Channel Marker #114 Fall 2015 - Michigan Chapter of the Antique
Channel Marker #114 Fall 2015 - Michigan Chapter of the Antique
THE ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC BOAT SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER #114 Fall 2015 Best of Show Algonac 2015 1930 Chris Craft 118 - 28’ Owned by Kermit Sutton of Mount, MN Shown by Dave Bortner of Freedom Boatworks MICHIGAN CHAPTER WEBSITE 2 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 ITEMS IN THIS ISSUE: Page 4 ..............Commodore’s Comments ..............Editor’s Corner Page 5 ..............Algonac Show Award Winners Pages 6 & 7......Michigan Chapter Spring Event Page 8 ..............“My First Boat” ..............Cruisin’ Cuisine Page 9 ..............Chapter Board of Director Opportunities ..............Thanks! Page 10 ............Algonac Lunch Cruise Page 11 ............Algonac Boat Show Wrap-Up Pages 12 & 13..Muskoka Boat Show ..............2015 Calendar of Events Page 14 ............Sarnia Bay Boat Show Page 15 ............Ron Ballentyne (Reprint) Pages 16 & 17..Fall Dinner Page 18 ............Wallaceburg Cruise ..............Welcome Aboard New Members Pages 19-21 ....A Newbie Members Tale CHANNEL MARKER 3 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Ann Guldemond Commodore Term ends 2015 810-794-5371 [email protected] Alan Brenner Vice Commodore Safety Officer Carl Garmhaus Past Commodore Channel Marker Editor Term ends 2016 248-877-3593 [email protected] Term ends 2015 586-493-7965 [email protected] Allen Willey Secretary Roy Schoenherr Treasurer John Adams Rear Commodore Term ends 2016 248-396-3043 [email protected] Term ends 2015 586-713-9340 [email protected] Term ends 2016 586-781-6492 [email protected] Dave Harper Port Sanilac Boat Show Larry Krabach Port Huron Boat Show Term ends 2017 [email protected] Term ends 2016 810-434-2540 [email protected] Greg Lewandowski Public Relations PUBLICATION INFORMATION: The Channel Marker is the official publication of the Michigan Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society and is published and distributed to the members three times a year. TRADIN’ DOCK: Pat Chaps Winter Workshop Term ends 2015 810-326-3575 [email protected] Tradin’ Dock ads should be kept to 50 words or less. As a service to the membership the ads are free! Photos to be run with ad are $5.00 and must be sent electronically to [email protected]. All will appear in black & white only. Send payment to: Carl W. Garmhaus, Channel Marker Editor 139 Avery Street, Clinton Twp., MI 48036-3257 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO MICHIGAN CHAPTER, ACBS COMMERCIAL ADS ARE AVAILABLE: Proceeds from commercial advertising will be donated to: The Great Lakes Boat Building School in Cedarville, Michigan Full page ..............$180.00 per issue - with full color $260.00 per issue Half page ................$90.00 per issue - with full color $170.00 per issue Quarter page ............$50.00 per issue - with full color $90.00 per issue Business card ..............................................................$30.00 per issue ALL ADS MUST BE CAMERA READY TO PLACE AN AD, CONTACT DON BRENNER, 586-752-7213, [email protected] or Allen Willey 248-396-3043, [email protected] Please support the companies who put ads in the Channel Marker and mention that you saw their ad in the Channel Marker when contacting them! 2015 PUBLISHING DATES: Spring Issue 2015................................................................January 1st Summer Issue 2015 ..................................................................May 1st Fall Issue 2015................................................................September 1st Submit a color photo of your boat for the back page, e-mail or send to the editor (in the water shots are considered first!) There is no charge to be featured. The Michigan Chapter, WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Rick Laenen Al Herr Term ends 2016 810-329-8779 [email protected] Term ends 2015 586-781-3670 [email protected] Alex Pawluchyk Membership Gerry Kowal Fleet Captain Term ends 2015 519-915-0991 [email protected] Term ends 2015 248-651-5765 [email protected] Term ends 2015 248-391-1826 [email protected] Craig Lamm Term ends 2017 [email protected] ———— Board Members At Large ———— Judi Schoenherr - Ship’s Store 248-647-6770 [email protected] Jack Warren - Website 519-676-7215 [email protected] —— Lifetime Honorary Board Members—— Don Brenner Channel Marker Ads Joe Kassmann Historian 586-752-7213 • [email protected] 248-375-1581 • [email protected] 4 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Commodore’s Comments Is winter to come again? Summer came so late here in Southeastern Michigan. Those lazy days of summer, calm waters and long days, call the boater to ride. It is on those days our boats cannot go fast enough, or far enough. That is what riding in a classic glass or woody is all about. We have had a few of those days this year, one of them being a Sunday after a day of drenching rain in June, when a group of brave souls rode down the South Channel of the St. Clair River from Algonac to Harsen’s Island, and the Old Club. Granted the skies were a bit gray, but the water was calm. The boats ran fast and weaved in and out of each other’s wakes, their riders waving and taking pictures of each other. What a sight to see! What memories. These memories will help us through the long winter, as we long for summer to come again. Memories are what spurred us on, to continue boating in our beloved wood and glass boats. These are memories we need to instill in our children and grandchildren so they too, may continue to enjoy the rides that antique and classic boats give. On that Sunday in June, two grandchildren were riding on one boat and two young adults were riding in another, their boat not being quite done. They will have memories of this day, and hopefully will cherish those memories. Now is the time to get your children or grandchildren involved in tinkering with boats. Spend some time working with wood pieces, it may lead to something bigger. Little things like that will keep our hobby alive. I bet many members have stories of working with parents, grandparents or other family members, some of them have already been told in our “My First Boat” stories. So let’s continue to make memories. Ann Guldemond, Commodore Once again, it’s the beginning of the end! If you recall, I left you last issue with a directive: “Go forth and boat”, I hope you did. With the coming of fall and cooler weather the days are shorter, the sun is lower, and the boating opportunities are less. Don’t miss out on some great shows still on the calendar or some wonderful boating as the colors start to change. The ramps and lakes will be less crowded. Families will have closed up the cottages and the kids are back in school. This means peaceful and serene days on your favorite bodies of water. You will probably want an extra sweater or windbreaker and with less folks around it will be more important than ever to wear your PFD. But with just a little extra effort on your part one of the nicest seasons of boating can be yours to enjoy. Carl Garmhaus, Editor MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 2015 Algonac Show Award Winners Class 1 Wood Runabout Winner: “UNCAS” / Owner: Kermit Sutton / Shown by Dave Bortner/Freedom Boat Works BEST OWNER Runner up: “DARLA” / Owner: Dana Wagenhals RESTORED Class 2 Wood Utility “Darla” Winner: “NIMROD II” / Owner: Stu Nunely Runner up: “SEMI CRAZY” / Owner: Murray Sanford Dana Wagenhals Class 3 Wood Skiff Winner: No name / Owner: Dana Richardson Runner up: No name / Owner: Carl Mount Class 4 Contemporary Wood Winner: “NICODEMUS” / Owner: Peter Wickens Class 5 Modified Winner: “TOUCH OF GLASS” / Owner: John Adams MARqUE Class 6 Outboard Wood BLOND DECK Winner: No name / Owner: Tom Scally “Splinters” Class 7 Wood Cruiser Ed Dore Winner: BLACK BEAUTY” / Owner: Rick Laenen Shown by Runner up: “CIAO MONDO” / Owner: Don Leone Dave & Scott Wrzesinski Class 8 Youth (6-19 yrs) Winner: LITTLE POINT” / Owner: Audrina Guldemond Class 9 Classic Glass Runabout/Outboard Winner: No name / Owner: Bill Anderson Runner up: “BUMBLEBEE” / Owner: James Tunison Class 10 Classic Glass Cruiser Winner: “KIITOS” / Owner: Michael Eldman BEST OF Runner up: “CHRIS’ CRAFT” / Owner: Chris Morisette SHOW Valvtect Furthest Traveled “Uncas” No name / Owner: Dana Richardson, Portland OR Kermit Sutton Owner Restored Shown by Winner: “DARLA” / Owner: Dana Wagenhals Dave Bortner Runner up: “LENA ESTELLE” / Owner: Jim Mathis Marque Blond Deck Winner: “SPLINTERS” / Owner: Ed Dore / Shown by Dave and Scott Wrzesinski of Marine Services Unlimited, Houghton Lake, MI. Best Of Show Winner: “UNCAS” / Owner: Kermit Sutton / Shown by Dave Bortner of Freedom Boat Works, Mound, MN 5 6 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Michigan Chapter Spring Event MAY 9, 2015 IT WAS A NICE SUNNY DAY FOR OUR FIELD TRIP TO TOLEDO, OHIO. THE ITINERARY INCLUDED A TOUR OF THE RAMSEY BROTHERS’ RESTORATIONS FACILITY FOLLOWED BY LUNCH AT TONY PACKO’S CAFE, AND AN AFTERNOON VISIT TO THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE GREAT LAKES. We arrived at the Ramsey Brothers’ Restorations facility at 10:00 AM and were greeted by Scott Ramsey and his wife Melissa. We enjoyed coffee and donuts as we admired the memorabilia and nautical paintings in the front office. As we toured the facility there was much to see: Restorations in progress, completed works, and tools of the trade. In the basement there were parts such as custom castings, vintage mechanical, electrical, and driveline parts that we had to touch and feel that were waiting to be used in the future restorations. Scott was in constant discussions with the visitors, answering questions and explaining how they conduct restorations. Time went fast and I am sure Scott Ramsey will be hearing from some of us in the future. We then drove a short distance through downtown Toledo and arrived at Tony Packo’s Cafe. If you watched the TV show “MASH” and remember the fellow called Klinger, he would mention Tony Packo’s during the show, for this was his favorite eating spot. He was a local Toledo celebrity. This location is famous for their Hungarian flair put in their meals of Coney Dogs, Hungarian hamburgers, Hot Roast Beef sandwiches, spicy pickles and more. Hot Dog buns autographed by many famous people are attached to the walls of the restaurant. The restaurant manager spoke to the group about how the restaurant started and became a key stopping point in Toledo. He also talked about Klinger and the Mash show, and the famous people who have eaten there. After lunch we drove a short distance to the Museum. From 2:00 to 5:00 PM we visited the National Museum of the Great Lakes. The Museum’s philosophy is to educate and entertain. A Museum video presentation was the first stop. Displays include 250 original Great Lakes artifacts, over 40 hands-on exhibits, hundreds of photographs - some eerie, some beautiful, all historic. We enjoyed a self-guided tour of the Museum’s freighter, the S.S. Col. James M. Schoonmaker, docked along a beautifully landscaped 3.5 acre maritime-themed park on the banks of the Maumee River. Truly a great Museum to visit. It was a fun and educational day, well worth the drive. Tim O’Brien MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER PHOTOS FROM THE SPRING EVENT IN TOLEDO, OHIO RAMSEY BROTHERS’ RESTORATIONS FACILITY, LUNCH AT TONY PACKO’S CAFE, AFTERNOON VISIT TO THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE GREAT LAKES. Peter Henkel Inc 7530 Marsh Road Cottrellville, MI 48039 Contact Robert Henkel 810-748-3600 or [email protected] We sell ENGINES and related parts for Marine Engines Visit us @ * World-Wide Shipping * Major credit cards and PayPal 7 8 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER MY FIRST BOAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . “SKOOZER TOO” Blake Mann spotted an article in a boating magazine which listed a 21’ Mac-Craft Sedan Utility. This craft was located on the former property of Greavette Boats, in Gravenhurst, ONT. When the boat was located, we were warned that the engine might be “seized”, or not operable. The Mac-Craft was towed to Port Lambton, ONT and loaded onto a trailer belonging to Blake’s father. The engine was replaced by an M-47 Chrysler Marine Engine. Somehow the craft didn’t appear right until the brown stain was replaced with a red stain. To my grandfather, all his watercraft were “cruisers”. He had a 26’ workboat that was similar to the Mac-Craft in the forward position but it had a “fan-tail” stern. “Skoozer Too” was as close to “a cruiser” as I could master when young. The Mac-Craft is still in the boathouse. Submitted by Herb Anthony Creamy Grape Salad 8 oz. Softened Cream Cheese 8 oz. Sour Cream 1/3 cup Sugar 2 tsp. Vanilla Mix above ingredients together well and place in sealed container in refrigerator. 2 lbs. Seedless Red Grapes 2 lbs. Seedless Green Grapes Wash and Dry….fold into above mixture. Top with 1/3 cup Brown Sugar and 1/3 cup Chopped Pecans mixed together before serving. *Note: I only mix up the amount I want to serve since this recipe makes a large amount. It’s great to take with you and combine just before serving. From the galley of Diane Laenan MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 9 Chapter Board of Director Opportunities Some Director Positions will be available this year in November on the Chapter Board. If you are interested in serving your Chapter, mapping the future, and planning events, WE WANT YOU! The Board is looking for energetic, self-motivated people who work well with others and are detail oriented. Term length is three years. If you have been a member of the Michigan Chapter for at least one year and have not served on the Board in the past, please submit a letter of qualification detailing your skill set and your reasons for wanting to serve on the Chapter Board of Directors. Deadline for submission is October 3, 2015 and should be emailed to: [email protected] or mailed to: Commodore Ann Guldemond 7249 Flamingo Algonac, MI 48001 Thanks... MICHIGAN CHAPTER ACBS WISHES TO THANK ALL OUR SPONSORS WHO SO GENEROUSLY SUPPORT OUR ANNUAL BOAT SHOW AND YEAR-ROUND PUBLICATION OF THE CHANNEL MARKER! 10 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER 2015 Algonac Show Friday Lunch Cruise The first on water event of our Michigan Chapter 30th Anniversary Show departed the Algonac Harbour Club under sunny skies, pleasant temperatures and a light breeze on Friday June 26, at 9:30 AM. The North and Middle Channels were suddenly taken back in time as 41 classic runabouts and cruisers graced the waterways with a rumble that is unmistakably the exhaust note of these great watercraft. Some navigated the direct route down the Middle Channel, and others continued on the North Channel and through Goose Bay. All arrived safely at the private island of our hosts, Bob and Sue Bryson, by late morning. The expert boat handling of all the captains allowed for safe docking with boats rafted two and three deep off the island sea wall. We all enjoyed a wonderful BBQ lunch that was again this year prepared on the huge grille that had been towed from Harsens Island on one of Bob's work barges. It doesn't get any better than that for setting the tone of a classic boat picnic rendezvous. Socializing, boat talk and touring the Bryson's fabulous octagonal summer home continued after lunch. The 126 guests then started to depart for the cruise back to the marina with full stomachs and that great feeling that comes with a day that can only be described as terrific. The chapter wants to thank all of the members that participated, and especially Bob and Sue Bryson for their warm and gracious hosting of this great annual event. Greg Lewandowski Charlotte • Grand Rapids • South Bend “Everything for the Woodworker” Charlotte Toll Free: 800-292-5937 Fax: 517-543-7180 563 N. Cochran St. - Charlotte, MI 48813 email [email protected] • 1623 Mill Street Algonac, MI 48007 (586) 243-7977 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 11 30th Annual Algonac International Boat Show The 30th Anniversary Where it All Began Boat Show turned out to be a mix of fun, sun and storms. The day Friday started with a tour of Algonac Cast Products. Back in the day they supplied the Chris Craft plant with their cast parts, everything from struts and rudders to vents and trim. It’s surprising to see how much of the old tooling they still have. They were working on a number of parts while the tour was on. Everyone that attended really enjoyed the tour and hospitality that they showed us. After the Tour was the annual cruise and BBQ picnic at Bryson’s Island on the Middle Channel. You can read more about that elsewhere in the Channel Marker. The busy Friday wrapped up after everyone cruised back to the Harbour Club and enjoyed a catered dinner under the water tower. It was a great opportunity to relax and talk over the events of the day with our fellow Club members. Overall Friday was a great day, sunny and warm, a great day to be on the water. Over 30 boats were in their wells Friday night awaiting the show Saturday morning. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate Saturday. The day opened with wind and rain and never let up throughout the day. Even considering the weather some boats arrived by water, as the one Captain (who was dressed in full rain gear) stated “nothing was going to keep me from Algonac today”. There was some discussion while huddled under the registration tent of canceling the judging for the day. However – that discussion was short lived as the volunteer judges showed up and as they say – “the show must go on”. Everyone who came, especially those that went through the effort of taking the covers off their boats so the judges could see them deserved and received a review by the judges. One bright spot for the day was Tootsie the Clown. She showed up, set up shop inside the old factory building and kept smiles on the faces of all the kids that were there. The free shuttle into Algonac for the Historical Society was a popular attraction throughout the day. Many took advantage of the warm dry shuttle and enjoyed a tour of the museums in Algonac. Typically I’m a runabout guy – but I must admit a few times during the day Saturday when I stopped in to visit a cruiser, as they cracked open their cabin door and the warm (and mostly dry) air came rushing out, I understood one of the draws of a cruiser. Saturday night the rain stopped and the Club hosted 2 dinners. The dinner at the Algonac Historical Society was packed as was the one at the Harbour Grill. Together through auctions we raised over $2,000.00 for Kids in Distress, a local charity that supports kids in need in our local area. Sunday the sun came out and a number of people enjoyed a cruise to the Old Club for a wonderful Sunday Brunch in the newly remodeled Main Dining Room. Dale Cooper, General Manager of the Club gave a very interesting talk on the history of the Old Club and Harsens Island. After the brunch a number of us stuck around and toured the grounds. A special thank you to all the volunteers that helped put the show on, regardless of the rain on Saturday the majority of the work was done in advance and everyone made the best of what the weather dealt us. Planning has already begun for next year – we’re planning on lots of sun. Alan Brenner 12 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Muskoka Boat Show 2015 The Muskoka Boat Show was held July 10-12 at the town docks in Gravenhurst Ontario. The show is put on by the Toronto Chapter of the ACBS. This year, several chapters of the ACBS were invited to participate by Toronto Chapter President Kathy Rhodes. This gracious invitation included some cost incentives on some of the events to encourage boaters to travel to Muskoka to attend the show. Some 20 Michigan members and 8 boats made the journey to Muskoka. Lake Muskoka and adjoining Lakes Rosseau and Joseph are truly spectacular. The thing that makes them truly unique is that many of the boats that were at the show were built by the builders on the lake such as Ditchburn, Greavette and Minet and have never been anywhere else. We saw one boat, a 1918 Ditchburn that had been in the same slip its entire life. The boat house had been rebuilt but it was still the same slip. Amazing! For any that have not attended this show, it is a very large show, well organized and well attended. There were 121 boats in the water and a further 21 on land display. This year, the feature boat for the show was the Disappearing Propeller Launch or Dippy as it is commonly referred to and there were about 20 in attendance. The docks were mobbed with spectators that paid $15.00 for the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful wooden boats in the world. For most of the day, security controlled access to the docks so that they would not be overloaded. There was a well populated field of dreams and many vendors with assorted marine parts. The weather was fantastic throughout the whole show. The show kicked off with a poker run on Friday. The run featured stops at 3 boat houses loaded with mahogany and lunch at the Muskoka Boat and Heritage Center in Gravenhurst. The winners of the Poker Run were Al and Margaret Herr from the Michigan Chapter. Friday wrapped up with a cocktail reception and dinner at the Muskoka Bay Club. Saturday was Boat Show Day. In addition to viewing boats, there was a program to have boats in motion in the bay close to the docks, discounted one hour cruises on the Winona II, cardboard boatbuilding and free admission to the Muskoka Boat and Heritage Center. All in all, a lot of things going on. Show day wrapped up with a cocktail reception for the boaters. On Sunday, there was a brunch at the historic Beaumaris Yacht Club. Beaumaris is about a 30 to 40 minute run from Gravenhurst past millionaires row on Lake Muskoka and was a perfect way to wind up some great boating. After brunch, it was back to the marina to load the boats and head home, tired but feeling well satisfied with the journey. Jack Warren MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 PHOTOS FROM MUSKOKA BOAT SHOW 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 13 MICHIGAN CHAPTER ACBS 2015 Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 9/03/15—Mail date for Channel Marker. 9/11-12/15—Port Huron Boat Show, contact Larry Krabach, 810-982-9076, [email protected] or Alan Brenner [email protected]. Registration forms were in the Summer Channel Marker or are available online. 9/10/15—Michigan Chapter ACBS Meeting Location: Schoolhouse Grille, 2669 Columbine Rd., Harsens Island. MI 48028. Meeting starts at 7 pm, room is available for dinner at 6 pm. OCTOBER 10/08/15—Michigan Chapter ACBS Meeting Location: Logans Road House, 14235 Hall Rd, Sterling Hts, MI. Meeting starts at 7 pm, room is available for dinner at 6 pm. 10/10/15—Michigan Chapter Swap Meet, at Everso Marine Restorations, 1623 Mill St., Algonac, MI 48001, for more information, contact John Adams, 586-781-6492, [email protected] NOVEMBER 11/14/15—Michigan Chapter ACBS Annual Meeting. Location, Stahl's Automotive Museum, 56156 N. Bay Dr, Chesterfield, MI 48051. Social Hour at 11 am, Brunch at noon. Contact Contact John Adams for more information @ 586-781-6492 [email protected]. DECEMBER 12/1/15—Deadline date for material submitted to Channel Marker. *Note : Meeting locations subject to change. Updated Calendar of Events and meeting location changes published on Chapter's website, and in the Chapter's newsletter, the Channel Marker. If you have questions contact Ann Guldemond 586-665-2202, [email protected]. Other activities will be posted as dates become known. 14 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER ACBS Bluewater Chapter-Sarnia Bay Boat Show Just four weeks after our own ACBS Michigan Chapter “Where it All Began” Algonac Boat show took place, our local ACBS Bluewater Chapter hosted their own show at the other end of the St. Clair River in Sarnia Bay. The “Bluewater-Sarnia Bay Boat Show” kicked off with many of the boats coming in on Friday for the Captain’s Welcome Party. Afterwards, there were small gatherings of participants renewing friendships on the docks with perfect weather…a perfect evening. Saturday started off well with a little over 30 boats in attendance. Cruisers predominated with a few skiffs in attendance as well. Michigan Chapter was well represented with “Tiger Lily”, “Cracker Jack”, “Canada Goose”, “Ratis” and others participating. The weather was hot and humid with the threat of storms coming in the afternoon. Beautiful boats everywhere. Voting went on throughout the day, 4 awards total were presented. The winners were: People’s Choice - “Black Beauty” owned by Rick and Diane Laenan, Kid’s Choice - “Cracker Jack” owned by Jack and Carrol Warren, Captain’s Choice – “Tiger Lily” owned by Greg and Marianne Lewandowski, and finally, the President’s Choice Award presented by Bluewater President Gerrit Dykhouse to “Tiger Lily”. Congratulations to the winners. Congratulations to everyone. A wonderful lunch was served including delicious pulled pork and all the fixin’s. After a nasty wind and rain storm that suddenly blew through with everybody getting drenched as they ran for cover and losing power, final words... It was a great and memorable show bringing together old friends, new friends, and beautiful boats. Thank you ACBS Bluewater Chapter and Sarnia Bay Marina, ONT, CA. for your hospitality. Hoping to see everyone next year. Submitted by Don Kiddle and Gale Woods • COPPER • BRASSPLATE • BRUSHED NICKEL • NICKEL • BUFFING & POLISHING OF ALL METALS • MEDIA BLASTING • CHROME • PLATING ON ALUMINUM • METAL STRIPPING A-W CUSTOM CHROME, INC. • Boat Building & Restoration • Hand Crafted Custom Furniture [email protected] 12114 E. Houghton Lk. Dr. Houghton Lake, MI 48629 989-422-6563 Dave Wrzesinski Scott Wrzesinski CLASSIC CARS • BOATS • MOTORCYCLES 17726 EAST NINE MILE ROAD EASTPOINTE, MICHIGAN 48021 (586) 775-2040 STEVE BOX [email protected] MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 15 Ron Ballantyne & Pal Reprinted from Winter 1982 Channel Marker Last August the Hessel Boat Show was a great event. There were over 175 boats of all types and kinds. Along with the expected great numbers of runabouts and utilities, there were antique sailboats, steamers, launches, rowboats, canoes and outboards. There was even an amphibious car. A class that seems to be growing, and beautifully so, is the cruiser class. These big old beauties were in greater attendance this year and are real show stoppers with their polished brass telegraphs, lights, compass, shrouds, and miscellaneous gear. My wife Barbara and I trailered PAL, our 21-foot 1918 Hacker, back to its place of origin and were particularly proud when we were awarded first prize in our class. PAL is an interesting boat. Its photograph appears in a 1920 Hacker Design Catalog under the name of PAL and can be traced to its very beginning in the Hessel-Cedarville area. Marvin Tessler, of the Tessler Boat Works in Cedarville, did the restoration. As you can see from the photographs, he did an absolutely beautiful job of bringing back to life a boat that had literally been abandoned. Marvin’s dad, Leo Tessler, now in his ‘70s, remembers working the gas dock as a boy and often putting gasoline in PAL. He remembers the highly polished brass on the four cylinder engine and states that a local doctor owned PAL for perhaps as long as 50 years. PAL has been repowered several times as you can see by the transom. But, remarkably, if you study the derelict, you will see the fittings and hardware are original and intact. Currently, PAL has a 95 HP Model K Chris Craft engine. She is quick and kind with a narrow beam, deep vee bow, and dead flat stern. She is similar to most Hacker racers of the 20’s era and not too unlike modern off-shore racers. We bought the boat three years ago while in Hessel. Jim Olerick, owner of Newkirks Boat Repair, in nearby Keego Harbor, has spent many hours on the hull and topsides, bringing the finish to near perfection. Outside of the engine work and detailing here and there, I claim little of PAL’s present state as my personal art but we are proud of her none the less. If nothing else, this boat proves that a weathered abandoned boat behind some barn can be resurrected to show class condition. Incidentally, PAL is not a hangar queen. She is in the water, on Orchard Lake, six months of the year and, weather permitting, is used almost every day. The registration of MC-0001-HW was strictly luck. When I went to the Secretary of State’s office near my home, I mentioned that the state had historic water craft tags at a low price ($20.00). They all denied the fact, but boring in, I got them to call Lansing who referred them to an obscure bulletin in their 2,000-page manual. I was the first one in Michigan to apply for and receive this low price historic registration. Our latest project is a 1954, 22-foot, C.C. Sportsman Utility that has an unusual background. One owner, boathouse kept (Lake Charlevoix) on its cradle, never in water overnight, original in all detail with sales slip, manuals for hull and engine and in great untouched condition. See you at Hessel! 16 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 17 18 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER The Wallaceburg Cruise On Saturday August 1st, we took part in another of Fleet Captain Gerry Kowal’s “Summer Cruises”. This one, with the help of Co-Director Alex Pawluchyk and his connection with our “sister chapter”, The ACBS Bluewater Chapter, across the river in Ontario, we cruised the Chenal Ecarte and Sydenham Rivers to Downtown Wallaceburg. A leisurely cruise of about an hour and a half brought us to the docks of the Blue Goose Restaurant for a delicious lunch. We had approximately 12 boats evenly split between US and Canadian members from both clubs. With guests, there were over 40 people along for the ride and lunch. Participating boats ranged from a 17’ CC Utility up to a 53’ Motor Yacht and a wonderful variety in-between that caught an eye or two. We got approving waves from other boaters and folks on shore as well. After lunch we all boarded our boats for the return trip back to the St. Clair River. The weather was perfect, with light winds, an almost cloudless sky and temps in the middle 80’s. With a nice welcome from Gerrit Dykehouse for our visit to Ontario, I think that it was mutually agreed by all that this was a successful event and that we should plan some additional joint outings in the future. We had a great turn-out for this cruise and encourage more of our members to participate. Come enjoy the other cruises that are organized for club members. A beautiful day, a chance to use the boats, a visit with our friends from the Bluewater Chapter. There’s not much better! Submitted by Gale Woods and Don Kiddle WELCOME JIM & MACY CHIONSINI JAY & SUSAN ELLIOTT SHANNON & SCOTT KNIGHT MIKE THEUT TODD & BETH SPENCE ABOARD KEVIN HIGHSTREET DAVID & MARY TOWNE DAVID WOODAZ PAUL J. & ELAINE HEBERT ROBERT & VICKI KULICK MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 19 A Newbie Members Tale As new members, Ann Guldemond asked us to introduce ourselves and share our perspective of the Algonac Boat Show as first-time classic boat owners. We are newlyweds, celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this September. We are both engineers in the auto industry, so please excuse our mediocre creative writing skills! Scott grew up with classic cars, helping his Dad restore several classic cars and the 1956 Ford F-100 that his uncle built currently residing in our garage. He also learned to love woodworking from his Dad, who specializes in the Craftsman/Stickley style. Shannon grew up cruising the Great Lakes on her family’s 1984 Sabre 38 sailboat – her special talent was navigation in the era of LORAN and dead reckoning – no GPS! In 2013, we purchased our first home together. It is located on a small inland lake in Oakland County, MI and we couldn’t wait to start enjoying the water together. A lake house NEEDS a boat (or 15 if you ask Alex Watson), so we spent our first summer saving our pennies and researching the various types of boats that would fulfill our needs. We needed a low-profile boat due to the height restrictions to get to the adjoining lakes, but one that could also be counted on for vacations to larger lakes. Most of the neighbors have 90’s Malibu ski boats, but Scott’s experience with classic cars and our “enginerdy” appreciation of craftsmanship and good design had us craving something unique. Countless hours of internet education later - including assistance from CCABC and ACBS members who we found through Woody Boater and Boat Buzz - we honed in on what we believed to be a great choice for us: a Chris-Craft XK-19. Classic, low profile, deep V, dry ride, fast, and noisy! We loved the feeling of community that we could sense immediately from the thoughtful responses we received to our newbie questions during our search. We had never owned a power boat – let alone an OLD power boat – so this support was essential for us to achieve a comfort level such that we would take the jump and write the check. We joined the ACBS and the Michigan Chapter this year in anticipation of participating in the Algonac Show and traveling with our boat to Minnesota for “Woods and Water”. We realized that we represent this new demographic that is so important to keeping these beautiful boats on the water. Because of that, we agreed to share our perspective of the Algonac Show, so here it goes… Despite significant effort by Wayne Eversole, we realized early in the week of the Algonac show that our XK was not going to make it. We were so disappointed! Lesson #1: Always plan for 150% of your repair budget in terms of money and time! So our first experience with the Michigan Chapter and show organizers was to cancel as a participant. We encountered complete understanding from the show Please Turn to Page 20 20 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 MICHIGAN CHAPTER A Newbie Members Tale _____________ Continued From Page 19 organizers. “No problem” was the first response followed quickly by “We’ve all been there!” They offered for us to ride along with others to the events we had registered for which required having a boat. Everyone’s kindness and understanding turned our sour disappointment back to excited anticipation about meeting these kind people and having a chance to experience the show from something other than the dock! On Friday, we were invited by Wayne to join the group for lunch at a private island. Shannon had already planned to take the day off of work to get the boat to Algonac and into the water but Scott had to work all day. Shannon was nervous about showing up alone, boatless, trying to hitch a ride with total strangers to go to lunch on some unspecified private island somewhere in the vast expanse of Lake St. Clair. What could go wrong? Her trepidation was quickly set aside by the warm welcome at reception by Susan Garmhaus and assistance by Vice Commodore Alan Brenner to find someone willing to take an extra passenger. Shannon was invited to ride with Pat and Sheila Chaps on Allure and enjoyed her first ride on a classic Chris-Craft Commander! The ride out to lunch afforded views she had only seen in photos. How amazing to hear and see these gorgeous boats all around, flying through the Caribbean blue water at full throttle! Shannon: “It was amazing to see this beautiful home surrounded by so many boats – each one a work of art! Put all together is hard to describe – something I had only seen in photos! I walked around with Sheila and she introduced me as a new member and I was met with such welcoming kindness. Of course, I had to explain that our boat wasn’t ready, and that it was PLASTIC! No one cared! “Welcome to the club!”, “Those boats are cool!”, “I can’t wait to see it!”, “How did you decide to buy a classic boat?” All my fears about not fitting in because our boat was fiberglass and not completely stock were silenced. Ann Guldemond and Judi Schoenherr welcomed me to the club and Margaret Herr took me for a personal tour of the beautiful home on Bryson’s Island. I enjoyed my first day with the club immensely, feeling welcomed and looking forward to more great times boating with nice people. I couldn’t wait to tell Scott! Now if there was only cell service on this island...” We woke up on Saturday to rain – lots of rain. We figured the day would be a complete washout and that people would cover their precious boats or even pack up and go home. Not the case! We arrived at the Harbour Club to find boats in the water and smiling faces under the registration tent (in full foul weather gear with coffee in hand to be sure!). One of our favorite events of the day was watching Gary Cornillie launch and dock his 1969 Chris-Craft Commander Super Sport in a driving rain. Once the lines were set and the very soggy owner was safely standing on the quickly liquefying ground, we introduced ourselves and asked about his boat. During our internet education about the XK-19, we Please Turn to Page 21 STORAGE • REPAIR • GAS DOCK • BOAT WELLS BOB & SUSAN BRYSON (810) 748-3330 • Fax (810) 748-3800 7650 South Channel Harsens Island, MI 48028 3272 South Channel Harsens Island, MI 48028 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 A Newbie Members Tale CHANNEL MARKER 21 _____________ Continued From Page 20 found clues that someone in Plymouth, MI owned a Commander Super Sport, and here it was in the flesh, er – plastic! Later, we joined Gary for some beers at the clubhouse and made plans for a Super Sport and XK-19 tour of the Nautical Mile, we can’t wait! As we continued our way around the marina we met more owners and asked about their boats. Even soaking wet, the owners were happy to chat and these boats were gorgeous! When we met Rick Laenen on the dock, we introduced ourselves and asked about his boat. Instead of just describing her, he invited us (complete strangers!), over for a personal tour of “Black Beauty”. We realized we had seen this boat before… on the ACBS home page and in Hessel and Bay Harbor! What a gorgeous boat! It bothered us a bit that we didn’t know what was considered “cool”. One kind owner corrected us: “Actually, you have an advantage because you can just enjoy the boats rather than have your judgement clouded by what is rare or expensive. “Just like what you like.” What a great perspective! Nevertheless, Scott quickly discovered his taste in boats parallels his taste in steaks – rare and expensive . Scott: “On Sunday, the day dawned as we all wished Saturday had - bright, sunny, … perfect!! The run to The Old Club and back was spectacular for these first timers. “Black Beauty” led the way, “Tiger Lily” “water skied” in her smooth wake. The “YNOT” posse from Pennsylvania came along in the Donzi (BB) and the Red & White “Eulipion” – telephoto lenses in hand. I expected the Donzi to be the rocket she is, but Eulipion was surprisingly quick too. “Tight Lines” cruised alongside, barely breaking a sweat. On the way back, Gary entertained in his Super Sport “Bar Taxi” , jumping “Black Beauty’s” wake a few times. We’re surely forgetting a few others on the run…. It was a sensory overload of beautiful boats on turquoise water that would make the Caribbean jealous.” The entire experience of that weekend far exceeded our expectations, which was only possible because of the attitudes of the people hosting and attending the event, making the best of the situation and enjoying each other’s company. The boats are beautiful and special without a doubt, but in the end what they do is bring people together to have fun, and that’s the real magic. Special thanks to Greg and Marianne Lewandowski for taking us on our very first wooden boat ride in their classic mahogany marque blonde decked Continental, “Tiger Lily”. She is a stunning boat and a very classy lady. And thanks to all the club members for making us feel so welcome. We can’t wait for next year… our XK will be ready to play! Submitted by Scott & Shannon Knight Murleyʼs Marine DOLPHIN MARINE ENGINE CO. Michael Murley Chrysler factory trained 40 years experience 8174 Dixie Highway Fair Haven, MI 48023 586-725-7446 586-716-9881 22 CHANNEL MARKER Fall 2015 TRADIN’ DOCK FOR THE EXCHANGE OF SECOND-HAND BOATS, ENGINES AND EqUIPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 1947 Chris Craft 17 ft. Deluxe Runabout, completely rebuilt, boat, motor & trailer. Call Alex 519-9150991 or [email protected]. $27,000 Cdn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 17 ft. canoe, pro. built in Port Carling, Ont. $1,200 Cdn. Call Alex 519-915-0991 or apawluchyk@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 1954 CC Sea Skiff. Hull finished inside and out. Plywood for decks included. All parts and gauges included. Original 115 HP Chrysler Crown Engine and tandem axle trailer available. Call Joe @ 248-375-1581 or email [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN CHAPTER TRADIN’ DOCK RATES F OR ADVERTISING Tradin Dock ads should be kept to 50 words or less. Members: The first 30 words are free for one issue and $5.00 per photo! Nonmembers: $20.00 for 20 words; .50 each additional word per issue and $5.00 per photo. All ad photos will appear in black & white only. Ads must be renewed every issue. Send photo and ad copy electronically to [email protected] Send payment to: FOR SALE: 1966 CC Cutlass 26’, 327 V-8 210 HP. New mahogany plank West System Transom, new West System Deck and Cuddy Cabin. Rechromed Fittings and Gauges. Full Canvas and Mooring Cover. Excellent condition. $16,875 [email protected] 248-855-533. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE: 1957 CC 26 ft. Sports Express. Professionally restored and maintained over the last 20 yrs. Twin KL 105 HP, both engines rebuilt in 1992, limited use since then. Bottom and Transom replaced. New Aluminum Fuel Tanks. Electric Head with Holding Tank. Teak Cockpit Floor. Front Deck and Frames replaced. Engines pulled and detailed, bilge painted 2014. All fittings rechromed. Includes tandem axle trailer with both axles replaced in 2013. Asking $45,000. Call Pat @ 313-590-0567 or email [email protected] Carl Garmhaus, Editor 139 Avery Street Clinton Twp., MI 48036 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO MICHIGAN CHAPTER, ACBS Advertiser Index: A-W Custom Chrome, Inc ............................Page 14 Aims Machine Service..................................Page 23 Antique Boat Center ....................................Page 23 Chesterfield Engines, Inc ..............................Page 6 Digital Outdoors, Inc.....................................Page 12 Everso-Marine Restorations, Inc..................Page 10 Hagerty Insurance ..........................................Page 2 KC Marine Services ....................................Page 21 Kehrig Mfg. Co. Inc ......................................Page 12 Kocian Instruments ........................................Page 6 LL Johnson Lumber......................................Page 10 Mackie Boat Works ......................................Page 20 Marine Services Unlimited ..........................Page 14 Maritime Classics ........................................Page 23 Murley’s Marine ............................................Page 21 Peter Henkel Inc.............................................Page 7 Ramsey Brothers Restorations ......................Page 7 Tashmoo Marina ..........................................Page 20 MICHIGAN CHAPTER Fall 2015 CHANNEL MARKER 23
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