Silhillian_1989_November_Issue Number 40
Silhillian_1989_November_Issue Number 40
6861 uu !I M P S otI LL 6861 TI E HMI oq i S The Silhillian THE MAGAZINE OF THE OLD SILHILLIANS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED Hon. Editor: ROBERT CHETLAND, 11 Wellington Grove, Solihull, West Midlands B91 lEA No. 40 NOVEMBER 1989 CONTENTS THE ASSOCIATION 2-17 SOLIHULL SCHOOL 18-32 OLD BOYS' NEWS 33-42 SILS' SPORT 43-56 SOCIAL SILS 57-63 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 64-68 EDITORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1950 Bernard Owens 1951 Brian Coughlan 1952 Brian Coughlan 1953 Bernard Owens 1954 Bernard Owens 1955 Bernard Owens 1956 Arthur Upton 1957 Arthur Upton 1958 Arthur Upton 1959 Arthur Upton 1960 Arthur Upton 1961 Robin Cooper 1962 Robin Cooper 1963 Arthur Upton 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 1964 Mike Callaghan 1965 Mike Cusack 1966 Mike Cusack 1967 Mike Cusack 1968 Brian Knight 1969 Brian Knight 1970 Brian Knight 1971 Brian Knight 1972 Geoff Herne 1973 Geoff Herne 1974 Geoff Herne 1975 Nick Atkinson 1976 Nick Atkinson 1977 John Woolman 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 1978 John Woolman 1979 John Woolman 1980 Simon Wilcox 1981 Simon Wilcox 1982 Simon Wilcox 1983 Martin Cotter 1984 Martin Cotter 1985 Martin Cotter 1986 David Gilbert 1987 David Gilbert 1988 Robert Chetland 1989 Robert Chetland PRESIDENT 1989 - JOHN TAYLOR THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION O.S.A. MAIN COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1988 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1989 0564 777764 (H) 021-455 8481 (B) President H.J.C. TAYLOR 11 Jacobean Lane, Knowle. President Elect M.J.D. SMITH Woodside, 1403 Warwick Road, Copt Heath, Solihull. Knowle 775682 (H) 021-233 1666 (B) Immediate Past President M. SAUNDERS 14 Lightwood Close, Knowle. Knowle 775164 (H) Headmaster A. LEE Solihull School, Warwick Road, Solihull. Honorary Secretary R. JERROM Westminster House, 188-90 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull. Hon. Membership Secretary Honorary Treasurer S.C. MACKAY 15 Dingle Road, Pedmore, Stourbridge. Hagley 882615 (H) Hag ley 885755 (B) R.J. CHETLAND 11 Wellington Grove, Solihull. Ordinary Members M. COTTER Mimosa Cottage, Mill Lane, Dorridge, Solihull. 021-454 0455 (H) Knowle 777692 (B) J. WATERS 30 Witley Avenue, Solihull. 021-744 4416 (B) 021-704 4819 (H) M. BETTERIDGE 53 Southam Road, Hall Green, Birmingham. 021-777 2013 (H) J. RICHARDSON 4 Everett Drive, Tilehouse Green, Knowle. Knowle 776565 (H) P. BATEMAN 144 Station Road, Knowle. Knowle 775523 (H) D.W. EDWARDS 16 Broadfern Road, Knowle, Solihull. Knowle 773298 (H) 021-744 3010 (B) M.J.D. SMITH Woodside, 1403 Warwick Road, Copt Heath, Solihull. London Representative J. LOCKYER 5 Charter House, Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey. Chairman Planning R.J. STANDLEY 412 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull. President H.J.C. TAYLOR 11 Jacobean Lane, Knowle. Hampton-in-Arden 2233 (H) Knowle 777764 (B) Secretary VACANT Bar D. STANLEY 31 Temple Road Dorridge. Catering S. SHORTHOUSE do B'ham College of Food, Tourism, Creative Studies, Summer Row, Birmingham. Planning Establishment R.J. STANDLEY 412 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull. Entertainment J. LEVENGER 47 Ashlawn Crescent, Solihull. 0527 20949 (B) 021-705 3791 (H) Editor 'The Silhillian' Sports Club Representative 021-705 4290 (H) 021-745 4131 (B) J. WOOLMAN Broadacre, Grange Road, Dorridge. G. HUGHES 27 Ashleigh Road, Solihull. G. HUGHES 27 Ashleigh Road, Solihull. 021-705 0958 Knowle 776283 (B) Knowle 772082 (H) Chairman Management Committee Chairman 0564 773734 021-235 2407 (B) Knowle 772886 (H) 021-643 6331 (B) 021-236 4050 (B) 021-705 1007 (H) 021-705 4290 (H) Knowle 775682 (H) 021-233 1666 (B) Knowle 772886 (H) 021-643 6331 (B) Back: P. Bateman, C.J. Richardson, M. Cotter, J. Woolman, M. Betteridge, J. Standley, D. Edwards, S. Mackay. Front: R. Jerrom, M.J.D. Smith, H.J.C. Taylor, A. Lee, M. Saunders. THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION It was two years ago that Martin Saunders invited me to become President Elect of your Association and within the next few months I shall be passing over the chair of office to a new President. The time has passed very quickly, but I believe that in the two years definite progress has been made. Martin and I had been members of the main OSA Committee for a number of years, we were very aware of the numerous problems which existed and have been highlighted in the Presidents' letters of recent years, and we were determined to tackle the issues. The complexity of the committee system, the difficulty of communicating with our two thousand members and the scepticism of some members about change were our major hurdles. Change was necessary, the existing structure was unsatisfactory from a financial viewpoint and in terms of meeting the aims of the Association. Revision was needed to meet the current and future requirements of the members of the Association. Our headquarters at the Memorial Clubhouse, Copt Heath, is a major asset in the Association's balance sheet. We have cricket, hockey, rugby, squash and rifle shooting clubs active at Copt Heath, but the majority of the people now using the facilities are not Old Boys of Solihull School. Our sports sections have had to go open to survive and our clubhouse facilities made available to outside functions in order to meet the overheads. To a large extent the moves have been successful, with the The OSA Ltd would retain title to the freehold and suitable safeguards would be written into the agreements to ensure the interests of both the Association and the School were maintained. The proposals have been approved by the Main Committee in general terms and discussions are in progress with the sports sections. I hope to be able to report on the progress made in these discussions at the Annual General Meeting in December. I do seriously believe that if those people who use the facilities at Copt Heath do not wish to be involved in the management then we should either go totally commercial with a full time manager or no longer offer the facilities at all. Enough said about the management problems of our management asset. The Old Silhillians Association must concentrate on maintaining the links of friendship between Old Boys, Old Girls and with the School itself. This is our major objective, this is the reason the majority of our members join the Association, so the energies of our Main Committee should be channelled in this direction. We need more reunions at the School, more regional social events, more social events at the Clubhouse covering the requirements of all members male and female, and all age groups. Your thoughts on better and more varied activities would be welcomed. During the current year I have had the great pleasure and honour of representing the Association at a large number of functions, frequently accompanied by my wife Anabel. We are most grateful to Alan and Ann Lee for their kind hospitality whenever we visited the School, which continues to flourish under the control of the Headmaster. The relationship between the School and the Association continues to improve with his support and help. Our thanks also to Harry Rickman and Phil Griffiths for sports sections recruiting new members and the clubhouse, following the major refurbishment last year, producing far improved trading figures. This has only been achieved because a few committee their friendship and advice. Further improvements have been made to the School facilities, and we were delighted to attend the reopening of School House and see the excellent new Art Department, members, nearly all full OSA members, have put a lot of time and effort into the management of the clubhouse, the grounds and the sports sections themselves. If we wish to continue at Copt Heath we Careers and Sixth Form Centre. need to accept that the sports sections and clubhouse should form an open club with a proper membership structure and that all members can then contribute to the various committees. Why should a small band of Old Boys struggle to provide excellent facilities for an ever increasing band of non Old Boys? That is not one of the aims of the Association. To effect the above I have suggested that a new company be formed, probably to be called The Silhillians Club Limited, to which all members of the OSA would be automatic members and non Old Boys of Solihull School, including parents, could join as full members. The Old Silhillians Association Limited would then enter into a lease of the clubhouse and grounds to this new company who would form their own management committee based on members of the sports sections and social members. "Congratulations" John and Anabel prepare to greet their guests. THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION The Parents Association have celebrated their 60th Anniversary this year and our warm congratulations on the excellent programme of events they organized. The President Robert Vaughan and his wife Stephanie have had a very successful year, and we greatly enjoyed their hospitality and friendship at numerous social functions. The Parents Association do great work in supporting the School and our closer relationship over recent years can only be good for everyone. I would like to take this opportunity of wishing Steve Adams and his wife Sian every success in their Presidential year. In May a very successful reunion was held at School for leavers 1969-1974. This is the second in this format, and our thanks to the Headmaster and his Staff for their help and enthusiasm. In June John Orrett and his sub-committee organized a very enjoyable reunion weekend for those at School 50 years ago in 1939, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Many memories were rekindled which I am sure you will read about elsewhere in the magazine. The Annual Dinner last December was a full house and few of us present will ever forget the hilarious reminiscences, mixed with serious comment, from Denis Tomlin. To you, Denis, a very sincere thank you, not only for your speech, but also for your outstanding service to the School; we hope to have the pleasure of your company for many years to come. The number attending the President's Ball was disappointingly down on last year, but a very enjoyable evening was had by all, and my thanks go to John and Jenny Levenger and Stuart and Mandy Shorthouse for their tremendous support and efforts. Future attractions include the London Dinner on Friday 17th November when John Lockyer is organizing a very special occasion for our 40th birthday. I do urge all members to make a very special effort to support this event whether you are London based or not, and in particular those Past Presidents who have enjoyed the support of the London representatives over the years. The Annual Dinner this year will be on Saturday 16th December at the Memorial Clubhouse, a week after the golf competition — so no excuses this year! I have been very lucky during the year to have had wonderful support from numerous committee members and the Association staff. I thank them all personally and on your behalf. On matters of future planning I have had valuable advice from Martin Saunders and James Waters. The Management Committee under Graham Hughes' able chairmanship have had a very successful year. The refurbishment of the Clubhouse, a number of staff changes and teething problems in taking over the catering from the previous Stewardess caused initial problems and poor trading figures. Once these had been successfully tackled, dramatic improvements resulted which you will read about in later reports. The overall results for the year are the best for a long time, and my thanks to Stuart Mackay, our Treasurer, who keeps a careful eye on the figures and always offers sound advice when necessary. My thanks also to Stephen Power, our auditor, who has prepared monthly trading figures throughout the year and is always willing to help. Richard Jerrom is a confident Secretary and John Woolman continues to keep the membership records with great accuracy and enthusiasm. John Standley masterminded the refurbishment work and is always a willing helper. Robert Chetland has worked hard to produce yet another excellent magazine. The Sports Committee has again been chaired by Mike Smith and his excellent relationship with our hardworking new groundsman Graham Mapp has resulted in further improvement to the grounds and ED ORM trust that the thud of cardboard on carpet which signalled the arrival of your own personal copy of the Silhillian was greeted with excitement and expectation. Last year I understand that in one or two cases an envelope without its contents arrived. Could we vainly put that down to a publication that cannot be resisted, even by employees of the Royal Mail? This year 2,000 copies have been produced, and it would be remiss of me not to congratulate the printers, and in particular Peter Denham, on such excellent co-operation and requisite good humour. Having completed the compilation on hard disc, we were horrified to discover that we did not have the code to convert to floppy and thence on to the printers. We had visions of 2,000 Old Silhillians having to come to our offices to read the magazine from our screen! It may therefore seem like a back-handed compliment when acknowledging the invaluable computer 'whiz-kiddery' of one Reg Instone, who will apply his various and talented skills to the office of Editor for forthcoming editions. David Gilbert is credited with the application of computers to the magazine, and he has been generous in continuing to allow us to use many of his facilities. The ever increasing number of patrons in the acknowledgement section reflects the high regard Old Silhillians have for their magazine. Our grateful thanks to you all, and a special welcome to our new list of sponsors. The new camera produced excellent results this year, the best being one of the waste paper basket outside the School Tuck Shop. Photographs this year have been selected on the basis of not wishing to set too high a standard for future Editors, and I believe we have succeeded admirably. My term of office is now over. In golfing parlance I have completed 36 holes — I would now like to retire while I still have some balls left! ROBERT CHETLAND surrounds. I am delighted to report that during the year Mike has accepted my invitation to become President Elect of the Association; his great knowledge of Association affairs, his enthusiasm and diplomatic calm leadership will be an asset to the Association. I ask you to give him your full support, and I hope that he and his wife Christine have a very happy and successful year. Before closing I would urge you all to become more involved with the Association. I am certain you will enjoy and benefit from it as much as the the Association and School will. New faces on committees are needed — give it some thought and please contact myself, Mike Smith or any committee member. It has been a great honour to be your President and I hope I have contributed to the future success of our Association. I would finally like to thank my wife Anabel for her great support and understanding during my busy year; a team effort makes the hard work easier and the social side more enjoyable. Yours sincerely JOHN TAYLOR Seriously, I thought it all would go without a hitch, this time. THE ASSOCIATION Jrr THE ASSOCIATION D a Lttitil Dear Old Silhillians, When I wrote my letter last year at this time we were very much in the midst of substantial building operations. The result of all this has been vastly improved facilities and the addition of features that assist our community life in various ways. Visitors to the School can now identify very readily where the administrative offices are to be found. Already many people remark on how successfully the architect has integrated the extended entrance area which forms part of the Big School frontage. Extensive improvements to the main car park during the holidays and a considerable amount of landscaping have opened up a view of the main part of the School which certainly highlights attractive features for anyone coming onto the premises. In a similar way the area around School House has been improved, thus exposing some previously hidden, but most attractive, features of that Victorian building. The biggest bonus from our operations has been the establishment of a new Art School on the top floor of School House, effectively doubling the amount of space that was available in the old premises and enabling the Art Department to diversify its activities very considerably. The old dormitories and residential rooms have been converted into excellent, light studios and it is obvious that the pupils are responding readily to the new circumstances; there is already much varied work of a high standard on display. Old Silhillians who have visited us have been amazed at how the first two floors of School House have also been transformed. One of the purposes of our operation was to extend and rationalise the Sixth Form Centre. The foyer, which is reached from the main rear entrance, gives a feeling of space that was not possible before and the incorporation of an internal courtyard together with a gallery/exhibition area completes this transformation. We have already found that bedrooms and dormitories make very good classrooms for Sixth Form work and the availability of the whole of the first floor has made it possible to extend these facilities. In addition we are now able to position key members of staff, with specific pastoral responsibilities, in studies alongside the Sixth Form rooms. In particular, the Careers staff are now housed in spacious accommodation in the old Headmaster's House, as is the Sixth Form Master. We also took the opportunity to position Matron and the sick-room on the ground floor — thus making it easier for those with broken limbs to seek medical help! With much needed maintenance work being done on the roof, drainage and heating systems, School House is in excellent order for the next century. I was delighted that the Chairman of the Governing Body, John Price, agreed to re-open the building on March 10th. It was particularly appropriate that he should do so, in view of the fact that the commissioning of the architect to construct School House was the first major decision taken by the Governing Body after its establishment in 1879. Space that has been vacated recently is now being put to good use. The old Art School is converted into a Drama Studio, with lighting and sound equipment given to us by parents. Work is about to start on converting the L block into a Computer Centre. This opens up very exciting possibilities for the future and is, of course, necessary if we are to cope with the demands of the new National Curriculum in this field. Many excellent things have been achieved over the last few years but it is important to maintain the momentum if at all possible. I am delighted that the Governing Body have now agreed to a substantial improvement of Junior School facilities, starting in 1991. This will increase the numbers at that level slightly, but above all, provide boys between 7 and 11 with purpose-built areas, both for learning and communal activities. Moreover, the proposed scheme will enhance the appearance of the rear part of the quad area in a way in which the architect's recently completed plans have improved the frontage. We have many visitors these days and it is important that they should feel that the School is developing. Our Open Days for prospective parents are more popular than ever and we seem to accommodate at least 600 on each occasion. Last year was also unusual for a number of Old Silhillian reunions. On May 13th we were delighted to welcome those who had left between 1969 and 1973 and on June 17th John Orrett organised a memorable gathering for those who had left fifty years earlier. Both were supported very well indeed and we are encouraged by the popularity of these "gaudies" to maintain a cycle of events. The next one will take place on Saturday June 9th and will be for those who left between 1958 and 1962 inclusive. Invitations will be issued in the New Year. Speeches and Prize Giving took place on Friday, September 22nd. Our Guest of Honour this year was The Very Revd Peter Berry (O.S.), Provost of Birmingham Cathedral. In my annual report I was delighted to report that the School had enjoyed what seems to have been a unique combination of impressive achievements. On the academic front, we exceeded 100 entrants to universities and polytechnics for the first time — following a very satisfactory 87% pass rate at A level. The second year of GCSE was even more impressive — with 95% of all subjects taken meriting A, B or C grade. 73% were awarded A or B, with 34% at A grade. The national averages are 45% for A to C grades and 10% for A grades. The cricketers won the under 19 Warwickshire Cup at Edgbaston for the first time and lost only one school match during the season. Two players, Richard Hatcliffe and Justin Inglis, scored more than 800 runs each, thus making them the second and third highest run scorers in the School's history. Both had an innings of more than 150 which has not been done since our existing records started in 1931. Six centuries were scored during the term, at various levels. The 1st XV were only beaten by three schools in 21 fixtures. The under 16 and under 19 hockey teams progressed to the finals of the Warwickshire Cup, recording 26 and 11 victories respectively during a most successful season. Simon Harrison, who also plays regularly for the Old Sils, scored 51 goals for the 1st Xl. Under 12, under 16 and girls' swimming teams won the Solihull Borough Cups and the school team retained the Bromgrove Relays Trophy for the third time. The cross-country running team retained the Borough title, became West Midlands Schools Champions and finished as runners-up in the prestigious Rugeley Cup Competition, our highest placing for 40 years. The Junior School retained their Borough title for the seventh year. The athletes continued their progress towards the top league of Midlands Schools by retaining the Borough Championship, winning through to the National Plate final of the Milk in Action Competition and in Michael Jeavons and Barnaby Sheridan produced two competitors for the English Schools' Championships. The Golf Team won the Midlands Tournament and were also Warwickshire Schools' Champions. The Sailing Team retained its unbeaten record. The under 16 and under 14 badminton teams reached the Warwickshire finals, with the under 14s taking the Solihull Schools title. The under 16 basketball players are also at the top of the Solihull League and became Solihull School's "Open Age Champions". In other spheres of activity there were several memorable events. As usual the Music Department was very active. "La Belle Helene" proved to be a very popular and successful opera, with fine solo work by David Brown and Rachael Shannon in particular. The Commemoration and Saint Cecilia concerts included very varied programmes and the Choral Society performed Part I of The Messiah and the C major Te Deum by Haydn. Several pupils maintained the tradition of giving individual recitals after Sunday Evensong — thus showing a level of professionalism which is probably not very common in schools. The Chapel Choir have sung Evensong in Gloucester and Birmingham Cathedrals and have recently recorded a tape of Carols. This is advertised separately in the magazine and I hope many Old Silhillians will feel like purchasing one for themselves or as an excellent Christmas present for others. At the end of last term we had to say goodbye to members of staff. Mr. Stuart Caldicott, who was with us for four years was particularly associated with the revival of swimming, moves on to Banbury School. Mr. Jeremy Poulter, who is known to many Old Silhillians through his organisation of School hockey over the last twelve years, goes to Glenalmond. Mr. Robin Smith, who ran the Scouts for many years and taught Chemistry, moves to King Edward's, Birmingham. THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION We look forward to seeing you at the School Carol Service on December 18th. As always, Old Silhillians are very welcome to visit us at any time. I thank you again for the interest and support which so many have given to the school. In particular, I am most grateful for the gift of the long case clock which now adorns the main staircase to my study and which was presented at a most enjoyable dinner on the eve of the 50 years honorary reunion in June. Those who are regular attenders of the over-sixties lunches will be pleased to know that the completion of work on the main entrance has now made it possible to incorporate a Joe Wood Memorial. A Commemoration seat and arbor at the top of the main drive will be completed during the next few weeks. I am most grateful for the gift of the money raised in Joe's memory. As usual it has been a great pleasure to be associated with your Committee and your President over the past year. I much enjoy my regular meetings with them and value the support and encouragement which they give me. ALAN LEE September 1989 t' Liiiit P Mike Smith was born in Solihull and received his primary education at Ulverley School, moving to Solihull School in 1956. His House, Fetherston, won Cock House in his last year at School, when he was also deputy Head Boy. He was always an enthusiastic sportsman, receiving School colours in Cricket, Pilli 455 1 CI TI 1 ETTER The Association's Diamond Jubilee Year was an outstanding success and its many events most enjoyable. The leadership of Robert and Stephanie Vaughan was tireless in its commitment to a truly excellent programme. This was reflected in the record level of fund raising which enabled the Association to allocate funds to equip the new Drama Studio with stage lighting, as well as supporting several other projects in the School. In 1989/90 the Association plans a full programme of events including a Coffee Morning on October 12th, a French Evening on November 28th to celebrate the bi-centenary and what promises to be an excellent Beaujolais Nouveau. On Saturday December 2nd we hold our Christmas Fayre, which is the Association's fund raising event. The 11th Careers Evening will be held on Wednesday 8th November. This biennial event provides members of the Upper School with an opportunity to discuss the nature and scope of a wide variety of careers, informally, with a large cross section of people, from the professions, industry and commerce. The Evening has grown out of an initiative of Roy Loader. We are delighted and very grateful that he continues to provide a very substantial level of support, advice and guidance some 20 years on. The Association looks forward to meeting many parents during this year and sharing with them many of our events. STEVE ADAMS P ANNUM REP 1 RT Hockey and Rugby. Little report is to be found of any artistic, dramatic or musical achievements! He is a qualified Chartered Accountant, and a Senior Manager with the Birmingham office of Peat Marwick McLintock, responsible for information technology within the Midland Region. Not surprisingly, sport was to provide Mike There has not been much demand on the Planning Committee since last year's report. You will be pleased to learn that the committee members, who include David Powell, Paul Instone, Alan Danks, Stuart McNidder and Jenny Nuttall, are all in good health, and ready for action as soon as the call arrives. JOHN STANDLEY with an early introduction to the Old Boys, playing his first game of Cricket at Dingle Lane at the age of 14. Now, 30 years on, he still plays regularly in the 1st Eleven! In the Winter, Saturday afternoons are spent on the Hockey field, and after several years of 1st team hockey, he has been snapped up by the Veterans X1 . Mixed Hockey is a fairly recent development, but his appearances are rare due to tactical disagreements with the captain — his daughter! On the administrative side, he has been Treasurer of the Cricket Club for many years, and more recently Chairman of the Sports Club Committee. Married to Christine, they have two children, Catherine is 17 and in the sixth form at Solihull, Jonathon is 15 and a boarder at Oakham School. Michael writes: "It is a great privilege to have been invited to be your next President, and I am Mike Smith — looking forward to my year in office." President Elect "I know I've asked this before, but..." 10 11 THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION With regard to the Sports Clubs the membership was as follows: M i llEERSHIP PLAYING The Membership of the Old Silhillians Association at July 31st 1989 at the end of the financial year is recorded as follows: ORDINARY COUNTRY RETIRED JUNIOR PARENT VICE PRESIDENT EX-SCHOOL LIFE Members 228 132 15 376 33 8 30 1150 Paid-up 207 121 15 376 26 8 30 1150 Amount (El 2561 1096 120 8 325 100 0 131 1972 1933 4341 Of the above members 170 addresses are unknown, mainly in the Life Membership section. This year a further 126 School leavers joined the Association on a free for 3 years basis; of these 94 are men and 32 ladies. The first members entered the scheme in 1987 and subscriptions will be due from August 1st next year. This should enable the income to rise gradually from this time, and mean that the current rates of 12 pounds 50p for Ordinary/ParentNice President, 10 pounds for Country (more than 20 miles outside Solihull) and 8 pounds for Retired can be held at the same level, set in 1984, for several more years. I believe it is very important that rates are low enough to be economic for those members who are unable to use the Clubhouse, but do like to receive the magazine each year. I am helped in this by the speed with which members pay their subscriptions and do thank you very much for this. If any member feels he should be transferred to country membership or would like to take advantage of the life membership, where the rate is 250 pounds reducing by 25 pounds for every 5 years over the age of 20, to a minimum of 25 pounds at age 65 and over, please let me know. RUGBY HOCKEY CRICKET SQUASH RIFLE SWIMMING GOLF OSA 41 47 16 59 17 23 116 NON OSA 110 49 24 121 47 18 1 OSA 96 56 12 3 4 0 0 NON PLAYING NON OSA 30 14 3 2 1 0 1 JOHN WOOLMAN Hard to believe I have completed yet another year, the third incidentally. The year seems to have flown by, with some considerable changes in the Clubhouse. This time last year Val Cordwell had just started as Manageress under the new system of no steward and no stewardess. She served with us until September when she decided to return to warmer climes. The committee then appointed Yvonne Evans to the Manageress' post, in which she has continued to do a first class job. Yvonne has not been with us for the past few months due to the impending patter of tiny feet. During the year we have acquired the services of 'Roger the Barman' and we bid him welcome. He puts in a tremendous amount of work at the Clubhouse for which we all thank him. The Club took over all the catering this year and after a shaky financial start it has blossomed into a major economic factor in the Club's income. The two people responsible for this success are Stuart Shorthouse, the Catering Manager, and Dorothy May, whose ability to cope has been proved over and over again. Stuart and Dorothy — thank you. GRAHAM HUGHES Two past Editors giving up their seat to next year's Editor. "I've got to drink how many barrels a day?" THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION OLD SILHILLIANS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED The accounts for the year ended 31st July 1989 are presented in a similar format to last year, in order to provide a clear understanding of the results and financial position of the Association. Full Statutory Accounts will be produced and available for inspection at the Annual General Meeting. During the early part of the year the refurbishment work of the Clubhouse disrupted the bar and catering arrangements, and resulted in poor trading for the first half of the year. However, an advertising programme in the new year has resulted in a substantial increase in business and the improved profitability as shown in the accounts. It is to be hoped that this trend is continued during the current year. The cost of the refurbishment amounted to nearly £20,000 and was financed by the loan from Scottish and Newcastle Breweries. The Association results are comparable with last year. The increase in Scholarships indicates the rise in School Fees, but this is balanced by a reduction in the net cost of the magazine; its cost of production Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st July 1989 Old Silhillians' Association £ and receiving a commission. The brewery loan is reduced over 10 years by way of a rebate dependent on barrelage. This is reflected in the income, whereas the overheads are increased by the cost of depreciation of the refurbishment. During the year the Steward's house has been redecorated and recarpeted. This has been financed by Subscriptions Building Society Interest (Net) Bank Deposit Interest Dividends received c 3,694 1,694 304 3,772 1,798 304 5,692 5,874 Expenditure: Scholarships Silhillian Magazine Administration Expenses Audit Fee Hospitality and Sundry Expenses 2,568 879 898 300 (232) the Development Fund and from our own resources. It is important to maintain the value of this major 2,000 1,367 827 300 196 4,413 4,690 1,279 1,184 80,883 40,337 75,753 121,260 75,753 Gross Profit - Bar - Catering 31,124 20,894 29,284 Bar & Catering Overheads 52,018 29,719 29,284 15,571 Bar & Catering Net Profit 22,299 13,713 asset. Once again our thanks to Janet Hall and Stephen Power for their invaluable assistance during the Association Profit for Year year. Clubhouse: STUART C. MACKAY 1988 £ Income: continues to rise, but this is more than offset by increased advertising revenue. The Club and Ground Accounts show the increase in turnover and profitability mentioned above. We are now running the catering at the Clubhouse rather than sub-contracting this function to the Steward 1989 £ Bar Sales Catering - - Other Income: Machine Income (Net) Catering Commission Room Hire and Sundry Income Brewery Rebate 5,730 3,370 3,500 Gross Income Prior to Overheads 6,468 4,178 2,398 12,600 13,044 34,899 26,757 18,709 5,187 17,218 4,308 Grounds: Sports Section Rents Other Hirings 23,896 Ground Wages Ground Expenses Stuart, not changed a bit. Gross Income Prior to Overheads 10,963 3,040 21,526 11,353 3,279 14,003 14,632 9,893 6,894 THE ASSOCIATION THE ASSOCIATION OLD SILHILLIANS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED Income and Expenditure Account (continued) Balance Sheet 31st July 1989 Old Silhillians' Association £ 1989 E E 1988 f Gross Income Prior to Overheads: Clubhouse Grounds 34,899 9,893 26,757 6,894 44,792 33,651 Old Silhillians' Association E 8,484 5,318 3,936 1,994 3,844 2,751 898 3,600 1,173 707 9,076 6,370 5,448 1,925 4,192 3,470 220 5,705 460 807 Freehold Land and Buildings Plant and Equipment Stock Debtors Building Society Deposit Short Term Investment Bank and Cash Balances 32,705 7,119 946 Old Silhillians' Association Clubhouse and Grounds 1,279 7,119 1,184 946 224,431 3,163 211,128 3,595 227,594 214,723 Taxation 8,398 14 2,130 29 8,384 2,101 6,064 13,623 20,000 5,000 6,891 5,080 9,944 23,000 5,000 23,884 51,578 66,908 8,235 25,694 13,228 26,475 Current Liabilities: Bank Overdraft Creditors Net Current Assets Net Income from Ordinary Activities: 3,567 251 3,334 233 3,818 3,567 17,649 27,205 245,243 241,298 Long Term Liabilities: Interest Free Loan 6% Debenture repayable 1990 31,500 6,900 Life Members' Fund As at 31st July 1989 Income for year 1988 E Current Assets: 37,673 Net Profit for the Year E Fixed Assets: Overheads: Rates and Water Electricity, Gas and Oil Maintenance and Repair Cleaning Administration Insurance and Security Alarms Sundry Expenses Depreciation Bank and other Interest Telephone 1989 E 35,000 7,400 38,400 42,400 206,843 199,528 194,641 8,384 3,818 - 192,540 2,101 3,567 1,320 206,843 199,528 Financed by: Accumulated Fund - Opening Balance - Surplus Life Members' Fund Development Fund H.J.C. Taylor - President S.C. Mackay - Treasurer 2nd October 1989 16 17 SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL GOVERNORS Air Vice-Marshal J.W. Price, C.B.E. (Chairman) Mr. R.G. Davies (Vice-Chairman) Mr. G.E. Hill, 0.B.E., T.D., F.C.A. Prof. J.M. Bishop, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P. Mr. N. Bradbeer Prof. J. Bridgwater, Sc.D. (Cantab.), F.I.Chem.E., F.Eng. Mr. J.P. Butcher, M.P. Mr. D.W. Chapman, D.F.M., LI.B. Mrs. C. Clark, M.A., Ph.D. Rev. P. Hawkins, B.A. Mr. D.G. Lewis, O.B.E. Mr. F.D. Robinson, M.A. Mr. J.E. Rowley, M.A. Mr. J.R. Talboys Foundation Prize for German David Prust Memorial Prize for History Eric Havinden Memorial Prize for History Canon Brookes Prize for Mathematics Thompson Memorial Prize for Mathematics Foundation Prize for Music Anthony Peter Dean Memorial Organ Prize Foundation Prize for Physics Alice Harding Memorial Prize for Science Wright Memorial Prize for Science Lee Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Drama Prizes for Acting Marshall Prize for Opera Prizes for Opera C L Turnbull K.J. Squire K E Hazelhurst P.S. Harrington G.J. Edwards R.L. Shannoh J.P. Cotterill N.A. Ahmon A.D. Cordle, G.L. Richardson S D Rose S.L.B. Skyrme, J.D. Cove R. Adams, C.M. Grieves R.L. Shannon, C.L. Turnbull R.C. Jones, D.P. Brown P.R. Ansell Memorial Scholarship for Mathematics and Science HONORARY GOVERNORS M.J. Giddings Old Silhillians Scholarship Mr. E.G. Wilcox Mr. S.H. Croft H.J. May, J.J. Masters A.H. Grundy Old Silhillians Bushell Scholarship Mr. D.H. Tomlin, M.A. J S Peters Cooper Scholarship for Science THE UPPER SCHOOL Leonard Stevens Scholarship for Engineering G.J. Edwards Parents' Association Prizes for Outstanding Academic Achievement in LVI The Funded and Scholarship Prizes C.S. Murray Old Silhillians' Prize for the Head of the School R C Jones Prize for Deputy Head of the School C L. Turnbull Cupit Cup for Girls Best All-Rounder Shenstonian Lodge Prizes for Initiative and Resource S.K. Bushell, G.J. Edwards, D.J. Eveson, E.M. Hanson, C.S.Griggs N.J.D. Terry Peter Budd Memorial Prize for Leadship in the C.C.F . J.E.R. Hare Scout Parents' Committee Prize for Venture Scouts C.M. O'Brien Norman Green Prize for Community Service (Presented by Solihull Rotary Club) A.D. Cordle, B.A. O'Leary Urry Prizes for Voluntary Work of a Practical Nature Prizes for Public Service in the School N.A. Ahmon, R.W.C. Band, S.M. Blanco, J.E. Bridgewater, S. Brotherhood, W.R. Corser, A.C. Dutton, A.L. Cole, H.L. Dayus, M. Sixsmith, D.L. Yates, P.S. Harrington, S.P. Harrison, S. Kaul, C.M. Grieves, A.J. Levine, J.L. Smallwood, J.T.W. Baddeley, N.C.J. Leyland, D.J. Mugridge, R.L. Shannon, M.R. Harris, V.E. Lloyd, P. Wheeler, R.J. Batson, S.L.B. Skyrme, M.D. Vaughan, J.L. Hill, R.E. Hatcliffe, G.L. Richardson, F.A. Booker, A.G. Wraight, J.D. Price, R.S. Vaughan, N.M.A. Winnifrith. J.E. Puckering, J.H. Ditchfield, D.J. Mugridge Prizes for the Editors of "The Shenstonian" M.J. Radford Librarian's Prize C S Pulley Art and Design Students Award S L Perry Prize for Art and Design J H Ditchfield Alfred Caulkin Prize for Art D.C. Pritchard David Shepherdson Memorial Prize for Art C.M. O'Brien Whitehouse Memorial Prize for Biology S. Kaul George Angier Harding Memorial Prize for Chemistry D. Clarke Clarke Prize for Civics C L Turnbull Bushell Prize for Divinity R.R.J. Morris Simon Powell Prize for Economics J H Ditchfield, D.J. Mugridge, C.L. Turnbull Frances Taylor Prize for English R.L. Shannon J.R.R. Hunter Prize for French K.J. Squire Richard Lancaster Prize for Geography SI. Thorp, S.J. Williams, M.D. Crampton, J.D. Proudfoot, G.R. Brown, R.D.C. Viney, E.J. Shaw, E.L.G. Christian, J.P. Hartle, N.J. Fearnhead Form Prizes for Progress and General Merit in LVI R.M. Mortis, S.S. Dogra, S.G. Ashwell, S.J. Cooper, E.A. Costard, P.A. Delaney, R.E. Parks, T.L. Laidlaw, U. Carey, D.J. Dunnett, S.W. Saunders Subject Prizes Art: S.M. Schuster; Biology (Sci.): N. Melikian; Business Studies: S.W. Saunders; Chemistry (Sci.): D.M. Jollie; Design: S.W. Sturdee; Divinity: L.M.P. Stanley; Economics: N.J. Fearnhead; English: L.M. Stanley; French: P.J. Bowman; Geography: N.J. Fearnhead; German: P.J. Bowman; Greek: N.J. Fearnhead; History: T.L. Laidlaw; Latin: E.L. Christian and R.J. Paice; Mathematics: E.J. Shaw and S.L. Thorp; Music: R.C. Jones, D.P. Brown, S.K. Bushell, C.L. Turnbull, N.A. Ahmon; Physics (Sci.): I.D. Oliver; Science: J.D. Price. J.E.J. Croft Owen Prize for History David Blythe Prize for GCSE Geography A S Price THE MIDDLE SCHOOL Funded and Special Prizes Maurice Hirst Prize for Head of the Middle School Andrew Stevens Memorial Prize for Leadership Endeavour Prize Scout Parents' Committee Troop Prize Neil Hobday Prize for Leadership in Scouting Peter Roe "All-Round" Cup Diggines Prize for English R.A. Chapman M.P. Lawson T.C. Clapp G.J. McWilliam B.C. Hardwick N.M. Faber M.A. Shepherd Parents' Association Prizes for Outstanding Academic Achievement J.E. Arbuthnot, M.E. Rivers-Latham, S.J. McGill, M.A. Shepherd, G.E. Smye, B.M. Whitelock, J.M. Sephton, R.C.A. Turner, N.T. Shaikh, G.J. McWilliam. SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL Form Prizes for Progress and General Merit Parents' Association Prizes for Outstanding Academic Achievement P.G.F. Raines, B.C. Perry, S.A. Thompson, A.J. Davies, T.C. Clapp, S.C. Birt, S.R. Gauder, R.W.J. Honeysett, R.A.C. Pye, R.P. Elmes. Subject Prizes Art: G.I. Gold; Divinity: I.C. ShoveII; English: B.C. Perry, I.C. ShoveII, M.D. Grainger; French: L.P. Pearson, B.M. Whitelock; Geography: D.C. Cunnington, S.C. Birt; German: M. Shepherd; History: B.C. Perry; Latin: G.E. Smye; Mathematics: D.J. Holland, S.C. Birt; Music: G.P.C. Jones; Science: M.A. Shepherd, T.C. Clapp, G.E. Smye, J. Hamilton, S. Dommett, D.O. Vincent. Parents' Association Design and Technology R.C. Stem bridge THE LOWER SCHOOL Funded and Special Prizes Bluck Prize for Public Service and Leadership The Terriers Prize Bushell Prize for Divinity Bernays Prize for Reading Halstead Prize for Public Speaking Peter Cu rwood Prize for Snowdonia School D.R. Crowther R.A. Hoefield D.A. Crowther M.D. Pryke J.J. Wright J.M.B. Effman J4L S.R.A. Price, S.R. Tabb J4S C.B. Evans, A.J. Kershaw J3A S.J. Corns J3T M.A. Sholfield J2 M.S. Morris J1 G.F. Southam Form Prizes for Progress and General Merit J4L J.A. Clarke, A.J. Taylor, P.R. Howes J4S P.R. Landham, N.M.D. Pick, J.E. Williamson J3A I.J. Batsford, M.S. Goldsworthy, J.G.J. Penman J3T C.J. Good, M.E. Hartley, G.G. Jones J2 A.P. Ginns, T.E. Maiden, D.G. Sedghi J1 J.E.G. Little, P.B. Scrivens, I.R. Wilton Crawford Prize for developing character through effort and determination K.O. Elsheikh and J.C. Salisbury Librarian's Prizes: A.J. Kershaw and J.A.N. Packham Parents' Association Prizes for Outstanding Academic Achievement D.R. Crowther, A.J. Chambers, J.J. Yarwood, P.B. Cross, R.K.T. Moussa, C.O. Price, C.J. Smart, R.H. Gibbs. UNIVERSITY AND ACADEMIC HONOURS 1989 Form Prizes for Progress and General Merit B.T.K. Hassell, M.J. Fletcher, T.E. Whitelock, D.G. McWilliam, A.B. Speck, B.S. Hartley, T. Williams, B.T.J. Harrison. Aston M.J. Gough C. Norman B.Sc., Computing Science, Class II Div 2 B.Eng., Elec.& Electron. Eng., Class II Div 2 Subject Prizes Art: M.D. Whiteside; Divinity: R.K.T. Mousse; English: D.R. Crowther, J.G. Michalos, M.J. Fletcher, P.J.T. Holt; French: J.P. Bordas, R.H. Gibbs; Geography: D.R. Crowther, A. Tennenberg, P.J.T. Holt; History: D.R. Crowther, D.M.J. Howes; Latin: C.D. Hancock; Mathematics: R.E. Bates, R.H. Gibbs; Music: C.A. Crabtree; Science: C.A. Crabtree, B.T.K. Hassell, M.D. Whiteside, M.G. Jones; German: S.C. Bosanko, C.D. Hancock; Design: B.T.J. Harrison. THE JUNIOR SCHOOL B.Sc., Physics, Class I M.B., Ch.B. Bristol P.N. Cracroft B.Eng., Aeronautical Eng., Class II Div 1 P.G. Blenkinsop T.M. Burne C.B. Evans, A.S. Collins, H. Raju A.S. Collins A.T.R. Hanson Prizes for Outstanding Merit Prize for Drama Prize for Art Prize for English Prize for History Prize for Geography Prize for Mathematics Prize for Science Prize for CDT Prize for Good Reading Prize for Improved Reading Halstead Prize for Good Handwriting Halstead Prize for Improved Handwriting R.E. Goss G. Bates Brunel Funded and Special Prizes Prizes for Public Service and Leadership Scout Parents' Committee Prize for Cub Scouting Timothy Powell Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement Birmingham A.J. Taylor A.J. Taylor C.B. Evans K.M.D. Lines D.J. Partington H. Raju J.A. Clarke A.S. Collins D.P. Gallagher D.P. Baldwin M.J. Dovey S.J.N. Snelus B.Sc., Industrial Design, Class II Div 1 B.Sc., Industrial Design, Class II Div 1 Cambridge S.M. Smith A.W.J. Stevens S.J. Townsley S. Everson P.W. Scurlock E.J. Saunders C. Gibbs Leisl Temple B.A., Economics, Class I B.A., Law, Class I B.A., Economics, Class II Div 2 B.A., English, Class II Div 2 B.A., Music, Class ll B.A., Law, Class II Div 1 B.A. — M.B., Veterinary Medicine B.Ed., Education, Class II Div 2 Durham Michele E.L. Edwards B.A., French, Class II Div 2 Edinburgh K.J.M. Moore R. Berrisford B.Sc., Biochemistry, Class I B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. — F.R.C.S. SOLIHULL SCHOOL Exeter R.H. Green G.W.P. Hards SOLIHULL SCHOOL Surrey B.A., Accountancy, Class ll Div 1 B.A., German, Class ll Div 2 B.A., Hotel Management, Class II Div 1 Swansea Heriot-Watt Samantha L. Hames J.J. Robinson B.A., French and German, Class II Div 1 Jayne E. Cottrell J.E. Roberts B.Sc., Politics, Class II Div 2 B.A., Economics, Class II Div 1 Harvard M.J. Brown, Heriot-Watt Samantha L. Hames B.Sc. — M.B.A. U.W.I.S.T. J. Davies POLYTECHNICS Hull P.D. Bourne LL.B., Law, Class ll Div 1 Kent J. Hantrais B.A., Europ. Man. Sc., Class II Div 1 Leeds Jacqueline A. Harris B.Sc., Data Processing, Class II Div 2 Leicester M.E. Couchman B.Sc., Biological Sciences, Class II Div 2 London Helen Bateman S.D. Ashby Rebecca Kelly N.J. Wallis T.R. Langford B.A., Applied Psychology, Class II Div 2 B.A., French and German, Class II, Div 1 London: College of Printing R.W. Davies B.A., Graphics, Class I Newcastle Jill Blenkinsop B.A., Secretarial Admin., Pass Northampton Kathryn E. Twigg Dip. Occupational Therapy, Merit Plymouth M.B., B.S. B.Sc., Human Environ. Science, Class II Div 2 B.A., Modern History, Class II Div 2 B.A., French, Class ll Div 2 LL.B., Law, Class II Div 2 S.N. Harrison B.A., Geography, Class II Div 1 Portsmouth H.C.L. Shackleton P.E. Hinton Jennifer Middleton B.A., Economics, Class II Div 2 B.Sc., Mathematics, Class II Div 2 B.A., Economic History, Class II Div 2 Loughborough S.R. Layton B.Sc., Economics, Class II, Div 1 Sunderland Sangeeta Rangwani B.Sc., Pharmacy, Class II Div 2 Nottingham T.A. Gordon R.J. Sharp Sarah Nixon J.E. Spanton M.C. Aitchison D.A. Taylor A.D. Cameron B.Sc., Mining Engineering, Class I B.A., English Studies, Class I B.A., American Studies, Class ll Div 2 B.Eng., Chemical Eng., Class II Div 2 B.Sc., Prod. & Oper. Man., Class II Div 1 B.A., Industrial Economics, Class II Div 2 B.A., Industrial Economics, Class ll Div 1 THE UNIVERSITY ENTRIES Aberystwyth Stephen Bates John Cove Law Business and Mang. Studies (1990) Aston Oxford R. Canning D.M. Greatwood M.S. Baker L.A. Cummings Amanda J. Raybould G.J. Price Stuart Blanco B.A., English, Class I B.A., Mathematics, Class I B.A., Chemistry, Class I B.A., Music, Class I B.A., Chemistry, Class II Div 1 B.A., Chemistry, Class II Div 1 Sheffield J.M. Portman M.P. Budd Bangor Victoria Hicken French & Linguistics Bath Lawrence Kuhn Nigel Terry German Economics & Politics Birmingham B.Sc., Geography, Class II Div 1 B.A., Accounting, Class III Jayne Hill Sundeep Kaul Hisham Khogali B.Sc., Electrical Eng., Class II Div 2 B.Sc., Biology, Class II Div 2 Bradford Southampton R.W.S. Johnstone J. Rollinson Engineering Technology Fiona Kennedy Accountancy Medicine Medical Biochemistry Combined Sciences SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL London Bristol Kate Hazlehurst Giles Richardson History Medicine Brunel Anthony Cole Mathematics Cambridge Martyn Brearley Paul Harrington Barry O'Leary Rachel Shannon Clare Turnbull Electron. Eng./Cornputer Studies Computer Studies Law Music English Irfan Ashraf Simon Bristow Richard Corser Gillian Edwards David Eveson Nicholas Leyland Catherine O'Brien Penny-Anne O'Donnell Kate Weston Danyel Yates Physics History Physics Elect. & Electron. Engineering Medicine Medicine Medicine Speech Sciences Law & Japanese Dentistry Loughborough David Clarke Business/Management Studies Manchester Durham Rachel Jones Vanessa Lloyd Music Geology Jonathan Henson Mark Sixsmith Stephen Skyrme Maths & Computer Studies Medicine Pharmacy Manchester (U.M.I.S.T.) Edinburgh Andrew Cordle Psychology Accountancy Accountancy Economics Hull Philip Hackett Psychology Keele Charles Knight Sociology & English Leeds Richard Band Fleur Booker James Dawe Helen Dayus Andrew Dutton R. Fincher Simon Harrison Joanna Puckering Katy Squire Jonathan Utley Economics (1990) Economics/Business Management Business Man. Studies/French Economics French & Russian Arabic Management Studies English & History History History Medicine Combined/General Science Elect. & Electron. Engineering Christopher Griggs Michael Harris Thomas Laming Robert Morris Richard Munn Stuart Randall James Savin Economics & Accountancy Physics Economics & Philosophy Economics (1990) Physics History Food Sciences Oxford Nicholas Ahmon Philip Aspery David Mugridge James Peters Naomi Winnifrith Physics Physics English Physics English Reading James Baddeley Christopher Grieves Philip Whittam Land and Property Management Land and Property Management History Salford David Margetts Geography Southampton Mechanical Engineering Chemistry & Biochemistry Sussex Dominic Walker Economics Swansea Liverpool Gurjit Atwal Matthew Bullock Simon Bushell Rajesh Duggell Jonathan Magson Rupert Baddeley Nottingham Craig Foster Simon Rose Leicester Amit Rastogi Amanda Wraight Clothing Eng./Management Mathematics/German Newcastle Exeter Simon Lee Nigel Pond Heriot Watt Andrew Wilson Nicole Dunlop Philip Holt Mechanical Engineering Architecture Maths & Bus. Manag. Studies Computer Studies & Accountancy Combined/General Course Elizabeth Hanson Giles Harris Karen Yates Psychology (1990) Business & Management Stud. Business Studies Ulster Peter Wickham Combined Humanities SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL THE POLYTECHNIC ENTRIES Brighton Mark Vaughan Business Studies The accuracy and completeness of the lists depends largely on the information received from Old Silhillians themselves. B.Ed. in P.E. & Geography THE UNIVERSITIES Aberdeen Physical Education J.A. Duffy, D.Sc. J.S.M. Hutchinson, Ph.D. P.M. Taylor, B.Sc. D.M. Collodi Cheltenham College Robin Batson Chester Michael Small Hatfield Edward Leung Physical Education Aberystwyth Leeds Edward Jones Laurence Shell Physical Education Manufacturing Systems Engineering Urban Estate Management (1990) Manchester David Fleet History Communications, Sociology & English NeWcastle Janries Pick A.J. Hawes C.D. Norman Sarah A. Owen J.R. Grahan M.W. Gittings Business Management Bangor P. Greig-Smith, Sc.D. (Professor) J.K. Bland Plymouth Emma Haddleton B.L.D. Coghlan, Ph.D. (Professor) Aston Middlesex Sally Brotherhood J.A.A. Jones, Ph.D., M.A. G.L. McMurtie Catherine L. Edwards Adelaide Liverpool Piers Slater THE UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC LISTS, 1988-89 Psychology Portsmouth Joanne Bridgewater Justin Mayers Bath Economic History Land Management P.P. Rutherford, Ph.D. M.J. McClelland Sunderland Gareth Williams Birmingham Business Studies Trent Karen Gallagher Jane Hartley Adam Knight Lucy Propert Building Sciences French & European Studies Business Studies Business Studies J.M. Bishop, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P. (Professor) J. Bridgwater, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D. (Professor) C.S. Upton, M.A., Ph.D. S.S. Khogali Sarah J. Propert Lara B. Hoggarth M. Jennings L.L. Mzimba D.K. Nanda J.R. Shaw Karen T. Sheward Bradford A.J.P. Morton 26 Bristol Cardiff M.N. Newman, B.Sc. J.J. Edwards M.L.C. Stellakis Tina A. Pilter Sarah J. Adams A.R. Attwood S.L. Colquitt R.E. Gaut Karin A. Melling T.J. Truscott A.M. James S.E. Williamson Julia E. Davies A.J. Pritchard Annette F. Wright Cardiff U.W.I.S.T. J. Hurst C.B. Wardman Tracy E. Humphreys City A.J. Dimond, B.Sc. G.D. Mumford Cornell Brunel F.H.T. Rhodes (President) M.G. Corbett R.D. Humphries Dundee S.H.-L.T. Clark Cambridge W.J.H. Butterfield, 0.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P. J.G. Collier, M.A., LI.B. (Fellow) R.R. Weber, B.A. (Fellow) F.D. Skidmore, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S. (Ed.) B.G. Gasson, B.A. C.J. Pollock, Ph.D. K.D. Evetts, B.A. J.H. Harris, B.A. P.J. Mantle, B.A. G.A. Evans N.J. Green Harriet M.E. Rigby M.P. Arthur T.S. King J.P. Moppett A.J. Kennedy M.J. Reynolds Alison M. Glendhill I.K. Moppett J.H.M. Turnbull R.M. Ward Suzanne L. Williamson R.M. Carey B.E. Hill D.M. Horsley D. Kirk A.J. Lloyd P.A. Marsden S.L. Rea 27 Durham J.M.J. Rogister, B.A. R.A. Lane, Ph.D. P.J. Allen, B.Sc. Anna L. Wood N.F. Money Eliza J. Mason S.G. Penton A. Simmons S.J. Urry East Anglia A.J. Boulton, Ph.D. J.E.M. Clayton Charlotte L. Hall Edinburgh Harriet E. Thurstans, M.A. Abigail A. Barrow, B.Sc. J.D. Payne Essex S.G. 011erenshaw Exeter Prof. D.J. Woollens A.J.C. Lee, Ph.D., B.Sc. Judy F. Beavis A.R. Bevington Alison J. Green SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL Hull London Manchester U.M.I.S.T. Reading Southampton Sussex J.H. Sudd, Ph.D. Lucy C. Hall Marielle J. Sutton A.J. Gargett G.R. Orme R.I. Aitchison Prof. R.A. Straddling J.N. Parkinson, Ph.D. T.J. Patrick, B.Sc. M. Hardingham, B.Sc. P. Donnai, M.A. D.A. Henley, B.Sc. C.D. Bellamy, M.B., B.S. S.R.G. Dakin, B.Sc. C.E. Berrisford, B.Sc. M.R.W. Evans A.G. Macdonald Jacqueline S. Pugsley J.S. Barrett Rebecca M. Kelly D.L. Maclean Katherine D. Parsons M.R.H. Satchel! D.J. Khan K.A. Khogali K.A. Marlow S.A. Oppenheimer S.C. Satchell M.J. Sawle G. Osborn R.N. Evans B. Basma Vanessa A Kett Clare E. Langford Joanne E. Tuckey P.Z. Ahmed A.C. Gadd T.C. Norman R.J. Owen Rachel M. Smith Fiona K. Tocher S.A. Taylor D.V. Viney K.J.M. Moore, B.Sc. T.R. Langford, LL.B. D.A. Donkin W. Swift Harriet E. Evans G.J. Fielding J.M. Wells S.J. Harrison J.W. McEwan Melanie R. Westley D.J. Smith, B.Sc. M.A. Phillips N.J.A. Owen Caroline E. Dawson S.F. Wright P.T.J. Dawson C. Embley N.P. Jones J. Langstone R.J. Palmer A.M. Bland S.M. McClenaghan J.R. MacGregor A.N. Widdowson R.J. Pomfret M.J. Turle R.J. Tayler, Ph.D. (Professor) G.M. Foster Sarah A.L. Gaunt St. Andrews Nottingham R.A. Stradling, M.A., D.Phil. A. Desai J.J. Robinson S.M. Dorman Keele R.M. Whitehouse, B.A. Kent L.T. Holmes, M.A., Ph.D. Julia M. Skan M.P. Dening Lancaster R.D. Humphries P.J. Cusack Leeds M.L.J. Rollason, B.Sc., M.Sc. R.M. Green, B.A. R.M. Thomson, Ph.D., B.Sc., M.Sc. S. Edwards, B.Sc. J.G. Sheehan K.B. Colman P. Edwards D.C.H. Nurse R.C. Dale Katrina P.M. Suneson S.J. Wilson M.E. Child D.J. Kelly Helen L. Regan J.A. Rintoul Leicester J.H. Parkinson, B.Sc. H.R. Wright T.J. Fowler R.L. Gilmore Liverpool T.R.G. Gray, Ph.D. N.E.J. Sharrock, B.Eng. L.D. Bradley S.W. Ord H.C.L. Shackleton N.J. Canin D.K. Lucas N.T. Rintoul C.A.P.H. Ward J.F. Errington Helen M. Hanson D.J. Hare Wendy S. Harrington Penelope A. Henson M.H. Mence J. 011ivier Loughborough N.S.C. Frost T.C. Groves D.C.R. French Susan D. Croft J.D. Glanfield M.R. Turner Manchester P.J. King, Ph.D. J.R. Mace, B.A., M.Sc. P.R.F. Clemence, B.A. M. Shepherd P.M. Davies R.A. Kielty K. Pallavi Reddy S.A. Sporton M.B. Fisher Tracey A. Riddlesdin Ruth A. Stembridge Newcastle D.M. Smith, D.Phil. N.J. Wrenn, B.A. R.J. Sharp, B.A. C.J.F. Kaighin R.A. Burrows T.A. Gordon J.J. Homer Sally J. Price J.J. James D.M. Handley J.R. Quantrill D.A. Whitehouse J.J. James P.S. Goodson A.G. Marriner, B.Sc. J.V. Williams Washington Surrey P.J.F. Millier, B.Sc. H.J. Allen Alison C. Jones Corrie A. Forrester M.S.D. Read M. Cable, Ph.D. I.R. Tippetts, B.Sc. P.J. Green, B.A. A.J. Garner Judith A. Carey P.R. Davies M.J. Wardman Melanie M. Lilley J.D. Milne Warwick Strathclyde Salford Sheffield Swansea C.D. Brown, Ph.D., B.Sc. (Professor) York V.W.D. Hale, Ph.D. Rowena M. Geddes S.C. Bartlett M.R. Lucas THE POLYTECHNICS Oxford A.R. Hands, B.Sc., M.A., D.Phil. (Fellow) P.R. Cook, M.A., D.Phil. (Fellow) R.L. Hutchings, M.A. J.E.M. Dillon, B.A. R.H. Sellars, B.A. R.A. Cross, B.A. A.W.J. Stevens, B.A. H.C. Adlington P.J. Westwood G.A. Clark S.G. Lee T.J. Ward S.D. Aylin D. Baker P.M. Buttifant P.A. Cowley J.D. Gavaghan A.C. Maclean A.G. Mortis T.F. Price M.S. Ellison Josephine S. Field C.J. Finnie S.M. Glaze N.P. Kembery Madeline M. Mattar P.R. Newman M.J. Pay J.R. Smith Birmingham Liverpool J.R. Murphy Portsmouth Vanessa C. Rowley I.D. Harris R.M. Young C.J. Cameron I.D. Harris Sarah A. Hutchings R.J. Price Cardiff: Welsh College of Music and Drama North-East London Sheffield S.C. Bateman H.P. Smith North London Fiona B. Edwards Joanne E. Duck Hatfield A.D. Gill N.K.J. Sinclair Oxford Kingston Tania J. Hurst S.J. Simkins Samantha C. Britt Marie C. Newman P.St.J. Heath N. Sofroniou Bristol Jayne L. Mansell L.F. Boyea E.W. Norton P.M. Brown Tina L. Mansell Lancashire S.J. Barrington Polyanna Jennens Leeds Helen B. Thomas Leicester Claire Y. Newman City of London A.E. Corkish Manchester Plymouth D.W. Plummer Sunderland M.P. Turner Trent M.H.P. Beaton J. Pulley C.J. Willett R.C.V. Yearsley Elizabeth J. Ashford J.H. Figg M.A. Hall S.L. Joberns N.P. Jones Elizabeth J. Ashford N.R. McLenaghan Wolverhampton 0. Mahmood Lisa M. Cameron G.F. Lawton SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOLIHULL SCHOOL Headmaster Alan Lee and the Chairman of the Governors — Air Vice Marshal J.W. Price CBE — at the re-opening of School House. 1 LD 8 DAY • An example of the renovation at School House, which was undertaken by Geo. Stubbings Ltd. • Filius Paterque. • Memories come flooding back. • David Wood and Family — the Canadian nart of our rinh 1 ■0114% " :. _‘eI ii 4 iA' 30 31 OLD BOYS' NEWS SOLIHULL SCHOOL "50 YEARS ON" REUNION A reunion of those who left School in 1939 and adjacent years was held in Solihull in June of 1989. A Dinner attended by 40 people was held at St John's Hotel on Friday 16th June. It was essentially an informal occasion, though dinner jackets were the order of the day. We had five guests: the Headmaster and Second Master, the School Chaplain, Ernie Halstead, who first taught at Solihull in 1938, and John Taylor, the OSA President. After Dinner the Headmaster was presented with a contemporary long-case clock on behalf of all those invited to the reunion. The clock now graces the landing on the approach to the Headmaster's Study in the refurbished Administration Block. Others who spoke briefly were Lord Butterfield, Sir Oliver Wright, Basil Cooper, John Taylor, Claude Coton and John Orrett. On the Saturday approximately 50 of us gathered at School at 11.00 a.m., and assembled in the Kent Library where the Headmaster spoke to us about the developments at School in recent years; in particular, the Design and Technology Block and the refurbished School House. He explained that, regrettably, all boarding had ceased. We then went in parties, guided by a senior boy or girl, on a tour of inspection of School House. Just after midday we assembled in the administration block for sherry with the Headmaster, viewing a display of School photographs of our era and seeing the clock in situ. Then to a very pleasant lunch in the refectory and then to a tour of the Design and Technology Block and a view of the cricket match. There was plenty of opportunity to talk to old friends in the course of the afternoon. At 3.45 p.m. we attended Chapel, full of beautiful flowers as the marriage of an Old Boy and Old Girl of the School had taken place that morning. The Lessons were read by Sir Oliver Wright and Canon Roger Davison, both Old Boys, and a fitting address was delivered by the School Chaplain, the Reverend Peter Wrenn. We sang three hymns and Psalm 121 lustily, and then trooped out to the sound of the splendid Chapel organ. After tea people gradually departed for home, though a number lingered on until about 6 P.m. It was felt to have been an enjoyable and successful occasion and many letters of appreciation were received. We are particularly grateful to Alan Lee and Harry Rickman for the arrangements made at the School, and to Peter Wrenn for arranging and taking a memorable service in chapel. A number of those attending had not been back at the School for many years, and they were greatly impressed by what they saw and heard. J.R.D. ORRETT K.D. ALLEN (LEFT 1982 — POLE). Having qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Peat Marwick, Kevin is now Financial Auditor with National Homeloans Corporation plc. Married to Rosemary, they have a pet kitten called Monkey. J. BASSETT (LEFT 1949 — POLE). John writes: "Last seen in Sale, Cheshire, but now Vicar of All Saints and All Souls Parishes, Southport. The original Church burnt down, the other fell down, but restoration has occurred! Chaplain to Mayor of Sefton M.B.C. 1989/90." John's teenage son has professed a liking for the game of golf, and father too is to be seen on the local municipal course, obviously trying to perfect the shot that went straight over the bowler's head! "I muse on the fact that it is now 40 years since I left The School." N. BRIDGENS (LEFT 1975 — SHENSTONE). A graduate of Exeter University, Nicholas wonders if his academic qualifications are relevant at his time of life. Perhaps his Honours Degree in Economics and Statistics at Exeter may be followed up by a degree in Philosophy. ICL define him as a Departmental Systems Sales Executive. Nicholas translates: "I flog computers to people who would really prefer to stay with their current make." When not totally devoting himself to wife Susan, Nicholas does find time to walk Simon, their black Labrador; to act as treasurer for Moseley Round Table, and indulge his hobby of train spotting five times a week. N.J.G. BROWN (LEFT 1981 — SHENSTONE). Nicholas writes: "Studied Engineering at Jesus College, Cambridge 1982-1985. Then worked as a research assistant for four months before joining I.B.M. I have been working for them for three years as an electronics and automation engineer at Havant in Hampshire. I am about to start a one year job at I.B.M. Fujisama, Japan, two hours from Tokyo. Completed the formalities of buying a house in Emsworth while working in Japan. It is no easy task buying a house from 8,000 miles away!" G.A. CAMPBELL (LEFT 1948 — JAGO). Gordon included a photograph with his reply. Taken in 1947 or thereabouts, it depicts a working party renovating the original open-air small bore rifle range. Among names recalled of those photographed are Messrs Hunt and David Gurnham. Anyone with memories of those days are invited to write to the Editor, who will be pleased to pass details on to Gordon. The photo appropriately appears in the Rifle Section. J.F.B. (Bosco) CARHILL (LEFT 1973 — JAGO). An Oxford Graduate, where he studied Medicine, John is now a G.P. in Chinor, where he lives with wife Mary and son Jack. John plays Rugby for London French, very aptly named — there being no Frenchmen in the team! T.O. and A.M. CHETLAND (Left 1968 — FETHERSTON) CLUB CHAMNONsHe • ../A,R1••Il NS C 4 .0,41.0% • C 11.0411.04 N 0 ANSWNI I • C 10N10,4 John enjoying Old Boys' Day at Olton G.C., by George. Terry and Tony — a Board Meeting of T.Cs. OLD BOYS' NEWS OLD BOYS' NEWS C.A.M. CLAYTON (LEFT 1975 — WINDSOR). Charles writes: 'The nomadic lifestyle continues. After two happy and interesting years as Careers Information Officer in Wolverhampton town centre, Charlie's own career has now moved to RAF Wyton in Cambridgeshire. As a Squadron Leader there, he is running such diverse sections as security, estate management, discipline and ceremonial, to name but a few. With both Allan and Jessica now at school, Julie plans to recover from the move (our seventh in ten years) before looking for a second career'. R.A. GAUNT (LEFT 1977 — JAGO). Richard has graduated from 1st team Rugby at School to playing for Berea Rovers in Durban. We thought from his writing that he must be a doctor, but he in fact runs his own electrical contracting company employing 18 people. He lives in Glenhills, Durban, with wife Judy. I.P.N. HAGUE (LEFT 1975—WINDSOR). What started out as an intended two-year stay in Canada for Ian has been extended because of the appeal of the country. Indeed, Ian has travelled quite extensively, as much as his job at Deloitte's permits. He is a manager there, and is studying for a Canadian chartered accountant's qualification. A.P.A. COLE (LEFT 1973 — JAGO). 'ALGY' has recently taken up a position in the marketing department of A.D. CORNEY (LEFT 1987 — FETHERSTON). Represented the Royal Navy at Sailing during Kriel Week, and won the International Regatta. Adam is in his third term at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth where one more term of academics remains. On a recent Baltic Deployment, visits were made to Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Poland and Western Germany. P.T. COUCH (LEFT 1977 — WINDSOR). Philip is currently working as a Senior Project Engineer for a building services oompany in Ringwood. P.N. CRACKCROFT (LEFT 1986 — WINDSOR). Graduated Bristol University 1989 with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Peter attended RAF College, Cranwell to the end of this year, undertaking Initial Officer Training. S.R. CROSTHWAITE (LEFT 1982 — POLE). As a Research Officer for the Department of Transport in London, Simon obviously possesses plenty of drive. His skid-pan driving certificate numbers among his important achievements, and his appearance in Channel 4's '15 to 1' Quiz Show was "unquestionably" the highlight of his year. A.M. DAVIES (LEFT 1978 — POLE). Having graduated from Bristol University with a First Class Honours Degree in Mathematics with Statistics, Tony commenced work with Britannic Assurance in Birmingham. In October 1988 he took a post with Guardian Royal Exchange in Auckland, New Zealand as an actuarial assistant. C.F. DAVISON (LEFT 1973 — SHENSTONE). Chris has recently become an Industrial Finance Representative for Norwich General Trust Limited, the Industrial and Commercial lending arm of Norwich Union Life Insurance Society. Chris patrols the area from Newcastle down to Milton Keynes. Married to Barbara, with children Lisa and James, Chris and his family much enjoyed their holiday in Centre Parcs. R.P. DAWSON (LEFT 1938 — SHENSTONE). We are delighted to hear from Robert, who retired in 1984. He and his wife Anne became grandparents in August last year, courtesy of their daughter Fiona. H.E. EVANS (LEFT 1986 — SHENSTONE). Once a student at U.M.I.S.T., Manchester, Harriet transferred after the First Year to Loughborough University. Her Final Year has been delayed while she has had 'running' repairs to her knee — two operations — but we are assured that her Finals will be completed by June 1990. M.R.W. EVANS (LEFT 1977 — FETHERSTON). A veritable Jack of all sports, with representative honours at College in Rugby, Soccer, Hockey, Cricket, Water Polo, Rowing and Snooker(?). Amazingly found time to pass his examinations, and is currently applying to become a G.P. Lives with his wife Nicki in Winchester. R.A. EVANS (LEFT 1974 — WINDSOR). Richard is delighted to have moved down to Somerset with wife Sarah and children Victoria and Charlotte. Birmingham Midshires Building Society were impressed with Richard's Honours Degree in Land Management from Reading University, and he is based in their Bridgwater office as their regional valuer. J.P. FISH (LEFT 1985 — WINDSOR). Jeremy spent last year in Guyana on Operation Raleigh as a Project Leader/Communications Officer, leading two groups to build a bridge and construct a community centre in the heart of the Rapunini district. He then worked his way through the Caribbean, sailing between islands, including a fantastic sail from Grenada to St Maarten on a trimaran, often reaching speeds of 30 knots. Then followed three months in St Maarten as a jet-ski instructor in a water sports centre. Thence sailed the Atlantic to Monaco, and staying over in Turkey and Yugoslavia until June, when thoughts turned to more mundane matters, like returning home and finding a job! 4 N.B. NAMES (LEFT 1988 — POLE). Naomi chose the old Roman town of Chester to continue her studies for a B.A. in Physical Education and Geography. This she appears to be enjoying, as a member of the College Hockey and Swimming teams. The highest award in life-saving is the Award of Merit, Distinction, which Naomi proudly possesses along with the Bronze Medallion and Silver Cross. N. HEATH (LEFT 1973 — POLE). Much to the surprise of everyone, including himself, Nigel was married in Yorkshire in May of this year. Witness to this event was 'Mad Arnie Thomas'. The object of Nigel's affections is wife Lindsay, but Boris, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, also seeks a share of the limelight. A double Rugby Blue at Cambridge, leaving him just sufficient time to complete a 1st, Nigel is now a Senior Partner with a West End firm of solicitors. He is recovering well from an accident at the Italian Grand Prix — when he fell head first, 30 feet from his brick wall vantage point. M.G. HIGSON (LEFT 1976 — POLE). Frances presented her husband Mark with a daughter, Rebecca Kate, in July 1988. The family intend going abroad again in 1990, but in the meantime Mark will continue his career in the European Communities Department of the Foreign Office — "Butter Lakes, Wine Mountains, etc!" DAVID HOPSON (Staff 1961-69 teaching English) and his wife Mary live in Monmouth, where he teaches at the local comprehensive school. He would love to hear from former colleagues, and includes his telephone number with that in mind. 0600-3497. S.J. HOPSON (LEFT 1969 — POLE). Graduated from OMC (London) in Modern Languages, Simon has worked in Algeria and, more recently, in Milan teaching English. He now runs a small language school with an ex-university colleague, teaching Business English to employees in some of Milan's firms R.D. HUMPHRIES (LEFT 1987 — JAGO). Richard played 1st team rugby at the School, and went on to play for the Old Silhillians Colts XV and 1st XV. Following a year working in Switzerland, he was awarded a Bursary by the Royal Engineers to study Engineering at Lancaster University. G.M. JACKSON (LEFT 1981 — SHENSTONE). Graduated B.Eng, Curtin University in 1987. Now lives in Western Australia with his wife Marie, working as a locomotive investigations Engineer. He admits to getting lost in the Great Sandy Desert while out camping. S. JACKSON (LEFT 1915). Sidney reports: "I am glad that the London Branch annual meetings, which I started 39 years ago, still continue — but I would very much like to see them attended by some ladies." A.D.M. JAMIESON (LEFT 1987 — SHENSTONE). We trust Antony is now enjoying his second year at Sheffield University studying Politics. A. JONES (LEFT 1987 — FETHERSTON). Alison spent 1987-88 in New Zealand working as a tutor in a Girls' Boarding School. While on a two-month trip to Australia, she was in Sydney for the Bicentennial Day. She entered the University of Surrey in October 1988, reading Mechanical Engineering, and recently became Captain of the University Netball club. G.S. JONES (LEFT 1982 — POLE). Glyn has recently been awarded an M.Sc. in Telecommunications Technology from the University of Aston in Birmingham. Previously with Marconi Communication Systems, Chelmsford, and the Civil Service, he is now working as a systems engineer for a data communications company in Worcestershire. OLD BOYS' NEWS E.A. KENDRICK (LEFT 1974 — SHENSTONE). Edward now lives in Redditch with his wife Gillian and two year-old son James, and is senior consultant at Fraser Williams Industrial Systems. P.W. LACEY (LEFT 1964 — JAGO). After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with Chas Richards & Co in Birmingham, Peter moved 20 years ago to a practice in Taunton. He is now with Aspleys, a four office independent firm. He lives in West Buckland with wife Pam and three sons David (17), Guy (14) and Ben (8). He enjoys his role as Chairman of the School Governors, the Parish Council and the Somerset Association of Local Councils, in which particular capacity he has attended a Buckingham Palace Garden Party and a service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Has served as Chairman of the Consultative Committee for the Somerset Water Authority, and has recently been appointed Chairman of the Regional Rivers Advisory Committee. In recent years he has met Will Clark, of similar vintage, who is an Engineer with Wessex Water Authority. Peter invites all sports sections to contact him should they be touring in the area, for vociferous touchline support. Telephone 0823 662376(H). S.P. (Mike) LAKIN (LEFT 1935 — SHENSTONE). It was a delight to hear from Mike, who has lived for much of his life in Somerset, having left the then small village of Solihull in 1938. He joined the Old Silhillians as a Life Member in 1942, while still in the army. He is pleased to comment that his optimism was not misplaced! Served in the Royal Engineers throughout the War until demob in 1946, having been commissioned in 1943. He had a spell on the staff of the RG OCTU at Newark, being fortunate to be a member of a very good OCTU cricket team, including playing one match at Trent Bridge. Demobbed from Germany, having served for two years in N-W Europe, Mike spent 20 years working in Welwyn and Hatfield from 1953, and then returned to Trull, near Taunton, Somerset. Somewhere in between this time the family grew to two daughters and three grandchildren. OLD BOYS' NEWS CHARLES (Bill) LANDER was responsible in the early post war years for organizing the London Dinner, having taken over from Sydney Jackson. Bill has been a regular contributor to the Silhillian, was at School with his two brothers — their father Charles was also an Old Silhillian. He joined the Middlesex Yeomanry in 1938, served in Egypt in 1940 until Alamein, served in the Royal Signals and later in Sicily, Italy and Germany. Married in Italy to a nursing officer, they have three sons and numerous grandchildren. We can now report that Bill is currently Mayor of Royston, and Chairman of the Town Council. R. MEERE (LEFT 1959 — POLE). Rodney is Chairman of Hinton & Higgs, Europe's largest Health & Safety Consultants, and was recently appointed non-executive Director, Willis Wrightson Ltd, the international broker. With the help of his wife and four children, Rodney enjoys home — or should one say Mill — improvements, having recently moved to Letts Mill in Hanbury. He misses not playing for the Old Sils' Hockey team. R.D. MORTON (LEFT 1973— FETHERSTON). Robert, who is affectionately known as 'Bugsy', has been a keen sportsman for many of the Old Sils' sections, including Rugby, Cricket and Basketball. In December 1988 his wife Terry presented him with a sister Heather for their son lain Ross. As I recall, Bugsy gained his Degree at Aston University prior to receiving his Chartered Surveyors associateship, which function he now carries out at Bird, Mangan & Partners. The very well preserved photograph, produced here, depicts the 1934 Colts Xl who played matches against Warwick, Worcester R.G.S. Bablake and King Henry VIII Coventry. Notable in their midst are John Butterfield, who captained Oxford University at Cricket and Hockey, and played for them at Rugby Football, and Oakley was their fast bowler, "who always made the opposition hop around and who took his share of wickets". R.W. NARBETT (LEFT 1985 — FETHERSTON). 'R.W.' was delighted to complete his Finals at Bristol BOB BISHOP left Solihull in 1957, and finally retired to Norfolk, after 14 years. self-employed gardener. University, gaining a B.Sc. in Geology. Encouraged by this result he is now attempting a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, also at Bristol. I.R. OAKLEY (LEFT 1976 — POLE). We understand Business is Blooming for Ian in his occupation as D. OLIVER (LEFT 1982). David is a Computing Trainee with the West Midlands Regional Health Authority. He is an active member of the Renewal Christian Centre, where one of the leaders is Niall Cluley. D.H. ONIONS (LEFT 1980 — POLE). David is presently Deputy General Manager of the Pelham Hotel in Kensington. Resigning from his previous position at the Kensington Park Hotel was the highlight of his year. We are at a loss to determine David's latest hobby, although we have discounted roller-skating, since speeds of 96.45 m.p.h. were reached on a Flying Kilometre time trial. Any suggestions? M. PARTRIDGE (LEFT 1980 — FETHERSTON). Mark celebrated his marriage to Tania Jane in August 1988, and they now live in Nottingham, where Mark is a designer for an advertising agency. J.G. PICKLES (LEFT 1972 — WINDSOR). Giles lives in S.W.16 with his wife Julia and daughter Emily Rose, and works as an Estate Agent in Westminster. G.D. ROBSON (LEFT 1977 — FETHERSTON). After seven years with Arthur Andersen & Co, Gareth has formed his own computer systems consultancy, Robson Contract Management Ltd. Wife Julie presented him with a daughter. Sydney Joanna, a sister for Joshua. N.J. SCANNELL (LEFT 1972 — FETHERSTON). Nicholas represented his House at Rugby, Hockey, Swimming and Basketball — and also the School on occasions. He has recently started a new stockbroking company in Birmingham, having become a member of The Stock Exchange in 1980. Back Row (L to R) Homer, Oakley, Butterfield, Mr G.W.Morgan, Pearce, Clark, Watson. Front Row (L to R) Lander, Ainsworth, Lakin (Capt), Bishop, Rosenthal. VICTORIA SHELLEY (LEFT 1988 — WINDSOR). Now at Manchester Polytechnic studying for a B.A. Hons, Retail Marketing. OLD BOYS' NEWS OLD BOYS' NEWS S.R. SIMPSON (LEFT 1981 — SHENSTONE). Having left Kodak, Stuart moved on to Istel in Redditch as an Export Sales Executive, with responsibility for Scandinavia, France, Benelux and many Far East countries and Australasia. He has just returned from a very successful five week trip 'down under' with a host of interesting occurrences. He has been playing at Spartans RUFC (obviously cannot get into any of the SiIs' teams!). Brother Paul, who left in 1978 — Shenstone, was married to Alison Mead in June 1988. They profess to married bliss in Sutton Coldfield. S. WESTWOOD (LEFT 1975 — SHENSTONE). We trust that Simon has by now achieved full membership of the Institute of Administrative Management from Sandwell College. His wife Penelope gave birth to a daughter, Helen, in September last year. Simon is a Police Sergeant at the Operational Unit of West Bromwich Police Station. J.R. WHITING (LEFT 1979 — JAGO). James was always considered a high flier at School, and has now passed the Airline Transport Pilot's Licence examinations. This has enabled him to become a qualified Flying Instructor at Exeter Airport. R.A. STAGG (LEFT 1972 — SHENSTONE). Robert and his wife Selma have recently moved to Windsor. He is a Systems Engineer with I.B.M. in Basingstoke. J.E.G. STUBBINGS (LEFT 1965 — SCHOOL HOUSE). Golf still his main hobby, with a certain interest in fashion. Occasionally able to combine the two, when recently modelling the Emperor's New Clothes — just for the night — during a golfing weekend. His ability to cope with bare lies stood him in good stead. B.P.M. THOMAS (LEFT 1955 — FETHERSTON). Bryan qualified as an FCA in 1960 and joined Vickers Ltd, holding positions for them in Germany and Australia during his eight years with the company. He is currently MD with the family business of Edgar Vaughan and Company, who specialise in Industrial Oils and Chemicals. They are now part of a worldwide group, 'Houghton', based in Philadelphia; Bryan is a director in the USA, responsible for their European operations. "If any of my last year would like to consider organising a reunion, I would give it my full support." Bryan and wife Ann live in Longdon near Rugeley, Staffs. They have two daughters, Mandy and Katie. P.C. THOMAS (LEFT 1973 — SCHOOL HOUSE). Recently played Rugby to mark the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Swedish RUFC, alongside 10 former Lions. Arnie claims to have scored three tries, the scoring passes coming from Renwick and J.P.R. Totally unconnected to this fact is that Peter has now fully recovered from a stay in hospital, but it was a close shave! Wife Debbie shares his interest in golf, while daughters Katie and Sarah sometimes help in the search for lost balls. Rumour has it that he keeps a back-up stock at his newly opened Birmingham Deposit Centre. W.D.L. WILLIAMS (LEFT 1969 — FETHERSTON). Having graduated from Nottingham with a Degree in Chemistry, David qualified as a chartered accountant with Price Waterhouse. In 1977 he moved to London, and after a year's international audit in South America and the Far East, he entered the Information Technology industry. In 1987 he joined Midland Bank, where he is now Finance Director, Group Operations. Married to Kate in 1984, they have a son Thomas who is now two. Holiday time is spent with their feet up — trekking in the Himalayas or climbing all 19,600 feet of Kilimanjaro! David always looks forward to attending the London Dinner, and he frequently sees Kevin Wright and Alan Dines, both recently married. H.R. WRIGHT (LEFT 1987 — SHENSTONE). Hugh recently got in the frame when he won second prize in a Photographic Competition. This was held at Leicester University, where Hugh is studying Electrical/ Electronic Engineering, and should now be in his Final Year. Having obtained a place on an Electronic Engineering course at G.E.C. Electrical Projects in Rugby, Hugh hopes this will lead to permanent employment following Graduation, as well as sponsorship for his Final Year. Dr J.P. WYATT (LEFT 1980 — SHENSTONE). It is not often that we learn that the highlight of someone's year is "breaking both legs, one arm and ribs in a head-on car crash with a lorry"! Fortunately for Jonathon, he is in General Surgery at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. In fact, he came top in a national examination in Surgery (FS) last year. Jonathon would be delighted to hear from any of his contemporaries. Our membership secretary will be pleased to supply addresses. An outstanding memory of last year was a 25 year-old bottle of Château Latour at his sister's wedding. Jonathon declares himself still to be single — "in the best surgical Tradition!" N. WYLIE (LEFT 1975 — FETHERSTON). Neil has recently moved to Bournville, and when not working as a Production Quality Manager at Magnetti Morelli Electrical Company, tells us his favourite pastime is sailing with Bartley Green Sailing Club. A.K. YARDLEY (LEFT 1977 — WINDSOR). Alan writes: "Since leaving Reading University, having read Music, I had an amazing job driving lorries across Europe. Have spent the last three years working with Creations International, who organize Pop Concerts and Laser shows. Thus to Athens, where we lit up the Acropolis, to Paris and to Germany. Currently i/c sound sythesisers, and hope to work with lighting in the next few months." Married to Sarah, Alan has seen no sign of Old Silhillians, but continues to look out for them. SIXTIES PLUS Peter, second left, with his International co-stars. Can you also spot our old friend Tommy Gallagher? Did you know that in May and October there is an informal gathering for Luncheon of 'Sixties Plus' Old Silhillians at the Club House in Copt Heath? S. VICKERS (LEFT 1968 — POLE). Stephen graduated from Sussex University in Political Science, and went on to gain a PhD in International Studies at Warwick, and a P.G.C.E. at Poulton-le-Fylde. He was on a Committee, under the aegis of the World Council of Churches and the Council of Europe, to produce a draft intercultural policy for presentation to the European Parliament. He is Personnel and Training manager at the University of Oxford delegacy of local examinations, and is married to Rebecca; children Alice aged seven and Tom who is five. A.J. WATERS (LEFT 1955 — SCHOOL HOUSE). Tony has recently moved to Flyford Flavell, where he lives with his wife Carole Ann and daughter Harriet Jane. He is Chairman of the Board at J. Vickerstaff and Company. We expect 70180 at these lunches, and anyone attending can be confident that he will know more than half of these. We have a 'Sixties Plus' mailing list, and those wishing to go on that list please write or telephone: Desmond Cooper 18 Fetherston Grange Hockley Heath, Solihull West Midlands B94 6PX. Lapworth 3285 Melville Cooper 27 Hampton Lane Solihull West Midlands B91 2QE. 021-705 0860 OLD BOYS' NEWS OLD BOYS' NEWS Three good old sticks. Brian Robson, President Elect of the Warwickshire R.F.U., presents Claude with a silver salver and county tie to commemorate 50 years on the 0.S.R.U.F.C. committee. Later in the evening Claude was "arrested" by a uniformed, at least to start with, policewoman. Chris, pictured on the night of his engagement. Tim, smiling in anticipation... of his forthcoming wedding. , SILS' SPORT OLD BOYS' NEWS EIE VARIES O.E. GLOSTER Was at the School during the late twenties and early thirties, and died suddenly on 6th August 1989. He kept a close interest in the School during his life through his two sons, both Old Silhillians, and latterly by attending the Old Boys' Lunches. HUBERT HAWNT Attended the School during the early years of World War I. Trained as a Chartered Accountant, in 1930 he started Hawnt & Co., an electrical wholesale business, and this grew to such an extent that Hawnt Electronics is today a company of high standing. Cecil served during the War as Divisional Fire Officer in charge of a large part of Birmingham. He was very active as Divisional Chairman of Solihull Conservative Association from 1954-1957. Solihull School was always very close to him. He was very interested in the O.T.C. The Sports Club Committee has been in operation for six years and continues to have the overall objective of ensuring that the standard of the grounds is maintained within a budget which is acceptable to the Association and to the individual Sports Section. On the financial side, the Committee is now responsible for an annual budget which exceeds £23,000 pounds, and it is pleasing to report that costs have been controlled within this figure. The groundstaff have again had a challenging year. After Christmas all too many games had to be cancelled due to the waterlogged state of the pitches, and it is hoped that the use of sophisticated drainage equipment in the spring will prevent a recurrence of the problem this winter. During the summer the grounds were used extensively, and in addition to a record number of cricket matches, other sports included hockey, football, volleyball and rounders. Our thanks go to the groundstaff, Graham Mapp and Tony Hayden, for their efforts throughout the year, and I am therefore sorry that Tony has decided to join the School's groundstaff. R.C. JORDAN (JAGO — LEFT 1960) Richard passed away on 8th October 1989. JOSEPH KINCHIN (POLE — LEFT 1930) Joe was the eldest of three brothers, all of whom were educated at the School. He will be remembered by his contemporaries as a boxing champion. In later years he had a very successful business career. Joe lived in the Cotswolds, and regularly attended the '65s' Luncheons. CECIL E. MATMEWS Was at School from 1923-1929. His father and brothers were also at the School. Cecil had suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for 20 years, which prevented him from attending the functions, but he very much enjoyed reading The Silhillian. R. (BILL) SIDAWAY Passed away on the 16th June 1989, aged 73 years. A contemporary of John Currall at School in the early thirties, Bill was in business in the Black Country, eventually as M.D. of Ductile Steels. ROGER N. THWAITE (SHENSTONE — LEFT 1927) Roger was a retired manager of Lloyd's Bank, and his chief hobby was gliding, being for many years a member of the Midland Gliding Club. He regularly attended the biannual '65s' Luncheons. NORMAN F. WESTWOOD Left the School circa 1940. He excelled at Swimming of which he was School Captain. He passed away on 17th September 1988, leaving a widow Margaret, son Simon and daughter Katherine. ANCIENT AND HONOURABLE FRATERNITY OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS THE SHENSTONIAN LODGE No. 5544 (Consecrated September 1935) The Lodge continues to meet on the second Monday in October, November, February and March at the Old Silhillians' Memorial Clubhouse. The Master or the Secretary, Peter Curwood, 108 Delrene Road, SHIRLEY, Solihull (745 5700), or the Treasurer, Keith Berridge, 7 Rockingham Close, DORRIDGE (Knowle 2792), would be happy to hear from any interested Old Silhillian, Governor, Parent or member of Staff at The School. JOHN CORBETT — Master (Tel: Tanworth-in-Arden 2400) 42 SPORTS SECTION OFFICIALS CRICKET President P.R. ARTHUR "Bushwood", 1393 Warwick Road, Copt Heath. Knowle 776301 Chairman B.W. ALLEN 32 Stonebow Avenue, Solihull. 021-7059850 (H) Hon. Secretary I. PHIPPS 1 Wishaw Close, Shirley, Solihull. 021-474 5263 (H) Treasurer and Sports Club Representative M.J.D. SMITH 1403 Warwick Road, Copt Heath. Fixture Secretary J. WEEDON 119 Langley Hall Road, Olton. Sunday Captain R.J.C. GRAVES 227 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull. 1st XI Captain P.J. ARTHUR 12 Framefield Drive, Solihull. 2nd XI Captain P. RIVERS-LATHAM 70 Needlers End Lane, Balsall Common. 43 Knowle 775682 021-706 0456 (H) Knowle 776835 021-7059163 0676 33748 SILS' SPORT SILS' SPORT SQUASH HOCKEY President NEIL JENNENS 110 Old Station Road, Hampton-in-Arden. Chairman M. BETTERIDGE 53 Southam Road, Hall Green, Birmingham. Captain 1 Xl RICHARD HIGSON 118 Tilehouse Green Lane, Knowle. Secretary J.N. HARRISON 613 Shirley Road, Hall Green, West Midlands. Treasurer T.G. FIELDING 121 Arnold Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands. 021-777 2013 (H) President D.A. GURN HAM 9 Yew Tree Lane, Solihull. Chairman and Sports Club R.D. TAYLOR 9 Kingscote Road, Dorridge, Solihull. Representative P.B. STRICKLAND 2 Woodrow Crescent, Knowle, Solihull. 021-356 4888 (B) Knowle 775883 (H) Captain M.J. FREEMAN 5 Fernside Gardens, Moseley, Birmingham. 021-705 7581 (B) 021-449 4878 021-777 8075 (H) Treasurer J.S. PARROTT 53 Stonor Park Road, Solihull. 021-233 4030 (B) 021-705 5863 (H) 021-745 6802 (H) Membership Secretary Knowle 778902 K.R. BARRETT Knowle 774427 (H) 28 Langfield Road, Knowle, Solihull. Internal League Sports Club 021-706 4141 (B) 021-705 2412 (H) Knowle 776944 (H) T. HILL 18 Brueton Avenue, 021-705 5222 (H) Solihull. GOLF RIFLE CLUB President President ROMAYNE INSTONE White Cottage, Aspley Heath, Tanworth-in-Arden. Chairman PETER UPTON 5 Garden Close, Knowle, Solihull. Knowle 773039 (H) JOHN GRIFFIN 12 Bridge Meadow Drive, Knowle, Solihull. Knowle 775409 (H) Sports Club Representative Treasurer and Membership Secretary Secretary Tanworth-in-Arden 2389 (H) 021-706 7889 (H) 10 Coppice Close, 42 Dovehouse Lane, Solihull. Captain R.C. CUPIT Norton Green Farmhouse, Knowle 773570 (H) 021-554 7788 (B) Norton Green Lane, Knowle, Solihull. JOHN YOUNG 35 Easenhall Close, Knowle, Solihull. MICHAEL DOBLE 48 Chantry Heath Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9NH. J. HUDSON Knowle 776498 (H) 021-705 6495 (B) Club Captain ADRIAN HUGHES 6 Glenside Avenue, Solihull. 021-743 9671 (H) Pistol Captain ROBIN MILNE 5 Fir Croft, Solihull. 021-705 2417 (H) Vice Captain R.W.M. STANDLEY Knowle 775420 (H) Captain Elect Woodyard Cottage, Windmill Lane, Dorridge, Solihull. Knowle 776287 (B) Secretary/Treasurer D.M. POWELL 39 Brooks Road, 021-354 1936 (H) Sutton Coldfield. Match Secretary 'B' Team Captain R.E. LETTS 0789 69343 (H) 27 Blue Cap Road, Clopton Hill, Stratford-on-Avon. 021-384 2717 (B) P. JOHNSON 50 Widney Manor Road, 021-705 8992 (H) 021-733 3960 (B) Solihull. SILS' SPORT SILS' SPORT RUGBY President DAVID N. GREEN 7 Copt Heath Drive, Knowle, Solihull. 0527 510510 (B) 0564 777669 (H) Chairman PHILIP G. GREEN 35 Beaminster Road, Solihull. 021-711 2226 (H) 021-643 7111 (B) Secretary P.G. NEWBY 8 Ullenhall Road, Knowle, Solihull. 0564 779559 (H) 021-200 3111 (B) Treasurer J.A. PLATT 35 Trehern Close, Knowle, Solihull. 0564 777661 (H) 021-711 3131 (B) Captain 1st XV A.D. ELLIOTT 39 Alcester Road, Wootton Wawen, Solihull. Fixture Secretary G. LOADER Sports Club Rep. A.N. ATKINSON Mini Rugby Manager P. RIVERS-LATHAM 056 42 4755 (H) CH I A 4 t WILL R AP T This summer the Old Silhillians CC have enjoyed good weather, support and fellowship throughout the season. Although the 1st Team played with spirit and determination, losing the toss on numerous occasions had a profound effect on its position in the League. The 2nd Team, however, fared a little better particularly against the better sides, and completed their season in mid-table. The Sunday side enjoyed good support, new and younger members, particularly Max and Andrew Levenger, and enjoyed a large amount of success. The First Team produced new young blood which will hopefully become the backbone of the future of the Old Silhillians Cricket Club, namely Phil Goodson, Tony Morton and Mike Sawle. We were glad to welcome back Mike Weedon following illness last year. Great support was received from the School in the form of John Lloyd, Brent Wormold and Dave Dunn and we look forward to welcoming them back next season and continued association with the School. I am sure that all team members are looking forward to the new challenges next season, but would welcome any new members who wish to join and strengthen the playing membership. MARK LATHWOOD Full details are available in the fixture card. SWIMMING President G. WESTWOOD 155 Alcester Road, Birmingham 47. Wythall 822014 (H) 021-458 4769 (B) Treasurer P.J. COURT 7 Besbury Close, Dorridge Knowle 775322 (H) 021-200 4060 (B) Secretary H. PRATT 55 Crabmil I Close, Knowle. Knowle 775518 (H) 0676 32141 (B) How did we lose that one? BASKETBALL Chairman and School Liaison D.S. DUNN do Solihull School Secretary T. PLATT 2 Belle View Terrace, Hampton-in-Arden. Treasurer R.D. BUGSY MORTON 65 Arundel Close, Olton, Solihull. Honorary Coaches G. GINNS J. EFFMAN 06755-3195 (H) 021-706 3966 (H) Probably misquoting Swotty Ansell, when asked if things change much, "The Boys and Old Boys change but they're all the same." The Swimming Club is much the same. Families grow up and are replaced by others but things remain much as before. In term time we swim at the School baths, Wednesday evenings 7pm to 8pm, and Sunday evenings 6pm to 7pm. We again organized our traditional Inter Section Gala on a Monday evening this year. Several sections intimated that they would swim a team and Keith Berridge had kindly agreed to keep us in order. Prizes were purchased. The Swimming Club arrived. Keith arrived. No-one else arrived and the Swimming Club won by default, which was not the object of the exercise, or should I say lack of exercise. Our continued thanks to the Headmaster for use of the School Pool. SI LS' SPORT SILS' SPORT RUGGER C UB REPORT PLAYING RECORD 1st XV 2nd XV 3rd XV 4th XV COLTS 37 38 26 4 1 10 19 9 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 25 16 17 3 1 332 522 279 34 6 A 685 495 544 99 18 Old Silhillians RUFC on tour. This has been a year of consolidation for the Rugby Club on the field, and socially it has been particularly happy and successful. The 1st XV were generally a young side with a tough fixture list, and the team performed consistently throughout. A number of players made their debut in the senior side and were given an extended opportunity to gain experience at this level. Among these debutees Matt Sparks and Lawrence McDonald. Dave Kedwards and Joe O'Mara deserve special mention. A fair number of players featured in the 1st XV throughout the season, notably Mike Pagan, Tony Edwards, Simon Quantrill, Steve Marks, Peter Heath and Nobby Whitehead, who kicked 181 points in fine style. The major problem was lack of try-scoring opportunities created, and the side faced a problem of lack of physical presence. Further recruitment efforts are required. Away victories at Earlsdon, Bournville and Pinley were particularly satisfying, but the most notable scalp was that of Wolverhampton Extras. In Warwickshire Division II the team finished 7th, with 4 wins from 10 matches. In the Warwickshire Cup the 1st XV eventually fell to a very strong Broad Street side in a hard fought game. The 2nd XV enjoyed their best season for many a year. Graham Loader took over the leadership of the team from Clive Richards, who initially secured a first team place, only to be forced to stand down due to serious illness. An extended run in the Warwickshire 2nd XV Cup Competition was the springboard for the season's success. Following victory by 11-4 over Broad Street, a real highlight, the team finally went out in the quarter finals. The greatest strength of the team was simply that they played as a team, who displayed a will to win at all times. Individual credit to Mark Winter, who scored 18 tries in 23 appearances, and Graham Loader contributing 149 points. In all, the team of the season. The 3rd XV, captained by Keith Bellamy, enjoyed a moderately successful season, hindered by late cry-offs. Nevertheless, it fielded a side more regularly than in the past. The side has been at its best when fielding its nucleus of experienced players, namely Nick Taylor, Neil Smith, Geoff Mott and Phil Downes. A number of younger players benefited from their experience and moved on to achieve success in the senior sides, leaving noticeable voids. Alas, we cannot have it all ways! All action. The 4th XV, A XV and Colts XV only had a handful of fixtures, and despite our grateful thanks for the efforts of people such as Roger Lazenby and Tony Collingwood, a concerted effort is required if these areas are to be made to work as a necessary feed for the senior sides. Easter Tour to Barnstaple was rated the best for many years, despite 1st team defeats by Bath OE and South Moulton. The 2nd team restored pride and morale with two victories and no points conceded. Congratulations to Peter Thomas for his part in the celebration of 25 years of the Swedish RFU, reported in News of Old Boys. I extend my thanks to all who have given me help and advice, and to all supporters of club matches. Sincere thanks are recorded to Ray Wilkins, Barry Allan and Paul RiversLatham for their invaluable assistance in coaching and training. Likewise to the OSA groundstaff for maintaining the excellent facilities, and to Roger and Yvonne and the OSA Management for the Clubhouse facilities. A very special thank you to our President, David Green, for his unfailing support, including press coverage, running touch, refereeing at short notice, his personal support — and for getting a plug for the bath! Finally, my thanks to all the players for their support during the year, and I look forward to the 1989/90 season with renewed vigour. ALAN ELLIOTT, CAPTAIN SILS' SPORT SILS' SPORT Fancy dressers XI. GM [MAX SECTIO This has been another successful season for the Mini-Section both on and off the field. The under 8 and under 9 squads had enough boys for two teams each, and won the vast majority of their games, although did not quite fulfil their promise in the end of season festivals. An heroic performance by the under 8 squad in appalling conditions saw them come runners-up at Wolverhampton. The under 10 and under 11 squads were less successful, and despite some notable wins against teams such as Leamington and Stourbridge, they were generally outpowered up-front. The outstanding performance of the year was undoubtedly that of the under 14 side. Their playing record was: Played 23 Won 21 Drawn 1 Lost 1. The latter defeat was 19-12 against Waterloo. Points for 742 against 79. This squad now has an impressive fixture list, which includes all the major local sides plus teams such as Nottingham, Orrell and Waterloo. Social events were well supported with many ad hoc committee meetings being called by enthusiastic fathers late into the night at various local hostelries. The annual coaches v fathers game at New Year was again played at a furious pace, and was expertly controlled by David Green, to whom all were grateful for his regular blast of the whistle. The Easter Tour to Cornwall was well attended and supported, with some fine performances against St Ives, Penzance, Camborne and Launceston. The mini-section would like to record its gratitude for the support of the Rugger Club, and to invite as many of you as would like to join us, either in coaching, watching or just plain drinking. Next season starts on September 3rd at 10.30 am. PAUL RIVERS-LATHAM HOCKEY C UE1 REPORT This was an unpredictable season, with many good aspects which bode well for the future of the Hockey section, and a few less desirable aspects from which we will hopefully learn. The first team started in fine form at the top of Division 2 for a short time but eventually grasped defeat from the jaws of victory by losing the final game of the season and thus being relegated. The 4th team displaced the Veterans as the best club side, by dint of an unbeaten run of 12 matches. Almost unheard of. John Lyons scored 26 times and Keith Willets 16. Pete Moss and Mick Lane made most of the advantages of being able to select a full side, including Graham Dove initially, before moving up, eventually to the 2nd Xl. The 3rd X1 produced a 16 week unbeaten run after October, and many players progressed up the sides, thereby defeating the 'closed shop' situation of previous years. With 18 goals for Bob Miles, a young man of great maturity, with Warren Gray the Captain, and Rob Sansom both scoring regularly. The 2nd X1 under Ian Griffiths had an up and down season, but provided many new players for the 1st team, notable among whom are Simon Harrison and Steven Skymore, with the age and experience coming notably from Dave Chambers. The Hockey Festival in September was again succesful, and Mandy Shorthouse continued her efforts, undaunted, to form a ladies' hockey section. Ably assisted by Stuart Shorthouse (no relation) the ladies competed with success against many teams of greater experience. Two girls represented their county, and Catherine Smith, the new vice captain, had an outstanding season. Every success for next season. Richard Fell and Ken Sparsley again organized regular mini hockey training and games to nurture the talents of our future stars. John Levenger, meanwhile, continued to exercise his right to score more goals than anyone else in the Club with 34 goals in 16 games. Richard Blasdale's team talk a good game on and off the pitch, where their members display a remarkable penchant as sociable drinkers. The season thus had more good points than bad. Many young and talented players progressed through the teams, and greater strength in depth was evident, with six regular Saturday sides, a new ladies' section, continued mini hockey success and above all a good atmosphere on and off the pitch. On the playing side a never better start to the season by the 1st team, and excellent progress by such players as Nick Oppenheimer, Jimmy Humber, Phil Romans and Shaun Bates who, as next year's Captain, has set his sights on pushing up the league ladder. The regulars of last season, Dave Ellis, Ted Withers, Adam Kent, Mark Peraton, Mark Wallwork — again top scorer — and Richard Baxter, my vice captain, all have my thanks for their assistance over the past two years. I'm sure last year's results were just a quirk. I enjoyed this season and am looking forward to the next. To all those who were on committees on the social or playing side a sincere thanks, and to those taking over, I trust you will have full support from the club. Looking forward to a successful and, more importantly, enjoyable season. RICK HIGSON HOCKEY CLUB EASTER TOUR REPORT Once again, but somewhat earlier this year, the Chairman's Tour notice was only half full a mere two days before Good Friday, and bore absolutely no resemblance to the actual tour party. Perraton's alleged friend went down with some glandular problem, an unusual occurrence before the event. Others decided to investigate the southbound traffic at times other than Thursday evening, thereby causing the Captain no end of hair loss, at least until Saturday when he retired, undersexed. An immediate problem was the lack of a real goalkeeper. Despite Sansom's efforts in the Seymour Arms, East Knoyle, we still didn't have one on Friday, until the late arrival of the Wales U18 keeper, complete with fibreglass moonboot kickers, which effectively replaced the entire defence. This was a good thing, as all the old faces looked even older after a few pints of 'Vatican Special' — Pope's bitter. Having established that it was "as bad as last year, lads," the Faust Lager took a pasting, in the hope that its lower level on the ecumenical scale might register a similar position on the Beaufort. All to no avail for Sid who slept in the wrong room, and was thoroughly confused two hours later, to find no kit where he'd left it. Chambers arrived on Friday morning, and immediately joined the inquisition to discover how the premier waitress knew Porky's name. Meanwhile, at Poole Astro, Pete Moss (artificial) virtually kept a clean sheet against the marauding Vandals, and so didn't require the Andrews which Chambers had thoughtfully brought with him. The Herons, losers 4-1 to us some years ago, again managed only one goal (when the polystyrene defence crumbled); the cardboard attack were still rigid at the sight of Captain drinking a pint of blackcurrant and UHT cream at lunchtime, and failed to register a score of more than nil. Friday's evening meal contained the usual Lynex plastic sweet, this time a chocolate mousse, but with the Black Dog only minutes away, no-one was hungry. Chambers was in first, semi recognizing half of Hampton Ladies' back four, which was in pneumatic form later on at the dance. Wallwork, having gone for the Mayoress' pennant earlier, managed to avoid this unpleasantness. Bates attempted to break Moppett's excellent record of talking to the same girl for five hours without repeating, hesitating, deviating, falling asleep or getting anywhere. The Fryer Tuck showed once again that boxburgers aren't anything like they look in the picture. Barry at last found a tape that Wallwork knew the words to, and the rest is history, and a very loud evening. Jon-Li arrived. These two statements are unconnected. Friday's rain had led to some rearrangements, which pitted us against our hotel companions, the Lions. Despite attempts to 'pair' us the previous evening, all invitations to their bedrooms were refused, I think, and we smashed them 3-1. The Greenshanks came closest to destroying our second day unbeaten record, but the polyester boots were once again in fine form. Despite Oppenheimer's retirement, the boys still attracted half the local talent in the White Hart later, but a combination of bad breath from Barry's home-made tomato soup, and Pete Moss's unintelligible card games frightened them off. Meanwhile Chambers was adding 'one for yourself' to every round he wasn't buying. Warren was saving face by lining up a few bunnies of his own, but they burrowed out of his grasp as soon as he and Jon-Li had forked out the nightclub entrance fee. The hotel bar later saw the welcome return of 'Norma Strop', a condition originating in the depths of a bottle of Gordon's, and SILS' SPORT SILS' SPORT brought into evidence after forgetting what you have served to whom, and who paid for it. This is remedied by charging 10 pounds for the next half of Vatican Special that anyone is foolish enough to order. Chambers left early on Sunday, anxious not to repeat his golf victory with a proper handicap. Bates, taking his place, started what was to end up a remarkable day by cruising with the boys up and down the front, without success, until the King's Arms once again embraced us, and our one pound 50p for two crab sarnies or one pound for a raffle ticket for a lifeboat, or a basket of fruit, or a night with Jon-Li. We didn't bother to stay for the draw. Golf was made no more or less difficult by the sea mist that enveloped the first two holes, more by the Moss on the wall, and the inevitable Bates mastering the conditions and claiming the trophy. Barry entered into the spirit by awarding everyone a free pint of VS to liven things up. Liddy arrived to liven Porky up, and was promptly allocated the seat next to Jon-Li at the Milton Arms dinner. Attempts to deem her an honorary man met with little success, as this would have tarnished Porky's already plummeting reputation with the girlies. Warren forgot to wash his hands after the meal, and so was forced to take a late bath, to wash the sleep out of his eyes. We came back on Monday. DAVID ELLIS III E IBI 4 1, L di i _:, i a.4 ALA it In line with current trends the Squash Club membership level has slightly fallen over the past year. However, we are confident that we will be able to maintain satisfactory membership levels over the forthcoming year. Minor court repairs have been completed for the new season and both courts are in a good state of repair. On the playing side the club has participated in two winter leagues. The first team under the captaincy of Mark Freeman had a reasonably successful season in Division 4C of the Midland League, despite being hit by a succession of injuries and retirements. The second team participated in Division 4 of the Warwickshire League under the captaincy of Ray Mills, and he struggled at times to assemble a team, but results as shown were very satisfactory. Between the months of May and September we have also participated in the Diskotrak Summer League. Results for the 1988/89 Season were as follows: ML4C WL4 DISKOTRAK FRIENDLIES ipi 14 16 14 2 9 7 2 1 5 9 12 1 t is pleasing to report on another most successful year for the Rifle Section. Four of six teams lie in first place in their respective divisions within the Warwickshire Summer League. In competition at national level the section has also had its successes. Mike Doble won through to the final twenty in the News of the World British Short Range Championship, and a junior team of David and Paul Griffin along with Matthew Wilkinson won the Daily Sketch junior cup for the under 18s at the British Championships in August. David also reached the second stage of the British Individual Championship and was selected for all the Warwickshire county teams in the championships. Matthew was selected earlier in the year to shoot for the British Schools' team which toured Jersey. The Rifle Club has again been represented in the National Rifle Squads. Richard Skan, David Griffin and Richard Price were all selected to join the Junior Squad. At a National Squad trial Richard Skan shot 597/600 to set a new club record. In our own club championship Mike Doble came first, with brother Richard a close second. Mike has now won the championship in 5 of the last 6 years. A special thank you to all the many club members who have helped with the recent range improvements. This has ensured that the alterations have been completed in good time. The club successes are listed above, but our greatest achievement has been the friendly atmosphere which has been maintained this season. We welcome any prospective member — young or old. So if any members of the other sports sections start to realize that their legs won't do what their minds tell them to, then why not try target shooting — we do our sport lying down in the warm! ADRIAN HUGHES 1947 working party renovating the original open air small bore rifle range. In this year's internal tournaments Roger Taylor retained the Open Championship by defeating David Soderman 3-2 in a well contested final. Consolation for David was his victory over Gareth Morris in the Handicap competition. Our preChristmas Tour to Torquay was well attended, with two matches being played against the local club. Although both matches were lost the Tour was a great success, and there are plans to repeat it next year. John Parrott won the first knockout tour trophy held at the local sports centre, for which efforts he was awarded an impressive trophy. ROGER TAYLOR SILS' SPORT SILS' SPORT 41 L SI E P The Old Silhillians Golfing Society had a most successful and happy year, with 115 members, all of whom were members of the Association. The continued hospitality of Olton Golf Club enabled the Society to hold its major competitions and matches at this venue, and our sincere gratitude is extended to them for all their assistance throughout the year. Our congratulations also go to John Hudson and Bob Young who were elected President and Captain respectively of Olton Golf Club, and we wish them every success in their year of office. The major social event of the Society is their Annual Dinner held each February. We again had a complete sell out and a superb convivial evening was enjoyed by all. This was highlighted by a brilliantly witty speech delivered by Michael Cutler proposing the toast to our guests, and equalled by Judge Blennerhassett Q.C., an Old Silhillian, in his response. A new event in our calendar this year was a weekend at the Manor House Hotel, Moretonhampstead in Devon. Fifteen members attended, and the Manor House looked after us splendidly in perfect weather. The 1st tee of their own golf course is 20 metres away from the hotel and the course itself meanders through beautiful Devon rolling countryside, which provided a magnificent setting for our various competitions. When we were not on the course stocks of the local brew were severely reduced at the Ring of Bells hostelry in the local village and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Hopefully this is the forerunner to an annual weekend away by the Society, and next year's Captain Bob Standley has plans to maintain this event. During the year 18 official meetings and matches will have taken place. The 'A' team comprehensively beat Copt Heath Golf Club, diplomatically lost to Olton Golf Club and drew with Bromsgrove. Our B team Captain Philip Johnson states that of six matches played more were won than lost, and 45 members represented the Society. A most enjoyable match was also held against the School with the Society ending as close victors. With three single figure handicap members in the School team it augurs well for the future Grafton Morrish sides. Our domestic competitions have invariably been well attended with a splendid cross-section of members winning the various events. The Wiseman Cup was won by John Duncome and Chris Dixon with a score of 681/2. The best gross of 79 was recorded by Lawrence Shiels and Duncan Waters. The Association Challenge Cup was won by David Powell with a net score of 66, and the Charles Hill Salver by Martin Fell with a best gross score of 74. Barry Hudson at one time appeared to 'lose' his Senior Salver, but his ability to read the borrow finally enabled him to retain the trophy with a score of 68 net. The Invitation Foursomes were won by Roy Dixon with his guest Alan Fitzpatrick, with a net score of 69. Jeremy Stubbings and his guest John Roger Cupit — Captain, Judge Blennerhassett Q.C., John Hudson — President, pictured at the Old Sils' Golfing Society Annual Dinner. ...1.-.1.. L/OVIU I- L/VIICII RIM/I/VD Ilulill LU l•CICUI Ole L. IVICII LIII ICL.CIVCb LIIC ClIvCr II Urn LI IC victory in the Association Challenge Cup. John conquers his fear of spiders. Good as Gold. irL.--:-,--. rrebluem. SOCIAL SILS SILS' SPORT Whitworth triumphed in the gross competition with a 78. The most popular winners were our President John Hudson with his partner Cyril Gold, the most senior competitor, at our Annual General Meeting Competition. A magnificent score of net 621/2 playing with only four clubs and a putter could be a lesson to us all. We still have Captain's.Day Out at Blackwell to enjoy as well as the Old Boys' Day Competition on 9th December. The Golf Competition and Luncheon this year is one week before Old Boys' Day itself, enabling members to take part in both functions to the full. We have once again reached the finals of the Grafton Morrish Competition at Hunstanton in Norfolk, after winning the Midland Qualifying Competition in May. Adam Eisner and Lawrence Shiels, Steve Hamilton and Bob Barnett, Robert Tickell and John Duncombe represented us in May, as they are to do in early October at Hunstanton, and we wish them every success. It is with great pleasure, therefore, to report that our Society remains in the very best of health, with that unique blend of competition and camaraderie that exists among Old Silhillians. Thia is only possible by the hard work their officers put in to enable the events to run like clockwork. Particular thanks go to our President John Hudson, Treasurer and Secretary David Powell, B Team Captain Philip Johnson, and to Roy Letts for his outstanding efforts as Match Secretary. I wish Bob Standley every success and enjoyment in his year of office as Captain during 1990. ROGER CUPIT iEiLWLL WLL INTENT O.S. Golf Society — Grafton Morrish Tournament Solihull once again qualified for the Public Schools Old Boys Golf Competition played at Hunstanton in Norfolk during early October. Three teams of two play knockout foursomes off level handicaps. Our team was drawn from L. Shiels, A. Eisner, R. Tickell, J. Duncombe, S. Hamilton, R. Barnett and R. Harris and We arrived at Hunstanton with high hopes. Regrettably we lost in the first round to a good Stamford side by two matches to one with Adam Eisner and Lawrence Shiels winning their match 3 and 2. We then entered the Stableford Competition for those teams knocked out in the first two rounds, twenty-four teams in total, and the first four teams from this Stableford competition would qualify for a further knockout competition to be played for the Committee Bowl. We accrued a very creditable 75 points with L. Shiels and R. Harris gaining 27 points, S. Hamilton and R. Barnett 23 points, J. Duncombe and R. Tickell 25 points, their birdie 3 on the eighteenth green gaining us entry into the knockout competition later in the day. Our opponents in the first round of the Knockout Competition were KCS Wimbledon and we won by two matches to one with S. Hamilton and R. Barnett winning their match 3 and 2 and our other pairs halving to give us an overall 2 to 1 victory which gained us entry into the final on Sunday morning to play against Radley. L. Shiels and R. Harris halved their match after being 3 down with 5 holes to play. The final took place in a violent gale. J. Duncombe and R. Tickell unfortunately lost the opening match which was compensated by L. Shiels and R. Harris winning on the fifteenth green to make it one match all. After a truly magnificent game, Stuart Hamilton and Rob Barnett eventually won the middle game on the twenty-first green to gain Solihull the Committee Bowl for the first time in twenty-eight years of entering the competition. Congratulations to the team and to all the caddies and supporters for their vocal and moral support. ROGER CUPIT TO ENJOY SOCIAL SILS SOCIAL SILS UNDO DINNER Last year the Dinner was held at the Carlton Club and an enjoyable evening was had by all. As well as those from the South East there was a contingent from Solihull which included the President Martin Saunders, Headmaster Alan Lee and our special guest Laurie Bailey, to recognize his many years' service to the School as pupil and as master. For the first time in many years a second function was held on 17th March at the Conco d'Oro restaurant, with pre-dinner drinks at the Yorkshire Grey. Again we thank Solihull for its representation by the President, John Taylor. This year, the 40th Annual Dinner, will therefore be a special occasion and will be held at the East India Club on Friday 17th November. The party from Solihull will again include the Headmaster and the President and there will be two special guests, Sydney Jackson, who started the London section, and Dan Mayers, the senior Past President. I look forward to seeing you all on the 17th November. JOHN LOCKYER John Lockyer makes a presentation to Laurie Bailey, and Geoff bows to the powerful grape. -umr- 58 59 SOCIAL SILS SOCIAL SILS Might I suggest.... Perennial Panjandrums. The Green Party at the 0.S. R.U.F.C. Dinner. Letts celebrate Roy. SOCIAL SILS SOCIAL SILS Do we spy a former "Silhillian" photographer at the Annual Dinner? These other guys seem to enjoy the Silhillian — but I only read it 'cos my uncle is editor! I do believe Michael's listening for once. ti Good job these Annual Dinners are only once a year! 62 63 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge with thanks the support and interest of the following firms and organisations DOALL CO. (UK) LTD. Unit 9, Beldray Industrial Park, Mount Pleasant, Bilston, West Midlands WV14 7NH 0902 404842, Telex 338492 HINTON & HIGGS (U.K.) LTD. The Firs, Marcham Road Abingdon, Oxon 0X14 1AA 0235 24228 Metal Cutting, Bandsaw, Machines and Blades European Health & Safety and Pollution Consultants Contact: M. S. Saunders APOLLO MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LTD. 1679 High Street, Knowle, Solihull B93 OLL 056477 0400 Software Specialists in the IBM mid-range Computer Specialists in System/36 & 38; AS/400 A-P SPRINGS LTD. Reddings Lane, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 3HA. 021-706 2236 Spring and Spring Clip Manufacturers Contact: P. D. Taylor, N. D. Taylor BAIN CLARKSON LTD. Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street, Queensway, Birmingham B1 1EJ 021-632 4211, Telex 336118, Fax 021-643 4145 International Insurance Brokers Contact: G. Campbell, H. Westwood BARNETT & CO. 39 Corporation Street, Birmingham B2 4LT 021-643 0551/1820 BURCHELL EDWARDS & CO. (Nationwide Anglia B.Soc.) 137 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull 021-704 3010 Estate Agents, Valuers and Surveyors Also at Acocks Green, Hall Green and Solihull Contact: D. W. Edwards, F.R.I.C.S., A.R.V.A M. F. Doble, F.R.I.C.S., A.R.V.A. CHESTERTON 84 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2GH 021-200 3111 Tlx 335146 Fax 021-200 2425 Chartered Surveyors & International Property Consultants Contact: Paul G. Newby, B.Sc., A.R.I.C.S. CHETLAND (AGENCIES & DISTRIBUTION) LTD. Unit 72, Heming Road, Washford Industrial Estate, Redditch, Worcs. 0527 20949, Fax 0527 510317, Telex 336303 Solicitors & Commissioners for Oaths Export Agents. UK Distributors of Bob Toski Custom Made Golf Clubs Contact: Peter Barnett Contact: Rob Chetland BAYLISS-JOHNSON incorporating Automobile and General Insurance Bureau 19a Union Street, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2SU 0752 222244, Fax 0752 220790 809 Warwick Road, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 2EL 021-706 6428, Fax 021-706 6782 PETER CLARK ANTIQUES 36 St Mary's Row, Moseley, Birmingham 021-449 8245 Financial Planning, Investment Advisors Contact: John Johnson BERT BUCKNALL (INSURANCE) LTD. 5 Newtown Buildings, Newtown Road, Bedworth, Nuneaton CV12 8QA (0203)312242 and 312596 Insurance Brokers Antique Dealer and Valuers Contact: Peter Clark COLE & TILLEY Neville House, 14 Waterloo Street Birmingham, 82 5UF 021-643 5531, Fax 021-643 5711 Solicitors Contact: Geoff Wood Plywood and Wallboard Distributors COLLINS, SON & HARVEY (GA Property Services) 95 High Street, Solihull 021-705 6348 373 Warwick Road, Olton, Solihull 021-711 2343 1584 High Street, Knowle, Knowle 774251 167 Stratford Rd., Shirley, 021-744 6691 3 Station Approach, Dorridge, Knowle 774878 Contact: R. Cupit Estate Agents & Chartered Surveyors Contact: R. J. Harrison BIRMINGHAM BOARD CO. LTD. Dudley Road, Oldbury, Warley, West Midlands B69 3DA. 021-552 7788, Telex 335736, Fax 021-544 7186 BRIGHT WILLIS 677 Warwick Road, Solihull 1624 High Street, Knowle 0564 779111 Also at Birmingham, Moseley, Sheldon and Sutton Coldfield Chartered Surveyors, Valuers, Auctioneers and Estate Agents Contact: •Michael Cutler, F.R.I.C.S. Contact: J. S. Shepherd, F.R.I.C.S. Knowle Office 0564 774251. Contact: Rodney Meere ELLIOTT, SON & BOYTON 30 Waterloo St., Birmingham B1 1ES 021-200 2007 Commercial and Industrial Property Surveyors and Valuers Contact: John Batsford, A.R.I.C.S. and 79 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8BP. 01-487 4401 Contact: Jeremy Bradbeer, F.R.I.C.S. EMBASSY HOMES LTD. Greswolde House, 197a Station Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands 893 OPU. Knowle 776271, Fax 0564 770114 Building Contractors, Local Housing Contact: M. R. Cleveley HOARE LEA & PARTNERS Auchinleck House, Five Ways, Birmingham B15 1DP 021-643 6331, Telex 445893 HLPCON G. Fax 021-643 2419 Consulting Engineers Contact: John Standley JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH & SON LTD. 97 High Street, Solihull 021-705 4549 Cigar Merchants and Tobacconists Contact: John Withers JAMES & LISTER LEA 1741 Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull West Midlands 893 OLX 0564 779187 FYSHE HORTON FINNEY & CO. Charles House, 148/149 Gt. Charles St., Birmingham 83 3HT 021-236 3111 Chartered Surveyors, Auctioneers & Estate Agents Stock and Share Brokers Member of the Securities Association KENTS HAIRDRESSERS 54 Station Road, Solihull 021-745 1250 Contact: Nigel Duckitt Contact: Andrew M Spittle, A.R.I.C.S. Men's Hairdressers GRIMLEY J R EVE 2 St. Philip's Place, Birmingham B3 200 021-236 8236, Telex 337991, Fax 021-233 4455 Chartered Surveyors and Valuers Contact: M. E. Taylor or R. A. Barnett HARRIS McCLELLAND LIFE & PENSIONS CONSULTANTS LTD. The Old Bakery, Fifty Mere Green Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield West Midlands 874 2UD 021-308 6381 Independent Financial Advisers Contact: Tony McClelland HARRISON AND SMITH LTD. 44 Friar Street, Worcester WR1 2NA 0905 22532/24978 Contact: David Phipps KINGSWOOD SCHOOL St. James Place, Shirley, Solihull West Midlands B90 2BA 021-744 7883 Independent Day School for Boys & Girls Contact: Peter Callaghan, B.Phil (Ed) KNOWLE DECORATING & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Warwick House, 16 Kenilworth Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 OJA Knowle 773836 Chubb Lock Security Centre, Paints, Wallpaper, Timber, Hardboard, Plywood, Chipboard etc Contact: A. S. Neale Contact: R. J. Harrison CORNERSTONE A.N.E.A. (Incorporating Paul Rocky & Co) 29 High Street, Solihull 891 3SN 021-705 7551 LEESON SON & HACKETT 43 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3QP 021-236 0501 (5 lines) HAUNCH LANE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 7 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull 021-745 4117 Chartered Surveyors, Estate Agents, Valuers, Industrial & Rating Consultants, Property Managers The Estate Agents & Chartered Surveyors Property Developers Contact: Sue Bennett, Manager Contact: Mike Wiseman, Jack Wiseman. Contact: Derek H. Hackett, B.Sc (Est.Man) F.R.I.C.S., F.R.V.A. Insurance Brokers ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DOUGLAS LLANBIAS ASSOCIATES Cavendish House, 39 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5PP Tel 021-233 4421 SYDNEY MITCHELL & CO. Cavendish House, Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5PU. 021-233 1711 Solicitors Financial & Management Recruitment Consultants Contact: Pat Hill Contact: Stephen Bromley, B.A. LONDON AND MIDLAND OFFICE CLEANERS LTD. 7-9 Summer Hill Terrace, Birmingham B1 3RA. 021-236 4050 Commercial and Industrial Cleaning Contractors Contact: John Levenger, David Weedon CHARLES LUCAS & SONS 72/74 Camden Street, Birmingham B1 3DR. 021-233 1733, Fax 021-236 8390 Contact: Stephen Lucas. S.C. MACKAY & CO. 137 Worcester Road, Hagley, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 ONW Hag ley (0562)885755 Chartered Accountants Contact: S. C. Mackay McLARENS Harborne Court, 69 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BU Tel 021-454 5999 and major towns throughoutthe U.K. Chartered Loss Adjusters Contact: Mike Bullett (Controlling Director) Paul Bullett MARAWISE LIMITED Unit 13,256 Foleshill Road, Coventry 0203 688135 Surface Finishing Equipment, Portable and Automatic Shotblast Plant, Paint Spray & Air Tool Equipment Contact: Franta Geisler & Eric Fellows. P & M ADVERTISING LTD. 85/87 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 3BY 021-233 4666 Advertising Agency Contact: Rob Bertram G.W. PEARCE & SONS LTD. 158 Chester Street, Aston, Birmingham B6 4AT. 021-359 3147 Computer and Office Supplies Contact: David Gilbert Contact: Lawrence Shiels Manufacturers of Industrial & Commercial Lighting Fittings F.H. SIMS & SONS LTD. Birmingham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. 0789 205671 Fax 0789 299006 Contact: Roger Brown or Peter Brown HERBERT W. PERIAM LTD. 2-10 Gopsal Street, Birmingham B6 7LF. 021-359 1762 (5 lines) Fastener distributors Contact: R. C. Periam PERKINS SLADE LTD. Elizabeth House, 22 Suffolk Street, Queensway, Birmingham B1 1LS 021-643 7371 Insurance Brokers Contact: Peter Thompson & Harry Towers POWELL GEE & CO. LTD. P.O. Box 15, Rigby Street, Wednesbury, West Midlands 021-556 1495 A complete range of roofing fittings for industrial buildings. 'U' bolts for exhaust clamps. Television aerial bolts Contact: Steve Powell, Sales Director POWELL PIGGOT LTD. Herbert Road, Birmingham B10 ORG Tel 021-772 5754 Non-Ferrous Tube Manufacturers & Machined Components PROCESS SERVICES LTD. Unit 3, Leeside Industrial Estate Garman Road, London N17 0QH Specialists in Metal Finishings for Defence, Aerospace and Professional Electronics Industries Contact: Ian Thorpe Garden Machinery TREVADLOCK HALL PARK LAUNCESTON —CORNWALL 0566 82392 Contact: Barry Sims Self Catering Chalets & Touring Caravan Park Suppliers of Lawn Tractors, Mowers & Residential Park Homes Holloware Manufacturers Contact: Brian Urry MEDIA COMPUTER SUPPLIES LTD. Unit 72, Heming Road, Washford Industrial Estate, Redditch, Worcs. Tel 0527 517060 Fax 0527 510317, Telex 336303 MEDIA G Dental Surgeons F.W. THORPE plc Merse Road, North Moons Moat Redditch, Worcs B98 9HH 0527 584058, Telex 339327 Thorpe G., Fax 0527 584177 SHIELS AND STEWARD 58 Shirley Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham 27. 021-706 0863 SQUIRE & CO. 139 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull 890 3AY. 021-745 7741 Solicitors Contact: Roger Squire, L. Hunt STANDLEY & CO. 1612 High Street, Knowle, Solihull 0564 776287 Solicitors and Notaries Contact: Bob Standley ALLEN STANLEY MARKETING & ADVERTISING 4 Drury Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, 891 38D. 021-704 3535 Advertising Agency Contact: T. K. Stanley, A. Hayes STEEL AGENCIES CO. LTD. Steetly Industrial Estates, Factory Road, Tipton. 021-520 7114 Steel Agents, Exporters and Importers Contact: Neil Hobday TRUSCOTT (STORAGE & PARTITIONING SYSTEMS) LTD., Greets Green Road, West Bromwich B70 9EU. 021-520 2464 or Knowle 774263 Fax 021-520 4200 Office Partitioning & Suspended Ceilings, Stores Equipment & Racking Contact: Clive Truscott EDGAR VAUGHAN & CO. LTD. Legge Street, Birmingham B4 7EU 021-359 2458 Speciality Oils and Chemicals Contact: Bryan P. Thomas VAUGHAN BATES Rainbow Countrywide Insurance Brokers Ltd. 11 Station Road, Solihull, West Midlands 891 3TG. 021-705 2231 Registered Insurance Brokers. Motor, Household & all other types of general insurance Contact: David Vaughan, A.C.1.1. Contact: David Britt GEO. STUBBINGS LTD. Streetly Road, Erdington, Birmingham 823 7AJ. 021-377 6501 W.J. VINCENT & CO. LTD. Bournbrook Sawmill, 473 Bristol Road Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6BB 021-472 1142 General Building Contractors and Timber & Plywood Importers & Merchants, Developers. Private and Industrial Packing Case Makers & Timber Fabricators Refurbishments Contact: John Vincent and David Vincent Contact: Geoffrey/John Stu bbings Contact: Peter Vivian, 01-801 9099 JOHN TAYLOR 11 Jacobean Lane, Knowle, Solihull 0564 777764 WALKER COTTER PARTNERSHIP 42 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1PL. 021-454 0455 Fax 021-456 1730 MITCHELLS & BUTLERS CENTRAL Newland House, 139 Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UB 021-236 7766 ALBERT E. SHARP & CO. Edmund House, 12 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3ER Tel 021-200 2244 Stockbroking & Personal Financial Advice Chartered Accountant—Small Business Financial Consultant Chartered Quantity Surveyors, Beers, Spirits& Minerals Contact: Ian MacConnachie Contact: Michael Cusack Contact: John Taylor Contact: Martin J. Cotter, F.R.I.C.S. Building Cost Consultants ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE WATERLOO PRESS PLC Waterloo House, Green Lane, Birmingham B9 5BN. 021-773 8198, Fax 021-773 8199 Computer stationery manufacturers & business form printers Contact: P.J. Wellings, D.T. Mawdsley G.W. WEBB (PLASTICS) LTD. Units 5 & 6, Colebrook Road, Birmingham 811 2NT. 021-772 5968 Buyers of Scrap Plastic, Sellers of Granulated and Compounded Plastic Materials WOOD GLAISTER PARTNERSHIP Homer House, 8 Homer Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3Q0 021-705 81 51 Solicitors Contact: Nick Atkinson H. WOOLMAN (DORRIDGE) LTD. Grange Road, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8QB. 0564 776283 Suppliers of Plants for Garden & Greenhouse Send for Catalogue Contact: John Woolman Contact: Andrew Webb WHITEHOUSE MOORMAN & PARTNERS LTD. Malvern House, New Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3EE. 021-704 2531 Tlx 337210 Insurance Brokers—General, Marine & Life Contact: Bryan J. Lancaster WITHERS & SKINNER LTD. Unit 72, Heming Road, Washford Industrial Estate Redditch, Worcs 898 OEA 0527 517050, Fax 0527 517033 MARC WORRALL ASSOCIATES 49 Shirley Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham B27 7XU. 021-706 0946 021-707 4022 Architectural Consultants — All Types of Commercial and Residential Developments Contact: Marc Worrall WYCKHAM BLACKWELL LTD. Old Station Road, Hampton-in-Arden, Solihull. 06755 2233 Specialists in Timber, Sheet Materials & Allied Products Butplate fencing system Trussed Rafters. Timber Merchants Contact: Alan Skinner, Bob Meigh Contact: W. D. Butler, R. M. Bouverat Can you help with Industrial experience? The school's lower sixth students will be sent on attachment during a week in June 1990. However, the school is very short of suitable placements. If you think you can help, please contact the Careers Master, Mr. N.A. Cluley, at school, by the end of January 1990. 68 The Silhillian 1988
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Silhillian_1995_November_Issue Number 46
given up the editorship, her workload has been halved, but her wages remain the same. No longer
does she require the tranquillizers the doctor prescribed during this period. We wish them both a