CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Catholic Community March 10, 2013 † Fourth Sunday of Lent 2929 Bee Ridge Road •Sarasota • Florida • 34239 941•921•6631 CHURCH DIRECTORY Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM & 7:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM Weekdays Monday-Friday 7:00 AM • 11:00 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Mass in Polish First & Third Sunday at 2:00 PM Reconciliation Church Office (941) 921-6631 Fax (941) 927-2521 Office Hours • Mon - Fri 8-12 • 1:30-4 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH CLERGY Reverend Bernard Evanofski, Pastor Reverend Michael Scheip Reverend Leo Smith Deacon John Crescitelli, Pastoral Minister Deacon Joe Cirieco SACRISTAN/GRIEF COUNSELOR Sister Monica Paul Fraser, OP LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SECRETARY FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY John Garisto Andrea Jordan Dustin Mantz Every Saturday after the 8:30 AM Mass Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM & 6:30-7 PM TV Mass 10:00 AM SNN 6/Comcast or Verizon Channel 17 Marriages: Please call the rectory at least four months in advance. Baptisms: Second and last Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon. Classes held the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Conference Room. Please call the office to register, 921-6631. PARISH PRAYER LINE CALL: Lucy 388-7312 or June 921-5480 INCARNATION FOLK GROUP INCARNATION CHOIR Stephany Dobosz 371-2038 TSteEPHx4225 Jeanette LaVoy 371-3080 OFFICE STAFF SECRETARY DATA PROCESSING BOOKKEEPER HEAD OF MAINTENANCE Dawn Gordon Christine Martin Janet Flagg Dick Burns PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS INCARNATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL (941) 924-8588 • (941) 925-1248 Regina Housel, Principal Email: [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY. Please email to [email protected] 2 March 10, 2013 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Parish Ministries In Our Parish Aging with Grace Altar Guild Arimatheans/Pallbearers Altar Servers Ave Maria Council Bereavement Ministry Bingo Boy Scouts Cenacle of Prayer Jack Dellorto 925-7566 Kathy Dansard 924-0907 Jim & Gloria Champer 966-3113 Deacon John 921-6631 Marie McEntee 371-0579 Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP 921-6631 Charlie Culkin 922-8726 Dan LeClair 780-7187 Pat Bretherton 371-7443 Charismatic Prayer Group Mike Hargesheimer 924-0082 Children/Mary Rosary Group Ellie Longo 955-6592 Children’s Liturgy Carole McDonnell 377-1078 Eucharistic Adoration Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Extra Ordinary Ministers Deacon John 921-6631 Good Samaritans Jean Fountain 809-1505 Girl Scouts Julie Krueger 921-5358 Knights of Columbus Steve Christie 924-3447 Legion of Mary Pat Blessinger 371-0981 Meditation Prayer Group George Browning 366-3128 Men’s Club Tom Flood 954-232-5038 Military Ministry Ellie Longo 955-6592 Offertory Families Pat Kelly 966-8266 Parish Library Parish Office 921-6631 Prayer Line Lucy Laudano 388-7312 Prayer Shawl Ministry Barbara Frankovsky 351-1432 RCIA Program Deacon John 921-6631 Readers Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Religious Education John Garisto 924-9566 Respect Life Jorge & Angela Lopez 544-7890 Rosary Makers Sylvia Hill 922-7648 Sociable Singles 50+ Laurie Merson 331-4375 St. Vincent de Paul Margrit Petit 921-6631 Ushers Vic Ticola 922-5279 Welcome Committee Lucy Gatza 953-4857 Women’s Club Mary Ellen Strzempka 924-3616 Wonder Club Pat Kelly 966-8266 Youth Group Dustin Mantz 921-6631 MONDAY, March 11 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Aging with Grace (PCC) Men’s Club (PC) RCIA (PCC) Boy Scouts (CH) TUESDAY, March 12 11:30 AM 2:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Ave Maria Council (PCC) Rosary Makers (CLL) Knights of Columbus (CH) Legion of Mary (RE) Children of Mary Rosary Group (CL) Meditation Prayer Group (CLL) Deacon Joe’s Bible Class (PCC) WEDNESDAY, March 13 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Senior Friendship (PC) Deacon John’s Bible Study (PCC) Lenten Soup (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) THURSDAY, March 14 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Taizi Prayer Service (CL) Charismatic Prayer Group (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (CH) FRIDAY, March 15 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:30 PM Senior Friendship (PC) Alcoholics Anonymous (PCC) Al-Anon (CH) Bingo (PC) SATURDAY, March 16 8:30 PM St. Patrick’s Day Dance (PC) SUNDAY, March 17 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11:30 am - 3:30 pm; Tuesday and First Friday 11:30 am - 9:00 pm. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at closure each day. Mass in Polish (CL) Wonder Club (PCC) Cenacle of Prayer (PCC) C=Church CH=Church Hall CL=Chapel RE=Religious Ed. Office CLL=Chapel Library CR=Choir Room PC=Parish Center PCC=Parish Center Conf. Room New adorers are always welcome. Please call Lucy Gatza at 953-4857. Community Prayer PARISH REGISTRATION Children of Mary Rosary Group: Tuesday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday, 3:00 pm First Friday: Family Holy Hour, 6:30 – 7:00 pm First Friday First Friday: Respect Life Holy Hour, 7:30-8:30 pm Rosary & Novena of the Miraculous Medal Rosary: Sunday, 10:30 am, Monday—Friday 6:30 am & 10:30 am, Novena of the Miraculous Medal: Monday, 11:30 am. 3 Welcome to Incarnation Parish. If you would like to become a registered member of our parish family, you may pick up a registration form in the parish office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish office or put it in the offertory collection basket. Our registration form may also be found on line at CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION MASS INTENTIONS March 10, 2013 A Word from Father Bernie My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Monday, March 11 Many Catholics seem to be confused about the laws of abstinence and fast during the Season of Lent. Abstinence has to do with refraining from all meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent for those who are fourteen years of age and older. Fasting has to do with eating only one full meal and two small meals on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This law applies to all Catholics between the ages of eighteen and fifty-nine inclusive. 7:00 George Feeley, Sr. •Caliendo & Gregory Families 11:00 Nicolas Tablizo•James & Sylvia Kurt 5:30 Ethel Schueckler•Schueckler Family Tuesday, March 12 7:00 Ronald Henn•Ken Porter 11:00 Ave Maria Council 5:30 Joseph Mintern•Doreen Wright There is an old legend which, of course, is absolutely false, that the law of abstinence was initiated by the early leaders of the Church to promote the fishing industry. (Remember that Peter, the first pope, was a fisherman. However, subsequent popes had no financial interest in the fishing business.) Wednesday, March 13 7:00 Marge Knutson•Dukes Knutson 11:00 T. J. McMillan Family•The Powell Family 5:30 Charles Barg•Helen Barg Actually, the tradition of abstaining from meat on Fridays goes back to the first century when Christians abstained from eating meat on Fridays to honor Jesus’ death on the cross on Good Friday. Because Jesus sacrificed His flesh for the salvation of humanity, the flesh of warm-blooded animals was not eaten on Friday. Thursday, March 14 7:00 Leanna Knopik•Aippersbach Family 11:00 Joseph Wagner•Bryson & Marilyn Bateman 5:30 Special Intention•Emmanuel Augustin The practice of abstaining from certain foods and fasting goes back to Old Testament times. In the Books of Leviticus and Numbers, we read that on the Day of Atonement, we should afflict our souls. Fasting and abstinence were not mentioned, per se, but many believe that they were implied. Friday, March 15 7:00 11:00 5:30 Michael Kaschak•Evanofski Family Rose D’Alessandro•Georgine Klinger Mario Herrera Moore •Carol Ann Herrera Before the Second Vatican Council, Catholics were not allowed to eat meat on any Friday of the year, and they had to fast on all the weekdays of Lent. Going back even further in time, Catholics were not allowed to eat meat, eggs, cheese, or any dairy products throughout the Season of Lent. Even though we are allowed to eat meat on Fridays outside of Lent, we should try to do some form of penance, mortification, works of charity, or exercises of piety on all Fridays. We could offer those sacrifices in reparation for the sins of abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, etc. In addition, we should, of course, pray for the defense of the sanctity of all human life from the womb to old age. Saturday, March 16 8:30 4:30 George Britanak•Mary Britanak Adrienne Beall Webster • Aippersbach Family 7:00 Sue Altier •Mary Ann & Charles; George & Ginny Hudson What happens if one visits a friend on a Lenten Friday and that friend serves meat? Should we gently refuse it? I believe that the answer to that question is “no”. We can eat the meat under those circumstances and decide personally to abstain from meat on another day of the week. Sunday, March 17 7:00 Clementine Fernander•Bob Fernander 9:00 Incarnation Parishioners 11:00 Maria Crescitelli •John & Joanne Crescitelli 12:30 Althea Berdynski•Walp Family 6:00 Juliana Steinfeldt, living •Evanofski Family •denotes requested by Most importantly, we should always remember the “spirit of the law” when it comes to fast and abstinence. No one is asking or expecting any of us to become “holier than the Church”. In the Love and Peace of Jesus, Father Bernie 4 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord through their donations last weekend: THE INCARNATION CHURCH MOUSE Offertory Collection $21,685.00 Online Giving Donations $450.00 Mailed in Donations $455.00 Hi Folks! Total $22,590.00 Just when you thought you heard it all a story comes along that makes you say “I just don’t believe it.” This past week there was a news story where an elderly woman had a heart attack and needed CPR. Someone called 911 and the operator said to start CPR while the paramedics were on the way. The person on the phone said no one could perform CPR and the operator once again said someone has to start CPR right away. Once again the caller said no one could or would perform the needed CPR at the facility and guess what, the woman died. Now the sad part of this story is that the person who called in was a nurse and the facility where she worked prohibited anyone who worked there to perform the much needed life saving CPR. You would never expect something that bizarre to happen in this country of ours. I guess this policy was in place to prevent law suits or something like that and the daughter of the woman who died said she was ok with the facility’s policy. That poor woman didn’t have a chance. I tell you, if I were at that place, I’d be looking for a new place to live. I think this would be a good time to ask “What would Jesus do.” This time of Lent is a good time to look at the hard issues that we face each day and the decisions we must act on. Would we follow the law, to save ourselves or would we respond to the other persons need? Just because there is a law or policy allowing an evil to take place doesn’t make it the right thing to do. What about the common good. Abortion, Euthanasia and Capital Punishment are other examples of things that are morally wrong but are allowed and there are laws that exist to allow them to happen. Average weekly expenses in January, 2013: $24,100.00 2013 Catholic Faith Appeal Goal $262,000.00 Amount collected as of 3/3/13 $52,986.00 We are grateful to those who participated in the 2012 CFA. We hope we will have even more participation in 2013. 50/50 Raffle Congratulations to MARY KURT—03/05/13—$145.00 THIS WEEKS WINNER! 50/50 Envelopes are available in the foyer of the church. The drawing will take place on Wednesday morning, at 10:00 AM in the Parish Office. To participate, place $5.00 CASH in the envelope, complete name and phone and drop it in the collection basket or bring it into the office Monday by 3 PM. Winners will receive 50% of the proceeds, and the other 50% will go toward meeting our goal for the Catholic Faith Appeal. This Lent let us be courageous and look at how we feel about these issues. Killing someone isn’t a right. Jesus did nothing wrong but in the face of death no one stepped forward to help Him either. There are too many bad laws and not enough good common sense today. It’s time for us to say enough is enough already. The more we continue to remove God from our country, schools and public places the more we will all need CPR- that is Christ’s Positive Rule to save us, which is to love God and love our neighbor. If we follow His rule we may be able to stop this foolishness that is becoming the new rule to save ourselves. Jesus put others first especially the sick and the most vulnerable. Shouldn’t we follow that policy? If I need CPR I hope I am in the presence of one who follows God’s CPR. *ONLINE GIVING* is a fast, easy and secure way of making contributions to our church. Thanks to all the parishioners and visitors who have signed up and are enjoying the comfort of not having to remember your envelope every Sunday. Those who may be thinking about it... you no longer have to fill out a form to create an online giving account. Just go to: “Online Donations” Once your account is validated, you will be able to: manage your family information view your giving history and print your giving statement For parishioners and visitors who would like to create an account but are not good with computers, please call Janet Flagg at 941921-6631 ext. 234 for assistance. This is a huge step for our church to comply with “going green” and helps to cut operating costs. Thank you. Blessings, Incy 5 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Holy Week Schedule—2013 Bulletin Deadlines Palm Sunday, March 24 Saturday, March 23, 4:30 PM & 7 PM Procession from the Courtyard at the 4:30 PM Mass The deadline for the Palm Sunday Bulletin will be Tues., March 11 by 9 AM Sunday, March 24, 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM (Mass in Polish) and 6 PM Procession from the Courtyard at the 9 AM, 11 AM & 6 PM The deadline for the Easter Sunday bulletin will be Mon., Mar. 18 by 9 am Monday, March 25 7 AM, 11 AM and 5:30 PM (Confessions following the 7 & 11 AM Masses) Tuesday, March 26 7 AM, 11 AM and 5:30 PM (Confessions following the 7 & 11 AM Masses) Chrism Mass-Tuesday, March 26 10:30 AM Epiphany Cathedral-Venice Wednesday, March 27 7 AM, 11 AM and 5:30 PM (Confessions following the 7 & 11 AM Masses) Lenten Schedule Throughout Lent Daily Mass Schedule Holy Thursday, March 28 Monday thru Friday: 7 AM, 11 AM & 5:30 PM 7 PM Mass with Exposition until 12:00 Midnight Saturdays: 8:30 AM Good Friday, March 29 8 AM Divine Mercy Novena Noon – Stations of the Cross 3 PM Passion of Our Lord 7 PM Prayer around the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross with Benediction following, every Thursday during Lent at 7:00 PM. Stations of the Cross every Friday immediately following the 11:00 AM Mass. Holy Saturday, March 30 8 AM Divine Mercy Novena 10 AM Easter Egg Hunt Noon – Blessing of Easter Food 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Masses, March 31 7 AM – Church 9 AM-Church & Parish Center 11 AM-Church & Parish Center 12:30 PM-Divine Mercy Novena-Chapel 1:00 PM-Church 3:00 PM Mass in Polish Confessions will be available during the Season of Lent every Friday after the 5:30 PM Mass Confessions will also continue to be available at the regular times: Saturdays after 8:30 AM Mass Saturdays at 3:30 PM Saturdays at 6:30 PM NO MASS AT 6 PM 6 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Pray, Give, and Sacrifice The Rosary Makers will meet on Tues., Mar. 12 at 2 PM in the Chapel Library. Please join us! Giving up something for Lent, eating fish on Fridays and fasting from meat, almsgiving and penance throughout the forty days of Lent—these are some of the practices for which Catholics are known. But why do we as Catholics do this? Because through these commitments—known as “Lenten practices” or “Lenten disciplines”—the Catholic Church calls us each year to renew our discipleship in Christ. Specifically, each year during the liturgical season of Lent the Church asks us to pray, give alms, and fast. Pray Sociable Singles We know the importance of prayer in our lives—as individuals, as families, and as a community. Prayer is especially important during Lent. The Lenten season is a time for reflection, evaluation, and repentance. As the booklet Praying Lent (Loyola Press, 2009) says, Lent asks us: “What needs changing?” Lent calls us to a personal conversion and renewal—to a recommitted life in Christ so that we might not just celebrate Easter forty days later but also feel the risen Christ alive in us and in the world. This means prayer. During Lent we set aside time for prayer that is reflective in nature and reveals places where we have failed to open ourselves to God. Sun., Mar. 17 5:00 PM St. Patrick’s @ Evie’s on the Range Bee Ridge Road Contact Laurie Merson, 331-4375 Sat., Apr. 6 8:30 AM Breakfast @ the Breakfast House Fruitville Road Contact Debby Harney, 371-7805. Give Every day we witness situations of injustice, violence, and hatred. Television and the Internet bring these into our living rooms, but we also observe and live them in our own cities and homes. The Church calls us during Lent to be especially conscious of the needs of others and to act accordingly. Giving materially to another is an act of Christian charity known as “almsgiving.” During Lent, the Church also calls us to first convert ourselves and then to transform the world for justice, so that we might serve the Kingdom which Jesus lived and preached. Offertory Ministry The Offertory Ministry is in need of families, couples and singles to participate in this rewarding ministry at our Masses by bringing up the gifts. If you attend the 7 PM, 7 AM, 11 AM or 12:30 PM Masses, please contact Pat Kelly, 966-8266 to volunteer. We need your help! Sacrifice Fasting and abstinence are not sacrifices for the sake of pain or vain discomfort. Sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice is not a Christian virtue. We are asked by the Catholic Church to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and not to eat meat on the Fridays of Lent. Feeling an empty stomach, or fighting the urge to have that juicy steak or candy bar does more than just remind us that for some people an empty stomach is their daily bread. Fasting and abstinence help us to ask ourselves the question: “What sustains me and gives me life?” What nourishes me on my journey of life? We will find the answer, not in the steak or the candy bar, but at the end of these forty days of Lent—in the Resurrection of Jesus. We fast and abstain because, when we do, we are reminded of who we are—followers of the risen Christ. Bereavement Ministry If you have suffered a loss and would like to speak to someone, please call Sr. Monica Paul at 921-6631 to set up an appointment. As Catholics, we joyfully engage in Lenten disciplines because we are disciples (and yes, both words have the same root). We pray, give (almsgiving), and sacrifice (fast) because we follow Christ, who loved us so much that gave His own life so that we might share in Eternal Life. 7 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Incarnation Men’s Club Incarnation Women’s Club This Tuesday Mar.12, 2013 is our next Eucharistic Adoration opportunity from 5:30 to 6:00pm. Come spend some prayerful time with the Lord during this season of Lent. All women of the parish are invited to the Morning of Reflection which has been changed to Sat. March 23, 2013; 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. Treat your soul to a Spiritual Spa day in preparation for Holy Week. Father Ken Oldenski will be our moderator. A continental breakfast will be served at 9:00 am. Father Ken will give two inspiring talks to enlighten us. Mass will be celebrated at 11:30 followed by a light lunch. Please RSVP to our Pres. Mary Ellen Strzempka at 924-3616 by March 18th. The Church of the Incarnation and millions of other churches, charities and non-profit organizations around the world provide access to information about their activities and attract donations using a .org domain name on the Internet. What is the .org domain all about? How does it work? What does the future look like for the .org domain and other Internet addresses. Art Reilly, current Treasurer and Member of the Board of the Public Interest Registry that oversees the management of the 10 million plus .org domains, will be the speaker at the March 11, 2013 meeting of the Men’s Club beginning at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. Art, an Incarnation parishioner and recent member of the US National Science Board, will address the above questions and other issues about the .org domain, the Public Interest Registry and its plans for the future. Tuesday Mar. 26, 2013 is the Chrism Mass at Epiphany Cathedral, in Venice. New members and potential new members are welcome for our Italian dinner and meeting. All members are invited to bring a guest. We still charge only $10.00 for our delicious dinner and refreshments. If you decide to join the Men's Club and pay our $20.00 annual dues, your first dinner is FREE! You'll be glad you did! The Booker High School Play this year is Wiz. Our tickets are for Sat. April 13, 2013 at 2:00 pm. Their shows are always a big hit and tickets are limited so please call Mary Ellen Strzempka at 924-3616 to make a reservation. The cost is $15 for adults and $10 for adult seniors, which needs to be paid to Mary Ellen by our next General Meeting, Mar. 26, 2013. Below is a guest ticket to join us for our March 11 dinner meeting. Please contact Bob Femander, 921-7074 or Tom Flood, 954 232-5038 to make your reservations. FREE DINNER Join us for a Free Dinner on the Second Monday of the month. Compliments of Incarnation Men’s Club (present this card when you check in) Membership Meetings 2nd Monday of Every Month 6:30 PM in the Parish Center Date to remember: General Meeting, March 26, 2013, at 6:00 pm. It is our soup night and the program is regarding Our Mother’s House. Sponsor of the Week TUTORING SERVICES EASTER FLOWER OFFERING If you would like to have a part in helping to decorate the church for the Easter season, you may do so by an offering of $25.00 – in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one. You may drop the donation in the collection basket or stop by the parish office. Envelopes available in the back of church. PLEASE PRINT THE NAMES LEGIBLY SO WE CAN PROPERLY HONOR YOUR LOVED ONE 8 HAVE KNOWLEDGE-WILL TRAVEL MATHEMATICS & READING GEOFFREY FISHER [email protected] 941-321-6024 We would like to thank our parishioners and local businesses for sponsoring ads in our bulletin. Please support all the advertisers found in the back of each printed bulletin. These sponsors make our weekly church bulletin possible. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 While Planned Parenthood claims that abortions account for only 3% of its services, documents show that abortion fees are 40% of its income. Furthermore 97.6% of pregnant women going to Planned Parenthood are sold abortions while less than 2.4% of pregnant women receive non-abortion services. Adoption referrals are negligible. Planned Parenthood remains America's largest abortion supplier, responsible for 27.6% of all abortions done nationally. St. Patrick‘s Day Dance & Raffles MARCH 16, 2013 8:30 pm-12:00 midnight Incarnation Catholic Church Parish Center The Woman's Auxiliary of Boy Scout Troop 103 would like to invite you to: A St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance & Open Bar Buffet-style appetizers & finger food “Only with prayer-prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayers that cleanses our hearts and souls- will the culture of death that surrounds us today be replaced with a culture of life.” – Pastoral Plan for ProLife Activities, United State Catholic Bishops Tickets are $20.00 per person. (Adults Only) Contact: Tracey Beede 342-0434 Susan Cusolito 350-0464 Entertainment provided by Rick the Trickster Entertainment, Inc. Tuesday, March 12 12 hour Prayer Vigil Incarnation Parish’s Legion of Mary joyfully requests your presence at the 43rd Annual Acies Celebra- Eucharistic Adoration 11:30 am to 11:30 pm tion. This rededication to Our Blessed Mother will be held at St. Joseph Church Come, let us pray as the College of Cardinals, in Conclave, chose the Next Holy Father 2704 33rd Ave. W. Bradenton on Saturday, March 23 Opening prayers begin at 10:30am Mass at 11am Everyone is invited. Sign up table is in the Courtyard Call 953-4857 Please join us for a buffet luncheon in the Parish Center immediately following Mass. Call Pat Blessinger, 371-0981 or Ann Geraghty, 371-0449 to car pool from Incarnation. Don’t miss this special event! 9 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Today's Gospel READINGS FOR THIS WEEK The parable Jesus tells in today's Gospel is unique to the Gospel of Luke. Jesus has been teaching the crowds as He journeys to Jerusalem. As He teaches, the Pharisees and scribes complain and challenge Jesus because He is welcoming sinners at His table. Today we hear the third of three parables that Jesus tells in response to His critics. These three familiar parables—the lost sheep, the lost coin, and today's parable of the prodigal son—invite us to consider the depth of God's mercy and love. The Pharisees taught a scrupulous observance of Jewish Law. In their interpretation and practice, observant Jews who shared table fellowship with sinners would be made unclean. Like Jesus, the Pharisees hoped to lead sinners back to God. The Pharisees, however, required that sinners first become ritually clean—observant of the Pharisees' interpretation of Jewish Law—before sharing table fellowship. This appears to be one of the major differences between the Pharisees and Jesus. Jesus reaches out to sinners while they are still sinners, inviting them to conversion through fellowship with Him. Jesus is God acting among us; by befriending us, He is inviting us to return to friendship with God. Through friendship with Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we, in turn, bear fruit for God. Recall last Sunday's Gospel and the barren fig tree. Our familiarity with today's parable risks dulling us to its tremendously powerful message. We call this the parable of the lost son or the prodigal son. Any focus on the younger son, however, must also be balanced by an examination of the unusual behavior of the father. First we must imagine our first response to the audacity of a son who asks for his inheritance before his father has died. Indignation would certainly be a justifiable response to such a request. Yet the father in this parable agrees to honor the son's request and divides his property among his two sons. How might we describe such a father? Foolish comes to mind, but so does trusting. Without property of his own, the father must rely upon his sons to provide for his well-being. The younger son takes his inheritance and leaves home. The older son remains, continuing to provide for the father and the household. Having been disgraced by the younger son, the father spends some time watching the road for the return of the lost son. When he eventually sees his wayward son returning, the father not only welcomes him but also runs out to greet him and then honors him with a party. We say that this father is loving and forgiving. Yet these adjectives only begin to describe the depth of love and mercy that characterize the father. We find no surprise in the anger of the older son. Yet the father appears sad and even confused by the older son's indignation. He says in reply that they should celebrate because the lost son had returned. The father is filled with gratitude and love for the older son's faithfulness. This love is in no way diminished by the father's rejoicing at the return of the younger son. Yet the older son's jealousy reveals his limited understanding of the depth of his father's love. The Fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally called Laetare Sunday. Laetare is a Latin word that means “rejoice.” Today's Gospel describes the reason for our joy: God's great love for us has been revealed in Jesus. Through his Passion, Death, and Resurrection, Christ has reconciled us with God and one another. Monday, March 11 Reading I: Is 65: 17-21; Gospel: Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday, March 12 Reading I: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Gospel: Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday, March 13 Reading I: Is 49:8-15; Gospel: Jn 5:31-47 Thursday, March 14 Reading I: Ex 32:7-14; Gospel: Jn 5:31-47 Friday, March 15 Reading I: Wis 2:1, 12-22; Gospel: Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday, March 16 Reading I: Jer 11:18-20; Gospel: Jn 7:40-53 Sunday, March 17 Reading I: Is 43:16-21; Reading II: 3:8-14 Gospel: Jn 8:1-11 Lucy Reising May she rest in eternal peace. From Loyola Press’s Sunday Connection. Reprinted with permission. You’ll find an array of resources to nourish your faith at 10 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Catholic Faith Appeal 2013 Chrism Mass - All are encouraged and invited to attend the Chrism Mass which will be celebrated Tuesday, March 26, 10:30 a.m., at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. Clergy observing their 50th and 25th anniversaries of ordination are: 50 years - Reverends John C. Rourke, Edward A. Kearns, Richard R. Seifferly, and Jerome A. Carosella. 25 years - Most Reverend Frank J. Dewane, Reverends Russell Wright and Juan Carlos Sack, I.V.E. Reverend Deacons James T. Burns, William Hanlon, and Russell Grant. Your gift to the CFA helps support various programs of the Diocese, including our Prison Outreach, Youth and Young Adult Outreach, Family Life Outreach, Respect Life Outreach and many others. Ave Maria Council Mass in the chapel at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12th. Please sit with the group. Brown bag lunch following Mass in the Parish center conference room, dessert and beverages provided by our hostess of the month, Carolyn McDonough. Taizé Prayer Service We have a program that will be of interest to all mature women regarding skin care. Katherine from Dr. Abram's Dermatology Center will present an informative demonstration. Any questions please call Marie at 371-0579. ~contemplative prayer for the common person~ Please join us in the Chapel Church of the Incarnation 2929 Bee Ridge Road GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY NEEDS HELP! Thursday March 14, 2013 7:00 p.m. Do you like to meet new people? Have you wanted to get involved in something at church but didn’t know what? Do you remember the Footprint story where there was only one set of foot prints in the sand because Jesus carried someone in time of need? Well, the the volunteers of the Good Samaritan ministry are striving to carry those in need, not by physically carrying them but by driving them to and from the doctors, church or shopping when they are unable to do this for themselves. This is a wonderful ministry where our volunteers put their time and resources to good use, meet lovely people in need of help and receive their grateful smiles. We can be like Jesus and lighten the burden for those unable to get around with out some help. EXTENDED ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT THIS TUESDAY: This Tuesday, March 12th, we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel from 11:30 A.M. until 11:30 P.M. in order to pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire the College of Cardinals to elect a pope who will lead our Church with courage, wisdom, and extraordinary holiness. Please come to the chapel on Tuesday and pray for this most important cause. If interested and for more information please call Jean Fountain at 941-809-1505. 11 CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION March 10, 2013 Building A Bridge To The Future The Diocese of Venice, Church of the Incarnation, and Incarnation Catholic School proudly announce a magnanimous Gift and Match Grant Challenge from the Stephen and Janine Marrone Foundation. In recognition of the unique role that Incarnation Catholic School plays in both the Sarasota Community and throughout the Diocese, and with an eye toward the future growth of Catholicism through education and neighborhood outreach, The Marrone Foundation has made an outright gift to the school of $100,000. We are eternally grateful for this resounding answer to our heartfelt prayers, and we are especially excited by the additional challenge presented to us by the Marrone Foundation: For every dollar donated to Incarnation Catholic School over the next nine months, the Marrone Foundation will MATCH it, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, up to $300,000! As we continue to nurture our children to grow in Faith, Knowledge, and Love, will you join us in our effort to build a bridge to the future with your generous MATCHED donation? ………………………………………………✄…………………………………………………………………… ☐ Yes! I would like to DOUBLE my donation to Incarnation School ☐ Please accept my check in the amount of $___________ ☐ Please bill my credit/debit card in the amount of $ _________ Mail to: Incarnation Catholic School, 2911 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota FL 34239 Or call 941.924.8588 Name __________________ E-Mail _____________ Address __________________ Telephone ___________ __________________ Please Circle: Visa MasterCard American Express Card # __________________ Expiration Date _______ 13 Scheurer Jenkins General and Cosmetic Dentistry 941.366.4553 Steven T. Wittmer, Gregory P. Linehan, Partner/Parishioner Partner/Parishioner 1215 Beneva Road South • Sarasota, Florida 34232 Monica L. Scheurer, DMD James E. Jenkins, DMD ~Parishioners~ CHRIS KERNAN REALTOR, e-PRO, GRI State Certified General Contractor Email: [email protected] Since 1969 • Repair • Porch Enclosures • HURRICANE WINDOWS 941-544-2460 - Direct 921-1113 SUPERIOR SERVICE IS MY SPECIALTY GRADUATE - UNIV. OF NOTRE DAME COLDWELL BANKER RES. REAL ESTATE 492-5200 1955 So. Trail, Venice 5330 Ashton Ct., Sarasota GLENNSarasota T. BROWN Board of Realtors #1 Agent of Homes Sold 8 Years FLORIDA SERVICES Serving the Sarasota & Venice Area Since 1985 pressure cleaning & painting no Harsh chemicals! Free roof inspections & Quotes Pressure Washing • Roof Coating • Painting 780- 9497 Direct Parishioner Lifetime Resident 342-6464 Sarasota Your Neighborhood Specialist 485- 9923 Venice Jim McBride, Owner/Parishioner Licensed and Insured Parishioner HOME REPAIRS • HANDYMAN SERVICES • SMALL JOBS • HONEY DO LIST 371-5484 established in 1993 1 year guarantee in writing O ne Call ... O ne S erviCe FREEATES ESTIM Fully Insured & Bonded Maggie & Mike WOhlrab • PariShiOnerS Winsome Painting, Inc. Interior/Exterior • Commercial/Residential FREE ESTIMATES • Insured Anthony Fasanelli 377-5783 780-2593 25 Years Exp. In Sarasota Parishioner FAMILY, COSMETIC AND SEDATION DENTISTRY Christopher Sforzo, M.D. Board Certified-Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon/Hand Surgeon Parishioner Gary Wiegand Dr. John R. Pelton D.D.S Parishioner 3400 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 301, Sarasota Telephone: 951-7711 Sarasota Lakewood Ranch Phone 941.378.5100 Sovereign Plastic Surgery CHARLES W. RUSH, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Arthroscopic Surgery • Joint Replacement Surgery 6050 Cattleridge Blvd. 941-365-0655 Sarasota, FL 34232 Parishioner ROBERT P. SCHEB Lifetime Parishioner 366-5510 corner of TuTTle Ave. And ringling Blvd. • ELDER LAW • WILLS • TRUSTS • PROBATE • GUARDIANSHIP • REAL ESTATE Attorney at Law JOHN D. NORA, M.D., F.A.C.S. General & Vascular Surgeon SARASOTA SURGICAL SPECIALISTS 1950 Arlington St. (Ste. 310) (941) 917-6300 Sarasota, FL 34239 Fax: (941) 917-6306 John Gaudiano, MBA Parishioner REALTOR • BUSINESS BROKER Call Now to Learn the True Value of your Home, in Today’s Market Call (941) 364-4444 ALISSA M. SHULMAN, M.D., F.A.C.S Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1950 Arlington St., Ste. 112 Sarasota, FL 34239 Gregg Wiegand 921-5755 • DICK DOMBRO 60 Year Resident of South Gate & Incarnation WE ARE BUYERS OF JEWELRY, COINS, SILVER & GOLD 1918 Bay Rd • 954-1488 P ODI ATR IST Complete & Gentle Foot Care Dr. Joan M. Koewler, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified in Foot Surgery 941-923-4999 4157 Clark Rd. • Sarasota, FL 34233 For All Your Hearing Needs 941-366-5476 SUNSET CHEVROLET • BUICK • GMC JIM KELLEY Parishioner NEW & With Every Sale PREOWNED from this Ad ALL MAKES & MODELS $100 Will be Donated to 941-366-7800 BAY ROAD Incarnation School 1850 SARASOTA CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SYMBOL® A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE TO YOUR FAITH & MARRIAGE! JnK Jewelers With Custom Jewelry Repairs On Premises 6522 Gateway Ave 400-2460 Parishioner Lance Wiegand 2003 So. Osprey Ave., Sarasota 941-955-3277 Cecilia M. Wickert, M.S., Audiologist O’DONOGHUE DERMATOLOGY • Georgetown & Tulane University Trained • Skin Cancer, Moh’s, Laser & All disorders of the Skin , Hair & Nails 926-7546 1952 Field Rd • Sarasota, FL 34231 J. Morgan O’Donoghue, M.D. Dermatologist Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call Toll Free 1-866-651-2111 • Please support the sponsors of your bulletin. It is through their generous contribution that your bulletin is made possible.
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