the Newsletter in PDF format


the Newsletter in PDF format
Hea th
Orleans Community Health
Fo u n d atio n
Serving the Counties of Orleans • Eastern Niagara • Northern Genesee
Winter 2015
L-R: Mega Drawing Winners, Annual Golf Tournament,
Treasure Island, Donor Contribution (TV) & Poinsettia
Delivery to North Wing. Treasure Island photos courtesy
of Erin Townsend Photography.
Our Mission is to engage our community in a unified commitment, securing financial
resources for the continuous development of innovative healthcare opportunities.
By Jim Moody, Executive Director
“Everyone can be great, because everyone can
serve.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As I ponder healthcare challenges in the year ahead, I
am reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his belief
that every person should make a difference in the life of
another. I was only 7 years old when he passed away, but
my recollection is that he was a visionary, a leader and a
philanthropist. I am thankful that his words inspire me to be
a developer, seeking opportunities to help others who need
quality healthcare.
Our Foundation was formed in 1981 and with some
revision over time, has two primary goals: 1) cooperate with
the growth and development of Orleans Community Health
OCH Foundation
100 Ohio St. Medina, NY 14103
and 2) support the advancement
of healthcare initiatives in our
area. In 2015, I expect we will
raise $170,000 for a new EPIC7 Ultrasound System at Medina
Memorial Hospital. I will also lead
a conscious effort to recognize
and support local healthcare
The Foundation will
identify opportunities to make
a difference, such as support to
Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
at the YMCA, funding a pre-diabetes education program
and more.
This year, our Foundation will share more about the
benefits of philanthropy. You will be encouraged to give
back and rise up healthcare initiatives here at home. Join
me in making a difference. Volunteer, offer a financial gift
to the Foundation and help your neighbor. Serve and be
The Orleans Community Health Foundation supports
local healthcare programs and 2015 is no exception. We
will continue to positively impact the lives of our
community members!
Do you know about ‘Healthier U’? This is a wellness
program, coordinated by the Foundation that has special
health benefits for members. You are invited to learn
more by attending a free Open House at Tillman’s
Village Inn, located at the intersection of Route 98 and
104 on Tuesday, February 10 from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.
Please call 585-798-8061 to register in advance.
Did you know diabetes is a major concern in WNY?
The Foundation is supporting Community Partners, who
will offer a new Pre-Diabetes Education program. The
service is intended to provide support for individuals and
families coping with this disease. See elsewhere in this
edition for more details.
Excuse the dust at Medina Memorial Hospital! First
floor renovations will start as soon as the New York State
Department of Health gives their approval of the project.
The hospital will be open as usual and provide all services
during the renovation. When complete, you will notice
a more efficient flow as
you enter the main entrance,
in Outpatient Registration
and through the Emergency
The 3rd annual $10,000
Mega Drawing is coming!
This year, there are more
opportunities to win. Tickets
will soon be available from
member or by calling the
Foundation office at 585798-8061. The drawing
event, which also has many fun updates, is scheduled for
August 18th.
Please support our Foundation and increase our
impact in Orleans, Eastern Niagara and Northern
Genesee Counties!
Thank You!
Sandra Madejski,
Foundation Board President
In 2015, the Foundation goal is $175,000 for a state of the art
Ultrasound System in the Radiology / Mammography area
The Philips EPIQ 7 Ultrasound System will ensure
Medina Memorial Hospital remains at the cutting
edge of ultrasound equipment well into the future.
The EPIQ 7 will also allow local residents to have same
equipment quality of care as major imaging centers like
the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic, Erie County Medical
Center and the Roswell Park Cancer Breast Center.
The EPIQ 7 offers the only bariatric probe available
which will allow clinicians the ability to obtain a more
precise clinical image for a better diagnosis. The system
offers X-Matrix, which allows a patient to be scanned
in “LIVE 4D” in all areas of the abdomen including OB
for better analysis of the fetal heart and organs. The
EPIC 7 also allows doctors to scan in two planes live
and perform biopsy procedures.
Breast Elastography is a major feature of the EPIQ 7,
helping the clinician determine whether or not a lesion
is cancerous, thus avoiding unnecessary biopsies.
Thank you to donors who have already
committed $47,000 towards this project
- including the Buffalo Sabres Alumni
OCH Foundation
100 Ohio St. Medina, NY 14103
Help the Orleans Community
Health Foundation make the
EPIQ 7 a reality!
Offer a designated gift
by calling
he first Saturday in November brought record
attendance to Treasure Island 2014, the Foundation’s
annual benefit auction.
It was exciting to see our new venue, Hickory Ridge Golf
Resort in Holley, NY filled to the brim with a variety of
folks from the area! Nicely decorated tables were filled with
generous donors and supporters of healthcare in Orleans
County. (See more images on our Facebook page.)
The evening hosted a cash raffle, the Lucky Cork
Wine Pull, the Pirate’s Pillage raffle, a live auction and a
silent auction with an array of over 200 beautiful baskets,
generously donated by area individuals and businesses.
Nearly $37,000 was raised for the revitalization of the
Emergency Room at Medina Memorial Hospital.
Plans are already underway for this years’ Treasure
Island, scheduled for November 7, 2015. Please make
plans to join us. The event will again be at Hickory Ridge
Golf Resort. Guests can expect the same great evening plus
some new enjoyable additions!
With many thanks to all volunteers and supporters,
Barbara Jantzi
onors regularly contribute to
the Foundation for specific
purposes, which must be held for
use by Orleans Community Health
and other health initiatives. In 2014,
designated donor gifts have provided
items such as:
21 Treatment Room Chairs for
patients at Lake Plains Dialysis
A projector for Long Term Home
Health Care Staff Education
Annual Calendars for Home Care
Benches for the waiting room at
the Albion Clinic
And more!
Please know that gifts of any type
may be offered for a designated
purpose. The Foundation assures
that all funds are used specifically as
directed by you, the donor.
Thank you!
he Orleans Community Health
Foundation is pleased to announce
financial support for a new Diabetes Prevention
Program (DPP). Ms. Cindy Perry, Director
of Health Education, Wellness and Outreach
at Community Partners will lead participants,
who will receive one year of group based
lifestyle coaching. To be eligible, an individual
must have either, a documented pre-diabetes,
an elevated body mass index or an appropriate
risk assessment score.
Ms. Perry will use National standards to
teach strategies for incorporating physical
activity and healthy eating into daily living.
Participants will also be coached to identify
emotions and situations that can reduce levels
of success. Through the group process,
individuals will be encouraged to share ways
to deal with challenging situations.
Anyone who believes they are at risk for
type 2 diabetes is encouraged to contact Ms.
Perry at [585] 798-9540 for a no obligation
risk assessment.
Donors (>$50) .............................. June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
A Gust of Sun Winery
A Lily & a Sparrow
A Simple Wedding
Mrs. Rose Adams
Mrs. Nancy Albanese
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Allen
Mr. Jason Allen
Angelica Textile Service
Apple Blossom
Automotive Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Balcerzak
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Bane
Mr. Arthur Barnes
Mr. Wayne Barry, Jr.
Ms. Lindsey Bashford
Mrs. Sheryl Bates
Bates & Tuttle Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Bauer
Mr. Robert Beach Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beach Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Bellack
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bellack
Ms. Adrienne Belson
Mr. Richard Bensley
Mrs. Jean Benson
Between the Vines
Ms. Janet Bezinque
Mr. Donald Bielak
Mrs. Shirley Bielak
Mr. Tom Birmingham
Mr. & Mrs. William Bixler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blackburn
Blissett’s Specialty Shop
Mrs. Kristin Bloom
Mr. Thomas Bloomer
Ms. Janet Blount
BMP America, Inc.
Mrs. Lucretia Bochsler
Mr. Kevin Bogan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bozard
Ms. Barbara Bradley
Mr. John Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Brauen
Mr. & Mrs. James Broadwell
Mr. Bob Brown
Mr. Paul Brown
Buffalo Sabres
Mrs. Lorraine Bukiewicz
Mrs. Lilia Bunnell
Mr. Paul Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Busch
Ms. Linda Busch
Ms. Marian Busch
Mr. Matt Bush
C&H PC, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. David Callard
Dr. Rosemary Callard-Szulgit
Camarrata’s Restaurant
Mr. James Campbell
Canal Country Artisans
Candlelight Cabinetry, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Canham
Captain’s Cove Resort, Inc.
Mr. Laurel Carney
Mr. DeWight Case
Catholic Health
Mr. Rick Cavallaro
Celebrity Day Spa
Ms. Diane Cervi
Mr. & Mrs. William Champeney
Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home
Ms. Eithel Clark
Ms. Marcia Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Coates
Cobblestone Country Federal Credit
Ms. Stephanie Coia
Comprehensive Medical Rehab Unit
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Condo
Confer Plastics Inc.
Ms. Beatrice Cook
Mr. & Mrs. David Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cook
Ms. Elizabeth Cooper
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Bill Cosman
Mrs. Barbara Cotriss
Country Contracting
Mrs. Robin Cramer
Ms. Jeanne Crane
Creekside Florist
Mr. Richard Crowley
Ms. Frances Cuzzacrea
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Czajkowski
Ms. Judy Czerwinski
Darien Lake
Mrs. Grace Darroch
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis
Mr. Mark Davis
Premier Jewelry Designs
Mr. Peter Devereaux
Ms. Minnie Dickerson
Mr. Joseph DiStasio
Mrs. Maria Distefano
Ms. Lori Dixon
Mrs. Kathleen Dodge
Ms. Cheryl Donnelly
Mr. William Downey
Ms. Harriet Draper
Mr. Kevin Dreher
Mr. & Mrs. James Dresser
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Driesel
Mrs. Margaret Droman
Drum Oil Propane, Inc.
Mr. Bill Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Mildford Dunn
Durf’s MJ Auto Care
Mr. Roger Duryea
Mr. Laverne Ehrenreich
Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Eick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eick
Mr. Larry Elia
Mr. & Mrs. James Enderby
Mrs. Diane Ennis
Erin Townsend Photography
Ernst’s Lake Breeze Marina
Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Evans
Mrs. Mary Patricia Fagan
Mrs. Nancy Fallon
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Felstead
Mr. & Mrs. William Feltz
Mr. & Mrs. John Fike
Ms. Barbara Filipiak
Mr. Kevin Foley
Ms. Mary Lynn Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fox
Mrs. Tania Freeman
Mr. Bernard Froman
Mr. Mike Furness
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Furness
Mr. Hal Gadsby
Mr. William Gajewski
Mr. Jeff Garlock
Garrick Insurance Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geiger
Mrs. Susan Geiger
Ms. Mary George
Ms. Mary Beth Germano
Mr. Robert Gilsinan
Ms. Doreen Goffe
Mrs. Wilma Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goodwin
Mr. Mark Greenwall
Mr. Charlie Guay
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Guzzino
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hadick
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hale
Mr. & Mrs. James Hancock
Harter, Secrest, Emery LLP
Hartway Motors
Assembleman Steve Hawley
Sacred Heart Club
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Herriven
Mrs. Cindy Hewitt
Mrs. Helen Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hill
Historic Village Bed & Breakfast
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hodgins
Hodgson Russ
Mrs. Brenda Hoffman
Mrs. Susan Holl
Mr. Robert Holtz
Home Interiors, Gifts, & Crafts
Honeysuckle Twigs
Mr. & Mrs. William Horton
Ms. Dolores Horvath
Ms. LuAnn Howe
Mr. Roland Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hughes
Mr. William Hungerford
Hunt Country Vineyards
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Incho
State Farm Insurance
IOTA Master Chapter: Beta Sigma
Phi Sorority
Iroquois Job Corps
Mr. Martin Jackson
Ms. Wendy Jacobson
Jaeckle, Fleischmann, Mugel, LLP
Mr. Jason Jankowiak
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jantzi
Jensen, Marks, Langer, Vance, LLC
John Bordwell Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Lel Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Pamela Johnson
Johnston Papers
Mr. Pete Jones
Ms. Laurie Joslyn
Mrs. Jean Jozwiak
Jr. Wilson Sportsmen Club, Inc.
Mr. Chris Kane
Karen’s Kollectables
Ms. Donna Keavney
Mr. Thomas Keeler
Mrs. Patricia Kennedy
Miss Sarah Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kent
Mr. Keith Kent
Kitchen World
Mr. Steve Kling
Ms. Sy Knapp
Kniland Dairy Farms
Ms. Sue Knutson
Mr. Rick Kozan
Ms. Helen W. Kozody
Mr. Dan Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Krenning
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Krisher
Lake Country Pennysaver
Lake Ontario Fruit Inc.
Lake Plains Eye Center
Lake Plains Medical Center
Lamparelli Construction Company
Lance Mark, Attorney
Laurel Twig
Lawley Insurance Service
Leonard Oakes Estate Winery
Lewis Wilmot Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Limina
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Lind
Mrs. Brenda Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsay
Mr. Wayne Litchfield
Mr. Christian Lovelace
Mrs. Dolores Lucas
Donors (cont.)............................... June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
Mr. Steve Lukasik
Lumsden McCormick, LLP
Lyndonville Central School
Lyndonville Lions Club
Lynne Menz Designs
Mrs. Paula Mack
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Madejski
Main Street TV and Appliance
Mr. Jason Maine
Ms. Janet Maines
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Marcinowski
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Martino
Mrs. Dona Masters
Mrs. Jenifer Maynard
Mr. Skip Mazenauer
Ms. Lutetia McAdoo
Ms. Julia McBride
McCullagh Coffee
Mr. Benjamin McDonald
Mrs. Eileen McElwain
Ms. Sallie McGuire
Mrs. Sheryl McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McPherson
Mr. Joe McVige
MDS Consultants
Medicine Shoppe
Medina Center School District
Medina Dental Group & Staff
Medina Fire Department Benevolent
Medina Hospital Twig Gift Shop
Medina Lanes
Medina Railroad Museum
Medina Savings & Loan
Ms. Dawn Meland
Mr. Mark Merithew
Mrs. Elsie Meyers
Ms. Debra Michalek
Middleport Tractor
Mr. David Miller
Mrs. Joanna Miller
Mrs. Lynn Miller
Miller’s Bulk Food
Mrs. Louise Misiti
Mr. Amit Misra
Mizkan Americans, Inc
Mizkan Americas, Inc.
MMH Association of Twigs
Moden- Giroux Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mollendorf
Ms. Gay Molnar
Mr. Philbert Monacelli
Mr. John Monell
Monro Muffler Brake & Service
Ms. Donna Montesanti
Mr. & Mrs. David Monti
Mr. & Mrs. James Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Moore
OCH Foundation
Mr. Ed Morgan
Mrs. Helen Morien
Mr. Fran Mosher
Ms. Annette Mullane
Mr. Brian Murray
Mr. Brian Nankey
National Grid
Mr. Barry Neal
Mr. Dean Neff
Mr. David Neischel
Mr. Andrew Nesbitt
New York Central Mutual
Mr. David Newton
Mr. Mark Nicholas
Ohio Craft Furniture
Mr. Eric Olivas
Mr. Claudia O’Neil
Ontario Shores Federal Credit Union
Orchard Manor Nursing Home
Orleans Abstract Title Services
Orleans Community Health
Orleans Community Health Medical
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Owen
Ms. Deborah Padoleski
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer
Mrs. Rose Marie Papadinoff
Ms. Melody Parker
Mrs. Elizabeth Passarell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Pawlak
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Payne
Mrs. Cindy Perry
Photos by Bruce and Associate
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Pickreign
Mr. Mark Poole
Mrs. Donna Poore
Povinelli Cutlery
Mrs. Joy Preston
Mr. Ken Printup, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tammi Pritchard
Pullman Memorial Universalist
Mr. & Mrs. James Punch
Ms. Stacey Pynn
Ms. Tina Rabatin
Radiology Solutions Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Darlene Rich
Ms. Danielle Riches
Rick & Ron’s Auto Sales
Ms. Ellen Ricks
Rite-Aid, Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Ritz
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rivers
Mrs. Patricia Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Roberts
Mrs. Marilyn Rogenmoser
Ms. Linda Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Betty Rogowski
100 Ohio St. Medina, NY 14103
Mrs. Janet Rook
Mrs. Alice Root
Mrs. Lorraine Root
Ms. Sylvia Rosario
Rosenkrans Pharmacy and Gift Shop
Rotary Club of Middleport
Roush CPA
Royalton Hartland Teachers
Mr. Richard Ruh
Ms. Hannah Saj
Ms. Leslie Saj
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanderson
Mr. Rich Schechter
Mr. Michael Schmackpfeffer
Mr. Bruce Schmidt
Mr. Scott Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schoenle
Mr. & Mrs. David Schreck
Mr & Mrs. David Schubel
Mr. Bruce Seefeldt
Seneca Lake Wine Trail
Mrs. Carol Shafer
Shear Elegance
Shelridge Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Shurtz
Ms. Barbara Sidhu
Ms. Marlene Skinner
Mrs. Lisa Skutt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Slack
Ms. Terah Slack
Mr. Frank Slingerland
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith
Ms. Cheryl Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Smith
Ms. Dawn Smith
Mrs. Mary Lynne Soto
Mr. Michael Southcott
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Southworth
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Srock, III
Ms. Barbara Stack
Mrs. June Stalker
Stan’s Harley Davidson, Inc.
Mr. Andrew Stansberry
Ms. Joann Stefaniak
Ms. Lynne Stewart
Mr. Peter Stumner
Ms. Sue Sullivan
Sunrise Door and Woodworks Inc.
Mr. Dale Szafranski
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Tabelski
Talis Equity, LLC
Tantalo Photography
The 10 Pony’s
The Corning Museum of Glass
The Golden Comb
The Premier Group
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Thompson
Mr. Rich Torcasio
Mrs. Nelda Toussaint
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tracey, IV
Mr. Matthew Tracy
Ms. Lisa Trippensee
Ms. Eileen Trott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trudeau
Univera Healthcare
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Valley
Ms. Virginia Vanapeldoorn
Mr. Cory VanDeusen
Ms. Kay VanNostrand
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Vargas
Vascular-Interventional Assoc., P.C.
Ms. Debra Vendetta
Mr. Billy Vona
Mrs. Elmer Wagner
Wal-Mart Foundation of Albion
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Washak
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Watts
Mr. George Way
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weet
Mr. Robert Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Cheryl Wengrzycki
Western New York Energy, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David Wetherbee
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wheatley
Mrs. Eleanor Whipple
Whipple Realty
Mr. John White
White Birch Golf Course
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Whitford
Ms. Melinda Whiting
Ms. Joanne Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams
Ms. Ann Wilson
Mr. Art Wingerter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winters
Ms. Carolyn Wisniewski
Mrs. Jeannie Wodo
Ms. Terri Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Woodworth
Mrs. Rhonda Woody
Mr. Kevin Wyckoff
Ms. Alphonsa Wynn
Mrs. Beatrice Young
Zacher Construction
Zambito Realtors
Mrs. Brenda Zimmerman
Mrs. Joanne Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zinkievich
Mr. Stephen Zybeck
Thank You for
your generosity!
New acquisitions at Medina Memorial Hospital
Orleans Community Health recently held a ribbon
Appreciation to Intensive Care Unit Employee
cutting ceremony to celebrate its receipt of a new
at Medina Memorial Hospital
From Donald Kirby to Adam “Thank you for the excellent
care you gave me. I know
I was depressed and
argumentative. But I listened
to everything you told me. I
have lost over 30 pounds.
Thank you, Adam for saving
my leg and my life.“
Appreciation to Lake Plains Dialysis
Employees in Batavia
To Dolores Horvath, CEO
“I have been a patient at Lake Plains Dialysis for
two years. During that time, there have been days
when I do not want to leave my house. But as soon as
I arrive at Lake Plains, I am made to feel so welcome!
Knowing that I will be cared for helps me to feel
The staff is professional, compassionate, caring
and dedicated. I know I am in good hands. At the
end of each treatment, I leave Lake Plains tired, but
Everyone who works at Lake Plains – the nurses,
the technicians, dietitian and case worker are
wonderful people! They are able to keep a great
sense of humor, despite their workload. I am truly
thankful to all at Lake Plains Dialysis for all the
dedicated care I receive each and every time I visit.”
Generosity of Orleans Community Health
Jim Moody, Executive Director of the Foundation
expresses sincere appreciation to Orleans Community
Health employees who have pledged a total of
$2,400 to the Foundation, as part of the 2015 United
Way Campaign. Your generosity is appreciated!!
OCH Foundation
100 Ohio St. Medina, NY 14103
CT scanner. The new General Electric CT scanner
has exclusive low dose technology that significantly
reduces patient exposure while maintaining a high
image quality needed for accurate diagnosis.
At the ceremony, CEO Dolores Horvath stated,
“I want to thank everyone who so hard to make this
possible, including General Electric. This is part of
a wave of improvements throughout the Orleans
Community Health network.”
Medina Memorial Hospital has also acquired digital
radiology equipment, which eliminates the need for
x-ray film. This means faster exam times and a better
patient experience. With this new technology, images
can be immediately acquired, deleted, modified and
subsequently sent to a network of computers.
Fireplace Donation to North Wing Residents
Maintenance, Security Guard and Courier staff
offered money for a new Fireplace, installed at the
Medina Memorial Hospital, North Wing. Many thanks
go to James Luckman, Katherine Lord, Douglas Fuller,
Tyler Fuller, David Rhim, William Merritt, Timothy
Bisher, Joseph Barnes, Lawrence Szatkowski, Harold
Scribner, Linda Potter Stock, David Azzinaro and Sharon
Your generosity warms the heart of many this
winter season! Thank you!
In Memoriam ............................ June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
In Memory of Mr. Angelo Adams
Mrs. Rose Adams
In Memory of Mr. Clyde Adams
Mrs. Rose Adams
In Memory of Ms. Tonia Akers
Debra Albertson
In Memory of Mr. Dominic Albanese
Mrs. Nancy Albanese
In Memory of Mr. Joseph F. Albone
Mrs. Carol Shafer
In Memory of Mr. Chuck Allen
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mr. John Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. James Enderby
In Memory of Patricia A. Anderson
MMH Association of Twigs
In Memory of Mrs. Louise Balcerzak
Mrs. Hildegarde Turner
In Memory of Mr. Bobby Beyer
Ms. Donna Beyer
In Memory of Richard Bielak
Mr. Donald Bielak
Mrs. Shirley Bielak
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Ciarico
Lauritta Conner
Mr. & Mrs. John Fike
Ms. Mary Lynn Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Furness
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geiger
Mrs. Wilma A. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Loren C. Johnson
Maria L. Marciszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Monell
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Montalvo
Mrs. Harriet S. Nashwenter
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Punch
Ms. Eleanor Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Washak
In Memory of Albert Busch, Jr.
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mr. Harry Busch
Ms. Linda H. Busch
Marian & Linda E. Busch
In Memory of Mrs. June Busch
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mr. Victor Caldwell
Ms. LuAnn C. Howe
In Memory of Mildred Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Leland R. Johnson
In Memory of Mr. Charles A. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Leland R. Johnson
In Memory of John J. Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gibson
In Memory of Barbara E. Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gibson
In Memory of Mr. George Clark
Joyce Ackerman
Mrs. Emma Clark
Ms. Marcia Clark
In Memory of Mr. Maynard Clark
Mrs. Evelyn Clark
In Memory of Rev. Richard Clark
Joyce Ackerman
Mrs. Emma Clark
Ms. Marcia Clark
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cook
In Memory of Mr. Roy F. Cook, Jr.
Ms. Beatrice Cook
In Memory of Dad Dad
Mrs. Susan M. Geiger
In Memory of Rev. Nelson Darroch
Mrs. Grace Darroch
In Memory of Mr. Dominic DiCureia
Mr. Nick DiCureia
In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy DiCureia
Mr. Nick DiCureia
In Memory of Michael Dillon
Ms. Karen Dillon
In Memory of Mr. John Doran
Mrs. Debbie Cleveley
In Memory of Mrs. Olga Doran
Mrs. Debbie Cleveley
In Memory of Mr. Jim Droman
Mrs. Margaret A. Droman
In Memory of Edith DuBois
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fuller
MMH Association of Twigs
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Neumann
Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Durow
In Memory of Mr. Joseph Durow
Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Durow
In Memory of Mr. David Durow
Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Durow
In Memory of Mr. W. Jon Eckler
Mrs. Donna Eckler
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Mary
Mrs. Donna Eckler
In Memory of Jessica Fearby
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gibson
In Memory of Clarita June Fitzsimmons
Marjorie Mavity
In Memory of Andy Fraczak
Mrs. Shirley Bielak
In Memory of Mr. Merle Fredericks
Ms. Nicki Fredericks
In Memory of Mr. Robert Furness
Mrs. Shirley Bielak
In Memory of Mrs. Patricia J. Gilsinan
Mr. Robert Gilsinan
In Memory of Marcia Grimm
Mr. Robert Holtz
In Memory of Mr. Jay W. Hackenberg
Ms. Delores Hackenberg
In Memory of Mr. Bernie Herman
Ms. Kathleen Herman
In Memory of Elsie Hill
Ms. Cynthia M. Hill
In Memory of Mr. Charles B. Hill
Ms. Cynthia M. Hill
In Memory of Mr. Wayne Howe
Ms. LuAnn C. Howe
In Memory of Mr. Francis Howe
Ms. LuAnn C. Howe
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Howe
Ms. LuAnn C. Howe
In Memory of Jean Howell
Mr. Roland Howell
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Van G.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sanderson
In Memory of Mr. Matt Jozwiak
Mrs. Jean M Jozwiak
In Memory of Mr. David Keavney
Mrs. Susan M. Geiger
In Memory of Mr. Paul Keavney
Mrs. Susan M. Geiger
In Memory of Philip Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Joel L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Babock
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Brew
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Champeney
Ms. Karen C. Fontana
In Memory of Philip Knight (cont.)
Thomas or Betty Frey
Ms. Faye H. Hoot
Ms. Patricia H. Keeler
Mr. Thomas Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Lennon
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Ritz
Eileen J. Trott
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Wilkins
In Memory of Mr. Chuck Lindsley
Mrs. Ruth Dean
In Memory of Mr. Edward Malolepszy
Ms. Josephine Malolepszy
In Memory of Jim Marciszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Leland R. Johnson
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Gerda
Pat Phillips
In Memory of Mr. ‘Mac’ McBride
Ms. Julia McBride
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. David & Kathy
Ms. Sue Sullivan
In Memory of Mr. Duane N. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McKee
Mrs. Sheryl McKee
In Memory of Mr. John Moliski
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Monacelli
Mrs. Elizabeth Passarell
In Honor of Mr. James Clarkson Moody
Mr. & Mrs. James Moody
In Memory of Loyal Morse
Mrs. Patricia Kennedy
In Memory of Andy Papadinoff
Mrs. Rose Marie Papadinoff
In Memory of Theresa Parada
Pat Phillips
In Memory of Larry Passarell
Mrs. Elizabeth Passarell
In Memory of Mrs. Frances Perfitt
Ms. Carolyn Wisniewski
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pettit
Ms. Nicki Fredericks
In Memory of Mr. John Poler, Sr.
Mrs. Teresa Poler
In Memory of Peter & Janice Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Incho
In Memory of Mr. George Reid
Mrs. Ruth Dean
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ricci
Mrs. Lynne Harmer
In Memory of Mr. Joseph Jr. Rizzo
Mrs. Patricia Rizzo
In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Fulton A. Rogers
Mr. Fulton A. Rogers, Jr.
In Memory of Coleen Rutherford
Joyce Ackerman
Mrs. Emma Clark
Ms. Marcia Clark
In Memory of Nancy Sanders
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Sanderson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sanderson
In Memory of Charles Schad, Jr.
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Gert Schad
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Paul & John Schad
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mr. Charles Schad
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mrs. Emma Schad
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mrs. Barbara Scharlau
Mr. Robert P. Scharlau
In Memory of Mr. Walter M. Scharlau
Mr. Robert P. Scharlau
In Memory of Miss Denise Schreck
Mr. & Mrs. David Schreck
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sanderson
In Memory of Florence Simpson
Ms. Lynne M. Stewart
In Honor of Family of Stanley Sledzik
Helen W. Kozody
In Memory of Polly Smith
Mrs. Ruth Dean
In Memory of Mr. Donald Stenshorn
James W. Campbell
In Memory of Mr. Glenn L. Stewart
Ms. Lynne M. Stewart
In Memory of Mrs. Florine Stewart
Ms. Lynne M. Stewart
In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Sullivan
Ms. Sue Sullivan
In Memory of Mrs. Georgia Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bailey
Ms. Barbara Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Sue Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Bev Herriven
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Marcinowski
Mizkan Americas, Inc.
Mr. Brian Murray
Charles & Helen Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Carol Zanow
In Memory of Mr. Edward Tryloff
Mrs. Carol Shafer
In Memory of Marcia Tuohey
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Callard
Ms. Nicki Fredericks
MMH Association of Twigs
In Memory of Mr. Andrew Turner
Mrs. Hildegarde Turner
In Memory of Patsy Tylec
Mr. & Mrs. David Schreck
In Memory of Joseph Valentine
Ms. Catherine R. Schad
In Memory of Mrs. Vera Wagner
Mrs. Esther Brown
In Memory of Mr. George Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Leland R. Johnson
In Memory of Mrs. Louise Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Leland R. Johnson
In Memory of Gerda Watts
Ms. Carolyn Watts
In Memory of Sunny Watts
Ms. Carolyn Watts
In Memory of Mark Wengrzycki
Helen W. Kozody
In Memory of Mr. William Wisniewski
Ms. Carolyn Wisniewski
In Memory of Mr. James Yates
Mrs. Loreeta Yates
In Memory of Mr. Ronald Yates
Mrs. Loreeta Yates
In Memory of Mrs. Elinor Zybeck
Mrs. Susan Holland
Thank You for
your generosity!
Check for updates regularly at
February 10
‘Healthier U’ Open
House, Tillman’s
Village Inn, Albion
Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony celebrating Volunteer Recognition
completion of North
Wing Renovations
August 18
November 7
Summer Newsletter
$10,000 Mega
Drawing Event
Treasure Island
Benefit Auction,
Hickory Ridge,
May 14
June 19
Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
Golf Tournament,
Hickory Ridge, Holley
November - December
Annual Fund Drive
Proceeds from all Foundation Special Events in 2015 will benefit the purchase of a new EPIC-7 Ultrasound
System for the Radiology / Mammography Area at Medina Memorial Hospital (See pg. 2)
Call Heather Smith at 585-798-8061 for tickets and more information.
Discover the wellness opportunities while
supporting the Orleans Community
Health Foundation
by joining...
Healthier U is a healthy annual membership program
offered by the Orleans Community Health Foundation
and Community Partners. Univera Healthcare has agreed
to be a proud Corporate Sponsor. Benefits include:
• Monthly Educational Seminars
• Periodic Celebratory Events
• Free Upgrade to Private Room (if available)
• Free health screenings • Gift Shop discounts
• Employee Meal Pricing at Hospital Cafeteria
• And more as the program develops!
For a current list of benefits,
call the Foundation Office at 585-798-8061
2015 • 2016
Mrs. Sandra Madejski, President
Mrs. Patricia Fagan, Vice President
Mrs. Nancy Albanese, Secretary
Mrs. Cindy Hewitt, Treasurer
Ms. Jeanne Crane, Past President
Mrs. Dolores Horvath, OCH CEO
Mr. Bruce Krenning, OCH Board President
Mr. James Moody, Executive Director
Our Vision is to be a philanthropic
leader to support the advancement of
healthcare initiatives.
Mrs. Ruth Bane
Ms. Lynn Bujalski
Mrs. Margaret Droman
Mr. Steve Hicks
Mr. Roland Howell
Mrs. Barbara Jantzi
Mrs. Patricia Kennedy
Mr. Gary Kent
Mr. Lance Mark
Ms. Dawn Meland
Mr. Wes Pickreign
Mrs. Donna Poore
Ms. Joann Stefaniak
Mr. Anthony Wynn
Mr. James Moody, Executive Director
Mrs. Heather Smith, Special Events &
Program Coordinator
Foundation is governed by a volunteer
Board of Directors.
Please consider
speaking with Mr. Jim Moody, Executive
Director about membership and volunteer
The Staff wishes to recognize all our volunteers
throughout the year who give tireless hours to
support our board meetings, special events,
donor activities and administrative needs.
Thank you very much!