church of the incarnation church of the incarnation catholic
church of the incarnation church of the incarnation catholic
CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION CATHOLIC COMMUNITY December 9, 2012 • Second Sunday in Advent 2929 Bee Ridge Road •Sarasota • Florida • 34239 941• 941•921• 921•6631 CHURCH DIRECTORY Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM & 7:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM Weekdays Monday-Friday 7:00 AM • 11:00 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Church Office (941) 921-6631 • Fax (941) 927-2521 Office Hours • Mon - Fri 8-12 • 1:30-4 Email: [email protected] • Website: PARISH CLERGY Reverend Bernard Evanofski, Pastor Reverend Michael Scheip Reverend Leo Smith Deacon John Crescitelli, Pastoral Minister Deacon Joe Cirieco SACRISTAN/GRIEF COUNSELOR Sister Monica Paul Fraser, OP LAY PASTORAL STAFF Mass in Polish First & Third Sunday at 2:00 PM Reconciliation DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SECRETARY FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY John Garisto Andrea Jordan Dustin Mantz Every Saturday after the 8:30 AM Mass Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM & 6:30-7 PM TV Mass 10:00 AM SNN 6/Comcast or Verizon Channel 17 Marriages: Please call the rectory at least four months in advance. Baptisms: Second and last Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon. Classes held the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Conference Room. Please call the office to register, 921-6631. PARISH PRAYER LINE CALL: Lucy 388-7312 or June 921-5480 INCARNATION FOLK GROUP INCARNATION CHOIR Stephany Dobosz 371-2038 TSteEPHx4225 Jeanette LaVoy 371-3080 OFFICE STAFF SECRETARY DATA PROCESSING BOOKKEEPER HEAD OF MAINTENANCE Dawn Gordon Christine Martin Janet Flagg Dick Burns PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS INCARNATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL (941) 924-8588 • (941) 925-1248 Regina Housel, Principal Email: [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY. Please email to [email protected] 2 December 9, 2012 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Parish Ministries In Our Parish Aging with Grace Altar Guild Arimatheans/Pallbearers Altar Servers Ave Maria Council Bereavement Ministry Bingo Boy Scouts Cenacle of Prayer Jack Dellorto 925-7566 Kathy Dansard 924-0907 Jim & Gloria Champer 966-3113 Deacon John 921-6631 Marie McEntee 371-0579 Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP 921-6631 Charlie Culkin 922-8726 Dan LeClair 780-7187 Pat Bretherton 371-7443 Charismatic Prayer Group Mike Hargesheimer 924-0082 Children/Mary Rosary Group Ellie Longo 955-6592 Children’s Liturgy Carole McDonnell 377-1078 Eucharistic Adoration Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Extra Ordinary Ministers Deacon John 921-6631 Good Samaritans Jean Fountain 809-1505 Girl Scouts Julie Krueger 921-5358 Knights of Columbus Steve Christie 924-3447 Legion of Mary Pat Blessinger 371-0981 Meditation Prayer Group George Browning 366-3128 Men’s Club Tom Flood 954-232-5038 Military Ministry Ellie Longo 955-6592 Offertory Families Pat Kelly 966-8266 Parish Library Parish Office 921-6631 Prayer Line Lucy Laudano 388-7312 Prayer Shawl Ministry Barbara Frankovsky 351-1432 RCIA Program Deacon John 921-6631 Readers Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Religious Education John Garisto 924-9566 Respect Life Jorge & Angela Lopez 544-7890 Rosary Makers Carolyn Terrill 706-6737 Sociable Singles 50+ Laurie Merson 331-4375 St. Vincent de Paul Margrit Petit 921-6631 Ushers Vic Ticola 922-5279 Welcome Committee Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Women’s Club Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Wonder Club Pat Kelly 966-8266 Youth Group Dustin Mantz 921-6631 MONDAY, December 10 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Aging with Grace Men’s Club (PC) RCIA (PCC) Boy Scouts (CH) TUESDAY, December 11 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Advent Penance Service Knights of Columbus (CH) Children/Mary Rosary Prayer Group (CL) Legion of Mary (RE) Meditation Prayer Group (CLL) Legion of Mary (RE) Advent Penance Service WEDNESDAY, December 12 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM Senior Friendship (PC) Deacon John’s Bible Study (PCC) Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) Adult Education (PC) THURSDAY, December 13 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) FRIDAY, December 14 9:00 AM Senior Friendship Center (PC) 6:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous (PCC) 6:30 PM Bingo (PC) 7:30 PM Al-Anon (CH) SATURDAY, December 15 10:00 AM Decorating for Parish Christmas Party (PC) SUNDAY, December 16 2:00 PM 3:00 PM SCHEDULED HOURS OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11:30 am - 3:30 pm; Tuesday and First Friday 11:30 am - 9:00 pm. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at closure. Mass in Polish PARISH CHRISTMAS PARTY (PC) C=Church CH=Church Hall CL=Chapel RE=Religious Ed. Office CLL=Chapel Library CR=Choir Room PC=Parish Center PCC=Parish Center Conf. Room New adorers are always welcome. Please call Lucy Gatza at 953-4857. Devotional Prayers during Exposition PARISH REGISTRATION Family and Children Holy Hour: 6:30 – 7:30 pm First Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday 3:00 pm Children of Mary Rosary Group: Tuesday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Welcome to Incarnation Parish. If you would like to become a registered member of our parish family, you may pick up a registration form in the parish office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish office or put it in the offertory collection basket. Our registration form may also be found on line at Other devotional prayers before the Blessed Sacrament Rosary: Monday—Friday 10:30 am, Sunday, 10:30 am. Novena of the Miraculous Medal after 11: 00 am Mass. 3 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord through their donations last weekend: A Word from Father Bernie Offertory Collection 19,557.00 Online Giving 153.00 Mailed in Donations 540.00 TOTAL $20,250.00 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: What a great and courageous prophet John the Baptist was! On the Second Sunday of Advent, we always hear about him in the Gospel passage. He pointed others to Jesus and was always ready to speak the truth, despite the consequences. Because of his holy boldness, he was eventually martyred by evil people. Average weekly expenses in November, 2012: Throughout the centuries, there have been countless prophets who have acted courageously in speaking the truth and defending what is right and just. Such a person is a young Pakistani teenager, fourteen-year-old Malala Yousafzai, whose crime against the evil Taliban was to speak out for the education of women in a society which frowns on that. Her dream has always been to get a good education and to become a doctor. In most societies, she would be encouraged in her endeavors, but not in a society where the Taliban has power. In October, masked gunmen boarded her school bus and shot her in front of her classmates. $25,643.00 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal Goal $269,000.00 Malala began her crusade for the education of girls and young women when she was only eleven years old. She documented her experiences of attending her village school despite the intimidation of Taliban extremists. Despite repeated threats from the Taliban, Malala refused to back down in her struggle. She has shown more courage in opposing these evil people than the country’s government and military. Amount collected or pledged as of: 12/2/12 $227,298.00 — 84% of our goal 50/50 Raffle Congratulations to Cora Murdock-12/4/12-$145.00 THIS WEEKS WINNER! Malala is now recovering in a hospital in London and has asked that a photograph be taken of her in her hospital bed and released to the media so that the public can see her heavily bandaged head and so that the world---and the Taliban---will see that she is not going to back down. 50/50 Envelopes are available in the foyer of the church. The drawing will take place on Wednesday morning, at 10:00 AM in the Parish Office. To participate, place $5.00 CASH in the envelope, complete name and phone and drop it in the collection basket or bring it into the office Monday afternoon by 3 PM. Winners will receive 50% of the proceeds, and the other 50% will go toward meeting our goal for the Catholic Faith Appeal. Many people in Pakistan have reacted with outrage to the attack and have demanded that the government find those responsible and take action to end the terror. Tens of thousands of people held a rally in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, in support of Malala, whom they call the “daughter of the nation.” Her classmates have vowed that they will continue to go to school and are wearing T-shirts that read “I Am Malala.” *ONLINE GIVING* is a fast, easy and secure way of making contributions to our church. Thanks to all the parishioners and visitors who have signed up and are enjoying the comfort of not having to remember your envelope every Sunday. Those who may be thinking about it... you no longer have to fill out a form to create an online giving account. Just go to: “Online Donations” Once your account is validated, you will be able to: • manage your family information • view your giving history and print your giving statement How can we be anything but inspired by the courage of this outstanding young woman who is ready to give her all for this very just and righteous cause!? May we all be ready and willing to be prophets in our own time and place. May we look beyond our own needs and interests to embrace all that is good, holy, and just, giving voice to the reality that our Messiah has indeed come upon this earth! For parishioners and visitors who would like to create an account but are not good with computers, please call Janet Flagg at 941921-6631 ext. 234 for assistance. This is a huge step for our church to comply with “going green” and helps to cut operating costs. Thank you. In the Love and Peace of Jesus, Father Bernie 4 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION MASS INTENTIONS December 9, 2012 THE INCARNATION CHURCH MOUSE 7:00 7:00 11:00 11:00 7:00 7:00 11:00 11:00 7:00 7:00 11:00 11:00 7:00 7:00 11:00 11:00 7:00 11:00 7:00 11:00 5:00 8:30 4:30 Monday, December 3 Monday, December 10 Hi Folks! William Konrath Leanna Mae Knopik•Jack Cain Walter Wacha•Carol Larsen family Carl Miller•Ted & Beverly Kreger I was going to write about a topic that I wrote about before since it may be time to revisit just as a refresher but I’ll hold off. Sometimes we need to be reminded of certain issues because we seem to forget about the simple things. They may seem minor but before you know it we are all doing it. Here are some examples of what I am trying to say, these were my Mom’s favorite; “Don’t run with scissors,” “Brush after each meal,” “Say your prayers before you go to bed” and her favorite- “Eat everything on your plate, you know there are people starving.” I was pretty young so I’d ask “Who and where do they live?” I didn’t know any better. I’d always say “I know, you don’t have to remind me,” but she did. In her wisdom she would say “If I don’t remind you, you’ll keep doing it and over time it will become the “new norm,” we just accept it. You run with scissors, you may poke yourself. You don’t brush, your teeth fall out. You forget to pray, you eventually stop. The last one I still don’t understand! We must keep reminding ourselves that some things shouldn’t become the “new norm.” Tuesday, December 4 Tuesday, December 11 Gerard Weingartner Marya Konrath •Evelyn Weingartner Ave Maria Council Abraham Dennis Wednesday, December 12 Wednesday, December 5 John Zito•Lisa McDonnell Jerome F. Moulleit•Charles Moulleit Rudy Carol family, living & deceased Eleanor Boland •Kathy Carol Thursday, Thursday, December December 6 13 Geraldine Jacques Special Intention •StanHessler•Muriel & Barb Duncan Hessler William Donna Strawmyer, living •Bunny December Hogan Friday, 14 Just because some folks do it doesn’t make it right. One area that comes to mind is our worship space. This is a sacred space, it is one of the few places left that is so. We should not allow it to become something it’s not. It’s not just a building, it’s not a hall, or parish center or a general gathering place. It says in the Roman Missal the gestures and bodily posture of both the Priest, the Deacon and the ministers and also of the people must be conducive to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity…and to foster the participation of all. It goes on to say it is to serve the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than private inclination or arbitrary choice. It also addresses sacred silence as a part of the celebration, is to be observed at the designated times. It continues, “Even before the celebration itself, it is a praiseworthy practice for silence to be observed in the church, sacristy, vesting rooms and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred celebration in a devout and fitting manner.” Ramon Cintron•The Lunch Bunch Friday, Sheila ClancyDecember 7 Society Vincent de Paul •Kellyof&St. Dennis McWilliams John Martinez•Lucy Martinez Peter & Margaret Evanofski Saturday, December 15 •Evanofski family Reit Slaats•Incarnation Women’s Club Robert & John Peterson Saturday, December 8 •Peterson family 8:30 Incarnation Michael Colombo•Jay 7:00 ParishionersLuceno 11:00 Alison Deierlein•Deierlein family 4:30 Henry Tirella•Helen Tirella Sunday, December 16 7:00 Antonio Saluta 7:00 Joseph Dwight Swann•Joan Cable •Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Andriole 9:00 Mary Ellen Boner•Geri Demmer 11:00 Joseph & Catherine King family Sunday,King December 9 •Barbara 7:00 Rosemarie Santostasi family 12:30 Joseph Meyer•North •Diane & Joe Parotino McQuaid 6:00 Ellen Bornscheur•Nancy 9:00 Susan D. Smithers•Frank Curcillo 11:00 Mercedes Fiterre•Aleida Saenz •denotes requested by 12:30 Incarnation Parishioners 6:00 Muriel Richards •Jean & Carmen Mercadent Maybe during Advent we can check how we enhance or distract from those sacred moments. Is our conversation necessary or too loud? Do we bring in water bottles, chewing gum when we really don’t need too? Do we say “Amen” after receiving Communion? Do we make the Sign of the Cross, kneel or bow when we enter the church? Are we engaged in prayer after we receive the Body and Blood of Christ or do we break into applause when the choir completes a hymn instead? If you liked how they sounded tell them after Mass or wait for the celebrant to acknowledge whomever at the end of Mass. Let’s not allow certain postures or gestures become the “new norm.” We have something, the Mass, that is very special. Lets us try to keep our worship the best it can be and with your continued support that will be the rule and not the exception. Oh yes, one more of Mom’s wisdom. If we ever dropped anything on the floor that we were eating she’d pick it up, wipe it off and say, “Kiss it up to God and eat it, it’ll be ok!” Blessings, Incy •denotes requested by 5 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 OUR ADVENT PENANCE SERVICES this year will be held on Tuesday, December 11th, the first service at 12:00 noon and the second at 7:00 P.M. Both services will be held in church. Please take advantage of this opportunity to prepare yourself spiritually for Christmas. Christmas Mass Schedule 2012 Deacon Joseph Kiser Frederick Baruffi Doris Mills Dolores Parker May they rest in eternal peace. Monday, December 24th 7:00 AM & 11:00 AM daily Mass 4:00 PM Church & Parish Center 10:00 PM Church (Midnight Mass) 12:00 Midnight Mass in Polish AVE MARIA COUNCIL Tuesday, December 25th 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM No 6:00 PM Mass on Christmas Day. Our monthly Mass will be next Tuesday, December 11th at 11:00 AM in the chapel. After Mass we will meet in the hall for car pooling to The Fountains for our Christmas Luncheon. This is always a very happy day for us. Any questions, please call Marie McEntee at 371-0579. New Year’s Day Mass Schedule 2012 Monday, December 31st 7:00 AM & 11:00 AM daily Mass 5:00 PM Tuesday, January 1st 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 12:30 PM No 6:00 PM Mass on New Year’s Day. Dear Friends, I would like to thank you for making this year's Thanksgiving Food Card Program for the Needy a resounding success. Through the generosity of your congregation, three hundred (300) families received $25 gift cards to Publix. This insured that food was on their tables during this most recent holiday period. Poinsettia Sale Thanks From SOLVE! Through the years, your support has helped many of our community's most needy families. I hope you will convey this good news to your congregation, along with our gratitude for their support. On behalf of SOLVE, the Incarnation Men’s Club would like to thank the members of our parish for their outstanding generosity in responding to our Poinsettia Sale this year. May God continue to bless you, Sister Noelle Hart, Executive Director Stillpoint House of Prayer 6 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Background on the Gospel Reading “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy” This week and next, our Gospel readings invite us to consider John the Baptist and his relationship to Jesus. John the Baptist appears in the tradition of the great prophets, preaching repentance and reform to the people of Israel. To affirm this, Luke quotes at length from the prophet Isaiah. John baptizes for repentance and for forgiveness of sins, preparing the way for God's salvation. The three Synoptic Gospels—Mark, Matthew, and Luke—attest to the importance of the baptism of John in preparing for Jesus. Only the Gospel of Luke, however, extends the connection between these two men to their birth. The first two chapters of Luke's Gospel contain the Infancy Narrative, which tells about the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. These stories set the stage for the beginning of Jesus' public ministry in chapter 3. The evangelist Luke is the author of the Gospel that bears his name, and he also wrote the Acts of the Apostles as a continuation of the story of Jesus and the Church. In these two works, Luke's sense of time and history emerges. He identifies three epochs of salvation history: the time before Christ, the time of Christ, and the time of the Church and the Holy Spirit. In today's Gospel reading, as elsewhere, John the Baptist is presented as the figure who bridges the time before Christ and prepares the way for Christ's own ministry. In today's Gospel we also note Luke's attention to political and historical detail. Luke shows that salvation is for all people and situated in world events. Therefore, Luke lists the political and religious leaders at the time of John's appearance in the desert. Salvation is understood as God's breaking into this political and social history. John's preaching of the coming of the Lord is a key theme of the Advent season. As John's message prepared the way for Jesus, we too are called to prepare ourselves for Jesus' coming. We respond to John's message by repentance and reform of our lives. We are also called to be prophets of Christ, who announce by our lives the coming of the Lord, as John did. Sociable Singles Saturday, Dec 15 Christmas party potluck (gift exchange) 6:00 PM Contact Jan Scott 366-0945 Saturday, Jan. 5 8:30 AM Breakfast Lockwood Ridge Diner Contact Debby Harney 371-7805 From Loyola Press’s Sunday Connection. Reprinted with permission. You’ll find an array of resources to nourish your faith at 7 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Accounting Manager The Diocese of Venice in Florida is seeking an Accounting Manager. The role of the position includes reconciliation of general ledger accounts, preparation of standard journal entries, preparation of financial reports and participation in budgets and the year-end audit process. Qualified candidates must have a BS Degree in Accounting, preferably CPA but not required, with a minimum of five (5) years of accounting/auditing experience in public accounting and/or not-for-profit organization. Must have a thorough knowledge of accounting information systems, online banking and Microsoft Office 2010 applications. Applicants are invited to email a resume a cover letter outlining salary requirements, major career accomplishments and the name of their parish with an attached resume to: [email protected] The Incarnation Men’s Social Club The Incarnation Men’s Social Club wishes you and your family a holy and happy Christmas season. Please enjoy the holidays and plan on joining with us to make 2013 a wonderful year. Our next dinner meeting will be on Monday, January 14, 2012 in the Parish Center beginning at 6:30 PM. As always, we will have an informative and entertaining speaker from the Sarasota area to discuss activities, programs and issues that are important to each of us as members of the parish and community. CHRISTMAS PACK FOR THE TROOPS December 14th @11:30AM PLEASE JOIN US! I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to those who donated for this Christmas Pack for the Troops. These Service men and women are serving for our FREEDOM. If you would like to give a donation to this Incarnation Military Ministry in place of a Christmas Gift for loved ones, we can send a card to them stating: “This Christmas Donation gift was given in your name by the thoughtfulness of __(Your Name Here) __ to support our troops serving in Afghanistan for our Freedom. It means so much to our soldiers to be remembered by friends back home. These care packages help to keep the morale and motivation strong.” Call Ellie 735-8400 for more information. Our Next Adult Education Session... Will be held on Wed., Dec. 12th, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. We will continue the “Catholicism” series by Father Robert Barron. In this session, we will focus on “Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God” (so appropriate for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe which we celebrate that day.) In the video, we will travel to the ruins of Ephesus and to the great Marian shrines of Lourdes and Guadalupe. We will hear about the Church’s great reverence for Mary and her unique role in the history of salvation All are invited. New members and potential new members are welcome for our Italian dinner and meeting. All members are invited to bring a guest. We still charge only $10.00 for our delicious dinner and refreshments. If you decide to join the Men's Club and pay our $20.00 annual dues, your first dinner is FREE! You'll be glad you did! Below is a guest ticket to join us for our January 14 dinner meeting. Please contact Bob Femander, 9217074 or Tom Flood, 954 232-5038 to make your reservations. FREE DINNER Join us for a Free Dinner on the Second Monday of the month. Compliments of Incarnation Men’s Club (present this card when you check in) Membership Meetings 2nd Monday of Every Month 6:30 PM in the Parish Center SPRING 2013 Visitors always welcomed Dinner includes choice of beverage and program just $10 Join our club – Dues are only $20 per year and your first dinner is free. Please visit the website: for more information about the classes and course schedules or call: 941-766-7334 8 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Thank You from St. Michael's in Wauchula and Incarnation St. Vincent de Paul Society READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday, December 10 Reading I: Is 35:1-10; Gospel: Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday, December 11 Reading I: Is 40:1-11; Gospel: Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday, December 12 Reading I: Zec 2:14-17; Gospel: Lk 1:26-38 Thursday, December 13 Reading I: Is 41:13-20; Gospel: Mt 11:11-15 Friday, December 14 Reading I: Is 48:17-19; Gospel: Mt 11:16-19 Thank you for your generous donations and financial contributions to the Wauchula Drive. Sister Gema and the members of St. Michael’s Parish were presented a check for over $4200 along with all your wonderful donations. We thank everyone who came out for two days in support. Special thanks to Tom Salzinger, Manager St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and Mark McCabe of C & M Builders for donating trucks and driver James to bring all the items to Wauchula. We also thank Dustin Mantz and the Incarnation Youth Group for all their volunteer hours in loading and unloading the truck in Wauchula. YOU heard Jesus calling. YOU responded. WE thank you! Saturday, December 15 Reading I: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Gospel: Mt 17:9-13 Sunday, December 16 Reading I:Zep 3:14-18; Reading II: Phil 4:4-7 Gospel: Lk 3:10-18 November Booster Club Winners! $100.00 - Jorge Prieto $150.00 - Elizabeth Ann Kreul $250.00 - Barbara Ungaro Thank you for Supporting our school! 9 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 An Appeal for Adorers What better way to prepare our hearts for Christmas this Advent than to make time for prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Do we really believe what He has promised? --that He, Jesus Christ, is truly PRESENT in the Eucharist? Yes, He is truly with us, just as He promised. What an incredible reality! More than that, He loves you and is waiting for you to come and pour out your troubles, your pain, your joys. When you open yourself completely to Him in the silence of your heart, He will speak to you. This is a reality. Come and see. Parish Christmas Party Our Parish Christmas Party will be on December 16th at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. This is a fun time for children of all ages. The parish will provide the meat, rolls and drinks. To help with the menu we ask our parishioners please to consider bringing the following: Consider committing yourself to one hour of Eucharistic Adoration each week. It’s a gift you give to Him, but He multiplies the riches of His Mercy back to you in astounding ways. Guides for a quiet hour of prayer are available. See the Adoration schedule in the bulletin, then call the ministry coordinator, 953-4857. Can we not return love for love? Come, let us adore.... Families last name: A -J K-S T-Z Salads Veggies Desserts Please bring a dish large enough to share for 8-10 people. Christmas Flower Offering We can also use some help in the following areas: If you would like to have a part in helping to decorate the church for Christmas, you may do so by an offering of $25.00— in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one. You may drop the donation in the collection basket. Envelopes are available at the exits of the church. Set up and decorate on Saturday morning Dec. 15th from 10 am – noon. Please call Deacon John, 921-6631 to volunteer for set up. • • December Bulletin Deadlines Help to serve in the kitchen as well as volunteers to help clean up, please call Margrit at 350-0259 if you would like to help us out. Sunday, Dec. 23—Due by Wed. Dec. 12@ 12 noon Sunday, Dec. 30—Due by Mon. Dec 17 @ 12 noon St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Sunday, Jan. 6—Due by Wed. Dec. 19 @ 12 noon Monday, Dec. 17th 6:30 PM in the Parish Center 10 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Incarnation Women’s Club Please contact Dustin Mantz for more information: 921-6631 This Tuesday, December 11, 2012 is our next Eucharistic Adoration date. During this time of rushing around take a break and have a mini retreat with the Lord from 5:30 – 6:00 PM, he will help rejuvenate you. He’s the reason for the season. We will have a Mass for our deceased member, Riet Slaats, on Saturday, December 15th at 8:30 AM in the Chapel. Please try to attend. Our next First Friday Mass will be January 4th, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Chapel. Nancy Riordan is our hostess for the luncheon afterwards. If you would like to join us after Mass at Café Baci, please call her at 924-5906 for a reservation by Jan. 2nd, 2013. RAFFLE OF A BAS-RELIEF OF THE HOLY FAMILY TO BENEFIT PARISH ORGAN FUND In order to raise funds for the purchase of a badly needed new church organ, we are holding four raffles of beautiful religiousthemed bas-reliefs. The first basrelief is of the Holy Family and was designed by the Italian artist, Paolo Schiraldi. It is marble dust coated and galvanized in silver, with a solid wood frame. The sale of raffle tickets will begin this weekend. Cost is five dollars ($5.00) or three for ten dollars ($10.00). The drawing will be at the Parish Christmas Party on Sunday, December 16th. The winner does not need to be present. The other three raffles will be held in the New Year. The other bas-reliefs are of the Divine Mercy, Madonna and Child, and Blessed John Paul II. Raffle tickets can be purchased after all Masses on the weekend or at the Parish Office. The bas-relief will be on display in the foyer of the church. Please support this worthy cause! International Festival Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 1:00-5:30 PM Incarnation Pro Life Corner Lord, please fill us with the true love for life. Now that we are preparing our souls to be worthy of celebrating your birth, may we see your birth, life, and resurrection in all people as if they were you. Amen Sponsor of the Week JnK Jewelers With Custom Jewelry Repairs On Premises CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SYMBOL A Beautiful Tribute to your Faith & Marriage! 941-400-2460 6522 Gateway Ave Parishioner We would like to thank our parishioners and local businesses for sponsoring ads in our bulletin. Please support all the advertisers found in the back of each printed bulletin. These sponsors make our weekly church bulletin possible. 11 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Religious Education Christmas Pageant Religious Ed. invites our Incarnation family to join us as Grade 1 presents the Christmas Pageant in celebration of this joyful season. Wednesday, December 12th - 5:00pm (Chapel) Sunday, December 16th - 10:25am (Chapel) The Advent Wreath The Advent wreath is a visual reminder of this special time of the liturgical year; it symbolizes our time of waiting, hoping and preparation as we mark our days until Christmas. Christmas. The circle of the wreath is a symbol of God, his eternity and endless mercy without beginning and end. The evergreen is “ever alive” and represents our hope of Adventt season and remind us newness, renewal and eternal life. The four candles symbolize the four weeks of the Adven that we are waiting for Jesus the Light of the World. The purple candles represent the time of waiting, expectation and preparation for the coming of Jesus; they symbolize hope, peace and love. The pink candle, called the “Gaudete” or rejoice candle, symbolizes the joy of Christmas and that Jesus is almost here. One candle is lit every night of Advent. We Need Your Help CALENDAR Christmas Christmas Holiday No classes th December 17 thru January 6th Incarnation Church is bringing Christmas to the children of migrant workers at St. Michael’s, our sister church in Wauchula. Please help us accomplish our goal by bringing in new, unwrapped toys for children from Pre-K to High School. You may drop your donation in the toy boxes at Sunday Mass or to the Religious Ed. office by December 16th. Thank you for sharing sharing your Christmas spirit with the children. Classes resume January 9th Department of Religious Education • John Garisto, DRE • (941) 924-9566 12 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION December 9, 2012 Merry Christmas to our Incarnation Parish Family During this holiday season, we would like to say thank you for being a part of the Church of the Incarnation Parish. We would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Incarnation Catholic School has been a vital and integral part of the Parish for more than fifty years. Our graduates have gone on to become leaders in our community and throughout the world. At Christmas time each year, we celebrate here in many ways. Our students create reenactments of The Nativity. They attend special holiday Masses and they work tirelessly to get donations of food for the area's underprivileged. They are taught to glorify the Advent of Jesus Christ and to remember His teachings. It is the foundation of everything we do at Incarnation Catholic School. As you make your plans for your year-end giving, we pray that you will think of us, and make a donation which will go towards our mission of providing a quality religious education for our young students. You donation will help us to continue to provide a quality education that has helped us join the elite group of schools around the country with that are designated as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. The holiday season is also a perfect time to show those around you how much you care. For those who are hard to buy for, consider making a donation in honor of them or in memory of someone special as a gift this season. In return, your donation will be recognized by a Christmas card we will send letting them know of your kind gesture. Please accept our prayers and wishes for you and yours for happiness and joy this Christmas season. From the Faculty & Staff of Incarnation Catholic School Please send your donations to: Incarnation Catholic School 2911 Bee Ridge Road Sarasota, FL 34239 13