Class of - Albany Medical College Alumni Association


Class of - Albany Medical College Alumni Association
Albany Medical College
Alumni Association, Inc.
Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. ’79
page 22
Donald E. Craven, M.D. ’70
2012 Reunion Weekend Gala
2012 Alumni Association
Distinguished Alumnus
2012 Commencement Eve
page 14
page 6
page 23
Reunion Weekend
Save the Date
April 26
April 26
- 28
2 13
to 1963
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Call or email us for details!
2 |
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4 / President’s Message
5 / Dean’s Message
6 / Donald E. Craven, M.D. ’70,
2012 Distinguished
8 / 2012 Alumni Association
Award Recipients
Alumni Association honors
Donald E. Craven, M.D. ’70
as the 2012 Distinguished Alumnus
12 / 2012 Alumni Association
Student Award Recipients
14 / 2012 Reunion Weekend
21 / C
ommissioning Ceremony
22 / Albany Medical College
2012 Commencement
24 / C
ommencement Speaker,
Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. ’79
2012 Commissioning and
Commencement Ceremony
26 / News and Events
28 / Class Notes
32 / Contributors Report
Commencement Speaker,
Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. ’79
and his wife Dr. Derri Shtasel
you’re online;
so are we!
Featured Stories
Summer 2012 | 3
President’s Message
Why is it important to you to tackle the task of
being president of the Alumni Association?
2012 - 2014 ALUMNI
Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79
Alan M. Sanders, M.D. ’88
Thomas L. Snyder., M.D. ’69
John E. Kaplan, Ph.D. ’76
David M. Jones, M.D. ’97
Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68
Albert A. Apicelli, M.D. ’65
Frank A. Blumenstock, Ph.D. ’77
Anthony C. Campagna, M.D. ’85
Christopher L. Campese, M.D. ’90
John Czajka, M.D. ’77
Jodi Dellarocca, M.S., C.R.N.A. ’02
Clifford A. Erickson, M.D. ’99
Robert J. Hedderman, M.D. ’82
Peter Manes, M.D. ’04
Kathryn T. O’Keeffe, M.D. ’78
Philip S. Paty, M.D. ’86
Donna M. Pietrocola, M.D. ’75
Mary E. Rappazzo, M.D. ’76
Kevin W. Roberts, M.D. ’77
Nancy C. Sapio, M.D. ’85
Gurvinder S. Uppal, M.D. ’86
Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84
Robert O. Webster, Ph.D. ’77
Bruce White, D.O., J.D., M.S. ’09
Richard A. Wilmot, M.D. ’88
Jitka L. Zobal-Ratner, M.D. ’88
Charles L. Poskanzer, M.D. ’45, Emeritus
Steven M. Frisch, M.D. ’79, Ex-officio
Alumni Association Staff
Maura Mack Hisgen, Executive Director
Christine Horigan, Assistant Director
Logan McCrady, Program Manager
Jessica Watson, Archivist
[email protected] or
(518) 262-5033
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I’ve seen so many past presidents, who also
have demanding schedules but have been able
to take on the role and lead the organization
successfully. Seeing their dedication and
knowledge of the workings of the Alumni
Association, the college, the foundation, and
the hospital, made me want to give back also.
To you, what is the most important role of the
Alumni Association and its president?
None of us would have the successful careers
in medicine we have, if we didn’t have our
foundation at Albany Medical College. If all
of us reflect back on our education here, we
can use that information to see how it got us to
where we are today. My role as president is to
encourage that. I want to keep Albany Medical
College in the minds of fellow alumni so that
they will stay connected.
You’ve been a board member since 2000. When
did you find yourself saying “Hey, I’d like to be
president some day?”
I never did (with a laugh and smile). Two years
ago, Dr. Sanders (immediate past president
Dr. Alan Sanders ’88) asked me to be the
president-elect. I thought about it for a couple
of weeks before saying yes.
The reach of Albany Medical College is huge
including two board members from California.
What is the importance of helping alumni
stay together under the blanket of the Alumni
Dr. Gargiulo received the prestigious
Ralph O. Claypoole Award for Devotion
of a Career in Internal Medicine to the
Care of Patients at the American College
of Physicians’ Annual Meeting on April
19, 2012, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The Ralph O. Claypoole Award,
established in 1979, is given to an
outstanding practitioner of internal
medicine who has devoted his or her
career to the care of patients. The
recipient, a clinician, is highly respected
It’s important for a couple of reasons. Number
one, if we can keep them connected, they’ll
think about supporting the College and the
Alumni Association. The other thing that is
important is that we can show the students this
is what you can do in the future. You can go to
California, China, Arizona or Africa; you can
go to Yale, you can go to Lahey Clinic; you can
go wherever because our doctors are almost
What are the major goals of your presidency?
My major goals are to continue with
diversifying the board and to continue with
promoting the relationship between the alumni
and the medical students. We’re trying to get
more young people on the board and we’re
trying to make it more inclusive. Another goal
for the future is to broaden our representation
of the graduate studies alumni on the board
because we want everybody to know that they
mean something to us; their contribution is
valued and we want their input so that we can
keep their classes involved.
What do you most look forward to when it comes
to the next two years?
I’m looking forward to continuing to work
with the people on the board. They are a
phenomenal group; I can’t say enough about
them. Their commitment to Albany Med is an
inspiration. That’s the bottom line as to why I
took this job.
Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79
by his or her peers and colleagues for
clinical skills and has been a role model
as a member of a clinical faculty of a
department of medicine.
Dr. Gargiulo, a medical oncologist, is
a clinical assistant professor at Albany
Medical College. She is active in
many local, statewide and national
organizations, and her interests and
dedication to patient care are truly
Dean’s Message
Dear Fellow Alumni,
The blooming of the tulips in nearby
Washington Park always seems to serve
as my spring reminder; reunion time is
near. Reunion gives us a chance to rekindle
friendships. It’s also my reminder of the great
privilege I have to be the Dean of Albany
Medical College.
While Reunion allows us all to reconnect, it
also leads us to Commencement and a chance
to see our current students graduate and
prepare to start the next chapter of their lives
as medical professionals.
This Reunion was another great success, both
in terms of the alumni and guests who returned
to campus, as well as the incredible generosity
shown. A record-setting $921,000 was raised
this year, well exceeding our goal and providing
a very welcome boost to support students and
other initiatives at the College.
Alumni support is critical to provide the
resources our faculty and students need to
succeed. The Alumni Annual Fund is a
particularly good way to support the College
as those dollars provide for student scholarships,
curriculum initiatives, and technology support
– including the Patient Safety and Clinical
Competency Center. Alumni support enables
us to remain on the cutting edge of
medical education.
Not long after Reunion, Commencement kept
the momentum rolling. In addition to having
220 graduates cross the stage, we welcomed
back fellow alumnus Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. ’79,
president and chief executive officer of Partners
HealthCare, the largest health care provider in
Massachusetts, as our keynote speaker. As you
will read further in this issue, he has had an
incredible career and spoke to our graduates
about helping to eliminate the disparities in
health care.
In my personal message to the graduates I called
on them to “pursue their career with humility,
honesty, intellectual integrity, compassion and
to put aside their own self-interests.” I matched
these words from the Honor Code with the
reminder to always do what you believe is right
in every decision made.
We also continued what I hope will remain a
tradition with a moving ceremony of the formal
commissioning of six graduates who will begin
service to the nation as members of the United
States military. That was followed by a stunning
á cappella rendition of the “Star Spangled
Banner“ by 2012 graduate, Shana Clarke.
With summer, the colorful tulips disappear,
but the vibrancy of Albany Medical College
continues on. I thank you for helping to make
that happen, and look forward to our paths
crossing again soon.
Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84
2012 Match Day Results
• Our 142 medical students matched at
prestigious institutions such as YaleNew Haven Hospital, Cleveland Clinic,
Stanford University Medical Center and
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
• Just over 46% of this year’s class entered
into primary care specialties, including
family practice, internal medicine/
pediatrics, pediatrics and obstetrics/
• Forty-five (32%) were matched to
programs in New York State.
• 18 members of the class will stay and
train in residency positions at Albany
Medical Center.
Summer 2012 | 5
Donald E. Craven, M.D., Class of 1970
2012 Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus
Looking in the Rearview Mirror:
Success, Failure and AIDS
By Constance Skedgell
"We have to do something!" It was 1985, and the AIDS
epidemic was exploding in the United States and abroad.
Dr. Donald E. Craven ’70 was an infectious disease (ID)
specialist at Boston City Hospital (BCH), an inner-city
hospital serving the poor and marginalized. There, patients
were presenting with strange symptoms and unusual
diseases that initially baffled doctors. These mysterious
cases turned out to represent the expansion of the HIV
epidemic to underserved populations, such as injectiondrug users and their partners. Dr. Craven felt increasingly
pulled towards leading the battle against AIDS among these
groups. However, that would mean leaving infectious
disease. He was at a crossroads.
Despite the uncertain outcome of assuming a leadership
role, and warnings from colleagues to “stay the current
course,” Dr. Craven decided to take the “road less
traveled,” and embarked on a trailblazing journey. His
achievements on that path, which included the creation of
unique models of care for marginalized populations and
cutting-edge clinical research protocols, were a critical
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factor in his receipt of the 2012 Distinguished Alumnus
Award. This award is given annually to alumni who have
earned national recognition for outstanding leadership in
health care.
The tall, elegant physician credits Albany Medical College
with being a strong force in shaping his career both
intellectually and emotionally, and for imbuing him with
social consciousness. That training allowed him to respond
with mind and heart to a national epidemic by serving
the “have-nots” who sought care at BCH. "I had several
great professors at the College who transformed me from a
third-year medical student to a doctor in short order. Dr.
David Goodman had a deep passion for medicine and
he celebrated endocrinology. He mentored me in writing
my first publication and a demanding Grand Rounds
Dr. Craven also lauds Dr. Danica Vedder, who, he says,
loved ID, and was a wonderful, caring physician, important
role model and colleague, who carefully followed her
former ID student’s career path. Dr. Vedder and Dr.
Craven wrote to each other yearly, sharing thoughts and
reflections, until her death.
Upon graduating from the College following an intense
internship year, Dr. Craven left Albany for a medical
residency and fellowship at the Royal Victoria Hospital,
McGill University. His infectious disease fellowship at
Boston University School of Medicine was followed by
three years of research, 1976 to 1979, at the National
Institutes of Health, where he worked on a vaccine to
prevent meningococcal group B disease.
Dr. Craven joined the faculty at BCH and Boston
University Schools of Medicine and Public Health in
1979, and became Professor of Medicine, Microbiology
and Public Health in 1986. One year earlier, he hit
his crossroads.
Though colleagues raised their eyebrows, he left the
ID Department to become founder and director of the
Clinical HIV/AIDS Program at BCH from 1985 to 2000.
“AIDS changed me from an academic professor to a
‘hands-on’ doctor dealing with social problems and
complicated public health issues related to a rapidly
progressive chronic disease.” He recalls that, in his first
few months as program director, “I went to more funerals,
wakes and memorial services than I had in my entire
medical career.” Soberly, he adds, “AIDS is a disease that
changes everyone quickly."
The BCH Clinical AIDS Program "started with nothing,"
initially composed of a small cadre of dedicated providers
that included his RN wife Kathleen, a Jesuit priest/family
medicine specialist from San Francisco General, two
caring oncologists and a few interested primary care
providers. "It was like watching a war movie unfold
quickly, and being thrust into battles on all fronts."
“Our group built an HIV/AIDS program that reached out
to high-risk, underserved populations. We also added a
‘storefront walk-in’ site at BCH for ‘drop-in HIV testing,
education and care’ called Project TRUST.” With pride,
Dr. Craven adds, “The clinic still exists today.” Other
grant-funded programs focused on HIV education and
prevention programs in the Boston public schools,
prisons, jails, high-risk minority communities, sex
workers, the homeless and injection-drug users in the
methadone programs.
After 15 years of "AIDS work," Dr. Craven returned to ID
in 2000, as Chair of the Center for Infectious Diseases
and Prevention at the Lahey Clinic and Professor of
Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. He has
co-authored several national guidelines for pneumonia
and catheter-related bloodstream infections. He has also
received many teaching awards. Dr. Craven attributes his
success to his co-workers and team members, as well
as early mentors at the College. "Our professors were
committed to excellence, patient care and teaching. They
taught me how to listen, observe and talk effectively to
patients.” He adds, "Teaching medicine is not just having
students memorize facts. It is teaching them to observe
and listen carefully to the patient, and then discuss
management options and expectations."
What were the signs that drew Dr. Craven to choose
infectious disease as a career? In his 2012 Reunion
lecture at the College, Dr. Craven reflected: "When I was
five years old, I was terrified I’d get polio and become
crippled so that I couldn’t play the sports I loved. When
the Salk polio vaccine became available in 1956, I was
one of the first vaccine recipients in Omaha, Nebraska,
and after that vaccination, I felt a sense of peace and
great satisfaction. Unfortunately, my older sister got
polio in 1954 and was in the hospital for four months.
Although she eventually made a full recovery, the disease
had a lasting impact on me and our family. Although
polio clearly instilled a fear of infectious diseases, it also
underscored the importance of vaccines and need for
Moving on to discuss his work in the early years of AIDS,
Dr. Craven contrasted the Swedish public health message,
'Let's take care of each other,’ to that in the United States,
'Take care of yourself.' At BCH, we adopted the Swedish
philosophy, caring for the indigent, substance abusers,
homeless persons, Haitian immigrants, prisoners and
sex workers.
With obvious excitement, Dr. Craven described the
impact of new antiretroviral drugs for AIDS treatment
and prevention. He also discussed promising new data
on an HIV candidate vaccine, and the impact of several
clinical trials in Africa using male circumcision to prevent
HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Finally, Dr.
Craven called for more and better sex education and
prevention programs.
In summary, Dr. Craven stated, “Albany Medical College
was the foundation for my medical career and provided
me the opportunity to give back and make a difference.”
He expressed thanks for the award, accepting it on
behalf of the “multidisciplinary and dedicated BCH AIDS
Program team” who built the groundbreaking program
“brick by brick.”
Summer 2012 | 7
2012 Alumni Association
Award Recipients
The following alumni and students were recognized and honored
at this year’s Alumni Association Annual Meeting Awards
Luncheon during Reunion Weekend, April 27-29:
Dr. Craven delivers his lecture in Huyck
Auditorium,"Checking the Rearview Mirror:
Success, Failure and AIDS."
2012 Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Donald E.
Craven '70 with his wife Kathleen at the Annual
Awards Luncheon.
Exemplary Alumni
Support Award
Recipient: Mark D. Groban, M.D. ’67
Mark Groban, M.D. ’67 receiving the Exemplary
Alumni Support Award from Alan Sanders, M.D. ’88,
president of the Alumni Association at the
Awards Luncheon.
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The Exemplary Alumni Support Award recognizes an alumnus
who has demonstrated loyal support and commitment to Albany
Medical College and the Alumni Association. Dr. Groban was
recognized for his longstanding relationship with Albany Medical
College as a generous and steadfast donor. Dr. Groban, and his
wife Lynne, have established a significant scholarship in honor of
his parents and family - the Harry and Bernice Groban Family
Scholarship Fund. The fund serves as a critical and lasting legacy
for generations of students to come.
Humanitarian Award
Recipient: David H. Kuehler, M.D. ’81
The Humanitarian Award, created in 1995, recognizes graduates who
excel, beyond daily practice, in serving mankind. Dr. Kuehler was the
first recipient of the award, and was honored this year, for a second
time, for his unwavering commitment to the underserved. For each
of the past fifteen years, Dr. Kuehler has provided key medical and
surgical care, for three to six months annually, to the most needy and
desperate individuals. Dr. Kuehler’s mission work has brought him to
the farthest reaches of the globe, and serves as an important example
for the next generation of students, residents and faculty of the Albany
Medical College.
Humanitarian Award Recipient
David H. Kuehler, M.D. ’81
Meritorious Service Award
Recipient: Christopher L. Campese, M.D. ’90
The Meritorious Service Award recognizes an alumnus who has
demonstrated a deep commitment and an active participation in
the Albany Medical College Alumni Association. Dr. Campese was
recognized for building a sense of community and strengthening ties
among his classmates and alumni in the greater New York City area.
Dr. Campese is a past president of the Association and currently serves
on the executive finance committee of the board of directors, where his
expertise is highly valued. Dr. Campese recently made a generous gift
to renovate the Alumni Lounge in honor of his mother, Jane, and all
parents of Albany Medical College students whose support made their
children’s education possible.
Alan Sanders, M.D. ’88 with Meritorious Service
Award Recipient Chris Campese, M.D. ’90.
Honorary Member of the Alumni
The Honorary Member of the Alumni Association Award recognizes
outstanding senior members of the College faculty who have
contributed meritoriously in teaching and in furthering the excellence
of Albany Medical College. This year, the Alumni Association was
proud to induct two members: Liva H. Jacoby, Ph.D., M.P.H. and
Robin B. Tassinari, M.D.
Recipient: Liva H. Jacoby, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Liva Jacoby, Ph.D., 2012 Honorary Member of the
Alumni Association, with her husband, Bill, at the
Awards Luncheon.
Dr. Jacoby was recognized for serving on the College faculty for more
than 25 years. In the early 1990's, she worked with Drs. John Balint,
Wayne Shelton and Sheila Otto to establish the Ethics Center and
develop the educational program for medical students. Dr. Jacoby
currently teaches an online course on Empirical Methods in Bioethics
at the Alden March Bioethics Institute at Albany Medical College.
Summer 2012 | 9
2012 Alumni Association
Award Recipients
Recipient: Robin B. Tassinari, M.D.
Dr. Tassinari was recognized for his teaching and mentoring of Albany
Medical College students. For 37 years, Dr. Tassinari has served as director
of psychiatric student health services, professor of psychiatry, professor of
medicine and countless other assignments. He has received numerous honors
and prizes for his dedication to medical education including: Psychiatry
Distinguished Teacher’s Award (17 times); the Golden Apple for Outstanding
Clinical Teacher; and the Chairman’s Award in the Department of Psychiatry.
Dr. Tassinari’s expertise in psychiatry is acknowledged by area organizations
with which he has affiliations.
Robin Tassinari, M.D., 2012 Honorary Member of
the Alumni Association, with his wife, Anne, at the
Awards Luncheon.
Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. Alumni Award
Recipient: Krzysztof R. Drzymalski, M.D. ’12
The Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. Alumni Award honors a fourth-year medical
student who has shown outstanding personal, academic and professional
qualities, and who has exhibited an active interest in the projects of the
Alumni Association. Krzysztof, known as “Kiko” by his friends and
colleagues, has been involved in a variety of clubs and organizations including
his services as vice-president of his class, student council vice-president
and president of the AMC Keytones, an á capella group. He volunteered in
an orphanage in Bolivia during his first “Summer of Service” in 2007, and
provided service in a rural clinic in Scotland during 2012. Kiko will pursue his
training in internal medicine at Lahey Clinic in Boston.
Janet Maxon Breeze and Dr. Sanders present Krzysztof
"Kiko" Drzymalski, M.D. ’12 with the Frank C. Maxon,
Jr. M.D. Alumni Award.
Rajender Motiani, Ph.D. ’12 with his wife, Reema.
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Graduate Student Alumni Award
Recipient: Rajender Motiani, Ph.D. ’12
The Graduate Student Alumni Award recognizes a graduate student who
has exhibited outstanding scholastic ability, and has been actively involved
with the Graduate Student Organization (GSO). Rajender Motiani is an
outstanding student and has been active with the GSO, serving as president
during the 2009-2010 academic year. Rajender has represented the graduate
students on various administrative and student committees including:
Graduate Studies Executive Committee; Graduate Studies Operation
Committee; and Student Council. Rajender has received the following awards
and honors including: an invitation for oral presentation at Prestigious
Gordon Conference with Travel Award; Excellence in Graduate Research
Award; the Annual Alumni Association Research Award; and the Richard H.
Edmonds Leadership Award.
An Exciting innovation
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Don’t miss out, visit the site:
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[email protected]
Summer 2012 | 11
2012 Alumni Association
Student Award Recipients
The following awards were given out by the Alumni Association at the
annual Graduate and Medical Student Awards Day this past spring:
2012 Medical Student Awards
Academic Excellence Award in Anatomies
Emily Feld
Academic Excellence in First Year
Emily Feld
Academic Excellence in Second Year
The Richard H. Edmonds, Ph.D. Alumni
Leadership Award
Arati Patel, M.D. ’12
The Venona Mae Vanornam Mankes
Memorial Award
Jeremy Docekal, M.D. ’12
Mastoora Nasiri
2012 Graduate Student Awards
The Academic Achievement Award of the
Medical Society of Albany County
The Alumni Award for Excellence in Clinical
Practice--Center for Nurse Anesthesiology
Patrick Marinello, M.D. ’12
The Angelo Pappanikou Award
Andrew Laccetti, M.D. ’12
The Donald P. Swartz, M.D. Award
Tara Renna, M.D. ’12
The Dr. Bernard F. Brophey Alumni
Memorial Award
Misty Richards, M.D. ’12
The Dr. David J. Dickerman Alumni Prize
Rachael LeFebvre, M.D. ’12
The Dr. James Derham Alumni Award
Ijeoma Oguagha, M.D. ’12
The Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. Alumni Award
Krzysztof Drzymalski, M.D. ’12
The James and Rita Dougherty Alumni
Patrick Marinello, M.D. ’12
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Alaina DeFazio, M.S. ’12
The Alumni Award for Excellence in Clinical
Practice--Center for Physician’s Assistant
Brandon Gilvey, M.S. ’12
The Alumni Research Awards
Savitha Sambandamoorthy
Jeffrey Thomson
Graduate Student Alumni Award
Rajender Motiani, Ph.D. ’12
The Richard H. Edmonds, Ph.D. Alumni
Leadership Award
Paul Hoerbelt
The Richard Miller Alumni Awards for the
Most Outstanding Research Presentations
First Place:
Hamayun John Sharifi
Second Place: John McMahon
Third Place: Rajender Motiani, Ph.D. ’12
Scholarship Celebration speaker, Justice Agyei,
Class of 2014, Mary Carroll Scholar and first
recipient of the Class of 1982 Scholarship,
thanks scholarship donors at the fourth annual
Scholarship Celebration.
2012 Scholarship Celebration
“It is important for
the scholarship
recipients to meet
with and show
appreciation to
the generous
people who make
those scholarships
Confidently, he stood in front of the jam-packed
room, wearing a smile so large those on hand
had no other choice but to share it with him.
“Coming to Albany Medical College was my
dream,” Justice Agyei professed. “It would not
have been possible without the generosity of
donors like you.”
The second-year medical student set the tone
for a special night of sharing, the fourth annual
Scholarship Celebration, held on April 26th
at the Hilton Garden Inn. The evening brings
together scholarship winners and donors. It’s a
chance for the students to say thank you and for
the donors to see exactly how their gift is helping
to create future physicians.
Eighteen students, including four from the
Class of 2012 spent the evening in conversation
and laughter, sharing stories of their time at
the college with a variety of donors, including
doctors and prominent area business people.
Peter Shapiro, M.D. ’71, with Shapiro Family
Scholarship recipient, Ryan Gill, Class of 2013,
and Patricia Shapiro
Justice Agyei, Class of 2014, meets scholarship
donors Daniel Morgenstern, M.D. ’82 and his
wife, Moriah Moser.
“Our students are so thankful for the scholarship
opportunities,” said Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84, Dean of Albany Medical College. “It
is important for the scholarship recipients to meet with and show appreciation to the
generous people who make those scholarships possible.”
Summer 2012 | 13
2 012 R eunion Weekend
1 Howard Schlenker,
Debra Poskanzer, M.D. ’87,
James Honet, M.D. ’87
2 Jan Sinatra and
Stephen Sinatra, M.D. ’72
3 Matthew Burns and
Megan Baumgart, M.D. ’07
4 Alumni celebrating
Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79,
Mary Rappazzo, M.D. ’76,
Donna Pietrocola, M.D. ’75
at the Distinguished Alumnus
Lecture reception.
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Levon Bedrosian, M.D. ’47
at his 65th reunion class
James (Jim) Izzano lifting the
flag for Kevin Cook, members
of the Class of 2012, at the
student/alumni Golf Outing
over Reunion Weekend.
Medicine and
the Media
Dr. G. Timothy Johnson ’69, known
to television viewers as "Dr. Tim," was
the keynote speaker for the 2012 John
A. Balint M.D. Lecture. He presented
Left to right: Alan Sanders, M.D. ’88,
Anthony Campagna, M.D. ’85,
Donald Craven, M.D. ’70, Dean Verdile, M.D. ’84.
an interactive discussion entitled
Medicine and the Media: Responsible
Reporting to an audience of faculty,
students, community members and
alumni on Thursday April 26 to kick
off the Reunion Weekend activities.
This session was moderated by
former TV anchor and news editor,
Ed Dague, who helped introduce
Dr. Tim to broadcasting as a young
man in Albany. Earlier that day Dr.
Tim provided a grand rounds lecture
on health care reform and shared
highlights from his latest book The
Truth About Getting Sick in America.
Left to right: Gary LaTourette, M.D. ’72, Robert
Hedderman, M.D. ’82, David Siegal, M.D. ’57, Thomas
Snyder, M.D. ’69, Jeffrey Hubbard, M.D. ’68, enjoy
time with one another at the Military Alumni Affinity
Dr. Tim takes a question
from the audience during the
interactive discussion.
Summer 2012 | 15
Class P
2 012 R eunion Weekend
Class Photos
Class of
Verne Marshall, M.D.,
Julian Hyman, M.D.,
Christopher Demos, M.D.,
Levon Bedrosian, M.D.,
Seymour Thickman, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: Sherry Hartman-Poggi,
John Poggi, M.D., Eric Best, M.D.,
Irene Garcia Row 2: Marci Sponzilli,
Ernest Sponzilli, M.D., Bibs Pankin,
David Pankin, M.D., Corky Rosan, M.D.,
Martin Schulman, M.D., Suzanne
Schulman, Wilbur Rust, M.D.,
Bonnie Siegal, Ph.D., David Siegal, M.D.,
William Africano, M.D
16 |
Class of
Row 1: Allan Warren, M.D., James
Schaepe, M.D., John Furman, M.D.,
Donald Humphrey, M.D., Robert Fay,
M.D., Gordon Bourns, M.D., Carl Braren
Row 2: Nancy Worsham, M.D., Jerry
Worsham, M.D., Paula Warren, Stephen
Sills, M.D., Peg Schaepe, Edie Furman,
Charles Schulte, M.D., Pat Schulte,
Sharon Sullivan, Paul Phillips, M.D., Gail
Humphrey, Marilyn Miller, Roger Miller,
M.D., Mary Ellen Bourns, Irene Braren,
Jim Alrutz, M.D., Francis Yamamoto, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: 1 Richard Lavigne, M.D., Lucy
Sandler, M.D., Billings Wheeler, M.D.
Row 2: Robert Dewell, M.D., Stephen
Endsley, M.D., Mark Groban, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: Kenneth Davison, M.D., Peter
Sherer, M.D., Mark Fruiterman, M.D.,
John Kearns, M.D., Barry Yoss, M.D.,
Randall Krakauer, M.D., Laurel Lipshutz,
M.D., Stephen Sinatra, M.D., John LaFerla,
M.D. Row 2: Robert Kantor, M.D.,
George Burns, M.D., Thomas Eagan, M.D.,
Norman Romanoff, M.D, Herbert Scherzer,
M.D., Richard MacDowell, M.D., Jeffrey
Lozman, M.D., David Burns, M.D., Gary
LaTourette, M.D., Allan Bernstein, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: Lily Safini, Catherine Kiley, M.D., Pat Izzo, Marcia Haye, Donna Nolan Row 2:
Nancy Panzer, Robert Panzer, M.D., Joanne Cimma, Donald Schoch, M.D., Brian
Izzo, M.D., Oswald Haye, M.D., John Nolan, M.D., Judy Roberts, Vicki Sommer, M.D.
Row 3: Peter Kelly, M.D., Robin Lindenberg, Barry Lindenberg, M.D., Jeffrey Friedman,
M.D., Richard Cimma, M.D., John Schenck, M.D., John Czajka, M.D., Karen Czajka,
Paul Kross, M.D., Kevin Roberts, M.D., Alan Kivitz, M.D.
Summer 2012 | 17
Class of
20 1 2 R eunion Weekend
Row 1: Lonice Thomas, M.D., Peter Horvath, M.D., Robert
Hawkins, M.D., Patrick O'Connor, M.D., Michael Burke, M.D.,
Nancy Reisman Mann, M.D., Andrew Mann, M.D. Row 2:
Arnold Rosen, M.D., Kathleen Kelly, M.D., Robert Hedderman,
M.D., Thomas Openshaw, M.D., Daniel Morgenstern, M.D.,
David Dickoff, M.D., Robert Walsh, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: Laura Pica-Pazienza, Aries Lie Helm, M.D.,
Linda Range, M.D., Ellen Biggers, M.D., Debra
Poskanzer, M.D., Lorna Honan, M.D., Donna
Bhisitkul, M.D., Elizabeth Foley, M.D. Row 2:
Samuel Green, M.D., Vincent Honan, M.D., Eric
Waterman, M.D., Terence Reilly, M.D., James Honet,
M.D., Gregory Strizich, M.D., Thomas Helm, M.D.,
Joseph Pazienza, M.D., Stephen Fishman, M.D.,
Michael Yanuck, M.D.
Class of
Row 1: Tyrone Bristol, M.D., Rita Patel, M.D., Kelly Smith
Der Cola, M.D., David Der Cola Row 2: Christine Dearth,
M.D. and Chrystina Czerwinskyj, M.D. Row 3: Matthew
Murname, M.D., Jamie Levine, M.D., Samuel Dearth, Jean
Paul Hafner, M.D., Marilyn Sacca, Michael Sacca, M.D.
Class of
Seated on floor: Alexander Bui and Khoi Myo Bui Row 1:
Samantha Ludwig, M.D., Audrey Hyvonen, Christine Myo Bui,
M.D., Laurene Fleischer, M.D., Robert Fleischer, EJ Anderson,
Kristin Lehr Anderson, M.D. Row 2: Aline Eden, Robert
Eden, M.D., Isaac Bromberg, M.D., Jennifer Stratton, M.D.,
Michael Rixman, Kristin Gunasekera, Lushantha Gunasekera,
M.D., Erika Stuart, Charles Stuart, M.D., Anuj Gupta, M.D.
18 |
2 12
Reunion Giving
Program 2012
What a year we had in 2012 - record setting - in fact!
Special thanks to the Class Agent volunteers and generous
alumni donors for making our Reunion Class Gift program
an enormous success. With their united efforts, the
fundraising goal of $810,000 was shattered with gifts
totaling more than $921,000. The majority of the gifts
(more than $560,000) will be directed toward student
Reunion Class Gifts
Each year, Albany Medical College hosts an exciting
Reunion Weekend bringing together and honoring alumni
from around the globe. Alumni, in a reunion year, are
encouraged to demonstrate their commitment to the
College by making a gift as part of the Reunion Class Gift
program. These gifts provide critical funding for student,
faculty and college programs. It is our hope that every
alumnus will choose to make a significant gift during
their reunion year. Reunion gifts may be made in a variety
of ways including cash, appreciated securities, income
generating gifts, charitable bequests and other planned
gifts – regardless of how the gift is designated.
Get Involved –
Become a Class Agent
In addition to making your own special reunion gift,
please consider volunteering to help encourage your
fellow classmates to do the same by becoming a class
agent. Plans are underway for 2013, and alumni in classes
ending in a “3” or “8” interested in learning more about
serving as a class agent please contact Julie Ruttan in the
Albany Medical Center Foundation at (518) 262-6806 or
[email protected].
The Alumni Association and the Albany
Medical Center Foundation would like
to extend a special thank you to the
following Class Coordinators for their
assistance planning the weekend, and the
Class Agents for making the 2012 reunion
Class Gift program such a success
through their fundraising efforts.
Class Coordinators
Class of 1947 – C
hristopher H. Demos, M.D.
Verne M. Marshall, M.D.
Class of 1957 – John A. Poggi, M.D.
Martin L. Schulman, M.D.
Class of 1977 – R
ichard C. Cimma, M.D.
John Czajka, M.D.
Kevin W. Roberts, M.D.
Class of 1982 – Robert J. Hedderman, M.D.
Class of 1987 – Debra S. Poskanzer, M.D.
Class of 1992 – Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D.
Class of 1997 – David M. Jones, M.D.
Class of 2002 – George Zanaros, M.D.
Class of 2007 – Karl A. Robstad, M.D.
Class Agents
Class of 1952 – Joseph I. Bernstein, M.D.
Class of 1967 – D. Billings Wheeler, M.D.
Class of 1972 – Randall S. Krakauer, M.D.
Class of 1977 – John Czajka, M.D.
John A. Nolan, M.D.
Kevin W. Roberts, M.D.
Donald R. Schoch, M.D.
Class of 1982 – R
obert J. Hedderman, M.D.
Kathleen M. Kelly, M.D.
Class of 1987 – Randall S. Feingold, M.D.
Elizabeth A. Foley, M.D.
Class of 1992 – Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D.
Summer 2012 | 19
Albany Medical College
Military Affinity Group
• Honoring Our Uniformed Service, Supporting Our College •
The Albany Medical College–Military Affinity Group (AMC–MAG) was
inspired by the story of the standing ovation given five AMC graduates who
received their commissions as medical officers at the 2011 Commencement.
The Mission of AMC–MAG is to:
• honor AMC alumni who served or are serving in the uniformed
services of the United States or other nations;
• foster a sense of camaraderie among AMC staff, students and
alumni with uniformed service;
• support and mentor AMC students with present or potential
military affiliation;
• inculcate a culture of philanthropy for College, students and
Medical Center.
To accomplish this mission, the Group may sponsor reunion weekend events,
student events such as panels on medical life in the military, and scholarship
grants for students anticipating service in the uniformed services. AMC–MAG
will serve as a networking opportunity among alumni, faculty and students.
We encourage family member participation since they experience the
hardships and joys of uniformed service just as do the Alumni.
Membership is free. All that’s necessary is a desire to support the mission of
AMC-MAG. To join, legibly fill out this form, or send the information to organizer
Tom Snyder, M.D. ’69 at his email address to the right. Welcome aboard!
Kevin Kiley, M.D., Chair of OB-GYN at AMC,
and Former Army Surgeon General, Swears in Five
New Military Medical Officers at the 2011 Albany
Medical College Commencement
Affiliated with the
Albany Medical College
Alumni Association
47 New Scotland Avenue, MC-5
Albany, NY 12208-3412
[email protected]
Honorary Chair
H. James T. Sears, M.D. ’63
Rear Admiral, Medical
Corps, U S Navy, Retired
Faculty Advisor
Kevin C. Kiley, M.D.
Major General, U S Army
Medical Corps, Retired
Chair, Department of
Obstetrics / Gynecology, Albany
Medical College
AMC Degree/Date:
Service Served:
Ending Rank/Rate/Corps:
Email/Mailing Address:
20 |
Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. ’69
Captain, Medical Corps,
US Navy, Retired
131 el Camino Real,
Vallejo CA 94590-3464
[email protected]
Cell: 707.373.3989
Left to right: Yibo Chen, M.D. ’12,
Jeremy Docekal, M.D. ’12, Victoria Sarah Anne
Fernandes, M.D. ’12, Victor M. Marwin, M.D. ’12,
Brandon Prioreschi, M.D. ’12, Shelby Spandl, M.D. ’12,
Kevin C.Kiley, M.D., Shana Clarke, M.D. ’12
New Doctors,
New Officers
By Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68
t Commencement, on May 24,
2012, following conferral of
degrees, the master of ceremonies
announced that some of the new doctors
would be sworn in as officers by Kevin
C. Kiley, M.D., Chair of Obstetrics and
Gynecology and Retired 41st Surgeon
General, United States Army. As
Dr. Kiley approached the podium, the
entire assembly rose. Dr. Kiley spoke:
“Dean Verdile, thank you for the
opportunity to participate in this ceremony.
The young doctors you have just seen
awarded their diplomas and reciting
the oath have joined the profession of
medicine. A select few will now join the
profession of arms to serve our nation and
care for our soldiers, sailors, airmen and
marines and their families. When asked
why these young physicians are joining
the Armed Forces, it is because that is
what America does: it send its very best to
protect our nation! And although there
may be some who question the future
of America - when I look out over this
assembly of wonderful young graduates I
can guarantee you that America’s future is
very bright indeed! I am reminded of what
Gen. Creighton Abrams, former Chief
of Staff of the Army, senior commander
during the war in Vietnam and the
battalion commander who broke through
the German lines at Bastogne in the Battle
of the Bulge in World War II, was quoted
as saying on many occasions. He said,
‘What American needs, it cannot buy! It
needs men (and women) who see service
to the nation as an affair of the heart!’ So
let me call out these young doctors who
have this affair of the heart so they can
take their commissioning oath.”
As Dr. Kiley called their names, the
candidates walked on stage, in the
uniforms of their respective branches,
and faced the audience.
Dr. Yibo Chen
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Dr. Jeremy Docekal
Captain, United States Army
Dr. Victoria Sarah Anne Fernandes
Captain, United States Army
Dr. Victor M. Marwin
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Dr. Brandon Prioreschi
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Dr. Kiley addressed the candidates:
“Raise your right hands and repeat after me:
I (state your full name), having been
commissioned an officer in the Armed
Forces of the United States, do solemnly
swear that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States, against
all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I
will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; that I take this obligation freely,
without mental reservation or purpose of
evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
execute the duties of the office upon which
I am about to enter. “ So help me, God!”
After congratulating the new officers,
Dr. Kiley said, “Dr. Shana Clarke, class of
2012, will now join me on the platform...
for the singing of the National Anthem.”
Dr. Clarke came to the podium, the new
officers faced the Colors and saluted, and
the assembly faced the Colors. Dr. Clarke,
unaccompanied, sang the National
Anthem with style, vigor and skill. The
enduring words, only twenty-five years
old when Albany Medical College was
founded, never sounded so good.
Dr. Shelby Spandl
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Summer 2012
2012 || 21
Albany Medical College members of the Class of 2012
reciting the Hippocratic Oath at Commencement.
From left to right:
Albany Medical College members
of the Class of 2012
Kellen Galster, M.D. ’12
Tara Renna, M.D. ’12 who will
pursue OB/GYN training at
Albany Medical Center
22 |
Members of the Albany
Medical College Class of
2012 and their families enjoy
the Alumni Association
Commencement Eve
A Legacy brunch, held at the Hall of Springs in
Saratoga, on the morning of Commencement,
honored members of the Class of 2012 and their
families with generational ties to the college.
From left to right:
Dean Verdile, M.D. ’84, Jessica Czajka, M.D. ’12,
John Czajka, M.D. ’77, and Karen Czajka
Anthony Marinello, M.D. ’86 and
Patrick Marinello, M.D. ’12
Colin Hirst, M.D. ’12 and Jeffrey Hirst, M.D. ’80
Summer 2012 | 23
Commencement Speaker
Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. ’79
by Julia Hanna
Gary Gottlieb, M.D. ’79 and
his wife Derri Shtasel, M.D. at
“You need to
have the ability
to listen and be
truly empathic.”
24 |
As CEO of Partners HealthCare, Gary Gottlieb, M.D. ’79, has a clear view of Boston’s
Back Bay from the Prudential Tower’s 11th floor. The perspective seems fitting for a job
that requires a far-reaching view. Founded in 1994 by Brigham and Women’s Hospital
and Massachusetts General Hospital, two of the nation’s most esteemed medical
institutions, Partners’ multifaceted network of hospitals, community health centers,
and many other health care entities is the largest health care provider in Massachusetts.
Employing more than 60,000, its research budget tops $1 billion annually.
Despite this seemingly lofty perch, Dr. Gottlieb has maintained a grounded, unwavering
focus on Partners’ mission to serve the community since he took the reins in January
2010. That means providing basic health care access to the underserved living in
neighborhoods just a few miles from institutions that have pioneered some of the
world’s leading-edge procedures. In his commencement address on May 24, Dr. Gottlieb
cataloged the incredible advances made in medicine since his graduation 33 years
ago, even as he detailed sobering statistics that show the striking differences in health
outcomes experienced by far too many U.S. citizens. “It is clear that these differences in
care and outcomes are inconsistent with our values and oaths as physicians, scientists,
and health care providers, and they defy the missions of our great and dedicated
institutions,” he told the audience gathered at Saratoga Performing Arts Center
“…Please bring your special skills to people and settings where access has been impeded
by inadequate payment. You can lead in demonstrating that early access to expertise and
wisdom can mitigate long-term adverse consequences and unnecessary costs.”
A specialist in geriatric psychiatry, Dr. Gottlieb had an early interest in science and its
social context, particularly in relation to human emotions. At 14, he volunteered at a
local hospital; his first paid job was at 16, working for central supply at Long Island’s
North Shore Hospital for an hourly rate of $3.54. Recalling the deep impression made
by smart, challenging nurses, he says, “I saw teams led by women that were solving
problems in a way that was different from the cultural stereotypes of the time.”
Describing himself as an “older adolescent” when he arrived at Albany Medical College
at age 20, Dr. Gottlieb remembers an environment in which “there was so much to learn
that I didn’t know, both about the human condition as well as about critical fundamental
science principles. What’s remarkable to me now is how much more knowledge there
is today.”
Dr. Gottlieb came to Albany Medical College expecting to enter
some aspect of primary care. Explaining his focus on geriatric
psychiatry, he observes, “The greatest confluence of medicine,
brain function, and emotional response is found in late life.
There’s a higher risk of disease and frailty. In addition, many of
the greatest stressors from a social and economic perspective
occur when we’re older—there can be a lost sense of self
because so much is invested in the generative stage of life.”
A leader in his field, Dr. Gottlieb established Penn Medical
Center’s first program in geriatric psychiatry and is past
president of the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry.
In 1994, he became director and CEO of Friends Hospital
in Philadelphia, then the country’s oldest, independent,
freestanding psychiatric hospital. He came to Boston in 1998 to
become the first chair of Partners Psychiatry, adding the role of
president of the North Shore Medical Center in 2000. In 2002
he was asked to serve as president of Brigham and Women’s/
Faulkner Hospitals, a position he held until assuming his
current role in January 2010.
As professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr.
Gottlieb still teaches rounds and keeps track of a few patients
he’s followed over the years. He considers many of the skills
essential to being an effective manager the same as those
required of a good doctor: “You need to have the ability to
listen and be truly empathic,” he says. “Beyond that, it’s critical
to understand and have a true passion for the organization’s
mission, and to be able to convey the importance of that
mission internally and to the outside world.”
Dr. Gottlieb’s tenure to date has been an eventful period, even
by expected standards for such a high-level position. Two
weeks after he was named CEO in January 2010, a catastrophic
earthquake struck Haiti, where Partners in Health (a Brigham
and Women’s Hospital affiliate, founded by one of its faculty,
Paul Farmer) has a major presence. “I saw another angle of the
incredible depth, skill, and commitment of people who work
in this system,” he says, describing the disaster preparedness
teams fielded by Mass General that brought together clinicians
from throughout the system. “People moved so quickly—it
was remarkable to witness how little effort it took to motivate
people around a greater good.”
At the same time, the Affordable Care Act was in the midst of
legislation. A week before it was signed into law on March 23,
2010, President Obama invited Dr. Gottlieb to Washington to
consult on the bill with other leaders. “President Obama had
completely immersed himself in the details of the legislation,”
he recalls. “He asked numerous questions and clearly
understood the political, social, and medical issues at hand.”
Reflecting on the changes yet to come, Dr. Gottlieb observes,
“Right now, we’re trying to drive from an illness care system,
built on fee-for-service medicine, to a health care system. The
focus has been to indemnify people from the most horrific
illnesses, and we’ve built amazing capacities at that end of the
system, but we haven’t focused on managing health overall.
Our targets for interventions have to become clearer and
clearer as we look for particular outcomes and work with
patients to help them understand those outcomes. And we
need a glide path to do this rather than a cliff.”
In his current position, Dr. Gottlieb is no doubt well aware of
his influence in helping to shape that future path. But he also
shows an acute awareness of medicine’s deeply collaborative
qualities. Asked to describe what he’s learned about
leadership, he responds, “It’s about accurate empathy—truly
understanding the people who are part of a team. Leadership
also means facilitating the great works of people who are
smarter and more talented than I could ever dream to be and
directing that talent and passion to achieve the organization’s
vision and mission.”
Summer 2012 | 25
College News and Events
Student/Resident Mixer
The American Medical Student Association and the
Albany Medical College Alumni Association welcomed
medical students and residents to the Hilton Garden
Inn for an evening of conversation and networking
last November. Students and residents, from a host of
specialties, discussed the residency application process,
medical specialties, challenges of the profession and
lifestyle choices, and more.
The Alumni Association hosted two noteworthy events in
January to kick off the New Year:
A Night at the Symphony
Area Albany Medical College alumni and medical
students enjoyed an evening with the Albany Symphony
Orchestra (ASO) at the Palace Theatre. ASO Conductor
David Allen Miller addressed the gathering at the Alumni
Association’s pre-concert reception.
Student Appreciation Breakfast
The Alumni Association held the first-ever Student
Appreciation Breakfast providing a great opportunity for
students to network with alumni who are affiliated with
Albany Medical Center.
Students and faculty enjoy
breakfast and conversation
at the Student Appreciation
Albany Medical College
students revel in the moment
at the 2012 Student Formal
26 |
Senior Class Gift Campaign
Shellie Asher, M.D. ’98 connects with
first-year medical students.
With great pride, Arati Patel, M.D. ’12, Krzysztof "Kiko" Drzymalski, M.D. ’12
and David Jones, M.D. ’97 present Dean Verdile, M.D. ’84 with the Senior
Class gift.
Sometime soon, an Albany Medical College student will stop by the
student lounge seeking an oasis after a long and tiresome day.
Once the renovation of the lounge is complete, it will include all the
amenities needed to relax and recharge. For that, he or she can offer
thanks to the Class of 2012.
“Kiko (class vice president Krzysztof Drzymalski) and I have seen the
blueprints and they look amazing,” said Arati Patil, President of the
Class of 2012. “Our class is really excited to do something that will
benefit all the students at the college.”
The senior gift, decided on by a class vote, will go to support the
renovation of the lounge by adding things like high-definition
televisions, computers and a new pool table.
Providing added motivation, Dean Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84, and
David Jones, M.D. ’97 extended a challenge; one the students not
only met, but exceeded with 63% participation.
Because of the terrific matching gift support from Dean Verdile,
Dr. Jones and the Alumni Association, the class reached better than
50% participation.
“We’re so thankful to the Dean and Dr. Jones,” Patil said. Their idea to
challenge the class really raised the bar for giving. Sixty-three percent
of our class is participating, which is a fantastic showing and a tribute
to both men.”
Women in
Medicine Event
By Lara Reichert
Albany Medical College, Class of 2014
The third annual Women in Medicine
night was held on March 7. The Alumni
Association continued its support of
Albany Medical College’s American
Medical Women’s Association chapter to
bring together female faculty and current
students for the event. It was an evening of
relaxed conversation about life as a female
physician. Students asked the distinguished
panel about topics ranging from choosing
a specialty to balancing family life with
the hectic schedule of clinical medicine.
Drs. Shellie Asher ’98, (emergency
medicine), Catherine Bartholomew ’84
(gastroenterology), Janet Gargiulo ’79
(oncology), and Elena Rosenbaum (family
medicine) captivated the students with tales
of residency, relationships, and making their
careers a success. A warm thank you to the
panelists for sharing their Albany Medical
College experiences with current students
and offering motivation and advice for our
future female physicians.
Summer 2012 | 27
Seymour Thickman, M.D. ’47
Dr. Thickman received the Wyoming Arts Council’s
2011 Governor’s Arts Award. The Governor’s Arts
Award, established in 1982, names winners who
have made lasting contributions to the arts in their
community and throughout the state of Wyoming.
Dr. Thickman has been instrumental in promoting the
Piatigorsky Foundation Tours throughout Wyoming for
many years, and was one of four recipients to receive
the prestigious arts award.
John M. Cohen, M.D. ’63
Dr. Cohen writes, “I am still in active pediatric practice
in Newton, MA, running a seven person group that is
attached to Children’s Hospital in Boston.”
David L. Chittenden, M.D. ’64
Dr. Chittenden writes, “Still doing some consulting.
Lots of traveling. Some golf and Bridge. Five
Eugene W. Leibowitz, M.D. ’66
Dr. Leibowitz received an Honorary Doctorate of
Public Service at the Massachusetts College of Liberal
Arts 113th Commencement exercises in May. He was
appointed to the MCLA Board of Trustees in 2000. Dr.
Leibowitz is a former board chair and has served on
every committee of the board during his tenure as a
Betty R. Vohr, M.D. ’66
Dr. Vohr received the national Antonia Brancia Maxon
Award for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
(EHDI) Excellence at the National EHDI Meeting in
St. Louis this past March. She is director of Women
& Infants Hospital's Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic in
Providence, R.I., and medical director of the Rhode
Island Hearing Assessment Program.
Vincent R. DiGregorio, M.D. ’68
Dr. DiGregorio was the recipient of the prestigious
President’s Award from the Garden City Chamber
of Commerce of Long Island in May. The award is
28 |
in recognition of Dr. DiGregorio’s extreme volunteerism
toward local charities within the Garden City business
community and beyond. He is a senior partner at the
Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, the largest and oldest
practice of its kind in North America, and chief of plastic
surgery at Winthrop Hospital, and president of Day-Op
Center of Long Island.
Peter D. Walzer, M.D. ’68
Dr. Walzer retired from the Cincinnati VA Medical Center
(CVAMC) and the University of Cincinnati (UC) in March.
He writes, “My interest in an academic career began in
medical school when I viewed physicians as role models
who could bring the basic science and disease concepts we
learned to care for real people. My interest in infectious
diseases developed after spending two years on active duty
in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) at the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC). I began my academic career in
1976 when I joined the Lexington VAMC and University of
Kentucky. I then moved to CVAMC and UC in 1981 where
I have remained ever since. This time has been the most
exciting and rewarding period of my life. From responding
to the AIDS epidemic, competing for research funding,
training young investigators, revitalizing our VA research
program, and developing the VA Clinical Research Unit, I
am exceedingly grateful for the opportunities I have had,
the friends I have gained, the trust that has been placed in
me, and the institutional support I have received.”
Michael F. Moore, M.D. ’71
Dr. Moore was named to the Scientific Advisory Board of
Alliqua, an advanced biomedical products company, in May.
Peter B. Sherer, M.D. ’72
Dr. Sherer was listed in the 2012 Top Doctor issue of
Washingtonian magazine for medical oncology.
William C. Hall, M.D. ’74
Dr. Hall writes, “Alive. Well. Still practicing ophthalmology
in Connecticut!”
Peter J. Koltai, M.D. ’75
Dr. Koltai has been elected President of the American
Broncho-Esophagological Association for 2012-2013.
Wayne R. Christie, M.D. ’77
Dr. Christie joined the Marshfield Clinic Wisconsin Rapids
Orthopedic Center as an orthopedic surgeon in April.
Steven M. Frisch, M.D. ’79
The Interfaith Alliance of New York State honored Dr.
Frisch with the "Ed Bloch Voices that Challenge Award”
at the organization’s annual dinner in May. The award
recognizes community leaders who use their voices to
challenge everyone to be a force for good and to bring
about change that will promote peace and harmony.
Dr. Frisch has been a committed supporter of the
Interfaith Alliance’s mission of furthering justice and
peace in the Capital Region.
Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79
Dr. Gargiulo received the prestigious Ralph O. Claypoole
Award for Devotion of a Career in Internal Medicine
to the Care of Patients at the American College of
Physicians’ Annual Meeting in New Orleans this past
April. For complete announcement, see page 4.
Ronald L. Moy, M.D. ’81
Dr. Moy, outgoing president of the American Academy
of Dermatology, joined the U.S. Dermatology Medical
Group in Mililani, Hawaii in February.
Daniel M. Siegel, M.D. ’81
Dr. Siegel was elected president of American Academy
of Dermatology in March. The American Academy of
Dermatology, founded in 1938, is the largest and most
representative dermatology group in the United States.
Dr. Siegel succeeds his classmate Ronald L. Moy, M.D.
’81, who currently serves as the Academy’s immediate
past president.
Rajiv Sood, M.D. ’84
Dr. Sood was named a 2012 Health Care Hero by the
Indianapolis Business Journal in March for his work with
burn patients and cutting-edge research. Dr. Sood is
the medical director of the Richard M. Fairbanks Burn
Center, Wishard Health Services and professor of plastic
surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine.
Larry M. Isaacs, M.D. ’85
Dr. Isaacs joined the Morehouse General Hospital in
Bastrop, Louisiana in January. He is a Board Certified
General Surgeon, and has extensive background in
trauma and critical care.
William McKinley, M.D. ’85
Dr. McKinley received the Leonard Tow Humanism
Award from the Virginia Commonwealth University
(VCU) School of Medicine. He is director of Spinal
Cord Injury Medicine and professor in the Department
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at VCU. He is
also director of the PM&R residency training program.
The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award is
presented by the Arnold Gold Foundation to underscore
the value of humanism in the delivery of care to patients
and their families. The principles of integrity, excellence,
compassion, altruism, respect, empathy and service
are paramount qualities in the recipients of this award.
In his acceptance, Dr. McKinley, acknowledged the
influence of his family, including his father, William M.
McKinley, M.D. ’49, three uncles and grandfather, all of
whom practiced rural medicine or surgery in western
Robert J. Rapoport, M.D. ’88
Randall Beatty, M.D. ’84
Dr. Rapoport was elected to the College Nominating
Committee of the American College of Radiology at the
Annual Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference in
Washington, D.C. in April. He also serves as immediate
past president and as councilor from New York State,
and is a member of the ACR Neuroradiology Guidelines
Committee and a member reviewer for ACR Guidelines.
Dr. Rapoport specializes in neuroradiology at St. Peter’s
Hospital in Albany.
Colonel Randall L. Beatty is currently serving
on active duty at the Trauma Hospital at
Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, where he is
the theatre consultant for ophthalmology for
the Afghanistan area of operations.
Summer 2012 | 29
Ralph L. Liporace, M.D. ’91
David E. Seals, M.D. ’96
Dr. Liporace, a leading HIV researcher, has joined
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center’s (SVMC) primary
care practice. Dr. Liporace is a nationally-recognized
researcher and specialist in HIV medicine.
Since the 1990s, Dr. Liporace has participated in many
investigational drug studies related to HIV/AIDS, devoting
his career to helping high-risk patients with multiple
medical diagnoses. Most recently, he has served as the
medical director of clinical research in HIV medicine and
as a hospitalist at Albany Medical Center
“When I was in medical school, there was no textbook to
teach us about HIV/AIDS,” stated Dr. Liporace. “We were
facing a new frontier in medicine. I am proud that I got
to be a part of the research that has helped many HIVinfected people live longer, more productive lives.”
Dr. Seals joined Wooster Obstetrics and Gynecology
in Wooster, Ohio in March. A veteran of the U.S. Air
Force and Army National Guard, Dr. Seals served as a
combat medic, instructor and operations planner. He also
received the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics
and Gynecology Award for Excellence for his service
to medical students and physicians in the obstetric and
gynecological specialty.
Jack F. McNulty, M.D. ’91
Dr. McNulty was named medical director of the newly
created Division of Neurosurgery at Health Quest Medical
Practice in Poughkeepsie, NY in February. Dr. McNulty
specializes in surgical procedures involving the brain and
spine, and is a well-known community neurosurgeon
and director of Neurosurgery at Vassar Brothers Medical
Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D. ’92
The Certifying Commission in Medical Management
(CCMM) recently designated Dr. Bristol a Certified
Physician Executive (CPE). Dr. Bristol is chief medical
officer and pediatrician at Shanghai United Family
Hospital and Clinics in Shanghai, China. CCMM awarded
Dr. Bristol the status of certified physician executive in
March for educational achievements, demonstrated stature
as a physician, and experience in the field of medical
David M. Jones, M.D. ’97
Dr. Jones received the 2012 Outstanding Pre-Clinical
Golden Apple Award at Albany Medical College. The
award is presented by the graduating class to a faculty
member to recognize their teaching of the basic sciences
and continued personal concern for the well being of the
student body.
Susanna J. Park, M.D. ’97
Dr. Park joined the San Diego Fertility Clinic in Southern
California as a member of the fertility care team in
February. Dr. Park, formerly with Columbia University,
is double board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology
and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Dr. Park
is an award-winning clinical researcher having performed
extensive studies in perimenopausal women.
David F. Westfall, M.D. ’97
Dr. Westfall was elected to a three-year-term on the
Glens Falls Hospital Board of Governors in February. Dr.
Westfall is an ophthalmologist with a private practice in
Glens Falls.
Anita Gambhir, M.D. ’98
Judeth K. McGann, M.D. ’93
Dr. Gambhir joined the Hawaii Permanente Medical
Group as a General Surgeon at the Wailuka Clinic on
Maui in February.
Dr. McGann has joined Woodland Healthcare as a
pediatrician in Davis, CA in March. Prior to joining
Woodland Healthcare, Dr. McGann was an attending
physician in pediatric hematology/oncology at Kaiser
Permanente Hospital in Santa Clara, CA.
you’re online;
so are we!
30 |
Lisa M. Lee, Ph.D., M.S. ’11
Dr. Lee, a graduate of the Alden March Bioethics Institute, was
appointed executive director of the Presidential Commission for
the Study of Bioethical Issues in April. She has been with the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) since 1998, most
recently serving as chief science officer in the Office of Surveillance,
Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences. Dr. Lee is an epidemiologist,
surveillance scientist, and public health ethicist. The Presidential
Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues was established in
November 2009 by President Obama.
The Center for Nurse Anesthesiology
Class of 2011
The members of the Class of 2011 received the 2012 New York State
Association Nurse Anesthetists Spirit Award in May: Whitney Bean,
Cilicia Bigler, Vanessa Castiglione, October Cellana, Allison Clark,
Kathryn Dearborn, Heather Fabian, Jennifer Gizzi, David Goff,
Christine Harju, Yi-Min Hsu, Jeremy Lombardoni, Brett Morey,
Amy Murnane, Lisa Marie Paul, Surita Persaud, Joel Sharick,
Lauren Viagrande.
he Albany Medical College Alumni Association
stewards the Golden Apple awards, made possible by
Dr. Robert Wickham, Class of 1952. These awards allow
the graduating medical students the opportunity to
recognize excellent educators they encountered during
their time at the College. This year the Class of 2012,
recognized the following:
Outstanding Clinical Golden Apple
Recipient: Hashim Hesham, M.D.
Outstanding Preclinical Golden Apple
Recipient: David M. Jones, M.D. ’97
The Outstanding Outpatient Preceptor
Golden Apple
Recipient: Joseph T. Wayne, M.D.
We mourn the passing of the following classmates:
Dennis A. Poulos, Ph.D., Honorary Alumnus
Dominick A. Papandrea, M.D. ’43
M. E. Pesnel, Jr., M.D. ’43
Robert M. Kohn, M.D. ’46
Louise T. H. Chase, M.D. ’47
Elbert F. MacFadden, Jr., M.D. ’47
Benham R. Wrigley, M.D. ’47
Francis Chanatry, M.D. ’48
Stewart R. Panzer, M.D. ’48
Harold L. Colburn, M.D. ’49
David S. Stewart, M.D. ’49
John J. Phelan, Jr., M.D. ’50
Doris S. Rome, M.D. ’50
William C. Van Ost, M.D. ’54
John A. Britting, M.D. ’55
Robert F. Yates, M.D. ’56
Joseph C. Honet, M.D. ’57
John C. Maisel, M.D. ’57
John E. Glennon, M.D. ’58
Seymour R. Stall, M.D. ’59
Timothy M. Harris, M.D. ’61
Robert D. Meyers, M.D. ’61
Harry S. Margolius, M.D., Ph.D. ’63
Margaret L. Hayes, M.D. ’65
John F. McGarrahan, Ph.D. ’65
John H. Galivan, Ph.D. ’67
Alan M. Miller, M.D. ’70, J.D.
Martin E. Schick, M.D. ’75
Robert T. Callear, M.D. ’81
The Outstanding Resident Golden Apple
Recipient: Neil Yager, M.D.
Summer 2012 | 31
20 11
Con t rib utors
On behalf of Albany Medical College
and the Albany Medical College Alumni
Association, thank you to the following
alumni and friends for their support in 2011
through their philanthropy and through
their membership dues.
Seymour Thickman, M.D.
Evelyn G. Redlich, M.D.
Ethel G. Cermak, M.D.
Henry E. Wolfe, Jr., M.D.
Karl R. Sohlberg, M.D.
Class of 1939
Class of 1948
Class of 1952
Orel Friedman, M.D.
John Beeble, M.D.
Joseph I. Bernstein, M.D.
George A. Chalfant, M.D.
Truman G. Esau, M.D.
Class of 1941
William V. Golkowski, Jr., M.D.
Lewis E. Patrie, M.D.
Dominick Mele, M.D.
Stewart R. Panzer, M.D.*
David C. Rees, M.D.
James E. Ryan, M.D.
Harold C. Sadin, M.D.
Class of 1943
David L. Sparling, M.D.
Ann Ruth Turkel, M.D.
David Falk, M.D.
David S. Stewart, M.D.*
Robert D. Wickham, M.D.
Charles H. O'Neil, Jr., M.D.
Irving Van Woert, Jr., M.D.
Leslie M. Zatz, M.D.
Class of 1938
Class of 1945
Norman Zheutlin, M.D.
Class of 1953
Aaron D. Freedman, M.D.
John W. Abbuhl, M.D.
Alan P. DeMayo, M.D.
Robert L. Meineker, M.D.
Harold L. Colburn, M.D.*
Alfred W. Ikefugi, M.D.
Daniel F. O'Keeffe, M.D.
Barbara C. Noyes, M.D.
Charles G. Leonhardt, M.D.
Charles L. Poskanzer, M.D.
Matthew Presti, M.D.
Robert W. McDonald, M.D.
James A. Robertson, M.D.
Stephen E. Monaghan, M.D.
Herbert E. Gade, M.D.
Lt. Gen. Paul W. Myers, M.D.
Robert N. Reynolds, M.D.
Charles L. Settembrini, M.D.
Class of 1947
Levon Bedrosian, M.D.
Christopher H. Demos, M.D.
Philip L. Lewis, M.D.
Verne M. Marshall, M.D.
Nicholas Preston, M.D.
George R. Prout, Jr., M.D.
32 |
Class of 1950
John J. Dapolito, Jr., M.D.
Joan P. Treuer, M.D.
Ambrose Alfonsi, M.D.
Class of 1954
John B. Bobear, M.D.
Franklyn H. Ashby, Jr., M.D.
Richard C. Bozian, M.D.
David Beck, M.D.
Edward A. Meyers, M.D.
Rudolph F. Bono, M.D.
Doris S. Rome, M.D.*
Victor H. Burdick, M.D.
Daniel J. Shapiro, M.D.
Jay V. Dewell, M.D.
Robert D. Terry, M.D.
Edward Gillie, M.D.
Class of
Class of 1946
Class of 1949
Class of
William R. Dorrance, M.D.
Class of 1951
John C. Leaman, M.D.
Kenneth A. Linstruth, M.D.
James Dougherty, M.D.
Richard G. O'Leary, M.D.
Melvin Horwith, M.D.
John R. Payne, M.D.
Dewey Robbiano, Jr., M.D.
William C. Van Ost, M.D.*
Class of 1955
Joseph L. Belsky, M.D.
Richard W. Blide, M.D.
Clifford H. Casey, M.D.
Joseph R. Gabriels, M.D.
Stafford W. Gedge, M.D.
Alfred M. Gomez, M.D.
Class of
Herbert Kaplan, M.D.
John C. Lathrop, M.D.
Michael G. Melas, M.D.
Ellen Gelbard, Susan Fishman, Marty Gelbard and Nancy Gelbard
William Meyer, Jr., M.D.
Richard A. Wagner, M.D.
Class of 1956
David Corn, M.D.
T. Donald Eisenstein, M.D.
William H. Harvey, Jr., M.D.
Robert P. Newhouse, M.D.
William A. Petersen, M.D.
Fred A. Phillips, Jr., M.D.
David Rosenthal, M.D.
Richard O. Schultz, M.D.
H. P. Wintrich, M.D.
Robert F. Yates, M.D.*
Class of 1957
William A. Africano, M.D.
John J. Condemi, M.D.
Joseph C. Honet, M.D.*
Ralph J. Kaplan, M.D.
John I. Larkin, M.D.
David Pankin, M.D.
John A. Poggi, M.D.
Kenneth L. Pratt, M.D.
Wilbur C. Rust, M.D.
Martin L. Schulman, M.D.
David L. Siegal, M.D.
Ernest E. Sponzilli, M.D.
David Gelbard, M.D. ’46
Dr. David Gelbard ’46, was an “old-fashioned” doctor,
say his children. “As a kid, I remember dad spending half
the evening on the phone calling patients back, going
over their questions.” recalls daughter Nancy.
The Burbank, California, primary care physician loved
being a doctor, and remained intensely grateful to
Albany Medical College for giving him that opportunity.
Yearly, he gave generously to his College, also serving on
the Dean’s Council.
So when, after his passing in 2011, his daughter Ellen
discovered a thank-you letter from the College for
a substantial pledge creating an endowment for the
Dean’s Discretionary Fund, his children weren’t too
surprised. Nor did they debate their next step. “There
was no discussion,” says daughter Susan. Each of his four
children donated $25,000 to make good on their father's
commitment. Says Ellen, “We felt this is what he
wanted and we should honor it. We were proud. And
we knew dad would’ve been proud of us.” Says son
Martin, “I am happy we fulfilled one of my father’s
strongest wishes.”
The children did, however, do one thing their father
hadn’t planned: They created the endowment in his
name. Says Nancy, “We wanted a long-term memory of
him at the College.”
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Class of 1958
Richard G. Bertini, M.D.
Cenie C. Cafarelli, M.D.
Henry A. Camperlengo, M.D.
Arthur S. Cummins, M.D.
John E. Cunningham, Jr., M.D.
Pasquale J. Fugazzotto, M.D.
James M. Gavin, M.D.
John E. Glennon, M.D.*
When James Manion, M.D. ’61, FACP studied internal
medicine at Albany Medical College, the school had a
home town flavor. “In my day, it was more a regional
school. It was sort of ‘our’ medical school.”
Dr. Manion’s successes here led to a 25-year practice in
Poughkeepsie. And he worked at IBM one day a week
-- as a doctor. “IBM had in-house medical facilities for
employees at that time. They thought it would cut down
on employee absenteeism. It was like an emergency
room – I checked blood pressure, blood sugar and dealt
with primary care doctors.” Years later, he returned to
IBM, inspecting workplaces and researching retirement
disability claims. For the past 16 years, Dr. Manion has
been a medical director at United Health Care Corp.
His connection to IBM has given a boost to “his” medical
school, too. Recently, Dr. Manion’s generous gift to the
college was matched by IBM, doubling its benefit. The
matching gift expresses his gratitude for a multi-faceted
career. “I’ve had several jobs in different places, and here
I am at the ripe old age of 76, and I’m still working! My
training at the college made all that possible.”
Daniel N. Hertz, M.D.
Arthur Lehrman, M.D.
Neil Lempert, M.D.
Walter S. Levitsky, Jr., M.D.
Jerome Levy, M.D.
Mario B. Lo Monaco, M.D.
Joseph C. Loffredo, M.D.
Carl A. Paulsen, M.D.
Felix E. Schletter, M.D.
Bernice J. G. Shoobe, M.D.
I. Arnold Slowe, M.D.
Thomas F. Spath, M.D.
John H. Way, M.D.
Class of 1959
Robert M. Blumenberg, M.D.
Donald W. Edwards, M.D.
Eugene M. Hoenig, M.D.
Gerardus S. Jameson, M.D.
James A. Manion, M.D. ’61, FACP
Terry H. Goff, M.D.
Ludwig Klein, M.D.
Wellington J. Pindar, M.D.
Roy D. Shaffer, M.D.
Russell F. Shaw, M.D.
Seymour R. Stall, M.D.*
Class of 1960
Class of
Anthony J. Arena, M.D.
Elynore Clark Cucinell, M.D.
Samuel A. Cucinell, M.D.
Keith A. Horton, M.D.
Donald E. Kamm, M.D.
34 |
Robert Kiesel, M.D.
Class of 1962
Arthur Wallingford, Jr., M.D.
Stuart T. Nevins, M.D.
Frederick W. Bauer, M.D.
Frederick A. Wilson, M.D.
Richard P. Propp, M.D.
Gordon T. Bourns, M.D.
Nancy G. Worsham, M.D.
Robert M. Schwartz, M.D.
Carl H. Braren, M.D.
Merrit F. Spear, M.D.
Elliot Danforth, Jr., M.D.
Class of 1964
James I. Thompson, M.D.
Robert E. Fay, M.D.
Robert D. Ansel, M.D.
John R. Furman, M.D.
David L. Chittenden, M.D.
Donald E. Humphrey, M.D.
John A. Duers, M.D.
Jay L. Abbott, M.D.
Arthur N. Isenberg, M.D.
James R. Ford, M.D.
Frederick M. Appleton, M.D.
Eugene L. Mascoli, M.D.
Harold R. Hahn, M.D.
Anthony J. Bardinelli, M.D.
G. Dwight Maud, M.D.
Donald R. Kelly, M.D.
Vija A. Bauer-Lindbergs, M.D.
Roger L. Miller, M.D.
Robert G. Long, M.D.
John R. Bosco, M.D.
Paul E. Phillips, M.D.
Charles T. McHugh, M.D.
John P. Carroll, M.D.
Robert M. Rosenblatt, M.D.
Alan D. Megibow, M.D.
James L. Claghorn, M.D.
Edwin Shuttleworth, Jr., M.D.
Michael R. Milano, M.D.
Edmund Clement, M.D.
Stephen J. Sills, M.D.
Gary E. Mombello, M.D.
Ethan T. Colton III, M.D.
Martin F. Stein, Jr., M.D.
James P. O'Brien, M.D.
Errikos P. Constant, M.D.
Jerry C. Worsham, M.D.
Donald D. Pollock, M.D.
Anthony J. DeTommasi, M.D.
Francis K. Yamamoto, M.D.
Laurence A. Sherman, M.D.
Class of 1961
Charles P. Shoemaker, Jr., M.D.
Robert M. Easley, Jr., M.D.
Class of 1963
Robert R. Taylor, Jr., M.D.
Dante L. Gismondi, M.D.
Ronald J. Anderson, M.D.
C. Wendell Wickersham III, M.D.
Morton H. Goldberg, DM.D., M.D.
Irving N. Bachner, M.D.
John J. Gregory, M.D.
Donald Barrett, M.D.
Class of 1965
Timothy M. Harris, M.D.*
Philip C. Bonanno, M.D.
Albert A. Apicelli, M.D.
M. Edward Keenan, M.D.
Donald F. Borden, M.D.
John Booss, M.D.
Leonard J. Kirschner, M.D.
John M. Cohen, M.D.
Ambrose M. Krupczak, M.D.
Richard S. Fields, M.D.
Anthony J. Leone, Jr., M.D.
C. Thomas Fruehan, M.D.
Alfred C. Lucier, M.D.
William B. Henry, M.D.
James J. Manion, M.D.
Peter G. Kansas, M.D.
Bernard F. McEvoy, M.D.
Edward J. Khantzian, Jr., M.D.
Margaret L. Hayes, M.D.*
Albert F. Peters, M.D.
John A. Klamar, M.D.
Edward A. Iannuccilli, M.D.
Norman B. Pike, M.D.
John A. Lang II, M.D.
Donald L. Price, M.D.
Karl R. Meyers, M.D.
James H. Puleo, M.D.
Valmore A. Pelletier, Jr., M.D.
Prescott C. Rasmussen, M.D.
Roger F. Robison, M.D.
Bruno P. Tolge, M.D.
Geoffrey C. Ryder, M.D.
Clyde W. Turner, M.D.
H. James T. Sears, M.D.
Malcolm W. Pettit, Jr., M.D.
Gerald A. Wagner, M.D.
Clara E. Staunton, M.D.
Robert L. Phyliky, M.D.
Jack E. Giddings, M.D.
Warren W. Bovie, M.D.
Louis M. Fink, M.D.
Mary E. Geiger, M.D.
Ralph A. Giannella, M.D.
Doris M. Greenberg, M.D.
Class of
John J. Kohut, M.D.
J. Peter Lawler, M.D.
Gary D. Miller, M.D.
David Nalin, M.D.
Donald H. Namm, Ph.D.
Charles Umansky, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
students pursue their dreams so far. Now, to celebrate the
milestone of his 45th Reunion year, Dr. and Mrs. Groban
have pledged to match all Reunion gifts made by his 1967
classmates up to $250,000 - the amount they will add to
their endowment over the next five years.
Just like the students they help, Dr. and Mrs. Groban
know what it's like to struggle financially through medical
school. During his years here, Dr. Groban worked in the
biology lab. His father-in-law lent them an old car. He had
a bank loan. Scholarship money also helped. “We pieced
things together,” he says.
Lynne and Mark Groban, M.D. ’67 with Dean Verdile, M.D. ’84
Mark D. Groban, M.D. ’67
Young Mark Groban’s admissions interview at Albany
Medical College was in two days. There was just one
problem: his parents were eight hundred miles away and
he had no money for a plane ticket from Columbus, Ohio.
“My father said to call someone he knew at TWA. ‘Tell him
to get you a ticket, and I’ll pay him back.’” At the airport,
the kindly man produced a ticket, then asked Mark, “How
much money do you have with you?” Mark replied, “$4.50!
$3 for the taxi to the college, $1 for lunch, then I’ll hitch
back to the airport.” “Are you kidding me?” smiled the
man, handing the youth $25. “I regard that as my first
scholarship," Dr. Groban says today.
Never forgetting the $25 stuffed into his hands by a
near-stranger, and other help he received along the way,
Dr. Groban and his wife Lynne have made a priority of
supporting students at the college through their generously
endowed Harry and Bernice Groban Family Scholarship,
named to honor Dr. Groban’s parents. It has helped nine
36 |
He became a psychiatrist, building a satisfying homebased general psychiatry practice. A turn in the road came
in 1989, when Dr. Groban joined Mid-Atlantic Medical
Services Inc. (MAMSI) as a behavioral consultant. When,
over the next decade, the company's performance and
stock plunged, the psychiatrist with a medical degree
but no MBA was named Chairman of the Board, with a
mandate to “diagnose and treat” the company's problems.
The patient was ailing. But Dr. Groban's training at
Albany Medical College had prepared him to restore it
to robust health. “At the college, I learned how to view
problems from different angles, and to see the patient
as a whole, not just as an illness. When I looked at the
company as if it were a patient, I saw which areas weren't
functioning well.” Thanks to the college, he also knew how
to treat the disease.
Imbued with his school's emphasis on patient-centered
care, Dr. Groban developed the MAMSI Creed. “It
involved treating employees so well, they'd enjoy coming to
work each day. And letting them know we valued them.”
His prescription revived the company.
Selling the now-flourishing MAMSI let Dr. Groban
provide his family with unprecedented financial comfort.
David S. Pointon, M.D.
Douglas W. Rainforth, M.D.
George J. Roff, M.D.
Alexander B. Snyder, M.D.
Fred C. Storm, M.D.
Long-time supporters of the Alumni Annual Fund, he and
his wife wanted to establish a scholarship. “The school
had been so good to me. The professors were outstanding
teachers and treated students with great respect. The
school showed me what a real doctor could do for people.”
The couple also consulted their children. “We wanted them
to learn the meaning of charity -- of giving to others when
you have the ability to do so. They were wholeheartedly in
favor of the scholarship.”
Class of 1966
Charles J. Bertuch, Jr., M.D.
James S. Breivis, M.D.
Dennis A. Brown, M.D.
George P. Delyanis, M.D.
William H. Donovan, M.D.
Robert R. Faust, Jr., M.D.
Gerard E. Fegan, M.D.
Leonard R. Geiger, M.D.
A medical degree, Dr. Groban says, prepares students not
just for medicine, but for living, business -- even parenting.
“Part of what a medical degree teaches you is caring for
people, and demonstrating that caring. Dealing with
illness teaches you that sometimes you'll succeed, and
sometimes you won't. You learn empathy for people, and
for their families, who are worried and scared. When your
children have problems, you know when to interfere, and
when to let them figure it out on their own.”
David M. Gottesman, M.D.
J. Bruce Hagadorn, M.D.
Kathryn T. Handron, M.D.
Arthur H. Knowlton, M.D.
J. Brett Lazar, M.D.
Ronald C. Meyer, M.D.
John C. Prindle, M.D.
Russell W. Robertson, M.D.
Jeffrey Rudnick, M.D.
Through his remarkable 45th Reunion challenge, Dr.
Groban hopes to inspire an outpouring of philanthropy.
“I want to encourage my classmates and other classes as
well. The school was good to us. It taught us how to be
doctors. It taught us how to be better people. We have an
obligation to help.”
At the recent Scholarship Celebration, Dr. and Mrs.
Groban met their newest scholarship student, Gregory
Emmanuel. It was an emotional encounter for both. “Just
knowing you're giving it to them is a pleasure,” Dr. Groban
says. “Meeting them is a bonus.” And he can't resist
adding, “I'm grateful I went to Albany Medical College
when I did. I'd never get in now!”
Paul C. Schreiber, M.D.
Maureen C.H. Sze, M.D.
Robert E. Tank, M.D.
Thomas A. Vest, M.D.
Betty R. Vohr, M.D.
Class of 1967
Robert Dewell, M.D.
George J. DiDonna, M.D.
L. Stephen Endsley, M.D.
Matthew A. Farina, M.D.
D. John Farnham, M.D.
Gault M. Farrell, M.D.
Gerald Felsenthal, M.D.
Mark D. Groban, M.D.
Stephen F. Gunther, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
F. Robert Jordan, Jr., M.D.
James E. Joy, M.D.
Thomas H. Lesnik, M.D.
Richard G. Masson, M.D.
Joel M. Miller, M.D.
Robert F. Moseley III, M.D.
Robert F. Pickels, M.D.
A. John Popp, M.D.
Richard W. Price, M.D.
Lucy A. Sandler, M.D.
Laurence Shandler, M.D.
Regina and Thomas Snyder, M.D. ’69
D. Billings Wheeler, M.D.
Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. ’69
Class of 1968
Dr. Thomas L. Snyder, ‘69, always knew Albany Medical
College offered him a unique experience. “The professors
treated you as an adult,” he recalls. “Even then, students were
diverse. One wanted to be a pro football player until he blew
his knee out. One was an ordained Presbyterian minister.”
Diversity, Dr. Snyder says, made him a well-rounded
Today, living with his wife near San Francisco, he is enjoying
retirement after a distinguished medical service career. Despite
full and busy lives, the Snyders always remember Albany
Medical College. “Gina and I would look at each other and say,
‘We wouldn’t be where we are now if not for the College.’”
The Snyders are Pillars Society members and longtime Alumni
Annual Fund donors as well as matchmakers for the college,
linking San Francisco area alumni through a variety of outings.
Now Dr. and Mrs. Snyder have capped it all off with a
generous charitable bequest to the Medical School, earmarked
for endowment.
Joseph Agris, M.D.
James C. Arseneau, M.D.
Peter T. Burkart, M.D.
Charlotte C. Carnes, M.D.
James K. Condon, M.D.
Herbert J. DiMeola, M.D.
James J. Glynn, M.D.
Carl M. Goldblum, M.D.
Neil E. Green, M.D.
Arthur S. Hengerer, M.D.
Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D.
George F. Lee, M.D.
Denis N. Lusignan, M.D.
Peter D. Walzer, M.D.
Donald E. Ware, M.D.
Alfred H. Woodworth, M.D.
Class of 1969
William S. Barry, M.D.
William P. Batsford, M.D.
Ronald T. Burkman, M.D.
“It’s the notion of supporting the next generation of medical
providers.” says Dr. Snyder thoughtfully.
David J. Haidak, M.D.
Adds Mrs. Snyder, “It’s a values issue.”
William G. Johnston, Jr., M.D.
Value – something the Snyders both see in a lifelong
relationship with Albany Medical College.
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L. Nelson Hopkins, M.D.
G. Timothy Johnson, M.D.
Robert Lang, M.D.
Gerald M. Lazar, M.D.
William H. Montano, M.D.
Edith A. Levine, M.D.
W. Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D.
Barbara F. Mufti, M.D.
Steven M. Litinsky, M.D.
Neal L. Rogers, M.D.
Thomas M. Mulcahy, Jr., M.D.
Mary Anne MacCaughelty, M.D.
Philip Saccoccia, Jr., M.D.
Rebecca F. Nachamie, M.D.
Brian L. Sayer, M.D.
William A. Shachtman, M.D.
Dennis P. Norfleet, M.D.
Daniel L. Scharf, M.D.
Peter D. Shapiro, M.D.
John D. Norton, M.D.
Edward C. Schmidt, M.D.
Alan P. Sitron, M.D.
Nicholas D. Procino, M.D.
Howard D. Shapiro, M.D.
Michael R. Sorrell, M.D.
William C. Rosen, M.D.
Mark H. Shelofsky, M.D.
John VanOrden, M.D.
Seymour J. Rosenbloom, M.D.
William M. Vanneman, Jr., M.D.
Neil T. Wolfman, M.D.
Harvey D. Scherer, M.D.
Richard M. Weinberg, M.D.
Stephen A. Youngwirth, M.D.
Captain Thomas L. Snyder, M.D.
G. Randolph Westby, M.D.
David H. Sprague, M.D.
Class of 1972
John C. Wheeler, DM.D., M.D.
Class of 1971
Scott C. Yeaw, M.D.
Thomas A. Bailey, M.D.
Allan R. Bernstein, M.D.
Bruce Bienenstock, M.D.
Edward L. Bove, M.D.
John H. Blewett, M.D.
Robert Burakoff, M.D.
Edward R. Alexson, M.D.
Michael A. Boxer, M.D.
George E. Burns, M.D.
Ann V. Als, M.D.
Victor L. Carpiniello, M.D.
Margaret M. Craven, M.D.
Anita Balodis, M.D.
Patricia M. Catalano, M.D.
W. Jarrard Goodwin, Jr., M.D.
Gary E. Barnett, M.D.
Francis T. Deane, M.D.
David F. Graf, M.D.
James P. Barrett, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard M. Dickerman, M.D.
David C. Grenoble, M.D.
Bonnie B. Baswell, M.D.
Ernst R. Dorsch, M.D.
Vincent F. Guida, M.D.
David L. Baswell, M.D.
Alexander Filipp, M.D.
Lawrence A. Horn, M.D.
William M. Boehme, M.D.
Joseph Forestiere, M.D.
Randall S. Krakauer, M.D.
Melvin L. Bram, M.D.
Madeline E. Gerken, M.D.
John J. LaFerla, M.D.
Steven J. Burakoff, M.D.
Robert P. Goldman, M.D.
Laurel S. Lipshutz, M.D.
Christine L. Burns, M.D.
Dennis S. Gordan, M.D.
Kevin G. Looser, M.D.
James S. Campbell, M.D.
Ronald J. Graf, M.D.
Jeffrey Lozman, M.D.
Charles R. Carozza, M.D.
James R. Hengerer, M.D.
Richard T. MacDowell, M.D.
Edward B. Clark, M.D.
Richard G. Honig, M.D.
James C. MacIntyre II, M.D.
Michael T. Cooperman, M.D.
Charles Y. Kawada, M.D.
Michael H. Metzler III, M.D.
Donald E. Craven, M.D.
Sanford L. Klein, M.D.
Arthur E. Orlick, M.D.
Eric C. Disbrow, M.D.
Thomas Klepetar, M.D.
Barbara Perina, M.D.
Steven H. Dorfman, M.D.
Daniel A. Kramer, M.D.
Norman R. Romanoff, M.D.
Paul D. Garson, M.D.
Michael H. Lager, M.D.
William P. Schecter, M.D.
Frank J. Gaudiano, Jr., M.D.
Gary C. Lang, M.D.
Peter B. Sherer, M.D.
John J. Geren, M.D.
Charles W. Lasky, Jr., M.D.
Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
Walter L. Groff, M.D.
Peter D. McGann, M.D.
Barry S. Yoss, M.D.
Diane J. Henderson, M.D.
Jerry Meislik, M.D.
Lawrence C. Zweibel, M.D.
Albert Y. C. Lam, M.D.
William Nisbet, M.D.
Class of
Class of 1970
Leonard E. Averill, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Class of 1973
Kenneth R. Adler, M.D.
Frederick P. Ambrose, M.D.
John F. Assini, M.D.
Robert G. Briggs, Ph.D.
Jonathan C. Britell, M.D.
Richard E. Carroll, M.D.
James C. Chingos, M.D.
Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D. ’71
Eager to attend the winter 2011 Scholarship Dinner,
W. Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D. ’71, was flying from
Seattle to Albany when a snowstorm grounded his plane.
Mrs. Overfield attended in her neurologist husband's
place -- and what she saw and heard that evening
caused the couple to create an endowed scholarship for
the College.
The idea was not new for the Overfields, who give
yearly to the College. Yet mingling with the scholarship
students, Mrs. Overfield felt a sharper urgency. “They
seemed so committed and focused, I was reminded
again that it would be nice to help.” She also sensed a
special emotion in scholarship donor Dr. Peter Shapiro, a
classmate and close friend of her husband’s. “I could see
Peter was very proud to be doing what he's doing.”
Richard L. Farrell, M.D., Jr.
Garry B. Gewirtzman, M.D.
Ronald B. Goodspeed, M.D.
William J. Hennessey, M.D.
Harry L. Haroutunian, M.D.
Earl L. Horton, M.D.
Donald R. Howard, M.D.
Douglas J. Ivan, M.D.
David S. Jackson, M.D.
Paul A. Levine, M.D.
Col. Frank M. Mroz, M.D.
J. Bryan Murphy, M.D.
Winford A. Quick, M.D.
Charles E. Staunton, M.D.
Harry E. Steiner, M.D.
James Edward Striker, M.D.
Steven M. Turbiner, M.D.
Upon further discussion, the Overfields made the
decision to carry through with their scholarship plan.
She said to me, 'We've been talking about this and we
need to do it.' I said, 'Yes, I want to do more for the
Medical School.'"
John B. Waldman, M.D.
Dr. Overfield hopes his scholarship inspires fellow
alumni. “I'd like to see more of my classmates create
scholarships, to feel the positive sense you get from
helping the place that helped you.”
Michael R. Barnett, M.D.
Class of 1974
Stephen J. Abrams, M.D.
Sterling S. Baker, M.D.
William R. Bell, M.D.
Edward S. Berretta, M.D.
Alan J. Berrick, M.D.
Edwarda M. Buda-Okreglak, M.D.
William R. Dooley, M.D.
Philip T. Drew, M.D.
John T. Fallon III, M.D.
Jacqueline M. Fogarty, M.D.
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Jay Gross, M.D.
Charles J. Neilson, M.D.
Ralph L. Kramer, M.D.
William C. Hall, M.D.
Arthur G. Pettygrove, M.D.
Kenneth C. Low, M.D.
Murray Korc, M.D.
Donna M. Pietrocola, M.D.
Scott Maizel, M.D.
Jill A. Largent, M.D.
Steven Pinheiro, M.D.
Catherine M. Mills, M.D.
Henry H. Macler, Jr., M.D.
Michael W. Rosenberg, M.D.
James J. Montagano, M.D.
John W. Malo, M.D.
Joel A. Sender, M.D.
Gary S. Needell, M.D.
Clifford C. Marr, M.D.
Glenn S. Shear, M.D.
Abraham Nussbaum, M.D.
William S. Martens, M.D.
Merrill J. Solan, M.D.
Daniel J. O'Connell, M.D.
Eugene C. Maso, M.D.
Celeste Szewczyk, M.D.
Steven M. Opal, M.D.
Geoffrey W. McCarthy, M.D.
John A. Walsh, M.D.
Richard R. Pesce, M.D.
Susan A. Ostrowski, M.D.
Christopher C. Way, M.D.
Mary E. Rappazzo, M.D.
Kenneth M. Pariser, M.D.
Gary F. Willen, M.D.
Lee Robbins, M.D.
Ronald Roth, M.D.
Lawrence D. Weber, M.D.
Vincent J. Russo, M.D.
Ronald S. Scheinzeit, M.D.
Theodore H. Zeltner, M.D.
Terrance J. Sacchi, M.D.
Paul R. Sherban, M.D.
Allen W. Zieker, M.D.
George T. Shelton, M.D.
Andrew J. Solan, M.D.
Neal J. Sherman, M.D.
Thomas F. Spethmann, M.D.
Class of 1976
Glenn M. Silverman, M.D.
Andrew J. Sullivan, Jr., M.D.
Robert J. Anderson, M.D.
Lawrence W. Silvers, M.D.
John R. Warkentin, M.D.
Catherine E. Bartlett, M.D.
Susan Singer, M.D.
T. Michael White, M.D.
Debra A. Bell, M.D.
Gary L. Sutter, M.D.
Bruce J. Yee, M.D.
Margaret Block, M.D.
Gary R. Wakeman, M.D.
Lawrence H. Bloom, M.D.
George J. Zambetti, Jr., M.D.
Class of 1975
Donna A. Caniano, M.D.
J. Raymond Cetner, M.D.
Class of 1977
Andrew I. Bressler, M.D.
Linda L. Civerchia Balent, M.D.
Marino Baselice, M.D.
James D. Buttorff, M.D.
Diane I. Cohen, M.D.
Frank A. Blumenstock, Ph.D.
George M. Cibik, M.D.
John J. Cronan, M.D.
Teresa S. Briggs, M.D.
James C. Cruickshank, M.D.
Desmond R. Del Giacco, M.D.
Wayne R. Christie, M.D.
Paul A. Forman, M.D.
Ronald B. Durning, Jr., M.D.
Richard C. Cimma, M.D.
Edward J. Jacobs, M.D.
Thomas Flotte, M.D.
Michael B. Clark, M.D.
William R. Kimball, M.D.
Ivan A. Friedrich, M.D.
Joseph G. Coroso, M.D.
Peter J. Koltai, M.D.
Philip J. Gara, Jr., M.D.
John Czajka, M.D.
Robert J. Levai, M.D.
Stephen M. Gollomp, M.D.
Linda Dubins, M.D.
Michael G. Levitzky, Ph.D.
James S. Gracer, M.D.
Steven P. Dunn, M.D.
Stanley M. Lewis, M.D.
Gregory R. Harper, M.D., Ph.D.
Ira Esformes, M.D.
Luke K. LiCalzi, M.D.
Kevin J. Herlihy, M.D.
Carolyn L. Frymoyer, M.D.
John C. McPhillips, M.D.
Dorothea M. Hoover, M.D.
Paul Frymoyer, M.D.
Austin I. Mehrhof, M.D.
Robert Josephberg, M.D.
James D. Fuchs, M.D.
Paul M. Miller, M.D.
Kirk R. Kanter, M.D.
Harold R. Goldberg, M.D.
Mark J. Mittenthal, M.D.
John E. Kaplan, Ph.D.
L. Michael Graver, M.D.
John Mueller, M.D.
John R. Kittredge, M.D.
William E. Greiner, M.D.
Class of
Mark Barasz, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Marc A. Hirsh, M.D.
Lorraine E. Davis, M.D.
Ann V. Michalek, M.D.
Brian J. Izzo, M.D.
Richard B. Deatsch, M.D.
Steve Z. Mitchell, M.D.
David E. Kaplan, M.D.
Harry J. DePan, M.D.
Richard L. Paulson, M.D.
Steven M. Keller, M.D.
Adrian S. Dobs, M.D.
Stanley J. Pietrak, M.D.
Peter H. Kelly, M.D.
Amy Ducatman Dunn, M.D.
Laurence A. Primack, M.D.
Alan J. Kivitz, M.D.
Edmond J. Fitzgibbon, M.D.
Nanette F. Santoro, M.D.
Paul E. Kross, M.D.
Hal J. Freiman, M.D.
Richard Schreiber, M.D.
Leonard S. Lilly, M.D.
Monte R. Friedman, M.D.
David L. Semenoff, M.D.
Barry S. Lindenberg, M.D.
Risa Kagan, M.D.
Bryan Smead, M.D.
Russell F. Mankes, Ph.D.
Catherine A. Kiley, M.D.
Harold M. Sokol, M.D.
Glenn E. Mathisen, M.D.
Charles Kite, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Sumner, M.D.
Woods McCahill, Jr., M.D.
Paul A. Kurth, M.D.
J. Scott Toder, M.D.
John J. Meharg, M.D.
Janet P. Lord, M.D.
Arthur R. Vakiener, M.D.
David S. Mendelson, M.D.
Todd A. Meister, M.D.
John H. Wales, M.D., M.B.A.
Fred E. Mensch, M.D.
Meryl H. Mendelson, M.D.
Gary A. Weinstock, M.D.
Florence A. Nolan, M.D.
Patrice A. Moreno, M.D.
Jacques L. Winter, M.D.
John A. Nolan, M.D.
Bruce D. Nash, M.D.
Diane D. Wirz, M.D.
Marvin S. Packer, M.D.
Joseph M. Newmark, M.D.
Robert M. Zwolak, M.D.
Bradley H. Paddock, M.D.
Kathryn T. O'Keeffe, M.D.
Robert J. Panzer, M.D.
Mark D. Perry, M.D.
Class of 1980
Mark E. Parker, M.D.
Fredric S. Schoen, M.D.
Suzanne M. Ackley, M.D.
Jonathan P. Pendleton, M.D.
Gary S. Silverstein, M.D.
Edmond N. Amyot, M.D.
Edward F. Phillips, M.D.
Michael Y. Wong, M.D.
Roxana F. Barad, M.D.
Class of 1979
Kevin W. Roberts, M.D.
Paul C. Chalmers, M.D.
John F. Schenck, M.D.
Maureen Donnelly, M.D.
Barbara Schneider, M.D.
Barbara S. Ducatman, M.D.
Donald R. Schoch, M.D.
John M. Eckel, M.D.
Kenneth A. Sherban, M.D.
Patricia A. Eretto, M.D.
Vicki M. Sommer, M.D.
Irene B. Faust, M.D.
Toni B. Walzer, M.D.
Paul J. Feustel, Ph.D.
Robert O. Webster, Ph.D.
Thomas D. Fogel, M.D.
Class of 1978
Steven M. Frisch, M.D.
Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D.
Evan P. Provisor, M.D.
Richard A. Beyer, M.D.
Naomi Bloomfield, M.D.
Frederick W. Brandt, M.D.
Richard M. Buschatzke, M.D.
Margaret R. Carley, M.D.
Phyllis Chang, M.D.
James W. Cilecek, M.D.
Joseph A. Corsetti, M.D.
Eileen K. Cutler, M.D.
Class of
Jonathan A. Polikoff, M.D.
Jeffrey S. Daniels, M.D.
Robert L. Dannenhoffer, M.D.
James M. DeMasi, M.D.
Elizabeth J. Beautyman, M.D.
Kim Goldenberg, M.D.
Robert A. Bergamini, M.D.
Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D.
Cynthia D. Devore, M.D.
Bruce R. Blazar, M.D.
James F. Horn, M.D.
Mary Ellen Drislane, M.D.
Jeffrey D. Blonstein, M.D.
Harold B. Luke, M.D.
Robert H. Dropkin, M.D.
John J. Byrne, M.D.
Michael H. Jofe, M.D.
Bruce H. Handelman, M.D.
Richard E. Constable, M.D.
Malcolm J. Low, M.D.
Jeffrey A. Hirst, M.D.
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Carl M. Devore, M.D.
Mark M. Hoffman, M.D.
Michael J. Horgan, M.D.
Patricia L. Hughes, M.D.
Ann M. Hughes Daniels, M.D., M.B.A.
Lenworth N. Johnson, M.D.
Donald Jue, M.D.
Katherine Karlsrud, M.D.
Henry J. Katz, M.D.
Theodore N. Keltz, M.D.
Stephen S. Kornbluth, M.D.
Paul K. Kosty, M.D.
Andrew J. Kurman, M.D.
Anne K. Marthy-Noonan, M.D.
Thomas M. Mauri, M.D.
Michael J. Mulvaney, M.D.
Colin Hirst, M.D. ’12 being hooded by his father, Jeffrey Hirst, M.D. ’80
James M. Noonan, M.D.
Lawrence J. Parsley, Jr., M.D.
Brian R. Port, M.D.
Sharon Shapiro, M.D.
Barbara E. Staub, M.D.
John R. Stewart, Jr., M.D.
James C. Strazzeri, M.D.
John J. Wasenko, M.D.
Estelle I. Yamaki, M.D.
Class of 1981
Hayat N. Abuza, M.D.
Richard H. Alfred, M.D.
John A. Arcuri, M.D.
David M. Barnert, M.D.
Roger A. Barrowman, M.D.
Allan P. Baustin, M.D.
Deborah A. Belchis, M.D.
David A. Bernstein, M.D.
Arnold J. Blank, M.D.
James L. Donahue, M.D.
Robert F. Dunton, M.D.
Mark H. Eckman, M.D.
Jean Evans Oakes, M.D.
Jeffrey A. Hirst, M.D. ’80
Every 30 years or so, a Dr. Hirst has graduated from
Albany Medical College. "It's unusual to have four
generations in a row," says Dr. Jeffrey Hirst ’80. First came
Patrick J. Hirst, Class of 1910. Then his son, H. Sherman
Hirst, Class of 1941. His son, Dr. Jeffrey Hirst, practices
cardiology in West Hartford, CT. His son, Colin, graduated
in May.
Dr. Jeffrey Hirst says of his father, "He loved his experience
here. When I was first admitted, Dad came up for Alumni
Day. Walking in the halls, he spotted one of the older
cardiologists. Dad got all excited and almost playful,
saying to him, 'I was on your rotation!' He reverted from
being my father to being a student…like me!"
To honor the family legacy, Dr. Hirst established the Hirst
Family Endowed Scholarship. "My father and grandfather
would have wanted me to do this. The college is a
wonderful academic institution that trains good clinical
physicians. It depends on private donations. We need to
support its mission." Adds son Colin, "The scholarship
highlights the major role education has played in
our family."
Brenda E. Field, M.D.
Michael J. Halvonik, M.D.
* indicates deceased
Will a fifth Dr. Hirst graduate from the college? Check back
in 2042!
2011 Contributors
Ronald E. Hoenzsch, M.D.
Nannette B. Hoffman, M.D.
James E. Kolb, M.D.
David H. Kuehler, M.D.
David A. Mack, M.D.
Arthur J. Matzkowitz, M.D.
William D. Mayer, M.D.
Randolph M. McConnie, M.D.
Ronald L. Moy, M.D.
David E. Nardacci, M.D.
Arthur W. Perry, M.D.
Jeffrey B. Persons, M.D.
Van J. Ritter, M.D.
Kathleen Kelly, M.D. ’82
and Arnold Rosen, M.D. ’82
On orientation day at Albany Medical College, they
shared an elevator. Not long after that, they decided to
share their lives. Kathleen Kelly, M.D. ’82 and Arnold
Rosen, M.D. ’82, now live in Rockford, Illinois, where
Kathy is chief medical officer of a hospital and Arnie
practices gastroenterology.
The couple also shares a feeling of gratitude to the College
that prepared them for flourishing careers. And they
share a resolve to give back. “I'm very grateful for the
outstanding, high-caliber education I received, and I feel
it's the time in my career to pay back,” Kathy says.
Adds witty Arnie, “Albany Med gave me my life -- and
my wife!”
Regular donors, they found a way to do more at their 2002
class reunion. “I remember feeling challenged to hear
a class 25 years older than us was putting us to shame
with donations,” Arnie recalls. “The gauntlet was thrown
down.” Their class established an endowed scholarship
fund, which the couple hopes classmates will support even
more generously. “We owe so much to the education we
received here,” Kathy says. “Now we need to express that
gratitude by supporting other students.”
“Your gift will have the greatest impact here,” Arnie says.
Diana P. Sandberg, M.D.
Saverio J. Sava, M.D.
Richard J. Seeger, M.D.
William E. Shay, Jr., M.D.
Michael P. Sonnekalb, M.D.
Jane A. Starr, M.D.
Stephen E. Tracy, M.D.
Herschel Tress, M.D.
David M. Widlus, M.D.
Ron K. Wolner, M.D.
Class of 1982
Mitchell H. Bamberger, M.D.
Curtland C. Brown III, M.D.
Benjamin B. Chang, M.D.
Bruce E. Cooper, M.D.
Marianne H. Cowley, M.D.
Steven C. Dennis, M.D.
David J. Dickoff, M.D.
Martin J. Edelman, M.D.
William J. Feeney, Jr., M.D.
Bradford S. Germain, M.D.
Lisa J. Gruenberg, M.D.
Mark N. Hadley, M.D.
Robert E. Hawkins, M.D.
Robert J. Hedderman, M.D.
Peter M. Horvath, M.D.
Kathleen M. Kelly, M.D.
E. Michael Kramer, M.D.
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Andrew D. Mann, M.D.
Robert D. Millar, M.D.
Lew C. Schon, M.D.
Nancy Reisman Mann, M.D.
Kai H. Moy, M.D.
Philip A. Seibel, M.D.
Patrick J. McCreesh, M.D.
Kenneth I. Pearlman, M.D.
Paul R. Sklarew, M.D.
Brian J. McGrath, M.D.
James M. Provenzale, M.D.
Mark P. Slovenkai, M.D.
Daniel R. Miller, M.D.
Edna Anne Pytlak, M.D.
Dawn Tranchino Provenzale, M.D.
Daniel A. Morgenstern, M.D.
Matthew W. Rowe, M.D.
Charles F. Trapp, M.D.
Thomas H. Openshaw, M.D.
Randi L. Rowe, M.D.
Vincent P. Verdile, M.D.
Inez L. Pagnotta, M.D.
Bruce Sabatino, M.D.
W. Gregory Ward, M.D.
Arnold M. Rosen, M.D.
Gary K. Schwartz, M.D.
Paul M. Weidoff, Jr., M.D.
Michael P. Scherl, M.D.
Thomas G. Ward, M.D.
Kirkham B. Wood, M.D.
Wayne A. Schweitzer, M.D.
Gila Wiener Kriegel, M.D.
Thomas A. Wormer, M.D.
Philip E. Shapiro, M.D.
Ronald S. Zelnick, M.D.
Naomi N. Shields, M.D.
Class of 1984
Richard P. Silton, M.D.
Catherine R. Bartholomew, M.D.
Edward Skwiersky, M.D.
Anthony G. Bassanelli, M.D.
Class of 1985
Elizabeth A. Streeten, M.D.
M. K. Connolly, M.D.
Mark Armstrong, M.D.
Marc A. Swerdloff, M.D.
Peter W. Cohen, M.D.
Dean M. Barton, M.D.
Evan Vosburgh, M.D.
Susan L. Cohen Schwartz, M.D.
Robert A. Belgam, M.D.
Robert B. Weitzman, M.D.
Susan T. Crowley, M.D.
Anthony C. Campagna, M.D.
Mary Groda-Lewis, M.D.
Class of 1983
Paul A. De Pippo, M.D.
Peter Zloty, M.D.
Daniel S. Casper, M.D.
Mary M. Collins, M.D.
Victoria I. Balkoski, M.D.
Bruce P. Jaufmann, M.D.
Judith Boule, M.D.
Neil S. Kaye, M.D.
Mitchel A. Campito, M.D.
Paul W. Klosterman, M.D.
Susan Castronuovo, M.D.
Andrea M. Lefton, M.D.
Gregory W. Cooper, M.D.
Alan M. Lessner, M.D.
Orland Donald, M.D.
Anita Levin, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Feldman, M.D.
Jay R. Lieberman, M.D.
Robert T. Grant, M.D.
Deborah Longley, M.D.
Steven M. Greenberg, M.D.
Mark R. Milunski, M.D.
David G. Heisig, M.D.
James G. Mullet, M.D.
Carol L. Howe, M.D.
Rhonda J. Myers, M.D., Ph.D.
Thomas M. Hughes, M.D.
Annette R. Nathan, M.D.
David M. Mastrianni, M.D.
Anne H. Kalter, M.D.
William L. Niedrach, M.D.
Catherine McGovern, M.D.
Mitchell E. Kalter, M.D.
John R. O'Reilly, M.D.
Denene M. Milakovich, M.D.
Kathleen A. Kennedy, M.D.
John D. Papandrea, M.D.
Huda Montemarano, M.D.
Thomas M. Kennedy, M.D.
Diane F. Patrick, M.D.
Robert T. Morrison, M.D.
Barbara E. Krenzer, M.D.
Cynthia R. Pegler, M.D.
Suzanne M. Murphy, M.D.
Bruce J. Kriegel, M.D.
Elaine C. Price-Schwartz, M.D.
Rosanna Polsinelli Cafaro, M.D.
David H. Levoy, M.D.
Lee M. Ratner, M.D.
Joan F. Puglia, M.D.
Michael Luvin, M.D.
Anthony L. Ritaccio, M.D.
Peter R. Maggiore, M.D.
Barney Rubenstein, M.D.
Mark A. Coppes, M.D.
John P. Daigneault, M.D.
Susan M. Donnelly, M.D.
Beverly A. Fischer, M.D.
Howard Grodman, M.D.
Class of
Denene M. Klosterman, M.D.
Mitchel Krieger, M.D.
Michael S. Lauer, M.D.
Gregory Leghart, M.D.
Frank Lo Re, M.D.
Frank J. Malinoski, M.D., Ph.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
John M. Roehmholdt, M.D.
Robert D. Lerman, M.D.
Elizabeth A. Foley, M.D.
Nancy C. Sapio, M.D.
Seth A. Levin, M.D.
Elizabeth Garland, M.D.
Steven J. Seminer, M.D.
Frank Loh, M.D.
Ellen T. Geminiani, M.D.
Robert E. Shangraw, M.D.
Marta O. Lopatynsky, M.D.
Samuel H. Glassner, M.D.
Valerie A. Sharper, M.S.
Beth S. Marcus, M.D.
Samuel E. Green, M.D.
Rosabella Shek Loh, M.D.
Anthony J. Marinello, M.D.
Aries Liu Helm, M.D.
Nicholas Smyrnios, M.D.
Martin J. McCaffrey, M.D.
Thomas N. Helm, M.D.
Howard S. Snyder, M.D.
Nalin J. Mehta, M.D.
Jerome C. Hill, M.D.
Robert Sorrentino, M.D.
Gregg S. Meyer, M.D.
Lorna F. Honan, M.D.
Nirit Swerdloff, M.D.
Gregg E. Moral, M.D.
Vincent J. Honan, M.D.
Darrell J. Triulzi, M.D.
Robert N. Moukarzel, M.D.
James E. Honet, M.D.
Robert P. Walker, M.D.
Robert J. Newborn, M.D.
Gordon N. Kuhar, M.D.
Fran R. Wallach-Stein, M.D.
Amy Y. Nobu, M.D.
Linda J. Lokys, M.D.
Karen Wood, M.D.
Mary M. O'Hare, M.D.
Ursula A. Matulonis, M.D.
Halina M. Zyczynski, M.D.
Juan J. Ortiz, M.D.
Eric S. Molho, M.D.
Mary T. Panzetta, M.D.
Leonard C. Moses, M.D.
Philip S. K. Paty, M.D.
Joseph S. Pazienza, M.D.
Pasquale Petrera, M.D.
Laura E. Pica Pazienza, M.D.
Natalie J. Adler, M.D.
Gregory L. Pinto, M.D.
Debra S. Poskanzer, M.D.
Michael S. Albert, M.D.
Steven Pliskow, M.D.
W. Terence Reilly, M.D.
Vincent P. Beltrani, M.D.
John-Patrick Python, M.D.
Edward Rydzak, M.D.
Leslie E. Bernstein, M.D.
Edward N. Schreiber, M.D.
Bradley H. Seely, M.D.
Charles F. Botti, Jr., M.D.
Zorik Spektor, M.D.
Stuart D. Shanler, M.D.
Laura A. Carinci, M.D.
Douglas M. Stevens, M.D.
David M. Schuster, M.D.
Richard G. Clift, M.D.
Teresa F. Stevens, M.D.
Bradley H. Seely, M.D.
David C. Conway, M.D.
William R. Tetreault, M.D.
Stuart D. Shanler, M.D.
Elizabeth Johnson Cua, M.D.
Ralph W. Torr, M.D.
Thomas A. Swift, Ph.D.
James W. Doyle, Ph.D.
G. Sunny Uppal, M.D.
Spiro Theoharakis, M.D.
Andrew H. Dubin, M.D.
George A. Vassolas, M.D.
Linda S. Volpe, M.D.
Class of 1986
Jonathan D. Finder, M.D.
Michael D. Yanuck, M.D.
William M. Forman, M.D.
Class of 1987
Kevin J. Gibbons, M.D.
Carol L. Allfather, M.D.
Class of 1988
Marjorie P. Golden, M.D.
Gregory S. Azia, M.D.
Alan J. Barcomb, M.D.
Robert S. Haber, M.D.
Geoffrey W. Bacon, M.D.
Michael E. Brown, M.D.
Harry L. Haus, Jr., M.D.
Donna L. Balewick, M.D.
Joseph S. Cirrone, M.D.
Katherine M. Hess Tallering, M.D.
Donna M. Bhisitkul, M.D.
Stuart V. Demirs, M.D.
Maryanne Ilnickij, M.D.
Ellen M. Biggers, M.D.
Neil A. Fisher, M.D.
Maria N. Kansas-Devine, M.D.
Russ U. Braun, M.D.
Andrew S. Gardner, M.D.
Michael S. Katz, M.D.
Peter R. Cole, M.D.
Sue Goldie, M.D.
Gregory F. Keenan, M.D.
Brian G. Cuddy, M.D.
James G. Houle, M.D.
Richard J. Kennedy, M.D.
Randall S. Feingold, M.D.
Nicole Kenney, M.D.
Joseph E. Lellman, M.D.
James G. Fieseher, M.D.
Teresa Ning, M.D.
46 |
Craig A. Coletta, M.D.
Bernadette M. Levesque, M.D.
Julie A. O'Keefe, M.D.
Kathleen M. Crisafulli, M.D.
Sandra M. Nagler Hamberg, M.D.
Barry J. Perlman, M.D.
Patrick S. DePippo, M.D.
Nancy Peitavino Young, M.D.
Sheauying Ding, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Sujatha S. Reddy, M.D.
Brian M. Freed, Ph.D.
Richard B. Rho, M.D.
Michael H. Gallichio, M.D.
Margaret A. Russo, M.D.
Jacqueline K. Giannini Humiston, M.D.
Cara L. Todd, M.D.
Deborah Higgins, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Kathleen M. Wroblewski, M.D.
Daniel J. Humiston, M.D.
Peter C. Young, M.D.
Gerhard L. Perz, M.D.
Robert J. Rapoport, M.D.
Alan M. Sanders, M.D.
Lee G. Schulman, M.D.
Stephen M. Schutz, M.D.
Michael S. Severance, M.D.
John C. Notaro, M.D.
Richard A. Wilmot, M.D.
Peter E. Levesque, M.D.
Class of 1992
Tara A. Lindsley, Ph.D.
Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D.
Luis G. Marmol, M.D.
Christine C. Dearth, M.D.
Phillip J. Seifert, M.D.
Theresa DePippo, M.D.
David I. Shapiro, M.D.
Marianne L. Feran, M.D.
Jane P. Balint, M.D.
Richard D. Siegel, M.D.
Cynthia E. Flynn, M.D.
Regan L. Cardamone, M.D.
Mark P. Tallman, M.D.
Rajesh R. Gandhi, M.D., Ph.D.
Dwayne Clay, M.D.
Bruce S. Ushkow, M.D.
Charles A. Gatto, M.D.
Marjorie Curran, M.D.
Anne C. Walsh, Ph.D.
Eric M. Horwitz, M.D.
Ian N. Hamilton, Jr., M.D.
Steven B. Weinfeld, M.D.
Lynne B. Kaplinsky Brown, M.D.
Kevin Hill, M.D.
John F. Whitney, M.D.
James J. Kohut, M.D.
Edward Kaplan, M.D.
Kari W. Widger-Bovenzi, M.D.
Gerard McCrohan, M.D.
Thomas Q. Kong, Jr., M.D.
Joseph N. Wight, Jr., M.D.
Dennis P. McKenna, M.D.
Class of
Aaron Waxman, Ph.D., M.D.
Eric S. Knochenhauer, M.D.
Jitka L. Zobal-Ratner, M.D.
Class of 1989
Colleen A. Amato, M.D.
Keith G. Lowenstein, M.D.
Laura Mieszerski, M.D.
Shelly Pontier Lowenstein, M.D.
Class of 1991
Daniella Lukashok, M.D.
Cathy J. Berry Lozoponi, M.D.
Matthew J. Murnane, M.D.
Philip F. Rabinowitz, M.D.
Linda M. Callahan, Ph.D.
Harpreet K. Pannu, M.D.
Lorraine M. Schratz, M.D.
George L. Cooper, M.D.
Rita S. Patel, M.D.
Steven D. Schwartz, M.D.
Nicolina M. Cordaro-Davis, M.D.
John S. Pujals, M.D.
Christopher A. Sullivan, M.D.
Diane Cue, M.D.
Thomas B. Redens, M.D.
Karen L. Tan, M.D.
David A. Cutcliffe, M.D.
Kristen E. Robillard, M.D.
Sharon L. Taylor, M.D.
Kimberly A. Davis, M.D.
Jeffrey L. Rockmore, M.D.
Margaret von Mehren, M.D.
Elizabeth Dean-Clower, M.D.
Michael J. Sacca, M.D.
Ian J. Weinstein, M.D.
Katherine C. Eisenmenger, M.D.
Michael J. Wolpmann, M.D.
Karen Ernst, M.D.
Class of 1993
Josephine Gambardella, M.D.
Class of 1990
Roberto Antonacci, M.D.
Michael W. Graber, M.D.
Sean R. Bain, M.D.
Anthony V. Anderson, M.D.
John M. Haworth, M.D.
Matthew J. Ben, M.D.
David M. Belcher, M.D.
Kevin W. Hulseberg, M.D.
Lori B. Croft, M.D.
Christopher L. Campese, M.D.
David M. Kahn, M.D.
Bryon A. Dickerson, M.D.
Frank A. Catanzaro, M.D.
Suresh G. Kamath, M.D.
Richard D. Chen, M.D.
Paul J. Kuzma, M.D.
Gregory Montalbano, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Fraz A. Ismat, M.D.
Kevin Lau, M.D.
Eugene D. Mahaney, M.D.
Bernard T. Ng, M.D.
Edward R. O'Connor, Ph.D.
Nader T. Okby, M.D.
Bidyut K. Pramanik, M.D.
Class of 1994
Alan S. Boulos, M.D.
Maria B. Boulos, M.D.
Eric N. Bravin, M.D.
Robin M. Brody, M.D.
Christopher B. Nicpon, M.D.
Laurie M. Lambert Nadal, M.D.
Sonya E. Pritchard, M.D.
Hartwell N. Lin, M.D.
Michael S. Ross, M.D.
Nolawi M. Mengesha, M.D.
David E. Sherwood, M.D.
Karen Mrejen, M.D.
Aviva D. Zyskind, M.D.
Jason Mouzakes, M.D.
Uday Dasika, M.D.
Judy G. Kelleher, M.S., C.R.N.A.
David E. Johnson, M.D.
Suzanne I. Pastore, M.D.
Class of 1998
Marci Ann A. Reynolds, M.D.
Shellie Asher, M.D.
Class of
John C. Lantis, M.D.
Amy Hogan Moulton, M.D.
Robert Y. Shaw, M.D.
Alexander C. Brand, M.D.
Valerie M. Sprenz, M.D.
Steven R. Brown, M.D.
Debra M. Stein, M.D.
Felicia Chen, M.D.
Arvinder Uppal, M.D.
Michael K. Chung, M.D.
Moneeka Zaman, M.D.
Susan C. Galvin, M.D.
Daniel C. Jaffee, M.D.
Miranda Durham, M.D.
Class of 1996
Emily Etzkorn, M.D.
Mary E. Chmura, M.D.
David Newman, M.D.
Sheela S. Graney, M.D.
Steven J. Fleischman, M.D.
Daniel T. Phelan, M.D.
Gregory Heeb, M.D.
Shawn Gliklich, M.D.
Donna Phelan, M.D.
P. Elizabeth Kann, M.D.
Carey S. Hill, M.D.
Kinga Pluta, M.D.
Aaron S. Katz, M.D.
Wayne Hioe, M.D.
Asi L. Quaye, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Sunil K. Khanna, M.D.
Thomas J. Mollen, Jr., M.D.
Michael J. Zapor, M.D., Ph.D.
Jake Kushner, M.D.
Robert M. Schneider, M.D.
Paul J. Walting, M.D.
Kelly Larkin, M.D.
Donna J. Schue, M.D.
Shahrzad Mohammadi, M.D.
David E. Seals, M.D.
Class of 1999
Samir Parikh, M.D.
Nilesh B. Shukla, M.D.
Anthony Chang, M.D.
Joseph Paskowski, M.D.
Irene Y. Tien, M.D.
Alexandra M. Clark, M.D.
Elizabeth D. Paskowski, M.D.
Domenico Vitarella, Ph.D.
Jennifer G. Doe, M.D.
Anne M. Prentice, M.D.
Debra C. Zimring, M.D., Ph.D.
Rachel A. Egler, M.D.
William Price, M.D.
Christine Kilcline, M.D.
Clifford A. Erickson, M.D.
Garry Schwartz, M.D.
Class of 1997
Mariza E. Vergara Barbe, M.D.
Pamela K. Adelstein, M.D.
Suneet Kaur, M.D.
Jennifer J. Wu, M.D.
Jess G. Alcid, M.D.
Kirsten L. Kerrigan Bradley, M.D.
Teresa T. Chan, M.D.
Class of 1995
Kevin P. Khaw, M.D.
Allison R. DeTommasi, M.D.
Soibhan M. Kuhar, M.D.
Mathew T. Alexander, M.D.
Edwin C. Doe, Jr., M.D.
Wendy A. Lavezzi, M.D.
Jennifer L. Bard, M.D.
Meredith J. Englander, M.D.
Jon Lucas, M.D.
Damita L. Bryant, M.D.
Timothy F. Goggins, M.D.
Susan T. Mahan, M.D.
Visoth Chhiap, M.D.
Joshua A. Heller, M.D.
Salvatore Q. Napoli, M.D.
Carol L. Henderson-Roeder, M.D.
Manish Jain, M.D.
Darci Nielsen, M.S., Ph.D.
Elizabeth A. Hunt, M.D.
David M. Jones, M.D.
Rebecca L. Parrish, M.D.
William T. Hutchens, Jr., M.D.
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Jacqueline M. Jones, M.D.
Michael J. Rosenblum, M.D.
Deborah E. Wentworth Fowler, M.D.
Christopher R. Zieker, M.D.
Brigid M. Linnan, M.D.
Matthew L. Monroe, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Class of 2000
Class of 2002
Belinda C. Basaca Zeitlin, M.D.
Kathleen Aurelia, M.D.
Jane Scribner, M.D.
Gerard A. Betro, M.D.
Yen H. Nguyen, M.D.
Julia B. Toub, M.D.
Laurene M. Fleischer, M.D.
Oteng Walebowa, M.D.
Frank Congiusta, M.D.
Jennifer Gonzalez McComb, M.D.
Christopher C. Wong, M.D.
Solomon A. David, M.D.
Vanessa Greenwood, M.D.
Maude E. Dull, M.D.
Erin K. McHale, M.D.
Class of 2006
Aradhana Ghosh, M.D.
Jonathan Sales, M.D.
Jonathan F. Cahill, M.D.
Tamara Guichard, M.D.
Juan Sheng, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Debra Foster, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Jamie S. Khaw, M.D.
Jennifer L. Stratton, M.D.
Erin A. Gates, M.D.
Quimby E. McCaskill, M.D.
Jeffrey Uzzilia, M.D.
Michael Guest, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Brandon H. Milstead, M.S., C.R.N.A.
George Zanaros, M.D.
Paul Husson, M.D.
Class of
Jodi Dellarocca, M.S., C.R.N.A.
David B. Cohen, M.D.
Lyra W. Ng, M.D.
Michael A. Kubalik, M.D.
Melissa K. Wheelock, M.D.
Class of 2003
Frederick Y. Wu, M.D.
Janelle E. Arias, M.D.
Victoria I. Sahadevan-Fossland, M.D.
Marcin M. Zygawski, M.D.
Alpa Desai, M.D.
Seth C. Thomas, M.D.
Heather M. Engelhart, M.D.
Class of 2001
Stacey C. Olney, M.D.
Thomas E. Keane, M.D.
Class of 2007
Robert F. Love, M.D.
Tomasz T. Antkowiak, M.D.
Neil Anand, M.D.
Michael T. Mulligan, M.D.
Trevor J. Bayliss, M.D.
Reina Bender, M.D.
Jennifer R. Cerone, M.D.
Class of 2004
Venu Channamsetty, M.D.
Kelly K. Curtis, M.D.
Anne M. Gregoire, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Audrey M. Chen, M.S., Ph.D.
Tracey J. Jablonski, M.D.
Benjamin J. Infantino, M.D.
Daniel S. Choi, M.D.
Elizabeth R. Linnell, M.D.
Kristopher Jangrow, M.S.
John J. DeStafeno, M.D.
R. Peter Manes, M.D.
Alison D. Kirk, M.D.
Saryn Doucette, M.D.
Nestor B. Nestor, M.D.
Ivan M. Ngai, M.D.
John C. Drygas, M.D.
Njogu Njuguna, M.D.
Colin Blake, M.D.
Surendar Dwarakanathan, M.D.
Spencer C. Greene, M.D.
Angela A. Hsu, M.D.
Megan McMullan, M.D.
Allison D. Lupinetti, M.D.
Jordan E. Pinsker, M.D.
David Prybyla, M.D.
Shaheda A. Quraishi, M.D.
Ira Shetty, M.D.
Matthew A. Stupple, M.D.
Class of 2005
Class of 2008
Geoffrey Crawford, M.D.
Michael A. DiMeola, M.D.
Michael P. Beckett, M.D.
Helen Dinkelspiel, M.D.
Deanna M. Blanchard, M.D.
Elizabeth Paddock, M.D.
Jill L. Brodsky, M.D.
Michael L. Pomerantz, M.D.
Beverly J. Fang, M.D.
Victoria Varga, M.D.
Maria K. Guyette, M.D.
Class of
Mineke E. Etienne, M.D.
Joseph A. Picca, M.D.
Erick H. Cheung, M.D.
Barry E. Hatch, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Class of 2009
Michael W. Kessler, M.D.
Tina M. Latimer, M.D.
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Timothy Caramore, M.D.
Lauren Hansen, M.D.
2011 A lum ni
Amy Harbeck, M.S., C.R.N.A.
John Hopper, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Edward Hurwitz, M.D.
Edward Pieper, M.S., C.R.N.A.
Heather Prunty, M.D.
Kiley Toder, M.D.
Ellen and Edward Alexson, M.D. ’70
Bruce D. White, D.O., J.D., M.S.
Class of 2010
Erika B. Ebert, M.D.
Danielle P. Hedderson, M.D.
Amy Kakkanatt, M.D.
Nicole Lemanski, M.D.
Amanda A. Melillo, Ph.D.
Class of
Gregory C. Perry, M.D.
Melissa A. Perry, M.D.
Devin S. Zarkowsky, M.D.
Class of 2011
Ankur Aggarwal, M.D.
Ganary Dabiri, M.D., Ph.D.
Sean Geary, M.D.
Talia Gracer, M.D.
Adam Graver, M.D.
Sarah Koch, M.D.
Kelly and Richard Alfred, M.D. ’81
Susan and Albert Apicelli, M.D. ’65
Maxine and Thomas Bailey, M.D. ’71
Cheryl and Sterling Baker, M.D. ’74
Donna Balewick, M.D. ’87 and Kevin Balewick
Jane Balint, M.D. ’89 and Kenneth Ramsey
Victoria Balkoski, M.D. ’83 and Paul Winkeller
Edith and Mitchell Bamberger, M.D. ’82
Grace and Anthony Bardinelli, M.D. ’61
David Barnert, M.D. ’81
Irmgard and James Barrett, M.D. ’70, Ph.D.
Marino Baselice, M.D. ’77
Shahnaz and Frederick Bauer, M.D. ’62
David Beck, M.D. ’54
Mary* and Levon Bedrosian, M.D. ’47
Jacqueline and Vincent Beltrani, M.D. ’86
Susan and Allan Bernstein, M.D. ’72
Helen and Joseph Bernstein, M.D. ’52
Lois and Richard Bertini, M.D. ’58
Jonathan Kurman, M.D.
Jill and Bruce Bienenstock, M.D. ’71
Alexander Lee, M.D.
Patti and Richard Blide, M.D. ’55
Amanda Leung, M.D.
William Boehme, M.D. ’70
Julia Mathew, M.D.
Philip Bonanno, M.D. ’63
Karlin Nazario, M.D.
Diane and John Bosco, M.D. ’61
Adam Owens, M.D.
Marguerite and Richard Bozian, M.D. ’50
Samuel Park, M.D.
Patricia Hughes, M.D. ’80 and Frederick Brandt, M.D. ’80
Erin Sperry, M.D.
Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D. ’92
Laura Webster, M.D.
Catherine and Jonathan Britell, M.D. ’73
Shaina Willen, M.D.
Donna and Curtland Brown III, M.D. ’82
Jackie and Dennis Brown, M.D. ’66
Steven Burakoff, M.D. ’70
* indicates deceased
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Partners in Leadership are those donors who make gifts totaling $1,000 or more to Albany
Medical College in a year. Our Alumni Partners are leaders in helping to secure the future
success of the College. Thank you for your generous support.
Millie and Ronald Burkman, M.D. ’69
Cynthia Flynn, M.D. ’92 and Deirdre Boyle, Esq.
Christine Burns, M.D. ’70 and George Burns, M.D. ’72
Elizabeth Foley, M.D. ’87 and Steven Bayer, M.D.
Suzane and James Buttorff, M.D. ’75
Gisele and Brian Freed, Ph.D. '90
Cenie Cafarelli, M.D. ’58
Ellen and Hal Freiman, M.D. ’78
Dianne and James Campbell, M.D. ’70
Phyllis and Steven Frisch, M.D. ’79
Suzanne and Christopher Campese, M.D. ’90
Carolyn Frymoyer, M.D. ’77 and Paul Frymoyer, M.D. ’77
Donna Caniano, M.D. ’76 and Richard Flores
Babette and Herbert Gade, M.D. ’46
Daniel S. Casper, M.D. ’85
Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79
Patricia Catalano, M.D. ’71 and Anthony Catalano
Patricia and Ralph Giannella, M.D. ’65
Ethel Cermak, M.D. ’38
Sue and Jack Giddings, M.D. ’61
Susan and Paul Chalmers, M.D. ’79
Dante Gismondi, M.D. ’61
Claudia and David Chittenden, M.D. ’64
Timothy Goggins, M.D. ’97
Linda Civerchia Balent, M.D. ’76 and Alvan Balent, M.D.
Sandy and Harold Goldberg, M.D. ’77
Jere and James Claghorn, M.D. ’61
Morton Goldberg, D.M.D., M.D. ’61
Bette and John Cohen, M.D. ’63
Susanne Goldie, M.D. ’88, M.P.H. and Aaron Waxman, Ph.D.
Harold Colburn, M.D. ’49*
Toby and Robert Goldman, M.D. ’71
Carol and John Condemi, M.D. ’57
Rabbi Judy Shanks and James Gracer, M.D. ’76
Manya and Errikos Constant, M.D. ’61
Robert Grant, M.D. ’83
Marlene and Joseph Corsetti, M.D. ’80
Jodi Cohen and L. Michael Graver, M.D. ’77
Gretchen and Brian Cuddy, M.D. ’87
Lesley and Neil Green, M.D. ’68
Karen and John Czajka, M.D. ’77
Carol and David Grenoble, M.D. ’72
Ann Hughes Daniels, M.D. ’80 and Jeffrey Daniels, M.D. ’80
Lynne and Mark Groban, M.D. ’67
James DeMasi, M.D. ’80
Beverly and Stephen Gunther, M.D. ’67
Ellen and Harry DePan, M.D. ’78
Lori and Mark Hadley, M.D. ’82
Penny and Richard Dickerman, M.D. ’71
Judy and J. Bruce Hagadorn, M.D. ’66
Steven Dorfman, M.D. ’70
Deborah and Michael Halvonik, M.D. ’81
Ernst Dorsch, M.D. ’71
Lorraine and Gregory Harper, M.D., Ph.D. ’76
Karin Lowenthal and Maude Dull, M.D. ’00
Margaret L. Hayes, M.D. ’65*
Debbie and Clifford Erickson, M.D. ’99
Linda and Robert Hedderman, M.D. ’82
Jean Evans Oakes, M.D. ’81 and W. Jerry Oakes
Aries Helm, M.D. ’87 and Thomas Helm, M.D. ’87
David Falk, M.D. ’43
Arthur Hengerer, M.D. ’68
Missy and John Fallon III, M.D. ’74
Jeffrey Hirst, M.D. ’80
Sheryl and Randall Feingold, M.D. ’87
Judith and Eugene Hoenig, M.D. ’59
Debra Bell, M.D. ’76 and Thomas Flotte, M.D. ’76
Lorna Honan, M.D. ’87 and Vincent Honan, M.D. ’87
2011 Contributors
Diana Honet, RN '58 and Joseph Honet, M.D. ’57*
Janet Lord, M.D. ’78
Honorable Jaclyn Brilling and Michael Horgan, M.D. ’80
Judy and Kenneth Low, M.D. ’76
Lynn and James Horn, M.D. ’79
Nancy and Jeffrey Lozman, M.D. ’72
Virginia Giugliano, M.D. ’91 and Peter Horvath, M.D. ’82
Joan and Alfred Lucier, M.D. ’61
James Houle, M.D. ’88
Mary Anne MacCaughelty, M.D. ’70 and Robert MacCaughelty
Ann Hughes Daniels, M.D. ’80 and Jeffrey Daniels, M.D. ’80
Patricia and Peter Maggiore, M.D. ’83
Janet and Kevin Hulseberg, M.D. ’91
Judith and Frank Malinoski, M.D. ’85, Ph.D.
Yuriko and Alfred Ikefugi, M.D. ’53
Elizabeth and James Manion, M.D. ’61
Nancy and G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. ’69
Nancy Reisman Mann, M.D. ’82 and Andrew Mann, M.D. ’82
Patricia and Lenworth Johnson, M.D. ’80
Lucille and David Mastrianni, M.D. ’85
Nancy and William Johnston, Jr., M.D. ’69
Glenn Mathisen, M.D. ’77
Mary and James Joy, M.D. ’67
Barbara and Bernard McEvoy, M.D. ’61
Josephine and Kirk Kanter, M.D. ’76
Kris and Peter McGann, M.D. ’71
Beth Del Savio and Aaron Katz, M.D. ’94
Ashley and Brian McGrath, M.D. ’82
Janet and Charles Kawada, M.D. ’71
Anne and Charles McHugh, M.D. ’64
Cynthia and Maurice Keenan, M.D. ’61
Karen and Dennis McKenna, M.D. ’92
Matilda Kiesel, RN '59 and Robert Kiesel, M.D. ’60
Linda and Gary Miller, M.D. ’65
Linda and William Kimball, M.D. ’75
Mary and Steve Mitchell, M.D. ’79
Peggy and Leonard Kirschner, M.D. ’61
Betty and Stephen Monaghan, M.D. ’53
Tara Lindsley, Ph.D. '90 and Charles Kite, M.D. ’78
William Montano, M.D. ’69
Vicki Sommer, M.D. ’77 and Alan Kivitz, M.D. ’77
Moriah Moser and Daniel Morgenstern, M.D. ’82
Sanford Klein, M.D. ’71
Mary Anne and Robert Moseley III, M.D. ’67
Rita and Peter Koltai, M.D. ’75
Lisa and Ronald Moy, M.D. ’81
Antoinette and Murray Korc, M.D. ’74
Paula and Frank Mroz, M.D. ’73
Marcia and Randall Krakauer, M.D. ’72
Christine and Michael Mulligan, M.D. ’03
Laura and Daniel Kramer, M.D. ’71
Janet and Michael Mulvaney, M.D. ’80
Margaret and E. Michael Kramer, M.D. ’82
David Nalin, M.D., '65
Sharon Shapiro, M.D. ’80 and Andrew Kurman, M.D. ’80
Connie and Donald Namm, Ph.D. ’65
Jane Royal and John Lantis, M.D. ’93
Andrea and Robert Newborn, M.D. ’86
Margaret and John Larkin, M.D. ’57
Robert Newhouse, M.D. ’56
Kelly Larkin, M.D. ’94 and Claude Beasley
Teresa Ning, M.D. ’88 and Benjamin Ning
John Lathrop, M.D. ’55
Donna and John Nolan, M.D. ’77
Karen Tan, M.D. ’89 and Kevin Lau, M.D. ’93
Anne Marthy-Noonan, M.D. ’80 and James Noonan, M.D. ’80
Elizabeth and John Leaman, M.D. ’54
Barbara Noyes, M.D. ’49
Beverly and Arthur Lehrman, M.D. ’58
Daniel O'Keeffe, M.D. ’45
Judith and Neil Lempert, M.D. ’58
Kathryn O'Keeffe, M.D. ’78 and James Fuchs, M.D. ’77
Bernadette Levesque, M.D. ’91 and Peter Levesque, M.D. ’90
Alice and Thomas Openshaw, M.D. ’82
Carolyn Langer, M.D. and Leonard Lilly, M.D. ’77
Joann and W. Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D. ’71
Linda Lokys, M.D. ’87
Mark Parker, M.D. ’77
Deborah Longley, M.D. ’84
Sharon and Kenneth Pearlman, M.D. ’83
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Kathy and Pasquale Petrera, M.D. ’86
Judith and Laurence Sherman, M.D. ’64
Leslie and Arthur Pettygrove, M.D. ’75
Nancy and Stephen Sills, M.D. ’62
Donna Phelan, M.D. ’98 and Daniel Phelan, M.D. ’98
Saundra and Glenn Silverman, M.D. ’76
Sharon Sullivan and Paul Phillips, M.D. ’62
Susan Singer, M.D. ’76
Donna Pietrocola, M.D. ’75 and Steven Pinheiro, M.D. ’75
Judy and Edward Skwiersky, M.D. ’82
Nancy and Wellington Pindar, M.D. ’59
Mark Slovenkai, M.D. ’84
Sherry Hartman-Poggi and John Poggi, M.D. ’57
Martha and I. Arnold Slowe, M.D. ’58
Betty and Kenneth Pratt, M.D. ’57
Nancy and Karl Sohlberg, M.D. ’51
Nicholas Preston, M.D. ’47
Joan and Merritt Spear, M.D. ’60
Helen and Donald Price, M.D. ’61
Teresa Stevens, M.D. ’86 and Douglas Stevens, M.D. ’86
Elaine Price-Schwartz, M.D. ’84 and Joshua Schwartz
Elizabeth and David Stewart, M.D. ’48*
Richard Propp, M.D. ’60
James Strazzeri, M.D. ’80
Dawn Tranchino Provenzale, M.D. ’84
Heather Dwyer and Mark Tallman, M.D. ’90
and James Provenzale, M.D. ’83
Robert Tank, M.D. ’66
Karen and John Pujals, M.D. ’92
Kim and J. Scott Toder, M.D. ’79
Lucille and James Puleo, Sr., M.D. ’61
Michele and Charles Trapp, M.D. ’84
Fredrick and Edna Anne Pytlak, M.D. ’83
Joan Treuer, M.D. ’53 and Warren Treuer
Suzanne and Robert Rapoport, M.D. ’88
Irene and Clyde Turner, M.D. ’61
Lee Robbins, M.D. ’76
Kathleen Aurelia, M.D. ’02 and Jeffrey Uzzilia, M.D. ’02
Judith and Kevin Roberts, M.D. ’77
William Vanneman, Jr., M.D. ’70
Tiiu and Roger Robison, M.D. ’63
Jenny and John VanOrden, M.D. ’71
Mary and George Roff, M.D. ’65
Lou-Ann and Vincent Verdile, M.D. ’84
Kathleen Kelly, M.D. ’82 and Arnold Rosen, M.D. ’82
Jean and Thomas Vest, M.D. ’66
Seymour Rosenbloom, M.D. ’69
Betty Vohr, M.D. ’66 and Thomas Gidley
Dikea Roussos-Ross, M.D. and Michael Ross, M.D. ’97
Elizabeth Myers and Evan Vosburgh, M.D. ’82
Susan and Jeffrey Rudnick, M.D. ’66
John Warkentin, M.D. ’74
Janie and Vincent Russo, M.D. ’76
Roberta and John Wasenko, M.D. ’80
Edward Rydzak, M.D. ’87
Tammy and Steven Weinfeld, M.D. ’90
Leizbeth and Alan Sanders, M.D. ’88
Sarah and Donald Wheeler, M.D. ’67
Nancy Sapio, M.D. ’85 and David Taffany
John C. Wheeler, D.M.D., M.D. ’69
Miriam and Daniel Scharf, M.D. ’70
Sarah and Bruce White, D.O., J.D., M.S. ’09
Susan Kalia, M.D. and John Schenck, M.D. ’77
Kate and Robert Wickham, M.D. ’52
Robert Schneider, M.D. ’96
Lynn and Michael Wong, M.D. ’78
Erika and Lew Schon, M.D. ’84
Kirkham Wood, M.D. ’84
Merilyn and Paul Schreiber, M.D. ’66
Vivian and Barry Yoss, M.D. ’72
Bradley Seely, M.D. ’87
Eileen Zambetti, M.D. and George Zambetti, Jr., M.D. ’76
Beverly and William Shachtman, M.D. ’71
Marilyn and Leslie Zatz, M.D. ’52
Stuart Shanler, M.D. ’87
Patricia and Peter Shapiro, M.D. ’71
Michele and Glenn Shear, M.D. ’75
* indicates deceased
2011 Contributors
Members of the Albany Medical College Pillars Society have created a lasting legacy
using their wills, life income gifts or retirement plans.
John LaFerla, M.D. ’72, M.P.H.
Maxine and Thomas Bailey, M.D. ’71
John Lathrop, M.D. ’55
David Beck, M.D. ’54
Evelyn and Charles Leonhardt, M.D. ’53
Mary* and Levon Bedrosian, M.D. ’47
Leona and Jerome Levy, M.D. ’58
William Boehme, M.D. ’70
Robert Meineker, M.D. ’45
Philip Bonanno, M.D. ’63
Cora and William Meyer, Jr., M.D. ’55
Diane and John Bosco, M.D. ’61
William Montano, M.D. ’69
Alice and John Bowker, M.D. ’56
Robert Newhouse, M.D. ’56
Frederick Brandlin, M.D. ’56
Barbara Noyes, M.D. ’49
Christine Burns, M.D. ’70 and George Burns, M.D. ’72
Margaret and Mark Ortelee, M.D. ’54
Margaret and Donald Capuano, M.D. ’68
Kathaleen Perkins, M.D. ’54
Carol and Samuel Cassell, M.D. ’59
Harriet and Albert Peters, M.D. ’61
Claudia and David Chittenden, M.D. ’64
Norma and Fred Phillips, Jr., M.D. ’56
Jere and James Claghorn, M.D. ’61
Sharon Sullivan and Paul Phillips, M.D. ’62
Adrian Dobs, M.D. ’78 and Martin Auster, M.D.
Nancy and Wellington Pindar, M.D. ’59
James Dougherty, M.D. ’51
Eleanor and Charles Poskanzer, M.D. ’45
Societ y
Mary Louise and Anthony Arena, M.D. ’60
David Falk, M.D. ’43
Arthur Faris, M.D. ’53*
Helen and Matthew Presti, M.D. ’49
Richard Propp, M.D. ’60
Mary and George Roff, M.D. ’65
Deborah and Pasquale Fugazzotto, M.D. ’58
Sue and Wilbur Rust, M.D. ’57
Dante Gismondi, M.D. ’61
John Seaman, M.D. ’56
Janet Gissen, M.D. ’44
Alan Gulick, M.D. ’78
Societ y
Brooke and Michael Freilich, M.D. ’58
Judith and Eugene Hoenig, M.D. ’59
Suzanne and Martin Schulman, M.D. ’57
Thelma and Daniel Shapiro, M.D. ’50
Elbis Shoales, M.D. ’49
Sylvia and Seymour Horwitz, M.D. ’39
Regina and Thomas Snyder, M.D. ’69
Nancy and George Howard, M.D. ’59
Janet and Robert Steele, M.D. ’53*
Julian Hyman, M.D. ’47
Elizabeth and David Stewart, M.D. ’48*
PILLARS | S o c i e t y
Barbara and Nathaniel Silon, M.D. ’58
PILLARS | S o c i e t y
Diana Honet, RN '58 and Joseph Honet, M.D. ’57*
s o csio
e tcyi e t y
Alumni Pillars Society Members
Nancy and G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. ’69
Elaine and William Van Ost, M.D. ’54*
Cynthia and Maurice Keenan, M.D. ’61
Roberta and John Wasenko, M.D. ’80
Matilda Kiesel, RN '59 and Robert Kiesel, M.D. ’60
Marlene and Jacques Winter, M.D. ’79
Peggy and Leonard Kirschner, M.D. ’61
Nancy Worsham, M.D. ’63 and Jerry Worsham, M.D. ’62
Ruth and John Kovaric, M.D. ’50
Nancy Carlson and Ralph Kramer,
M.D. ’76
* indicates deceased
All efforts were made to make this report at accurate as possible. Should
you notice an error or omission in our
donor list, please contact the Albany Medical Center Foundation at (518) 262-8043 for a correction.
54 |
Sunday, September 30 - Los Angeles
Alumni Brunch, The Huntley Hotel,
Santa Monica, CA.
Thursday, October 18 - Boston Alumni
Reception, Brae Burn Country Club,
West Newton, MA.
Thursday, November 8 - NYC Alumni
Reception, New York Athletic Club.
Calling All Alumni
Are you part of a band, do you
perform with an orchestra, or
moonlight as a lounge singer? The
Alumni Association wants to hear
about our musical alumni for an
upcoming issue of the Bulletin.
Please email the Alumni Association:
[email protected]
or fax: 518.262.6824 and include
your name, group name, and anything
else you would like to share.
Friday, April 26 - Sunday, April 28
Pl a nning
Ways to Give
We are grateful to have alumni who support Albany Medical College in
many different ways. If you are considering a gift, please keep in mind the
wide variety of options available to you.
n cash n securities n bequests n trusts
n life income gifts n retirement assets
Contact Laura O’Brien
Director, Gift Planning
[email protected]
you’re online;
so are we!
Summer 2012 | 55
Nonprofit Organization
Alumni Office (MC-5) P4800
Albany Medical College
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
Albany, NY
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Student Newspaper Collection on the Alumni Association
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The collection contains three former student newspapers,
The Albany Medical Nexus, 1978-1999, The Differential,
2002-2003, and Student Perspectives, 2004-2005.
The project has been supported, in part, with Federal
funding received by the Schaffer Library of Health Sciences,
Albany Medical College, from the National Library of
Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of
Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N276-2011-00003-C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health
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