Programme - Scientific Organizing Service
Programme - Scientific Organizing Service
Friday, May 3 , 2013 RD 10.15 EGFR mutation and resistance: EGFR TKI’s at disease progression F. Cappuzzo (Livorno, I) 10.30 EGFR mutation and c-MET driven resistance: tivantinib E. Smit (Amsterdam, NL) 10.45 EGFR mutation and c-MET driven resistance: onartuzumab D. Spigel (Nashville, USA) 11.00 Break 11.15 Treatment of advanced NSCLC with ALK rearrangement: crizotinib and others F. Hirsch (Denver, USA) 11.30 Chemotherapy of advanced NSCLC with EGFR mutation or ALK rearrangement C. Gridelli (Avellino, I) 11.45 New molecular targets and development of new drugs F. Ciardiello (Naples, I) 12.00 Discussion 13.30 Lunch 15.00 A Consensus for clinical practice Facilitator: T. Mok (Hong Kong, HK) Experts Panel Meeting Chairmen: F. de Marinis (Rome, I) C. Gridelli (Avellino, I) Panelists: F. Cappuzzo (Livorno, I) F. Ciardiello (Naples, I) F. de Marinis (Rome, I C. Gridelli (Avellino, I) F. Hirsch (Denver, USA) T. Mok (Hong Kong, HK) R. Rosell (Barcelona, E) E. Smit (Amsterdam, NL) D. Spigel (Nashville, USA) J.Yang (Taipei, TW) 09.00 Welcome and AIOT activity presentation C. Gridelli (Avellino - I) International Consensus Experts Panel story and End points F. de Marinis (Rome, I) 09.15 09.30 09.45 10.00 Treatment of advanced NSCLC harbouiring EGFR mutation: gefitinib T. Mok (Hong Kong, HK) Treatment of NSCLC advanced harbouring EGFR mutation: erlotinib F. de Marinis (Rome, I) Treatment of advanced NSCLC harbouring EGFR mutation: afatinib J.Yang (Taipei, TW) EGFR mutation: mechanisms of drug resistance R. Rosell (Barcelona, E) 16.30 A Consensus for clinical research Facilitator: F. Ciardiello (Naples, I) 18.00 Position Slide Presentation Coordinator: C. Gridelli (Avellino, I) 19.30 Basis for a position paper Coordinator: F. de Marinis (Rome, I) Friday, May 3 , 2013 RD International Meeting L’International Experts Panel Meeting è organizzato da AIOT negli anni dispari, ad anni alterni con la CIOT, dal 2009. The International Experts Panel Meeting is organized by AIOT in odd years, on alternate years with CIOT, from 2009. Gli IEPs sono dedicati a quegli argomenti, oggetto di controversia nel settore dell’Oncologia Toracica, con l’obiettivo di trovare un consenso internazionale e stilare alcune raccomandazioni. The IEPs are dedicated on vexed topics in thoracic oncology field, in order to find an international consensus and to draft some advices. I Panelist sono stati selezionati tra i principali KOL internazionali esperti nel campo dell’oncologia toracica. The Panelist were been chosed among famous international KOL experienced in thoracic oncology. Il primo giorno il “Panel” discute gli argomenti preassegnati a ciascun componente a “porte chiuse”. On the first day the “Panel” discusses assigned topics to each panelist behind “closed doors”. La diffusione dei risultati degli IEPs (convenuti il 3 maggio 2013) avviene attraverso un servizio di “Streaming” a disposizione dei soci nell’area a loro riservata all’interno del sito web AIOT The spreading of the IEPs results (agreed on May 3rd 2013) occurs by a streaming service, for all AIOT members, in their reserved area on the AIOT website Il giorno 4 maggio 2013, alle ore 9.00, i soci digitando le loro credenziali di accesso all’area a loro riservata potranno assistere in diretta alle relazioni dei panelist e alla comunicazione dei risultati convenuti. May 4th 2013, at 9.00 a.m., the members who are interested to follow in real time the panelist’s speeches and the communication of the agreed results, will be able to enter in the reserved section, signing their log-in and password. The editing of a paper on an international index review will follow. All’evento seguirà anche la pubblicazione di un paper su una rivista internazionale indexata. SI RINGRAZIA SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT AIOT - Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Toracica Via Salaria, 237 - 00199 Roma Ph. +(39) 333 65 93 541 - Fax (+39) 06 85 40 679 [email protected] - ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT by SOS S.r.l. Via Salaria, 237 - 00199 Roma Ph. (+39) 333 65 93 541 - Fax (+39) 06 85 40 679 - [email protected]
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