March - Town of Qu`Appelle
March - Town of Qu`Appelle
The Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News $.50 Volume 13 Issue 3 March 2013 Brief Overview of Qu’Appelle and Canadian History In 1887 Cricket was the most common summer sport in Qu’Appelle. The Jubilee Day was celebrated by holding races and sports on the race course south east of town. In August of 1888 C.P. Rail employees from Moose Jaw held their second annual picnic at Qu’Appelle with over 700 picnickers. The Qu’Appelle Brass Band met the excursion trains. During 1889 The Qu’Appelle Baseball Club was formed in the spring. The Fox Hunting Club was officially formed as a club “The Qu’Appelle Hunt”. As well, the Qu’Appelle Lawn-Tennis Club was formed. In 1890 the C.P. R. Employees Picnic was once again held in Qu’Appelle. The ladies of the Anglican Church held a huge bazaar and refreshment booth. In October of that year an Agricultural Show was held. The Curling Rink built in 1886, south of the tracks was replaced. For many years only men curled. During the warm weather football (soccer) was a very popular sport in Qu’Appelle. Also a girls’ Baseball Club was formed in Qu’Appelle as was the Gun and Kennel Club. In 1895 the Gun and Kennel Club was renamed the Gun Club. 1897 saw the formation of a Polo Club which practiced five or six times a week. The first annual ball for the Polo Club was held in June. There was also a Croquet Tournament held in Qu’Appelle. In 1898, with the exception of Cannington Manor, Qu’Appelle was the first town west of Winnipeg to have a Hunt Club. This same year over 900 Sunday School children and their families from Regina arrived in Qu’Appelle for their Annual Picnic. The Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News welcomes all submissions for consideration, however, reserves the right to reject, rewrite or edit any copy submitted for publication. All submissions, photographs, etc. become the property of the Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News and will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self addressed envelope until after the publication of the next scheduled issue. No postage-due items will be accepted. Mission Statement To present a clear, concise, unbiased reporting of Qu’Appelle’s town news and information in an entertaining and informative package. Editorial Board In 1899 the Polo Club held a gymkhana in September. Sports included a hurdle race, arithmetic race, postillion race, lemon race, stick and ball race, bending race, 200 yard race, drinking soda water from a bottle race, Cigar and Soda Water race, 150 yard race the Apple and basin race and much more. Lynn Severt, Deb Spooner, Dave Thomson, Margaret Thomson, Annette Jardine All profit goes to the Board of the Qu’Appelle Branch, Southeast Regional Library. As of 1901 the Qu’Appelle Lawn-Tennis Club began participating in tournaments in neighbouring towns. Submissions To In 1904 the Town of Qu’Appelle was incorporated on February 20th, 1904. year the Queens Hotel added a bowling alley. In that The next issue will continue from 1905 Submitted by M. Thomson CORRECTION In the February issue of the Spirit in the Hay Loading article is was stated that the photos were taken by Chantelle—it should have read “Hay was loaded by Chantelle, an employee of Coghill Diary Farm”. Qu’Appelle Spirit P.O. Box 145, Qu’Appelle or e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected] Past Issues can be found on The Town of Qu’Appelle web page at: Page 2 Volume 13 Issue 3 Town Council News Submitted by Associate Administrator Erinn Schreiner MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF QU’APPELLE IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN HELD ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 & 16, 2013 IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PRESENT: Mayor: Orvile Dahl, Councillors: Vern Barrett, Elvira Beday, Bruce Betteridge, Sean Jacobson, Roger Weldon Administrators—Carol Wickenheiser and Erinn Schreiner CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Mayor Orvile Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00pm 01/13 Barrett Jacobson AGENDA: THAT the agenda be accepted as presented. CARRIED 02/13 Jacobson Weldon 03/13 Jacobson Weldon MINUTES: THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 18 th, 2012 be approved as circulated and read. CARRIED MUNICIPAL BOND THAT the Municipal Administrator Bond for 2013 be accepted as presented by the Administrator. CARRIED DELEGATIONS: The Iron Horse Bar delegation (Bill) did not attend this meeting. The Tim Haughian delegation did not attend this meeting. Tom Whalen – Addressed Council as to the RM of South Qu’Appelle being available to wing the approximately one half mile of Old Highway # 1 that is within the town’s limits at a cost of $200.00 per hour with a minimum call out of one half hour. Mr. Whalen also brought the issue of procuring a fire manager for both the RM of South Qu’Appelle and the Town of Qu’Appelle. It was suggested that town council would like to have a meeting with the fire chief and possibly the fire committee of the RM. Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 3 Continued from page 2 Marina Holtzman – Would like council to rezone Lots 1-32, Block 183; Lots 1-7, Block 199; and Lots 22-40, Block 199 from agricultural to residential. Ms. Holtzman also provided council with an air photo and outline of where the proposed waterline, curb stops and stand pipe will be located in her new development on MacDonald Street. 04/13 Betteridge Barrett 05/13 Barrett Jacobson 06/13 Jacobson Betteridge 07/13 Betteridge Jacobson 08/13 Jacobson Betteridge CORRESPONDENCE THAT the following correspondence having been read and discussed be filed: 3-01 Heather Kenzora CPR – Holiday Train 3-02 Access Communications- 2012 Community Report 3-03 Heritage Saskatchewan- 2013 Membership 3-04 Water Security Agency – New Wastewater Regulations 3-05 Val Todd – Council Resignation 3-06 Denise Bachman – tax arrears payment plan 3-07 Dwain & Colleen West – purchase of lot 3-08 Sask Gov’t Relations – 2013 Assessment Revaluation Workshop 3-09 Qu’Appelle Economic Development Committee – park for green space 3-10 RM letter re: road grading CARRIED TODD RESIGNATION THAT letter of resignation from Councillor Val Todd effective December 21 st, 2012 be accepted. CARRIED RINK LIGHTS THAT 21 Mercury Vapor Bulbs be bought at $26.00/bulb for a total of approximately $600.00 to improve the lighting in the Qu’Appelle Hockey Rink. CARRIED MEETING RECESSED THAT due to a power outage at 7:45 pm, we recess the meeting until Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers. CARRIED Mayor Dahl reconvened the council meeting at 7:00 pm January, 16, 2013 TAX ARREARS PAYMENT PLAN THAT Council agree to accept the tax arrears payment plan from Roll #262. Recorded vote requested by Councillor Betteridge For: Councillor Betteridge Against: Mayor Dahl, Councillors Barrett, Beday, Weldon, Jacobson DEFEATED Page 4 Volume 13 Issue 3 Continued from page 3 09/13 Barrett Weldon SALE OF LOTS 1-18 & 20, BLOCK 104 10/13 Jacobson Betteridge ASSESSMENT REVALUATION & PROPERTY TAX POLICY WORKSHOP 11/13 Jacobson Weldon STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES 12/13 Weldon Barrett 13/13 Jacobson Betteridge 14/13 Betteridge Barrett THAT Council instruct the Administrator to write a letter to Dwain and Colleen West advising them of the resolution that was passed by Council concerning the sale of Lots 1-18 & 20, Block 104. CARRIED THAT Council agree to send Erinn Schreiner to the 2013 Assessment Revaluation & Property Tax Policy Workshop in Regina on January 24th and further agree to pay for registration and any related costs. CARRIED THAT the Statement of Financial Activities for the period ending December 31, 2012 be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT THAT the Accounts annexed to and forming part of these minutes be approved for payment. CARRIED FOREMANS REPORT THAT the January 2013 Foreman’s report be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED JACKETS THAT Council supply the town crew with outside jackets. CARRIED 15/13 Jacobson Barrett SAFETY REPORT 16/13 Jacobson Beday ALL COMMITTEE REPORT THAT the January 2013 Safety report be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED 17/13 Weldon Betteridge THAT the January 7th, 2013 All Committee report presented by Councillor Beday be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED ADVOCO CONSULTING THAT Council contract Advoco Consulting to put on an Orientation session on January 28 th or 29th at a cost of 0.45 per kilometer. CARRIED Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 5 Continued from page 4 18/13 Weldon Betteridge COUNCIL/APPOINTEE CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY THAT the draft Council/Appointee Code of Conduct Policy numbered Policy GG-2 be adopted as attached and forming part of these minutes. Recorded vote requested by Councillor Weldon For: Councillor Weldon Against: Mayor Dahl, Councillors Barrett, Beday, Betteridge, Jacobson DEFEATED 19/13 Weldon Betteridge 20/13 Barrett Weldon 21/13 Beday Weldon 22/13 Betteridge Barrett MUNISOFT UPGRADES THAT Council approve the Munisoft upgrades as recommended by the General Government Committee as it is Council’s belief that the installation will ease the transition of the retiring Administrator to replacement Administrator. CARRIED ZAMBONI BLADE THAT Council agree to purchase a new Zamboni blade at an approximate cost of $300.00. CARRIED BALL DIAMONDS THAT Council agree to investigate the moving of the ball diamonds in order to promote the sale of lots. CARRIED COMPRESSOR THAT Council hire Terry Sanson to change the oil in the compressor. CARRIED 23/13 Jacobson Beday 24/13 Betteridge Weldon 25/13 Weldon Betteridge RCMP REPORTS THAT the RCMP reports for the months of September and October, 2012 be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED QU’APPELLE LIBRARY BRANCH REPORTS THAT the Qu’Appelle Library Branch minutes for the months of September and October 2012 be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED 2013 COUNCIL REMUNERATION THAT Council remuneration for 2013 remain set the same as 2012. Mayor - $200.00 per regular meeting attended Mayor - $100.00 per special meeting attended Councillor - $ 175.00 per regular meeting attended Councillor - $87.50 per special meeting attended CARRIED Page 6 26/13 Weldon Barrett 27/13 Betteridge Weldon 28/13 Weldon Betteridge 29/13 Weldon Barrett 30/13 Weldon Barrett 31/13 Betteridge Barrett 32/13 Beday Betteridge 33/13 Betteridge Beday 34/13 Jacobson Weldon Volume 13 Issue 3 Continued from page 5 2013 PER DIEMS THAT the per diem for the meals while on town business remain set as follows: Breakfast $8.00, Lunch - $13.00, Dinner $17.00. CARRIED 2013 MILEAGE RATE THAT the mileage rate paid while on town business be set at 0.40 per kilometer. CARRIED 2013 TOWN AUDITOR THAT Council retain the services of Skilnick Miller Moar Grodecki & Kreklewich as the auditing firm for the Town of Qu’Appelle for the 2013 year. CARRIED 2013 TOWN SOLICITOR THAT council agree to retain the services of KMP Law as Solicitor for the Town of Qu’Appelle for the 2013 year. CARRIED BY_ELECTION THAT Council agree to hold a By-election on March 27, 2013 to fill the vacant Councillor position. CARRIED SASKTEL LINES THAT the Waterworks Committee send a letter to SaskTel in regards to the lines on Jarvis Street between 10th Avenue and 9th Avenue to have them moved in order for the waterline replacement. CARRIED TOWN PINS THAT Council approve the design of the Town Pins as presented by the EDC/Promotion Committee. CARRIED SALARY INCREASE THAT Council approve a 2.0% pay increase for the Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Labourer and Town Administrator. CARRIED HAUGHIAN LAND LEASE THAT Council agree to lease town land to Tim Haughian for the 2013 year and further agree to meet in October 2013 to discuss the extension of the lease. Extension must be approved through council for 2014. Also, a signed contract must be drafted, signed and filed. CARRIED Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 7 Continued from page 6 Betteridge Weldon THAT this meeting adjourn at 10:15 pm. CARRIED Qu’Appelle District Lioness Club The club is planning the Pioneer Supper for April 14th, co-chairing with the Lions Club. If you know of anyone that will be turning 65 by the end of April 2013, or anyone that is 65 or older and has not been on our invitation list, please call Lioness June at 306-6992259. The supper is for residents of Qu’Appelle and Qu’Appelle School District area. We also do eyeglass collections year round. There are drop off boxes around Town or call 6992259 for pick-up. Motion to give a donation of baskets to the Forever Friends of Hope for March 23rd. We are having a table at the Trade Show on March 9th—please stop in to see what we do. Our next meeting is March 12th at 7:00pm in the Greenwood Manor Lounge. Submitted by Lioness Junette Croissant Qu’Appelle District Lions Club The Lions are pleased to announce the addition of 4 new members. Don Anderson, Lee Gaddie – Anderson, Bobbi Geis and Kevin Geis were welcomed to the club in January. The Lions meet twice a month, the first Monday of the month is a regular meeting and the third Monday is a supper meeting. The Lions Community Hall is going to be a busy place in March! Come see us at the Lions club display March 9th at the EDC Trade Show. On March 16th our Club is hosting a fund raising dinner and Magic Show. Tickets are $20 and available from Qu’Appelle Agencies, Domo, or any club member. We invite you to join us for some good food, good entertainment and a good time. Here is a fast fact on how dollars raised by Lions help people in our province: over the past 5 years the Lions Eye Bank of Saskatchewan received $ 555,534.85 for the purchase of equipment for the Regina & Saskatoon Eye Centers from Lions Clubs across the province. Talk to any Lion – we are excited about our sight programs. Submitted by Lions Marg Hayes My doctor says I have breast cancer. Where do I go now? Who is out there to give me the information I need? I don’t even know what information I need. How does my family cope? Does my doctor know what help is out there for me? These questions and many more go through your mind after having been given the devastating diagnosis of breast cancer. We know that every woman has a different experience with her cancer. She often feels isolated, overwhelmed and confused, as does her family. Saskatchewan Breast Cancer Connect Inc. (SBCC) is a newly incorporated organization being developed to help patients, health care practitioners and breast cancer related support groups, to answer those very questions. Recognizing the existing efforts within our province to fight breast cancer, SBCC will help patients become knowledgeable about cancer and its treatment. It will map the resources, supports and services currently available to breast cancer patients and their families within their home communities and all across Saskatchewan. This will include information and resources for professionals and cancer patients alike. We need your help. We need your information. We need your stories, issues or concerns as patients. We need your input so that our information centre contains the necessary information to guide users toward all available resources and support in the Saskatchewan community. This is a chance to be involved in an exciting endeavor, to truly make a difference in lives affected by breast cancer. Please contact Anthea Fritz at 306-781-2134 or email [email protected] Page 8 Volume 13 Issue 3 Future Dates: School News Farewell from Mrs. Tourigny After much soul searching, I have decided to retire from James Hamblin School and Prairie Valley School Division at the end of February. The years in the school division have given me many great memories to treasure, and it is the students and staff that have made the years so wonderful, making me sad to be leaving. I cannot express just how much I will miss everyone at JHS and the wonderful people of the larger community of Qu'Appelle whom I have come to know. Thank you to the students who made me feel like I was the most important person at JHS through the hilarious skits. But, please tell me……did I really look like that and act like that? What great actors and actresses JHS has!! Thank you for the cards, gifts and many hugs…and tears, too!! I will miss you all!! Mrs. Charlene Ciortan is replacing me and I believe that she can take over with very little disruption being caused. Thank you for your kindness! Linda Tourigny Neon Spirit Day James Hamblin SLC hosted a Neon Spirit Day on February 15, 2013. Although many students dressed in bright flashy colours Maranda Edenloff and Maranda Foster won best dressed! Congratulations, girls! March 1 – Movie Night March 4 – Take the Lead –p.m. only (7-8-9) March 6 & 7 – 3-Way conferences Scholastic Book Fair March 8 – PVSD PD day March 14 – Persephone Theatre SLC meeting March 22 – Drama Performance March 27 – DQ Lunch March 28 – Punk Rock day Report cards March 28-April5 April 8 – First day back (Day 4) April 26 – Milk Spirit day June 7 – Formal day & JHS Formal Dance JHS School Community Council Mission To support the learning and well being of all students, and to nurture a positive partnership with our school, parents and community. JHS School Community Council meetings are typically held every month at 7:00 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. If you wish to be placed on the agenda, please call Ms. Lemaire at 6992301 or Bruce Carnochan at 699-2350. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 13. Jump Rope for Heart On Friday, February 15, students in Grades 1 to 6 jumped rope for a healthy heart. They received prizes throughout the event for participating in this worthwhile cause. The students raised $1394.35 this year for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Top fundraisers of the event were Alex Manshande who raised 520.50, Savanna Manshande who raised $189.85, and Samantha Lerat who raised $92.00. Thank you to all of the students who collected money for the Heart and Stroke foundation as well as all of the Grade 1 to 6 students who jumped. Thank you to Mrs. Poelen who helped with the event. Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 9 Ski Trip Twenty-six eager skiers in Grades 3 to 9 hit the slopes of Mission Ridge on Wednesday, February 13. The weather was wonderful and warm with snow falling throughout the day. Many runs were made by excited students and a great day was had by all. Family Literacy Day Scholastic Book Fair Wednesday, March 6th 11:45 – 12:30 p.m. 3:30 – 8:00 p.m. Thursday, March 7th 11:45 – 12:30 p.m. 3:30 – 8:00 p.m. We will be hosting a $25.00 draw for books for any student who visits the fair. We will make the draw at 8:00 p.m. on the Wednesday night. The winner will be contacted and can pick books first thing the following morning. Also, spend $10.00 and receive a free gift! All proceeds from the book fair are used to purchase new books for our library. Because this is our second Book Fair this year, we receive even more credits to purchase library books, so please come and support our Book Fair! We look for war d to seeing everyone there. Thursday, February 14 was a busy day for the students. At noon Mrs. Kotylak, our Division Board Trustee visited our building to read Thomas’ Snowsuit by Robert Munsch to the students. The Grade 3 and 4 students presented their play 50 Below Zero by Robert Munsch as well. In the afternoon the students filled in Hearts for why I like to Read after reading for the Division Board’s D.E.A.R. Challenge. Next we had a school family event that saw the students creating new endings and a picture for Thomas’ Snowsuit and 50 Below Zero. All of the students in Grades 1 to 9, with a few Kindergarten students, went to the rink and skated for an hour. When skating was finished the students were given a cupcake made by Mrs. Belliveau, the Teacher Librarian, and a cup of hot chocolate provided by the Rink Committee. The School Community Council presented each of the students with a coupon for the Domo for participating in the Family Literacy Day. The School Community Council has purchased books for the Grade 5 to 9 students to be placed in the library and Kindergarten to Grade 4 students to take home. These will be given to the students when they arrive. A special thank you to everyone who helped make this day such a huge success. We couldn’t have done this without your support. DRAMA Drama practices are well underway for our performance of EAT (It’s Not About Food). This year’s performance is about eating disorders with emphasis on the seriousness of these diseases and that age does not matter. Twentythree hard working students make up the cast and crew of our production. We will be performing EAT (It’s Not About Food) on Friday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. at JHS’s gym. Tickets will be going on sale March 5 and will be available from any cast or crew member, or by phoning the school. The price of the tickets is $7.00 each and you receive a drink and popcorn with your admission. We will be taking this play to Regional Competition in April as well. We look forward to seeing you on March 22 for our performance of EAT (It’s Not About Food)! Page 10 Volume 13 Issue 3 Writing Contest Grade 8 and 9 students submitted poems to Polar Expressions Publishing writing contest. Congratulations to the following students, who have successfully made it through the first round of judging and will now be published: Chad Pawluk Bryce Rode Jessica Rouse Mieka VanOpstal Caitlin Warn Shyloh Williamson They will also move forward to the final round of competition to possibly win one of the prizes being awarded to students and schools. Our school will receive a complimentary copy of our students’ published work. This is a great honour for these students and JHS! Three-Way and Student Led-Conferences at JHS Data into Action! We invite you to come and learn about the strengths and needs of your youngest citizens. Results from a recent study involving children from Indian Head, Qu’Appelle, McLean and Sintaluta will be shared Thursday, March 21st 7:00 p.m. Indian Head Elementary School Gym 607 Bell Street, Indian Head, SK. Wednesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 7 Your scheduled times have been sent home with your child. Please call the school if you have not received your note. Please make it your priority to attend the conference at the time assigned to you. A reminder that Mrs. Litzenberger will be in on Thursday evening only. ***Child Care will be provided on site*** Funding provided by the SE Regional Intersectoral Committee How are the Children? Did you know that child’s brain triples in size by age three? Or that 90% of brain development happens by age six? Or that a child’s early experiences affect their life-long health, learning and well being? Or that one in four children in SE Saskatchewan is challenged in one or more area of development? KARATE SEMINAR On January 26 and 27, 2012 a seminar and a grading was held at the Midwest Karate club in Regina. Sensei Rick Jorgensen from Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario was the guest instructor. Carson Bennett, Jonathon Daver-Aksomitis, Calum Howden, Michael Fiss and Nancy Graham-Fiss who are members of the Qu’Appelle Karate club attended the seminar. Calum and Carson tested for their next belt level at the end of the seminar and both were successful. Pictured on left: Calcum Howden Pictured on right: Carson Bennett 50+ ACTIVITY REPORT Painting new Banners at the 50+ will be on March 12th and 13th at 9 am. Come and paint one to hang on Main Street for the summer. Stained glass painting is being held on March 18th at 2pm and on the 19th - time to be decided. Our monthly meeting and potluck is being held on March 22nd—meeting at 5pm and potluck to follow at 6pm. Memberships will be renewed at the March 22nd meeting. Our year end is on the 31st of March. We always welcome new members - new members bring new ideas. We will be holding a gardening class in May - learn how to make some of those beautiful arranged pots that we see at the Greenhouses. Submitted by Activity Chairperson - Annette Jardine Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 11 Scot’s Printing Ltd. 21 Qu’Appelle St. 306.699.7326 St. Peter’s Anglican Church [email protected] Running low on School Supplies? Loose leaf, report covers, notebooks and scribblers, binders, paper, pens, erasers, scissors, glue, clips and tape. In full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) Sunday services at 10 a.m. Need a book report or essay printed? Paper and report covers in stock—just send us the file. How’s your office at home? Copy paper (+ lots of colors), file folders, hanging folders, page protectors, index sheets, staplers, binders, labels, photo paper. Monday—Friday, 8:30—4:30 Come see us at the Trade Show—March 9th Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Sunday, March 3 - 11.00 am Saturday, March 9th - 5:00 pm Sunday, March 17 - 9:00 am Saturday, March 23—7:00 pm March 28 - Holy Thursday in Indian Head—7:30 pm March 8 - Good Friday in Indian Head at 3:00 pm March 30 - Holy Saturday in Indian Head - 7:30 pm March 31—Easter Sunday at Immaculate Conception - 9:00 am Spiritual Winterlude at 50+ Club Worship services are held every Sunday at the 50+ Club located on Main Street in Qu’Appelle. Service starts at 9:30 am with Sunday School held during the service. Good Friday service at 10:00 am Easter Sunday service at 10:00 am PLEASE NOTE THAT CHURCH SERVICE ON MARCH 3RD HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Come and worship with us, everyone is welcome! Page 12 Volume 13 Issue 3 Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 13 Executive Director Position for the Qu’Appelle Daycare Inc. The Qu’Appelle Daycare Inc., located in Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, within commuting distance to Regina, Saskatchewan, is looking for a responsible, motivated individual to fill the role of executive director. The executive director is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the daycare and its staff, administration duties and will report to the Board of Directors. The successful candidate will possess a minimum of 5 years of experience in an early learning or child care setting and 3-5 years of management experience. Should an offer of employment be extended, the candidate will be required to submit a satisfactory TB test and criminal record check. Some of the responsibilities of the Executive Director will include, but are not limited to the following: Objective To ensure the provision of a quality child care service which fulfills the philosophy of the center. To ensure that the centre operates in compliance with The Child Care Act and The Child Care Regulations. To administer the policies of the Board by developing and implementing procedures which meet the goals and objectives of the centre. To provide key information to the Board to assist them in their decision and policy making function. Administration Maintain accurate recordkeeping as required for the operation of the organization. Complete monthly financial requirements such as billing, payables, and receivables. Work with the bookkeeper to ensure the completion of accurate monthly financial statements for the review of the Board. Purchase services, supplies and equipment as needed according to the operating budget. Complete annual licensing requirements. Maintain enrollment through advertisement and the delivery of a quality program. Human Resources Recruit qualified staff members. Arrange staff scheduling to ensure ratios are maintained. Provide new staff members and volunteers with an orientation to the organization. Conduct regular performance reviews. Manage human resources in compliance with applicable regulatory bodies. Program/Child Development Ensure the overall safety and wellbeing of children enrolled at the centre. Ensure the implementation of a developmentally appropriate program through the review of program plans, and the active participation and observation of program activities. Ensure the implementation of an inclusive program and environment that meets the needs of all children. Oversee menu planning. Positive role model. Family Support Provide families with an orientation to the centre when enrolling. Encourage parental involvement on the board of directors, in fundraising, children’s program and, work bees. Ensure effective communication with families through implementation of a variety of methods (ex. newsletters, bulletin boards, verbal communication). Assist families in connecting with agencies and resources as required. Address parent concerns in a timely manner. Professional and Community Involvement Encourage and support staff participation in professional and community organizations. Participate in relevant professional committees and organizations. Model professional behavior for staff. Board Relations Attend all board meetings in an advisory capacity. Provide a written report on the status of the centre to the Board at each board meeting and to the membership annually. Provide policy drafts for board approval. Assist the Board in the planning of committee, board and annual general meetings. Ensure that the centre meets all legal requirements. Inform the Board of government initiatives which affect the delivery of child care. Act as a liaison between the board and staff or parents to ensure all concerns or complaints are addressed. Resumes should be submitted to: Qu’Appelle Daycare Inc. PO BOX 552 Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan S0G 4A0 For general information please email [email protected] Deadline for submitting resumes is March 15, 2013 Page 14 Volume 13 Issue 3 Library News Submitted by: Elizabeth Fries, Librarian Troy Nursery School visited the Library for Story Time on Feb. 15 and what a great morning we had! Ten preschoolers enjoyed a tour of the Opera House upstairs and the jail cells downstairs. Then it was time for a snack, stories and a craft. Thanks to Teacher Crystal Cook and parent helper Janice Whitby for bringing the class over. Preschool Story Time will be held at 10:30am on Friday mornings again this month. Children, along with their parent or caregiver, are invited to join us for stories and a craft on March 1, 8, 15, and 22. Kindergarten children are also welcome on days they don’t have school. Students can come by the Library after school on March 15 to make a St. Patrick’s Day craft. There will be a special treat for those who wear green! The Book Bags are currently reading The Wife’s Tale by Lori Lansens, and will meet to discuss this selection at 7pm on March 21. New members are always welcome in the book club. Children of all ages are invited to join us at 7pm on March 27 for Easter crafts. The library will be CLOSED on Good Friday, March 29. Regular hours will resume on Wed. April 3. Does anyone have an old computer chair that they no longer need? The Library would welcome donations of office chairs in good condition. Please call the Library for more details. Librarian Elizabeth Fries and Assistant Librarian Deb Spooner are happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the library or any scheduled programs. Please call us at 306-699-2902 or email [email protected]. Also like us on Facebook (Qu’Appelle Public Library Branch, Southeast Regional Library) and follow us on Twitter (QuAppelleLib). The Qu’Appelle Branch Library is open: Wednesday 2-5 and 6-8; Thursday 1-5; Friday 10-12 and 1-5 SPIRIT ADVERTISING RATE CARD Business Card - $15.00 1/3 Page - $30.00 1/2 Page - $50.00 Inside Full Page - $75.00 Back Page - $85.00 Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 15 Celebration of the Life of George Pauliuk December 12, 1924 – December 10, 2012 George is predeceased by his wife Victoria, sisters Mary, Vicky and Lena, and brothers John and Alex. He leaves to cherish his memory his close friend, Laurel Howden of Indian Head, his loving children, Corinne Pauliuk (Harold Smith) of McLean, Rick Pauliuk (Susan) of Regina, Heather San Martin (Walter) of Burnaby and his dear sister Ann Bostock (Walter) of McLean; Grandchildren: Andrea Wolbaum (Steve) of Cochrane; Tim Lynch (Ting Zhu) of Regina; Eric Pauliuk (Edna) of Qu’Appelle; Danielle Pauliuk (Mitchell Kuhn) of Regina; Victoria and Juan San Martin of Burnaby; Greatgrandchildren: Joshua Zimmer-Lynch (Regina); Karlee, Tyla and Jack Wolbaum of Cochrane; Clayton Pauliuk of Qu’Appelle as well as numerous nieces and nephews and Great nieces and nephews. George sang with the Regina Rotary Choir in the late 1940’s and while working at the Saskatchewan Legislature he met his wife Vicky. In 1954, they took over the Pauliuk family homestead at McLean. During the early years of farming, George had his own trap line for Mink, Muskrat, and Beaver. He would trap as far as Midale where Beavers were destroying their park. He had many hunt ing buddies and many a story to tell while hunting for Deer, Pheasant, Elk, Goose and Duck. George was known for the special way he prepared wild meat, foul and fish as well as his cabbage rolls and homemade soup. While farming, George served for many years on the McLean Recreational Board beginning in 1968. A year earlier, for the McLean Centennial Parade, he had become the Parade Marshall – a role he continued in for 39 years – until he took ill with cancer the first time in 2007. The parades were well known for the greatest number of entries, variety of floats and live music. He continued his love for music by singing in the McLean Centennial Choir & Qu’Appelle Community Choir under the direction of Annette Jardine. In the late 60’s and early 70’s George ran a feedlot of over 200 head of cattle while becoming very active in recruiting members for the National Farmers Union. He enjoyed organizing and hosting NFU events including touring exchange students from across Canada. Later he served on boards for: Echo Lodge Nursing home (15 yrs), Indian Head Hospital (15 yrs), Indian Head Ambulance (12 yrs), Pipestone Health District (8 yrs), and 16 years as Councilor and 5 years as Reeve of the RM of South Qu’Appelle #157. During this time period he was also the Weed Inspector for the RM. George also sat on the McLean Wheat Pool Board for its ent ire existence! He also served as Director of E.D.T.A. Chelation Association of Sk beginning in 2000 working with government and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, which eventually succeeded in legalizing chelation treatments in Sask. George also had another love – collecting antiques. He and George Chopping would hire a bulldozer and blade the Brandon town dump looking for antique bottles. The rule was the first one who touched the bottle first was the owner. He also used a few metal detectors in his day to unearth historical treasures. While still serving his community, he attended the University of Regina (a degree was always his dream) and graduated in 1984 with a B.Sc at age 60 & 1986 B.Sc. Honours. He began the Masters program however due to the poor economic times in agriculture, he refocused his remarkable energy as a Federal Pest Control Officer and served as many as 8 rural municipalities at one time. To this day he is fondly remembered as the “Rat Man”. In 2007 he was given 6 months to live due to cancer. He was very well read in health supplements and began his own regimen after only taking one chemotherapy treatment which resulted in remission until 2010. This time George took health supplements in conjunction with chemo therapy and outlived the second 6 month time frame. However the side effects of chemo took a toll and he was admitted into Wolseley Lakeside Nursing Home September 20, 2011 where he was eventually diagnosed with Parkinsons. He passed away December 10, 2012. Many staff members shared their stories of their good times caring for George including trying to teach them to yodel, or telling jokes, and sharing his knowledge. He was also asked to entertain the residents with his yodeling. He will always be remembered for his thirst of knowledge and desire to share that knowledge with who ever was interested. George was a very Christian man – it didn’t matter which church he was associated with, as long as he was physically able to attend. He also participated in giving sermons at St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Qu’Appelle which he took great pride in writing. George had a strong desire to live until he succumbed to Parkinson’s in 2012. He will be sadly missed by all who were touched by him. Many have described George as a fair, and smart man who loved life! The family would like to thank Annette Jardine, Darlene Tyson & Brian Shauf and John Panio for the wonderful music! We also would like to acknowledge Don Howden, Marg Hayes, Allison Kydd and our sister, Heather for the sharing of Memories and Readings. A special thank you to Tubman’s Funeral Home for their wonderful personal service; to McLean Women’s League for the excellent luncheon; to Angela Jewitt for the beautiful flowers and to all those who helped with setup in the McLean Hall. We were overwhelmed with the attendance which provided great comfort! Page 16 Volume 13 Issue 3 Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 17 are currently reading... The Wife’s Tale by Lori Lansens On the eve of their Silver Anniversary, Mary Gooch's husband disappears and she begins a desparate search. For the first time in her life, she boards a plane and flies across the country to find her lost husband. So used to hiding from the world, Mary finds that she is forced to look up from the pavement. Through it all, Mary not only finds kindred spirits, but reunites with a more intimate stranger no longer sequestered by fear and habit: herself. Canadian author Join us in a discussion about this book on Beginning at 7:00 pm at the Qu’Appelle Branch Library Page 18 Volume 13 Issue 3 Bruce’s Contracting Ltd. Bruce & Robyn Betteridge Box 417 Qu’Appelle, Sask S0G 4A0 306-699-7254 Bruce’s cell 306-699-7509 Keeps Ticking Swiss Watch Battery Replacement 1 yr. Guarantee on all Batteries Excavating/Trenching/Gravel/Topsoil/Trucking [email protected] ________________________________ . . . . . . . . gravel/sand/rock/slag/reclaim asphalt landscaping/topsoil/manure mix water/sewer/septic tanks/cisterns trenching/dugouts/basements heavy equipment operation bobcat/backhoe/trackhoe/gravel trucks general contracting town and country service Watch Bands Replaced Bands Sized Spring Pin Replaced Experienced/Reliable Service 699-7233 Volume 13 Issue 3 Year Built: 1998 3 Total Bedroom(s) 2 Total Bath(s) Approx. 1216 sq. ft 2 lots Large Deck Appliances Included: Stove, fridge and dishwasher Page 19 Page 20 Volume 13 Issue 3 Qu’Appelle & District Lions PRESENT…. Magic In Qu’Appelle Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 21 What’s Happening By Elizabeth Fries – 699-2383 Fri. Mar. 1 preschool story time 10:30am at the Library Fri. Mar. 1 World Day of Prayer service 7pm at Greenwood Manor Fri. Mar. 1 movie night 7pm at James Hamblin School Wed. Mar. 6 3-Way Conferences 4-8pm at JHS Wed. Mar. 6 Scholastic book fair 4-8pm at JHS Thurs. Mar. 7 3-Way Conferences 4-8pm at JHS Thurs. Mar. 7 Scholastic book fair 4-8pm at JHS Fri. Mar. 8 non-student day at James Hamblin School Fri. Mar. 8 preschool story time 10:30am at the Library Sat. Mar. 9 EDC Trade Show 10am-3pm at Lions Community Hall Mon. Mar. 11 canasta 7pm at the 50+ Club Tues. Mar. 12 banner painting 9am at the 50+ Club Wed. Mar. 13 banner painting 9am at the 50+ Club Wed. Mar. 13 School Community Council meeting 7pm at James Hamblin School Fri. Mar. 15 preschool story time 10:30am at the Library Fri. Mar. 15 St. Patrick's Day after school craft 3:30pm at the Library Sat. Mar. 16 Magic Show 5:30pm-Happy Hour, 6:30pm-Meal,8:00pm meal at Lions Community Hall Mon. Mar. 18 stained glass painting 9am at the 50+ Club Tues. Mar. 19 stained glass painting 9am at the 50+ Club Tues. Mar. 19 Town Council meeting 7pm at Town Hall Thurs. Mar. 21 Book Bags book club meeting 7pm at the Library Fri. Mar. 22 preschool story time 10:30am at the Library Fri. Mar. 22 meeting & potluck supper 5pm at the 50+ Club Fri. Mar. 22 drama production 7:30pm at James Hamblin School Sat. Mar. 23 Forever Friends of Hope 11th Annual Ladies Night Out & Auction 6pm at Lions Community Hall Mon. Mar. 25 canasta 7pm at the 50+ Club Wed. Mar. 27 Easter crafts 7pm at the Library Thurs. Mar. 28 report cards sent home from James Hamblin School Fri. Mar. 29 non-student day at James Hamblin School Fri. Mar. 29 Spiritual Interlude Good Friday service 10am at the 50+ Club Sun. Mar. 31 Easter Sunday service 9am at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church Sun. Mar. 31 Spiritual Interlude Easter Sunday service 10am at the 50+ Club Mon. Apr. 1-Fri. Apr. 5 non-student days at James Hamblin School Sunrise Country Haven Personal Care Home for Level 1 & 2+ Including Day Program and Respite Located on the Pauliuk Farm Outside McLean Couples and singles welcome See our website To arrange a tour or further information call Corinne Pauliuk at 699-2548 Page 22 Volume 13 Issue 3 Qu’Appelle Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR SUNDAY 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm Beer, high ball & shooters ALL DAY $3.95 Daily snack special TOONIE TUESDAY $2.99 Burger SPECIAL EVERY WEDNESDAY 3 Beer for $10.00 4:00 till 8:00 pm THURSDAY WING NIGHT 12 wings (1 lb.) $5.00 FRIDAY STEAK NIGHT $8.99 Beer & Highball $4.50 all night VISIT OUT CAFÉ CHILDREN WELCOME SPECIAL We have East Indian dishes available Come and enjoy our Curry chicken Butter chicken Samosa BUCKET OF BEER PIZZA 8” sm; 10” med; 13” lg; 15” xl SPECIALTY PIZZA Meat Lovers Vegetarian All Dressed BBQ chicken Extra toppings: feta, chicken, hot banana peppers COME IN AND WATCH THE U.F.C. FIGHTS (You are welcome to watch every upcoming fight at later dates) KARAOKE AT BAR FOOD & DRINK SPECIALS FOR EVERYONE EVERY DAY 5 beer for $19.95 4:00 till 8:00 pm OFF SALE COLD BEER & HARD LIQUOR COLDEST IN TOWN Bring your empty Sarcan beer bottles and cans to our store Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 23 Halo Esthetics by Alison February Special 15% off all waxing services! Manicure~Pedicures~Gel Nail Extensions Alison Poelen Eye Lash Extensions~Waxing 306-550-5776 Tinting~Make-up [email protected] Gel Nail Course 2 Qu'Appelle St. Qu'Appelle,Sk. Don Mc Morris Minister of Highways MLA Indian Head-Milestone Constituency I invite you to call Or drop by the office With any questions or concerns you may have. Indian Head Animal Clinic Dr. Melanie Roth 24-Hour Emergency Service Available SMALL ANIMALS EXCLUSIVELY Phone: 695-2238 Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:00 pm You can also contact us at: Our constituency office is located at 125 Railway Street, Balgonie, SK Email: [email protected] Hours: 9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday Phone: 771-2733 Fax: 771-2574 Or call toll free 1-877-337-3366 Page 24 Volume 13 Issue 3 2600 Victoria Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan Canada S4T 1K2 Telephone (306)761-6226 Dr. Brian Baker D.M.D. Family Dentistry Fax (306) 761-6222 [email protected] Ken Karwandy From Pharmasave #445 (Dragan Drugs) es to Dentures Brac- 509 Bell Street, Box 820 Indian Head, SK. S0G 2K0 Phone: 306-695-3411 Monday to Thursday 8:00-12:30 & 1:00-4:30 Live Well With Pharmasave 30 Minute Photofinishing - 35 mm 4” X 6” Prints Gateway Café 521 Grand Avenue Indian Head Ph: 306-695-3333 OPEN: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Dine In or Take Out Qu’Appelle, Sask. Ph: 699-7252 Canadian and Chinese Cuisine Licensed Dining Room Andrew Scheer, MP Regina-Qu’Appelle Constituency Box 430 241C Broadway East Fort Qu’Appelle Hours: 10:00—4:00 Phone: (306) 332-2575 Toll Free 1-888-332-2575 Toll Free: 1-866-790-4727 Regina Office: 984-A Albert Street Open 7 Days a Week Friday Buffet 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday Smorg 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thank You Volume 13 Issue 3 Hours Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-12 Page 25 Your Independent Insurance Broker Home, Auto, Commercial, Farm, SGI Motor Licence Issuer 695-3533 Motor Licence Issuer Sold 400 Empress Qu’Appelle 800 Dewdney, Indian Head 38 Caswell St Qu’Appelle Featured Listings 405 Banbury Place, Wolseley Beautiful 3+2 bedroom 1900 sq. ft. 4 bath. Huge family room with fireplace. Lg double attached garage. Main fl. laundry. Deck partially fenced yard. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call today! $295,000.00 Spring is right around the corner! Danah Hysuick Follow us on Twitter @DHysuick @IndianHeadAgenc 699-7788 695-3533 523 Grand Av. Indian Head, Sask Thinking of listing your home? Need help deciding what reno’s to do to make your home picture perfect? We can help you with that! Call Danah for a free evaluation today! 306-699-7788 We would like to invite you to our new website. All of the local listings in one place. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter! We want to hear from you! Page 26 Volume 13 Issue 3
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