Issue 5
Issue 5
OPENING NIGHT C oming from all across the UK for Da X; youth on fire for God were ready to ‘Ignite’ their visions. Mark ‘Happy’ Babatunde and a TNT choir member sang a powerful song that brought down God’s presence like a tumbling mountain. Thick, fast, breaking thresholds on the way, while bringing everyone closer to Him. Love Dance then brought in a fresh, new way of praising God. There dance spoke and around the room you see people praying. By the time Deborah Oluyomi sang there was nowhere to hide from His presence. Her playful praise, took us all to another level of worship. Love Poetry turned us all into fire starters. IGNITING our dreams, passions, desires and so much more… Don’t let others make you feel uncomfortable or small, or pour water on your vision, beliefs or character was the message that fuelled the fire and everyone was encouraged Da X had turned into an opening night of youth on fire for God. Igniting Your Passion For Christ T obi began his message by creating a foundation of the importance of spending time with God in order to succeed with a vision and purpose. II is important to go to God to check that your dreams are in line with what God tells you. You will only receive instructions for your dreams and journey if you spend sufficient time with God. What is the definition of “on fire for Christ?” said Tobi. This made everyone think for a moment. How do you know someone who is ignited for Christ? He continued. Giving four points he went on to explain. They put God first in everything they do. Nothing can stop them spending time with God. They’re passionate about doing the work of God and serving at every given opportunity. They’re concerned about how to reach the lost through their gifts and talents. They involve God in their daily lives and decisions. Tobi had everyone’s attention and pressed on by saying that in order to avoid making mistakes, it is important to involve God at every step of the way. He reassured us that mistakes can happen, however God is a merciful God and will forgive sins. If we make wrong choices and decisions, it’s never too late to make a u-turn as God is ready and waiting to redirect us. He then went on using. Isaiah 43:25 to drive his message forward. Knowing why you’ve been put on earth is the only way that we can make an impact in this world. The statement was delivered with authority and from the look of many faces you could see their minds had been transformed and fire ignited within knowing that with God they could achieve all things. F R I D AY 2 9 T H AU G U S T 2 0 1 4 Welcome! W elcome to the third day of IGOC. We have been blessed by the outstanding ministry of Dr Mensa Otablil, Pastor Steve Munsey, Dr Nasir Siddiki and Bishop Tudor Bismark. The relevance and importance of these messages pertaining to our spiritual authority and power cannot be underestimated and we thank God for their lives. IGOC has been very special; chains have been broken and as we stand in agreement we have risen to a new level as a ministry and as individuals. Let me encourage you to be at the remaining sessions and reserve your copy of the IGOC pack or bless someone who wanted to be here or for another reason could not. May we continue to increase in His power. Today we celebrate the 33rd Wedding Anniversary of Pastor Matthew and Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo. We pray that you continue to increase in the joy and the favour of the Lord. We love you and appreciate the sacrifices you have made to make the KICC family who we are. We thank God for your faithfulness and for upholding you and so we say More Love. Matthew Ashimolowo 10.00AM PASTOR YEMISI ASHIMOLOWO 2.00PM PASTOR MATTHEW ASHIMOLOWO 6.30PM DR JUANITA BYNUM The Father And His Household Champions Xtra ~ Dr Mensa Otabil ~ Dr Mensa Otabil told the congregation that the message had had for us today was the most significant message that he wanted to preach was his most significant for thirty years. The significance of the message was to help us totally understand the relations of the Father and His household. “It seems as if God is moving”. For example when I was younger and travelling on a bus, I would see the trees and think that they were moving. In reality the trees were not travelling. Such is our relationship with God. We feel as if God is changing when in fact He is not. Dr Otabil went in the word and told us about the first relationship between God and man. He said God created man, put His spirit in him and placed him in a comfortable atmosphere just like a father would do to a son. However, man sinned and moved from favourite to outcast. From then on, our relationship with God became that of Father and outcast; we no longer had access and could not find our way back. Man is therefore on a mission to find a way back to God. Dr Otabil told the congregation that all the children of man are born outcasts, and doing good does not change our relationship with God, instead God himself builds that relationship he said. In Genesis 12:1, God restores that relationship with Abraham. He tells Abraham that every human being will be blessed through him. In His quest to get man back to the Father, God enlarged him in a vision and told him that He is our Shield. When man was driven out of the garden it caused a separation, there were swords along the way back to the Father. However, there would be no harm as our shield we find our way back to Him. Is this you Praising? Powerful playing and awesome praise who is this sleepy beauty? if you know her let JN know! 2 Don’t miss interviews with all the speakers at IGOC 2014 on Champion Xtra on KICCTV each day at 2pm & 8pm on Sky Channel 591 SPEAK TO YOUR FUTURE ~ Pastor Steve Munsey ~ F rom the moment Pastor Steve Munsey was introduced yesterday, the congregation could not wait to hear him preach the Word of God with power. He even managed to take photos with the congregation and a ‘selfie’ before giving the Word. The afternoon session’s powerful prophetic declarations continued from where he left off on Wednesday evening as Pastor Munsey invited the congregation to rise to their feet with hands lifted high as he spoke God’s new beginnings over everyone. Your blessing awaits at the Joyful Noise office. Please contact us today! Pastor Munsey eased into the afternoon message with the scripture James 3:5 as the backbone of his message on Speak to Your Future. He told us that James wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The tongue in your mouth controls your life. The congregation was treated to an insight into Pastor Steve’s own personal example of how he put a bit into the mouth of his own horse and how he was able to control the horse with the bit he put in its mouth. Everything you do and where you go is inspired by the mouth. What you say is directed straight to your future. It corrects, adjusts and brings the future back to you. Out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth speaks! Positive words go to God and create your future, whereas negative words go to the devil. Negative words have the power to bring about death to people, marriages and churches Pastor Steve explained. You can blame people as much as you like, but you create your own world with your words. When you make declarations not everyone may like it, however we were told to stand firm with The Word. The power of God continued to flow and prophetic declarations that were set to change and challenge our immediate futures. Pastor Steve cited Proverbs 21:23 whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from trouble. There are positive and negative connotations to words. PULL IT ~ Pastor Tudor Bismark ~ B ishop Tudor Bismark started his message yesterday night by explaining the meanings of certain words and provided references and the sources of his information for the purposes of those who are scholastic. For example, he looked at the word covenant in Genesis 15:18 we see God making a covenant with Abraham. He went on to describe the different forms of and requisites for covenants in the Bible. He also spoke of the two conditions of covenants; tokens and witnesses. He said that “we are beneficiaries of a covenant made by God and we have a right to pull it – we have legal rights in the Kingdom; rights that we don’t even know about.” He also mentioned the establishment of principals. Using Israel as an example and advised that if we can track the principals then we have a legitimate claim to things that we cannot pronounce. He went on to speak about the terms of a blood covenant. 1. two individuals have to show up 2. they must have their robes and clothes on 3. they must have belts, which represents weapons 4. they must bring the animals 5. they must raise their right hands 6. they must exchange names 7. They must make a scar 8. they must establish the terms of their covenant 9. they should share a memorial meal 10. and finally plant a tree to establish the covenant All generations have been praying to God but this generation has reminded God of our covenant with Him. We look at our lives living and struggling but when we look up we know God has given us a right to a better life. The French Connection Join us in the main auditorium during each session. Rejoignez-nous dans la sale principal a chaque session 3
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