File - Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church
File - Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church
2016 Parish Visitor Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church In This Issue… Page 2 Parsonage Remodeling Fund letter Page 3 Youth Page 4 I-G-NITE Page 5 W/ELCA Page 6-8 Social Concerns Minsitry, VBS & Miscellaneous Page 9 Worship Assistants Page 10-11 June & July Calendar The ASP Commissioning Service will be held at Osseo UCC at 9:00 a.m. There will be NO worship service at OELC...please go to the UCC church. Thank you! Every man who desires to become a true father has to look continually to the Lord, that he might learn of him how to relate to his own children. —Sunday Adelaja Special Dates: Flag Day, June 14 Father’s Day, June 19 First Day of Summer, June 20 Independence Day, July 4 OELC Staff: for sponsoring the Security System for: June Rick & Jackie Tiller in honor of ASP Interim Pastors:John Hosmann….……Cell: 715-829-6019; [email protected] Tom Bryan………………………….…Cell: 715-829-2624; [email protected] Director of Music & Worship Ministries: Jim Newman………[email protected] Youth & Family Ministries: Pastor Les Munnik.……715-533-8273; [email protected] Parish Administrator: MollyVold………………………[email protected] Asst. Parish Administrator: Deanna Klindworth………………[email protected] Chancel Choir Director & Organist: Dan Newman……………[email protected] Custodians: Ingrid Thompson; Carl Holmen Financial Assistants: Shirley Bagley, Betty Ward Kingdom Kids Preschool Teacher/Director: Melissa Jensen; [email protected] Assistant Preschool Teachers: Justina Zimmerman & Aimee Gerike Church Council Council President: Tom Peterson; Secretary: Traci Loonstra; Vice President: Betty Ward; Treasurer: Dionne Anderson; David Lundberg, Wyatt Holmen, Maria Paulus, Brett Jensen, Kurt Howson, Carol Dodge, Jody Groell, John Haugen O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; and his steadfast love endures forever. ~ Psalm 107:1 Dear Members of OELC, The psalmist reminds us that God is good and we always have many things for which to be thankful. As leaders of OELC, we want to tell you that we are thankful for you: our brothers and sisters in this congregation. We are thankful for your prayers and for your willingness to support our mutual life and ministry. Since the death of our faithful Pastor, leader and brother in Christ, Lewis Thompson, we have been reminded over and over that we need to keep our eye on mission and so we have asked you to look ahead and make decisions that will have significance for our ministry in years to come. Your responses have been strong as you have stepped up with generous gifts to save the lives of many who are starving in Malawi. Your response was strong as you made certain that people worshipping with us will be able to hear what is being said and sung, by approving a new sound system. And just two weeks ago, your response was strong again as you overwhelmingly voiced your support and advised the Church Council to bring Pastor Les Munnik onto the OELC staff as full-time Director of Youth & Family Ministry. We have made many big decisions and commitments in a short period of time. It might seem to some like we are really flying, but there is still one more big decision coming. The Call Committee is now in the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Pastor. So, in the near future, we will be summoned to yet another congregational meeting to make another big decision. But even as we prepare to call and greet our next pastor, there is still work that needs to be done, specifically: some remodeling work that needs to take place at the parsonage. The property committee has identified the need for paint, carpet and window replacement, in order to update and beautify the home. As you may remember, the 2016 budget designated $35,000 for these purposes. The good news is that our budget is still in the black. The bad news is that we are entering that time of year when our cash flow decreases, so our modest reserves will be used up as the summer progresses. In short, at this point, we do not have the money on hand to spruce up the parsonage. There are several ways to approach this situation and still make the needed updates and repairs to the parsonage, but the most efficient and least expensive remedy to our situation is to raise the money internally through a special offering. This will hasten the repairs and incur no debt. So we are asking you as members of OELC to step up once again by requesting that you consider a special onetime gift to the “Parsonage Remodeling Fund” sometime between now and the end of June. Such gifts will make sure that the repairs and maintenance are completed while incurring no debt to pay off later in the year. Together we can take care of this last major detail in a timely way, before our next pastor arrives. We look for your strong support once again. We ask that your gifts be as generous as possible. You have the opportunity to donate electronically using PayPal. We have provided a link on the OELC website for this option if you choose to use this secure method ( You may also mail your donation to the church or drop off at any time. Thanks again for your support and your faithfulness to the work and mission of OELC. Respectively, OELC Finance and Stewardship Committee, Your Sisters & Brothers in Christ 2 ASP NEWS ASP commissioning service Sunday, June 12th. This is a Sunday you do not want to miss!! We will be having a combined worship service with the UCC Church. The service will be at 9:00 a.m. and will be held at the UCC Church. This will be a chance for you to meet all the awesome ASP youth and adult leaders. In past years this has been a powerful service and a chance for the congregations to send off our volunteers with prayers and hugs. After the service a free-will offering brat dinner will be served in the UCC fellowship hall. This will be a chance to greet, give thanks and encourage this year’s youth and adults. Please make a special effort to attend this powerful service. ASP Stockholders Spaghetti Dinner The ASP stockholders spaghetti dinner will be held Thursday, July 7th 5:30 PM at the UCC Church in the fellowship hall. This dinner is for all the people who purchased ASP stock for this year’s trip. Participants will be treated to a gourmet spaghetti dinner and be the first to see the pictures from this years trip. Luther Park Bible Camp This year we have 15 youth attending Luther Park Bible Camp. Pastor Les will be attending July 25th to the 29th. Upon return there will be a Sunday where youth are recognized who attended camp this year. Details will be in August. HANDIWORK: Created to Serve ASP SEND OFF will be Friday, June 17th at 7:30 a.m. in the parking lot of the UCC Church. Please come and join us in sending off these great youth and adults as they leave on their journey to Kentucky. We will gather for circle prayer about 7:45. We will return on Sunday, June 26th about 3:00 PM. Lucas Bowerman & Bryce Haas 3 “IN GOD’S NIGHT” It’s happening RIGHT NOW!!!! Come and be part of our NEW Youth Driven Praise and Worship Experience! We are taking time to: Enjoy supper together Sing Share Life Stories Listen to a special message Share God’s Word in today’s language This is a time to come and re-ignite your faith. A special time to arouse your interest in who God really is and what he wants for you. To ask questions and to search for answers about God’s plan for your life. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to be a part of this wonderful community Praise and Worship time. Come and let God set your heart on fire! COME TO IGNITE! When: EVERY Wednesday Where: OELC gymnasium What time: 5:00 – 6:00 – Supper 6:00 – 6:45 - Worship A New and exciting Topic each week! Anyone who might be interested in participating in our readings, skits, dramas, testimonies, singing or playing certain instruments, please contact any of the following individuals: Pastor Les – (715) 533-8273 Brett or Mellissa Jensen – (715) 533-4659 Jim Newman – (218) 341-7323 4 W/ELCA W/ELCA Calendar 2016 June 1—Picnic October 8—Bazaar December 7—Christmas Buffet W/ELCA Picnic June 1 Meet at the church at 11:30 a.m. for Osseo Historic Tour. After the tour, we will go to Stoddard Park (weather permitting) and have a picnic lunch: brats, hotdogs, salad & ice cream sundaes. Have a great summer!! LAYETTES—It’s rummage sale season and W/ELCA wants you to keep your eyes open for some baby care items. The women put together Baby Care Kits for refugee camps, mission hospitals and villages around the world. These gifts of layettes convey a warm welcome to infants and their mothers. Please be on the lookout for lightweight t-shirts, long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet), receiving blankets—medium weight, cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, cloth diapers, pairs of socks, dark colored hand towels, jackets, sweaters, with hoods, and diaper pins or large safety pins. Check out your W/ ELCA Booklet for more information. 5 WELCOME...Another Newman Brother & His Praise Band “Wellsprings”!!! July 24th, 2016 “Wellsprings” will be leading us in worship. Scott Newman (brother of Dan and Jim Newman) has directed this Praise and Worship group for over 20 years. Wellsprings is a Praise & Worship team from Valley Community Presbyterian Church in Golden Valley, MN. This Praise Team is made up of 10+ members with very diverse ages and backgrounds. Our style of worship is dedicated to expressing love for our Creator and King through an informal, family friendly, intimate service with visual interpretation of word and song. We sing together, pray together and contemplate the meaning of our faith for our daily lives. Musical selections are inspired by today’s Contemporary Christian artists such as: REND COLLECTIVE EXPERIMENT, MATT REDMAN, NICOLE C. MULLENS, JADON LAVIK, CASTING CROWNS, JASON GREY and FRANCESCA BATTESTELLI just to name a few. We look forward to visiting Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church and Osseo United Church of Christ. Our requests are few. We ask that you: come prepared to participate come prepared to have your spirits lifted come prepared to get your worship on! Planning Ahead... Prayer Shawl Ministry June 1 June 12 W/ELCA Picnic—11:30 a.m. ASP Commissioning Service at UCC—9:00 NO WORSHIP SERVICE at OELC June 13 Lifeline Screening June 17 Registration Deadline for VBS ASP Send-off at UCC Parking Lot—7:30 a.m. June 19 Lake Martha Days Worship Service—10:00 July 7 ASP Stockholders Spaghetti Dinner—5:30 At UCC Church July 6-8 Vacation Bible School July 24 Wellspring Praise Team Service—9:00 a.m. September 11 RALLY DAY October 8 W/ELCA Bazaar October 26 Harvest Supper Our next monthly meeting is Wednesday, June 1st from 1:00-3:00 PM. Tri County Food Pantry The Tri County Food Pantry needs workers. There will be a sign up on the counter in the church office. We need 5 to 7 workers each month. The food pantry is open the third Saturday of each month. Workers are needed from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. Every Monday at 5:30 PM—IGNITE Rehearsal Every Wednesday—IGNITE 5:00-6:00 PM—Supper 6:00-6:45 PM—Worship 6 Vacation Bible School Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church Dear Parents, Greetings from Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church! Our church is planning an exciting opportunity for Christian growth in which your children will want to participate. It is called VBS Day Camp! VBS Day Camp is Vacation Bible School offered in partnership with Luther Park Bible Camp. It will take place right here, at our church. Luther Park counselors will essentially bring the camp program to us. It is a program set up to serve elementary aged children in our community. The Luther Park staff will be leading the program along with some volunteers from our church. The youth will be involved in Bible studies, arts & craft projects, singing, recreational activities and more! It looks to be a great experience. Who: Children who are finishing kindergarten through 5th grade this spring (Grades 1-6 in 2016/2017) What: VBS Day Camp When: Wednesday-Friday • July 6th-8th • 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 PM Where: Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church, 50351 Harmony Street Osseo, 715-597-3213 T-shirts will also be available for VBS. The cost is approximately $8.00 per shirt. Please circle the appropriate size for each child or indicate NO SHIRT. Pre-registration is required and due by June 17th. Fees will be $10/child not to exceed $20/family and are due with registration forms. Prayerfully consider this exciting opportunity for your children. Please complete both sides of this form and return to the church as soon as possible. Pre-registration is very important to us, as well as for the staff at Luther Park Bible Camp. Child’s Name: ________________________________ T-shirt Size (circle size): Youth - S M L ❏ ❏ ❏ Adult - S M L No Shirt I would like to be a Day Camp Volunteer I would like to have the Day Camp team to my home for supper I will pack sack lunches for the Day Camp team members one day 7 Do you know someone who lives in the Osseo area and needs a ride to church??? Vacation Bible School OR with Luther Park! Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church Would you be willing to give someone who lives in the Osseo area a ride to church??? Call the church office today at 715-597-3213. For Children entering 1st Grade – children entering 6th Grade Led by Luther Park Bible Camp Counselors Social Concerns Ministry Wednesday-Friday, July 6th-8th 9:00am to 2:30pm Senior Boxes The Social Concerns Ministry has Senior Boxes available for pick up and home delivery to home-bound individuals. These boxes contain non-perishable food items for seniors who may not be able to travel to the grocery store or food pantry. Anyone is welcome to pick-up and deliver a box to someone who they feel has a need for the items. The boxes are located on a designated cart in the kitchen. Thank you for supporting this new ministry and extending God’s love to others. Social Concerns Committee Members, Jody Groell and Peggy Lundberg Registration forms available in church office, this Parish Visitor or printable at Registration forms due June 17th For more information, call 715-597-3213. OELC Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 PM (even during the summer) 8 Acolytes Taylor Nelson Communion Servers Judy Hageness, Jane Stanek, Jody Groell, Stacy Smith Jamie Lindell Lectors #6: Martin Jermstad (Capt.), John Balliett, Eric Boettcher, Tom Twesme, Gerry Bodway, Mike Loesel, Garrett Loesel Usher Teams 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 6/19 6/26 7/3 7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 Rylee Bratina Keyton Boettcher Molly Johnson Sylvia Haugen Tom Peterson Jane Stanek Steve Guntner Vern Larson Vern Larson Stacy Smith Team #2: Rick Tiller, Eric Rogness, Tom Peterson, Harry Laufenberg, Kaden Moseley, Brice Shimon Team #1: Mark Martinson (Capt.), Jerrad Martinson, Bob Rongstad, Parker Rongstad, Rob Rongstad, Butch Boettcher, Brandon Boettcher Team #12: Matt Nelson (Capt.), Marty Kempf, Adam Julson, Cody Welke, Kevin Welke, Dale Sass, Sawyer Anderson Team #11: Shaun Everson (Capt.), Stuart Dodge, Bert Seffens, Dan Halverson, Andy Gunderson, Bryce Haas, Alex Watenphul, Aidan Everson Team #10: Dan Ness (Capt.), Chris Halvorson, Martin Abley, Jason Gaier, Jeff Gunning, David Lundberg, Brock Lundberg, Kaden Hasz, Ben Jacobson #9: Larry Husom (Capt.), Steve Seefeldt, Chris Nysven, Robert Hageness, Dayne Vojtik, Rick Vojtik, David Higley, Brett Jensen, Matthew Jensen #8: Curt Skoyen (Capt.), Arvin Boetcher, Lowell Berg, Marv Kittelson, Richard Anderson, Martin Groell, Jesse Groell, Parker Schwoch Call Committee Update: The Call Committee has met regularly, and with Bishop Hoyme’s assistance, has been preparing questions and information for potential candidates. Please keep the committee in your prayers as they begin to pursue condidates. Allyson Barka, Peggy Lundberg, Erin Everson, Vern Larson, Dan Ness, Joe Tietjens Sharon Jermstad, Jane Simpson, Deb Gregory, Betty Ward, Lisa Boettcher Brice Shimon Sue Coey, Kim Kubishak, Dan & Linda Ness Dayne Vojtik Chelsey Severson Steve & Darcy Guntner, Vern & Becky Larson, Tina Sass Parker Schwoch NO WORSHIP SERVICE at OELC —-GO TO The OSSEO UCC CHURCH for the ASP COMMISSIONING SERVICE —- 9:00 a.m. 9:00 6/5 6/12 Time Date SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 7:30 a.m. ASP send off at UCC 18 24 25 2 W/ELCA Picnic 11:30 a.m. Last Day of KKCP 1-3 PM Prayer Shawl Gathering KKCP Program 4-6 PM 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 5 6 7 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion 5:30 I-G-NITE Rehearsal 8 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Breakfast at Norske Nook 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 10:00-Noon Pastors Text Study 12 No Service at OELC...GO TO UCC for 13 14 15 8:30 a.m.-5:00 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Lifeline Staff Meeting Nursing Home Screening 10:00-Noon Pastors Text 1:00 PM 9:00 a.m. 5:30 Study W/ELCA Bible ASP I-G-NITE Study 4:30-6:00 PM Commissioning Rehearsal Ruby’s Pantry at 5:00-6:45 PM Service Osseo UCC I-G-NITE 10-11 a.m. Tri-County Food Pantry Worship Service 19 20 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration 21 22 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 8:00-4:00 Tremp. Cty. WIC 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 10:00–Noon Pastors Text Study 10:00 a.m. Lake Martha Days Worship Service 23 2:00 PM Nursing Home 26 27 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion & Praise Team ~3:00 PM ASP Returns 28 5:30 I-G-NITE Rehearsal 29 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 10:00–Noon Pastors Text Study 10 30 SUNDAY 3 MONDAY 4 TUESDAY 5 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion 6 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration 11 5:30 I-G-NITE Rehearsal 12 VBS 9:00-2:30 1-3 PM Prayer Shawl Gathering 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 13 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 10:00-Noon Pastors Text Study 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 4:30-6:00 PM Ruby’s Pantry at Osseo UCC 17 9:00 a.m. ASP Slideshow Worship Celebration at OELC 24 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration with “Wellsprings” 18 5:30 I-G-NITE Rehearsal 19 20 VBS 9:00-2:30 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home 10:00–Noon Pastors Text Study 1:00 PM W/ELCA Bible Study FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 VBS 9:00-2:30 Fitzl/Knuth Wedding 5:30 PM ASP Stockholders Spaghetti Dinner at UCC 14 15 16 Fellowship Fellowship NEWSLETTER ARTICLES Hall Carpet Hall Closed DUE Cleaning 10-11 a.m. Tri-County Food Pantry 21 22 23 9:00 a.m. Praise Team Rehearsal 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 25 5:30 I-G-NITE Rehearsal 26 27 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 10:00–Noon Pastors Text Study 28 5:00-6:45 PM I-G-NITE Worship Service 31 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion & Praise Team THURSDAY 7 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Breakfast at Norske Nook 10:00-Noon Pastors Text Study 10 WEDNESDAY 11 29 30 9:00 a.m. Praise Team Rehearsal PARISH VISITOR is the newsletter of Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church 50351 Harmony Street ~ P.O. Box 337 Osseo, WI 54758-0337 715-597-3213 † [email protected] Please join us for Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Interim Pastors: John Hosmann & Tom Bryan Our Mission at OELC: to share our faith and bring people to Jesus Christ, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to minister to the needs of ALL people. Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church 50351 Harmony Street • P.O. Box 337 Osseo, WI 54758-0337 Address Service Requested * DATED MATERIAL * NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID OSSEO, WI PERMIT NO. 5