CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Catholic Community January 27, 2013 • Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2929 Bee Ridge Road •Sarasota • Florida • 34239 941•921•6631 CHURCH DIRECTORY Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM & 7:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM Weekdays Monday-Friday 7:00 AM • 11:00 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Mass in Polish First & Third Sunday at 2:00 PM Reconciliation Church Office (941) 921-6631 Fax (941) 927-2521 Office Hours • Mon - Fri 8-12 • 1:30-4 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH CLERGY Reverend Bernard Evanofski, Pastor Reverend Michael Scheip Reverend Leo Smith Deacon John Crescitelli, Pastoral Minister Deacon Joe Cirieco SACRISTAN/GRIEF COUNSELOR Sister Monica Paul Fraser, OP LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SECRETARY FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY John Garisto Andrea Jordan Dustin Mantz Every Saturday after the 8:30 AM Mass Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM & 6:30-7 PM TV Mass 10:00 AM SNN 6/Comcast or Verizon Channel 17 Marriages: Please call the rectory at least four months in advance. Baptisms: Second and last Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon. Classes held the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Conference Room. Please call the office to register, 921-6631. PARISH PRAYER LINE CALL: Lucy 388-7312 or June 921-5480 INCARNATION FOLK GROUP INCARNATION CHOIR Stephany Dobosz 371-2038 TSteEPHx4225 Jeanette LaVoy 371-3080 OFFICE STAFF SECRETARY DATA PROCESSING BOOKKEEPER HEAD OF MAINTENANCE Dawn Gordon Christine Martin Janet Flagg Dick Burns PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS INCARNATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL (941) 924-8588 • (941) 925-1248 Regina Housel, Principal Email: [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY. Please email to [email protected] 2 January 27, 2013 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Parish Ministries In Our Parish Aging with Grace Altar Guild Arimatheans/Pallbearers Altar Servers Ave Maria Council Bereavement Ministry Bingo Boy Scouts Cenacle of Prayer Jack Dellorto 925-7566 Kathy Dansard 924-0907 Jim & Gloria Champer 966-3113 Deacon John 921-6631 Marie McEntee 371-0579 Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP 921-6631 Charlie Culkin 922-8726 Dan LeClair 780-7187 Pat Bretherton 371-7443 Charismatic Prayer Group Mike Hargesheimer 924-0082 Children/Mary Rosary Group Ellie Longo 955-6592 Children’s Liturgy Carole McDonnell 377-1078 Eucharistic Adoration Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Extra Ordinary Ministers Deacon John 921-6631 Good Samaritans Jean Fountain 809-1505 Girl Scouts Julie Krueger 921-5358 Knights of Columbus Steve Christie 924-3447 Legion of Mary Pat Blessinger 371-0981 Meditation Prayer Group George Browning 366-3128 Men’s Club Tom Flood 954-232-5038 Military Ministry Ellie Longo 955-6592 Offertory Families Pat Kelly 966-8266 Parish Library Parish Office 921-6631 Prayer Line Lucy Laudano 388-7312 Prayer Shawl Ministry Barbara Frankovsky 351-1432 RCIA Program Deacon John 921-6631 Readers Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Religious Education John Garisto 924-9566 Respect Life Jorge & Angela Lopez 544-7890 Rosary Makers Sylvia Hill 922-7648 Sociable Singles 50+ Laurie Merson 331-4375 St. Vincent de Paul Margrit Petit 921-6631 Ushers Vic Ticola 922-5279 Welcome Committee Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Women’s Club Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Wonder Club Pat Kelly 966-8266 Youth Group Dustin Mantz 921-6631 MONDAY, January 28 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Aging with Grace (CLL) St. Vincent de Paul (PC) RCIA (PCC) Boy Scouts (CH) TUESDAY, January 29 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Legion of Mary (RE) Children of Mary Rosary Group (CL) Meditation Prayer Group (CLL) Deacon Joe’s Bible Class (PCC) WEDNESDAY, January 30 9:30 AM 8:00 PM Deacon John’s Bible Study Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) THURSDAY, January 31 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) FRIDAY, February 1 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Senior Friendship (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (PCC) Bingo (PC) Al-Anon (CH) SATURDAY, February 2 SUNDAY, February 3 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM Boy Scout Sunday Mass in Polish (CL) Cenacle of Prayer (PCC) SCHEDULED HOURS OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11:30 am - 3:30 pm; Tuesday and First Friday 11:30 am - 9:00 pm. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at closure. C=Church CH=Church Hall CL=Chapel RE=Religious Ed. Office CLL=Chapel Library CR=Choir Room PC=Parish Center PCC=Parish Center Conf. Room New adorers are always welcome. Please call Lucy Gatza at 953-4857. Devotional Prayers during Exposition PARISH REGISTRATION Family and Children Holy Hour: 6:30 – 7:30 pm First Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday 3:00 pm Children of Mary Rosary Group: Tuesday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Other devotional prayers before the Blessed Sacrament Rosary: Monday—Friday 10:30 am, Sunday, 10:30 am. Novena of the Miraculous Medal after 11: 00 am Mass. 3 Welcome to Incarnation Parish. If you would like to become a registered member of our parish family, you may pick up a registration form in the parish office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish office or put it in the offertory collection basket. Our registration form may also be found on line at CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: An exciting week is upon us at Incarnation Catholic School! Starting this Sunday, January 27 th, until Saturday, February 2 , we are celebrating National Catholic Schools Week. This is especially exciting for us because we have so much to celebrate! This Sunday, January 27th, from 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., we will have Open House at the school. We will begin after the 9:00 A.M. Mass with a blessing of the school at the courtyard entrance. Please come and see our school! Visit the classrooms; meet our teachers; explore our library and computer lab; tour our campus; and see what makes us a National Blue Ribbon School. nd Some facts about our great school which you may not know are the following: (1) We currently have 168 students, including students who have come to us with their families from a number of other countries, including the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, and Spain. (2) We have conducted an outreach at St. Jude Parish in Sarasota and now have ten students from that parish. (3) We have thirty-two faculty and staff members, all well-trained and dedicated to the Catholic-based education of our children. (4) We have Activboards in every classroom and 125 computers in the school. (5) Our students on all grade levels have achieved high ranking on the nationally-used Iowa Test of Basic Skills. (6) We have an excellent Science Fair every year. One of our students attained first place last year on a county level in Life Science. (7) We have a wonderful Children’s Choir and a Bell Choir. The Children’s and Bell Choirs perform at several area nursing and assisted living centers. The Bell Choir has performed at the Bradenton-Sarasota Airport during the Christmas Season. (8) We have a fantastic sports program, including basketball, flag football, volleyball, soccer, track, tennis, and golf. The boys’ basketball team are league champions, having won the championship game against Epiphany Catholic School by a score of 38-37. The girls’ basketball team came in second place in their league. (9) We have a wonderful art program. In a Knights of Columbus-sponsored poster contest in which students showed the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, our students did well not only locally, but also on a state level. (10) The Incarnation Council of the Knights of Columbus has sponsored basketball and soccer contests for our students, as well as an essay contest and spelling bee. 11) We have a wonderful Fiesta Day every two years during which we celebrate Mass in Spanish and feature Hispanic Culture in the Parish Center. (All students in the school take Spanish as a second language.) (12) Most importantly, our students learn about their faith on a daily basis. We pray one decade of the Holy Rosary every day; all students study the Catholic Religion; Catholic values are emphasized consistently; and we have Mass every week for the students and staff. These are only a few of the reasons why we believe Incarnation Catholic School is the great school it is. We have much of which to be proud, but, of course, there is always room for improvement. The national theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is “Raising the Standards.” With the cooperation of students, faculty and staff, parents and grandparents, parishioners and friends, we can do it! Please show your support for our wonderful school in whatever way you can. A good way to start is by coming to our Open House this Sunday. We would love to see you there! Don’t forget to watch for future school-related events. Please remember that you are always welcome. At Incarnation, we are a family, and, if you are reading this, you are part of that family! In the Love and Peace of Jesus, Father Bernie 4 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION MASS INTENTIONS January 27, 2013 THE INCARNATION CHURCH MOUSE Hi Folks! Monday, January 28 7:00 Rose Cracovia•Joe & Joanne Arcabella 11:00 Josephine Cecchia•Toni Visaggio What a week! We swore in a President for a second term and we remembered that terrible Roe vs. Wade law. There were two marches in Washington, DC, one for the hope of a good future and one remembering no hope for some of our citizens. There is a lot of worthy talk since that tragic day in Connecticut when innocent children were murdered for no reason of their own. Now we are talking new and better gun laws to prevent this from happening again. Most of the law makers and even our commander-in-chief have said every step should be taken to prevent these unnecessary killings of our children at the hands of disturbed people. It has been said America is better than this and we need to protect the little ones and rightly so. I was just wondering that these same words can be applied to those innocent children killed through abortion each day, but not a word, except from those against abortion. I guess a shooting and killing from a troubled person is different than a law by a professional politician or court that still kills those that we say we need to protect. A law can be just as hurtful and killing as a bullet. I guess the difference is who is doing the harm. As we remember not only the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, let us remember all the children in this world of ours who are mistreated, ill, starving, living on their own or who lose their lives for no reason of their own. When we remember Roe vs. Wade it should also trigger a response from us to protect ALL life. Remember God created us all in His own image; He made us out of love. Just as we wouldn’t damage a valuable painting by a famous artist why do we feel it’s ok to destroy a work of God? Pray, that all children are kept safe and loved and let’s work to give them all a chance to enjoy all that God has in store for them. Maybe as we work on gun laws to protect, we can work on God’s laws to defend. God Bless the Children! Tuesday, January 29 7:00 Gerry Kochendorfer •Gloria & James Champer 11:00 Joseph Wagner•Anne Subriza Wednesday, January 30 7:00 Buddy Savary•The Koskos 11:00 Joseph Delsavio• Lawrence & Anne Maciariello Thursday, January 31 7:00 11:00 Marja Nhung Vu•Janet DeBrosse Lee Larsen•Peggy Hanifin Friday, February 1 7:00 11:00 Joseph & Mary Boron Lee Larsen•Richard Seiler Saturday, February 2 8:30 4:30 7:00 For the intentions of the members of the Eucharistic Adoration ministry Dale Upham•Kathy Klinowski Norbert Sobczak •James & Gloria Champer Sunday, February 3 7:00 9:00 Frances Schute•Barb McKee Gerry Kochendorfer •Stan & Barb Duncan 11:00 Incarnation Parishioners 12:30 Hilda Dumas•Francisco family 6:00 Connie Linkenhoker•Caliendo, Gregory & Germida families Blessings, Incy •denotes requested by 5 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 IncarnationParish In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord through their donations last weekend: EthnicFestival Offertory Collection $17,675.00 Online Giving Donations $555.00 Mailed in Donations $365.00 Our Parish Ethnic Festival is scheduled for Sunday, February 10th, from 1:00 to 5:30 P.M. in the Parish Center. We have eight ethnic groups participating: Croatian, Filipino, German, Hispanic, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, and Polish. Total $18,595.00 Average weekly expenses in December, 2012: $36,855.00 (This amount reflects our payment for property & liability insurance in the amount of $62,858.00) The Festival will be a wonderful celebration of our parish’s ethnic diversity and common bond as one family of sisters and brothers in Christ. There will be delicious foods representing each of the ethnic groups, great entertainment from each of the groups, and visual displays celebrating each group. This event is not intended to be a fund-raiser but rather a celebration of who we are at Incarnation Parish. The only cost will be for food---and what a fantastic bargain it promises to be---a sampling of food from each of the ethnic groups mentioned above for only $5.00 per person. Included will be soup, a number of different entrees, desserts, and drinks. Everyone who purchases a food ticket at the event can sample all of the different foods for a total of only $5.00! That is the best deal in town---and it will all be homemade by those people who learned how to prepare these foods from their parents and grandparents! The Entertainment Schedule will be as follows: 1:30 P.M.---Polanie Dancers (Polish) 2:00 P.M.---Accordianist Steve Mastropietro (Italian) 2:30 P.M.---Accordianist Bogdan Piorkowski (German) 3:00 P.M.---Drake School of Dancers (Irish) 3:30 P.M.---Flamenco Dancer and Guitarist Juan de la Sierra (Hispanic) 4:00 P.M.---Dance of Lights and Dance of Bamboo (Filipino) 4:30 P.M.--- Pianist (Croatian) 5:00 P.M.---“Little Sunflower Dancers” (Hungarian) In addition to all of the above, each ethnic group will display arts-and-crafts items, costumes, photography, etc. from their respective countries of origin. 6 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal Goal $269,000.00 01/06/2013 $282,270.00 THANK YOU! 106% of our goal! 50/50 Raffle Congratulations to ERIKA FRENCH-01/23/13-$142.50 THIS WEEKS WINNER! 50/50 Envelopes are available in the foyer of the church. The drawing will take place on Wednesday morning, at 10:00 AM in the Parish Office. To participate, place $5.00 CASH in the envelope, complete name and phone and drop it in the collection basket or bring it into the office Monday afternoon by 3 PM. Winners will receive 50% of the proceeds, and the other 50% will go toward meeting our goal for the Catholic Faith Appeal. *ONLINE GIVING* is a fast, easy and secure way of making contributions to our church. Thanks to all the parishioners and visitors who have signed up and are enjoying the comfort of not having to remember your envelope every Sunday. Those who may be thinking about it... you no longer have to fill out a form to create an online giving account. Just go to: “Online Donations” Once your account is validated, you will be able to: manage your family information view your giving history and print your giving statement For parishioners and visitors who would like to create an account but are not good with computers, please call Janet Flagg at 941921-6631 ext. 234 for assistance. This is a huge step for our church to comply with “going green” and helps to cut operating costs. Thank you. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 OUR LENTEN PARISH MISSION this year will be held from Monday, February 18 th, to Wednesday, February 20th. Our Mission Director will be Father Bill McCarthy, MSA, the Director of My Father’s House Retreat Center in Moodus, Connecticut. Father Bill will preach at all of the Masses on the weekend of February 16th and 17th (the first weekend of Lent). Divine Mercy Mission Featured speaker, Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC* February 4 –February 6 7:00 – 9:00 pm St. Patrick Catholic Church 7900 Bee Ridge Rd. No charge, no registration Topics include *The “A,B,Cs” of Divine Mercy *The Feast of Divine Mercy and How to receive graces on Divine Mercy Sunday *How Divine Mercy is the Heart of the Gospel *The amazing connection between the Image of Divine Mercy and the Shroud of Turnin *The Theological Meaning of the Image The Theme of the Parish Mission will be a “Personal Relationship with Jesus.” Father Bill has been giving parish missions for more than thirty years and has spoken at over five hundred parishes throughout the United States and Canada. He has a special gift of showing God’s love for each person. Through his teachings, love, acceptance, and joyful encouragement, his missions are healing and inspiring. Father Bernie met Father Bill in Rome, and many of our parishioners have heard him speak in the past and have nothing but praise for his preaching style. For More Information about the mission call 941-378-1703 or The Divine Mercy Cenacle of St. Patrick is hosting the mission and invites Incarnation members to join them both in their cenacle and/or for the mission. Call 941-953-4857 to learn more about the Cenacle. *Fr. Dan Cambra is Director of the Marian Evangelization Team and a member of the Marian Father of the Immaculate Conception. Father Bill will hold two sessions each day: one after the 11:00 A.M. Mass and the other after the 5:30 P.M. Mass on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (February 18th to the 20th). On Tuesday, February 19th, we will have Lenten Penance Services during the context of the mission at both of the sessions that day. Incarnation Bingo every Friday night at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center The focus on each day of the mission will be as follows: First Friday Family Holy Hour Day One: Enlightening: Listening to the Father--Exploring ways in which God speaks and how to discern His Voice. With Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fr. Mike Scheip Day Two: Enflaming: Loving with the Son---Learning Eucharistic love and true forgiveness---the ABC’s of God’s Love. February 1, 2013 6:30 – 7:00 pm (Gathering outside the Chapel at 6:20 pm) Day Three---Empowering: Living in the Spirit--Implementing the Power of the Holy Spirit to heal, serve, and evangelize our lives. “Jesus, give me the faith to understand and appreciate the gift of Your Presence in the Blessed Sacrament” Please mark your calendars and plan to attend what promises to be a spiritually powerful Lenten Mission! Bring your children and join in prayer, song, scripture, rosary and quiet prayer. 7 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 Incarnation Women’s Club JESUS CAME TO GIVE YOU ABUNDANT LIFE! This coming Friday, February 1, 2013 is our First Friday Mass at 11:00 AM in the Chapel. A luncheon will follow at State Street Eating House, 1533 State Street. Please call our hostess, Pat Lotz by Jan. 30th at 923 – 4191 for a reservation. Discover the abundant life that Jesus came to give you by attending this FREE, seven-week seminar, which will be held on Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m., at the Incarnation Parish Center beginning January 31 and ending March 21. The seminar will include praise and worship, talks and discussions on God’s love, salvation, and accepting His invitation to a spiritual life enriched with the gifts of our Catholic Faith. Many who have experienced this seminar have found a new power in prayer, a new love of scripture, a more intimate relationship with the Lord, and a deeper appreciation of the Catholic Church, the liturgy, and the sacraments. For information or to register, call Julie Dorr at 941751-4937 or Bob Banstetter at 941-358-6098. All registrations must be received by Monday, January 28. Save the date: February 12, 2013 Eucharistic Adoration from 5:30 to 6:00 PM. March 9, 2013 Morning of Reflection with Father Mike 2013 Wedding Anniversary Masses - All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to a special Anniversary Mass in their honor. The celebration Mass will begin at 11 AM on Saturday, February 23, 2013, at Epiphany Parish in Venice. Family and friends may join in the celebration at the reception in the Parish Center immediately following the Mass. JIM DRUMMEY, NATIONALLY KNOWN CATHOLIC SYNDICATED COLUMNIST, will speak Sociable Singles Sat., Feb. 2 8:30 AM DeMarco’s (Clark Rd.) Contact Debby Harney 371-7805 Sun., Feb. 3 5:30 PM Super Bowl XLVII Contact Laurie Merson 331-4375 in our Parish Center on Thursday, February 14th, at 10:00 A.M.. Mr. Drummey is the author of a number of books on Catholic subjects and writes a newspaper column known as “Catholic Replies.” This will be his fourth presentation at Incarnation Parish. This year, his topic will be “Journeying through Lent with Jesus.” He will speak on the last days of Jesus on earth, including His Passion and Crucifixion, and Seven Last Words from the Cross. This will be part of our Adult Education Program. BAKE, CRAFTS AND BOOK SHOW CHURCH OF ST. PATRICK 7900 BEE RIDGE ROAD The next in our series on “Catholicism” by Father Robert Barron will be held on Wednesday, March 13th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Parish Center. The session normally held on the second Wednesday of the month will not be held in February because the second Wednesday of February is Ash Wednesday. SAT., FEB. 9TH 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUN., FEB. 10th 7 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Calling All Volunteers - During this Year of Faith, Sponsor of the Week Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites all of the volunteers throughout the Diocese of Venice to attend Mass on Tues., Feb. 19 at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, with the intention of expressing appreciation and thanks to all sacristans, readers, Eucharistic Ministers, catechists, ushers and music ministers. FLORIDA SERVICES Pressure Cleaning & Painting 780-9497 Jim McBride, Owner/Parishioner We would like to thank our parishioners and local businesses for sponsoring ads in our bulletin. Please support all the advertisers found in the back of each printed bulletin. These sponsors make our weekly church bulletin possible. 8 This important Mass provides a "thank you" and formal sign of appreciation for the volunteers of our parishes and those throughout the Diocese. Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 p.m. and will be followed by a reception in the parish hall. To register, please go to and follow the prompts. To register by phone, please call 941-4411136. For more information please call Gail Ardy at 941484-9543. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 2012 CATHOLIC FAITH APPEAL: It is with great pleasure that I announce that Incarnation Catholic Church surpassed its 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal Goal. Our goal for last year was $269,000.00, and our total donations amounted to $282,270.00. Thus, we surpassed our goal by $13,270. That amount will be returned to our parish from the diocese. Percentage-wise, we surpassed our goal by 5.61%. Of all registered parishioners, 25% made donations to the Catholic Faith Appeal in 2012. We wholeheartedly thank all of those who participated. May God bless you for your generosity in helping so many worthwhile causes in our diocese, including assistance to the elderly, homeless, migrant workers, Catholic schools and religious education programs, the education of seminarians, etc. January 27, 2013 Theology on Tap - North - This outreach is committed to providing interesting speakers in a relaxed young adult atmosphere in Sarasota. The event is the first Thursday of each month at a new location, Piatti Bistro, 6630 Gateway Avenue, Sarasota, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The next gathering will be February 7 and the speaker will be Matthew Caes and the topic will be the "Lord of the Rings." Admission is free and attendees are welcome to purchase food and drinks. For further information, and to RSVP, please contact George Smith at [email protected]. SCHEDULING OF MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE YEAR 2014 We have opened the 2014 Mass Intention book and have begun taking reservations. In order to be fair to all of our parishioners and to meet the needs of everyone, we would like to follow the procedures below: Citizens with Disabilities “Tootsie Roll Drive” If at all possible, please schedule Masses in the Parish Office. If coming into the office is not possible, dates may be selected over the phone. If dates are scheduled over the phone, please send the donation in the mail or drop it in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Mass Intention.” There will be no automatic “roll-overs” from one year to the next. If you have, prior to this notice, scheduled a Mass Intention for 2013 and have already made a donation for that Mass, the Intention will be honored. So that everyone can be accommodated, please schedule a maximum of two (2) Masses per year, per deceased. this weekend! Your financial support is an act of charity and sincerely appreciated. Hundreds participated in the annual Prayer Walk for Life in Sarasota last Tuesday. But you don't need to wait another year. Babies die from abortion throughout the year. Join us any Friday in prayer for unborn babies, in front of Sarasota Planned Parenthood, for any length of time between 10am and noon. It's on Central Avenue between 7th and 8th streets (five blocks north of Fruitville, west of Orange). Nearly 20 babies have been saved from abortion in the past year by prayer and sidewalk counseling there. If you can't be there, pray for the babies wherever you are. If you have any questions, write [email protected]. 9 Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we try our best to accommodate the needs of all our parishioners in a fair and equitable manner. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) regarding its lobbying for and encouraging public policy makers are well known. One of the growing areas of focus is that which would provide a legal path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and laborers. A comprehensive policy, in keeping with the Church's social teaching, would restore just enforcement policies, reduce the division of families by deportation, and address the root causes of migration. The USCCB, through the organization "Justice For Immigrants," has asked the faithful to submit an electronic postcard to the U.S. Senate and House asking that they pass a comprehensive solution to our nation's broken immigration system. Please go to to submit this electronic postcard. Through your swift action, we will be joining the voices of thousands from around the nation who are advocating and working for justice for a group of people who are often left without proper care or consideration. This campaign is an opportunity for all to live up to the call of Christ that we help the least of God's children. St. Michael the Archangel Women’s Guild will present its Annual Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon, An Affair to Remember, on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at Michael’s on East, 1212 East Avenue S., Sarasota, FL Fashions are by A’TU. Time: Registration and Cash Bar – 11:00 AM. Luncheon begins at 12:00 noon. Cost: $40 per person. Payable to St. Michael’s Women’s Guild. To make reservations, please call Helen at 941-3497679 or Carol at 941-349-2016 Women's Conference - The 2013 Diocese of Venice Women's Conference will be Saturday, February 16, at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers. Celebrate the "Year of Faith" with other women of faith. The keynote speaker is Teresa Tomeo, author, syndicated Catholic talk show host and motivational speaker. Also speaking is Sister Mary Gabriel of the Sisters of Life and Dr. Jennifer Morse. For more information or to register, please visit or call 941-484-9543 or email [email protected]. Men's Conference - The 2013 Diocese of Venice Men's Conference will be held Saturday, March 2, at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers. Celebrate the "Year of Faith" with other faith-filled men. The keynote speaker will be Scott Hahn, author, theologian and Catholic apologist. Also speaking at the conference is Dr. Peter Kleponis and Gus Lloyd. For more information or to register, please visit events or call 941-484-9543 or email [email protected]. I take this opportunity to extend to you my continued prayers and consideration. Sincerely yours in Christ, + Frank J. Dewane Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida Collection for Church in Latin America - Mardis Gras Madness - Bethesda House of This weekend the Diocese of Venice will join other Dioceses in the United States for a special collection for the Church in Latin America. The collection helps to fund pastoral projects in the areas of evangelization, formation of priests, religious, missionaries, lay people and catechists, with an emphasis in all their work on youth outreach. By funding these causes, we are able to ensure that our impact will be felt for years to come and will greatly assist the Church in Latin America. Please give generously to this cause. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice Inc. will host Mardi Grad Madness on Tuesday, February 12 at the Sarasota Yacht Club in Sarasota. The proceeds from the dinner dance will support Bethesda House a community drop-in center for persons with HIV/AIDS. The evening will feature a cocktail hour, dinner and dancing to the music of Jay Goodley Entertainment. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Jeanette Wozniak by phone at 941355-4680, ext. 311 or by email at [email protected]. Envelopes are available at the doors of the church and chapel. 10 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Today's Gospel reading combines two separate passages taken from the Gospel of Luke. First we hear the opening verses where Luke establishes the purpose of his Gospel. His style is typical of polished Greek and Roman literature. In this passage, we learn that Luke may have written to a specific person, Theophilus; but the word Theophilus may also be a general reference, functioning as the phrase “Dear Reader” might in contemporary writing. In Greek, the word Theophilus translates as “lover of God.” Today's Gospel reading then skips several chapters in which one would find the Infancy Narratives, Jesus' baptism by John, the temptations Jesus faced in the desert, and the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. In chapter four of Luke's Gospel, we hear that Jesus is in His hometown of Nazareth, attending the synagogue on the Sabbath, which is said to be His custom. In this account, we find another important clue that Jesus lived as a faithful, observant Jew. We will continue to read from Luke's Gospel in sequence for the next two Sundays. As Jesus stands in the synagogue, He reads from the scroll handed to Him; it contains the words of the prophet Isaiah. At this early moment in His ministry, Jesus announces His mission in continuity with Israel's prophetic tradition. This reading from Isaiah defines Jesus' ministry. We will find more evidence of this as we continue to read from Luke's Gospel throughout the year. Jesus' ministry will include bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, healing to the sick, freedom to the oppressed, and proclaiming a year acceptable to the Lord. Through this text from Isaiah, Jesus announces God's salvation. The “year acceptable to the Lord” is a reference to the Jewish tradition of Sabbath years and jubilee. The Sabbath year was observed every seventh year. It was a year of rest when land was left fallow and food stores were to be shared equally with all. A year of Jubilee was celebrated every fiftieth year, the conclusion of seven cycles of Sabbath years. It was a year of renewal in which debts were forgiven and slaves were freed. This tradition of Jubilee is the framework for God's promise of salvation. And yet in Jesus, something new begins. Jesus not only announces God's salvation, He brings this salvation about in His person. Jesus is Yahweh's Anointed One, filled with the Spirit of God. The Kingdom of God is now at hand. It is made present in Jesus, in His life, death, and Resurrection. Jesus will send the Holy Spirit so that the Kingdom of God can be fulfilled. The Holy Spirit is Jesus' gift to the Church. The Holy Spirit enables the Church to continue the mission of Jesus. When we do what Jesus did—bring glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, healing to the sick, and freedom to the oppressed— we serve the Kingdom of God. From Loyola Press’s Sunday Connection. Reprinted with permission. You’ll find an 11 array of resources to nourish your faith at January 27, 2013 READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday, January 28 Reading I: Heb 9:15, 24-28; Gospel: Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday, January 29 Reading I: Heb 10:1-10; Gospel: Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday, January 30 Reading I: Heb 10:11-18; Gospel: Mk 4:1-20 Thursday, January 31 Reading I: Heb 10:19-25; Gospel: Mk 4:21-25 Friday, February 1 Reading I: Heb 10:32-39; Gospel: Mk 4:26-34 Saturday, February 2 Reading I: Mal 3:1-4 Heb 2:14-18; Gospel: Lk 2:22-40 Sunday, February 3 Reading I: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Reading II: 1 Cor 12:31-13:13 Gospel: Lk 4:21-30; Dolly Hargabus Robert Stanton May they rest in eternal peace. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION January 27, 2013 12 Scheurer Jenkins General and Cosmetic Dentistry 941.366.4553 Steven T. Wittmer, Gregory P. 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