March 2014 - Honiton Community College


March 2014 - Honiton Community College
Honiton Community College
The Principal Writes
As Easter approaches, the College has moved into overdrive. Staff at Honiton College run
homework, study catch-up and booster sessions all year, but as the exam window for
Year 11 and our Sixth Form approaches, the timetable of opportunities burgeons exponentially! Sessions have
been running every day since Christmas, both during lunchtimes and after school, and there is a very busy Easter
programme that staff have put on voluntarily. Please make sure, if they are applicable to your child, that they
attend these important booster/revision sessions. The role of parents/carers in the build up, and successful
completion, of examinations must never be underestimated. Both Parents/Carers and staff must continuously
support and encourage, not browbeat, to make sure prior planning and preparation is made.
Lately, we have reviewed and evaluated our systems and practises in order to move forward with our goal to be
an outstanding school, and plans are being implemented accordingly. Our vision remains the same – “Everyone at
Honiton College believes in themselves and their potential to succeed, because they are empowered to develop
their own solutions and shape their own futures” – the vision will be reality.
This term we ran another successful ski trip to Zell Am Zee, Austria and have again hosted students and staff from
our partner school in Strasbourg, France. Trips and exchanges abroad are an important aspect of any school. They
offer our students the chance to explore different cultures, meet different people and experience fantastic
opportunities that as adults we might not ever be fortunate enough to repeat. Most importantly I believe they
help promote and develop life-long transferable skills that students need to be successful whatever career they
decide on.
Recently, our Science department has organised a very enjoyable and engaging Science Week programme.
Hundreds of students from the College and our primary partners have taken part in trips and events. Science is an
extremely important subject that can open the door to a vast number of further education and career choices. I
am extremely pleased that my staff take the promotion of their subjects so seriously – well done!
Mr Richard Stones, will be moving to Somerset College after Easter to take up an exciting role as a Computer
Science Lecturer. Miss Rachel Phillips, our ever-efficient Examinations Officer, will be moving all the way to South
Africa! She has made the commendable decision to help set up a rhino protection trust – a very worthy cause.
Finally, Mrs Wendy Collins will be retiring this Easter. Wendy is the longest serving teacher in Honiton; well
respected and liked she will be truly missed. Best wishes to them as they embark on the next chapter of their
lives. The College has already appointed Mrs Loren Pidgeon as our new Examinations Officer, and is in the
processes of recruiting replacements for Richard and Wendy.
Uniform outgrown rather than outworn?
Would you be interested in donating items to a ‘Uniform Swap Shop’?
Donated items will then be available to swap for alternative size/item or a
small donation.
If you have items that you would like to donate please pass to
Michelle Clements in the Student Office (next to Main Reception).
Miss Adams, Assistant Principal
highlighted many strengths, but it
recognised the dip in the performance of some subjects in 2013,
and therefore, under the new
inspection framework the College
was judged to require improvement. The College was significantly
affected by changes in grade boundaries.
This ‘grade turbulence’
impacted on a high number of
schools, on a national as well as a
local level. Whilst all staff and
governors are committed to bringing about further success to add to
that previously enjoyed and
standards are rising, they are not
yet consistently good in all aspects
of the College; this was, and still is,
the focus for us. Inspectors did
acknowledge that attainment of
current Year Groups was improving.
astic and hard working in lessons.
The inspectors also noted that our
students, including those in the
sixth form, take great pride in their
College and are good ambassadors
who take an active role in the many
changes that have been implemented. The caring and welcoming
ethos is reflected in the positive
relationships between students and
staff, who know the students as
individuals, and this contributes to
the typically friendly and purposeful
atmosphere in lessons.
Also, teaching in the sixth form is
good and as a consequence
students make good progress.
The students are very positive
about the quality of teaching they
receive in the sixth form being
particularly appreciative of the
Many strengths but College still
needs to improve
The report actually highlights and
celebrates many positives. Probably the most significant was the
behaviour of students; they demonstrated positive attitudes towards
their learning, being eager, enthusi-
considerable extra help and support
they have from staff. Ultimately,
they were very well prepared for
their next steps in higher education,
training or employment. Numbers
post-16 continue to rise in-line with
standards and outcomes.
The curriculum is innovative and
caters for the needs of all students
and their spiritual, moral, social and
cultural development is of high
quality. There are a wide range of
extra-curricular opportunities that
are provided for them that develop
clear, personal values and make an
impact on College life, and students
make exceptionally good use of
The governing body was judged to
be strong, demonstrating a good
grasp of current College performance, including the quality of
teaching and students’ rate of
progress and achievement.
challenges and holds the College to
account in positive ways.
Significantly, the College Executive
Leadership Team was deemed to
have a secure capacity to bring
about further improvement. The
inspectors recognized that the
Principal has ensured all staff, leaders and governors now have a
thorough understanding of how
well the College is doing and what
needs to be done to improve.
ACCELERATED READER - Reading Champions
Year 7 and 8 make
fantastic progress
with reading
Since November, all our Year 7 and 8s have been
reading every day at school for half an hour.
They read their own choice of book, at a level
that suits their ability. We call this time DEAR
(Drop Everything And Read).
I spoke to some of our students to ask what they
thought of it now. Max in Year 8 said “It gives
me a reason to read. I didn’t used to bother. At
first during DEAR time I didn’t concentrate that
much, but I can read more pages at a time now.”
Ryan said “I never used to read, but once I found
this writer I liked, I read them all. That’s
Anthony Horowitz. I started with the Dangerous
Brothers, and now I’ve finished them I’m onto
the Alex Ryder books”. Joel said he changed his
mind about it once he found a really good book
(he recommends a book called “After” which is
set in World War 2). Another student commented that she thinks it’s improving her spelling.
Just a few of the CHAMPION READERS in Year 7 who
made the most progress in their year
This reading time is part of a bigger program
called AR (Accelerated Reader). Once they’ve
finished their book, the students log on to a
school computer and complete a quiz on that
Here’s what some year 7s said about AR:
Luke said “Before, people would mess around
when they should be reading, but if you know
you’ve got a quiz, it means you have to think
about the book”. Luke said he loves quizzing,
“I’ve got 100% on most of my quizzes so far”.
Jess said “I love it. I found a new author and a
new genre I really like. And I’ve gone up a
colour!”. Faye said she thinks it’s good you can
reflect on what you’ve done and see what you
got wrong in AR, and she likes being able to see
all the books you’ve read.
We got everyone to do a quick reading test at
the start, to check what their reading ability was
last October. After 3 months of DEAR and quizzing time, January came, and students completed a second “Star” reading test, so that we could
see who is making progress, and by how much.
Year 8 CHAMPION READERS – those who have made
the most progress in their year
And the results? More than half of each year group have
increased their reading age by at least 6 months since we
began! These photos show just some of the students who
have made this kind of progress – and these are some of our
top readers, because they have made more than one year’s
progress in just 3 months!
We have had to buy more books for our Library, because
the students are getting through them faster than ever
before. Next time we check on our progress, let’s see
whose faces will be in the CHAMPIONS picture . . .
Dr Kirby
Brittany Lakin a Year 12 art student, has
produced an acrylic painting entitled
‘Memories’ which is being shown in the
Thelma Hulbert Gallery in Honiton.
The painting will be on display from now
until 25 April, when it will then be sold in
a fundraising auction, the profits of which
will go to the Honiton Memory Café,
Honiton Hospital League of Friends and
The Thelma Hulbert Gallery’s Learning
Programme. The auction will be undertaken by Chilcott’s Auctioneers in the
evening of 25 April.
Mr Skelding and Mrs Fawcett
took eight Year 9 girls to Women
into Construction
at Exeter
College (Sowton Industrial Estate)
for an Interactive Day to enable
students to gain a taste of three
construction trades; carpentry,
The day went well from start to
finish. Mr Skelding drove the
College mini bus.
including Mr Skelding and
Mrs Fawcett had smiles on their
faces the majority of the day. The
girls said the bricklaying was the
most challenging yet most enjoyable.
We finished the afternoon by
treating the girls with ice cream
for their superb behaviour, not
just all day, but all year. Well
Karina Palmer, Kat Nellist, Lucy
Wilson, Heather Prince, Shannon
Jeffery, Amelia Hibbert, Mylissa
Jones and Olivia Miller-Ratcliffe.
Miss Fawcett
Sport Relief Bake Off
I would like to thank the staff who made cakes for Sport Relief Bake Off. What a talented lot of bakers we have!
Judging took over an hour and Mrs Baden and Mrs Real, our very own Mary Berry and Delia Smith took the job
seriously; looking at texture, taste, aroma and decorative skills all helped to decide the winners.
The winners were:
1st Dr Bawn
2nd Mrs Duncan
3rd Mrs Dunn
Tennis shoe and sweatband - true Wimbledon style - with strawberry filling.
Walnut heart-shaped cake.
Red velvet cake with running heart topping.
Highly Commended:
Miss Adams
Miss Flynn
Half-pipe ski slope.
Curling stone.
The total raised was £110 donated by eager staff wishing to purchase slices of the cake at break-time.
Mrs Clegg
Police dog visit to College
The College hosted a visit from the Devon & Cornwall police dog handler, PC Geoff Turner-Moore,
as well as the special guest Oscar. Oscar is one of
five dogs that work for D&C Police. The dog and
their handler will perform a variety of duties,
including bomb detection, crowd control and
passive and proactive drug detection. PC TurnerMoore gave a very interesting talk on his role and
that of Oscar, and students in Year 10 agreed it
was very informative as well as enjoyable.
The students were then given the chance to meet
Oscar up close and he enjoyed all the attention.
The local Police have a great relationship with the
College and our PCSOs Hayley Taylor and Darren
England are always available to offer advice to
teachers, students and their parents.
Mr Smith thanked them for visiting the College
and PC Hayley Taylor for facilitating the talk (over
the next few weeks every year group will have
the opportunity).
Mrs Baden shortlisted for the Express & Echo’s Sports Awards
Mrs Baden is an excellent ambassador for the College and has always
put the interests of students
first. She started at the College in
1983 on a supply basis and temporary contracts before her full-time
permanent post and has given 31
years of service. During this time
she has helped numerous members
of staff in their teaching careers and
has helped train many new entrants
to the profession. She will also be
remembered by the students as the
member of staff who always went
that extra mile for them; whether it
was organising trips during her own
holiday time or using weekends to
experiences. Mrs Baden has held many posts
within the College including Head of
Fortescue House and co-Head of the
PE Department and used her skills
and expertise to further the enjoyment of the College's students. She
is also helping the College's staff
today by being the lead on the
College's staff social committee, Mrs
Baden has organised many leaving
and end of term events and is legendary in the staffroom for her
cookery skills – her sausage rolls
cannot be beaten! Mrs Baden is
now heading for a well-deserved
retirement and we wish her well for
the future.
Mrs Baden has worked tirelessly
over the years to offer thousands of
students the opportunity to take
part in recreational and competitive
sport. She has put in countless
hours coaching, administering and
leading athletics teams in Devon
and spent many weekends travelling
to regional and national championships.
volunteering, many of the events
and teams would not have run.
Mrs Baden has been an integral part
of the East Devon School Sports
Association for a great many years –
championing, encouraging, volun-
teering, organising and nagging
other PE professionals into offering
more opportunities to students.
Most lunchtimes, most evenings,
most weekends, she can be found
promoting the benefits of sport to
students – her energy seems to
know no bounds.
In February, thirty-two students from Years 9-13
from Honiton and Stanchester Academy, Yeovil
went to Zell am See in Austria. This was the first
joint trip with Stanchester Academy and was a
huge success, which is going to be continued next
The students varied in ability from first-time
skiers, to skiers who have already undertaken 5-6
weeks’ skiing. All skiers had completed at least a
red run by the end of the week. Over the week,
all the students got to ski in two different resorts,
and the advanced skiers skied in a total of four
different resorts.
Each student had six-hours of instructed skiing
for 6 days. Their evening entertainment included
swimming, bowling, ice hockey games, quizzes
and a presentation.
Dates for next year: Saturday, 14 to Sunday,
22 February 2015. The trip is open to students
who will be in Years 9-13 in the next academic
Miss Wyatt
On 12 February, Lewis Holdsworth (Year 10), managed to
win the Rotary Music Prize (vocal class) with his stunning
rendition of “Cry Me A River” at Kings School, Ottery. He
received a very enthusiastic reception from the audience.
The judges also awarded second prize to Zara Sillitoe (vocal
class) and second prize to Megan Dixon, cornet (senior
instrumentalist class). Two other Honiton students also
performed and did well: Sirin Bozkurt and Amy Roulson.
This means we have retained the trophy (against competition from other schools including Colyton) for three years on
the trot: 2012 (Alex Jackson), 2013 (Joe Binmore) and now
2014 (Lewis Holdsworth).
Mr Carter
College Awards
Year 10 Awards
ENGLISH Freya Westall, Warapan Wanachai; MATHEMATICS Jake Lane, Theo Zimbler; BIOLOGY Ameerah Askew,
Emma Prettejohn; CHEMISTRY Ben Williams, Jack Lane; PHYSICS William Taylor, Kyle Blackmore; CORE/ADDITIONAL
SCIENCE Andrew Appleby, Lewis Doe; BTEC SCIENCE Zoe Keitch, Shannon Boull; GEOGRAPHY Nadine Guyett,
Matthew Jackson; HISTORY Kira Foster, Warapan Wanachai; FRENCH Adam Fullick, Jessica Donovan; SPANISH
Jessica Jacobs, Luke Spiller; ART Maddie Harrison, Dominic Eldon; PHOTOGRAPHY Jamie Johnson, Caitlin Burnett;
MUSIC Joseph Binmore, Jamie Johnson; DRAMA Ben Mason Coral Cheshire; GRAPHICS Adam Fullick,
Shannon Moore; FOOD TECHNOLOGY Ella George, Richard Patch; RESISTANT MATERIALS Daniel Hole,
Hamish O’Brien; INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ben Williams, Benjie Cramer; BUSINESS STUDIES Victoria Price,
Nikita Sothers: SPORT William Tyers, Lauren Hunt; PASTORAL AWARD Jessica Jacobs; GOVERNORS’ AWARD
Jack Lane.
Year 11 Awards
Jake Heard, Hannah Stevens; BIOLOGY Ella Symonds, Kira Cox; CHEMISTRY Rosie Turner, Daniel Nellist; PHYSICS
Robert Bourne, Jake Heard; CORE/ADDITIONAL SCIENCE Ayse Huggett, Sean Kingston; BTEC SCIENCE Sarah Wood,
Wesley Keywood; GEOGRAPHY Billy Reed, Rachel Crowe; HISTORY Brittany Lakin, Sean Kingston; FRENCH
Katie Durrant, Harriet Wallis; SPANISH Hazel Tucker, Kieran Murphy; ART Brittany Lakin, Rebecca Bell;
PHOTOGRAPHY Nicole Stevens, Emma Salter; MUSIC Shaun Summers, Jack Mandrupson; FOOD TECHNOLOGY
Clare Lemon, Megan Denning; GRAPHICS Hollie Miller-Ratcliffe, Hollis Wills; TEXTILES Gemma O’Connor,
Hannah Wood; INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Tommy Gillard, Shaun O’Malley; BUSINESS STUDIES Lily Spiller,
Rebecca Hooper; SPORT Billy Reed, Hazel Tucker; PASTORAL AWARD Kay Burnell; GOVERNORS’ AWARD
Brittany Lakin.
Sixth Form Awards
Lara Drake, Matt Cann, Lydia Hodson, Emily Bramhall, Sammy-Jo Sprague; AS EXAMS Sam Johnson, Tom Haigh,
Rory Norrington, Rowanne Small, Ebony Lacey, Jennie Doble; A2 EXAMS Chris Hack, Dan Stevens, Lucy Meecham,
Tamara Rutland, Lewis Gillingham, Sam Netherway, Andy Moth, Louis Bewsey; EXTENDED PROJECT Chris Hack;
Lauren Hole, Beth Norris, Amabel Jeffries, Andrew Adams, Dale Kingston, Sophie Dowle, Asheigh Logan,
Zoe Jarrett, Ione Pidgeon; CONTRIBUTION TO THE SIXTH FORM Ebony Lacey, Alice Catcher, Sam Johnson,
Molly Perham, Alex Jackson, Dan Olive, Bev Long, Katie Webb, Alice Burnell, Beth Sillitoe; LOWER SIXTH COLLEGE
CUP Sam Johnson; TIRARD TROPHY Laura Ma and Emily Dunn; UPPER SIXTH COLLEGE CUP Chris Hack.
College Awards
Activity Week
Preparations for Activity Week are
now underway and all trips have
been added onto Parentpay.
Payments are now due please.
Barcoded letters have been posted
home to those parents who have
not yet opened their Parentpay
accounts. If you have not received
one and you would like to pay via
Paypoint please contact the Finance
Don’t forget that you can log in to
Parentpay to see what your child
has been eating at College. You can
still open your account and log in
even if you choose not to pay
online. This way you can also check
your current balance and check for
any new trips or items to pay for.
Consent procedure for trips
You may have noticed when paying
for a trip on Parentpay that as part
of the payment process you are
asked to check a box to give
consent for your child to take part
in the trip. This has eliminated the
need for consent forms except for
overnight and adventurous trips.
Medical information taken on the
trip by the trip leader is taken from
the data collection form which is
sent home at the start of each
academic year. If there is any
change in this information it is
important that we are kept up to
Breakfast Initiative
As we all know, breakfast is the
most important meal of the day!
Research has proved that children
who eat better, often perform
better in school and can be better
behaved. We have noticed that
more and more children have been
coming to school without having
eaten breakfast which has a knock
on effect on the rest of the day. To
try to reduce the effects of this we
have decided to trial the provision
of a set breakfast for those students
who are eligible for a Free School
Meal, using Government funding
which is aimed at tackling disadvantage. The breakfast will be on
offer until the end of the summer
‘think outside the box’ to find ways
around this national problem.
Free School Meals
Free School Meals are not just for
the unemployed, families in receipt
of Income Support, Income-based
Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income
Related Employment and Support
Allowance, Child Tax Credit
(provided they are not entitled to
Working Tax Credit and have an
annual income that does not
exceed £16190) also qualify.
Registering for Free School Meals is
a quick and easy process – please
contact Michelle Clements in the
student office if you require further
Free School Meal students have
their account topped up daily with
their allowance and pay for their
meals in the same way as any other
student, by scanning their finger at
the till. You can still `top up’ your
child’s account in the normal way if
you wish them to have extra funds
available at lunchtime.
Eligible for Free School
Meals but don’t want to
claim them?
Please think again. If your child
qualifies for Free School Meals the
College will also receive further
funding through the Government
‘Pupil Premium’ initiative. The pupil
premium is additional funding given
to schools in England to raise the
achievement of disadvantaged
pupils and close the gap between
them and their peers. At the
College we have been trying to
This year, we have used some of the
extra funding to appoint a Student
Mentor who is dedicated to working with these students: acting as a
‘sounding board’ for students’
learning related issues and taking
swift action to overcome them.
Their conversations are focused on
feedback and advice from their
teachers. GCSE students can be
supported to create revision timetables and revision techniques. For
some students the mentor has
joined them in lessons to see if they
can help with advice, support, or
resources. So far this year the extra
funding has bought revision guides,
cameras, memory sticks, trips to
Exeter Catering College and sports
equipment – all to help these
students achieve. So please, even if
you do not want to claim the free
school meal, consider applying to
get extra support for your child’s
Clarks Shoes Honiton
We have been contacted by the
owners of Clarks Shoes, 4-6 New
Street, Honiton who are kindly
offering a 20% discount on shoes to
students of the College throughout
April, August and September. This
offer is only available at the Honiton
branch of Clarks, please show this
newsletter to ensure that you can
take advantage of this very kind
offer from one
of our local
Mr Wills
SAFER INTERNET DAY: 11 February 2014
The East and Mid Devon Community Safety Partnership
c/o Mid Devon District Council,
Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane,
EX16 6PP
Keeping Young People Safe On-line
Increasingly the police, schools and colleges are dealing with worrying reports of incidents involving use of the internet, and particularly social networking sites. Often issues are spilling out of the virtual world of the internet and
causing a negative impact on people which is keenly felt in the real world.
Teaching and police staff are having to spend an inordinate amount of time sorting out problems, such as sexting
(sharing of inappropriate comments and images) and resolving on-line arguments and allegations. It gets even
more difficult when parents become involved with such arguments and start posting equally inappropriate comments.
In response to these concerns a local multi-agency group called INFORM on social media has formed. Interest and
membership of this group has quickly grown across Mid Devon into East Devon and Exeter as professionals seek
support and advice on how to deal with, and limit, the damage caused by such activities. As a result there is now
better joint working which links schools and colleges with other professionals to provide useful on-line safety
advice and support to staff, pupils and parents.
As part of Safer Internet Day schools in Mid and East Devon are working together with other agencies to get the
message out to young people and parents about taking responsibility for their safe and sensible use of social media.
Many schools are using the whole week as a theme for assemblies and workshops to address issues including online bullying, appropriate postings, support when things go wrong, how to stay safe, communicating with unknown
contacts on-line and sensible messaging. Police Officers and Youth Workers are linking with the schools to provide
updates on FaceBook and check social media privacy settings.
Julia Ryder, Community Safety Officer said, “Too many young people are getting into trouble by sharing sexually
explicit images of themselves or getting into arguments and bullying through social media sites and text messaging.
Young people tend to live for the moment and don’t always realise that once they have posted an image or a
statement then it is basically ‘out there’ for the world to see and read forever. Many aren’t aware that their future
employment and travel plans may be seriously affected by such activities”.
The Community Safety Partnership is coordinating training sessions for staff, providing topical posters, flyers and
leaflets that are suitable for parents and young people, and providing a central link to keep staff from a range of
agencies up to date with current issues, literature and advice. More information for parents and carers including
really useful short film clips are available on the ThinkUKnow website.
Think before you click!”
“Many schools are already doing a fantastic job in educating children about the risks. We look forward to
providing them with further awareness and training opportunities to support and develop their existing good work
in this important matter of keeping our young people safe”. PC Gates
Current school governor of Honiton
Community College and mum-oftwo, Steph Johnson has been a
governor for six years since her
eldest son joined the College in
2007. In our interview together we
covered a whole range of topics.
From words to her younger self to a
quote that she relates to, we
managed to have a glimpse into the
mind of an important school figure
and a proud mother.
When did you first become
appointed as a governor?
I was appointed in 2007.
Why did you want to be a
I wanted to be more involved in
Honiton Community College. I was
very involved with my sons’ primary
school. Broadhembury School was
lovely, small, cosy, loads of parental
involvement. But the secondary
school experience seemed much
more remote. So, on a personal
level, I wanted to be more involved
and felt that I had some qualities to
offer, being employed in Further
Education and having a scientific
background. I’ve always been a firm
believer in comprehensive
education and wanted to be part of
improving the reputation that
Honiton Community College had in
the community at that time.
Do you think Sixth Formers have
enough of a voice and enough
Well as the mum of a Sixth Former, I
would say yes. But I’m not a Sixth
Former, so I don’t know! I would
say that there’s quite a nice balance
and it’s a very supportive feeling in
the Sixth Form room. I think
Dr Bawn, Mr Smith and the
management team are always open
to listening. So, if you as a Sixth
Form body wanted something or
wanted your voice heard, they
would listen. During my term of
being a Governor the Sixth Form
provision has improved
What advice would you give to
Sixth Formers?
As the parent of a Sixth Former,
best not to give advice unless
asked! But really, just make the
most of your time. The Sixth Form
years are such an important time of
opportunity for young people.
However giving advice to young
people is difficult. I think it is
important to nurture and support
them, enabling them to see that
it’s actually quite important to
knuckle down and work. I’ve heard
so many people in their 20s and 30s
say “I wish I’d done more at
school”. Education can be likened
to a train - if you want get on you
have to have a ticket, otherwise you
can’t get to your destination. It’s
like that with education. If you
want to go to University, have an
Apprenticeship, or get a job, then
the qualifications are your ticket.
What would you tell your younger
To be a bit more in the moment and
enjoy the experience. Maybe get
the most out of everything you do,
even if initially you do not want to
do something; there really are
positives in everything you do.
When have you been most
satisfied in your life?
Most mothers, me included, would
say that having children was the
most satisfying moment. I’ve just
got a new laptop which I put all my
old pictures on, and I have set it to
scroll randomly through the whole
picture library. It’s quite mesmerising; lots of pictures of my boys from
5 years old to now. My eldest says
it’s amazing how much they’ve
changed and I haven’t; and it’s true,
they really have! (Not so sure about
me though!)
A quote or lyric that resonates with
you in some way?
I should’ve had these questions
Steph Johnson
before! It’s hard to think on your
feet. How about: “Do not
anticipate trouble or worry about
what may never happen. Keep in
the sunlight.”- Benjamin Franklin
If you could meet anyone living or
dead, who would you meet?
I’d like to meet Winston Churchill.
I’d be a bit scared to meet him
because he was so bright, but so
inspirational, versatile and
What songs would you include on
the soundtrack of your life?
“Over the Rainbow” sung by Eva
Cassidy. The first time I ever heard
this track it gave me goose bumps,
she had the most beautiful voice.
“In My Life” by the Beatles from
the Rubber Soul Album. When I
was quite young, I had one of the
Beatles’ albums called “Rubber
Soul” and I played it over and over
again, I knew it off by heart. It is
very nostalgic to hear it now.
A classical piece I love is Albinoni’s
“Adagio”- it was played at Princess
Diana’s wedding.
The last book, TV show or film that
affected you in some way?
Twelve Years a Slave - a very
powerful film.
Mrs Johnson was interviewed by
Katie Webb
Devon Model
United Nations
A mixed team of Year 11 and 12 students had a
fantastic day at the Devon Model United
Nations at County Hall in Exeter on
13 February, debating the ongoing conflict in
Syria. The students acted in role for the whole
day as diplomatic delegations from Germany,
Russia, Lebanon, the USA and Syria.
The day began with each nation presenting a
position statement on its stance on the
situation in Syria followed by a period of
intense lobbying where each country sought to
gain support from other countries for its views
and to win support for amendments to the
draft resolution. After lunch, the draft was
debated and voted on clause by clause until
the final resolution was passed at about 3pm.
Devon MUN will now be sending this to the
real UN in New York.
Teachers present from other schools and the
organisers all said how impressed they were by
the knowledge, eloquence and passion of the
students, not least Honiton students, of whom
Mr Hall was most proud!
Students involved were:
Ben Sullivan, Ben Willis, Chloe Young,
Ella Symonds, Johanne Gorman, Katy Burnell,
Dan Nellist, Kira Foster, Paul Watkins,
Will Taylor, Zara Boots and Jess Hall.
Mr Hall
The Pond is here!
The science-based pond has now
been installed.
The pond man
“Brian” along with a few Year 9s prepared the already dug out area.
They lined the pond with old carpet
before the very expensive rubber
lining went on top. After the main
preparations had been done, the
pond was then filled with water.
The pond will create a habitat for
different types of wildlife and can be
used in all areas of the curriculum.
Mrs Price
The Lions club generously donated
£100 to the students involved with
the World Challenge Expedition.
The money has been donated for
the students to buy utensils while
they’re in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Pictured are Daryl Young and Hollie
Trudgeon receiving the cheque for
£100 from the Lions Club President.
College links with
SCHOOL in Ethiopia
Miss Carnell, Mr Hall and Mr Taylor
have been busy working on funding
applications to continue our partnership link with Shashemene Secondary
School in Ethiopia.
Mr Smith and Mr Taylor originally
visited Ethiopia to set-up the link in
March 2012, this was followed by an
extremely successful student visit led
by Mr Taylor and Miss Carnell in
February 2013.
‘Connecting Classrooms’ is a new
initiative through the Youth Sport Trust
and we have already begun planning a
student visit for February 2015. Years
11 and 12 students, please see
Mr Taylor or Miss Carnell if you are
interested in being involved.
Mr Taylor
Year group news
Year 7 continue their highly impressive start to College life with a range
of achievements this term. Below
are some examples of the sporting
activities they have taken part in
and congratulations to all those
students involved.
Principal’s Award
Owen Willis and Jessica Greenslade
were given the Principal’s Award for
attending homework club on a regular basis. Since September, Owen
has attended 42 times and Jess 30.
Chinese New Year
Phoebe Rabjohns, Niamh George
and Willow Walker all won a prize
for designing a poster for the
Chinese New Year - congratulations!
Mr Robson and Mrs Ledward
Non-uniform day: 14 February
Thanks to all who took part, we
raised much needed funds for:
Cancer Research
Devon Air Ambulance
Rhino Protection Trust
College Jazz Band
For participation in the HCC Jazz
Harley Symonds (flute),
Isabel Sutcliffe (clarinet), Oliver
Bright (clarinet), Rebecca Copp
(flute), Rebecca Donne-Davis (flute)
and Sarah Johnson (flute).
Praise points
Merle Durrant, Emily Lee, Ryan
Hunter, Harley Symonds, Eleanor
Gibson, Jessica Eveleigh, Sasha Davy
and Oliver Bright for earning over 70
praise points since September.
Player of the Season
Riley Burgess and Owen Willis have
received two medals each for rugby
and ‘Player of the Season’ at Honiton Rugby Club.
Gold Medal Winner
Emily Lee has won a Gold Medal in
the SW Competition in Gymnastics.
The Grizzly
Sasha Davey not only completed the
Junior Grizzly Run on 9 March, but
was also placed 3rd in her category.
Jazz Dancing
Congratulations to Finley Beigan
who moved up a group in jazz dancing and is now in the Intermediate
Year 8 chose to donate some of the
money raised from the year group
non-uniform day to the Rhino
Protection Trust. The Trust helps
educate schools of the importance
of conservation of the rhino. Rachel
Phillips, our exams manager, is
going to Makalali Private Game
Reserve to work for Siyafunda
Conservation and the Rhino Protection Trust.
Congratulations to . . .
Jake Matthews 8VWR, who has
successfully been awarded `The FA
Junior Football Leaders’ Award’ watch out Roy Hodgson!
HCCTV is an exciting club where you
can enjoy letting your imagination
run wild! Students have group
projects, mainly of their own choice.
Sometimes, they are allowed to
have a bit of fun by taking photos.
They always film events such as
whole school assemblies and charity
activities, which they often put onto
their YouTube channel. For year 8s,
it runs every Wednesday lunchtime,
but they are welcomed most of the
week to work on projects, if they
wish or if they run out time on the
Wednesday. Overall, it is good fun
and great if you enjoy all aspects of
Becky Hunt
Wanted basketball players
We need Year 8 boys for a joint Year
7/8 boys’ basketball team. If you
are interested there are lunchtime
practices on Monday and Friday, as
well as after-school training on
(3-4:30) and Thursday (4-5:30). It’s
a great sport and can lead to scholarships and other experiences. If
you are unsure and have any
questions go to see Mr Kumar and
Mr Henman.
Honiton Rugby Football Club
On 1 March Honiton Rugby Football
Club u-13s travelled to Bideford to
play the quarter finals of the Devon
Plate. The team included our Honiton students: Will Lancaster, Lewis
Nicholas and Guy Maynard.
At half time they were 14-7 down,
but with their heads up high they
went on and played some great
rugby. One player got sent off, then
with only 14 players then went on
to win the match and now go
through to the semi-finals against
Mr Browne and Mrs Smith
Jack in the Beanstalk
Nine students from Year 9 took part
in the Honiton pantomime ‘Jack in
the Beanstalk’ at Christmas.
From L to R:
Josh Buss, Zara Sillitoe, Perry Foot,
Zoe Kidson, Lauren Craig, Mylissa
Jones, Amelia Hibbert, Aleksandra
Morawska and Jack Haigh.
Mr Skelding and Mrs Fawcett
Year group news
Jack in the Beanstalk
As we approach Easter and hopefully more clement weather, it will be
good to see you moving towards
becoming the hard working Year 11
students I know you will become.
Please keep up the good work and
make the most of all the extra
revision classes and help offered to
enable you on this important
100% Attendance
Boland, Kieran Brooks, Tom Hatcher,
Leala Jacobs, Grace Keitch, James
Loader, Nick Long, Tom Olive,
Gabriel Parker-Gifford, Oliver Reed,
Callum Salter, Emily Stubbington,
Emma Tancock, Robert Tucker and
Charlie Wright who have 100%
attendance this year so far! Well
Ashley Wallis
Ashley Wallis and his partner Buster
(from Woodroffe School), have been
successful in their careers and have
moved up to another level 12-18,
which means more complex moves.
They are now entered into the Bristol competitions 22-23 February, the
British Championships 21-23 March,
the South West Championships
12-13 July and the Pat Wade Classic
and World Cup 14-16 November.
Let’s wish them luck!
National Youth Brass Band
Congratulations to Megan Dixon
who has been invited to be a member of the 2014 National Youth Brass
Band of Great Britain, as a member
of the cornet section. The brass
band will be going on tour from
April. Good luck!
Praise points
Well done to: Harrison AnkersBurke, Will Bennett, Abigail Blake,
Cameron Boland, Zoe Boots, Amy
Bowles, Lewis Campbell, Ed
Cannings, Jazmin Chester, Jess Copp,
Elisha Corness, James Craig, Jake
Crutchley Davies, Laura Davey,
Lauren Davey, Megan Dixon, Nick
Ellis, Hannah Ferry, Jaya Foster,
Blake Freemantle, Alistair Gibbings,
Tom Hatcher, Luke Heaven, Weasel
Hooper, Leala Jacobs, Tia James,
Hollie Johnson, Matt Jones, Annabel
Kane, Grace Keitch, Jordan Kent,
Dylan King, Sophie Land, Rachel
Larcombe, Carys Lilley, James
Loader, Aimee Mitchell, Ashley
Munt, Izzy Palmer, Gabriel ParkerGifford, Lucy Patch, Andrew Sullivan,
Charlie Swift, Emma Tancock, Jasper
Trenear-Harvey, Makindi Trim,
Ashley Wallis and Chloe Webber
who all have over 30 P1s at the time
of going to press.
East Devon Bowls
Congratulations to Lewis Campbell
who played bowls for East Devon
and is in the under-20 team. Well
done Lewis!
Work Experience
Well done to all Year 10s who have
work experience placements. At the
time of going to press there are only
27 remaining students who still
need to obtain placements. Please
see Miss Carnell, Mrs Andrews or
Mrs Bastow if you are struggling to
get something, need help with
applying or further guidance.
County Netball Player
Jazmin Chester plays netball for
Devon County Academy and is very
modest about her achievements but
deserves recognition for her hard
work and dedication to the sport.
Well done!
Ollie playing cricket in South Africa
Ollie Reed returned triumphant
from South Africa following his cricket tour and it was exciting to hear
about his foray into cricket in another country. He represented his
school and country extremely well
and was a great ambassador for
Honiton and cricket. Well done Ollie.
(See the Sport Section for more
Girls’ Rugby
Well done to Jaya, Sophie, Amy,
Elisha, Snezhana, Chloe W, Morgan,
Anna and Furnay who all took part
in a girls’ rugby tournament.
(See the Sport Section for more
Miss Carnell and Mrs Bastow
Exams and revision
Well done to all students who are
working hard towards GCSE exams
and attending revision and catch up
sessions at lunchtimes and after
College. A reminder that all students
should know by now the dates of
their written exams and be working
through their own personal revision
programme at home.
To 11JER for winning the Spring
Term 1 inter tutor competition.
Mr Williams and Mrs Venn
Teams of sixth form students descended on Honiton College on 12 March to compete in badminton, netball and
football tournaments. Over 100 students from Woodroffe, Axe Valley, Exmouth, Kings, Clyst Vale and Honiton
competed in good spirited competitions as the spectators basked in the warmest day of the year so far.
Students then stayed for food and drinks in our canteen before the much anticipated results were announced.
Woodroffe took first place in the mixed badminton and girls’ netball, while Exmouth won the boys’ football.
Well done to all who competed.
Ross Gillon
Sports Coordinator for the Honiton Learning Community
Axe Valley
Clyst Vale
3rd joint
3rd joint
Departmental News
London Science Museum
Year 7 students of the College
recently viewed a fantastic science
presentation by the Science
Museum of London. It was called
the “Super Cool Show”.
It was
extremely entertaining and the
students enjoyed it very much. The
show was based around temperature and how materials react to it.
It was very well presented and
engaged the students because of
the informal language and hilarious
jokes and tricks. It involved: touching a real cloud, playing with liquid
nitrogen and smashing plastercine
men with a hammer.
All the
students who watched it are sure to
visit their museum sometime soon!
The presentation included the audience and selected a few children to
demonstrate the different experiments. It was so much fun to watch
and even some of the teachers were
laughing! The show was simple but
really interesting and I think every
Year 7 student learnt something
new from it.
Merle Durrant (Year 7)
The Science Department at the
College had organised a visit from
the London Science Museum. On
Tuesday 4th February the Year 8s
learnt how our digestive system
works. The visitors had volunteers
to help mash together food and
various liquids to act as the food in
our stomach. We also watched
endoscope videos and observed the
oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the rectum.
Very importantly we learnt why
vitamins and minerals help our body
to keep healthy and what the
consequences are if we don’t
consume them. It was a fun and
memorable day for us Year 8s and
Charlotte Holdsworth (Year 8)
crafting gargoyles.
Optical Art
Miss Hichen’s Year 7s art class has
been learning about Optical Art.
Here are some sphere drawings inspired by the artist Victor Vasarely.
O What a Lovely War!
With the 50th Anniversary of the
successful West End Show and more
poignantly the 100th Anniversary of
the start of World War 1, the
College has elected to tackle Joan
Littlewood’s `O What A Lovely War’
for its annual summer production
this year.
The dates for your diary are
Thursday 17, Friday 18 and Saturday
19 July when we shall be performing
in the Hall.
Mr Culwick
Mr Dormand's Year 8s have been
Nicole Trotman-Watts (7JDU)
Falmouth University
Ex-student Natalie Turl visited the
College for her work experience in
the Photography department from
Falmouth University. She helped
out with the technical side of the
subject assisting Mrs Creed our art
technician and was also extremely
helpful in talking to the Photography A level students about the BA
Photography course at Falmouth
Departmental News
and university life in general.
Hannah Land (8RCO)
At the start of the concert, the
Honiton Jazz Project performed a
new set of pieces featuring vocalist
Lewis Holdsworth, including “Sway”
and “Lovely Day”. This was a great
opportunity for our musicians to
learn from top players and perform
to an appreciative audience, which
they took well.
The presentation featured a video
tour of the quality of the musicians
that are taking this course plus a
New Tenor Saxophone
Still Life
Mr Dormand's Year 8s have been
studying different styles of Still Life.
Some of the artwork was inspired
by Georgio Morandi an Italian
painter and print maker whose
paintings are noted for their tonal
subtlety in depicting apparently
simple subjects, which were limited
mainly to vases, bottles, bowls,
flowers and landscapes.
Mrs Creed
Honiton Jazz Project
On Friday, 14 March, members of
our jazz band, the Honiton Jazz
Project, took part in an afternoon
workshop, led by the Devon Youth
Jazz Orchestra Ambassadors, the
best jazz musicians from around the
county. The workshop provided
preparation for a novel exciting
musical item featuring improvising
from the likes of Gabriel ParkerGifford (violin) and James Craig
(piano) during the finale of the
evening concert.
Thanks to a successful bid to EMI
Music for funding, the College has
recently acquired a brand new
tenor saxophone and we would like
to find someone to play it, hopefully
to join our jazz band in the near
We are asking for applications to be
made to find the right person to
have the opportunity to learn to
play this lovely new instrument; we
are looking for someone who enjoys
performing music and can preferably read music already. If you wish
to be considered for the instrument,
please send your application to
Mr Carter.
Visit from Weston College
On Tuesday , 28 January, the Music
BTEC group enjoyed a presentation
from Weston College’s Music
department. The hour-long event
was led by Tony Hobden, one of the
lecturers on their Foundation
Degree course in Music Performance and Music Technology.
frank discussion on the current
state of the music industry. Tony
handed out prospectuses from
Weston College and there is a possibility of a trip in the summer to
make use of their excellent recording facilities.
Mr Carter
Visit to University of Bath
In March Mr Taylor and Miss Wyatt
will be taking 36 Sport Science
students to University of Bath, as
part of Bath’s Department of Sport
where the students will experience
a Sports Performer day. The
students will experience some of
the facilities and top level coaching
available at the University. The day
will consist of team building
activities and field testing, as well as
time in the laboratory and a tour
and lecture.
Mr Taylor
News from the PE Department
Year 10 Football v. St Luke’s
13 January 2014: Won 5-1
Honiton went to St Luke’s Exeter,
our first match for quite a few
months. We started the match confidently and we were dominating
play, after 10mins Blake Freemantle
found the opening goal with a
cheeky chip over the keeper. This
was followed shortly a great finish
by Todd Beanlands to take us to 2-0.
Solid defence and midfield play
which allowed Honiton to get 2
more goals, a long range curler by
Al Forsyth and a finish by Blake
which created excellently by Todd
In the second half
Honiton allowed St Luke’s back into
the game, resulting in St Luke’s
scoring a goal. Honiton quickly
regained the upper hand, finishing
off with a thumping header from
Cody Knight right near the end of
the match. A great result and
performance. And a great start to
the New Year.
Year 7 Futsal
Exeter and East Devon Schools
14 January 2014: 7th overall
0-3 Cullompton
2-4 Kings
2-0 QE
1-2 St Luke’s B
0-0 Uffculme
2-1 St Peter’s B
2-2 St Peter’s A
0-0 St Luke’s A
1-2 Exmouth
Years 8/10 Indoor Cricket
17 January 2014: u-13 runners up
u-15 3rd
Well done to all involved, a fantastic
days indoor cricket at Exmouth
Tennis Centre. The u-13 girls got to
the final after beating Kings in a
close semi-final. Sidmouth were a
stronger side with many regular club
players in their side. Congratulations to Sidmouth and good in the
next round. The u-15 girls enjoyed
their first experience of indoor
cricket, despite losing to Kings they
beat Cullompton in a close match.
Unfortunately, they lost both return
The standard of cricket improved
throughout the day and great
sportsmanship was show by all
involved. Thanks to sixth form leaders Daryl Yong and Jake Phillips for
their support umpiring and coaching.
Devon Schools Cross-Country
Championships at Bideford
18 January 2014
The weather was not on the side of
the runners. The continuous rain
made it very, very muddy underfoot
plus the course was quite hilly. It
was cold, and rain blowing in the
Well done to Year 7 Sasha Davy on
reaching these championships after
her 3rd place success at the Exeter
v. East Devon round. It was not an
easy race, Sasha realised from the
start that she would need to make
her way up the line of athletes
ahead. Sasha is a very determined
athlete and well deserved her 6th
place. She went on to represent
Devon Schools at the South West
Regional Cross Country Championships in Bournemouth in February
where she was placed 26th.
Year 10 Football v. Sidmouth
29 January 2014: Lost 2-0
Unfortunately the u-15 boys’ football team were not able to win the
East Devon Cup again, as they did at
u-12 level. They were beaten by
Sidmouth 2-0 in a fairly close match
but Sidmouth took their chances
and deserved their victory on the
night. The squad must look ahead
with a positive attitude for their
upcoming competitions and friendly
matches. The work-rate in the
second-half was much improved
and the squad must ensure they
produce this for the entire match.
Year 7 Football
u-12 ED Tournament
23 January 2014: Joint 5th
In our first match we all huddled
together and let our players get
away. As a result, we lost 1-0 to
St Johns. Our second match was
much better, we worked together to
mark and get the ball and eventually
Emily Lee scored our first goal
against Exmouth. The third and final
match also went well, Sophie
Murphy was excellent at using the
sides to get the ball down the pitch
and Niamh George managed to save
all of the attempts to score a goal.
As a result of our teamwork Emily
Lee scored another goal, leading to
us winning against Kings.
News from the PE Department
themselves throughout the day.
Mr Gillon, Sports Coordinator for
Honiton Learning Community, said
“Their enthusiasm was outstanding
and they made a huge effort to give
students a quality gymnastic experience through their knowledge and
u-12 Netball
v. Uffculme and Clyst Vale
23 January: won 1, lost 1
We played great as a team on the
second match and the shooters
managed to get lots of good shots.
The defence was strong and claimed
the ball back many times. The only
thing we could improve is getting
into space to receive the ball and
dodging. Phoebe got Player of the
Match for Uffculme and Rebecca
Copp for Clyst Vale.
Rebecca Donne-Davis
Year 9 students lead Gymnastics
Extravaganza: 31 January 2014
Thirty Year 9 students led primary
pupils from six of our feeder schools
through a series of gymnastics work
shops in January. Mr Robson’s GCSE
PE class were in the Sports Hall from
8.30am-3pm to welcome over two
hundred Year 3/4 students from the
primaries at Upottery, Farway,
Offwell, Awliscombe, Honiton and
The leaders ran three 90-minute
workshops through the day, which
focussed on rolling, flight, travelling,
balancing and building sequences.
Morgan Bolton-Williams and Mylissa
Jones also demonstrated an outstanding 3-minute sequence of
incredible moves to begin each festival, showing the primary students
what can be achieved with years of
training and dedication.
Congratulations should go to all the
leaders for the way the conducted
The students were Morgan Bolton-Williams,
Lachlan Charleton, Tiegan Chipping, Lauren
Craig, Taher Elmaghdy, Joseph Gibbs, Joe
Gillard, Oliver Goodman, Connor Jennings,
Mylissa Jones, Jack Katene, Zoe Kidson, Cameron Long, Erin Marshallsay, Aleksandra
Morawska, Jacob Murphy, Kyle Newham,
Ben Phillips, Samuel Phillips, Callum Richards, Harry Rogers, Jack Smith, India Tisbury,
Harry Todd, Joseph Whitworth, Lauryn Wiltshire and Tom Young.
FA Junior Football Leaders Award
Jake Matthews (Year 8) has completed the FA Junior Football Leaders
Award - congratulations Jake on
behalf of the PE Department!
Trip of a lifetime for Oli Reed to
South Africa
Year 10 GCSE Sport Science student
Oli Reed has taken part in the tour
of a lifetime to South Africa. Oli is
part of the Devon U15 Cricket Development Squad who have toured
South Africa with the aim of broadening their cricket education. The
tour involved six matches; some one
-day, other two-day games, against
District and Provincial sides. After a
week in and around the Kruger
National Park, the tour party moved
to Cape Town, where games were
played against Boland and Western
Province. Former England wickerkeeper and current Nottinghamshire
captain Chris Reed joined the coaching staff for the trip.
Mr Taylor
I had an excellent time in South
Africa, that’s cricket wise and the
adventure was astounding. I started
the tour in Kruger where the
temperature was high reaching 38
degrees which was very challenging , we had a good start to the tour
when we played the two-day game
and the result ended in a draw. I
took 5 wickets and scored 17* so I
had a good start to the tour. Our
second game was challenging as
News from the PE Department
they were an older team and gave a bit of chat and got
us down a bit and we ended up losing the game by 34
runs. Having an average start we wanted to bounce
back and we took the trip down to Cape Town which is
a mind blowing experience and is a beautiful city.
Having to rotate the team every game I missed the
next game which the lads lost by a township side who
were a very good side. The next game was a walk in
the park for our team as we won by 193 runs and I took
2 wickets which helped us to win the game and that
gave us good hope for the next game. Arriving at the
Vineyard Oval to play a two-day game against Western
Province U14s which was very challenging and we ended up bowling them out with 8 balls left of the game
out of the 240 overs we played in those two days, I
took 2 wickets. The last game of the tour was the hardest yet when we met the Western Province U15s who
were an excellent side and beaten by a big margin – I
bowled 10 overs 0-31 and I hit 14 runs; they had very
talented players and beat us very easily. Overall the
tour was brilliant and an experience I will never forget
and I will hold those memories forever.
I took 9 wickets on the tour (2nd leading wicket taker
on the tour). 34 runs overall, scores (17*, 14, 3, 0)
average of 17.00.
Oli Reed
Year 7 Netball v. Exmouth
25 February 2014
A team won 7-2, B team won 4-1
We worked hard to get the ball in the D and managed
to shoot lots of goals . Defence caught the rebound and
marked their players well. We all played to our best
and once again we defeated Exmouth.
Rebecca Donne-Davis
Overall we played incredibly well. We beat Exmouth for
the second time. Finlay, Beigan got given player of the
match by Exmouth! Everyone played fantastically but
Sophia went over on her ankle and had to sit out the
last ten minutes and Sophie Murphy had to take her
place. Well done to all the girls who took part on
Sophia Chaplin
Year 10 Netball v. Kings
Lost 6-19
27 February 2014
Kings were a little surprised to see a Year 10 team as
they were Year 11 (my mistake)! The score does not
show how close the match was, in two of the quarters
the play was end to end. A lot of energy and determination was used by everyone; well done to them all –
they all deserve a mention.
Zoe was selected by the Kings girls as their player of
the match. All the players worked hard and showed
some excellent team play and skills. Carys and Zoe in
defence both made it hard for the shooters to receive
the ball.
Mrs Baden
Year 10 Girls’ Rugby
We never played before as a group; first ever girls’
rugby team! Girls of the match were Anna Bacon and
Chloe Webber as they improve throughout our matches. Even though our team suffered injuries we all
persevered though. Our coach was Miss Wright who is
in her own woman’s league and Mrs Bown was our
other coach, both of them offered moral support.
Everyone in the team was brilliant and we are continuing the girls’ rugby and are re-matching some of the
team we have already played.
News from the PE Department
Team: Amy Bowles, Furnay
Dowling, Snezhana Klimentinova,
Jaya Foster, Elisha Corness, Anna
Bacon, Sophie Wallis, Chloe Webber, Morgan Davey, Kia Roe.
By Furnay Dowling,
Sophie Wallis
and Snezhana Klimentinova
Year 8 Football Tournament
Kings 0-0, Axe Valley 0-0
28 February 2014
In our first match we came up
against Kings. It was a hard first
game but we battled well coming
out with a 0-0 draw. We came close
to scoring when there was a nice
switch from Oscar Walsh which
started the move and we came so
close to scoring.
In the second game, we came up
against Axe Valley; we improved
our performance and that showed
when we were creating lots of
chance it was just not going away
but we came away with a 0-0 draw
once again. Also, well done to
Jacob Batten for his first game.
Good performances from every
Mr Skelding
Year 8 Football Tourament
5 March 2014
Cullompton Drew 1-1
In the first against Cullompton we
had some good moves in the first
half, but unfortunately went 1-0
down at the end of the first half.
During the second half, we fought
valiantly and Ashley Mitchell managed to get the goal back. After
this, we had a lot more chances but
we couldn’t quite put ourselves
Uffculme Lost 0-4
Our second match against Uffculme, the first half was the same.
We kept winning tackles and
attacked well, but again one unfortunately slipped past and we found
ourselves behind. Once the game
resumed, we all fatigued and conceded another three. Even though
we lost by four goals, our attitude
during and after the game were still
Luke Ward
Year 10 Football v. Woodroffe
Lost 4-1
6 March 2014
In an entertaining match, saw two
good sides play though the wind
and the pitch was a problem for
both sides. Honiton took the lead
through Blake Freemantle; good
passing play by Honiton led to the
chance which he finished coolly.
Woodroffe countered quickly scoring a goal. Approaching half time
Woodrroffe struck again leaving a
big task for Honiton in the second
half. Unfortunately in committing
too many players forward and a
few errors Honiton conceded twice
more. On another day the shoreline
could have been reversed, a bitter
loss for Honiton though there was a
lot to learn. Special mentions to
Mason Rhode and Matt Ayres for
solid performances and good play.
Al Forsyth
Year 9 Football v. Kings
Lost 6-0
10 March 2014
On 10 March, Honiton Community
College Year 9 boys had a tough
game against a strong King’s side.
HCC boys started well with darting
runs down the flank by Elliot
Forwell and Jack Smith. King’s had
some good opportunities and ended up scoring a tap in by their
striker. After the battle in the first
half, Sam Stanbury put a good influence on the side in defence. Ben
Phillips made some outstanding
saves which kept Honiton in the
game. Kyle Newham and Cameron
Long created late chances in the
second half; however they were
unable to convert. After the final
whistle, Elliot Forwell was named
man of the match after his tough
opponent at left midfield. Thanks to
Will Taylor for refereeing the game.
Tom Young
Year 11 Rugby v. Exmouth
Devon Shield Semi-Final
Lost 48-17
11 March 2014
Ultimately it was a bridge too far in
the semi-final of the Devon Shield
for the Year 11s despite putting in a
performance that was full of heart
and passion. After a sloppy start,
the lads found themselves 12-0
down with some poor tackling and
organisation in defence. Inspired by
a fine solo try from Charlie Wright,
Honiton managed to get through
the phases well with some excellent ball carrying in the loose form
the tight five. This was supported
by some canny kicking form Angus
Meadows, turning the opposition
wingers and allowing Louis Groves
to apply the pressure at lineout
A second try from Wright set up a
tantalising second half with the
game poised at 19-12. Unfortunately Honiton tired in the second
half and Exmouth showed their
class, displaying some excellent
running rugby with their forwards
and backs interlinking well throughout. Honiton kept battling to the
end scoring a late try through
James Fernandes, however the
damage was done and the deficit
was too great. Special thanks to
the players for their efforts over
the season, especially to Will Tyers
who has organised team sheets, led
well in all games as captain and, on
occasion, chased players for games.
Mr Skelding
Tutor group
Girls’ competition
Boys’ competition
Overall results
3rd joint
3rd joint
1st joint
1st joint
Year 8 girls’ badminton and boys’ football competitions have been postponed to later in the term.
Tutor group
Girls’ competition
Boys’ competition
Overall results
3rd joint
3rd joint
3rd joint
3rd joint
Tutor group
Girls’ competition
Boys’ competition
Overall results
The PE Department is collecting
Sainsbury’s vouchers for sports
Please hand your vouchers to your
Tutor before 30 May 2014.
Autumn II
Spring I
Winning tutor groups celebrated
with a non-uniform day.
3 April
4 April
22 April
5 May
26-30 May
12 June
3 July
3 July
4 July
Year 10 Parents’ Evening
Spring term ends
First day of Summer term
Spring Bank Holiday
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Sixth Form Induction Evening
Creative Arts’ Evening
Year 11 Boat Trip
11 July
17-19 July
18 July
21-25 July
21-25 July
14 August
21 August
4 September
Congratulations to the students who have
been chosen to be next year’s prefects:
 James Dunne
 Rachel Larcombe
 Lucy Patch
 Sadie Pike
 Makindi Trim
 Alister Forsyth
The quantity and quality of applications was of the very highest
calibre and the work that went into them was appreciated and
acknowledged by the existing prefects and Miss Adams who were
all highly impressed.
Year 11 Prom at Lakeview Manor
College theatre production
Year 11 Spanish trip departs
Years 7/8/9 Activity Week
Year 10 Work Experience Week
A Level results
GCSE results
First day of Autumn term
Young Writer’s Competition
Three students have had their poems
about winter selected to appear in a
forthcoming Young Writer’s Anthology
called ‘‘Tis the Season to be Freezin.”
All three have received certificates of
excellence for their writing. The students
Tirion Johns (Year 9)
Heather Prince (Year 9)
Merle Durant (Year 7)
Congratulations to them all!
Miss Jenkins
Neil Parish MP would like to invite you to the:
Friday, 27 June 2014 10 to 4pm. at Honiton Leisure Centre
The Jobs and Apprenticeship Fair will help you to:
 Identify the right job or Apprenticeship;
 Provide details about voluntary opportunities;
 Help find a career path suitable for you.
For more information please contact Neil Parish MP Office on 020 7219 7172
In association with

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