The Home Depot PAC:
The Home Depot PAC:
2012 Annual Report The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA), right, meets with SM Ricky Wardally during his visit to Store 0118 in Decatur, Georgia. Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA), middle, visits Store 2111 in Bettendorf, Iowa. Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva, middle right, of Fullerton, California and the Fullerton City Council celebrate the relocation and grand reopening of Store 6893, the oldest store in the Western Division. Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), middle, is joined by DOM Charles Guest, left, and SM John Fey, right, during his visit to Store 6570 in Sunset Valley, Texas. Congressman Jim Renacci (R-OH), middle, stops for a picture with associates during his visit to Store 3804 in Maple Heights, Ohio. Congressman Charlie Dent (R-PA), middle right, visits RDC 5034 in Breinigsville, Pennsylvania. EVP and General Counsel, Teresa Wynn Roseborough, middle, joins former White House Political Directors Sara Fagen (President George W. Bush), right, and Doug Sosnik (President Bill Clinton), left, for a Pizza and Politics event at the Atlanta SSC. The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future Thank you your support of The Home Depot Political Action Committee is critical to accomplishing our goal of helping elect pro-business candidates to public office who understand our position on legislative issues. This helps grow the top and bottom lines of our business, and also protects the values our Company was founded upon. Through your commitment to our PAC and to OrangeVoice, our Company made quite an imPACt: 12,000 POLITICALLy $ 1,466,000 EnGAGED ASSOCIATES $ 1,466,000 $ 1,400,000 RAISED $ $ 1,396,000 COnTRIBuTED 15th largest CorPorate PaC MATCHED APPROXIMATELy $660,000 LIMITED BRAnDS $141,634 BEST Buy $251,986 WALGREEn CO. $374,003 TARGET $493,917 CVS/CAREMARk $535,278 SAFEWAy $616,783 LOWES $698,529 PuBLIX $763,079 THE HOME DEPOT $2,827,668 WAL-MART $3,114,919 2nd largest retail PaC TO OVER 580 Charities 2012 industry PaC reCeiPts RECRuITED OVER 2,400 TO JOIn THE PAC OR inCrease THEIR COnTRIBuTIOn InCREASED COMPAny-WIDE PAC PARTICIPATIOn TO 70% 43,300 LETTERS SEnT TO ELECTED OFFICIALS 49 STORE WALkS HOSTED These statistics mean only one thing: The Home Depot is a serious player on Capitol Hill and in the state capitals. We can and will do more for our Company and associates by making our OrangeVoice heard. Again, many thanks for your continued support of The Home Depot PAC. kent knutson Chairman, The Home Depot PAC Congressman Bill young (R-FL), middle, with associates during his surprise visit to Store 6304 in Seminole, Florida. Congressman Blake Farenthold (R-TX), front middle, talks with associates from Store 0526 in Corpus Christi, Texas about our Martha Stewart Patio furniture. Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) learns about snow blowers during his visit to Store 3864 in Bowling Green, Ohio. Associates from Store 4645 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, with Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), middle, talk about e-fairness after his store walk. State Assemblywoman Lucy Flores (D-nV), middle, with the team from Store 3303 in Las Vegas, nevada. The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future Legislative Priorities e-Fairness On May 6, 2013 the united States Senate passed the Marketplace Fairness Act. The legislation is now pending in the united States House of Representatives. It closes the decades-old loophole that allows online-only retailers to avoid collecting sales tax, which puts multi-channel retailers, like The Home Depot, at a six to ten percent competitive pricing disadvantage. Passing this legislation is a top priority. Why e-Fairness Matters to The Home Depot online-only retailers are not required to collect sales taxes 5% to 10% priCe aDvanTaGe CoMpare THe DiFFerenCe1 Genesis E-310, Model # 6511001 3-Burner Propane Gas Grill in Black Merchandise subtotal sales Tax (8%) shipping Total $699.00 $56.52 Free $754.92 online retailer for online-only retailers in most states $ Genesis E-310, Model # 6511001 3-Burner Propane Gas Grill in Black Merchandise subtotal sales Tax shipping Total $699.00 $0.00 Free Why is the Government picking Winners & losers? $699.00 We value Competition because we offer excellent customer service and quality products at the lowest prices buT iT Has To be Fair Main street retailers invest and hire locally VS 4 jobs for every $1 million 2 of additional sales revenue Online-only retailers add only 1 job for the same amount of revenue THe HoMe DepoT proviDes Jobs in Your sTaTe 300,000 Jobs e-Fairness means a level playing field between online-only retailers and multi-channel retailers, like The Home Depot. 1 The identical Weber Genesis E-310 grill as offered by and on February 13, 2013. neither item was sale priced or had discounts applied. 2 3 Priced for shipment to zip code 89102. 2011 university of Tennessee study. 3 Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-ky) proudly displays his Orange Apron during a visit to the Atlanta SSC. Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), middle, with the team at Store 0204 in Boca Raton, Florida during his store walk. Congressman Richard Hanna (R-ny) shows off his personalized Orange Apron during his visit to Store 1254 in new Hartford, ny. Congressman Reid Ribble (R-WI), left, tells associates at Store 4928 in East Appleton, Wisconsin about his own extensive collection of tools from The Home Depot. Governor nathan Deal (R-GA), middle right, celebrates the grand opening of The Home Depot’s kennesaw Online Contact Center with Frank Blake, Carol Tome, Hal Lawton and other associates. RVP Haydn Chilcott, right, personally delivered signed proclamations from Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-ky) congratulating several associates for leading the tornado relief efforts in kentucky. Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX) wearing his Texas-themed Orange Apron signed by over 50 associates from Store 0576 in Humble, Texas. The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future Legislative Priorities (cont’d) Micro-unions In 2011, the national Labor Relations Board changed decades of precedent on how unions are formed. Their decision could result in different micro-unions in different departments in our stores with different union contracts. This would fundamentally change our business because today all associates in our stores work together to provide excellent customer service to all The Home Depot customers. The recent decision of the nLRB threatens to alter how we do business at The Home Depot and the career paths of our talented associates. Stopping the nLRB from implementing pieces of EFCA through rules and regulations and allowing the creation of micro-unions in retail stores remains our number one legislative priority. At The Home Depot we build careers, not just jobs. We pride ourselves on a culture where every associate has the opportunity to become a Division President. other • Support federal and state efforts to deepen the Port of Savannah in Georgia, which would allow larger container ships to enter the Port, making it quicker and easier to deliver products to our stores. • Create partnerships between store leadership and local governments to mitigate local day labor issues and advocate for immigration reform allowing day laborers to legally work rather than gather in our parking lots. • Enact Hurricane Preparedness and Energy Star Sales Tax Holidays to help our customers save money and increase sales in our stores. • Increase state and federal penalties for organized retail crime – particularly e-fencing and copper/metal theft. • Oppose new container fees and monitor port labor negotiations including federal intervention if necessary to prevent increased costs and delays in getting product to our stores. • Defeat product bans and reduce burdens on our store associates by preventing mandated product take-back initiatives. • Promote the need for comprehensive tax reform that includes lowering corporate and small business tax rates and retaining the mortgage interest deduction for homeowners. 1. Visit to learn more and send a letter, or email, to your Senators and Congressmen. 2. Host a Congressional Store Walk. 3. Follow @HomeDepot GR on Twitter. 4. Join the Government Relations Group on myWarehouse. How You Can Help 5. Increase your contribution to become a PAC Builder and receive the PAC Builder Punchlist, our weekly legislative update exclusively for our Builders. 6. Encourage other associates to visit and to join The Home Depot PAC. please visit today. Congressional Store Walk Program Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) talks with a customer in the Garden department at Store 0632 in Foster City, California. SM Scott Marasco, middle, and OASM Stephen Henn, left, show Congressman Lee Terry (R-nE), right, a First Phone during his visit to Store 3203 in Omaha, nebraska. Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tn), middle, learns how to mix paint during his visit to Store 0632 in Foster City, Tennessee. Governor Rick Scott (R-FL), front, shops for products during a hurricane preparedness event at Store 6303 in Miami, Florida. SM and PAC Captain Charles Grab helps Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA) put on his personalized Orange Apron during his visit to Store 4660 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Georgia associates from Stores 1747 and 0119 participate in Congressman John Barrow’s (D-GA), middle, summer job fair. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) learns how to mix paint during her visit to Store 6647 in Anaheim, California. Congressional store walks show our elected officials what our associates experience day in and day out, which in turn gives context, authenticity and meaning to every associate who makes their OrangeVoice heard. Are you interested in hosting a Congressional store walk? Contact the Government Relations Office at (202) 393-4400 or [email protected]. Congressional store walks make a difference 49 Store Walks in 2012 370 store walks “Our Walk was fantastic with Congressman Ribble. It was an honor to have him at our store and we were proud to represent The Home Depot. We had quite a bit of discussion involving how we utilize local installers from our communities, providing jobs for our installers and peace of mind for our customers. We had a fantastic Walk.” – James Anderson, Store Manager, Store 4928 in East Appleton, Wisconsin who hosted Congressman Reid Ribble by elected officials since the program began “We greeted Congressman Fleischmann with a Home Depot apron and started off with a meet and greet. In typical Home Depot fashion, we then showed the Congressman our enthusiasm, our love for The Home Depot and our commitment to customer service by doing The Home Depot Cheer. Well, that amazed him.” – Stephen Underwood, Store Manager, Store 0770 in Hixson, Tennessee who hosted Congressman Chuck Fleischmann Each Member of Congress represents, on average 710 associates 5,204 associates have had an elected official visit their store 10/1/12 “@mngophers29: Just finished walking our store with @RepRickBerg!!! Thank you for taking the time to come and see what we do! @HomeDepotGR” Follow @HomeDepotGr on Twitter to get the latest Government relations updates Associates at Store 4158 in Hilltown, Pennsylvania welcome Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), left, to their store for a visit. California State Senator Bob Huff (R-CA), middle right, meets with PAC Board Member and DM Mike Astorino, left, and other associates during his store walk at Superstore 6643 in Anaheim, California. Associates at Store 2680 in Plymouth, Massachusetts take Congressman Bill keating (D-MA), middle left, on a tour during his store walk. California State Assemblyman Jerry Hill (D-CA), left, poses with SM Jennifer Suezle during his visit to Store 0632 in Foster City, California. State Assemblywoman kristin Olsen (R-CA), middle left, learns about tool rental at Store 6601 in Modesto, California. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) talks to a customer during her visit to Store 6223 in East Haven, Connecticut. Congressman Adam kinzinger (R-IL), middle, with associates at Store 1977 in Peru, Illinois. The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future Board of Directors Executive Committee kent knutson, Chair Vice President, Government Relations Ted Decker, Treasurer Senior Vice President, Finance kelly Barrett, Assistant Treasurer Vice President, Internal Audit Southern Division Atlanta Store Support Center Northern Division Human Resources Derek Bottoms Vice President, Employment Practices Central Jim Bejna Regional Director, Human Resources Southwest Santiago Bernardez Regional Vice President Brant Suddath Director, Benefits Northern Plains Bill Lappin District Manager South Atlantic Haydn Chilcott Regional Vice President Ohio Valley Robert Bertone District Manager Mid-South John Chiasson Regional Director Operations Gulf Ricky Dezayas Regional Pro Sales Managerr Legal Briley Brisendine Vice President, Legal Corporate Communications and External Affairs Stephen Holmes Senior Manager, External Affairs and Social Media Information Services Dan Phillips Vice President, Information Services New England Bob Lundy District Manager NY Metro Colleen Gee District Manager Chris Smith Senior Director, IT NJ Metro Scott Murray Regional Vice President David Solomon Austin Tech Center, Manager, Information Services Midwest Dave Dawber District Manager Operations Chris Duffy Vice President, Labor Strategy Mid-Atlantic TBD Merchandising Marty Gallagher Vice President, Merchandising Southeast TBD South Florida Jeff Beesing Store Manager Western Division Western Jeff nichols Director, Real Estate Pacific Northwest Jeremy Wallis District Manager Pac Mountain Desert Tim Pfeiffer Regional Vice President Supply Chain Travis Lawrence Senior Director, HR Supply Chain Pac North Anthony Hurst Regional Vice Presidentt Online Mike Amend Vice President, Product Management and Site Operations Pac Central Jaime Castillo District Manager Marketing TBD Pac South Mike Astorino District Manager Shannon Aimone, PAC Director Sr. Manager, Political Programs The Home Depot PAC: Doing More for our Future The Home Depot Political Action Committee 1155 F Street nW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20004 For more information: Phone: 202.393.4400 | Fax: 202.393.4414 Email: [email protected] Contributions to The Home Depot PAC are not tax deductible. Contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.
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