July 2010 Newsletter - Corvettes of Buffalo
July 2010 Newsletter - Corvettes of Buffalo
VETTE NEW S Volume 29, Issue 07 July 2010 President’s Corner Wha t’s Happening Congratulations to our newest member David Bloom voted in at the June meeting. Please be sure to say hello to David at upcoming events as he enjoys his first Corvette summer. We had over 80 members and prospective members in attendance on a very hot and humid night making the meeting room a little uncomfortable On June 19, over 25 members joined by the WNY Corvette toured the Pierce Transportation Museum in Buffalo. The owner Jim Sandoro treated us to an extremely informative 1.5 hour guided tour. Jim and his wife have been collecting automobile memorabilia for over 40 years. Later this summer Jim will start construction on a major addition to the museum, which will house the futuristic Frank Lloyd Wright gas station designed back in the 1920’s. His plan is to host catered parties that can handle up to 1000 attendees and will attract car and history buffs from all over the world. Well done Pete R in planning this event including the super buffet at Chef’s Restaurant. July 1 Cruise of the Week #6 5 PM – 9 PM Cruisin’ at the Creek—Willow Creek Winery 2627 Chapin Road, Silver Creek, NY July 4 35th Annual Tri-Five Car Event 8 AM – 5 PM Info: Rich Zahner (meet 9AM Clarence High School) July 7 Cruise of the Week #7 The Warehouse Exit 56 Blasdell, NY Info: Mike Buccilli July 9 Paddock Chevrolet Super Cruise 4 PM – 9 PM July 10 COB Club Meeting July 11 Geneseo Air Show TBA Info: Bruce Mussehl July 14 COB Salvatore’s Super Cruise 5:30 PM – 9 PM July 15 COB Women’s Event Info: Sue Brownlee White Linen Tea House, N. Tonawanda, NY July 22 Cruise of the Week #8 5:30 PM – 9 PM Info: Frank Pastore Cataract Cruisers Car Club Academy Park, Lewiston, NY July 24 22nd Annual UAW-GM Powertrain Show 10 AM – 5 PM 2995 River Road, Tonawanda, NY July 24-25 Vettes at the Beach Info: Frank Pastore Sylvan Beach, Syracuse, NY Tri -Five Car Show Sunday, July 4. If you are planning on attending and want to park with other COB members we are meeting in the Clarence Central High School parking lot on Main Street Street just a few hundred yards from the First Presbyterian Church where we meet. Departure time from the school lot is 9:15 am. Bring some snacks to pass, and if you have a pop up tent bring it, and enjoy over 400+ cars on display. Continued on pg2 Continued on pg2 OFFICAL PUBLICATION OF www.corvettesofbuffalo.com CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 1 Officers President Continued from pg1 Frank Pastore 716-694-9024 July 24 6th Annual Super Cruise 11M – 3 PM Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church, 8445 Griener Rd. Williamsville, NY July 25 Dick Pendleton Memorial Classic 10 AM – 4 PM VFW 2121 Grand Island Blvd. , Grand Island, NY July 28 Cruisin’ at the Creekside &Concert 5 PM – 9 PM Info: Joan Meegan The Creekside: Union Rd. @ William Street, Cheektowaga, NY July 30 Cruise of the Week #9 Friday Night Cruise – Medina, NY 5:30 PM – 8 PM Vice President Rich Zahner 716-225-1188 Secretary Joan Meegan 716-688-0087 Treasurer Mel Skeide 716-876-1194 Boa rd of Directors Bruce Mussehl Skip Polowy Mike Buccilli Ron Giovino Lowell Rothenberger 716-864-8459 716-741-7677 716-648-2037 716-691-8684 716-675-9467 Committees Membership Dan & Debbie Wroblewski 716-542-2041 Newsletter Jim & Linda Bonus 716-695-7643 Phone Comm. Maureen Polowy 716-741-7677 Sunshine Comm. Karen Rothenberger 716-675-9467 Webmaster Jim Bonus Continued from pg1 Activities Dir As I write this article we have 3 weeks left before our Super Cruise at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens so be sure to pass out flyers at the local cruises in your neighborhood. Paddock Chevrolet Super Cruise Friday, July 9 Plan on arriving by 4:00 PM sharp if you can, so that COB can proudly display our Corvettes one block South of the dealership on Delaware Avenue in Kenmore. Our club will be helping the Tri Five club and our new sponsor Paddock park cars on the street South of the dealership Frank Pastore Frank Meeting every second Saturday of the month at First Presbyterian Church 9675 Main St. Clarence, NY Meeting starts 7:00 p.m. Corvettes of Buffalo is open to all Corvette owners and enthusiasts over the age of 21 Visit us at http://www.corvettesofbuffalo.com/ Send Articles To: Jim Bonus, 1012 Castlebar Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120 E-Mail : mailto:[email protected] Submissions must be in by 24th CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 2 COB S ummer Picnic To all COB Members th Sunday August 8 11:00 to 6:00 Harris Hill Park 4085 Harris Hill Rd. The Sunset Pavilion Sign up will be available at the July COB Meeting Please indicate the number attending And the dish you will bring to pass A Chicken Barbeque will be provided at noon hot dogs served later in the day Non-Alcohol drinks provided If you are unable to sign up at the meeting you must contact John and Donna Biggie no later than July 15th @ 585 492-2927 Hope to see everyone there! As we all are aware, The Corvette Caravan which is run by Corvettes of Buffalo every year is a very popular event. We have people returning yearly from all over the Western New York area to participate. It seems that some who want to attend cannot be included because we limit the attendance to 125 cars. Mainly this has been done due to the capacity of the venue we choose for the luncheon. It also limits the length of the caravan and makes it more manageable and safer for everyone involved. We all are proud of our Corvettes and love to show them off to our visitors. We have many members in the club that own two or more corvettes and they enjoy bringing multiple cars to some events. This year we are strongly urging COB members to limit their involvement in the Caravan to one car per family. This will allow more openings for nonmembers to have a chance to join us. It is only fair that we give more visitors this opportunity. We are asking that everyone please consider this request. Thank you for your co-operation. Your Caravan Chairmen, Dick Brownlee Mike Whittaker Corvette Poker Run The Presque Isle Corvette Club is having their 9th annual poker run on Saturday, August 7, 2010. Entry fee is $10.00 for the driver and $10.00 for the passenger with both the driver and the passenger eligible to draw cards. Registration begins at 9:00am with first car out at 10:00am. Travel will be mostly on good secondary roads. This event will take approximately six hours and cover approximately 100 miles. Registration is at the historic Riverside Inn, Cambridge Springs, PA. The last stop will be the Presque Isle Downs and Casino. There “Lady Luck” Can be tested, dinner may be bought, door prizes will be awarded and everyone can share the day’s events Pre registration form, release waiver form, and additional Poker Run information is posted on their website: www.presqueislecovetteclub.com. For other information, questions, or comments call: Tom: 814-796-2494 (e-mail: [email protected]) All proceeds will benefit the Erie, PA Shriners Hospitals for Children. CORVETTES of BUFFALO COB’s Newest Member David Bloom pg 3 The DOZZIES S trike Ag ain! COB in Kentucky Every year on the first Saturday in June a car show is held in Louisville, Kentucky with proceeds going to the Crusade For Children. This is a local charity which benefits needy children in and around the Louisville area. This year we traveled to Waterfront Park in downtown Louisville to attend this car show which is hosted by the Kentuckiana Corvette Club. We saw many of our old friends and met some new ones. The weather was in the 90s with high humidity but the breeze off the Ohio River helped keep us cool under the highway overpass. An auction is held with many fine gifts and the winners are the local children. The dreaded DOZZIES have appeared to have spread to the Adirondack Mountains! During the Saranac Lake trip one of our members became it’s first victim of the season! After awakening from the brief coma, he was ready for dinner. COB Anniversa ries 24th 25th 26th COB Birthda y s OUR 97 was one of many Corvettes on display along with 100 cars of every vintage including a Model T, a large selection of street rods and restored vehicles of all years. We were awarded a trophy of appreciation and a trophy for the longest distance traveled to the show 1st 11th 13th 21st 22nd 25th 29th 30th Dick Brownlee CORVETTES of BUFFALO Patti & Rich Kirkland Kathy & Dave Huber Donna & Larry Petro pg 4 Mike Erdey Donna Petro Carl Balmas Judy Schubert Roberta Strychalski Steve Dworzack Jim Zelasko John Heffernan Jim Bonus Corvettes in Memoria l Da y Pa rade Sixteen COB Corvettes participated in the 72nd Amherst Township. Williamsville, Memorial Day Parade, May 31st . It was the first time we participated in this parade and were a crowd pleaser. The Memorial Day Parade Committee awarded COB $50 prize money in appreciation for us taking time from our Memorial Day weekend. The Committee felt we were a great addition to the parade and invited us back next year. Parading were: Reas & Nancy Graber, Joe Greko, Rich & Patti Kirkland, Pete & Rose Ricigliano, Rich Zalmer / Carole Rotando, Frank & Marianne Pastore, Dave & Kathy Huber, Barb Lipome, Dan & Debbie Wroblewski, Ruth & Bruce Mussehl, Joan & Bob Meegan, Skip & Maureen Polowy, Jim & Nicolet Brett, Bob & Carole Blandford and Jim Lawson John Hefferman CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 5 Then you obviously must get off the street as soon as you safely can to affect repairs, or have it flat bedded to a garage or home! If you know the classic car insurance rules and regulations, then common sense will dictate where you leave you classic car. Think before making a parking decision, it will make the difference between being covered, or not covered under your classic car policy. If you store your vehicle long term, ie. Winter, at a location other than your residence, you must advise your agent or insurance company of that temporary garaging address. Also make sure that they are aware of the dates of temporary storage. Most classic car insurance companies only allow coverage during pleasure driving use. Car shows, cruise nights, car club meeting, car club functions, parades, or just cruising the streets and highways while enjoying your classic car are just a few examples of pleasure driving. A short time ago, a couple of classic car companies expanded their coverage to apply to limited commuting to work. Limited is considered only Once per Week and operated solely by the Named Insured/operator. Please remember, not all classic car insurers provide this coverage! Next month we will continue to discuss the Do‘s and Don’ts regarding classic car insurance and tuning up your classic car insurance policy. Please remember you must check your own policy to make sure you understand your company’s rules and regulation. If you become confused, or do not fully understand your policy, please feel free to call Ron at 716-866-5696 or Jodi at 716-362-7394. We are always happy to help a fellow classic car enthusiast. Cla ssic Ca r Insurance Corner Cruise Nights, Super Cruises and Car Shows are finally in full swing. I attended a Super Cruise at the Fairgrounds Gaming and Raceway in Hamburg, NY and it was amazing. There were between four and five hundred Classics, Street Rods, Customs, Antique, Pro Street and Exotic cars in attendance. The Cruise was very organized and well run. This Cruise is listed in the 2010 SCHEDULE OF CRUISE NIGHTS in the Show & Cruise News. If you haven’t attended this Cruise yet, put it on your “To Do List”. You won’t regret it ! Last month I promised to bring you up to date on the “Do’s and Don’ts”, involving the usage and storage, of our great Classic Cars. We are also going to touch on a few of the very important coverage, exclusions, and terminology of your classic car policy. The following information DOES NOT apply to all classic car insurance companies and policies. Classic Car Insurance rules and regulations vary from insurance company to insurance company! When you are not using your classic vehicles, they are to be put into a closed and locked garage or building. Whether it is overnight or at the end of the season, this requirement is the same and standard among all classic insurance carriers. Parking your classic in your driveway over night is not permissible. Also DO NOT park or store your car in a tent like enclosure or under a carport. One should not park on a street even if it is only intended to be there for a short period of time. Park it in the driveway, or off the street. Never park your vehicle in a public lot. For example, temporarily parking in a Tops, Target, or Home Depot lot etc, is not permissible, even if you’re only going to run in and out. I am sure that we all know that there is always an exception to the rule. Many times a car show or cruise night is held in a public parking lot. It is perfectly fine to park your vehicle in that lot for that event. Another possible situation is if there is an emergency. An example of this is the vehicle overheats and/or boils over. CORVETTES of BUFFALO Cruise Safely and Have Fun Ron & Jodi Classic Car Insurance - USA pg 6 Ladies Day Outing Who: COB Ladies Where: White Linen Tea House 6610 Shawnee Rd Wheatfield, NY What: Full Afternoon Tea When: Thursday, July 15th @ Noon Why: Eat, Chat and SHOP! Antique Barn & Shopping On premises Call Sue Brownlee 639-4654 Or Mary Mangan 542-4950 For reservations Money to be collected at June’s COB meeting Or mail a check to Sue @ 814 Meadowbrook Dr. N. Tonawanda, NY 14120 no later than July 8th MENU Fresh garden salad Three tiered rack will be presented with: Top Tier Two different types of scones Served with Devonshire cream Second Tier: Five assorted Desserts Third Tier: Four assorted Tea Sandwiches (egg salad, chicken salad, white Albacore tuna, Cucumber w/cream cheese and dill) Along with fresh fruit Choice of favor (complimentary): Chocolate Tea Pot sucker or A packet of four different teas. CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 7 Awa rd Winners a t the Glen Ca mpbell’s WNY Oldsmobile S how On Sunday June 13, 2010 the Corvettes of Buffalo had these members receive awards at the Glen Campbell’s Oldsmobile Car Show. Congratulations COB! S cenes from S a rana c Lake Washing the Bug Mobile with help The Adirondack Museum View these and other great photos from Saranac Lake taken by our own Dan Krakowski in the web site Gallery CORVETTES of BUFFALO The Hospitality Room pg 8 Come on Linda let’s get in there! Concentrate! I got the button No way MUMMM !! A steak sub from Jim’s Steakout Look at the pretty colored LITES I wish Rosie was here I know! I know ! Our Corvette Jeopardy Team !! The Question – What $4.00 option was available only in 74-75? The Crew Singing Happy Birthday to Bob Blandford Cheese Cake Judging The answer is Dual Horns CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 9 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 10 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 11 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 12 CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 13 P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 14
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