April 2016 - Diocese of Fredericton
April 2016 - Diocese of Fredericton
Diocesan Anglican Church Women Diocese of Fredericton Volume 5, Issue 4 ~ April 2016 Posted on the Diocese of Fredericton web site (anglican.nb.ca.) Members, please post or circulate this newsletter in your ACW Branch. OUR PURPOSE * To unite women in a fellowship of worship, study, and offering which will deepen and strengthen their own spiritual lives, and lead them into Christian service in parish, community, diocese, nation, and world. * To work for and sustain an informed interest in the mission of the Church. DIOCESAN ACW ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday and Wednesday, May 3 & 4, 2016 Church of the Good Shepherd 668 Manawagonish Road, Saint John, NB E2M 3W5 Registration: 9:30 am / Church Service: 10:30 am Pre-Registration Form . . . page 11 Please return the pre-registration form with your cheque made out to: "Lancaster-Saint John ACW Deanery" by April 22 and mail it to: Joan Bursey, 3 Evergreen Drive, Grand Bay-Westfield, NB E2K 2A5 Accommodations . . . . . . page 10 Map showing directions to the Church and to a Parking lot (which is located at the Lancaster Baptist Church, 87 Church Avenue) is on page 10. (Special thanks to the Baptist Church for allowing us to use their parking lot.) The next Diocesan ACW Executive meeting is Monday, June 20 9:30 am, coffee/tea, muffins; 10 am, meeting begins Christ Church (Parish) Church, Fredericton. Who is going to work with me? e for Deadlin sue next is 15 August 2016 New “Launching Out” Editor needed - see page 3. page 2 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” April 2016 President’s Message. . . (written from Uganda) As many of you know, my husband and I have returned to Uganda. The need is still great here. The value of our Canadian dollar has decreased, thus money we give is worth less now as compared to the Ugandan shilling. For the first time, the results of exams were published in the newspapers. BMC has always placed in the top 100 out 2500+ other secondary schools in Uganda. After reading the local newspapers, Ugandans want to enrol their students at BMC. BMC enrolled 50 extra girls this year alone. Thus the need for more beds, desks, and books is urgent. Thought you might enjoy the other 10 Commandments as published in the Diocese of Nova Scotia newsletter. Looking forward to seeing you at our Annual in May. Rosemarie T EN "O THER " C OMMANDMENTS TO F OLLOW IN L IFE 1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a 'steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout. 2. Why is a car's windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small? . . . because our past is not as important as our future. So look ahead and move on. 3. Friendship is like a book. It takes a few seconds to burn, but takes years to write. 4. All things in life are temporary. If it is going well, enjoy it; that won't last long. If it is going badly, don't worry, that won't last long either. 5. Old friends are gold. New friends are diamond. If you get a diamond, don't forget the gold! Because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold! 6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!" 7. When God solves your problems, you have faith in his abilities. When God doesn't solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities. 8. A blind person asked Saint Anthony, "Can there be anything worse than losing one’s sight?" He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!" 9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. Sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. 10. Worry does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace. Contents: President’s Message ...................................page 2 Job Description - “Launching Out” ........page 3 Fredericton-York Deanery ....................page 4-5 Kingston-Kennebecasis Deanery .............page 5 St. Andrews Deanery .................................page 6 Woodstock Deanery ...................................page 6 “On the Journey” .........................................page 7 Book - Remembrance & Honour Roll.......page 7 Executive / Presidents ..............................page 8 Gifts for Coverdale ....................................page 8 From our Chaplain ........................................page 9 Accommodation for Annual ..................... page 10 Map to the Annual Meeting ..................... page 10 Registration Form for Annual..................page 11 Banquet Tickets ...........................................page 11 ACW Launching Out First published, September 2011 E-Newsletter of the Anglican Church Women Diocese of Fredericton President: Rosemarie Kingston ~ hayesr at nb.sympatico.ca Published September, November, February, April Submit articles up to approx. 600 words. Articles may be edited as necessary for length and clarity. Please send to: Patti Hoyt, E-mail: patti23 at nbnet.nb.ca 576 Route 121, Bloomfield, NB E5N 4V1 April 2016 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” page 3 The Diocesan ACW needs YOU. Please consider taking on this ministry — “Launching Out” editor needed. Would you like to be the next Editor? Or do you know of someone who would like to do this? Contact Rosemarie Kingston — hayesr at nb.sympatico.ca Job Description for “Launching Out” You can be creative - nothing is carved in stone. You don’t have to produce the e-newsletter to look just like the previous editor’s work. It should be changed every now and then to keep it fresh looking and interesting. Set a deadline for your next issue on the 15th of the month before it is going to be published. Send notices to the Deanery Presidents, Executive members, and regular contributors about 2 weeks before the deadline of the next issue so they can gather news from their Branches, what is going on in the Diocese, and other areas of interest to our ACW members. Suggestions to include in each issue: a message from the Diocesan President, date of the next Executive meeting, Deanery news, Book of Remembrance and Roll of Honour contact, list of Executive Officers and Deanery Presidents, Diocesan ACW Chaplain, and other regular contributors. Also an item stating the name of the Diocesan President (and e-mail), when the issues will be published, size of articles being submitted, and how to contact the Editor. It also adds to your production to include photos with articles and clipart to fill in blank spaces. If there is nothing but solid words throughout the publication, it will not entice members to read it all. When you do receive submissions, proofread them, check for correct spelling, punctuation, and details. When you have the e-newsletter finished, print off a copy, proofread again, and then save it as a pdf file and e-mail it to the Bishop’s Secretary to post to the Diocese of Fredericton web page. After it is on-line, send a notification to all the e-mail addresses on file including a link to the “Launching Out” on the web page. Please note: In e-mail addresses printed for internet circulation, the “@” should be changed to “at” so search engines cannot pick up any e-mail addresses and send unwanted e-mails. Also, you should attend the Diocesan ACW Executive meetings which are 4 times a year. Mark your calendars! Start saving your nickels & dimes! The 1ST NATIONAL GATHERING OF ANGLICAN WOMEN “The love of Jesus calls us to learning, worship, and service” Thursday, June 15 to Sunday 18, 2017 Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario We would like to see a good representation from the Diocese of Fredericton. More information as it becomes available. page 4 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” April 2016 Events: Christ Church Cathedral ACW: Up-coming events that you are all invited to Wednesday, April 13, 2 pm, Christ Church Cathedral ACW Memorial Hall - Gathering with Guest Speaker Leith Box; topic: “Grace, Gratitude, and Growth” Watch your e-mail notices for more information. Wednesday, May 11, 2 pm, Christ Church Cathedral ACW will be sharing afternoon tea and fellowship with the residents of Farraline Home, 776 Queen Street, Fredericton. Our ACW will have a program (not a speaker) that will encourage participation by all. As Farraline staff are preparing the lovely refreshments, we need an approximate number of attendees. Please e-mail or phone Kaye Small: kems at nb.sympatico.ca; 454-7630 on or before May 07. An ideal opportunity to visit this inviting home and meet the occupants and caring staff. News: St. Margaret's Anglican Church, Fredericton hosted the World Day of Prayer Service for the Forest Hill Lincoln area on Friday, March 4. They not only had the churches that were involved in the service but were delighted when the church was filled with other people of different denominations that joined them for the evening. All World Day of Prayer Church Services were advertised by the Fredericton World Day of Prayer Committee. They had a special speaker from Cuba through the Fredericton Multicultural Association. He spoke and also brought an appetizer he made to share with them. Nancy Wiggins was the coordinator for the proceedings. Events: Saturday, April 23, 8-10 am, Breakfast - pancakes, sausage, baked beans, and fruit - at St. Margaret's Parish. A Freewill offering will be collected which is going to the Syrian refugees. Saturday, April 30, 8 am until noon, A Parish Yard Sale starting from the outside to the inside of the church with sale tables - A make-them-an-offer sale. Sunday, May 22, 4-6 pm, Salmon and Fiddlehead Dinner, (roast beef is an option); phone Maxine at 3672099 to make reservations and state your choice, in order to not be disappointed with food running out; the cost is $14; St. Thomas Anglican Church, Stanley. It is a part of their celebrations for the Victoria Day Weekend. Sometime in July, Parish Food Sale; Douglas Harbour at the Community Hall in the Parish of Minto/ Chipman. Watch for advertisements as to date and time this summer. News: St. Peter's Parish ACW was pleased to have catered to the 90th birthday of Vincent Kelly on Saturday, March 26 in the Church Hall. The Kelly family has been in this Parish for generations, and Vincent or his helper can always be seen at the Fredericton Boyce Market on Saturday mornings. St. Peter's Parish ACW also hosted the World Day of Prayer Service for the Hanwell-New Maryland area. We were pleased with the lovely weather and had the service written by the Women of Cuba with four churches participating. We had several hymns to sing throughout the service. Our Church organist, Sandra Gereau, played a lovely selection for us, as we wanted to show her musical GIFT to our community on our beautiful old organ. We watched the film on Cuba which accompanied the service books that the ladies of Cuba had written. A reception followed in the Church Hall. Members of St. Mary's ACW assisted with a Congregational Dinner on Saturday, January 30, at which approximately 125 members and guests enjoyed a delicious roast pork dinner prepared by a enthusiastic kitchen crew! This was not a fundraiser, but a 'fun' raiser as we celebrated our life together as the family of God before the start of our Lenten Fast. The ACW ran a Bring a Loonie in Lent campaign inviting members of St. Mary's to bring a loonie each Sunday during the 40 days of Lent in support of Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda. Final results are pending, but more than $200 was raised through the collection jar; and the Parish Vestry was so impressed that they committed to match whatever amount was received. So more than $400 will be sent to support the work of the School. April 2016 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” page 5 Events: Saturday, June 4, 7:30 pm, The Annual Country and Bluegrass Gospel Show, in support of the work of Canon Paul Jeffries at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda, will be held at St. Mary's; the lineup of entertainers for this very popular event, which is again being organised by local performer and member of St. Mary's, John Jeffries, has yet to be finalised, but it's always a great show. Admission is $10.00. More than $1800 was raised at this event in 2015! News: The St. Mary's ACW was pleased to help with a reception for Doreen Lawrence's 90th birthday! For the 3rd year in a row, St. John's Church hosted the Oromocto United Church family with a service of combined choirs for their Good Friday Service. The United Church choir opened up the service with an anthem, and the St. John's Church Choir ended the combined service with an anthem. Also, another tradition they have is with the St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church on Palm Sunday. This year, Fr. Reyes of St. Vincent de Paul had the two churches combined for Palm Sunday just before the St. John's Church Service was to start. After the Blessing of the Palms, St. Vincent De Paul escorts them back to their church, and they all sing "All Glory Laud and Honour." They walk over to St. Vincent de Paul and back via the adjoining back yards of the churches. They take turns each year doing this, and this tradition has been going on for several years. The ACW ladies of St. Michael’s & All Angels Church, Minto, held their Annual Shrouve Tuesday Pancake Supper again this year. Even on a stormy day, there was a steady turnout. Here are sisters Bonnie Anderson and Hazel McKenzie serving Eugene McGinley a piece of delicious homemade cake. ~ Looks like Eugene is having a good time and getting great service. ~ Editor Submitted by Diane Todd, Deanery President Up-Coming Events in the Deanery: Tuesday, April 19, 7 pm, Bridge & Auction 45's Card Party, Trinity Church Hall, Sussex. Saturday, April 23, Salmon Supper, (or a chicken breast meal alternative), $12.00/adult, $5.00/child. Tickets available at church office or at the door; St. Augustine's Church, Quispamsis. For more details and tickets, call 849-8464. Saturday, April 23, Chowder & Soup Supper & Auction, Auction viewing: 4 pm / Supper: 4:30-6 pm; Bloomfield Hall; admittance; $8 ~ Preschoolers free; proceeds from the Auction for Mission Outreach; sponsored by Christ Church ACW. Saturday, May 7, 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Annual Spring Tea, Kingston Parish Hall. $8.00/person. Friday-Saturday, May 13-14, Parish Yard Sale, St. Paul's Church, Rothesay. page 6 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” April 2016 Submitted by Lila Haughn, Deanery President I am afraid our ACW is not very lively these days. However, on April 29, we will be hosting a Birthday Party at the Passamaquoddy Lodge here in St. Andrews. We purchase gifts for those residents who are celebrating birthdays during the month of April, take cupcakes for a treat, and our Church Organist, Peter Mitchell, plays the piano for a sing-song. It is really a nice afternoon. Submitted by Connie Haddad, Deanery President Following are some highlights of what has been happening in the various Branches of the Deanery: •Christ Church in Glassville held a very successful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Although the weather was less than favorable and the crowd fewer, they were still able to raise $900.00. •The Church of the Good Shepherds, Florenceville, held a Valentine’s Day Luncheon on Friday, February 12th. The menu consisted of Chili, Corn Chowder and Cheesy Chicken Chowder with homemade Rolls and a Dessert Buffet. This Branch also hosted the World Day of Prayer with 45 people attending. The Rev. Bonnie LeBlanc was the guest speaker, and she and her husband, the Rev. Bob provided special music. One of the ladies from the church made paper Jasmine flowers, and each guest received one as they entered the service. Lunch consisted of a sandwich, a bread, a cookie and a cupcake…all Cuban style. •St. James Church in Centreville has had a quiet Spring thus far, but is starting to plan for their annual fundraiser, a Yard Sale to be held in May. •St. Luke’s in Woodstock held their Annual Branch Meeting in January resulting in changes to their officers. Jill Craig took on the position of President and Jean Collicot as Secretary, with Rosaline Brown continuing as Treasurer. The installation of officers took place at a Sunday service, where ACW members were greeters, and a special ACW hymn was sung in their honour. Following the service, a nice lunch and time of fellowship was held in the church hall. St. Luke’s ACW also hosted the World Day of Prayer. Their guest speaker for this event was the Activity Director from the local Manor. This lady was born in Cuba and gave a very interesting talk on the beautiful host country, complete with a PowerPoint presentation. Lunch after the service included Mango Bread and Lemonade…both recipes from Cuba. In February, this Branch held a little “mini auction” among their members. Re-gifted items, books, baking, etc. were brought in and auctioned off. Proceeds from this endeavor went to Camp Brookwood. •The ACUCW Tobique Branch has been busy planning spring activities. Wendy Hennigar donated quilt material, and tops are in the process of being made. These will be quilted over the course of the year for future fundraising endeavors. A soup day is being organized for the latter part of April. Proceeds from this will go to Harvest House in Plaster Rock. The Branch held their Annual Meeting in January with further restructuring of their executive positions. The Branch elected to go with rotating Presidents, with a member volunteering at each meeting for the ensuing month. The group also voted to combine the two treasurer positions and Sandi Green agreed to take on this position in April. Wendy Hennigar agreed to continue as Secretary. All our Branches continue to work hard for mission and service. April 2016 page 7 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” On The Journey . . . God meets me in unexpected places. We all have our favourite passages of Scripture which we return to time and time again, especially in times of stress or anxiety. There is comfort in the familiar phrases and quiet assurance that our God is eternal and with him "there is no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17) But every once in awhile, God surprises me. We are creatures of habit, and I feel secure when I think I've got a handle on things. I like to be in control. There's nothing worse than being overwhelmed by the expectations of daily life. Some days, I just want to crawl back into bed and let the next 24 hours slip by without my having to interact with anyone or anything. There are some people I'd rather not deal with; some situations I'd like to avoid. But commitments and obligations come flooding in the door and swirl around me, and I feel as if I'm drowning. Sometimes, I wish I were Jonah and that God would just send a big fish to swallow me and take me out of action for 3 days. Have you ever felt like that? I have, many times, and it's often in those times that God surprises me. A few mornings ago, I was lying in bed having an early prayer time and thinking about all the bills that are coming due, taxes, car insurance - the cares of life that threaten to choke the Word growing in my heart - knowing that God will provide, but uneasy none the less, and wondering if I am being wise in my stewardship of my resources. I'm sure you've all been there. Into my head popped the most unexpected of Bible references: Job 11. Now I don't know about you, but the Book of Job is not usually my first choice when I'm seeking a little comfort! But God is so gracious, and he has taught me that when I read the Scriptures - no matter when or where - he speaks to me. God's Word is living (Hebrews 4:12). We meet God there. Opening the Bible is like walking through a door into the presence of our Lord. Here are the words God gave me in Job 11:15b-19a: You will be secure, and will not fear. .... And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety; You will lie down and no one will make you afraid; Wow! Isn't it a wonder and a joy that the Creator of All is also the One who "leads me beside still waters and restores my soul"? My prayer is that every one of us, wherever we are, will always be aware that we are precious to our loving heavenly Father and that nothing is ever outside God's concern. Blessings, Eva Book of Remembrance and Roll of Honour Please notify Inez Estabrooks and your Deanery representative (or President) with names of those who should be entered into the Book of Remembrance OR for a certificate for the Roll of Honour. Inez Estabrooks E-mail: inezw at nb.sympatico.ca 64 Fairfield Road, Sackville, NB E4L 2X8 ~ ACW P INS ~ Pins: $ 4 Contact Glenna Geer 832-5338 or neon2000 at nb.sympatico.ca page 8 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” April 2016 Executive ~ 2015-2016 Chaplain .......................... Rev. Deacon Rose Steeves..... rose.steeves at gmail.com Past President .......................... Glenna Geer ................... neon2000 at nb.sympatico.ca President ................................... Rosemarie Kingston ..... hayesr at nb.sympatico.ca 1st Vice-President ................... Linda Fury...................... lafury at eastlink.ca 2nd Vice-President.................. Linda Lebans ................. lclebans at gmail.com Secretary .................................. Joyce McElman ............ donjoycemcelman at gmail.com Treasurer .................................. Karen Patterson ........... pattersoned at hotmail.com Deanery Presidents: Fredericton-York ................... Marie Hargrove (e-mail contact Bonnie Anderson ..... blanderson1949 at gmail.com) Kingston-Kennebecasis .......... Diane Todd .................... chuckdianetodd at gmail.com Lancaster-Saint John............ Donna Middleton .......... ddmiddle at gmail.com Miramichi-Chaleur .................. Sybil L. Hills .................. slhills1959 at hotmail.com Shediac ..................................... Patricia Glencross........ pdglenx at gmail.com St. Andrews ............................. Lilla Haughn................... lhaughn_56 at live.ca Woodstock ............................... Connie Haddad .............. riccon at xplornet.ca Gifts for Coverdale Once again, the Diocesan ACW will be collecting things for Coverdale Centre for Women, and if we get more than enough, we may be able to donate to Sophia Recovery Centre. To assist the ACW Branches that are a distance from Saint John, they can start collecting now and give their things to their local Deanery President to take to the next Diocesan Executive Board Meeting. From there, I will collect them at each of the meetings and see that they are delivered to Coverdale in the Fall. The Branches near Saint John can continue to collect and deliver them as they please. Ideas of things to collect: toiletries, soap, facecloths, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, deodorant, personal items, hairbrush, hosiery, candy, games, cards, note paper, pens, puzzle books, etc. I'll be looking forward to delivering your love gifts in the Fall. They are always so grateful for the things they receive. Thanks to all who contribute, Glenna Geer, Past President What is the Sophia Recovery Centre? It is a non-profit organization who provide essential non-residential treatment for women recovering from addiction in the Saint John region. Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” April 2016 page 9 C HAPLAIN ’ S C ORNER ... D RIFTING A WAY Imagine relaxing on a rubber raft along the shore, eyes closed, soaking up the sun, and listening to the gentle crash of waves. You don't have a care in the world - until you open your eyes. Suddenly, the shore is alarmingly distant. We tend to drift like that spiritually. It's shocking when we realize how far we've drifted from God. The point of departure begins when Satan steals our affection for our loving Creator by putting a deceitful twist on our experiences and causing us to suspect God instead of trust Him. Consider Job and his wife. Both had plenty of reason to be mad at God. Their children were dead, their fortune lost, and Job's health destroyed. His wife told him, “Curse God and die.” But Job replied, “Should we accept only good things from the hand of God, and never anything bad?” There are many attitudes that can set us adrift: Believing that we need more than God to be happy; Placing meaningful relationships above loyalty to God; Thinking God should live up to our expectations; Resisting His reproofs; Turning a deaf ear when His word is uncomfortable. If we are beginning to drift, remember to stay close to the one who is the soul source of satisfaction. So in order to avoid drifting away from God, stay anchored to the Rock. † A smile is a curve that can set many things straight. A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It happens in a flash, but the memory sometimes last forever. It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, but is something that is of no earthly good to anyone unless it is given away. So — if, in your hurry and rush, you meet someone who is too weary to give you a smile, leave one of yours. No one needs a smile quite as much as a person who has none left to give. The real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. page 10 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” A CCOMMODATIONS FOR THE April 2016 A NNUAL M EETING 2016 Travelodge Suites 1011 Fairville Boulevard, Saint John, NB E2M 5T9 Phone: 506-635-0400 20 rooms blocked for ACW - $98.10 +tax per night; some double, some queen, non-smoking Comfort Inn 1155 Fairville Boulevard, Saint John, NB E2M 5T9 Phone: 506-674-1873 18 rooms blocked for ACW - $93.49 + tax per night; 5 Double, 13 queen, non-smoking Econ-o Lodge 1441 Manawagonish Road, Saint John, NB Phone: 506-635-8700 20 rooms blocked for ACW - $94.00 per night+ tax; double and king, non-smoking All rooms have breakfast included. Book early so as not to be disappointed. Park here Thanks to Google Maps The Church of the Good Shepherd, 668 Manawagonish Road, Saint John West (what used to be called Lancaster). From the Saint John Throughway turn off on exit 119B and drive up Catherwood Street, and you will see the Church at the top of the hill. PARKING: There is very little parking space at the Church of the Good Shepherd, so if you are able to walk, please park at the Lancaster Baptist Church on Church Avenue. It is just behind the little mall, a very short distance away. April 2016 Diocese of Fredericton ACW E-Newsletter—”Launching Out” page 11 PRE-REGISTRATION FORM – TO REDUCE LINE-UPS, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER BY APRIL 22, 2016 DIOCESAN ACW ANNUAL MEETING, May 3 & 4, 2016 Church of the Good Shepherd 668 Manawagonish Road, Saint John, NB NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: __________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ CHURCH/LOCATION: _____________________________________ Please check the appropriate boxes and enclose a cheque for the total amount made payable to the "Lancaster-Saint John ACW Deanery" Registration fee $ 5.00 Banquet ticket $ 20.00 **If you have any food allergies or gluten free issues, please mention it on this registration form, or call the registrar, Joan Bursey at 506 738-2215 before the registration deadline of April 22 when the food order goes to the caterer. Please check the following box if you plan to stay for the second day. This will help us in planning coffee break and lunch arrangements on that day. I plan to stay the second day. Registration Kits, including your banquet tickets, are to be picked up between 9:45 &10:30 am on May 3 at the Church. There you can sign the registration book and have coffee/tea and a muffin before the Church service. Looking forward to seeing you in May. Please return this form with your cheque made out to: "Lancaster-Saint John ACW Deanery" by April 22 and mail it to: Joan Bursey, 3 Evergreen Drive, Grand Bay-Westfield, N.B., E2K 2A5 ~ Banquet Tickets ~ The contact person for ordering banquet tickets and registration: Joan Bursey, 3 Evergreen Drive, Grand Bay-Westfield, N.B., E2K 2A5 Email address: joflo at nb.sympatico.ca Phone: 506 738-2215 Banquet tickets are priced this year at $20 with the separate registration fee of $5. The tickets will be held for pick-up at time of registration on the morning of May 3. Cut off date for ordering banquet tickets is April 22. Please use the Pre-Registration Form below. If you have any questions, feel free to call Joan.
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