1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
m 1m 1 i mw ?•' i ™ CARRIER ROUTES AVAILABLE ! !UfSHK The Press currently has routes available IN SHEFFIELD LAKE M i\ on Cove Beach, Greenwood, and Lafayette If Interested Please Call 933-8402 —F - - S e e Page 12 SATURDAY, MAY 1 7 t h Contact Avon Lake or Sheffield Lake City Hails for details. 47th Year, No. 25 May 14,1997 taafclrepess@brighLnet c Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake A Ncwapdpcr of C^nml OfruUllott in Loraln Court ly. Community Pulse ...And Opinion RJ.K About lha new Supe! After 51 inquiries and 33 applicalious for school . superintendent, the Avou Lake Board of Education narrowed the field tlown to two outstanding Individuals. As 1 indicated last week, I had tho opportunity to meet both gentlemen and felt confident that regardless of who became tho Continued on page 12 By Heather Rutz AVON LAKE — Tho School Board last night extended the superintendents job to Dr. Daniel Ross. Contract lonns couZd not be relvasod until Ross formally accepted the job and signed th« four-year contract, which happened aller press time. Ross has been superintendent of the 6.800 student Pickerington Local benooh. located in Fairfield County near Columbus, for 11 years. He and bis lamily will move to Avon Lake this summer, his contract begin* Aug. l. Two of his four children will ationtTthc 3,000 student Avon Lake school district. Ross will replace currant Avon Lake City Schools superintendent Dr Clayton Dusek. who is retiring at the end of this school year. The process of firding a new superintendent has been a long and exiensivo one for tho School BoarJ and community. K began in January with meetings of students, teachers, staff and parents to develop a profile o f a candidate Copyright O 1S>77 After receiving 51 inquiries and 33 applications, the board narrowed it down to sis candidates and recently to two. Those two candidates each spent the day in Avon Late, touring the area and meeting with students, teachers and community members. t "B.Olhi. I V cn w e r c fino candidates, and 1 truly believe we have f-jund tho best person we could bring lo Avon Lake School Board President Tony Ryan said. * J • wveather and construction machines make muck of Avon collector roads By JoAnne Eastrrday AVON — Collector roods'" like Schwartz ami Case that lend into Jovuloping subdivisions were the topic ul debate at Monday night's council meeting. * Heavy construction equipment used to build developments huvu recently been damaging secondary roads, like. Schwartz and Caso. that don't have a substantial underbase. After examining Schwartz Road. Mayor James Smith said he thinks the contractors should bo responsible for rectifying th? problem. Smith wroto in a memo to council. "Just tarring the rnad and putting a filler on it will not bring ii hack to original shape. T h i s is not the responsibility of the City of Avon and no money should como out of city funds.™ I feel that anything short of replacing those damaged aroas totally will only be a temporary fix and the contractor must come back [/ and maki* it right and fix it to o facllun." Smith said lhat tofix!he rwids would r< uuirt' iipnttiximnti>ty iwo liuutlrml dollars l*«r Inin.in. Hi' ((JlltillU'-ll. "Tln-ll you would Iiavtt n | l "'l ro.uli t<M<tinf; to the development." Law Director Daniel Stringur said them is a case study in the courts now in tbo Dayton area concerning an inipnct feo in this regnril. Council President Ed Krystowski said that maybe an ordinance should bo considered rwjuinng n developer to upgrnde these If>ud-in roads with cement curbs, gutters and roadbed beforo a development is begun. The city would then kick in 50% of the road cost. -Wo take all tbo grief." Krystowski said of th.3 situation. The developer may ha required to redo tho road upon completion of tbo development but tho city is saddled with ton years of bad roads until that timo. ho said. Her name in tights Melissa Bailey. President of tho ALH5 Chapter Future Business Leaders ol America recently threw out the first pitch al Jacobs f-teld lor Avon Lake night. The evening has become an annual fundraiser for FBLA and a great time for Avon Lake residents. Contributed photo AL council gives contractor written notsce: Sheffield expands to full-time clerk finish fishing pier job or face legal action By Jim Petruzzi SHEFFIELD VILLAGE — Council passed an ordinance Monday expanding tho Assistant to tho ClerkTreasuror/Clerk-Trcasuror Secretary position from part-Ume to full-llma. Although the position has two titles. Mayor Darlene Ondorcin said, it is. iii reality, one position. Kntliy Kecfcr, who holds the position, assists Clork.- FOR MAXIMUM YIELD ON YOUR MONEY CHECK US OUT Call for Details 933-2524 Trcasurer Uarb Petro with processing purchaso orders, milking payments, working with council ana performing secretarial dullus. Council accepted a 520,280 change order for the recently completed Ostor Road water lino project. Tho chango order was to place driiimtgo lilo in a largo ditch unu till it in with earth, so vuhiclus could not slidn in. according Continued on pago 9 By Amy Ginn AVON LAKE — City council has notifiud Marine Contracting, tho firm in chargo of building tho Millor Road park fishing pier, thai it is in breach of contract and must finish tho jub. A! the council mooting on Monday. LIIW Director Smith nnnouticed that legal itction would be taken .lumn^l Marine Contracting if it did nut respond lo thu problem. After thu firm's owner, Victor Monz. did not acknowledge n verbal notice from tho dry last Thursday, the council decided to tako a more aggressivo approach. The problem with the fishing pier construction began in Mirth, when the city requostud permission to dredge the men's wntcr in order to construct the plrr. Since this was during spawning sciisoii. the rity was required to ask tho Army Corps of Engineer* for special Continued on pago 9 Wednesday.Just Isn't Wednesday .Without The PRESS INDEX ClasslFact i- Docs your salesperson Businvss Classifiod Ray F.lav 25 -AmeclofSieffieifhatja 27-33 ff cat vacaSon becaoso.o|-; t o The PPE3Scbsstfeds. •.*'- 3 u ry j Btottir.7. 8. 15 OxvuLawodtort School News s P°rts Social Sc«?rm X-p.;ris pickup & deliver your car for service? If not... consider JIM JUDGE at 288-1288 18 CaQ Chfbiy today i t • • ^ • 933-5JCCla pUce yrorwtl ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE CALL 930-AUTO (2B86) | MMMMIWIXIW CASH* _._4 fVopJa rtM fte PRESS Z 2 Clarified! mi It iftowt 34, 3 ? NAPA AUTO CARE CENTER Serving Ow Community S i n c e ' 1 9 5 8 _,-_ '"-''• 149 Uar fltL, Avon Late ESS SSS S f i S 9 3 ••ir^V^k IllPil mil si 3 if I s I s si Hi||§ ns si H A Party Favorite! Made with the finest and freshest meals and cheeses Includes roast beef, corned beef. ham. turkey breast, hard salami and Swiss cheese. Topped with a salad center piece ot your choice and assorted colorful garnishes. Cheese Trays The perfect compliment to our party tray! Includes a generous assortment of Swiss. Brick. Muenster. Coi&y and Hot Pepper Cheese and Pimento Cheese Spread. Serves up to 15 people. Fresh Relish Trays A generous sampling of celery. radishes, olives, pickle chips, sweet pepper;, broccoli, caulidower. carrot - sticks and creamy f resli vegetable dip. Our own Fresh Bated Italian Bread filled with Roast Beef. Turkey Breast Hard Salami, Ham, American and Swiss Cheese. Lettuce and Tomato. Your Choice of Salad Centerpiece. Serves 15 to 20 people. Ice Gold Mountain Dew Dr. Pepper Pepsi-Cola TWELVE Sprite 12 QZ. Coca-Cola CANS 'otaio Salad Simply the most doiicious potato saidd you've ever had! 12CT.M1LLBROOK GOLDEN HONEY AR-B-Q BUNS.. 1.39 or COCA-COLA... Z99 LAND-O-LAKES AMERICAN CHEESE ECKPICH BEEF BOLOGNA 12/12 CZ. CANS SPRITE LB. All Varfottos 14.5 Ounce 17Q LB.I./9 DAN-DEE POTATO CHIPS WAMPLER CARAMEL ROASTED TURKEY BREAST LB. 6/12 OZ. CANS of A&W ROOT VJI BEER, DLCn SUNKIST ORANGE or SEVEN-UP Pint of BEN & JERRY'S FARMLAND ICE CREAM or FROZEN YOGURT. CHOPPED HAM LB. DINNER BELL BAVARIAN CHIPS AHOY. RITZ CRACKERS or HAMLB. Open 'Til Midnight Every Day! AVON LAKE 137 Lear Rd 933-2718 1 nn 1.09 SHEFFIELD LAKE 4786 Lake Rd 949-7631 OREOS 2/«3 2.79 4io6oz. an information presentation. That contributor was The Geon Company. The efforts of all individuals connected with tlie Paramedic Levy and e^p?cially the voters has once again allowed tho perpetuation of a service that may some day come lo you in your time of need. Thank you for helping us to better help you. Cary Fryfogle, Fire Chief City of Avon Lake Wo questions asked To the Editor: On Wednesday evening. May 7. 1997. my son rode his biku to the Glh giado Fina Arts Program (FAP). that was being hold at the high school. Me went to see hi3 cousins and othur classmates perform. lie cot there at about 7;45 p.m. and realized ho forgot his lock He made the mistake of being trusting and left it parked outside the north door to the school (unlocked). When he came out of the school at 9 p.m. it wa5 GONE! 1 never thought I would sew tho day that if you left your bike unlocked for on hour and 15 minutes it would bo stolen, especially in Avon Lake. Uo you think (and you know who you aroj that an unlocked bike is public property? If I accidentally left my keys hiray"car. does that mean you cauld* lake niv car? NO!! YOU STOLE my son's bike tfiat ho saved up half cf the money for. It was a brand new S200 biko and I hope you enjoy his biko as much as ho did. You will have lo answer lo someone somti day as to why you stole that bike and I pray you have a good answer. And as for the parents. Don't you wander where your child got a brand now $200 bike? Dou't you pay attention to what your kids drag home? Bo you believe they found il in the garbage or somuone gave it to them? If so. lake it to the police station and check it out. if it's not stolen, then there is no problem. I certainly would check into it if it were ono of my kids. If you have any questions as to that bike >aur child rode homo and do uot want to Involve the pollco.'please call mo [NO QUESTIONS ASKED). My son will not be getting another bike from us (we won't even pay for ball). He will be walking to his baseball games, the pool. lake, fishing, etc, this summer and wishes ha wouldn't have made such a bad decision as to trust that his biku wouldn't bo stolen. We realize that this Is a shot in tho dai_ but we're hoping someono has a CONSCIENCE! Sue Colo Q33-flO5li Thanks from SL firefighters To the Editor; On behalf of Ihe Sheffield Lake Fixe Fighters, Local 2355. I would like to take this opportunity to thank tho voters of Sheffield Lake for tho passage of Fire Department bsuo #8. The Fire Fighters and Paramedics appreciate tho support you have shown both during this election and in the past Again, thank you for your support. Michael I_ Conrad President. Local 2355 National Day of Prayer Firefighters appreciate support To the Editor I would like to take this opportunity cm behalf of myself and tho personnel of tho Avon Lake Firo Department to express our sincere gratitude on your vote of confidence as it relates to tho recent passage of tho City of Avon Lake Paramedic Lev>. Said' passage will assure continued quality emergency medical service and allow the Paramedic Service to meet and address the current art! future growth needs of our community. It is the conunit-nent of all the personnel ofthw Avrm IJIVI* Firo to continue and maintain (hat which we hold so dearly. I would also like to further express our appreciation to Avon Lake Prcis Editor Kick Hcramer far providing tho format to present the information to the citizens as it related to the Paramedic Service along with Mr. Robert Bolen and the rablo access channel personnel whoso cablevisioa program presentation further reinforced these informative areas'. Mention should also he noted lo the local business whoiu generous financial contribution helpud defray iho associated coit tacton with To the Editorr May 1st was declared as the National Day of Prayer In our country. Christians had the opportunity to come out and prayforour nation. Avon Lake was represented by six adults, one of whom was a pastor and two small children. The Bible says in n Chronicles 7:14 "And my people who oro called by niy name humble themselves and pray and soflk my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Marianne Duff Continued on poom 14 Dupitrtiixtnl to iirnvlttit 111" !il|(lii»i Invcls of <|uuliiv 1'Htfrnnncy incdicnl »«r- vice to all citiztnii of our community and your affiniuitivn vote will enable us BASEMENT/KITCHEN PATTERN CARPET {up to 20 yds.) "Leather that cleans so easily, you Reg. 5479.00 $ oo won't even worry about elbow grease " KITCHEN VINYL 2 5 9 Keg. S319OO 50 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM (Floor a tabcr only. No prep) Up to 20 yds. 12'x15' Completely Installed (carpet. commercial pad or glue down) 1PERGO $379 from *Jr sq. ft. Wood Only. et us address what is. quite possibly, the greatest niisperception about leather: Ckanability. Leather has a natural tendency to repel liquids and resist staining. It is by far the most practical and desirable of coverings. Please visit our showroom where our leather specialists can help you with your selection. MONTHS SAME AS CASH Available on purchase of $349.00 or more. Purchase S349 or more at regular sale price here at Scarvelll Floors, we will offer up to 300 sq. ft. of steamed carpet cleaning... Z CLiEANING FREE OF CHARGE See store for details. Limit one coupon per customer. Minimum yjiuj^c requiiwl. pito «lcs excluded HARHisona 2 0 6 3 O C r n l r r K > J | f H o l d H u r k i K l i r r l \ H /tvro.ss from W«*Ntf{nt«* Mall HOURS: Mon.& Triu. 10-8 Tue.Wed.10-6 10-5 • Sat 10-5 PET CARE Alfred C Standcn Veterinarian U.itjy birds that ;irc IKJj-'d fur llii'j most jj.irt (fsatlwrless or fiMlJ)«rs just s'artuiJi to corny in) .ire considered to lj« nestlings. TIK'S" birds sl;iy in thy ne;.;. •""! die parents come !o f*'«-"d 'liem thurtj. Tiit*; IMS'I'** wh«u SCHOOLNEWS And nowforthe magic-.William Lorence looks on as Matt Logan and Timmy Collins perform magic tricks. The Greatest Show on Earth. Children in Mrs. Gontz's All Day Kindergarten class at Avon Village School presented an Integrated music program about the circus to their classmates and then their families AHS honor roll The following Avon High School s! a dents have been named to the honor roll for the third quarter. Grade 7: Jason Kodysz, Emily Miraldi. Patricia Moran, Megan Strong, Elizabeth Astorino. Kebocca Berlyoung. Jason Ocnuner, Sarah Browner, Alicia Carrasquillo. Jeffrey Coloman. Christina Erieomeyer. Rcgina Fisher. Michelle Gannet, Ashley Golay, Erik. Gorman. Tilling Guerrferi. V^autw of tin? nest, tli<: b^st tiling to do is try to pl-ice the bird found, aru usiulJy on 'I"* back in its npst if possible ground dirtttJy N w the it's an old wivus tale that nost. This occurs eilhiT tli-* mother will rt'ject it if it becausn tin; baby MI out. is touched by hwnaa bl»iv out (coiiuiioii alter hands1. WuJt to do if one wind storms), or was cannot reach the nest? "pushed" out by a sibling That's the subject of my I think I'd like to be a down I One must tvAizn that t!iis next article. and friends. The children learned and presented facts last behavior is actually This message is being about the circus, clowns, and tho training and care of adaptive for sonic species. brought to you as a public he circus animals and showed what it is liVo to be a This way, only the ~lown. Tho children were dressed as clowns, with ono strongest of the brood sur- service from Alfred C : tngmaster as they sang, danced, presented their poet- vive and go on to n»Isr Standen, D.YM. Avon Lai* t • and play. There were magic tricks and tumbling rau- young themselves. Animal Clinic 124 Miller ti '.es. as well as a walk on the balance beam. The chilRoad. Avon Lake. Ohio di- • i used sign language to interpret three of the songs 4401Z. Phono 933-5297. If a nestling is found out they sang. There was a slide presentation of the year's activities. A .Icr the presentation, parents and guests were invitRead & Use The ed t., view the class art gallery of famous artists and enjoj circus snucij. Classifieds Knvucli, Jnniiy .,~-Law.- Robert Malone, Kayle Mauror, Matthew Mieslo. Daniel Polovlch; Tana Polovich. Christopher Reph, Kyle Scbnaufer, Kristin Schocb, Joel Scott. Almeo Simmons, Deborah Smith. Heather Snahnican. Rachole Standley. Jessica Vale, Andrew VIck. Lindsey Walker. Jason Wallace, Dustin WEdener. Benjamin Wilcox. Emily Wysocki. Tonih Zapor, Joshua Zunis. Grade 0: Jeffrey Bailey. Nichohu Duesler, Laurie Lounjeu, ]H1 Okomoto, Scott Ronyak, John Schindlor. Rochol Smltek, Lorin Adams, Cassandra Ault, Joshua Basen, Janollo BlggL-. Jomio Bolllnger. Carolyn Drawner, Tonya Buchkovich. Kathryn Burtk. Taryn Dangremond, Adam Decker, Ival Dotson. Paul Esper, Thomas Fisber. Heath or Folz. Brandon Frier. Maria GJgllotU, John Graf, Michael Gutnblo. Patrick Henry. Parah Henry, Lauren rfcibon. Larry Hook- stra. Jacqueline Hricovec, Michael Johnson, lindsey Jones. Jacquline Koerner. Craig Kowalczyk. Robert Kufala. Christine Liszniansky. Krista MacArthur, Christopher Man dock. Becky McKenzio, Kimborty Miokow, Laura Molnar. Adelbert Neiger, Aaron Parks, Nicole Powson, Bethany Potenen, Christophor Pollock. Llgia Popa. Scott Posondek.. Joseph Reising, Caillin Rhoadns. EHn Rowloy, tavich. Brian Butchko. Mark G,/met. Kathleen Jennings. Brett Kowalczyk. Siiuuna Lohr. Virginia Miraldi. Kevin O'MsJIoy. Adam Snavely, Adam fob; az. Matthew Yonkof. Krntin Arendt. Alison Bra1'-nor, Benjamin Burik. r.vayne Cunningham. Jennifer Dcrryberry. Jason Gorman. Brian Hlxson. Sara Hull. Melodic Hyltujj Zachary Kovach. Stojil .nic Kuwalczyk. Jonnifir Krinks. Johnny Brawnur. Jennifer Britton, Lucas Buchanan. Erin Calderwood. Paul Coleinan. Claire DeChant. Jool Docker, James Droger. Jennifer Fildes. Marian Graf. Joanne Hricovec. Rachel Hronek, Nicole Kapucinski. Megan LaLonde, Erin Umraer. Elizabeth LiszniAiisky, Myia lawman. Kathloon Mnrsig'i.1. Amy Micslu. Teresa Milicic. Timothy NoUon. Joseph PassRrell. Heidi Plotz. Uaiiluls Polovich. fodi i'or I ur, Jfiwinutte Poruban. Amnnda Rak. taclyn Ronyak. Ricky Scrivons, Richard Shepherd. Kevin Stack. Lela Styles. Courtney Sweeney. Christopher Ta Union. Sciin Vitou. Heidi Wugonkn«cht. Katie Walsh. Todd Wills. Ashley Wimmer, Jamos Witherspoon, Frank Wysock. Rvnn Kryiluw-ik i. [ustin Sura Schoch, Michuul Uttutl, llriun Vuiurur. Schueszler, Stovoa Sim- Jennifer Miesle. John beck, Monica Slovak. Pallas, Mary Roislng, Joseph TJcchlonff, Kristio Lucas Rhoades, Marc Walsh. Christopbef Wen- Schueszler. Sarah Skindorff. Kennsth Wenner, ner. David Smith. Lauren Jennifer Wiggins. James Smith. WImmer. Michael Wood. Grade 11: Kathloon - Audrey Wysock. Zakaria Herbs t. Katio Lnngon, Zajac. Jessica Zilka. Ronna Ricliardson. BranGrade fl: Jossica Kriz, don Ado. Wendy Adkins. Jamio Longen. Kate Mo- Nicholas Ashoftah. Meran. Scotl Wendell. lissa Ault, Suzanne BaSteven Bacher. Jessica lak, Andrew Bullog. Bawiec. Jesse Busby. Jus- David Barnasky. John tin Carrasquillo, Alexan- Bordun, Brian Burch. dra Danchuk. Thalsa William Crornpton, GrotDoUma. Amy Forthofor, chon DoChant. John Nicholas Frioud, Vlcki DeChant. Allison Dobbs, Cuggenblltor. Erin Cuyer, Joseph Guerrieri. John Mary Ellen Hrlcovec. Kruszka, Mntthow Meeks. Emily Kodger. Jessica Crystal Mueke. Tricin Knwalczyk. John Krinks. Pawson, Jennifer PereChristopher Leon, Robert gard. Matthew Petersen. Low, Kelly MarUl, Scatt Piazza. Tina Reinko, Daniel Meyer. Eric Judith Schlather. Joaoph Mirosavich, Elizabeth Schwartz. Maureen ShelMoore. Nathan Obral. ton, Leonard Shudar, Cynthia Polovich, Vic- Robort Steele. Sltiphan toria Polovich, Ryan Vega. Adam WlJklns. Porterfiold. Gerald RoGrade 12: Kathleen sing. Aaron Scott, Eloanor Shudor. Katia Steele. * Czarney, Jonnifor DanStacoy Udowski. Brian Icki. Brett Fishor. fosh Gutirrierl. Katie SchleasWallace. man, Nicholas Snavoly. Grade 10: Franklin Both Woavor. Rachel Zilka. David Ashofteh, Brawner. Nicholas Buch- In the service Marino pfc. Christopher M. Howard, a 1090 Rraduato of Avon Lake •High School of Avon Lake. Ohio, recently complotod basic training at Marino Corps Recruit Depot. Parris Island. S.C Howard •uccesafully completed 12 weeks of training dosignod to chol-' lengo new Marine recruit* both physically and mentally. Howard joins 41.000 men and women who will enter tho Marine Corps this year from all over tho country. EugtnuLaot WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. tW7 CELEB RTTIES SOUS ON THIS DAY Dimi Brmi. Abn- Onr Uuirv lv.-iil. trtu i DEAR ELCtNIA I «f#» t *n. l\* . .hit—. ft il «r on Im i>Mi with your L*» fricnil ti puuon*tr. )**int, tttiniir •«••<) tad jit lbo*r oanjfriul thing*. Unfotiu. I1 ' t b i i > K « f Ihr g | tm**. lour durt ring knto * p ) n a « l » toamiU mm. WKhoitl het Iin# ot birth. I c*n'l 1*11 p>u (f iK« b in lh« u w t>«n* ml aund. >im do «uka t rtrj K«d lilti t it « * bath Mill facing torn* wmmiib tin. 1 tttl ttul m t * • both M n « Pubtaher r Founder- (922-198') M m Editor SJvrrtumtManager CA.SCIH (JMW 21-Ialy I2fc rMp ""da "iJI W W <JK1<T incmt*tt» ut y U O (JuJf U-Aug, iJh Dun t bh<w f jnttkm Yuur «tv ) on ilnrafcwynur hunw w il a w ttictun. VIRGO (Aug. U-S*i)L KJ-. You LIBRA IS»pt. U-Ott. 21*: Dwnl f<imp*nd on dub m*mt>rriltip«. FunJ-riiiins n n b trtU cott nmnr Uvn VWJ a n «HordSCORFIO (Oct. S M n JIfc AJttunish you n u j K**r dilficulUr* *T0I jour rtnotmul putn«r. y«i a n put m otwrdnw. SACITTAJULrS INwt 3-DWL Bk Travtt trnl (junly «jt»^(i wiU br i » sw FAMILY VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES •TINTED • DISPOSABLE • ASTIGMATIC 158 Lear Rojd, Avon Lake, Ohio -1Phone: 933j ««mm«r,Sf» HMtht-KuU Undj Hammer Tho Ptetta m » newspaper of Gerwal Circulation in Lorain County, Copyright 1997 o 2Q: Crt Vlf-im- \ov hm |> b< Irt««d> b*f«* y w CM hw to*m. and -rttft tfut 1M mind, I *wfjt«i ttul you Id ywr ntiHwt. CArRlCORN (D«. »-)*•- Ifb •hip unlaid a% it n* r . A rat k n (rwtvfa, tk*y ttxild hf < pfoulrav K*»|t In BlilHl Hut y^u BUIch up GuiJim may CWH (rkOon. AQUARIUS ()•>. 10-r.b. I l h MVI A^uriu* H tbw muturu wtf tw umoblr. Hunt twiorbrtwr you MJT »nin«thoig jmuH AR1E5 ( \ U n h 11-AprU 1«H Rnnwntic ptrirar* m n COM *VU duitv Dim'! trv t' • " - * • - Fmail us at thepres3@brighLnot or visit us online at www.brightnetMhepress V L. . Ct-MINI IMtj- 2I h»<»th»r ••jib tricrul T r x t l Kill h* txMfi nh J Ki/[ fur •«V«TI i r « i off ' I U U flri demur* will hrm out •» [ Don't ptrttk* gi >.int-e+rwf m t t m TALHU5 LAptil 2B-M*7 Mk Ycu* luvtr M r <*^' dnuic amiiui I to pn vuur MOmtkm. Dn&i o m n Q or r """"^ AL w trr " ' DEADLINES NEWS ITEMS: Thursday ~ 5 p.m. ADVERTISING: Friday-Noon CLASSIFIEDS- Mond™ Of: Send News Items, Classifieds. Advertising and Article tc: Tha Presi. P.O. Box 300, Ayon Ljke. OH 44012 P ^ "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without nevvsDwr, ™ ncw ithout a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter." - Thomas Jefferson ^ spaprrs z ^ DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL DR. WENDY HALLIER OPTOMETRISTS (216) 933-8300 EVENINGS AND SAT. AVAILABLE 32730 Walker Rd., J AT THE LANDINGS AVON LAKE. OH 44012 m A i pi q 1 It Cambridge Cherry Hallmark Designs inspued by the Queen Anne Period If then can logically • s l i t such * contradiction In terms, Iho new 17b > Century Cambridge Cherry collection t y Hr*t created in the Oueen Ann* Period, spiral turnings. delicate carving* arid }e*rlery-Kke roMttt hardware bltnd to BOB • Enco. S - a W i of Parmo andElcaDeihManaboch of Solon eipertoncwo the wortJ 0* day *o O n ntanor d e * o . oXrog Ugh School Career Shadewfrig poTorr* last fncnnv Thn* ho»S « « * I MccfceyOulTY and 5oHn»oEIO*. pf*4ant«d C O M K opftor* n munc* d»»gn lo Hudenti o* Chagrin Tali * floral d**gnat DofK» Cook <mil parflccof* n o rwa»«« Oootoy ranseasonal Furnishing creal* tumturi tn«ttokxmal but curiously tuOatanllal. Crafted of solid cherry, pint and btended v«n»ers m« coBoction oflvrs a waalth ol rinJahss Including tiidibonal inLohawood conloct Dotfla Cook at c 2d7.J3i5 chvny, hantffubb*d anttgue patuiu and •ottfy «g«d on«ntkl motits. In addition. Cambrtdga Cnvrry oft«r» uniqu« anUqua reproduction plecai Including a URIQU* aquar* dtnlng tabl* which saats two SIS people each sid«, a motSad anbqua black Diawttw 3i Snoud would b* hacpv 'o p*o>«*« a »f for yuix n*rt To arranoa vou> lowtmy wWi oriental pamOng; • low-poaW bad ««n bf u a antl p ^ ^ « nian—onm • » « 5 capltola and a atatety Quaan Anna Souft Carotae MockcM !>• fc*r*« ard k * r t * aaaign JndurtyW • - « Upbeat, lun Bfld groovy ta^Wa* ;^0OMeldiMeh**l ; Ctafled of cswr can pltoee W M U wheel* and hardware.: This b the stor/ of furniture without Imitations. Umbrellas In the dining r O O m ? Yost Outdoor furniture I* oMertng exc&ng opportuntttas in run. trash decorating. Furniture without limitations, todays styUih. durable outdoor furniture is gaining (round with tntenor designers. Tart ol the «^anoe la technicaT Peter Ptatten ol llrewtler & Stroud noted. "New color* iind hraarta* make piaca* tupartor M r*ai and durab«atv- Th« oOmt pert ki 'Sesign • a*erring spate m*w tn outdoor fumrtura cfler dean, styfezed can you loose?* Indoor U**s For Outdoor Fumatun • Indoor* marfcat umbrettas create a whimsical canopy perfect lor QtnUn rooms yaa/-round. • Iran and labflc sung cKatrs become artistic statement* In edaebe and i • Strap, ptasne end vinyt s»ng chain offe* Ftatro renaauanc* IretanOy. • TaaK tatt»aa. ttning aauanO benchM move sea/rtaeaV Wo stwkit «M>mi«Mn *«ninga. "What's Hot Market introductions Bfwwvl*' * SWud *M carry fta Barbara Barry, Sludki SokJttoo- ami Nah*»l TranMliona Cotactton* at both o u WaaMka and Chagrtn F«*« tocattont Ptona u* kt Weeaake at 808 8000 or n data* and hxihar IniorrMtnn. The Upholstery Story. Style? impact? Color? Comfortable. Affordable. $899. Bfowitot & Strood • Fino Fumtturo From 1B80 lo Tomorrow 41 ^^^ ™z:t:z7roPon™.^°^™^^^ i iil 91 Community Connections Draxet Heritage; b furniture that dennes inlannal formal. .Graceful cambrloia legs WHej * M * •i: r-ea lillliliif ! isisraJ i 1HI 11111 r i II [1 c • AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING POWER WINDOWS • POWER LOCKS •TILT'CRUISE HBfflfogB^M i! H 13H9WWW • DUAL AJR BAGS ON PURCHASE § PRICE * V _ __ 1 • AUC'Y WHEELS \ • G U1SC CD CHANGER V • POWER SUNROOF £ • POWER SEAT • AIR CONDITIONING - TILT • M O R E - \ \ !! _ l; M • 4x4 ALL WHEEL DRIVE APPEARANCE PACKAGE • POWER WINDOWS • POWER LOCKS • TILT • CRUISE •AIR CONDITIONING 36 MONTH LEASE $2000 DOWN PER MONTH H i (*«. tM ftuUW F ^T-.f--' tt i - ^ Z s * ' ^^T-i- — ITi Ti 'I L1IIH III U 11 5 SPEED • 10 DISC CD • POWER WINDOWS - POWER LOCKS • TILT • CRUISE • LUXURY SEDAN • POWER WINDOWS • POWER LOCKS • TILT • CRUISE • CASSETTE PLAYER • AIR CONDITIONING 97 OLDS BRAVADA '97 OLDS SILHOUETTE $ PER MONTH PER MONTH 24 Month Lease * $1995 Down Payment 36 Month Lease • $995 Down Payment tl.000 MIIPIPSI Int. \'it Thrt*jH*f. Cintonvt Di-LprfiublB (m £7 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVlLLE • '97 CADILLAC CAtERA S 2 IN STOCK HURRY I N ! NORTHSTAR ENGINE - FULLY LOADED HMPO CL PARK AVE ELDORADO GRAND AM SEDAN DEVILU BRAVAPA '10,995 11.995 13,995 M3.995 15,995 '1X995 17,995 '30.995 «.-*vw v a n LUIKd QRAIN 288-0221 r O w o < V *-<ii: CADILLAC 1800 HEN6ERSO^DRIVE f IVSan who committed suicide proves to be seriaB sex criminal jump in and surpriso her. As far as policu agencies know. Liptak never impersonated a policeman, rlu&pitu his AVON — The display of items taken stolen badg« ana tikupolicn ID, accordfrom Thomas Liptat's car was dramating to Vilagi. ic, especially in light of what Police What kind of man would commit Chief John Vilagi was soon to tell these crimes? reporters. Liptak. who was unmarried and Arrayed on a folding table in the childless, wm manager of the computer council chambers of City Hall May 8 network of the Benj^nin Rose Institute, were a >»:in gun. a Snulh & Wesson 45an agency that aids ihe elderly, in In January, 1993. he kidnapped a caliber semiautomatic handgun and downtown Cleveland. woman in her 30s from u Revco parking three Rmmo clips, nylon ropes, knotted But tbeie was a side to Liptak probalot in University Heights, drove her Ace bandages, a cellphone, a sheathed bly unknown to hb fellow workers. He away from the area, assaulted her sexuknife, a stolen^Cleveland Police detechad a police record, having done time ally and look her back to her car. tive's badgo. a phony Clevakmd Police on two kidnapping charges In Department ID card, a Fraternal Order In Eastlake in June. 1094, he abductCuyahoga County in the late '70s. He of Police boosters' sticker, several paii3 ed a 32-year-old woman from a Fbiast was convicted on a charge of carrying a of latex gloves, a black mask and severparking lot, drove her to a different concealed weapon in 1983 in Summit al rolls of duct tape. location, assaulted her and brought her County. He had been diihcnoia'jly disback. These were the tools of Thomas charged from the U.S. Army. Since his In October. 1095, hn entered a small Uptak— sarial sex criminal. suicide, the Avon Police havo received business in Willoughby. held a 43-yearUptak. 40. of Laketvood, was run off inquiries from police agencies in old employee ct gunpoint and tried to the road infrontof Avon High School Wisconsin. Georgia and Kentucky sexually assault her. This woman, howMay 2 after a police chase from Lorain, about several unsolved cases of kidnapever, managed to escape through a back where he had tried to kidnap a woman ping and sex crimes in those states, door. In tha parking lot cf the Super K-Mart Vilagi said. In April. 1996. he kidnoppsd an 18on SR 56. As officers dosed in. Liptak "It's premature to say he's involved ycar-old woman from a Super K-Mart pulled out the pistol and shot himself (in the out of-state crimes] but there's & parking lot in Howland Twp., which is in the head. near Youngstown. took her to a hotel similarity in the m.oj," he said. In the following days, police learned Uptak's final prey was a 37-year-old raped her. Afterwards, he took her that kidnapping woman was something and Lorain woman. Using tried-and-true back to her car. of a hobby to Liptak. When they tactics. Liptak walled in Ihe parking lot In February of this year, he sexually searched his apartment on Madison or the K-Mart for a likely victim. At 11 . Avenue, they found a 220-page Journal, assaulted a 34-year-ola woman at a hair p.m.. the victim came out with several a computer printout, in which Liptak salon in Clevoland and robbed the bugs of merchandise which she loaded place. had soberly recounted his crimes with into the front passenger seal of her car. such accuracy and detail that they The only actual rape occured in Liptak. brandishing the 45-caIiber almost matched the police reports. Howland TWp. In the other cases, ha pistol, burst into the woman's car but Vilagi said. subjected his victims to sexual assaults apparently his movements were Liptak described incidents going short of rape, police said. blocked by the bags of merchandise, CeneraUy, LJplak would select a vic- according back to December. 1902. when he to repcrts. The woman began abducted a 46-year-old woman a* gun- tim at random, take har at gunpoint to a screaming, attracting the attention of a olnl at a Revco in South Euclid, took nearby hotel or motel, commit th-j clerk. As the clerk approached the er to another location and sexually crime, and return her !o her car. He vehicle. Liptak (led the woman's car. would wait in his own vehicle in a assaulted her. He then drove her hack to into his own. ared1995 Buick parking lot. usually ai night, for « got her car. Contury, and headed for I-CO east. The woman occupied with placing her purclerk provided Lorain ['olice with a Liptak was to repeat this Gvo more chases in her car. Typically, hn would licunsa plain number, and policu thn'Js, leaving police in Cleveland and choose a woman whoso paaicncer-sido radioed the information lo other thj eastern suburbs with six unsolved door was unlocked, allowing Tjim to crimes. By Mary. Swindell AVON POLICE BLOTTER E p j An Ohio Stale Patrol trooper spotted Liptak's car on 1-90 and followRd him off the freeway, south on SR 011 and into North RidgeviUtj. By this time. " police from Avon, North Ridgeville and Sheffield Village bad joined the pursuit. In North RidReville police baa set • up a partial roadblock. When Liptak saw this, he turned around in a church ~ parking lot and headed back towards Avon on Stoney Ridge Road. DUJVM> &e high-speed pursuit south into Avon. Liptak was seen talking on a cellphone and throwing things out of hix car. Later, police would recover several of the items whiih they believe he used in his assaults. In Avon, meanwhile, police had laid down strips of spikes in the roadway ofStoney Ridgw. Liptak drove over the ipikes. which burst three of his tires. lie pulled into the driveway of Avon High and shot himself in the right side of his head. The person he last spoke to was his sister. "Ha was saying goodbye, asking for forgiveness.1" Vilagi said. Vilagi termed Uptak "a very complicated personality" whose character, only an agency such as the FBI's Behavioral Science Uoit at Quontico. Va.. could begin to plumb. Vilagi and detectives from the cities in which Uptak had committed his crimes expressed satisfaction at closing the book on the cases. "1 feel we've gotten a predator off the streets," said DeL Bob Jaksa of the Eastlake Police. Athletic boosters meet T t * Avon La*» AWrtc BooOan wtl hold ttwir Ctfvttria U 730 pjn. oOcmn lor i S97-0S v«ar wtR b* ncminolKl and OtcMd. Th* Booster* wtil atso b* tooting « uocorning «v«nts. orcMetm v d M—• tor Via 1037-08 school y*mr. Plan K> i M r d .TOurInou I* BpptMCiaMd. • DISCOUNT nunnr outer Oul- i-e 7 // ^A>r all it BOATS 37570 French Creek Road - Avon (216) 934-0004 We have moved just around the corner to Building J in Tlie Landings... To serve all of your medical needs WITH 24-Hour Availably (216) 933-9848 Dr. Jack BriU and Dr. Mohammed. Khan arc accepting new patients at ihcir office at 32730 Walker Rd.. Bldg. J. Avon Lake members of OHIO MEDICAL GROUP Offers The Following Benefits: • Friendly, responsive service • Convenience of in-officc services: Routine annual physicals Chronic Ulnc« Care Prcvcntalivc Medicine Health Education Zfe SINCE OUR LAST VAN * **^ LOAD SALE WAS SUCH A SUCCESS. WE ARE OFFERING THIS SALE AGAIN. ORDERS ARE BEING ACCEPTED NOW THROUGH MAY 31,1997 AT SPECIAL VAN LOAD PRICING. ORDERS PLACED ON OR BEFORE MAY 31.1997 WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY THE WEEK Of" JUNE 30. REPLACING WINDOWS? Ohio Medical •Decks •Patio* •Pavers • Plantings •Concrete • Frame-In Additions -custom Outdoor THERE'S N O Croup SUBSTITUTE FOR OUR KNOW-HOW. p«i» deon tn youf hom«' What */* do you «*nl T Whit tVP*« • ' « belt? How murt i«B it c o « ' FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ri-^n KOO9 r\i qu«»tlofi» W# *l«o oll«> 6,000 tun ol top ©entistry Had Your Piano Tuned Lately? Get Your Piano Tuned for ONLY" JK Music Services Piano Tuning & Repair] (216)934-2909 iano not only otyo qualitw. «n«f3y €iliet«nt Arvl«r«#n Sit u. I.Ht. «nd r«pl«« vour wintlow yj<t(ioni *ith all ih« nghi Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday New Patients Are A1 j a y s Welcome 33393 Walker Rd.-Suite */» Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 i \.h—.• 1*1 Drug p-lartt 933-4486 mf^k ABBE ROAb tUMBERlCP. k _ a n d HOME CENTER , • "Art I* ifir • plur'r «i»* :1v.Vr*i"ti»! iSi I iff 1P SRI? si 1£ Using same .'V i •K ; By Mary Swindell > 2 AVON LAKE — A man who took, a ai bike for a test ride at a local bike shop [3 and kept on going tried the same ruso at a a cycle shop in Rocky River, but this LU UniB the shop owner was on to him. (E Last week we reported that a man. posing as a customer, was given permission to take an expensive mountain biko for a test ride at Marty's Bike Shop an Electric Boulevard. Th« crafty fellow the day before had taken twu bikes for test rides and had returuitd them, no doubt to establish his credibility as a person to be trusted. But on April 29. ha hopped onto an LTS-3 GT mountain bike, valuea at 51,240, and that was the last the shop ownor saw of him or the bike. Until May 1. That's the day the same man went into the Westgate Cycle Shop on Center Ridge Road in Rocky River and asked to tike a Cannon dale Super-V 2000 mountain bike, with a price tag of $2,400, for a test ride. Forget it. the owner told him. This was because Marty Hasenstaub. owner of Marty's Bike Shop here, had called the owner of the River bike outlet and told him about the scam. Thus alerted, the owner celled the Rocky River Police who picked the man up a .short distancn from the shop. In the meantime, Avon Lake Police haard about the arrest while monitoring the radios of »evet.il western Cuyohoga County police departments. Soon local officers and Hasenstaub we-e en route to Rocky River where Hasenjtaub identified the suspect as the man who had ridden off on Ills mountain bike. River Police turned the suspect over to Avon Lake Police who charged Carl R- Snydur. 23. of Vermilion, with theft. A postscript: Snyder is suspected of trying to test ride a bike from a cycle shop In North RldgTvillo. but was foiled when the owner ran Snyder's • w — i n imH'fcu Uw salus price ol the .— -oiko. Thd credit card company refused to accept the charge, according to reports. Disrepair and disrespect A landlord lock officers on a tour of a AVON LAKE POLICE BLOTTER home on Fay Avenue, recently vacated by a tenant, for a looLsoe at what be had left behind: The front porchlight taken out and left on the kitchen counter, a living room light removed and left on a floor, an air conditioner taken out and possibly damaged, a broken living room window, damage to the kitchen closet, a missing telephone, and possible roof damage from an antenna tripod or satellite dish sitting on it for three years. The tenant also owed two months back rent, the landlord said. • Officers sympathized but said this was a civil, not a criminal, matter and advised him to tal>. to bis lawyer. Drunk and disorderly Officers sped to the Artstown Pub May 3 shortly after 2 a-m. when a barmaid reported that a customer had insulted her, waved a handgun at another employee and shoved a man as he was headed out the door. The barmaid had told him to take a hike becai'se of his drunken, unruly behavior. Officers found the man sitting in his cur in the parking lot. They tola him to step out and patted him down. At this the man became belligerent and began struggling and wrestling with officers to the point where they sprayed him twice with, pepper spray. Even after a blast or lwo.hu laughed and continued to struggle. He finally had to be brought to the ground and wis handcuffed. A 30-ycar-old Loraln man was charged with disorderly conduct persisting and resisting arrest. Firs Department medics flushed out his eyes. Police searched his car but cuuld find no gun. according to reports. Autu motive A Mooru Road uparltut'nt dwt'llur found his I'J'JU Chevy iMaivr the object uf a foiled thuft. this on May 5. T'IU driver's side iioorlock, had bi'cn pried open and the steering column pet'lud. The victim said the car hail Iwen tirokt'n into in a similar manner ah >ut a year and a half ago, and tho radio and CD player taken. Since then, ho has tuki'ii l.U radio and radar dotector out of the car when hu leaves it outside overnight. Canine culprits You may remember our rucouniing last weak the misadventures of a trio of dogs whoso owners, residents of Mariner's Court, fac*» dog-at-large charges in court. Well, tho mutts were at it again in recent days, according to reports. A resident of Admirals' Way said two of the dogs — a boxer and a Cerman shepherd — attacked her black labrador retriever as he stood peaceably in his backyard May 2. The boxer and shepherd loped in growling and barking. ai.d tr' id to bike her lab, the woman said. Sho chased the dogs borne. Examining her lab, she found no bite marks but noted that bis coat was covered with saliva. She made no formal complaint, but NORTH COflST COMPUTERS Driveway sitters Loud music prompted some residents of Lake Road to cali tho cops on a neighbor May •» at about W:45 i<,in. --J1 officer stopped by the house m which tho music was thudding and told the host tho neighbors would like some peace and quiet. Sure thing, said the host, and turned down the volume. At 2 the following morning, though, the neighborhood was awakened to the blast oTrock music. In short order, an oSicer arrived to find the genial host and two pah silting In the driveway next to a boombox. Besides bis ear-drums being assaulted, bii nostrils were assailed by the acrid steach of marijuana smoke. One of the men admitted to smoking dope and produced a baggie of marijuana. A 22-ycar-old Loraic man was charged with drug abuse, the weed confiscated, and quiet restored to Lake Road. Safety Forces Day Samuel Michael Toth. shown here with his dad. Mictoel. sports a brand new bike helmet which he won during a drawing held on Safety Forces Day May 3. The Sheffield Lake Police and Fire Departments sponsored the Informational day, held at the Community Civic Center, to acquaint residents on crime and fire prevention. There were games and activities for the kids, too. Police officers neid a drawing (or the five bike helmets. The othor winners were Casey Pawolski. Brittany Ambers, Aflysia Williams and Olivia Neat. Spring Is In FULL BLOOM At Our House! Your Full Service Computer Source PC Soles Repairs Upgrades £• Networking Training Internet Access Web Design & Hosting SPECIAL!; 33.6 Modem ilie officer was to attach a report of the incident tu UOILT reports on thu dogs' activities now in the Itaiuis of the city nroiL-cutor. Police have citint '.ho owners several times over the past few weeks after ni'i^hbors couiplainod abaut the dop,j' hostile behavior towards people and pel*. $85/: J1on€rs GOO Avon Beldcn Rd.fRt. 83) Avon Lake 525 Avon Belden Rd Itaay acres* bom 1-90) (Right next to Burger King) 933-3253 • 1-S0O-3G7-OO18 216/930-5117 www.nccomputef.com ,r COMPLETE MECHANICAL DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING REPAIRS OPTOMETRY QUICK SHIFT We Do "E" Check Repairs PROPANE REFILLS HERE Grill Tanks Motor Homes 933-3532 690 AVON BELDEN RD. (RT. S3) AVON LAKE BEHIND S1SSONS Commons Nortli 33398 Walker Rd., Suite B Avon Lake, OH 933-3214 Friendly Professional Eyccare for the entire family CONTACT LENSES • Tinted • Gas Permeable • Disposable • Extended Wear • Astipmaiiiir. We give you the professionJI follow-up care and attention you need to be a successful contact lens wearer. 'NEW PATIENTS WELCOME' 4\ 1 •'•n n W Bffih m as IP ff j m m\IS is H1 I1I 1m Hi ft V\ 1m a ?;• By Amy Ginn Voters cast their ballots in several local elections Tuesday. in Avon, voters approved two fiveyear. .5 mill levies. Tha levies, which will each raiso 380,924 per year, will allow the police and fire departments to maintain ax*d purchase equipment. They will cost 51O.»7 per year to the oivner of a home valued at 570,000. Avon Lake voters passed (he 1.54-miU paramedic levy renewal in a nine to one vote- The levy will provide the Firo Department with SGO7.559 annually— the amount it needs to continue offering ambulance and paramedic service to residents at no charge. For the owner H i3 $ jfiBBni _-ir.. to Urbin. is another problem, since the pier was supposed to bo constructed without interfering with the operation of the boat ramp. "It is his responsibility to keep the channel open for boating.** ho said. Urbin said the city will take legal action against the firm only if necessary. The coal, he said, is that giving Monz another chance will inspire him to return to work at the pier. "It's my hope that we'll be able to resolve this amicably," he said. "But if he will not come back, he is breaching the contract." Illegal parking causes safety concerns By Joanne Easterdjry dons on a yearly basis. a Council tabled the option to purAVON — Council person Shirley chase the property oast of City Hall. Doss discussed Monday the problem of The buyer-beware clause in the purillegal parking during special sales chase agreement concerning removal of events at business the* do not have ade- toxic waste on the properly jjnvr counquate parking. cil socend thoughts. Doss said gome cars worn ticketed. Krystowiki said he wfli'hbt aware of "But once the people loft their van. any po.-isiblo conlnniinjrimi tine* noihwhat's e ticket? Two bucks?" Sh« suiii uiH lias ln-on Duill tin the [irop«My in that at the most recent event, curs w«o must uvnryolie's nifiiiary. parked ucross the sidewalks and were "If we're going to buy it ULo thut parked In areas posted for no parking. (with that clause), wo should pay A lot She said constl tiitnts* concern was the less for it," Krystowski said. inability of safety vehicle access. • Improvements to Freeman Drive, a Present laws on the books will be 28 foot wide, a Inch thick roadbod. 4 reviewed by the Safety Committee to Inch curbs and storm sewers and catch determine what airtion, including tow- basins, were approved, ing, could be used. • A mysterious rezoning item Involving nino parcels of property on Sfc 83 from C-4 to C-4 and C-2 and tho In other business • Clerk of Council Patricia Vierkorn same rezoning involving one parctil in location was referred to reported that the dty received a S3,000 tho sameCommission. Krystowskl said grant for signs for city hall and police Planning he did not know what the rezoning was neadnuarter's identification. According for. The requests came from tho properto tho grant requirements, the signs are . ty owner and a representative. to 1» made from recycled materials. • There will be a Littlo Luoguo • On first reading council approved support of Loraln County Chamber of parade at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. May 25 at Si, Mary's Church on Commerce for economic development beginning services. Consideration of this will be Stony Ridge. EtGfetera '••'*. r - ' v ' ••... • ' ? : . :-,\l:: '•-V • j ' " . y_f. J^*'!', Anybody remomber hanging out at this establishment? LP us know about Photo courtesy of J,m Sxep, of Jim* Cafe SHHSSuki Clerk Continuedfrompage t to . / » * » • Jho water line project, she auded. had cost approximately S40.000 lesa than onudpnted. trlf a d r d i t i ° n . according to Petro. VUIaga Engineer Tom Krall said more change orders might bo lubmitted for tho project. tn other business • Dottis Fox of Cflblev-sion is schedJV.m..'0 m ? t e "* appearance al the Utilities Coiarcitte» meeting on Monday. May i s . a t 7 p.m. in the Service Department building. Chair Calhi Price «aid U10 contract w-'.ih und sorvioo of Cablevifllon will bo the main focus of the meeting. • Tho Firo Department hai a new pnrt-timu panimodlt Crw{ Davis, cf Avon. w u cti(.n»»ii»d by council for tho day shift. Davis also works full-time on the Sheffield Lake Fire Department .u • . * having «" Immediate use lor the home council purchased next door to village hall, council is considering renting tho property. Council has not yet voted on a rental rate. • The yUuige wiU send a representative to a June meeting about applyina for grant funds to construct pedestrian and bike paths. Avon Lake has secured *uch u grant. Ondercin said, and U offering o seminar about the grant to othtir communities froa of charge. .,.*._ ^ P011011"* brcakfust ot Drooksido L W J r r 0 0 1 U **"* •Pon*oted by tho Hra Flghton AuxUUry. Tho trrmnt, h*\<l Sunday. May IB. from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. will cost S4foradults, 53 for spnior cilIzons anil will b*> frvo to children tinder ttutio y«Ara old. mv ', ;UVE fRdH THB^L^V£L!ANp.CLINIC Join us at ttxr Main O.im[Ats or the CUtvtattd Clinic tbu tnlertuUtvpm^TUin ubervyou nutv ifttfztinn our ipeciaHsts on tbettpic TREATMENT & RESEARCH Wednesday, May 21,1997 Pride Day is this Saturday AVON LAKE — You can still sign up (o participate In Pride Day this Saturday. Many groups have already signed up to clean up true lawn areas, city porks or school grounds. Other groups are planting flowers in various locations or cleaning up at the Avon Lako Play Space. All Pridn Uay participants will bo recognized aid presented with Cflrtlficatos of appreciation al the Juno 9 mooting of City Council. For more details, contact Kathy Lynch at City Hall (930-4121J during business hours. Summer speech therapy offered The Easter Seal SocJuty of Northwestern Ohio. Lorain County, is ngain sponsorine a summer aprech and language clinic for children 3-12 years of ago. The program will provide sorvico to children who havo been receiving therapy at school and need to maintain skills through summer months, or for the child who is not receiving thonpy. but to whom a summer program might be beneficial, espocially those ontcring kindorgnrton. . The proeram wllFbe offered from Juno 10 to July 25 at several Lora.n County locations. Each student will havo a screening and six therapy sessions. Applications will b« accepted until June 1. Two sessions of Nature lulk. an innovating language program at Fionch Creek Nature Center and Carlisle Visitor Center W l9 b < fiti 1 v«;-i yCaf d t i n g sorJs * P e r s o n a l rea* Also in Sheffield Lake, voters N ^ ™ ^ " 5"0" "a"r ai tn0 g Police and fire mm n P levies, bolh 1.74miU. will cover police andfixeexpenses by raising 5168.000 per year. They Continued from page 1 permission to drudge. In the time that it loot the Corps to respond, approximately one month. Men* accepted another Job in Cleveland and moved hi* equipment there. According to Avon Late Mayor Vince Vxbln. however, Monat is still under contract to finish the Job here. He is now refusing to come back until the city agrees to pay him 539.000. That is bis estimate of the cost of moving bis equipment from the Cleveland job. Meanwhile, the boat ramp b unabla to be opened, since suppl'es for the fishing pier are blocking it. This, according mm for ^ Sheffield La^-'s l-at-lorge seat The two received th.' moat votes last Tuesday, againsl challenger Kurt Enzmann. The position AL council gives contractor written notice; finish fishing pier job or face legal action Cafi tho Eastef Soal regional office at 210-277-7337 for inormatlon on fees and enrollment forms. in from the Cfc^eUnd Clink' will ili.tcu.vi: • Diet M>ihs and Fatts • Nrw MCJICAKHM on the Market .* Sew in the Minj^trincnt of O>mpltcjtioas in DUticies? 6>50 to 9:00 p.m. Ckm-land Clinic We»tlake Lower Level 30033 Clemens Road Westlake, Oil iull Tlie I'jtient r d u c j t k m IX*p;irtiiivni I«>r rt-scrvjiions or inure irtfunruiinn at 2l6/-i44-3€-itor 1/800-548-8902 or vliit our welwiic at Ti ui CLEVELAND CUNIC FCXWDATION Xi SEE WHffT RflY HflSTOSfiY 5hcfficl«J-Sbcffi»-ld Like Newt By Rjy V V ANO'S 2 SMALL PIZZAS WTTH 1 TOPPING 2 LARGE PIZZAS WTiH 1 TOPPING $ $ ha N U or* So«ojKy Putt. Offer wM S<r*4w mru Ti»«d*t 2 X-LARGE PIZZAS WITH 1 TOPPING 9.99 Net M U on SpeuMV Pica. a<«*J&97 BRUSNAHAN & STUART KrwgJ. Bnwuhan ATTORNEYS AT LAV/ 158 -A Lear Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 930-2600 PERSONAL INJURY CRIMINAL DEFENSE Auto Accidents ' Wills / Trusts • Felonies Slip / Fill • Estate Planning • Misdemeanor* Industrial Accidents • Estate Administration • DL/1 / Traffic Wrongful Death • Guardianship* • Appeab Office Hours: 9:00 - 5:00 Monday thru Friday Evening and Weekend Appointments Available j'(e/ns /or i/tis column may be sent' to 701 Kt-nilworth Ave.. Sheffield Lake. OH 44054-1232 or call 949-2736. You can also fax me at this number or send e-mail to filakQjuno.com. If you want the information to appear in this column, send it to me rather than "The Press." All information must be received by noon on the Tuesday, eight days, prior to the next edition. SL Thomas Church. Las Vegas nights will be held on May 16 and 17 from 6:30 pju. to ?. The entertainment function will include free coffee, free door prizes, high hand of tho hour,* free admission and security. The event wilt be hold at 719 Harm Road in Sheffield Lake. The facility is wheelchair accessible and promises to bo fun for all. For additional informatlnn call 949-6275. Family Day Picnic Set. A family day picnic will be held at Sheffield Lake's Community Park on Sunday. May 18 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be fun for all ages Including food, music and games. If you purchase food from Hardees. 20% of the sale will go to GJ4.F.R. For additional information call 949-8085 or 949-5289. Your support of this event will be appreciated. Sheffield and Sheffield Lake Election Results. According to the Loralo County Election Board there was nothing to vote an In the village at this election. Three items though were presented for vote in Sheffield Lake. On May 7 the unofficial results are: Issue *7 replacement levy for tho police department passed with 618 votes for the issue and 483 votes against. Issuo #8, the Fire levy, also passed In this election with 64lJ volt's approving..-> the 1levy. ;uid 451 votes rejecting th« -*•,? issut . ---"r';!! Tho council I-at-lart<J seal vacated by--.-, KobiTt Palmer was woo by Robert • .^ Ebuiischwelltjr with 4lil votes, topping ".! candidates Kurt Enzmanu's 103 votes "'„ and Doris J. Nay's 285 vote. A fourth ';•/• candidate withdrew from the city coua- '."M cil nice before the ballots were prinled. -' -J Sheffield Village Service Depart.-.~f ment. The Village Service Director. Leo-;;i: Sheets, said "Our Oster Road waterline •"••'• is completed and has been tested and.'" everything. ani^ i s ready for people to'.i't tap in." The Village will take cars of the'-;;" tap-in for the seven residents affected'-'•;, by theprojecl. : ','".-J, Sheffield Village Business. The new ;; Rini Rego begin built on the north tide" of State Route 254, west of Route 2*J1 In : the Village, is scheduled to open ca .L June 1. -J' Community Oars. Pro-sale rida tick-^7.1 els are available from Stephanie \ Bunner with the Community Civic'-7? Council at 949-7211. The tickets will be •£ 1 available in bund] us of 100 at a cost t o ' ' your organization of $225. Your oigani- •']•" za'on will net 545 profit form each:: .' bundle of 100 that you sell. Any unsold:; tickets will be bought back by the Civic'' v Council If they are returned t o " • Stephanie Bunner by Saturday. July 5. This Is a good opportunity for your organization to promote this an&w'V event and earn funds at tho sams lisle;'' L Pre-sale rida tickets cannot be fold any later than 6 pjn. on July 9. ' Pride Oar. Property and business .•••[• owners in Sheffield Lake, remember to7»-.'"• spruce up your property and structures '•''••' fur this May 17 county-wide event A '-r well kept property will automatically qualify you to oe In the running for the flag awards that will be presented to • five winners. One flag will be presented *•* to the winning business and four radn. dences will be selected. Last week while searching for the meaning of life, a bird defecated on my * 'clean car. Is that the meaning of Ufa? — Ail things considered, it didn't make " mo hjippy. Til next week from tha little house on Kenilworth, have a great one! Children's World plans grand opening Clowns, face painting, balloon twist- Ing, a ritg toss and refreshments such as corn dogs, popcorn and cotton candy will all bo part of the fun at the grand opening celebration of a new Children's World Learning Center at 407 LearNagle Road in Avon Lake. Saturday, May 17. from 1-3 p.m.. families are invited to Join the festivities free of charge and to have an opportunity to tour the newly constructed facility and meet the leachlns staff. The center will offer a full range of services for families in Avon lake and tho surrounding area. Age-appropriate learning programs will bo offered for 18 month-old toddlers through school-age childron on a full-timo or part-time basis, and van transportation ij pravldcd lo and from area schools as part of the program. For more Information about the grand opening celebration or the programs that will be offered at the new center, families are Invited to call Centor Director Diane Tracyk at 933-2531. Children's World Learning Center is a leading provider of quality Infant, toddler, preschool, pre-klndergarten and school-age learning programs operating 46 community based and employersupported learning centers In Ohio. Children's World encourages social, cognitive and physical development, while allowing children to learn at their own pace. Children's World has been providing early childhood and elementary educational programs in, Houston since 1969. We've Fixed Up Some Of The Worst Joints In Town. These cJjyt more and more people around town arc living their lives without yt\n in their shoulder*. This is due to the skilled and compassionate ore that Dr. Alfred Scrna of Kolczun & Kolczun Orthopaedic Associates has provided. Arthritis, bursitis. fractures, rotator cuff and athletic injuries will be trcaierj with the personal care, tiles: technology, and special touch of Koloun & Kolczun Orthopaedic Atsociaies. Other services provided by Kolczun & Kolczun Orthopaedic Associates include the management of painful hips, knees, hands, elbow*, wrisu, ankles and toes. To get fint-rund information on how your quality of life a n improve through join: replacement and surgery, please call: 216-985-3113 or 1-800-860-3310. Is. YburBiggest investnient. •; ; Doesn't It; D^seWeGrange Insurance? INBUFUUMCS rpartner in proUttton KOLCZUN OLCZUN hopfiedic Associates I-orjin • Hlyru • Avon Lake Olterlin • Nu 7tU£ptcuUist$ yitk Tkat Special Tcuck Nikki Wall penfoundl insurances 38765 DETfKJfTRCMD AVCtt 934-5133 m M • MlM>«MMUM«MtU>LllMI'«L>1VO TumMnimw T innifti u r n i r n i w i i -Tnt i •n amy «•rtWta«ffcrf. .13 for* MsifMrona 4*4 OMMlfKM •SAVOII 1AVU!! . _ .. <•*! U11II ON UCJkMl fOtt rex M l I « M I OrrtO—% • ™o«t » ••«« AM COHOrnOMHC $ tfS t 939_t2G9^_ 2^, IMO. •«JO«yCI5MMc*H>... •*1 A*O« ^«uMig«r K M . . . 12 OtrryS-IQtUmr4*4 . . < *n7/<xi l . K •SI AWM^i Dip COM Km. » Continued from paga 1' ~ Board's choice, all of Avon Lako would - win. c As sure as Doard President Terry \ Ryan and members wore of Dr. Dutiful J Ross' choice, I know Dr. Ross had to i make that sajuu choice ol where he I wanted to go. Prom what I understand. i Dr. Ross had other offers, but evidently. • ho folt Avon Lako was tho ulaco to be. While details have yet to bo announced. I expect the LOW superinIcndents's salary to be in the mid 80s range, along with standard pension benefits. Ross comes to Avon Lako from a district i-.'Th 6.300 students that has gone through tremendous growth over the past ton years. According to Ross, it was not unconunon to have 40-CO new students a month. Compared to Avon Lake's 40-CO a year, I am sure he'll Gnd the pace something to be appreciated. What can, Avon Lakers expect from ihslr new Supe? Plenty— residents can look for Ross to be a high profllo person who plans to purchase a home within the community. (The outgoing superintendent never purchased a home.) He has Indicated he gets Involved by riding school busas, **wfc1nfi unannounced visits to buildings, and letting people know who he is. There is, of course, many Other responsibilities of his position. Early reports out of Pickerington is thev are upset to see him leavB and feel /won Lako has bit a home run with Ross. Wo all wish him the besL High, and dryl Area boaters aren't going to be one bit aroused to find out the Miller Rd. Park boat launch halltics won't open until mid-June. Even though the weather has been terriblo. tho opportunity to catch a good day of pe/ch fishing Isn't going to happen. Tho contractor was delayed by tho annual sand build-up and slowness of o permit from the stats. It's Illegal to dredge during the spawning season, Sincojbo ur-*ialng permit wasn't avail' able. Marine Contracting Inc. pulled their equipment from building tho fish' IIIR ptcr and moved tu onolhor job In Cleveland. They now want Avon Lake to cough up another 540.00 to ruturn tu Avon Lake and finish tho job. Since atom* and sand block tho oxit from the harbor, thoro is just no way boaters can utilize the ramps. Avon Laky council has indlcatod they have no intention to pay the additional money ID tho contractor. Mcyor Vinco Urbin has asked council to stand fast on the issue. Unfortunately, area boaters will need to travel elsewhere for a month or more lo enjoy Lake Erie. Batter up! The Sports Channel, in cooperation with the Cleveland Indians and host Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation, will once again feat me the "Batter Up" compotilion. Boys and girls, ages 7-14, from ii/ea communities are invited to sign up in this annual event. • Players will compete- iu pitching, hit ting, and running in various ago divisions. Last year nearly 500 area kids participated in tho skills competition. The event is scheduled for Saturday June 21st. For more information, check the special half-page sign-up in this issut). Homecoming date change! The Avon Lake 15th annual Homecoming Fcs:ival, originally scheduled for the IIth and 12th of October, has been rescheduled for Saturday, September 27th and Sunday, September 28th at tho Avon Lake High SchooL This annual event attracts people from all around, not only for the delicious Kiwanis Pancake n' Sausage Breakfast, but the many crafts, community events, and of course, the great 80part parade. So mark your calendar for SeptemuBr 27th and 28lh. Loruin County Pride Day is scheduled for this Saturday, May 17th. Area communities, in cooperation with service gioups, will work togotber to help clean up their communities. Join your neighbors as they show then* pride. The Avon Lake/Avon Chamber of Commerce presents a seminar on websites and the Internet May 20th, from 7:30-0:30 a.m. Members and guests are invited to the attend, at Avon Lake Public Library. A deluxe continental breakfast is sponsored by Community Health Partners/Avon Lake physicians. The cost is SG per person, which includes the breakfast and the seminar. Call 933-9311 to moke reservations. This semin.Tr. called "Welcom* to lh« Web," is presented by Universal Promotions, a locnl marketing company. The seminar will cover information regarding how to use the Internet as n resource, what a website will do foi your business, bow to build a custom website, how to gnl "online." and othor topics that will bring you and your business into tho 21st century. Avon Lake Chorale rated superior 1V -K1' ' *' On Saturday, May 3, tho Avon Lako High School Chorale, directed by William G. Zurkey, earned three superior ratings la Class "AA* at the Ohio Music Education Association No. Imost Regional State Choir Contest in Brookpark, Ohio. A choir must have earned a superior rating at Dhtrict Contest *o qualify for stato competition. The Chorale performed a 20-mInuto concert in the new Ford Auditorium in Briiokpork beforo an audience and three O.M.E.A. sanctioned adjudicators. The selections included: "Song of Triwaoh," written for tho National Choi af Symposium by Dale Grotonhuis: "A Red, Red Rose," a Scottish folk song by James Mulhclland Oi.rt accompanied on piano by Megan Kotls: and "Fycr. Fyor! My Heart!" ny Thomas Morley, an early English Madrigal. All of the above selections wore categorized as Class "AA" selections which Is tho most difficult category of music fudge Jsrry Parsons of Columbus comments, "Ladies and gontlemon - a superb performance today. Your tone quality Is very mature. Bravo!" Judga Larry Griffin of Columbus writes, "What a group. You sing so very expressive and musical. What a treat! Tho Chorale will conclude their 1005-07 Concert Soason with tho Spring Concort on Thursday. Mny 22 at the Avon Lake High School Auditorium. The O.M.E.A. Stale Choir Competition is approved by the North Central Cornmittoo of Ohio and Ilia Ohio Association of Secondary School Principals. 1w 1mWmm H m -Bi w y EFT Karen and Phil Bova stand with Father Ragan Council Grand Kngihl Joseph Greiner (left) and Dinner Chairman Vine© Gargaro (right). Phil holds Gabrielle and Jacqueline, 4. Standing !s McKenzie, 6. Thk U ibr Mtli* cnttiirant iptclutDIiit; Milrl* In- Ihr dr*(j;ri',»,. t mjrktjiitji unit adrninltiriifiun nM*TijJ t r n k v plih*.":-^- 1 K*j FIOK 'fabiklj tnfcd company 'ttoeamtle irrwjk of J.700 + bw flrmi fif^ati; uWraruranta profnm 'WcrkJj axnmmm thedd 'Low lamanm K When members of Knights of Columbus Father Ragan Council 3269, Avon, found outUbcut a 19 month-old infant born with the birth dofoct. Aperts Syndrome, they decided to tponior a fund-raiser that would help pay medical bills for the family. They never imagined how successful it would be. A spaghetti dinner was held at the council's halt on Moore Road on Sunday. March 1G. When It was over, more than 1,000 persons had dined, 225 >-ounds of pasta, 10 cases of sauce and 2,400 meatballs were cooked, and six cases lettuce shredded for salads. Coupled with a bake sale, valuable door prizes and some generous contributions, tho tally showed more than 515.000 had been raised In that one afternoon. The council Squires Circle presented a check for 5G0O; the Isabella Guild gave SI00. It was by for the council's most successful coundl/conununity project. Tho infant, Gabrielle Bova, Is the daughter of Phil and Karen Bova of Avon. C-abrielle suffers from a rare, genetic birth defect that includes abnormal growth of the skull and face, fused fingers and toes. In 1996 she underwent eight surgeries, and thus far in 1997 has undergone one. Many more' ere expected. Organizer of the dinner was FDD PCK Vince Gargaro, the current Diocesan Coordinator for the Cleveland Diocese. Chief cook was Jim Jacobs, a former District Deputy. The Dova family went to the Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, April 20 at the Father Ragan Council's Annual Awards Dinner, to receive numerous checks from the council. "We lhank you, most especially for your prayers,** Phil Bova toldtho audience. More than 70 Brother Knights, their wives, familios and friends volunteered to help at the event. ' New Sheffield council member sworn in By Jim Petruzzi SHEFFIELD VILLAGE — A new council niombnr was sworn in last week to fill the vacancy left after former member Ron Rosso resigned lo become tho Zoning Administrator, a newly created position. Judio IJocs. u village resident on Apple Creek Drive, was appointed with a 3 to 2 vote at a special council meeting May 7. Council members Cathy Prico and Dorothy Crawford dissent eel. Docs was sworn in May B. She will serve the remainder of Rosso's term, which will expire Dec 31,1999. Docs had been serving Shoffiold as a po'ico dispatcher before her appointment, and subsequenlly resigned that post. She is currently a realtor employed by Oak Tree Realty and Long View Builders, who recently constructed Durfiold Estates aff Abbe Road. Read & Use The Classifieds IM0UHANCK Yourpartitr tnprotetlton BOB ALLEN 30-Millian iwsiriB WIB die* la |93S:.-, n u r i m y m i KiH tn Call* INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ' FREE Ifitflroel loto' Mt£yymtfflJ>E'iJ(itam/RtfMRIS2M/honiipjjie i { 33399 Walker Rd.. Avon Lake 933-5223 • 1 ESS Get The Legal Protection You Need for .,, a Low Monthly Fee... And Make Money *i From A Top-Rated Business Opportunity! Whether you're running • bulinen or jutt hive personal u x u to prorcct, dunces • « VEK» GOOD you're going u> necil a Uwycr sometime... and Lawyer* co«t H i ! Fonuiui'ly, yci can set the quality penotrU A buslnni leyaf protection you ncctl for one Itx* monthly fee. P1u», you can profit from our buiincii opportunity paying residual income ai well. i m1IS !i m1 FREE Information Kit •i m She has also been involved with governments In Pennsylvania, where she served on the Community Development and Veteran's Monument'Committees for the Punn Hills municipality. Women's club to meet Woman's QU> of Avon Lake would kka K> invite preopoctw marriMK* to the May 16 meeting at 7 p.m. at the Avon Lake Pubttc Library in me Gallery Room, the program will be run by new mamoars and win be a White Elephant Swap. Afl mambers and guests a/a asked to dean out their c*-««tj ana find a new home lor your forlorn por Melons. PWasa wrap your gtfl ctsatrvety and b-tng It to the meeting on Monday. May 19. Sodal flma win begin at 7 p.m. with (he program itartng around 730 p.m. Womar.'a Club ol Avon Laketaa dvta organization which raises money tor scholarships, community organizaSons and other worthwhile causes in the area, the most popular probably befig ma ran and Spring Homespun Fair* which hove raised over $20,000. We are a group ol 48 women who batleve that by working together we can accomplish great things in our community. If you wo»Jd liketobe part ol this group, please Plan on attondlng the May 19 meeting at 7 p j n . For more information coll 933-2794. PetkoffDoenges Mr. am! Mrs. Kurl Potkoff annuunco tho «n gage in on I and nppronching murringo of thoir douRhlrr. Molissn. to Brian Do«>nRcs. ton of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Docngoa of New lirunion. Ohio. The brid«-lo-bo is a 199C graduuti) of Magnificat High School, nnd a 1095 grntlunlo of Ohio •Slnto University. Sho is currently nntptoyed as a customer sorvfeo specialist at Cordon Foods Corporction in Columbus, Ohio. Doongcs is u 1097 graduate of Ohio Stato University. He is currcnt- Melissa PetkoH and Brian Doonges ly pursuing a master's dogrou in education at Ohio Stfit-> The woiiding will lake placo on Juno 13 In Now Bremen. Ohio. 1 On Saturday. April 2G Iho Lurain County Solid Wuslu Muniigutneiil nistiict (District) spaiisori'd lhu lliird ,-mnual Lorcin County l i r e Culluutiun 'Drive, fruy '.a the msUk'tils uf L^7».in - 'mnty. 'liiii collucliuii ilrivt' was. ln.'lil .it 16 Luiiuiiuiiity lucation^ to colli.'ct ,u:d rycycl" scrap lire* itiLludiiiy farm lujctnrund ruhtini Imin vuliiuly tire:,. Ciitilriil Oliiu Cuulriictiirs ftum CuiuiuLtus, Ohio was I IK* jirinn- rontractur which dulivLTiid a jinrtablu shmMur la lln> Now Kusjb Township CuMiplox lijcaiL'd un UutUniut Kidyi? Hc.id. Tintires wi-ri' diij>(iud to 2"\2" and llu.'n JUST FACE IT!.o s t u n ' d in ihi) i;uii!|i<Mi<iH IJHIS until t h e .shredding w a s iiuinplt.'ti'd. A n y linis thai WITI! liiu larj'i; fur (jrijf:i>.s-.i!i^ ur o n r i m s w(;n< tr;iiiipi(rii-d |r> Cnlumliu-, WIUTI; tlit; largLT tir'.'s WITL 1 i h i ' i i f d a m i lli'i:.).- un r i m s WITC n - m o v e d lji;fur>' •jhrt'ddiiij;. Ttti; iiKjiiin.il (in 1 ( I i i ; i . u i ' i " r i - m u v d for ii lji'iu-lit:i;il u s ' - [irfjji'c t t u Kait .Sparta. Uliiu wlu'n." tin- inal'Ti;,! wilt ln> Ift.tiiil] t;vi;iil. I n i i i i i i i l i u n . I1". i . l . M i t - u j j sittj-, I.uriiiu C r . i m l y WIT... ; j ] ^ f ) iucluili-il t h i s t i n . ' f.<j|It>uiim. • 1 AUTO FENANCIN6 FOR EVERYONE Bring in iWs ad for 10% OFF " • • • Good Credit No Credit Credit Problems Bankrupt Credit BRAND NEW 1S97 MAZDA PROTEGE LX'S Air Conditioning BRAND NEW 1B97 COROLLA DELUXES CALL CHARLIE 671-57OO BRAND NEWT 1 9 9 7 TACOMA PICKUP S TRAEVS BRAND NEW 1997 MAZDA MIATAS Model Trail, s & Supplies Lionel N HO G YOUR CHOICE I* BRAND NEW 1997 814 Center Rd., Avon MAZDA 626 LX'S 937-92OO (RL 83 & The Kjitn«trl TRILIL*) YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK AT DENNY'S TRAINS! )pen 7 Days Cash for your tennis lircc»c< O w n e r old trait* Reduce Your ElectricJJjll BRAND NEW 19O7 Air Conditioning si TOYOTA CAMRY LE'S or Lease for Low Monthly payments BRAND NEW 1997 TOYOTA AVALON $17,989 BRAND NEW 1997 MAZDA SE5 1/2 TON PICKUP (13.M0 o*for« sal*, tavm Over S360O Just By Calling Geisel. itiflf J D « .n coniuoner *«>«:«J »y one of uur u jincd pirfoiw before ihe KOWII HWII *.ll u « )«•fce«"xhe»*"J »««««l I"1' " p w u!U>ty bill. A ne* Can.CT Wenher Mjker. Uw nun ellr.ie« b ^?toM« •* ) " ^ *I« Blt: bl11 I % s I nH vsSSm SUinMcr Evefil i 1w 111! 1 ^ 1 i | t r ) TOYOTA 835-002Q IMPERIAL CLEANERS rn in S in K y ['ut inun; infuritt.ilion jit.'.ii.i cmil.ii.! 5 Anijy Amlufi'ii ;i1 ;J2'J-54-S0. •< CLOSET C®JCRAFTERS 1080 Bawttt Road, Weatlala i usod .ii li!l i-i li;.ic;hiii|; sVbk-m'i. T h « trjtul iiinrjiint nf tin.'s colli.'ck'd U.L-, 51.500 u r 5I5.Ua trdis iit this uA- j • HEW CABJ VETS • CORIA.N •JiHOVVHOf ,M . CABINET REFACLSG 1080 Bawett Rd. WMtlalte 835-1300 ShowTDom i 1 n zSrgK i• S $51,432 as uf Au«. 4, 1096. Continued from page 3 J C/fy Planner is not over I compensated ! •T * t •'} y' 3 To tho Editur g The lingering impasses in salary °- negotiations bolweon tho City of Avon x Lake and various unions representing labor, has received an inordinate amount of attention from the media, including Heather Rutz'a article in the May 7.1997 edition of The Press. Much of the rhetoric has centared upon the "stipend" controversy, proposed to be extended to 10 employees—professionals—whose career interests ore not represented by collective bargaining units. Furthermore, regarding salaries, these 19 Individuals have no cohesion as a group, or union-like ability, but rather are individually isolated to fond for themselves In all salary matters. Many of this group _ are Department Heads of the City, representing the administration along with the Mayor. I hold a Department Head position as City Planner, end am not speaking for my fellow Dopartment Heads, or (ho remaining members of the."19." I am writing this letter to speak, to the public ' to clarify the salary Issue as it relates to . my position in response to your concerns about reasonable pay, its compensation relative to my fellow Department Heads, and to compensation of city planning directors in general. Ms. Rutz's article incorrectly reported the salary of the City Planner position; It is 538,00 annually. Avon Lake Is a growing city, only 60% bullt-out. At this point in its development life cycle. prudent, professional dry planning is ore vital than it Is for a much larger, fully developed community, which may employ a complete staff of professional planners. That Is my opinion, and I am quite confident that thousands of others would generally agreo with that statement- To tho many dovelopers. business executives, and skilled, educated professionals who have had the planning for their multi-million dollar projects managed by my department: does ray position's salary for a planning director here in Avon Lake make sense to you? I believe that governmental service employees should bo compensated by the position, not the credentials of tho individual holding the position. Lest anyone think that the compensation of the City Planner position in Avon Lake Is high, please allow me to present somo facts. • Not including the Mayor, on elocted position, the average salary of Department Hoads in Avon Lake Is ,WBi|fliar; MGiIicareiloesirt-., ll pot/fa w 65, durfl count on Itw Fodvrd M K £ C U * Pcogiwn to eo*»r oQ your madiiil c M i Inttaod, count on Kt*>orran<Ja'l Macfcora SuppUn-ant poftcy-o policy that guorontem you renawabW co*aroQ« fef 01 bog a* yot* !»••. for mor* information, ju*f Q M U% O COB 0 G 0 8 • In 19U5. ut tho rcquDSt of a farmer couucilperson, 1 conducted a survey of salaries of planning directors for eight municipalities in tli« Cuyuhojja/Larain Counties region. Cities with characteristics similar (o Avon Lake, such as development stage, population, pur capita income, suburbaaality, industrial base, geography, etc., were soluctud. The mid-range salary of planning directors was S50.7G3, and the average, tht>n-current salary of incumbent planning directors was 557,755. That was two years ago. • The American Planning Association (APA), of which tho city and Its planning commission are members, and I am a member of its professional wing as well, the American Institute uf Certified Planners (A1CPJ. published a "Planners Salaries and Employment Trends" report In 1Q95. Its Information is based on a survey of 5,751 professional city planners, of which 1 was one when the City Planner salary was significantly less ifiin at present. The report indicated that the median salary of AICP members, 10.000 nationwide, all positions, was at that time $31,000. A composite of several statistical models In the report Indicate that the salary range of a planning director having my personal education, experience, and a host af other marketable employment characteristics, when compared to various situations similar to Avon Lake, would likely merit a range of between $48,000 to $51,000. Tho APA advertises open planning positions in a monthly publication called Job Mart. For the period May, 1895 through December, 1090, I compared nine available city planner's positions in Ohio, with stated responsibilities and qualifications extremely similar to the City Planner position in Avon Lake. The average, advertised starting salary—throwing out the highest and lowest—was S50,5GQ, Ohio is one of the lowest paying rtatrts for city planners In the Union, which I can prove. These are "red apples-to-rod apples" comparisons. In fact, detailed examination of the hard documentation I have, would Indicate that the Avon Lake's City Planner position Is not handsomely compensated at all, especially given tho position's responsibilities, the nature of which many of those reading this oro aware. It is my opinion that any governmental position be compensated in consideration of four "campaxables": 1. In relationship to compensation of peers of that position within their organization; Key Harbour Marina West River Rood. VormllJon 1/ Dockago For Ovor 150 Boats JJ - Private clean restroorra/Jhowera Parking In front of vessel - Full service marina JJ - Certified boat repairs - Shrink wrapping • Winter storage JUST MINUTES MOM LAKE £Bl£ 216-967-4993 2. In comparison lo similar positions in the same profession, in sunilur organizations, in similar situations, in similar googruphic areas: 3. In comparison to similar positions, within similar professions, in both lho private and public sectors, in any rcffijn: und. 4. In comparison to what sociuty generally compensates similar, contemporary positions given basic market conditions. Nowhere in the above paragraph did 1 mention individual qualifications, ochievomenls. skills, performance, or seniority: these are factors which determine raises and bonuses—not a position's base salary. None of the criteria have anything to do with personality or favoritism; 'they are reasonable and politically neutral {at least If they are handled that way). All of the information I have herein provided, either was made available to officials of the City, or was offared, or would gladly bo made available. I extend the some offer to any person. The point of my letter is to provide documented evidence to the public, through all the hoopla and innuendo, that In Avon Lake, the position of City Planner is certainly not over compensated. Albert J. Dlspenza. Jr.. AICP City Planner City of Avon Lake Editor* Note: In the May 7 issue of The Press we printed Afr. Albert Dispenza's gross salary as S37£29.63. While this figure Is $70.37 less than Mr. Dispenza indicates, it is the figure provided to as by the City of Avon Lake Finance Department. Program line-up (or Public Access Channel 34 and Government Access Channel 12 for the week of May 14-20. Public Access Channel 34 • Thought You'd Like to Know. Pago 11 with host Mayor Vtbin. 6 a-mVp-m., 12 a.m./p.m. - Senior Social Connection with host Lisa Surmeister. 7 a.m./p.m., 1 a.tn-/pjn. • Leading the Way Home with host Carol Murphy. 8 o.mj'p.m., 2 a.m7p.m. - WGOO with Reverend Meredith Coleman of the Lakes note United Methodist Church of Avon Lake. 9 &.m./p.m.. 3 a.m./p.m. - Lot's Talk with host Bob Bolen. 10 a.m./p.m., 4 a.m./p.m. - Miscellaneous Programming, 11 a.m./p.m., 5 n.mJp.m. (Nate: The Avon Lake United Church of Christ airs its services LIVE Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. and 11 o.m.) Government Access Channel 12 - Avon Lake City Council May 12 meeting. 7 a.in./p.ro.. 11 a.m./p.m.. 3 a.m./p.m. - Council Update, 9 o.m/p.m.. 1 n.m./p.m.. 5 a.m./p.m. ALC-TV Playback. Who noods Bob Vila? We've got Carol Murphy and her ihow, "Loading tho Way Home." This wook on ALC-TV. Carol ventures out of the studio for an on-site home inspection, with guest Mike Moir of Building Inspector uf Ohio. Bo suro lo join them as they toko an aLtual walk through a homo, discuss the mechanical systems and ovorything olso a homo inspection entails. Abo on Public Access 34. Mayor Learning DKE GREENHOUSE' LARRY VAN DEB OORD •L.' , Avon Lnk«, Ohio AMI a Offk.i 933-4377 !-fl(»-933.03V4 NATIONWIDE I INSURANCE r. •*:t- BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER ALL FLATS $9.50 Annuals • fVrcnnialt Hanging Baikets S Geraniums • Herbs • Vegetable*" $ PLUS Mulch • Top Soil and Many Garden Scppli« 937-5666 , Avon To the Editor: Tho second Women of Worth luncheon was held on Wednesday, April 10 at Uio Irish Heritage Ceutor. Sixty wonderful women were in attendance to support CKS' Mother's Day program, enjoy each other's company and a lovely fashion show by Cara's at the Promenade featuring models [Janine Bonezzi. Jenna Gonzalez, Linda Hcmrner and Sandy Martinez) from our community. Tho Works [located at Tho Landings) did hair and makeup for the mode's, and their nails were dono by Nail Clinic in Avon. Both of these salons also donated wonderful door prizes. Despite the drizzle, a feeling of spring abounded amid the beautiful daffodil centerpieces denoted by Piazza's. A lavish gift basket was donated by Sheila Oster as a raffle item. Luncheon atten-. dees brought donations of lotions, cosmetics and other "unnecesslttes** that CRS volunteers will combine' into Mother's Day gift bags for moms who need a boost. Morcia Rowles, Lori Turco, Pat Elchiffisi and friends worked very hard to put together such a lovely afternoon. Community Resource Services Is grateful to these generous women for tho tirao they give to CRS projects. Once again. Avon Lake - you're the greatest! Msrjorie w. Calkins Urbin -Thought You'd lika To Know" about RJ.T.A. on bis program.' Learn a little more about Avon Lake's new-tax ^i collection agency as he talks with A] Finance Director Susan Valasco. Bob Bolen visits the Library Shop on his show. "Let's Talk." Join him this week as be talks with Linda Potts, managor of the shop, and Irene Sbuster. the t-\ volunteer coordinator. '•_•'., And, Student Government Day continues on Government Access Channel 12 with a special May 12 council meetIng. This week's meeting features par* ticlpation by ATHS seniors. Wo hope you enjoy this week's programming on ALC-TV. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call at 933-7077. Thanks for watching, and have a groat wcekl Btoodmoblte schedule The Lorain County BtoodmobOe wUI ba at Brookshto HjQTt School. 1812 Harris Ro*d. SheflWd. on Thursday. May 15 from 8 a m to 2 p-m. On Friday. May 10. ttw Bkmdtnobte wffl t » at Pwfcar HarmfRn Wheel & Braka locatad at 11«) Cenur Hd., Avon bom 130 lo 430 p m 'Smart Sitter' CPR class offered A class tor graduates of 'Smart SUMr1 wU) ttt held at tfw Avon Ltka Presbyterian Church on June 7 from 1-3 p m. Students wta learn aduH. child and infant C»R. The class le« is 512. CaB Sharon Hofcnsborg at B33-S2S4 to register. EXPERIENCE THE PNCE AM) TUVJCIUn OF i CHESTNUT HERB FARM .'-.;.H»rbv -Srtntfd C«r4nlunu .' Unlimited West "Over a million plants under glass" •fii Women of Worth luncheon a success "Finding Tho Fun in Learning" 1 Diagnostic Testing • IndrrtJual Instruction Reading • Base Skills • AH Ages SAT-ACT Prep-Study SKifls Speed Heading-ESL Personalized Computer Training 26915 Wcstwood Rd. Westlake 808-1732 Vbit One Of The MOST &VTENSIVK HERB SHOPS In NORTHERN OHIO '.': - HerbaLProductsTor•'•'-•?••• •AROMATHERAPY: MEDICINAL &', 'CU Skin A flmly Cure G G7.-W.VliV A UI'KN TUCH. thru SuL. II) AM - li PM (Sunday* Ir Muy VZ I'M - 5 [ l \n a m i :ta7-nn.T7 : i s x o ciifcSTMiT Rinr.K N. Kin<;EVIM.R ifiyMarySwindeli' Bone yard '. r A Lynno SuciM woman 'Found what she though! WHS n human bone in her backyard garden in recent days. FIru Department medical technicians wl h«r r.yal. though. The bom; was jj;irt of a racoon skeleton. TrarasmbsloD Irsnsgnrasion '.' • • Souiobody dumped an old car trans;-.- SHEFFIELD LAKF.— An anonymous mission in the parking lot of • • tip lo the county Childlrun's Son/ices KrioUwnod School some thnpfover the Departmori'. has ltd to tho arresi of a 19weekend of May 3 and 4. School offiyear-o>d inan for Ibo alleged rapo of his cials laid the police about this, but sister. since the culprit was hardly likely to own up to this deed, police could only When police interviewed tho girl, 12, advise thorn to throw the thing into tho jfafl said bur brother had raped h«r scvgarbage. . eral times when she was between the handed an envelope cmtaininj; $155 ; ages of 8 and 10. and he between 1? by her sister at Urooksidu High School. • and 17. Tho girl took tha Computer . .Voice Stress Analyzer test which indiThe money was to bo used by their cated sho was being truthful, said Dc mother to pay bills, according to TonyCampo. reports. Tho younger girl put the enve• The girl said the altacta : cur<.u in lope in her locker, and. at the end of tinan upstairs bedroom when ti ^ d y ulse day, in bur coat pocket. Then thti was homo, or when other family memcaught the bus. bers were downstairs. Both ahe and her But when the youngster arrived brother were in Ibo custody of their home, she was horrified to find that sho grandparents. had lost the envelope. ; The suspect has been chargad witb But a boy found the onvelope on the - one coun! of rape and two counts of boa. and later ho and his mom brought • ,-attempted rape, these based on the it in lo tho station where police turned •. alleged victim'* recollections. Campo it over lo its grateful owner. Tho woman " said. Although she said other attacks said she would give the young man a bad occuxed, she specifically and reword for his honesty. vividly recalled these incidents he said. Fight fright Campo would not Identify the susBut another ride home from school pect who, although now an adull. was a had a less pleasant outcome for a Lynno mvenile when the crimes were said to Holty Kowalski. Avon Lake Councilman, answers questions after a panel discusStreet youngster in recent days. have occured. The suspect has denied sion at thB 1997 Legislation Day in Lyndhurst. Ohio. Hotly, a member of the The boy. 11, told his parents lhat the charges. The case has been referred when he got off the schoolbus. another Women's Club ol Avon Lake (W.C.A.L). was invited to speak to members of The to Juvenile Court. boy. 14, got off and threw two rocks at Lake Erie District ol the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs on March 15. Holly, him. one hitting the younger boy on the and other women who hold public offices in the district, enlightened us on hanhand and another on bis Back. Father charged dling family, job and public office In the '90s. A 53-year-old man has been charged Police found a red mark on the 11with sexual imposition after his 16- year-old's back and charged the 14OHIO'S LARGESK ypar-old daughter accused him of yeor-old with assault. fondling her, police said. MOST Fire fright The incident was alleged to have 0MPREHEN81VE occurud in April, 1996, while the girl Wooden pallets stacked at the rear of GOLF PRACTICE was asleep In her lather's bed. The girl Caster's Foods. 4262 Lake Rd.. began WCIUTY smouldering May 7 at about 7:45 p.m. .apparently was afraid of a prowler, and A neighbor noticed the smoke and notihad asked her father to sleep downJuot north rf t-60 bt Aw>n fied Caster's. An employee called iho stairs, police said. The gill's bedroom Is police. No suspicious persons worn also downstairs. Some time during the JUNIOR INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM soon near the palluta, nor has it b«t;n night, the man crawled into bed with BEGINNING JUNE i e determined how lh«firwsliirtod. Shopping his daughter and allegedly fondlod her. according to reports. Tim nun admittml Monday*. WedneStfta Dryc leaning Never Mind DepL 'to-climbing into bed with bis daughter Pel Walking BASIC SWING A Richelieu Avenue man rcportud tlm but denied fondling her, police said. RO. Box Pickup theft of a gym bag loaded with baseball Too alleged incident came to light Wait for Repairs FUNDAMENTALS. and softball equipment from his car the when the girl, a chronic runaway, was Unpacking morning of May 7. Later on. though, he .recently picked up by police. During Call to Discuss had to tell police it was a false alarm. interview*, she cited the alleged the Possibilities! Turns out his daughter had taken the •fondling. Incident as the reason for runbag to school. ' ntag away from home. SHEFFIELD LAKE POLICE BLOTTER • * " Nowforfame good news V--; A woman is grateful for the honesty of,a boy who rode the schoalbus wl'h ; her daughter on May 2. '•"' The girl earlier In the day had been Gun gone A Tbelma Stroot woman discovered a handgun missing May 7 and fears it may nave boon stolen by her former husband. Police are trying lo track it dawn. TRUDl KAKOS 216-930-2482 We run errands and a whole lot more! Physical & Occupational Therapy Team JOIN THE FUN? Rehabilitation Is Our Goal nHng your camera for a picture with Cleveland Indians' mascot "Slider" between the hours of 12-2 p.m. Hand in hand, our rehabilitation team shires your goal of returning huniu 1996 & 1997 "Perfect" State Survey Physical Therapy - 7 days a week Outpatient Services, Private Hoorm FT, OT, Respiratory and Speech Therapies "BRADLEY ROAD NURSING HOME FAM1LYFE5T& BARBECUE SUNDAY, MAY 18,1997 11 A . M . TO 5 P.M. Meet Matt Ghaffari, 1996 Olympic Silver Medalist in Greco-Roman Wrestling from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Meet Cleveland Crunch Stars Tim Tyma and Nikki Ristic from 3:30-4:30 p_.nr_ Plus all of these activities: Complete live "Middle Ages" Village, "Crimc-in" (vx dawic. modified and antique vehicles. Recreational Bingo. Cake Walk. Folk D-inccrs. Cliclccty Closers. Jxtz Bands. Country Bands. Dance Bands, Bike Rodeu, Magic Show. Puppet Shows. Compiler Games, Deiiu.mtrations in LCCC Academic Division* and much, much more! Save a Buck! "Our Family Home ? Your Private Room' John T. O'Neill. LNHA. Administrator 605 Bradley Road • Bay Village o s. & Barbecue rickets arc $5 in advance for adults ($6 day of event) and can be purchased at the LCCC Bookstore. Kid's meal available for S3 (tickets on sale day of event only). Call 366-4039 for more information. LORAtN (COUNTY, COtXEGE' Chamber of Commerce gotf outing set ima7wiTOi.w B£ia Z Choruses combine for concert 5 • o £ j_ u E J - What Kippens tmicg a year and is a special treat for tho pooplu of tfia Avon LaKo aroa? Its that tme vrfien tho Avon Lake Men's Chorus and (no Avon Lako Women'3 Chorus (jot together for an «?njo>«ifcle concon in song, trie Avon Lakg United Church of Christ *viH bo presenting tho so two oxruta rating, groups this Sunday at 7;3fj y.m. 03 part o' its Muscale Series. Conducted by RJCK Fortnoy, thd men wll be fiinping a varied program of four-part harmony typical of therich-soundingmusic performed by men's gfeo dubs. Now In their 49th year, the women's group and director Paul Smth will bring beck memories of songs of tho past with musical renditions which include: The Man I Love, Music Music Music, I Left My Heart In San Franrfsco. Than, in a grandfinaJe.the two chorus** wiU combine hi a magnrflcortt medtey of Rodgers and Hammeratsin Broadway rcnga from The Sound of Music, CMahoma. Scum PaciOc,flndThe King and). Well t » lookingtoryou this Sunday evening at 730 at me United Cnurcfi of Christ at 32801 Electric Blvd. Treat yourwiftoan evening oi relaxation and enjoyment. MDA seeks camp counselors : The Avon Lake/Avon Chamber o( Commerce Annual Gotf Outing Is Friday, June 13 at Snuotbria/ Golf Course. Cost Is $325 fcf a Bonus Foursomo Pacfcaga. This p<-C8 includes The Muscular Dystrophy Association b currently seeking applications from people who would 6k» to volunteer for a week a> counselors at the MOA summer camp m Ashley, Ohio. Each volunteer wiO act a* a companion to a camper, a child or teenager, during the camp seesiontobe held June 22-June 27. Volunteers must be at least IS years oU and AbletoDtt a child. "Camp b the highlight of the summer for the campers and many vuiuntegrs. It b one week ot the year when j-oungstem with musde-wasfing disorders are fully abletoparticipate fn a wide range of group outdoor activities that are tailored lor their limited mobility,* says Jackie StrideBedcef, MOA Staff Camp Coordinnior. T h i s camp has a relautad atmosphere which allows campers I D develop seH-confcteno} and form lifelong friendships." More lian 4.00Q campers art expected to attend MOA carrps, (his yea/. With the help of ono-on-one voluntoeis, campers wi3 enjoy arts, crafts, Lports.rocreaUonand nature acttvities. MOA Is a national voluntary health agency dedicated to Booing treatments and euros for 40 neuromuscular diseases effecting more than a million Amoricans. The Association receives no uovarnmental arnnts. nor do** It seek tews from ono free hole sponsorship and gollfortout *itfi cart, beverage, lunch and sieak dinner*. tAtm and women, this is a groat goH ouwvj for all. Individual golf i» 565 por pe»son and indud/is 18 teles, can. lunch and dmnef. Pteasa cail tne Avon Lake/Avon Chamber of Commofco lor mo<e infomtanon ai 933-9311. Dia families (t sorvos. For mom information or to voluntuwr, call ttw local MDA ottice at 216-816-0916 cr MDA national headquarmra ai 1-BOO-57Z-1717. Inloirruiocn about MOA programs and research advances aio also availaUly decuonically 'hfomjh tha MOA Plaza Suite, a Neil Simon comedy, Forum CompuServe (GO MDA*) and its hom«opens this Friday tit The Old Fixchousu pago on tho rninmet (httpJAvwwmaiusa.org). Plaza Suite opens this weekend Spaghetti dinner planned The Lakeahore United Meihodisi Church. locafcxJ at 33119 Elactnc Bhtf., Avon Lake, will serve a spaghetti dinner on Wednesday, May 21. The menu consists of spaghetti, tossed salad. Texas toast and beverage. Homemade pies are available lor SI per slice. The cost of the dnner is S4.50 for adults. S2-5O for chrfdren 0 years to 12 years and free of charge to children 5 yoars and under. Cany-outs are available. Advance sale Defeats kn adults are 34 and may be reserved by calling B33-5238 or 933-G768. Dinner la served 530 p j n . to 7 p m Florida Bingo Night set Goodwil Industries Volunteer 5«rvtces (GIVS) is Sponsoring a "Florida &ngo NtghT on May 23 at DeUica'a Place In Ihe Park. Loruin. The evening win be tashknod aftat bingo games In Florida, accordingtoErhel Ferniro, Chairman, complete with tfinnor music The fostrvttMs begm wtth cocktails In the gazebo (cash bai) at 530 pjn. totiowed wtjh a sit-down dinner in the main dining roor.i and bingo at 7 p.m. Along wtih the money prtzos wd be several raffle and door prizes, somethingtoreveryone. One of the raffia prizes wd be a one-week stay at a condo in N3pio*. Florida, rjonaled by Leon DeLuca. Another is a neectopoint purse of the Ughftouse made by Jean Rueter. now deceased and donated by husband. Ha/old Buoter. Tickets are $25 a person and may DO obtained by coffcnf? PauCne Garcu at the U n n GoodwiU, 244-317-1. or Audrey Bruck. 984-2096. or Emma Stromky at 2B2SI24. Alt proceeds orotobenefit the Lorain GoocViB Industries p/ograrrts. Theater in Avon LaVe. Tho story, which uA.un place in a suite of iho Plaza is, in itself, & suitu it thruo plays. Tho first introduces as to a suburban couple who stay thcru whilo their homo is being painted, u wry talo of a marriage in tailors. Tho second shows us a Hollywood producer who. after three marriages, is looking for greener pastures. And iho last. ;i father and mother coping with a daughter who refuses to get juaxried at the very last mtnulo. Opening night tidujts may be purchased from Mothers of Twins. 0305228. Saturday. May 17 is sponsored by tho Avon Lake Men's Chorus. 933-e393; and the first Sunday matinee by tho Valparaiso Univerrity Guild, 933-SO42. Second weekend tickets may bo reserved by calling Eastern Star at either 333-3047 or 333-5008 for Friday, May 23. The Methodist Church. 9335514 and tho Lakeshorc Women's Club, 933-0518 ara co-sponsoring Saturday, May 24. Tickets for the dosing matinee Pictured are four of the cast members of Plaza Suite, opening Friday at The Old Firehouse. Standing: Scott MacDonald. Seated: Barb Silvers, Dava Frank and Shelley MacDonald. on May 24. sponsored by Ihe DAR, can be obtained by calling 033-4059. Decorating & Flooring FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • COUNTRYSIDE PLA/A *Viny! " C e r a m i c s A * C a r p e t " H a r d w o o d Floors ^ , 4 i KITCHEN & BATH PLANNING W a y 1O Pops Concert at ALHS The annual Pops Concert win be twfcj Sunday, May 18 at 2 p.m. M the oU gym at Avon Lake High School. The coot is 52 at the door for bleacher seats. Featured wil be music from movies, television and popular songs from mdto. performed by the Concert Band, the Wind Eroqmtte and the Symphonic Bond. Pay... S—Stor* For O**a? STRAIGHT TALK' GOOD0R1CES » GREATDEALS 37460 Harvest Drive • 934-6148 7U-o Large Otic Item SfftlcAen Freah Lake Eric Pterch IHzzas \OnlyS8.90 Great Food For Great Prices •T-Sor* SUalu •ttjngKWiGouWi •UVncr •FbnwtwuK S*ulu »Ouck«iftpr*« *Ch«««t«rj«n •3-BQRi3Dmner fTAUAN RCSTAUHAST A U)UNCE THE LANDLN(iS «3J-3»«I Oh \ J Any TWo *. Dinners ;OnlyS11.95 MAGICIAN FRIDAYS 9^)0-11 ^10', (216)934-5194 **m h » HE 5IWXW • FRIDAY NIGHT: All Too Kan Eat ifmh Dnrm [*JuidJ IMnr In Ooir : Not VjJmi In at Ut ut wuh other SERVING ALL ,OF AVON LAKE One and Only,. • PtzZA • CALZONEST Salads • Sandwiches '• 33501 -^C LAKE ROAD' : ' KATERIN6 BY KAL Come Po Cafe, and TasPe Me Wor/d on a Plate! *w O N LAKE A Red Itr/em in tha torn' dlifarnitf (^af6 933-6967 ^^i*, 33479 Lake Rd.. Avon lake ma-ia tw, iopm 32485 Lake Rd. CESS Avon Lake Liver A Onions Toco Salad SUN: Fried Chicken Wings 20 C each djn«-in only •*~*m 933-9730 BEST BURGERS & BUFFALO WINGS ^ 33499 UKE-RD.; AVON LAKE 93T-4007 Avon Lal-c's BEST KEPT SECRET Jim s Care ana Lounge GRILL OPEN at 11:30 a.m. stiMfJ - Burger* - Grilled 5Jndwichw • Chitk«*n Sjndwtdiw Monday- H O T WINGS Tuesday- Ask About O u r Specials Wednesday- RJBS K STEAK Thursday- Ask About Our Specials Friday- PERCH, C O D Saturday- WBS K STEAK OPEN DAILY MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 AM KITCHEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT in Avon Lake! Largest Beer Selection in Lorain County!! (ov«05+ varieties) Dally Lunch & Nightly Food Specials Carry Out Available - Phone Ahead - FRIDAYS FISH FRYS!! DAILY SPECIALS SAT: Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Homemade Soups • Chili DAILY SPECIALS • Carry-Out Friday I-w], Fry S8.35- Lake Erie Perch Authentic fu^in Food Choosefrom25 Ruus, \%Jl, OW-ten K Sttik rntms wd 1.1* ft idcalon of lim wfnn. SHORT O N T I M E ? "*"" Live Entertainment May 17 -^ Outla Dodge 7- (O»usa hern ( , 933-9939 • MAf rtATURE i $6.00 O F F With Purchase or Two Dinners, i ' W i h ihli at. Dim in only Mon. thru Thur* *t*\ frl. at i»c. b»for» i I i : 0 0 p.m. Nut vjlkt with « T » oUwr crfler. EiplfM 5/31/V7. .. _ , S33-28S5 164 Lear Road. Avon Lake. Ihlo A ' f5? fast Prices in Town! 33 Minute Uineh or We'll Bay HOUIi: M«viirtfrniftUUr • Umifi IJ :JO-]:00 2-7828 Center RJdge Rd. - Wcstlake « 872-9300 ^ MOW IK1NR CHARCOAl FUMEBRDIUR L A V " i ' 'VL'o."-\^ ^ V • .. . v - u . ^ . m p - m 1 Ii LI p 11ii I Si m GETTING ENGAGED ? fl We're looking for a long term relationship TOO! IS KLEINHENZ JEWELERS (*t unnbu-tf Square 2597B O«troit Rd. WKSTLAKE • 802.1020 appreciation i S' ^ S t M a r y < s a r t s h o w - h e l d I a s t w e e k > a sponge painting done by Micnaei Kelley hangs on the wall. His family, mom Unda. brother Daniel and dad Kevin Ketley admire the work. Every student in grades 5 through 8 worked on two projects (or the show. Parents had the opportunity to come and see all the differ. ent things being done by their children. PRESS photo — Heather Rutz chcons at the Sheffield Lake United Church of Christ, then you're K°'nK to SENIOR love their Spaghetti Lunch on Sunday. June 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at SOCIflL the church, located at R03 Sunset Avenuo. Lunch will Include: spaghetti CONNECTION with meat sauce, salad, bread, dessert and beverage. Adults ate 55, children (3-5) BIO S2 and children under 3 e.it for fieri No tickets will be sold ut the door. so reserve your tickets now by culling Reverend Reich at 949-5171 bu'fore Mav " Divorce is a Cact of life these days. 28. Having gono through a divorce. I know first hand that it's nnt fun»But 1 was forLively Avon Lakers Update: The tunate. I didn't have children, so my Senior Golf League is still looking for a few more people. .The league will b».parents did not have to deal with the starting on Thursday mornings at Afju.i ireortache that many giandpurents Face: Marino, beginning at 9 a.m. For more 'not being able to seo their grandchildren. But scum grandparents are not information, call Jeanne at 933-tiflIU. The monthly nincting for the Lively ablf? to seo their grandchildren even Avon Lakers will be Wednesday. M.«y when, the parents are not divorcing. 21 iit n o o n at l h » Avon t - i l . - Lil,r;.r> Whatever tha reason may be, it's frus1.unilt w i l l (>•• iiHMtlii.iF .mil ttn> <:«>•,I IH trating and painful for alL In the M^U- <,! KiitiTiiiiiiin<-nt will !«• pruvui><i I n .Ohio., a grandparent cannot ask tin* $ti. Joju the Sinking Oown and hU ui.curcourt for visitation tights if tho child diun. Reservations arc a must, so call liiitos with their natural, marripd parRosella Baldwin at 933-8083. ent* who oro not divorcing. The court Excellent Films at Matinee Prices: fcaU it's-the parents' right to decide Loruin County Community College who the child will or will not see. But Tho Film Society is proud to present the the court will hoar from the grandparOscar Award winning movie. The ents if any of the following situations English Patient, on Friday. May 10 exist showing ut the Slocler Center Cinemu : 1. The parents are involved in a Halt, beginning at 8 p.m. If you missed divorce, legal separation or child supthis movie when it was showing in our port proceedings. area, here's your chance to sea it. - 2. In tho event of the death of a paren' Admission is only 54 and you can call of the child. 1-OOO-995-5222. extension 7110. Tor 3, If the child is born to an unmarried more information. woman, her parents may request visitaFrench Creek Nature Center tion rights. The father's parents may Activities: If you Uk.it art shows, then also, if paternity is established. don't miss Ihe UrcxAsido High School ' There are a lew points to consider. Art Show beginning Friday. May 17 'I First, there's no guarantee lhat visitaand running through May 29. This art 'X tion will be granted and once awarded. show is supported by the Kriu Shares •.' tho order cen bo concolod If it turns out Art l<eagun. und it is free and open to that /isitation is not in the child's best tho public Interest. Secondly, tho child's parent Then on Sunday, May 25. loot for can get married or remarried and this birds, nests nm! hatched young on the will not affect the grandparents' visitaBird Hiko from 0:30 a.m. li> 11 a.m. En tion rights. Howevor. If a stop parent sure to bring your binoculars so you adopts the child, the grandparents' vis* won't miss a single thing! W o n rights end. And finally, in Ohio. the court action for visitation must take place in the same court where tho Habltat tor Humanity builds divorce or paternity case was heard. homos Most people don't like going to court On Lorain Prkto Day. May 17, LoraJn County and in fact, legal action should bo the Habitat lor Humanity, In partnership with The last resort. Probably the least expensive Nontoon Corporation, vriD begin cons-uctJon on and easiest way to solve this problem is th» flrst of two home* to be butt en Dayton Atfonuo In LooUn. Tho homes, to be located at to go through a sociul worker from tho 377t and 3775 Dayton Awnue. Lorain wilt Family Mediation Affairs Department. become homw to two low Incotrw famtllas wno This valuable department is part of ltv« In Lotaln County. To get involved, call: 988Domestic Relations Court and can b« 7344. Uxaln County HaWtat for Humarerytoa reached by calling the Lorain County nonprofit. Christian housing organization (hat builds homes with oonatod time and money. Administration Building at 244-G201. Good Food, Great Price: Tho Immunization clinic set Sheffield Village Firefighters uru having A child Immunization clinic wilt be held at the a pancake and sausage breakfast on Snetfleid Middle School, 1919 Hams Road, f Sunday, May 18 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. tit Slhe Brooksido High School cafeteria, "1812 Harris Road. Adults eat for 54. seniors and children (3-10) oat for only 53 and children undor 2, eat for freol Tata tho whole family or just go with a friend and enjoy a delicious breakfast. Good Food, Great Prices, Too! If you Iovo those great monthly 5oup fun- Sheffield Wlage, dom 430 to 7:30 p.m.. on Wednesday, May 21. TMs clinic la open to any lamlly witti children ages birth to 18 years needing Immunizations. The cost Is 15 por Immunization, however, no one win bo darted an Immunization due to the Inabilitytopay. tt b necessary lor parentstoaccompany tne childtoth« dlnte and bring arecordof trw chlld'a previous Immunizations. VZ ESTATE PLANNING Wills • Trusts • Guardianships Living Wills • Durable Power of Attorney • Survivorship Deeds 9 3 4 * 6 5 4 3 2217 W^ena Way 'Avon. Ohio BEfiL ESTATE Discover confidence in your health plan. You oin relax with fonHiirive when your health plan is Genesis Health Han of Ohio With Genesis you hau- the assured benefits of aimprehensuet.merai'e. urcit choices in plan optinris. Jml rates you can afford. Now you can forget .lUuit rev! tape and hassles, delays in seeing the J(vtor. and hii;h otit-df-rnvket t*xp**ns*^. i-r the confidence you net with Genesis Health Man knowing every hospital in Loruin County is included in your coverage. Hu$ our network irwludes II additional hospitals and over il(XX) physicians in Northeast Ohio 1 fii;hlii;ht K'tiefits of Genesis I lealth Han are: • l-lisy jui"istn physicians and • Unlimited inpatient stays other providers • No red tape • Nocopa\s for plnsKun visits • A local HMO IVcowr umfidence in vour healtli plan the fast and easy way. lust call us and we'll ni\e vmt.i i ustomi/ed ijuote within -IS hours—guaranteed! Discover Confidence G e n e s i s ajk Health Plan Qar of OHIO. I M I 1-888-9GENESIS g By Erin Campbell HP iI 1I t i1 • 1 i I is 9 is 1it1 H 1 to i 1 n |1 Ejag m ~ £ S «g UJ ai £ f- I began to get nurvaus us tho pilot announced our descent into Iquilos. Peru because thero were absolutely no liglits to sec. Tho bright moon made it easy to seo Ihe lops of the truus of the rainforests. For a few brief moments 1 thought my worst tear had come truu. Wo wero going to crash either in thu troes or on tho waters of the Amazon. Suddenly out of what seemed nowhere. n small strip of lights appeared and w« landed safely after all. Tho blast of heat and humidity hit mo as soon as the plane doors were opened. 1 had been waiting to go on this school trip for the entire year and being there almost seemed lite a dream. At Lake Ridge Academy there is a course that is optional for juniors and seniors to lake. It b called Operation New World. This course studies the culture, science, and language of specific countries. This year tho choice was Peru, but in past years the class has gone to Ecuador. CosLa Rica, and Panama. I especially wanted to take this course my senior year for another unforgottabla high school experience to remain in my mind. Iquitos was just the first leg of our eight-day trip. We would be on our boat, the Delfin, for the entire trip traveling down the most remote theso different thriving livus in the tropical ecosystem. The most wonderful feeling was seeing a baby aiitcaler. spider monkeys, and marmosets in thuir nalurjl environments. Each d-jy we sal on Ihe top deck of thu boat and watched for the dolphins. .Vicause uf tin- extrcfim heat of being on ti.-j etiuator these watches WLTU conducted during the early titcirnings or late afternoon. If uol for the dangerous wildlife such as tt,'ls. stingrays, and piranhas tho waler would have been perfect fur swimming. Weariless by initny villages and stopped dt a few. Wt> iiluyed soccer at one and I absolutely [ell"in !ovo with the children there. Thev have such wonderful lives and 1 feef sorrv for ihe people in thu world that feel sorry for tin-in. Their lives may include poverty, but most of all they include happiness which is something of » rarity in American life. I will never forget their smile and laughter as we visited their homes and villages. This trip was an experience I will never forget; from the tremendous amount of buys to ihe sweet rainy smell to the air. 1 had a hard time coming homo because I didn't want to leave tho serenity of the rainforest. The only thing for me to do now is plan for the futuro and for lh« ruinfurests' future as well. Erin Campbell is a senior at Lake [\idge Academy and lives in Sheffield. Erin Campbell examines water samples during her Amazon expedition. (Photo by.Cindy Pochaitis) areas of the Amazon and Its tributaries. Thy blur of tho lush greun vegetation, sound of hundreds of birds, and tho rising mists was a nice change to tho four walls and buzz of my usual alarm clock. We had a crew of ton including a biologist, naturalist and researcher who ofton tiught us lessons in plant and animal life. I was excited to learn about HELP GIVE STRAY ANIMALS A GOOD HOME OPTION PACKAGES at NO CHARGE ON SELECT MODELS Dodge Dakota Sports mercury Villagers V-6 Enqine • * Sntd - Autatal* Trjnjmn V-C Cnq.M * ftif Condi tic n i-> j • Power 5te*fing FQM«r Kett Anti-Lock Biun • Ouil M BjffS Tmled Uass • Rear W u M r Wper Rear Window Defroster • 4 WTwrf * * i o c Br*w; NO CHANGE Options Includt: Qujd Captain Glairs Power Wlndowj/Doof Locks VH Wheel • Speed Control Air CondiUonjng HO CHARGE i a c i » d " : 5pon Intenof wttn CjrpetMiQ 10-HWO Spirt Seats r h t Alloy Spcrt W T w n Rjntd write Letter Tires A M f M Sttreo UlUKs Ha Charge P*0Retuto Savlngx RrtiilPiice S16.610 1630 $4960 rcury Sable GSs V-6 Engine • Power Windows • Ait CondiUcm'ng wrt/i Utaon Filter $20,895 • 1-150 •1000 Total Savings $2450 $18,445 Automat* Transrrwsiofi * AM.TM Ster Power Steering • Power L _ . fj$ Tinted G L m • R*jr D«)roit«r ( Total S r m g s Traction AJSISI Chrome Wheel I Savings S4175 6 WEEK SUMMER PROGRAM ENROLLING NOW $2225 ' Mxmx Titramatcn • SLT Pactaga at HO CHARGE includes: Premium Interior • lilt V^eel 40-20-20 Splil floor M j t i Power V/irxJowi'Sejli'Door Locks Soeet) Control • Ait Conditioning. Hear Bumoet • Alley Wheels Railed While Letter Trrei Price g floCharrje Pko Beoate OMTKIOI n bud » fj»l *tty a* cftnnc one AM tut MI tb* l u n d r i i in not* I'Ji Ram 1/2 Ton Pickups Anti-Lock Brakes • 50-50 Dual Power Leader Sells • Po«er Windows Door Lrxks * AM-FM Slereo Cassette • Automatic Transmr.non • Air Condiliomnrj • Spied Control T NO CHARGE Tourng Piekigs Ineludts: Power Uoonroot JBL Sound Sptem rtitla Control Rqjutjblc Contniclors Retnl Puce IZ0.KO 241 PkQ -860 Driver's Rear Door -595 V-6 Engine -DTJ Lincoln Town Sedan I I I I I I. Skilled Craftsmen L'iai( Uilinl cntatva tmum At hj#"l drfttT ol miiklj yen npccl Dodge Caravans 2450 Option Piirtlusf i t NO CHARGE In :Jndn: CnirM ControJ • Flour M i t i AWFM Stereo CJiMtle Urjrrt Group Power Door LocliS Power EdJt • AJfoy WTieeis RetuI Price Option Phg. Rebate From the leaden in custom wood fencing Autonultc Automatic THF{LASTWOftO, 122.061 •11B? •950 _ -193 J233S Tap * Ballet * Jazz Ages 3 and Up Call for Information Come Dance With Us 690 Avon Bcldcn Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012 !•" ...AND DISCOVER SOMETHINQNEW! Avon Lake Public Library 32049 Electric Ulvd., Avon Lake • 933-8128 Celebration of Wellness Sunday. May 18, 2 p.m. Judy Schmitz of the Avon Lake North Coast YMCA will be the main speaker. Thn topic of her talk will be "Lifetime of Wellness." Judy wilt then present the Outrageous Olympics Awards, The public is invited. Sponsored by the Avon Lake Wellness Committue. Fnet.d?' Semi-Annual Book Sale Thursday, May 22. G-Q p.m., Friday. May 23. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. Saturday. May 24. 10 a-ra.-4 p.m. The Friends of the Avon Lake Public Library would like to invite the community to visit the book sale on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. All tho proceeds help the library in the many programming efforts for the community. Make t> day of it. shop at The Library Shop, play in Discovery-Works. have lunch in KUlarney Cafe and pick. up a book at tha book sale. Seminar on Websites & Internet - The Avon Lake/Avon Chamber of Commerce presents a seminar on websites and the Intermit on Tuesday. May 20 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 ajn. Members and guests are invited to aUend at the Avon Lake Public Library. The deluxe continental breakfast is sponsored by Community Health Partners/Avon Lake 'physicians. Cost is 56 per person for the Breakfast and seminar. R.S.V.P. 933TJ3fX"foV reservations. "Welcome lo the Web" is presented by Universal Promotions, a local marketing, cpnijiaiiy. Tho seminar will •v -driver information regarding how lo use the Internet as a resource, what a website will do for your business, how to build a custom website, how to g«t "online" and more. more, more that will, bring you and your business into tho 21st century. Wahl lo know more about this seminar and upcoming Avon Lake/Avon Chamber events, please call 933-9311. Tho hours will bo 10-12 and 3-5 Tuesday, Wednesday, unil Thursday and 12-4 on Saturday. The Loft, which serves as a classroom during thu school year, will become a game room for upper elementary students. A number of board games, puzzles, and card games will be available far play. Only active players will bo allowed in till' Loft and the area will be supervised. Wo will be developing now exhibits this summer so moro volunteers are neodod to cover tho open hours. If you are a teen about to enter tho 8th grade, come and be a guide Tar two or more hours each week. Adults and teens can pick up volunteer application forms at thu circulation desk. Badge of honor Avon Lake Police officer Scott Fishburn was promoted from patrolman to sergeant at a rccsnt City Council meeting. His wife, Nancy, pins him with his new shield as Mayor Vince Urtin, City Council President Ron Andolsen and Police Chief Dave Owad look on. PRESS photo -— Heather Rutz New Computer Books Internet Phone Connection, by Cheryl Kirk. Learn how to make virtually free long-distance calls with your computer. Troubleshooting. Maintaining and Repairing Personal Computers, by Stepheo Uigolow. The ultimate handson. 1,080 page rcferonco for efficient, cast-effective troubleshooting and repair techniques fnr PCs. The Webmasters Guide to HTML far Advanced Web Developers, by Nathan Muller. here is an explanation of a practical, complete and painless way to develop a page on tho World Wide Web. For the professional who needs to get on tho Web fast. May better hearing and speech month May ts better hearing and speech month, and during this time Otolaryngologists are spreading the word that help Is available and accessible for those with hearing and speech problems. Are you one of the estimated 28 million Americans who have a hearing loss that can bo treated? You may have a hearing loss if you frequently ask people to repeat themselves, often turn your ear toward a sound to hear it better, understand people better when they face you as they are speaking, turn the TV or radio volume up to n levol that others say Is too loud. lose your place- in group conversations, or Iinvu pain or ringing in your oars. If you have iiuticutl tliJit you or sonnjonn you cam ubout (•xjioriancn tiny of lh««j situations, you ntit'it lu am ttn OtnlarvtiRologist [car. nose, nnd throat spocialist) fur it hearing pvaluntion. Thnru nro many UIUUIS of hit.iring loss including illness, iiccidunl. or oxposunt to loud noise. Uut the most common loss of hearing comes with aging {42 percent of people with hearing loss are 05 or older). Hearing leas occurs so slowly' that it is unnoticed until it Library Closed for Memorial Day Sunday and Monday. May 25 and May 2G. Closed Sundays for tbo summer months. Thanks to AARP TluuiLx to tho AAKI' vuluulccr lax counselors. Knthy UsiduiihoiiiiLT. Tuni QulgJey, Irene Chpsney and Ira Davis. Each'year (hose di*dicnt«d people attend tux suminars to upiiui.t il,.-ir LIIOWIIKIKI* »f l«x rwttulittion* iimi spend four hours a wt-uk. at thu library giving free assistance to tho community. Hats off to a job well done! becomes severe. "It is very important to have your hearing tested, especially when there is a sudden hearing loss in one ear or a dizzy problem, because most hearing loss or dizzy problems can bo bolped medically, surgically, with a hearing aid. or with rehabilitation." states Mark J. Wladecki, M.D. Breakthrough in hearing aid technology. James W. Wood. M.D.. also a member of the E.N.T. Group of Cleveland, stales "although no hewing aid totally eliminates background noise, the now digital aids, introduced in early 1990, have allowed our patients to communicate much easier in imtzuranls. the theater, and other (jrtjup functions." "As with all hour ing altls, we encouuiRO patients to b« active participants In choosing tho typo and style of aid." states Martha Abram, M.A.. cwrtifirtd uudiuloyist, with ihe Wmtshoro Hwiring Center, a division of Ihu E.N.T. Croup of Cleveland, [lusidos 111" standard aids, proynummiblu and digital ai'ts are available on u trial basis. "The important message is for you not to sit at home because you are afraid you may bo um>u>e to communicate." Summertime In DlscoveryWorks Boginnlng Wednesday. Juno 4. DlscoveryWorks will bo open 10 a.m. to noon on'Wednesdays for tho summer. IMF KEEP loniin County • Fixed Routes • ADA Service • Dial-A-Ride MOHAWK MILLS REC ROOM/ COMMERCIAL CARPETS VINYL BLftWOUT BUY! l Armstrong • Conyoleum Domco • Tarkett Compare at>i3? to ; NOW ' / 99.SCS9 .;' NOW > • ' • - . . . $999 $4 S|99 sq.yd. «P to U%* sq. yd. Compare at *8" to KB"sq.yd. Compare at M1--M5" sq.yd. ".. GrangeIpcfksjori[ '; EXPERIENCE^ CARPET REMNANT RIOT! Selection Reg.$399-$5"sq.ft /CARPET &T1LE NOW / LIQUIDATORS $499 y S f c in constanl contact with suppliers, mills, and GWOP' " / m i manufacturers to purchase flooring at incredible more! selection/va|UES< ^B ^ j n truckload quantities and pass the savings on to you! Come see what we have to offer! No frills-just great savings! 50% Shoiildh't Auto • HomeBusiness • Life Skuggen 'Oapavt R*qutf*d $353. Insurance Agency ; Y !;>'jy ••'••'• Mon.-Ftf. 1 0 a m - 5 p m ';prices\ •••'& 36966 Detroit Road, Avon : Donna DeChant Floor : : ;;. V :'' ' -••'>' •: '•?": i SaL 3 am-Epm ' "' 934-9100 toil free 1-838-525-SAVE CERAMIC TRUCKLOAD BUY! 967-SAVE y Evenings by Appointment 44^6 liberty Avei, VerrniUon, Prices Good Wod., May 14, 1997 thru Tuos., May 2 0 , 1997 WE supporr Via RVMI-VB Th« Right To Umil Quantities And Corrotl Typographical Error* QUALITY MEATS 453 AVON BELDEN ROAD, AVON LAKE i £ «« 1I m iL i 1Iiff 11M s$fe in pi ^« E L A i 1 • » - J Certified Angus Boef Boneless rtified Angus B««f PLANNING' YOUR GRADUATION ' Boneless Short Ribs Pork Chops Park Farms Turkey Breasts PARTY? LET US HELP! 0*. "OUR PAUTT TRATS AKE PREMIUM Oaisyfi«ld Assorted 9 Pks. LARCE SELECTION BEST PRICE Ib. Daisyfield Assarted 6 Pks. •'-.-•VvS Holmes County Walnut Cr**k Provolone Cheese Sliced Bacon Ib. pk. Walnut Cnwk Sandridg* Deli Peppered Bacon Potato Salad Ib- pk. All Varieties Kudos Trcp Orange Juice Marzetti' 'Dressings 79 Combos^ SnacScs ^ Granola Bars 12 Ice Cream 64 ox. Kroft American Singles Clod 30 Gal. 10 ct. 24 ox. ~~ Parmesan Cheese Compartment Plates So-Dri 2-Ply Roll 16 ox. Micali Graltsd 49 Solo 10* Colored Trash Bags Dairymens Deluxe '• All Flavors ^ SY.99 15 ct. ^SL Cols. Rag. or Sugar F T M Trix Pops Print Towels Millbro«k Golden Honey Buns P«pp«ridg* Farm Handi Wipes 12 pk. Premium Quality Iceberg LettUCe Yellow Cooking Onions Golden Ripe Bananas Layer CJIKCS Fruit Filled Kuchens lueberry Mu£fin P;\pA JOE'S Pies tAUC,t SlIlCltM of CkUH And frtiti I* All Sin* 6" - 8" «nd 10 graduation Cake Early I-9O at Detroit, Route 254, Sheffield 1.9% F ! N A N C I N G C O R > $ 1 0 0 0 REBATE BRAND NEW 1998 24 MONTH LEASE 1ST MO. W H E W KRJHOARE SECURITY DEPOSIT RATE K B DUE AT EHCEFT1OM 130 HP DOHC ENGINE 5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSAXLE REMOTE ENTRY AIR CONDITIONED SPOKE WHEELS AM-FM CASSETTE TILT WHEEL SPEED CONTROL INCLUDES $1#OOO REBATE LOW 1.9% BRAND NEW 1997 ESCORTS NEW 1997 CONTOUR GL $15,250 • PLUS 1,9\ Financing Up To 43 Mo. MSRP S 18.435 - SALE PRICE INCLUDES $BOO REBATE BRAND NEW 1998 WINDSTAR GL ].l L V4 IMINf HtOM CAWOTV A1H CO NO OOwtAocu SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. St*OO DOV*N MVMIWT >i< M O , MfUNOAUl Tl AM - 4 PM 9AM-9PM 9 AM - 8 PM AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 9 PM 9 AM - 8 PM AM - 6 PM CLEVELAND 871-8072 BRAND NEW 1997 EXPLORER SPORT 4X4 JTJOO OOWW M W O f t 1ST MO. MTMtNT rukwwsO HEW 9 4 Hf V4 SOW tt4 r U I U U D lOLTMIOtT MCXJUI BRAND NEW 1997 FORD RANGER XLT S1SOO DOWN MYMIWT M 1IT MO MTMIMT RfFUNOAUI sicuwrr Dirosrr ELYRIA 365-7323 - LORAIW 93A-3673 1 1 11 mi w i Ii 113 | 1 11 1 SPORTS SCOOP Brooksida senior pitcher Kim Smith Is no ordinary Smith. The Cardinal ace. who has figured la each of her team** 12 decisions on this year, recently fired her second consecutive no-hitter, baffling Fairviow in a sixinning. 18-0 Division U sectional win. Last Wednesday's no-no came on the heels of Brookside*s victory over Mldview, May 6, in which Smith held the Middies hitless for the duration. She has now strung together 12 innings-plus without allowing a hiL Smith, who like the Cards, stands at 7-5 on the season, and her arm are not the only thing giving opponents fits. She also swings the bat pretty well, as her 3-for-4. 2 -RBI performance against Fairviow will attest. Thanks to Smith, the Cards played for the sectional title Tuesday, facing a Josh Guenrteri Wittenberg bound Avon senior Josh Cuerriori. a G-3 guard that has been instrumental iii turning thu Eagles basketball program around, has decided to continue his b-ball und educational career at Wittenberg University. The streak-shooting Cuerrlcri overaged 15 points and eight rebounds a game for 115-D) Avon this season, receiving All-Lorain County Conference and All-Ohio Academic honors. "Wittenberg Is extremely pleased to have attracted Josh Guerrieri to our Institution." said Wittenberg basketball coach Bill Brown. "Josh is not only a very fine college basketball prospect, but also a tremendous young man." Cuerrieri. thn son of Gerri and Dan Guerrieri. will bo competing for the alltime wlnningest NCAA Division HI program in tho country. Wittenberg finished 23-6. advancing to the second round of tho NCAA tournament last year. Track topper* Local track stars Ryan Krystowski (Avon), and Erik Mathisen (Avon Lake] own the top two Division 1 and HI discus tosses in the Cleveland Rock)1 River team, with a tap of the line pitcher, like Smith, in Leah Black. Avon Ladies golf Tbo Avon Ladies still have openings In thoir league. You do no! have to live In Avon lo play. For further information, please call the following: Myndle Cord at 933-9354 or Loretta Judy at 835-4806. The ladies play on Wednesday morning at Sweetbriar. 3 on 3 basketball tourney held A 3 on 3 basketball tournament will be held on Saturday. May 17, at the Lorain Super Kmart Center on Leavltt Road to benefit the American Cancer Society programs of research, education and service. Registration starts at 8 a.m. There are 14 divisions of men and women, boys and girls, all ages (12 and up). First and second place local winners may advance to state tournament. Additionally, they will have a froo throw and long shot contest. Call toll-froe 888-2276446 for details. Girls softball league forming An Avon girls summer softball recreation league for school grades 3 through 7 Is forming. Contact Bob Bohnert at 937-5260 or Lynn Scheckel at 034-6745. Senior line dancing available Lino dancing lessons for beginners and those interested In learning tho basics are being offered at tho•Old Flrehouse In Avon Lake. Tho ono hour class will be from 10-11 a.m. on May 19. Juno 2 and Juno 9. Classes are free. If you have any questions, please contact tho Recreation Department at 930-4130 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. AL soccer registration held AVON LAKE — Soccer registration for tho 1907-08 season will be hold Saturday. May 17 at Learwood Middle School in front of tho main entrance taniO a.m- till noon and June 4, from 4-7 p.m. at tho Old Fix oho use. , Registration forms will abo be avallablo at tho RinlRe<zo*s customer service counter, the Old Firehouso ima the Avon Lake Public Library. Completed forms may be maUed'wWi check payable to ALSO PO Box 230. Avon Lako. Ohio. 440U. A Soc al Security^number is required and tho registration feo Is S40 fcr tho Kst chila"w5 for additionalsiblings A 1 regutmtions must bo at least 5 years old by Aug. 1. 1097^ V g S r a t i o n will end June 15 and teams w, be formed Any child registering after June 15 will bo SaTed onVwaiting list, and will bo placed on a earn oSy ifthereTs an alallablo space. Tc, guaran eo a team placement, the player must register by Juno 15.. V Registration for summer soccer camp * • " ™ ™ accepted at this time. Soccer camp will boJ » » Aug. 11-10. Host families are needed. If interested, contact Klngsley Durant at 933-9348. Applications taken for Safety Town The Avon Lako Recreation Department Is inviting all Avon Lake 13. 14 and 15 year olds to apply for the teacher's aide positions for each of the four sessions of Safety Town, held at Eastvlew Elementary School. Applications may be picked up at your local school or the Recreation Department at the Old Firohouse and must be returned to the Recreation Department mail box at Gty Hall by May 22. Pool passes, swim lessons given Pool personnel will bo available at the Ellen Trivanovich Municipal Pool on May 10, 11 and 17. from 10 a.ra. to 2 p.m. for residents to register for swimming lessons-and purchase 1997 pool passes. Non-residents may sign up for the waiting list only. Because of the demand for theso lessons, the lines may be long. Pool passes are S75 for a family pass and S25 far an Individual pass. There Is a mandatory 50 cents lamination charge for each pool pass. Pool puses are available to Avon Lake residents only. Them will be four sessions of swimming lessons this year beginning Juno 23. Each two-wook session costs S18. Swimming lesson registration will bo on a first come, first servo basis because class sizes are limited. Register early so the session most convenient for you and your children Is available. Summer tennis lessons announced The Avon Lako Recreation Department announces tennis lossons lo start Juno 23. The program runs seven weeks and is hold at the tennis courts at Blesor Park. This program has boon completely redesigned and developed by Tennis Committee. Classes will bo scheduled as fo'lows: • Ages 0-0. lovol I only. Monday 8-9 a.m. or Thursday, 9-10 a.m. • Agos 9-12. level 1. Monday 10-11 a.m. or Thursdoy. 10-11 a.m. • Ages 0-12. level II. Monday 10-11 a.m. or Thursday, 8-0 a.m. • Ages 13 to adult, level I — classes meet twice a week. Tuesday and Wednesday 0:30-11 a.m. • Ages 13 to adult, lovol II — classes moot twice a week. Tuosday and Wodnosday 8-9:30 a.m. For ugos 0 through 12, a ono-tlmo payment of S15 for all tho classes Is required. For ngos 13 to adult, a onotimo paymont of 525 for all the classes is required. Krvslowski's throw of 104-10 is nearly nine foot farther than his closest Div. Ill competitor. 156-11 is MaUiison s top ihrow. krystowski is fourth in the shot put with a long throw of 47-1. Shorcgal distance dominator Colleen Evrno Is lops among Division II 1.000 and 3.200 meter runners, with a 5:0b.5U in the 1.G00 and 11:24.88 In the longer trek. Tho junior is also a member ol Avon Lake's 4x400 relay team that owns the top Div. II time tn tne Cleveland area. Other local traksters among the area leaden are Avon's Erin Limmor (Bitn. 100-hJgh hurdles); ClaUo DeChant (first, discus), (third, shot put); and Josh Guerrieri (third. 110-high hurdles). ( Amy-aid Cleveland's new women a professional basketball team, tho Rockers, have requested the assistance of Avon Lake girls coach Amy Manco in selecting some of their Late-round dralt picks. . . Manco. recognized as one ol we finest coaches in the state, has guided the SboregaU to two slate final tour appearances, one state championship, and five consecutive Southwestern Conference titles during her tenure. Tennis Carnival offered The Avon Lake Recreation Department is offering a free tennis carnival for children ages 3-6 at BleserPark on Saturday. May 31. from 9:30-11 a.m. This will givo tho children and adults an opportunity lo hit some tennis balls, meet and soo the teacher in action and have some fun. There will also bo sign-up sheets for the children intorested in the tennis clinics that will be offered this summer. Tentatively, the city will offer two different ogo group sessions — ages 3-4 and ages 5-6. Children must bo accompanied by an adult. In case of rain, a back-up site (to bo announced) will be used. Call the recreation department at 930-4130 between 10 ajn, and 2 p.m.. Monday through Friday wilh any questions. Aqua Marine Women's Golf The. Aqua Marine Woman's Golf League posts the following scores for May 5. Play of the Day: Throw out Tourney (two wont holes). : : Class A: Jon Yonkey (64). Koy Schack (69), Jo Loridas (78). Class B: Kay Big (74). Bonnie Machovlna (77), Jean Bartov (78). Class C: Ella Franio (82). Mary A. Sandor (86). EUIe Shulsky (87). Avon Lake Women's Golf The Avon Lake Women's Coif League posts tho Col* lowing scares for May 6. Class AA: Low gross, low net and low putts: Renee Plmsnen Play of the Day: tlo between Elaine Johnson and Born Ice Stumphauzor. ,-/ * Class A: Low gross, low not: Jean Butts; Low putts:' > tie belwoen Barb Bayer and Join Butts; Play of the Day: ' Carol Bennett. -v Class B: Low gross, low net. low putts. Play of the Day: Sharon Blair. Class C: Low gross, low net. low putts. Play of theDay: Anne Hubor. . '1 The Sleeper bowling :| The Sloepers howling league posts tho following :£ high scores and achievements for the past wook. -f High series: Luann Clzl (540) and Jonnio Logar (503). -£ Pins Over Average Tournament: Jonnio Logar (plus «£ 5G). LuAnn Cizl (plus 54). Joanne Jubach (plus 54), * Rlla Beavers (plus 44). Pat Mastorovlch (plus 40). U-* Special Achlevmonts: "Sonshinos" and "Sparo Me"*;-? rolled off. "Spare Mo** becamo leaguo champs. !.}? T h o leaguo w i l l r e s u m e play t h o last T h u r s d a y In•,* August '"", y UIB Avon Lake Shoremen track team participated in tho Solon Relays, where they placed ninth. Sovoral outstanding performances were turnbd In, ana Ihreu school records worn seL Eric Mathisen threw the discus lSQ'll1* to break tho school rocord. which was set in 1993 by Colin Klior. The discus relay team, consisting of Mathisen. drian Scarvellie and Jon Ulrlch, combined their efforts to smash the 15-year-old school record In that event with a total of 385'3". which bettered the old record bv more than 17 feet. Dave Kotton. Chris Heslep, Al Luznar and Rob Rocco set a now school standard in the sprint medley relay by clocking a time of 3:37.6. Other noteworthy performances wore turned in by Shaun Furdson in 110 meter high hurdles (16.1); Nate Port In tho high jump t6 feet); the distance relay team of Tom .Falton, Dave WledJ. Chris Anderson and Davs Messenheimer (11:20.3); and the 1,600 meter relay team of Rob Rocco. Ryan Fetgatter. Hoslep and Luznar ran the second fastest liino in school histary (3:29.2). Coach Kuith Kauffmun was very pleased with the performances, saying. "We aru progressing right on schedule, and hopefully wo'U peak with our bust performances al the conference championships." CPR classes offered CPR classes, open to the puttie, will i » held at Avon Lake Presbyterian Church on ma loBowtng dates: Tnw.day. May 29. 6-10 p-m- Saturday. June 7.9 a m - t p m . This tour-nout dais covers cduli, child and Infant, CPR ond flrsl aidtorttoUrvj. Ctasa tee Is S25 por person or J4O p«r coup's. Babysitona •MX be ava-Tafcio U the June 7 class tor 15 per (amity. Cal American Heart Association instate* lor. Sharon Holmsbora. at 933-3264 lex more information or lo register. These top students Irom Biookside High School defeated two other Northeast Ohio schools in a dose match on The Ohio Lottery's new "It's Academic" show. The Brookside team beat students (rom Manchester High School o( Akron and Tuslaw High School of Massilloa The show aired April 20 on WEWS-TV5. with a second broaocast April 26 on WVIZ-TV2S. Pictured in front of "It's Academic" host Don Webster are team member Margi Rcwe, team captain Cynthia Johnson, and team member Sean Medina. Brookside racked up 460 points during the game, placing them ahead of both Tuslaw (440) and Manchester (430). Band Aids to meet The Avon Ukfl Eland Aids monlWy meeting *n» be held May 21 ki tha bend room at tho high school al 7:30 p.m. Trustees mecttna poor »o the peneral meeting at 6:30. A l parents ol incoming freshmen band students we confaJJy invtted to join us. % My WELCOME WAGON basket ta loaded with useful gifts, informalion and cards you can redeem for more gifts at. local businjsses who'd l i e to say "HC My cad is a friendly wit to help you with tipa to" afl your needs. New parent? Moved? I M A V P " LAKTiCALL: NANCY HOOKS 933-5302 INSyQMCJWL: WANDA M.TIERI IAN 933-8428 W e ' r o l o o k i n g l o r a few flood H » V — Do you have a greoi spit boH, can you round ihe bas*s oJ lightning speed, am you o real slugger? Here, your chance ta prove it. Get in tho starting line-up ond sign up far the Cleveland I n d i a n s / SportaChannel Baseball Skills CompeHnonl Can I M a y ? If you ore o boy or girl between ihe oges of / ond U as of August 31, 1997... you aualifyl Player* will compete in 3 categories; WKo can hit the furthest. Who can pilcH wiifi the most occurocy, ond Who can run the bases the fastest. Thetopfinishers for both boys and girls in each oT the four oge groups (7-8. 9-10, 11-12. 13-U) at eocji locnl competition site (see location list), will advance to (he finols competition on August 6, 19W ot Jocobs Field. 'State Farm . Iflna l« leototl in (W •! *»«9WfT t\ FtMM 1 0'ntterittiinttH Lifr.T Ybuc$n count on your -good nehjhbor" agent to blip with ill your life Permanent Life Term Life Universal Life Annuities 5t*mr EILEEN REIGERT Agent 702 Avon Belden Rd. (So. ol Sissons Piaia) AvonUko, OH44Ot3 (216)933-6215 (216)310-8577 Like c good neighbor, State Farm is there.1* Hew It works? Each player will compete in Pitching, H i t t i n g , and Running Boys and gMs will compete in their own separate divisions. Scores will be determined by hitting distance, pitching accuracy, wiihirhe fastest running time serving as a tie breaker. Players w,th the h.ghest cumulative score far both boys and girls at each local competition will advance ta the finals at Jocobs Field. Bats and balls w.ll be provided. However, players may use their own equipment as long os it complies with official Ufrfe League rules. Players may onr, compete in one local competition. Chedi yewr desired l e t a t l * * It^nfralian Fotm « l b« tekwi on a &».» wi " jour him ri^rt owrf • Avon Lake, June 21 What to Co? The cost is only $10.00 per player lo participate, and each player w,H receive on official T-shirt as well as other prizes. Alt proceeds w.n benefit local Youth Baseball Organizations and C W o n d Indians _ Charities. Sign Up Quick - ifs first c-me first serve. There is l.rruted | space available ot each location, so send in your form nghl away! r> «^n , « n romolete set of rules along wiih times and Md S assignments 'will" be sent by mail to all registered plovers. Allregislrafionmaterials must be received by May 30*h, 1997. How t o onroll a n d t h o logal »t«H. . Fill out this form complete*/- One entrant per form. - Enclose check or money order for 510.00 per enlrar.1 payable to: SportiChannol Baseball Skill* P.O. Box 91654 Cleveland, OH 44101-6041 . Include o self-addressed, stamped, #101«« <*>«* . If you have any questions, call 216-328-0363. / • • • lWjJ«a*' FamilyFest culminates Pride Weekend J-Iappy 50th Gail With £gv>e •.•-'KO'':'-.^ •.IL:'-\'.Z-'' " i :.'.\~,-n ;•'.". •/'_'.'•''•• 1 from Chuck, Shannon and Qrandi It's been fi while sinru mea residmit.i could loss, olf their jauU'ti, roll down Ih« c;ir windows uiid £o to mi old-fashfontid cookout and firstiv.il. but Lorain County Comiitunity Coli^u's . Fourth Annual FamilyF-Y'st" uiul Uarbocuf on Sunday. May 10 from 11 u.iu. to 5 p.m. will remind thuiu of what warm-wwilhLT fun is till about. LCCC's festival will be held thiouijhuut the LCCC campus on Ihe grounds and in the buildings. This year's fuatival will culminate Lorain County Prido Wf.-uk.omJ, an annual event of sprucing up Iho county that has spread from a handful of communities to now include the entiru county. This year's festival will also feature some of summer's most interesting sports figures: 1990 Olympic Summer Games hero and medalist Malt Ghaffari; tho fuzziest member of the Cleveland Indians, Slider; and Cleveland Crunch soccer stars TTm Tyroa and Nikii Ristic. LCCC will con off a weekend or Lorain County PRIDE with an actionpacked, family-oriented day of food, fun end festivities. In addition to summer celebrities, entertainment, gomes, kiddie rides, demonstrations and, of course, food will be featured. In addition. LCCCs campus will bo thrown wide open for lours and for interesting and fun demonstrations of what LCCC offers .ill year long. ]ii::nii: mi-iiu in eludes shavi.'il L.trLtjcumi byff 'Hi a VnisL-r roll [with sL'crt't SiiU'ji'J. jK^ta salad or cqle slaw. clit'f-b«ilfc.f>il btMiis. potato chip*, Punsi anil Grandma's Cixikius. Meal ticlaMs art! S5 in iidvancu; SC the day of. thu event. Children ages seven and younger will by able to enjoy a liol dog, potato chips, Grandma's Cookies and uraugo drink far just S3. Music and a wide variety of eclectic entertainment will be ongoing through'out the day. Plenty of jazz, brass, rock and country bands will satisfy cvoxy musical taste. Some of this year's headline entertainment will be the LCCC Concert Band, the Lorain Catholic High School Jazz Band, the North coast Saxophone Quartet, thu Old Homestead Gang Button Box Dub, Hungarian Folk Dancers, Boo Scoot'n Saloon Danca Demo Team, tho Roger Green Bond. Ms. Stavie Woods, the Folk Medleys, tba Lorain Barbershop Chorus and Elyria Cascade Barbershop Chordsmen. tho ..Hi Patriots Dance Band and the All Star Jazz Bond. Many more musical groups will appear. WEOL Radio will broadcast live from the event Kids' activities will include Captain Fun Amusements kiddie rides, Scorbot the Picture-Painting Robot, puppet 'shows, wildlife exhibits, story times, a Youth One-Mile Run and a treasure hunt. CniE^b stars lyma and Ristic will be The annual LCCC FamilyFest and on campus to meet visitors from 3:30Barbecue "Crulso-In" will provide - a 4:30 p m. Slider, the Indians' rauchsteady stream of classic, modified and loved. ftirry and huggable mascot, will antique vehicles brought in by aiea reshappily pose for photos - so long as no idents who want to share their treaone expects a serious pose - from nocn sured autos with visitors. to 2 p.m. LCCC will promise only that For more information on LCCCs Slider will bo his usual irrepressible 1997 FamilyFest and Barbecue, or for and aapredictable self. advance-sale meal tickets, call 1-800The LCCC FamilyFest and Barbecue 995-5222 (extension 4039). THE PRESS. . . Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE Saturday, May 17,1997 8:30 AM-1PM for appf. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney 233-8827 at The Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-ins Welcome • ' LORA1N COUNir BLOOD BANK g^ m rimmmmmimm? fr^ltlllllliltllHltllllllfi#& SAVE A LIFE . . . . DONATE BLOOD If vou don'l stop your 'nend from drmngdrunk. who ynll? E\J wtuuvcr il Ulus. FRIENDS DOffT LET FRIENDS DRIVE DfJUNK. Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. . . CAI-.I-. 322-5700 L.C.13.I3., Marketing Meet Dr. Mark Kufel. He Delivers A Lot More Than Babies. MEMBERSHIP AT *# PLUM BROOK COUNTRY CLUB! A; Go tfer's'f I) tlfg ft t Announcing our ^ AVENGER Virtual Reality Experience • ' •". •-Vf ; i 1 -- W • - * - * * Vi-.'-;i-,l Justlmagi No waiting for tee Um»«r soft, lush*fairways and greens •refresiiing dipvln the Olympic-sized pool ^-outstandingfood prepared to y ^j&rfecUon - actlv!«tti\llBr.Uuy«6o]c Mark Kufel, M.D. isn't just an obstetrician/gynecologist delivering !ots of babies. With special interests in adolescent gynecology, urinary incontinence and infertility, he deals with heallh concerns confrontin*; women at various ages. His warm, caring approach makes him a personal favorite with his patients. Formerly practicing in Westlakc, Dr. Kufel is now part ol the EMH Healthcare System—delivering first class care, close to home. For an appointment call: 988-6190. Women's and Children'?* Comprehensive Healthcare Group An EMH Medical Groip Practice 254 Cleveland Ave. Amherst. OH 44001 EMH Regional Heati-hcaro First Class Care, Close To Home. JT 'far family year ' n n m ^ - meet interesting people. —i Plum? Brook Country Club is ncc.'pling ^membership appUttttlbmi toflllflfew openings. Membership will be flUed qulckljr-. Appjj^iibv and enjoy ibcV,,. summer at the best country club jp Ixtween Cleveland and Toledo. , Call (419}G25*d94| k today for more information and 1 The Virtual Reality System features: H«lm«t mounted display <«ith hand Qrlp contra) 3-D tt«r*o Mtvnd Hoy agoimt th« of bring your own *f*nry. 3 Torit ovotiobU ywor round i^5 Remember, (or nren more GOC0TUA£S,lrf: * Xood l i o * Two Miniatura CoH Count * Nine Batting Cogv* y membership applications. Limited corporate nivmbtnihlps are also avaitabk1. Mi 33777 Ch«it*r Rd^ A»«» ftt. 6-t t ; Sol. 1-11; Sun. ! • • 937-6210or 236-6601 •*n mm BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL NEWS TWo loin Realty One staff Richard A. Ade and Shoryl Flack, newly licensed realtors, havu joined the sales staff of Realty Ono's Avon lako office. This announcement was made by manager Carol McDonald. Prior to joining Realty One. Adu worked for the Cleveland V.A. Medical Center as U.S. Air Force Chier of Public Health. He holds a nursing degree and a master's in public health. Ado is a member of the Lornin County Board of Realtors, the Ohio Association of Realtors and Iho National Association of Realtors. Ho is also a member of and part treasurer of tho Avon Band Boosters. Ade resides in Avon with his sons. Brett and Brandon. Ho enjoys flying, golf and research projects helping students. Prior to Joining Realty One, Flack held the positions of legal secretary with Blade, McCuskay, Savors Arbaugh and secretary with Alltel Corporation. She is a member of the Lorain Countv Board of Realtors, the Ohio Association of Realtors and tho National Association of Realtors. Sheryl resides in Bay Villago with her sans Cameron and Zachary. Realty Ono's Avon Lake office is located at 32714 Walker Road, Richard acd Shetyl can be reached at 933-6195. Nursing facility earns award Community Health Partners Skilled TRAXLER'S NURSERY 934-5188 Do-Ir-Yourself or We'll Do The Planting • Top soil • Stakes i? • Delivery ^FREE* Top Soil with purchase of 2" Caliber Tree or Larger "Mmmum 1/2 yitd top iuiL Ctmomcr mini pick up. Not vdid wirli my other diKounu or often. Minimum purchue S 100.00 Ofirr rxftirn MJJ Jt. 1997. Ask About Guaranteed Low Prices 1-90 io Exit 611 1/2 mile south of Dctroic Road HOURS: 8-4:30 Mon.-Fri., 10-4:30 Sat. Evenings &C Sundays by Appointment 2980 Stoncy Ridge Road, Avon and nth COUNSELORS ATLAW Lundy wins journalism awards Matt Lundy, anchor/reporter Tor WLFL-TV. Is the winner of two journalism awards. The awards were announced by Tho Radio Television News Directors Association of The Carolinas. Liindy. 37. was named tho rodpinnt of the 1097 -Siivar Award for North Carolina TV Journalist of Um year. Ho also won first placo for Spoi New.i. Lundy received the award for a story in which he confronted a state rcpresentnUvu who was attempting to charge fees for all media interviews. Lundy Is a former Avon Lake councilman and former candidate for Lorain County Commissioner. Ho resigned his council post last year to accept an anchor/reporter position with WLFLTV in Raloigh. North Carolina. Lundy is a graduate of Avsn Lake High School, Lorain County Community College and Friends University. GROWING 10,000 SHADE & FLOWERING TREES Gti»U M. Smub Tunxtiy T. SaiKh Kcnociti P. Fru^cl Diracl G. Wi(htnun Crulfitj R. Snw}» Jtim 1 Snulti f jmti V. BuilU ttictuij D McCiwt Amy M. DeColibm •FREE CONSULTATIONS* HO Moore Road. Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 Over 30 Years of Legal Skill, Professionalism & Personalized Attention is Available fur your Convenience with cjjlces In Avon Lake. Vermilion, and Woodmere, Ohio. Evenings <£ Saturday Office /lours Available Sheryl Flack Nursing Facility recently received a perfect score, with no deficiencies, on an annual liconsure and certification survey conducted by the Ohio Department of Health. Tho two-day survoy which was unannounced, examined the facility for compliance with Jedoral and atato regulations. In 1990. only six percent of all initial and annual surveys of nursing facilities and skilled nursing facilities In Ohio resultod in a perfect score. •«;2i<jy87X^22i8!*;3iB/g67-6183g;" OQM^c 8TH ANNUAL ^ ^ ^ . PRESS SCRAMBLE S-wectbrfar Gol£ Club Wednesday, August 6, X997 Rjio rate: To Be Announced | ENTRY FEE: S85.OO per person {Same a* U«t yfjr) EVEKYONE RECEIVES: • HI llolrn • Curl • l.um-h • |*ri/»-* i'-uU'f • H.-<T • |trfr<-f>lirn<'iili> * Sliirt PRIZES • PRIZES • PRIZESHOLE-IN-ONE WIN THE USE* OF A 1997 CHEVROLET, CHRYSLER JEEP EACLE, OH FORD PRODUCT FOR X YEARS r HOM • JOE nHMEVTS LUI*E CHLTliOUT - K»TOMKOCtlKYSI.KH ri-YMOlTlI JKKf EACLK • DulU • T.f» T h e BIG MONEY Hole A Bi«; Hit since 4 91 •CI.WMI to Pin #1-Wins $300.00, Second $150.00, lliird $50.00 Winner Take All Putting Contest • *IV»o Tri|»* t«i Allantif Oily -nttKKrnillAII HMtJ.* l...ml-..i." \XA. iir.i C ""l • >|--.i*l in.it.ne I-""'"- \ u . riitM:Ki:u>rc.mii,i. t-.m v.*mt «,.[[ s .. 1.. llw Hinnitijt I IVtMMi IVJIII. - \\>K\- MCN t ' l ' I Oil SKIN.- • ynur lrili»'/4lih p 'll * " i-SOO-327-2601. r l)ttf*.//uuu\uinJt<i"i'"*' *•*'"' vm^mw PERSONAL L»OURY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION WRONGFUL DEATH TRAFT1C VIOLATIONS/DUI DOMESTIC RELATIONS PROBATE WILLS & TRUSTS REAL ESTATE LAW BUSINESS LAW Khrs&i ^&5«' ^_J^ Dinner b3 h\ Lunch & Dmr __.-dBy A M - Catered By NOVOTNY CATERERS CATER ENTRY FORM It Crts Butter Every \carl FEE S 85.00 "s 85.00 "g 85.00 85.00 11 Iii 1 m 11 § i •r la m Wm §§ Sm ml m m m mm MSB ON YOUR LOCAL COURT DOCKETS „« g u, f AVON LAKE MUNICIPAL COURT Daniel L. Ramsey, 1826 Clague Rd.. Westlalto, was fined SI,000 and suntenced to 180 days In jail on a chargo of driving undur suspension, with 150 days of the sentence suspended. Donald R. Novosiolski, 224 Furnace St., Elyria, was finod S950 and sentenced to 180 days in jail on.a charge of DUL with 150 days of the sentence suspended. His driver's license was suspended for two years. Ho was also fined SSO. for speeding. Barbara M. Richards. 429 Huntmere, Bay Villago, was fined S500 and sentenced to 60 days in jail on a charge of DUI. with SO days of the sentence deferred. Her driver's license wa3 suspended for one year. David M. Waldrop, 902 Oliver, Sheffield Lake, was finod S500 and sentonced to 90 days in jail en a charge of driving under suspension, with the sentenco deferred. Jennifer ]. Bohl. 15708 Avon Belden Rd., Graf ton, was fined S250 und sentenced to 30 days in Jail on a charge of passing bad checks, with the sentence deferred. Kevin Fleharty, 730 Jaycox, Avon Lake, was fined S100 for possession of marijuana. He was also fined S100 for open container. Brad M. Forster. 580 Chancellor Ct.. Avon Lake, was fined S250 and sentenced to 30 days In jail on a charge of reckless operation, with the sentence and fine deferred. Peter T. Could. 32320 Stonoy Brook, Avon Lake, was fined 575 on an assured clear distance violation. James J. Maziarz. 2537 E. 37th St., Lorain. was fined 505 on a charge of speeding. Fined SOU for speeding were Andiea II. Gibbous, 32821 Schwartz Rd.. Avon; Sharon A. May, 32744 Carriage Lane. Avon Lake; Nancy A. Stonoburnor, 528 Danborry Lone, Avon Lake. Choryt R. Lekan. 32382 Brandon Place. Avon Lake, was fined S40 on mi improper passing violation. Darrell W. Kelly. 33847 Lake Rd.. Avon Lake, was fined 525 for failing to dim his headlights. Edward J. Wcstgate Jr.. C66 Glonwood Dr.. Elyria. was fined S25 on a license required violation. Read & Use The Classifieds ore* SIMMM 14 r.». a m woousw -I I •. Hi I ^ _ _.-.i».ii™iW — < M m » « v i a « i ,rf JlSTlXDtCEO-fTSABAlCAJV " i j u Mi*I*, f* +vr* * * * «—.«-.— t«rt« 111 , i.a.- IUK«>• • u M U ^ i W f *•>•* \EW lOTWC * E A 1 L A M EZIC • MiSI CALL rVK O T U U LBTLSClF M*a Ui a u M «& Ul to * • • • THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN Compliments of DR. MARK D. GOULD - PODIATRIST 32730 Viilkmt Rd. Avon Lois. Ohio Phooa 933-4021 000 Avon-Betdan Rd. PU. U ) (Nnt La Slsion'i} ArgaLaka Phooa 933-7073 EASY STORAGE Mini Storage/All Sizes Avon laiM. Ohio PtxuM S33-32U U390 CbMlM Road I-QOARl*. 011 Arao.Oblo Pbooa W4*)00 LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONVENIENT FOOD MART Or. U O M U K. KowUi Sift Avon Baldsii Avon U l i . Ohio Pboam OU-3140 : irli /i Somtttnet it happtns. Th« btOtt rttpt up b tht piatt. Tht pflcO- f tr thnnn the ball md "cr»dt"_tfit bad MJS M lar ts tha »yo can I N . / Just i k i th»t_"B'* a homa naif /; Sometimes_ll tupptn* Out «rty. Ytt mon often man not victory is scartd ont bast I t • Unit with Qukkly calculatad risks and wttral ifldtt through Hit dirt ntvtr being tight of home Hcbrtwt6:12bfsatcht*usto~ihmirwian»tarneitneislfl t rtallong tha fu» tssunnca at hope urtfl tht »nd, so thU vou may BUTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS SISSON^ FLOWERS. CARDS & GIFTS in A HJ xw petlenct Wtert tht promise." Ltfi is tetdom ptritet We must h a « faith In Cod*i purpotttarour h t s and utilfa*' tht pojw and! patienc< Ht has ghw us to retch our goad ont sup at a bm*. Your goeb a n loanable Pnbt Cod each Stbbeth in K)a house. Never lost tight of hunt. DALE'S TV Wi tp«cUtlxa In B1H I O H O T V I 4 VOft Usad MO IOQ! 73] Avon 8*I4«D Rd. (Nonb oMtR tncki) Avon Lai* Phon* 031-4S59 BRUSNAIIAN & STUART Atlonwvt tX Law 134-A Law Rood Avoa Laka (21B)9M-:6OO JOE FIRMENTS LUPE QIEVROLET TRUCK AND GEO 607 Mill*? Road Avon Lei*. Ohio . PboM 0334131 d m t a a d Utf B3S-3S33 PAINT & PAPER PLACE 137L>uKd. Aroa Lak* 47B8L«i*Hd. SbafDal WatkM Squar* Bldg. J * . Obk> KARTSEL-S AUTOMOTIVE TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/CATERING 3430 5toiM7 Rldga M Avon Phooa Coapltfi Au to Rtpalr Ktpa Auu C*™ O a U r UO-AUTO U« LMT Rd.. Aran U U THE CHILDREN'S CENTER AVON LAKE PRINTING 3ltUwK(»d AvaaUk* PboMfl33-SlU "Iblping Young QiUdrti LMHI" 33467 tMkm Bd. Avon Uka. OtUo Pboo« 013-UOO 1 600-231-1431 SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY &wW'f ua> i""- RAY'S AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE DCTZEL'S GARAGE W. R.p«Jf All MakM * Mod«li []**• DaUat. Owuirf 1IOM Oatnil Rd. PbOM937-S]BI 34218 Colorado Ava. Avoa, OUo Phoaa P34-431B AWN UKE LAKEStOE CHfUSTtAN FELLOWSHIP FlftST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST PATTH U m <ERAN CHURCH C*»M M U M M Di. Ana UU7I4 CHRIST EVANCEUCAL LUTHERAN CMUBCM AVON L A K E PRESOYTER1AK C H U R C H HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH AVON UNITID UETHOOIST CHURCH Unor RwJcM R Butttg i Ifl i n Ncrec] Sma p & * 100-1030-11 Nan ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH 32K9 LW FW D3-IIU Hv> Taot* J OComor 430 »M Sit CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY OF OOO >mjir vmnp MO «vj 11 so i s irtJrr 5dul M t30 tr iMMn tiu^i W F«i 5un*f ScMd bf (I t#a U1100 »«i i n BCM SU« FAMILY fUNEKAL CHAPELS 3IOOO Dvtioll 2JL. AVDB IBS Aroa Itetiloa Avon Lai*. Ohio VbaitM Q33-3Z03 ALLEN HEATING & COOLING A*oa Laka, Ohio Pbooa S33-I33S THE PRESS 1M LMf RdJPO. Ben 300 Avon LaA*. Ohio PboMUMlOO W*diM«lar Without GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS SPARKLE MARKET J36O0 Flu* Oak Pwkw«v Atoa Lik>. 'Ala Ptwoa 033 MT* Avon Laka. Ohio Pboa* 933-0303 *OM Slop Shopping" NEW HAVEN BAPTIST 0 9 F C BAY VILLAGE (CO Owdi BAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ma t r tfead.Ba/WKM. Oka m JOC P#MMd CoMlna SMw SM ! » • , S * t I A - 1 0 3 0 i B - t l Moa SHEFFIELD LAKE SAINT THOMAS THK APQSTLE CATHOUC CHURCH 711 H m Ftoat 5MMj UM mrru SAtNT TERESA CATHOUC CHURCH WTI to* w . 9«aMt nuzrr ST. 3ARNABAS* EPISCOPAL CHURCH itaR.J>BaiagM(fhav Stf>b> So*** • 001* 1 «501 m. Srt <30 »>..&* 1001*aid It » • « B 0 3 i a a a i i o a w o AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 33MO Datroll Kd. Avoa. Ohio Phont 937-flIOl 3 0 t » Dvtndl RdAma PbooaCM-1503 Srttr Sd*rt M « Btai OmlO «3 • Fnl M«kad>r * N wo*. IX t r * * t » S | Piij«i UMns T »•. HOLY TRINrTY ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME tCo>v«« QrMMi Ed Pngrm) f 30 » « ST. CLEMENT OF ORCHID MACEDONIA ORTHOOOX CHURCH CHURCH ON THE RtSS fteO LAKE DREE72 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN CHURCH OF COO. SHEFFIELD THE CHURCH LOVE IS BUIUXNQ £MMvHNttfttSUC21o>tMtil! BfM E Fcmi, UkMa <J MI n « m SjnorSwwMlOOOuiltgOp] WiwtuRM tOOOf- :ALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2SO7E)KtcBM.«XMCI AVON LAKE UKTTED CHURCH OF CHRIST AVON CHURCH O f COO . **»> p i t m n s t FIHST BAPTIST CHURCH TO H«Tm M . EMM) UM (211| M l tSH R D C U V M i wo I Smtw U*xt I (11 > n Pet Uvt Purtuftn, AJKCIM U M * JIKE SHORE UNITED *C7HODI3T CHURCH v *7 W Crc Ray* Cttt • vthCM Dwrq t* WnT» M M tnl»r Sffod I110 i n AVON 5<M*f E onrq M r U v 100 p n <«liFET BETHESOAON-THE-BAY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3607 WtJ te<B R 0 S FREEDOM CHAPEL ST. MARY o l ! » • IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ArTu 6 Ejuv U>K»r M S U O Sui.f i Wad 730 B SOabt » * n j aantici 1 CO p a. Sunt», n o * © » « . I H »f*l I I » W THE R E A L T Y ONE MARKETING SYSTEM Is II 1 1 1 i xei www.perfecthome.com J9 BBSS ? hi AVON: HOT «358». Four bedroom colonial. 2Vi baths. tJining rm. fireplace infam.rm. fcaseS S ^ e 0 ^ ? . ^ P^wound. w o d dock, ask tor ERNIE HISEY. Now StS4,9Q0. 933-6195. im 1 AVON: HOT B7996. Wonderful creeksJda ranch j u s t e yrs. ofcj. 3 bedrm. 2 barra. huoa open Wttnen. (aland Jerm-Alr cookBp, skytichB & fireplace In Great Rm. Two taroo docks overlooking wooded aioa, part, finished bamL Jual S189.750. JIM * CAROL JUDGE, 933-6550. KEN & LOIS KODQER Your Realtor Couple Avon Lake O trice *Ybur Satisfaction is Our Business* Over 401 Famines Graciously Served AVON LAKE: HOT #20311 Dramatic lott overlooks vnultad livtng room! 3 bdrm. 2 5 bath homel Over 2600 sq. ft of immaculately cared for newer homel Exceptional \"ZtZT kitchen! Full basement! Oversized lotl 5219,500. KODGERS, 933-6195. CO TRIBEUt WAKEF1 ELD'S CORNER 933-6195 NtolceUaU 1-800-P74-5143 AVON LAKE: HOT #78541 Updated ranch style 28 Years E*p«rtencB eondo In Smuggler's Covel 2 ta:n« bedrooms! Million Dollar d u o 1.5 bathsl Kitchen Is remodeled too! In-suito WATCH FOR COUINQ laundry! Quiet no one lives above or below! ATTRACTIONS/ $66,900! KOJGERS, 933-6195. AVON: HOT tNEW. Newty Uated! Outstanding duplex) Groat investment! Sltuaiod on a large loL Units both feature spadous living roomo, 2 bedrooms, country tdtchons, fireplaces, 2 bains. One unit features a fieldstone bricked fireplace waa. deck. shed, office or soaring room, over 2500 sq.ft.S224.5O0. Call BETTY WAKEF1EL0, 833-5195 tor details. AVON LAKE: HOT #5039. Newty listed. The Landings! Beautifully maintained 4 bedroom home. Formal dining,rocroom, newer gas furnace, A/C, many upgrades. Situated on a professionally landscapwd cul-de-sac lot A must . Bee! $189,900. Ca> BETTYWAKEFIELD, B336193. AVON LAKE: HOT 12855. Room to roaml Centrally located, this gracious home Is situated on 7 acnsa. Features 3 bedrooms, tormai dining, spacious living room with fireplace, 16«26 family room, screened porch. S337.500. Can BETTY WAKEF1ELD, 933-fi 195. AVON LAKE: HOT *2745 Spacious Hampton model features 4 bedrooms. 1st Door den. bricked fireplace In tha 16*20 family loc/n. fiitened roc rootn. deck, situated on a cuf-de-sac. $223,900. BETTY WAKEFIELD. 030-6105. AVON LAKE: HOT «7O4B. Well maintained o™ owner homa situated on a spacious lot. Features 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, lull basement with roc room, novrty sided. $118.900. CaD BETTY WAKEF16LP for more details, 833-6195. AVON LAKE; HOT 91295. Historic 19th Century farmers gotnic* style wood-frame lokafront homo on Lake Erie. 2.100 sq. f t horr* on 1 hat! acre at end of a long, tree-lined drive. 3 bedrooms, 2 brths. formal dining, original stone fireplace, spectacular lake view from 3 season porch, lake breakwall. $235,000. BETTY WAKEFIELD. 933-6195. AVON LAKE: MOT #4027. Three bedroom alumlrHJ.Ti-sIde<j weU-maintalned home with fenced bock yard dose to playground. Larger master bedroom. $187,750. AsktorEnME H3EY, 933-6195. OS Commercial Property LORAIKINDUSTRIAL PARK Induttrtal wf*» 2-60 acres. WM t e l or budd to itjrt Two £000 *Q.lt tpec—. now avatabta. Located adtacent to Ford Motor Co. oft Brunswick Rd. beIwven Rls.2/90. Lorain. Ohio. Contact: Demy DaMorco. Coldwel banker L m Orana Realty. (210) 323- 07 AVON LAKE: HOT »2961t Marvelous 2270 sq. f t ranch with full finished basement in •Greenpoinf offers spectacular prlvata vlaws from the oversi2ed Florida Rml Open style Uv, Dm, Kit & Fom rooms. 4 bdrm! 2.5 bathsi $209,900! KODQERS, 833-6195. AVON LAKE: HOT »4572! 4 Bdrm. 2.5 bath colonial on cul-da-sac in sought after neighborhood! Significant updating plus a 12*x27* Rcrida room ovortooklng 100*x200" treed Ion Full bsmtl A/Cl Gas heal! S229.900 KODGERS, 9334195. AVON LAKE: HOT 17582. Glamour owner's suits + 3 large bdrm + 1st floor den! 4 years young! 2830 sq. f t + finished bvnt! Vaulted Fam. Rm.t FJoducad to sell i»l S2«,9O0t KODQERS. 931-6195. AVON LAKE: HOT >3693 Tradi*xwl 4 odim, 2 5 bJtri colonial vtttti ovorvifd a*J« ontry garage! Fabutoua tulL finished Casement witn office* Hugo roit«d dockt NiciVy ttoad yard* EncepeonaHy pleasing! S2W.SOV KOOQER3, AVON LAKE: HOT 17402. Contemporary beauty - $174,501 don't mis» - over $40,000 wor»» ol upgrades - newer rool 4 window. cherry master bafft. fumac* plus 37 fL deck, 2 fireplaces, baserr«nt and so much more' Rec center wtth pool and tennisl Can today - ADA WILEY, 933-7700. Home Loans Homes For S a l ~ AKamatrva LenOno- GMTI to*IJrom your tmmel 1 hour approval. 7 toy OFFICE OR BUSINESS SPACE 10 ctitinQ. M cor«obd«Uon, bod credrt. rent. City Co mar Compla*. nood CTMW, a«if •mpttyad O.K. Pa»l Downtown Lorain A iraai • Lowof bankruptcy OKI No income kuna. A level 300. 1.400 and 2.000 W- ft dired iondar. 1-800^06-7334. Third floor 700 »ojIt. RaaionoOkt tort. ufioWs patd. Phono 244-4117, Uxain. 1660. The PRESS is now ONLINE! Our e-mail address !•: !hepr«B®brl2hi.nBt Our web sife la located at: p 6«nd fhot* UH«n vi« ••"••il and chwck oul c)assiri«d ratM MM! otrtaf n«ws on th« w*b. AVON i\t OWNER Pnoi HwJucwl Moi 4 Dirtroom, 21/3 Dotn. 3 Y M T O U CokxMf. BoMfnant. C/A. OWNER ANWOUS, MAKE OFFEa S1B3.S00 CaN 634t,esa AVON 1ST OWNER OPEHffUNOAY2-a 34109 HEATWERWOOO (Off Jaycoi) 4 Bo«Dom, 3- >« Bm&> CoUmol, I f l . tin, FB WWBFP. UHQB Kilchon. D«d> and SpflnUn». M: 1173.800 837-0333 AVOJ' CO'UrTrRV SEniNO; sn DR. 2 iJA. Soo.-oo<n. Coowd Paw. A/C. Ffl. 2 Gu Anacnod Ovog*. Panotumic View. .53 Aci«», AVON LAKE WE9TWIN08 T0WNMWW£: aOOO, 2-1.78A, 2 car attachtfd garag*. AVON LA'KE 7000 FOR tZii) BSALE E r OWNER. 31S11 LAKE ROAO. 3 YEARS OLD, 3 Bedroom. 2 1/2 Batfi. Woodod Lot w/Vtow ol U » * . Fancadln Yi/d. Sk'Mv^VmJua O x j t . FVp« sr09.90O. 9334754 AVON LAKE 37 LANDINGS WAY Ot>EN SUNDAY 1-4 Laro* Ur-datad 3 Badroom. 2 Bath ErSi Unit *<n2***£™2«lt FAlRVtEW COFFINB£RHT 2 « y b«* W2flA. Itnuhad BMamanl, Drofaiilunally landicapad lot tnduded- S1B9.0O0. Byappoirtmant 333^10CV330-722-«l«. •-; AVON LAKE: HOT *NEW. New Westwndi listIng LeweII>T> Modol wtth bach staircase, 2 story foyer & fam room, huge kitchen with Cot (an tops, first ROOT master suila & 2nd floor uame room' -' fUl baths & first "JOT den, compebbvitly prlod a' S354.750. JIM & CAROL JUDGE. 833-6550. BAY VILLAGE: HOT »U69. Lakelrcnt condo altamaOve • IB yr. d d stunning 3 bedrm. contemporary home, graat room, smalt office, warmth of hardwood floors & 'g. brick fireplace con trailing wtth much glass providing spectacular Cleveland skyline views as well as deck access. Recent breakwall. This Is "Homo.* Priced to setl quickly. $236,000. JIM A CAROL JUDGE. 633-6550. SHEFFIELD LAKE: HOT 16133. Three bedroom ranch on convenient comer locaBon Colorado and Lake Breeze. 1.43 acres. Riding lawnmower stays wtji tawn. AJt hardwood Doort under carpeting, all appliances stay. FuB basement Extra large garage, skvuge shed. 406t Cdorado. 5139.900. Caff RAY ANDERSON. 803-61K, 1-600-074-5149. SHEFRELD LAKE: HOT 15716. Lakafront estate-dkji property, 1.49 aous. beach, breakwall. smalt boat launch, 152 front feet. Charming cotonml hom«, 4 bmlrm. 1st Br. tm3wr\ hlany tianliwxxl «>«,. Q r u ltamrm, flioptsc*. KJ Hving rm. Morr* ottaia ZTOQ BQ. n. ot chiirm at lust S429.9OO. JIM J . CAAOL. JUDGE. 933-6550. 033-6105. AVON LAKE: HOT #2722! Tr»= most sought after vtev* property Is now for salot The unobstructed view of Cleveland win bike your breath away! The best part, guarantied no erosion problems, evert Can ustorfua details! Pncelew view but owner says sen U at $339,900. (CODGERS, 933-6195. 1 AVON LAKE: HOT 17319. Unbfr'iewbie targe newer kitchen, huge bay window at breakfast area overlooking striking pool a hot tub. Private master suiu wttn outstanding ban * direct access t> Ihe pool, lovely decks & picnic area. This 5 bedrm. 3Vt bath ranch homo with finished basement b so well priced af 5209,7SO. J1U & CAROL JUDGE. 323-7535. ctooar, sJoiwr & tut). Dock and full banHnom t^72AOO - BIO MOUVVMW C^l RAY ANOER. 1-«OO-e74-«t49. .O VILLAOCi HOT OutstorxAng nincn conrto wfffi groat rm. uhy- tiyhta. f-Mated Ftoncta rm. master bain, Jacuul. 2 story toyor, 2 walk-m ctosots. 2 car oarnge. $139,900. JIM A CAROL JUDGE. 723-7525. SHEFFIELD LAKE: HOT «7016. Three bodrcom, two bam ranch on woodedtotMaster bedroom with ban and walWn doeeL Family room wtft woodtwrnlng S«ptace. forma! tfining room - two iwre* deck, full basement $130,000. 781 UtayetM. Cafl RAY ANDERSOM, B338 1 U , 1400-074-5149. SHEFFIELD LAKE: HOT « 7 7 1 . This 165* Ot Lakafronl has an aitansive sea wan. beach and 6Cf p*«r Special home of over 2780 * q . ft b wonderfuly kept! Properry width allows tor tha picnic pavtlionl Over 1 acre for quick tale at $274.0001 KODQERS, 933-61W. WESTLAKE: HOT t21B3. Cedarwood Condominium, c^e bedroom. 114 baffis, newty painted & reedy for *nmadiata occupancy One indoor garage space. New turn. & air. Pool & tennis. SO4.90C. JtM & CAROL JUDGE, S336550. v To finfl; odt how the.Realty One'. ,.:Markcttng System can'work for, i' .24*Hr,^olLlne f800-6?t-2345 With nearly 4.000 homes in our Invenfcry. we have more home, tated faruli£»"]''"'"»» company kW Ohia Pick upTh. Realty One Home f3ooh or cal our 24^our HottJn. at SOtXfli2345torinformation on any property. AVON L A « . DY OWMER: 2 Bedroom Ranert. N«*ar Home. EicaUanl Condition. f*c« Yaid & t W « o r f w o d . Low N ' t (218)933Avon L a u . 1** OiMnDnw Orrv*. Morm lor * a l * by owna*. Cotonutt. * b*droc*T-. 2 \i2 bath, wnn den. latga •ai-n imcrtaa am ROOT uUMy loom, living, (Jining and f«mil|r room. unrnnrwdtMMnMnt r d t n M n t N«» W W. ***** 14) lo •oodk. M J M Ma. 1100.900 (qualified buv«'» only plaata) Owrwrs ratoCMng. Cal d3l!-2940 or paga at 1-SB9-720-ia08 lor «ppoif.tnief< AVON. BUTINO HOUSES IN NEED O r REPAIR W/ASSUMABLC LOAN3. CALL f37-5P«. Baroain Homas' Tnou«Bndi of Oovammanl )ot»clo*«iJ and r s p o i t a i i a d proparnai being l d ITM momnl Oovamment t i n a v r ) Lom.VO down. Cal lor toed launptl 1-aO0-33a-OO20«rt 1399 BAY VILLAGE; By Oniwi 306 H»*itm«f«, 38O/1 • 1120*. bnek. 2 ca/ garaga. SitO.OOO. Open Sunday 2pm-Spm BAY VILLAGE; Of o«n«f. 4-9 bedroom cap* cod. 2BA. tirofa«. dec*, lane*?yard 1183.000.26704 WoU. B35-09M Opnn Sun. 2pm.gpm Build your draam homa lor i a « money. Tha Landv«*t Ownarinvolved OuikJino P'oQ<«m ol'an Cxrtow markat coniiruction ftnanfing and no m i f n i and no payments to» 0 montna on Larwrvail malanais. •ixKOvod looor and uto p.-»p»r»tion. c*£ toa ir«« i-aea-HOME-oos eo. 006 for moro mlormaoor*. m1 1In JIM & CAROL JUDGE 933-6550 SHEFFIELD LAKE: HOT 17933. Lovely, rwo year old traditional colonial on treed kM. Uuiat, newer cuNlq-sac straeL Family room with bay and WBFP. Four bedrooms, master has walk-<n h ! 11m i 77)ere is a difference In Real Esla'e Service AVON LAKE: HOT #8835. Spectacular 4 bdrm. ZVt b a n home in 'G'senpoinn 2.5 car sideentry garage w/boill-in cabinets! Basement! Gas Head Huge 1st ti. laundry rml Updated I H acre treed loll $197,900! KODGERS^ 0336195. C*Ui Nowtl V¥« purcnaM monongac, «rmuM«, and otwnau now*. S * K » 19C4 htgnail pi:c«i paid. Fro* eiWnaiM, prennpi pratesaional MH> VKM. Cotootal Fmanoai i-00O-DflO1200 e A 08. 10 I iiii OOVT FORECLOSCO homM Iran oanmvt on S i . D^unquanl Ta>. Rapo's. REO's. Your Araa. Toll (11800-2111-9000 Eat. H-e438 tor t Mt MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? CALL FOR FBEE PUBLICATION 1-800-753-3643 Monday - Sunday 24 Houra A Day • NEW AVON LAKE HOME: 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. MASTER BEOnOOM SUITE. OAK CABINETS, OAS HEATING, A/C. Jtifl.500, TPAOE MARK HOME. t33-434l. NO.OLMSTEO; 23T24 Lofatn Rd Comm*rci«l-RJ»«lantial -Cnniury HomV a-bodroom. fu»piae«. * > * « dock. •vBfyttiMa nnw. S1B5.000. 777-8794 'PrlnT PrppBrry*. Own For Th« Pnca 01 BerBmgl BuW your homa now. without Ihn downpayment Bank* demand. Compbta corwlruction & parmanant linancing il qualified. DeQarogf* Homa Altance. 1-000-343-2804. WAITI PLEASE DON'T THROW THAT OLD TUBE-TYPE RADIO OUT: I NEED THE P AHTSH Or, I can tMHtoryou.G»INoal:B33-5aCa. WZSTLAKE DY OWNER; 3 badioom ranch, 2 - t / 3 bains. EiCMktni ccndidon. Many extras. C*fl lor appoMmer* 871 -0020. 20 Lots and Acreage For Sale SO.Carolina Waiftrtroni S a l * . Baausfuvy wooded, dock acproved pamri iflang rroniaga on spectacular 90.000 acre recreation lake In So.Carolina-neat to 18 hole crwnpionanfi 00<> COUTM.Rtn. boat, gait ysar round in our tanuilie cinuiaf Paved road*, uffl uUa, mucn mcKtH nnancmg avoiabfa. Cal 800T04-3154.TUE 2S Mobile Homes For Sale Dare to Comaprel Looking lor a 1BIS0. Jutl dedvared (nexflfft now on mipiay. Qreat looking new dMigna. The»a homaa are SoadtnL Wiin 3% down. Pavmana aa low as $2S5. Includes rlelivary, letup. tlUrtina, be downa. 2 atapa, central air. wuhot & dner. CaU lor free Marature. mw1703 Finustio Factory Buyout!. Jutl roonved 0 brand n«w 14x08 home*. F M y**t warrmnty. v«Aod cMtnga. 3% down. Payments a»towu S I M . indudei delivery, talup. ikming. UMkiwm. itepa. central air, wasrwr ». dryttr. Cannot ordor Cal now HI 1000~eae-17B3. FrM SSOU. WftlrruM Q4ft CerWlcaU. mm JS29 Waeiily UJIII".-; c inMijfi Itcin iiottv; Wan/ Cn | The Avon Lake Smythe Cramer Co. wishes to congratulate our Sales leader & Achiever's Club Member for the month ofApril Valerie Waddell Carol Black GOING, GOING, GONE £5696 New i n r V 3 &1 25 caorwi on Urge W Ne«« tow Sow. wrrc news carpel, n e w rotf My lutings are sold, tfrou are thinking of Umax your home, cull Carol Block. Better Service, better mulls. 23 years of experience. Awn U*« Iccaion. Cad nc»torpnvi» sUcwrq. S1S4J3OO SUMO SiWLng. 933-3731 B5D579. Ourt oJ-ds-uc raidi has 4 t * * x r a , 1.1 taffa, gas heat, w i r . U bsmL, healed sun room, haramod Boors & newer carpet Acc£anc» ttajr* 100x175totbacks D woota. 1133.900. Bart) MDer. 93W731 V-; 861622 SpaocuJ 4 beoocn sc*t a f f r w U tata loosed i i hdden vatey. UrtaJatKj caredtaranl indudes neuM dear, baiemert, sered d e * a dde-sac IIIC OnlK 4 i m dd • JIS3.900 C*l U n a Homm KO3733, BGZHZ Detacred onto in WaHka 0 Rate! Only IS tones a m m t * I n ri JI7S00. 2 8R. 2.5 satn conda w.fc grt room! Formal O^ng rocrnt 2 car gara;* !or eaj* i c c e " ! See Uday K*€55. Cfcanrung C « » Cc4 wflrsi flow mailer bedroom, h o U baJB 4 neutral Oecjf DeuraUe door plan. Ffl WWEFP. gorgeon landj o w r q and * t t ! IT 72531 Cai Lrta Horn. 3733. 8&C66. N«w ijsng! Dartng 3 be! 2 taranditaj greai rOT'.'raunri csAng & trepLace * tar^e Linen ' large Oedt art 2? da. pod Eas* aaws O 00 V« f n r c e PKA. Cal tor prvn! ircxrg 1 1 n S.KO B6344S Beady a EuW Now* r e w e . TMi a * and p a i r S£ilS5 U has rrjry ccivWies Cal Tour Homo's On Te let Won Xlrvt Tlm» Comrailrnent in Writing P CCJA]M J T S Hof • OuI-of-Towd Buyers ProlKtloi While Salllag or Buying Sbop us on Ibe Internet (l#HomtW»TKty sraMca p«ccM torn ^ Homa onffwM*ifc« toUty hug* 2BiB0 asctional noma. Sr«6ou« 3 o* «tMdraom. 2-1/2 bam. S year warranty. Hie* starting at S44J5O. Land Horn* r a m aa low aa 7%. Mud * M horn*. FrM caotrml air knMod tuna. Ash lor IrM kiafatu*. 1-8OO-e8*-17». 45 For Rent AVAILABLE - Stora or Omja Spac* lor rant 1741 North PJdoe Fkl. 1400 sq ft. 833-3922. q AVON, 3eR rtancn M O a o . 2 car a. larga yard. U9O0O. 934P34546a BAY VILLAGE COLONIAL: 3OH, "30 Out of Town WBFP, naw appliancas. teraan porcn, llmihea basarriant. 2 car Property gaiaga. land»cap«d yard. Walk to schools. Public tranaportatton I, Shoppmc »t. 100Arto 83KM45 B AY VtLLAOE; 4toadroom.2-1 /28A. 2 CMI oaraoa. no p t u . SlJOOVmo. Pftona 871.7132. Eiacutlva ^anctv2Br> Den/Trurd Bedroom Oplion. 2B«. Oourmat KiKfian Opan to Ofaat Room m/Gaa Firaptaca, Dtrung doom. JUCUIXIStyla Tub In Mailer Bain. Full aaiement. Gas, Canttai-Air, ProfasstonaAy Lwnciacupad Wooded CALL FOR FREE Lot Tensnts must be non-«mokan & PUBLICATION w/o pats S1700/MO *Ulilttias*Secunty. Call 1-800-753-3643 g337W3 KELLYS ISLAND Monday - Sunday LAKE COURT COTTAGE 24 Houn A Day Complalory FurnMhsd 2 3edroom Rvcti, SM«P3 7, C/A, SpncUcuUr Vlaw. SB50 OC WaoWy o> S160 Par 35 Vacation Property Day. Can (419} 626-diMor (419( For Sale 748-2062. KINO JAMES So Bra mar Cr, IXSHEY AREA* 2BD/2OA. 2nd floor. 100«iq ft comer Naw Condo-2ER/2BA suria. no pMs, Financy CluD acc«s*. Lakaaida Conununrty Hem M M / m o . B92«4O7a. Poot-Bc^at doch-S3t,K)0 BROCHURE i - a p l K t t - W j q LAKEWOOO; 2168 UreoM. 2BD up. den Qaraga. natural woodworli, 'DISNEY AREA* carpel, appl., no pels. CONDO LAKEV1EW-W/ I B to /mo. 'deposit Available APPLIANCES. FULLYIrnmadtalai^. 734-atlM afwrj.pm FURNJSHED LARGE CANOPY TENTS Carpat. Florida Rootn MijJOO-WHATADEAU For Rant Call lor Information Perfect lof Your Outdoor ParTyt 2CX2V oi 2O-.3C Ask loi Mark Smith's Country Counter 834-5403 Got A Caiftparourid M*rnC*rVV(> or MALE TO snare quwl 2 EwOioorn Tirrmrtara? WB'S lahart.Amertca* lawnnouse w/iame. No trnqkn, most auccaiitul resort retain druas, poll. FufTKihod. doposil. t/2 clearinghouse. Call Reiort Salo* utihtisl B7I-1727. informalion loll I'eo Iwllirio 1-800423-5967 OFFICES AVAILABLE HILTON HEAD Iimo Snare. 3 DR. 3 3-4 ROOM SUITES BA homrt, potX. IfOO OOlt. tnnnn Laka Road, Avofl Lake S11000 or mnHB otlw S16.000 Reasonable Ftonl; UHI>lto» Inchxted. »uluo. (216) 779-1507 779-553T CoK tor AttxnrfmaM: S33O17S MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? OPEN SATUROAY. May ITtrt. 3pm 5pm. 18722 Carton comer Edvartls. Large double down. 3 bedrooms. COmpMetr redsne. 1000. Cat 228-M22. PARXWOOO APAHTUENTS •004 Jaycoi RdJtoJUdoavKIa 1 -Bedroom stamna M U23. 2-Bedn<om sumna ai 1420. No Pats Ca] tor appewmant 327-J4M ROCKY RIVER TOWNHOUSE; 3 bedrooms. 2 baina, cainadrai cednga. a l atvunoaa. wur*i-&y«f Irvsmte. pool, oarage a 71-fl 187 SdEFFIELO LAKE. Lovely 1BR apartment. >400 0 0 * , partly furnisned. includes ui'litiea MOBS 75. 65 Vacation Property For Rent ANNA UARIE OLANO-Saraeota. FL.; 2BR/2BA newty redacoraied BeocnlrofK Condo. Overlooks tna Oult Qorpeout oaacn. pool and sunsatst U50/w««k tfuouon Oecmxtm Cal 8W-1965 after 4pm Family Uwacfias IN SC-PBwtays island L UtotfWdi AI Amanhe* nearat. 1-A twdnwrn <xmdoa t nomM. *a a hUstarCard-Jamea W Sman ReaRors. FnM brochun 1-800^380020art T399 KELLEYS ISLAND DUPLEX COTTAQE; 2CO units, kil./tiy , Urge scrvwi ponTi. Cttan jnd wry reuuky) S323/MeUy each urw. (210) 4^-7344 LUXURIOUS CONDO KELLEYS Commercial 52 ISLAND. Stey in the heart of downtown KaBeys Island n naanV For Rent new 3 bedroom, beautitully RETAIL, WAREHOUSE OH LIGHT decorctad oonoommum wtn pool 1 INDUSTRIAL: 2200 SqFt & BOO tirpptaca CaM 419-628-6166 Sq Ft Route 83, t/2 M>M North of I- Panama City Beacn. t.213 bedroom BO. 210-033-8533. suites with guR vwwa, tugar wfvte baacn and emeiakJ wetM 2 pools. PwnaOe Port. BOO-fl 74-6623 Office Space 55 SARASOTA, FLORIDA; F-urnmned 3 For Rent bedroom home, f • 1/3 batha. fnnoed AVON LAKE yard. 10 mruaa-teacn. OSOjNkk or Prime 1.000 Sq FL of Spaca lor special monthly rates (316) 353LaoM in The LanOngs Stopping; 0781. Center. For Informebon. CaM Die* Mayf. WANTED CITY CENTER COMPLEX; Downtown Loram. RaasoneCW rant. Utilities paid. Free parking Various sue & nnmfted spaces 10,800 SQ n 4fl0iqrt 5S0st)R. 1190snR.CanaH be arranged W sul tenant UnArvshed aruss. 1421 sqR (2010 aofl. and 21 SO iq ft., these can be combmod lo provide 41 CO M t t ! Phone 244-4117. LOHAIN ROAO. N.OLMSTEO C I O M Id 1-430 A 1-00. conlempanry design building, ample olt-sireet parking. 1200-1300 %at\ oi leik (divided), professional owner on prsrmsos. itrept »";n available Cflll John Good (g'6l 777-2B0C PROFESSIONAL OFFICE AvniaUe JM\ I si Idaul I " mxjicat or tatos olio*. Location Midwray Mall arse m Elyru 44J CISWOKI Rd. Urn! 3. Coll 334-2552 or 871-7400 afier 6pm. BO Help Wanted -AVON", BuUd Home Busmeul No Minimum Otdera or tnvanton/ Required. tNCVSALESflEP 8 SS AVON TOP SALES5S Sell to Famify. Fnenos. at work. Pait-bma o< Full tima HO DOOR TO OOOH HEOUIREO Insurant*. Pnim, Bnnefin Earn $8 -121 /hr. nveraoe PLEASE CALL ME tail Mot Connected To Other Ads FREE QtFT, ELYRIA 3SS-S439 Anytime 1-800-W-OOar SSAVONtS Potential 1200-trooO per month S*W orhnfo & when you liW>. us not jusl Ooor (o door anymore Medical/ether msuianc* available 1 • 800-208-6311 Ind Rep "POSTAL JCCJ3" PuirrjrwrH FuU-Trffm S U H H #• • Go.e^rrwrt £>?";'• !a *tvlf TixlJf lur Cn^'CitnOf A c f C J ' W Inf-j Caa 9AMBPM. t E/JO J7Q0OI5 EXT-95. Accounting CREDIT J20K-128K FIVE great pcvtics opfln lor &igrff«d and ncn-Ceg'S^d Cieflit 3P*Ci«l!S'J. ReconcJiaioo and corrpufer •kilis a plus Wanur-j unowted^o of MAPICS imemoiy s*siem MipW Call (216|B61 -5933 ur FAX reyjmo to 12tejSSI-99-10 Barcla/ Fmancid! Group. , ADM. PERSONAL ASSISTANT PART-TIME; TyemT. DOOkWWI^ng. etc. F*rWy Inenoiy midday ictieduio. CaJ B71-S113 hxun aiMrviaw 3 JIOMIN ASsr, E u Lev*. Sk3 tovct: ITViV*. ChaBonge. Secure futufe. FREE personal t»geri BeUy DCMTAL ASSISTANT .C z&i. Firvwn Par*. Fid IKI». '.--J^. ASSISTAMT Bono-. Ms E.per^nce c^^'-ud F Pad aiB3 Car! 372 ^563 cr w I.T*TJIJ.J''I tu'J I D W T O Id P O Bat 45Cea5. t^-j; OH JJT-1^ OlRECIOflOF UBRAHY AND INFORMATION PERSONNEL & RESOURCES For u r u m central sUia accndtSed ptivale vSiool reoui'Od. MLS bom • an ALA accredited scnoot; Urono rr-drjgfifriiHTi. orTan/atiorul. anfi musrportonaJ tki«. eipenencv n on-dne serv<c»i and ccmpuvntM OOIU&.-*-JCT-I and uttaJoourig sy^iems. abiity lo work. pdn. and &et goa'S in an interactive • r cooc«ratn« toam mode: lour or more years exrenence pratenM. Send reaumetoWesl Lite, P.O.Bcx 450t4DL Wwitaka. On 44145. 0nv« p SO Oown/S 60 ad mdes. Oufnarshp in 36 months- Aug. tO,QQa<milas/mon!h. Company Drivers: Newer Equipment.212-*\\* Corroetitim pavftanefita. new AppM AGE LINE IS SEEKINO Compas- Lines 800-844-8308 or BOO-643' nonale iaiiat<e CNA's (S7.) and 33B4 .Cafli) hevnemakars (S6.20) to ascot elderly Driver - Van* & FUtsadl CX GmrO Heam rvunroa Weekends Rooerson and PFT Roberson are . Cal C41-9990. looiiing for varuitatDed drivata., Stanmrj pay upto.SicamAndo. Oat An Forca opportunities On>al traxv home Otlen. Start working lor • Ing. (ooaand educason MrWitS. Htgn company f a f cares 00CU you! 1scrocx ofada can 1-800-433-USAF SOO-473-Uai. EOEArt. Driver Attentions Company ANOELINA-A POZA [nsoe k Ouuon PaMxtm AvaiiaDia. dnvers/ownerk ops. ffayour cat! Van 19 and ofder. Long term positions Hasan, deocaiad smr>aa or Mama. ? Np b i T M wim aOwancomenl opportuniry and summer part-time or tM nma. 734-^700 762-'B19 Buriden TranspcrL 1 DRIVER. Owner/Opefaiort. Fleat Araa SarvKaa Operalors. Regional Snorthaul COLLEGE Carrier. H&tOs 12 mom tnxka M ORAO hande tott of "no toixn* tm&O. W* TTUUNEES poSannal. C v a i BeneMs. offer Can Sharon at 340^249 or send nv •Fuel surcnargo paid. suma o 1140 Eucbda411, Cleveland. p 44115 •A8 permits p*d p ASSEUOLY. Le^oer in thetf M M . •No company trucks VnetrVtrrpB w.'car. Skid level UOO- •MJeeg* Guarantee* 4ao-/wk. Terrvtoperm. FREE Cav» fki hottiadk or escrow 'Home weekends nuararaead ja&att (218)773-5296 Call Larry today at 000-ZOO-CUBE. ATTN: MOTHERSftOTHERS Uon-Frt. Sam-ipm, gel vm dMJaSl Just u y "No*tommmum wage. E»pn?*s. Inc. "CooUn'tha Amertcan Way" now HwCube Drlver>ATS wants youl A l l hiring demonstrator*. Worti Irom conventional neat, TO sllp-aeallng, home: trae svnpie M. No hit benefit*, package, Wa pay lot Coiecnno.Nodetrvenng.atso experience. Tractor purchase fpwi 933-6119 prograni avallaMa. Call ATS: 1 * AVON INDEPENDENT REPRE- aoo4t«v<4» SENTATIVE. PolerOial J200 - STOOO per mentn. Make own hours. Dnver-Mora eipenenc* meona roota DoorfDoor not nocmsvy Uadcal ' money wm our new pay scate art) now orads gat lubon revnounerrwril Otnar insurances avaiUoie. Can Camay Transportafion S«rvioas i •6oo-;aa-e3 • t now 1-600-967-9911. AVON LAKE INSURANCE OFFICE. Pan•Time ideal position lor hian DnverCaaiU.5. XDOMS la nmng Ho enpenence required. Top pay. scnool studer*. UondMy i Thursday (3 1J-7PM). Saturday (OAM-Noon) executive DenefKi and Imghtuntt »nn eoandad si^mmer hours. Staff conventional*. 600-374-6379. aUMtant for tyr-mj, ttmg. dau entry Minimum inveitmerj lor I raining and ottiar cM<ce respons'O'lities. Eoe. MF/VH Compuiitf and insurance training Drivers 33 1r2cents to 40 cents ptrrtOM O'act rv^ui«« lo Oat) at Ownai Ope'etars 88 1/2cams « 33-3173 Hentiana Eiptess. Nottheasl BRINQ MOWER. MOW LAWN. Regional fleet gets you home woeUy, EAST END SHEFFIELD LAKE, M » - One yr. OTR needed. l-a00-*4l< 4953 3120 CteM-A COL Drivers. 1 yr. a ipanenoa NOW EXPERIENCE PAYS SVEM OTH Noma often EiceHlent pay. MOREI toeneMi Out Tntm Transport tooayi Tfl00M55a20 6 Monrn* Enpenencti m 30 par mart CLEANINQ Rocky Rtver Prcfeiaional Bu*3ng: Fnaay A Saturuay. Total 7 Hours. Oood Mourty Rate. Aopty at P.O. Bo» 300JV. Avon Lane. Oho 44012. CLEAMNQ COMPANY • DAYS • BAY VILLAGE • AVON LAKE AREA CLEAN IN O: Residential homes. *3*6O Lootong kVOependaoia. mature help. TnmeportaDon regurad. ad. Oood pay. Part-tuna. toxOla houn. hou Apply A al arttuna. to 340M Ra, K R 327340M C Centtr R R CLERICAL Immeaate Opvrwg (or fuN Dma Oancai Position. MoDvaied. organuad nOvidual w«h good communjcaoon skAs a musL Sand resume and salary Netty to: "AC. ! 0 f 25 Canter Ridrje FW, MOO. Rocfcy Rfver. OH441ia COUNTER HELP I PART-TIME StudenU we (com* Saturdays reQurod- Appty «t Fa>rview Dry fckwnanj. 22245 Loram B d . Fa^viaw Park. y342fl70 Cuttome*Rep STABLE IMOUSTRY Jon a wmnng team & learn siuHs that w« laat a •tanme' Fomwi and on-m*)t* training program n a hwrvorofila ea^er. S^lary.bonua, eipanM account & cane/it* Pctentiai aamnos of tl.OOQrwk. H you have a fl»r E P"t*c contact, a professional apPMranca & enpy the spoOignt. caa Snaron 8at 3454345 or send reaurne Euciid»4ii. Cleveland. DATA CLERKVHECEPTIONIST " Healthcare company he* an •"vnediala need for a quakt«d person lor entry lavet dou entry and moepDonrst furctons Career growm. Waga^anefits POM, 30311 Clamena Road. Weeitatae, OH M143.»ia»7|.ir21 Dl£ SETTER. Innovattve Ind. Unempk)y«d w/carl SkUl lev«l JflSOVwk 5 2 ««ek. DentalVsion plan. * 0 "" 1 P ! W 1 8 1 DIRECT CARE POSITIONS Make a Difference m the Irves ol wners. jom our leam Male and FOmoio opphcanta tor luil-lima and subsMuts positions QroupHorne and wominop localions Hnh School rj>p<oma or ar]uvelent ApCy Personnel Lonin County Board of Menial Rota-daton •nd Dev^opmental Disabilities 1091 Intlrmary Road Elyrla. OH 44033 Phone; (JIB) 321MT34 (EOE) rvQrwf wiifi more axpanarval C M Today B00-564-&M2 O n v w i OTR-no *i& ' •• up to JO pa* mae, waaUy pay. *wuranc* furnished. 4O1K, Msignod tractors. COL *A* twhazmet n q u n d . ' Ca> Land** Tranapon. Inc. 800-70*7337. Drivers-Arctic Eiprese an Oftlo Based company is aaaklaa companyttegional ft OTH tnettMtraaer dnv«f*. Muat hava a CtaM A , COL wHazMai • mnmum 1 year reoant OTH axponenea. Cal DaM cr Laaal 800-027-0*31. EO& DrfwervOIR Pretaeatonal Sew»-0rt»t» Haadail -Regular Homnma •Top Pay •OtredOepowt p •Great Benefits lor Onvef and tam*y •araatidowrhiayovffldt Card»o( Fr CPL-A Required EC€ DRIVEHS-Solo/Teams/Owner Operalors. Teams-ftOOK-. W K tign-onl Traawrs S7OK*I Top ownar operalor program. Convenllonals/coast-to-coull Bonusst. benefits. Covanant, Transport [eiperiencttl) i-668>. MORE-PAY ( I aOO-M7-3729)E»I.. SF-37. (Qradualas} t-W0-33s44Z8 ' Ert Sf-37. W w t o n ] racrulWS. DnvorvTUITlON-FREt' TRAihBNO •> Norm American Van Unas has tractor-traitor dnvvr opomnga In Ins* Blanket Wrap Fleet. Owner OperaJora, avg. .Bo/m. Temp, fleet drhvrs start -24/mi. * bonus. t-300-34*4I47 r . dapt A-29 Dover* Trans-Stales Lmest oRsis. expended Regmnal and OTFd I M A home and t U I Rag«nal praters • . mo. eip. Students weicoms. F*ea Irammg available. 1-e00-527-0S«.EOE. DnversX)rR""Top Payrttonanr" 1 ' Call check out our small, tamfy- ' ownad company where Oie. "O»r««*ll ' number onoll Sairarll ,1 owner/operalors needed. Eliifl Syslems. Inc. Versailles. OH EXERCISE INSTRUCTORS naadMt : to toach Body Scurptmg. Ths tmt wortiout with we-gnls. Momng andi evening posioons •«a|fabM. S 1 3 2 S , 1 V Conrfcationavadafiks. Call Body 5cuiptnv}lnc.a!(2f6) . 52B-3U9 ; ,, EXPERIENCED COUNTER'. PERSON NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. APPLY IN PERSON: SMITH'S COUNTRY COUNTER. ST5W. COLORADO ROAD. AVON. *3** 3403 ELYBIA BEV AUFDENKA1IP6 716 Bc*lmg Green SI 05.500 NORTH OLMSTED S. SCHIUJNC 2B077 Forwtwood SI 56.900 455 W. 63i S. SCHILLING $69,000 I. DEMOS B . CLAYCOHB SI 16.550 j . DEMOS M. HEXTER 21&4ClirtonWay S97.700 S. SCHILUNG/ L. HOMM 37104 Hooters Tr. $215,000 B. CLAVCOMB 23861 David Or Unrf i 1 0 8 #122 C. HUGICK 3300 WNsoermg Pt B08 Ouaii Morto1169 000 JJ 57.000 B - GLOVER C. HUGICK SS2JC0" C. HUGICK 32632 Wafcor Rd. S73.7SO C. HUCICK 7371 Grant Dr. $85,000 $245,656 C. HUGICK ;,'•; - • ' - ' • ' . : " \ 36650 Law HO J18S.000-.--. B . AUTOENKAHPE CBS A 5143 00 - B. AUFDENKAHPC L. H O M M ' -•- 1*6 Fcott sozoco B. AUFDINKAMPt V. WADOELL T. YOELZADEH 37533 Loru Bfvd. S73.900 JOHN A GEORGETTE - DELA&SUS BAY M. HEXTER 1B95 Sandaiwood SI 07.000 41B Bounty Way S2SS.000 C. HUGICK M . HEXTER AVON LAKE 32140 Electric DM) $210,000 S50MOO w-=v S. SCHILLING O . MILLER 390S«necaCI. S97.500 B. CLAYCOMB M 3 Gf oenbnar Or. S187.000 L. H O M M 204 Cf>«rry Ln. $150^00 S. SCHILUNG 33082 LafceRd S397.S40 L. H O M M $94,000 B. CLAYCOMB $58,900 L. HOMM $191,000 L. VOVAK 401 Bounty Wy «205 $217,767 S. SCHILLING 258Sun»«l $108,500 V. WADDELL 341 Bounty Wy $144,500 L. HOMM 120SunMl $85,000 V. WADDELL B. GLOVER V. WADDE1X 535] M M . HKXTBR I. DIMO1 52M.BOO j . DEMOS M . HEXTER LORAIN T. YOELZADEH ttooaoo L. H O M M 304 V/ 36«ft S7B.0OO 624 Coopw foUf S93.500 DEMOS S. SCHILLING 33905 OMI% $96,000 ST. IS Apprtcioeh A M SI 74.000 j . DEMOS C. BLACK 199JJ0Q Mi'HIXTtR St20 J00 S. WEBER 30Z9W.ZW1 U0.000 I . DEMOS 32826 Sandstooa $88,000 C. H U G I C K 6821 OahponlRd S145.000 I . DEMOS C. BLACK S153JO0 S. SCHILUNG OTSUagnoU S102.000 S. SCHILLING 22140 WOodfteW S2fl3.O5O L. H O M M 0OOW23rd saiOOO J >.-?:'-» B . MILLER M2.000 j . DEMOS BRUNSWICK 32S7Onti«8Lv 633 MOflCBORWV JTOjOOO':'•-'•'•• sieo.oooL. VOVAK 4505Coiorsdo S 110.000 STRONGSYILLE OLMSTED FALLS VOVAK" 2798 Vfiks SI06.0O0 HiHEXTER S113.B54} C. HUIGICK SHEFFIELD LAKE 212Oay<«Dr. $88,000 L. VOVAK CLEVELAND S22.7S0 37B.Q00 4746 W 32 $85,000 L. VOVAK L. HOMM 2770 VWks S132.74JS C. HUGICK VALERIE WADDCU. V. WADDELL $118,000 S110.75") C. HUGICK 2794 Wifca S104.10I C. HUCICK B. GLOVER SD0.OOO C. BLACK 1C Landing Way B. GLOVER L. H O M M $95,000 C. BLACK 14141 Qaoch Av« $88,000 4C23 Ashland A n . $02,000 J. DEMOS 755 Sunset Av«. $102,200 32361 Orcha'd P S 190.000 120 Loaf $78,700 B . MILLER 92S W. tflffi $53,900 S. WEBER S74.000 - L. HOMM 150Boimar Blvd $105,000 66 Landing Way $92,000 B. CLAYCOMB B . GLOVER More Out-of-Town Buyers Protection While Soiling or Buying C. BLACK SHEFFIELD VIIXACE S. WEBER S. SCHILLING 842 Lafayetto S 112.900 S 1 1 0 0 R M d Ftd S1CS.276 L. H O M M S6d.00O 3tB07 Ha/otwood $290,158 321 Latayfltto 3lvd SI 06.800 1233 S t Ctwrtin A 19320 ApietAv* $94,500 L. H O M M B. MILLER SX. 4 Yufh Cresomt $140,300 j . DEMOS S/L 25 Toaael Ct $275,230 • 754 Latr/ece Olvd $162,000 LrrCHFIELD 33522 Crw»y Si. S71.000 S. SCHILLING 5725 Cof $66,600 L. H O M M LAKEWOOn L. H O M M see ooo B. CLAYCOMOJ B. MILLER BM Wnts^cra BMJ 133,000 S. WEBER ST. 6a Viflaga F»«Mfv« L'NOHM • '• $54,000 B. MILLER S. SCHILUNG CRAFTON B . CLAYCOMB 701 East Dr. S127.9O0 - • 2B5b*ootJ- • wa.ooo •.••• Mannar Watch #2A S125.725 $34,500 3d 746 Amor CL 32149 HamptonCt S210.Q00- ' '--•• L- HOMM 5195.000 S. SCHILLING 268 Woodstock T. TOELZADEH L. VOVAK S 56.000 B. CLOVER B- MILLER sa?joo CLAYCOKB VOVAK SB2JXO £112.450 252 Now Yc<>t S I 8.000 5158.500 Manner Watch *3A S 125.300 378GJY1« M. HEXTER/ S. SCHILLING 239 East 16 S52.000 $78,500 L. H O H N 15728 Laigrt Elian $75,000 C. BLACK COLUMBIA STATION V/L Root Fid $26,000 D . GLOVER 2790 W l k * S220.t7S C. HUGICK B. GLOVER 27B3Wlka S221JO) C. HUGICK 4244 OolM Avo. J7I.0OO 1. DEMOS S97.000 C. BLACK MEDINA 5220 Sasaolrns Of. S 100.000 S. SCHILLING Marmora Way * 2 C S114.700 I . DEMOS C. HUGICK 625 Dunny Av«. $96,500 B. CLAYCOMB Your Hone's On Telovtelon 27B0WHW S2C0.585 2797 Wllka C. H U C I C K P i n t Tlm«i BUT9P Commitment In Writing p Im O E A R N MONEY Roading Boaksi t o J3O.COO/Yr Income PotnrHiui. Details. I (BOO) 513-4343 ExL Y-2ie3 m IS I111 1ml IH EXPERIENCED EH9 O u s WAITRESSES, Si 1 - 5£^ ' PERSONS ft CT DISHWASHERS Wanted. AU snlfls 2 available. Apply In person • ( . Senrstore't Restaurant located • ! 2 th»Agt4ltart21BUBlBd 2 gt4ltartni,21B 5- Avon LalM. OH 44012. < FACTOHT WOAXER, Irai leaders. -=_ Unemployed w/car. Skill lavoi: en 375<y*tt_ Ai shifts avWooie. Hearth r MODELS WANTED ges ot 7 23 to model COsuU and lonnalneur dunng ma year's 199/ Ooveiand Paoaanti. No necessary Call 1-8006CO3EH 213 NURSERY POSItlOfl, 10AM-9:3O, U-F. Knowledgo of Criild Oovakjpmenl- SanO Roiumo and Covuf Leasr to: W**l Shot* Child Cars Cartur. S)40t HUUard, Rocky R h m i B OPTOMETRIC RECEPT1ONIST/TE CMMia AN Pari-tona dari. "vortogs and Saiurilays. Must t » maijm. poopto onunt° - £ * S T G H O W I H Q COMPANY eo and haia wonuyg Optonwinc « • UJ NEEDS MARKETINGS ft SALES poneoce he*J(ui bul no I necgasary. £ ASSOCIATES. I I you are a M ' I - Appjy al 05tai Cenlef Ridg« Rd.. •^ Starter & en)oy being creative ft Nb.RidQovilta. Thursdays 9i3Cam.meeting peopla we waft* lo talk lo 4pm. you to arrange rraervww. Cal 1-600ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT 292-BS81 «leave message or wnw Orthodontic 0 " * * teefcmg tn*jht ento S a m A u o o a i u . P.O. Box t M . arg«Uc ana caring assitLanl w i n Avon Lake. OH 44012. Qood communuauxi Klulls lo jon our FOUNDRY WORKER, Fortune 100 tOJml Donuf Ofl OrmoctorK e « * Co. Unemployed vutar. SluB levafc nenoa acc«ptaine. P l o i » cau $440-SS20nkK Stable position. Great 734-114C. benefits. F R E E Caws jackell O«n«r9peratots lor Oruo HoQMyi^ (21H1779-52S0. Camef. 100 miles raOus of Ohio FRIENDLY TOYS 4 GiFTS HAS Homo all aweiisnda and loma H « O « Immediate operanrja in your area. rnghu. H » » i t * o y . ulefy Incencva, Number O n * In party plan! Toys. insurance avtfutta. Can 1 -aoo-e37Gdts. Chnsttnu. Home Decor. Frae 5700 M i O. Catalog. & iniormafeon 1-300-463OWNERVOPERATORS; Pionlo 4875. • •rnamency frviQfit A raoonal aip«FRONT DESK/HCPT, Ccmecfy C k * . d»M fraigrd cartmt M e l a quai/ied Stao levac WTSnvfc Fun. t-jn, funll ONnaoOparaiorb of Caiyo vans, 12Paid vacaDont- FREE tnaanotaduW 24fL Wrmghl [rudu and tractors. Tcp pay. Minimal * g n on conl. Cad I -aooKay252-<M4. FULL TIMESPART-TIME Hair 54V47B3 Bfl, 143. Dresser and N a i l Technician. PAINTERS - INTERIORSEJITERlOR Medical/Dental Benefits, paid Ejipanenced onfy. TmnsponaticrL vacation in buoy Bay W a g e Salon. 937-650a or 331-0231. 671-4400. PART-TIME OFFICE PERSON GENERAL O F F t c e , International NEEDED TO ANSWER PHONES; Co. Gnat bcaHon. 401 (k)t FREE Idsal Job For Rallied Perion. SS.OCVHf. Cafl Pawl 933-2263. Cavajacfcafljai 734-4821. PART-TIME SECRETARY; AH'AP. GRAPHIC DESIGNERn * houn. Mpananoa raqurrml TYPESETTER 2S«S0 MuM neve experience on PC, Quark Eipiesa. Photoshop. Free hand. Send Resume and Samples to PART-TIME KELP, Mmtmum wage. P.O.Boi 43014. W a i l U k e . OH Idwnmowlng & misc. )obs. Apply Burgess ft Associates. Inc., 33660 44145.Aan:CagY. Pin Qok Pfcwy.. Avon Lake. Harold rvea Trudung needs motrvai- PHOTOGRAPHER; Possible Full ed moMduaJatoenter our tranng Dme pocoon. Must be neiMe and program. Call t .600-831-1300 lor trie abwty to develop color and compute inJormointv EspenencM have black A HfiUj Mm send resumtt & drivers cafe 1-800-643-0853 sarnpto u p. CBot 45014 WesOaM. hONEST INCOME OH 44145. AcrtCaifty. S300-J1000 Weakly PoMnaaO PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVER, PanProceae Mortgage Rotunds. No Time Delivery Driver Needed 3 •Upeneno*. Own Hours. {218KB 1 • NighUWK. Ari*f In Person or Can VIVTANO'S PLZZA. B33-aiS4. 4C53 Degt132 (24 Hrs). HOUSEWORK-CENERAL; Serru-. Placement Gennce Invalid care, s-doy/ML. 9am.Opm. TRAIN FOR A WMOato area, own transportation, NEW CAREER dapondapha. 671-9274 a/iar 1pm. Thetemporaryhokj industry has • * IMMEDIATE HIRE: Partpenanced unpvaaeied growth in tra bmevt»intJma. B« home before the wya. We a n runng lor several career kids. « make « • summer job. Cat •positions ft wilt n n a mouveted - 833-2714. Individualtora future m maraoemeni. Unkiue oppTy Scheduling L A N O S C A P C A WAHTFD ' t m week. Salaried pcnuNo enpentnoe neceasary. Muet be rasrvtews Um with txx«« A IUI t»mr>u Po\mrfjmi H i w q i o* St.OOoswK c*B LAMOSCAPe MEXP WANtEH. Ft»»UTTB. Apply in p m o n , D m k m n Ga>den Cacav. aso CoMer HO. AMTL B37-S67B. RECEPTIONIST LANDSCAPING; Fult time U . ' i Pan-Tims Ponuon, avsn otrmr Crew focman £j«>en«nca nacee•Mfc TnuncWy 4 JJOPM-a 00PW, tary.33T-0B14. • Friday. 3,-oCPM-ftOCPM. and LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sauday A Sunday.»00AMIndependent Marhoono Oioup toe 5.00PU. Uusi h M I U M M pnona VMM C O M ! MantwndMna skJa. a ptortMioral appeaianoe CorpofanontooMngtor aharp and encv MOrfemg wipi peopta. kxMduab «nm auceesalul Appty el Raeily One, 32Tf3 Walker wMnaaw neW baeterounde. Hoed, Atfon Lake. EOE SENSAT TIOHAL PACKAGE. PACKAGE RECEPTIONIST Great openingtortul kme RaceoFAJL f21 twnttt U-JH ba pereonabie. Office SkiBs. CompuMr eipenence necoeHAIKTENANCE IKTEN • SCHOOL wy. Comp«DUv« salary- Apery * | Full time maintenance at privau Gfnvtr/ West Saton, 20012 Detnyt ws>t»ide achooL bidoor/ouldoor I V . Rocky River. aork. Saturday Mork. PTVUOU* jane RESTAURANT oral eiperienca desired. Htang Servers and Mxotogui. Apply Send m u m » : Wsat Uto, P.O.Box at Avon O*ka Reatauranl, 43014 M.We«Mke.OM44t43. MANAOEMEMT RESTAURANT MCR/OWNER TRAMEE Need eipenenced reMaurant person Traintora new career with • naBonlo menaga asiting restaurant and atfy racoontzed nduetry Mader. CkhHp set up addttionel new concept c m Mcfcjda tnaoy pfominem Cleveresujurant; lot*** Co. arse. Kjtcnen land a n a comooniea. PuencconbKt eipenence t«kjfuL Ownentrap posm m profettional submoan oflce. s**t«es. Send conTdentnl nnponae Salary bonuses, b e n e f « A eipenta to: West LJta. P.OBoa 4 5 0 U R U . accound Cal Sharon «t 348^245 or WottUke. OH 44145. sand retume k> 1143 Euchd Ave. SECHETARY Q Ful ton* position avattcte isqurmg a detail orienied. orgarued and MEDICAL f*gWy mouvuttd person u <KOI%tora PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST We-a side medKai otneetouiungtor •mad bul growing company. Musi p o t i e i i excellent communeauon Part-time Recapoonst. Must have skills, tunctiort Independently und computer skpanence. Send resume handle multiple priorities. to: Weft UJe. P.O.Box 45014 R. RatponubUitie* include computer MEET THE WORLD) Intemauonal W O H 4 t 4 3 order entry, typing, filing, and non-prom teeks local represanuave, answering phones. Competitive Woik with foreign eichang"* salary. Send resume and salary rectuoanu. host Umkas. htgfi »chools, qurameniu: Trammg provkMd, •xpeneea paid, Secretary travel opportunities. Not a paid i7 0 f l R d position. Cal TanU SchmKa ut 06»NaOlmstad, OH 44070 299-3323. S£>JATE DILL T*O 45 13 AN AN7IYVORi<En flENEFir-HEDUCIHCl LAW RECENTLY PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE. I F Y O U AP.E INTERESTED IN SIGNlNO A REFERENDUM PETITION. PLEASE CALL DIANE KEEOAN AT (216) 933-27 tg, EVENING A N D WEEKENDS THE PURPOSE OF THIS REFERENDUM IS I O GET THE ISSUE ON THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER SO PEOPLE C A N VOTE ON IT TO PET RID OF IT- 355ituaticn3 Wanted E X P E R I E N C E D MOTHER will bdoysil in my Rome. weetuUy*. Play aifld trt bat* yu/d. will pmvaw luncrt, afturnoon snack & T L C . EMtvtew School a / « , 933-9810. MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 10 Snare Avon UluJ Herns JJCajs mmsdiaie I I lor slnjOjrud seWerrjj.Ta and defo^ed Insurtnce da*rns. JQ.Wentwortn 1- ELECTRICAL ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. nsed. Bonded. Insured A Uiiauli'ul Candlelighl Oldrrtca at HcaaonaWa Fashioned Wedding. Smoky Raios Mourlalns Near Gatiinbur^. 366-6069 O»arlookjng Hivof, Hor»e-D<a«n Cainao". Cabins. Jacultu. H I I I I S U K ) » . Professional Wcrrun. O'(l»ir^d rArwstars So TeM/Waitrvj ELECTRICAL 4 T E L E P H O N E t35QrMo 933-7905 Hed/lljral 1-e0O-44a-8637 tVQVJSr WORK, ucerued. oondod & Irvtursd. PROMPT aeoervjoDM and encougn A brand now wedding cnap«*. rates. 933-49S3. FAMILY MAN IN NEED OF WORK Cleaning byUeltua and Diane. Mori. Oatimburg. T N . Bisalhiakin^ 25 Years Experience STUDENTS: S10/START Througn Sal. Raatonab'e pnco». victo'Mn o«COfabora'e»gdnl teOOy. Eiceaonl refe'ences. O U 232-9ft33 eiaooraia O'osairvj rocms. Otdainod 'ROOFS SUMMER WORK rr>mii>«rs. Free pjrhmq Pncos start QUAUTY CLEAN1NQ Local firm has savers! tufl and p>ut• DECKS 19Q ToUfrca 1-C08-54 7-7663 Honest R«ltetfe Inol^dual Ume oporangi*. No eipenence n « Beaulilul Christian vvedilings. Piumcxnri servtca eacri tmo e»sary. Trommg providiKJ EisafWnt Oathnouig's original chapel (Sinca Hot a clearing learn CMctricai nraume bmlOar Cal 550-0033 1900). PnctOQrBpna. muvc. tlowors. EjtceGent references Qwpantry SUBSTITUTE B U S D R I V E R S limo*. jaccun suites, fireplaces. Love Free Esorrutes NEEDED. CDL Rsoulted: Avon WaikBncH SchOOM C^g Ceorome We*t BMRev. Ed Ta>tor 1 -800-340-2779. Bathroom Remoceung 3513. hep Jtwmt gacirotiiyfupala com B t R d i 90 Wanted To Bu Isrfi it tme you ool on me *NeT? TEACHERS Masonry Everythmn you nead to know aoout ToddUtr. and ajso 3 yr. d d laacfMrs u H Repair ACCUMULATED POSTCARDS; the Internet 1-898-212-3723 a>t. neededtorwest-ttfe caycare Free Esunaus Can W<Q buy •*» vour U S. or lore^n Hoepiatfnoon * benafm 779-5*71. M2-011Q 1689-1907. Also buvmrj unfypes. Atk lor Dick volontinos, adverfSJrn THE PRESS Is looking pnotogr«cns. canH. pofilical sctJvefvrs, 337. iQM. for a part-time 8UY1MO OK) oca. o n dud pans, O M COMMERCUL advertising sales- loys. old furniture, old slullad 331 -1993 person. The position Is •ntfnaM.oidtwers.CjJ H E L P I Graodmo needs Liltla Profeosional 133 a threo day (Wednes- Ti«s/Fisrwr Pnco loys, sand bo«. Services day, Thursday, Friday) cnild swing, ptiy yard, rocking O a r BOONAR 4 BOOMAFt opportunity that offers etc. CaflS7i-<220, Attorneys at Law an excellent wage along USED REEL-TYPE PUSH MOWER. THE PRESS ( S EVEHIHC3. 937-92TX 1MLEARRO. with local employment CALL WANTEO-.TOY TRAINS Any Wna. AVON LAKE Frea If you're interested In Any Condition. Casn paid. Call 8TX100 this Immediate opening, Bojce. 323-14S3. leave measane. WANTEDiTOT TRAINS Any kind. LEGAL SERVICES drop off a resume to our Any Condition. Cash paio Call Income Tax Preparation, Divorce. ROADSIDE MOWING office at 158 Lear Road, Bruco. 323-1455. have mesiagg Wdij, Bankruptcy. Avoid Probaie. General (radar work Powers ol Anomey, TraffiC/OUt. W A N T E D ; Antique and modern Avon Lake, Ohio. HeasoneUe Rates Ekier tow, A l Courts. woodwind a n d brass musical TREE WORXERS WANTED. Free «nal Coniut^on insirument3. Also some for ta*e By 892-0907 GROUND UEN AND CUMBERS 0 . DOMAN0V1C, ATTY. music leacher333-3387 s c m CALL 7342674. 331-7100 iCcrt UPDATE YOUR WESTLAKC COLLECTOR W» Ouy 135 General Services pockst watches, man's wrist RESUME watcfw-3. o o c u and WMKTI and Dock &no> 1961, " 9 Nive D w i helping -EXPEHT WORK" p o m C d 734^it9r anybmn. •Eftsrs mrse. wrtK, andtovmafsnor REPAIR-REMODEL returns* ouidify and at a rjnaonaWe pnee. Re*um«u are *m* en efts*to*5 95 Wanted To RenT~ years for Future uoda&rQ. Call us to g py prtp*m your resume and cover Wter BaDVDomi.Kilchem.Ceramc Tie REDWOOD AREA. 3 BEDROOM I romooetftg and more. to (and an nlervww. Bay W u p o . Paneling. Rec Room. E l c H O U 3 E W A N T E D . 2 Adult*. 3 SHOWROOM - 33443 LAKE PO. WoiUUJm. Pocky Rrver and Avon > F l t n Cn.tdren MUST HAVE GARAGE. residents have eonvenent acc*«* to WILL Servor Discount P A Y JflOQ/1710-WO. our ortce «t 1*650 Detroit Ave. n ReKJonooie Kitn Reiersnces. 930GRAPHIC DESIGN 734«0779 2369 Image ej eWYmmg in tooaft S10.00 OFF CALL ADVANCE 1 22I-9HO. buuneu workl A top-notcn image "CHIMNEY S W E E P produces BP-notch muni. Oraphrc NOTICES WANT HOUETIME7T NEED CLEAN SWEEP Design. Advertising. Logos, Layout MILESTT COMPANY DRIVERS Copyv/rOrvftCreative Coneurnng by CHIMNEY SERVICE NEEDED NOW) SX0 S « n O N BoLanes *nt give you me knage you nus. Compecave Udeege Kay. Safety . 9 P 120 Personals naed to succeed. ExceOsnt «tfMy. & Longevitv Bonuses. AJ A m « £ a n •PREVENT A CHIMNEY FifiE" Transporl f-#*yM quick turnaround lime a n d *3a-433l A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: rvascnabia ratos. C M Lance today at Ho»y SfMit. you «fw nude mo see "YOUR S I T E 33ttCQp evervTrnnj) and rttmuC me fie •fry 10 Operators. Home every weekartj We buy Permu. Pul •eocn my ty*)t; Vtxi mtio govn rrm REPAIR SERVICES GUTTER CLEANING Ift * ftttt l k t tf our vans. Co* Wanye Gore I-OOOComputer Systems SlftlNOftFALL 44a4«>0 wnrig cr\al w dom <o ™ anrt yCTJ Auato/Vkima Equipment W n l u r LiO'vil up la .30 rp«n * f « <n Ad n t U n o t i c^ my h*ii Mitn r*i«. a Ad V u i Round Aopllancea O O G plus b o n u t u D O E I. *i (hift anoft diMiogu* lAanf la trww H M U M * ASC Equipment u"maini(H,rdUJ'i. tsarm a i c n t o in*i to« ovBfytr»og ami confum once MftM Gutter Cleaning 23 r i a r s Experience down I v a i * pufcnaie, (acui'iy 741-ao2i oe pager 303-6543 mO'» that I navaf want to ba Vary Ftaasonabi* RaMa d«CWU raqwiBd DM Jtmaa 1-8CD1 U 1 4 MILLS ttOAO. AVOM 321-U/34 HANDYMAN C " « me m«ienai d n u t nwy M I XT7-J414/1 -aOO-737-4364 25 YEARS want lo be ««tn you and my loved A CARPET REPAIR ones n your perpetual gicry Amen. 83 Child Care EXPERIENCE Thar* you tor you* love towards me padag BASTStTTER < Piumono-Eiecb icat.CarpentrY and my loved one*. Persons musi Bums. HokM. SpM 5eams etc nesabm Coa»Q» Student. AwUetfe Cray [ha prayer 3 conKCuow days Qaanvg. Deodoruing DICK MILLER Uosi EverwnsftWeekends. Cal wcnou nlung tor B^err wish. After 3rrj 835-4215 327-6922 S33-297S ask lor Kntsn. day. your vxeft • « be gramed no S m c * e - 1 W t t h ; -mage CHiLOCAREtimysnefi>mv»age HOME CLEANING SERVICE maser how r>mcu< • may ba. TDen RestoraC' home. Mew* mckided. Ages 2 1 vpOwner CMans Every Home WKh pnyvaa to pubksh t t a dalogua as O M Steve Srtsr Alao summer are. 104-4364. Experienced Staff. We can dewgna won aa ir»e Bvor • qranied. J N CHILDCARE <n our W M I U M home planned regular mantenanc* ACTION VACUUM 10* 3-ecttve chHdrenfl.S.Uyrs.Non- A PRAYER TO THE HOLY BPtfUT: program aa Often as you need. We Vacuum* en Sale N«w A Used Hory Spmi, you who made me see >mokar wiffi rsiebie tnrBccrtation, can perform an extarwvo Owning Free EsUmatM on Repetrs eveJyrrtng end showed me M way *) CPU, experienced, referances. an/tome throughout tne year or jut! Uodals From 1T9 05 and Up Occasnnel ueelands A weekends. reach my Beals. You wna gave me one smaH service, even wmdow*the ovrvj nrn 19 lorgrve and forgot ire Cal evemngi 734-0013 3Utn omnn RX. WMIUW Youl take pnde n Oie acpoarance wrong thai * donetome. and yju EXPERtENCEO MOTHER WH Care ol your dean home. I71-SS13 who n an viauncM Ot my Me MVI me. for Your Criild In my Home WE ARC NOT AVON LAKE WOOOWORKlNa CO. I. m tf*s snort oalogua won! lo lhank Raterencx. 0 ' i a t Location. COMPLETELY FlNtSHED •n f s made ot w x d , we can do HT you tc« evwymmg and confirm once Booamelves. caDingts, custom Summer Care. FtAP»nT«r». OWUNTIL YOU ARE more tnat I never want lo be claiati. enlertainmitnt centers, 8291. COMPLETELY SATWnCO separated from you no maaer now kitchen pantile* Free estimates. CALL CLEAN great tne material desire may bt I PpMTB IMMEDIATE OPENING: After want to be wttn you and my lowd CORNERS Scrtool and FUI Time Summer. MUST BE RELIABLE! Slan M*y 19. ones m your perpatual glory. Amen BUSINESS A RESIDENTIAL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Thank youtoryour kjve towards me 1907. C M H W » 6 0 1 3 TELEPHONE S Y S T E M S . Sales. 327-4455 and my loved ones. Persons must addoone. moves and cnanQea New _ ^ pray Via pray*' 3 consecutrve ettyi orused eqwvnent avaiiabte. Service PROVIOtNO Mucaljonai. nurtunnd w«houl asJung for 9** wtv Alter 3rd on most mafor branOi. ReexMntial anvtronment in my WMOaka home Oey. your w * h wwJ be granted no wiring ReasonaDle rales. Lake Uotnar, non-smoksr, CPU Opening metis* how drfVuq it mav be Then Telecom, 9 3 3 - 5 7 7 1 . 1-80O-522tor newOom-iZmoaoid Cafl ( 2 1 0 I promisetopuokah this dttloguri as 3771. 71^0007, soon as lha toor m granlad H C P OUALTTY care for your cfttd by rarv REPAIR smouna mom. Meets and acwrtiea. Colloidal Minerals ol Iha lype MAINTENANCE.INC. Reterences a v * « W . 337-7387. desenbed on "Deed Ooclors Don! AND/OR REBUILD HANDYMAN Ue'tape. WhoteMJe: Si I 9Vjt So*4 Round me Clock imf REMOOELINO bymegarkMt Freetapeortoordar: 1daycare has (uflUne ontv operwigs Plumbing Electncai. Carpentry. STEPS •or artemoons / everxngs /overrught / No job too t>g or too amaA. POOCHES weekends Cartitted Near LCCC. CHIMNEYS t2 00y. 3J7-WM NOVENA T O S T J U D E - M i , ine 835-9687 BASEMENTS Sacred Heart o( Jesus be adored, C L E A N I I N O : Home or Office. MY ROCKY niVEfl HOME. Very DRIVEWAYS rjlorified. loved, and pre*«rv«d Thorough, Consistent, Bonded and experienced. Ciafls. Music. ANO Insured Free Estimates. irtrouohout t h e world, now and Educational Kained. Prescnool TUCKPOINTtNfl forever. Oh. Sacred Heart ot Jasus HOUSEWORK, ETC. atmosonere. Fenced yard. •33-2004 pray lor u s . St.Jude woikar of c a * 3 3 i 8341 979-1959 <ur lopm.) I71-0S0S miracles, pray tor us. SAY THIS PRAYER « n e Bmea a day. By tne C L E A N I N G . Commercial. Senior Discount aigntn d * y your prayer will ba reMlorttuf. new construction, before answered. It haa never been know U or a'tnr you m o m , apartments, Need that concrete removed or post tad. PuDMcatlon must be promtsed. g ofitcas, personalised service THANK Y O U ST.JUOE FOR Bonded 1 insured Free estimate*. Kingston Equipment Service* PAVOH3 ORAWTED C B All work guaranteed For more BobcatBtickftoe "/OpofWon PRAYER TO ST. CLARL Pr«y"9 mroirrwtion c»a 0 A Y 3 EASE. I N C , idea - Our EgupmenT MaJ UArys, t ume a day tor g day*, 327.S318. Others send y o u • ll q 4 J 7 on me »th day puKsn this and w i n clnamnq lajm we tnnd yo» w v i c e NEW Service company forming n for 3 rnwjs. Even mouoh you donl Avon >.4ke lor ciMicaily needed, some have railh. your prayers wil be CLEVELAND day dshvery service of non* ensvwtred Then* you, A. 3. hazardous molanols from one pound THANK Y O U ST.JUOE lor all QuotesCALLIGRAPHY *or dapuy, cartifcates. famt- up to 1,500 pounds anywhere In mirack—m t w i M and pmnted J A. 'y trees, Invitalions, signs place Orto. Flal rale*. Cial 1-2tS«33-4593 Theralore. confess your sm* to one cards .Yau name nt Custom »ork. tOf ontails. another and pr»y lor one another, so "Msonobie raids that you may be healed... James PAINTING & Can Marc at 5.16. FAX SERVICE FIELD MOWING FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT 933-2990. MASONRY Would YOU like to determine what you earn? v' Turn your Career goals into reality at Arhaus Furniture where upscale, fashionable merchandise is sold in the most beautiful speciality furniture stores you've ever seen. Our Fairview Park store is seeking full-time Sales Associates who want to grow with the most fashion forward furniture retailer in this area. Previous retail experience is helpful. Tremendous growth opportunities for the achiever. Call Sandy Bixlcr. store manager, at (216) 777-2112 to make an appointment. Store located at 22960 Lorain Rd., Fairview Park. ARHAUS FURNITURE '671-3948 123 Public Notices "" "Free Orocenes* Don | pay tul pnee for youi groceries ...Save up » 50% on o bUl guarameedl Can 6 "GETUARRICD-Smoky Moumaini Ateas morn boautiTuI diapers. Cedar Mountain Top/elegant «»ftit« criapnl Privolo oa/eoo*. tmo, catena, heart JacuMi. complele arrangnnantt. ^nnstian (ervicas. i-BOO-e53.7274 njtp /'wvnn.vtc.com J chapol htm. COPIES MADE 25 CENTS anysutupto H i 17 THE PRESS 158 LEAH RD. AVON LAKE PAPERHANGING Krichen & Bdin Remodohng Window Rcpjacernant DryvnU Repair Experienced - Insured Call JIM LEKAN 779-6983 PAINTINQ WALLPAPER HANGINO Wall Waahfn • Stamma Intaror/Eitnnor Waitpeper Removal EtperwnoBd • Insured DICK'S PAINTING 845-7352 ' THE LANDINGS AVON LAKE 933-9979 OR I-8OO-532-O533 Carol J.Crcsco T Leader OPEN SAT. « SUN. 1-4 ?M2 C H E W RD.. VERMIUO 5. oa K*. 60, W. oo Ouxo-m Newly Curtitni««i 4 Bnlroom STOP LOOKING -You juu found the home of yow -rrinu< Numirsan uded iidnj bunjjlow with 3 bedrooms, full b basement. cmraJ air. J « M anxftrtl. covrrrd patio and fcrc jnfl. Looted un Ci-fidd Bhd. C^l C m l J . Ctncs at 3334979 207 BELMA*. AVON LAKE W«t ofto.83, S o d Redwood 3 Bedroom bruk ranch, full b«e"wnt.2 cir K ata 3 e. duubfelof. Vuur H o * « , Lndj AxLemun v wnraw IEKXVE SCHOOL oooooooo DtnUCT-NOtWAlX #553663. Beautifully mnodcfcd 11 mm century home on 2 JCICJ. 3 I U D hone b4m w hjy loft. «lo rorraL 2 car dttJdwd out biuUin* W two u t r j IDOOM. fenwd pin nrd, *bo*e jround puol and M t f Ihte diih. 10-15 mmutti » j y from major hiihwtjr & (Jioppinj. ind much more! A mus iee' pntrd it SIKSUL en M Z BUILD YOUR OWN BUSINESS *M'J«f.3. Prune lootion on Abbe W. to put buiinei* buJJmg or ottite. Eiiy i c C M , , o ,. g o o r tonvenieniry locjtnJ off U t r W. I-W ft. Ironuge. Zo.-rd B-2 S».O0O.CaD Carol J. Cnxo u 33M?79 or 1-8003320533. 2S29165or9334979 •*•«••= ixwMtnusunil PHILLIPS VAO JUU CLEANER « X SALES AND SERVICE. New and n e u g cteaners. guarartoed kjwesi pram on new d sonars. Warepairaft make*, warranty ttonj lor Hoovor and Eureka. 15116 Detroit R d , LMnwood. Pick-up and delivery avattapia. CaB 1-JS3-0730REACH 2 MILLION NEWSPAPER READERS with ore ad ptacmant ONLY 1180. Cno'a bait commurwy mwapapar*. Ca* K«my at the Orw Statewide ClaMAad Network. 6 1 * 4Bft<aTT _____ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES CarparrtryEtectrlcaHtumMng AflWorttPariontwdlo State * Local Coda Uantiarda CtMtonMr StisJactfcin la Our Priority Free Eatimataa Oladry Oh*n No Job Too Om.fl FUtytnaurad CallJohnat J R Enterprises 779-7303 Unbelievable no payments unti< January 1B98. Vmyl tiding and ra placeman I wirtdowa. All crvdit quatiliod. 100% llnanclnfjill No money down. Cad 1-800.231-06*3Paytrwua ttamng ai $70, USER FHIENOLY COMPUTER TRAtNINO AND COMSULTtNG OLflCKBCOKS accounting. Windows, Mieroioli ollica PC pufctia*lrig and upgrado*. PC Partrw. BfS-OBM. 139 Financial CREDIT CARO DEBT] Stop hamsamg phone cadi. Etonmaw w mduca Merest. Cut payments up lo 50%. Non-Prot'l Debt Consolidauon Co. 1 •800-229-0027, CREDIT CARO PROSLEMS7 Ono low moniiry payrnenL Cut UUarost No haffafjimsnt. NO FEE. Cour>M«ng available. NON-PROFIT AGENCY. NACCS 1 -600-601-5353 EXTf45. | • E 8 T CONSOLIDATION! Cul Pay menu Up to 60%. Ucansod. Bonded. 2* Hour Approval. Call Credit MondOATwril PetvicM 1-8OO- sn-«eseEii-ioo. 140 Business Opportunities BMW, LCMU'I. More Lut mosfw* yuu how to drn/o tho car ol ynuf aroarrw I t l O O - ' m o find Qnl p,iu1 d.r ,< 1. ;27 CASH FOR HOMEOWNERS Credit PioOiera Undoisioud Froa apphcabonl •J10i0OOIorSO0/mo. •110.000 for SMS/mo. * 160,000torSTQIfmo. 1-600-669-^957 CAPITAL SEEKERS. INC. APR 8.75% tuojoct to cnanoe, O24Q/m OAC )M812t8 Mai .ooo . DO YOU TRAVEL? BOOK YOUR OWN/FRIENDS TRAVEL AND RECEIVE PEHKS Ah'D COMMISSIONS CALL THOY 800711 -5666 FOR DETAILS EARN EXTRA INCOME (IIJWQ - tiOJXMm mo CMlTodayt HKHCALOBAD H KHCALOBAD Horn* Wortor* Wtnud laaM I4S0 WUy. from your tocatlon. U a M Co. Oroc«fy pramluma. WM mall chacha wa»My. AppBcaflon. •and parf addrwaaad tampad anmop*. KatlotMi Coupon Natwork MS Ualn SL. Sk*. 235 EJrt.22»,Wumfan|ton.MA0H87 How To oouwi Iroa gov«mmant * pnvata grama. Utm lor buuna*>. artmrton or partonaL C l 24 nr. rvooroM motsaoato*dot**. At 5135157-21 M a t t e r ICE CREAU TRUCK: GREAT BUSINESS FOR SALE Oft LEASE, ESTABLISHED WESTSIDE ROUTE. CASH INCOME. CALL TPOY.aoo-iii-w. InaUrl Pufetanmg Uuitf On A O«k", 7SO how-lo-tooks. manuals on CO-ROM WondwKta ropnnerqula ngro Frsa r l o P*ck |61<)341-/171 tnlamlad n a pail-Bme |oO witr> -yrM commtsaions and no mvastmnntT COrwd«r MMkng rrHxxjrnBnu m yoor Northwatt 0>TO communty. Contact Do'pnos Oraiute. 1-600-024-eisO Can NooiBTimd W I I avaJaWw Local candy roul«- 30 vending, macrmos. Earn apx. SOOOi'day AI lor 19.99S. Can 1-aOO-OSa-VENP. Raady to m o v i aoutn? Won »iBbli»nad latatl lioor-covanng buunosm. Beautilut Ea«I TU null DdllywooaVQraat SMokay M t i Sgnou* mqmrps only < 2 3 6 0 9 ^ a 2 p d«dNaw concnpt fly trap wnn natural bait. EPAeiampt W9nlod by larmi. bod prtxo**oi*, otc We need independent •«<«* rep* t-669-777-M00.eirt.23r. 141 Building Supplies Steal Buildings Sale. W 140*10. J4.527; 40«00«M, IQ.257. 50"75M 14, S1I.B68. SO* 100*10. JtS.949. 601100x16. S1O.014 Ministaraos buUngi. ;»»t6O, 32 unit*. 313.944. Free bro."-nu"t» Sonnnal Bulkkngs. 000-327-0790, s<t.79. 145 Carpentry WE3TLAKE CUSTOM CABINETS Manufacturaf ol Formica A Wood Cablnais "Kjlcfion Ci¬S • nnf^*Cing •Coruin A Formca Tops 'Ceramc * Vinyl FUx»a •Cithiocnw • Hoc'HH!njn ftooins •Room Add"5t«M>a • Garnfj^s • ' DOCKS •Plumbmo • Etoctnc-il • and moru' FrOi) El!i/TVl!01 Licwisca A Etondod 281-9030 150 Catering PARTY CAKES BY JUDY All Occasion Cakaa wrth Quality Irnradtarrts, Cmatlva Da«lgn«, Delivery Available. 934-6373 «••« Sn^t! B.MIJ aar*nf I*™ !*•» * » * « • * L*M » * * « ! «.<tarMOa 1 On l m* 155 Cemolery Lots CEMETERY LOTS 2 cemniery lots. adiommg at Sun*« Memonal Par* 871-3961 SUNSET MEMORIAL: 2 * r » Mv»< Crypts. Garden MauHD<«urn. S7J00 valun. SVOOO (ZT0>«a7-5iga 150 Cleonlnp CHRISTIAN LADY WILL CLEAN YOUR HOUE. REASONABLE HATES. g g LOCAL PROFESSIONAL CONCRETE FINISHER WILL DO SIDE JO83 REASONABLY: IOXtSPAno-fSM.00 •XSO DRIVE-SI 400.00. GARDEN ROTOTILUNG CALL KEVIN OAASS NEED CUTTING? Raasonacu & RaUoM 934-1062 MASONRY WORK by Jo»«ph Now 4 HsptfU Ouflkfy Wu<V y P NaJubTooSrruil oftul 333-2631 GENERAL HOUSECLEANING 170 HOUSEWORK, ETC. Home or Off o r Thorouo Conmlont, Donrtod and Init .-_7^~ ftealdanUalftCommarclal Clourung EiLibtuJwd I « M 216-961-3627 Construction - 19KJ-215 Cul BJicnv.itut with 4B 3 24" tKAknts All m i.tu^nr sh,it« K'lOOOOHO •iMi lu' Chiuloa u( btHve CONCRETE REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT ROUGH A FINISH GRADING We riindM All Joos BKJ or SmiH »20ei COS ENTERPfltSES Landscaping BEST TOP SOIL KARENS KLEENERS 160 933-3618 808-1533 LANDSCAPES EXTRAORDINAIRE Landacepa Smvlc* Spadatldng In LtahOna. Watarialla. Pond a. Brick Skttfwalha and Patioa CALL DAN 676-4462 B7i-oooa Can Daonla B T W M Om^wimdscreened l-irm lop *CMI ENJOV AN ECSTASY OF COLOR Horn a Flower Garden, without pui< ling your tuna Of BfMtfyy m!o One l'> cip.irn it. youftnnyit Call Kim I » 4 M . OAflDEN AND LAWN ROTO-TTLLING MnusunutiM and Eipanancod Can Pan or Dntnk 835-9730 OAROENNURSERr EQUIPMENT REPAIRS •71O20Q Topsoil Delivmod Mulchat DaUveind • Aernnng lawn Programs Rp] Pick up & Dot No Cnamo SINCE 1BS5 937-6753 LAWN & YARD MAINTENANCE No Oirnsled & FairvMw Park OnM Raaacxubfy Pnood 14 yr>rit* Eapnrvnca Ask lor Don 779-8530 LAWN MOWING AND TRIMMING FREE ESTIMATES 327-9944 PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE OESIGN Designs of Merit lor trtdlikJml Fiaaldencee. Commercial and Public Properttee. Call lor a Fr«* Consultation Today. UH)»a7O3J/ TERRY MURRAY LAN0SCAPING Landscape tnalalUtkm » Daalgn NEW LAWN INSTALLATION ScfiruciVSmaU Troo Romoval Garden RotoUbna'Cuan t^is Ptessuro Waifung (DocWHrynoj) Enlonor Ligfittrv"F«nc*» Bultt Reasonabta ritco*Quaily Work Frwa Estlmata«.Tarrv 327-7a73 ROTOTILUNG REASONABLE RATES/ FAST SERVICE CALL {218) tJ3-esff SHREDDED TOP SOIL/S12/YD P1CKED-UP; DELIVERY EXTRA. AVON.tJ4.160a 175 Lawn Care & Equipment 2 YEAR OLD, 12 HOR3E, FaDINQ LAWN MOWER; 38 In Cut. EaosOent Conation. S500. B34SSM. CRASS CUTTINQ 933-W3. RIDiNQ MOWER-94 Craltsnun 30* Rear Engjno wiin Grass Bagger^ EicaMnt CondDon. New Battery and Btadrt. JS75 633-9170. 165 Painting BOBS GENERAL REPAIR Painting • WaDpnpor CompJoto OrywaN WMk 18yrs aipenance BOO COWMARD 331-5749 CERTIFIED PAINTING PAPERING. PLASTERING Premium Work R M . / A p t /Indus *ll» Done Fiignt The First Timo" FREE ESTIMATES Call Bub 331-8101 nr 133-JB7B D & J'S PAINTING tntarkcr/Cilarlor P'o'ejSional Wcxkmar.sn<p Prompt Courteous Service Call Fairview Park 670-7660 •1 il c ft m ugg i 1sis 11 L. i EUROPEAN PAINTING A SERVICE. INC. HOME LOANS/REFINANCE -"""J*w ' • Rsfjunci lo 1 lew r l t i • CJihoa1 • Puttee 3 ta 5H down • FHWV4 HOT. LCJAJ • Cttrt Corartoticn • Hsme knpmtrnirt • U K J CintniO • CnSt Proiieni OX •flwirectsyPA " 9-Come MDHTGAGE"cORPOaAnON 630 U e « Road • Aral b i s , OH 44012 [216] 933-7100 • 1-800-847-0071 BUYING or BUILDING? 195 835-8468 Inuutor/Extvnor. ovCondo*1na<j3 High Ceilings. Po*er Wash. CcCai Stumrvg Senior Discount • Inaurod For Picfmsiotuf W o n & F'ga E»timaim. Can B33-84flfl EXTERIOR P.O. OECORAT1MO " Sciipa' Sand' Cau!k' Prime Raw Wood * HemJ LOOM Suing " Paint InsiOo Gutto(» * Clean Windows • Pressure Wa&n ' iimafl Odd Jobs. 30 Vrs E«pen*iic* - Insured Wo* Guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES. a7MK» RESIDENTIAL PAINTWQ HtNNESSVS INTERIOR PAINTING TVE GOT THE RIGHT •+Me, LooUrw * I n Rjtt* * Lew FW» • Rafta -wg AM coMumeo TO EXCELLEHCEVolce Mall 88B/6S7-7292 XS320 Office: (216)716-3300 I | METROPOLITAN 107 198 hqrqwooH PTxmo jyi-2374 F I R E W O O D • Y o u S p l i t . Y o u f Ickup. 734-0441 ( i l FIREWOOD Ssawnod Mued KanJ*ood SoO- l/3olaCO(d tTI-3823 KIREWOOO. SEASONEO AHO DELIVERED: J5O00 pmi Rick or II*Q oo pot C m w w TroeCaro HORVATH THEE SERVICE A r d LanJ«c*ping Trve & Slump Removal. Topping. Trimming. ShiUb Dtanting & CJ/B. New I w n i S««d or tod Plastering/ Drywall 671-3623 LUTZ STUMP REMOVAL A BEAUTIFUL CEIUNG Neal & Clean R a p a n Intenor PaaiBng & Papcrnangtfg Stucco & Cu«om Tcntxmo Ov«r 25 Yean B3S4255 Smoke a Water DamaQe Restoration j SWEAT BROTHERS 191 Hoofing TREE • tnrwnmo. ntrovmt, •tun*) gnndtng. Horn Ownaoa. piantmg. lot ADVANTAGE clearing, cabling Oh«J CartifKO ROOF CONSULTANTS Artxwtst tnwjmd. Don! oef ripped ofl by • contractor. SNOW PLOWINa-R#«ld«nllsl & He warts to led you • new root Get cornmancal ffia advantage, tut dom putroofson. C«l kx I T M consoBallorL W * H gmde you wtm an occur*!* measurement, evaluation and 734-2874 - 933-6389_ nconvtwdl Premier Service Realty TM BROADVIEW ROORNG 9 3 0 - 5 0 5 4 or 9»«d Murphy -• Certified ttrviitrntLiI l-Uo4O WILSON'S TREE SERVICE o •"" * Artstown Studios 33491 Lake Road. Avuu Lake t\t% M ^ Firewood FIMEWOOO SiZS. a cord ooMveredtofs 200 g. Faui 15 Yrs. Eip Fairviaw Part Gary 777-15W MORTGAGE LOAN ttfr e> Snow Removal AVI AVON SNOW PLOWING siCenLaJ enl CorrvnotaaJ C w u t BniOwr* 734-2874. B 3 M M S SpwaJUt JUST LISTED! Four bedroom contemporary borne on very desirable street. Sunroom, bascmeni and tiered deck overlooking wooded area. S18O.000. CALL TODAY!!! ENJOV THE EASY LIFE! Cozy two bedroom condo with 1.5 baths, garage and DO grass to mow or flcmws ID plant. Asking $64,900. Others available...crll now! W i t t ' PAY RENT? Call me today to n e this charming two bedroom ranch with ictnodelcil kitchen and bathroom, maintenance free exterior. I'jrag? w/work spice and Urge lot. Asking $85,400. PRICE DEDUCTION! Owner wants someone to enjoy bis bours of labor... 3/4 bedroom bungalow v;ib loads o*" remodeling; and redecorating completed. NOW asking $86,000. THIS IS A MUST SEE HOME!! Any questions, please tall me on my voice nvil 800-974-5155 and tell me what you need. ALL TYPES RMldantlal A ConunarcUl * FW-Roofsnp & Tureff *H«Bi^cKp ' Cotnplaia Gutter Swvica • l t 226-0800 * 230 193 Rubbish H a u l i n g " 356-1887 RUBBISH HAULING QamjB or tmod oruduBt removed. C«mD<« or any ryp« rujoan/apcuuvtom ramowd. also gvago* doan«d. 221-9204 and B*Mff 323-1413. Estate Sales F T O H V I h W : 5355 W.2»tn. Thunt-fa-Sat. B3nam.-4pm. Huge -'-3 l i m i l y garago f a l e . 5 Wfttaftavsn A Norm OR«tad Frw EallRMHa ClAon out and MwJtng o • • » . I rnQTit au id Many housenold iiemi. toyt. cMtrwiq. turrnaue. CLEVELAND; 4268 W term Si, (Crft W.ltMttvPuntai.'OrBvion Rtf.sru). Thunaay. 9em.-4pm. Fumtunt UMTM •— UUa>4 chain), lenips. p Oag/Rawal 892-6696 or 930-2399 ATTICS BASEMENTS GARAGES BAV; Weisrwn and U u v w * . Tnun. __, ESTATE SALE IXURSOAY. MAY 1JTM ONLY1 NEWCASTLE ROORNG COMPANY RUMMAGE SALE ww. R d 1-800-531-5462 353-0083 215 W E 5 T L A K E ; Cantsrbury M*nor L A K E - U T H ANNUAL 2 Eslalal. 2065 A 2CSS HaQcMin, May STTEET, 23 H0UES.Salu(0ay, « " y 15. VBm.-Jpm. vane*y c< cnrciwrs 1T. B 30 a r> - 7 WuhamaOuig and J^no»to"H« P«wy, cW Eltecinc. w^it clcQw-a pua pood uaafcea acma' WEST LAKE; 30306 Huluufl (*oit itt of Lear Furnrtur«, ar!aj>j*i». cWi"nfw). Crocker), Ifn^».-Fn 'Jam -4pm. Sot toys, rtaidwar*. tools, 9om.-1pm. HwjienoM QOtxW. toys. e UU fpira. eoUK s. piannnjj. bicycles, hjrnd cra.ti. even rolrBVimo<iU. DwH rrass it* AVON. 2330 JAVCOX: May 1 M B (9-5). Furrsiijn, Old FleconM. Van 232 Resale Shops Seals. OE College R«!rigerataf. TcoM. BocM. M^c GOOD NEIGHBOR A V O N . 2307 JAVCOX HOAO, THRIFT SHOP SATURDAY, UAY 17TH (10AM140 Laas Road 2PM> BJ781Ba Avon Imkm, Ordo AVON, 3-FAUILY. 3*280 Acceptm Oaavta A Houwfoid COLORADO. Thunway. Fndoy (9aai-afc? 3 JO). Fi»he/ Pvcm Pu^nouM. Toy*. Hav« Tou S««n Our N*w Shop In Boy**, Intent. Woman's Ciatrung. Rocky R h * r ? Youm Hxjncnut, PMypfl. UotaComa Vo4U«l A V O N , 3 2 0 1 0 MILLS ROAO. SEE APPLE CORR Salunlay (9-9). Sunday. (10-2). LOU 1SO47O«troitfU. ol Baby l l s m i a n a Mucn <3 doon W M I of Hajt'a O»tl) UooeQarmoua. 33»t747 AVON, M 4 M KJNZEL. Way 15-16m 17 (OAU-Nooni. EVERYTHING RESA1LONTHELAKE PRICED T O SELL. Toyoia Cab WfE PAY CASH FOR YOUR (FibarpUui *>/3cra«nj), EicalMnt QUALITY CHILDREN'S (ISO); Much C U J T r m a TOYS, ACCESSORIES. WE BUY ANO S E U . ONLY THE BEST! AVON. SUMMEHKILL OPEN 7 OA VS. DEVELOPMENT 4138 EMt Lakm Hd. {OFF JAYCOX). 13 HOUSES B4»77B Saturday. May 17th (9AMOPM), TV. B*a*. P»y«f Pfcno, Mcrowa-« 240 Moving Sales Baby Fvrnbjra, Kid*' Toys and 0ttW« Earoaa Z & M d AVON LAKE NO EARLY SALES? 117 B E \ A ROAD BAY; 2&S1O W e * . May 1S.1S.17 Movng Soum - Everything Must QoJ (0em.-4om.). Huge Uovlng satel Crudnm's Items. Housanold Items, CtMectbWs. QoacKi beds. fumrture. Paiio Fumtura. Men's and WomAn'a Pitrtang al Hmonptoo Park. OoTtta. B#ddina. Braun Espraaao SAY; 3)109 Won Rd.. Tnurv. Sam~ M«kar and M U C H MUCHUOREI I p m . Retnodjlmrj. llgni f i i t u r t i , MAY 15,1s, 17 t^fnoA. fumrlure, c w p t U t t pictijre*, t00Al hwaewaw. aotnrg. mocn m « c BAY; 4SS Elrrrwood Ha.. FnS/IQ. 250 Rummage Sales 0»m.-acfii- Sat.5/17. U m - I p m . Fi/nturo. knck-uucAS. m a c beoy Garage Sales aoKlg* »«opme«, Thundm. May IStn. 9«n-4 00pm EranronLor»nnoad or SwmaRoad f FAMILY SUPEH SALE; A.on La«* 334 Uourrr U W L * . 334 W»y (WMnrnds). Wad S/14. 4pm .Snm Tf»jn a/15, " * £ « -to— T-o facu erf tov*v H I ) Oir»« 4.12. io-t2 » Pk«. 0. D«pf««»H)fi «. «ntiM» nano plow «nd trunks. coii«et>ot*». !••<:*<•» « * • » . l u m & n ( > ouUoori. tmt •tool. Chnilmai. fin«n|. titehanwaf*. country and o!h»r aooorwof iMftia. booU. Uol-mwung • * « * • • . boy»/prt»' M U M . K M and m«5( now 0om«. RAIN OR SH0ME . NEED TO UOVE TK>USAWOS OF ITEVSAUMERST. 4*150 MJUOGt h O / D _(WE5T MOE OF AMHER3T1 • O V I N O I AVON LAKE. 374 •IOOREWOOD, Thuraday >l:0OAU). O u a l l l y elolhea. K I M M I I O M Itertia, owing Room S«C Decorathre WaM Hanglnas end Crafts, Food DWiydrMOr, Matching T . * J - L*mpe. PilkMrs, ~ N ; r O L M S T E O ; 6 3 2 1 ' Staitord. T h * » . . F n , Bam-Spm Sat, Oarrc noiin. Mutn-Farruly Sa<«t Ratiiad L o ' M i M r j f l f eaikats. coii«ctibi« «ot.»«noid datna. lo-tp. Scnw.nn NO'.ULMSTED: 2 9 2 8 0 LorTrT Th F M S 10*m -5pm oom -M4 »)ov«. art corxftborWt baPy i w > ; oMteceeJar w v NO.OIMSTED: Sianvybroolt S l r M t Sal* (oft Msis. • ; * • : 3 0 j i m . - N o o n . Batfroo towjiiat. offlc* furrWlurj. macnln*. lawn mowar SM. 9am Ipm. Must da*r amir* RAIN OB W t * E ; DON-T M I R S i n AVON 34410 TIMBERV1EW'"OBJ " f X 13 (7JO-4JO). K-M CkXhM. T o y A Uiic. AVON LAK£ MUtTVFA*«.Y. M 9 A " 1u A V O N - B E L D E N ROAD. J5 '«?« ANO Salwrtt omm. 6otfw« lor Ad NO-OUWrtO; 23W7 QounarAoT saiur(i* r onryt Bam o D m U u rt.' Fumtur*. maocai fwfd lt«m«. , tn. Lifca waflia* SS?i-n2°Y». Fram... Co»^tib^«. ™ ' t f » - Book*. HouMnoU IBrfTM, . Avon TMURSOAY ONLY ( M ) . B M W Houionoid. K W f cioir>«T • w r o ^ r . trMdml. w«gn| DJuweamnf.naw toffy w.-. ^ , NO.RIOOaVILLK; 38173 Suoa* n«o« Rd. Thun -Frl -Sal a » t a ' '."""»• P«'»nnial». 2XL m.n't* O*»wvAdui| BOOM. Toy.. E M T O M Bit OODFttik ESTATES: • v j liiP >2,il).fi(lirv Lutiifr.) «n , s^i 1 >r!fcrf, ^5 • "-"BnuOi. ST. TERESA CHURCH, SH&FWJ3 (Comer ol Cotorado a. AbtM RdaJ FfttOAY, UAY 1CTH («-31 SATUnOAY. UAY tTTH (S-NOON) QlJOaBagDay) TRINKET 4 Traaaura Sale: Oacue Road Unied Churcrt of Christ 3650 Ciagu*. No.Oifrjwd, ThunJMay 19. eamopm. FnMay 10, Bam.-2pm, OrsMViner 252 Special Eventa LAflOE CANOPY TENTS ForRwtt Perfect for Your Outdoor Party! W*2O-or KTOO* A i *torMark Smith** ioorery Counter •34-S4O] 280 Education & Instruction AVON LAKE QUBrler none lor half or (m « « • « . ROOen EncMh. mdoor * outdoor amnaa-CaJI999-B6 BALLROOM OAHCE LESSONS OnxoAPnvsat PsraonatM Teatf«r Large Dane* floor nmwnnjiNn r r t r m CaMSai-M7a CALL and a m ma about my Homa-wii Hotline. Kg-Z138. CERTIFIED TEACHER will tutor UuOonta >i Q r a t M t - t 2 afl M A M C I t r u i SiudV tiuia dot* at*o oflenKt Ca« 633-2136 tor rtormenortC O U P U T E R USERS N E E D E D . Typing & Word Procaumg from tome. US.OCQM income pxenwj CaiH-a00-ftl3-O4JEjdP.i3B2. COMPUTER TUTOft Pabeni, lunS, fnondty female ^o-p*3f" lor women A mddtoacnooler* up. Setup, Irterrwt. wvxtow*. etc. Ejrpen. lowtea.tree phone hoe- Contact Laura al HIGH SCHOOt. EnQWft Teacner M S tutor lor credK or ennclvnenL 20yrae«perwnoe. CaiBQ9-<i8t. HOCLY HILL RIOINO STABLE Educational tun 2 Week H o n e Camp* in June. Jury. AugutL RMee «very day and Kama earn & atio* ol l g S « , Voy». O U N O S«» D O C V I L L t ; 34170 J « a , horws. 9am-3pm, Uondoy-FrldayB. at»ro,d Fram». Much SupervtMd tto M n i way. Beojnnar* Thun. 5 / l i Fn. S/ia, ftim* & Expanenud. VfeeWy Utaons itlfl Tow. ootriaa and houundd fonQ oRanM. Cal Mrs. F lor mry» *V01* tnfo 833-5333. NO.RIOQEl'ILLI!: " « " • " » , Yam. Ho«k»wmic«9ry. T h u ^ . . ^ ! rtORSEBACK RtOtNG LESSONS. •am..5pni. Furniture, CHaaatie Loam nonMmarahip and ndng ufatt. f , 1 ^ * K*rooart. 2 Ei*snc Juoin. deeka. household. fleeo" Man »/Women/« Oothinfl. Pieiuia 0*tgmn«n mrougn aoyancad. Norm [f,?^!- "•««"• cf.rt,; ^ramat. fiing a Orurtdal Platai. Cnttl Equeatnan Ontar. B33-4a54, dbl.haaflVlow board. Cam»ra». Uucn Mucti "LEARNINO UNUMTTEO WEST M<K»K«naou«. NOjRIOQEVILli HOOCE Diagnoatc ToWig AVON LAKE, 400 Lookout C l . May QARACE 32324 Cook B d , Individual Instruction FrtSaL 9am..3pm S 15. «am-4pm. B*a«, mow«. baby Readme? • Bas>c S u i t Tuei.-Wed.1lum. AHAgei Sludy Suns • ACTSAT f w S ! l - L A l t E - 2 J 4 tNwdoo; WJB-I7M SATUROAY, May 17th <M). F i i iraifcr. Parking iwj Flea Marfcit * ' « B»1, Household Hams. SPECIALIZED tnsiructwn lor your • « f > G«t « J ^ e t, Jury Chiiflron Ctolhtng, Tow* cr>*l *tUXe me summer a learrang e>Deriar>ca. CartitHK) alam«nury lettctmt wna tutor. 353-932O. AVON LAKE, 41S AVON-HELOEN TUTORINQ 1-1; Roadiog. wmmo, ONLV> BAIMPM " * r 15TM* "—' yj Phomai ba»ed acproacn. I paren WJ mouiry lo learn tt*% AVON LAKE. 3T* WEOCewOOO cpiD, 871-fiao. JSJXIf y*l ' « n (g-ij. MOVINGMORE MISCELLANEOUS FOR " - * « : 28 j5 C.«,« y TUTORINC-Certiliee lEacner with QALM anpenencfl in regular and Special n n cna.r. twd ra.l ccB>mt^ Education. CJasarou.ns lo pfovtda *VONT^KT31737TSAOEwirJD3 tutorVig »ennces ItM oummet. (WE8TWIN09). W«onosdar (4PM327-3021. 7PM).). Thursday, (9AM-IPiJ). Torts Baby Itami. Itami Clomai-3T. C l o m 3 T TTO M . 2 Cnandaltaii. Sunioom Fu'nituro Boar Can Coilocoon, Slwoo SMtom 290 Entertainment" MOa. AJox Dotlt. Tyka1* Oaraan, Thurt.-Fri., 8am.-5t)m. To »rV/,i Morn WALKER mOWVSELUtSG ; Bam3t ____ H U M a. A-«B. S H M U cryiw 5*wO*yfctoI7B ( i A l i i IHIKOPF. K a n M t Bridge AaaamMy of ood Nortn RaXevOe Comar of Carter flOge & JaycDK May 15-10. Thun-FrL 1 M i-.i WOODSTOCK ^ 11 3 Drwi> - «» isceHanaous Sl.lnnoceni ChuV,;h For nil?™ 8 atouma. toy,, o!**,,,,,, rt,.^ oy,, •lectromca. wtcen tfomi. oool.i 2 6 trunk. b«vde. alette.«« ' °™ • MIDNIGHT • CONNECTION A-t Experienced WedtftnfPany Band •iVOCJUs - Top i(VoKiM« (21C) 949-2165 sis 1S ml I 1 hm 1i L 11 II Si I j1 -'•'£/•-[ j.; ** f '-^ 8 1 •BflBPS SB *^s^elHfi BBB HrMffiffi BfflS 4 *We Offer Guaranteed Sales Program" LI'n', CiamcHia INTEGRITV, Gamelliu SERVICE Preferred Properties 3001 Linden Kd., Rocky River 216-333-8100 • 1-800-490-2679 flUOKJCAKE'S B«t Kepi Socxd Ccwa To fife! 001 Quail Hollow, Avon U k » p i t o( Jayce*. South of Walks Aimux #d. (oil Walked Slatlhiq In Tkc S230'o 3350 » Mary Lou QameUla 1-B0O-4 J0-2I/3 AVON LAKE NEW LISTING TK» 5 month cW r»«Jifejnxta3 <»«*iws(i. 3 Ul b«fa, on. « mutar M « W nlk-n clourt. I it *o» ut*ty CrifcU,Lou. ( m . K 0 . Mary Lou CUnwlita 1-000-4 »r>2«7» Contact Ada Wiluy & Joyce Kaminski 933-7700-871-8880 1 J i f Kn.y| E at V,jlker KJ _ DC AVON NEW LISTING 8S4473. Fwlurn ft* lo*wy duplo. E«eh »d« ru* a tw*oi»TW 4 1 U batfn. flautralCaur. C»* M*y Lou. J3MJO0 Mary Loo OameULa 1-0OO-4»O-2S?i i.wi -5 Realty m One UMS COLUMBIA GAS NATURAL CHOICE HOME Saving Energy. Saving the Environment DISABLED? Cltmomg s l a m a piobiem? StairUfts. elevators and porcnMta (or nomes, cnurcnes. puCAc Hdgs.. etc. New and Used- Abo naw and used. wh—Cfifrf vsns. t-eOO-343-3190. CRrTTEH CATO 196S VOLVO lor sale, * 1,950.00. We're mere when you cam be. CutOver 100K. autorruoc. loaded. 033ler Care oRers santSw, tpeciaSzad 3822. caring v»tstoryour pet an your home GREAT OUT: dueen waiarcieo 1990 UNCOLNTown Car £ig. OWL wf»an you heve lo be away. Wo can Irsma ft naaoboard i*."8 storage a i » proMde transportaoon lo and T-owner, laamttr, mock top ortv O a M s Dtcaiew ccmMon. Z y n . •rom the net and me groomer wtwr sharp. 18.500.092-6021. ngK50 835-4314. QARACE DOOR-I8X7 Alumnum, youneed ua » he*. For Ibty maured 19«O OLDS; 7 pass, muivan. new RarsedPane/ PrMesworwJ vet rocommended pet UOVINGI HARDEN. Oval C y tiro*, newer angine, high mile a. Heiidentiai: Wfitl#. C o f p l a t e , care v«*4s k> yaw horrw whae you ara tt.700. 092-861 ^39-6500 u k tor Dining Room Table w/3 Leave 1. away ..Cat us arMrne. Exceoerx ConcWon. S3S0. CM 033Pads and 4 d a n (neutral ipaionaf), 0evaBr«Dn. 7148 Day, w 833-7880 Everwgs. L»ge C I W Cafenet, PoauMU. Man Don A Loutoe Sundberg itBIPONTlACOrandPrttLEiacyt. INDIANS TICKETS, angle Seal, Conation. 933-9601, Featured on PJa. laagadne New area and brakes. 103X tacfrtati Field Boi Mnmd nomeptaie. 30 OAK TADLE, very large, carved S3S-tZ4O MAXO. 933-3IO3. mdes. Red. S5.000 BQ9^33Z^ legt. aitachad ilida in laavai, W e i bo Vwrrn when you need us. 1W3 OOOCE CAnAVAHQood~ maicfwig buffet witn 4 large carved INOY 500 scum OnMi aaati rmm CondOon. tBXOO. Cad 833-8448. StAMCSE KJTTEMS: B U & Seal drawers. 3 crteir* (one w/aima), g j , bckaUnoonon May23m. 19S7. POM.SI25. t ^ t » « 7 - 1 5 7 3 1 « 2 FORO Tempo GL: 40R. hit cnag» * lop need TLC. Over Kyra. . (Sandmky). KinOO. 7 7 » 0 S 5 B * power- auiomaoc. AC, U JOOJtiner LAROE Galvanized wash tuU. SIAMESE STUD SERVICC 333-36BS. One* tor plcnle Ice * pop. Two fern Ufa. OH UC12-2Z31 VERTICAL BUNDS; WMa Ubnc. Seal Pont 1 » « HONDA ACCORD wagon: pnrenlcad mop Mnawortiuckata. eicoa»nt condnon,torUKWT doorv. l-4l9-g27.1373 (Sandutkyl f Loaded. nceUnt conctton. oejXJO (Her tit S33 ST95 Iwo »#!*. >73./aa. Will sail pKK mi. Mu»tSee> 360-0233. WILL HATE my Great Pyrenees W Ba;oi3 t » 2 NISSAN 240 &X; EjcMent : Toro-21 n » raar- ms«e to your temata nWwfouraSanl, fiULM 933 9S1 W R O U O M T I R O N ; S-ptec« t e t condition, red. auto, a/c, am/Tm . aeB propeaed. atoctne sun Siiapnerd or oiner lor beautiful •etlee. Z arm c t a t n , « n d 4 coffee casseoa. recenBy detaded. 1-owner. poppoe. 94V7B24. M a l t a * I DO 9 » 5141 (216)333-2803. lablea, naw cvanions. Excellent Justtoweredto J7.90O. Cad corxioon. 871-1*56. 327-8O79. 365 Household Pete p E^VisL V-0. 335 Household loaned, a/c. leather, am/im/cd. 310 Sporting Goods HAPPY JACK MANGE MEDiaNE; Goods WKmt. I l l JOO. 333^4818. Piomoi naa«ng « and hair orowin to CASH buying Smarms; New. uHd, severe mange S hot soots on doga A QARACE DOOR--0X7 Akjmnum. •noqusi O w or eotsewn. 734-3366 Thundertiird; V O C . none* wvnoul MiroKnl Contarw NO Rsioad Panel/Re udenaai: vvnite A U B r u y Beruiwtni Atmtaof O-T-C CompWM. C J C I H I I ConQtwn. * 3 M Cheap. Must S»a Now* 338-0150. tmTDHUQU QOU= BAG; i n c . ! * • ( CaR B33-7140 D*r. o« 933-7S9O \%%A OOOOC IntrepMJ; V-8 mini conatMm taao*a. \M cai.mi. CSK E 1 •1 Need* Isntfy enwormenL CALL POti TOtE 871.7518 ONE DAY SALE! OOU" CUJBS: Youth abMtor Mta. 1994 JEBP Q.RAHD Cherokee ton wM ngtii h i i m d ifWi * • » . L a M n o o d ConpngaUonal 37O Loot Pat* Uatchlng woods »™3 Iru.M, putMr. C t J l-BDO-753-3643 S4SJ«<aH) 7341H7 LOSTI CHARCOAL ORGY LONO> Comer ol W CHton 835^0054 HAWED CAT. OoU Eyr*. 3 Year and DetrM Ave . Lahawood Mandey • Sunday GOLF CLUBS; L a A m * v W f M < A OW. Name Tag* « • « » • ' O Z Z t t * . It Saturday. 1944 NISSAN Sentra XE; AC. crutte. J pap. Goodoond»Port.l .d.22MT25. I 4 H A O •ound. ptease c » 933-5500. M wtieer, amrfm casatte. i PtNO EYE • mm O m r n t dot witn wipers, rear defrostar, 340 Lost ft Found POOL TABLE, Eicallent 9/apnrM «nam. 310 P/W. $325. C a i 07t-81O2 attar 4:30pm, CondMon. WQPOOO. t X H a C I TRANSPORTATION 6 0 0 777-«a9a w w a a t o . 19*9 VILLAGER VAN; Low miles Pnvacy Hedge-Cedar At&orvue T to FOUND: SPALDlNa E u c u t M 00N ou>«. laft 4.000ml.). Excellent condition, 4" SI t Si aacn (pnees gongup) free Rmn New thi W M M K h hand. Ira no. woods. Dag. S i 7 3 : ust set. S19.U0. or best offer. Caa dawery. 14 tree n n r r u n . 000-aoePoot Cat KO-7188 Aner Auto Parts 385 O y m p i c lre» waighti. 3 9 9 l e t - , 871-8222 NOW! 8238. Qua Abo Mac O-refl. pine. ^ Otynoic naont bereft, S223.: B00& Service DneouV tree lam CARS under 120011 DEA. IRS. FBI. LOST: WALLET, LEFT AT TOM- ROLLS 8448 OY Invacaie nationwide eucnone. Trucks, boats. CAR COUNTER, SATURDAY. MAY TONHEAU COVER a rutcn Frame, L>he new, reclining ft t fumrtura and morel C a l lOTH. PLEASE CALL fl33-a3Ot. MISCELLANEOUS rui t o e . mort bad Chevy,feenew. motorcyM. back, hi ad|u*t«bie loot A teg rect>. now 1 •800-974-4749 e*L 4173. REWAADII Make offer. 934-1150. PUgtc »naf>-un tr»y 333-9224 SEIZED CARS from 1173. Poncnes, S a c m Z E N OKU) u b aid*. Suniaia Cadillacs, Cnevys, BMW's. 320 Appliances steel (a/ely gnp. anacnestoU** CA 345 Miscellaneous 386 Autai Wanted~ Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WO"s. Your tuD. SIS. Coal 1*). 331 -4720 ROOty Area. Tol Free 1-600-21 a-WOO Ext . For Sale KENMORE Unrifjnf Pliant. I S River A-847S for current UOngs. A-A-A ou.H, 5yrs oU. oraal oonddion. £290. " S . O . S . ' S l e e l Overaiock S a l e . 871*535. SWIMMlNO, POOL. 24' ROUND; Buyvig U M H & Jrtux) Can Must LouOate New M**K BuAknrjs. ConvMia witn 3 year old Heart*. You K o Not 395 Bicycles Dimct I ' o m Factory. Sane Ramcn* S1.1CX) t a « 934-6311. 323 Collectibles TnouiiHxn. Ouonmtoed Oittx Pnce. TIOERSHARK JET S « t * . t i l l 20 SPEED FUJI fun tokUv bicycte. 4-23X30. 2 - 3 0 X O . 2-lnXIOO. 1 Monte Carlo 3>Saaler. Oatona 3Bike snop assemDIed. S3S0. ALFREO BONOS 19M-1670 prorua CCXT92. FREE IntoonoOcn Cafl TOM SMtar w/Doubte Trallw. UJXB.0O. 734-5432. medal. 2-tM*. IMtncK. amuvwad 390 Autos For Sale Pictuv bends and bOo S23 <2te) •93 FORO CROWN VHrrORIA L I ; 400 Boats & Motors"" 10X12LAPSIOtNOSHED;UUOVt. 1 Owrmft4on-5mol>er. Law MJsapti. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME MAKE O f FER 32a: Q A I Mavuanancea Raoonl kvaittbta. I BUY UONEt, THAIN3. B34-M1I. 2 CRAKTSMAM TODDLER BED wiin t Yr OlrJ 1 * ' 0 " t t * O S E A R A Y Bowrtdac UONEL TRAIN layouts <Miign«d g n * po«e<ed t(*ir> pump. Tofo hUnreu. S00, QC WINDOW *JC t75hp. Mercury trO, w/lrartor, lop, and bum to your tjmicvt Uonal imms •nowtfirower. needing repair, plus 6000 BTU. 115O. PROFESSIONAL • MUST SELL ' mooring lover, an sM equipment, bOuntH*0W-rwMiro0I Cat Ed afl»r e r t f parti SI 75- 692-6037 DRAFTING TABLE, S53 949-271H. 1»«a Black JEEP WFtAMSUER i** iwrvTrrVcass.,towhours, kka new. fpm.B71-76O3 WEISS FUU.-LENOTH OEAVER Compkjle wrtfi removebie hard top tiO.COS. 071-8133. B WHITE RESIN chaui. banker* COAT. SIZE ». Ejcetent am>aon, and complete summer tort up (B*mi BOAT 8TANO/SVFVORT8; Heavy 0n%k lamp, tmall crntal lamp. 2 325 Antiques 12.1QGWr. M<nk )ecul wuBtack Top. Wtoduunmar Hoi Bar Curtam duty wuh ad|ustac4s screw, nognt tnimad "Purl PonDT 710-OM2 aftet Foi Collar. S u e B, Excellant and Tonneau Cover) New tires 2 0 ' lo 42". O n e pair. Excellent BUYING O L D PO8TCAHDS: Condiuon. *400/O(1ar. Day«: 044- Z3V75x15.toCkaOW)center comohi, condrtcn. 185.833-6242. Collector MWUng atiuma or oinar • , 0 0 0 B T U u«ed l u m a c e / El|»f 5033. evarwiQS: 830-22B4 rear speaker cox. tender turn*. lo» TWIN {2) GTX KT Seaooos with dual accumul«ilons ol Pro-(930 tmtnioom l i n k & toilel. l o e M ' i . WOLFF TANNtHO BEDS m M , a*cs4Mnt mamtsnance fecoftf, Eagle iTsdor ft dockbox. Mint cond. postearda. P M « M eal 871-2403. *nefvmg rseu-mduauul. » " rnour Tan Ai Home practical n the winter and fun ki the .VhJSt M e l 10.700. 358-2020. home fl71-30ai. Buy Direct and Save! summer. * Oreal buy at SS.BM' w V w o l l - H P . outboard motors, Commercial'Horna Unu from S199 B3J-1M3; d a M * * 1 » . S40, SAO. reaaonaUa offer * Cal Patrick Day327 Clothing ~ Johnson. 734-2758. $10.; car »Mt, waftat, kid* ciulnaa. Low Morunry Payments nme 419-C33-M58. e*jnog» 410BROWN OELTEO Laathat Jackal Bnii. uereo, I N K Uda ctottw*. toy*. 433-7899 Free Color Catalog w/sp-oul trtng. «ua tO. S23; Suada NoJunfci CaaToday I-«XW2-I31O I M S UNCOLN Continental: 4Dr. 405 Campers & Vans frinoaO hiathar lackal, cinnamon WOOF TANNUta BEOS ARIENS (tort One Uler: Slip Bngrjs converuble. eiceBenl condrbon, pow1flCJCBB33»13 1904 TERRY-TAHUS 3 1 ' camper: TAN AT HOME angina. RebuM cast Iron geer C«*e. er even/thing, stored w r M n . Ruatc totf . Deck-shad 2 0 ' awning, mlsc Buy DIRECT and SAVE! Just tarviced. Heavy duty. V O C . Iree, daity summer dnvet, cover mUUST tSELL-Oorgaoua white indudeil Asking 15.000. Make offer. ctuded Sfr.SOO 337-0244 tappNra m r a coat h » Wm SU* S32S-A)Wer. 356-1920. (199 00 1 mall-mud. Worn ona t e a i o n . 1 » n UNCOLN Contimmtal Mai*. V. Cad 331-1448 lor details. At Kama Tanmng. rtome Taming Low MontNy Payments isea 20' Coacnmon-tnonr home on Apormiaad W.000. B«U oftof ovttr Designef Seite*. 20,000 original Beds the sue Ol talon •yitamt yet no FREE Cotor Catalog Chevy 30 chassis. 350 angina, * » O mJes. kka naw, dove grvy. senoua i 0 o a 4 wwing m M r e d . O j a n r t o e d Cat TODAY 1-600-711-OISa deluxe equpment, ii.OOOmL Very B43-4S50 buyers ontyl M.795 071-6164. rasulli/money bach. Financing pood condition. 123.000. 071-5508. tB«3 BUICK Hrvera. Runs Wrong available. Fiaa catalog. 1-60OPROM DHE8S; Naw. long burner CARGO TRAILER 1890. Excellent Sokdtody. 10S.0O0mLJt.2O0. KEEP-A-TAN Computer 346 condition. Tandem wheels w/spnre ornnn tUk\ Uwvetos*. back bow. 2?6-8t49 COOKWAREII Quit P a r l i e * . Equipment 5 »B 51. h * - * * 7 T S2250. (218) turn 5. Ufr. Snow malcrt tin 7 $10; Sacnfldng * N E W 7-pry watarteM 1903 OLDS Delta flfl. 6 cyt, body 835-1503 • a i l . Americas "HEAVIEST- T304 COMPUTER AMD 586/133. iflmtJ solid, new trans , needs engine work. u; i -.'/^; Suraical Stael UfeWne Cuaranlaadl RAM, 4« CO ROM. 200 MO HD, 3 5 Furnishings Boat oil*' before May 30th. 330 Normally StSOO-'Spaclal $39T. dok, rw modom. monitor optional 7*8-1706 (FREE •t&cHpol Etactnc 5kil»tll 1-CORNE:R Mtlaa w/tabM. tka new. 426 Motor Homos SaOO/M. 779-0727 belort(-9pm tVHFORO Eicort. 2-door e'leruive Chocki. C O D.. Crndrt Cards. FREE $175. 1-iiun cabinet M S . w/glaw CLASS C. BY FLEETWOOO; 1992. angine work d o n n n n bfakes and eOO0?B72M doora. 331-0912. Cloan. gennfalor. mlc.owave. E ANIMALS moie. Sorrw rust Oood lunning con- awning, stvsnng, t'.aOMieti, 10-PIECE AMERICAN DREW LMA8ETICS: MoOcaro and pnvaie atcft 1900 B/I-M27. nydrauKc laveiers, doutilo D«d. tnsuranco may poy lof your supplies. DINING 11OOM S E T , Larfl* Oval I B M DODGE OMNI, 1 Owmr. M,in Slecpii6, 34Kmk>s 779-6313. Witn no out ol pudurt etpanao. No Doutjio-Pedeilal Tabla, 0 C h a i n . 360 Animal Services unl. WPH Mainlainnd 934 5Xfl onper work. Supplies mailed lo your TnOla Pud. Lofqp China CoBinot 1989 TOYOTA Camry. Silv»«, nulo430 Trucks For Sale home C«n TOLL FRCE 1-aOO-9«&Vacatlon7Tra*»l? m/Ctown G l a i , Sarvof and Mltror; malic. power. 4 cylindo'. 71K. nnwnr 6406 '94 FORO F-150XL, Dull Tnnki, J2.5O0 0CI Cu« 934-d977. lirrjs. bdiiory. muirter E I H J clnun. PET SITTING FREEZER. LAWN 3WEEPER, M s S D M Window, 3-Spaad, 24.000 BOOKCilSfc, ISO/nog.; rocmng >5,600 Waillaka B3V5705. Loving Ciiie al homo GtOKU CH'«n 4 E l d TBWO*, ami M.W>, 111.500 933-5M7 rnaif. MC/rvq : a71-2-«2O. Fend, water. p>ercrae IMO'JACUAR XJ0 (Vondon Pl<iu*l. Dosk Cnmr. Cafl Ottor 5 00PM. 933CHAiH: tuity iiphoiweroD. wood mm. H o u Jg 4DR , 42.000 eal* mito* A BEAU- 1900 NISSAN Pick-up: 5 spood. aaofl. aluminum eimpi-r top Wrack, Bonded & Insured Claylon M.ircus. uutumn Colo's. T1FUL AND GREAT auiomoDils GARAGE OooMiBisTutlof lot goniQii Jt<.«W/nog 226-9922 loavo mov encattunl corWilion. J4.000. 235o . e e i w i condilion, XM>. TH^?JLcreatures all S3J5. opflnur-Soori Dianrt-novaf u w d . 3 DARK TiiBLC: oood conOilion S W 835-4392 520 327-5753 327-8218. BASSCTT oaby at> and mae chew. Um new. $J73. 734-1739. "I sell homes yard by yard." Realty One MOVING KC ENTERTAINMENT PrivaJe Paftoa. VVedtfino* Reurmns. Orati Panes 60*.TOa.KT» and W i M u t e tor . . ASOxuluna " CaB Kaa y. NOSTALGIA MUSIC-Record CotodW. D M C Jockay. Music from Vie Fabutou* 6 O « to tna IVOVs. WaBy 358-1390. ' 295 Health & B e a u t y " 2O20 without gtesmsf Sale. rapd. non-surgea!, permanoni realoialion 0 4 weeks. Artna plot developed. Doctor ar*yoved.tTOlr«orrnaOon by m a t (BOO) 421.7320. axL 230. (406) W l - 5 5 7 0 . Fax (40fl) 801-5377. htlp^/www.vlslonf reedom.com Bat.il acnon Guarantees. AButoroi orNofxiizer MeOcauont? ProvenU. Mucomyst boproteranor? FreemedcationapotabiBiDetvered lo your home. Call Med-A-Save Respiratory C a n Scrvcea. 1-800538-0040 art. 10 OtABETIC-Are you son paytng tor Stppbes? WHy? For information on rx>w you can receive supplies at HOe Of no conical 1-8CXH37B-3733. Diaoe'lcsl (usmj insulin | Did you know Medicare or Insurance covers mo«l supplies? Save money-call 6 0 0 - 7 * 8 - 1 8 6 2 . Liberty Medical. Satisfaction guarantee. N o HMO merrfton. Mention A D - A A O O . Do You K»vs Diabetes 7 Rocerve yutfofceose monitorft.supplies at no coal D youl Cad Rainbow Foundation loO-tree 2 4 fnura 1-880-429-1023 •People who care*. ELECTRICAL HANDICAP W lot outside us*. $230. or best otter. 22S-B7B7. _ _ HYPNOSIS Effective For Weto,!* Smc41n0. —' MolhrefJon. Stress, Pain ManapamenL ABBOTT HYPNOTHERAPY Lorafn,{21«)S34-1t16 C u y a h o g a , (000)526-161 • S O C I A L P J A N O - c r g o n d u b now torming. First moetma Wec!ne*day, May 21st a i 2pm. a t Graves, 2 » i 5 O Lorvbi FW. Concofl Of Orgomst John KowsJsM. C a l Angle ^ O W 300 Musical Instruments HAUMOND SPINET Contois Organ and Bcncft. Good condition. 1150. 333-6083 KUflZWEIL M A R K 1 0 CHERRY PIANO. 80 Srtectotta ScuncU. 3 2 Auto-Accornparwnonl O p u x a . BonlnRacxyder/Sw]uanc«r. 1.4 MB Dish Drtva, MlOf. 32-Voton Pofypnony. 1 p a r OW. W.00O/OMof. Days: B**5044. EvnMnos: B30-2294. 305 Music Lessons P1AHO LESSONS m your homu Eipenenced piano teaefin' • • I " M«itati degreo: w t n n c ot mtmnallonsf corrvxtlitions. Call 092O?1S. SAXOPHONE L E 5 S O N S Cy BaWwIn-WaliJCS Cant.'iwaiory Sludent. Juniof your OUT OF THE AREA? B a Dump Truck Backhoe Services Limestone p?rUnced X-c«tl«nt Holub's Excavating Personalized Service for Small Odd Jobs CLEANING KATHY'S EXCAVATING • Residential Ccrcunercial/Olfices New Construction Personalized Service Bonded and Insured • Free Estimates All Word Guaranteed S*CK woe. DOZER DUMP THUCX SERVCE. SEPTIC IAKK R E P ^ R 4 HEW INSTALLATIONS 837-5020 UCENSED & BONDED V* DAY'S EASE, INC. 327-6346 call (216)933-5100 Pic* f p J Delnvry {216)871-0820 • Roofing • • Siding • • Windows • • Painting • • Carpentry • • Gutters • • Masonry • iti FREE Estimates Call 2 4 Hrs. A Day 100 835-3377 *25°° call (216)933-5100 for info Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 322-4652 or 244-4652 Commercial • Residential Licensed • Bonded - Insured Bob McMuld/cn WINDOWS. DOORS, fi'oECKS • Factory Direct Vinyl Replacement Winaow3 - Steel Entry Dooni • Custom Built Decks 949-8710 Lenny's Glass Service Company PHESSHHEWASHJMG, CALL 949-5442 READ& USE THE CLASSIFIEDS - ExteriorHouseGIeaning. Professional Deck Oepning & Sealing' M-F 8-5 • Sat. B-3 Slorms-Screens Repaired for a frgo cnnsultnd^n. HARTSEL ELECTRIC nofewlonal Service . t'nvironmenlaUy^afe ienior DucnuoU Insuml "" AITordaWe Boavdinais 937-5750 ANqjT'S APPLIANCE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES "We Service ALL Major Brands' EMERGENCY SERVICE ^SPECIALIST V * rjfti WwxJ STuu - -.-.-.- rr.izL 933-5565 1-600-707-ANDY COLLEGE BOUND LAWN CARE SERVICE Speda filing in •Lawn Cutting "Edging •Trimming -Blowing Today For An Estimate [),,»„ Landscape p „ _. Free Estimates Phone/Fa*. (216)933-6181 (216)933-9450 • SIDING r- Over 20 Yeats Experience ADDmONS EXCAVATIONS CONCRETE DECKS/PATIOS I S/nce COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL S uuaJily Service S Customer Salisfacton • Mowing * Trimming • Edging • Blowing H Please Call For « « - »- — ^ - * * I FREE ESTIMATE 933S78Q ELECTRIC CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING : $2695 AioewAreu 1-800-762-9841 DALE'S MOWING SERVICE I Se-tntcn Of Bund Hw# To CcVJ« Favr Ctotfi Fabric, Vinyl and Leather - FREE ESTIMATES Russ Harkins 949-6075 SUPERIOR CLEAIMIIVG -^937-6482 KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION Interior/Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND-YOU SERVICE! 10% Sent* Qtizwtt OaaxM CAHOLiH&S UPHOLSTERY i DECORATING amtenanct Specialist! " CLEAN UPS • MOWING • SNOWPLOWING COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Exp«iai«d • Iniured . 930-5190 Vaintins Forthofer Home Improvement Inc. Additions. Siding. Roots. Kitchons, Bathrooms. Windows. Doors, & Decks (216)647-9024 WHY DO SO MANY CALL... Qr»g Fbrthofar LEAN CORNERS- Interior lixterlcr Ireo r« EXCAVATING BACKHOE- BULLDOZER • DUMP TRUCK •COMPUTE EXCAVATION iCONCRETE LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES TOP SOIL MULCH - RIVER ROCk • STONE 934-JOO8.-934-4213 ...OWNER CLEANS EVERY HOME Man your stations... - . It's spring once again and it'stimeto clean up and fix up. Check out the anytent Bwougfiowl lh« y« jf or njjt orw vrut servtca, ncn wndowi. We v'O U tna penorwJ For Your FREE ESTIMATE call: SUE LEUENBERGER 327-4455 ffuf you wouU do yourself. • We * e (mrefwd wtieo you xe ubsfled EXPERTS for professional help for those bfg projects. I TIM FORTHOFER Builder • Contractor Home Remodeling DIETZ CONCRETE Garages Remodeling Concrete Flatwurk Residential, Commercial * New Homes Block & Brick Foundations Back Hoe Work • Foundation Repair WATERPROOFING Additions Kitchens Wood DecKs Phone: 937-t>430 34375 Tinberview Or. Avon. OH 44011 Repairs • 934-4707 THE CROWMIMG ACCEriTS FOR YOUR HOME J omco RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL (U-Rwfi • Tm-Offt • tSfarFit) R»*ft ttttfttt • Utlni • CaxfUtt Slut! Httti Urdu 40 Yitr OUMIIUMI Bil^t.t * Rt4I* ffltpittW CUM Unit* Call Or Toll Frit 933-2517 1-800-251-2517 933-8733 • • . . 118" CRANE TREE REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL PROFESSIONAL PRUNING 24 HOUR ^TORM SERVICE .CENTRAL JIRFURNACE, BOILER^ DUCT-CLEANINGS; "If Ifs Made Of WOOD...] We Can Do It." SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS • CUTTERS WINDOWS • SIDING • KITCHEN & BATH Cleveland 892-8695 lorom 950-2399 FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES 934-4716 uilders inc. Service FAIKWEATHEK KOOFtNG NEW CASTLE ROOEING CO. Cetera! Cnntnictnrs - HnUJtrt BATHS • KITCHENS • ROOFINGS WINDOW REPLACEMENT • GARAGES ROOM ADDITIONS - DRIVEWAYS HOUSE ERECHON • POLE BARNS VINYL SIDING • PATIOS AVON, OHIO MARK DUDZIAK FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAST FOREVER... 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AOditions * Dainrooms Carpet.CjPholstery ^ind SI;Drapers;Cleanina It Extarior/lnterior Repair & Remodelirjg • Kitchens ' Batrirocms 933-8676 ' 0o0fS * Decks • Windows - Orywall -No Job Too Sma//" Very Reasonable Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL cnrfc tcncr5i OWNER OPERATED • FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years £»oe * ce • Sefcences O Kendall NT SIECRIST HOME IMPROVEMENT specatwwin r| n CALL 930-AUTO (2886) FREE ESTIMATES 233-6450 333-raw MESTLAKE Q7H : WEST CVYAHOGA CTY Ql r~i 949-2516 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 174 Lear Rd., Avon Lake 933-B686 Clcve. 621-6332 PLUMBING, RESIDENTIAL & COMAIEROAL NEW-REMODEL-REPAIR State Certified Backflow Inspector Call: 933-8686 or _ 621-6332 Authorized Dealer o l 1958 9334969 SSyRoHcr PaintiriK ^ Cleaning "Pffitnriiiu" MjbWcdcH-Owner Mi & OPKRiVTORS \ DOOR HOUSEWORK ETC. Since I9d8 OWNER oT'iRATED FREE ESTLVWTES Avon •>14-?H()7 West I nl*c K.15-4t)K3 N . Itl*l|S«-*vIII 327-727O 933-2066 871-0506 • Free Estimates • F I M conclusions WE ARE T H E RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE Call lor thorough. consistent quality. Your home or oifice is always managed by the same person. We are dependable and we are insured and bonded. wiwyrwin^aAraMaagmfttf-Ml^ai " T h e S u p e r S t a r e Wilh S o Much M o r e " • Ana\t of Avon liamttatdt Foodi • Rug Dr. BenM . CaUrln* • Pit Kout & • UPS Shipping Statlod. Klua Ctmkrr H.nul - SC Pbolo CopU* • 'rtiwlcsal* I-'iwdi • Dot lic*su« • Whole**!* MtrU Avon's ONLY finally Owned & Operated Grocery Store Since 19S0 37500 COLORADO RD., AVON, OHIO 934-5403 HOOBS • M-F 9.9 • SAT 8-8 • SUN. 9-6 THIS AD COODTHHUWED., MAY 3 1 . 1 3 9 7 OS WTU1X SUPPLIES LAST Whole Boneless 7 to 9to.avg. Fresh Lean Value Pak 5 lbs. or more Chuck lb. Boneless Center Cut lb. USDA Choice Square Cut lb. Cooked E>-e of Round lb. Boneless USDA Choice ThicJc Cut 3 to 5 Ib. avg. lb. USDA Choice Boneless Pork Chops lb. Roundy^s Mississippi Squeeze Bottle Macaroni & Cheese Dinner ; . _ w < Barbecue Sauce 28 OL A ^PRODUCE Milbndale Kinm Junabo Eggs Smith's Lemon Fiavaied Iced Tea Uillindalt Parmi C«»<»lcina£ O n i o n s . JPIadc G r a p e f r u i t L_89 „ Homemade Sttlado * S T r Pantrlea Thoma.cson's • Your Choice Potato Pepsi Products & liters j Campbell's • Tomato Soup i Star Kist-fn Oil or Water Tuna English Muffins. Smith's Lemon HJvoted Tea 4/99^ Iced . llamialt Fjrmi Annjf of Avon'* Fresh Fnm The Deli Salad Ib. Oven Ready Stuffed Boneless Iwa Fruit 3 Lb. Da* Yellow Hygrade American Singles n,. Smith's French Onion Dip