a. HeatheriHK Partial b. Lithology dacite c. Formation Qrv Fresh 12. Sfi&TES a. Quality b. Scarce Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES None None 14. BXVH2S a. Flccdrisk b . ImaKBdatïcin None 15. VBGETATICH/LAHD OSE bush, upland crops, horticultural crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), towns, villages 90 X Area osed 1. 4. 5. 6. UHD HUT: V d . 2 . 2 . 1 naaumtum-E by WtXJK STATUS nJEHOTTEHS LAM) uaiix 16. a. Occorence b . Evidence Localised Gulleys 17. SOU. «PEAT QBGDP >50X associated 1 Associated 2 32. iny/ ine/ / / Classificatie dystrandepts humitropepts eutrandepts TATXWE PS0FILES: /87/HK/1010/53/ /87/US/1010/53/ X of area 60 % 30 % 10 X ith/ /ll / /20 / 1010 - 74 Lab. checked yes yes yes /87/ÜS/1010/53/ /21 / 18. SOIL CBABACXEKISTXCS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mriiinimr»11 '="'• 1 c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2Q: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Heaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulpm. pat. : n. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PIAH/HSUFUJE: 21. L . 0 . EBAŒ&SE: 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE IJISTH. : 2*. 25. 26. HMEOTEF AMPLI.: TEBBAUH: CHEST/BUDGES: 27. 28. VALLEST FLOCK: L A B FACETS: 29. Benmieant > 501 moderately fine moderately coarse -deep Well drained medium very high high high --very high low high high moderately acid slightly acid low -no ----6.7 3.7 2 Associated 1 moderately fine moderately fine -very deep Well drained medium low very high high Bray I very low very low very high medium medium medium strong acid moderately acid very low very low no --— -6.3 2.5 2 Associated 2 moderately coarse moderately coarse -very deep Imperfectly drained low medium very high very high Bray I medium medium low low low medium moderately acid moderately acid very low very low no -— — — 5.6 8.1 1 •: 1100 m Münimmn: 800 m Bange: 850 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium c. Length: long d. Variability: High e. Curvature: straight Valleybottoms: 10 % Interfluves : 0-81:70 %, 9-25Ï: 20 %, 25-55Z: 0 % a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium Undulating 2- SX, 0-50 m a. Shape: b. Lengtn: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: High -1- Interfluves, dystrandepts, 60% -2- Interfluves & valleys, humitropepts, 30% -3- Interfluves, eutrandepts, 10% -•Valleys: Small blocks Imterdnves: Large blocks 30. BELIABILITÏ: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 l«.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-i5: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADIDXTXaSAL BOXES: 1010 - 75 LBEP-SDB4, CSB-BpBCBM HUGE: C8OSS SBCTICB 1 . L&HD tffllT: V a b . 2 . 2 . 2 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. ABE&: 198 km2 4 . naanimrjim. by BBOTISCE: Lampung: 99X adit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final s . STATUS unsnnFZEBS : Updated by: AH 6 . IABDD U U T DESCHIPTIOIB: Moderately dissected undulating volcanic plain, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 3-8Ï. 124/64/30/05/85 7. 8. 1:100.000 9. Star-1/250/88/1010-3-5 10 56 /8294-43 , 53 /8316-155 11. BOCK UUTUÜOP: »BEBT »aiTBBTAT. 0% a. Weathering : High b . LitfaDlogy : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c . Formation : Qhv 1 2 . HUUfi a. Q u a l i t y : Fresh : Perennial River, Deep wells b . Source 1 3 . FISHERIES : None 14. KJVSSS a. Floodriak : None b . lummdatiom: None 15. VBSEIATIOS/LftSD TOSE :secondary forest, bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coconut (kelapa), coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used 90 X 16. ACCELERATED EBOSICH a. Qccmrence Common b. Evidence Various 1 7 . SOIL CTEAT G8OTP Classification Z of area Lab. checked Dcnrnamt >SOZ dystropepts 50 % Associated 1 humitropepts 20 % yes yes Associated 2 hapludults 20 X yes 32. ity/ /340-55 /71/SK/1010/62/ /32 / uda/ /340-14 /71/DN/1010/62/ /30 / ith/ 1010 - 76 /87/US/1010/54/ /02 / 18. SOIL CHABaCTEBISTICS Properties a. Teztimre: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mimeraisoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil stribsoil e. Total K2Q: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil to. CGC pffl 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Eeactiom:topsoil subsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid stmlpb. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. fötal observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLSM/fSDFIlLE: 21. L.0. 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTB.: 24. 25. TERBAUBI: 26. Dominant > 502 moderately fine moderately fine -deep Moderately well --very high very high -— low very low — -slightly acid slightly acid ------— 11.2 0,0 5 Ml»« nmnum- 925 m MünimcnB: 150 m Range: 850 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Inclmled: No pronounced highs/lows b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:gently sloping d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Corvatore: convex Valleybottoms: 10 % Imterflraves : 0-81:65 X, 9-251: 25 Z, 25-55Z: 0 % b. Variability: Medium a. Amplitude: low Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m CSEST/anJGES: d. Width: 27. VALLEY FUKR: 28. L a » FACETS: 29. IBÄGMEBTATIOIH: Associated 2 moderately fine fine -deep Moderately well very low very low high very high Bray I very low very low high medium very low very low neutral neutral ---— — — — 1.5 0.0 Associated 1 moderately fine moderately fine -very deep Well drained high medium high medium Bray I very low very low medium very low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid medium medium yes — --120 cm 3.6 3.1 2 b. ïïjngtlh: e. Variability: b. Variability: Low c. Variability: a. Width: very narrow - 1 - Interfluves, dystropepts, 50% - 2 - Interfluves, humitropepts, 20% -3- Interfluves, hapludults, 20% -*- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% Valleys: Small blocks Interfliaves: Large blocks 30. mg.TABTT.TTg: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADIDXTXlWIi. BOXES: 1010 - 77 IHEP-SBBM, CSB-B0S08M m i r REPOST MftP DfflGE: QBOSS SEO1QS 1. U U » I T : V a b . 2 . 3 . 2 2 . M&P SHEET: 1010 3 . AHEA: 233 km2 4 . o» » iiimyim-»' b y ffiOKOTCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATO5 HJBHTIITEBS : Bpdated by: AH e d i t dat«: 20/06/89 S tatous: F i n a l 6 . HAB nmCT BESCKÏEnCIH: Moderately dissected rolling volcanic plain, mafic tuffs intermediate and and lavas, slopes .8-15%. 7. SÄHHULOT SCEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8 . AEHIM. PaonrOGBABBS : 1:100.000 9 . BADAS : Star-1/250/88/1010 4-5 56 /8294-35 , 55 / 8 2 9 5 - 7 3 10. PABHHT MATERIAL , 54 /8296-67 I I . 'WKX. OOTCHOP: 0 % a . W e a t h e r i n g : Partial b. Litbology : andesitic t u f f s , c. Formation : Qhv 12. H&XEB andesitic lavas, basalt a. Quality : Fresh b. Source 13. FISHEBXES : Perennial River : None 14. SIVEBS a. Flocdrisk : None b. TTnmnrnriatftLU muni • None 15. VHSEHATIOH/ILAIBD OSE r secondary forest, bush, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 60 X 1 6 . AOEE1UEBAIEO EBQSKM a. Occarence : Common b . Evidence : Various 1 7 . SOIL OTEftT GBOOF Classification Z of area toaniiwBt. >50Z dystropepts 55 % Associated 1 humitropepts 30 X Associated 2 hapludults 10 % Lab. checked yes yes yes 3 2 . BEEBESES1AXILVE FBQFILES ity/ / /87/ES/1010/54/ /06 / uda/ / /87/UA/1010/54/ /08 / ith/ 1010 - 78 / /87/HK/1010/54/ /28 18. SOIL CBftHACTEBISTICS Properties a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil oieeralsoii Dominant > 501 fine Associated 1 medium Associated 2 fine moderately fine fine deep very deep Well drained fine -- -- very deep Well drained c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsoil subsoil Well drained very low e. Total K2O: topsoil very low high very low very low low low low subsoil high t. Avail. P: method topsoil Bray I very low very high high Bray I very low subsoil very low very low Bray I very low very low g_ Total P: topsoil high low very high very low medium low very low very high high medium subsoil b. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Sail Reaction;topsail subsoil topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. k. Al toxicity : very low low medium very strong acid very strong acid excessive acid very low very low moderately acid very low no no excessive acid excessive acid high very low very high yes 1. Acid sulph. pot.: -- -- -- m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : --- --- --- p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: -- -- 4.0 2.0 5.3 6.1 2 1 1.1 3 19. AUUTUIUE: 2© _ PLftEIƒ P3ÛFIUE : Maximum: 1250 m 21. L.O. a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: Moderate c. a. c. e. b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE BISTE.. : Minim».»- 120 cm 2.7 200 m Bange: 750 m ©ominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: Variability: medium Steepness:sloping Length: long Curwatmre: convex Valleybottans: 5 % Imterfibnwes 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: : 0-81:20 %, 9-25X: 60 %, 25-55Z: 15 % b . Variability: Medium a. Amplitude: medium 25. TEKKABH: Rolling 26. QJEST/BIBGES: 27. VALLET FLOCK: 28. LAND FACETS: 9-15%, 0-50 m b. Length:Long c. Variability: Medium a. Shape: Level e. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide b. Variability: Low a. Width: narrow - 1 - Interfluves, dystropepts, 55% - 2 - Interfluves, humitropepts, 30% - 3 - Interfluves, hapludults, 10% - 4 - Valley bottoms, 5% Valleys: Small blocks 29. 30. BELIABIUTÏ: lO.b : 1 18.d-q: 1 . 3i. 1= reliable, Interflnves: Medium blocks 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 BOTES : 1010 - 79 18. c: 1 M I T EEEQRT , CSR-BOKIHM H&P csoss sBcnas V.2.11.3 V.2.11.3 V.2.6.2 iiUnediitetuf ie tuffstufic lans nlcuic rods 5 . SXAXUS njEBTTIFIEHS : 6 . L A B OMIT BESEXIPTXOEI: 7 . RATigrj-ITH *ji-Hill^M : 8 . ÄHaiTAT- IB0IOE8AEB5 : 9 . BADfiR : 1 0 . BUKEST mtTBHTATa. Heathexing : b. Lithmlogy c . Fonnatiom 2. M&P SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 33 km2 Lampung: 99% Opdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 States: Final Moderately dissected rolling volcanic plain with hillocks,in termediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-25% 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 53 /8216-157, 53 /8316-155 Star-1/250/88/1010-5 11. BDCX OTOCSaP: 0 X High : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt : Qhv a . Q u a l i t y : Fresh 1 2 . H&na b. Source : Perennial River : None 1 3 . FJSHXSX1ES 1 4 . SWISS a. Floodrisk : None None 15.TOEElÄTlCffl/LAlSiDOSE : secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area osed : 40 X 16. AOCELDBAIBD ESOSICD a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOU. QSEAT QBCOP Classification Z of area Lab. checked Utaminamt >50Z dystropepts 60 % yes Associated 1 humitropepts 35 X yes Associated 2 hapludults 5 X yes 32. BIkiiwuii^ii^iBnrATr H vif. 5 B O F E L E S : ity/ / /87/es/1010/54/ /6 / uda/ / /87/ua/1010/54/ /8 / ith/ 1010 - 80 / /87/hk/ 18. SOIL CBABACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsail subsoil peafcsail b . Depth: Associated 2 fine fine fine fine -- -- very deep Well drained very deep very deep Well drained Well drained topsoil very low very low very low subsoil very low very low low high high high Bray I very low low low low e. Total S2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: Associated 1 moderately fine • mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: Dominant > SOZ fine rraetiaod topsoil Bray I very low very low subsoil Bray I very low very low very low medium low g_ Total P: topsoil subsoil high low very low low h_ CEE pB 7 topsoil very low medium very low low medium medium i. Sail fieactian:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil very strong acid strong acid excessive acid excessive acid very low strong acid very low very low very low excessive acid high very high k. Al toxicity : no no yes subsoil ----- 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : D. Otter Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : 4.0 2.0 0 p . Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAH/BBöïlLE: 2 1 . L.D. 2 2 . S3L0PE: 2 3 . S U K DISTS. : 2«. 25. 2 6 . CHEST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALUES FUCOK: 2 8 . L A » FACETS: ----- -— -120 cm 2.7 1.1 0 4.6 5.2 1 875 m Minimum: 725 m Bange: 800 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: Moderate c. a. c. e. b. Variability: High d. Variability: Medium Variability: medium Steepness:mod. steep Length: long Curvature: convex Valleybottans: 5 % Interöaves : 0-81:10 %, 9-2SZ: 65 ?.. 25-551: 20 % a. Anplitoode: medium b. Variability: High Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level b. LengUii:Long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low - 1 - Middle & upper slopes, dystropepts, 60% ~2~ Tops and lower slopes, humitropepts, 35% - 3 - Foot slopes, hapludults, 5% -*- 29. EBAOMESITATICW: 30. BHLIABIILITÏ: 10.b Valleys: Small blocks 1= reliable, Interffluves: Small blocks 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 l*.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 2*: 2 28: 2 29: 2 18.c: 2 31. ADDITiaHAL 1BOTES: Dystropepts and Hapludults are compiled from Vab.2.3.2 1010 - 81 LABD OBIT BEPQBT MAP B O G S : V.2.11.3 fS /-» r T « •BOSS SBCTIOH: \ » ï.î.n.î V.2.U.3 V.4.U.3 V.2.6.2 iitcnediate+ufic tuffsrtafie lans volcanic neks 1 . 1ABDJ WS11: V a b . 2 . 1 1 . 3 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 4. aaaiiniHi«:E by SHOWUCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STT&TOÏS IDEMTIFIEHS : Updated by: AH 3. AREA: 54 km2 edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final Strongly dissected eroded volcanoes, intermediate and mafic tuffs 6 . 1A9SD iDDBIT and lavas,mountainous relief Cslopes 30-75%). 124/64/30/05/85 7. SAXQXITE 8. 1:100.000 ^THgTAïï.. 53 /8316-157, 53 /8316-153, 52 /8296-87 Star-1/250/88/1010-5 9 . HABfiS 11. HOCK GBICBQP: 1 0 . IKBHSnr M&TEHIAL a . HeatlbeirdLng b. Ijttoology andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c. Fommatitm Qhv 12. H&n& 0% Partial a. Quality Fresh b . Source Rain, Perennial River 1 3 . f1[SfDESX£S None 1 4 . aiTOBS a . F l o o d r i s k None 1 5 . VB^EIftnOSI/lLAlBllD USE moist primary lowland forest, secondary forest, bush None Area u s e d 0 % 1 6 . ADCELESATH) HBOSIO® a. Ocoorence Extensive b. Evidence Various 17. s o n . GSEAir Z of area Classification Lab. checked humitropepts 50 X Associated 1 dystropepts 40 % yes Associated 2 troporthents 10 % no >50X 32. HBOFELES: ith/ /87/HK/1010/54/ /28 / ity/ 1010 - 82 yes /87/ES/1010/54/ /12 / 18. SEUL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mimeraisoil c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil sdbsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil . g. Total F: topsoil subsoil b. dBC pB 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil * subsoil k. Al tozicity : 1. Acid sulpn. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Tozicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . HLAB/HBQFILE: 2 1 . L.O 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BFI.TEE1 AMPLI. : 2 5 . TEHH&Œ: 2 6 . CHEST/HUJGES: 2 7 . VAIXEÏ FLODS: 2 8 . LA!» FACETS: 2 9 . FBAGMmTATIQS: Dominant > SOI medium moderately fine Associated 1 fine fine deep Well drained high very low very high high Bray I very low very low very high very low very high high very strong acid moderately acid very low very low no very deep Well drained medium low medium very low Bray I very low very low low low medium low very strong acid very strong acid very low high yes 5.3 6.1 0 142 cm 3.9 2.6 3 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Minimum: 800 m Maximum: 1600 m 1000 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High a. Steepness:very steep d. Variability: High c. Length: moderate e. Onurvature: convex Valleybottoms: % Interfluves : O-8t:0 %, 9-251: 10 %, 25-551: 40 %, >55I: 50 % a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: High Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular to. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium e. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate b. Variability: a. Hidth: -1- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 50% - 2 - Upper & middle slopes, dystropepts, 40% -3- Crest, troporthents, 10% -4Valleys: Interfloves: 30. BELIABILITT: = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 18.c: 2 lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 3 23: 3 24: 2 28: J 31. AHUDITIOSIAL HOflTES: Representative profile for Humitropepts is extrapolated from Vab.2.3.2 1010 - 83 LAID CHIT BHHXX IBEP-SDBH, CS&-BOQ08M MAP IMAGE: CSQSS SECÏTQB I I Ï.2.U.3 V.2.11.3 V.2.6.2 V.l.4.2 I A intinediîUmfic tuffsttafk ïaras V.2.2.2 — volcanic rods V.2.U.3 1 . L U D OBIT: V b . 2 . 1 1 . 3 2. M&F aEET: 1010 3. ASEA: 23 km2 4 . im n i lim UWE b y HBuwuwuE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STOTOB IDHBTIFIIHS : Opdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . HASH OHIT DESCSIFTICM: Strongly dissected eroded volcanoes, intermediate and mafic lavas, 7. SATELLITE 8. iftTHaiTAir. 9. Hamas 10. EBBEST a. Weathering b. LitÎKjlogj c. Foimatiou 1 2 . M&TEH a. Quality b . SoiDurce 1 3 . FISHERIES 1 4 . HITOHS a . F l o o d r i s k 1 5 .TOEEIATIOB/LÄMDOSE Area a s e d mountainous relief( slopes 30-75%.) 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 53 /8316-155, 53 /8316-157 Star-1/250/88/1010-5 11. BOCK OTTCSOP: 0 % High basalt, andesitic lavas, Tov Fresh Perennial River None None None secondary forest, moist primary•lowland forest, bush, upland crops, coffee (kopi) 30 X 1 6 . ACCELEBATEB EfiQSIQS a . Ctecnuremce b. 17. Evidence SOHL QBEA3T GROUP nommant >5OX Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Extensive Various Classification dystropepts humitropepts X of area 70 % 30 % ym Lab. checked yes yes HEHSESEBTIÄTIWE FBŒDLES: / /87/SR/1010/34/ /03 / ith/ 1010 - 84 /87/ES/1010/54/ /01 / 18. SOIL CBftBACTEKISTXCS Properties a. Texture: topsoil sobsoil b. Depth: peafcsoil mimeraisoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2D: topsoil subsoil f. Avail.' P: rnnethod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Beaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid smlph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 50Z fine fine -very deep Well drained high high high high Bray I very low very low medium low low low moderately acid strong acid very low very low no ----3.8 7.7 0 Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained medium very low medium very high Bray I very low very low low very low high low strong acid strong acid low low no -— --5.5 1.2 2 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PIAWPBüFttE: Maxim on«: 1395 m Mümimmm: 875 m Bange: 1000 m dromünamt: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: 2 1 . L . 0 . m&UM&E: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: low 2 2 . SLOPE: b. Variability: Medium a. Steepmess:very steep d. Variability: Medium c. Lemgtli: moderate e. Curvature: convex 2 3 . SLOPE DISTJft. : Valleybottons: % Imterffloives : 0-81:0 X, 9-251: 15 Z. 25-55Ï: 60 %, >55Z: 25 I 2*. BELIEF AMPLI. : a. Anplîtrade: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m 25. TEBBAHH: a. Shape: Irregular 26. aSEST/BIDSES: b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: High d. Hidtto: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. L A » FACETS: -I- Middle & upper slopes, dystropepts, 70% -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 30% -3-4Valleys: Interfloves: 29. 30. BELIABILITY: = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 I8.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 3 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 31. ABIDITIOIBÄL HMTES: Representative profile for Dystropepts extrapolated from Mb. 2.2.3. 1010 - 85 U S D UlSIlir BEPQBT MAF IWBGE: SECÏTQB: H.2.2.3 KÜ ttffsJfine felste udiienUrY roda 1. LATO OMIT: Hdf. 1.1.2 2. HBP SHEET: 1010 4 . OCOKBOCE by FBOWICE: Lampung : 5. STATUS ntJEUTiFlfiHS 3. AHEA: 82 km2 99% : Opdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 States: Final 6 . U U OBIT PESOim-JiHUM: Moderately dissected hills, acid tuffs and fine felsic sedimentary rocks, gentle slopes (0-15X). 7. SS3HJLITE 9CEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8 . AE8IAL mOWGa&PBS : l:100.000 A /8282-103, A : Star-1/250/88/1010-1-2 9 . EMMS. 10. /8282-99 , 3A /8285-13 FÄKHBT M&HHIÄL 11. HOCK HJÜllUmP: 0% a . Weathering : High b . LiUhiology : dacite, claystone, sandstone c . Foxmation : Tnp 1 2 . M&TE8 a . Q u a l i t y : Fresh Soraurce : Perennial River 1 3 . FISHERIES : None b. 1 4 . EWEHS a . F l c c d r i s k : None b. I m m d a t i a n : None 1 5 . WBGEmmm/lAM) OSE : Area u s e d .16. bush, shifting cultivation : 5X aCCHJEBATED EBOSIOH a. Qccmrence : Localised b . Evidance : Various 17. SOU. QgfAT QBDOP Classificatie X of area Lab. checked EJeradnamt >50Z dystropepts 70 % yes Associated 1 hapludults 30 % yes Associated 2 3 2 . REPSESBSITAnVE FBDFILES: ity/ / /87/ER/1010/31/ /33 / uda/ 1010 - 86 /87/TB/1010/33/ /13 / 18. SOIL CHâBACTEBISnCS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mimeralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K20: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil m. CEC pB 7 topsoil subsoil i. Sail Reaction: topsoil subsoil j . Al Satt. topsoil sobsoîl k Al taxicity : 1 Acid solpm. pott.: m Salinity : m Other Tcrxicity: o Boot obsfcr. layer : p Organic Matter : q. TJHB : r . Total observations: Danmnanit > 501 moderately coarse fine Associated 1 fine fine very deep Moderately well medium very low medium low Bray I medium very low very high very low low high moderately acid strong acid very low high yes very deep Moderately well medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low low low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid very low medium yes 110 cm 1.8 6.1 1 100 cm 2.2 6.5 2 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Maxim»mi: 200 m Minimum: 5 m Range: 75 m Pnmriromt: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate L.O. c. Variability: low SLOPE: a. Stteepness:sloping b. Variability: Medium c". Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybotttons: 0% InterflŒves : O-8Z:20 %, 9-25X: 80 %, 25-551: 0 % anr.TEF AMPU. a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium TfHBADBI: hillocKy >16%, 0-50 m QIEST/HIDSES: a. Shape: b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: VALLEST FUOQE: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 1MB FACETS: -1- Upper and lower slopes, dystropepts, 70% -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 30% -3-*FBASMHSTATIQS!: .Valleys: InterjElmves: Small blocks 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 2*. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. BBI.TAim.TTY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, .4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14>.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 2«: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AD3HTIQBAL BOTES: 1010 - 87 U D OBIT BEFOBT F.RFP—gnw _ CSR~BOGGR M&P IMAGE: CSOSS SECTIGS: 1 . LfUBD n u t : H a b . 1 . 2 . 2 2. MAF SBEET: 1010 3. AREA: 13 km2 *. nmuBwarie b y FKCWIBCE: Lampung: 99X 5 . STATES HJEBTIFXE8S : Opdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Statms: Final 6 . LABD HUIT DESOBIFinaS: Moderately dissected hills, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, moderately steep slopes (16-30%). 7 . S&TELUTE SCB8ES : 124/64/30/05/85 8 . ATHttTATT. 5HOTOGHAPHS : 1:100.000 55 /8295-71 , 52 /8296-83 9 . Harnas • : Star-1/250/88/1010-5-3 10. BÄHEST MATERIAL 11. BOCK CUTCEÛP: 0 % a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c. Formation : Qhv 12. HAXEK a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FH^til^W'l ^ x : None 1 4 . KIVEHS a. F l o o d r i s k : None None 15. VBSETÄiriUBI/ILAJSD USE : secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages 70 X 16. a. b. i E8DSIQS Occorence Evidence Common Various 1 7 . SOIL GSEAI OTDTO Ihm» mamt >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ uda/ / / Classification dystropepts humitropepts hapludults /87/HJ/1010/52/ /87/AF/1010/54/ Z of area 55 X 25 % 20 X ith/ /26 / /12 / 1010 - 88 Lab. checked yes yes yes /87/HK/1010/54/ /22 18. SOIL CSABCCTEBISnCS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil» b. Depth: peatsoil c. Drainage: d. Exen. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail.. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil fa. CEC p9 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulpm. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Taxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . FLABI/FSOFnJE: 21. L.O. 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE OISTK.: 24. BELIEF AMF1I. 25. TEBBAU9: 2 6 . QBE5T/KIBGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOQB: 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: 2 9 . IHfiHMEHTATiaB: 30. BELXABUXTS': Associated 2 fine fine -very deep Well drained low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium low low low moderately acid very strong acid very low very low -----3.0 11.2 0 Marri—: 400 m Minimum: 100 m Bange: 200 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60X of area crested/peaked Included: non-linear and random < 40% of area crested/peaked b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:mod. steep d. Variability: Medium c. Lengtih: moderate e. Curvature: convex ValleybottOBS: 0% Interfluves : 0-81:15 % 9-251: 70 %, 25-55X: 15 % a. Amplitude: high b . V a r i a b i l i t y : Medium Hilly >162,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: Medium b. Lengtli:Moderately long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Hidtto: very narrow b. Variability: Low • -1- Crest and upper slopes, dystropepts, 55% - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 20% -3- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 25% Valleys: 1= reliable.' lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 3i. Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained medium medium low medium Bray I very low • very low medium medium high medium strong acid strong acid very low very low no -— -— 5.4 11.3 0 Dominant > 50Z fine fine -very deep Well drained medium low medium very low Bray I very low very low low low high high very strong acid excessive acid very low high yes ---1.20 cm 2.0 2.9 0 14.a: 1 22: 2 Interfluves: Small blocks 2= probable, 14.b: 1 23: 2 17: 2 24: 2 3= tenable, IS.a: 2 28: 2 BOTES: 1010 - 89 4 s plausible JB.b: 2 29: 2 18.c: 2 LARD HUIT BEHKT LHEP-SBHM, CS8-B0GCB MAP IMAGE: 1 . 1ABD OBIT: QBOSS SECTIOH: 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 Hb.1.2.2 3. AREA: 154 km2 4 . <KiaiWrj«J& b y E80VIBCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS IBEBTIFIEHS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAUD OBIT DESCSIFTIOIB: Moderately dissected hills, intermediate and mafic lavas, moderately steep slope (16-30Ï). 7. 124/64/30/05/85 8 . AEBIAL paOTOGBAPHS : 1:100.000 56 ,/8292-123, 3A /8285-09 , 4 /8282-101 : Star-1/250/88/1010-3-2 BASEST MATERIAL 11. BOCK UUirLSUf: 0 Ï a. (feathering : High b. Littoology : a n d e s i t i c lavas c. Formation : Tov HATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River : None PTESHERXES BIVE3S a. Floodrisk : None i: None VBEE3ÄTKW/LAHD USE : secondary f o r e s t , bush, upland crops, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages Area used : 50 X 9 . SADAB 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. a. Occur ence : Common b . Evidance : Various 1 7 . SOILflwiBAirG800P Doninant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Z of area Classification dystropepts hapludults Lab. checked 70 X 30 X yes yes % 3 2 . mrpumsyipiTATHifir IJIMIPIHIER. ity/ /340-21 /71/DN/1010/34/ /57 / uda/ 1010 - 90 / /87/TB/1010/33/ /10 in sann f-p»p«-TFBT«rrrr5î Properties a. Texture: b . Depth: Pnmmnt > 50t topsoil subsoil peatsoil orneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: Method topsoil --- sud» soil S- Total P: topsoil subsoil medium low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil — -neutral neutral — -— — — -75 cm 1.7 0.0 1 subsoil i. Soil Réaction:topsoil subsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot dbstx. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TJE8 : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained low low low very low Bray I very low very low low very low medium high very strong acid strong acid medium low --— -142 cm 2.1 7.8 0 moderately fine fine -deep Well drained -— high low 350 m Mind«: 5m Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Bange: 200 m Damnant: non-linear and random > 60Z of area crested/peaked PIAS/P5OFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high L . 0 . DHAiaaGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: Medium SLOPE: c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoas: 0Z Interflnves : 0-81:15 Z, 9-251: 70 X, 25-55X: 10 Z, »55Z: 5 Z WBT-IMP AWPLI.: a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium TmgBAinBHilly >16Z,51-300m CSEST/BHHzES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low d. Hidth: wide e. Variability: Medium VALLET RUHR: a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Upper and lower slopes, dystropepts, 70% LARD FACETS: -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 30Z -3-4FBAGMEBTATIOB: Valleys: Interdoves:Small blocks 30. HELIABmrr: lO.b : 2 18.d-q: 2 12.a: 1 19: 2 » reliable, 2« probable, 3- tenable, 4« plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOBAL BOXES: Hapludults is compiled from Hb.1.3.3. 1010 - 91 HBP DKGE: CBQSS SECTIGH: I K.2.2.J ! II ! acid plutmic rod? 1. LARD OUT: Hg. 1.2.2 2. MAP SHEET: 10104 . i i n i i M T by HtUVJLHUE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS Updated by: AH 3. AREA: 83 km2 edit data: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. L&KD DSnnr DESCSIXTXCH: Moderately dissected hills, acid plutonic rocks, moderately steep slopes (16-30%). 7. RATIIB J. 1 TIK SCEHKS 8 . AlHttTAïï- EBOTOGSAfBS 9 . BADAS : 124/64/30/05/85, : 1:100.000 3A /8285-11 , 55 : star-1/250/88/1010-2-5 /8295-75 1 0 . RVEEHT MATERIAL 11. BOCK OOTCBŒP: 0% a. Weathering : High b. Litbologjr : granite, granodiorite, diorite c. Fomation : Kgr a. Quality : Fresh 1 2 . HUES b. Source : Deep w e l l s 1 3 . iri?iHitimiiB> : None 1 4 . SIVEBS a . F l o o d r i s k : None i: None 1 5 . VEGEIATICH/LAKD USE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, v i l l a g e s Area u s e d : 70 Ï 1 6 . «nrmrra*Tsm n n R i r a a. Occorence : Common b . Evidance : Various 1 7 . «arnnr.. G8EAI GBODP Classification Domimaiit >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Z of area 70 % 25 % 5 % dystropepts hapludults troporthents Lab. checked yes yes no 3 2 . BEfflESEBIATIVE HBQFILES: ity/ / /87/ER/1010/24/ uda/ ' /42 / 1010 - 92 /84-2 /85/AH/1010/64/ /7a 1 ft STTTT rotRArTP"TSTTr3« Proparties a. Textnxa: topsoil sobsoil b . Depth: peatsoil mriinrrnT •™*4 1 c. D r a i n a g e : d. Ezch. K : topsoil sobsoil e. Total K 2 O : topsoil subsoil f. A v a i l . P: aethod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil sobsoil h. CMC p B 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Beaction:topsoil sobsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil sobsoil k. 1. m. n. Al tozicity : Acid snlph. pot. : Salinity : Other Toxicity: o. p. q. r. Boot obstx. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. AU1TUIE: 20. PLAJI/HBQFUE: 2 1 . X..U. SKAIBAlSE: 2 2 . SUSIE: 23. SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLX.: 2 5 . TE8BAIH: 26. 2 7 . TAUET FUHR: 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: D a m n a n t > SOI fine fine — Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low low low deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low very low very low low medium medium medium very strong acid very strong acid very low very low very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes -- no -— -— — -98 cm 1.6 3.3 1 2.1 6.9 3 300 m Doainant: non-linear Included: Associated 2 Hrnimmm: 75 m 0.0 0.0 0 Bange: 100 m and random > 60% of area crested/peaked a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low a. Steepness:mod. steep c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 0% Interfluves : 0-8Z:15 X a. A^ilitade: high Hilly >16X,51-300m b. density: Moderate Variability: Medium Variability: Medium 9-25Z: 60 X, 25-55X: 25 X b . Variability: Medium a. Shape: Undulating b . Lengtli:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b . Variability: Low - 1 - Upper and lower slopes, dystropepts, 70Ï - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 25* c. Variability: Medium -3- Crest, troporthents, 5% 2 9 . SBAGMOTÄTKH: -*Valleys: Interflmves: Small blocks 30. BBLJABHI1Y: lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 29: 2 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 31. ADDITXCOAL BOXES: Hapludults is compiled from Hg.I.3.3. 1010 - 93 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGGR CSOSS SBCTIOB: IMAGE: X212 ' ï.1.2.2 H.1.3.J 'St 'olcanic roda '-\ Fymœ felsic yZ' »iiienUrf roda /;< «7 acid hrifsHine (tlsi'c udiientiry roda 2. IMP SHEET: 1010 1 . LAUD DRET: Hq. 1 . 2 . 2 4 . OOCnSXSCX b y 3. AREA: 50 km2 WOfWCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . Sl&MJö HJISTIFIERS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Statins: Final 6 . 1A5DOI TQIBmr DESCSIPTIOIB: Moderately dissected hills, coarse felsic sedimentary rocks, moderately steep slopes (16-30%). 7 . SAJELUnrE SC1HES 8. AFPTA : 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 54 /8296-79 , 56 /8294-43 , 54 /8296-103 Star-1/250/88/1010-2 11. ROCK G0TTC8QP: Partial sandstone Tmtp Fresh 9 . RADAR % 10. HÜBEST . a. Heatbering : b. lithology : c. Formation : 12. HAXER a. Quality : b. Scarce : Deep wells 13. FXSHE8ÏES : None 14. BIVEHS a. Floodjrisk : None b . TB in nirfflti i vn * None 15. VE5E3Ä31CS/LASID OSE : secondary forest, bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), rubber (karet), towns, villages 40 % Area osed 16. a. Occoremce b. Evidance Common Various 17. SOH. GREAT GRGOP Doxriuniamt >50I Associated 1 Classification dystropepts troporthents Z o f area 90 % 10 % Associated 2 1 3 2 . SIUWJUSUjniATIVE BBOmjES: ity/ /340-8 /71/DN/1010/62/ /16 / 1010 - 94 Lab. checked yes no 18. SOIL CHMUmHlSTlCS Donnant > 501 Properties Associated 1 Associated 2 medium subsoil moderately fine - -b. Deptb: peatsoil •tneralsoil very deep Well drained c. Drainase: high d. Each. K: topsoil subsoil very low e. Total K2O: topsoil very high subsoil medium Bray I f. Avail. P: Betfaod topsoil very low very low subsoil g. Total P: topsoil medium subsoil low very low h. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil very low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil slightly acid subsoil strong acid ' j. Al Sat. topsoil -subsoil k. Al taxicity : — — 1. Acid snlpb. pot.: — m. Salinity : -n. Other Taxicity: 110 cm o. Boot cbstr. layer : 1.6 p. Organic Matter : 11.8 q. TIB : 1 r. Total observations: 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 a. I M U I I « : topsoil 19. M.TITOBE: 450 m Minimal»: 200 m Sänge: 300 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked 2 0 . HLAJB/THDHXE: Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic 2 1 . L.D. EBAIBlâGE: c. Variability: low b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:mod. steep 2 2 . SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex 2 3 . SLOPE DISTft.: . Valleybottanis: 0 X Interfluves : 0-81:15 X 9-25Z: 65 X, 25-551: 20 X 2 4 . BELIEF âMPLI.: a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16%,51-300m 2 5 . lEHBâHH: a. Shape: Irregular 26. c. Variability: Medium b. Lengtb:Moderately long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEI FIOQS: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAUD FACETS: -1- Slopes, dystropepts, 90Ï -2- Crest, troporthents, 10X -3-42 9 . ÏHAEMEBTTATiaS: Valleys: Interflmves:Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, •= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 1 28: 3 29: 2 31. ASDIITICSIAI. BOIES: No analysed profile for Troporthents 1010 - 95 LAB UUT »miff LBEP-SDBM, CSR-BOBGB CBOSS SBCnCH: V.2.3.2 V.2.2.2 I.J.I rois \«>d tuffslcwr« felsl« tuffctufic Urn 1 . IAH0 m i l l : Htn. 1 . 2 . 2 2. MftP SHEET: 101C 3. .AREA.: 44 km2 4 . OdCUSQESCE b y HHWIHEE: Lampung: 99% 5 . aiAjnuc» SDSSHFXEBS Undated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAUD OBIT DE9CSIFTICD: Moderately dissected hills, metamorphic rooks, moderately steep slopes (16-303;). 7. SJtTWlT^..M-rIK 5MTIJJHIIWX : 124/64/30/05/85, 123/64/30/05/85 8 . AffigTM. HHOTOGSAPBS : 1:100.000 9 . SABftB : Star-1/250/88/1010-4-5 56 /8294-39 10. mssm 11. BOCK G0TC8GP: 0 X a. Weathering : High 12. HftTER b . Litibology : gneiss, schists, c. Formation : pise a. Quality : Fresh b . Scarce : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. BIVEBS a. Floodrisk : None b . Inundationi: None 15. V HSKIKTliM/liMD OSE : teak forest (jati), bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee Ckopi), coconut (kelapa)., towns, villages Area osed : 60 X 16. AmnrjpiB/nrcnra mxrvzzrm a. Occoxence : Common b . Evidance : Various 17. SOUL. GBEAT GStQOP Classification Z of area Lab. checked U m r ä u m t >SOZ dystropepts 80 X yes Associated 1 kanhapludults 20 % yes Associated 2 . % 3 2 . RERESESTAHVE PSOFILES: ity/ /340-18 /71/DN/1010/62/ /41 / udh/ 1010 - 96 /340-11 /71/DN/1010/62/ /22 / Proporties •- Texture: b . Depth: topsoil sdbsoil peatsoll ^iwo^nf uni \ c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: t. Avail. P: Associated 1 medium moderately fine — deep Well drained h. CEE pB 7 high low high — -- subsoil topsoil j. Al Sat. low --- slightly acid moderately acid moderately acid -— -— — — -— B. Otber Toxicity: r. Total observations: — -- moderately acid 1. Acid salpb. pot.: •. Salinity : o. Boot obstx. layer : medium low subsoil k. Al taxicity : p . Organic Matter : q. TEB : — -- medium topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil -— medium asthod topsoil topsoil subsoil Well drained -— sobsoil g. Total P: — deep topsoil subsoil a. Total K20: topsoil subsoil Associated 2 D a m n a n t > 501 moderately fine fine — — — — — . 1.6 0.0 2 19. ALTITUDE: 1.6 0.0 1 150 m Hinimns: 0.0 0.0 0 75 m Bange: 100 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60X of area crested/peaked 2 0 . PLAK/PfiaFTLE: 2 1 . L.tJ. DBAIHnSE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 24. 25. 26. AMPLE. 2 7 . VALLET FLO0B: 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:mod. steep c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 5 X Intecdnves : 0-81:15 I a. Amplitude: high Hilly >16X,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular d. Width: wide a. Width: b . density: Moderate b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: Medium 9-25X: 80 X, 25-551: 0 Ï b . Variability: Medium b . Length:Moderately long e. Variability: Medium b . Variability: c. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 80Z -2- Interfluves, kanhapludults, 20Ï -3-4- 29. ÏBAGMEBTTAXICBI: Valleys: 30. BKt.TABTT.innr: lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3 ° tenable, 4 - plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.C: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 2 29: 2 Imterfluves: Small blocks 31. A0DXTXOSAL BOIES: 1010 - 97 WHT ttKFCKT UKEP-SXBH, CSHBOGOft tf&P B Ö G E : i H.1.3.J ,„ 1 . LATO D D T : Hab. 1 . 3 . 3 2 . MAP SHEET: 1010 4 . OOCOHEKE b y FRCWIBCE: Lampung: s. sums n>Di folcuic rocks 3 . AREA: 140 km2 99Ï Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LUD HOT DESCBIFnCB: Strongly dissected hills, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, steep to 7. K A T » ! T.I ir f- S C E l E S 8. AEIITAT- fflOIDEBAFBS 9. RADAR 10. mnrearr M A T E B T A T very steep slopes (30-75%). : 124/64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 5 /8292-25 , 53 /8316-15 ,,' 23 /8282-137 : Star-1/250/88/1010-3-4 11. ROCK GB7IC&QP: 0 X a. Weathering : High b. Uthology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c. F a m a t i a n : Qhv 12. MATER a. Quality : Fresh b . Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b . Inundationi: None 15. VEGETATICa/IARD USE : secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), replanting of forestry areas, towns, villages Area used : 50 Î 16. »mnrFPATFn vamirm a. Occurence : Common b . Evidance : Various 17. fflp| I, CHEAT <J*Mip Classification Z of area Doadnant >50Z dystropepts 70 X Associated 1 Associated 2 humitropepts 20 X hapludults 10 X ity/ / /87/HJ/1010/52/ /26 / uda/ / /87/AF/1010/54/ /12 / ith/ 1010 - 98 Lab. checked yes yes yes / /87/HK/1010/54/ /22 18. SOIL CBARACXEKISnCS Proporties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •dneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Each. K: topaoil subsoil e. Total D O : topsoil subsoil £. avail. P: Method topsoil sobsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil b. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solpb. pot.: a. Salinity : o. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic (fatter : q. TEB :\ r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 20. 2 1 . L.D. DBAISaSE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . RELIEF AMPtl.: 23. TFHRATTE- 26. CHEST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLEY FLOOR: 2 8 . LARD FACETS: 2 9 . EBaGMEffTATIOB: Donnant > SOX fine fine -very deep Well drained medium low medium very low Bray I very low very low low low high high very strong acid excessive acid very low high yes ---120 cm 2.0 2.9 1 Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained medium medium low medium Bray I very low very low medium medium high medium strong acid strong acid very low very low no — — -— 5.<t 11.3 1 Associated 2 fine fine — very deep Well drained low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium low low low moderately acid very strong acid very low very low no -— -— 3.0 11.2 1 525 m 25 m Bange: 200 m Destinant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low a. Steepness:very steep Variability: Medium c. Length: long Variability: High e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: 5X Interflaves : 0-81:5 % 9-25Z: 10 %, 25-551: 50 %, >55I: 30 % b. Variability: Medium a. Aaplitode: high Hilly >16%,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Leogth:Moderately long c. Variability: Low d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- crest and upper slopes, dystropepts-, 70X -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 20% -3- Middle slopes, hapludults, 10% Valleys: Interdîmes: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1« reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 l«.a: 1 l«.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18-d-q: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 3 1 . ADDITIOML HOTES: 1010 - 99 £AHD Ufl.LT LBEP-S0BM, CSR-BOGOB MP IMAGE: CSOSS SBCTIOS: Tolcuic rods iotenediitxuf ie l i m " 1. UUBD m H : H b . 1 . 3 . 3 4. OOCOaraCE b y tHOTIHCE: Lampung: 99% 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 166 km2 s . STÄTOS njHsrrtFEœs : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LABD OBIT DE3CHIPTICS: Strongly dissected hills , intermediate and mafic lavas, steep to very steep slopes (30-75Z). 7. SATELLITE 124/64/30/05/85 g. BABAS Star-1/250/88/1010-2 1:100.000 4 /8282-101, 56 /8292-125, 52 /8296-87 10. BAREST ! ii. a. Weathering 12. HOTES b. litbology andesitic lavas c. Fondation Tov a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES HOCK omrcsnff: o % High Fresh Perennial River None 14. RIVEES a. Flocdrisk None None 13. VEGETATICB/LABD USE secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used 16. 50 X EROSIOR a. Occnrence Common b. Evidance Various 17. SOIL CHEAT GSCOF Classification >soz Associated 1 Z of area Lab. checked dystropepts 80 X yes hapludults 20 X yes Associated 2 32. HBOFIXES: ity/ /87/US/1010/53/ /17 / uda/ 1010 - 100 /87/TB/1010/33/ /10 / 18. SOIL Properties b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: e. t. 8h. i. j. k. 1. B. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: aethod topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al taxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. AUXTODE: 20. 2 1 . L.O. B8AHBAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTfi. : 24. M I T W AMPLI.: 25. THBHATIB- 26. fl UÜWKT/PII UBJ|fJ3g- 2 7 . VAUX? FLOOR: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 29. ISflOfEBTAinCB: Donnant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 fine fine moderately deep Well drained low low low low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium low very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes very deep Moderately well low low low very low Bray I very low very low low very low medium high very strong acid strong acid medium medium yes 67 cm 1.8 2.6 4 142 cm 2.1 7.8 2 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 325 m Hinimm: 5 m Bange: 200 m DoxLnant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: low a. Steepness:very steep b. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBS: X Interflows : 0-81:5 X, 9-251: 10 X, 25-55X: 65 %, >55I: 20 X a. Anplitmde: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16X,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Lengtb:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 80Ï - 2 - Interfluves, hapludults, 20Z -3-*Valleys: Interfloves: Small blocks 30. BCT.TABTT.TTf: 1- reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4° plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 l«.a: 1 l«.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.C: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDXTXaSAL BOIES: 1010 - 101 LAHD Œ8IT SEKHT LBEP-SDB4, CS8-B0BCB MAP DOGE: I.I.ÜV •••••. CBGSS SECTIOB: \ A.3.5 A.3.5 1 . LAUD HUIT: H d . 1 . 3 . 3 2. mP SBEET: 1010 3. ABEA: 83 km2 4 . OODUHSBCE b y BBQVUCE: Lampung: 99% s. sîanns EQEBITIFEEBS : Updated by: AH 6. LAND mur DEscsnnoa: Strongly edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final dissected hills, acid tuffs, steep to very steep slopes 30-75% 7_ RATBT.lrjYIH *a*MM^3C 8 . ASBIAL PfflOTOGKAFHS 9 . BADAR 1 0 . BABfOTt «atTHHTAT- 124/64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 53 /8316-147, 53 : Star-1/250/88/1010-4 : /8316-149 i i . BOCK cmcaoap: o% a . W e a t b e r i n s : Partial b . L i t & o l o g y : dacite c . Fonmation : Qrv 1 2 . HAim a. Q u a l i t y : Fresh : Perennial River b . Source 1 3 . FlSHERXlfiS : None 14. RXVEKS a. Floodrisk : None b_ UDsmdation: None 15. VBEETATIDH/IAIHD USE : secondary forest, bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, coffee (kopi), replanting of forestry areas, towns, villages Area used : 20 X 16. AOCEU8AXED EBOSIGH a. Occorence Common b. Evidance Various 17. SOU. G8EAX GBOOP Classification Dandmant >SOZ Z of area dystropepts 99 X Associated 1 Associated 2 32. mwumwnpWTTAx• M»T fflOFILES: ity/ / /87/HJ/1010/52/ /06 / 1010 - 102 Lab. checked yes 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil sabsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •dneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Each. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil sabsoil f. 8h. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. very deep Well drained high medium medium low Bray I Avail. P: aetfaod very low topsoil very low sabsoil Total P: topsoil very low very low sabsoil low CEC pB 7 topsoil low sabsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid sabsoil very strong acid Al Sat. topsoil very low high sabsoil Al toxicity : yes Acid salpb. pot.: Salinity : Other laxicity: Root abstr. layer : 140 cm Organic Matter : 1.8 TUB : 2.5 Total observations: 2 19. 20. 21. L.D. 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTR.: 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TEHBATnn- 2 6 . CSEST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLEY FU0G&: 2 8 . LA8D FACETS: 29. BBAGMHSTATICS: 30. WEt.TABTT.TTnr: lO.b : 2 1 2 . a : 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 3i. Doadoant > SOZ fine fine Associated 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 Müubanm: 250 m Bange: 500 m 775 m Drainant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:very steep d. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate e. Corvatore: convex Valleybottaas: % Interzlaves : 0-81:5 i, 9-25X: 10 %, 25-551: 60 %, >55X: 25 % a. Anplitode: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16X,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: Medium b. Length:Moderately long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Low a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Interfluves dystropepts, 80% -2- Interfluves dystropepts, 20% -3-•Valleys: Interdnves: Small blocks = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= p l a u s i b l e 14.a: 1 14_b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 ,: TOTES : 1010 - 103 LAHD U l l i wrnari LHEP-SDBf, CSB-BOBCB MA? IMAGE: SlfiUrf t OW " X.2.2.3 B.l.3.3 B.1.1.2 T.3.2 F'' /* ' * «ei« tafft Kid tuffstfine felste scdÏMntuj rods 1 . LAHB DUIT: 4 . »« Hdf.1.3.3 2 . MftP SHEET: 1010 3 . AHEA: 388 km2 iliHItW-C b y HHWIHCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . ST&IUS Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LÄMO UW1T DESCSIPTIOH: Strongly dissected hills, acid tuffs and fine felsic sedimentary 7 . sjMTffgr.i- H T U 8 . AERIAL fQOIOGSAPBS 9 . HAEAH 1 0 . PABB9T IMI»TBBTA1Ia . Heatbexing b. Lithrology c. Formation 12. HUŒB a. Quality b. Source 1 3 . PTS2SSRUÏS 1 4 . SIVEBS a . F l o o d r i s k b _ HjDDmdatiCQn 1 5 . VBGSXAXIQB/1LAHD OSE Area u s e d rocks,steep to very steep slopes(30-90%). 12^/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 3A /8285-15 , 23 /8282-137 star-1/250/88/1010-2,3 11. B O X OTOtHOP: 0 X High dacite, claystone, sandstone Tnp Fresh Perennial River None None None secondary forest, moist primary lowland forest, bush, shifting cultivation, coffee (kopi) 5% 16. ACCELE8ATE0 EBOSIOB a. Occnrence b. Evidance Common Various 1 7 . SOIL CTEAT GS0DP Classification Z of area dystropepts 99 % Associated 1 % Associated 2 3 2 . BEEBESESnUTIVE FHQFTLES: ity/ / /87/AF/1010/51/ /32 / 1010 - 104 Lab. checked yes 18. son. CHAR Donnant > SOZ Properties b. Depth: low e. Total K2O: topsoil medium subsoil •etbod topsoil Bray I low subsoil very low low low topsoil very low subsoil fa. CEE pfl 7 topsoil subsoil low low i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil very strong acid very strong acid low high k. a l toxicity : 1. acid salph m. Salinity : yes -- pot.: --- n. Outer Toxicity: o. Boot obstx.. layer : 120 cm p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : 2.0 2.4 r. Total cbseirations: 3 19. ALXIT0DE: 2 0 . PLÄS/SBOäFIIJE: 325 m 2 2 . SLOPE: 100 m Hange: ISO m D a m n a n t : non-linear and random > 60X of area crested/peaked Included: a. c. a. c. 2 1 . L.O. 0.0 0.0 0 medium ignhsoil 8- Total P: 0.0 0.0 0 very deep Well drained topsoil f. avail. F: associated 2 — )peatsoil •In*» m l wvf 1 c. Drainage: d. Excb. S: associated 1 fine fine topsoil subsoil a. Texture: Pattern: dendritic Variability: medium Steepness:very steep Length: long b . density: Mod. high b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE BISTS.: 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI. 2 5 . TJBBBAXH: 26. CREST/HUDSES: Valleybottons: 5 % Interflraves : O-8X:0 %, 9-25Z: 10 X. 25-551: 60 %, >55X: 25 % a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16%,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular d. Width: moderate 27. VALLET MOOS.-. a. Width: very narrow 28. LAUD FACETS: - 1 - Slopes, dystropepts, -2-3-429. Valleys: b . Length:Long e. Variability: Low b . Variability: Low 99Ï 4 Interflmves: Small blocks 30. WlHr.TABTir.ITf: lO.b :2 18.d-q: 1 c. Variability: High ° reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 0 12-a: 1 31. ADDITIGKAL BOTES: 1010 - 105 LAID mSlT U H U S ISEP-SXmt, MAP HUGE: CSR-BOGOR CSOSS SECTIOB: l i T.g.l.3.3 I P.4.2 P.4.2 A.3.2 / \<ï •etaiorpluc rods X.2.3.3 1 . làSD OUT: H g . 1 . 3 . 3 2. MAP SBEET: 1010 / % ' A I' Kid plutonic rocks 3. ABE&: 44 km2 4 . nnnnroniui'K b y TWW.U1CE: Lampung: 99% 5 . S U m S njEBTTIPTEHS : Updated by: Ah edit date: 20/06/89 Statuas: Final 6 . TABm OIBIIT mima ui il F« KIM- Strongly dissected hills, acid plutonic rocks, steep to very 7. 8. ASBIAL 9. HABAK 10. IBKESnr MftXEBIAL a. Heatherins b. Littlnology c. Fonnatiom 1 2 . H&XEB a. Quality b. Scarce 1 3 . F1TSSISSXES 1 4 . BIWE8S a . F l o o d r i s k b_ Tmiiiuiiitilafr.^ mr* 1 5 . VIEEIÄnCia/LAffl) USE A r e a rased steep slopes 30-70Ï. 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 56 /8294-35 , 56 /8294-37 Star-1/250/88/1010-5 11. BOCK OKTCHDP: 0 % High granite, granodiorite, diorite Kgr Fresh Perennial River None None None secondary forest, bush, coffee (kopi), replanting of forestry areas, towns, villages 60 % 1 6 . AOŒLERA1TED EBOSI08 a. Occuremce b. Evidantce Extensive Various 17. >S0Z Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ / X of area 70 % 20 % 10 X Classification dystropepts hapludults troporthents TtATIVE EBOFILES: /87/ER/1010/24/ /A2 / 1010 - 106 uda/ Lab. checked yes yes no /84-2 /85/AH/1010/64/ /7a / 18. SOIL CHâEACTERISTICS Daattnant > 501 Braparties fine a. Textura: topsoil fine subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil very deep •taeralsoil Well drained c. Drainage: medium d. Each. K: topsoil subsoil medium medium e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil medium Bray I f. Avail. P: aethod very low topsoil very low subsoil low g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil medium subsoil medium i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low very low subsoil no k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solpfa. pot.: •- Salinity : n. Otber Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 2.1 q. TEB : 6.9 r. Total observations: 0 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAB/PBQFILE: 2 1 . L.D 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . wa-Twr AMPLI. 2 5 . TEBHAIB: 26. 2 7 . VALLEY FLOOR: 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: 2 9 . IBAGMEBTATKH: Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 deep Well drained , medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low very low very low low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes 98 cm .1.6 3.3 1 0.0 0.0 0 385 m 100 m Bange: 150 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 602 of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:very steep c. Length: short d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: % Interfloves : 0-8t:5 Ï, 9-25X: 10 I, 25-551: 60 %, >55X: 25 % a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: High Hilly >16ï,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low d. Width: wide e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Crest and upper slopes, dystropepts, 70Ï -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 20Ï -3- Lowerslopes, troporthents, 10Z -4Valleys: Interfluves: Small blocks 30. im.TABTl.TTT: 1= reliable, 2° probable, 3° tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIGBAL BOXES: Representative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from Hg.1.2.2. 1010 - 107 LKEP-SGHH, CSR-BOGCK uni n n mu* HT CXOSS S E C n C S : MAP B U G E : K.2.3.4 r i 3.3 * acid pliitonic tods r*X^ 'V^C] Utenèdiatè coUqrial seoii 1 . LABO OUT: 2 . H&P SHEET: 1 0 1 0 - Hab. 1 . 5 . 2 3 . ABEA: 5 6 km2 4 . fnnnuMaiüf. b y fBUVUSUE: Lampung: 99% 5 . SÏÏAOTS IDESnniTEBS : Updated by; A H edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . IABD IUIHJLX DESCHIPTiaB: Moderately dissected rolling land with hillocks, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-25%. 7 . SATBUJ-ITTK SCEBES 8. AWBTAÏÏ. IWWI BIK M-SP A W I S : 124/64/30/05/85 ; 1:100.000 005 /8292-027, 54 /8296-073 : Star-1/250/88/1010-3 9 . KAQAB 11. BOCX CmOSW: 1 0 . 5BKHST MftTBgTAir O X a . Weathering : High b. Lithology c . Formation : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt : Qhv a. Quality : Fresh 12. HUUR b. Source : Perennial River : None 13. FISHERIES 1«. BIVEBS a . Floodriak : None b_ ümDdatian: None 1 5 . WBSraaTiaB/LaHD OSE : secondary forest, bush, alahg-alang, shifting cultivation, upland Area used 16. ACCELEBAXED EBDSIGH a. Occurence b. Evidence crops, coffee (kopi), towns, villages 70 X Common Various 17. SOU. GSEAT GSOOF Dominant >SOX Associated 1 Associated 2 Classificatie dystropepts humitropepts 3 2 . BEfBESEBWIVE HBOFILES: ity/ / /87/hj/1010/61/ /2 Z of area 80 20 / X X X ith/ 1010 - 108 Lab. checked yes yes /87/es/1010/54/ 18. SOIL CHABACTEBISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsail subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Each. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. avail. P: aethod topsoil subsoil S- Total P: topsoil subsoil b. C E pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil sobsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. AI toxicity : 1. Acid solpb. pot.: •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAR/HBOFXLE: 2 1 . L . 0 . B8AIMGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TEgBATTB- 26. C8EST/BHJGES: 2 7 . VALLES FLOOR: 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: 29. FBACMESTATICH: Donnant > 501 moderately fine fine — very deep Well drained very high medium very high medium Bray I very low very, low very low very low medium medium moderately acid moderately acid •very low very low no - - — - - — 2.9 11.5 2 • Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained low low very low very low Bray I very low . very low medium low medium medium excessive acid excessive acid medium high . yes -— -160 cm 2.7 1.8 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 330 m Minium: 15 m Bange: 175 m Doainant: non-linear and random < 40% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: low b. Variability: High a. Steepness:sloping d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 5 % Interflaves : O~8Z:20 %, 9-25Z: 60 X, 25-55Z: 15 X b. Variability: Medium a. Amplitude: medium hillocKy >16%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Long c. Variability: Medium d. Hidth: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Hidth: very narrow b . Variability: Low -1- Hillocky area&upper si, dystropepts, 40% ~2~ Middle slopes, dystropepts, 40% -3- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 20% -4Valleys: Interfloves: Medium' blocks 30. mg.TABn.TTT: l- reliable, 2- probable, 3« tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADOinORAL KOTES: Representative profile for Humitropepts is extrapolated from Hab.1.6.2 1010 - 109 lêMD UBIT REPORT MAP HUGE: 1 . IAHD IIISIT: Hab. 1 , 6 . 2 2. tBF SHEET: 1010- 3. AHEA: 90 km2 4 . OCOTHHBCE b y HHWIHCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . SXATD5 HJESTIFIEBS 6. : Updated by: Ah edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final IAND m u r DESCBXPÏIOH: Moderately dissected hillocks in rolling pattern, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 0-30%. 7. 124/64/30/05/85, 123/64/30/05/85 8 . ATPBTAT. H3OTOGKAFHS 1:100.000 9 . HABfiK Star-1/250/88/1010-4-3 052 /8296-087, 053 /8316-149 1 0 . FftHEBT MATERIAL a. Weathering b. Litlioloey c. Formation 12. U&TES a. Quality b. Source 11. BOCX COTCSQP: 0 X Partial andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt Qhv Fresh Perennial River None 13. FISHERIES 14. HIVERS a. Floodrisk None b. None XmmBdatioji 1 5 . VBGEI&TICH/LAHD OSE secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages Area used 30 i 1 6 . ACCELERATED EB0SICB a. Occurence Common b. Evldance Gulleys 1 7 . SOIL «SEAT GROUP Classification Z of area Lab. checked Dominant >5OZ dystropepts 80 X yes Associated 1 humitropepÊs 20 X yes X Associated 2 32. HUFILES: ity/ /87/SK/1010/54/ /34 / ith/ 1010 - 110 /87/ES/1010/54/ /17 / ifl w m . rfmwrrai'STTCS Properties a. Textare: b. c. d. e. f. g. b. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil sabsoil Depth: pestsoil nineralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil sabsoil Total K2O: topsoil sabsoil Avail. F: aethod topsoil sabsoil Total P: topsoil sabsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil sabsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoj.1 Al Sat. topsoil sabsoil Al taxicity : Acid salph. pot.: Salinity : Otber Taxicity: Boot abstr. layer : Organic Matter : UB : Total observations: 19. ALTITBIDE: 2 0 . PLAK/THaPXLE: 2 1 . L.D. D3&DUGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISIH. : 2 4 . marnnr AMPLI.: 2 5 . XERBAES: 2 6 . CHEST/BIEGES: 2 7 . VAILLE? FUCK: 28. LAID FACETS: 29. fBAEMESTATIOH: Daainant > 501 fine fine — deep Well drained low low low very low Bray I high very low low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid high high yes ---85 cm 2.5 2.7 1 Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained low low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium low medium medium excessive acid excessive acid medium high yes -— -160 cm 2.7 1.8 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0. 0 i: 1000 m Minium: 100 m Range: 650 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low b. Variability: High a. Steepness:mod. steep d. Variability: High c. Length: long e. Corvataire: convex Valleybottcns: X Interflaves : O-8Z:5 1 9-25X: 60 X, 25-551: 35 X b. Variability: Medium a. A^tlitnde: medium hillocKy >16X, 0-50 m a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Midth: very narrow b . Variability: Low - 1 - Upper & middle slopes, dystropepts, 80X -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 20% -3-4Valleys: Interflaves: Small blocks 30. HELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2- probable, 3» tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOSAL BOTES: 1010 - 111 LAID U I T EERST LBEP-SDBH, CSB-BOSOR MAP IMAGE: CBOSS SECTICB: n.J..9.4 V.2.2.2 A.3.2 intenaliate> " Hafic toffs mtenediate+ufic IJTIS rtafic latas <v aÜCTi»l s*)ïieitsi '" btOMdlatemf ie UTU 1. 4. 5. 6. LAUD OBIT: Hb. 1 . 6 . 2 2 . MftP SHEET: 1010 3 . ASEA: 63 km2 OOCOBBBCE b y EBuviBUfi: Lampung: 99Z SXAimS nJESTIFUBS : Dpdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final LAND UNIX EUSCHIPTICH: Moderately dissected hillocks in rolling pattern, intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 8-30%. 124/64/30/05/85 7. 1:100.000 056 /8294-045, 057 /8292-077 8. star-1/250/88/1010-3 g . JUUDAK 11. ROCK uumutiQa?: 0 i 1 0 . BtRBBT a. Weathering : High " b. Litbology : andesitic lavas c. Fomation : Tov 12. W&TEH a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Deep wells 13. FISHERIES : None 14. BXVB8S a. Floodrisk : None b . Xmmdatian: None 1 5 . VHSEI&TICH/LaiSD OSE : , bush, upland crops, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), reafforestation, Area rased 1 6 . AQCELEBAXED EBDSIQ8 a. Occorence b . Evidance towns, villages 90 X Common Gulleys 17. SOIL Q2EAT GSC9HP Damnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Classification. dystropepts humitropepts tropaquepts TATIVE raOFJULES: /340-44 /71/H / 1 0 1 0 / 6 2 / X of area 70 X 25 % 5 % ith/ /42 / 1010 - 112 Lab. checked yes yes no /87/ES/1010/54/ /17 / 18. SOUL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Excto. Kz topsoil subsoil e. Total K2Q: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil b. CEE p9 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulpfa. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Otter Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TIB : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTCTDDE: 20. 2 1 . Î..W. IDSAŒftSE: 22. 2 3 . SLOPE D I S K . : 2 * . WHT-TÜF AMPLI. 2 5 . TEHBAEflT: 26. 2 7 . WAUXX FIDOS: 2 8 . I M » FACETS: 29. Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 fine fine deep Well drained very low very low low low Bray I very low very low low low very low very low moderately acid moderately acid very deep Well drained 'low low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium low medium medium excessive acid excessive acid medium high yes 1.6 0.0 2 160 cm 3.7 1.9 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Maximum: 300 m Minimum: 100 m Bange: 150 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c- Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping d. Variability: High c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottaas: 5% InterfXaves : O-8t:10 % 9-25X: 70 %, 25-551: 15 I a. amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium hillocKy >16%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Irregular b . Lengt]h:Very long c. Variability: Medium e. Variability: Medium d. Width: very wide b. Variability: Low a. Hidtb: narrow -I- Upper & middle slopes, dystropepts, 70% -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 25% -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 5% -*Valleys: Small blocks InterflŒves: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 l«.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 2*: 2 28: 2 31. AlMJrnaSAL BOTES: Representative profile for Humitropepts i s extrapolated fromHab.1.6.2. 1010 - 113 LAUD DRIT REPORT LREP-SDBH, CSB-BOBOR HOP MAGE: CSDSS SECTIOB: intensli»t«tiafic tuffsnafic UTU' rolcuic rectj " tufic Uns 2 . MAP SHEET: 1010 1. LAND DHIT: Mab.2.1.2 • 4 . OOCÜKQBCE b y FBuwjUBü£: Lampung: 5. STATUS 3 . AREA: 4 2 km2 99% ' Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAUD U m DBSCHIFITGBJ: Moderately dissected mountains,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, gentle to moderately steep slopes^OX). 124/64/30/05/85 7. 8. 1:100.000 9 . HABSS star 1/250/88/1010-4 10. 3A /8285-07 , 3A /8285-05 , 04 FasEsnr MATIHIITAT. 11. SOCK OOTCaaP: a. Heatfaexins b. Litibology andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c. Fomation Qhv a. Qoality Fresh b. Soor:e 1 2 . H&3XB 1 3 . FISSEEHXES 14. BIVEBS a. /8282-113 High , Tnp Perennial River, Deep wells None Floodrisk None None 15. VBS£XAXXCra/IABD USE Area u s e d moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (kopi) 15 X 16. AOCEUEBAXEB EH0SÎ0S a. Occurrence Common b. Various Evidence 1 7 . S i m . «SEAT G8GDP Classification 32. X of area Lab. checked Dominant >SOZ humitropepts 65 X yes Associated 1 dystropepts 25 X yes Associated 2 hapludults 10 X yes XAXZVE PBUIKJLUS: 1010 - 114 5 X ia «annn rMMMmgnTCTTra Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. E: topsoil subsoil e. Total S2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pB 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil fieactian:topsoil subsoil jj. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid smlph. pot. : EB_ Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TED : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine — deep Moderately well low low low low Bray I very low very low low low low low very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes -— -90 cm 3.0 2.5 0 - Associated 1 moderately fine fine -deep Moderately well low medium low low Bray I very low very low very low very low medium high very strong acid very strong acid medium high yes ---94 cm 2.3 4.5 2 . Associated 2 fine fine -• -very deep Well drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium medium strong acid strong acid very low high yes --120 cm 2.1 4.2 0 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PIAM/fSOFTILE: Maxismm: 525 m MinaJEma: 100 m Bange: 350 m Dominant: linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: 21. L.0. a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium 22. SLOPE: b. Variability: High a. Steepness:mod. steep d. Variability: High c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE BISTB. : Valleybottaras: 5 % Interfluves : 0-8Z:15 % 9-251: 45 %, 25-551: 35 % 24. BELIEF 1MPLI.: a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: High Mountainous >16%, >300m 25. THBBAIH: a. Shape: Irregular 26. CREST/BUSSES: c. Variability: High Length: Long ' d. Width: wide Variability: High 27. VALUE? FLGQS: a. Miäth: very narrow Variability: Low 28. LAID FACETS: -1- humitropepts, 65% - 2 - dystropepts, 25% -3- hapludults, 10% -429. FBCGtOTATIQB: Valleys: Interfloves : Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 I8.b: 2 18.c: 3 14.a: 1 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 29: 2 22: 3 23: 3 24: 3 28: 3 31. AHMJITIOSAL BUTES: Representative profiles for Humitropepts and Hapludults are extrapolated from orther L-U. 1010 - 115 LAKD CSÎT PfMttT LBEP-SDHK, CSR-BOSGH MAP IMAGE: C8DSS SECTICH: V icid UiffsIfiM feliic stdiwituY roda 1 . lAfflJ raSHT: Mb. 2 . 1 . 2 2. MAF SMEET: 1010' 3. ASE&: 166 km2 ' 4 . OCOSSESEE by mCWJWCE: Lampung: 99% 5. S S & m s mH9TIFIEHS : Opdated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . 1UUSD U I T P E S E K I P T I C I B : Moderately dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic lavas, gentle to moderately steep slopes (<30%). 7 . 5ftftTffnT-ïï..iiir>r gcEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8 . ATHttiTAïï. B^iii]fuM-ag^PftffB : 1:100.000 3A /8285-09 , 54 /8296-79 , 56 /8294-43 9 . KABSS : Star-1/250/88/1010-2-3 10. PêMSm M&tEBIAL i l . socs asmsav: s % a. Heatherins : High b. Litbology : andesitic lavas , Tnv c. Faxmati.an : Tov 12. H a r m a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Deep wells 13. FISUEBXES : None 1«. BÎVEBS a. Fioodrisk : None b_ TTlUBalmiBafr ^ m t • None 15. TOEEI&TICffl/lLaKD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (kopi) Area u s e d : 20 % 16. ACCELERATED EBOSICffl a. Occnremce : Common b. Evidence : Various 1 7 . f3njfl"f.. Dominant. >5t»Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults 3 2 . RHKESEOTAÎTVE FBOFItES: ity/ / /87/SR/1010/33/ Z of area 70 X 30 Z 0% /22 / uda/ 1010 - 116 Lab. checked yes yes /87/TB/1010/34/ /05 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties topsoil a. Texture: sabsoil peatsoil b. Depth: leralsoil c. Drainage: topsoil d. Exen. E: subsoil : topsoil e. Total K2O: sabsoil' method t. Avail. P: topsoil sabsoil topsoil g. Total P: sabsoil topsoil h. CBC pH 7 sabsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil sabsoil topsoil j. Al Sat. sabsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solpn. pot.: •. Salinity : n. OOter Toxicity: o. Root otostr. layer : p. Organic Utatter : q. TEB : > r. Total observations: . IS. ALTITUDE: 20. PL&H/BBOFILE: 21. L.O. 22. SLOPE: 23. SflT n ww. DISTR. : 24. nmr.TIEF A M P U . : 25. TERRAIS: 26. CREST/RIBGES: 2 7 . VALLEI FLOOR: 28. UfflD FACETS: 29. FBAOMESriATICIlBf: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained very high medium very high medium Bray I very low very low medium medium medium high strong acid very strong acid medium high yes Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium medium strong acid strong acid very low high yes 130 cm 1.3 9.8 2 120 cm 2.1 A.2 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Maximum: 500 m Minimum: 25 m Bange: 250 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium b. Variability: High a. Steepness:mod. steep d. Variability: High c. Length: moderate e. Omrvatore: convex Valleybottans: 5 X Interflnves : 0-8X:15 X 9-25S: 45 X, 25-551: 35 % a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Lengtia:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium b. Variability: Low a. Hidth: very narrow -1- Lower & upper slopes dystropepts, 60% - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 30% -3- Crest, dystropepts, 10% -4Valleys: Interflnves: Small blocks 30. KELLSBIOT?: = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 31. AIIIIJITiaBAL BOTES: Representative profile for Hapludults is extrapolated from orther L-U. 1010 - 117 LAB) m r LREP-SDBM, CS8-B0BCB MAP IMAGE: C80SS SECTIOH: H.2.2.3 V.2.2.1 i£?J ' "-AJC*»\ 2.2.1 iirtanediate+Hfic tuffsdafic l a m .depresion C i-, • *«îd tifs*'-'* — Tolcuic rotte 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 1. LâBDO ODOT: Mab.2.2.3 4. imiiywiM by 3. ABEA: 297 km2 . Lampung: 99X edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 5 . SUHD6 nJEHTIFTEHS : Epdated by: AH 6 . LAUD OKII BEStSIPTICS: Strongly dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, steep to very steep slopes(30-75ï). 7. 124/64/30/05/85 R*inPT]r H-if»: 8 . ATiBTA^- EfBGHIOGKAPBS 1:100.000 9 . KABAB Star-1/250/88/1010-4-5 23 /8282-141, 52 /8296-83 , 53 /8316-149 i i . BOCK unuauif: io z 10. lÄRESnr M«Tf|lTATa. Heatherlng 12. HUTEB High b. Lithology andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt c. Fonmation Qhv a. Quality Fresh b. Scarce Rain 13. PXSQEKIES 14. 8IVBBS a. Floodrisk None None None 15. VBGEXAXIOB/UHD USE area used moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (kopi) 15 X 1 6 . AQCEUBAÏHD EBOSICB a . Qecnrence Extensive b . Evidence Various 17. SOU. 6SEAT GBOOP Classificatie Lab. checked X o f area 65 Z Dominant >SOZ humitropepts Associated 1 dystropepts 25 X Associated 2 hapludults ' 10 z yes . yes yes IXAXXVE BSQFIiES: /87/SR/1010/ _/ /31 / /87/tb/1010/34/ /05 / 1010 - 118 ity/ /87/US/1010/53/ /19 / 18. SOIL CBaSâCTEBISTICS D a m n a n t > SOZ Properties a. Textare: b . Depth: fine fine topsoil subsoil peatsoil fine fine -- deep very deep Moderately well Well drained very deep Well drained low low low low medium very low low low low very low very low aetfaod topsoil Bray I very low Bray I very low Bray I very low topsoil subsoil e. Total E2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: Associated 2 fine -- nïiMwni f 1 ! ' c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: Associated 1 moderately fine very low subsoil very low very low g. Total P: topsoil low very low medium subsoil topsoil very low medium h. CEE pH 7 low low low low low low medium subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil j . Al Sat. subsoil topsoil sob soil very strong acid high yes • o. Root obstr. layer : 90 cm p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 3.0 2.6 1 19. 2 0 . PIA0/ÏHOITLE: strong acid very low high — -— --- -— 1. Acid sulph. pot.: a. Salinity : strong acid — — very high k. Al toxicity : n. Other Toxicity: medium — -- very strong acid yes ---120 cm 2.2 2.0 5 MaxUum: 1240 m Minima: 2.1 4.2 0 200 m Range: 650 m Daainamt: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: Mod. high 22. SLOPE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:very steep c. Length: long b . Variability: High d. Variability: High 23. SLOPE DISTK.: e. Curvature: convex • ValleybottOBs: X Interfloves : 0-8Z:5 % 24. PHT-TTHg AMPLI.: 25. THgBATM- a. fti»1itnde: very high Mountainous >16%, >300m 26. C8EST/BIDGES: 27. VALLET FLOOR: 28. T-»w> FACETS: a. Shape: Irregular b . Length:Long d. Width: wide e. Variability: High a. Width: b . Variability: - 1 - Lower & middle slopes, humitropepts, 65% - 2 - Crest and upper slopes, dystropepts, 25% - 3 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 10% 2 9 . FRAGMESTATiaS: Valleys: 30. mg.TARTl.TTr: 10-b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 21. L.0. 9-25X: 10 %, 25-55Z: 40 %, >55I: 45 X b . Variability: High c. Variability: Medium -4Interfloves: 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4 ° plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 18.C: 1 31. AD8JITIQBÄI. AJTES: Representative profile for Hapludults is extrapolated from other LU. 1010 - 119 ' U S D W I T BEFCBT MAP IMAGE: k \^ H.Z.3.4 K.2.2.Î 2 ^ ""^'iVf'i UterwiUtmjfic tuffil> N.2.2.) A.2.2.1 3.4.1 I— f' \ N.2.2.3 UC1M S«)lKfitS 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 366 km2 1 . 1AHD MBIT: M b . 2 . 2 . 3 4 . OCCDBBBCE b y HBOTHCE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 5 . SXaTOS DJESTIFIEKS : Updated by: AH 6 . LABD M I T DESCHIPTIOS: Strongly dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic lavas, steep to very steep slopes(30-75X).. 124/64/30/05/85 7 . SATFI !.. f T|f 8 . AE8IAÏ. EBOTOGHAPBS : 1:100.000 4 /8282-111, 4 /8282-107, 57 /8293-77 9 . BADfiR : Star-1/250/88/1010-2-3 10. BSKBST MMTIBIAL 11. BOCK GDICBQP: 10 X a. H é a t b e r t n s : High b . Litfaology : c . Fonatian : 12. HUTEB a. Quality : b. Source : 13. FÏS&ERIES : 1«. BIVX8S a. Floodrisk : b. Inmdation: andesitic lavas Tov Fresh Rain, Perennial River None None None moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (fcopi) 15. VBGSXUnQB/IASD USE : Area used : 5 X 1 6 . JUTJT m»AT1P]H EBOSIOH a. Occttrence : Common b . E v i d e n c e : Various 17. SOU. GSEAT CKDOP Donnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Classification dystropepts hapludults Z of area 55 X 35 X Lab. checked yes yes X FBOFILES: /87/SR/1010/34/ uda/ /03 / 1010 - 120 /87/TB/1010/34/ /05 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil Doninant > 501 fine fine very deep Well drained high topsoil subsoil high Total E2O: topsoil high subsoil high Avail. P: aethod Bray I topsoil very low subsoil very low Total P: topsoil medium subsoil low CEE pB 7 topsoil low subsoil low Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil strong acid Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil very low Al toxicity : no Acid sulpb. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : ' Organic Hatter : 3.8 TEB : 7.7 Total observations: 4 Drainage: Exch. E: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 20. 2 1 . L.D. 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTH. : 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . •matATnn- 2 6 . CSEST/HIUGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOGS: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: 2 9 . FBAGMEBTATIOS: Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 very deep Well drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium medium strong acid strong acid very low high yes 120 cm 2.1 4.2 1 0.0 0.0 0 700 m SO m Bange: 400 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60Ï of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: low a. Steepness:very steep b. Variability: Medium d. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: X Interfluves : 0-81:0 Z, 9-251: 10 X, 25-55X: 40 2, >55I: 50 % a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16X, >300m a. Shape: Level c. Variability: High b. Length:Long d. Width: very wide e. Variability: High a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Crest and upper slopes, dystropepts, 55Ï -2- Middle & lower slopes, hapludults, 35% -3- Rock out crop,. 10Ï -*Valleys: Interfluves: 30. BELIABILITÏ: 1= reliable, 2 s probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.C: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ABDITXQHAL BOTES: 1010 - 121 LAHJ O n t REPORT tBEP-SOm, CSB-BOGCR MAP IMÊGE: CSCSS SECTIGM: Kit plutuiic nda 1 . U S D OBIT: M g . 2 . 2 . 3 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AKEA: 80 km2 4 . OCCTHEBCE b y SBOWXBCE: Lampung: 99% 5. srans Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAID W U T DBSCSIFIIOB: Strongly dissected mountains, acid plutonic rocks, steep to very steep slopes C30-75X). 12A/64/30/05/85 7. 8 . AEKIAL EB0ICG8AFBS 1:100.000 9 . BAOttK Star-1/250/88/1010-5 . 55 /8295-77 , 56 /829A-37 i i . BOCK ooraaop: io i 1 0 . PftSSHT MftTEBIAL Partial a. Heatbering 1 2 . HftTER b . Litbology granite, granodiorite, diorite c . Formation Kgr a. Quality Fresh b . Source Rain, Perennial River 1 3 . FISBÇKXES None . None 1 4 . BIVBBS a. F l o c d r i s k b_ TtnuiTw1?it-i on None moist primary lowland forest, bush 1 5 . VBGEIATIOS/LftHD USE Area used 0 % a. Occnrence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOU. G8EAT GSCOP : Classification Z of area Lab. checked Dominant >SOX dystropepts 90 X yes Associated 1 troporthents 10 X yes Associated 2 ity/ eot/ 1010 - 124 /87/AF/1010/52/ /17 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Dandinant > 50X Properties moderately coarse a. Texture: topsoil moderately fine subsoil b . Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: Associated 1 moderately coarse very deep Well drained shallow Somewhat excessively topsoil low low subsoil low very low high very high subsoil very high very high f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil Bray I very low very low low Bray I very low very low low very low very low low low low e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil h. CBC p9 7 topsoil subsoil i . Soil fieacfcicm:topsoil subsoil j . AI Satt. topsoil subsoil k. 1. aa. n. o. p. q. r. &1 toxicity : Acid snlph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot oäjstr. layer : Organic Matter : TJEB : Total observations: Associated 2 moderately coarse low very strong acid strong acid strong acid very low very low very strong acid low medium yes 110 cm 30 cm 1.2 9.3 0 1.4 1.7 1 Mininmm: 200 m 0.0 0.0 0 19. AZXXTBDE: M a x i « : 1000 m 20. Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peafced Bange: 500 m 21. L.n. BSAŒftSE: a. Pattern: dendritic Included: 22. 23. SLOPE DISTR. 2 4 . WFt.TiBF 2 5 . TEBBATJB: 2 6 . CHEST/BUDGES: 2 7 . WMJLEX FUCKS: 28. L A B FACETS: b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: low b . Variability: High a. Steepness:very steep d. Variability: High c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 5X Imterfluves : O-8Z:0 %, 9-251: 10 X, 25-55X: 30 X, >55Z: 55 % a. Amplitude: very high b . Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: High b . Length:Long d. Width: wide e. Variability: High a. Width: b . Variability: - 1 - Slopes, dystropepts, 90% - 2 - Crest, troporthents, 10% -3-*- 29. FBAQaXATXQH: 30. BTJ.TABinr.Tinf: lO.b Valleys: Interfluves: 1= reliable. 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 18.c: 2 31. A D O m O B A L MOTES: Representative profile for Troporthents is extrapolated from orther L-U 1010 - 125 UHD Q5XY , CSR-BOGOB KOP HOGE: CB0SS SECTTOB: ii ! acid plutMilc rods 1. LABO U U T : Mtn.2.2.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AKEA: 41 km2 4.'rib'H'WimKran:»,b y P 8 U V U 9 U & : Lampung: 99% 5. STATES njESrïTFIEBS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAID n m OESCHIFTIQH: Strongly dissected mountains, metamorphic rock, steep to very steep slopes (30-75%). 7. SATELLITE SCESŒS : 124/64/30/05/85 8. AEKIAL PHOTOGKAPHS : 1:100.000 55 /8295-73 , 56 /8294-41 9. BAOAB : Star-1/250/88/1010-4 10. PABHBT MATERIAL 11. BOCK CdTCBOP: 10 % a. Weathering : Partial b. Littoology : gneiss, schists c. Formation : pTsb 12. HATES ' a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None yp m I flll*llfttff"^tj^<u>ft *F * N OT16 15. WEEETATIQH/IAIHB USE : , bush, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa), reafforestation, towns, villages Area used : 10 % 16. ACCELERATED EBDSIDH a. Occarence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOU. GKEAT GMMP BQnämamt >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults Z of area 80 % 20 % uda/ 1010 - 126 Lab. checked yes yes /340-4 /71/dr/1010/63/ /6 18. SOn. CfflfiBACTEBISnCS 50Z Properties a. Teztanre: topsoil fine fine subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mod. shallow mineralsoil Well drained . c. Drainage: very low d. Exclu. K: topsoil very low subsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil low subsoil Bray I f. Avail. P: method very low topsoil very low subsoil low g. Total P: topsoil very low subsoil h- C E pO 7 topsoil very low subsoil very low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid subsoil very strong acid jj. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : 35 cm p. Organic Matter : 2.6 q. TEB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 3 Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 very deep Well drained medium low medium low Bray I very low very low medium low very low very low strong acid very strong acid 2.0 2.5 2 0.0 0.0 0 580 m Mimiann: 125 m Bange: 300 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Includad: b. density: Mod. high 21. L.B. DBAXaAGE: a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium 22. SLOPE: b. Variability: High a. Steepness:very steep d. Variability: High c. Length:^ long e. Curvatore: straight 23. SLOPE BISTR. : Valleybottams: % Inter£lraves : 0-81:0 % 9-251: 15 X, 25-55X: 40 %, >55Ï: 45 % 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitaide: very high b. Variability: High 25. TEBBAUH: Mountainous >16%, >300m 26. I3Œ3ST/BXBÎEES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Long c. Variability: High d. Width: wide e. Variability: Low 27. VALLEE FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Slopes and crests, dystropepts, 80% 28. LAID FACETS: - 2 - Slopes, kanhapludults, 20% -3-4Valleys: Interflevés: 29. 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 3 1 . AIHDÎTIQSAL KOTES: 1010 - 127 LABO) HHIT HEPCRT BttGE: X.2.2.4 I ri R.2.2.3 ^ // )} )/ my X.2.2.4 jA. "7 V. «> nlculc mdo interMi)isU4ufic tufdtufic l u « 2. M&P SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 78 km2 1ASJD IMIT: Mab.2.2.4 Lampung: 99% nrOWTWrE by FSDWIBCE: edit, date: 20/06/89 Status: Final SX&TOS UDEBTTFIÏHS : updated by: HE Extremely dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic tuffs and LAHD UmiT lavas, steep to very steep slopes (30-75X). 124/64/30/05/85 4 /.8282-115, 8 . èBRWL EfflOTOGSAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . BABAS : Star-1/250/88/1010-5 11. BOCK OOTCSOP: 10 X 10. PAHHBT MUTEBIAI. a. Weathering : Partial 1. 4. 5. 6. b. Litbology c. Fmaatian 12. HA3X& a. Quality b. Source 13. 14. 15. 16. : : : : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt Qhv Fresh Rain, Perennial River FISHERIES : None BIVEBS a. Floodrisk : None b. Innmdatian: None WBEEÏATICH/LftKD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush Area used : 0X ACCELERATED ESDSIOH a. Occorence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. son. camp >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ith/ / Classification . humitropepts dystropepts troporthents 1ATIVE EBOFILES: /87/HJ/1010/53/ Z of area 70 X 20 X 10 X /37 / ity/ 1010 - 128 Lab. yes yes no /87/US/1010/53/ /19 / 18. SOU, CBABACZEBISnCS Properties Dominant > 501 fine a. Texture: topsoil subsoil fine -b. Depth: peatsoil very deep iRiirntfir91^ « " i n Well drained c. Drainage: low d. Exch. E: topsoil subsoil low low e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil very low Bray I £. Avail. P: method topsoil very low subsoil very low medium g. Total P: topsoil subsoil medium h. CBC pB 7 topsoil high subsoil high i. Soil Beaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil very strong acid medium j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil very high yes k. Al toxicity : — 1. Acid sulpfc. pot.: m. Salinity : --n. Other Toxicity: 110 cm o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 3.7 q. TEB : 3.4 r. Total observations: 1 1 9 . ALTTOTDE: 20. 2 1 . L.B. 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE BIST».: 2«. BELIEF AMPLI. : 2 5 . TEBBAXH: 2 6 . CHEST/KUJSES: 27. WALLE? FLOCR: 2 8 . IASDD FACETS: 29. Associated 1 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained medium low low low Bray I very low very low low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid medium high yes -— -120 cm 2.2 2.0 0 Associated 2 120 cm 0.0 0.0 0 B a n g e : 700 m MtjLmismra: 5 0 0 m 1100 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: High c. Variability: low a. Steepness:very steep b. Variability: High c. Lengtli: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 0% Interflnves : 0-8Z:0 %, 9-251: 10 %, 25-551: 20 %, >55I: 70 % a. Amplitude: very high b Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: Medium b. LemgtämModerately long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Slopes, humitropepts , 70% -2- Slopes, dystropepts, 20% -3- Crest, troporthents, 10% -4Valleys: InterfImves: 30. lBTJ.TAMin.nrY: = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4» plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AQDinQBAL HOTES: Representative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from orther L-U 1010 - 129 LABO) ÖHIT IBEP-SUBH, CSS-BOGt» KAP IMAGE: •BOSS SECTICS: 2. HBP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 141 km2 1. U S D O m : Mab.2.3.3 4 . accnHESCE by HHWUBCE: Lampung: 99X Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 5. SmiD Strongly dissected mountains, intermediate and tuffs and lavas, 6 . Lftmj m n r abrupt slopes (>75%). 7. SÄTELXJnTE 8. AffilgTA 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 9 . HABtóK 53 /8316-47 , 54 /8296-71 Star-1/250/88/1010 -4 i i . HOCK arooaaP: 10 % 1 0 . WBBESI KÄTEHIAI. a . HeaiUfatectng b. Litiology c. Fojnsatiom 12. JfflOTH Partial andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt Qhv a. Qoality Fresh b . Source Rain, Perennial River 13. FISHERIES None 14. RIVESS a. floodrisk None 1 5 . VBEEIATICffl/LAMD OSE moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (kopi) None Area msed 5% 1 6 . aOCEtEBAIBD EHDSICE a. Occorence Extensive Gulleys b. 1 7 . SOU. OTE&T GHOTP Banimamt >50Z Classification humitropepts Z of area 65 % Lab. checked yes Associated 1 dystropept; 25 % yes Associated 2 hapludults ' 10 % yes 32. RESBESBBnTATXVE FBOFX1LES: ith/ / /87/hj/1010/52/ /24 / uda/ / /87/hj/1010/52/ /ll / ity/ 1010 - 130 /87/US/1010/53/ /19 / is. son. asuttcijsisncs Donnant > 501 Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peàfcsoil mineralsoil very deep Well drained low topsoil very low subsoil low Total K2O: topsoil subsoil very low Avail. P: method Bray I topsoil very low subsoil very low Total F: topsoil low subsoil low CSC pD 7 topsoil high subsoil high Soil Beaction:topsoil excessive acid subsoil very strong acid Al Sat. topsoil high subsoil high yes Al tozicity : Acid sulpb. pot.: Salinity : Other Tozicity: Boot obstr. layer : 120 cm Organic Matter : 3.5 TES : 1.0 Total observations: 1 c. Drainage: d. Exclu. S: e. t. g. b. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. T. fine fine 19. 20. 2 1 . L.H. EEAXHIftSE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE D I S m . : 2 4 . BELIEF «MPil.: '25. TESBAIH: 2 6 . QUEST/BUDGES: 2 7 . VAIXEf FUOCB: 28. LfiSD FACETS: 2 9 . fBAGMQBTATiaB: Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 fine fine very deep Well drained medium low low low Bray I very low very low low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid medium high yes very deep Well drained low very low low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium low low moderately acid strong acid very low very low no 120 cm 2.2 2.0 0 21.3 11.2 0 a: 1250 m 300 m Bange: 500 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: High c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: . % InrterfiLmves : 0-81:0 %, 9-25Z: 10 %,25-551: 20 %, >55Z: 70 % a. Amplitude: very high ' b. Variability: Low Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular c. Variability: Medium b. Length:Moderately long d. Width: wide e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Slopes, humitropepts 70% -2- Crest and slopes, dystropepts, 20% -3- Slopes, hapludults, 10% -*Valleys: Interflmvcs: 30. B E U A B I U T Ï : 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, += plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AuiMUUdUUL SUTES: Representative profiles Dystropepts and Hapludults are extrapolated from other L.U. 1010 - 131 U H D DMT KHTOBT LREP-SDBW, CSS-BOGCS MAF HUGE: SECTIQB: Tolcuiic rods intenediitetuflc l n u - 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 1 . LfiHB MBIT: Mb . 2 . 3 . 3 3. ABE&: 71 km2 4 . QOEttSESCE by PSOTMCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS HJEETTIFIERS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . 1AMÜJ UBIT BESCHIFTICBS: Strongly dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic lavas, abrupt slopes 7. SATELLITE SCESES 8. *ffiHtTaïï.. 1W1IUGBAFBS 9. HABÄR (>75%). : 124/64/30/05/85 : 1:100.000 55 /8295-75 , 56 /8292-125, 57 /8292-73 : Star-l/'*"'«8/1010 -3 10. PÄSBST MÄTE8IAL 11. BOCK COTCHOT: 10 X a. Weathering : Partial b . Littoology : andesitic lavas c. Foxmatbion : Tov 12. H&TES a. Quality : Fresh b . Source : Rain : None 1 3 . FISEDEHIES 1 4 . BIVESS a . FloodrisJt : None None 1 5 . WESEI&THM/IAM» USE Area u s e d moist primary lowland forest, bush 0 % 1 6 . atXELEB&TED EBDSIOH a. Occorence Extensive b. Evidence Gulleys 17. SOIL GBE&T G8Q0P Classification >50Z Associated 1 X of area dystropepts 60 X yes hapludults 30 X yes Associated 2 32. PROFILES: ity/ /87/sr/1010/34/ uda/ /3 1010 - 132 /87/hj/1010/52/ /ll 18. SOIL CHaBACTERISTICS Properties a. Textuur e: topsoil subsoil peatsoil b. Depth: c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: Dominant > 501 fine fine -- -- very deep Well drained very deep Well drained topsoil high low subsoil very low e. Total S2O: topsoil high high subsoil high very low method ttopsoil Bray I very low f. Avail. F: g. Total P: h. CEC pB 7 low subsoil very low Bray I very low very low topsoil medium medium subsoil low low low medium moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid very low moderately acid very low very low very low no no ttopsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. Associated 2 Associated 1 fine fine topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : ----- 1. Acid solpra. pot.: mo. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q_ TEB : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . HLM/fKÖFJXE: 2 1 . IL.O. IDSAŒftSE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE 2 7 . VALLEY FLOOR: 2 8 . 1MB FACETS: — ---- 3.8 7.7 0 2.3 0.0 0.0 0 11.7 0 750 m Minimum- 250 m Bange: 350 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep c. LengtUh: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: % Interflnves 2 * . BELIEF. AMPLI.: 2 5 . TBBBAHJ: 2 6 . CHEST/BUDGES: low low : 0-81:0 % a. Amplitude: very high Mountainous >16%, >300m b . density: Mod; high b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: High 9-25Z: 10 X. 25-55Z: 20 X, >55Z: 70 Z b . Variability: Low a. Shape: Irregular b . LengtUh:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b. Variability: - 1 - Crest & upper slopes, dystropepts, 60% c. Variability: High - 2 - Lower & middle slopes, hapludults, 30% - 3 - Rock out crop, 10% -•Valleys: 29. 30. BBI.TABin.TT?: lO.b : 2 18.d-q: 3 12.a: 1 19: 2 Interflmves: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, *= plausible 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AIKIJITICIBIAL BOTES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from other L.U. 1010 - 133 L U D U U T KEPOBT LREP-SDBM, CSB-BOGOB MAP IMAGE: CSOSS SECTIOH: 2.2V. K e.i. K.2.2.3 > l.H2.2> au w K.2.3.3 H.2.2.3 V 11 iwxxiàivim-w.. h y «cldplutoolc rtx*t 1.2.2 1. 1AHD {KIT: Mg. 2. 3. 3 *. ,•.?-.-.- 2. IPWi ni a ni -|j • MAP SHEET: 1010 3. AREA: 161 km2 Lampung: 99X ; Updated by: AH 5. S T Ä W B S Piih^JuiTfy| l^^fc 6. LAKD U1ÜUÏ DESCSZFTICB: Strongly dissected edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final mountains, acid plutonic rocks, abrupt s lopes(>75%). 7. SATEULXTE SCEHES : 124/64/30/05/85 8. ATBSITAïï.. tf^Jllf^XïSAintiCr : 1:100.000 04 /8282-109, 55 9. BADAB : Star-l/250/88/lOiq 3-5 10. PAHHSnr MATERIAL /829S-77 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10 % a. Heatherins : Partial b. Litbology c. Formation 12. HAIXK : granite, granodiorite, diorite : Tmgr , Kgr a. Quality : None b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 1*. HIVEBS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: None 15. VBGSXAÏIOB/LAHD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, coffee (kopi) Area used 16. : 0 % «rr*n vnATFin wmTKirim a. Occorence : Extensive b. 17. Evidence StUH. GREAT G8G0P : Gulleys : Classification Z of area Lab. checked nommant >50Z dystropepts 80 X yes Associated 1 troporthents 10 X yes Associated 2 eot/ 1010 - 134 /87/af/1010/52/ 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Proporties a. Textare: topsail subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil «Mineral soil c. Drainage: d. Exclu. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil sobsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil fa. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Ai Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid smlpb. pat. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAB/PSOffTLE: 2 1 . L.U. DHAUKAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE IJISTfi. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI. : 2 5 . TBmttAinB- 2 6 . CKEST/HUJGES; 2 7 . VALUES* FLOCK: 2 8 . LAMP FACETS: 2 9 . FBaCMEHTATIOS: Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 moderately coarse moderately coarse very deep Well drained medium medium very high medium Bray I very low very low low low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid low high yes shallow Somewhat excessively low very low very high very high Bray I very low very low low very low low low strong acid strong acid very low very low no 130 cm 30 cm 1.2 9.3 0 3.8 2 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Sünimmn: 500 m Maximum: 1175 m Bange: 700 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: low . b. Variability: Medium a. Sfceepmess:extremely steep d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottans: 0% Interfloves : O-8X:0 %, 9-25Z: 5 %, 25-551: 50 X, >55I: 45 % a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Low Mountainous >16Z, >300m a. Shag»: Level b. Length:Long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Medium -1- Slopes, dystropepts, 80% - 2 - Crest, troporthents, 10% -3- Rock out crop, 10% -4Valleys: Interfluves: 30. HEUABttlTY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 1 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOBIAL. HUEES: Reprësesntative profile for Iroporthents is extrapolated from other L.U. 1010 - 135 LAHD U l l i KEPCKT LREP-SDBI, CSR-BOGOR MAP ü t t G E : CSOSS SECTIOB: . , , , V.2.2.1 V.2.J.2 1. LAID UBÎT: Mtn.2.3.3 2. MftP SHEET: 1010 3. AKEA: 86 km2 'i. iBniiimn by EBUVlHUi: Lampung: 99% 3. STATUS IDHBTIFIERS : Updated by: AH edit data: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAID MBIT BESCKIPTIGIB: Strongly dissected mountains, metamorphic rocks, abrupt slopes 7. 8. *»a>TAT. PBOTOGHAPHS 9 . BABAR 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 56 /8294-39 , 56 Star-1/250/88/1010-5-4 /8294-41 io. 1 1 . ROCK OmCBOP: 10 I a. (feathering : High b. Litlmlogy c. Formation gneiss, schists pTse 12. Hftna a. Quality : Not known b. Source : Rain, Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVEBS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: None 15.TOGEJATIOai/LAllDUSE : secondary forest, bush, shifting cultivation, coffee (kopi) Area osed : 10 X 1 6 . AQ2ELE8AXED EftDSICH a. Occorence : Extensive b. Evidence : Gulleys 1 7 . S0TL G8O0P Baniimamt >50X Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts kanhapludults Z of area 90 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes I 3 2 . REEHESESTTATIVE IH0FXLES: ity/ /340-43 /71/H /1010/62/ /32 / udh/ 1010 - 136 /340-4 /71/DN/1010/63/ /06 / 18. SOIL CHÄBACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil nimeralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exen. K: topsoil sobsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: aethod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity :' 1. Acid smlpfa. pot.: n. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Donnant > SOI fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine shallow Well drained very low very low low low Bray I very low very low low very low very low very low strong acid very strong acid very deep Well drained medium low medium low Bray I very low very low medium low very low very low strong acid very strong acid 35 cm 2.6 0.0 0 2.0 2.5 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 625 m Minimum: 200 m Bange: 400 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: L . 0 . E8AIHASE: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: medium SUOEE: a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight SLOPE D I S H . : Valleybottons: X InterCLoves : 0-8Z:0 X, 9-25Z: 10 X, 25-551: 25 X, >55I: 65 X BELIEF AMPUL: a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Low Mountainous >16%, >300m TESBATJB: a. Shape: Irregular b. Lengtn:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low VAULD FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low L A » FACETS: -1- Slopes and crest, dystropepts, 90Z -2- Slopes, kanhapludults, 10X -3-*SBâËMEHTATiaH: Valleys: Interflmves: 1 9 . AUXZUJE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. BU.TABTT.innr: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 l«.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 22: 3 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AQDITIOBIAI. BOIES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from orther L-U. 1010 - 137 WEBT BEFGRT LREP~SOBf, MftP IMAGE: CBOSS SBCTIOH: , , , , J K.2.3.4 A.2.2.1 '"•VïX'y Utenediitetufic t«ff»l\ *Mf ÏC llTU B.4.1 T?A Tolcjiic roei» • *ï ClKlTi 1 . LftHD mSlT: M a b . 2 . 3 . 4 2. MAP SHEET: 1010 S I' 3. ASXA: 408 km2 4 . OCCOSEBCE b y SSOTIBCE: Lampung : 99% s. snuras menrjLFHBS : Updated by: AH edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAHD OHnr DESO8IFTI0H: Extremely dissected mountains, intermediate and mafic tuffs and 7 . SATELLITE SCESES 8. AlPlBTA lavas, abrupt slopes (>75X). : 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 9 . RADAR 23 /8282-143, 04 /8282-115, 53 /8316-147 Star-1/250/88/1010-4-5 11. BOCK OTTCH0P: 10 % 10. PARUST a. HeattaeriniK : Partial b . Lithology c. Fomation 12. : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, basalt : Qhv a. Quality : Fresh HUES b. Source : Rain : None 14. BXVKBS a. Flcodrist : None b . iJDBnadatÏOQQ : None 13. FISHERIES 1 5 . VBGEIATIOH/LAKD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush Aiea used : 0 X 16. ACCELERATED BSOSICH a. Occoxence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various 17. SOUL GREAT G8OHP Z of area 65 X l a b . checked fftnmr^ Tnarnifr- > 5 0 Z Classification humi tropepts Associated 1 dystropepts 25 X yes Associated 2 jtanhapludults 10 X yes yes 32. REEHESESTTATIVt FBQFILES: ith/ / /87/AF/1010/53/ /58 / udh/ / /87/AF/1010/53/ /50 / 1010 - 138 ity/ /87/US/1010/53/ /19 / 18. S0EL CHABACTESISTICS Properties Dominant > 501 Associated 1 a. Texture: fine moderately fine Associated 2 fine fine fine fine very deep Well drained low very deep Well drained very low low very low very low low low very low Bray I very low very low low Bray I very low very low low Bray I very low very low low very low high very low low low medium excessive acid low low very strong acid very strong acid strong acid medium high yes very strong acid medium high yes 120 cm 8.2 0.8 3 120 cm 2.2 2.0 0 120 cm 3.3 3.0 1 topsoil subsoil peatsoil b. Depth: animerai soil c. ftrainage: d. Excfa. S : topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil method £. Avail. P: topsoil sobsoil topsoil g. Total P: subsoil fa. QEC pffl 7 topsoil subsoil k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. Soil Keaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulpn. pot. : Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TJHB : Total observations: 19. very deep Well drained low very low medium very strong acid high low Maximum: 1350 m Müminram: 200 m very low low Bange: yes 600 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked 20. HLftffl/THffiOFlILE: 2 1 . L . O . HS3AISEA&E: 22. S10PE: 2 3 . SUOPE DISTS-: 2 4 . S E U E F «tfPLI.: 2 5 . TEHBAHS: 2 6 . CBEST/BBDHES: 2 7 . VAULEi FUJOOS: 2 8 . ILAHB FACETS: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: High . c. Variability: high a. Steepness:extremely steep c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottans: % InterflLraVes : 0-8Z:5 X a. Amplitude: very high Mountainous >16%, b . Variability: Low d. Variability: High 9-251: 10 X, 25-551: 20 %, >55Z: 65 % b . Variability: Low >300m a. Shape: Irregular b . lengtî»:Moderately long d. Width: moderate - e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b . Variability: - 1 - Lower & middle slopes, humitropepts, 65% c. Variability: High - 2 - Crest & upper slopes, dystropepts, '25% - 3 - Middle slopes, kanhapludults, 10% -•2 9 . FSfiGMEBTATiaS: Valleys: Interflowes: 30. RELIABILITY; 1- reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, le= plausible 10.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 l*.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-tj: 2 19: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADIIJITIQB1AL BEJTES: Representative p r o f i l e Mab.2.2.3. for Dystropepts i s e x t r a p o l a t e d 1010 - 139 from IfiEP-SDHM, SFBffTT CSa-BOGOR MAP IMAGE: 2. MftF SHEET: 1010 1 . IAS© DPR: M b . 2 . 3 . 4 3. ABEft: 248 km2 4 . i»Tni»Mir..K b y IBCWIHCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STUOTJS HUBBniFIEBS : Dpdated by: AH e. um n u edit date: 20/06/89 Status: Final Extremely dissected mountains,intermediate mafic lavas, abrupt slopes (>75X) 7. SATESJLHTE 8. AIBIAL S. 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 BADAR 10. 57 /8292-7S , 04 /8282-107 : Star-1/250/88/1010-3-2 i i . BOCK anncaop: 15 % BftREHT H&TEKIAL a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : andesitic lavas c. Foimation : Tov 12. H U E R a. Quality : Fresh b. Source 13. : Rain : None PÏSKEfiXES 14. BXVEBS a . F l c o d r i s k : None ^) B BlP^f IfllflTr'a tyfi ! None 1 5 . VHSElÄTlOH/LaHD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush Area rased : 0 % 1 6 . ÉCCELEHATED EBDSICH a . C t c o r e n c e : Extensive b. 17. Evidence : Various SOIL «SEAT GMMP Classification Z of area Lab. checked Bomânamt >SOZ dystropepts 70 % yes Associated 1 hapludults 30 % yes Associated 2 32. ity/ / /87/sr/1010/34/ /3 uda/ 1010 - 140' /87/hj/1010/52/ /ll 18. SOIL CBAKAL'IUuäiiua Properties a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Each. K: g. Total P: h. CBC pB 7 fine fine -- very deep Well drained subsoil high Associated 2 fine — high very deep Well drained low • :' very low low high high Bray I very low subsoil topsoil very low very Bray very very medium medium subsoil low low low medium moderately acid moderately acid strong acid very low strong acid very low very low very low no no subsoil oetfaod topsoil topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil j. Al Sat. Associated 1 topsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil t. Avail. F: Daninant > SOX fine subsoil topsoil subsoil k. Al tantiicity : n. Other TcatiLcity: o. Boot, obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 3.8 7.7 0 19. I: 1105 m 20. HLAIB/EBniPTLE: 2 1 . t . O . HSBAŒâGE: 2 2 . SUIVE: 2 3 . SUSE DIST&. : 24. ana-Tung AMPLI.: 2 5 . yemuiTrm2 6 . CHEST/BUDGES: 2 7 . VALLEY FLOCK: 2 8 . lAKD FACETS: low • low ----- 1. Acid sulph. pot..: •. Salinity : low I low low — • — - - - - 2.3 0.0 0.0 ' 0 11.2 2 150 m Bange: 600 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: High c. Variability: medium b . Variability: Low a. Steepness:extremely steep c. Length: moderate d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoas: X Imterfloves : 0-81:0 %, 9-251: 5 X, 25-55Z: 20 X, >552: 75 X a. Amplitude: very high b . Variability: Low Mountainous >16X, >300m a. Shape: Irregular d. Width: moderate a. Width: b. Lemgtm:Moderately long e. Variability: Medium b. Variability: c. Variability: High - 1 - Cirest upp.& low. sip , dystropepts, 70% - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 30X -3- 29. IBftHMBSTATiaH: Valleys: Interfluves: 30. B E U A K D U m r : 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, •= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 l*.a: 1 l*.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18-C: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 • 31. AHMTiaKIAI. BOTES: Representative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from Mb.233 1010 - 141 IREP-S0BM, CSK-rBOGOB MAP B U G E : CSOSS SECTIGB: Kit plirtonic rods * .,** *• ' ; Y^V) coUnri«! tmi 1. 4. 5. 6. ïtaiedirtertafiç tuffs tnfic Uns' LAID EMIT: Mg.2.3.4 2 . NAP SHEET: 1010 3 . AREA: 73 km2 i i n T by PfiOVHBICE: Lampung: 99% STATUS mOTrniTEHS : Updated by: AH e d i t d a t e : 20/06/89 S t a t u s : "Final 1ASD ŒBIT DESCHIPTIOS: Extremely d i s s e c t e d mountains, acid p l u t o n i c rocks, abrupt slopes 7. SATELLITE 8 . A1HBTAT.. FHOTOGHAFKS 9 . RADAR 124/64/30/05/85 1:100.000 04 /8282-q09, 04 Star-1/250/88/1010-4-3 /8282-111 il. 8DCX amaeaP: 10. PAKGST MATERIAL a. Weathering Fartial b. Litîmlogy granite c. Formation Tmgr 12. HATES a. Quality Fresh b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. HIVERS a. FLoodrisk : None 25 x 15. VBSETATICB/LAKD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush Area used : 0X 1 6 . aCCELEHATED EBOSHM a. Occurence : Extensive . b. Evidence : Various 17. SOU. GSEAT GB0DP >502 associated 1 associated 2 32. u ity/ Classification dystropepts troporthents X of area 80 X 20 X b. checked yes yes X SBOFXLES: /87/AF/1010/52/ /16 / eot/ 1010 - 142 /87/AF/1010/52/ /17 / 18. SOU. CBABAC Propoxtlfts Ä . Tttztnxtt; Dcainant > 50Z fine fine -b. Depth: very deep Well drained c. Drainage: high d. Exch. K: topsoil medium subsoil high e. Total K2O: topsoil sobsoil medium Bray I t. Avail. P: netbod topsoil very low very low subsoil low g. Total P: topsoil subsoil very low h. CEE pH 7 topsoil low subsoil low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid subsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil medium k. Al toxicity : yes 1. Acid sulpfa. pot.: — — m. Salinity : -n. Ottber Toxicity: 100 cm o. Boot obstr. layer : 1.7 p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : 4.2 1 r. Total observations: topsoiX sobsoil peatsoil 19. AUTCTHDE: 20. HLAE/IKDITLE: Associated 1 moderately coarse moderately coarse — shallow Somewhat excessively low very low very high very high Bray I very low very low low very low low Associated 2 low strong acid strong acid very low very low no — --30 cm 1.2 9.3 1 0.0 0.0 0 29. 1040 m Minimi: 400 m Bange: 600 m DaariLnant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: High c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: X Interfluwes : 0-81:0 X, 9-251: 10 X, 25-551: 20 %, >55I: 70 X a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Low Mountainous >16%, >300m b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low B: Irregular e. Variability: High d. Width: wide b. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow -1- slopes, dystropepts 802 - 2 - Crest, troporthents 20% -3-4Valleys: Interduves 30. BELXABXUJT: lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 1 ° reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 2 1 . L.DT. BHAXHÄGE: 2 2 . »CPE: 2 3 . SUSIE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 25. HTHBBATBI- 26. 2 7 . VAUSX FJLOCR: 2 8 . IABD FACETS: 31. ADOITI0BAL BOIES: 1010 - 143
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