September - Town of Qu`Appelle
September - Town of Qu`Appelle
The Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News $.50 Volume 13 Issue 8 TOWN OF QU’APPELLE FOREMAN POSITION The Town of Qu’Appelle invites applications for the full time position of Town Foreman. The regular hours are Monday to Friday 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Some overtime may be required. The successful applicant must possess a minimum Grade 12/GED, hold a valid 3A or 1A driver’s license, have experience in the operation of heavy equipment, carpentry, and be suitable for a degree of physical labour. A Class 1 certification in Water & Wastewater Systems or a commitment to obtain this certification within six months of appointment to this position is also required. The successful candidate must be bondable and shall be subject to a Criminal Record Check as a condition of employment. The Town of Qu’Appelle offers a competitive salary and an attractive compensation package that includes life, health, disability and pension plans. To apply in confidence, please submit your resume stating qualifications, salary expectation and three work related references by September 20th, 2013 TOWN OF QU’APPELLE DRAWER 60, QU’APPELLE, SK S0G 4A0 Email [email protected] Fax: (306) 699-2306 We would like to thank all applicants who apply, however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. The Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News welcomes all submissions for consideration, however, reserves the right to reject, rewrite or edit any copy submitted for publication. All submissions, photographs, etc. become the property of the Qu’Appelle Spirit Community News and will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self addressed envelope until after the publication of the next scheduled issue. No postage-due items will be accepted. Mission Statement To present a clear, concise, unbiased reporting of Qu’Appelle’s town news and information in an entertaining and informative package. Editorial Board Lynn Severt, Deb Spooner, Dave Thomson, Margaret Thomson, Annette Jardine Elizabeth Fries All profit goes to the Board of the Qu’Appelle Branch, Southeast Regional Library. Submissions To Qu’Appelle Spirit P.O. Box 450, Qu’Appelle or e-mail to: [email protected] SPIRIT ADVERTISING RATE CARD Business Card - $15.00 1/3 Page - $30.00 1/2 Page - $50.00 Inside Full Page - $75.00 Back Page - $85.00 Page 2 Volume 13 Issue 8 Town Council News Submitted by Administrator Erinn Schreiner MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF QU’APPELLE IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013 IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PRESENT: Mayor: Orvile Dahl, Councillors: Vern Barrett, Elvira Beday, Bruce Betteridge, Marina Holtzman, and Roger Weldon Administrator—Erinn Schreiner Assistant Administrator—Brenna Ackerman ABSENT: Councilor Sean J acobson CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Mayor Orvile Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Beday Barrett Weldon Beday AGENDA: That the agenda be accepted as amended. MINUTES: That the minutes of the regular meeting held May 21, 2013 be approved as presented. CARRIED CARRIED DELEGATIONS: The Heisler/Severt delegation, representing the Qu’Appelle Fire Department, approached Council For a letter of authorization to enable the Fire Department to apply for their charitable status. They Also requested permission from Council to aid in the funding for a 1996 Fire Truck to be purchased online. J. Fox, Ron Kerr and Tim Cheesman—Presented Council with a preliminary drawing of what the New subdivision could possibly look like. They will present the same drawings to the public at the Public meeting on July 6, 2013. Holtzman Betteridge FIRE DEPARTMENT LETTER REQUEST That the town submit a letter to the Fire Department authorizing their application for charitable status for the benefit of the community at large. CARRIED Beday Betteridge FIRE TRUCK PURCHASE That Council authorize the Fire Department to bid on a 1996 Fire Truck up to Town funding of $5,000.00 CARRIED Barrett Weldon STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES That the Statement of Financial Activities for the period ending May 31, 2013 be accepted as information and filed. CARRIED Volume 13 Issue 8 Betteridge Holtzman ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT That the Accounts annexed to and forming part of these minutes be approved for payment. Page 3 CARRIED Weldon Beday SPEED BUMPS That the Town purchase rumble strips to be pinned on 5 high traffic areas to a total cost of $3,000.00. CARRIED Weldon Holtzman ENGINEERING CONRACT DECISION That the Town approve the engineering estimate, Alternate “A”, as presented by Walker Projects for subdivision of the south ball park site and the Lots 1-17, Block 132. CARRIED Beday Weldon EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT That the town enter into an employment contract with Harold Smith. CARRIED Beday Betteridge OCP/ZONING BYLAW OPEN HOUSE That Council book the 50Plus Club for July 6, 2013 from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm and that a letter be sent to the 50 Plus Club to cook hot dogs and hamburgers for the Open House. CARRIED Betteridge Holtzman LIBRARY FIBRE OPTICS That Council approve the fibre optic hook up needed for the Library and that all costs will be covered by the South East Library Board. CARRIED Holtzman Betteridge MOVING OF A MOBILE HOME That Council approves the request from Sam Bogdan to move in a mobile home. All stipulations as described in the building inspector’s document from Professional Building Inspectors dated May 10, 2013, be strictly adhered to. CARRIED Holtzman Betteridge LOT PURCHASE REQUEST In regards to the proposal from Bikramjit Singh to purchase property Lots 5-10, Block 150, that the town counter offer with a price of $400.0 per frontage foot for serviced lots to the property in. CARRIED Betteridge Barrett COMMUNITY EVENT PERMIT That the motion made during electronic means on June 15, 2013 for public event permit is hereby ratified by Council. CARRIED Betteridge Barrett KNIGHT’S OF COLUMBUS PURCHASE REQUEST That Council approve the request from the Knights of Columbus for the removal of the requested post and that the ground must be left level. CARRIED Betteridge Holtzman WELL #3 DRILLING CONTRACT That Council contract Hwy. One Drilling Ltd. To drill a new well beside #3 well as per quote dated May 3, 2013 and that the well be in place by October 1, 2013 and furthermore Council does not require a test hole. CARRIED Barrett Weldon MOVE IN BUILDING REQUEST That Council approve the request by B. Marchand to move a new 10x14 building onto her property on the condition that the existing shed be removed and a plumbing permit is obtained. CARRIED ADVERTISING REQUEST That the request from The Leader Post to advertise in their paper for surround communities be denied. CARRIED Weldon Holtzman Weldon Betteridge WATER DISCONNECTS That the List of Water Accounts in Arrears be accepted as presented and that the Administrator issue Final Warning Letters as per Bylaw 05/07. The Notice is to stipulate that the amounts owing will be due by 12th of July, 2013 and that the disconnect date for utilities will be the 17th of July, 2013. Furthermore, Council instructs the Administrator to disconnect services for those accounts Accounts 90+ days overdue. CARRIED Page 4 Beday Barrett Volume 13 Issue 8 SGI RISK EVALUATION REPORT That we postpone the 2013 Risk Evaluation Report until further research is done. CARRIED FIRE DEPARTMENT RESERVE FUND That Council authorizes the creation of a reserve fund for capital expenditures for the Qu’Appelle Fire Department and EMO Services. The start-up amount to be contributed from the 2013 Budget will be $7,000.00. CARRIED Beday Holtzman LION’S HALL REPAIRS That Council recommends a cost analysis on the repair of the front exterior wall at the Lion’s Hall. CARRIED Beday Weldon SHIP SILHOUETTE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT That Council enter into the Construction & Installation Agreement with Hillside Welding and sign the agreement. CARRIED Barrett Beday GRASS CUTTING POSITION That Vern Knutson be hired as a contract employee to cut grass for the Town on a part-time basis. CARRIED Beday Barrett QU’APPELLE HOUSING BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND RESIGNATION That Council accept Mary Paddington’s resignation from the Qu’Appelle Housing Board with regrets and that Council appoint Renee Barrett and Cathy Farrer as new board members. CARRIED Weldon Beday SUMA’S MAYOR SUMMER SCHOOL That Council approve sending Mayor Dahl to Mayor Summer School in Regina on August 18. 2013 to August 21, 2013 and that the town cover all costs for the course. CARRIED Holtzman Weldon OPEN DISCUSSION Beday Weldon MEETING ADJOURN That this meeting adjourn at 11:05 pm. CARRIED - -------------------------------------------------------- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF QU’APPELLE IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN HELD ON TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2013 IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PRESENT: Mayor: Orvile Dahl, Councillors: Vern Barrett, Elvira Beday, and Marina Holtzman, Councillor Betteridge arrived at the meeting at 7:18 pm Administrator—Erinn Schreiner Assistant Administrator—Brenna Ackerman ABSENT: Councilor Sean J acobson CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Mayor Orvile Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Holtzman Barrett Beday Barrett AGENDA: That the agenda be accepted as amended. MINUTES: That the minutes of the regular meeting held June 18, 2013 be approved as presented. CARRIED CARRIED Volume 13 Issue 8 Beday Holtzman Holtzman Barrett Barrett Beday Beday Barrett Beday Holtzman Beday Holtzman SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES That the minutes from the June 25, 2013 special meeting be approved as presented. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES That the Statement of Financial Activities for the period ending June 30, 2013 be accepted as information and filed. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT That the Accounts annexed to and forming part of these minutes be approved for payment. Page 5 CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED BYLAW OFFICER REPORT That the Bylaw Officer Report for July, 2013, be accepted as presented and that the Council set up a meeting with the Bylaw Officer on Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm in Council Chambers. CARRIED PDAP FUNDING That the Town of Qu’Appelle enter into an Agreement with the Water Security Agency to provide the Town with funding for the PDAP program. CARRIED TREE REMOVAL TENDERS That the Town defer the tree removal project until 2014. CARRIED Barrett Beday HERITAGE STATUS That Council instruct the Administrator to contact Municipal Heritage to de-commission the Town Hall from Municipal Heritage Property Status. CARRIED Beday Betteridge REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS That Council instruct our Real Estate Agent to negotiate with Horsman Driving School to purchase the building that we are currently occupying. CARRIED Barrett Betteridge LEASE AGREEMENT That the Town of Qu’Appelle accept and sign the lease agreement with Horsman Driving School for 17 Qu’Appelle Street dated June 25, 2013. CARRIED Betteridge Holtzman Betteridge Barrett Holtzman Betteridge Barrett Betteridge Barrett Betteridge RESIGNATION LETTER That the resignation letter from Councilor Roger Weldon be accepted with regrets. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS, BY-ELECTION DATE AND ELECTION OFFICIALS That a by-election be called for September 4, 2013 to fill the vacant Councilor seat. That Nomination Day be set as July 31, 2013 and that Erinn Schreiner be appointed as Deputy Returning Officer, Brenna Ackerman be appointed as Deputy ‘Returning Officer and Deb Spooner be appointed as Poll Clerk. There will be no advance poll for this by-election. INVOICE REDUCTION That Council reduce invoice #0009 for water/sewer installation from $1,560.00 to $1,000.00 GRAVEL PURCHASE That Council instruct the Town Foreman to purchase 400 yards of road gravel. COMMERICAL MOWER PURCHASE That Council instruct the Town Foreman to purchase a commercial/industrial selfpropelled grass push mower spending up to a maximum of $1,000.00. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED Page 6 Beday Betteridge Beday Barrett Holtzman Beday Beday Betteridge Holtzman Beday Volume 13 Issue 8 WATER DISCONNECTS That the List of Water Accounts in Arrears be accepted as presented and that the Administrator issue Disconnect Work Orders to the Town Crew as per Bylaw 05/07. Any amount owing that has not made alternate arrangements with the Administrator or Assistant Administrator will be disconnected July 17, 2013. CARRIED OFFICE CLEANER/PART-TIME CLERK That Council hire Kayleigh Kaun as a part-time office clerk and office cleaner at a rate of $10.00 per hour and that her maximum hours at 16 per week. CARRIED RECORD DESTRUCTION That the Administrator be given permission to destroy old documents as per the Record Retention Bylaw and that she be able to contact Crown Shred and Recycle to destroy the Said documents. CARRIED WITHHOLD PAYMENT That Council withhold payment to RhinoSnot Canada Inc. until the dust control issues are corrected. CARRIED FIRE HALL DOORS That the Firefighters be granted permission to paint the doors of the Fire Hall pink with the Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon in honor of those people who are fighting and/or survived Breast cancer. CARRIED OPEN DISCUSSION Beday Holtzman MEETING ADJOURN That this meeting adjourn at 9:40 pm MAINTENANCE/CARETAKER POSITION FOR THE QU’APPELLE COMMUNITY CENTRE (RINK) Monthly Contract/Salary – Hours as needed (approx. 30 – 40 per week) Successful candidate MUST be Bondable & have a Criminal Record check Duties include: Operation/maintenance of the ice plant Operation of the Zamboni to make & clean ice Skate sharpening General cleaning/maintenance – lobby, kitchen, bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms, etc. Handle monies & issue receipts Expected Start Date: September 16, 2013 Please email/send/fax applications to: Town of Qu’Appelle Office Drawer 60, Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 4A0 [email protected] Fax: 306-699-2306 by September 12, 2013 For more information call the office @ 306-699-2279 CARRIED Volume 13 Issue 8 Page 7 Qu’Appelle Fire Department & 1st Responder News Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The Annual Garage Sale was once again held at the Rink for the month of July. Thank you to everyone who donated, who helped us work the event and those who helped with cleanup and of course thank you to everyone who came out and purchased some treasures! We made over $5,000.00! For those of you who donated items you will be happy to know that if items weren’t sold they still have another chance - We once again arranged for the Canadian Diabetes Association to pick up leftover items for Value Village. The Storage Wars on the second Saturday in July was a great success as well. There were three bins auctioned, thanks to Auctioneer Troy Douglas. Thank you to everyone who came out and bid on bins. It was lots of fun! For 2014 we have decided to host the event for the month of June!!!!! The department was saddened to learn that one of our Firefighter/1st Responders was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in July. With the added expenses and loss of employment the department decided to step up and raise some funds to help this firefighter/1st responder financially through this tough time. We therefore kept the Garage Sale open for one extra Saturday with all the proceeds donated to the fight! We also held a raffle for a Ruby Ring and sold hot dogs and drinks. It was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who has supported this fundraising endeavour. The winner of the Ruby ring was Andrea Beanland of Regina. Thank you for your ongoing support of the department. Watch for posters for our Halloween Cabaret to be held at the Lions Hall on Saturday, October 26th. We are raising funds to replace “Little Red” our pumper truck. The cabaret will begin with a silent auction at 7:00 p.m. (you don’t have to be attending the cabaret to come out and get some great items). The cabaret will begin at 9:00 p.m. featuring music by Evolution Sound—midnight lunch. Tickets are only $15.00 each! Get a costume together (or maybe you purchased one at the Garage Sale) and come out and have some Halloween fun while supporting YOUR Fire and Rescue Department. The garage sales will be held during the month of JUNE IN 2014 - so remember the change of the month! FIRE HALL DOOR…. IN SUPPORT OF “THE FIGHT” Page 8 Volume 13 Issue 8 2600 Victoria Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan Canada S4T 1K2 Telephone (306)761-6226 Dr. Brian Baker D.M.D. Family Dentistry Fax (306) 761-6222 [email protected] Ken Karwandy From Pharmasave #445 (Dragan Drugs) es to Dentures Brac- 509 Bell Street, Box 820 Indian Head, SK. S0G 2K0 Phone: 306-695-3411 Monday to Thursday 8:00-12:30 & 1:00-4:30 Live Well With Pharmasave 30 Minute Photofinishing - 35 mm 4” X 6” Prints 521 Grand Avenue Indian Head Ph: 306-695-3333 OPEN: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Gateway Café Dine In or Take Out Qu’Appelle, Sask. Ph: 699-7252 Canadian and Chinese Cuisine Licensed Dining Room Andrew Scheer, MP Regina-Qu’Appelle Constituency Box 430 160C Broadway St. West Fort Qu’Appelle Hours: 10:00—4:00 Phone: (306) 332-2575 Toll Free 1-888-332-2575 Toll Free: 1-866-790-4727 Regina Office: 984-A Albert Street Open 7 Days a Week Friday Buffet 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday Smorg 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thank You Volume 13 Issue 8 Page 9 HUGE THANK YOU We would like to send out a huge thank you to the community for all your support. It is overwhelming how everyone comes together to help and support someone in any way they can. I have the biggest battle ahead of me, I will fight as hard as I can. I know with all the positive support from family, friends and community members, I can beat this. One day at a time. A special thank you to our Qu'Appelle Firefighters & First Responders for holding an extra garage sale day for fundraising to help cover the extra costs to and from hospitals, medications not covered and for their personal support. A special thank you also to Ron, Lynn, Amanda, Brad, Ashley and the Qu'Appelle Bar and Grill for hosting a Steak Night fundraiser. Thank you again to the community and surrounding areas for all your support. Doug & Val Todd. Indian Head Animal Clinic Bruce’s Contracting Ltd. Bruce & Robyn Betteridge Box 417 Qu’Appelle, Sask S0G 4A0 306-699-7254 Bruce’s cell 306-699-7509 Excavating/Trenching/Gravel/Topsoil/Trucking [email protected] ________________________________ . . . . . . . . gravel/sand/rock/slag/reclaim asphalt landscaping/topsoil/manure mix water/sewer/septic tanks/cisterns trenching/dugouts/basements heavy equipment operation bobcat/backhoe/trackhoe/gravel trucks general contracting town and country service Dr. nie Roth Mela- 24-Hour Emergency Service Available SMALL ANIMALS EXCLUSIVELY Phone: 695-2238 Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:00 pm You can also contact us at: Page 10 Volume 13 Issue 8 Qu’Appelle District Lioness Club We are having our first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10th, 7:00 pm at the Greenwood Manor. If you are interested in seeing what we are about, you are welcome to attend this meeting. Call a Lioness member or just come to the meeting at 7:00 as a guest. Membership is $15.00 for the year, if you are wanting to join after this meeting. Sunrise Country Haven Personal Care Home for Level 1 & 2+ Including Day Program and Respite Located on the Pauliuk Farm Outside McLean Couples and singles welcome See our website To arrange a tour or further information call Corinne Pauliuk at 699-2548 We are still collecting eyeglasses & hearing aids (it is an ongoing collection). Call Junette @ 306-699-2259 or Marian @ 306-699-2426 if you would like them picked up or you can drop them in the collection box at the Post Office. A thank you to “The Qu’Appelle Agencies” for donating fire extinguishers to the Lions Hall. The Lioness Club will be getting the bench made for the individuals that gave a partial donation towards one. It’s not too late to get your name on this bench—if you still would like to give a donation, your name will be included. Submitted by Past President Junette Croissant In Memoriam Theresa Frederickson Memories are like leaves of gold, They never tarnish or grow old, Locked in our hearts, you will always be, Loved and remembered for all eternity. Mom, Dad and family Volume 13 Issue 8 REGISTRATION TROY NURSERY SCHOOL Troy Nursery School will be holding their fall registration for preschool, on Monday September, 9th at 7:00p.m in the preschool room at James Hamblin School. Children will need to be 3 years old and potty trained. For additional information please contact Kelsey at 306-699-7323. Page 11 NOTICE TO ALL TOURIST BOOTH VOLUNTEERS The wind-up potluck supper will be held in conjunction with the regular monthly 50+ meeting on September 27th, 2013. Meeting starts at 5:00 with the supper to follow. Thank you to all the volunteers who worked the tourist booth this year. Without your help we could not have this booth. Even though we opened later this year, it was a good year. See you all on the September 27th. St. Peter’s Anglican Church In full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) Sunday services at 10 a.m. Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Submitted by Annette Jardine Sunday, September 1st - 11:00 am Saturday, September 7th - 5:00 pm Sunday, September 15th - 9:00 am Saturday, September 21st - 7:00 pm Sunday, September 29th - 11:00 am Saturday, October 5th - 5:00 pm Community Interlude at 50+ Club Worship services are held every Sunday at the 50+ Club located on Main Street in Qu’Appelle. Service starts at 9:30 am with Sunday School held during the service. Everyone is welcome to join us! Page 12 Volume 13 Issue 8 Qu’Appelle Karate Club Would you like to learn… Self-defense Self-awareness Discipline Physical Fitness Then try our traditional Shotokan karate classes for men, women and children… Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 P.M. at James Hamblin School, Qu’Appelle Competitions are available for those interested Contact Doug Parker at 306-699-7134 or [email protected] Registration & Information on Sept. 10, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. At James Hamblin School Come and join us on our club’s 23th year! Message from Robert Weisgarber I would like to thank the residents of Qu’Appelle who have supported me over the past 7 years. I have been your Town Foreman for the past 5 years and have tried to do my best to keep our town in good shape in all aspects that came under my jurisdiction. I feel I worked well with the previous two Councils however things change and with the election of new council, the expectations and duties of the position of Foreman has also changed. The new Administration/Council has indicated to me that they are not happy with my performance and I sadly have to say I am resigning my position effective immediately. I would like to wish my successor, when he or she is hired, Good Luck and a successful career. Thanking you all again Robert Weisgarber Volume 13 Issue 8 QU’APPELLE RECREATION ASSOCIATION We would like to thank everyone who helped with the sports day cabaret in June. We appreciate all the volunteers from Qu'Appelle and surrounding Communities! It was a huge success and fun was had by all! Due to the success we have decided to do it all over again!! We will be hosting a ball tournament Sept 21st. (see full page ad) with a cabaret to follow. Tickets will be $20 in advance and will be available at DOMO. Entertainment will be provided by Klymax! Yoga will be starting again on Sept 7th. It will run Saturday mornings @ 9 am and 10 am at the 50+ club. Cost is $45/month. Please contact Kerri Martin to register 699-7131. The rink will be open and ice will be in for Oct. 1st! To book ice time contact Kerri Martin 699-7131. There will be an adult rec. hockey team this year. For more info contact Sean Jacobson 699-7391 or Murray Priddell 699-2403. All details of the events mentioned above will be discussed at a community meeting Sept. 8th @ 7:00 pm at the 50+ club. Hope to see you then! Page 13 Library News Submitted by: Elizabeth Fries, Librarian The Book Bags are currently reading Atonement by Ian McEwan. They will meeting to discuss this selection at a yetto– be determined location on Sept. 26. New members are always welcome in the book club. Please contact Elizabeth at 306-599-2383. Remember that you can still return Library materials to the Qu’Appelle Town office, located at 17 Qu’Appelle Street, during their regular business hours. Check-in dates will be adjusted in Weyburn so patrons should not incur any overdue fees. Page 14 Volume 13 Issue 8 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is closing the doors. After 130 years of Presbyterian Heritage and 88 years of Continuing Presbyterianism this phase of our ministry is completed. St. Andrews has meant a lot to us and to countless others. It has served the community. It has been a place to celebrate new life: to invite new people into the kingdom of God, to say goodbye to loved ones lost and much, much, more. It has been a place of joy, a place of tears and a house of prayer. It… We… have served together as the bride of Christ. In celebration and in thanksgiving to God Let us all join one last time in worship. Don Mc Morris Minister of Highways MLA Indian Head-Milestone Constituency I invite you to call Or drop by the office With any questions or concerns you may have. Our constituency office is located at 125 Railway Street, Balgonie, SK Email: [email protected] Hours: 9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday Phone: 771-2733 Fax: 771-2574 Or call toll free 1-877-337-3366 DIGGING OUT THE POTATOES, ETC. Volume 13 Issue 8 Page 15 Page 16 Volume 13 Issue 8 Qu`Appelle 1st Annual Fall Slow Pitch Tournament Saturday September 21, 2013 Maximum 10 teams $100.00/ team Guaranteed 2 games Beer Gardens and Canteen at Ball diamonds Also, Cabaret that evening featuring Klymax Advance tickets $20.00 available Call Sean for team entry or more info. 306-699-7391 Volume 13 Issue 8 Page 17 Brief Overview of Qu’Appelle and Canadian History The information for this column was from an article given to Mr. Dave Arthur by a friend of his that once lived in Qu’Appelle. Mr. Arthur shared this history article with Dave and I and now we share it with all our readers. In 1937 Leibel’s Orchestra made an appearance at an Amateur Talent Show in Qu’Appelle. The orchestra continued playing at events for many years. 1938 saw Ottawa collect $42 million in Income Tax. It was 1939 and Canadian Ingenuity flourished throughout the war, having a profound effect on the future of the world: Norman Breakey of Tor onto, Ontar io invented the paint roller. Canadian researchers invented Pill #2-183 which was very effective in preventing seasickness. The National Research Council was instr umental in developing radar. The first practical election microscope was built at the University of Toronto. W.R. Franks invented an anti-G suit which pr evented pilots fr om blacking out on shar p tur ns of steep dives. Peter Webb invented a cold-weather suit which pr otected downed pilots fr om the cold oceanic waters. Canada entered World War II on September 10. In 1940 the Federal Government introduced the Unemployment Insurance Commission. Hong Kong fell to the Japanese in 1941 and Canadian tr oops were taken as POW’s. In 1942 PM MacKenzie King oversaw the construction of the Alaska Highway. In 1943 “The Green Sheets” or “Home Town News” was published until 1945. This was due to no local paper during the war years.. Ottawa collected $815 million in Income Tax that year. A group of townspeople formed the Qu’Appelle Theatre Company. The group sold shares to anyone interested in providing Qu’Appelle with a movie house. D-Day, June 6, 1944, Canadians advanced fur ther than any other allied unit. Later , on J uly 23, Canada fought as a separate army. In July, the R.M. of South Qu’Appelle put on a Sportsday to celebrate the R.M.s Sixtieth Anniversary. It included a parade, hardball, softball, school ball, fastball and ended with a big dance in the town hall. The Family Allowance Act was pass in August. The first socialist government in North America was for med when the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) under Tommy Douglas won the Pr ovincial Election in Saskatchewan. The first Family Allowance cheques (‘Baby Bonus’) were issued on June 20. Canada joined the United Nations on June 26. The next issue will continue from 1946 Submitted by M. Thomson Page 18 LOCAL RACE DRIVER WINS 2013 PRO 4 CHAMPIONSHIP Mike’s last race was held on August 24th at Kings Park Speedway. The trophy was presented to Mike at That time. This is Mike’s sixth Provincial Championship which were in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Special thank you to Ray Mills for all his hard work and dedication for the last 14 years. I would also like to thank all the local fans that attend and support the race track. Mike would like to thank all of his sponsors and supporters. Primary sponsors are Maaco, Clements Printers Inc., Accel Engine Rebuilders, Advantage Sign & Display Systems, Qu’Appelle Domo.and Qu’Appelle Bar & Grill/Indian Head Motel & Bar. Associate sponsors are: M&M Motor Products Ltd., CTV, Embroidme, Minute Muffler & Brake – North, Quaker State, Reynard’s Auto Wrecking, Carpet One, Phoenix Auto Parts Ltd., The Diner, Applied Industrial Technologies. I am looking forward to 2014 to another very successful year! If you want to race and own a car, call Mike at 306-699-2812. Submitted by Mike Longpre What’s Happening By Elizabeth Fries – 699-2383 Sept. 12 Applications close for Rink Maintenance/ Caretaker Sept 15 Closing chur ch ser vice at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church - 7:00 pm Sept 20 Applications close for Town Foreman position Sept 21 Slow Pitch Ball Tournament Sept 21 Cabar et at Lions Hall with Klymax playing Sept 29 Community Fowl Supper at Lions Hall 4-7 pm HAVE A SAFE HARVEST Volume 13 Issue 8 Page 19 523 Grand Avenue Indian Head, Sk S0G 2K0 Monday to Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-12 Featured Listing 32 Caswell Street, Qu’Appelle This great property is ready for a new family! 3 bed-rooms, 2 bath and a large fenced yard with mature trees has everything you need and more. Recently renovated and appliances included for extra value. Steps to down town and an easy commute to the city. Call for a chance at this great home today! $198,000.00 Fall is on it’s way! Call Danah Hysuick today! 306-695-3533 or 306-699-7788 Solds 94 Prince Albert Street Qu’Appelle 811 Robison Street Indian Head 504 Routledge Street Indian Head Which Canadian communities have won the Prince of Wales’ architectural award? The Town of Aurora in Ontario was the most recent (2008) recipient of the Prince of Wales’ Prize for Municipal Heritage Leadership while the Municipality of Saint-Raymond de Portneuf, Quebec, was given an honourable mention. Other communities that have gained the prize for demonstrating a strong and sustained commitment to supporting their historic places have been Markham (2000), Victoria (2001), Saint John(2002), Quebec (2003), Perth (2004), Charlottetown (2005) Annapolis Royal (2006), and St. John's (2007). Since his youth, concern for architecture, the environment, and inner city renewal has been a major theme of the Prince of Wales’ public life. It led to the establishment of the Municipal Heritage Leadership Prize as part of the Heritage Canada Foundation’s National Awards Program in 1999. To qualify, a local jurisdiction must have a record of supporting heritage preservation through regulation, policies, funding and stewardship. This article is an excerpt from “Now You Know Royalty” by Doug Lennox, known Internationally acclaimed as broadcaster, actor, author. He now lives in Toronto. Copies of his books can be purchased through Dundurn Press. Page 20 Volume 13 Issue 8 Qu’Appelle Bar & Grill 32 Qu’Appelle Street 306-699-1234 We do fundraisers WEDNESDAY PIZZA 8” sm; 10” med; 13” lg; 15” xl We do catering THURSDAY WING NIGHT 1 lb wings-$5.00 SPECIALTY PIZZA Meat Lovers Vegetarian All Dressed BBQ chicken Extra toppings: chicken, hot banana peppers We serve East Indian food Come and enjoy our specials for delicious curry chicken butter chicken samosa FRIDAY STEAK NIGHT Beer & Highball $4.50 all night OFF SALE IS AVAILABLE COLD BEER & HARD LIQUOR COLDEST IN TOWN Special Bucket of beer everyday Qu’Appelle Bar & Grill 5 beers for $22.00 4:00—8:00 pm SPECIAL NOTE: Bring your empty Sarcan beer bottles and cans to our store INDIAN HEAD MOTEL BAR & GRILL * Daily * Weekly * Monthly * Room Rates Available Phone: 306-695-2996 / 2997
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