cob vette news - Corvettes of Buffalo
cob vette news - Corvettes of Buffalo
COB VETTE NEWS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume, 34 August -- 2015 Issue 8 What’s Happening This Month President’s Corner See page three. Hello everyone, Well July is over, so that means summer is in its final turn and with any luck September and October will hold out and be Corvette weather. Let’s look at what we have done in July. We had the Grand Island parade that is always a good time. We attended the last Tri Five Show and our club had five or six members win trophies in their classes. We had the Paddock car show which is always a great show with over 300 cars plus there was great weather for the show. John and Donna Biggie held the July dinner cruise to the City of Canandaigua, where we walked up and down Main Street at their Arts and Craft show after which we ended up at Nolan’s Restaurant for a great dinner. Job well done by Donna and John. I don’t think there will be an August dinner cruise but John will explain this at the August meeting that will be at the club picnic at Gatwick Park. There was a Men’s and Ladies luncheons in July and for us working stiffs we usually don’t get a chance to attend but thanks to the men and women who arrange them. Elections are just around the corner so all members give it some thought about running for office or the board. As I always say you only get out of the club what you put into it. Finally we have our 11th annual Corvette Caravan coming up on September 20th and we still could use some help in certain areas so please contact Skip Polowy or Pete Ricigliano to see where your help is needed. Lee and I will be doing door prizes so give us a hand with some great prizes. ******REMINDER****** The August Club meeting will be held during the COB picnic at the Gratwick Fire Hall— 110 Ward Road—North Tonawanda, NY. August Anniversaries 2nd 14th 15th 16th 23rd 27th Jim & Linda Bonus Daniel & Paulette Krakowski Bruce & Ruth Mussehl Bob & Patti Parrish Carl & Chris Balmas Kevin & Holly Wyse OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF A reminder that there is no meeting at the church for the month of August. See you at the club picnic August 9th. Drive Safe Mike B CORVETTES of BUFFALO 1 Officers President Mike Buccilli 716-648-2037 Bob Kaczmarek 716-592-2619 John Biggie 585-492-2927 Marianne Pastore 716-694-9024 Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board of Directors Sue Brownlee Dick Brownlee Jim Kelly Frank Pastore Skip Polowy Wayne Scudder Rich Zahner AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 716-693-4654 716-693-4654 716-681-7931 716-694-9024 716-201-1889 716-692-8178 716-225-1188 2nd 5th 6th 8th 12th 14th 17th 23rd 26th 29th 30th Committees Membership Newsletter Phone Comm. Sunshine Comm. Or Webmaster Activities Dir. Club Photographer Barbara Lipome 716-691-8845 Dennis Buckley 716-759-2972 Lynda Graham 716-741-3350 Karen Rothenberger 716-675-9467 Diane Skeide 716-876-1197 Jim Bonus 716-695-7643 Lynda Graham 716-741-3350 Dan Krakowski 716-675-5880 Ray Schafer Bob Tkach Kevin Wyse Bob Harrer Bruce Epolito Etienne Kojsza Alex Wyse Marry Ann Buckley Larry Ienco John DeLore Judy Paddock AUGUST TRIVIA QUESTIONS 1. Why were the first Corvettes actually "rolled" off the assembly line? 2. What color paint was NOT used on Meeting every second Saturday of the month at Corvettes from 1970 to 1976? First Presbyterian Church 9675 Main St. Clarence, NY, 14031 Meeting starts 7:00 p.m. 3. What was the first film that Marilyn Monroe stared in? Corvettes of Buffalo is open to all Corvette owners and enthusiasts over the age of 21 Visit us at Send Articles To: Dennis Buckley E-Mail : [email protected] Submissions must be in by the 26 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 4. What actress changed her name from Edda van Heemstra for Hollywood? 5. What was the last year a CB radio was offered as a Corvette option? th Answers on page 11 2 WHATS HAPPENING IN AUGUST August 1 K&S Swap Meet – 811 Niagara St. Tonawanda, NY 6pm August 2 Buffalo History Museum Show – 9am- 4pm August 3 Taste of Clarence at Town Park –Main St. 2:00pm August 4 Uncle Joe’s Diner Super Cruise – Hamburg, NY 5 pm August 7 St. Gabriel’s Super Cruise – 5271 Clinton St. Elma, NY (5pm -9pm) August 8 WNY Cruise Against Cancer –TJ Hirsch, 1641 N. French Rd. Getzville, NY – (10am-2pm) August 8 Elwood Fire Hall Car Show 10am-5pm August 9 COB Picnic– Gratwick Fire Hall, N. Tonawanda, NY 11am August 9 Tread City Cruise Rocking Blues – Bowen Rd & Broadway, Lancaster, NY (4pm- 9pm) August 10 Lake Erie Italian Club Cruise 3200 S. Park Ave. Lackawanna, NY 5pm-9pm August 19 Elderwood Cruise 5271 Main St. Williamsville, 6pm -8pm August 20 Cataract Cruisers – Charity Cruise – Academy Park, Lewiston, NY 5pm – dark August 22 GM/ UAW Show – location TBD August 22-28 NCCC National Convention August 26 Medina Super Cruise, Main St. 5pm- 9pm August 28-30 Corvettes at Carlisle – PA August 29 COB Ladies Luncheon - Olympic Restaurant - See details on Page 13 August 29 Mt. Saint Mary’s Music Fest & Super Cruise, 3756 Delaware Ave. Kenmore, NY 11am-5pm August 30 Toytown Car Show – East Aurora, NY 9am CORVETTES of BUFFALO 3 Information for new C7 Corvette owners... 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes – Additional Required Maintenance.. Date: 11/24/2014 Ref. number: Service / Service Operations / G_0000205212 Subject: 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes – Additional Required Maintenance To: Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, and Cadillac Dealers 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes – Additional Required Maintenance The following message only applies to dry sump Corvettes that have not had their first oil change performed. Some 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes may experience a condition that leads to oil leaking out from the air cleaner assembly. This condition may be caused by running the engine continuously at a high engine speed with the first factory fill oil, resulting in silicone sealants in the engine’s gaskets degrading the oil’s anti-foaming agents. The oil foam has no effect on the engine’s durability. Effective Immediately: GM is changing the required maintenance schedule for all 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes equipped with dry sump systems. The new schedule will require the oil/filter be changed immediately after the break-in period, which occurs after the first 500 miles of operation. Once the break-in oil change is performed and the Oil Life Monitoring system is reset, customers should follow the Oil Life Monitoring system for all future oil change needs. The 2nd printing of the 2015 Owner Manuals is being updated with this change. These manuals will not be in the glove box material until January 2015. For vehicles produced before this change, and for all vehicles going forward, it is important to notify the customers that a change has been made, and they will need to have the vehicle’s oil changed after the break-in period. Copies of the new maintenance grid will be available on, under Chevrolet, Resources. As you are aware, all 2014/2015 Corvettes come with Chevrolet Complete Care which covers 2 years/24,000 miles of select required maintenance. Previously, up to 4 service events were allowed under the program guidelines in the 2-year/24,000-mile period. With the change in the maintenance schedule being effective immediately, an additional oil change allowance will be added to 2014/2015 Z51 and Z06 Corvettes, increasing the amount of coverage to 2 years/24,000 miles, up to 5 service events. Please make sure all dealership personnel are aware of this change. To: Chevrolet, Buick, and GMC Dealers The 2014-2015 Chevrolet Complete Care Program for Corvettes was designed to take into account the preferred Mobil 1 oil choice of many Corvette owners. As a reminder, dealers are required to use Mobil 1 when performing oil changes on ALL 2014-2015 Corvettes through the Chevrolet Complete Care Program. Current reimbursement levels for Corvette are based on Mobil 1 usage. Please remind all personnel that only Mobil 1 should be used. In addition, please refer to Global Connect message # G_0000205212 for details on dry sump equipped (Z51, Z52, and Z06) Corvettes. In the event a customer paid an upcharge for Mobil 1 under the Chevrolet Complete Care Program, customers should be directed to contact Executive CAC at (855) 435-7284 or email [email protected] for reimbursement. Tell your dealer to look in GM Global Connect: Ref. number: Service / Service Operations / G_0000208346 The notification is there under the number above. Published 1/13/15. If you have any issues with your dealer call: (855) 435-7284 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 4 TRI-FIVE 40TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW WINNERS Congratulations to COB members who won awards at the final Tri-Five car show on Sunday, July 5th. The show attracted a record of 817 cars on the grounds for the 40th Annual Show. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 5 Grand Island 4th of July Parade Corvettes of Buffalo had several cars in the Grand Island parade on Saturday. We had excellent, hot and dry weather. After the parade Frank took the group on a tour around Grand Island. We then went to Taylor’s Tap & Grill on Niagara Falls Blvd. for a relaxing lunch. Thanks to all participants. (Frank and Marianne Pastore) Staging the cars. Bob and Norma Joseph's new ride. Heading to lunch after the parade and a cruise around Grand Island. Taylor's Restaurant for lunch. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 6 Let the Process Begin --- 1967 Project Car (update 7/2015) $4,000 of parts have been ordered so far including NOS parts in GM boxes purchased 40 years ago stored in VPI paper; all calipers have been SS sleeved/rebuilt as well as the master cylinder; motor has been thoroughly tested(test information documented before teardown); gas tank has been dropped and 'build-sheet' was intact on the tank(did not disturb the sheet after carefully dusting same to read clarity on the info printed in 1967 by Corvette GM Division) defining this 1967 Vette as built and it matches what exists on the subject(except that color will be back to Silver Pearl. ................. (very exciting times). ps; photo taken just before teardown. Gene Colucci CORVETTES of BUFFALO 7 Bloomington Gold Show at The Indianapolis Motor Speedway [by John Meyerhoff] When the announcement of this year's Bloomington Gold Show arrived with the news that the show was moving to a new venue, The Indianapolis Motor Speedway, I knew I was going. When I found out it would provide the opportunity to drive a couple laps on the track as well as some other great activities, the deal was sealed and I made my reservations!! Then I made a couple of phone calls to some old friends who have attended previous Bloomington Gold Shows with me when it was held at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL near Chicago. They are John and Carol Tchinski who live on Lake James in Angola, Indiana. John was a Navy Officer who was transferred to my ship 50 years ago and we have stayed close friends ever since. John owned a Saddle Tan 63 Corvette Convertible and I was smitten, even though I loved my four speed, 383 Plymouth Fury Convertible! I soon ordered a new 66, 427 Mosport Green Convertible which was to be the first of many!! My next call (from Florida) was to another couple of friends who are veterans of many previous Bloomington Golds and a pair of serious Corvette enthusiasts who are also COB members, Dave and Kathy Huber. They were quick to sign on as well and plans were made to meet at the track! After a rainy trip to Angola, IN, I had a nice visit with John and Carol and they showed me around the area, including a trip to the well know Paragon State Park and its unique toboggan run. It was also a chance to get the car cleaned up before the two and a half hour drive south to Indianapolis. Our hotel was a brand new Holiday Inn about 15 minutes from the track at the Indianapolis Airport. It wasn't even open when the Tchinski’s made the reservations, but it was a beautiful facility with great rooms. Getting in to the track was another story. On Thursday, the first day of the show, we arrived about 11AM and came off I465 at exit 16, Crawfordsville Rd. Only one entrance was available and we had to drive by it, get turned around and enter on the east to west side of the road. This wasn't a big problem on Thursday midday, but when we came back on Fri first thing in the morning, it took us 40 minutes to get off the highway and into the track and our parking area with the Fort Wayne Club, which John and Carol belong to. Of course there were also long lines to pick up the tickets and sign releases for the track laps, but it was worth it. By holding off a little, I was able to gain enough space to get up to 90 mph and take some turns down low! They also had low speed auto-crossing available as well as 180 mph laps in an Indy style race car with a professional driver. I passed on those, but I know Kathy Huber took the high speed trip! You can spend a couple days going around to see all the vendors, get involved in a 1000 Corvette Caravan which goes about 40 miles thru the Indiana countryside and participate in a downtown cruise on Saturday night. In closing , this would be a great location for a club weekend trip and Bloomington Gold will be held at the Speedway for at least two more years. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 8 Cleaning up the cars at Tchinski's home on Lake James. The Tchinski garage with their C-6, 07 Convertible and their 67, Goodwood green, 435 HP 427 Convertible! Our parking spot with the Fort Wayne club. Note the pagoda in the background Driving the track- the Pagoda is on the left. At the Chevy tent, The Tcjhinski’s pose with a new 2016 ZO6 in a new deep red color. CORVETTES of BUFFALO Another new ZO6 with a new factory striping scheme. 9 BEST OF SHOW TROPHY AT 2015 PADDOCK CAR SHOW Lee Singer won Best of Show for his 1948 Playboy Car. Ed Bobowicz did an outstanding job of restoring it for Lee to its original condition. The Playboy was made in Buffalo by Lee’s family following the end of World War II. There are fewer than 25 cars left and Lee’s family has 9 of them. It is s/n 0094, the last of the prototypes. They were never mass produced and each one was handmade and was ahead of their time. They used Continental 4 cylinder engines of 48 horsepower – plenty for a car that only weighs 2035 pounds! Indeed, this car would cruise comfortably on the freeway! It uses a Borg-Warner 3 speed transmission with overdrive. The size and lightness allowed the use of unit body construction. The suggested retail price was to be $985.00. The Playboy car was originally intended for the booming postwar car market. Built in Buffalo, New York, the first production batch of cars was made for the first Playboy dealers. The idea was to sign up dealers and issue stock for capital to continue production. Unfortunately, the company was never able to raise the necessary equity to continue production and closed in 1951. Playboy Car Trivia: A woman who worked for Playboy Motor Cars at the time they shut down suggested to her son's friend that he use the Playboy name for his new magazine. That friend's name was Hugh Hefner! This story was confirmed by a letter from Hugh Hefner in June, 2002 which reads, in part: "The Playboy name was suggested by a friend whose mother had worked at the then defunct Playboy Motor Car Company..." Signed Hugh M. Hefner Hefner does NOT own a Playboy car. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 10 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 2015 PICNIC Just a reminder. The C. O. B. 2015 picnic will be Aug. 9th from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. It will be at the Gratwick Hose Fire Company---110 Ward Rd.---N. Tonawanda, 14120. Food starts at 12:00 & will go on till 4:00. Our menu will be Hot dogs, Hamburg's, Chowder, Corn on the cob, Baked beans, Relish tray, Pop & Water. This will be done by the volunteers of Gratwick Hose. If you wish to bring your own drink in a cooler, that's ok. If you have any questions about what dish to pass that you signed-up to bring, please feel free to give me a call at 861-7331. This should a great time. Thank you, Wayne AUGUST TRIVIA ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chevrolet was not prepared for grounding to a fiberglass body; the cars would not start. Black. "The Egg and I" Belgian-born Audrey Hepburn. 1985 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 11 The July COB Ladies Luncheon was attended by 16 members at the Grapevine Restaurant. The Grape Vine Restaurant features several aquariums with many different exotic fish. One of the aquariums has a small shark similar to the one Bill Mitchell caught while deep sea fishing off the coast of Bimini in 1958. Bill Mitchell was VP of Design in the 50’s & early 60’s and said he got the design inspirations from that shark for the Mako concept cars shown below. The 1961 Mako Shark I design was the precursor of the 1963 Sting Ray. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 12 SATURDAY AUGUST 29TH @ 12:00 PM @ The Olympic Restaurant 4611 Genesee Street [just East of the Airport] Cheektowaga, New York 14225 Separate checks will be provided. There will be no sign-up sheet for the August luncheon!!! If you plan to attend please call or email Joanne Brozyna @ 689-2674 --- [email protected] or Mary Ann Buckley @ 759-2972 --- [email protected] by August 26th so we can provide the restaurant with a head count. Hope to see you there!!! CORVETTES of BUFFALO 13 { Prospective Member Article } My Corvette Love One might say that my love of a corvette began when my childhood friend had me accompany him to one of his garages. Upon arrival he opened the garage door and told me to choose one. Before my eyes rested two beautiful vehicles. An older cat eye Jaguar convertible, and a 1973 classic white Corvette. Not sure why I was there or what to say, my friend spoke first. “I know you want a sports car and I have two that I am not driving, so choose one”. The jaguar was my childhood dream car, but that beautiful 73 classic white, T-Top with 23,000 documented miles, spoke to me. She said, “ Take me, for I am the true American sports car, a most beautiful piece of American art in motion. Wait till you hear the unique sound of my Rochester Q-Jet carburetor. The power of this high performance 350 small block motor will propel you down the 33. Your first drive with your queen, what a grand chariot I am for Queen Rosalind. Lastly, the stares of admiration you will receive whenever and wherever you drive and show me. So choose me, and there will be no regrets. You will be a welcome member of the corvette family”. I have no regrets. I am truly blessed. By the way, my friend’s name, we just call him, “Big O”. I thank you, Big O. Submitted by Juan Phillips CORVETTES of BUFFALO 14 The July COB Men’s Luncheon was attended by 13 members at the Holiday Showcase Restaurant. ************************************************************************************************** GM Files Trademark Application For “Manta Ray”, “Corvette Manta Ray” When the designers of the future Chevy sports car needed a name, they looked to the ocean for inspiration, and the name they came up with was Corvette. A small and fast kind of warship, the Corvette had a reputation for nimble speed (at least in relation to larger ships), but the name has since become synonymous with GM’s everyman sports car. But engineers and designers never stopped getting inspiration from the ocean, delving into the briny deep to fetch names like Stingray, Mako, and Manta Ray. It’s that last moniker that we’re talking about today, as GM Authority reports that the Detroit-based automaker has applied for the “Manta Ray” and “Corvette Manta Ray” trademarks. You have to go back more than 40 years to find those names in the GM lexicon. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 15 The Corvette Manta Ray Concept debuted in 1969 as a low, flat, and futuristic look at the next-generation of Corvettes, building off of the “Stingray” design that debuted in 1963 and evolved for the 1968 model year. But the Manta Ray was actually just a reworked concept from the mid-60s called the Mako Shark II, though it had a new front end and quartz-halogen headlights to show off. Then there’s what lie beneath the hood. The 1969 Manta Ray packed the new all-aluminum, 430 hp ZL-1 427 ci engine. This engine would go on to be synonymous with GM’s drag racing performance, and would inspire the new Camaro ZL1 more than four decades later. The Manta Ray also packed a forward-looking, cockpit-inspired passenger compartment and a sloping rear deck that is a lot like today’s Corvette Stingray. But where would a Corvette Manta Ray fall on the hierarchy? With the new Z06 packing the same amount of power as the old ZR1, could the Manta Ray step things up to over 700 hp? Or might GM tone it back and take a different approach? Then again, maybe there’s nothing really planned, as automakers often “camp” on old names to ensure they don’t lose the rights, or worse, a competitor picks them up. Here’s hoping the Corvette Manta Ray is more than just a bookmark. CORVETTES of BUFFALO 16 Save the Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 11the Annual “All Corvette Caravan” is scheduled on September 20th and the Caravan Flyer is now available on the COB website! We are working with the Grapevine Banquet to get the Bills vs. the Patriots game on live on the BIG Screen, during Caravan brunch from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. More information will be available soon…. Save the Wave! Co-Chairman Pete Ricigliano & Skip Polowy CORVETTES of BUFFALO 17 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 18 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR PRIMARY COB SPONSOR 9000 Boston State Rd, Boston, NY 14025 Sales: 716-941-5255 Service: 877-317-8150 Commercial: 866-710-9783 Corvettes of Buffalo Member Discount Contact Bill Solak @ 716-941-5255 ext. 205 25% off PARTS and 10% off LABOR CORVETTES of BUFFALO 19 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR MAJOR COB SPONSORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO 20 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR COB SPONSORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO 21 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR COB SPONSORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO 22 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR COB SPONSORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO 23 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR COB SPONSORS THE SHOWBOAT MOTEL & RESTAURANT 3434 NORTH PLUM POINT ROAD HIMROD, NEW YORK 14842 607-243-7434 Specializing in family reunions and just plain fun! Come on down and enjoy. We have everything you need for a weekend or a week. We are in the center of Finger Lakes Wine Country. 20 miles South of Geneva; 16 miles North of Watkins Glen Just off Rt 14 and right on Seneca Lake! Room rates $70 - $119/night/2 persons Seasonal May - October The SHOWBOAT CREW is at your service! Newsletter Rates per year: Business Cards $25.00 1/8 Page $50.00 1/4 Page $75.00 1/2 Page $135.00 Full Page $250.00 CORVETTES of BUFFALO 24 P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED CORVETTES of BUFFALO 25
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