Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
BINKS FOREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 561-904-9800 15101 BENT CREEK RD. WELLINGTON, FL 33414 March. 2015 Owl Blast Newsletter A Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Publication Volume 3 Issue 7 www.BinksForestPTA.com Editor: Karen Anthony Tanya Siskind PTA President Hello Binks Families, Inside this Issue Administrative Messages 2 PTA Pages 3-4 Around School 5-9 Calendar 10 Advertisers 11-12 Binks Forest PTA Executive Board Tanya Siskind– President [email protected] Amy Rochman– VP School Services [email protected] Shana Feuer–VP Ways & Means [email protected] Jennifer Weese– VP Volunteers [email protected] Amy Robbert– Treasurer [email protected] Sara Hyams– Recording Secretary [email protected] Emily MacMillan–Corresponding Secretary [email protected] Michella Levy– Principal [email protected] March is turning out to be a busy and fun-filled month! On Friday, March 6th dance the night away at the 2nd annual Binks Owl-lo-ha Spring Family Dance! Tickets are $8.00 pre-sale and $10 at the door. Your ticket includes DJ Dance Music by our very own Mr. Kyle, your choice of an ice cream sandwich or an Italian ice, and fun games & activity stations. There will be a Photo Booth with props ($1 for each picture strip), teacher volunteers will be selling light-up/ glo items, and $5 hotdog meals will be available for purchase. We hope you can join us! March 28th is Binks Night at the WEF (Winter Equestrian Festival). Join fellow Binks parents, students, and teachers at Saturday Night Lights and witness world class show jumping and enjoy shopping, dining, and lots of kid friendly activities. The Binks Forest Chorus will be performing under the direction of Mr. Heinrichs. Stop by our tent and take pictures or selfies in front of a photo back drop with props. Details and directions will be coming home soon. Believe it or not, PTA is already planning for the 2015-2016 school year! Have you ever considered being a part of the Binks Forest PTA Board by chairing a committee? Binks Forest PTA Executive Committee is also looking for people who would like to work along with the PTA Board next year to prepare them for future leadership roles. There are many opportunities available to join committees as well. Please email [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. I wish you all a very happy and safe Spring Break! Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Administrative Messages Mrs. Levy, Principal Page 2 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor at 9:45 A.M. if you would like to join March is going to be a very busy month for us our team and show your support for walk at Meyer Amphitheater. here at Binks. We have FSA testing starting the this month. Our teachers have been working www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/palmbeach diligently to prepare our students not only to Dates to Remember: be lifelong learners but also for the new FSA March 6th PTA Spring Dance 6:00 – 8:30 P.M. standards and test. Here are some things that March 13th Spring Pictures parents can do at home to help students with March 27th Summer Camp Registration Night FSA testing. March 28th Binks night at the Wellington Dear Binks Forest Families, Ensure your child goes to bed early and gets a good night’s rest. Provide a healthy protein breakfast. Make sure your child arrives to school on time. (Late students are not permitted up to the room until after testing is complete for the day.) Encourage them to do their very best! Equestrian Festival 6:30 P.M. With Owl Pride, Mrs. Levy The schedule is as follows: March 10th 4th and 5th grade students take the ELA Writing test March 25th and 26th 3rd and 4th grade students take the English/Language Arts test March 31st and April 1st 3rd and 4th grade students take the Mathematics test Dr. Schietz and Mrs. Levy Dr. Schietz was awarded “School Counselor of the Year” for Palm Beach County April 13th – 30th 5th grade students test on the computers for Language Arts, Our School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) is Mathematics and Science. available to all parents on http://www.edline.net/ We want to congratulate Dr. Randi Schietz, pages/Binks_Forest_Elementary_School she was nominated as the elementary “School Counselor” of the year for Palm Beach County Non-Discrimination Statement The School Board of Palm Beach County, and won!!! discrimination in admission to or access to, or Please join the Binks team on Sunday, March 8th for the 2015 Walk Now for Autism. We will meet at the corner of Datura/Flager Florida prohibits employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic prohibited by law. The School Board also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 3 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 PTA Pages Shana Feuer VP Ways & Means It’s hard to believe it’s already March, which is going to be an exciting month with our 2nd annual spring dance on March 6th and Binks night at the WEF on March 28th. I would like to thank everyone who came out for our last spirit night of the school year on February 26th at Chick-Fil-A. It’s always great to see so many families and teachers at our spirit nights. Our Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor January spirit night at California Pizza Kitchen and Dollar$ for No Collar$ totaled almost $900 to supply our teachers with much needed ink for their classroom printers. Great job Binks family! Our final popcorn Friday will be on May 22nd. There is a large gap in popcorn Friday dates due to the new standardized testing schedule. I’m looking forward to a great month and I hope to see you all at the awesome Binks events. Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 4 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 PTA Pages Box Tops for Education Thursa Sotak and Kris Rodgers The Box Tops team would like to thank all of the students that participated in the Gift Certificate Collection Contest. The following winners will receive a $10 Gift Certificate from Barnes & Noble. K- Joshua Pierre/Armas 1- Molly Wells/Peck 2- Adrien Llorens/Gormley 3-Spencer Burns/Euell 4- Adriana Takvorian/Dowling 5- Gina Bernstein/Tatum (Heslin) We would like to congratulate Mrs. Hessler (Kindergarten) for winning the February Teacher of the Month award. Mrs. Hessler will be able to park in the Box Tops VIP parking spot, her students will soon be receiving their spirit sticks and the class will have the coveted trophy to proudly display in their room! Jennifer Weese VP Volunteer Services It was so great to see all the volunteers that attended the Volunteer A p pr e ci a t i o n Breakfast on February 13! It was a fun opportunity to see our long-time volunteers and to meet many of our new volunteers as well. Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor It is hard to believe there are only two possible Teacher of the Month awards left this year! Continue to send in your Box Tops to try and win your teacher this special honor. We will be collecting Box Tops until the end of May so please continue to send them in. Any Box Tops sent in will count toward any year end contest! Thank you so much for supporting this incredible program! Mrs. MacMillan’s January Box Top Winners! notepads, magnets, key chains, lanyards, and candy. We are looking for adult and middle/high school student volunteers to help with the Aloha Spring Dance on Friday, March 6. If you’re able to help, please contact me or visit iVolunteer. Volunteers are always needed to help in the Cafeteria and Media Center. You can help as little or as much as your schedule permits. Any time you can give is always appreciated. If you would like additional information see Sue Tobin or Kim Ebersold in the Front Office or visit our iVolunteer website. I hope you were able to stop by the week of www.binksforest.ivolunteer.com February 9-13, when we had our Volunteer As always…THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! Appreciation Table set-up in the Front Office. During the week, we gave away pens, cups, Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 5 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Around School Student Council News Mrs. Gifford www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Yearbook News The Secret Admirer lollipop sale held in February was a sweet success! Almost 2,000 lollipops were distributed at school for the children to enjoy at home on Valentine's Day. It was a "lovely" fundraiser for Student Council. Mrs. Croft Yearbooks are now on sale and available only o n l i n e a t www.balfour.com. The ten students practiced after school three times a week and studied at home to achieve Binks Forest Elementary School wants to their goal. They learned facts about presidents, congratulate their Social Studies Academic current world events and history from the Games Team for winning 2nd place in the 1960s. elementary division of this program! The elementary division is considered fourth, fifth The following is the overall placements of and sixth grades for these competitions. The these students out of about 240 players county team of ten students competed for four weeks wide! th against 49 other schools in Palm Beach County. Gavin Grave de Peralta came in 8 place. Rohith Karthik came in 10th place. Timothy Chen received an honorable mention. Academic Games These three students will attend the STATE TOURNAMENT on March 7th. Timothy Chen and Gavin Grave de Peralta have also been invited to the NATIONAL TOURNAMENT based on their excellent performance on previous academic games. Other team members include Asher Smith, Jonathan Buzek, Jacob Hefty, Ahad Khan, Hannah Brodtman, Angelo Chen and Shawn O’Sullivan. Thank you to our newest Business Partners! Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 6 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Around School Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Binks Forest Elementary School received $979.65 for 2014! Use your Target® Visa® or Target® Card and you can help our school. We will receive a percentage of the amount of each purchase in the form of a cash donation from Target through the Take Charge of Education program. It’s easy. Just visit target.com/tcoe or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate your school and help us make a great school even better. www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 7 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Around School Counselor’s Corner Dr. Randi Schietz 561-904-9811 [email protected] Grief and Loss: I will be offering a Grief and Loss group (grades 2-5) in April if I have enough students interested. This group run for 6 weeks and is facilitated by Christina Drekkar from Hospice. Groups need a minimum of 3 students and I need to know if I have the minimum number of participants before I can schedule the group with Hospice. This is an extraordinary experience for students who are coping with a loss. It must be at least 3 months since the loss for students to be eligible to participate. Pennies for Patients: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: We had a very successful year and raised $5,780 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Mrs. Epstein’s 4th graders earned $703.00, which was the highest earning class in the region thanks to Sahit Polineni who donated $512.00 that he has been earning since last year by selling coupon books. They will be enjoying a Pasta Party from the Olive Garden this week. Mrs. Heslin’s 5th grade class was the other “Gold Winners” and earned $350 and a pizza party. Other students who were recognized for their extraordinary efforts to raise money were Maia Derrevere, Santiago Camargo, Lily Monnin, Emily Bebergal and Evan Bergeron. Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Above: Mrs. Epstein’s Top LLS Collectors Below: Vehicle Day Pictures Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 8 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Around School Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 9 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Around School Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Page 10 Binks Forest Elementary School PTA 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Calendar March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Report Cards go home Trade-aBook 9 10 8 Spring Fling Family Dance 11 12 Walk for Autism 9:45am 15 17 18 14 Class and Spring Pictures FSA Writes (4th and 5th) 16 13 19 20 21 ~~~~~~~~~Spring Break– No School~~~~~~~~~ 22 23 24 No School Teacher Work Day 29 30 25 26 FSA English/Language Arts Testing (3rd and 4th Graders) 27 28 Summer Binks Night Camp at WEF Registration 6:30pm 6pm 31 FSA Math Testing (3rd and 4th Graders) Owl Cart– Now Open Wednesdays in the front of school from 7:30-7:55am Spirit Sticks– Our “Healthy” Incentive for students, no sweets involved! Spirit Sticks will be used to reward good behavior and academic success! Spirit Rings will be sold at the Owl Cart for $5 each, and can hold the new cool Spirit Sticks! www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor April Sneak Peek April 1 FSA Math (3rd and 4th Grades) April 3 No School Holiday April 7 Trade a Book April 16 Room Parent Meeting for Teacher Appreciation Week (8am & 1pm) April 23 Kindergarten Roundup 3-5pm April 27-1 Spring Book Fair (Family Night April 28th) April 28 Literacy Night April 13-30 5th Grade FSA Language Arts, Math and Science Testing Window (Teachers will provide class specific dates) Our Advertisers: Our Advertisers: