St. Stanislaus Sacred Heart Soc. Meeting will be held on Sunday
St. Stanislaus Sacred Heart Soc. Meeting will be held on Sunday
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, , April 6th 9:00am Nellie Szewczyk By family 5:30pm Bella Buonocore By Hobbs family Maria Orestila Salazar ((th Anniversary) 7:00pm By family Sunday, April 7th– Divine Mercy Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00noon 6:30pm Intentions of the Priest In Honor of Divine Mercy By Lina Sabatini & family DMCA Faculty and Staff Anne Pitaro By Florence Russo Joseph & Maria Denicola By daughter, Angie Monday, April 8th –Annunciation of the Lord 7:00am Leonardo Orifici & Guiseppa Cascino By Vincenza Orifici 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Sofronio Reolegio By Agata Drzewicki Tuesday, April 9th7:00 am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Za Augustyn Poltoraka By Sister, Helen Wednesday, April 10th 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Randall Stimus By wife & family 9:00am (living) Erik Martuscello Birhday Blessing By Grandma & Aunt Barbara Thursday, April 11th– St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr 7:00am Veronica & Frank Scott By son, Frank 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Salvatore J. Silipo By wife & children Friday, April 12th7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Anne M. Leydon By family 9:00am Intentions of the Priest Saturday, April 13th– St. Martin I Pope 9:00am John Woods By family 5:30pm Giovanna Sepe With love Vinnie & Kathleen Rose Alfieri By Braisle family 7:00pm Rafael Antonio Montes By Nolesco family Sunday, April 14th– Third Sunday of Easter 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00noon 6:30pm Intentions of the Priest Autilia Martinello By Bianco family Josephine Alfano By children Holy Name Society Henry Cotellessa (15th Anniversary) By wife & children Leonardo Sgambati By daughter St Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sunday, April 7th –Divine Mercy Sunday 9:00am In Loving Memory of Family & Friends By Martuscello family 11:00am Za Chorych Czlonkow Sacred Heart Society 12:30pm Jadwiga Rakiec By family Sunday, April 14th –Third Sunday of Easter 9:00am Louise Detiberiis By Mary Ann & Agnes Simulinas 11:00am Lucian Laguna By Syn, Waldemar 12:30pm Patricia Geremia By Stella Sasowski Stewardship Collection for the weekend of March 30th & 31st Nativity Church Saturday 7:30pm Sunday 7:30am 9.00 am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Total Donations $ 809 1, 166 426 1,520 1,244 St Stanislaus Church Sunday 6:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Total Donations 1,078 918 887 439 $ 3,322 n/a $5,165 Rosary Altar Society Monday April 22, 12noon Mass Day at the Races Reminder : Bring donation for May Merchandise Bingo The Bridge to Life is an organization that helps mothers choose life and supports their decision through counseling and material assistance. We invite you to celebrate with us at our Annual Dinner Dance on Sunday April 21st at Leonard’s of Great Neck. Please call 718-463-1810 for further information. St. Stanislaus Sacred Heart Soc. Meeting will be held on Sunday April 14th after the 11am Mass. Zebranie Tow. S.J. The Sick of Our Parish Tara Sanfillipo John Moretto Alexander Brook John Croce Anthony Madonna Autilia Polisi Angela Barillaro Anthony Cappiello Virginia Conti William Sepe Gladys Helguero Lucy Scipione Adele Milano Nicole Carlino Mary Kiely Ida Evangelista Anne Zaremski Joseph Kellen Desirene Gomez Anne Liotta Nativity / St. Stanislaus Senior Senior Spring Fling Prom Saturday April 27, 2013 7pm to 11pm At Nativity B.V.M. Church Hall Hot Catered Dinner including: Wine, Soda, Coffee, Cake, DJ Music & Dancing. A King, Queen, Prince & Princess Will be Crowned Donation: $20.00 per person. Seating is limited Make your check payable to: Columbian Squires Circle #5481 Send to:Jim Monforte 133-29 83rd street Ozone Park, N.Y. 11417 Or call 646 610Rummage Sale Holy Child Jesus Church Monsignor Murray Hall 11-02 86th Ave. Richmond Hill 11418 Saturday, April 13th, 9am6pm and Sunday April 14th , 9am –4pm To Benefit Holy Child Jesus Parish and School We will be accepting donations of new and gently used items Excluding : Magazines, Tupperware, linens and blankets. Drop offs will be accepted only on Thursday April 11th, 5-9pm & FridayApril12th, 9am –4pm in the gym. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions at (718)-847-1860 Concetta Grabowski Patricia Popik Jofia Cotto Vito Vendegna Haven Hobbs Marie Costigliola Emily Gargiulo Marianne Puglia Alfonsina Miller Mary Kinsky Stella Viscardi Mary Maletta Barbara Martuscello Eleanor Martuscello Anthony Marsicano Elizabeth Smith Cecylia Frankowska Linda Greco Edward Szarek Anne Marie Vayda Isha Omrow Mary Ann Franzese Christian Burial Please pray for those recently passed, John Lauria, Ralph Ceparano, Pauline Baer, Joseph Naimoli Troop 588 does it all Hiking, Camping, Canoeing and Repelling We meet in Nativity’s rectory on Friday’s at 7:30pm This is an opportunity for you and your son to go to Summer, Camp, Canoe, Kayak, Fish, Rappel, Camp-out, build Camp fires and make new friends and memories. For more information on Scouting and how you can get involved call James Bleakney at 718-641-4332 or 917-658-9594 Save the Date Nativity Alumni Luncheon Honoring Sr. Regina Delaney (Sr. Immaculata) Saturday, May 25, 2013 @ 12noon in Nativity Church Hall $20pp All are welcome . NO tickets sold at the Door Deadline for tickets is Monday, May 15th. For more information call Annette at 718-843-1046 or email: [email protected] . Make check payable to Nativity BVM Alumni Association ATTENTION EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION. There are a number of parishioners, who are homebound and unable to attends mass. The Parish’s Eucharistic ministers who can devote their time and want to help the Parish with this service, please call the rectory @ 718-845-3691. Thank you Fr Paul Party with the Rat Pack Highly skilled in improvisation , comedy and live Interactive performance. By the Rotary Club of Southwest Queens and Order Sons of Italy in America. Join us for a night you will never forget April 11, at La Bella Vita , 106-09 Rockaway Blvd. Ozone Park, 11417 Buffet Dinner and Show, $50pp paid in advance, $60. at the door , Doors open at 7pm . For more information or to purchase tickets call: 347-926-3208. 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal Nativity of the BVM/St. Stanislaus B&M is once again please to participate in the Brooklyn diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal for this year is $58,850. To date our Parish has achieved : Pledged $21,110- 35.0% Received $15,125- 19.8% Donors 117 –11.3% Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration Saturday . April 27th @ 11am @ Immaculate Conception Church 86-45 Edgerton Blvd, Jamaica NY 11432 All couples celebrating their Anniversary 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and above Are invited to attend with their families. This is a beautiful celebration of love and commitment. All couples will have an opportunity to renew their wedding vows, they will receive a personalized certificate signed by Bishop DiMarzio and will be greeted by a bishop at the end of the Mass, Light refreshments to follow. To register, please call the rectory by April 8th. The fee is $35.00 per couple. Attention Sr. Ave Clark’s Mini Mary Retreat Thursday, May 16th after the 9am Mass All are welcome Information The Holy Name Society next meeting will be on Sunday, April 14th in the church hall with mass to follow at 10:30am. Seniors (NSS) meeting on Thursday May 2nd, in the Church hall, Donuts coffee served and Bingo and 50/50. RCIA NEWS We welcomed into our Catholic Family the following people who received all the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil: Bianca Caputo, Tiffany Caputo, Craig Forman and Miguel Luque. We also welcomed into full Communion with th Catholic Faith, who received Communion and Confirmation : Arthur Weber. The following people received their First Communion and Confirmation also at the Easter Vigil: Evergy Estrella, Joseph Gitlitz, Nicole Gitlitz, Taylor Gitlitz, Carmen Pacheco and Saul Rodriguez. We Congratulate them all and ask for God’s continued Blessings as they continue this beautiful journey of Faith. Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 6th Annual Family Fashion Show Thursday, April 18. ROMA VIEW CATERERS 6:00-10:00PM Tickets Adult: $55pp Children $25per child Senior over 65:$50, (you may pay in installments if this is beneficial to you) Ticket Orders due by April 4th. Call the school for additional information @718-845-3074 There will be a hot dinner buffet, Coffee and Dessert and raffles & DJ. Information St. John’s University Speech and Hearing Center will be offering Hearing Aid Help from January 31 through May 13, 2013. This is a free service and is available for anyone who has a hearing aid and may be experiencing some difficulty caring for it or using it. Please call the center at (718) 990-6480 to schedule an appointment. Also SJUSC will be offering free speech and hearing screenings for the same time period. The center is located at 15211 Union Turnpike, Flushing NY 11439 Healing Mass celebrated by Fr. Claudio Antencini on Thursday, April 25th, in Nativity Church DIVINE MERCY CATHOLIC ACADEMY Registration for September 2013 Full o half day Pre-K for 3 and 4year olds Full Day Kindergarten Grades 1-7 Please call the school at 718-845-3074 or visit our website for more information. Society of St.Vincent de Paul Gives Back Nativity of the BVM-St. Stanislaus B&M should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van running or not the Society will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member or friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. Thank You for your participation. Diferencias entre cuerpo, alma y espíritu – Lectura Bíblica 1 de Tesalonicenses 5,23: “Que el Dios de la paz los ayude a vivir como corresponde a auténticos creyentes; que todo su ser – espíritu, alma y cuerpo- se conserve sin falta alguna para la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo”. Cuando San Pablo menciona espíritu, alma y cuerpo no pretende enseñar la existencia de 3 partes físicamente separadas en el hombre, lo que pretende es subrayar que la totalidad del hombre está bajo la protección divina y que todo el hombre es sujeto y objeto de la salvación divina. Es decir el cuerpo, alma y espíritu forman un solo ser, hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios. La imagen, tiene que ver con la vida interior, tenemos la vida de Dios, Dios creó al hombre por un soplo y le dio vida, ese soplo es la vida de Dios que se dispensa en el hombre creando el espíritu humano, la semejanza tiene que ver con el aspecto exterior. Dios nos creó a su semejanza, fuimos creados tomados de un molde y ese molde es Dios mismo. , Dios ha comprometido con los hombres su fidelidad y por mucha que sea la fragilidad del hombre, es mayor la fidelidad de Dios Diferencias entre cuerpo, alma y espíritu – Definición ¿Qué es el cuerpo? El Cuerpo es la cobertura externa del hombre, Dios creó esta cobertura externa para que lo reflejemos, el cuerpo es la casa de Dios. En otras palabras el cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu Santo. ¿Qué es el alma? El alma es la expresión de la personalidad del ser humano, el alma está formada por mente, voluntad y emociones. ¿Qué es el Espíritu? Por el espíritu humano tenemos vida y en este espíritu humano es donde habita Dios, por lo cual podemos decir que el espíritu humano es el órgano por medio del cual nos comunicamos con Dios. El espíritu humano tiene 3 funciones Intuición, conciencia y comunión. The Commemoration of the Day of the Unborn Child at Nativity of the BVM on March 25, Pastor Paul C. Palmiotto and the 4th Degree Honor Guard of the Knights of Columbus. Church Name: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church City: Ozone Park, NY Account Number: 04-1009 Routing Code: B Run Number: 6 Phone Number: 718-845-3691 Contact: Fr. Paul Palmiotto Transmission day and time is scheduled for Tuesdays by 2:30pm.
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Sunday—July 28th & August 4th fom 10am –4pm
Dates for bringing donations :
Monday thru Friday beginning July 8th, from 10am-3pm & 6pm-8pm