buku keterangan peta satuan lahan dan tanah lembar
buku keterangan peta satuan lahan dan tanah lembar
BUKU KETERANGAN PETA SATUAN LAHAN DAN TANAH LEMBAR PEMATANGSIANTAR, SUMATERA EXPLANATORY BOOKLET OF THE LAND UNIT AND SOIL MAP OF THE PEMATANGSIANTAR SHEET, SUMATRA Oleh/By : Junus Dai, A. Hidayat, H. Darul SWP, Yayat AH, H.Y. Sumulyadi, Hendra S., P. Buurman, T. Balsem SEKALA/SCALE 1 : 250.000 LEMBAR/S//££T: 0718 PROYEK PERENCANAAN DAN EVALUASI SUMBER DAYA LAHAN PENGELOLAAN DATA BASE TANAH PUSAT PENELITIAN TANAH BAD AN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN LAND RESOURCE E VAL VA T10N AND PLANNING PROJECT SOIL DA TA BASE MANAGEMENT CENTER FOR SOIL RESEARCH AGENCY FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1989 Penanggung jawab Head of the Project DR. M. SUDJADI Kepala Pusat Penelitian Tanah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian The Director of the Center for Soil Research Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Department of Agriculture Urusan mengenai publikasi ini harus dialamatkan kepada: Kepala Pusat Penelitian Tanah Jalan H. Juanda 98, Tilpon 23012 Bogor 16123, Indonesia Correspondence concerning this publication should be addressed to: The Director of the Center for Soil R esearch Jalan H. Juanda 98, Phone 23012 Bogor 16123, Indonesia BUKÜ KETERANGAN PETA SATÜAN LAHAN dan TANAH LEMBAR TÄNJUNGKARANG (1110), SUMATERA Explanatory booklet of the LAND UNIT and SOIL map of the Tanjungkarang Sheet (1110), Sumatra Sekala/Scale 1 : 250.000 Oleh/By: Junus Dai, H.Darul SWP, A.Hidayat, H.Y.Sumulyadi, Hendra S., Yayat A.H., A.Hermawan, P.Buurman dan/and T.Balsem. Buku Keteranean Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah ini dihasilkan oleh Tim Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah dari Proyek Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan, . program keria sama teknis antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Bank PemDangunan Asia, dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tanah (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian) dan dikoordinasikan oleh Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL). Survei dan pemetaan dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tanah bekeriasama dengan konsultan dari HASKONING Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects. This Explanatory Booklet and the accompanying Land Unit and Soil map have been produced by the Soil Data Base Management Team of the Land Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP, part II), a technical coopérât ion programme between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank, executed by the Center for Soil Research (part of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development of the Department of Agriculture) and supervised by the National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL). The survey and mapping were carried out by the Center for Soil Research, in cooperation with the consultants of HASKONING Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects. PUSAT PENELITIAN TANAH BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN DEPARTEMEN PERTANIAN CENTER for SOIL RESEARCH AGENCY for AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE 88M Hak cipta dilindungi. Tidak sebagianpun dari publikasi ini dapat direproduksi kembali, dislmpan dalam suatu sistim penyimpanan dan penarikan data, atau dipindahkan kedalam bentuk apapun atau dengan alat/cara seperti : elektronik, elektrostatik, pita magnetik, mekanik, fotokopi, direkam atau sejenisnya tanpa adanya ijin secara tertulis dari penerbit. Edisi pertama, 1989. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition, 1989. Cara merujuk buku i n i : Junus Dai, H.Darul SWP, A.Hidayat, H.Y.Sumulyadi, Hendra S . , Yayat A.H.,, A.Hermawan, P.Buurman dan T.Balsem, 1989. Buku Keterangan Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah lembar Tanjungkarang (1110), Sumatera. Pusat P e n e l i t i a n Tanah. Bogor. How to cite this book: Junus Dai, H.Darul SWP, A.Hidayat, H .Y .Sumulyadi, Hendra S., Yayat A.H.', A.Hermawan, P.Buurman and T.Balsem, 1989. Explanatory booklet of the Land Unit and Soil map of the Tanjungkarang Sheet (1110), Sumatra. Center for Soil Research, Bogor. Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact soil.isrictawur.nl indicating the item reference number concerned. 1110 - ii PENUNTUN UNTUK PEMAKAI USER MANUAL Buku keterangan ini adalah penjelasan dari Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah lembar Tanjungkarang (1110), Sumatera, sekala 1:250.000. This booklet is an explanation of the 1:250,000 scale Land Unit and Soil map of the Tanjungkarang mapsheet (1110), Sumatra. Legenda peta berisikan satuan lahan yang merupakan satuan geomorfik dan dibatasi dengan cara menginterpretasi foto udara, citra satelit dan citra Radar. Isi dari tiap satuan lahan diperiksa di lapangan dan kemudian dicatat. Hanya sebagian dari semua informasi ini disajikan dalam peta, sedangkan sebagian lagi diberikan secara ringkas .dalam Buku Keterangan ini; informasi yang .lebih lengkap dapat tersedia jika diminta. The. legend of the map consists of Land Units, which are geomorphic units, delineated by interpretation of images such as aerial photographs, satellite imagery and Synthetic Aperture Radar. The contents of each of the units is checked in the field and recorded. Only part, of this information can be represented in the map; the remainder is briefly documented in the present explanatory notes, and more complete information is available upon request. Simbol peta menunjukan grup fisiografi (huruf besar), tipe batuan (huruf kecil), dan pembagian lebih Ianjut berdasarkan atas lereng dan tingkat torehan (pada daerah berlereng. dan angkatan) atau berdasarkan lingkungan pengendapan/hidrologinya (pada daerah aluvial resen dan marin), yang ditunjukan oleh angka. Huruf kecil yang berada dimuka kode. grup fisiografi menunjukan adanya tutupan dari bahan lain, seperti tutupan abu volkan pada perbukitan dari batuan sedimen atau lapisan bahan organik tipis pada dataran aluvial. Map symbols indicate physiographic group (capital letter), rock type (lower case letter), and subdivisions according to slope and dissection (in sloping and uplifted areas) or to sedimentary/hydrological environment (in recent alluvial and marine areas), indicated with numbers. Lower case letters preceding the physiographic group code are used to indicate covers of material with differing composition, such as volcanic ash covers on hills of sedimentary rocks, or thin peat on alluvial plain units. Grup fisiografi tersebut adalah : Kubah Gambut, Aluvial, Marin, Teras Marin, Dataran Tuf Masam, Dataran, Tuf Masam Toba, Volkan, Karst, Perbukitan, Pegunungan/Plato dan Aneka Bentuk. Grup Dataran Tùf Masam, Tuf Masam Toba, Volkan, Kubah Gambut dan Karst pembagiannya didasarkan pada tipe batuan dan morfologi yang spesifik yang hubungannya erat dengan sifat tanah yang spesifik. Grup yang lainnya sebagian besar hanya berdasarkan pada morfologi. The physiographic groups are : Peat Domes, Alluvial, Marine, Marine Terrace, Acid Tuff Plains, Plains, Toba Acid Tuff, Volcanic, Karst, Hill, Mountain/Plateau and Miscellaneous. The Acid Tuff Plain, the Toba Acid Tuff, the Volcanic, the Peat Domes and the Karst group are based on rock type and specific morphology, with a close link to specific soil characterestics. The other groups are largely morphological . Untuk semua satuan lahan, data keadaan tanah dan hubungan tanah dengan bentang alam disajikan pada Uraian For all land units, data on soils and soil/landscape relations are presented in the Land Unit Descriptions. These 1110 - Iii Satuan Lahan. Uraian satuan lahan ini merupakan bagian terpenting dari Buku Keterangan ini sebab semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi setiap satuan lahan untuk penggunaan tertentu disajikan disini. descriptions form an essential part of the Explanatory Notes, because all information that is necessary to evaluate a land unit for specific uses is listed here. Semua informasi geografik dapat diperoleh dalam format komputer (didigitasi). Semua data utama dari tanah (dari profil yang dianalisis) juga disimpan dalam komputer dan dapat tersedia bagi para pemakai yang memerlukan. Pada tahap selanjutnya, perangkat lunak untuk evaluasi lahan yang mempergunakan parameter-parameter yang ada pada diskripsi satuan lahan akan segera disidiakan oleh Proyek Pengelolaan Data Base Tanah (PDBT). All geographic information is available in computer (digitized) format. All primary soil information (analyzed profiles) is also computerized and can be made available to the user. At a later stage, land evaluation software which uses the parameters listed in the Land Unit Descriptions will be made available by the Soil Data Base Management Proyect (SDBM). Permintaan untuk penilaian Kesesuaian Lahan dari tiap satuan lahan untuk berbagai keperluan dapat diajukan ke Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Requests for suitability ratings of the land units for various purposes can be submitted to the Center for Soil Research, Bogor. 1110 - iv DAFTAR ISI 1. Pendahuluan 1.1. Latar belakang 1.2. Konsepsi legenda 1.3. Struktur legenda satuan lahan 2. Metodologl 2.1. Peta dasar 2.2. Interpretasi citra . 2.3. Survei dan data lapangan 2.4. Uraian satuan lahan 2.5. Data base dan pengelolaan data 2.6. Relaibilitas peta Hal aman 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 9 3. Lokasi daerah peta dan sumber informasi 3.1. Lokasi dan bâtas administras! 3.2. Sumber informasi 10 10 10 4. Keadaan umum fisik daerah 4.1. Geologi 4.2. Fisiografi 4.3. Hidrologi 10 10 16 18 5. Satuan lahan 5.1. Satuan lahan dan tanah 5.2. I si uraian satuan lahan 19 19 24 6. Daf tar pustaka Laporan pemetaan tanah 25 25 Daftar Gambaran Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar Gambar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lokasi peta dan bâtas administras! Relaibilitas peta : Indeks peta topografi dan jalur terbang potret udara Indeks citra Radar STAR-1 dan Landsat Indeks laporan survei dan pemetaan tanah Peta geologi bagan. Grup fisiografi Satuan lahan, blok diagram dan penampang melintang 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 23 Daftar Tabel Tabel 1. Grup fisiografi ' 2 Tabel 2. Analisis standar dan tambahan PDBT 5 Tabel 3. Nomor dan nama lembaran peta topografi sekala 1:50.000 ........ 10 Lampiran Lampiran 1. Uraian satuan lahan 26 1110 - v CONTENTS Page 1 1 1 2 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.2. Legend concept 1.3. Structure of the land unit legend 2. Methodology 2.1. Base maps 2.2. Image interpretation 2.3. Field survey and field data 2.A. Land unit description 2.5. Data bases and data processing 2.6. Map reliability '. 3 3 4 . 4 5 6 9 3. (Map location and sources of information) 3.1. (Location and administrative boundaries) 3.2. (Sources of information) 10 10 10 4. (General physiography of the area) 4.1. (Geology) 4.2. (Physiography) U.3. (Hydrology) 10 10 16 18 5. (Land units) 5.1. (Land units and soils) 5.2. (Contents of a land unit description) 19 19 2U 6. (References) (Soil survey reports) 25 25 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Location and administrâtive boundaries .• 7 Map reliability 8 Index of topographic maps and flight lines of aerial photos .. 11 Index of STAR-1 Radar and Landsat imagery 12 Index of soil survey reports 13 Geological sketch map 24 Physiographic groups 15 Land units, block diagram and cross section 23 List of Tables Table 1. Physiographic groups Table 2. Standard and additional SDBM soil analyses Table 3. Numbers and names of 1:50,000 topographic maps 2 5 10 Appendix Appendix 1 : Land unit descriptions 27 1110 - vi 1. PENDAHULUAN 1. INTRODUCTION l.l.Latar belakang 2.2.Background Buku Keterangan dan Peta Satuan Lahan & Tanah ini merupakan sebagtan has il akhir survei tanah tinjau Sumatra yang dilaksanakan untuk Proyek Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan dan diprakarsai tahun 1985 oleh Pemerintah Indonesia serta dibiayai oleh Bank Pembangunan Asia. Pelaksanaan survei dilakukan oleh Tim Survei Tanah dari Pusat Penelitian Tanah, sedangkan korelasinya dilakukan pada bulan Januari - Februari 1989. This explanatory booklet and the included maps are part of the final results of the reconnaissance soil survey of Sumatra, which was carried out for the Land Resources Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP), initiated in 1985 by the Goverment of the Republic Indonesia and financed by the Asian Development Bank. The sheet was surveyed by teams of Center for Soil Research (CSR). Map correlation was done in January February 1989. 1.2.Konsepsi legenda 1.2.Legend concept Legenda untuk survei ini didasarkan pada pendekatan satuan lahan. Pendekatan ini dianggap paling sesuai untuk survei ini, sebab pada sekala 1:250.000 dengan intensitas pengamatan lapangan yang kurang, semua batas satuan dapat ditarik dengan cara menginterpretasi citra. Legenda satuan lahan memungkinkan adanya pembatasan setiap satuan dengan sembarang ukuran yang masih dapat dipetakan (tergantung skala peta) dengan memanfaatkan namanama morfologi sederhana dan berulang. Pendekatan ini menunjang Struktur hirarki dan merupakan sistem terbuka sehingga dapat diperbaharui sesuai dengan penerapannya di Indonesia; ia tidak memuat parameter iklim (parameter iklim disimpan dalam data base terpisah dan dapat digabung dengan data base satuan lahan). Tambahan pula legenda satuan lahan erat hubungannya dengan legenda terdahulu di Indonesia mengenai bentuk lahan, sistem lahan dan satuan lahan tanpa k e l i r u penggunaannya (Desaunettes, 1977; RePPProT, 19851988; Kips et al., 1981). The legend for this survey is based on the Land Unit approach. This approach is considered most suitable for this survey, because at a scale of 1:250,000 , with low-density field checks, all unit boundaries are obtained by image interpretation. The land unit legend allows the delineation of mappable units of any size (depending on map scale), it makes use of morphological names which are simple and recurrent, it supports an hierarchical structure, it is an open system that can be amended for use anywhere in Indonesia, and it does not contain climatic parameters (the climatic parameters are stored in a separate data base which can, be combined with the land unit data base). Satuan Lahan ini diberi batasan berupa lahan dimana satu atau lebih komponennya mempunyai ciri-ciri khusus dan merupakan satuan lingkungan dengan sembarang ukuran yang dapat dibatasi pada peta. Satuan terkecil yang masih Furthermore, the land unit legend is closely related to previous Indonesian land form, land system and land unit legends (Desaunettes, 1977; RePPProT, 1985-1988; Kips et al., 1981) without being confusing. A Land Unit is defined here as an area of land of which one or more attributes have special characteristics, and it refers to an environmental unit of any size that can be delineated. The smallest unit that can be 1110 - 1 dapat d i b a t a s i tanpa menghiraukan sekalanya berukuran 2 mm lebarnya blla bentük memanjang dan kurang l e b i h 3 sampai 4 mm bila berbentuk bulat. Fada sekala 1:250.000, suatu satuan yang membulat dengan diagonal 4 mm meliputi kurang lebih 80 ha. Satuan lahan dikelompokkan dalam grupgrup f i s i o g r a f i dan kadang-kadang dibagi lagi kedalam sub-grup. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, l i h a t pada Buurman, et al (1988) dan Balsem et al. (1989) delineated on any map, irrespective of scale is about 2 mm wide if it is a linear feature and about 3 to 4 mm across if it is a circular feature. At a scale of 1:250,000, a circular unit of U mm across has a surface of nearly 80 ha. Land units are grouped together in Physiographic Groups and, in some cases, in Sub-Groups. For more detailed information, see Buurman et al., (1988) and Balsem et al., (1989) 1.3.Struktur legenda satuan lahan 1.3.Structure Semua satuan lahan diberl kode berupa huruf dan angka/dijit; masing-masing dengan konotasi khusus tergantung tingkat klasifikasinya. All mapping units are coded by means of a sequence of characters and digits, each with its specific connotation which depends on its level in the classification. Contoh:Au.1.1.3- Dataran aluvial luas, tanggul sungai/alur-alur drainase. Example: Au.1.1.3 -Broad Alluvial Plain; levee/'spillway. • Grup Fisiografi Relief, ukuran besarnya Physiographic Group _Relief magnitude Au.l.l.3-Bentuk lahan/torehan/vegetasi Litoloqi of the land unit legend Au.1.1.3 —Landfonn/dissection /vegetation Litholoqy Sub-grup: Horfologi Subgroup : morphology Tabel 1 menyajikan Grup Fisiografi yang d i i d e n t i f i k a s i di Sumatra dan pulau-pulau di luarnya. Contoh-contoh pembagian lanjut hanya disajikan untuk grup Kubah Gambut dan grup Dataran. Table 1 lists the Physiographic Groups which have been identified in Sumatra and the outer islands. Examples of subdivisions are given for the Peat Dome and Plain groups only. Tabel 1. Grup Fisiografi Table 1 : PhysiographicGroups A. B. D. H. I. K. M. P. Q. T. V. X. A. B. D. H. I. K. M. P. ALUVIAL MARIN KUBAH GAMBUT PERBUKITAN DATARAN TUF MASAM KARST PEGUNUNGAN/PLATO DATARAN TUF MASAM TOBA TERAS MARIN VOLKAN ANEKA BENTUK *) *) T. V. X. Alluvial Marine Peat Domes Hilly Acid Tuff Plain Karst Mountain/Plateau Plain Toba Acid Tuff Marine Terrace Volcanic Miscellaneous *) Not present in this mapsheet. <?• *) *) *) Tidak dijumpai pada lembar peta Ini. 1110 - 2 *) *) *) *) Pembagian lanjut grup Kubah Gambut dan Dataran adalah sebagai berikut. Subdivision of Plain groups : the Peat Domes and thin <0,5i fresh water medium 0,5-2i thick >2i tipis <0,5m air tawar- sedang 0,5-2m tebal . >2m eutrophic— eutrofik — pasang surut/bagian tepi kubah bergaram jsda tidal/saline fringes of domes—| ditto Peat D o u e s — I Kubah Gaobut - air tawar Isda fresh water-1 ditto oligotrofik- oligotrophic pasang surut/bagian tepi kubah bergaram — ' S d a Bentuk wilayah datar tidal/saline fringes of domes—| ditto Penorehan tanpa sedikit sedang sangat ekstrim datar - berombak 1 Sda berombak 1 Sda Dataran—litologi— beroibak - bergelombang-|Sda bergeloibang 1 Sda datar berbukit kecil — I Sda berombak berbukit keciH Sda Land form flat- Plain—lithology-- Dissection none slight moderate strong extreme flat to undulating 1 ditto undulating 1 ditto undulating to rolling— I ditto rolling 1 ditto flat with hillocks 1 ditto undulating with hillocks| ditto Struktur legenda disusun demikian rupa sehingga lanskap datar, melandai, tertoreh, bergunung, dsb. dengan mudah tfapat dipilih oleh komputer. Struktur ini langsung berkaitan dengan potensi lahan untuk pertanian. The legend structure is such, that flat, sloping, dissected, mountainous landscapes, etc., are easily selected by computer. The structure is directly related to agricultural potential of the land. 2. 2 . METHODOLOGY METODOLOGI 2.1.Peta dasar 2 . 1 . B a s e maps Peta dasar untuk keperluan pencetakan Peta Satuan Lahan & Tanah disediàkan oleh BAKOSURTANAL. Untuk lembar peta ini, peta dasar yang digunakan adalah peta JOINT OPERATIONS GRAPHICS (JOG), Lembar SB48-7, Seri 1501, Edisi 3, Tanjungkarang yang dikeluarkan oleh Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1988. Base maps for the printed Land Unit and Soil map were provided by BAKOSURTANAL. For the present sheet, the base map was the Joint Operations Graphics (JOG), Sheet SB48-7, Series 1501, Edition 3, Tanjungkarang, published by The Royal Australian Survey Corps 1988. 1110 - 3 2.2.Interpretasi citra 2.2.Image interpretation Survei tinjau ini sebagian besar didasarkan pada interpretasi citra dan batas-batas satuan sesungguhnya ditarik berdasarkan citra. Macam citra yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: The surveys are extensively based on image interpretation and virtually all unit boundaries are imagery - based. The following imagery was used: -potret udara hitam/putih sekala 1:100.000, Angkatan Udara Australia 1976 (umumnya kualitas rendah karena dicetak berulang kali dan pemrosesan yang kurang baik). -LANDSAT komposit warna (band 4-5-6) sekala 1:250.000 tahun 1984/85 yang diperoleh dari LAPAN (kualitas bervariasi, sekala kurang teliti). -citra Radar stereo STAR-1, 1988 (cetakan hitam putih, kualitas tak optimal). 1:100,000 scale black/white aerial photography, Australian Airforce, 1976, (usually poor quality due to recopying and poor processing). 1:250,000 LANDSAT colour composites (bands 4-5-6), 1984/85, obtained from LAPAN (varying quality, inacurate scale). 1:250,000 STAR-1 stereo Radar imagery, 1988 (black/white positive prints, quality not optimal). 2.3.Survei dan data lapangan. 2.3.Field survey and field data Pelaksanaan survei tinjau dapat dibagi dalam beberapa tahapan kerja: The implementation of the reconnaissance survey can be split up into a number of essential steps : l.penelaahan data dan informasi dari peta dan laporan tersedia. 2.interpretasi citra dan penetapan daerah kunci 3.pengamatan lapangan dan pemasukandata ke komputer 4.penyusunan s a t u a n l a h a n dan pemasukan data ke komputer. 5.analisis contoh tanah ó.melengkapi uraian satuan lahan dengan data analisis. 7.korelasi/verifikasi lapangan 8.produksi peta akhir 9.dijitasi peta dan pemrosesan data base lainnya. 1. perusal of existing maps and reports 2. image interpretation and selection of sample/key areas 3. field observations and computer data entry U. preliminary land unit descriptions and computer data entry 5. soil sample analyses 6. completion of land unit descriptions with analytical data 7. correlation/field verification 8. final map production 9. map digitizing and other data base operations. S e mua pengamatan di lapangan (pemboran All observations in the field dan profil) dicatat, diberi kode dan (auger ings and profile pits) were dimasukan sesuai dengan prosedur stan- described, coded and entered according dar PDBT, seperti diuraikan dalam to standard SDBM procedures as Laporan Tehnis PDBT No. 5 (Balsem et described in SDBM Technical Report al., 1988). Kode ini terutama diadap-~ No.5 (Balsem et al., 1988). These tasi dari standar FAO dan USDA (FAO, codes are mainly adapted from standard 1977; SCS, 1978; Gallup, 1978). FAO and USDA codes (FAO, 1977; SCS,1978; Gallup, 1978). Contoh tanah yang représentatif dianalisis sifat-sifatnya seperti yang Representative soils were analyzed for the properties listed in Table 2. disajikan pada Tabel 2. 1110 - 4 Tabel 2. A n a l i s i s tanah s t a n d a r dan tambahan FDBT. Table 2. Standard and additional SDBM soil analyses. Analisis Standar 1. tekstur 2. karbon organik 3. KTK NH40Ac pH 7 4. basa dapat ditukarkan dalam NH40Ac 5. Al dalam KC1 IM 6. kerapatan lindak pF 2,5 7. kadar air pF 4,2 8. pH (H20, KC1 , 1:2,5) 9. N total 10.K tersedia 11.P tersedia Standard Analyses 1. teksture 2. organic Carbon 3. CEC NHWAc pH 7 4. exch. Bases in NHWAc 5. Al in 1 M KC1 6. bulk density pF 2.5 7. water content pF U.2 8. pH (H20, KC1, 1:2.5 9. total N 10.available K 11.available P Analisis tambahan untuk tanah volkanik: -kemasaman terekstraksi dalam B a C ^ TEA (pH 8.2) - Al, Fe dan Si terekstraksi oksalat - mineralogi pasir - retensi fosfat untuk Oksisol: - mineralogi pasir untuk Spodosol: - Fe, A1,C terekstraksi pirofosfat - Fe, Al terekstraksi ditionit untuk endapan marin: - garam terlarut - kadar sulfur - kadar air lapangan (tanah belum matang) untuk tanah berkapur: - kadar karbonat untuk tanah Gatnbut: - kadar serat - kadar abu - kerapatan lindak Additional Analyses for Volcanic soils: - extractable acidity in BaC12-TEA 2.4. Uraian satuan lahan 2.4.Land unit Uraian satuan lahan berupa uraian umum yang dibuat untuk setiap satuan peta. Uraian yang dibuat i n i merupakan generalisasi dari beberapa pengamatan. Atribut satuan lahan (lihat bab 5.2) digunakan untuk evaluasi lahan ybs. Struktur uraian satuan lahan didasarkan pada suatu cara yang telah dipublikasikan oleh RePPProT (1988) dengan beberapa tambahan. Disamping dari pengamatan di lapangan dalam penyusunan uraian satuan lahan i n i , Land Unit descriptions are general descriptions which are made for each of the mapping units. Such descriptions are generalizations of point observations. The land unit attibutes (5.2) are used for land evaluation. The structure of the land unit descriptions is based on those published by RePPProT (1988) with amendments. In addition to the field observations, the following sources were - oxalate extractable Al, Fe and Si - sand mineralogy - phosphate retention for Oxisols: - sand mineralogy for Spodosols: - pyrophosphate extractable Fe, Al, C - dithionite extractable Fe, Al for marine deposits: - soluble salts - sulphur content - field moisture content (unripe soils) for calcareous soils: - carbonate content for peat soils: - fibre content - ash content - bulk density 1110 - 5 description juga dipergunakan beberapa lain terutama dari : informasi -RePPProT, 1988: Review of Phase I Re sults, Sumatra. -PPPG, 1978: Peta Geologi Lembar Tânjungkarang, Sumatera, Sekala 1:250.000. - Semua laporan survei yang tersedia dari daerah ybs (Gambar 5). used in the compilation of the land unit descriptions: - RePPProT, 1988 : Review of Phase I Results, Sumatra - GRDC, 1978 : Geologic Map of the Tanjungkarang Quadrangle, Sumatra, Scale 1:250 000. - All available survey reports for the area (Figure 5). 2.5.Data bases and data processing 2.5. Data Base dan Fengolahan Data. Seperti disebutkan diatas, semua data lapangan dan analisis disimpan dal am data base. Data base yang utama ialah: -pengamatan lapangan (pemboran dan penampang tanah). - data anali s i s -uraian Satuan Lahan Data base pengamatan lapangan berisi semua parameter yang dapat diukur di lapangan dari setiap tempat pengamatan. Yang didiskripsi dan disimpan adalah nomor tempat/site, tempat, lereng, vegetasi/penggunaan lahan dan semua sifat-sifat tanah yang diukur di lapangan seperti Struktur, porositas, tekstur, warna, dll. (lihat Laporan Teknis PDBT No 5a, Versi 1.1 - Balsem et al., 1988). Data base analisis berisi semua hasil analisis kimia, fisika dan mineralogi serta semua data hasil perhitungan dari analisis ini yang biasanya dipergunakan untuk menilai kesuburan atau klasifikasi tanah (Lihat Laporan Teknis No 7a - Buurman, 1988; Laporan Teknis No 17, Muslihat et al., 1989). As mentioned above, all field and analytical data are stored in computerized data bases. The main data bases are : - field observations (auger and pit) . - analytical data - land unit descriptions The field observations data base contains all parameters that were measured in the field, for each of the observations sites. Described and stored are site number, location, slope, vegetation/landuse and all soil properties that are measured in the field, such as structure, porosity, teksture, colour etc (see Technical Report No 5, Version 1.1 -Balsem et al., 1988). The analytical data base contains all results of chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses and all properties used for fertility appraisal or classification, that are calculated with these analyses (see Technical Report No 7 - Buurman, 1988; and Technical Report No 17 - Muslihat et a l . , 1989). Pada data base pengamatan lapangan dan data base analisis, data dapat dikeluarkan dengan cara memanggil /menuliskan nomor pengamatan, nomor lembar peta, satuan pada legenda, administrasi (kabupaten atau provinsi) atau dengan yang lainnya yang ditentukan oleh koordinat geografik. In both the field observations and in the analytical data base, data can be retrieved by observations number, mapsheet , legend unit, administrative area (province, kabupaten), and other areas defined by geographic coordinates. Data base uraian satuan lahan berisi uraian umum dari tiap satuan peta untuk seluruh Pulau Sumatera yang dikatalogkan menurut lembar peta. The land unit description data base contains the general description of each mapping unit for the whole island of Sumatra, catalogued by mapsheet. 1110 - 6 GAMBAR 1 : LOKASI FETA DAN BATAS ADMINISTRAS! FIGURE 1 : LOCATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES 106°00' S°00' I06°00' 16' —1— 1O6°3O' 15' I. LAUT J A WA * Propinsi Lampung A : Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. B : Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. C : Kodya Bandar Lampung 30' II. Propinsi Jawa Barat A : Kabupaten Serang. 6°00' 1 : 1000000 — Jalan *+• Jalan kereta api <C Sungai/Anak Sungai ••— Batas Kabupaten +• + Batas Propinsi Kota/Pemukiman 0 10 20 30 40Km GAHBAR 2 : RELAIBILITAS FETA FIGURE 2 : HAP RELIABILITY 106°00' L A U T 106°30' J A W A TINGKAT RELAIBILITAS IV 2**" Sedang « .3 • • Rendah O 6°001 : 1000 000 Jalan Jalan kereta api Sungai/Anak Sungai Kota/Pemukiman 10 20 30 Uraian u mum b e r a s a l dari penyederhanaan semua pengamatan pada seluruh satuan peta, termasuk analisis laboratorium dari p r o f i l yang l a i n . Parameter yang disimpan berisi semua i n f o r m a s i yang d i p e r l u k a n untuk p e n i l a i a n evaluasi lahan (lihat Laporan Teknis No 13a -Balsem & Buurman, 1989). Uraian satuan lahan dari semua satuan peta yang terdapat dalam lembar peta i n i disajikan pada Lampiran 1. The general description is derived by generalizing information of all observations within the mapping unit, including laboratory analyses of separate profiles. The parameters stored contain all the information necessary for land evaluation procedures (see SDBM Technical Report No. 13, - Balsem & Buurman, 1989). The land unit descriptions of all mapping units relevant to the present sheet are listed in Appendix 1. 2.6.Relaibilitas peta 2.6. Map reliability Relaibilitas dari peta tergantung pada beberapa faktor 'seperti: kerapatan pengamatan, keragaman tanah, kualitas dari citra penginderaan jauh, lokasi dari titik pengamatan atau daerah kunci, ketepatan dari batas tanah maupun batas satuan lahan, tingkat pengetahuan dan pengalaman surveyor. Tidak semua dari faktor faktor ini dapat diukur dan karena itu harus diperkirakan. The reliability of a map depends on many such factors as observation density, soil homogeneity or complexity, quality of the remote sensing imagery, the location of sample/key areas, accuracy of soil units and soil boundaries, the level of education and the amount of experience of the soil surveyor. Not all of these can be measured and so they have to be estimated. Berdasarkan faktor faktor tersebut diatas, terutama kerapatan pengamatan, maka diperkirakan mengenai relaibilitas peta, dan untuk itu dibagi menjadi 3 grup (Gambar 2). Based on the above factors, but mainly on observation density, three classes of map reliability have been established (Figure 2). 1110 - 9 3 . LOKASI DAERAH PETA DAN SUMBER INFORMASI 3 . 1 . L o k a s i dan Bâtas A d m i n i s t r a s ! Secara geografik daerah peta Tanjungkarang (1110) ( terletak antara 105800 dan 106°30 Bujur Timur dan antara 5°00' dan 6 0 0 ' Lintang Selatan. Secara adminitratif daerah peta termasuk Propinsi Lampung yang meliputi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Lampung Tengah dan Kotamadya Bandarlampung. (Gambar 1) 1:100.000 (Royal Australian Air Force, 1976) berkualitas rendah sampai sedang dengan tutupan awan lk. 10%. Ikhtisar jalur terbang dan nomor potret udara disajikan pada Gambar 3. Sumber informasi lain yang dipakai ialah dàri Citra Landsat dan Radar seperti disajikan dalam Gambar 4. Beberapa laporan survei tanah terdahulu beserta peta tanahnya telah ditelaah dalam pekerjaan kompilasi data untuk memperkokoh data base tanah daerah ybs. Gambar 5 menyajikan lokasi daerah survei tersebut, sedangkan judul laporan survei dicantumkan pada daftar pustaka. 3.2.Sumber Informasi Dalam pelaksanaan survei dan pemetaan tanah tingkat tinjau ini sumber informasi yang telah digunakan adalah peta topografi, peta geologi, potret udara, citra Landsat, citra Radar serta beberapa peta dan laporan survei terdahulu sebagai nara sumber. Disamping peta topografi skala 1:250.000 ( B A K O S U R T A N A L , 1 9 8 5 ) digunakan pula peta topografi berskala 1:50.000 (BAKOSURTANAL, 1982). Tabel 3. Nomor dan Nama Lembaran Peta Topografi Skala 1:50.000 11 Klluan 12 13 Padang Cemin 14 Tanjung Agung 21 Penengahan 22 Bakauheni 23 Kalianda 24 Ketapang 31 32 33 34- 1 41 Gedongtataan 42 Tanjungkarang 43 Bangunrejo 44 Metro 51 Jabunq 52 Labuhan Haringgai 53 Sukadana 54 Braja Luhur 61 62 63 64 - Peta geologi yang digunakan ialah Peta geologi skala 1:250.000 dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung lembar Tanjungkarang tahun 1978. Potret udara yang dipakai ialah potret udara hitam/putih skala 4. KEADAAN UHUM FISIK DAERAH 4.1. Geologi Secara geologi, lembar peta Tanjungkarang tersusun atas juluran-juluran {outliers) Pegunungan Barisan (di tenggara) yang sebagian besar tertutup oleh bahan volkan muda, batuan-batuan tua yang terbenam, dataran luas yang t e r d i r i dari endapan ignimbrit serta endapan a l u v i a l dan p a n t a i muda (Gambar 6 ) . Sebagian besar batuanbatuan permukaan berumur k u a r t e r , namun batuan-batuan tua muncul pada beberapa tempat. Pretersier Batuan p r e t e r s i e r t e r d i r i d a r i skis ( p T s e ) , menutupi batuan i n t r u s i f granit (Kgr). Seperti halnya pada lembar peta 1010 (Kotaagung), batuanbatuan i n i terdapat d i s i s i timur Pegunungan Barisan, yang luput dari penutupan oleh bahan volkan Tersier dan Kuarter. Batuan skis b e r v a r i a s i dalam komposisinya dari skis b i o t i t hingga skis hornblende dan mengandung l a p i s a n lapisan berkapur dan lapisan-lapisan k u a r s i t . Setempat-setempat terdapat ortogneis, yang sangat t e r l i p a t . Batuan-batuan intrusif yang terdapat di bagian bawah batuan-batuan metamorfik sebagian besar t e r d i r i dari granit dan granodiorit dengan inklusi b i o t i t dan gabro. 1110 - 10 GAMBAR 3 : INDERS PETA TOPOGRAFI DAN JALUR TERBANG POTRET UDARA TIGURE 3 : INDEX OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND FLIGHT LINES OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 105°00' 1J5' 30 45' 106°00' 106°30' 5 (54) R 62/8282 £ R 62/8282 61-77 : Nomor jalur terbang f54) • Nomer lemoai : Nomor futo udara peta topografi 1 : 50 000 CAMBAR 4 : INDEKS CITRA RADAR STAR-I DAN LANDSAT FIGURE 4 : INDEX OF STAR-1'RADAR AND LANDSAT IMAGERY 105°00' S°00' 15' 106°00' 106°3O' I-b- 1 6°00 p Liputan Radar 1 : 250 000 STAR - 1 , 1 1 1 0 - 1,2,3,4,5,6 Liputan Citra Laridsat A : 123-064-1 , 14-11 -1984 B : 123-064-11 , 14-11-1984 GAHBAR 5 : INDERS LAPORAN SURVEI DAN PEMETAAN TANAH FUTURE 5 : INDEX OF SOIL SURVEY REPORTS 105°00' 10e°D0' LAUT IB' JA W A «s© roboali - Hesuji pusat Penelitian Tanah, 1986 DAS Sefcaipung Atas Leabaga Penelitian Tanah, 1971 DAS Sekaipunq Pusat Penelitian Tanah, 1981 [::-•'>•'•:? DAS Sekanpung L;^.-j':-j Leibaqa Penelitian Tanah, 1972 Propinsi Laipunq Leibaqa Penelitian Tanah, 1968 1D6°3O' GAHBAR 6 : FIGURE 6 : PETA GEOLOGI BAGAH GEOUXICAL SKETCH HAP 105 Off BT 108 30' BT s°ooLS Volkan Kuarwr QKw Qlv Tanlor Tov LAUT Tlndo intrusi Kuartor J A W A Pratersier Kgr ü 1OBUOO'BT 106 3 0 ' BT KuBrter Pratersier Sedimen Sumber : GeologiLembar Tanjung Karang. Geological Research and Development Centre, 1978 5 10 15 Km GAHBAR 7 : GRUP FISIOCRAFI LEMBAR TANJUNGKARANG FIGURE 7 . PHYSIOGRAPHIC GROUPS OF THE TANJUNGKARANG SHKET 1O5üQ05°0(V 15' 30' 45' 106°00 r LAUT 106°3D' J A W A :6°0D' Grup Aluvial/'Alluvial Group Grup Volkan/Volcanic Group Giup Marin/*few?e Group Grup Perbukitan/W/V/y Group Grup Dataran Tuf Masam I Acid Taff Plain Group Grup Pegunungan/Afo(/n(a/i Group Grup Dataran/PlainCroup Grup Aneka Bentuk I Miscellaneous%$Mê Tersier Dar i ba tuan Tersier, ba tuan yang mem punyai penyebaran luas hanyalah dasit dan l i p a r i t formasi Tmda (TerrLary -middle-dacice) dan batuan volkan andesit tua forraasi Tov (Tertiaryolder-volcanics) . Batuan-batuan i n i telah mengalami perubahan hidrotermal dan déformasi t e k t o n i k . Batuan Tov umumnya b e r k o m p o s i s i andesitik. Batuan-batuan Tersier non-volkan sangat jarang di jumpai pada iembar peta ini. Kuarter Endapan Kuarter dapat dibagi dalara empat grup utama : (a) Tuf Lampung (Qlv) (b ) Basal Sukadana (Qb) (c) Batuan andesit muda (Qhv) (d) Endapan aluvial dan marin (Qal) a. Tuf Lampung yang menutupi bagian terluas di tiraur dan utara Iembar peta ini merupakan endapan ignimbrit yang s e b a g i a n b e s a r diendapkan dalam lingkungan marin dan setempat-setempat secara erat bercampur dengan endapan marin halus. Tuf mempunyai komposisi dasitik sampai l i p a r i t i k dengan kadar t i n g g i gelas dan batuapung. Karena diduga pusat erupsi berada di Teluk Lampung, maka keadaan tuf dari endapan berangsur berkurang kearah utara. d. Aluvium marin dan sungai dijumpai di sepanjang sungai-sungai utama dan pantai. Cekungan a l u v i a l utama adalah sungai Sekarapung (Rawa Sragi}. Pantai' timur sebagian besar t e r d i r i dari dataran pasang surut dan kompleks beting pantai; beting-beting pasir dan beting-beting karang kecil ditemukan sepanjang pantai di barat dan selatan Tanjungkarang. Teras sungai setempat-setempat dijumpai di a t a s Tuf Lampung. tetapi teras-teras ini belum dikemukakan dalam peta geologi yang ada sekarang. 4.2. Fisiografi Lembar peta Tanjungkarang dapat dibagi dalam tujuh grup fisiografi utama: grup Pegunungan. Perbukitan, Volkan, Dataran, Dataran Tuf Masara, Marin, Aluvial dan Aneka Bentuk. (Gambar 7). Pegunungan Bentang alam yang termasuk dalara grup ini terdapat di bagian sudut baratdaya lembar peta ini dan sedikit terdapat di timurlaut Tanjungkarang. Pegunungan ini termasuk dalam punggung/blok lipatan {hiockfaulted) Pegunungan Barisan, namun karena terdapat di bagian ujung rangkaian pegunungan, maka kurang terpengaruh deformasi. b. Basal Sukadana merabentuk jalur l e b a r ( l e b a r Ik. 25 km) dengan arah t e n g g a r a - b a r a t l a u t di bagian timur Iembar peta i n i . Basal ini mempunyai umur hampir sama dengan Tuf Lampung. Batuan ini sebagian besar basal o l i v i n . Pada pi a to basal terdapat sejumlah krucut sinder kecil-kecil dan muda. Pegunungan ini sebagian besar terdiri dari batuan volkan tua (basal, andesit . dasit ) . Sub grup yang di jumpai adalah: c. Sebagian besar batuan volkan andesitik muda t'erniasuk dalam tiga pusat erupsi utama ; Volkan R a t a i . Betung dan Rajabasa. Beberapa pusat erupsi tua dan kec i l juga ditemukan. misalnya di bagian baratlaut Iembar peta i n i . Setempatsetempat bahan volkan muda raerupakan lapisan penutup t i p i s di atas batuan tua seperti Tuf Lampung. misalnya di baratlaut kompleks Rajabasa. Tingkat torehannya berkisar antara sangat tertoreh sampai sangat tertoreh sekali fkelas 3 dan 4 ) . M*.2 . 2 : M*.2.3: Pegunungan berlereng curara sampai sangat curam Pegunungan berlereng sangat curam sekali Perbukitan Bentang alara yang termasuk dalara gtup pe rbuki tan be rdampingan pada s i si pegunungan. Perbedaan utama terdapat dal am amplitudonya, dimana perbukitan lebih kecil (<300ra) dibandingkan dengan pegunungan. Perbukitan sebagian 1110 - 16 besar terbentuk dari bahan yang sama dengan pegunungan, t e t a p i beberapa perbukitan t e r d a p a t pada batuan intrusif (granit) dan batuan metamorfik (skis, gneis). Subgrup yang dijumpal adalah: H*;1.2 :Perbukitan dengan pola random dan lereng cukup curam H*.l. 3: Perbukitan dengan pola random dan lereng curam H*. 1. 5 : Lahan bergelomang dengan bukitbukit kecil H*.1.6:Bukit-bukit k e c i l berpola wilayah bergelombang. H*.4.4: Pelembahan tektonik Semua satuan i n i mempunyai tingkat torehan agak tertoreh hingga sangat tertoreh sekali. Grup Volkan Grup ini dibagi lebih lanjut dalam dua subgrup: Kerucut Volkan dan bagianbagiannya (V*.l) dan dataran volkan, p l a t o s e r t a volkan tua t e r e r o s i (V*.2). Dua kompleks volkan utama: Rajabasa dan Ratai/Betung tergolong dalam grup V*.1 ; plato Sukadana dan dataran volkanik kecil di perbatasan barat lembar peta i n i termasuk dalam grup V*.2. Kerucut volkan terutama dibagi lebih lanjut menurut keadaan lerengnya, sedangkan satuan-satuan volkan lainnya dibagi menurut morfologi umum. Sub grup yang dijumpai dalam lembar peta ini adalah: ini terdapat di sekitar tepi timur lembar peta ini dan di jalur sempit sebelah timur Tanjungkarang. Bentang al am ini merupakan sisa iataran yang terbentuk pada sisi timur Pegunungan Barisan serta terbentuk pada batuan induk granit dan skis. Umumnya batuan skis terdapat dalam depresinya sedangkan granit menempati daerahdaerah lebih tinggi. Bagian-bagian yang sangat tahan terhadap erosi membentuk bukit-bukit kecil yang muncul di atas dataran sekelilingnya. Subgrup yang dijumpai pada lembar peta ini adalah: P*.3.2: Dataran berombak cukup tertoreh P*.4.2: Dataran berombak sampai bergelombang cukup tertoreh P*.8.2 : Dataran bergelombang dengan bukit-bukit kecil cukup tertoreh. Dataran Tuf Masam Grup Dataran Tuf Masam dipisahkan dari grup Dataran karena penyebarannya yang luas dan perbedaan yang menyolok bahan induk serta karakteristlk tanah secara kimiawi. Bentuk lahan kedua grup sama, meskipun di Dataran Tuf Masam kadang-kadang dijumpai lebih banyak sisa-sisa erosi resisten. :Lereng atas volkan (>30%) :Lereng tengah volkan (16-50%) :Lereng bawah volkan (<16%) :Dataran volkan datar :Dataran volkan berombak :Dataran volkan bergelombang :Dataran volkan bergelombang dengan bukit-bukit kecil V*.2.9 :Lahar V*.2.10 :Volkan tua t e r e r o s i dengan relief berbukit Grup Dataran Tuf Masam berkembang pada endapan ignimbrit yang termasuk dalam tuf Lampung. Tuf ini ke arah utara agak kasar, namun pada lembar peta sekarang tuf ini mengandung bahan dasitik (kuarsa, batuapung, gelas volkan). Litologi bersifat campuran ini termasuk sisa teras sungai setempat dlnyatakan dengan kode litologi dq (dasitik/sedimen kasar). Sisa-sisa pelapukan secara menyeluruh berbutir halus. Pembagian lanjut Dataran Tuf Masam dilakukan berdasarkan morfologi umum dan sama dengan pembagian grup Dataran. Subgrup yang ditemukan adalah sebagai berikut: Subgrup di atas dibagi lebih lanjut berdasarkan tingkat torehannya. I*.l: I*.2: Dataran I*.3: I*.4: V*.1.2 V*.1.3 V*.1.4 V*.2.1 V*.2.2 V*.2.3 V*.2.6 Bentang al am yang termasuk dalam grup 1110 - 17 Dataran tuf masam datar Dataran tuf masam datar sampai berombak Dataran tuf masam berombak Dataran tuf masam berombak I*.5: I*.8: sampai bergelombang Dataran tuf masam bergelombang Dataran tuf masam bergelombang dengan bukit-bukit kecil. Semua satuan ini dibagi lebih lanjut menurut tingkat torehannya. Marin Grup ini meliputi jalur sempit sepanjang pantai timur dan luasan-luasan kecil sepanjang pantai selatan. Di timur, jalur sempit yang terdiri dari beting pantai dan cekungan antar beting pantai dipisahkan dari jalur pantai sekarang oleh dataran mangrove dan rawa belakang pantai bervegetasi rendah. Dataran lumpur estuarin (nipah dan vegetasi campuran) terdapat sepanjang beberapa sungai. Jalur beting pantai dan cekungannya berbatasan dengan lahan atasnya, namun kerapkali terpisah dari lahan ini dengan rawa belakang payau bervegetasi hutan rawa campuran. Di pantai selatan dataran lumpur tidak dijumpai dan disini grup ini dicirikan oleh dataran pantai dan karang yang sempit. Subgrup berikut ini dijumpai pada lembar peta ini: di belakang garis pantai dan mungkin disebabkan oleh gradien sungai yang rendah dan pembendungan sungai-sungai oleh deposit marin. Endapan volkan menyebabkan terbentuknya beberapa cekungan tertutup, yang dijumpai di perbatasan barat lembar peta dan di plato Sukadana. Kipas tersebar luas di daerah bergunung dan berbukit di barat daya peta. Subgrup yang dijumpai adalah: Au.1.1.1:Rawa dari dataran aluvial luas Af.1.2.1 :Jalur meander dari lembah aluvial luas Au.1.3: Pelembahan sempit (erosif) di daerah upland Au.2.2: Kipas aluvial dan koluvial Au.3.2 : Cekungan/lembah tertutup Aq.5 : Dataran banjir sungai melebar Aneka Bentuk Di daerah bergunung terdapat lembahlembah sungai yang terjal (X.1). Disebelah tenggara Sukadana dijumpai danau (X3) 4.3. Hidrologi Daerah lembar peta Tanjungkarang mempunyai ketinggian antara Om (pantai) sampai 1.700m dpi (Gunung Ratai). Topografinya menurun ke arah timur membentuk dataran/ dataran rendah yang diselingi daerah plato dari basai Sukadana. Sungai-sungai utama di daerah ini a.l. Way Sekampung, W.Kambas, W.Penet yang bermuara di Laut Jawa dan beberapa sungai kecil yang mengalir ke arah utara. Bfq.1.1:Kompleks beting pantai dan cekungan antar beting B f q . 1 . 2 : K o m p l e k s b e t i n g pantai tererosi dan cekungannya Bf .4. 3 :Dataran pasang surut bervegetasi bakau Bf.4.4 :Dataran estuarin Bf.5.1 :Rawa belakang dipengaruhi air asin bervegetasi rumput-rumputan Bf.5.2:Rawa belakang dipengaruhi air asin bervegetasi hutan campuran W.Sekampung merupakan sungai terbesar. Bcq.7 : Endapan marin tak dibedakan dan terpanjang, berasal dari mata air di sekltar volkan Ratai dan Betung. Aluvial Sungai ini mula-mula mengalir ke arah Grup ini dicirikan oleh endapan sun- timur/tiinurlaut. Plato basai Sukadana gai, endapan di lembah tertutup, en- menyebabkan aliran sungai ini terbendapan sungai melebar (braided) dan en- dung dan alirannya beralih ke arah dapan kipas. tenggara. Akibat pembendungan ini terYang luas penyebarannya adalah endapan bentuk daerah-daerah banjir dan rawa sungai Sekampung, yang membentuk yang luas seperti rawa Selapan, rawa dataran aluvial luas dengan rawa-rawa Keramat/Subud dan rawa Sragi. yang menjulur di bagian tenggara lembar peta ini. Rawa-rawa ini terbentuk Bentukan mbrfologi, jenis batuan, 1110 - 18 proses-proses geomorfik serta keadaan tata air di . daerah ini sangat menentukan keadaan pola drainasenya. Daerah pegunungan dan perbukitan yang pada umumnya mempunyai gradient yang cukup besar membentuk pola drainase dendritik, sedang di daerah dimana proses tektonik nyata mempunyai pola drainase rectangular (structural control). Daerah volkan dengan bentukan-bentukan kerucut yang raasih utuh membentuk pola radial di daerah puncak dan lereng atas , sedang di lereng. tengah dan bawah paralel atau sub-paralel. Basai Sukadana yang banyak mempunyai rekahan dan dengan sifat tanahnya yang porous, mempunyai drainase internai sangat baik yang banyak menghasilkan mata air di kaki sekeliling plato (spring). Danau Jepara di utara plato diduga merupakan bekas kawah yang telah mati, membentuk danau yang merupakan sumber air utama di daerah ini. Daerah tuf Lampung umumnya mempunyai pola drainase dendritik sedang sesetempat dimana dijumpai bentukan lahan yang memanjang dijumpai pola drainase paralel. W. Sekampung yang mempunyai pola aliran meandering, di dataran rendah membentuk dataran banjir/rawa yang cukup luas dengan pola drainase tidak nyata (sesetempat meandering). Rawa Sragi merupakan daerah rawa terluas yang sedang direklamasi guna dijadikan areal pertanian. 5. SATUAN LAHAN 5.1. Satuan lahan dan tanah. Secara garis besar satuan lahan lembar peta Tanjungkarang (1110) dapat dikelompokkan kedalam 8 (delapan) grup yaitu: Grup Aluvial ( A ) , Marin (B), Dataran Tuf Masam ( I ) , Dataran (P), Volkan (V), Perbukitan (H), Pegunungan dan Plato (M) serta Aneka Bentuk (Gambar 7) . Pada setiap satuan lahan umunya diketemukan lebih dari satu satuan tanah (pada tingkat Great Group), dan agar meraudahkan pembacaannya maka setiap satuan tanah yang dijumpai pada setiap satuan lahan ditentukan luas penyebarannya secara kwalitatif, yaitu: - Sangat dominan: apabila penyebarannya >75% dari luasan satuan lahan. - Dominan: apabila penyebarannya antara 50-75% dari luasan satuan lahan. - Cukup: apabila penyebarannya antara 25-50% dari luasan satuan lahan. - Sedikit: apabila penyebarannya 1025% dari luasan satuan lahan. - Sedikic sekall: apabila penyebarannya <10% dari luasan satuan lahan. Dibawah ini akan diuraikan mengenai satuan lahan dan tanah yang dijumpai pada setiap grup fisiografi. Grup Aluvial (A) Terbentuk dari bahan endapan sungai, endapan rawa dan endapan hasil aluviasi/koluviasi d i kaki lereng perbukitan/pegunungan yang l a n d a i . Tersebar antara ketinggian 5-150m d p i . di sepanjang j a l u r a l i r a n Way Sekampung, W.Penet dan W.Kambas yang merupakan j a l u r a l i r a n sungai meander. Di k i r i kanan a l i r a n W.Sekampung t e r dapat dataran a l u v i a l luas berawa yang merupakan d a t a r a n b a n j i r membentuk rawa Sragi , rawa Selapan dan rawa Ke imat/Subud. Di timur Sribawono daerah i n i berbatasan dengan dataran p a n t a i . Di s e l a t a n Danau J e p a r a dan s e b e l a h b a r a t Gedongtataan t e r d a p a t pelembahan t e r t u t u p yang l u a s yang s e l a l u tergenang a i r . Di kaki lereng perbukitan, di s e l a t a n Padang Cermi.n dan s e k i t a r Bandarlampung t e r d a p a t kipas a l u v i a l / k o l u v i a l yang menampuiig bahan dari daerah atasnya. Bentuk wllayah d a t a r , datar ag.'ik ccinbung dan d a t a r agak meland.i i d«.n,^,i; lereng 0-3% . -Meliputri li'as 36. 6 [ :J h,, (7,90%). Vegetasi/penggunaan lah;,n ut ,-MI I IV,-; au t a r a l a i n rum pu l rn v.i . ' ir ,-. j i 1 n :" a l i r a n , persawahui: dan se m .1 \» ink.ii.' Jenis tanah utama d i. d-uiah ini adalah tanah yang r e l a t i f muda dan pnd uiuuiu- 1110 .- 19 nya berasosiasi dengan lingkungan air/basah, antara l a i n Tropaquepts (telah berkembang), Fluvaquents dan Hydraquents (belum berkembang), serta Tropohemists yang merupakan tanah organik di daerah berawa. Didaerah tanggul sepanjang sungai atau peralihan ke dataran dijumpai jenis tanah Dystropepts/Eutropepts berpenampang dalam, bertekstur halus sampai sedang, drainase baik. Tanah berpenampang dalam dengan tekstur bervariasi dari halus sampai kasar, kadang-kadang b e r l a p i s - l a p i s . Drainase pada umumnya terhambat sampai sangat terhambat. Tingkat kesuburan tanahnya sangat tergantung pada bahan di daerah sekitarnya dan daerah dari mana bahan itu berasal. Umumnya unsur hara di daerah ini sedang sampai sangat rendah, dimana lapisan atas lebih baik daripada lapisan bawah. Dengan pengendalian a i r yang baik terutama untuk daerah rendah di tiraur lembar peta daerahnya mempunyai potensi yang besar sebagai daerah persawahan, s e p e r t i halnya daerah rawa Sragi di s e k i t a r a l i r a n W.Sekampung yang telah direklamasi. Penghambat utama adalah genangan a i r permanen, banjir dan kandungan unsur hara. Grup Marin (B) Merupakan dataran rendah yang memanjang dari utara ke selatan sepanjang/ sejajar pantai timur lembar peta yang sebagain besar daerahnya dipengaruhi pasang surut. Terletak pada ketinggian 0-25m dpi., berupa dataran pasang surut berlumpur yang diselingi oleh beting-beting pasir pantai (beach ridges) dan cekungan-cekungan antar beting (swales). Bentuk wilayahnya datar, datar agak cekung, sedang beting pasir pantai umumnya datar agak cembung dengan lereng 0-3% . Meliputi luas 45.070 ha (6.30%). Vegetasi dan penggunaan lahan utamanya berupa hutan mangrove, rawa pasang surut, sawah, kebun kelapa, tambak dan daerah pemukiman. Jenis tanah utama di daerah ini adalah Hydraquents, Sulfaquents dan Fluv- aquents yang merupakan tanah-tanah belum berkembang di daerah cekungan sepanjang pantai yang selalu tergenang air. Sulfaquents merupakan jenis tanah yang mengandung sulfat tinggi yang bila muncul di permukaan dalam jumlah di atas ambang toleransi tanaman akan sangat membahayakan. Ketiga jenis tanah ini berpenampang dalam, tekstur umumnya halus bercampur bahan organik, drainase sangat terhambat, hampir sepanjang tahun daerahnya tergenang air. Di daerah pasir pantai muda dijumpai Tropopsamments, yang merupakan tanah belum berkembang, bertekstur kasar/ pasir, drainase cepat. Tropohumods dan Tropaquods raerupakan tanah yang telah berkembang, dijumpai di daerah beting pasir pantai tua yang terletak lebih kepedalaman. Daerah ini terutama sepanjang pantai berpotensi baik sebagai daerah tambak, tanpa melupakan kelestarian alam antara lain perlunya hutan mangrove sebagai buffer zone disepanjang pantai. Beting pasir pantai cocok untuk perkebunan kelapa sedang pelembahan antar beting untuk persawahan dengan jenis padi yang lebih toleran terhadap air asin. Penghambat utama berupa genangan air/ banjir, tanah sulfat masam (cat clay), tekstur kasar di daerah beting pasir serta unsur hara tanaman (kesuburan tanah) yang rendah. Grup Dataran Tuf Masam Merupakan daerah terluas yang menyebar dari arah tenggara-baratdaya terutama di bagian tengah dan utara lembar peta. Bentuk wilayahnya datar, berombak sampai bergelombang dengan diselingi oleh cekungan-cekungan. Bahan pembentuknya berupa tuf masam bersusunan dasit/ignimbrit sebagai hasil aktivitas volkan. Aliran abu masam ini sarmat tebal dan luas mencapai >1000 km . Tuf masam ini membentukkan dataran rendah di pantai timur. Terletak pada ketinggian 10-100m dpi. dengan variasi lereng 0-25% . Meliputi luas 288.130 ha (40,15%). Vegetasi 1110 - 20 d a n penggunaan lahannya adaiah pertanian lahan kering (ladang dan tegalan), persawahan, kebun campuran, kebun karet, semak belukar dan padang alang-alang. Jenis tanah utama yang dijumpai di daerah ini adaiah Kanhapludults, Dystropepts, Hapludults dan Tropaquepts . Jenis tanah utamanya antara lain Kanhapludults dan Dystropepts, berpenampang sedang sampai dalam, tekstur uraumnya h a l u s , d r a i n a s e b a i k . Kesuburan tanahnya rendah sampai sangat rendah demikian pula kandungan bahan organiknya. Dystropepts mempunyai kandungan hara yang relatif lebih baik. Sebagian besar jenis tanah Kanhapludults mempunyai sifat fisik yang jelek disebabkan banyak terdapatnya lapisan kedap air (lapisan dengan kandungan kongkresi besi dan raangan tinggi). Kanhapludults dan Hapludults menempati lereng tengah atau punggungan, berpenampang dalam, tekstur bervariasi dari halus sampai sedang. Di lereng atas dan daerah berbukit kecil dijumpai Dystropepts, berpenampang dalam, tekstur bervariasi dari halus sampai kasar , drainase baik. Tropaquepts dijumpai di daerah pelembahan/cekungan, berpenampang sedang sampai dalam, tekstur bervariasi, drainase terhambat . Kandungan unsur hara tanaman (kesuburan) dari tanah-tanah tersebut umunya rendah sampai sangat rendah, kandungan bahan organik juga rendah. Di lain pihak adanya lapisan kedap air ini mempunyai dampak positif untuk daerah persawahan karena tidak membutuhkan air terlalu banyak disamping dapat menyimpan air. Di cekungan cekungan dan pelembahan (dataran rendah) dijumpai jenis tanah Tropaquepts, berpenampang sedang, tekstur halus, drainase terhambat. Dengan pengendalian air yang baik (perbaikan dan pengaturan air) daerahnya berpotensi baik untuk persawahan, sedang daerah berombak sampai bergelombang untuk pengembangan perkebunan terutama kelapa sawit dan karet dan pertanian lahan kering. Kecuali daerah pelembahan/cekungan, daerah ini tidak cocok untuk persawahan. Tanaman pertanian lahan kering dapat dikembangkan di daerah berombak, berombak agak bergelombang, sedang perbukitan kecil hendaknya dihutankan untuk menjaga kondisi air di daerah bawahnya. Penghambat utama antara lain hara tanaman yang rendah keadaan topografi/erosi di daerah bergelombang agak berbukit. Grup Volkan (V) Grup volkan dapat dibagi menjadi subgrup volkan muda dan subgrup basal Sukadana. Grup volkan muda t e r d i r i Penghambat utama antara lain kandungan dari stratovolkan Rajabasa, Betung dan hara tanaman rendah (miskin), fisik Ratai menyebar di bagian selatan lemtanah jelek dan kekurangan air di bar p e t a . Puncak-puncak pegunungan t e r s e b u t t e r l e t a k pada k e t i n g g i a n daerah bergelombang. 1.282m (Rajabasa), 1.300m (Betung) dan 1.681m dpi. (Ratai). Lereng atas dan Grup Dataran Dataran ini merupakan daerah peralihan tengah telah mengalami pengikisan lanj u t , berlereng curam sampai sangat antara dataran tuf masam dan daerah curam dengan lereng >30%, sedang perbukitan/pegunungan. Bahan pembentuknya berupa batuan intrusi masam lereng bawahnya berlereng <16% . Bahan terutama granit dan batuan metamorfik pembentuknya berupa tuf dan lava in(skis). Penyebarannya terutama di terraedier sampai basis. Meliputi luas sebelah timur Bandar Lampung dan di 76.780 ha (10,70%). sebelah barat Natar dengan bentuk wilayah berombak sampai bergelombang V e g e t a s i dan penggunaan lahannya dengan bukit-bukit kecil. Terletak berupa hutan primer dataran tinggi dan pada ketinggian antara 50-125m dpi., h u t a n l i n d u n g ( l e r e n g a t a s dan dengan variasi lereng antara 3-25%, tengah), sedang di lereng bawah berupa meliputi luas 49.075 ha (6,85%). perkebunan kopi dan lada, p e r t a n i a n 1110 - 21 lahan kering, sawahan. semak belukar dan per- Jenis tanah utama di lereng atas dan tengah terutama Dystrandepts, Dyst r o p e p t s dan T r o p o r t h e n t yang merupakan tanah-tanah muda. Sedang di lereng bawah dijumpai Dystropepts dan Humitropepts dengan kandungan bahan organik tinggi. Jenis-jenis tanah tersebut berpenampang dalam, tekstur halus sampai agak kasar di lereng a t a s , agak halus sampai halus di l e r e n g tengah dan bawah dengan drainase baik. Di lereng bawah banyak dijumpai batuan besar (boulder) yang berasal dari lereng atas/tengah. Kesuburan tanahnya sedang sampai tinggi di daerah dataran rendah sampai sangat rendah. Diperkirakan adanya tutupan bahan lain di daerah ini. Dengan memperhatikan tindakan konservasi tanah, lereng-lereng bawah berp o t e n s i s e b a g a i pengembangan perkebunan kopi, lada, cengkeh dan pertanian lahan kering sedang di daerah d a t a r a n untuk persawahan. Lereng atas dan tengah hendaknya tetap sebagai hutan 1indung/hutan tutupan. Penghambat utama adalah lereng, erosi dan batuan besar di lereng tengah dan bawah. Plato basal Sukadana terdapat di sebelah timur lembar peta, menyembul di atas dataran tuf masam dengan bentuk wilayah berombak-bergelombang, berlereng melandai, terdapat pada k e t i n g g i a n a n t a r a 50-100m d p i . Puncak-puncaknya yang berupa kerucutkerucut volkan (cindercone) dan leher volkan {volcanic neck) mencapai ketinggian 250m dpi. Meliputi luas 106.420 ha (14,80%). Daerah transisi ke dataran berupa lereng terjal yang merupakan batas antara lapisan atas lava basal yang porous dan lapisan tuf masam yang kedap air, dimana terdapat banyak mata air. Jenis tanah utama adalah Hapludalfs, Eutropepts dan Humitropepts berpenampang dalam, tekstur agak halus sampai halus, drainase baik, kandungan unsur haranya sedang sampai tinggi dengan kandungan bahan organik rendah sampai sedang. Di beberapa tempat di bagian selatan terdapat hamparan lava di permukaan dengan lapisan tanah yang tipis dari jenis Troporthents. Daerahnya mempunyai p o t e n s i yang tinggi terutama untuk perkebunan kopi, cengkeh dan lada serta pertanian lahan kering/tegalan. Sedang daerah perbukitannya hendaknya dipertahankan sebagai hutan lindung. Kecuali batu dipermukaan daerah ini hampir tidak mempunyai penghambat. Erosi di daerah ini hampir tidak nampak karena sifat tanahnya yang sangat mudah menyerap air/"internal drainage"nya baik. Grup Perbukitan (H) Daerahnya terbentuk karena aktivitas tektonik, terletak di lereng pegunungan dan volkan terutama di bagian s e l a t a n lembar peta. Bahan pembentuknya berupa bahan volkan (tuf dan b a t u a n a n d e s i t ) , b a t u a n sedimen, batuan plutonik masam ( g r a n i t ) dan batuan metamorf, sesetempat ditempati oleh bahan tuf masam Lampung. Terletak pada ketinggian 15-375m dpi, dengan perbedaan t i n g g i (amplitudo) <300m d a r i d a e r a h s e k i t a r n y a . Bentuk wilayahnya berbukit, berlereng curam sampai sangat curam dengan lereng >16% . M e l i p u t i l u a s 50.975 ha (7.10%). V e g e t a s i dan penggunaan lahannya berupa hutan sekunder, kebun k a r e t , kelapa, pertanian lahan kering (ladang dan tegalan) sedang di pelembahan berupa persawahan. Di lereng a t a s perbukitan dijumpai j e n i s tanah Dystropepts, di lereng tengah Hapludults dan Kanhapludults, sedang di l e r e n g bawah dijumpai Humitropepts. Tanah umumnya berpenampang dalam, t e k s t u r agak halus sampai h a l u s . Kesuburan tanahnya rendah sampai sedang untuk yang berkembang d a r i bahan volkan, rendah sampai sangat rendah untuk yang terbentuk dari bahan lainnya. 1110 - 22 GAMBAR 8 : SATUAM LAHAN, BLOK DIAGRAM DAN PENAHPANG MELINTANG LEMBAR TANJUNGKARANG FIGURE 8 LAND UNITS, BLOCK DIAGRAM AND CROSS SECTION OF THE TANJUNGKARANG SHEET im. B.-.Ü. (Bt.S II '"[gf*0,""' i"ÙÛTii nno.7-11 E.,„„,.„,. •,:..„„.-••• T., 1 1 W „-,.. ,....— K.nh.Oludu... Uv '"Oh'"1"* *..•„„.„.,•, »H*»»"l •*»'••" LU..hllBL 1 ü J "•'"••-••- im - ,M Kecuali l e r e n g bawah yang d a p a t digunakan sebagai lahan pengembangan p e r t a n i a n lahan kering dengan raenip e r h a t i a n konservasi tanah, lereng a t a s dan tengah hendaknya digunakan sebagai hutan. Perabatas utaroa berupa lereng, erosi dan kekurangan a i r . merupakan bentukkan s p e s i f i k terdiri d a r i XI berupa lerabah sungai terjal t e r e r o s i atau lereng t e r j a l / escarpment . X2 d a e r a h peraukiman dan X3 berupa badan a i r (danau). 5.2. Grup Pegunungan dan Plato (M) Terletak antara k e t i n g g i a n antara 500-1.225m dpi, berlereng curam sampai sangat curara, dengan lereng >30% . Bahan perabentuknya berupa bahan volkan Tersier, tetapi keadaan morfologinya tidak memperlihatkan morfologi volkan yang j e l a s . Terletak di bagian selatan daerah peta yang merupakan bagian paling selatan dari pegunungan Barisan yang roembujur sejajar Pulau Sumatera. Meliputi luas 39.990 ha (5.55%). V e g e t a s i dan penggunaan l a h a n n y a berupa hutan lindung, semak belukar. Sedang d i l e r e n g bawah berupa perkebunan kopi. cengkeh, lada dan p e r t a n i a n lahan kering (ladang dan tegalan). Merupakan bagian terpenting dari buku penjelasan i n i , raenguraikan 58 satuan lahan yang terdapat pada lembar peta Tanjungkarang (1110) , secara d e t a i l dalam bentuk/format yang baku gun a raemudahkan para pemakai. Uraian tersebut antara lain mencakup: - - Jenis tanah utamanya adalah Dystropepts yang rnenerapati lereng atas. Hapludults menerapati lereng tengah sedang di lereng bawah ditempati Humitropepts dan Eutropepts. - Tanah berpenampang dalara, bertekstur halus sesetempat di lereng atas bertekstur sedang dengan drainase baik. Kandungan unsur hara tanaman d a r i tanah-tanah t e r s e b u t umumnya rendah sampai sangat rendah, sedang di lereng bawah dengan lereng <30% umumnya mempunyai kesuburan yang lebih baik, kandungan bahan organiknya rendah. Kecuali di lereng bawah yang landai daerah i n i t i d a k b e r p o t e n s i untuk pengembangan pertanian dan hendaknya dipertahankan sebagai daerah hutan. Pengharabat utama berupa t o p o g r a f i / lereng, erosi dan kesuburan tanah yang rendah. I s i Uraian Satuan Lahan. - Luas dan penyebarannya pada t iap Propinsi yang d i l i p u t . Bahan penunjang yang digunakan antara lain c i t r a s a t e l i t , foto udara dan radar serta peta-peta Bahan induk sebagai bahan pembentuk tanah meiiputi t i n g k a t pelapukan, litologi dan formasi geologinya (fisik). Sumber dan k u a l i t a s a i r serta kemungkinan pengembangan perikanan, bahaya banjir dan genangan. Vegetasi dan penggunaan lahan Tingkat bahaya erosi (yang dipercepat) Satuan Tanah (tingkat great group) yang raencakup s i f a t kiraia dan morfologinya. Ketinggian dari muka laut (meter) Bentuk profil Satuan Lahan Pola drainase Keadaan lereng dan distribusinya Perbedaan tinggi - Bentuk wilayah serta pembagian yang lebih lanjut (land facet). - Fragmentasi lahan guna pengerabangan pertanian, dan - Tingkat relaibilitas. Disajikan pul a gambaran satuan lahan berupa penampang meiintang, yang memberikan gambaran keadaan dan letak tiap satuan lahan guna raeraudahkan pemakai Grup Aneka Bentuk Merupakan g r u p t e r s e n d i r i diluar s a t u a n l a h a n yang t e l a h diuraikan. Menempati luas 4.545 ha (0,65%), 1110 - 24 6. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Balsem, T., & P. Buurman, 1989. Research, Bogor. PPPG - see GRDC RePPProT (Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration), 1985. 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Pusat Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Buurman, P., T.~Balsem & H.G.A. van Laporan pemetaan tanah Panhuys, 1988. Klasifikasi satuan lahan untuk survey tingkat tinjau (Nomor adalah nomor laporan dalam file Sumatera. Proyek Pengelolaan Data SUMREP) Base Tanah, Laporan Tehnis No. 3a, Versi 1.2. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, 84. Laporan 1 updating peta tanah tinBogor. jau daerah Tanjungkarang - Mesuji. Pusat Penelitian Tanah, 1986. Desaunettes, J.R., 1977. Catalogue of landforras for Indonesia. FAO/UNDP 86. Survei dan Pemetaan Lahan dengan Sistem Land Unit di DAS Sekampung Land Capability Appraisal Project untuk tuJuan evaluasi lahan. Pusat Working Paper No. 13, Soil Research Penelitian Tanah, 1981.. Institute, Bogor FAO/UNESCO, 1977. Guidelines for soil 184. Survei dasar dalam rangka pembangunan pertanian Lampung. Lembaga description. Rome Penelitian Tanah, 1968. Gallup, D.L., 1981. Proposed coding system for pedon data for trial by 340. Survei dan Pemetaan Tanah Tinjau DAS S e k a m p u n g A t a s . Lembaga the Center for Soil Research, Bogor. Penelitian Tanah, 1971. AGO/INS/78/006, Manual 3. Bogor 341. Survei dan Pemetaan Tanah Tinjaû GRDC (Geological Research and DevelopDAS Sekampung Bawah. Lembaga ment Center), 1978. Geologic map of Penelitian Tanah, 1972. the Tanjungkarang quadrangle. Sumatra, scale 1:250,000. Kips, P.A. , D. Djaenudin & Nata Suharta, 1981. The land unit approach to land resources surveys f.or land use planning, v.Lth parti cul.i r reference to the S « k a m pu u ;•, watershed, Lampung.prnvinci. Sumatra, Indonesia. Muslihat, A., U. Wood-Sichra & P. Buurman, 1989. Soi] sample analysis data base - User Manual and Technical Manual. Soil Data Base Management Project, Technical Report No. 17, Version 1.0. Center for Soil 1110 - ZJ LAMPIRAN 1. URAIAN SATTJAN LAHAN APPENDIX 1. LAND UNIT DESCRIPTIONS 1110 - 26 LAHD OBIT REPORT LREP-SDBM MAP IMAGE: CSR-BOGQR CSOSS SECTIGH: 1. LAHD DHIT: Au.1.1.1 2. HAF SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 168 km2 4. kMj JIT-—-r-- Djy £KUVJJK«Ia Lampung: 99% 5. STATDS IDKÜTIVIIKS Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD DHIT ntsaaiiirir« Marshes of broad alluvial plains with open low vegetation, mixed sediments, slopes 0-3X: 7. SAygfJ.IXK «JTTHilgg 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR 10. CARER MATERIAL 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 62 /8282-071, 62 Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 /8282-065 11. ROCK OOTCSDP: X Slight a. Heatherins clay, sand, peat b. Litholosy c. Foxaaticm . Qal a. Quality 12. HAXER Fresh b. Source : Perennial River,. Shallow wells 13. FISHERIES Rawa (swamp) 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk High b. Immdatïon Permanent 15. VBGETATIOB/LAHD ÜSE Area used 16. ÄTT-FI FB»TPT> ITDnRjnfl a. Occurence b. Evidence , swamp (rawa) including sedges, tidal wetland rice (pasang surut) 60 % None 17. son. GREAT GROUP Dcaxnant >50Z Classification hydraquents Associated 1 Associated 2 fluvaquents tropohemists X of area 60 X 30 X 10 Z Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. REFKESEHTATIVE PROFILES eqw/ /341-71 /72/IS/1110/23/ /16 / het/ /341-20 /72/SK/1110/23/ /59 / eqv/ 1110 - 27 /86-18 /81/SR/1110/44/ /03 / is. son. Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine -very deep Very poorly drained --low medium Olsen very high low very high low — -strong acid moderately acid --— -~ -125 cm 13.5 0.0 1 Associated 1 fine fine -extremely deep Very poorly drained very high high very low medium — -very high medium very high very high strong acid strong acid --— -— -200 cm 23.1 26.5 3 Associated 2 organic organic extremely deep -Very poorly drained — -medium very low Olsen very high high very high medium — -slightly acid slightly acid --— -— -100 cm 68.4 0.0 1 19. ALTITUDE: Range: 15 m Mininra 5m 5m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows 20. FLAH/FR0ETLE: Included: b. density: a. Pattern: 21. L.D. DRAIBAGE: c. Variability: \ a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: c. Length: e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTK.: Valleybottoms: 100 X Inter£Loves : 0-81:0 X, 9-25Z: 0 %,25-551: 0 Z 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2Z, 0-50 m 25. TEBRAIB: a. Shape: no crests 26. CHEST/RIDGES: c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Marshes hydraquents, 60X ~2~ Marshes fluvaquents, 30Ï -3- Marshes tropohemists, 10X -42 9 . FRAOŒBTATIGH: Valleys: Large blocks InterCLoves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 10.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDinOSAL ROTES: 1110 - 28 LBEP-SDBH, CSR-BO90R u m m n REPORT CBOSS SECTIGH: MAF IMAGE: - A.l.2.2 A.1.2.1 •<\*niW r.car tacksvaip X/ / \ older subsoil A.l.2.2 presont river T ~ 3 illuvi.il snüirnts 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 194 km2 LARD UHR: Af.1.2.1 OCCOREKE by PRO7IBCE: Lampung: 99Z STATUS IDEHTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 - Status: Final Lam ran DESCSIPTIOM: Meanderbelts of broad alluvial valleys fine sediments, slopes 0-3Z 7. SATELLITE SCENES : 123/64/14/11/84 8. AEHTAT. PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 62 /8282-071, 60 /8295-015, 61 /8344-197 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PARER MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: Z a. Weathering : Slight : b. lithology : clay c. Formation : Qal 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Shallow wells 13. FISHERIES : Rawa (swamp) 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : High b. Inondation: Seasonal 15. VBGETAÏICH/LAHD USE : bush, swamp (rawa) including sedges, shifting cultivation, rainfed wetland rice, deepwater rice (lebak), rubber (karet) Area used 50 Z 16. : None b. Evidence 1. 4. 5. 6. 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Damnant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification tropaquepts fluvaquents dystropepts 32. REHtESERATIVE HtUFlLES: iqt/ /341-18 /72/SK/1110/44/ ity/ /184-05 /68/IS/1110/51/ Z of area 55 Z 35 Z 10 Z eqv/ /50 / /60 / 1110 - 29 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-68 /72/IS/1110/23/ /ll / 18. SOU. CBABACTEBISTICS Dominant > 501 Properties moderately fine a. Texture: topsoil subsoil moderately fine -b. Depth: peatsoil deep c. Drainage: . Poorly drained -d. Excb. K: topsoil -subsoil very high e. Total S2O: topsoil subsoil medium Olsen £. Avail. F: method topsoil very high subsoil very high very high g. Total F: topsoil very high subsoil h. CXC pH 7 topsoil — subsoil — i. Soil Reaction:topsoil slightly acid subsoil slightly acid -j. Al Sat. topsoil — subsoil -k. Al toxicity : -1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : — -n. Other Toxicity: 100 cm o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 1.6 0.0 q. TEB : 4 r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAR/FBaFOE: 2 1 . L.D. DHAŒAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTE.: 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . TERRAIN: 26. CBEST/BIDGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOQK: 2 8 . LAHD FACETS: 29. FRAGMENTATION: Associated 1 fine fine — deep Moderately well -— medium very low Olsen very high very low high ' medium — — very strong acid very strong acid -— -— — -80 cm 4.7 0.0 1 Associated 2 fine fine — moderately deep Imperfectly drained -— medium very low --very low very low — — slightly acid slightly acid --— — — -SO cm 2.1 0.0 1 Bange: 30 m 60 m Minimus: 5 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: b. density: Very low a. Pattern: meandering c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low d. Variability: c. Length: e. Curvature: straight Valleybottoms: 90 X Interfluves : 0-81:10 % 9-251: 0 I, 25-551: 0 % a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: -1- Levees, tropaquepts, 55Ï -2- Spillway & oxbow, fluvaquents, 35Z -3- Old meanderbelts, dystropepts, 10Z -4Valleys: Snail blocks Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 10.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: 1110 - 30 LAHD DUIT REPORT LREP-SDRM, CSR-B060R H&P MAGE: CSDSS SECTIOB: 1.3.2 1.4.2 t.2.1 A.1.3 * 1 . IAHD U H I T : 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Au.1.3 OCCOKERCE by PROVIBCE: STATOS IDENTIFIERS : LAHD UNIT DESCKIFTIOH: SATELLITE M-PJIKK : ABPTAI. fBOTOGSAfBS : RADAR : » • * * v - - jllmill SWUMUT.---,';.. ï' * * * a 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA.: 40 km2 Lampung: 99% Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 Status: Final Narrow valley bottoms,mixed sediments,slopes 0-3Z. 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 62 /8282-75 Star-I/250/88/1110-2,6 10. PABEflT MUEBIAL a. Weathering : Slight b. Litbology : clay, sand, c. Formation : Qal 12. HATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : Rawa (swamp) 11. ROCK* OUTCROP: 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : High b. Inondation: Seasonal 13. VEGETATIGH/LAHD OSE :: , swamp (rawa) including sedges, deepwater rice (lebak) Area used :: 30 Ï 16. ACCELERATED EBOSIGH a. Occnrence : None b. Evidence 17. SOIL GBEAT GSOOP Peinant >SOX Associated 1 Associated 2 • : Classification tropaquepts fluvaquents eutropepts 32. yu|^ijjxwifT*-yiw|r P R O F I L E S : iqt/ /341-18 /72/SK/1110/44/ ite/ /341-70 /72/IS/1110/23/ Z of area 65 X 30 X 5 X /50 / /15 / 1110 - 31 Lab. checked yes yes yes Z IA KfïTT. PfUPAfTT^PTRTTfTS Properties a. Texture: Dominant > 501 moderately fine moderately fine -b. Depth: •ringraisnil deep c. Drainage: Poorly drained d. Exch. K: topsoil — -subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil very high medium subsoil £. Avail. P: method Olsen very high topsoil subsoil very high g. Total P: topsoil very high very high subsoil -h. CEC pH 7 topsoil -subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil slightly acid subsoil slightly acid -j. Al Sat. topsoil -subsoil -k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : -n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstx. layer : — p. Organic Matter : 1.6 q. TEB : 0.0 0 r. Total observations: topsoil subsoil peatsoil Associated 1 fine fine Shallow extremely deep Poorly drained low low -- . -- Associated 2 . moderately coarse moderately fine -extremely deep Well drained -- • medium low — -very low very low — -slightly acid very strong acid ---— — ~ medium medium strong acid strong acid --— — — low low -— — 0.0 0.0 0 1.8 0.0 1 19. ALTITUDE: 40 m Minimum: 10 m Range: 30 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows 20. FLAB/PROFILE: Included: a. Pattern: b. density: 21. L.D. DBAJJUGE: c. Variability: a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: c. Length: e. Curvature: concave 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoms: 95 Z Interfluves : 0-81:5 X, 9-251: 0 %, 25-551:0 % 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low 23. TFHRATWFlat, slope <2Ï, 0-50 m 26. (XEST/R1DSES: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Flood plain, tropaquepts, 65Ï -2- Flood plain, fluvaquents, 30Ï -3- Transition, eutropepts, 5% -42 9 . FRAGMEHTATIGH: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 3 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 3 31. ADDITIOBAL BOTES: Tropaquepts transpered from Af.1.2.1 and Fluvaquents extrapolation based on RePPProT land System BLI 1110 - 32 LSEP-SDBM. CS&-BOGGR LAHD U U T MAP IMAGE: <TH wat SECT1GH: 1 . LAHD DHIT: A u . 2 . 2 . 1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 4 . n p r n B w : w b y PB0VIKE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS IDEHTIFIERS : Updated by: DR 6. LAHD t n r t 3. AREA: 113 km2 edit date: 29/05/89 ' Status: Final Slightly dissected alluvial and colluvial fans,mixed sediments, slopes 3-8Ï 7. SATELLITE » a m i e « : 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-1,3 58 /8292-67 , 58 /8292-6S 10. PAREHT MATERIAL 11. BOCK OUTCROP: X a. Weathering : Slight b. Lithology : clay, sand c. Foiaaticn : Qal a. Quality : Fresh 12. HATER b. Source 13. FISHERIES : Perennial River, Medium wells : Sungai (river) 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : Low b. Inundation: None 1 5 . VEGEIATIGH/LAHD DSE : bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coconut (kelapa) Area used : 60 X 16. ACCELERATED EROSIOH a. Occurence : Localised b. Evidence : Various 1 7 . SQEL o » g * T GSOUP Donnant >50Z Classification eutropepts Associated 1 tropaquepts X of area 70 X 30 X X Associated 2 3 2 . KKWKStigTAixvit FfiOFILES: ite/ / /87/ER/1010/33/ /17 / 1110 - 33 Lab. c yes yes 18. Properties a. Textare: Dominant > 50Z medium medium -b. Depth: •rinorjti «uii 1 very deep c. Drainage: Well drained d. Exch. K: topsoil medium low sabsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil medium low subsoil £. Avail. P: Method Bray I ' very high topsoil low sabsoil g. Total P: topsoil low very low sabsoil h. CBC pH 7 topsoil high sabsoil very high i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid sabsoil strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low low subsoil k. Al toxicity : — -1. Acid solph. pot.: m. Salinity : — -n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : 102 cm p. Organic Matter : 3.8 q. TEB : 94.4 0 r. Total observations: topsoil sabsoil peatsoil 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAff/FfiOFILE: 2 1 . L.O. DBAUUGE: 2 2 . SIJQPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTfi.: 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TERRA TW26. C8EST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: 29. FBAGMEBTATIGH: Associated 1 coarse moderately coarse — very deep Poorly drained --low very low Associated 2 — -low very low medium medium strong acid moderately acid --— — — 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 100 m Minüun: 5m Range: - 40 m Dominant: linear and random > 602 of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: distributary b. density: Low c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate . d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight ValleybottOBs: 20 I Interfloves : 0-8Z-.80 I, 9-251: 0 X, 25-551: 0 Z a. Aaplitode: very low b. Variability: Low Undulating 2- 8Ï, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Fan head & mid fans, eutropepts, 70Ï - 2 - Toe & valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 30Ï -3-A-. Valleys: Small blocks InterCLnves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3° tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL ROTES: Tropaquepts extrapolation based on RePPProt Land System KNJ.Repres entative profiles for Eutropepts is extrapolated from other LU. 1110 - 34 LAHD DHIT REPORT LHEP-SDBH, CSR-BOGOR MàP IMAGE: CSOSS SECTIGH: B.l.3.3 V.l.4.2 V.2.2.1 I V.2.2.1 A.3.2 volcanic roda alluvial volcanic rods 1. LAHD OBIT: Au.3.2 4. GOCORENCE by PROVIHCE 5. STATES IDEHnFIEBS 6. LAND HUIT DESCRIPTICH 7. SATELLITE SCEHES 8. AFPTAI PHOTOGRAPHS 9. KADAK 10. FASEST MATERIAL a. Heathering b. Lithology c - Formation 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk b. Inondation 15. VEGETATIOH/LAHD OSE 2. MAF SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 39 km2 Lampung: 99X Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 Status: Final Closed basin/depression^mixed sediments, slopes 0-3Î. 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 61 /8344-195, 57 /8292-81 , 57 /8292-79 Star-I/250/88/1110-4 11. BOCK OÖTCHDP: X Slight clay, sand Qal Fresh Perennial River, Shallow wells Rawa (swamp) Low Seasonal , swamp (rawa) including sedges, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi) Area used 16. ACCELERATED EROSICH a. Occurence b. Evidence 90 % • • None 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >30Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification tropaquepts eutropepts 32. REFRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: iqt/ /340-12 /71/SK/1110/41/ Z of area 80 X 20 X Lab. checked yes yes X /35a/ ite/ 1110 - 35 /340-22 /71/DN/1010/ / /60 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil Bineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total E2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil B. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: B. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > SOX moderately fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine very deep Irrigated low low low very low moderately deep Well drained very high high very high high medium medium high very high slightly acid moderately alkaline high medium high high strong acid slightly acid 105 cm 1.3 31.5 2 65 cm 1.4 26.6 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 Maxi nun : 150 m Minimal: 100 m Bange: 125 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows 20. F1AH/P8QFILE: Included: a. Pattern: b. density: 21. L.U. DBAXHAGE: c. Variability: b. Variability: Low a. Steepness:flat 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: c. Length: e. Curvature: concave 23. SLOPE DISTR.: ValleybottoBs: 100 X Interfluves : 0-81:0 X 9-25Z: 0 %, 25-551: 0 % 2 4 . WBI-TKP AMFLI. a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2X, 0-50 m 2 5 . TEBRADI: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: 26. CREST/RIDGES: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LAHD FACETS: -1- Depressions, tropaquepts, 80Z -2- Transitions, eutropepts, 20Ï -3-42 9 . FBAGMEHTATIGB: Valleys: Large blocks Interxluves: 19. ALTITUDE: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 30. HELIABILITÎ: 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: 1110 - 36 LAUD DHIT REFORT LREP-SDEM, CSR-BOGOB MAP IMAGE: SECTICH: 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 1. LAHD QBIT: A q . 5 4. H3iaiUfM;fc b y PROTOCE: Lampung: 99Ï 5 . STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR 3. AREA: . edit date: 29/05/89 6 km2 Status: Final 6 . U H D OBIT DESCHIPTICH: Floodplain of braided rivers,coarse sediment,slopes 0-3X. 7 . SATELLITE SCEBES : 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AEPTAT. PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3,4 57 /8292-73 , 58 10. PAREHT MATERIAL a. Weathering b. LAthology c. Formation 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. viKHiatTER : : : : : : /8292-67 11. ROCK ODTCSOF: % Slight sand Fresh Perennial River, Shallow wells Sungai (river) High Seasonal , bush, upland crops, tea (teh) 20 X 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b . InnnmcLatï o u : 15. WEGETATiaS/LAHD OSE : Area used : 16. ACCELERATED EROSKH a. Occurence : None b. Evidence : 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification tropaquepts tropofluvents dystropepts 32. RIP'TOIKXMIIITAT i wy PROFILES: iqt/ / /87/SR/1010/44/ ity/ / /87/HJ/1010/24/ Z of area 60 % 30 % 10 % evt/ /44 / /46 / 1110 - 37 Lab. checked yes no yes / /87/SR/ /43 18. SOIL CHAI! Risncs Properties topsoil a. Textafe: subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil aineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Erch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: a. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. IEB : r. Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: Dominant > SOX fine fine Associated 1 very deep Poorly drained low very low low very low Bray I very low very low low very low very high very high moderately acid moderately acid very low very low 120 cm 3.3 25.5 0 Associated 2 moderately fine fine very deep Moderately well high low high medium Bray I high very low very high medium high high strong acid moderately acid very low very low 120 cm 2.0 11.9 0 0.0 0.0 0 100 m 5 m 40 m 2 0 . FLAH/PBDFILE: Included: a. Pattern: braided b. density: Low 2 1 . L.U. DBAIHAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Medium 2 2 . SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight 2 3 . SLOPE DISTB.: Valleybottons: 100 Z Interflows : O-8Z:0 Z, 9-25X: 0 Z, 25-551: 0 Z 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium 2 5 . TEKBAH: Undulating 2- 8Z, 0-50 m 26. a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Hidth: e. Variability: 2 7 . VALLET FLOCK: a. Hidth: b. Variability: 2 8 . LAB) FACETS: -1-2-3-4Interduves: 29. FKACMESTATIGH: Valleys: 30. HELIABILITÏ: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 29: 31. ADDITIQnL BUTES: Representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet Kotaagung 1110 - 38 LAHD HHIT LHEP-SDBM, CSK-BOGOB MAP IMAGE: SECTIGM: lyoung) (old) 1. LAID HUIT: Bfq.1.1 A IHIIIUKM-V hy S. STATU» panmrt niUÊiJ-tuja> 6. IAHD m i T DESOUPIIGN 7. 5SATCT-Î-ITK *a*HMISC 8. AEBIAL PHPIOGBAPBS 2 . MAP SHEET: 1110 Lampung: 99Ï Updated by: DR (young) X' 3 . AREA: 9 km2 e d i t date: 29/05/89 Status: Final Complex of beach ridges and swales,fine and coarse sediments (unripe) 123/64/14/11/84 . 1:100.000 Star_I/250/88/1110-4 9 . BADAR 10 (old, flattened eroded) PAUOTT MATKRTAT. 1 1 . ROCK antBOP: X a. Heatbexing b. Litholagy c. Formation 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHSTJ2 1«. RIVERS a. Floodrisk I» Tnnnffat--^ fv^ 13. VBGEIATICH/LAm USE IK Area used ArraroATFP RRinRTfif a. Occoxence b. Evidence sand, clay Qal Brackish Rain Laut (sea) Low None coastal forest on beaches, bush, coconut (kelapa) 60 X None 17. SQTX GSEAI GSOOF Classification Z of area Destinant >SOZ tropopsamments 85 X yes Associated 1 fluvaquents 15 X yes X Associated 2 32. P est/ Lab. checked PROFILES: /341-7 /72/SK/1110/24/ eqv/ /09 / 1110 - 39 /341-5 /72/SK/1110/24/ /07 / m anrr. ntAinurTVBT<rrrr<t FraparU.es a. Texture: Destinant > SOI coarse coarse b. Depth: — w i p*»***! iw?i1 moderately deep c. Drainage: Excessively drained — d. Each. K: topsoil — subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil low subsoil low f. Avail. P: aethod Olsen topsoil low subsoil low g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil low — b. CEE pH 7 topsoil — subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil neutral subsoil slightly alkaline — j. Al Sat. topsoil -subsoil k. Al toxicity : — -1. Acid sulpb. pot.: m. Salinity : --n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : 40 cm p. Organic Matter : 0.2 q. TEB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 1 topsoil subsoil peatsoil Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Moderately well ---very high very high Olsen medium very low low very low — -slightly acid neutral — -— --- . -100 cm 2.6 0.0 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 5 m Minimim Bange: 2 m Daninant: linear and parallel > 602 of area flat-topped 20. PLAR/PBOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: parallel b. density: Very low 21. L.D. DBAIHAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTR.: ValleybottoBs: 15 X Interfluves : 0-81:85 %, 9-2SX: 0 X. 25-551: 0 X 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. ftMjiiilmln: low b. Variability: Low 25. TFHPATBF l a t , slope <ZX, 0-50 m 26. CBEST/HIDGES: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LABD FACETS: -1- Sandridges, txopopsanments , 85X -2- Swales, fluvaquents, 15X -3-4InterCLuves: Small blocks 29. FBAGMEBTATIOH: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2° probable, 3° tenable. 4° plausible 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: Fluvaquents transfered from Bf.4.4 1110 r 40 LREP-SDHM, CSR-BOGCR LAUD UHIT SEFCBX MAP IMAGE: (old) CBOSS SECTIGH: (old, flattened eroded) (young) (young) X' 1. 4. 5. 6. LAHD DUIT: Bfq.1.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 149 km2 OOCQREMCE by PROVINCE Lampung: 99% STATUS IDEHTIFIERS Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 Status: Final LATO UHIT DESCRIPTIOH Complex of eroded beach ridges and filled in swales,fine and coarse sediments (partly ripened) 7. SATELLITE SCEHES 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 8. AERIAL PflDTOGRAPHS Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 9. RADAR 11. ROCK OUTC3OP: Z 10. PAREHT M»TBBTA1Slight a. Weathering clay, sand b. Lithology Qal c. Formation 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk Brackish Rain, Perennial River Laut (sea) Low None 15. VBSEIATiaH/LAHD USE coastal forest on beaches, bush, alang-alang, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), rainfed wetland rice, coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 60 ! Area used 1 6 . ACCELERATED EROSICH a. Occoxence b. Evidence None 17. SOIL GSEAT GBOOP DaBinant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification tropopsamments tropaquepts tropohumods X of area 70 Z 25 Z 5 Z Lab. checked yes yes yes ' 32. JtPA^ÊmsinnAt I iiif IBOFILES: est/ sht/ /341-98 /341-4 /72/IS/1110/51/ /72/SK/1110/24/ /62 / /06 / iqt/ 1110 - 41 /184-6 /68/IS/1110/24/ /63 / is. son. Properties a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil neralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. Donnant > 50Z coarse coarse Associated 1 fine moderately fine Associated 2 coarse coarse deep Somewhat excessively moderately deep Poorly drained very Somewhat excessively high medium very high medium low very low Olsen low very low low very low moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid strong acid 80 cm 2.1 0.0 1 110 cm 1.5 0.0 1 topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil very low subsoil low Olsen Avail. F: method very low topsoil very low subsoil low Total P: topsoil very low subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid subsoil strong acid Al Sat. topsoil subsoil À1 toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstr. layer : 100 cm Organic Matter : 1.8 TEB : 0.0 Total observations: 3 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAH/PB0FILE: 2 1 . L.O. DBAIHAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . Pgt-TCT AMPLI. 2 5 . TEBBAIH: 26. 2 7 . VALLEY FLOOR: 2 8 . IAHD FACETS: 29. FRAGHEHTATIGH: 25 m Minimum: 5m Range: 15 m Dominant: linear and parallel > 60% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: parallel b. density: Very low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low d. Variability: Low c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: 25 X Interfluves : 0-81:75 X 9-25X: 0 X, 25-551: 0 X a. Anplitude: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Ridges, tropopsamments, 70Ï -%— Swales, tropaquepts, 25Z -3- Ridges, tropohumods, 5Z -4Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1° reliable, 2- probable, 3° tenable, 4° plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2* 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 3 1 . ADDITICHAL BOIES: 1110 - 42 LAHD DHIT REPORT LREP~SDBM„ CSR—BOGÛR MAP IMAGE: CROSS SECTIOB: B.5.1 X.3 B.4.4 B.4.2 B.4.3 B.4.1 Sea 4.5 LK X' 1. *. 5. 6. 7. 8. LAHD UHIT: Bf. 4.3 OCCOREHCE by PROVIHCE: STATUS IDENTIFIERS : LAHD DHIT DESCRIPnOH: SATELLITE SCEHES : AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 2. M&F SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 43 kra2 Lampung: 99% Updated by: DR edit date: 29/05/89 Status: Final Tidal flats with mangrove vegetation,fine sediments(unripe). 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 9. RADAR 1 0 . PAREHT MATERIAL a. Heatbexing : 11. BOCK ODTCSaP: X clay Qal Saline Rain Laut (sea) None Permanent 15. VEGETATICH/LAHD USE :mangrove forest (bakau), swamp (rawa) including sedges, fishponds (tambak) 20 X Area used 16. ACCELERATED EROSI08 a. Occurence : None b. Evidence : b. Litfaology : c. Formation : 12. HATER a. Quality : b. Source : 13. FISHUKIBS : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b. Inondation: 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification hydraquents sulfaquents Z of area 90 X 10 X X 32. REPRESENTATIVE PROFILES: eqw/ /184-8 /68/IS/1110/52/ /67 / 1110 - 43 Lab. checked yes yes 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Ezch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: metbod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: B . Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > SOX moderately fine fine — moderately deep Very poorly drained -— low low — -medium very low -— strong acid very strong acid Associated 1 fine fine very shallow moderately deep Very poorly drained very high very high very high very high Associated 2 medium high low medium low medium slightly acid slightly acid very shallow saline 6.4 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITuDE: Range: 2 m 1m 2 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows 20. PLAH/PKOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: reticular b. density: Very low 21. L U . EKAI8AGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: short e. Curvature: straight Valleybottons: 100 % 23. SLOPE DISTft.: Interfluves : 0-81:0 I. 9-25Z: 0 X, 25-55Z: 0 Ï b. Variability: Low 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low 25. TEKBAHI: Flat, slope <2X, 0-50 m 26. CHEST/RIDGES: c. Variability: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LAUD FACETS: -1- Tidal flats, hydraquents, 75Ï -2- Tidal flats, sulfaquents, 25Z -3-429. FRAGMEHTAÏIGH: Valleys: Medium blocks Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BUTES: Hydraquents transferee! from landunit Bf.5.1 and Sulfaquents from RePPProt (KJ Land System). 1110 - 44 LAHD UHXT SEFOBT LREP-SDBM, CSK-BOBCB MAP IMAGE: CSOSS SECTTGB: B.4 .2 B.4.4 B.4.2 tldal qully logg«" «aiwrove •angron UDÇT0Y6 nlpab niuli lc^jed uiqrove X 1. LARD 0HIT: Bf.4.4 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. ABEA: 43 km2 4. OOCDBEHCE by PROVIKE: Lampung: 992 5. STATUS IDEBTTFTERS : Updated by: DR edit data: 30/05/89 Status: Final 6 . LAUD OMIT DESCKIPTIOH: Estuarine flat along rivers with nipa vegetation,fine sediments (unripe) 7- SATELLITE MMMIKK ; 123/64/14/11/84 8. ABMTAT- EBOTOGSAEBS 9. RADAR 10. BAREST MATERIAL : 1:100.000 : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 11. ROCK OUTC8OP: X a. Weathering : b. Litbology : clay c. Fonation : Qal 12. HATER a. Quality : Brackish b. Source : Rain Laut (sea) 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : High b. Inundation: Permanent IS. VBGETATICH/LAHD OSE : nipah forest (nipah), heath forest (kerangas), bush, swamp (rawa) including sedges Area osed : 0 Z IK u i r n n u T m fomrrm a. Occorence : b. Evidence : 17. SOIL G8EAT GBOOF Doalnant >50I - Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification hydraquents fluvaquents sulfaquents Z of area 80 X 15 X 5 X /67 / eqv/ 1110 - 45 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-5 /72/SK/1110/24/ /07 / 18. SOIL CHAHACTHIISTICS s. TutaiB : b. c. d. e. t. 8h. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. topsoi.1 sobsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil Drainage: Erch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total F: topsoil sobsoil CSC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil sobsoil Al toxicity : Acid solph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Donnant > SOZ moderately fine fine Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 fine fine moderately deep Very poorly drained -- . -low low very deep Moderately well — — very high very high Olsen medium very low low very low --slightly acid neutral very Very very very very very -— medium very low -— strong acid very strong acid 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. medium high low medium low medium slightly acid slightly acid shallow depth saline SO cm 6.4 0.0 0 100 cm 2.6 0.0 3 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAH/XBOFILE: 21. deep poorly drained high high high high 5 m MiniaoB: 1 m Drainant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: b. a. Pattern: none L.D. c. Variability: low SLOPE: a. Steepness:flat b. d. c. Length: very short e. Curvature: concave SLOPE DISTR. : ValleybottOKS: 100 X Interfloves : O-8Z:0 X. 9-251: 0 X, 25-551: 0 BELIEF A M P U . a. Ât»1ilmUi: very low b. TPBHATWFlat, slope <2Z, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: LAB) FACETS: -1- Flats with nipa, hydraquents, 80Ï -2- Flats with nipa, sulfaquents, 5Ï -3- Backswamps, fluvaquents, 152 -4FBAGMERTATICB: Valleys: Medium blocks InterCLuves: 0.0 .0.0 0 3m density: Very low Variability: Low Variability: Low Variability: Low c. Variability: 30. BELIABILITC: 1- reliable, 2» probable, 3» tenable. 4» plausible U . b : 1 12.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: Hydraquents transfered from Bf.5.1 and Sulfaquents from RePPProT (KJP Land System). 1110 - 46 LARD UHIT REPORT IHEP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR MâP DMGE: CSOSS SECTTGH: 1. LARD DHIT: Bf.5.1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 92 km2 • . OCCnRETCE by PHOVIRCE: Lampung: 99% 5. STATUS IDEHTLFIERS : Updated by: DR edit data: 30/05/89 Status: Final 6. LARD DHIT DESCRIPTION: Saline b ackswamps with grass vegetation ,fine sediments (unripe) 7. SATELLITE SCEBES 8. AERIAL PBDTOGBAPHS 9. SADAR 10. PARE8T MATERIAL a. Weathering : 12. 13. 14. 15. 123/64/14/11/84 1: .000 Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 11. ROCK OUTCROP: b. Lithology : clay c. Formation : Qal HATES a. Quality : Saline b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : Laut (sea) RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: Permanent VEGETATIOH/LAHD USE : Axea used :0X swamp (rawa) including sedges 16. a. Occarence b. 17. SOIL GSEAT G80DF Dominant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification hydraquents sulfihemists sulfaquents 32. RERESEnATIVE fflOFTLES: eqw/ /184-8 /68/IS/1110/52/ eqi/ /84-1 /86/F /1110/53/ Z of area 60 X 30 X 10 X hei/ /67 / /15 / 1110 - 47 Lab. checked yes yes yes /112-12 /79/P /1110/53/F18/12 / Properties a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil n i T*0***!) «ni i c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Réaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 50Z moderately fine fine -moderately deep Very poorly drained ~ -low low — -medium very low — — strong acid very strong acid — -— -— — 50 cm 6.4 0.0 2 Associated 1 organic organic extremely deep Very poorly drained high high — — — -— — very high very high very strong acid excessive acid very low low — shallow depth salt free — — 47.5 40.6 0 Associated 2 moderately fine fine very deep Very poorly drained medium medium high medium Bray I very low very low very high very'low very high high very strong acid excessive acid very low very low — shallow depth moderately --15.3 9.4 0 19. ALTITODE: 5 m 1 m 2 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows 20. PLAH/PROFILE: Included: a. Pattern: none b. density: 21. L.O. DBAHUGE: c. Variability: b. Variability: Low a. Steepness:flat 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: long e. Curvature: concave 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoms: 100 X Interfluves : O-8Z:0 t, 9-251: 0 X. 25-55Z: 0 X 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitode: very low b. Variability: Low 25. TBHBATWFlat, slope <2Z, 0-50 m 26. a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: b. Variability: 27. VALLEST FLOOR: -1- Swamps, hydraquents, 60Ï 28. LAHD FACETS: -2- Swamps, sulfihemists, 301 -3- Swamps, sulfaquents, 10X -429. FSaCMEBTATIOH: Valleys: Medium blocks Inter£Luves:' 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIGHAL KITES: Representative profiles for Sulfihemist and Sulfaquents are extrap olated from other LU. 1110 - 48 IBEP-aiBM, CSR-BOGGR MAP DttGE: 1.2.1 B.5.2 B.1.2 B.S.1 ••-_w." • B.1.1 N 2. MAF SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 41 km2 1. LAKD DHII: Bf.5.2 ;: 99Z 4. OCCORETCE by PBWIHUE Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final 5. SIAIDS IDEHTIFIERS 6. LAHD O m DESCRIPTIGH Saline backswamps with mixed forest,fine sediments (unripe) 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATELLITE 1: .000 8. AERIAL PBDTOGBAPBS Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 9. RADAR 10. PAREHT MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: Z a. Weathering clay b. Litbology c. Foraatiom Qal 12. HATER a. Quality Saline b. Source Rain Laut (sea) 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk Permanent 15. VBGErATICB/LAHD OSE peat swamp forest (gambut), swamp (rawa) including sedges Area used 0 Z 16. ACCELERATED EROSIOH a. Occurence None b. Evidence 1 7 . SOIL I5BBAT GSOUP Doninanfc >50X Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification sulfihemists hydraquents X of area 65 Z 35 Z eqw/ 1110 - 49 Lab. checked yes yes /112-11 /79/P /1111/53/F16/11 / IB. SCHL CHàSâCTBBISTICS P*i i ipw 11 i w H Dominant > SOI a. Textare: topsoil organic subsoil organic b. Depth: peatsoil extremely deep c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: e. C. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total F: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: I S . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAR/PBOFILE: 2 1 . L.O. 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLE.: 25. TBPBATW- 2 6 . CKEST/HIDGES: 2 7 . VALLEI FLOOR: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 2 9 . FRAOfERTAXIGH: Associated 1 moderately fine fine — very deep Very poorly drained very low very low -— Very poorly drained very high high -— very high -— — very high very high very strong acid excessive acid very low medium — shallow depth — -120 cm 55.2 44.5 0 Associated 2 — -— — high very very very very very high strong acid strong acid low high • very deep moderately — 120 cm 22.3 26.4 0 0.0 0.0 0 Bange: 5 m Miniata: 1 m 2 m Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows Included: b. density: a. Pattern: none c. Variability: a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low d. Variability: Low c. Length: e. Curvature: concave ValleybottOBs: 100 I InterOnves : O-8Z:0 Z, 9-251: 0 X. 25-551: 0 X a. Avplitode: very low b. Variability: Low Flat, slope <2Z, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Swamps, sulfihemists, 65Ï -2- Swamps, hydraquents, 35Ï -3-4Valleys: Medium blocks Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1» reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from other sheet 1110 - 50 LARD OHIT REPORT LREP-SDBM, CSB-BOBGR IMF IMAGE: SECTIGH: ï.1.4.2 Tïl B.7 x* 1 sea T» T i t '^^iTlzJ. • -î * / A*" " , • wlmiciidB .-''ErTne sediiâits 1. 4. 5. 6. USD OBIT: Bcq.7 2. MAF SHEET: 1110 3. ABEA: 75 km2 UXUKEBCE by FROVIBCE: Lampung: 99Î edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final STATUS IDEHTIFIERS : Updated by: DR UflD OBIT DESCHIFTICH: Undifferentiated marine deposits,calcareous and coarse sediments, a slopes 0-3X. 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84 59 /8292-19 , 60 /8295-05 , 61 /8344-207 8. «FUTAT. PHOTOGSAÏHS : 1:100.000 9. BADAB : Star-I/250/88/1110-1,3 11. BOCK OOTCSOF: X 10. PAREHT HAIEKIAL a. Weathering : Slight gravel, sand Qal Brackish Rain, Not known Laut (sea) None b. Inondation: Seasonal 13. VBSEIATIGH/LABD OSE :mangrove forest (bakau), bush, alang-alang, coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 90 X Area u s e d b. Litfaology : c. Formation : 12. HATER a. Quality : b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : 16. 17. J9RAÏED ERGSIGH a. Occurence b. 'Evidence None SOIL GREAT GBODF Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification troporthents tropopsamments 32. BEPfiESEHTATIVE PfiOFILES: eot/ / /88/SR/1010/44/ X of area 80 X 20 X Lab. checked yes yes X est/ /48 / 1110 - 51 /184-15 /68/IS/1110/43/ /95 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil nineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Ezch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toiicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Soot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 coarse coarse Associated 1 fine coarse moderately deep Somewhat excessively very low very low low low Olsen very low very low high high very low very low strongly alkaline strongly alkaline very low very low moderately deep Somewhat excessively — — medium low 75 cm 3.4 22.5 0 70 cm 3.4 0.0 1 Associated 2 --high high --slightly alkaline neutral --- 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Range: 5 m 10 m 'Minium: 1 Dominant: No pronounced highs/lows PLftH/PBOFILE: Included: b. density: Very low a. Pattern: none L.U. DRAIBAGE: c. Variability: low b. Variability: Low a. Steepness:flat SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: straight SLOPE DISTK.: Valleybottoms: 20 % Interfluves : 0-81:80 X. 9-251: 0 %, 25-55X: 0 X BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very low b. Variability: Low TEKRAM: Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m CHEST/RIDGES: a. Shape: no crests b. Length c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: VALIEZ FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Medium LAUD FACETS: -1- Elevated, troporthents, 80% -2- Depression, tropopsamments, 20% -3-4FRAGMEHTATIOB: Valleys: Interfluves: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable. 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 14.a: 2 14.b: 2 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 29: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BOTES: Representative profile for Troporthents is extrapolated from other sheet (KotaAgung, Bcq.7). 1110 - 52 LR£P~SDBM, CSR~BOSQR LAHD DUIT REFGBI CROSS SECTIGH: MAP IMAGE: Idq.l.l »alley bottoi J.1.3 1*1-1-1 valley bottoi interfluve interfile , T: dacite (igninbrite) coarse felsic sedisentary rocks 1 . LAHD Ü H I T : Idq.1.1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 174 km2 4 . OOC^pPitiEiiit by Ht*.^ 1 HOK * Lampung: 99Z 5 . STATUS IDERIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD OBIT DESCRIPTIOH: Slightly dissected flat acid tuff plain,acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks, slopes 0-3%. " 7. SATELLITE SCEHES 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR 10. BAREST MATERIAL a. Weathering b. Lithology 12. 13. 14. 15. /8295-017, 59 /8292-029 11. ROCK OUTCROP: % : Partial : liparite, dacite, sandstone c. Formation : Qlv HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Shallow wells FISHERIES : Sungai (river) RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: None VEGETAÏIOH/LAHD USE : , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, towns, Area used 1A : 123/64/14/11/84 61 /8344-197, 60 : 1:100.000 : Star-I/250/88/1110-2.3 Mi t 'VI ra^THt villages : 90 X .. . » • VBTIRffifi a. Occurence : None b. Evidence : 17. SOU. GREAI GROUP : Dominant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification kanhapludults tropaquepts dystrópepts Z of area ' 60 X 30 X Lab. checked yes yes 10 X yes XJ BKMtHKHHTATTVF mfWTIl udh/ ity/ /84-14 /184-1 /85/DN/1111/12/ /68/IS/1110/44/ /09 / /52 / iqt/ 1110 - 53 /84-12 /86/DK/1110/53/ /22 / 18. SOIL CHNMCTHUiCiius Dosdnant > SOX moderately fine fine — b. Depth: ^ i n a v a l fupf | very deep c. Drainage: Well drained d. Exch. K: *"i~"i1 low low subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil low subsoil very low f. Avail. P: method Bray I topsoil very low subsoil very low g. Total P: topsoil very low subsoil very low h. CSC pH 7 topsoil low low subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoll moderately acid snbsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil medium — k. AI toxicity : — 1. Acid sulph. pot.: •. Salinity : salt free — n. Other Toxicity: — o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 1.8 q. TEB : 1.9 0 x. Total observations: a. Texture: topsoil subsoil peatsoil I S . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLABVHKB7ILE: 21. L.D. 22. SUSS: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELEEF ÄMPLI. 2 5 . TPmtATM2 6 . CKESÏ/BIDGES: 2 7 . TAUET FUCK: 2 8 . IAHD FACETS: 29. Ax«ne'at<aH fine fine — moderatelv deen Poorly drained low low very low very low Bray I medium low very high very high high high moderately acid neutral very low very low — -salt free -60 cm 0.9 18.2 1 Associated 2 medium moderately fine very Imperfectly drained medium very low low very low moderately acid very strong acid salt free 120 cm 2.7 0.0 3 50 m 60 m IfinfanB: 40 m Donnant: non-linear and random > 60! of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: Low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b Variability: Low c. Length: extremely d Variability: Low e. OoivaUve: straight ValleybottoBs: 10! Interflnves : 0-81: 85!, 9-251: 5 ! , 25-551: 0 X a. fra.il IIrnli : low b Variability: Low Flat, slope <2Ï, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Hidth: e. Variability: a. Hidth: narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, kanhapludults, 60! -2- Deppressions on interf, tropaquepts, 20! -3- Interfluves, dystropepts, 10! -4- Valley bottoms, dystropepts, 10! Valleys: Interflaves: Large blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1— reliable, 2— fnrTJ**«M«. 3» tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 1 12.e: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AUUXUJRAL BOIES: Representative profile for Kanhapludults is extrapolated from other sheet (Menggala, Idq.1.1). 1110 - 54 LBEP-SDBM, LARD TJRII REPORT MAP IMAGE: CSR-BOGOR C80SS SECTIGB: Idq.2.1 valley bottoi interfluve !••*•! I dacite (lgni«brite) coarse felsic sedirentary tods 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 1. LABD OBIT: Idq.2.1 interfluve 3. AREA: 792 km2 4 . OCCDREKX b y PROVUICE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final 5. STATUS wBmetEBs •. Updated by: DR 6. LAUD UHIT DESCRTPTIGH: Slightly dissected flat to undulating acid tuff plain,acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks, slopes 0-8% 7. RATCT Jf.ITK 123/64/14/11/84 8. AFUTAÎ- FB0I0G8AFBS 9. BADAR 10. PABER MAIEBIAL a. Weathering b. Lithology c. FoiBation 12. HAXER a. Quality b. Source 62 /8282-061, 60 /8295-013 : 1:100.000 : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 11. ROCK OUTCROP: : High : : : : 2 dacite, liparite, sandstone Qlv Fresh Perennial River, Shallow wells 13. FISHSXES : Sungai (river) 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisfc : None b . Tiwif nijif-.i <m • None 1 5 . VB5SUXI0H/LA8D USE : , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, coconut (kelapa), towns, villages Area used : 90 Z 16. ACCELERATED EROSIGH a. Occorence : Localised b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL G8EAI GSOUP Dortnant >SOX Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification kanhapludults tropaquepts X of area 60 % 25 % 15 X dystropepts 32. REPRESENTATIVE PROFILES: udh/ /86-33 /81/SR/1110/43/ ity/ /340-6 /71/SK/1110/41/ /26 / /19 / 1110 - 55 iqt/ Lab. checked yes yes yes /86-36 /81/DK/1110/23/ /04 / m srm. rauuirnamtrTTCt Doadnant > 501 Properties a. Textura: topsoil medium sobsoil fine b. Depth: peatsoil — very deep c. Drainage: Well drained d. Exch. K: topsoil low sobsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil low sobsoil very low f. Avail. P: Method — topsoil subsoil -g. Total P: topsoil very low subsoil very low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil medium subsoil low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid sobsoil strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil -subsoil — k. Al toxicity : -1. Acid snlfh. pot.: m. Salinity : — -n. Other Taxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : 138 cm 1.4 p. Organic Matter : q. TJEB : 2.8 r. Total observations: 1 2 1 . L.O. ra»»ir«*fBP- a. c. a. 2 2 . SLOPE: c. 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . TFHBATH2 6 . mfasi/R I iiwia: 2 7 . VAUET FLOOR: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: 2 9 . EBAGHORATIC«: --very low very low very low very low very strong acid very strong acid --— -— -75 cm 0.8 1.4 4 Associated 2 moderately coarse fine -deep Well drained — -— — --low very low — -neutral neutral ------90 cm 2.1 0.0 9 60 m Minima: 10 m Bange: 40 m : non-linear and random > 60X of area flat-topped 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLU/rBOFILE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: Associated 1 medium medium — moderately deep Imperfectly drained low low very low very low Pattern: dendritic Variability: low Steepness:gently sloping Length: long b. density: Low b. Variability: Low d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: 10 X InterQoves : 0-81:85 X, 9-251: 5 X, 25-55X: 0 X b. Variability: Low a. (ka.il i l mil low Undulating 2- 8X, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Hidth: e. Variability: a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, kanhapludults, 60X - 2 - Depression on interflu, tropaquepts, 15X -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4— Interfluves, dystropepts, 15X Valleys: Intexdoves: Large blocks 30. BELXABHITÏ: 1« reliable, 2 - probable, 3= tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-tj: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. AD9ITIOBAL BOIES: 1110 - 56 I.A1I LREP~S0BM, CSR~BOBOR REPORT MAP IMAGE: CSOSS SBCTIOH: (iipiibrlte) coarse felslc swUrentary rocks 1:(umüffltof 2: slope 3: talley bottoi 1. 4. 5. 6. LARD U m . Idq.3.1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 219 km2 OCCOREHCE by PROVHCE: Lampung: 99Z STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 07/06/89 Status: Final LARD OBIT DESCKTPIIOB: Slightly dissected undulating acid tuff plain,acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks, slopes 3~8Z 7. SATELLITE 123/64/14/11/84 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 59 /8292-29 , 59 /8292-27 , 60 /8295-19 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-5 10. PAREHT MKTBBTÄI11. ROCK OUTCROP: X a. Heatherins : High b. Litfaology : liparite, dacite, sandstone c. Fomatian : Qlv 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FXSHSIES : Not known 14. BIVERS a. Floodxisk : None b. Innndaticm: None 15. VESETATIGH/LAHD OSE : , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), towns, villages Area used : 95 X 16. ACCELERATED ERGSICH a. Occarence : Localised b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL GSEAI G800P Donnant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification kanhapludults dystropepts Z of area 65 % 30 t tropaquepts 32. REPRESEBTATIVE PROFILES: udh/ /184-14 /68/IS/1110/43/ iqt/ /86-16 /81/NS/1110/42/ 5t /92 / /25 / ity/ 1110 - 57 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-90 /72/IS/1110/44/ /52 / 18. SQtL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsail subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. F: Method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > SOX fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 moderately coarse moderately fine deep Moderately well deep Well drained medium very low medium very low very Well low low very very low very low --strong acid strong acid medium low -— neutral strong acid low very low low low very strong acid moderately acid 85 cm 2.2 0.0 1 80 cm 1.7 0.0 2 120 cm 1.0 3.2 1 19. ALTITUDE: deep drained low low 70 m Mrninw: 40 m Range: SO m Doninant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped 20. PLftH/PHDFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low 21. L.O. DRAHAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: long d Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons: S% 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Interflaves : 0-8Z:80 X 9-25X: 15 %, 25-55X: 0 % b. Variability: Medium 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: low 25. TERRAIH: Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Level e. Variability: Low d. Width: moderate b. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow 27. VALLEY FLOOR: -1- Flat top/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 65% 28. LARD FACETS: -2- Mid & lower slopes, dystropepts, 30% -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 5% -429. FRAGHEHTATICH: Valleys: Interflnves: Large blocks 30. RELIABILITY: I s reliable, 2= probable. 3= tenable, 4- plausible 18.b: 2 18.c: lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 31. ADDITIGBAL BOIES: 1110 - 58 UIUT REPORT UEP~SOBM, GffirBOGGR MAF IMAGE: dacite (Iqniibrite) c o u » felsic sedinentiry t o d s 1: top 2: slope 3: valley bottoi 1 . LAHD DHII: I d q . 3 . 2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3 . AREA: 505 km2 4 . OOCODBEKE by IBUVlMUlf: Lampung: 99X 5 . STATIIS edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final HFIHËS : Updated by: DR 6 . LAHD ÜSII DESCRIFTICH: Moderately dissected undulating acid tuffs plain,acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks, slopes 3-8% 7 . RATFff_I_ITK MÜHHICK ; 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . BADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3,5 10. PARERT MtTFBTAT. a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Formation 12. HftXER a. Quality : : : : 11. ROCK OUTCROP: b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b . Inundation: 15. VEGETATIV/LAnD OSE : Area used 58 /8292-53 , 60 /8295-19 , 62 /8282-61 X Partial dacite, liparite, sandstone Qlv Fresh Perennial River, Medium wells Sungai (river) None None , bush, alang-alang, mixed gardens of fruit trees, upland crops, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), towns, villages 90 X 1 6 . Afy^FT TOATHI EROSIOH a. Occorence : Common b. Evidence Gulleys 17. son. G8O0P Devinant >S0Z Associated 1 Associated 2 32. udh/ iqt/ /184-14 /341-58 Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts 60 X 30 X 10 X /68/IS/1110/43/ /92 / /72/DR/1110/53/ /63 / ity/ 1110 - 59 Lab. checked yes yes yes /86-28 /81/SR/1110/51/ /16 / 18. SOIL CBARêCÏERISTICS a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil sobsoil peatsoil arïneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: Daainant > SOX fine fine Associated 1 moderately coarse moderately fine Associated 2 medium medium deep Well drained -— medium very low extremely deep Moderately well low low very low very low deep Moderately well -— low very low very low very low very low very low moderately acid very strong acid medium low 180 cm 1.0 2.1 4 100 cm 1.5 0.0 2 topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: netbod topsoil sobsoil g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil very low h. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid subsoil strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : 85 cm p. Organic Matter : 2.2 q. TEB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 1 very strong acid strong acid 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAB/fBOFILE: HwTimi: 60 m Minimrm: 20 m Range: 40 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: 21. L.D. I»AT»«CEa. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: long d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE OISTR.: Valleybottoms: 10 ! Interfluves : 0-81:75 X, 9-25Z: 15 X, 25-551: 0 X 24. RELIEF âMPLI.: a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Medium 25. TEKKAEH: Undulating 2- 8X, 0-50 m c. Variability: Low 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Level b. Length:Moderately long d. Hidth: moderate e. Variability: Low 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Flat top/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 60Ï -2- Mid & lower slopes, dystropepts, 30Ï -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10% 29. FBaCMEaiATICB: Valleys: Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY:- 1= reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOSAL HOTES: 1110 - 60 LBEP-SDBM, CSK-BOGGB CSOSS SBCTIQB: Mq.«\2 «1.4.2 1.1.1 '.idq.4.2 1 1 2 2 1 12 2 -A.1.3 S* /• • 2 A * Idq.4.2 \ » » | dicite (igni«brite) couse [elsic sediaentory rocks 1: top 2: slope 3: valley bottoi 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 702 kmZ 1. LARD m t : Idq.4.2 4 . " " 1 I F T I by PfiOVIBCE: Lampung: 99Z 5 . SIAIO5 HMWTi art rjtü : Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final 6 . U B ) OHIT DESCRIPTIOH: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling acid tuff plain, acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks slopes 3-15X 123/64/14/11/84 7. SAXEUITE 8 . ATHTAï CBDTOGSAPBS : 1:100.000 60 /8295-011, 60 /8295-019, 58 /8292-057 9 . HADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,5 1 0 . KtREBT M«TlB»T>f- 11. BOCK OOÏCBOP: X a. Hsatherlng : High b . Litfaolosy : dacite, liparite, sandstone c. Fonatian : Qlv 12. H&XER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells None 14. BIVEKS a. Floodriük : None b. Timnrinticn: None 15. VBBEUTIOH/IABD OSE : , bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, rubber (karet), towns, villages area used 90 Z 16. •BBATHH a. Occorence b. Evidence Common Gulleys 17. SOU. G8EAT GROUP n i m m t >5OZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts Z of area 55 X 35 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. KEPBESEHTATIVE IBOFXLES: ity/ iqt/ /86-25 /341-15 /81/SR/1110/51/ /72/SK/1110/43/ /13 / /43 / udh/ 1110 - 61 /84-19 /85/US/1111/14/ /09 / 18. arm CHARACTERISTICS P&UDKrtieS a. Tartar«: topsoil sabsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •dneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil sabsoil •. Total K2O: topsoil sabsoil t. avail. F: •atbod topsoil sabsoil 8- Total F: topsoil subsoil b. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i . Soil Ssactian:topsoil s<d>soil j . Al Sat. topsoil sobsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Otbar Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TBB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: > 50X fine fine very deep Well drained low low very low very low Bray I very low very low very low • very low low very low strong acid very strong acid very high very high yes not relevant 125 cm 1.0 0.4 1 100 m Associated 1 moderately coarse moderately coarse Associated 2 medium medium very deep Moderately well high low medium very low low very low low very low moderately acid very strong acid deep Well drained — -medium very low Olsen low very low medium low — -moderately acid very strong acid 150 cm 1.0 1.7 3 100 cm 1.6 0.0 3 — — iw»«— io m Bange: Donnant: non-linear and random 40-60X of area 20. PLAB/PBOFILB: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. 21. L.U. DBAIBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:sloping b. 22. SLOPE: d. c. Length: moderate e. Corvatare: convex 23. SLOPE PISTR.: ValleybottoBs: 10 Z Intexflnves : 0-81:55 9-25X: 35 I. 25-55X: 24. mn.m AMFLI.: a. Wfil 11 ml» medium b. 25. TEPHATWRolling 9-15X, 0-50 m 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Level b. Length:Moderately d. Hidth: moderate e. Variability: Low 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAID FACETS: -1- Crest/upper slopes, kanhapludults, 55Ï -2- Mid & lower slopes, dystropepts, 35X -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10Z -429. FBAGMERTATZC«: Valleys: InterQnves: Large blocks 70 m flat-topped density: Moderate Variability: Medium Variability: Medium 0 % Variability: Medium long c. Variability: Low 30. RELIABILITY: 1« reliable, 2- probable. 3- tenable, 4- plausible 10.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BUTES: Representative profile for Kanhapludults is extrapolated from sheet Menggala (Idq.4.2). 1110 - 62 LAUD OHIT BEPORT LKEP-SBBM, CSR-BOSGK H A P IMAGE: C8OSS SECTIGH: 1.8.3 1.5.2 coarse sediiientary rorR « « »' '* ' i 'r 1. 4. 5. 6. LAID OBIT: Idq.5.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. ABE&: 395 km2 OCCOBEBCE by EB0VIBCE: Lampung: 99Z STATUS IDEBTTFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final LAB) OTIT DESCSIFnCH: Moderately dissected rolling acid tuff plain,acid tuffs and felsic coarse sedimentary rocks, slopes 8-15Z. 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATELLITE 8. *w>TA 1:100.000 59 /8292-025, 60 /8295-015, 82 /8282-73 9. RADAR 10. BABBR M»TB»TAI. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Star-I/250/88/1110-2.4 11. BOCK OOICKOP: Z a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : dacite, liparite,, sandstone c. Foraatioa • :Qlv HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells EXSHERIES : Sungai (river 1 RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Zmmdatian: None VEGEIATKH/LAHD OSE : , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, towns, villages Area used : 90 Z urnninn nnnna a. Occnrence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL (SEAT GROUP DoBtnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. udk/ Ite/ : Classification kandiudults dystropepts eutropepts Z of area 60 Z 30 Z 10 Z lab. checked yes yes yes ItPRiixniTtT • w K PffnTTlFft" /86-26 /341-28 /81/SR/1110/42/ /72/DR/1110/23/ /14 / /09 / ity/ 1110 - 63 /341-81 /72/IS/1110/42/ /35 / 18. SOIL CHABACTEBISTICS Properties topsoil a. Textare: subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil eralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exen. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil method f. Avail. P: topsoil subsoil topsoil g. Total F: subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil topsoil j. Al Sat. subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph . pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr . layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 moderately coarse moderately fine -very deep Well drained low low very low very low — -low very low low very low strong acid very strong acid --— — --125 cm 1.4 1.7 3 Associated 1 medium medium — deep Well drained -very low very low Olsen very low very low very low very low — -strong acid strong acid --— --' -100 cm 0.8 0.0 2 Associated medium medium — moderately Moderately — — high very high Olsen medium very low low very low --neutral moderately --— ---55 cm 1.3 0.0 2 deep well acid 1 19. ALTITUDE: 70 m Minimum: 40 m Bange: 50 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60X of area flat-topped 20. FLAH/PKOFILE: Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.D. DHAHMGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 5 % 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Inter£luves : 0-81:30 X 9-25X: 65 X, 25-551: 0 % 2*. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m 25. TERRAS: 26. CBEST/BIDGES: a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOCK: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Crest/upper slopes, kandiudults, 60Z -2- Middle slopes, dystropepts, 30X -3- Lower slopes, eutropepts, 10Î -429. FRAGHEHTATICH: Valleys: Interduves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITICHAL HOTES: 1110 - 64 LAHD m i T REHXT LREP-SDHM, CSR-BOSGR MAP IMAGE: CSOSS SECTIOH: 1. LAHD CHIT: Idq.8.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 4. «^tiiUff— -ff by EBUViHCE:Lampung : 99% 3. AREA: 98 km2 5. STATUS IDEHTTFIEBS : Updated by: DR edit date: 07/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD UBiT DESCBIFTIGH: Strongly dissected rolling acid tuff plain with hillocks,acid tuffs and coarse felsic sedimentary rocks,slopes 8-25%. 123/64/14/11/84 7- SATELLITE 1:100.000 62 /8282-075 8. *W>TA Star-I/250/88/1110-3 9. RADAR 11. ROCK OUTCROP: % 10. HIRER MATERIAL Partial a. Weathering b. Lithologjr c. Formation 12. HAIER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk 15. VBGETATTCH/LAHD USE Area used 16. ACCELEBAIED EROSIOH a. Occurence b. Evidence dacite, liparite, sandstone Qlv Fresh Perennial River Sungai (river) None None , bush, grazing land, upland crops 20 % Extensive Gulleys 17. SOIL GSEAI G8ODP Doainant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. eat/ Classification troporthents eutropepts TATIVE PROFILES: /86-3 /81/NS/1110/23/ Z of area 80 X 20 % Lab. checked yes yes X ite/ /04 / 1110 - 65 /86-35 /81/DK/1110/23/ /03 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tenacity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: a. Salinity : n. Other Taxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 medium moderately coarse -mod. shallow Well drained high high high high — -very low very low low low moderately acid slightly acid --— — — -32 cm 1.5 6.5 1 Associated 1 medium medium — moderately deep Somewhat excessively low very low low low Associated 2 — — low very low high high very strong acid strong acid ---— — -50 cm 1.0 22.9 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: Range: 70 m tfiniaan: 25 m 40 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60! of area crested/peaked 20. FLAH/F8DFILE: Tncindad: non-linear and random < 40% of area flat-topped a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high 21. L.D. DRAIHAGE: c. Variability: high a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: High 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTH.: ValleybottoBs: 5 * Interflows : 0-81:10 X, 9-25X: 75 X, 25-551: 10 X b. Variability: Medium 24. a. Aoplitude: medium 25. TFgPATllhillocKy >16%, 0-50 m 26. CHEST/RIDGES: c. Variability: Medium 3: Irregular b. Length:Short d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Crests, up & mid slope, troporthents, 801 - 2 - Lower slopes, eutropepts, 20Ï -3-429. FRACMOrnTIGH: Valleys: InterCLnves: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1° reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4» plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 lS.d-tj: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 3 31. AODITIGHAL BOIES: 1110 - 66 LAHD U U T HAP IMAGE: CBOSS SECTIOH: 1. LAUD WSIT: Ftn.3.2 JL ^ - %Hn^n1m **¥*-ffh By m"FB11 5. SUIQS IDEHTEPIERS 6. LAHD HUIT DESLRJiTKH 7. SATBffJ-TTg ^ - W K S 8. AERIAL EBOTOGSAFBS 9. RADAR 10. munarr M»TF»TAI a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Foxaaticm 12. HAIER a. Quality b. Source 2. MftP SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 158 km2 L.ampung : 994 Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Status: Final Moderately dissected undulating plain,metamorphic rocks, slopes 3-8Z 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 57 /8292"85 , 59 Star-I/250/88/1110-5 /8292-23 , 60 /8295-11 11. BOCK UUH3MJIP: • Perennial River, Medium wells 13. 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk None None None 15. VEGEXATIOH/LAIID USE Area used 16. »nrnTFOATFn t^i^mi , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, rubber (karet) 60 X a. Occnrence b. Evidence % High schists, gneiss PTse Fresh Localised Gulleys 17. SOD. G8EAT GSCOF DoBinant >30Z Associated 1 Associated 2 3 2 . BuHUKKin-A i • wf udh/ iqt/ /340-52 /86-41 Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts Z of area 60 X 30 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes yes RQPTLES: /71/SD/1010/62/ /81/DK/1110/42/ /14 / /10 / ity/ 1110 - 67 /341-13 /72/SK/1110/42/ /36 / 1 8 . SQTL CHARACTERISTICS P&Optil. Lj.es a. Texture: b. c. d. e. t. g. b. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil sobsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil Drainas«: Each. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: Method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CBC pB 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Ai Sat. topsoil subsoil Al taxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TE8 : Total observations: Dominant > SOX moderately fine moderately fine Associated 1 medium medium Associated 2 moderately coarse medium very deep Well drained — — low low very deep Imperfectly drained low low very low very low low very low — -slightly acid moderately acid mod. shallow Well drained — — high low Olsen medium very low medium low — -slightly acid slightly acid -— very low very low very low very low very strong acid strong acid 110 cm 2.1 0.0 0 40 cm 3.0 0.0 1 150 cm 1.0 3.3 '2 -— 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 100 m MiniaoB: 50 m Range: 70 m Dominant: non-linear and random A0-60X of area flat-topped FLAH/PROFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b_ density: Moderate L . 0 . DB&naCE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Low SLOPE: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoas: 10 % Interfluves : O-8Z:90 X, 9-251: 0 X, 25-551: 0 X PUT-TUT AMPLI. : a.fliili I min low b. Variability: Medium TPPPATWUndulating 2- 8Ï, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Low CREST/RIDGES: d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low LAUD FACETS: -1- Interfluves,fcanhapludults,60Ï - 2 - Interfluves, dystropepts, 30Ï -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4FRAGMEHTATIGH: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks « reliable, 2= probable, 3° tenable, 4» plausible 30. «g-TATm.TTV18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 10.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOIES: Representative profile for Kanhapludults is extrapolated from sheet 1010 (Ptn.4.2). 1110 - 68 LAU) IJBXX SECTIO0: MAF ••'»•• bMonic rocks ».V ' > S ~ 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 1. LAID OMIT: Fg.4.2 3. AREA: 86 km2 4. " " " l y F by IBQWIBCE: Lampung: 99Ï Updated by: DR 5. STAUB edit data: 30/05/89 Status: Final 6. U S D OBIT DESCKHTIGB: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling plain,acid plutonic rocks, slopes 3-15X 123/63/14/11/84 7. 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1:100.000 9. RADAR Star-I/250/88/1110-4,5 57 /8292-83 , 57 /8292-85 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10. PARER MATERIAL High a. Weathering b. Litbology granite c. Formation Kgr 12. HATER X • . Fresh a. Quality Perennial River, Medium wells b. Source Not known 13. FI 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 15. VEGETATIGH/LABD OSE : , bush, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, towns, villages Area used 16. : 90 X »ma.vBArm ajujnf a. Occnrence : Common b . Evidence 17. SOXL <J*KAT GSÛ0P : Gulleys : ClassiXi cation X of area Lab. checked Devinant >SOZ dystropepts 65 X yes Associated 1 hapludults 30 X yes Associated 2 tropaquepts 5 X yes 32. RKHUSSURAIIVB PROFILES: ity/ / /88/ER/1010/ / /42 / iqt/ /341-11 /72/SK/1010/42/ /34 / uda/ 1110 - 69 /86/AH/1010/ / /7a / SQdX Properties a. Textare: b. Depth: topsoil sabsoil peatsoil Dominant > SOZ fine fine very deep Well drained topsoil medium sabsoil medium Total K2O: topsoil medium sabsoil medium Avail. P: method Bray I topsoil very low sabsoil very low Total F: topsoil low sabsoil low CEC pH 7 topsoil medium sabsoil medium Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid sabsoil very strong acid Al Sat. topsoil very low sabsoil very low Al taxicity : Acid salpb. pot.: Salinity : Other Taxicity: Boot obstr. layer : 120 cm Organic Matter : 2.9 6.9 0 Total observations: Drainage: Excb. K: t. gh. i. ik. 1. n. o. Pqr. 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 125 m Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 medium medium deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low very low very low low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high no very deep Well drained 98 cm 1.6 3.3 0 m»<— 70 m low very low Olsen low very low low very low very high moderately acid very strong acid 80 cm 1.9 0.0 0 Range: 100 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-602 of area flat-topped Included: 2 1 . L.U. DBAIMGE: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: low 2 2 . SLOPE: a. Steepness: sloping b. Variability: Medium d. Variability: Low c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex 2 3 . SLOPE DISTK.: Valleybottoms: 5X Interfloves : 0-8Z:60 X. 9-251: 35 X, 25-551: 0 X 2 4 . BELIEF AMFLI.: a. Aaq.il ilulu: medium b. Variability: Low 25. TPBHATWRolling 9-15X, 0-50 m 2 6 . iJ*tg!iT/p I IM^HRc. Variability: Low b. Length:Moderately long a. Shape: Level e. Variability: Low d. Hidth: moderate 2 7 . VALLEY FLOCK: b. Variability: Low a. Hidth: very narrow 2 8 . LAUD FACETS: -1- Slopes, dystropepts. 65« -2- Convex top/crest, hapludults, 30X -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 5X -429. FBAGMEaTAIICH: Valleys: Interfloves: Medium blocks 1» reliable, 2» probable, 3- tenable, 4- plausible 30. RELIABILITY: U . b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 3 31. ADDITIOHAL •OIES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from other Sheet/ LU. 1110 - 70 L A D OTT MUMMT LREP-SDHM, CS8-] MAP IMAGE: SECTICH: P.4.2 • F.3.2 P.3.2 • letasorphicrocks" 1 . LAID OHIT: Ftn.4.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 129 km2 * . U I J I H t W E b y PR0VHCE: Lampung: 99X 5 . SIATOS UimTJLtrxiiicS : Updated by: DR edit date: 30/05/89 Statos: Final 6 . LAID OHIT HESaUPTKH: Moderately dissected undulating to rolling plain,metamorphic rocks.slopes 3-15X. 7 . SATELLITE 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AERIAL PB0TOG8APHS 1:100.000 57 /8292-085, 57 /8292-083 9 . RADAR Star-I/250/88/1110-5 10. PAREHT MàlERIAL 11. ROCK CBTC80P: X a. Weathering High b. Litbology gneiss, schists c. Formation PTse 12. HATER a. Quality Fresh - b. Souxco 14. RIVERS a . Floodrisk ^9 • ^Wff.^^^M^B^fc^fc^ ^Tff^ I S . VBSETAÏIGH/LARD USE Perennial River, Medium wells Sungai (river) None None Area u s e d , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rubber (karet), coconut (kelapa) 60 X a. Occoxence b . Evidence Localised Gulleys 16. 17. son. GSOOP >5OZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. Classification kanhapludults dystropepts tropaquepts Z of area 60 X 35 X 5X Lab. checked yes yes yes mmmrilTI " "If HMWIIJtg- udh/ iqt/ /340-52 /340-07 /71/SD/1Ó10/62/ / O/SK/1110/41/ ity/ /14 / /20 / 1110 - 71 /184-12 / O/IS/1110/43/ /86 / Properties a. Textare: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. J. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsnil Drainage: Ezch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: •ethod topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Beaction:topsoil subsoil topsoil Al Sat. subsoil Al tozicity : Acid salph. pot.: Salinity : Other Taxicity: Soot abstr.. layer : Organic Hatter : TES : Total observations: 1 9 . ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAH/rSOFTLE: 21. L.D 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTR.: 24. BELIEF AMPLJ. 25.. TERRAIS: 2 6 . CHEST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLEY FLOGS: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: 2 9 . FBAOfEHTATIGH: Donnant > 501 moderately fine moderately fine -very deep Well drained --low low Associated 1 medium moderately fine -mod. shallow Well drained --medium low Associated 2 medium moderately fine -mod. shallow Poorly drained very low very low very low medium --- — -- — -very low medium low high very strong acid slightly acid ----— — 30 cm 0.4 11.4 1 low very low . — -slightly acid moderately acid --— — . -110 cm 2.1 0.0 0 125 m low very low — — neutral slightly acid — — — ~ --40 cm 2.4 0.0 1 Mi H I M : 50 m Bange: 80 m Donnant: non-linear and random 40-60X of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: 5% Interfluves : 0-8Z:70 X, 9-25Z: 25 X, 25-551: 0 X a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Low Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: -1- Interfluves, kanhapludults, 60X -2- Interfluves, dystropepts, 35Ï -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 5Ï -*Valleys: Interfluves: Medium blocks 3G. EE"-I ABILITY: 1= it! able, 2= probable, 3= tenable, «= plausible 10.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: ! l*.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 7?I: .' 23: 2 2*: 2 28: 3 29: 2 ADOrnCKAL HOTES. n e proLile for Kanhapludults is extrapolated from Sheet 2 ). 1110 - 72 IBEP-SDM, LAID OBIT REPORT WF HOGE: 1. LAHD HHIT: Pg.8.2 CSB-BOGGR CBOSS SECTION: 2. MAP SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 119 km2 4 . OOCOREflCE b y PRUV1MUE: Lampung: 99! 5 . STATUS IDESrTIFŒRS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAHD OBIT DESCKIFTICB: Moderately dissected rolling plain with hillocks,acid.plutonic rocks, slopes 9-25!. 7. SATELLITE 123/64/14/11/84 8. AERIAL FBOTOGHAFHS : 1:100.000 60 /8295-009, 57 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3 10. BASER MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Litfaology : granite c. Formation : Kgr 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh /8292~87 11. BOOK OUTCSDP: 5 ! b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES : Sungai (river) 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 15. V B S E T A H O H / L A H D USE : , alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, rubber (karet), Area used towns, villages 80 ! a. Occurence b. Evidence Common Gulleys 16. 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classificatie dystropepts hapludults tropaquepts 32. REPRESERATIVE PROFILES: ity/ /86-43 /81/DK/1110/42/ iqt/ /341-11 /72/SK/1110742/ Z of area 65 X 30 X 5X /12 / uda/ 1110 -• 73 Lab. checked yes yes yes /86/AH/lOlO/ / /7a / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Donnant > SOX a. Texture: topsoil moderately coarse subsoil medium b. Depth: peatsoil very deep c. Drainage: Poorly drained d. Ezcb. K: topsoil low subsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil low subsoil low f. Avail. P: method topsoil — — . subsoil 8- Total P: topsoil very low subsoil very low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil low subsoil very low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil slightly acid subsoil neutral j. Al Sat. topsoil — subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : 125 cm p. Organic Matter : 0.6 q. TEB : 4.0 r. Total observations: 5 Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 medium medium deep very deep Well drained -— low very low • Olsen low very low low very low -— moderately acid very strong acid — -medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low very low very low low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high no 98 cm 1.6 3.3 0 80 cm 1.9 0.0 2 19. ALTITUDE: 100 m Minimmn: 50 m Range: 75 m Donnant: non-linear and random 40-60Ï of area flat-topped 20. PLAH/FBOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate 21. L.D. DBAIBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTB.: Valleybottons: 10 % Interfluves : O-8Z:20 %, 9-251: 50 %, 25-551: 10 %, >55X: 10 X 2*. RELIEF AMPLI-: a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium 25. TFHBATHRolling 9-15X, 0-50 m 26. CREST/RIDSES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Upper V- lower slopes, dystropepts, 65Ï - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 30Ï -3- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 5X -42 9 . FRAGMEBTATIGH: Valleys: Interfloves: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1» reliable, 2= probable, 3- tenable, 4= plausible i.' b . '. 12.a: . 14.a: 1 l*.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 l8.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.u :: 7. ID: ! 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. A D D I Y I Ü B V A : ».rrns Representative profile for Hapludults is extrapolated from Sheet 1010 (lie.. 1 2 . 2 ) . 1110 - 74 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGCK LAHD UNIT REPQBT CSOSS SBCTIOH: BLOCK DIAGRAM: V.l.3.3 V.l.4.2 1. LAHD BHIT: Vab.1.2.3 *. OCCORENCE by 2. MSP SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 74 km2 PRUVAHCE: Lampung: 99% 5. STATUS IDESTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD DHIT DESCRIPT1OH: Strongly dissected upper slopes of volcanoes,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes >30Z. 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATEIXITE 8. AFPTAI FB0IDG8AFSS : 1:100.000 61 /8344-20 , 58 /8292-061 9. BADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-1,3 10. PASEKT MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCS0P: 10 X a. Weathering : Partial 12. 13. 14. 15. b. Litbology : c. Formation : HATES a. Quality : b. Source : FISHERIES : BIVERS a. Floodrisk : b. Inundation: VEGETATXCH/LAHD USE : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, Qhv Fresh Rain None moist primary submontane forest, bush : 0 % Area used 16. ACCELERATED EROSIGB a. Occorence : Extensive b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Donnant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystrandepts troporthents humitropepts 32. REERESEHTATTVE PROFILES: iny/ / /88/HJ/1010/ / ith/ /340-26 /71/H /1110/43/ Z of area 50 X 30 X 10 % /30 / /60 / 1110 - 75 Lab. checked yes no yes 18. SOU. CBABACTEBISTICS Pxopertxes a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil nouerai soil c. Drainage: d. Erch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Taxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Hatter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAR/EBQFILE: 2 1 . L.U. CBAIHAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTB. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . TBPBATW26. CHEST/HHJGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOCK: 2 8 . LAHD FACETS: 29. FBAGMEBTATIOB: Dominant > 501 medium medium Associated 1 very deep Well drained medium very low medium very low Bray I very low very low high medium high low excessive acid strong acid very low very low Associated 2 moderately fine fine . moderately deep Well drained high very low medium very low high high high medium excessive acid excessive acid 150 cm 11.3 3.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 70 cm 5.9 1.8 1 •: 1800 m Minions: 750 m Bange: 1150 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: radial b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:Steep b. Variability: Medium c. Length: long d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex Valleybottaas: % Interflows : 0-8Z:0 %, 9-25X: 5 %, 25-55X: 40 %, >55X: 55 X a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Middle parts, dystrandepts, 50% -2- Crest/upper parts, troporthents, 30% -3- Lower parts, humitropepts, 10% -4Valleys: Interflmves: Small blocks 30. Rm.TABn.TTY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDXTÏGHAL BOTES: Representative profile 1010 (Vab.1.2.3). for Dystrandepts is extrapolated from Sheet 1110 - 76 mir LREP-SDBi, CSR-BOGOB BLOCK DIAGRAM: C8OSS SECnOH: V.l .3.3 0301 \[ V.l.4 .2 coconut •*- 16-301 savah »olcanic reeks - i. u m xmrr. vab.1.3.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1110- <161 3.. AREA.: 139 km2 4 . OOCQBQCE b y PROVIKE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS TDaflxemsS 6 . LAND m n : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final DESCRIPTIOH: Strongly dissected middle slopes of volcanoes,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 16-50Ï. 7 . SATELLITE Hi'MM BK : 123/64/14/11/88 8. ; AffHTAT. UBlïïlBJPAWgg 1:100.000 57 /8292-077, 58 /8292-063 : Star-I/250/88/1110-3 9 . BADAR 10. FttRERT MATBBTAt. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 11. ROCK 0DTC8CP: 15 % a. Heathering : Partial b. Litbology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, c. Fozaatd-on : Qhv HATER a. QaaL ty : Fresh b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : RIVERS a. Floodcïsk : None None VBGETATIOH/LAHD OSE moist primary lowland forest, bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, coffee (kopi) Area used 30 Z a. Occarence b. Evidence Extensive Gulleys "T"" 17. SOIL GREAT G8G0P Donnant >50I associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ ith/ Classification dystropepts dystrandepts humitropepts TAHVE EBÛFU-ES: /86-17 /81/SR/1110/21/ /341-64 /72/IS/1110/21/ Z of axea 50 Z 25 Z 10 I /01 / /06 / 1110 - 77 Lab. checked yes yes yes 18. SOIL CBABACTEBISTICS Pxonortios a. Texture: topsoil sobsoil b. Depth: poatsoil •ineralsoxl c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: gh. i. j. k. 1. o. n. o. p. q. r. Donnant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 medium moderately fine Associated 2 fine fine very Well high very low very very deep Well drained medium low high low very low very low medium low medium low slightly acid slightly acid very low low deep Well drained — -low low Olsen very high very high very high very high --excessive acid excessive acid — -- 0.0 0.0 0 90 cm 5.8 0.0 2 deep drained low low Betted very high topsoil very high subsoil high Total F: topsoil low subsoil CGC pB 7 topsoil medium low subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil slightly acid subsoil strong acid Al Sat. topsoil -__ subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : 130 cm Organic Matter : TE8 : 11.9 Total observations: 2 19. ALTITUDE: 750 m Minim»: 250 m Range: 500 m Donnant: linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked 20. FLAH/FROFILE: Included: linear and random < 40% of area flat-topped a. Pattern: radial b density: Mod. high 21. 1.0. DBAIHAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:Steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate e. Curvatore: convex 23. SLOPE DISTH.: Valleybottoas: % Interfluves : 0-81:5 %, 9-25X: 35 %, 25-551: 60 % b Variability: Medium 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: high Mountainous >16%, >300m 25. TE8BADI: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium 26. d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Upper part, dystropepts, 50% 28. LAUD FACETS: -2- Middle part, dystrandepts, 25% -3- Lower part, humitropepts, 10% -4Interfluves: Small blocks 29. FBACMEHTATHH: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 l*.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BOTES: 1110 78 LREP-SDBM, CSB-BOBOR IAKD o u r REPORT BLOCK DIAGBAM: CSDBS SBCTIOB: A/A V1 " 2.3V.1.3.3 j 1 V.l.4.2 •* 16-301 / 1 i \ ^ \ coconut volcanic rocks m& sa»üh B.7 ] sea : J. (Ut 1. LAHD QHIT: Vab.1.4.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 347 km2 4 . m n i u w i ' b y PROTIBCE: Lampung: 99Ï 5 . SIAIOS IDEHTXFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6. LARD OTIT DESCKIPTICH: Moderately dissected lower slopes of volcanoes,intermediate and 7. SATELLITE SCEHES mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-15X. : 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 9 . RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 57 /8292-077, 58 /8292-063, 61 11. ROCK COTCROP: 20 i 10. PAREST MATBBTAT. 12. 13. 14. IS. /8295-207 a. Weathering : b. Lithology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, c. Formation : Qhv WIER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : RIVERS a. Floodrisk : fa. None VEGETATICB/LAB1D OSE moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, shifting cu ltivation, upland crops, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), coffee (kopi), clove (cengkeh), rubber (karet), towns, villages 80 X Axea used 16. ACCELERATED EKOSIGB a. Occnrence b. Evidence Localised Gulleys 17. SOD. GREAT GBOOP Donnant >SOX Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Classification dystropepts hapludults humitropepts Z of area 40 Z 30 X 10 i Lab. checked yes yes no ppfWI I.FR- /86-4 /81/NS/1110/21/ uda/ /05 / 1110 - 79 /341-59 /72/IS/1110/21/ /01 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Proporties a. Tartars: topsail subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total D O : topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil 8. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solpfa. pot.: •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 50Z moderately fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine very deep Well drained high low very high medium high low medium medium strong acid strong acid deep Well drained — — very high high Olsen medium low medium medium -— neutral slightly acid 120 cm 1.8 6.9 4 100 cm 1.7 0.0 1 --- Associated 2 0-.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 500 m Minimum: 20 ra Bange: 200 m Dominant: linear and parallel 40-60Z of area flat-topped 20. PLAB/ÏKŒTXE: Included: -*i. Pattern: parallel b. density: Moderate 21. L.D. DBAIBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: long d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTB-: Valleybottoms: 10 7. Interflnves : 0-82:80 X, 9-2SZ: 10 X. 25-552: 0 % b. Variability: Medium 24. BELIEF AtfPLI.: a. amplitude: medium 25. TFBEATWRolling 9-15*, 0-50 m 26. CXEST/KIDGES: c. Variability: Low a. Shape: Level . b. Length:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low 27. VALLET FLOCK: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Upper & lower part, dystropepts, 40Ï 28. LAID FACETS: -2- Middle part, hapludults, 30* -3- Valleys, humitropepts, 10% -4Interflovos: Medium blocks 2 9 . FfiaGMORATiaR: Valleys: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable. 2= probable, 3» tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-tj: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADOITIOKAL HOTES: 1110 - 80 LREP-SDM, GSB-BOGGR OMIT CSCSS SECTICH: BLOCK DIAGRAM: 1 . LftSTO 1 B I T : V a b . 2 . 1 . 1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 19 km2 4 . OOCŒE8CE b y IBUVUH&: Lampung: 99% 5 . S U T O S IDENTIFIERS : updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAHD OHIT DESCKIPTICH: Slightly dissected flat volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 0-3%. 7. SATELLITE 123/64/14/11/84 8. AEHTÂI- 1:100.000 9. RADAR Star-I/250/88/1110-2 62 /8282-075 11. ROCK GOTCROP: 10. PAKEBTT MATERIAL % a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : andesitic tuffs, basalt, c. Formation : Qhv 12. WATER a. Quality : Fresh : Perennial River, Shallow wells b. Source 13. FISHERIES : 14. KIWEBS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation : None 15. VEGETATICB/LAHD USE : , upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, irrigated wetland rice Area used (irigasi), coconut (kelapa), towns, villages : 90 % 16. ACCELERATED EKOSIGH a. Occtarence : Localised b . Evidence : Landslips 17. SOIL G8EAI GROUP Classification X of area Lab. checked Dominant >30X hapludalfs SO % yes Associated 1 tropaquepts 20 % yes Associated 2 % 32. REPRESESIATIVE PROFILES: ada/ /341-61 /72/IS/1110/21/ /03 / ity/ 1110 - 81 /341-66 /72/IS/1110/23/ /08 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: Donnant > SOX medium moderately fine -b. Depth: deep c. Drainage: Well drained — d. Exch. K: topsoil -subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil low low subsoil f. Avail. P: method Olsen topsoil very low subsoil very low low g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil to. CEC pH 7 topsoil — — subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil slightly acid j. Al Sat. topsoil -subsoil — k. Al toxicity : -1. Acid sulph. pot.: — m. Salinity : -n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : 100 cm p. Organic Matter : 1.4 q. TEB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 1 topsoil subsoil peatsoil Associated 1 moderately fine fine — moderately deep Poorly drained -— low very low Olsen . low very low low very low Associated 2 • - - moderately acid slightly acid ---— -80 cm 2.1 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 0 Marimnm: 125 m 50 m Range: 75 m 60% of area f l a t - t o p p e d Doainant: linear and random 20. FLAH/PKOFILE: Included: b . d e n s i t y : Low a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.D. E8AIKAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b . Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d . Variability: Low c. Length: extremely e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE OISTB. : Valleybottoms: 20 % Interfloves : 0-81:80 % 9-25X: 0 X, 25-55X: 0 % b . Variability: Low 24. RELIEF AMPLI-: a. Amplitude: low 25. TEHRAIK: Flat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests c. Variability: 26. CHEST/HIDGES: b. Length: e. Variability: d. Width: 27. VALLEY FLOOR: b. Variability: Low a. Width: narrow 28. LAED FACETS: -1- Interfluves, hapludalfs, 80% -2- Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 20% -3-4Interfluves: Large blocks 2 9 . FBAGME8TATXOX: Valleys: Small blocks 19. ALTITUDE: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 18d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITZGBAL BOTES: 1110 - 82 LREP-SDBf, CSR-BOQGB LAHD UNIT REPORT HLOŒ DIAGHAM: CROSS SECTICS: UNIT: Vb. 2.1.1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 52 km2 Lampung: 99% MIKE by EROVXSCE: 4. 5. STATUS nJEJJTIÏTERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Statos: Final. 6. LAHD m i l BESCRIPTIOH: Slightly dissected flat volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 0-3X 1. 7. gATBT.]r.|Ty HryMiCK 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR 10. PARES! MATERIAL a. Weathering b. Lithology : 123/64/14/11/84 : 1:100.000 62 /8282-65 , 62 : Star-I/250/88/1110-4,5 /8282-63 11 . ROCK OUTCROP: 0 Z : High : basalt : Tov c. Pomatian a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River., Shallow wells 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inssndatiozi: None 15. VBGETATI0H/1AHD USE : , upland crops, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), clove (cengkeh), towns, villages Area osed : 100 Z 16. AO-FÎ FDATFn IPDfiKTrW 12. HATER a. Occnrence : Localised b. Evidence : Landslips 17. SOIL GREAT G8G0P Doainant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 ada/ iqt/ /341-56 /341-91 Classification hapludalfs dystropepts tropaquepts /72/DR/1110/51/ /72/IS/1110/51/ Z of area 60 Z 20 Z 20 Z /56 / /53 / ity/ 1110 - 83 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-21 /72/SK/1110/51/ /62 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties Dominant > 501 a. Textsire: topsoil medium fine subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mod. shallow ninexalsoil c. Drainage: Well drained d. Bxch. K: Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 medium medium deep Moderately well very deep Poorly drained medium very low Olsen very low medium medium Olsen medium low very high very high topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: aethod topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tcaicity : 1. Acid solpb. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Tozicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: very high very high Olsen high medium high high • very low high high neutral neutral moderately acid strong acid moderately acid 50 cm 4.7 0.0 0 100 cm 1.9 0.0 0 125 cm 18.7 0.0 0 60 m strong acid Mi ni iimn- 25 m Range: 40 m Drainant: linear and random > 60Z of area flat-topped 20. PLAH/rBOPILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low 21. L.O. DRAIBAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:flat b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: c. Length: extremely d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: straight Valleybottens: 20 % 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Interfiles : 0-8Z:80 X 9-251: 0 X. 25-551: 0 % 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Axplibnde: low b. Variability: Low 25. TBHBATHFlat, slope <2%, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests 26. CREST/RIDGES: c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FU00B: a. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAID FACETS: -1- Interfluves, hapludalfs, 60Ï -2- Interfluves, dystropepts, 20Ï —3~ Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 20Ï -*Interflnves: Large blocks 29. F8ACMEBTATIG8: Valleys: Small blocks 30. RELIABILin: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 » reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDIIIGHAL BOTES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from Vb.2.2.1. 1110 - 84 LBEF-SDBM, CSR-BGGOR LAUB noir REPORT BLOCK DIAGRAM: CSOSS SECTIOH: V.1.4.2 V.2.2.1 V.2.3.1 savah -^ <16» »-15» 1 . LARD EMIT: Vab.2.2.1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110' 3. AREA: 140 km2 Lampung: 99% Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 5. S T A T O S JLlPEBJLXifJ-tilfA 6. LAHD OBIT OESCRXPTICS Slightly dissected undulating volcanic plain intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 3-8%. 7. SATELLITE SCZHES 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 58 /8292J57 , 57 /8292-81 8. ABPTAf- PHOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR Star-I/250/88/1110-1,3 11. ROCK OUTCROP: Z 10. PAREST MATFBTAT. a. Weathering High b. Litbology andesitic tuffs, basalt, c. Fonatian Qhv 12. HATER a. Quality Fresh • b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk None tl, TlfnpH^r| fm None , bush, alang-alang, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), towns, villag 15. VBUETATICa/LARD OSE Area used 95 % 16. Ad^'KILVBATMl FBflRfCqt a. Occurence Localised 4 . mi«USmi-W Ky PSiHia:r b. Evidence Landslips 17. SOILfiPy*TGROUP Donnant >50Z Associated 1. Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults tropaquepts Z of area 60 % 30 % 10 % 32. REEKESERAIIVE PROFILES: ity/ iqt/ uda/ /184-9 /341-45 /184-10 /68/IS/1110/41/ /72/DR/1110/41/ /68/IS/1110/41/ /77 / /33 / /79 / 1110 - 85 Lab. checked yes yes yes Properties s. Texfcuxez b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil •ri tiKkT-ai « n j | c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: e. t. g. h. 1. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil EEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid solph. pot. : Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: Dominant > 501 medium moderately fine — moderate*ly deep Well drained -— medium low Associated 1 fine fine ~ deep Well drained — — low low medium low low very low Associated 2 medium medium — very deep Poorly drained -— very low very low Olsen low low very low very low moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid slightly alkaline 70 cm 0.9 0.0 1 100 cm 1.6 0.0 2 120 cm 1.6 0.0 2 -— --- 29. 175 m Miniann: 100 m Bange: 125 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Medium c. Length: extremely d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex Valleybottons :: 10 X ' Interfiles :: 0-81:90 0-81:90 X, X, 9-25X: 9-25X: 0 X. 25-551: 0 % a. A^litode: low b . Variability: Low Undulating 2- 81, 0-50 m c. Variability: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1~ Interfluves, dystropepts, 60Ï - 2 - Interfluves, hapludults, 30X -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABHITT: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4° plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 2 0 . FLAH/FBOFILE: 2 1 . L.O. DBAIBAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: 2 5 . ratoATm2 6 . CTEST/RIDSES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOCK: 28. LAB) FACETS: 31. ADDXTICBAL aOTES: 1110 - 86 ISEP-SDB1, CSR-BOGOR LAHD uflxx BLOCK DIAGRAM: CSOSS SECTIOB: V.2.10.2 V.2.2.1 V.2.6.2 anic rpcks",/>.} r?f<,\{ 1. LATO OBIT: 4. OCCORERCE b y ÏBOVIBCE: Lampung: 991 Vb.2.2.1 5 . SXftTBS 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 Updated by: DR 3. AREA: 303 km2 edit dat«: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAID OMIT DESCRIPTICS: Slightly dissected undulating volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 3-8Ï 7. R*TRl-f-1TH 123/64/14/11/84 8. AFPTAI 1:100.000 61 /8344-195, 61 /8344-191, 62 /8282-069 : Star-I/250/88/1110-4,5 9. RADAR 11. 10. BABEBT MATERIAL ROCK OOTCSOP: X a. Weathering : Partial 12. HATES b. LiUsology : basalt c. Foimatian : Qb a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River', Medium wells : Sungai (river) 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: None 15. VEGEIATHM/LAHD USE : , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, tea (teh), coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 90 Ï 16. ACCELERATED EBOSIOH a. Ocoarence : Localised b. Evidence : Landslips 17. SOU, G8EAT G8OOP Classification Z o f area Lab. checked Destinant >50I hapludalfs 60 X yes Associated 1 dystropepts 30 X yes Associated 2 tropaquepts 10 X yes 3 2 . RERESERATIVE ROFILES: ada/ ' /341-56 /72/DR/1110/51/ /56 / iqt/ /341-93 /85/IS/1110/51/ /53 / ity/ 1110 - 87 /341-21 /72/SK/1110/51/ /62 / fropactie. a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil wïi***rfl1ff*1!1 Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: Method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil sobsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. FLABVPBOFILE: 21. L.O. 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTH.: 24. BELIEF AHPLI. 25. TFHRATW26. 27. VALLET FLOOR: 28. LAB) FACETS: Donnant > SOX medium fine — mod. shallow Well drained -— very high • very high Olsen high medium high high — — neutral neutral --— — — — 50 cm 4.7 0.0 1 Associated 1 fine fine -deep Moderately well -— medium very low Olsen very low very low high high — — strong acid moderately acid --— — — -100 cm 1.9 0.0 1 Associated 2 medium medium -very deep Poorly drained --medium medium Olsen medium low very high very high --strong acid moderately acid ----- ' — — 125 cm 18.7 0.0 1 25 m Bange: 40 m 75 m 60Ï of area flat-topped Damnant: non-linear and random Included: ». Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low c. Variability: low a. Steepness:gently sloping b Variability: Low c. Length: extremely d Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBs: 10 X Interflaves : 0-81:90 X, 9-2SZ: 0 Z, 25-55Z: 0 Z a. Amplitude: low b. Variability: Low Undulating 2- 8Z, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests b Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, hapludalfs, 60Ï -2- Interfluves, dystropepts, 30X -3- Valleys, tropaquepts, 10X -4Valleys: Small blocks Interflows: Medium blocks 30. BELIABTLITi: 1- reliable, „jbable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.c: 1 14.a: 1 14 .b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.d-q: 2 IS: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDXriOBAL ROTES: 1110 - 88 LHEP-SDEM, CSR-BOBOR IJMWÏ UKIT BLOCK DIAGRAM: 1. U S D KBIT: Vab.2.2. 2 CROSS SBCTIOH: 2. (HF SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 50 km2 4 . OCCQIBEBCE b y PROVIBCE: .Lampung: 99% 5 . SIfiXDS HHHTTFXESS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6 . U S D HUIT DESCRXPTIC*: Moderately dissected undulating volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slope 3-8X. 7. SATELLITE Mi-WJWK 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR 10. PA&EST M»TFHT»I. a. Weathering b. Lithology : 123/64/14/11/84, : 1:100.000 61 /8344-205, 62 /8282-77 , 62 /8282-75 : Star-I/250/88/1110-2 11. ROCK OUTCROP: : Partial : andesitic tuffs, basalt, X c. Foroatian : Qhv a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES : Not known 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None f None 15. VEGEXATIGH/LAHD OSE : , upland crops, mixed gardens of rruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, clove (cengkeh), coconut• (kelapa). towns, villages Area used : 100 X 16. Anriri FVÄTFTI nmRfrff 12. HATER a. Occnrence : Localised b. Evidence : Landslips 17. SOU. GREAI GROUP DaMsant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults tropaquepts I of area 6X . °X 30 10 X Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. HEPRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ iqt/ /184-9 /341-45 /68/IS/1110/41/ /72/DR/1110/41/ /77 / /33 / uda/ 1110 - 89 /341-62 /72/IS/1110/ / /04 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Damnant > SOX Associated 1 a. Textare: medium fine Associated 2 medium moderately fine fine medium moderately deep Well drained very deep Well drained very deep medium very high very low low high very low Olsen topsoil subsoil b . Oeptb: peatsoil •ineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Excb. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil f. Avail. P: subsoil method Poorly drained Olsen low low low very high medium very low very low slightly acid moderately acid moderately acid moderately acid 70 cm 0.9 0.0 0 100 cm 2.1 0.0 1 120 cm 1.6 0.0 0 — -- topsoil sobsoil g. Total P: topsoil medium low h. CBC pH 7 subsoil topsoil very high subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil sobsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot cbstr. layer : p . Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: 250 m 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAH/TBOFXLE: 2 1 . L.D. BBAJKAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TBHRATW- 2 6 . umsi/HTIIKHS: 2 7 . VALLEY FLOOR: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: moderately acid Minima: 10 m slightly alkaline Bange: 200 m D o n n a n t : non-linear and random 40-60! of area flat-topped Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b . density: Moderate c. a. c. e. b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: Low Variability: low Steepness:gently sloping Length: moderate Curvature: convex ValleybottOBs: 10 X Interfluves : 0-81:90 X, 9-251: 0 Ï, 25-551: 0 Z a.ftatiii I mil medium b . Variability: Medium Undulating 2- SX, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests b . Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very narrow b . Variability: Low - 1 - Interfluves, dystropepts, 60S; - 2 - Interfluves, hapludults, 30Ï - 3 - Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4- 29. FBAOfEBTATIGH: Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1- reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4 - plausible 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 31. AIOITIOHAL BOTES: Representative profiles for Dystropepts and Tropaquepts are extrap olated from other LU (Vab.2.2.1). 1110 - 90 LAHD BHII RETORT LREP-SDHM, CSa-BOGQS BLOCK DIAGRAM: CROSS SECTIGS: Volcanic rocks V;VA^VAI;V»-"-(', 1. 4. 5. 6. LAND «IT: Vab.2.3.1 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 154 km2 OCCMREHCE by ÎB0WIBCE: Lampung: 99% Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final STATUS LAHD OMIT BESCRIPTICS: Slightly dissected rolling volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-15%. 123/64/14/11/84, 7. SATELLITE 1:100.000 58 /8292-59 , 61 /8344-205, 8. AE8IAL fHOIDGRAPHS Star-I/250/88/1110-2,4 9. P*T»*P 10. BAREST MUrERIAL 11. ROCK COTCSDP: % a. Weathering High b. Litbology andesitic tuffs, basalt, c. Formation Qhv Fresh 12. HATER a. Quality Perennial River, Medium wells b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk None b_ InBnsdation None 15. VBSEIAIKn/LAHD USE , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, irrigated wetland rice (irigasi), rainfed wetland rice, clove (cengkeh), Area used 16. ACCELERATED EBOSIOH a. Occnrence b. Evidence coconut (kelapa), towns, villages 100 % Localised Landslips 17. SOIL GREAT GBOOP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults tropaquepts 32. REEBESEBTAnVE FK0FILES: ity/ /341-44 /72/DR/1110/41/ iqt/ /341-46 /72/DR/1110/41/ Z of area 60 % 30 % Lab. checked yes yes yes 10 X /32 / /35 / 1110 - 91 uda/ /86-32 /23 is. son. CHARACTERISTICS Dominant > 501 Properties moderately fine a. Texture: topsoil fine sobsoil b. Depth: peatsoil deep c. Drainage: Well drained -d. Exch. K: topsoil -subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil high subsoil low f. Avail. F: Method Olsen low topsoil very low subsoil medium g. Total P: topsoil subsoil low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil --subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil neutral subsoil neutral j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : 85 cm p. Organic Hatter : 1.6 q. TIB : 0.0 r. Total observations: 1 19. ALTITUDE: 150 m Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 medium fine very deep Well drained high medium medium low low very low low low strong acid strong acid deep Poorly drained — -very low very low Olsen medium very low medium very low — — strong acid strong acid 125 cm 2.1 7.2 2 100 cm 2.6 0.0 2 -• Minimus: — 20 m Bange: 100 m Domnant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area flat-topped Included: 2 1 . L.O. ra»ATWCE- a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Low 2 0 . FLABTFBOFXLE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . BELIEF âMPLI.: 25. TBEPATB- 2 6 . CBEST/BIDGES: 2 7 . TAUET FLOOR: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: 2 9 . IBAOiERATICH: c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:sloping d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex ValleybottOBS: 10 X Interfloves : 0-81:60 X 9-251: 30 t, 25-551: 0 X a.fliiii l min medium b. Variability: Medium Rolling 9-15X, 0-50 m a. Shape: no crests c. Variability: b. Length: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 60Ï -2- Interfluves, hapludults, 30Z -3- Valleys bottoms, tropaquepts, 10X -4Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1- reliable, 2= probable, 3» tenable, 4= plausible 10.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDrnCHaL HOTES: 1110 - 92 LREP-SDBK, CSR-BOGt» LAHD TOXÏ REFGBÏ BLOCK DIAGRAM: CBDSS SECTICS: 2. MAP SHEET: 1110- 1. LAEB nSIT: Vb.2.3.1 3. AREA: 172 km2 4 . 0CC0RE8CE b y PROTUOCE: Lampung: 99Ï 5 . STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final . 6 . LAKD n a i T DESCKIPTICH: Slightly dissected rolling volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 8-15%. 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATELLITE 62 /8282-65 , 62 8. ABKTAT- PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 9. BADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-4 10. PAREHT MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : basalt, c. Fomatian : Qb 12. HATES /8282-67 , 62 /8282"69 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 5X : Fresh : Perennial River, Medium wells : : None b. Inundation: None , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, coffee (kopi), tea (teh), towns, villages 100 X Area used a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk 15. 16. a. Occnrence : Localised b. Evidence : Landslips 17. SOU. GREAT GBOUP Dominant >SOX Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification dystropepts hapludalfs tropaquepts Z of area 60 X 35 X 5X Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. RECBESERAXIVE PROFILES: ity/ iqt/ /84-10 /84-12 /86/DK/1110/51/ /86/DK/1110/53/ ada/ /20a/ /22a/ 1110 - 93 /341-56 /72/DR/1110/51/ /56 / Pl.Upart.les a. tolui«: b . Depth: Dcadnant > SOZ topsoll fine subsoil fine Associated 2 fine fine fine -- — peatsoil •dneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: Associated 1 medium very deep mod. shallow very deep Well drained topsoil Well drained very high Poorly drained very low — -- low subsoil very high e. Total E20: topsoil subsoil very high very high very low very high Olsen very high Olsen high medium ' high very low £. Avail. F: g. Total P: h. CEC pH 7 aethod topsoil subsoil topsoil subsoil very high topsoil medium low very high very high Olsen high high very high high • very high high — subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil medium neutral neutral moderately acid subsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : moderately acid very low very low neutral neutral very low very low - — ------ — -— -- 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : high - ----- n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot abstr. layer : 125 cm 50 cm 60 cm p . Organic Matter : 1.4 0.9 q. TEB : r. Total observations: 11.3 4.7 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAB/PBOFILE: 2 1 . L.0- DBAIBÉGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 1 150 m Donnant: non-linear and random Included: a. c. a. c. 18.2 1 20 m Range: 75 m > 60X of area flat-topped b . density: Low Pattern: dendritic Variability: medium Steepness:sloping Length: long b . Variability: Medium d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex Valleybottens: 5 X Interfloves : 0-81:60 %, 9-25Z: 35 X, 25-551: 0 % 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Arçtlitude: medium b. Variability: Medium 2 5 . TEPPATWRolling 9-15Î, 0-50 m 2 6 . C8E5T/RIDGES: a. Shape: no crests b . Length: c. Variability: 2 3 . SLOPE D I S K . : 2 7 . VALLET FLOCK: 2 8 . LAID FACETS: d. Width: e. Variability: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low - 1 - Interfluves, dystropepts, 60Z - 2 - Interfluves, hapludalfs, 35X - 3 - Valley bottoms, tropaquepts, -4- 2 9 . FKOGMEMTATICH: Valleys: 5X Interfluves: Medium blocks 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3» tenable, 4= plausible 30. RELIABILITY: 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 2 18.d-q_: 2 19: 2 29: 2 3 1 . ADDITIQWL BOXES: R e p r e s e n t a t i v e p r o f i l e for Hapludalfs i s . e x t r a p o l a t e d from V b . 2 . 2 . 1 1110 - 94 LREP-SDBM, CS&-BOGGR LAHD UHIT REPORT BLOCK DIAGBAH: C8OSS SECTIGB: 1. 4. 5. 6. LAHD UHIT: Vb.2.3.2 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 151 km2 OCCOREHCE by PROBTHCE: Lampung: 99% SXAIOS IBEBTIFIEBS ': Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Statos: Final LAHD UHIT DESCSIFTKH: Moderately dissected rolling volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 8-15% 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATELLITE 8. AERIAL PH0TOG8APBS : 1:100.000 62 /8282-063, 60 /8295-017, 60 /8295-15 9.'RADAR : .Star-I/250/88/1110-5,6 10. PAREHT MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: % a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : basalt c. Formation : Qb 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES * : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation: None 15. VEGETATiaH/LAHD OSE : , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, clove (cengkeh), coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 100 X a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOU. GSEAT G80DP DoB&nant ^50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification dystropepts hapludalfs tropaquepts 32. REPHESEBTATTVE PBOFILES: ity/ /86-14 /81/NS/1110/53/ iqt/ /84-11 /86/DK/1110/53/ Z of area 50 % 40 % 10 % /22 / /21a/ ada/ 1110 - 95 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-56 /72/DR/1110/51/ /56 / BACTERISnCS Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. b. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •in eralsoil Drainage: Excb. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: •etfaod topsoil subsoil Total F: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil topsoil Al Sat. subsoil AI toxicity : Acid sulph . pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstx . layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . PLAB/PfiOFXLE: 2 1 . L.U. DRAIBAGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR. : 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI.: 25. TBBBATW2 6 . CREST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 2 8 . T-AW» FACETS: 2 9 . FRAGME«ATiai: Donnant > SOX fine fine — very deep Well drained medium low high medium — -medium medium low low strong acid very strong acid --— --— — 2.2 7.5 1 Associated 1 medium fine — mod. shallow Well drained — — very high very high Olsen high medium high high — -neutral neutral — ----— 50 cm 4.7 0.0 0 Associated 2 fine fine -very deep Irrigated very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low very low very low high very high slightly acid slightly acid very low very low — -— 110 cm 0.6 33.9 2 100 m mninan: 25 m Range: 50 m Damnant: non-linear and random 40-60Ï of area flat-topped Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Low d. Variability: Low c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex ValleybottOBs: 10 X Interfluves : 0-81:60 X. 9-2SX: 30 X. 25-551: 0 % b. Variability: Low a. *rr1i*~*T~ medium Rolling 9-15Ï, 0-50 m c. Variability: Low a. Shape: Level b. Length:Short d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 50Ï -2- Interfluves, hapludalfs, 40X -3- Valleys, tropaquepts, 10X -4Valleys: Small blocks Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABniTT: 1- reliable, 2° probable, 3- tenable, 4- plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 2 lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOnaL BOTES: Hapludalfs transpered from Vb.2.2.1 1110 - 96 LAEQ) U U T BEPGKT LREP-SDEM, CSR-BOGOR BLOCK DIAG8AM: CBDSS SECTICH: 1. iAKD OSIT: Vb.2.3.2 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 151 km2 Lampung: 99X 5. STATUS IBEHTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6. IAHD EMIT BESCRIPTICH: Moderately dissected rolling volcanic plain,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 8-15X 123/64/14/11/84 7. SATELLITE 8. A1EHTAT- PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 62 /8282-063, 60 /8295-017, 60 /8295-15 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-5,6 10. PARER MATFBTAT11. ROCK OBTCSQP: % a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : basalt c. Formation : Qb 4 . ««fiiiu^T»-» b y 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : Fresh : Perennial River, Medium wells : : None b. Inundation: None 15. VEGETATICS/LABD OSE : , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rainfed wetland rice, clove (cengkeh), coffee (kopi), towns, villages Area used : 100 % 1 6 . AiTwiLigmTBn HMtKfTM a. Occnrence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOU. GREAT GROUP Donnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludalfs tropaquepts 32. REPRESERATIVE PROFILES: ity/ /86-14 /81/NS/1110/53/ iqt/ /84-11 /86/DK/1110/53/ Z of area 50 X 40 Z 10 Z /22 / /21a/ ada/ 1110 - 95 Lab. checked yes yes yes /341-56 /72/DR/1110/51/ /56 / 18. SOU. CHABACTEBISTICS Properties Dominant > SOZ a. Texture: topsoil fine subsoil fine b. Depth: peatsoil very deep Bineralsoil Well drained c. Drainage: medium d. Exch. K: topsoil low subsoil high e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil medium f. Avail. P: aetfaod — topsoil -subsoil medium g. Total P: topsoil medium subsoil low h. CEE pH 7 topsoil low subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil strong acid subsoil very strong acid j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid snlph. pot.: a. Salinity : n. Other Taxicity: o. Boot obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : 2.2 q. TES : 7.5 r. Total observations: 1 Associated 1 medium fine ' Associated 2 fine fine mod. shallow Well drained — — very high very high Olsen high medium high high -— neutral neutral very deep Irrigated very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low very low very low high 50 cm 4.7 0.0 0 very high slightly acid slightly acid very low very low 110 cm 0.6 33.9 2 19. ALTITUDE: 100 m Mininn: 25 m Bange: 50 m Donnant: non-linear and random 40-60X of area flat-topped 20. PLAH/ÏKOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate 21. L.0. DBABUGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Low 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Low c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottoas: 10 X • Interfloves : 0-81:60 X, 9-25Z: 30 X, 25-55Z: 0 X 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Aaplitode: medium b. Variability: Low 25. TBBRATWRolling 9-15Ï, 0-50 a. Shape: Level c. Variability: Low 26. uuasi/B b. Length: Short d. Hidth: moderate e. Variability: Low 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAB) FACETS: -1- Interfluves, dystropepts, 50X - 2 - Interfluves, hapludalfs, 40X -3- Valleys, tropaquepts, 10X -•2 9 . FBAGMERTATIOH: Valleys: Small blocks Interflnves: Medium blocks " reliable, 2= probable, 3« tenable, 4> plausible 30. BELIABXLITX: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AD9ITI0BAL BOTES: Hapludalfs transpered from Vb.2.2.1 1110 - 96 LAHD TMtt REPOST LBEP-SDBH, CSR-BOGOK BLOCK DIAG8AM: CBOSS SECTIO8: V.2.10.2 V.2.6.2 V.2.2.1 1. 4. 5. 6. LAHD HUIT: Vb.2.6.2 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 104 km2 OCODBEBCE by PROVTBCE: Lampung: 99% STATOS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final LABD OOIT DESCRIPTIOS: Moderately dissected rolling volcanic plain with hillock,intermediate and mafic lavas, slopes 8-25%. 7. SATELLITE SCESES : 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 61 /8344-191, 62 /8282-69 , 61 /8344-193 8 . AEBTA1L pffl Ifl MjgA H K : Star-I/250/88/1110-6 9 . RADAR 10. 11. PARBBT MATERIAL ROCK OTTCSOP: 5 % a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : basalt c. Foroation : Qb 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River, Medium wells 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None None 15. VEGETATICB/LAHD OSE : , alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, clove (cengkeh), coconut (kelapa) Area used : 100 X a. Occurence b. Evidence 17. SOIL GREAT GKOTP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ite/ Common Gulleys Classification eutropepts hapludalfs Z of area 80 % 20 X X Lab. checked yes yes REEBESEHIAinVE P3QFILZS: /84-9 /86/EK/1110/53/ /19a/ ada/ 1110 - 97 /341-87 /72/IS/1110/53/ /47 / reparties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •rimtralxoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAI/rBOFILE: 21. L.O. 22. SLOPE: 23. SLOPE DISTR. : 24. RELIEF AMPLI. 25. TFBPATW2 6 . C8ESI/RIDSES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 2 8 . TAW» FACETS: 29. Dominant > 501 fine fine — deep Well drained very high high very high high Olsen low very low very high very high medium medium neutral neutral — -— — — -78 cm 1.4 9.2 5 Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Moderately well --medium high Olsen high medium medium high — — moderately alkaline neutral — --— — -100 cm 1.3 0.0 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 230 m Mini«: 40 m Range: ISO m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60Z of area flat-topped Included: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Medium d. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 5 Z Interfluves : 0-8X:60 Z, 9-25X: 30 Z, 25-551: 5 Z a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium Rolling 9-15Z, 0-50 m a. Shape: Level b. Length:Short c. Variability: Low e. Variability: Low d. Hidth: moderate b. Variability: a. Hidth: -1- Rounded top/crest, eutropepts, 501 -2- Hillock part, eutropepts, 30Z -3- Slopping, hapludalfs, 20Z -4Valleys: Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1- reliable, 2- probable, 3° tenable, 4» plausible 10.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIGBAL BOTES: 1110 - 98 BEP0RX , CSR-BOGCR BLOCK BIÄOBÄM: 1 . lëffl) DUT: CROSS SECTIOH: 2. M&P SHEET: 1110- Vb.2.9.1 3. AKEA: 43 km2 4 . i m a m « : * , b y HBOTIBCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . SSÄHJS HJEBTIFIEBS : Updated by: DR edit date: 01/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LABDD OBIT DESCKIFITICH: Slightly dissected' lahars,intermediate and mafic lavas,slopes 3-15%. 7. SATELLITE 8 . ATPWTTAÏÏ. FQOTOGBAPBS 9 . BADftS 123/64/14/11/84, 1:100.000 62 /8282-67 Star-I/250/88/1110-5,6 11. BOCK COTCaaP: 35 % 1 0 . PâBEST M&TEBIâL a. Weathering : High b. Litfaology : basalt c. Formation : Qb 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain, Not known 13. FISHERIES : None 14. BIVE2S a. Floodrisk : None b. Inmndatiozi: None 15. VEEETATiaH/LAHD USE : , bush, alang-alang, mixed gardens of fruit trees, upland crops Area used : 10 % 16. ACCELERATED EBOSIOS a. Occucence : Localised b. Evidence : Vr - -, 17. SOU. GREAT G80ÖF Doniiiant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification troporthents eutropepts Z of area 55 % 10 % % . 1110 - 99 Lab. checked no no 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Dominant > SOX a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil nineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Associated 1 Associated 2 i . Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j . Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. Al toxicity : -Acid sulpb. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: ' — Boot obstx. layer : Organic Matter : 0.0 TUB : 0.0 Total observations: . 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAH/RUFJJJE: . -- 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 Maximal: 120 m Minimim: 30 m Bange: 70 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area flat-topped Included: 21. L.D. 1D8AIBAGE: a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: low • b. density: Low 22. SLOPE: a. Steepness:gently sloping b. Variability: Low c. Length: short d. Variability: Low e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE OISTB.: Valleybottoms: 5% Interfiles : 0-81:60 Z, 9-25Z: 30 2, 25-551: 0 Ï, >55I: 5 % 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. «Tüfa-*»- low b. Variability: Low 25. TEKRAM: Undulating 2- 8%, 0-50 m 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: no crests b. Length: c. Variability: d. Width: e. Variability: 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28'. LARD FACETS: -1- Flat & rounded top, troporthents, 55% -2- Gentle sloping, eutropepts, 10% ~3- Rock outcrops, 35% -429. FRAGMEBTATICH: Valleys: Interflraves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABI11TÏ: 1= reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4» plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 3 29: 3 31. ADOITIGHAL BOTES: 1110 - 100 BLOCK DIAG8AM: CSOSS SECTICB: V.2.10.2 V.2.2.1 V.2.6.2 anic .roçks"r<>T 1 . LAHD OBIT: 4. ""«"• Vb.2.10.2 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 r ?f<f\> 3. AREA: 87 km2 by IBuvifluE: Lampung: 992 s . s x & m s rijti^-MTj y j funs i Updated by: DR edit date: 02/06/89 Status: Final 6. LATO OBIT DESŒIPTICH: Moderately dissected eroded volcanoes,intermediate and mafic lavas, hilly relief, slopes (15-30X). 7. SAXEIXXIE 123/64/14/11/84 8 . «PPTAT FBOTOESAFBS 1:100.000 61 /8344-195 g . BADAR Star-I/250/88/1110-5 1 0 . EMBEBT M>TIHTAI. 11. BOCK COICBQP: 20 Z a. Heathering Partial b. Litbology basalt c. Passation Qb Fresh 12. H U E R a. Quality Rain b. Source None 13. FISHERIES None 14. HIVERS a. Floodrisk None 15. VBBEUXim/UBD USE moist primary lowland forest, upland crops, reafforestation, Area osed 16. towns, villages 40 % *< n "nB B I A T H I EROSI0B a. Occorence b. Evidence Common Gulleys 17. SOXL G8EAT G8OOP Devinant >30Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification kandiudults humitropepts 32. KtinmarJiTAixvii PROFILES: udk/ /81/NS/1110/51/ /86-13 Z of area 60 % 20 % ' X /20 / ith/ 1110 - 101 Lab. checked yes yes /341-57 /72/DR/1110/51/ /57 / 18. SCXL CHARACTERISnCS a. Texture: b. Depth: topsoil subsoil peatsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: aetfacd topsoil g. Total P: h. i. j. k. 1. •_ n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid solph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Damnant > SOX fine fine very Well very very very very deep drained low low low low very high very high low low moderately acid strong acid 1.6 5.8 0 Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 Well drained very high medium high high slightly alkaline neutral 100 cm 4.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 290 m 25 m Bange: 203 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60S; of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: radial L.O c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:Steep b. Variability: High SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex ValleybottoBS: Ï SLOPE DISTR.: InterCLuves : 0-81:30 X 9-25X: 50 X, 25-551: 20 % BELIEF AMPU. a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium hillocKy >16%, 0-50 m TEBBAIM: c. Variability: Medium a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low VALLET FLOCK: a. Width: b. Variability: !*•" FACETS: -1- Upper & middle slopes, kandiudults, 60% -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 20% -3- Rock outcrops, 20% -4InterCLuves: Small blocks IBAGMERTATiaa: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: 1» reliable, 2- probable, 3» tenable, 4° plausible 10.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. AD9IXIGBAL BOIES: 1110 - 102 LREP-SDBH. CSR-BOGGB LAID OBIT SEHBT (HP IMAGE: CBOSS SECTIGH: H.I.2.1 H.I.5.2 B.l.6.3 •v-^- - KtaBorphic * : >T Jl rocks 'volcanic rocks 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. LAUD OHIT: H a b . 1 . 2 . 1 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 54 km2 n m r o t T K b y fBCVHCE: Lampung: 99% STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 02/06/89 Status: Final LAUD OBIT DESCRIPTICH: Slightly dissected hills,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, moderately steep slopes (16-30%) SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 57 /8292-075, 62 /8282-77 , 60 /8295-05 RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 11. ROCK OUTCROP: Z BAREST MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : andesitic tuffs, basalt, c. Fonnation : Qhv HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain, Perennial River FISHERIES : None RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inondation : None VEGETATIOB/LAHD USE : secondary forest, bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, clove (cengkeh), coffee (kopi) Area used : 50 % ACCELERATED EROSIGH a. Occurence : Conxnon b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL GSEAT GROUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults humitropepts Z of area Lab. checked 20 X yes yes 5 X •yes 75 % 32. REPRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ ith/ / / /88/HJ/1010/ / /88/HK/1010/54/ /26 / /22 / uda/ 1110 - 103 /341-33 /72/DR/1110/23/ /16 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Dominant > 501 a. Texture: topsoil fine fine subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil -niiwraloiil very deep c. Drainage: Well drained d. Exch. K: topsoil medium subsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil medium subsoil very low £. Avail. P: method Bray I topsoil very low very low subsoil g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil high subsoil high i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil excessive acid j. Al Sat. topsoil very low subsoil high k. Al toxicity : no -1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : — -n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : 120 cm p. Organic Matter : 1.9 q. XEB : 3.1 r. Total observations: 0 Associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained -— high very low Olsen low very low medium low — -slightly acid neutral -— --— -62 cm 3.1 0.0 1 Associated 2 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained medium medium low medium Bray I very low very low medium medium medium high strong acid strong acid very low very low — — — • 110 cm 4.6 9.8 0 19. ALTITUDE: 290 m Mrninon: 25 m Bange: 75 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked 20. PLAH/FROFILE: Included: non-linear and random < 40% of area flat-topped b. density: Low a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.U. D B A W G E : c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTR-: Valleybottcns: 5 % Interfluves : 0-81:20 % 9-25Z: 60 %, 25-551: 15 % 24. BELIEF AMPU.: a. Aqolitode: high b. Variability: Medium 25. TEBBAIB: Hilly >16%,51-300m 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAID FACETS: -1- Crests & upper slopes, dystropepts, 75X - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 20% -3- Lower slopes/valleys, humitropepts, 5% -429. FBAGMEHTATIOH: Valleys: Interfluves: Small blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3- tenable, 4« plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 1 18.c: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BOIES: Representative profile for Dystropepts and Humitropepts are extrap olated from sheet 1010 (Hab.1.3.3). 1110 - 104 LREP-SDBM, CSB-BOBCK LAHD UHIÏ REPORT MAF DMGE: CSOSS SBCTICH: B.I.2.2 V.l.4.2 A.2.2.1 V01cùiVrodaî^£Î>iVl. » *. Z. 'l Z. Z. Z-*-.irürX > '~L' eetaiiorphic rocks __ 1. U S D OMIT: Htn. 1.2.2 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 23 km2 4. m i m ™ : « by FHOVŒCE: Lampung: 99X edit date: 07/06/89 Status: Final 5. STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR 6. IAHD UHIT DESCRIPTICH: Moderately dissected hills.metaraorphic rocks.moderatelly steep slopes (16-30%). 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84, 8. ABPTAT. PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 57 /8292-083, 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3 10. BAREST MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: S % a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : gneiss, schists, c. Formation : Ptse , 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation : None 13. VBEETAnOH/LAHD USE : , bush, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rubber (karef) Area used : 75 % 16. ACCELERATED EROSIOH a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GBOOF Dominant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts kanhapludults 32. REPRESENTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ /340-16 /71/DN/1110/42/ Z of area 75 % 20 % /80 / udh/ 1110 - 105 Lab. checked yes yes /340-14 /71/SK/1110/42/ /45 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil sobsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •dneralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 medium medium deep Well drained medium medium high medium deep Well drained --very high very high subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: Betbod topsoil subsoil K- Total P: topsoil medium low subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil low low subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil moderately acid j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid solph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : 80 cm p. Organic Matter : 1.2 q. TEB : 5.1 r. Total observations: 1 Associated 2 medium medium -— slightly alkaline neutral 80 cm '1.3 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 250 m 100 m Bange: 150 m Damnant: non-linear and random > 60Ï of area crested/peaked 20. PLAB/ÏHDFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate 21. L.D. ISAIHAGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: •:. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottons: % Interfluves : 0-81:10 X, 9-2SZ: 60 X, 25-551: 20 X, >55X: 10 X 24. BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium 25. TFPPATWhillocKy >16%, 0-50 m 26. CHEST/RIDGES: c. Variability: High a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short d. Hidth: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LAID FACETS: -1- Crest, up & low slopes, dystropepts, 75Z -2- Middle slopes, kanhapludults, 20X -3-429. FSAGMERTATIGa: Valleys: Interfluves: Small blocKs 30. RELIABILITY: 1- reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4- plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 1 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 31. ADDITIONAL BOTES: 1110 - 106 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR LAHD ( D I T EEPCKT CBOSS SBCTIOH: MAF IMAGE: B.I.3.3 H.1.2.2 B.7 coconut sea 1 fi x ._„.. volcanic rocks ' •*•£" 'retaoorphic rócks " s 1. LAHD UHIT: Hab . 1 . 3 . 3 2. HAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 121 km2 4. OCCOREBCE by FROVIHCE: Lampung: 99% 5. STATUS IDEHTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD DBIT DESCRIPTIOH: Strongly dissected hills intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, steep to very steep slopes (30-75%). 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84 8. AERTAT. PiKJTOGBAPHS : 1:100.000 60 /8295-005, 58 /8292-65 , 62 /8282-77 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PAKBHT MATERIAL a. Weathering b. Li thology c. Formation 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source 13. FISHERIES 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10 % Partial andesitic tuffs, basalt, Qhv Fresh Rain None None b. Inundation: None 1 5 . VEEETATIOK/LAUD USE : secondary forest, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, clove (cengkeh), coffee (kopi) Area used : 60 % 16. ACCELERATED EROSION a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various : : : : : : : 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Classification Z of area Lab. checked Dominant >50Z dyst.ri'].'ept.. 55 % Associated 1 hapludult ^ 35 X yes Associated 2 hiiini tropepLs 10 % yes 32. REPRESEHTATIWE PROFILES: i'..y/ /340-10 /71/SK/1110/ / 'ith/ / /87/HK/1010/ / /26a/ /22 / 1110 - 107 uda/ yes /184-16 /68/IS/1110/ / /96 / 18.. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineral soil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: . topsoil subsoil e. Total K20: topsoil subsoil t. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil topsoil 8- Total P: subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil topsoil j- Al Sat. subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity; o. Root obstr. layer : P- Organic Hatter : q- TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine — deep Well drained high medium medium low Associated 1 medium fine -moderately deep Well drained --very high low --very high high medium low slightly acid strong acid — --— — -60 cm 1.4 0.0 1 — -very high medium — -moderately acid very strong acid — --— — -50 cm 3.6 0.0 1 Associated 2 moderately fine fine — very deep ~ Well drained medium medium low medium Bray I very low very low medium medium medium high strong acid strong acid very low very low • - - — - - 110 cm 4.6 0.0 0 15 m Bange: 250 m Haximurn: 300 m Hin i — i Dominant: non-linear and random > 60X of area crested/peaked Included: 21. L.O. nRATTMCK: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Varlability: high 22. SLOPE: a. Steenness:verv steeD b. Variabilité: Medium c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Bigh e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottoms: 10 X Interduves : 0-81:0 X 9-251: 20 X, 25-551: 30 X, >55X: 40 X 24. RELIEF AMPLI. a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium 25. TBMHHilly >16X,51-300m 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: High 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAUD FACETS: -1- Crests & upper slopes, dystropepts, 55X - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 35Z -3- Lw. slope & VI. bottom, humitropepts, 10Ï -4Interfluves: 29. FHAOffiHTATICH: Valleys: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. PLAH/PBCIFILE: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 " reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 32: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: Representative profiles for Humitropepts is extrapolated from other Sheet (KotaAgung.Hab.1.3.3). 1110 - 108 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGQR LAHD GBIT REPORT CSOSS SECTIOB: MAP IMAGE: E.I.3.3 dB.1.3.3 A.2.2.1 I; ' H' /;' '. /;'-'" tiff' »vér ' "fS$ volcanic rocks 1 . LABD HHIT: dHab.1.3.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 11 km2 4 . <«n,i|iHHWK b y PROVIBCE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS IDENTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6 . iAHD UNIT DESCRIPTION: Strongly dissected hills,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas covered by acid tuffs, steep to very steep slopes (30-75Ï) 7 . SATELLITE SCERES : 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AESIAL PHOTOG8APHS : 1:100.000 9 . BADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-1 10. PARE8T MATERIAL a. Heathertn« : b. Lithology : c. Formation : 12. HATES a. Quality : b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : b. Inundation: 15. VBSEIATIGB/LAHD OSE : 62 /8282-75 11. ROCK UUTCBOP: 10 % High andesitic tuffs, basalt, dacite Qhv Fresh Rain None None None moist primary lowland forest, alang-alang, shifting cultivation, mixed gardens of fruit trees, clove (cengkeh) : 60 X Area used 16. ACCELERATED ESOSICH a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL G8EAT GSDOP Dominant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults humitropepts 32. REPRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ /340-10 /71/SK/1110/ / Z of area 50 % 30 X 10 % /26a/ 1110 - 109 Lab. checked yes yes no is. son. cBABAcnsisncs Proparties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: nethod topsoil subsoil Total F: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TES : Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: 2 0 . FLAH/EBDFILE: 21. L.0. 22. 23. SLOPE DISTK. : 2 4 . RELIEF 4MPLI. 2 5 . TEBHATB26. CBE5T/R1DGE5: 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 28. LARD FACETS: 2 9 . FfiAGMEnATOT: Donnant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine deep Well drained high medium medium low deep Well very very very very — — very high high medium low slightly acid strong acid very low very low low very low medium low excessive acid excessive acid 60 cm 1.4 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 Associated 2 drained low low low low 0.0 0.0 0 75 m 25 m 150 m Doninant: non-linear and random > 6015 of a r e a crested/peaked Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic c. Variability: high Variability: High a. Steepness:very steep Variability: High c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: straight ValleybottOK: 10 % Interflnves : 0-8Z:0 X 9-25Z: 20 Ï, 25-551: 30 Z,.>55X: 40 % b. Variability: Medium a. Aaplitode: high Hilly >16*,51-300m c. Variability: High a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short d. Width: moderate e. Variability: High a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low -1- Crests & upper slopes, dystropepts, 50X -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 30X -3- Lw. slope & VI. bottom, humitropepts, 10% -4Valleys: Inter fliiwes : 30. PBTTABTT.TTVX" reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOBAL BOTES: Representative profiles for Dystropepts is extrapolated from Hb.l. 3.3. Hapludults extrapolation based on RePPProt (Land System EMS). 1110 .0 LAJD OTT SEKST CSG5S SECTIGH: I-i LAD) DHIT: Hb.1.3.3 4 2. MAF SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 36 km2 : Lampung: 99Ï 5. STATQS lüEHTLPlKUS : Updated by: DR edit dat«: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAS) DBIT DESCRIPITCH : Strongly dissected hills,intermediate and mafic lavas,steep to very steep slopes (30-75Ï). 7. S A T E L L I T E Mi-jfUKW 123/64/14/11/84 8. ACTTAÏ. H1IIIMJPAWK 1:100.000 58 /8292-65 , 57 /8292-73 • • • -"—•.— " joy n a j ¥ iiw,r» 9. BADAR 10. PAREHT tttTTTTflT Star-I/250/88/1110-1,2 a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Foraatian 12. HATER a. Quality b. Source : High basalt Tov Fresh Rain 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10 Z 13. fXSHERIES None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk None b. Inondatian None 15. VBGEIâTIOH/LâHD DSE bush, clove (cengkeh), banana Area used 60 Z 16. ATir-FTFPATFn VBOttTCm a. Occurence b. Evidence Extensive Various 17. SOIL CPBAT GRGDF Devinant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Classification dystropepts hapludults humitropepts X of area 55 Z 35 Ï 10 Ï Lab. checked yes yes PROFILES: /87/US/1010/53/ /17 / uda/ 1110 - 111 /87/TB/1010/ / /10 / IS. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil sobsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil b. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine -moderately deep Well drained low low low low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium low strong acid excessive acid high very high yes ---67 cm 1.8 2.6 0 Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained low low low very low Bray I very low very low low very low medium high very strong acid very strong acid medium medium yes -— -142 cm 2!l 8.0 0 Associated 2 fine fine — very deep Well drained very low very low low very low very low very low low very low medium low excessive acid very strong acid very high very high ----0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 25 m Range: 300 m 350 m 60X of area crested/peaked Dominant: non-linear and random 20. PLAH/PROFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high 21. L.D. DSAJBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:very steep b. Variability: Medium 22. c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Valleybottoms: 10 % Interfluves : 0-8Z:0 %, 9-25X: 20 X, 25-551: 30 X, >55Z: 40 Z 24. RELIEF AMPLI. a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium 25. TFTOATWHilly >16X,51-300m a. Shape: Irregular 26. CREST/RIDGES: b. Length:Shurt c. Variability: Medium e. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate 27. VALLET FLOOR: b. Variability: Low a. Width: very narrow 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Crests S. upper slopes, dystropepts, 55% - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 35X -3- Lw. slope & VI. bottom, humitropepts, 10Ï -42 9 . FRAGMEHTATIGH: Valleys: Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 3 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: Humitropepts extrapolation based on RePPProt (LS BB6). Dystropepts and Hapludults extrapolation based on L U Hb.1.3.3 ,sheet 1010. 1110 - 112 ARD UHIT REPORT LBEP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR CBOSS SBCTIOH: MAP IMAGE: K.2.2.3 e.i.3.3 - alluvial salients-, coarse texture 1. LARD O B I T : k. crrmtvai'if Hd.1.3.3 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 by PROVIHCE: 5. STATUS IDEBTIFIERS ' acid tuft'"' volcanic reels 3. AREA: 26 km2 Lampung: 99% : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAD) UHIT DESCRIPTIOB: Strongly dissected hills,acid tuffs,steep to very steep slopes (30-75%) 7. SATELLITE SCEBES 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 123/64/14/11/84 1:100.000 58 /8292-69 , 57 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-1,2 /8292-73 10. PAREHT MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Lithology c. Formation 12. HATER 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10 % : dacite : Tmda a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None IS. VBGEIATIGH/LAHD USE : secondary forest, bush, banana, clove (cengkeh) Area used : 50 % IK ATT-FIEBATKn FpnKTm a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP : Classification Z of area dystropepts 60 % yes Associated 1 hapludults 30 % yes Associated 2 32. REPRESEBTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ Lab. checked Dominant >SOZ / /87/HJ/1010/52/ /06 / 1110 - 113 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEE pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. AI Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 fine fine very deep Well drained high medium medium low Bray I very low very low low low high -very strong acid very strong acid very low high yes very deep Well drained 140 cm 1.8 2.5 0 Associated 2 • - - low low --low very low low very low strong acid very strong acid ---- 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 375 m Minimum: 15 m Range: 350 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked 20. PIAB/PRDFILE: Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.n. DRAINAGE: c. Variability: medium b. Variability: Medium a. Steepness:very steep 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate e. Curvature: straight Valleybotterns: % 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Interfluves : O-8Z:0 %, 9-251: 0 %, 25-551: 15 %, >55X: 85 % 2*. BBT-TKF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium Hilly >16%,51-300m 25. TEBRAIH: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium 26. CREST/RIDGES: e. Variability: Medium d. Width: narrow b. Variability: Low 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow -1- Crests & upper slopes, dystropepts, 60% 28. LABD FACETS: - 2 - Middle & lower slopes, hapludults, 30% -3-429. FRAGMEHTATICH: Valleys: Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: Representatative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from sheet 1010. Hapludults extrapolation based on RePPProT (Land Sys B6A) 1110 - 114 LAED OBIT REPORT LREP-SDHM, CSR-BGGGB W F IMAGE: CSDSS SECTICH: H.l.3.3 H.l.3.3 A.2.2.1 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. LAHD UBIT: Hg. 1.3. 3 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 8 km2 OCOTREHCE by FROVIHCE: Lampung: 0% S U m S IDEHTTFIEHS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final LAID OBIT DESCHIPTIOH: Strongly dissected hills,acid plutonic rocks,steep to very steep slopes(30-75Z) SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84 AEBIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 59 /8292-21 RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3 PAREHT MATERIAL 11. SOCK OOTCS0P: 10 % a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : granite c. Formation : Kgr HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : None RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 15. VBGETATICH/LAHD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, shifting cu ltivation, upland crops Area used : 20 X 16. ACCELERATED EROSIGH a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence Various 17. SOIL GBEAT G80DP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults troporthents 32. REEBESEHTATIVE ROFILES: ity/ / /88/ER/1010/24/ Z of area 65 Z 20 Z 5 Z uda/ /42 / 1110 - 115 Lab. checked yes yes no /86/AH/1010/64/ /7a / is. son. caaBâCTEBisncs Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainase: d. Rmh. K: topsoil sobsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. F: method topsoil subsoil 8- Total P: topsoil subsoil ta. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al tenacity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: •. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 30Z fine fine Associated 1 fine fine very deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low low low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid very low very low deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low very low very low low medium very strong acid very strong acid high very high yes 110 cm 2.1 7.0 0 98 cm 1.6 3.4 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 150 m 100 m Bange: 125 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60Ï of area crested/peaked FLAH/PRQFJXE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high L.O. DBAXHAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:Steep b. Variability: Medium SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight Valleybottoms: 5% SLOPE D I S K . : Interfluves : 0-81:0 % 9-251: 10 Z, 25-55X: 40 I, >55X: 45 % BELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: High TEBBAUI: Hilly >16*,51-300m CHEST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Medium VALLEY FLOCR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low LAUD FACETS: -1- Upper & lower slopes, dystropepts, 65Ï -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 20X -3- Crest, troporthents, 5% -4FBAEMEBTATICH: Valleys: Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3° tenable, 4« plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 0 31. ADDITIGHAL KOTES: Representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet 1010(Hg.1.2.2 and Hg.1.3.3) 1110 - 116 LAID DHIT REPORT SECTICH: MAP IMAGE: 1. 4. 5. 6. LAUD DHIT: Htn.1.3.3 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 14 km2 rmreiPEMtür by PROVINCE: Lampung: 99% STATDS IDERTIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final LAUD DHIT DESŒIPTICH: Strongly dissected hills,metamorphic rocks,steep to very steep slopes (30-75Î). 123/64/14/11/84 7 . SATELLITE 8_ AIJPTAI. 1:100.000 60 /8292-005, 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-3 10. BAKERT MATERIAL. 11. ROCK OOTCSaP: 10 % a. Weathering : High b. Litbology : gneiss, schists, c. F o n a t i m : Ptse a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : None RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None VHSEIATIOH/LAHD OSE : , bush, alang-alang, upland crops, banana, clove (cengkeh) Area used : 70 X ACCELERATED EROSIOH a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various 12. HATER 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SOIL G8EAT G800P Dominant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts kanhapludults 32. REEKESEBTATIVE RGFILES: ity/ /340-16 /71/DN/1110/42/ Z of area 80 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes X /80 / udh/ 1110 - 117 /340-14 /71/SK/1110/42/ /45 / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties Dominant > SOX a. Texture: topsoil fine fine subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil deep Drainage: Well drained Erch. K: topsoil medium subsoil medium Total K2O: topsoil high subsoil medium Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil medium subsoil low CEC pH 7 topsoil low subsoil low Soil Reaction:topsoil moderately acid subsoil moderately acid Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstx. layer : 80 cm Organic Matter : 1.1 TEB : 0.0 Total observations: 0 Associated 1 medium medium Associated 2 deep Well drained very high very high medium medium slightly alkaline neutral 80 cm 1.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 270 m Minin: 10 m Range: 225 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 602 of area crested/peaked FLAH/IBDFILE: Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic L.D. EHAIHAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:very steep b. Variability: High SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: High e. Curvature: straight Valleybottoms: 5X SLOPE DISTR.: Interfluves : O-8Z:0 X 9-25X: 20 X, 25-55X: 30 X, >55X: 45 X mrtTKV AMPLI. : a. Amplitude: high b. Variability: Medium TEBRAIH: hillocKy >16Z, 0-50 m c. Variability: Medium CHEST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Short d. Hidth: narrow e. Variability: Medium VALLET FLOOR: a. Hidth: very narrow b. Variability: Low LARD FACETS: -1- Crests & upper slopes, dystropepts, 80Ï -2- Middle & lower slopes, kanhapludults, 10Î -3-4FBAGMEBIATIOH: Valleys: Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 10.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 31. ADDITIOBAL BOTES: All representative profiles are extrapolated from Htn.1.2.2 1110 - 118 LBEP-SDBM, CSR-BOGCB LUD OUT BEBST IMP HUGE: CSOSS SBCTICH: 1.6.3 B.l.5.2 B.l.6.3 1.4.2 qo&rse sedisentary 1. LARD HRIT: Hab.1.5.2 2. MAF SHEET: 11103. AREA: 19 km2 HWINCE: Lampung: 99! 5. SUmS TwggTrFTBHS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6. l-»«i u n DESCKIFTICH: Moderately dissected rolling land with hillocks,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-25X. 7 . RATFffJ.ITK 123/64/14/11/84 8 . AEBIAL PBOTOGBAPHS : 1:100.000 57 /8292-081, 60 /8295-007 9 . RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. wiimr MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: X a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : andesitic tuffs, basalt, c. Formation : Qhv 12. MATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Imndation: None 15. VOSeXàHCm/JABD OSE : , bush, shifting cultivation, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees 90 X Area used 16. JBÄTHl EBOSICH *. onramnra by a. Occurence b. Evidence Localised Various 17. SOIL G8EAI GBOOF Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 32. I ity/ Classification dystropepts humitropepts X of area 70 X 30 I Lab. checked yes yes PROFILES: /87/HJ/1010/61/ /02 / ith/ 1110 - 119 /87/ES/1010/54/ /17 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil Bineraisoil c. Drainage: d. Erch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot. : m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TES : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine Associated 1 fine fine very deep Well drainea very high medium very high medium Bray I very low very low very low very low medium medium very deep Well drained low low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium low medium low excessive acid excessive acid medium high yes moderately acid moderately acid very low very low 140 cm 2.9 11.5 0 160 cm 2.7 1.8 0, Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 20. FLAB/PROFILE: 155 m Minimi: 100 m Range: 125 m Dominant.: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked Included: b. density: Moderate a. Pattern: dendritic 21'. L.D. DRADUGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:sloping b. c. Length: short d. e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTK. : ValleybotUms: 5 Z Interfluves : 0-81:10 X 9-25Z: 85 X, 25-551: 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium b. 23. TEBPATHRolling 9-15Z, 0-50 m a. Shape: Undulating 26. CHEST/RIDGES: b. Length:Short d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Low 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAID FACETS: -1- Hilly area&upper slope, dystropepts, 70Z -2- Middle & lower slopes, humitropepts, 30Z -3-42 9 . FBAGHHRATIGH: Valleys: Interfluves: Medium blocks 22. SLOPE: Variability: Low Variability: Low 0 Z Variability: Low c. Variability: Low 30. RELIABILITY: 1« reliable, 2° probable, 3= tenable, 4« plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: Representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet 1010(Hab.1.5.2 and Hab.1.6.2) 1110 - 120 L A D ) U H I T REPORT ISEP-SDBM, CSR-BOSOR CROSS SECTIGH: M à F IMiGE: H.l.5.2 H.1.2.1 H.1.6.3 '-u MV 7 -.-jSZT-' ; £ . '"volcanic rocks ''* 1. LUD (HIT: Hg.1.5.2 JL > W ^ * > ~ T J — -r' UJF rHH r" 1 ^i -Fr 2. MAP SHEET: 1110T amTvmo • LiCUnpililg . netaiiorphic •• • rocks plutonic rocks 3. AREA: 46 km2 QQ9 33A 5. SU3DS IDENTIFIERS Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final 6. LAHD DH1T DE9CRIPTECH Moderatelly dissected rolling land with hillociks,acid plutonic rocks, slopes 8-25%. 7. SAIELLITE WüHiHK 123/64/14/11/84, 8. AWITAT- FB0XOG8APBS 1:100.000 59 /8292-021, 9. BaDAR Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PAREHT M&ZEBIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: % Partial a. Heatbezing b. Lithology granite, c. Foination Kgr Fresh a. Quality 12. H&TEK b. Source Rain None 13. FISHERIES M. RIVEES a. Floodrisk None b. Inondation None 15. VEGXIATIOH/IAHD USE moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, upland crops, clove (cengkeh) 50 X Area used 16. «rXTET-EBATSn KBDRTm a. Occnzence b. Evidence Common Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Doadnant >5OI Associated 1 Associated 2 32. ity/ Classification dystropepts hapludults troporthents PROFILES: /88/ER/1010/24/ Z of area 75 X 20 X 5 X uda/ /42 / 1110 - 121 Lab. checked yes yes no /86-24 /81/SR/lilO/ / /ll / 18. SOU. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine moderately fine very deep Well drained medium medium medium medium Bray I very low very low low low medium medium very strong acid very strong acid very low very low very Well very very very very 110 cm 2.1 7.0 0 Associated 2 deep drained low low low low very low very low low low strong acid strong acid 0.9 3.4 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 150 m Minimum: 100 m Range: 125 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60Z of area crested/peaked 20. PLAH/PB0FILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Moderate 21. L.O. DRAIHÉGE: c. Variability: low a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: straight 23. SLOPE DISTE.: Valleybottoms: 5Z Interfluves : 0-81:0 X, 9-251: 80 Z, 25-551: 15 % b. Variability: High 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium 25. TERRAH: Rolling 9-15Z, 0-50 m c. Variability: Medium 26. CREST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLE7 FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Hilly area&upper slope, dystropepts, 75Ï - 2 - Middle slopes, hapludults, 20Z -3- Lower slopes, troporthents, 5% -4Interfluves: Medium blocks 29. FRAGMEBTATIOH: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4° plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIONAL ROTES: Representative profile for Dystropepts is extrapolated from sheet 1010. 1110 - 122 LREP-SDEM, CSR-BOGOR LARD OBIT REPORT MAP IMAGE: CROSS SECTIOB: H.l.5.2 1.6.3 H.I.6.3 1.4.2 KUnrplüc 1 . LAID OBIT: Hab.1.6.3 qoaise seditentîry 2. HAP SHEET: 1110-14 3. AREA: 75 km2 4 . OCCURENCE b y PRUV11CE: Lampung: 99Z 5 . S l & n i S IDE8TIFIERS : Updated by: DR edit date: 07/06/89 Status: Final 6 . LAHD DUIT DESCKIPTICH: Strongly dissected hillocks in rolling pattern,intermediate and 7. SATELLITE 8. AEPTAI. PBOTOGRAPHS 9. RADAR 10. PAREBT MATERIAL a. Weathering b. Lithology c. Formation mafic tuffs and lavas, slopes 8-30Z. 123/64/14/11/84, : 1:100.000 60 /8295-007, : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 11. BOCK OUTCROP: X : High : andesitic tuffs, basalt, : Qhv 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 15. VEGEIATIOH/LAHD USE : , bush, upland crops, rainfed wetland rice, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa) Area used : 80 X 16. ACCELERATED EROSIOH a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >50I Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults 32. REPRESEHTATtVE PROFILES: ity/ /86-50 /81/DK/1110/14/ Z of area 90 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes X /14 / uda/ 1110 - 123 /341-49 /72/DR/1110/14/ /41 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil f. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil b. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid salpb.. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr., layer : p. Organic Matter ? q. TEB : r. Total obseirvations: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained --high low — -high low --moderately acid strong acid -------2.1 O.C 0 Associated 1 medium fine -very deep Well drained --very low medium Olsen medium very low very low low •— neutral neutral — --— — — -2.2 0.0 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 200 m Minimum: 50 m Range: 75 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked 20. FLAH/FHOFILE: Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.U. DBAIHAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:sloping b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex 23. SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottams: 5X Interfluves : 0-8X:5 X. 9-25Z: 85 X, 25-55X: 5 % 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium b. Variability: Medium 23. TFPPATHRolling 9-153;, 0-50 m a. Shape: Undulating 26. CREST/RIDGES: b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAUD FACETS: -1- Crest & hilly area, dystropepts, 90% -2- Rolling area, hapludults, 10% -3-429. FRASfEHTAIIOB: Valleys: Interfluves: Medium blocks 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3° tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: 1110 - 124 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOSOR LARD DHIT REPORT CBDSS SECTICB: MAP IMAGE: B.l.2.1 B.l.5.2 =2^" iP ''volcanic rocks '' * 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. Phonic rocks B.I.6.3 ^ . ^ ^ k î ' -NT " rocks 2 . HAP ÎOIEIIT- m o 3 . AREA: 43 km2 LAUD U m i : Htn.1.6.3 (»3IKMH.E. by PROVIRCE: Lampung: 99% SUIDS IDEHTIFIEHS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final LAUD UHIT DESCBIFTICB: Strongly dissected hillocks in rolling pattern,metamorfic rocks, slopes 8-30X. 123/64/14/11/84, SAIELUTE AERIAL EBOIOGBAFBS : 1:100.000 59 /8292-021, RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 BARER MATERIAL 11. ROCK OOTCBDP: X a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : gneiss, schists, c. Formation : PTse HUER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain FISHERIES : None RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 15. VBGETATICH/LAHD USE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, upland crops, mixed gardens of fruit trees, rubber (karet) is Area used : 80 % inrnniATcn ronsrnfi a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Damnant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 : Classification dystropepts hapludults eutropepts Z o£ area 60 X 30 X 10 X Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. REEBESEHIAXIVE PROFILES: ity/ ite/ /341-37 /86-39 /72/DR/1110/42/ /020/ /81/DK/1110/14/ /07 / uija/ 1110 - 125 /341-10 /72/SK/1110/14/ /26 / 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •ineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total F: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Boot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TUB : r. Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine Associated 1 moderately fine fine Associated 2 medium fine moderately deep Well drained — -high low Olsen medium very low medium medium -— neutral neutral deep Well drained -— medium very low Olsen very low very low medium low --neutral slightly acid mod. shallow Well drained medium very low medium low Bray I --medium low low low very strong acid strong acid 50 cm 2.2 0.0 1 120 cm 42 cm 2.4 6.2 2 0.0 2 19. ALTITUDE: 1 25 m Miniann: 100 m Range: 110 m Dominant: non-linear and random 40-60% of area crested/peaked 20. PLAH/FBOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high 21. L.D. DRAHAGE: c. Variability: high a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: High 22. SLOPE: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex 5 % 23. SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottams: Interfluves : 0-81:20 %, 9-25Z: 55 %, 25-551: 20 % b. Variability: Medium 24. RELIEF AMFLI.: a. Amplitude: medium Rolling 9-15%, 0-50 m 25. TERRAIS: c. Variability: Medium 26. CKEST/RIDGES: a. Shape: Undulating b. Length:Short d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAND FACETS: -1- Crests &. upper slopes, dystropepts, 60Ï -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 30% -3- Lower slopes, eutropepts, 15% -4Interfluves: Small blocks 29. FRAGMEHTATIOB: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2» probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 1 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18.d-q: 1 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOJUL BOIES: 1110 - 126 LAHD DUIT REPORT LREP~SDBM, CSR—BOGOR CBOSS SECTIOH: MAP IMAGE: i. i.3 a 4.4 B.7 M coconut seil! tuff * felsic coarse sedinentary 1. 4. 5. 6. LARD DBIT: Hdq.4.4 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 34 km2 OCCQREHCE by PROVIHCE: Lampung: 99% STATUS IDEHTIFIEBS : Updated by: DR edit date: 03/06/89 Status: Final L U D QUIT DESCRIPTION: Extremely dissected tectonic valley,acid tuffss and coarse felsic sedimentary rocks, slopes 16-30%. 123/64/14/11/84, 7. SATELLITE 1:100.000 60 /8295-005, 8. ABPTA 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2 11. ROCK GUTCKOP: % 10. PAREBT M&TE8IAL a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : liparite, sandstone, c. Formation : Qlv 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None bush, alang-alang, upland crops, coffee (kopi), coconut (kelapa) 1 5 . VEBETATKH/LAHD USE : Area used : 80 X 16. ACCELERATED EROSICH a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GROUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classificatie dystropepts hapludults Z of area 90 % 10 % Lab. checked yes yes 32. REPRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: uda/ 1110 - 127 /341-8 /72/SK/1110/14/ /ll / 18. gnn. CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Textare: tapsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil •dnaxalsoil c. Drainage: d. Excb. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil I. avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil b. CBC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al taxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Root obstx. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TEB : r. Total observations: Damnant > 501 moderately fine fine Associated 1 medium fine deep Well drained low very low --Bray I low very low --low very low strong acid strong acid deep Well drained -— very high medium Olsen very high very low very high medium --neutral slightly acid 0.0 0.0 0 100 cm 3.1 0.0 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 150 m 25 m Range: 75 m Dominant: non-linear and random < 40Ï of area flat-topped 20. PUUI/IK0FILE: Included: b. density: High a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.O. DRAXBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:mod. steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: moderate d. Variability: Medium e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 5X 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Interfluves : 0-81:0 X 9-251: 60 X, 25-551: 35 X b. Variability: Low 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: medium hillocKy >16Ï, 0-50 m 25. TERKAJB: a. Shape: .Undulating b. Length:Short c. Variability: Medium 26. CREST/RIDGES: d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Low 27. VALLEI FLOOR: a. Width: very narrow b. Variability: Low 28. LAHD FACETS: -1- Crests & lower slopes, dystropepts, 90X -2- Middle Slopes, hapludults, WX -3-4Interfloves: Medium blocks 2 9 . FRAGMEHTATIOB: Valleys: 30. RELIABILITY: = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 2 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 29: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL BOTES: Dystropepts extrapolation based on RePPProT (Land System SAA). 1110 - 128 LAHD OBIT SEFCBT LREP-SDBM, CSB-BOGCB MAP IMAGE: CBOSS SECTICB: 1. 4. 5. 6. LASD OHIT: Mab.2.2.3 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 39 km2 OCCOBESCE by PROVIBCE: Lampung: 99% STATUS IDEHTIFIEBS : Updated by: DR edit date: 05/06/89 Status: Final LAHD OHIT DESCRIPTICH: Strongly dissected mountains,intermediate and mafic tuffs and lavas, steep to very steep slopes (30-75%) 7. SATELLITE SCEflES : 123/64/14/11/84 8. AFBTAI. PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 57 /8292-073, 57 /8292-077, 58 /8292-063 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PARE8T MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: % a. Heathering : Partial. b. Litfaology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, c. Formation : Qhv 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain, Perennial River 13.. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation: None 13. VEGETATICH/LAHD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, shifting cu ltivation, upland crops, clove (cengkeh), banana, towns, villages area used : 40 % 16. ACCELERATED EROSICH a. Occurence : Extensive b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL G8EAT GBODP Dominant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts hapludults humi tropepts Z of area 50 % 40 % 10 % Lab. checked yes yes yes 32. REPRESEHTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ ith/ / / /87/US/1010/ / /87/SR/1010/ / /19 / /31 / uda/ 1110 - 129 /87/TB/1010/ / /05 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties a. Texture: topsoil subsoil b. Depth: peatsoil Qineralsoil c. Drainage: d. Exch. K: topsoil subsoil e. Total K2O: topsoil subsoil £. Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil g. Total P: topsoil subsoil h. CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil i. Soil Reaction: topsoil subsoil j. Al Sat. topsoil subsoil k. Al toxicity : 1. Acid sulph. pot.: m. Salinity : n. Other Toxicity: o. Soot obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : q. TÊB : r. Total observations: 19. ALTITUDE: ZO. PLAH/FBOFILE: 2 1 . L.O. DRAHUGE: 2 2 . SLOPE: 2 3 . SLOPE DISTR.: 2 4 . RELIEF AMPLI. : 2 5 . TERRAIH: 2 6 . CHEST/RIDGES: 2 7 . VALLET FLOOR: 2 8 . LAND FACETS: 2 9 . FRAGMEHTATIOH: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 fine fine very deep Well drained medium low low Bray I very low very low low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid medium high no very deep Well drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium medium strong acid strong acid very low high no deep Moderately well low low low low Bray I very low very low low low low low very strong acid very strong acid high very high no 120 cm 2.2 2.0 0 120 cm 2.1 4.2 0 90 cm 3.0 2.5 0 low • 450 m 100 m Range: 300 m Dominant: linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:Steep b. Variability: Medium c. Length: moderate d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: % Interfluves : 0-81:0 %, 9-251: 10 %, 25-551: 50 %, >55X: 40 % a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16Z, >300m a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium a. Width: b. Variability: -1- Crest & upper slopes, dystropepts, 50% -2- Middle slopes, hapludults, 40% -3- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 10% -4Valleys: Interfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3 s tenable, 4= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 1 18.b: 2 18.c: 1 18-d-q: 2 19: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADDITIOSAL HOTES: Representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet 1010. 1110 - 130 LBEP-SDS1, CSS-BOGOB LAUD OBIT 8EPCKI MAP IMAGE: CROSS SECTICH: X.2.3.3 K.2.3.3 «.2.2.3 Volcanic rocfc> 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. if ' " S 2. MAP SHEET: 11103. AREA: 93 km2 1AHD UNIT: Mb. 2. 2. 3 OCCnSESCE by PBOWIBCE: Lampung: 99X edit date: 05/06/89 Status: Final SX&IOS IDEHTLFIESS : Updated by: DR L&HD OHIT DESCKIPTIOB: Strongly dissected mountains,intermediate and mafic lavas, steep to very steep slopes (30-75%). SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84, ASSIAL EHOTOGKAFBS : 1:100.000 57 /8292-77 , 58 /8292-67 . RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 FAREBT MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 10 % a. Weathering : High b. Lltfaology : andesitic lavas, c. Formation : Tov HATER a. Quality : None b. Source : 13. FISHERIES : 14. HIVERS a. Floodriak : b. InandatxGn: 15. VEGETATICB/LAHD USE : Area used : 16. ACCELERATED EROSION a. Occorence : b. Evidence : Rain, Perennial River None None None secondary forest, bush, clove (cengkeh) 40 % Extensive Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GKOOP Dominant >3OZ Associated 1 Classification dystropepts hapludults Z of area 55 X 35 X X Associated 2 Lab. checked 32. REFBESBBTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ / /87/US/1010/ / /19 / 1110 - 131 /87/TB/1010/ / /05 / 18. SOIL Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. P: method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil AI toxicity : Acid sulph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TES : Total observations: Dominant > 501 moderately fine fine -very deep Well drained medium low low low Bray I very low very low low very low low low very strong acid very strong acid medium high yes -— -120 cm 2.2 2.0 0 Associated 1 fine fine -very deep Well drained very low very low very low very low Bray I very low very low medium medium medium medium strong acid strong acid very low high yes -— — 120 cm 2.1 4.2 0 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 400 m Minimum: 25 m 250 m Dominant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked PLAN/EBOFILE: Included: b. density: Mod. high a. Pattern: dendritic L.O. DBADUGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:very steep Variability: Medium SLOPE: Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: % SLOPE DISTR. : Intertitres : 0-81:10 % 9-251: 15 X, 25-55Z: 30 %, >55I:. 45 % RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m TEBBAIB: a. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Long CHEST/RIDGES: c. Variability: Medium d. Width: wide e. Variability: High VALLES FLOCK: b. Variability: a. Hidth: LAND FACETS: -1- Crest & upper slopes dystropepts, 55% -2- Middle & lower slopes, hapludults, 35% -3-4Interfloves: fHAGMEHTATIGH: Valleys: 19. ALTITUDE: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 2 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 2 19: 2 = reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 2 18.a: 3 18.b: 3 18.c: 22: 2 23: 3 24: 2 28: 2 29: 2 31. ADDIÏICHAL DOTES: Representative profiles are extrapolated from sheet 1010. 1110 - 132 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BOGOR LAHD UNIT BEFOSI CSDSS S H m O B : MAP IMAGE: 1. LAHD MIT: Mb.2.3.3 2. HAP SHEET: 1110- 3. AREA: 113 km2 4 . OCCORESCE b y FBUV1MUE: Lampung: 99% 5 . STATUS IBBHTIFIE8S : Updated by: DR edit date: OS/06/89 Status: Final . 6 . 1ASD DHIT DESCRIPTIOS: Strongly dissected mountain, intermediate and mafic lavas, ubrupts slopes (>75%) 7 . SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/88, 8. ; ATOTAT- IWBIT!M-JIAPWK 9 . BADAR 1:100.000 57 /8292-073, 58 /8292-069, : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 11. ROCK OTTCBQP: 10 % 10. PARE9T MATERIAL a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : andesitic lavas, c. Foimation : Tov 12. HATEft a. Quality : Fresh b. Source :' Rain 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodxisk : b. Inundation : None 15. VEGEIATIGB/LAHD OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, upland crops, clove (cengkeh), coffee (kopi) Area used : 40 % 16. ACCELERATED EB0SI08 a. Occurence : Common b. Evidence : Gulleys 17. SOIL GREAT GBOOP Dooinant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts Z of area 60 X 30 % hapludults 32. REPRESENTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ / /87/SR/1010/ Lab. checked no no X / /3 / uda/ - 133 /87/HJ/1010/ / /ll / is. son. Properties a. Texture: b. c. d. e. £. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil mineralsoil Drainage: Exch. K: topsoil subsoil Total K2O: topsoil subsoil Avail. F: Method topsoil subsoil Total P: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid solph. pot.: Salinity : Other Toxicity: Root obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Damnant > 501 fine fine -very deep Well drained low low low very low Bray I very low very low medium low medium low strong acid strong acid medium medium — ---— 0.0 0.0 0 Associated 1 Associated 2 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 600 m Mînimani: 250 m Range: 500 m ixiainant: non-linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked 20. FLAB/PROFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: Mod. high 21. L-B. IDS/USAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: Medium c. Length: long e. Curvature: convex Valleybottoms: 0% 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Intexfluves : O-8Z:0 X, 9-25X: 0 X, 25-55Z: 15 %, >55Z: 85 % b. Variability: Low 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very high 25. TEEHAIH: Mountainous >16%, >300m 26. CREST/RIDGES: c. Variability: Medium a. Shape: Undulating b. JLength:Moderately long d. Width: moderate e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLEY FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. LAHD FACETS: -1- Upper & middle slopes, hapludults, 50% -2- Crest & lower slopes, dystropepts, 40% -3- lower slopes, troporthents, 10% -*29. FRAGMEflTATIGB: Valleys: Intexfluves: 30. RELIABILITY: lO.b : 1 12.a: 2 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 » reliable, 2 s probable, 3= tenable, 4° plausible 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 2 18.c: 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 31. ADOITÏOKAL BOTES: Hapludults extrapolation based on RePPProT (Land System TWI). 1110 - 136 LREP-SDBM, CSR-BQGGR LATO DHIT REPORT CBOSS SBCTIOH: MAP IMAGE: H.2.2.3 X.2.1.4 A.5 escarpuent 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 67 km2 LAHD HUIT: Mab.2.3.4 OOCDBBKE by PROVINCE: Lampung: 99% edit date: 05/06/89 Status: Final SUHIS IDEHTIFHHS : Updated by: DR Extremely dissected mountains,intermediate and mafic tuffs and LARD DHIT DESCRIPTICB: lavas, abrupts slopes (>75X). 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/64/14/11/84, 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 59 /8292-19 9- KADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PARE8T MATERIAL 11. BOCK OOTCSaP: 15 % a. Weathering : Partial b. Lithology : andesitic tuffs, andesitic lavas, c. Formation : Qhv 1. 4. 5. 6. 12. HATES a. Quality : Fresh b. Source Rain, Perennial River 13. F1SHEHIES None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk None None 13. VBSETATIOH/LAHD OSE moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, clove (cengkeh) Area used 45 % 16. AOCELEKATED EBOSICB a. Occorence b. Evidence Extensive Gulleys 17. SOIL GSEAT GB0OP Doadnant >50Z Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts humitropepts eutropepts X of area 50 X 20 % 15 X 32. REPRESEHTATIVE FROF1LES: ity/ ite/ / /184-4 /87/US/1010/ / /81/NS/1110/14/ /19 / /ll / 1110 - 137 Lab. checked yes yes yes 18. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Properties Damnant > 501 a. Textare: topsoil moderately fine subsoil fine b. Depth: peatsoil — very deep c. Drainage: Well drained d. Ezcb. K: topsoil medium subsoil low e. Total K2O: topsoil low subsoil low Bray I £. Avail. P: method topsoil very low . subsoil very low g. Total P: topsoil low subsoil very low h. CEC pH 7 topsoil low subsoil low i. Soil Reaction:topsoil very strong acid subsoil very strong acid medium j. Ai Sat. topsoil subsoil high k. AI toxicity : yes — 1. Acid sulpb. pot.: B. Salinity : --n. Other Toxicity: -o. Root obstr. layer : p. Organic Matter : 2.2 2.0 q. TEB : 0 r. Total observations: associated 1 fine fine — very deep Well drained low low low very low very low very low low very low medium low excessive acia very strong acid very high very high yes ----0.0 0.0 0 Associated 2 fine fine . very deep Well drained low very low low low — -low very low medium medium slightly acid slightly acid — --— --— 2.4 14.2 0 19. ALTITUDE: 25 m Range: 350 m 550 m Minimum: Dominant: linear and random > 60% of area crested/peaked 20. PIAB/PHOFILE: Included: a. Pattern: dendritic b. density: High 21. L.U. DHAŒAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: d. Variability: High c. Length: short e. Curvature: convex 0% 23. SLOPE DISTR. : Valleybottoms: Interfiles : 0-8t:15 %, 9-251: 0 %, 25-55Z: 10 %, >55Z: 75 % b. Variability: Medium 24. RELIEF AMPLI.: a. Amplitude: very high Mountainous >16%, >300m 23. TERHAIH: 26. CHEST/RIDGES: b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium ä: Irregular e. Variability: Medium d. Width: narrow 27. VALLET FLOOS: b. Variability: a. Width: 28. LARD FACETS: -1- Crest,upper&mid slopes, dystropepts, 50% -2- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 20% -3- Lower slopes, eutropepts, 15% -•29. FRAGMEHTATICH: Valleys: Interfloves: 1= reliable, 2= probable, 3= tenable, 4= plausible 30. RELIABILITY: 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 2 18.b: 3 18.c: 10-b : 1 12.a: 2 22: 2 23: 2 24: 2 28: 3 29: 2 18.d-q: 3 19: 2 31. ADDITIOHAL HOTES: Representative profiles for Dystropepts is extrapolated from sheet 1010. Humitropepts extrapolation based on RePPProT. 1110 - 138 LAHD OBIT REPORT LKEP-SDBf, CSB-BOSGR MAP IMAGE: CSOSS SECTICH: K.2.3.4 H.2.2.3 A.2.2.1 volcanic rocte colluvial 1. OBIT: Mb. 2. 3. 4 2. MAP SHEET: 1110 3. AREA: 70 km2 *. tiWrH by PBUVINCE: : 0% 5. STATUS EDEHTIFIESS Updated by: DR edit date: 05/06/89 Status: Final 6. LASD OBIT DESCRIPTIOS: Extremely dissected mountains,intermediate and mafic lavas, abrupts slopes (>75%). 7. SATELLITE SCEHES : 123/63/14/11/84, 8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : 1:100.000 58 /8292-67 9. RADAR : Star-I/250/88/1110-2,3 10. PAREST MATERIAL 11. ROCK OUTCROP: 15 X ' a. Weathering : High b. Lithology : andesitic lavas, c. Formation : Tov 12. HATER a. Quality : Fresh b. Source : Rain, Perennial River 13. FISHERIES : None 14. RIVERS a. Floodrisk : None b. Inundation : None 15. VEGEIAÏIOB/LAND OSE : moist primary lowland forest, bush, alang-alang, upland crops, clove (cengkeh) Area used : 40 X 16. ACCELERATED EROSION a. Occuxence : Extensive b. Evidence : Various 17. SOIL GSEAT GBOUP Dominant >SOZ Associated 1 Associated 2 Classification dystropepts X of area 50 X 20 X 15 X eutropepts humitropepts Lab. checked no yes 32. REPKESEHTATIVE PROFILES: ity/ / . /87/SR/1010/ / /3 / ite/ 1110 - 139 /184-4 /81/NS/1110/14/ /Oil/ u. son. Properties a. Textare: b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. •. n. o. p. q. r. topsoil subsoil Depth: peatsoil •ri nitr^l f 1 ! 1 Drainage: Exch. K : topsoil subsoil Total K 2 O : topsoil subsoil Avail. F: aethod topsoil subsoil Total F: topsoil subsoil CEC pH 7 topsoil subsoil Soil Reaction:topsoil subsoil Al Sat.. topsoil subsoil Al toxicity : Acid sulph. pot. : Salinity : Other Toxicity: Boot obstr. layer : Organic Matter : TEB : Total observations: Dominant > 501 fine fine -very deep Well drained high high high high Bray I very low very low medium low low low moderately acid strong acid very low very low ----— 3.8 7.7 0 Associated 1 fine fine Associated 2 fine fine very deep Well drained low very low low low very deep Well drained low low low very low low very low medium medium slightly acid slightly acid very low very low low very low medium low excessive acid very strong acid very high very high 2.3 14.2 0 0.0 0.0 0 19. ALTITUDE: 250 m Range: 800 m 1225 m Donnant: linear and random : 60% of area crested/peaked 20. FLAB/PROFILE: TncTnded: b. density: High a. Pattern: dendritic 21. L.O. IKAIBAGE: c. Variability: medium a. Steepness:extremely steep b. Variability: Medium 22. SLOPE: c. Length: short d. Variability: High e. Curvature: convex ValleybottcBS: 0% 23. SLOPE DISTR.: Intarfluves : O-8Z:1S % 9-25Z: 0 %, 25-55Z: 5 %, >55X: 80 % 24. BELIEF âMFLI.: a. Amplitude: very high b. Variability: Medium Mountainous >16%, >300m 25. TBBBATWa. Shape: Irregular b. Length:Moderately long c. Variability: Medium 26. d. Width: narrow e. Variability: Medium 27. VALLET FLOOR: a. Width: b. Variability: 28. IAHD FACETS: -1- Crest & upper slopes dystropepts, 50% -2- Middle & lower slopes, eutropepts, 20% -3- Lower slopes, humitropepts, 15% -4Interfluves: 2 9 . FRaOCTTATIOH: Valleys: 30. RELIABELITÏ: 1» reliable, 2 " probable, 3= tenable, 4-= plausible lO.b : 2 12.a: 1 14.a: 1 14.b: 1 17: 3 18.a: 3 18.b: 3 18.c: 3 18.d-q: 3 19: 1 22: 1 23: 2 24: 1 28: 3 29: 0 31. ADDITIOH&L HOTES: This LU is extrapolated from sheet 1010 and RePPProT. 1110 - 14U
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