Annual Report - Giving Your Way


Annual Report - Giving Your Way
2015 Annual Impact Report
Our Foundation
Community Hospital
Anderson Foundation
Board Members
Tim Alford, D.D.S.
Jonathon Cook
Dear Friends of the Foundation:
Community Hospital Anderson is an inspiring place to work. Each day
compassionate and hardworking people come together to care for our
patients and enhance our community. At times our efforts are simple.
At times our efforts are complex. At all times our efforts are impactful.
Dana Donahue
Susan Durbin
Beth Erskine
Mike Montgomery
You play a significant role in the impact we have. Through your gifts, the
Foundation is able to support initiatives that save lives, enhance the patient
experience, improve the well-being of the members of our community,
benefit each school system in Madison County, and much more.
Merrellen Robinson
Jada Sparks
Pam Shoot
Tony Thanas
This Annual Impact Report is dedicated to you. In it you will find stories of
inspiration and success. As you read through it, know that we are grateful for
your contributions in allowing these dreams to become reality. Together, we
are making a difference!
Bill Watson
Georgeann Whitworth
With warm and joyful regards,
Charlie Williams, M.D.
Tom Bannon
VP, Community Engagement
Chief Foundation Officer
Linda West
Foundation Development Manager
Impact of Community Hospital Anderson Foundation
Keith Trent’s
Coats of Caring
Approximate number of coats
donated from 2001-2015
Community Chefs
30,000 91
Donated to
Madison County Schools
HELP Loans
Total of $85,444
Keith Trent’s Coats of Caring
Since 2001, Community Hospital Anderson has been giving coats to
those in need. The program started in the hospital’s cafeteria. Then it
grew to include several conference rooms. Eventually, it outgrew the
hospital altogether and had to be moved to another location.
Community’s Keith Trent asked Tony Thanas and Bestway Cleaners to
join the program as a partner, and Thanas jumped at the opportunity
to give back to his community.
“I was honored that he asked us to do so.” Thanas said.
Originally from Anderson, Thanas is the third generation owner
of Bestway Cleaners, which has been in operation for over 50 years.
“Three generations, at the time, had been supported by Anderson and
Madison County with our business, and the business had prospered,”
said Thanas. “When this came along, it was easy to say yes.”
Since then, Bestway has been an integral part of the e ort every year,
cleaning all the coats, doing minor repairs to them and getting them
prepared to give away.
Today Keith Trent’s Coats of Caring gives away over 1,000 coats to
children and adults each year.
Tony Thanas cleans a coat at Bestway Cleaners.
Since partnering with Keith Trent’s Coats of Caring, Tony and his wife Win have gotten more involved with the
Community Hospital Anderson Foundation, including serving on the Foundation board for seven years and
participating in Community Chefs.
“I feel like I’ve received a lot more from being a part of Coats of Caring than what I’ve given.”
To learn more about Tony’s story, visit—
Keith Trent, now retired from Community Hospital
Anderson, helps families pick out hats and mittens
at the 2015 distribution at the Anderson Wigwam.
A Place for Legacy
Roettger makes donations in honor of her sister
After the passing of her sister Hildred Adler in 1999, Eulala Roettger was devastated.
She and Hildred were very close. They had even lived next to each other for many
years and she had been her sister’s caregiver in her final days.
“I remember very well when she died – all I did was cry, which didn’t seem to satisfy.”
Roettger said. “Thinking about memorializing Hildred and honoring her, I thought
that would help me in feeling that I didn’t lose her – she’s still here.”
After discussion with Community Hospital Anderson Foundation, Roettger purchased
rocking chairs for all of the rooms at New Generations Birth Place, in honor of
Hildred, a registered nurse who had worked at Community as the head of the OB
department for many years. Each of the rocking chairs is adorned with a plaque
that reads “In honor of Hildred Adler, RN.”
Hildred was dedicated to her work as an OB nurse. “She loved babies. Sometimes
she would follow them through life. She went to their high school graduations.
She went to their weddings. She stayed with some of them forever,” Roettger said.
Eulala Roettger with her sister Hildred Adler
Through Roettger’s memorial gift, Hildred can continue to provide care
for many mothers and babies.
Roettger added that it gave her peace of mind “to think of some
mother, sitting in that chair rocking her baby, and that could be
Hildred assisting.”
Eulala Roettger sits in one of the rocking chairs she
purchased in her sister's honor.
“Thinking about memorializing Hildred
and honoring her, I thought that would
help me in feeling that I didn’t lose her –
she’s still here.”
− Eulala Roettger
Simulation baby
Also in honor of her sister Hildred, Roettger
purchased a $32,000 simulation doll for New
Generations Birth Place that will be used to
train and educate nurses and other healthcare
Community Hospital Anderson’s New Generations
Birth Place delivers about 70 percent of the babies
born in Madison County.
“Fortunately most of our outcomes are good,”
said Deidre Kettery, RN and nurse educator.
“So we don’t have to perform some of these skills
that often. The simulator allows us to practice so
that our skills are sharp when we do have a real
life emergency situation.”
In honor of Roettger’s gift, she was asked to
choose a boy and girl name for the baby, which
can simulate either gender. She chose the names
Hildred, after her sister and George, after her
Deidre Kettery, RN demonstrates the simulation baby with
Eulala Roettger and her nephew, George Likens.
Resembling a newborn, the simulator moves, cries and even turns blue if it’s not receiving enough oxygen. Nurses
and other sta can perform many di erent procedures on the baby such as intubation, starting an IV, performing
CPR, inserting a catheter and more.
“When I learned everything that this baby would do, I immediately thought of the stressful situations my sister was
in when she was the head of the OB department,” Roettger said. “I became interested and thought of all the babies’
lives that would impact.”
The simulator comes with a monitor so that the trainers can see the baby’s vitals, how it’s responding and whether
care is being administered accurately. There is also a virtual monitor for the students to use. The baby is wireless
and uses Wi-Fi to connect with the monitor.
The baby comes with several pre-built scenarios that educators can run the nurses and sta through. It also allows
the educators to build their own mock scenarios.
Each person in the department, including support sta , is trained in newborn resuscitation, ensuring that any sta
member could jump in to help in an emergency situation.
Prior to the donation, Community sta coordinated training with educators from Riley Hospital for Children once
per year. Now, Community can do the training in house on a regular basis.
“I absolutely believe this will save lives,” said Gail Elbert, RN, director of Women’s and Children’s Services at
Community Anderson.
To learn more about Eulala’s story, visit—
Faithful & Committed
“You get to know them and you get
really close to them so some of them
become your family.”
Robert Coleman, MedExpress driver
for the past 15 years
During 2015, Community Hospital Anderson’s MedExpress transported over 8,000 patients to appointments, picking
them up at their homes and bringing them to Community for doctor’s visits and other services.
“Many people in our community struggle with transportation,” said Susan Heiden, Auxiliary board president. “Some
seniors no longer drive or don’t feel comfortable driving during the winter months. Others lack access to a reliable
vehicle. Without MedExpress, many patients would miss doctor’s appointments, important tests or other much
needed services.”
Over 25 years ago, Community Anderson recognized the need for transportation assistance and started MedExpress.
While they ask for a $3 donation per trip, they never allow the cost to prohibit a patient from getting to an appointment.
Robert Coleman has been a MedExpress driver for the past 15 years of his 37 year career with Community Hospital
Anderson. He enjoys the relationships that he builds with patients. “You get to know them and you get really close
to them so some of them become your family.”
talking sports with Robert during the drive time.
“It puts my mind at ease every day when I know Robert is going to come and get me,” said James. “It’s really a blessing.”
The Community Hospital Anderson Auxiliary has purchased three vans for MedExpress over the past few years.
The vans are equipped with wheelchair lifts.
Through gift shop sales, various fundraisers and other events, the Auxiliary
“The Auxiliary has the opportunity to make money that we then give to the
hospital,” said Heiden. “We try to purchase some things that maybe the hospital
wouldn’t have been able to purchase right away or as quickly.”
To learn more about MedExpress, visit—
Susan Heiden, Auxiliary board president
A Place of Grace
The Benjie Fund
Pregnant with their second child, Aaron and Suahil Housholder had
picked out a name, decorated a nursery and were excited for their
ve-year-old son Scottie to become a big brother.
After a relatively smooth pregnancy, Aaron and Suahil came to
Community Hospital Anderson to give birth to their baby. They
relaxed during early labor, listening to the heartbeat on the monitor
and talking about their new son they couldn’t wait to meet.
Suddenly everything changed. Monitors began beeping, and the baby
was showing signs of distress. Within moments, Suahil was quickly whisked
away for an emergency cesarean section.
Aaron waited anxiously in the room until the doctor returned. And he would
never forget the words she uttered as she had to share the horrible news,
“Your wife is ne. The baby didn’t make it.”
The Housholder family today Aaron, Suahil, Scottie and Alivia
Their son, Benjamin, had died at birth.
As Suahil recovered in the hospital over the next few days, they mourned the loss of their son.
They visited the funeral home to make arrangements. They answered questions about the service, showing,
casket and owers, making decisions they had never anticipated having to make. After they were done, the
funeral director told them that an anonymous donor had paid for everything.
“It was the one bright spot in three really horrible days,” Aaron said.
While they never found out who the donor was, Aaron and Suahil were overwhelmed by that person’s generosity.
After returning home, they came up with a way that they could show that same kindness to other families.
“We wanted to set up a fund that would give someone else that same moment that we had,” Aaron said.
Within a week of the funeral, the Benjie Fund was set up with the Community Hospital Anderson Foundation and
has been growing ever since. This fund provides nancial aid for funeral expenses to families who experience an
unexpected loss of an infant during delivery. It has been used 41 times in ve years.
“Losing a baby is nothing anyone plans on,” said Ruthie Smith, maternal care coordinator and bereavement care
coordinator at Community Hospital Anderson. “In addition to the emotional and physical di culties, there are
nancial worries as well. The Benjie Fund helps our families to heal.”
“It has been healing for us,” Aaron says. “Benjie’s name, his life meant something.”
To learn more about the Housholder’s story, visit—
Different experiences lead to giving
When Linda Miller became the CEO of Community Hospital Anderson
Indiana who wasn’t a nun. She was a trailblazer. Her passion and early
According to Miller, Community Hospital Anderson having a female
CEO in the 70’s is just one example that demonstrates the hospital’s
history of innovative thinking.
Linda Miller, Community Hospital Anderson CEO 1976-1980
community during her tenure. In fact, when she left Anderson for an administrator position with a large hospital in
California, she implemented similar programs out there. Her colleagues on the west coast were impressed by the
innovative ideas she brought from this small hospital in Indiana.
After retiring, Miller found herself back in Anderson and now a patient at Community Hospital Anderson. Her cancer
diagnosis took her through many departments at the hospital, including medical and radiation oncology, surgery,
physical therapy and more.
Miller’s experiences on both sides of health care – as an administrator and a patient – have led her to give to the
Community Hospital Anderson Foundation.
“The mission of Community Hospital has not changed throughout the years.
It’s been here to serve the residents of Madison County and beyond that.”
−Linda Miller
Additionally, Miller has chosen to leave a
legacy to Community through her estate.
“In my heart I know that this hospital will
continue the work that it has been doing,
and my hope for the legacy of the hospital
is that it will always stand great in this
To learn more about Linda’s story, visit—
Linda Miller chose to make a gift to help
build the Serenity Garden, located next
to the medical oncology building on the
Community Hospital Anderson campus.
Thank you to our donors
Estates & Trusts
Norma Jean Williams Estate
Memorial/Honorary Gifts
In honor of Tom Bannon
Anderson/Madison County
Visitor’s Bureau
In memory of Thelma Buchert
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Collins
In memory of Dennis L. Church, DDS
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson
In memory of James “Bud” Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bannon
In memory of Doris Jean Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Donahue
In memory of Terry V. Earlywine
In memory of Julie Ginley
Gene Ginley
In memory of Ottie J. Ginley
Gene Ginley
In memory of Diana Hardin
Dan’s Music, Inc.
In memory of John R. Harris
Gene Ginley
Mary Lou Stinson
In memory of Michael Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hoover
In memory of Rebecca Inglis
Amanda Shepherd
In memory Danny L. Johnson
Connie Johnson
In memory of Peggy A. Johnson
Karen Gartner
Daniel Murphy
Suzanne Reas
Cynthia Vajner
Dorothy Warner
In memory of Zelpho DeWayne Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Beck
In memory of C. Melvin & Ruth Leedom
Gene Ginley
In memory of Betty Ann Mehling
Betty Belangee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fisher
Nora Hanson
Charlotte Marmon
Anita Mehling
In memory of Shirley “Sue” Mohler
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Dunkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson
In memory of Robert S. Rector
Gene Ginley
In memory of Elizabeth T. Schuster
Gary Schuster, Sr.
In memory of Gerald Sheets
Lisa Winningham
In memory of Larry Sidwell
Mr. & Mrs. Paddy Jamerson
Rev. & Mrs. Dick True
In memory of Martha Slone
Dr. Ronald N. Duncan
In memory of Brian Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Phillippe
In honor of Keith Trent
Mr. & Mrs. Garland Antrim
Betty Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Collins
Alan Rowley
Dr. & Mrs. Marc Pinchouck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sobel
Memorial Gifts
Alzheimers Support Group
In memory of Junita Holtzleiter
Glenna Blackwell
In memory of Larry Sidwell
FOE #174 Ladies Auxiliary
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stinson
Benjie Fund
In memory of Benjamin Housholder
Charles Cookston
Deborah Gwaltney
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Housholder
Cara Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Vermillion
In memory of Gage Joy
Jason Joy
In memory of Jacob Lacy
Amy Lacy
In memory of Ambriel Loza
Cheryl Bennett
In memory of Chandler Jude Moore
Tammie Moore
In memory of Ben & Eli Tryon
Mr. & Mrs. Dusten Tryon
Cancer Care
In memory of Donn Beavers
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheets
In memory of Betty L. Berkshire
J. Harold Berkshire
In memory of Kaci D. Brummett
Sandra Brummett
In memory of John Corbin
Rusty Bodenhorn
In memory of Robin Cunningham
Harry Metzger
Alan Pease
Mr. & Mrs. John Pugsley
Janet Robbins
In memory of George Geunther
Melanie Smith
In memory of Jon L. Gray
Susan Gray
In honor of Gene and Alice Heath
Gene Heath
In memory of Maezell Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hoover
In memory of Elizabeth Lockridge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott
In memory of Bradley Mains
Elizabeth Mains
In memory of Odetta McFarland
Janice Nicholson
In honor of Ed McGuire
Melissa Simpson
In memory of Shirley “Sue” Mohler
Dr. Howard Mohler
In memory of Teresa M. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bannon
In memory Sally Patterson
Jan Dalton
In memory of James C. Pickens
Louise Pickens
In memory of Robert W. Smith
Stacey Huffman
In memory of Norm Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Daugherty
Cardiac Rehab
In memory of Zelpho DeWayne Jordan
Myla French
Becky Linville
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mowery
Bonnie Perkins
In memory of Jerry L. Simison
Lisa Montgomery
Coats of Caring
In honor of Carol Whitesel
Cheryl Arnold
Bonnie Corbey
Mary Lou Stinson
Diabetes Fund
In honor of Jane Lawyer
Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Lawyer
In honor of Grace Simpson
Melissa Simpson
Emergency Department
In memory of Merline Ferris
Suzie Cleaver
Employee Food Bank
In memory of James “Bud” Collins
Cheryl Arnold
Bonnie Corbey
Amber Harpe
Janet Jackson
Kinsey Jutte
Connie Shults
Mary Lou Stinson
Rev. & Mrs. Dick True
Rita Whitesell
Pat Woods
Healthy Hearts
In memory of Eva A. Bannon
In honor of Bruce Buchert
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stinson
In memory of Wayne Dowling
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Eads
In memory of Brian Thomas
David Coolidge
In memory of Bruce L. Yeagy
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Donahue
Rosemary Frye
Mary Glazner
Tamra Gooding
Jackey Leo
In memory of Anna L. Haygood
Tina Stevens
In memory of Darin Geiger
Janie Geiger
In memory of Hildred Adler
Eulala Roettger
Open Arms
In memory of Darrin Francis
Lisa Halstead
Sexual Assault Treatment Center
In memory of Margaret Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Cox
In memory of Mary Lou Butz Toombs
Nancy Graham
In memory of Donald Waymire
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Wilson
Surgery Department
In memory of Brian Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stinson
Women’s Breast Health Services
In memory of Avanelle Hattery
Deborah Bastin
Bonnie Smith
In memory of Connie F. Murphy
Dawn Wooten
In memory of Debbie Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheets
In memory of Michelle Sullivan
Amanda Phalen
Designated Gifts
Alzheimer’s Support Group
Stephen Richardson
Melissa Simpson
Alzheimer’s An Event to Remember
& Golf Tournament
Alderson Commercial Group, Inc.
Automated Logic
BAF Corporation
Boerner’s Cutting Edge
Community Hospital Anderson
Community Long Term Care
Dunnichay Funeral Home
E & B Paving, Inc.
Essential Architectural Signs, Inc.
Frederick’s Inc.
Golden Thread, LLC
Danny & Kris Gray
H & H Signs & Awards
Halstead Home Inspections, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harpe
Mr. & Mrs. Joey Hobbs
Humphries Automotive Sales
Indiana Flooring & Linoleum
InSite Art Consulting Group
Jeffrey Joy
Koorsen Security Technologies
kRm Architecture
Mader Design, LLC
Myers Autoworld
Nick & B’s Auto-Truck, Inc.
Royal Flush Plumbing
Sherry Sidwell
Sullivan Cleaning
Dr. & Mrs. David Tharp
Carol Tharp-Perrin
Toyota of Muncie
W.R. Dunkin & Son, Inc.
ASPR Grant
District 6 Hospital Preparedness
Benjie Fund
Bette Godbey
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rausch
Rebecca Ryder
Ruthie A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Warner
Linda R. West
Aaron J. Zirkle
Bike Rodeo
Dr. & Mrs. James Callahan
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie Williams
Cancer Care
Michelle Anders
Heather Clawson
Jan Dalton
Tricia Daugherty
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Dunkin
Reid Hensley
Kyle Motsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pensec
Cardiac Rehab
Dr. & Mrs. Luke Phillippsen
Case Management
CarDon & Associates, Inc.
Center for Advanced
Wound Healing
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Eads
Coats of Caring
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carroll
Betty Cramer
Judith Decker
W.R. Dunkin & Son, Inc.
Kristen Gray
Jane Ruff
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stinson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trent
Rev. & Mrs. Dick True
Quang Vinh
Community Bikes
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Armington
Mr. & Mrs. Chett Babb
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blume
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Denny
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanna
Judge David Happe
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Harvey
Tobey Hobbs
Hillery Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kelly
Anthony Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy McDole
Jesse Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Mollenkopf
Mr. & Mrs. David Padgett
Ring Construction, Inc.
Rod Holloway Homes, Inc.
M. Charles Sims
Stephanie Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Warrum
Tammy Whitesell
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wills
Community Chefs
AMES Office
Barb Alder
Dr. Timothy Alford
William Anacker
Anderson Madison County Black
Chamber of Commerce
Anderson Madison County
Visitor’s Bureau
Mr. & Mrs. Garland Antrim
Jeane Atkinson
Jeffery Baker
Vicki Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Banning
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bannon
Douglas Barber
Dr. & Mrs. Lane Benziger
Bestway Cleaners
Janet Boudrot
Harold Brown
Broadway Veterinary Clinic
CarDon & Associates, Inc.
Charles Carr
Meredith Church
Paul Church
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clark
Community Hospital Anderson
Community Hospital Medical Staff
Community Long Term Care
Jerry Crabtree
Suzanne Daoust
Dana Donahue
Donahue Gas, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Erskine
Katie Elliott
Betty Erskine
Greg Etchison
Denise Ewing
Lori Faulkenberg
Jason Fenwick
First Merchant’s Bank
David Fisher
Orman Gaithers
David Gilliam
Greg Granger
Kris Gray
Barb Hanna
John Harris
Rob Hayes
The Herald Bulletin
Tobey Hobbs
Hoosier Park Racing & Casino
Erica Hughes
Ivy Tech Foundation
Jason Keller
Jan Koeniger
Patricia Kuhn
Dawn Larsen
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Lee
Mr. & Mrs. George Likens
Robert D. Loose Funeral Homes
Toya Lutterman
Tom Magee
Jennifer Martin
Dennis Maxey
Sharon McNabney
Jane Milleman
Mike Montgomery
Jerrod Moore
Jimmy Morehead
Brian Morgan
JT Morgan
Rodney Morrow
Oak Motors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Art Overmyer
Kyle Overmyer
Poet Biorefining
Jayne Poole
David Retherford
William Retherford
Ricker Oil Company, Inc
Ted Rutowski
William Savage
Eric Scott
Lindsey Shackelford
Sharp Business Systems
Marsha Sherrell
Jana Sidwell
Ruthie Smith
South Anderson Veterinary Clinic
Janice Stamper
Deborah Stapleton
David Steele, DDS
Maggie Stephenson
Barbara Sylvester
Dick Symmes
Dr. & Mrs. David Tharp
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trent
W.R. Dunkin & Son, Inc.
Mike Wardell
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth West
Georgeann Whitworth
Bill Winebrink
Adrienne Wise
Dan Yates
Jennie Young
Anderson Noon Lions Club
Kim Carman
Emergency Department
Golf Tournament
Alexandria Memorial Services, Inc.
Bethany Christian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brinkman
Brown-Butz Diedring Funeral Home
Dr. Linda Burns
City of Anderson
Clancy Enterprises, Inc.
Community Hospital Anderson
Michelle Connell
Rodney Cummings
Community Anderson Pediatrics
Community Long Term Care
Brody Davis
W.R. Dunkin & Son, Inc.
Dunnichay Funeral Home
E & B Paving, Inc.
Essential Architectural Signs, Inc.
Fraundorfer Family Dentistry
Frederick’s Inc.
Halstead Home Inspections, LLC
Hudson Tool Rental of New Castle
Indiana Flooring & Linoleum
Lehman’s Inc of Anderson
Douglas Long
Robert Loose
Dr. Clayton Ludlow
Dr. & Mrs. Julian Mendoza
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mustin
Myers Autoworld
Kari Nodine
Christine Osborn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pensec
Holly Renz
Rozelle-Johnson Funeral Home
Safety Management Group of IN, Inc.
Nancy Saulmon
Seals Ambulance Service, Inc.
Sullivan Cleaning, Inc.
Erica Stultz
Dr. & Mrs. David Tharp
The Herald Bulletin
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trent
Tara Wales
Weas Engineering, Inc.
Anja Wheeler
Bryan Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson
Emergency Department
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brinkman
Susie Cleaver
Employee Food Bank
Quang Vinh
Employee Wellness
Michelle Cook
Health Employees Loan Program
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Crum
Darlene Garrison
Linda Rheinheimer
Pamela Shafer
Marsha Sherrell
TJ Uniforms
Rhian Voss
Linda R. West
Health Professions Practice
Council (HPPC)
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Caldwell
Long Term Care
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Crum
Madison County Community
Breastfeeding Coalition
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Arnett
Ellen Childs
Mr. & Mrs. John Nash
Nursing Education
Bonnie Corbey
Gail Elbert
Deidre Kettery
Chief Anderson Council No. 420
Mary Ellen Farmer
Madison County Community
Safe Kids
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
Sexual Assault Treatment Center
Elizabeth Baga
Lisa Lantz
Holly Renz
Velma Renz
Carolyn Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson
Walk of Life
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Banning
Antony Bibbs
Dan’s Music, Inc.
Good’s Candy Shop, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. David Tharp
Quang Vinh
The Vitamin Shoppe
Women’s Breast Health Services
Pamala Davis
Valarie Godfrey
Sheri Heath
Jill Hensley
Indiana Breast Cancer
Awareness Trust
Millcreek Foundation
Marsha Sherrell
St. Vincent Anderson
Regional Hospital
Tillies Icon, Corp.
Undesignated Gifts
Vicki Ake
Jennifer Alexander
Tammy Alvarez
Cheryl Arnold
Jeane Atkinson
Beverly Badgley
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Homand Bahrami
Candace Ballard
Audra Begley
Cindy Beisser
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bilskie
Nancy Bitner
Pamela Blake
Marin Bledsoe
Michelle Boles
Jeff Brown
Linda Brown
Keith Buehler
Teresa Burger
Phil Caldwell
Dr. & Mrs. James Callahan
Leah Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Canfield
Leonila Carraco
Corrina F. Chambers
Deena K. Chambers
Roberta Coleson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Collins
Community Long Term Care
Michelle Connell
Jonathon Cook
Carrie Cooper
Susan Copeland-King
Christina Couch
Dr. Sara Cox
Ron Cross, Jr.
Tricia Daugherty
Cathy Davidson
Pamala Davis
Pamela Denman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Durbin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dykes
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Elam
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Erskine
Rebecca Estle
Laura Farmer
Dawana Felty
Amber Fithian
Constance Flanders
Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Fralick
Barbie Franklin
Tim Franklin
Barb Funk
Rainy Gaiser
Gaither Family Resources
Toby Gilman
Joveda Graham
Kristen Gray
Vickie Griffin
Scott Gull
Amy Hamilton
Edith Hamilton
Amy Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hardacre
Beth Harpe
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harpe
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Harris
Brian Hensler
Reid Hensley
Christopher Heshelman
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Hettinga
Brandy Hill
Jeffrey Hobbs
Joey Hobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hoover
Donovan Hughes
Nancy A. Hunt
Connie Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Lorie Kierstead
Nicholas Kinney
Joy Knotts
James Lakin, Jr.
Tommi Lashbrook
Sheri R. Lipps
Rebecca Lloyd
Kevin Lynch
Madison County Community
Jennifer Martin
Lesia McBride
Lisa McBride
Natalie McClintick
Lois Meeker
Anita Mehling
Kathy Mendoza
Stephanie R. Metz
Stacey Mevzek
Beth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Mills
Ron Mills
Nicole Mong
Tracy Mullins
Nikki Nevin
Dr. Robert Nicholson
Lisa Noble
Mr. & Mrs. David Parris
Brandie L. Perrin
Amanda Phalen
Sharon Pierce
Justin Price
Becki Prigg
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Purkey
Lori Real
Bambi Rector
Bob Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Reger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ridgway
Terri Rinker
Tracy Rogers
Richard Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salyer
Tamara Scarberry
Rhett Schmiedel
Diane Seelen
Pamela Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheets
Amanda Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shoot
Sherry Sidwell
Jeannette Smith-Brown
Sonia Smythe
Dr. Wilfredo Souchet
Marianne Spangler
Bobbie Spaulding
Charity Stafford
Rebecca Stanfield
Sheldon Swank
Cynthia Swisher
TJ Uniforms
Drs. Mahmood Tahir
Koreene Thomas
Laura Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trent
Ashley Vlaskamp
Ted Wainscott
Mr. & Mrs. William Watson
Dorothy J. Webb
Cindy Weber
Betsy Welsh
Carol Whitesel
Rita Whitesell
Rita Wilson
Lisa Winningham
Ronald L. Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. John Woods
Amy K. Zehner
The Community Hospital Anderson Foundation, along with partner Buckskin Bikes has launched Community Bikes.
This program provides bikes for the Christian Center, Dove Harbor and The Exodus House. The goal for the program
is to meet the transportation challenges that residents of these programs are facing. Using a bike will be an affordable
mode of transportation, allowing participants easier access to employment and health care.
Each bike also comes with a light, lock and helmet. The three organizations determine which of their participants
are eligible to use a bike and loan the bikes out to residents based on their individual rules and policies.
The goal is to eventually expand the program to include other locations. Other sponsors of the program include
Carbide Grinding, Quack Daddy Donuts, Community Hospital Anderson Emergency Department and T-Max Graphics.
Saturday, Sept. 17, 6 p.m.
Anderson Country Club
Featuring a variety of cuisines from
60 local celebrity chefs, and a live and
silent auction, the event will raise money
to support the medical needs of children
in our local schools, oncology patients
and Community Bikes.
1515 N. Madison Ave.
Anderson, IN 46011