January 2014 Warrior Connection - Senatobia, MS Municipal School


January 2014 Warrior Connection - Senatobia, MS Municipal School
January 2014
Volume XVIII, Number 1
Senatobia Rotary Club Shines a Spotlight on
Senatobia High School Seniors
Warrior Connection Staff
The Four-Way Test, Object of Rotary, and
the Avenues of Service express the commitment to service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership. For more than 100
years, the guiding principles of The Rotary
club have been the foundation upon which
Rotarians’ values and tradition stand. The
Rotary Club also recognizes young leaders in the local school through the Student
of the Month program, The Rotary Youth
Leadership Assembly, and by supporting
the high school Interact Clubs. The Rotary
Club of Senatobia honors high school students from Tate County Schools, Senatobia Municipal Schools, Magnolia Heights,
and Northwest Community College. Every
month during the school year, a student is
selected. These students have shown academic achievement, leadership, participation in school activities such as student
government, music, drama, sports, newspaper, as well as community and faith-group
activities. Selected students are positive
representatives of their schools. In addition
to academic achievement, selected students
also display characteristics of good citizenship and school/community involvement.
These students exemplify the Rotary motto,
“Service above self-he profits most who
serves the best. These are the Senatobia
High School students who have been honored by Rotary this year.
High School
Chosen for
Jarrod Davis, a senior at Senatobia High
School, was selected to attend the Mississippi Governor’s school during the summer of 2013. He is the son of Ms.Sis Davis.
Senior Spotlight
Jasmine Brock
Family: Dr. Angie Roop
Future Plans: To attend Harding University in the fall
and major in Psychology
Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy being in the SHS Band where
I serve as Drum Major. I also enjoy being with my
youth group at the Senatobia Church of Christ
Best Advice You Ever Received: Trust in the Lord with
all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will
make your path straight. Proverbs 3:56
One interesting Fact about Yourself: I have been to the country of Panama for seven
summers with the Senatobia Church of Christ. We teach and minister to 3500 children in their public schools.
Senior Spotlight
Lauren Anderson
Family: Parents~Karen and Fred Anderson I have one
brother, Jack, who is a jr. high student at SJHS.
Future Plans: I plan on majoring in biochemistry or
forensic chemistry.
Hobbies/Interests: I am in the percussion section of the
SHS band. I enjoy reading the classics, and participating in
volunteer events. I love working out, too- It is great to be
Best Advice You Ever Received: “The most important thing
is to enjoy your life- to be happy- it’s all that matters.” --Audrey
One interesting Fact about Yourself: My favorite book is The Name of the Wind by
Patrick Rothfuss. I have read it at least three times.
Senior Spotlight
Timothy Switzer
Family: P arents~Cind y and Jef f Switz er. I
have an o ld er sister, Hannah , and a you nger brother ,
Jo hnat han.
Future Plans: I plan to attend NWCC next year and
then transfer to Mississippi State to pursue a business
Hobbies/Interests: attending First United
Methodist Church, watching football, traveling and
keeping up with politics.
Best Advice You Ever Received: “Choose your Board of Directors wisely”
--Andy Andrews
One interesting Fact about Yourself: I am an avid Dallas Cowboys
football fan.
Senior Spotlight
The Mississippi Governor’s School (MGS)
is a residential honors program established
in 1981 by Governor William F. Winter and
the faculty and administration at Mississippi University for Woman (MUW). The
MGS is designed to provide academic,
creative, and leadership experiences for
a limited number of rising high school juniors and seniors who have demonstrated
exceptional ability and achievement in academics and community involvement and
who show high intellectual creative, and
leadership potential. Each summer, the
MGS brings together high potential learners from across the state of Mississippi for
a three-week residential collegiate experience that blends cultural, academic, social,
and recreational components into a rich
natural learning environment. One feature
that distinguishes the governor’s school
model from traditional models of learning is the emphasis on the interaction between formal and informal learning which
often results in more autonomous and selfreflective learners. The community of interaction created by the MGS program inspires the love of learning, discovery of self,
and the desire to use gifts and talents to improve society. Since its establishment the
MGS has provided approximately 3,500
students from across the state of Mississippi with a high quality educational experience that has challenged them to grow as
Attends Girls
The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State
Program has provided high school juniors
all across the United States the opportunity to participate in a hands-on citizenship
training program for more than 60 years.
These young ladies learn government by actually creating a mythical state through the
election of public officials on local, county,
and state levels and then by carrying out the
duties of these respective offices. A continuation of Girls State is Girls Nation where
two Senators from each state are selected to
participate in a simulated National government program in Washington. D C. The following are the areas of emphasis this year:
• PATRIOTISM as Girls State citizens gain
a better understanding of our American
traditions and a greater appreciation of our
country and our flag as well as learn our
government processes through simulated
real life involvement in all levels of government.
• In the citizen’s communities when she returns home and begins a Citizens with this
commitment of participation, units must
make wise selections of delegates, provide
them with informative orientations before
the session begins, and then give them recognition when they return home.
Chip Cossar
Family: Parents~Betty and George Cossar III. My older sister, Mary
Chandler, is a sophomore at Ole Miss and my younger sister, Eliza, is
a freshman at SHS.
Future Plans:I plan to attend the University of Mississippi and major in Integrated Marketing Communications. I hope to also attend the
University of Mississippi School of Law.
Hobbies/Interests: During the fall, most of my weekends are spent
watching Ole Miss football with friends and family. In my spare time, I
enjoy playing basketball and tennis, watching classic movies, and traveling.
I attend the First United Methodist Church with my family.
Best Advice You Ever Received: “Never say anything, write anything .....or now tweet, text, or post anything you
would not want printed in the Church Bulletin!” --Alan Callicott
One interesting Fact about Yourself: I play the saxophone, piano and banjo.
Cierra Hoskins, a senior at
SHS, attended Girls State during the summer of 2013. The
seminar was held on the University of Southern Mississippi
campus. She is the daughter of
Ms. Charity Daniel.
Senatobia student attends leadership program
Chip Cossar
Zachary Bozeman, a junior
at Senatobia High Sch ool,
was selec ted to atte nd th e
Hugh O’Brian Youth Lea der ship (HOBY) Seminar h eld in
Jackson, Miss is s ippi, during
the summer of 2013. Z a c,
representing Senatobia H igh
School, joined over 200 oth er young leaders fro m h igh
schools across the sta te for
lea ders h ip
conference held at M ills a ps
HOBY leadership sem ina rs
bring together a s elec t group
of high school s ophom ores
from publ ic, private a nd pa rochial schools to intera ct
with groups of dis tin guis h ed
l eaders in busines s , gov ernment, education a nd th e
professions to dis cus s pres -
Zac Bozeman
ent a nd fu t u r e i s s u e s . T h e
goa l is to p r o vi d e t h e y o u t h
a s tim ula t i n g f o r u m f o r
lea rning a bo u t c r i t i c a l i ss ues w h ile br o a d e n i n g t h e i r
unders ta nd i n g o f t h e i r l e a d ers h ip pot e n t i a l a n d qu e s t
for s elf-deve l o p m e n t . H OB Y
lea ders a re a l s o c h a l l e n g e d
to return t o t h e i r c o m m u n i ties to per f o r m a t l e a s t 1 0 0
h ours of c o m m u n i t y s e r vi c e
w ith in 12 m o n t h s f o l l o w i n g
t h e s e m i n a r . S i n c e H O BY’ S
f o u n d i n g , t h e g o a l o f each
s e m i n a r i s t o p r o vi d e a cata l y s t t o l i f e - l o n g l e a d e r ship
d e ve l o p m e n t t h a t e m power s
i n d i vi d u a l s t o a c h i e ve their
highest potential.
As the
s t u d e n t s a r e e x p o s e d to new
i d e a s a n d e n g a g e i n chal l e n g i n g t o p i c s , H OB Y hop es
t o i l l u s t r a t e h o w t o think
c o n s t r u c t i ve l y a n d d i scuss
c o m p l e x i s s u e s w i t h indi vi d u a l s f r o m va r i o u s b ack g r o u n d s a n d be l i e f s .
p r o g r a m i s d e s i g n e d t o show
p a r t i c i p a n t s h o w t o think
r a t h e r t h a n w h a t t o think .
H u g h O’ B r i a n Yo u t h Le ader s h i p w a s e s t a bl i s h e d i n 19 58
by t h e p o p u l a r a c t o r Hug h
O’ B r i a n f o l l o w i n g a t r ip to
A f r i c a w h e r e h e w a s i n sp ir ed
by a m e e t i n g w i t h D r . Alb er t
weitz er said to me was that
the most imp or tant thing in
education is to teach y oung
p eop le how to think f or
themselv es,” O ’ Br ian said.
“ Fr om that insp ir ation, and
with the sup p or t of other s
who b eliev e in our y outh and
the Amer ican dr eam, I star t ed HO BY to seek out, r ecog niz e, and dev elop outstand ing
leader ship
p otential
among our nation’s y outh.”
Zach is an All A S cholar ,
is enr olled in acceler ated
classes, a Beta Club memb er ,
Inter act S er v ice Club mem b er and p lay s b aseb all f or
the S enatob ia Hig h S chool
War r ior s. He attends Fir st
Bap tist Chur ch of S enatob ia,
wher e he is activ e in y outh
ministr y . He is the son of
Mr s. Kr istina Boz eman.
“ On e o f t h e t h i n g s S ch -
Warriors vs. Warriors
In order to relieve
some of the stress of semester exams, the SHS/
SJHS faculty challenged
the students to an exciting game of basketball.
There was also a big
half-time surprise when
Co u ns e l o r ’s C o r ne r
February 8, 2014
January 10, 2014
April, 12, 2014
March 7, 2014
June 14, 2014
May 9, 2014
some of the teachers
became a flashmob and
performed a choreographed dance. A new
SHS tradition is born!
Below are scenes from
the afternoon of fun.
The Warrior Connection staff
members are Lauren Anderson, Chip Cossar,
Mitchell Redd, Timothy Switzer,Tyshianna Edwards,
Breanna Fernholz, Anthony Rowan, Mallori-Kate
Gunner Spahn, Jay Syme, Eliza Cossar, Levi Perkins
This school publication is produced by the faculty and staff of
Senatobia High School. The views in this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views of The Democrat.
Faculty advisor is Betty Cossar