Anatomy of the AGN in NGC5548: Discovery of a - Cosmos
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC5548: Discovery of a - Cosmos
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC5548: Discovery of a fast and massive ou>low – Overview Massimo Cappi (INAF/IASF-Bologna) and the NGC5548 collabora3on Outline l.o.s Ø A massive multifrequency campaign (2013 campaign, not 2014 STORM) Ø An unexpected strong, mildly ionized, variable (but long-lasting) multilayer absorber Ø A new high-v UV BAL Ø A long-lasting event that shields the larger scale WA Ø A possible model (~disc wind) Ø An international press release Ø A nice/funny cartoon movie Overview on behalf of the NGC5548 Collabora8on 5 papers published/in press: -‐ Kaastra et al., ‘14, Science -‐ Mehdipour et al.. ‘15, A&A -‐ Arav et al. , ‘15, A&A -‐ Ursini et al. , ‘15, A&A -‐ Di Gesu et al. , ‘15, A&A 5+ under prepara3on: -‐ Cappi et al. -‐ Whewell et al. -‐ Mehdipour et al., II -‐ Ebrero et al. -‐ Kriss hole et al. in NGC 5548 A fast and long-lived outflow from the supermassive black Authors: J.S. Kaastra1,2,3*, G.A. Kriss4,5, M. Cappi6, M. Mehdipour1,7, P.-O. Petrucci8,9, K.C. Steenbrugge10,11, N. Arav12, E. Behar13, S. Bianchi14, R. Boissay15, G. Branduardi-Raymont7, C. Chamberlain12, E. Costantini1, J.C. Ely4, J. Ebrero1,16, L. Di Gesu1, F.A. Harrison17, S. Kaspi13, J. Malzac18,19, B. De Marco20, G. Matt14, K. Nandra20, S. Paltani15, R. Person21, B.M. Peterson22,23, C. Pinto24, G. Ponti20, F. Pozo Nuñez25, A. De Rosa26, H. Seta27, F. Ursini8,9, C.P. de Vries1, D.J. Walton17, M. Whewell7. Massive (deep) mul8frequency campaign(s) Basic Idea(s): Ø Gain the deepest view of Seyfert ou>lows via long simultaneous UV/soW X-‐ray observa3ons Ø Broad band (UV-‐to-‐100 keV) monitoring • ou>low variability • con3nuum/reflec3on variability Ø Sources: Mrk509 (past), NGC5548 (finalising now), NGC7469 (future, PI Behar). Sources must be i) variable, but not too variable; ii) Strong/clear WA in X and UV; iii) X-‐ray brightest è XMM-‐Newton + HST-‐COS driven campaign(s) A massive mul8frequency campaign on NGC5548 The 2013/14 Campaign Chandra INTEGRAL NuSTAR SWIFT HST/COS ents need to be at fulfils all re- and L are ors of 2, 5 and EDD Start of STORM Rev. campaign (presented in Kriss and Edelson talks) XMM Swift −40 XMM−Newton HST/COS −20 0 20 time relative to first XMM−Newton observation (days) 40 Fig. 1: Proposed observing schedule. At time zero the core campaign starts (40 days), with 12×50 ks XMM-Newton observations at days 0, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 29×1.5 ks Swift obser- Surprise! a heavy, neutral, variable absorber along the l.o.s. to NGC5548 (All) XMM Observa3ons of NGC5548 – PN spectra Archival Observations 1 0.1 New Monitoring Campaign 0.01 normalized counts s−1 keV−1 10 1) 24/12/2000 2) 09/07/2001 3) 12/07/2001 4) 22/06/2013 5) 30/06/2013 6) 07/07/2013 7) 11/07/2013 8) 15/07/2013 9) 19/07/2013 10) 21/07/2013 0.5 11) 23/07/2013 12) 25/07/2013 13) 27/07/2013 14) 29/07/2013 15) 31/07/2013 16) 20/12/2013 17) 04/02/2014 1 2 Energy (keV) 5 10 A cold, strong, absorber 100 Hard X vs Soft X (A) INTEGRAL 2013 0 −10 2 1 10 10−4 RGS 2013 10−3 counts s−1 keV−1 10 pn 2013 0.1 Photons m−2 s−1 Å−1 XMM Chandra 2002 0.01 NuSTAR NuSTAR 2013 1 • • 10 Energy (keV) 100 10 20 50 Energy (keV) Low flux variability above 10 keV (~10%) Apparent spectral curvature (See Francesco Ursini’s Talk) in Session III A soW, scanered component (NLR) M. Whewell et al.: Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. ZZ Fig. 1. The 2013-14 770 ks stacked RGS spectrum of NGC 5548 (observed frame). The strongest emission lines are labelled. The data points are Whewell et al., in prep. RGS average spectrum 770 ks Dominated by He-‐like triplets of OVII, CVI, and N, and RRCs Cloudy model fit à log Nw~22.9, logXi~1.4, vout~300 km/s and distance~14pc Narrow lines not affected by obscurer à small covering factor of the obscurer (as seen from accre3on disc) i.e. NLR or ENLR (and consistent with “classic” WA in NGC5548) Timing Analysis A3 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 2 1 2 5 1 10 A2 0.2 0.5 1 H/S H(2 10 keV) S(0.3 2 keV) A1 0 2×105 4×105 Time (s) 6×105 8×105 SHORT-TIME SCALE VARIABILITY OF NGC 5548 FIG. 1:AFvar on short time scales Timing nalysis: Frac3onal variability on long and short 3mescales en 1-2 (2-25 ks). 0.03 0.02 Fvar 0.2 0.3 0.01 0.1 Fvar 0.3 0.04 Fig. 1 shows the fractional variability of NGC 5548 on the time scales 25-2 ks (i.e. the variability within each observation). This can be computed integrating the power spectrum of the source over the corresponding range of frequencies, extracting the square root and normalizing the result for the count rate of the source (see Vaughan et al, 2003, MNRAS, 345, 1271). The Fvar of the short time scales, shows low 0.5 1 2 5 10 but significant intrinsic variability over the entire E (keV) 0.3-10 keV noting 0.5 energy 1 band. 2 It is worth 5 10 that the observed spectral shape is similar to that of E (keV) the long scale FIG. 1: Fvar on short time scales FIG. time 2: Fvar onFvar long (45-4000 ks, black) (black in Fig.ks, 2) red) with a peak between 1-2 (2-25 ks). anddata on points short (2-25 keV time and an approximately scales. constant Fvar below 1 keV, where the effects m ① of the X-rayoobscurer on thebspectrum thekeV (Variable cold absorp3on) Most f variability etween of1-‐5 low② source are stronger. Constant narrow FeK emission (and therefore reflec3on) 0.2 Fvar of the observations, which 0.3-‐0.8 keV ~ 8-‐10 keV (Par3al covering) ③ single Variability between ariability power from slonger ④ Variability hape time on sscales hort 3isme scale similar to longer-‐term ⑤ Consistent with only/mostly red-‐noise leak litude depends on the amount of intrinsic Spectral Analysis: From an unabsorbed archetypical type-‐1 source 10−4 10−3 Comp% -‐ bbody Pounds et al. ‘03 Krongold et al. ‘10 Brenneman et al. ’12 10−5 10−6 keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1) 0.01 Archival (unobscured, just WA) spectra 0.5 1 2 Energy (keV) 5 10 10−5 Spectral Analysis: To a source absorbed by a complex mul3layer absorber 1 10 Energy (keV) keV (Photons cm s keV ) 1 XMM -‐ PN Nustar (simultaneous, 3 obs) Par<ally covering (fcov~0.8,0.3) mildly ionized (logXi~-‐1.5,-‐4) mul<layer (logNw~22,23) Pexmon (R≈0.4) 10−3 Cloudy(sca%ered) 10−4 10−5 Comp% -‐ bbody 2 −2 −1 −1 0.01 ratio 2013 campaign 10−6 1.1 0.9 1 10 Energy (keV) A high-‐velocity UV BAL Fig. S1. CIV Best-fit emission model to the region surrounding the C IV emission line in the average spectrum of NGC 5548 from summer 2013. The data (black) have been binned by four Strong UV troughs up to 5000 km/s Fig. 2. UV absorption lines in the COS spectrum of NGC 5548. (A) The combined normalized As presented spectra in Jerry riss’s talk, rom STORM project, these lines EW are found from K summer 2013 havefbeen binned for clarity. For the Si IV, C IV, and N V doublets, red and blue profiles are registered relative to the respective red and blue wavelengths of the to correlate wthe ith absorber covering factor and an3-‐correlate with UV flux doublets. The smooth solid lines are fits to the broad absorption line profile with 1:1 ratio for the dotted vertical lines show à Consistent doublets. with bThe eing shielding gas the locations of the narrow velocity components defined in (20), with an additional component 6 near 0 velocity. Fig. S4 A long-‐las3ng obscura3on event XMM 2013/14 campaign More in Mehdipour et al., ‘15, A&A; and his poster! (F6) X-ray and UV light curves of NGC 5548 obtained with Swift between 2005 and 2014. A shielded Warm Absorber at least 6 components Lower ionization species in 2013 than 2002 while UV 50% larger?!?! Arav et al., ‘15, A&A A shielded Warm Absorber Arav et al., ‘15, A&A (One) Possible model: an accre3on disc ou>lowing wind Absorber/obscurer velocity (up to 5000 km/s) + variability (within 2 days) + par3al covering (30-‐80%) Obscurer + long-‐las3ng event (>2.5 years) + loca3on (n sensi3ve lines + Trec prop. 1/n) + poloidal (inclina3on=30deg) à Best consistent with origin in accre3on disc wind (btw ac3ng also as self-‐shielding gas) (w.r.t distant torus or small BLR clouds) N.B: L kine3c (absorber+WA) s3ll <0.5% Lbol in this source Interna3onal Press Release(s) open in browser open in browser PRO version Il super vento che oscura il buco nero Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API :הפרעות אכילה של חור שחור חוקרי הטכניון בצוות בינלאומי שגילה זרם גז מהיר המסתיר חור שחור על מסיבי open in browser PRO version IN EMBARGO FINO ALLE ORE 20.00 DI GIOVEDI’ 19 GIUGNO 2014 Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API open in browser PRO version PRO version Un potente flusso di gas che si allontana dal buco nero supermassivo nel centro della galassia NGC 5548 alla notevole velocità di 18 milioni di chilometri orari è stato individuato da un team internazionale di ricercatori, tra cui due dell’INAF. La scoperta, pubblicata sulla rivista Science, getta nuova luce riguardo le teorie attuali sul funzionamento dei buchi neri e l’interazione di questi ‘mostri cosmici’ con le galassie che li ospitano. Un team internazionale di astronomi, tra cui i ricercatori INAF Massimo Cappi e Alessandra De Rosa, ha scoperto un potente flusso di gas che fuoriesce ad alta velocità dalle regioni prossime al buco nero supermassivo nel cuore della galassia NGC 5548, che si trova in direzione della costellazione di Boote, a 240 milioni di anni luce da noi. La presenza di questo violento ‘soffio’, che si propaga a 18 milioni di chilometri orari, oscura gran parte della regione dove il buco nero emette la radiazione più energetica, arrivando a bloccare il 90 per cento dei raggi X prodotti e buona parte di quelli ultravioletti. Arriva così da questo studio, ottenuto utilizzando i telescopi spaziali di ESA e NASA XMM-Newton, Hubble Space Telescope, Swift, NuSTAR, Chandra, INTEGRAL, e telescopi da terra, ovvero la migliore strumentazione oggi disponibile per questo tipo di indagini, una convincente conferma osservativa alle teorie che prevedono Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF l’espulsione diAPIpotenti venti di gas e polveri ad alta velocità da parte delle zone centrali dei nuclei galattici attivi. Oltre ad essere di interesse per comprendere meglio i meccanismi di funzionamento dei buchi neri, questi processi potrebbero anche avere un ruolo determinante nella complessa interazione tra i buchi neri supermassivi e le galassie che li ospitano. החוקרים זיהו זרם גז סמיך הנע במהירות כלפי חוץ וחוסם שמפיץ החור השחור העל מסיבי שבמרכזX מקרני ה90% הגלקסיה ראש מכון אשר לחקר החלל וד"ר שי, ובהם פרופסור אהוד בכר,צוות ביינלאומי של אסטרונומים NGC!5548! גילו כי בחור השחור העל מסיבי שנמצא בלב גלקסיה,כספי מהפקולטה לפיזיקה בטכניון in browser PRO version המתרחש רק לעיתים רחוקות מאוד בלִבה של גלקסיה,שינוי מוזר ובלתי צפויopen לאחרונה התחולל שמפיץ החורX מקרני ה90% החוקרים זיהו זרם גז סמיך הנע במהירות כלפי חוץ וחוסם.פעילה .השחור העל מסיבי שבמרכז הגלקסיה La materia che precipita in un buco nero si surriscalda a tal punto da emettere raggi X e radiazione ultravioletta. Quest’ultima può produrre getti di gas in uscita dalle zone interne del buco nero con velocità molto alte. “Tali ‘venti’ possono essere così intensi da spazzare via parte del gas circostante il buco nero, che altrimenti vi sarebbe precipitato” dice Cappi. “Affinché il vento si formi, il gas che viene espulso non deve essere troppo caldo, ed è quindi necessario che qualcosa lo protegga dai raggi X emessi dalle zone prossime al nucleo della galassia attiva. Queste osservazioni ci permettono di capire meglio come funzionano I buchi neri che, paradossalmente e misteriosamente, non solo attraggono la materia che li circonda, ma ne accelerano ed espellano una parte, anche ad alte velocità”. - - L’identificazione di questi venti è stata ottenuta nell’ambito di una articolata campagna osservativa tra il 2013 e il 2014 guidata da Jelle Kaastra, dello SRON, l’Istituto olandese per le ricerche spaziali. I dati raccolti, come quelli dai telescopi spaziali XMM-Newton ed Hubble, hanno messo in evidenza alcuni profondi cambiamenti nel nucleo attivo della galassia rispetto a quelli che gli stessi telescopi avevano raccolto nel 2011. I ricercatori hanno notato infatti che nella zona centrale della galassia sono ora presenti tracce di gas più freddo rispetto a quello Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API A nice cartoon movie to (strongly) support our press releases Assassin’s Creed World Director Renaud Person Thank you for your anen3on