MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church St
MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church St
101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416 Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978 Email: [email protected] Website: Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor Rev. Angelo B. Pezzullo, Parochial Vicar Rev. Andrzej Salwowski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Reinaldo Saldarriaga, Parochial Vicar Deacon Andrew A. Marchello, Retired Deacon Edward J. Guster, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Perretta, Religious Education Director Michael Zabrocki, Director of Music Ministry Marylou Bermingham, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Italian), 10:30 AM 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Filipino 3rd Sunday of ea. month) & 6:30 PM Daily Mass: 7:00 AM, 8:00 & 9:00 AM (No 8:00 Mass in July & August) Saturday Mass: 9:00 AM • Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) Holy Days of Obligation: As announced in the bulletin St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Church Location-Rockaway Bld. & 88th St. Sunday Masses: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (Polish) & 12:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Saturday and Sunday by appointment only SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: We celebrate this sacrament on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at Nativity and the 2nd & 3rd Sundays at St. Stanislaus (must have original birth certificate). Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Parishioners who are intending to marry must contact the Rectory at least six months before the date on which they wish to marry to begin their pre-marital preparation for this sacred event in their lives. ANYONE WHO INTENDS TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM OR MATRIMONY MUST BE A PARISHIONER WITH ENVELOPES (FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS) . SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: This Sacrament is offered every Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Nativity only. For confession at other times please contact one of the priests, for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please notify a priest whenever anyone is seriously ill and wishes to receive this special sacrament. Anyone can receive this sacrament on the First Saturday of each month during the 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity BVM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: This office provides for the Religious formation, and also the sacramental preparation for children of our parish who wish to receive First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation must be a parishioner (receive envelopes.) To register or for any further information, please call the Religious Education Director (718-845-1524). SCHOOL: Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 101-60 92nd Street, Ozone Park, NY 11416 Tel: 718-845-3074 • Fax: 718-845-5068 Sister Francis Marie, C.S.F.N., Principal Mary Romanello, Secretary, Ext. 110 Mission Statement: The Parish of Nativity of the BVM –St. Stanislaus B&M is a community of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Our purpose is to evangelize and to provide a home for all who seek to deepen their Faith . We will continue to respect our cultural traditions while responding to the changing needs of our community. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday,, June 29th-Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles 9:00am Vito Gualtieri (Birthday) By daughter Teresa 5:30pm Paul Magula By Caroline Catapano & family Gino Sferrazza By sister, Beatrice 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest St Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sunday, June 30th-Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Patricia Geremia By Alina Aniela Podgorczyk By Maria & Tadeusz Dworniczak & rodzina Mr. & Mrs Jan Lizak (50th Anniversary) By Children & Granchidlren Sunday, June 30th-Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Aly & Theresa Merola By Woods family 9:00am Fortunato LoBello By wife & children 10:30am Catholic War Veterans 12:00noon Patricia Geremia By Connie & Jane 6:30pm Intentions of the Priest Monday, July 1st-Blessed Junipero Serra 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am NO MASS 9:00am John T. Murphy, (Birthday) Love, Vinnie & Kathleen Tuesday, July 2nd7:00 am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am NO MASS 9:00am Dec Mbrs. of Lorca family By Sally Wednesday, July 3rd– St. Thomas the Apostle 7:00am Sylvia Ranalli By Regina Motreuil 8:00am NO MASS 9:00am Jackie Pokoradi By Szewczyk family Thursday, July 4th– Independence Day_- Rectory Closed 7:00am NO MASS 8:00am NO MASS 9:00am Charles Hucke &Thomas Mendolia By Hucke family Friday, July 5th–St. Anthony & St. Elizabeth 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am NO MASS 9:00am Deceased Members By Sacred Heart Society Saturday, July 6th-St. Maria Goretti 9:00am Christian (Birthday) By Pezzullo family 5:30pm Adam Adamczyk By Karim 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest Sunday, July 7th-Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00noon 6:30pm Intentions of the Priest Baby Jesus By Maria Pisanillo Patrick Divers By Pressimone family Anthony Russo By Florence Russo Linda Scagnelli By Michael Niemczyk Sunday, July 7th-Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Mary Lipka By Joyce & Ken Keller Frances Smith By Sacred Heart Society Mary Lipka By Jozefa Kula & family Stewardship Collection for the weekend of June 22nd & 23rd Nativity Church Saturday 5:30pm 7:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9.00 am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30[pm 6:30pm Total Donations 774 700 602 194 670 1,428 St Stanislaus Church Sunday 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Total Donations 707 629 115 $ 1,451 175 $4,543 Altar Bread In loving Memory of Alexander Bien-Aime Donated by Daughter, Marclaine Divine Mercy Catholic Academy Registration for September 2013 Full half day Pre-K for 3 and 4yr. Olds Full day Kindergarten Grade 1-7 Please call the school at (718) 845-3074 or visit our website for more information. The Sick of Our Parish Tara Sanfillipo John Moretto Alexander Brook John Croce Anthony Madonna Autilia Polisi Angela Barillaro Anthony Cappiello Virginia Conti William Sepe Gladys Helguero Adele Milano Nicole Carlino Mary Kiely Anne Zaremski Joseph Kellen Desirene Gomez Anne Liotta Concetta Grabowski Patricia Popik Vito Vendegna Haven Hobbs Marie Costigliola Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy Provided by New York State licensed therapists and are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 39 years for the convenience of Parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation , which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies including Medicare are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our websites at: TACHS EXAM St. John Preparatory School (21-21 Crescent St, Astoria 11105). TACHS 2013 Program begins Saturday, Sept 21. In September St. John’s will be offering 7 review classes for the 2013. TACHS exam that will be given on November 9, 2013. These classes will review the mathematical & English concepts covered in the TACHS exam as well as test taking Strategies . It will also include timed tests so that students become comfortable with the timing of the exam. There is a deposit of $100 non-refundable needed paid by July 19 and the balance due of $175 on August 23. You can register on line and pay with a credit card by going to SIX Women take Vows as the Little Sisters of the Poor Cardinal Dolan Presided at a Mass of Religious Profession at St. Ann Novitiate, Queens Village, on Saturday, June 1. In his homily Cardinal Dolan reminded the six novices that they were dedicating themselves to being the heartbeat of Jesus, tenderness incarnate, in treating God’s people: first of all in receiving his love for them, gratefully, humbly, every day –and then in returning that love with tenderness to his people. The message seemed to strike not only the six making profession , but also the five novices seated in front row at Mass. They were there to support Sr. Mairead Regina from Ireland, Sr. Malia Cecilia and Sr. Malia Makalita, from the Kingdom of Tonga, Sr. Mary Gerard of the Cross, from Syracuse, NY, Sr. Sharon of the Sacred Heart from Elmhurst, NY; as well as Sr. Elizabeth Mary, as they pronounced vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and a special fourth vow, hospitality. After the Mass, the Cardinal and those making profession we presented with leis by the families of the Sisters from the South Pacific. The newly –professed learned their new assignment, which will take them to little Sisters’ Homes for the aged in Dublin, Ireland; Sydney Australia: Totowa, NJ San Francisco and San Pedro CA and Pittsburg, PA. Emily Gargiulo Marianne Puglia Alfonsina Miller Mary Kinsky Stella Viscardi Mary Maletta Barbara Martuscello Eleanor Martuscello Anthony Marsicano Elizabeth Smith Cecylia Frankowska Linda Greco Ed Szarek Anne Marie Vayda Isha Omrow Mary Ann Franzese Freida Pastore Wailani Torres J Christian Burial Please pray for those recently passed, Carmela Pecchio, James Joseph Kennedy SAVE THE DATE Nativity Church Hall Blood Drive Saturday, August 24 From 3:30pm to 8:00pm Eligibility Criteria: ID with signature or photo Minimum weight 110lbs. Age 16-75 (16ys old need parents permission) Over 75 need doctors note. Eat well & drink fluids No tattoos for past 12 months If you would like to donate Blood on August 24th, please fill out the pledge form to the left and drop in box at the back of the Church. Someone will then contact you to make an appointment. For more information contact Ms. Patricia Kistner at 718-835-6853 Prayer for Vocations Generous God, You show us the way that leads to everlasting life.Through Baptism you have called us to proclaim the Good News. Bless and strengthen those who have made a commitment of service to the Church.Guide and give wisdom to those discerning their vocation.Enrich our Church with dedicated married and single people, with deacons, priests and with people in consecrated life.Filled with your Holy Spirit we ask this blessing that we, your people, may follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd, now and always. Amen 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal Nativity of the BVM/St. Stanislaus B&M is once again please to participate in the Brooklyn diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal for this year is $58,850. To date our Parish has achieved : Pledged $46,910- 79.7% Received $37,875– 64.4% Donors 249 –25.8% of Parishioners Thank You to the Golden Age Club of Nativity for their donation to the ramp of $250. Thank you to all who attended the Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child on March 25, through the direct donations from the Knights, the Holy Name and Catholic War Vets and most of all the collection plate, we were able to send $620. to the Bridge for Life Organization. Attention Now that Summer is here, please remember that the Church is God’s House and should be respected. Therefore, appropriate attire should be Mass. No Tank tops, short shorts or revealing clothing. Boy Scout Troop 588 does it all Hiking, Camping, Canoeing and Repelling We meet in Nativity’s rectory on Friday’s at 7:30pm This is an opportunity for you and your son to go to Summer, Camp, Canoe, Kayak, Fish, Rappel, Camp-out, build Camp fires and make new friends and memories. For more information on Scouting and how you can get involved call James Bleakney at 718-641-4332 or 917-658-9594 World Wide Marriage Encounter Refresh your marriage and take a vacation from the pressure of life by experiencing the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Deepen and enrich your relationship. This is much more than a Vacation. Apply on line at, or call 877 NYS WWME. Weekend date July 26-28, Nov.1-3. Society of St.Vincent de Paul Gives Back Nativity of the BVM-St. Stanislaus B&M should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van running or not the Society will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member or friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 4912525. Thank You for your participation. Fr. Angelo Pezzullo official retirement Mass was on June 23 @ 12noon, celebrated with friends and family. Fr. Angelo after 51years as a Priest will retire on June 30, he will be in residence at Nativity of the BVM. Left to right: Carmen , Ralph, Fr. Angelo and David Pezzullo, along with Sister Maria Colabella. Photo by Pielgrzymka Fatima –Lourdes – Rome St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint B’kyn Kochani Księża, badzcie tak uprzejmi i ogloscie w swoich biuletynach te pielgrzymke. Organizuja ja kaplan z poludnia New Jersey, jest sporo oplat zrobionych, lecz on zachorowal powaznie i potrzebuje pomocy w zdobyciu ludzi, glownie amerykanow.. Prosil mnie o to znany podroznik Jurek Majcherczyk, z ktorym bylem na pielgrzymkach i jest to pewna firma. Dzieki ————————————————————————Catholic Pilgrimage to Fatima , Lisbon, Barcelona, Lourdes and Rome. 11 days October 1525, 2013. By Classic Travel 973-473-3845 or toll free 800-774-6996 or email: [email protected]. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” If you are considering a vocation to the Priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life; contact the Vocation office at (718) 827-2454. All Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors . Please pick up your schedule from the Sacristy. The Parish of Nativity BVM –St. Stanislaus B&M will be having a Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 22nd in the Nativity church hall. WAŻNE: Parafia Nativity BVM-Św. Stanisława B&M organizuje Kiermasz Duszpasterski (pod patronatem wszystkich Grup Parafialnych - Organizacji i Stowarzyszeń) - Termin: 22 wrzesień St. Mary Gate of Heaven is hosting a Pilgrimage to : Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine Litchfield, Conn. Sunday, August 11 Price $38.pp Price includes Lunch and transportation bus departs at 8:20am in Front of the Church. Check should be made out to Blessed Virgin Mary Society and Left at the rectory. For additional information call 718-4416022 . Checks can also be mailed to Ida Hillmeyer, 105-17 103rd Avenue, Ozone Park, NY 11417 Saint Thomas the Apostle’s Annual Rummage Sale Msgr. Mulz Hall 8808 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421( fo information call (718) 847-1353 Sale Dates Saturday –July 27th & August 3rd from 9am-5pm Sunday—July 28th & August 4th fom 10am –4pm Dates for bringing donations : Monday thru Friday beginning July 8th, from 10am-3pm & 6pm-8pm Donations can only be accepted at the Gym (Do not leave anywhere else) The following cannot be accepted : Computers (cpu’s & monitors) Mattresses Large Furniture Magazines Televisions Encyclopedias Large excerise equipment Medical equipment Reader’s Digest Como salir del laberinto? La vida mis queridos hermanos realmente es como un laberinto, iniciamos nuestro camino y nos encontramos con paredes que obstaculizan nuestro tránsito, nos encontramos con la pared de los problemas familiares, ya sea con nuestros hijos, nuestro cónyuge o nuestros padres. Esto nos hace sufrir y a veces hasta llorar, seguimos nuestro camino y nos podemos encontrar con la pared de las enfermedades, cuando se enferma un familiar realmente sufrimos mucho sobre todo si se trata de una enfermedad terminal, seguimos nuestro camino y nos podemos encontrar con la pared de los problemas económicos, seguimos caminando por este laberinto y en algún momento nos podemos encontrar con la pared de perder un ser querido, perder un hijo, nuestros padres o nuestro esposo o esposa, realmente es muy duro. Todas estas situaciones en algún momento nos rodean y nos ponen entre la espada y la pared, ¿qué hacer entonces? ¿Qué camino debo tomar? ¿Cuál será la decisión correcta? Esta pregunta y muchas parecidas han asaltado por años a hombres y mujeres inmersos en profundas crisis cuando todo alrededor parece estar en contra y las soluciones no se aprecian en la distancia. Hoy te quiero compartir el tema “4 pasos para salir del laberinto”, En nuestra vida práctica nos encontramos rodeados con problemas que aparentemente no tienen solución Qué hacer en estos casos? Primero vencer la Incertidumbre, es imposible en casos de angustia tener paz, aunque seamos fieles a Dios, aunque tengamos a Dios en nuestras vidas, la duda nos ataca, la duda es un estado emocional que está a la puerta, cuando consideramos que todo punto de fortaleza en el que hemos confiado se desmorona ante nuestros ojos, la pregunta sería como vencemos la incertidumbre? Vencemos la incertidumbre depositándonos en manos de Dios y reconociendo que la victoria no es por nuestras fuerzas humanas limitadas, victoria es por la fuerza de Dios. Segundo paso ver los problemas con los ojos de Dios, cuando tenemos a Cristo en nuestras vidas quien con nosotros? Cuando depositamos la confianza en el Señor aprendemos a mirar los problemas no en dimensión humana los veremos con los ojos de Dios. El tercer punto orar a Dios con confianza mantenerse firme ante el peligro, esto lo hacemos a través de la oración que es un medio para pedir ayuda nos da bendiciones. Cuarto orar siempre como cristiano obrar como cristiano es muchas veces difícil, pero acudamos a Dios El conoce de nuestras debilidades. Estos cuatro principios nos ayudaran a encontrar a nuestro Salvador. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Missionary Sunday July 6 & 7th To be held at St. Elizabeth’s Church, 94-20 85th Street, in the rectory basement (enter through the passageway to the right of the rectory front door) Beginning in September 2013-1:30-2:30pm, on the fourth Sunday of each Month. Sept. 22nd-Oct. 27th-Nov. 24thDec.22nd-Jan 26th-Feb. 23rd March 23rd-April 27th-May 25th and final June 22nd. For more information call Sister Jareth at 718-296-4900 Fr. Grzegorz Ruszaj, CSSR. will speak on behalf of the Redemptorists ministries in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan; sharing his experience of the missionary work, praying with you and asking for support. The are planning to build a church and a parish pastoral center in Togliatti (Central Russia)almost 1 million people live there and there is no Catholic Church in this city. The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was founded in Scala near Naples, Italy in 1732 by St. Alphonsus Liguori. At present there are 5300 Redemptorists, as we are commonly called, serving people across the world in 78 countries. Our motto is :Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio” meaning “With Him there is Plentiful Redemption. Church Name: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church City: Ozone Park, NY Account Number: 04-1009 Routing Code: B Run Number: 6 Phone Number: 718-845-3691 Contact: Fr. Paul Palmiotto Transmission day and time is scheduled for Tuesdays by 2:30pm.
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101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416
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Email: [email protected]
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Email: [email protected]
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