Anual Report 2008
Anual Report 2008
CCCB08 ANNUAL REPORT CCCB Montalegre, 5 / 08001 T. 933 064 100 / INDEX Editon CCCB Graphic Design Postdata disseny i comunicació 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 Exhibitions Apartheid. The African Mirror In Transition Las mujeres que no conocemos (Women we don’t Know) Post-it City. Occasional Urbanities Magnum. 10 Sequences J. G. Ballard. Autopsy of the New Millennium In the Chinese City In collaboration with... Mined Lives. 10 years World Press Photo 08 15 16 20 26 27 Cultural activities Festivals and regular programs Festivals In Collaboration with... Other projects Urban Itineraries 29 Audiovisuales 33 34 39 45 Debate and reflection New Humanism The City and Public Space In Collaboration with... 49 50 51 51 55 56 56 Open CCCB Online Projects “Beyond the CCCB” Exhibitions Screenings Debates Networks 57 58 60 CCCB holdings Archive Publications 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 General information List of CCCB staff Collaborating institutions and companies Visitor figures Budget List of speakers in debates and lectures Venue hire and loan 73 Selection of mentions in the press INDEX Dates Fins al 22 de febrer Amb la col·laboració de Bancaja i el patrocini del Consorci EXHIBITIONS 2008 5 INDEX EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS APARTHEID IN TRANSITION THE SOUTH AFRICAN MIRROR Dates Until February 23, 2008 Sala 3 Manel Risques, Ricard Vinyes and Antoni Marí Until February 3, 2008 Curator Pep Subirós Venue Sala 2 Production CCCB and Bancaja Curators Jane Alexander Dates Venue Apartheid. The South African Mirror set out to be a conceptual and visual approach to the old and new forms of prejudice and racial discrimination, based on a wide selection of original artworks and documentary material. The exhibition documented the main stages and characteristics of a tragically famous history and scenario which speak not only of the South African experience, but also of its European legacy, of racial ideologies and of the racist clichés and practices fed by Western modernism, and how even today these prejudices constitute a powerful instrument for justifying and maintaining the most arbitrary injustices as well as an important, almost impenetrable barrier for the construction of a cooperative social order, which is egalitarian and ultimately socially sustainable. cally, in which modern ideas are established with regard to dignity and equal rights for all human beings. The exhibition then carefully explored the social, political, economic, cultural and territorial system of apartheid in force in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. Apartheid as an extreme and transparent form of deeply-rooted Western racism In parallel with this historical narrative, the exhibition displayed a wide selection of art works created in South Africa from the 19th Century to the present, with special emphasis on the period of apartheid. This exhibition was not conceived as a chronological, narrative description of a historical period but rather a way of understanding a dense, complex process that acted as a bridge between dictatorship and democracy and which affected, and was made by, the people who experienced it. In fact, the exhibition centred on individuals and collectives rather than on the leading actors in the political process, and recounted the changes that occurred at all levels in Spanish society in the 1970s and ‘80s. Production CCCB, Direcció General de la Memòria Democràtica, Departament of the Interior, International Relations and Participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, la Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales (SECC) y la Sociedad Estatal de Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX). With the sponsorship of the Zona Franca Consortium Related activities: Round table, The Political Transition (January 17); Humour as a Political Weapon (February 6); On Torture (February 19 and 20); installation, Mural by REP (February 3 to 6); and concluding round table Unanswered Questions about the Transition. See page XXX The exhibition opened with an introductory space that focused on the internal contradictions of the Francoist regime by reconstructing a secret meeting of the Council of the Movement. It then took the form of eight thematic areas that outlined the evolution of a society that dismantled everything that the Francoist regime had, or so it seemed, left firmly in place: Strike, Police Station, Schools, Groups that Lived Together, Psychiatric Hospital, Music Scene, Representations and Questions regarding the Transition. The point of departure for the exhibition was a historical approach to racism, which documented the development of the ideologies and practices that establish different categories, “races” of human beings, in the same period, paradoxi- 6 7 INDEX EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS LAS MUJERES QUE NO CONOCEMOS (WOMEN WE DON’T KNOW) Dates January 22 - March 30, 2008 Venue Sala -1 Installation by José Luis Guerín Production CCCB and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation – Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional POST-IT CITY OCCASIONAL URBANITIES Dates March 12 - May 26 Production CCCB Venue Sala 2 A project by Curators Martí Peran, Giovanni La Varra, Filippo Poli and Federico Zanfi Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, with the collaboration of the Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX) and Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) Jose Luis Guerín Post-it Cities explored the different overlapping uses of urban territory, focusing on the viewpoints offered by architecture, town planning and the visual arts. The exhibition explored the phenomenon through a wide range of projects based on the idea of “post-it cities”, a type of ephemeral city that infects regular cities through non-codified, temporary, anonymous uses that are implicitly critical. Las mujeres que no conocemos. A Film in 24 Frames, together with Unas fotos en la ciudad de Sylvia (Photos in the City of Sylvia) and En la ciudad de Sylvia (In the City of Sylvia), are the three parts that make up the latest project by José Luis Guerín. Three different formats around the same discourse, the same theme: the director’s reflection on the female portrait, fugitive time and cinematographic creation. 8 In Las mujeres que no conocemos, an installation produced for the Spanish Pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennial in 2007, Guerin chose narrative photo-installation as his medium, midway between film and photography. The result was a new step towards the convergence between filmmakers and the museum, and explored a trail in which the CCCB is a pioneer: film exposé. Occasional Urbanities set out to explore the many different existing and possible variations of this phenomenon in order to document it and reflect on its meaning: an industrial estate that becomes an illegal race circuit at weekends, the use of the building-site city for the adventures of explorer-nerds, variants of the squatter phenomenon, the use of different wastelands for occasional meetings (nomad camp, rave), the conversion of a daytime campus into an area of nocturnal sex trade, etc. Given the set of parameters it brings into play, this project led us into a series of issues that are particularly relevant to contemporary culture: the need to create “available spaces”, the versatile nature of the idea of recycling, the emergence of new subjectivities, etc. Related activities: Lecture series, Post-it. Occasional Urbanities (March 13 and April 15, 22 and 29, 2008). See page XXX 9 INDEX EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS MAGNUM. 10 SEQUENCES J. G. BALLARD. AUTOPSY OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM HOW CINEMA INSPIRES PHOTOGRAPHERS April 22 - September 7 Venue Sala 3 Curators Serge Toubiana and Diane Dufour Production CCCB, La Cinémathèque Française in collaboration with Magnum Photo Antoine d’Agata Dates Ten photographers from the agency Magnum –Abbas, Antoine D’Agata, Bruce Gilden, Harry Gruyaert, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Gilles Peress, Mark Power, Alec Soth, Donovan Wylie and Patrick Zachmann– evoked the influence of cinema on their imaginary.. The exhibition invited photographers representing different generations and trends of documentary photography to each produce an original work, showing how the cinema can infiltrate their way of capturing reality. The resulting pieces, photographs or audiovisual installations, revealed how a filmmaker, a film or a single shot have left an imprint on their imaginary and their body of work. Transitions, infiltrations and superposition between the two worlds. Film is an inspiration ‘d’après’ (after) the images, as Henri Cartier-Bresson once described it. According to CartierBresson, cinema is always that which follows, the image captured after the event. The moving image in opposition to the still image. Could cinema instead be the image “before”, that is, the image that inspires the photographer in his attempt to capture the real? How do films affect a photographer’s imaginary? What part of dreams, ghosts and obsessions does a photographer project onto the world? 10 Related activities: Under the Influence, a screening and lecture series in which some photographs from Magnum Photos and several prestigious artists (from Donovan Wylie, Mark Power and Gueorgui Pinkhassov to Francesc Torres, Ignasi Aballí and Joan Fontcuberta) analysed their work in the light of a particular film that influenced them. In addition, the educational workshop Film, Capture, Show invited children and young people to explore film, photography, and the boundary that joins and separates the two arts. Dates July 22 – November 2 Curator Jordi Costa Venue Sala 2 Production CCCB Truly a visionary writer, J. G. Ballard, who died in the spring of 2009, constructed a body of work marked by recurrent themes and obsessive symbols that goes beyond genre codes in order to decipher the present and propose plausible views of the future. tured according to the following sections: “What I believe”, From Shanghai to Shepperton, Dream landscapes, Inner space, Disaster area, Technology and pornography, Asepsis and neo-barbarism, Epilogue, Bibliographic area, “Ballardian” art. Ballard’s oeuvre is an open-ended body of work that still has many revelations in store for his readers and the capacity to throw light on the course of our future. An author with an enormous influence on later generations of creators in all disciplines, from fantasy cinema to industrial music, Ballard is the author, among many other works, of The Empire of the Sun and Crash, adapted for the cinema by Spielberg and David Cronenberg, respectively. Related activities: Several activities relating to the writer were organised as part of Kosmopolis: the screening of film adaptations of some of his books and two round tables, Readings of Ballard in the Latin Context and Under the Sign of Ballard, with the participation of numerous international writers and intellectuals including Jordi Costa, Marcial Souto, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Marta Peirano, Toby Litt, Bruce Sterling, V.Vale and Simon Sellars. A blog was also set up to allow the online community of Ballard fans to write articles on how reading Ballard had influenced their life and work, and which included a competition of videos made using mobile phones. The responses to the call for entries produced interesting modulations of the “Ballardian” sensibility in a variety of styles ranging from miniature parody to psychogeographic derives. This exhibition offered an itinerary through Ballard’s creative universe: his times and obsessions, his dissection of the secret keys of the contemporary world, the traces of his own life in his fictional body of work, his artistic and literary referents, and his precise, disenchanted intuitions of a future life governed by the concepts of aseptic dystopia and disaster. Through a very wide range of media —scenographic installations, audiovisual installations, the complete collection of Ballard’s works, works by artists inspired by Ballard and a selection of reference materials— the exhibition was struc- 11 INDEX EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS IN COLLABORATION WITH... IN THE CHINESE CITY MINED LIVES PERSPECTIVES ON THE TRANSMUTATIONS OF AN EMPIRE 10 YEARS November 4, 2008 – February 22, 2009 Venue Sala 3 Curators Frédéric Edelmann with the collaboration of Françoise Ged For a decade now, China has been immersed in major process of transformation. This can be seen in its cities, which are undergoing an unstoppable process of construction and destruction that is profoundly transforming them with amazing speed. This exhibition contextualised these changes in the continuum of the country’s history and culture. Its aim was to present the reality of the city past and present, in four of its aspects: town planning, architecture, landscape and infrastructure. It also offered an opportunity to compare these realities with those of the Chinese and Western imaginaries, and with news and propaganda or similar mechanisms. The exhibition was based on the display of archaeological documents, works of art, models, archive images and contemporary art Chinese characters and the key concepts of Chinese civilisation (garden, writing and culture, man and the earth, water, Feng shui, construction and destruction and family) were the basic elements that offered a dynamic reading of the Chinese territory and everything that affects its current population of more than three hundred million people. The exhibition interwove these concepts into a structure that presented six cities as examples of these urban transformations: Suzhou, Xi’an, Chongqing, Canton, Shanghai and Beijing. 12 Production With the collaboration of CCCB and Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine in Paris. Dates 14 de febrer - 13 d’abril Espai Sala -1 Bancaja In this context, films took on a particular importance. Five Chinese film directors contributed a filmmaker’s point of view on the five cities included in the exhibition. Prestigious filmmaker Jia Zhangke orchestrated the work of four of his colleagues: Chen Tao, Peng Tao, Li Hong Qi, Han Jie. Jia Zhangke himself, who directed the portrait of the city of Suzhou with the short film Cry me a River, was included in the official, non-competitive selection of the 65th Venice Film Festival. Related activities: Debates on November 6, 13, 20 and 27. See page XXXX. Producció CCCB, Intermón Oxfam, Mans Unides i Metges Sense Fronteres amb la col·laboració de DKV Seguros, l’Ajuntament de Barcelona i l’Instituto Cervantes Gervasio Sánchez Dates To coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Ottawa Treaty for the prohibition of antipersonnel mines, Gervasio Sánchez decided to go back and pick up the thread of the stories of the project Mined Lives, which he began in 1995. In this new project, the photographer showed the progress of those affected, and the problems they have encountered in countries like Columbia, Cambodia, Iraqi Kurdistan and the places with the most landmines on earth: Bosnia, Mozambique and El Salvador. He also included portraits from countries like Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua and Sudan. Some of the subjects of his photographs were children when they were portrayed for the first time, and now they are adults. The presentation of the exhibition and the book that was published at the same time were part of a tour through the principle cities of Spain and Europe, with the aim of raising the awareness of the public and the media, and also of politicians, of the ravages of these deadly weapons. The humanitarian impact of landmines is strongest and most devastating than the effects of any other weapon: they don’t just mutilate limbs and lives, they also make it impossible for farmers to access their lands, women to reach wells, and children to be able to go to school. As a consequence, many lands end up uncultivated, and poor families see their income noticeably decrease. 13 INDEX EXHIBITIONS IN COLLABORATION WITH... WORLD PRESS PHOTO 08 INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PHOTOJOURNALISM EXHIBITION Dates November 18 - December 14 Venue Sala -1 Production Photographic Social Vision Foundation with the collaboration of CCCB Tim Hetherington CULTURAL ACTIVITIES For the fourth consecutive year, Photographic Social Vision Foundation, in collaboration with the CCCB, presented the exhibition World Press Photo. World Press Photo provides images for the collective memory. Stunning photos that have, on many occasions, changed the course of history and public opinion. The World Press Photo exhibition, a collection of the winning entries in the World Press Photo Competition, is internationally recognised as the world’s major touring showcase of photojournalism. Each year, an independent, thirteen-member international jury chooses the winning photographs from submissions by photojournalists, agencies, newspapers and photographs around the world. The photos compete in 11 categories: news events, current affairs, people in the news, sports, action photography, sports reportage, contemporary issues, daily life, portraits, nature and art and entertainment. Each year, the winning photographs are exhibited in 80 cities in 40 countries, on condition that all works have to be shown without censorship of any kind. The fact that thousands of visitors from around the world see this exhibition demonstrates photography’s power to overcome linguistic and cultural boundaries. 14 15 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES FESTIVALS AND REGULAR PROGRAMS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES FESTIVALS AND REGULAR PROGRAMS I+C+I NOW RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN THE CULTURAL SPHERE MEETINGS IN THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Dates February 5, March 4, April 24, June 12, September 30 and November 6 Dates April 3, 4 and 5; November 27, 28, 29 and 30 Organised by CCCB Organised by CCCB I+C+i (research + development + innovation) is a program of talks focussing on the integration of research, development and innovation processes in the world of culture. Structured into four main themes (Crisis and Transformation of Formats, The Concept of Programming, Diffusion and Communication of Cultural Projects and Innovation Dynamics), each session tackles some of the dilemmas that emerge from cultural praxis and the processes of change affecting cultural institutions and the traditional agents of knowledge transmission. Throughout 2007 and 2008, artists, curators, managers, designers and experts in innovative cultural projects participated in I+C+i. Ekow Eshun, Joan Rieradevall, Antoni Abad, Àlex Rigola, Òscar Dasí, Marc Boada, Òscar Vilaroya Gerfried Stocker, Arantxa Mendiharat, Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia, Santi Eraso, José Luis de Vicente, Óscar Abril, Pedro Soler, Ian Kirk, Rosa Pera, Joan Roca, Friedrich von Borries, Marleen Stikker and Shaun Chang, among others, presented pioneer national and international initiatives such as: Ars Electronica, Disonancias, Shrinking Cities, The Waag Society… NOW is a project focussing on the scientific, technological, artistic, social and spiritual transformations that are taking place at the start of the 21st Century. NOW has been conceived as a working platform, with a series of objectives in the following thematic areas: Open Science, Cypersphere, Eco Factor, Art Now, Emerging Culture, Psi Particle and New Activism. The first NOW program in 2008 explored the interrelation between the free software movement and emerging culture; the challenges that humanity is facing in order to meet basic food and water needs and the new forms of activism that have arisen in response to these issues; and, based on one of the great paradoxes of our time, the fact that in a period in which there is major scientific progress in the exploration of outer space we have so much light pollution that it is difficult to observe the planets and the stars, the program also analysed new developments in cosmological theories that, ultimately, In 2008, I+C+i continued to explore the thematic areas mentioned above, focussing the six sessions on the fundamental questions of the program: What formats are in crisis? How can we improve the way we communicate complex cultural projects? How are new audiences generated? What kinds of programs favour the emergence of a new culture? Is it necessary to create I+D+i departments in cultural institutions? BCNMP7 question the place of human beings in the known universe. The Bank of Common Knowledge was also part of the program once more, as was an interactive installation on the radio spectrum co-produced with the AV Festival, Newcastle. The second 2008 NOW program focussed on exploring the different formats that the NOW platform can adopt as it develops in conceptual and formal terms. British theatre company Stan’s Cafe presented their performative installation Of All the People in All the World..., a visual construction based on statistics relating NOW’s themes. There was also the first MiniFest of NOW Documentaries, a selection of works that dealt with the project’s seven thematic areas, along with special presentations and debates. More information: FAST FORWARD MUSIC IN PROCESS THE FUTURE OF THE PERFORMING ARTS Dates February 21, March 27, May 8, June 26 and September 18 Organised by CCCB with the collaboration of Pocket Producciones, Imprevist, Analogic Té, Juan Carlos Rodríguez and Ico Romero Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue BCNmp7 has established itself as one of the most innovative events in Barcelona’s music scene. The thematic focus of each session, the fact that it encompasses all contemporary genres, the critical reflection on changes that are happening now and the originality of the concerts have made it a point of reference for a new audience. Groups such as Oval, Russian Red, Jarboe, Institut Fatima, 12Twelve, Nittle, Ajo y Mastretta, Jonathan Richman, Kiko Veneno, Muchachito, Bert Janch, Voice of Seven Woods Ceza, Charlie Gillet, Alexander 16 With the collaboration and participation of Jordi Isern, Jordi Torra, Jordi José, Lawrence Krauss, Raj Patel, Paul Nicholson, Miquel Ortega, Richard Stallman, Stan’s Cafe, Gustavo Duch, Jordi Pigem, Manel Mayol, Raquel Paricio, Gemma Galdón. With the support of the British Council and ICatFM Hacke, Sebastian Escofet, Nouvelle Vague and Ciudadano, are some of the artists that defined previous seasons. In 2008, BCNmp7 took on new impetus with an intensive program focussing on debating and presenting the influence of women in pop music, emerging European scenes, the hidden relationships between science and music and groups with their own personal universes. There was also a special section on the “laboratory” that Barcelona’s Raval area is becoming, with a mixing of music of all kinds and from different cultures. Dates July 19 and 20 Organised by CCCB and GREC Festival Looking towards new horizons and predicting the future have become one of our day to day passions. Fast Forward is the new regular event that was launched jointly by the CCCB and the Grec Festival in 2008. Its purpose is to explore everything that is gestating in the performing arts, by unearthing material that is still buried, in progress, in several key creative centres around the planet. This first program put the spotlight on London and the United Kingdom, and introduced audiences to projects such as Alice Bell, by Lone Twin Theatre, Presumption by Third Angel and Test Run by Vincent Dance Theatre, among others. 17 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES FESTIVALS AND REGULAR PROGRAMS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES FESTIVALS AND REGULAR PROGRAMS GANDULES 08 INTERCULTURAL KOSMÒPOLIS INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE FEST Dates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in August Organised by CCCB As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and with the support of Barcelona Intercultural Dialogue, The Department of Economy and Treasury and Ajuntament de Barcelona Sponsored by Dates October 22 to 26 Organised by CCCB Main collaborators and sponsors: Fundació Caixa Catalunya and Galaxia Gutenberg - Círculo de Lectores Moritz Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue In its fourth edition, the biannual festival Kosmopolis (K08) reinforced its position as a major expanded literature event. It filled five days with opportunities to continue to explore new themes, genres and formats that reflect its innovative spirit through its core sections: spoken word, written word and electronic work. Kosmopolis 09 focussed on offering a synthesis of the most pressing global problems, and how they are reflected in the changes affecting literary practice. The 2008 program favoured the kind of activism that uses the weapons offered by culture and the arts. Gandules 08 looked at interculturality, taking as its point of departure a basic principle of cinema: point of view. In the form of fiction, essay and documentary, the films shown during Gandules 08 dealt with two of the big motifs that usually entail questioning the point of view: journeys that lead to another culture and situations in which different cultures share a single place. The program included films about the supposed exoticism of otherness, tourism, the transformation of cities, small or private spaces that mirror large intercultural movements, moves due to migration, multi-ethnic neighbourhoods, personal encounters, itineraries between South and North, hidden and invisible zones in which there is traffic of goods and people... 18 The outdoor cinema program in the summer of 2008 collected stories about the imaginary that exist in fiction, cinema and myths; about discoveries of the real or about the way in which cultures change when they come into mutual contact. The commitment of writers to new political, social and environmental causes provided the structure for the event, which also looked at the mutations that journalism is currently undergoing due to the impact of new media and the potential revolution entailed by the trend towards multimedia convergence. Participants included: Guillermo Altares, Laurie Anderson, Jon Lee Anderson, Arkadi Bàbtxenco, Russell Banks, Roger Bartra, Edmond Baudoin, Roger Bernat, Robert S. Boynton, Enric Casasses, J. M. Coetzee, Flàvia Company, Robert Coover, Dave Eggers, Gonzalo Escarpa, Eduard Escoffet, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Eloy Fernández-Porta, Bartomeu Ferrando, Ernest Folch, Andrew Franklin, Gao Xingjian, Daniel García Andújar, Dan Gillmor, John Giorno, Amira Hass, Robyn Hitchcock, Pierre Joris, Elias Khoury, Hari Kunzru, Donna Leon, Toby Litt, Lydia Lunch, Max, Miqui Otero, Perejaume, Francis Pisan, Lou Reed, Jorge Riechmann, David Rieff, Joaquín Rodríguez, Dan Simon, Bruce Sterling, Emir Suljagić, Tzvetan Todorov and Antònia Vicens, among others. More information: In addition, K08 launched the Kosmopolis Archive, and presented a monographic on the work of J.G. Ballard, a homage to Agustí Bartra, a new Canal Alfa broadcast, an exploration of the links between the tradition of modern poetry and more recent genres like rap, spoken word and sound poetry, and the experimental area Kosmçotica, which looked at the connections between literature and hypermedia. 19 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES FESTIVALS AND REGULAR PROGRAMS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... TRAFIC 08 BAFF X FESTIVAL DE CINEMA ASIÀTIC DE BARCELONA Dates November 5 to 9 Organised by Centro de Fotografía Documental de Barcelona and CCCB In line with its desire to deepen the study and diffusion of urban documentary photography, the Centre de Fotografia Documental de Barcelona once again organised TRAFIC, a forum and platform that enabled photographers, professionals and groups that work with photography to share material among themselves and with the general public, with the aim of stimulating citizens to reflect on their surroundings. TRAFIC 08 included the presence of acclaimed artists Antoine D’Agata, Philip Blenkinsop and Paco Elvira, and the participation of many entities and groups that were in tune with the idea that structured this year’s program: the reflection on resistance in the context of social issues and problems in our society. Dates April 26 to May 3 Organised by 100.000 retinas and CCCB The workshops (with D’Agata, Blenkinsop and the Platoniq collective), the non-stop projections, the presentations (collectives on-demand, Radio Nikosia, 7.7 magazine, Invisible magazine, 2nd Catalan Photography Conference, forum of photography collectives) the debate Resistance to Forgetting, the exhibition The Gesture of Resisting, and portfolio reviews for photography students made up a program that help to consolidate this regular event that forms part of the CCCB’s autumn focus on photography. BAFF has kept grown year after year, to the point that it is now one of the most important European festivals in its field, and an essential event on the Spanish festival calendar. For its tenth year, the festival expanded its exhibition spaces and added a new section, BAFF10, which showed the ten essential works shown at the festival since it began. These new sections were joined by the familiar Official Section, AS (Asian Selection), D-Cinema and Anime space. Hong Kong was the guest country at BAFF 2008, in recognition of the special importance of its industry in the context of Asian and Chinese film. More information: The Jury, made up of Keiko Araki, director of the PIA Film Festival (Japan), Tran Anh Hung, film director, Kim Dong-Ho, director of the Pusan CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... International Film Festival (Korea), and Daniel Pérez, head of film and television channels on Teuve, awarded the Cinematk prize, which offers the winning film a distribution deal for Spain, to Secret Sunshine by Lee Chang-dong (South Korea, 2007) and the Golden Durian to With a Girl of Black Soil by Jeon Soo-il (South Korea, 2007). The Audience Prize, decided by the votes of viewers, went to Indian film Om Shanit Om by Farah Khan (India, 2007). Finally, the jury made up of Marion Klomfass, director of the Nippon Connection festival in Germany, Alejandro G. Clavo, film critic, and Daniel Tubau, writer, awarded the D-Cine prize to Bamboo Shoots by Jian Yi (China, 2007). OVNI 2008 EXODUS THE MARGINS OF THE EMPIRE FLAMENCO CIUTAT VELLA CARAMA Dates From January 29 to February 3 Organised by OVNI (Observatori de Video no Identificat ) With the collaboration of CCCB, Department de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació, Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, Videolab and Cintex OVNI – the Observatory Archives presents a critique of contemporary culture and society using a variety of strategies: independent documentary, video art and mass-media archaeology, to name just a few. During the screenings, 20 consultation units offered visitors access to the Archive’s entire holdings, over 2000 audiovisual documents . OVNI 2008 presented screenings of a series of videos that made up an initial reflection on marginalization and crossing over, and different forms of exodus - personal and collective, physical and psychic. It explored different forms of marginalization and exploitation, which are directly below the oppressive pressure of power: workers in export facto- 20 ries in China, Palestinian day-labourers working illegally in Israel... and visions that transcend the propaganda/counterpropaganda dialectic of areas of armed conflict: South America, Chechnya, Lebanon, Iraq, Darfur, Afghanistan... More information: Dates May 20 to 24 Organised by Taller de Músics, CCCB and Ajuntament de Barcelona – Districte Ciutat Vella The spotlight on this year’s Flamenco de Ciutat Vella was on flamenco singing or “cante” and the voice. It was up to Terremoto, el Torta, el Pele and Montse Cortés to prove that singing conceals much of the mystery of flamenco. Hiniesta Cortés, La Farruca, Rafaela Carrasco and Carmen Cortés ensured that “baile”, or dance, also got the attention it deserved, rounding off the evenings in the Pati de les Dones. The CCCB Hall hosted rumba catalana performances by artists like Gertrudis, Papawa, Ai, Ai, Ai and Los Manolos, the music of guitarists Juan Manuel Cañizares, Agustín Carbonell “El Bola” and José Antonio Rodríguez, and the launch of the latest releases by the legendary Guadalquivir and the collective SUK. 2008 brought new additions to the festival, such as the Ciutat Vella Audiovisual Flamenco Festival P’ALUCINE, which was created in order to encourage flamenco-related audiovisual creation, and collaborations with other groups, entities and venues: Esmuc, Sala Llantiol, Club Hipersons and Carmelitas, among others. This first P’ALUCINE awarded prizes to two of the many works submitted: the prize for best video clip went to Será mejor by Muchachito, Joni Ferzerta, Lagatacristi and Kote Berberecho; while the prize to the best documentary went to Dame veneno by Pedro Barbadillo and Luis Clemente (Spain, 2007). On the Saturday morning, the children’s show by La Botzina brought flamenco to an audience of youngsters. 21 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... THE INFLUENCERS SÓNAR FESTIVAL OF ART, GUERRILLA COMMUNICATION AND RADICAL ENTERTAINMENT ADVANCED MUSIC AND MULTIMEDIA ART Dates February 28 and 19 and March 1 Organised by d-i-n-a with the collaboration of CCCB, ICUB, Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Austrian Cultural Forum and Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona A three-day event focusing on independent creative projects based on controversial interventions in mediated popular culture that explore potential mutations in global communication dynamics, their audiences and the contemporary technology panorama. The idea is to explore the common ground between mass culture, contemporary art and the technological revolution that is in process, without heeding the borders between different disciplines and formats. In 2008, The Influencers presented examples of short-circuits between music, art and ideology, stories of fictitious identities and the spreading of false news, surrealist interventions in technological Dates June 19, 20 and 21 Organised by Advanced Music, CCCB and ICUB In its fifteenth year, the Sonar festival continued its commitment to advanced music projects and the most innovative art. More than ever, the 2008 program included a crossover between totally different styles, proving once again that the festival does not rule out any musical project. This inclusiveness, together with a special focus on women artists, were the two main elements underpinning Sónar 2008. Camille, Goldfrapp, Leila, Yo Majesty, Madness, Yazoo, Soulwax, Miss Kittin, Jeff Mills and Mike Banks were some of the highlights of a program that included over 140 live shows and DJ sets. and ideological propaganda, mysterious communication campaigns and other urban recipes. It looked to the disrespectful manipulation of commonplace symbols, to excess and political incorrectness, in a search for keys with which to act in the present and imagine the future. With the participation of: Trevor Paglen, Santiago Cirugeda, monochrom, Brody Condon, Alterazioni Video, Laibach, Alan and Jenny Abel SonarMática, the regular exhibition at the CCCB, focussed on the relationship between film and reality, going back to the origins of the seventh art on one hand, and offering future forecasting exercises on the other. SonarCinema and the record fair rounded off the activities held at the CCCB as part of the Sónar day program. More information: DANCE DAYS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DANCE IN URBAN LANDSCAPES ZEPPELIN SOUND IN THE CAVE Dates March 13, 14 and 15 Organised by Orquestra del Caos With the collaboration of the CCCB 22 The installation in the Pati de les Dones, the concerts and the presentations that made up Zeppelin 2008 aimed to shed light on the way in which musical and cultural expressions are produced in the process of shaping people’s tastes, on the influence of advertising in this process, and on public institutions’ actions in favour of cultural industries that have profit making as their main aim. seventh Zeppelin: BMB (Justin Benet), Campo de Interfenecias (Edith Alonso y Antony Maubert), Daniel Charles, Ciutat Sonora (Noel Garcia), Josep Lluís Galiana, Brandon LaBelle (BMB), Carmen Pardo, Peter Szendy, La música que no suena (Franco Fabbri, Jonathan Sterne, Josep Martí, Anahid Kassabian, Marta García Quiñones, Ola Stockfelt). These were the lines of research of the artists and groups invited to this More information: Dates July 4 to 6 Organised by Associació Marató de l’Espectacle With the collaboration of the CCCB and ICUB In 2008, the 17th Dance Days, International Festival of Dance in Urban Landscapes, was held as part of Barcelona’s Summer Festival, the Grec. Over four days, buildings, parks, streets and squares cane alive as dance met audiences in the urban environment. The festival aims to bring contemporary dance in all its formal variety to audiences of all ages and levels, free of charge, in order to explore choreographic work in urban space and to generate debate and reflection around public space. To this end, some of the performances by Spanish and international dancers were created specifically for each space. In addition, a showcase of short pieces, music, improvisations and screenings was held each evening at the CCCB’s Pati de les Dones. The 2008 program included the participation of Foofwa d’Imobilité, Jordi Cortés, Rootlessroot Company, Storm, Barcelona Addictos & The Circle of Trust, Salah, Yiphun Chiem, Ertza, Julie Dossavi, Vertical Danse Cie. Noemí Lapzeson, Companyia Metros de Ramon Oller, Eddie Ladd, Ariadna Estalella, Pierre-Yves Diacon, Brodas, Sound System Dance Crew, Lakka, Styl’ o Styl and Art.1. 23 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... HIPNOTIK ENCOUNTER L’ALTERNATIVA 15TH BARCELONA INDEPENDENT CINEMA FESTIVAL Dates September 13 and 14 Organised by Sonarcam Dates November 14 to 22 With the collaboration of the CCCB Organised by La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu With the collaboration of the CCCB Hipnotik is the Barcelona event dedicated entirely to Hip Hop culture, the cultural movement that emerged in New York in the seventies and is now part of global culture, as can be seen by the impressive audience participation in the festival’s fifth year. The main concerts included the participation of Violadores del verso, Tote king, Falsalarma y Shuga y Loren, and there were also the Block Party shows, with performances by Warriors vybz, Chyntia, Beat spoke, DJ Yulian, Aerolineas Subterráneas, My space, El Garou La Meka, Invicible, Dive, Tajo y Chichi, Defi J, Actitud Maria Marta, Cres, Welelo, Feebee, Al Haca, RQM and Debilorhytmicos. The program of activities was rounded off with the Battle of the Year Iberica, MC battles and the screening of the film El truco del manco, as well as round tables and lectures. to propose something new, that stimulates and surprises us, that isn’t complacent. To coincide with the Hipnotik Encounter, on Saturday September 13, the Anella Cultural organised a live Internet broadcast of the concerts by Falsalarma and Tote King, the first virtual MC battle and a multi-point graffiti that was painted simultaneously at the CCCB and venues in Reus and Lleida. Once again, the Hipnotik Encounter proved that Hip Hop culture goes far beyond tired old stereotypes. More information: DOCÚPOLIS INTERCULTURAL BARCELONA INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL Of the 2,200 submissions received, 400 were programmed in the festival’s different sections, 78 of them (from 33 different nationalities) made up the official competition section, which includes features, shorts, documentaries and animation. L’Alternativa, Festival de Cinema L’Alternativa, the Barcelona Independent Cinema Festival, is a true feast for lovers of independent cinema. The festival’s guiding principles have always been: to show cinema that does not bow to comfortable, conventional guidelines, cinema that takes risks, cinema from the margins, from the depths, emotional or thoughtful cinema, committed and honest cinema. Cinema with the ability Meanwhile, the Parallel Sections showed works by filmmakers that are essential for understanding contemporary European cinema. (Rocha, Gatlif, Herman Dolz, Veiel and the Taviani brothers) The award winning films in this fifteenth l’Alternativa were as follows: Best Feature Film ex aequo for Dah be alaveh Chahar... (10+4), by Mania Akbari (Iran), and Ye Che, by Diao Yi Nan (China). Best Documentary ex aequo to Problemat s komarite i drugi istorii by Andrey Paounov (Bulgaria), and Bar de zi şi alte povestiri, by Corina Radu (Rumania). Best Short Film ex aequo to Nous, by Olivier Hems (France), and Amatorul, by Marian Crisan (Rumania). Best Animation Short ex aequo to Orgesticulanismus, by Mathieu Labaye (Belgium), and L’évasión, by Demuynck Arnaud (France/Belgium). And, to round off the list of award winners, the Audience Prize went to Lapsus, by Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina); the AVID prize for Best Spanish Film to Decir adiós, by Víctor Iriarte (Spain); and the Telesur prize for Best Documentary to La sombra de Don Roberto, by Juan Diego Spoerer and Håkan Engström (Chile). Dates September 30 to October 5 Organised by Tercer Ojo International Documentary Association DRAP ART Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTISTIC RECYCLING With the collaboration of the CCCB In its eighth year, the Docúpolis festival offered an opportunity to discuss good practice in relation to intercultural dialogue, peaceful co-existence and shared identities Here, documentaries became a basic tool for revealing the difficulties of intercultural dialogue, and the ideal medium for social and political reflection and critique. The festival awarded the Docúpolis Prize for the Best Documentary to The Red Race, by Chao Gan, a Chinese documentary that shows the harsh training regime that 6 year old children, future Olympic competitors, go through. La Reina del condón, by Silvana Ceschi and Reto Stamm (Switzerland), won the award for the Best Debut Film; Death Valley Superstar, by 24 Michael Yaroshevsky (Canada), won the Best Short Documentary; and the film The Mosquito Problem by Bulgarian Andrey Paounov won the OFF Docúpolis category. The Third Eye Prize to the Best Experimental Documentary went to Solo, by Maciej Pisarek (Poland); the Human Rights Prize to Fighting the silence, by Lles and Femke van Velzen (Holland); Fotografias by Andrés di Tella (Argentina) won the Best Latin American Documentary award. Finally, Mari Carmen España. El final del silencio, by Martin Jonson and Pontus Hjorthén, received the Audience Prize. More information: Dates December 16 to 21 Organised by Associació Drap-Art and CCCB their reach, in order to develop their potential in a creative and autonomous way, use critical thinking and express themselves, and overcome habits and traditions that are a legacy of the colonial era Drap Art brings new energy to the arts movements that used objects trouvés as a language of social critique, and the movements that continue to do so. But it also encourages people in general to use the means that normal life and waste materials place within Drap-Art 2008 offered spaces for reflection, meetings between artists groups who use recycling; interventions in public space with artists from the creative recycling scene; collective exhibitions with works by around twenty five plastic artists selected through a public call for works; a cross-cultural art and design market; performances; films; participative workshops. Drap-Art guests included, among others, Santiago Cirugeda, Pilar Cos, Rosa Pera, FICMAC, Shilpa Chavan, Txalambé, Vicenzo Cartonutti “Il Reciclatore”, Karl Baterij, Don Simon y Telefunken, Filomena Menacho, Aviv Kruglanski, Jana Álvarez, Shilpa Chavan, Miss Lata, Angel Di Stefano, Pierre Bastien, Pau Riba+De Mortimers, Xapes y Gominoles, Juan Matos Capote and Arquitectes Sense Fronteres. More information: 25 INDEX CULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN COLLABORATION WITH... CULTURAL ACTIVITIES URBAN ITINERARIES BAC ! 08 RÉVEILLE-TOI Dates December 2 to 28 Organised by La Santa With the collaboration of the CCCB, Generalitat de Catalunya and Institut de Cultura de Barcelona BAC!’08 With a series of new reflections relating to fashion art, cultural trends and advertising, BAC!08 opened up to artists and theorists who were prepared to look for answers, fault lines... or to look for new ways of reflecting on the importance that fashion and consumer culture in general play in our society. Photographers, designers, plastic artists, video artists, illustrators, musicians... conferences, workshops, fashion parades... focussed on this issue, championing art of the kind that has day-to-day consequences and is usefully integrated into life Success is usually presented to us as the only way to achieve happiness according to rigid, conservative patterns of behaviour: to be the best, whatever it takes. A way BARCELONA, CITY, CITIES to rebel against this situation is to ask artists to aim their bullets at that wall of intolerance and fantasy, constantly questioning established models. Réveille-toi! Guest artists: Benjamin Kanarek, Cellina Von Manstein, Gori De Palma, Elivet Aguilar, Pierre Thomas Karkan, Carl Johan Paulin, Kristof Verschveren, Daniella Rosell, Perou and Brigitte Niedermair, among others. More information: April 19 and 20 Institut de Cultura de Barcelona The book fair for boys and girls returned to the city with loads of activities, workshops, storybook characters and hidden surprises in very literary settings indeed. Brave visitors could penetrate into the Space of You Will Go, based on adventure books, and then play the Game of You Will Return in the Labyrinth of Perhaps. The Cloud House held the books on the secrets of nature and science, and the Roomofrooms was the sum of the Library of Found Books, the TV3 program Una mà de contes and a really quite peculiar library. The itineraries available to school groups and the general public in 2008 were: This itinerary centred on the construction of a network of subterranean deposits built to collect runoff water during torrential rainfalls. It took place in the deposit built below the Parc de Joan Miró. This itinerary comprised an analysis of the territory that the Llobregat river passes through. The river forms the southern limit of the city and organises one of the major lines of communication for the entire Metropolitan area. When it rains in the city... Poblenou@22 In one visit, this itinerary took in spaces and buildings related to 19th century forms of life and production, as well as the first areas to be urbanised and the buildings associated with the “22@” project. This itinerary, which set out from the CCCB, explored the economic and social framework that made the Eixample (the city’s 19th century extension) possible - as an extension of the urban fabric but also in terms of the new modernist architecture that emerged, and the subsequent restructuring that changed it from a mainly residential area into a commercial and services hub. BOOK WORLD Organised by Llobregat. Last Chance El Quadrat d’Or CULTURAL ACTIVITIES OTHER PROJECTS Dates A program of urban itineraries that are designed to offer a critical view of the new challenges facing the city of Barcelona today: transformations of the metropolitan environment, social cohesion, cultural leadership, environmental regeneration, the quality of public space, communications networks, the high-speed train... These are essential and increasingly important issues, which this series of urban and metropolitan tours aims to highlight. The Raval. First Port of Call Older children at Book World were able to enjoy a new space exclusively for over-9s, and, once again, the Tower of Sant Jordi invited children to read out loud. Even the youngest children discovered many books in their own Space for the Wordless and in the Courtyard of a Thousand Languages, in which books were read out and listened to in many different languages, as part of a fair that celebrated difference. In terms of urban planning, the Raval has undergone highly visible changes over the last few years. But has the role that the Raval area plays within the city in general changed to the same extent? This itinerary offered different perspectives, from several viewpoints, of a neighbourhood that has been a port of call from the 19th century to the present day. Views of la Ribera Views of la Ribera took the form of a historical route that explains the evolution of the city from the 15th century up until the present: from the Barcelona of craftsmen to the industrial city, from the walled city to the new Eixample, from the creation of avenues like Via Laietana to the urban planning changes taking place today. Besós. A Second Opportunity This itinerary analyses the territory through which the river Besòs flows, and its function as a corridor for all kinds of flows (trains, cars, gas, electricity, water...). 26 27 INDEX AUDIOVISUALS 28 29 INDEX AUDIOVISUALS AUDIOVISUALS XCÈNTRIC. THE CCCB’S CINEMA PANTALLA CCCB A MONTH, AN ARTIST Organised by CCCB Dates From January to June, Thursday and Sunday afternoons Regular audiovisual programme dedicated to experimental cinema and the creative documentary. A necessary outlet for cinema at the edge of commercial dictates and with little or no circulation in the usual distribution circuits. Useful ways of seeing for curious spectators interested in more than just fashions and conventional genres. In the age of digital compression, Xcèntric returns to the dark cinemas and original formats for a greater appreciation of the works. The Xcèntric project goes beyond screenings, since it produces content (programmes, texts) and parallel activities related to the (in)formation (archive, tours, presentations). Cycles: “Curators” (about preserving and showing cinema), “The Witness” (an imaginary bridge for cinema related around time and the authors), “Breaking the Ice, Russian Cinema ‘De Profundis’” (Russian rarities), “Ephemeral Cinema” (industrial, scientific and made-for-exhibition films that have outlived their purpose because of their artistic value). CCCB 5 May to 9 June This year sees the debut of a new branch of Xcèntric with this seminar, an initiative for studying experimental, avant-garde and independent film more in depth. The course contents are presented as a cross-disciplinary trip down all the invisible paths that help us shape a more solid geography of this cinematic terrain through open dialogue with the students. 30 From January to December Independent films—those that aren’t commissioned but arise from the artist’s own inspiration—have a hard time reaching audiences other than through festivals, exhibitions and the odd art gallery. This programming aims to provide the space and time to allow people to discover these independent works. Just as we would hang a painting, we hang a screen and raise it to the status of an original artwork. A month in which to examine audiovisual works by artists who are interested in experimenting and innovating with new formal and thematic languages. This Regular programmers: Núria Aidelman, Núria Esquerra, Laida Lertxundi, Gonzalo de Lucas and Antoni Pinent. year’s artists: Emmanuelle Lippé and Bertil Dubach, Oriol Sánchez, Arturo Bastón, Jaime Pitarch, Nicolás Méndez, Virginia Garcia del Pino, Ruben Santiago, Ricardo Coral, Alba Sotorra, Benet Román and Arturo Fuentes Guest programmers: Andreas Wutz, Carles Guerra, Maria Baker and Andrés Hispano. More information: OFF-PROGRAMME UNPLANNED REGULAR AUDIOVISUAL PROGRAMME REVISIONS OF EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA Dates the CCCB Dates Authors: Sarah Payton, Chris Teerink Lev Kuleshov, Khanzhonkov Studios, Bill Morrison, Jacques Richard, José Val del Omar, Eugeni Bonet, Santiago Álvarez, John Smith, Miranda Pennell, James Benning, José Luis Guerín, David Reznak, Peter Weiss, Claude Faraldo, René Allio, Nicolas Philibert, Patt O’Neill, Gerardo Malla, Carlos Rodríguez Sanz, Manuel Coronado, Brett Ingram, Storm de Hirsch, Jonas Mekas, Serguei Loznitsa, Charles Burnett, Andy Warhol and Peter Whitehead, among others. XCÈNTRIC CLASSROOM Organised by Organised by Speakers: Josetxo Cerdán, Esperanza Collado, Marcelo Expósito, Miguel Fernández Labayen, David Gerstein, Andrés Hispano, Carolina Lopez Caballero, Joan M. Minguet Batllori, Maria Morata. Director: Antoni Pinent Organised by the CCCB and the Barcelona International Women’s Film Festival Dates June Independent filmmaking is increasingly focussed on current issues and responds quickly to important social and human events. Throughout the year, the Off-Programme aims to identify different works produced through filmmakers’ solidarity and commitment to social issues. Where possible, the screenings will be accompanied by presentations by the filmmakers or other people directly involved in the issue. Following the thread of global tensions and the human factor, this year Passing the Rainbow/Views of Kabul, by Sandra Schäfer and Elfe Branderburger was shown. Passing the Rainbow deals with methods for subverting the strict gender norms in Afghan society, concerning performance as well as cinematographic production and daily and political life. A theatre company run by a girl in Kabul, a teacher who is also an actress, a policewoman with a second job as an action film director, an activist from the RAWA organisation who approves of the radical separation of church and state, and Malek, who lives as a boy so she can work: all these women are the protagonists. Debate with: Sandra Schäfer and Elfe Brandeburger (Berlin) together with the filmmaker Diana Saqeb (Kabul) debate the different ways of representing this struggle. Chairing the debate is Mònica Bernabé (Barcelona), a journalist specialised in Afghan affairs and president of the Association for Human Rights in Afghanistan (ASDHA). 31 INDEX AUDIOVISUALS DOCUMENTARY PREMIERES (Space in CCCB’s auditorium for premiering and presenting independent documentaries) ON TRANSLATION: MIEDO A TELEVISION PERFORMANCE PROJECT BY MUNTADAS Produced by the Centro José Guerrero of the Provincial Council of Granada Organised by CCCB, OVNI and Hamaca Dates 25 September Barcelona premiere of Antoni Muntadas’ most recent work, On Translation: Miedo, with an appearance by the author, as part of the On Translation series created in 1995. Over 30 works focussing on the concept of translation that investigate linguistic, political, economic and cultural issues. IN DEBT THE SPIDER’S WEB By Ferran Vidal Vicens Organised by CCCB, Associació Audiovisual Debitas, Quepo Foundation and AICEC-ADICAE Dates December This documentary looks at four families of differing income levels and origins and explores how being in debt affects their lives. As a counterpoint to these dramatic real-life stories, specialists in different fields (an economist, a sociologist, a lawyer, a judge, a psychologist and other experts) analyse the factors that have produced this situation and give their view ESPAIS DE DEBAT I REFLEXIÓ of the legal, political and social measures needed to address this serious problem at a time when, according to data confirmed by the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, the repossession of homes in 2008 is nearing 100,000 and could double in the course of 2009. AUDIOVISUALES IN COLLABORATION WITH... INDEPENDENT FILM NETWORK (IFN) HTTP://IFN.CCCB.ORG La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu set up this circuit of production, promotion, distribution, exhibition, festivals, schools, consultation and research about independent film by creating a video library and setting up the Xarxa Barcelona (Barcelona Network). IFN brings together representatives of independent film companies, collectives and platforms from around the world and responds to the intention to provide a directory of contacts chosen from groups and professionals dedicated to independent cinema. OPEN SERVER OPENSERVER.CCCB.ORG Platoniq is behind this public server project dedicated to broadcasting audio on the Internet (streaming). In addition to storing the archives from the Open Radio festival that began the project, Open Server offers a platform for support, production and dissemination of independent radio year round. Its main aim is to publicise the right to free culture, a culture that promotes the democratisation of the media and citizen 32 participation and supports the alternatives to copyright now being developed on the Internet. Free music, net culture and audio activism. 33 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM IN TRANSITION THE HUMAN CONDITION Dates January 14 and 17; February 4, 5, 6, 19, 20 and 22 Dates Mondays from January 21 to March 10 Organised by CCCB Organised by CCCB and Fundación Collserola With the collaboration of Memorial Democràtic, Púrpura Visual With the support of El Periódico The dominance of the ideology of Franco’s regime throughout forty years of dictatorship ended up pervading and conditioning Spain’s cultural life. While the political process of the Transition to democracy endowed the country with democratic mechanisms, some social strata still spent many years immersed in the legacy of the regime. The activities related to the homonymous exhibition which opened in late 2007 explored cultural aspects of the Spanish transition to democracy, and brought to light the different rhythms that coexisted between political institutionalisation on one hand, and social change on the other. January 14: Bucarest, la memoria perdida (Bucharest, Lost Memory) Screening of the documentary by Albert Solé, in which the Rumanian-born filmmaker searches for his roots linked to a twofold exile. His father, politician Jordi Solé Tura, ex-minister and one of the seven Fathers of the Spanish Constitution, who was forced to abandon Spain in the sixties because of his anti-Francoist militancy, has embarked on a new, inner exile, but this time with no possible return: memory loss. The filmmaker travels from one exile to another in an attempt to recompose his own memory through the memory of his family and the memory of a country. Participants: Pasqual Maragall, José Montilla, Júlia Otero, Joan Saura and Albert Solé. January 17: The Political Transition Leading political figures from the Transition spoke about the change of regime and the delicate political and social equilibriums that ensured the peaceful implementation of the 1978 constitutional system, and retrospectively took stock of the legacy of the transition in today’s democracy. Participants: Santiago Carrillo, Celestino Corbacho, Josep Ramoneda and Miquel Roca. February 4, 5 and 6: REP Mural To coincide with the above activity, Argentinean artist REP created a mural in the lobby of the CCCB. The artist saw the action as a dialogue between himself, his work, and the public, 34 The religious, ideological, family and work mainstays that have traditionally structured human life have become to be questioned in recent decades. These transformations, which were initially presented as an opportunity for individuals to gain more freedom, gave opened up new unknowns and, paradoxically, have generated more uncertainties in relation to the future. At the same time, new scientific research is starting to question the discourses that took the difference and superiority of human beings in relation to all other living beings for granted. The continuing presence of violence and the constant infringement of human rights encourage a vision of our society that is far from the humanist ideal. At the start of the who were free to join him as he created the work. A mural made with the intention of capturing a social transition following years of dictatorship, that aimed to invite the public to continue to think about what it meant and continues to mean. February 6: Humour as a Political Weapon In dictatorial regimes, humour usually becomes a medium for dissidence and for injecting oxygen into the democratic aspirations of civil society. Humorists Toni Batllori and Forges discussed this idea with the artist REP, using the Spanish and Argentinean cases as a point of departure, and also reflecting on their own role as critics in periods of democracy. 21st century we find ourselves, more than ever, with the need to reconsider the characteristics that define us as people. Through The Human Condition, the CCCB and Fundación Collserola aimed to encourage debate around how individuals can satisfactorily fulfil their freedom in the contemporary world, following the reflections that began with the series Passions (2005), Life (2006) and Meaning (2007). Participants: Judith Butler, Remo Bodei, Terry Eagleton, Ivan Klíma, Jordi Llovet, Chantal Maillard, Michela Marzano and Enrique Vila-Matas. POLITICS AND PO-ET(H)ICS OF IMAGES OF WAR Date February 15 Directed by Antonio Monegal, professor of Comparative Literature, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and visiting professor, Princeton University Organised by CCCB, Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona and Editorial Paidós Participants: Jaume Badia, Toni Batllori, Forges and REP. February 19 and 20: On Torture Torture was one of the key issues of state violence during Franco’s regime and the transition. Absent from historical research, it has only recently managed to make a place for itself in the interstices of social debate after a difficult process of admitting that the practice took place. And the consequences have affected society and the individuals who suffered it, but also public policies of redress and memory. The comparison between the Spanish case and experiences in Chile and Argentina has helped to enrich this debate, which is still in its early stages in spite of the important role that torture played in the contemporary history of our country. Participants: Pilar Calveiro, Elizabeth Lira, Anna Miñarro, Magda Oranich, Isabel Piper, Manuel Risques and Ricard Vinyes. February 22: Questions without Answers from the Transition The Transition, a time in which anything was possible, which managed to forge multiple cosmovisions of individual and collective experiences, forces us to question the usually simplifying stories that are its legacy. The participants of this round table attempt to answer a selection of the questions posed by visitors to the exhibition. Round table with some of the contributors to the book Politica y (po)ética de las imágenes de guerra (Paidós, 2007), which discussed representations of war and their role in the configuration of the historic memory and collective identity of societies. It also analysed the way we see conflicts and violence today, with a particular focus on images of war in art, cinema, the entertainment industry and the media. Participants: Rafael Argullol, Miquel Berga, Andrés Hispano, Antonio Monegal, Gervasio Sánchez and Francesc Torres. Participants: Jordi Borja, Mercè García Aran, Antoni Marí and Pere Ysàs. 35 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM THE METAMORPHOSES OF COMMUNISM LECTURE BY KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH COSMOPOLITANISM. ETHICS IN A WORLD OF STRANGERS Dates March 6 and 7 Directed by Bashkim Shehu, writer and CCCB consultant on Eastern Europe Date May 26 Organised by CCCB and Krakow International Institute of Culture Organised by CCCB With the collaboration of Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Valencia, Katz editores and El País Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue After the dismantling of the Soviet block, communism did not go away. Rather, it took on different appearances and nuances, according to the historic, geographic and political circumstances of the each of the countries that have experienced it. directly or indirectly, in the past or in the present: the former Soviet block, China, Cuba, and those parts of Western Europe and Latin America that hadn’t lived under Communist regimes, but have been considerably influenced by them. In the framework of the ongoing collaboration between the CCCB and the Krakow International Institute of Culture, this conference analysed the legacy of communism and its mutations all over the world almost twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The debate looked at the weight of communist ideology and practices in the political, social and cultural life of the countries that have experienced it Participants: Harriet Evans, Emilio de Ipola, Iván de la Nuez, Stanislaw Obirek, Manel Ollé, Teodoro Petkoff, Jacek Purchla, Jorge Semprún, Bashkim Shehu and Magdalena Vasaryova. A lecture by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University and author of several books including Cosmopolitan. Ethics in a World of Strangers and The Ethics of Identity. An internationally acclaimed author, Appiah has reflected on cosmopolitanism as an ideal and an adventure that has to allow us to develop the habit of peaceful coexistence in a world full of difference: conversation in its most ancient sense, living together, association. ENIGMAS OF IRAN DARFUR: CONFLICT AND INTERESTS Dates April 14, 15 and 16 Directed by Jamal Mahjoub, writer from Sudan Organised by CCCB The conflict in Darfur has provoked a wide range of interpretations. Is it genocide? Is it ethnic cleansing? Is it simply the first conflict caused by a scarcity of water provoked by global warming? What possible solutions are there? The aim of this seminar was to bring together a group of highlyqualified people so as to go beyond the headlines and analyse the context and causes of the conflict and evaluate what can be done to repair the damage. An activity related to the exhibition Mined Lives. 10 Years, this debate was part of the CCCB’s ongoing interest in understanding the war, which began with the exhibition At War (2004). The 36 event was also part of Geography of Forgotten Crises, a program that began in 2007 with the debates on Somalia and Chechnya, with the aims of rescuing from oblivion the human dramas that affect thousands of people around the world. Participants: Munzoul Assal, JeanHervé Bradol, Mansour Khalid, Jamal Mahjoub, Mahmoud Mamdani and Rafael Vila Sanjuán. Dates June 30 (screenings) and July 1 (debate) Directed by Fred Halliday, ICREA Research Professor at the IBEI Organised by FRIDE and CCCB With the collaboration of El País Tainted by stereotypes, fears and power struggles, the relationship between Iran and the Western world is as complex as it is important, due to its central role in the stability of the region and the geopolitical world order. The coming to power of Ayatollah Jomeini in 1979 was a milestone in the Islamic world, and at the same time it marked the start of a long cooling off period in which the West, particularly Washington, has not been able to treat the Teheran regime as either a rational political actor or as a diabolical tyrant. On the other hand, the new outbreak of political radicalism in Iran has provoked a reaction that has spread like a shock wave from Lebanon to Afghanistan. Iran has defined and mobilised a transnational Shiite movement, it pesters Israel and supports the radical left in Latin America, while its nuclear pro- gram, even if it is for peaceful purposes, has become a source of national pride. A range of specialists came together at the CCCB to try and shed light on the source of the misunderstandings between Iran and the West, and suggest the different diplomatic possibilities that can be used to redirect tensions and set up more fluid relations. There were also screenings of the films Iran: A Revolution Betrayed, by Ahsan Adib (1984), and Gilaneh, by Mohsen Abdolvahab and Rakhshan Bani Etemad (2005). Participants: Mariano Aguirre, Ali Ansari, Haleh Afshar, Fred Halliday, Rosemary Hollis, Baqer Moin, Johannes Reissner and Luciano Zaccara. 37 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM DEBATE AND REFLECTION NEW HUMANISM EQUATORIAL GUINEA, BLACK MEMORY Date September 29 Organised by CCCB Spanish colonialism in Black Africa is one of the least known and most silenced episodes in recent Spanish history. Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony, claimed independence forty years ago, on October 12, 1968. The turbulent years that followed led to the dictatorship of Francisco Macías, followed by the current regime led by his nephew, Teodoro Obiang, the main beneficiary of the oil industry. While human rights bodies denounce the dictatorship of Obiang, Western democracies turn a blind eye in order to access the country’s immense oil reserves. With this conference, which included the screening of the Xavier Montmanyà video Memoria negra (“Black Memory”), followed by a debate, the CCCB aimed to contribute to analysing the legacy of Spanish colonialism, following in the line of reflection opened up by countries like France, Belgium and the United Kingdom in recent years. LECTURE BY ISABEL HILTON: DILEMMAS OF TIBET Dates December 15 Organised by CCCB With the support of El País For decades, Tibet has been at the centre of a complex national and cultural conflict with the Chinese government. With its own identity, Tibet is a large region with a low population density, in which Tibetans are already starting to be a minority. Little-known and at the same time politicised, Tibet reveals some of the cracks in China’s immense power, in a highly nuanced conflict that resonates with many universal dilemmas. Participants: Xavier Montanyà, Gustau Nerín and José Luis Nvumba. In activity related to the exhibition In the Chinese City. Perspectives on the Transmutations of an Empire, Isabel Hilton, renowned writer and journalist and China expert, offered an analysis of the current situation in Tibet. ANONYMITY Dates December 2, 3 and 4 Directed by Marina Garcés, Professor of Philosophy at the Universidad of Zaragoza and the UOC Organised by CCCB, with the collaboration of Espai en Blanc DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE The transformation of mass society and the visibility regime of modern Western society has led to a radical change in the way we currently experience anonymity. In a society dominated by the identification-based logic of control on one hand, and the differentiation-based logic of multiculturalism on the other, being anonymous no longer just means being a victim of standardisation and the loss of an individual face. In many cases, “Learning anonymity” becomes a path of individual and collective resistance. The recent mass citizen mobilisations prove it: “Stop War”, March 13 and the demonstrations in favour of decent housing, among others, have found 38 POST-IT CITY. OCCASIONAL URBANITIES their strength in the anonymity of the organisers. Their success comes from the fact that they have been self-organised by an anonymous “us” that refuses a name or the possibility of being identified on the game board of current politics. Participants: Marc Augé, Érik Bordeleau, Amador Fernández-Savater, Wenceslao Galán, Marina Garcés, Carles Guerra, Santiago López Petit and Leónidas Martín Dates March 13; April 8, 22 and 29 Organised by CCCB Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue The “post-it city” concept was coined by Giovanni La Vara (“Post-it city: the other European Public Spaces”, Mutations, 2001) to designate different temporary uses of public space. To complement the exhibition Post-it City. Occasional Urbanities, which offered a compilation of some of these new temporary uses, a series of meetings were organised to give an insight into some of the projects connected to the exhibitions, in order to contribute to current reflection on the nature of contemporary public space. Participants: Pablo Brugnoli, Julian D’Angiliollo, Joseph Grima, Carmella Jacoby Volk, Franco la Cecla, Giovanni La Varra, Daniele Pario Perra, Martí Peran, Stefano Romano and Marina Zuccón. 39 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE TEL AVIV, THE LAST MEDITERRANEAN CITY Dates May 5 and 6 Directed by Fred Halliday, ICREA Research Professor at the IBEI Organised by CCCB With the collaboration of El País and Libros del Asteroide As part of the series of debates on Near Eastern cities, the CCCB organised a session focussing on Tel Aviv, which, together with La Valleta and Tirana, is one of the few cities founded on the shores of the Mediterranean since the fall of the Roman Empire. Created in 1909 beside the Arabic port of Jaffa, the oldest in the world, the city currently has a population of more than four hundred thousand. Tel Aviv’s architecture reflects the different layers of its historical development: the “oriental” style of the first third of the 20th century, similar to that which can be seen in Cairo, Beirut, Istanbul and Baku was followed, in the thirties, by the construction of up to five thousand Bauhaus buildings, which led it to be dubbed “the white city” More recently, new urban developments linked to business and cutting-edge technology have changed the appea- May 18 and 19 Organised by CCCB With the collaboration of Tusquets Editores, El País and Heer Productions Part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue As part of the debate there were screenings of the films Territory I (White Lies) by Marine Hugonnier (2005), Là-bas by Chantal Akerman (2006) and Alila by Amos Gitai (2003). Participants: Yoram Kaniuk and Sharon Rotbard. Date May 15 Directed by Marisol Garcia, lecturer in Urban Sociology at the University of Barcelona, and Monica Degen, lecturer in Cultural Sociology at Brunel University, London Organised by CCCB With the collaboration of El País, Anthropos Editorial 40 Dates rance of its waterfront. Tel Aviv is now the cultural and artistic centre of secular Israel, increasingly heterogeneous due to the large influx of immigrants and an intense artistic, literary and musical life that contrasts with the religious conservatism of neighbouring Jerusalem. Nevertheless, with the ongoing failure to find a stable, fair solution to the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, the proximity of Jaffa is a constant reminder of other histories, identities and possible futures for this land. BARCELONA, METACITY The major urban transformation of Barcelona that came about as a result of the 1992 Olympic Games led the city to be internationally acclaimed as a model of urban and social cohesion. However, the new reality in recent years is shaking up some of the elements of this model. To coincide with the publication of the book La metaciudad: Barcelona. Transformación de una metrópolis (“The metacity: Barcelona. Transformation of a Metropolis”) (Anthropos, 2008), the ORIGINS: LAHORE CCCB organised this debate in order to analyse some of the main spatial, cultural and social challenges facing Barcelona today. Participants: Mikel Aramburu, Núria Benach, Leonardo Cavalcanti, Monica Degen, Juli Esteban, Marisol García, Emili Garcia, Ricard Gomà, Jordi Martí, Francesc Muñoz, Rosa Mur, Arturo Rodríguez Morató and Carlota Solé. This debate on Lahore marked the launch of the CCCB’s Origins series, which looks at cities that are points of cultural irradiation in the home countries of the migrant groups that have made Barcelona their home. The aim of this debate is to show some of the most prominent urban cultural influences in these countries, in order to try and build bridges between the different cities. Lahore is the cultural capital of Pakistan and, with ten million inhabitants, its second largest in terms of population. With one of the most important architectural heritages on the Indian subcontinent, thanks to the legacy of the Mughal Empire (1526-1857), the city is currently witnessing the emergence of civic and artistic initiatives that seek ways to combine an inescapable modernisation with the conservation of the city’s historic heritage. At the same time, Lahore has to face massive rural immigration that challenges its infrastructures, and a highly unstable political situation that directly affects the day to day life of its inhabitants, and sometimes makes it unviable. Finally, the historic complexity of the region, with a religious and cultural heterogeneity that led to the detonation of turbulent conflicts throughout the 20th century, was a good excuse to reflect on how we would like to imagine the possibility of peaceful coexistence in our cities. As part of the debate, there were screenings of the films The Rock Star and the Mullahs by Ruhi Hamid (United Kingdom, 2003), Basant. La guerra dels estels by Andrés Antebi, José González Morandi, Pablo González and Eva Serrats (Spain, 2007) and In Flesh and Spirit de Maheen Zia (Pakistan, 2006). Participants: Mohsin Hamid, Jordi Puntí and Rashed Rahman. 41 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE 5TH EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR URBAN PUBLIC SPACE TARGETED PUBLICS: ART AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE SECURITY CITY Date June 13 Organised by CCCB in collaboration with The Architecture Foundation, Architektur Zentrum Wien, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimonine, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut and the Museum of Finnish Architecture Dates October 2 and 3 COPCISA Directed by CCCB and Stephen Graham, Professor of Human Geography at Durham University, and Louise Amoore, Reader in Political Geography at Durham University Organised by CCCB With the collaboration of El País Sponsored by The struggle against international terrorism has come to mean that any person who makes use of public space in a Western city is now considered a potential target of the mechanisms of control that strive to protect us. Post 9/11 security cities scrutinise both the architecture and the movements of people in urban settings. How are we to rethink urban space in the light of these practices that we so habitually see as threats to our privacy? What does public space become when the traditional democratic rights of assembly and protest are deemed to be dangerous in certain “security zones”, or when the anonymity of the street is abolished by the proliferation of video monitoring technology? How are citizens and artistic and social movements responding? What are the new forms of dissent and transgression in urban public space? The European Prize for Urban Public Space was organised for the fifth time. The purpose of this award, created as a result of the exhibition The Reconquest of Europe (1999), is to recognise and promote the public nature of urban spaces, as well as their ability to encourage social integration. Taking into account the ambiguities inherent in the notion of public space, this is the only architecture prize of European scope designed to identify and encourage essentially public (open and accessible to everybody) urban space. This sets the Prize apart from other initiatives that focus on particular architects or buildings and from landscape architecture awards, instead highlighting the relational, civic value of typically urban space. At present, the Prize is a joint initiative of the CCCB, The Architecture Foundation (Londres), Architektur Zentrum Wien (Vienna), Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimonine (Paris), the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (Rotterdam) and the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki). This institutional base has made it possible to expand the range of influence of an initiative that received 174 submissions from 132 European cities in 2008. This makes the Prize is an exceptional barometer of the principal directions of European urban design. All the submissions to the five calls for entries are brought together in the digital archive http://urban.cccb. org, which also includes a selection of the most important lectures on urban themes held at the CCCB. 42 The Jury for the 5th Prize consisted of Manuel de Solà Morales, president (representing the CCCB); Severi Blomstedt, director of the Museum of Finnish Architecture; Ole Bouman, director of the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut; Rowan Moore, director of The Architecture Foundation; Francis Rambert, director of the Cité de l’Architecture of the Patrimoine; and Dietmar Steiner, director of the Architektur Zentrum Wien. The secretary for this last edition was Carles Crosas. The 2008 First Prize was awarded to the Barking Town Square Project (London). Three Special Mentions were also awarded to the projects Centrum.odorf (Innsbruck), Other People’s Photographs (Folkestone, United Kingdom) and Torre del Homenaje (Huéscar, Granada). The awards ceremony for the Prize was attended by the president and the secretary of the jury, and the creators of the winning projects. It concluded with the lecture Europe, an Urban Civilisation, by Peter Hall, Emeritus Professor at University College London, and author of the influential book Cities in Civilization: Culture, Innovation and Urban Order (1999). In order to respond to these questions, the CCCB brought together a group of experts to participate in a debate directed by British geographers Stephen Graham and Louise Amoore. This event was part of the CCCB’s permanent concern with reflecting on the intersection between urban space and sovereignty, a process begun with the debates “Urban Traumas” (2004), “Archipelago of Exceptions” (2005) and “Architectures of Fear” (2007). Participants: Louise Amoore, Judit Carrera, Deborah Cowen, Dana Cuff, Volker Eick, Marina Garcés, Stephen Graham, Alexandra Hall, Andrés Hispano, Ana López Sala, Antonio Monegal, Francesc Muñoz, Deborah Natsios, Marcos Ramírez, Josep Ramoneda, Iñaki Rivera Beiras, Pere Saborit, Toni Serra, Meghan Trainor and Gijs van Oenen CHINA PERSPECTIVES ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF AN EMPIRE Dates November 6, 13, 20 and 27 Organised by CCCB With the support of El País With a population that accounts for more than one fifth of humanity and an extension similar to that of Europe, China is presently undergoing profound and accelerated change that affects much more than its urban landscape. The spheres of the economy, politics, society, communication and culture are all immersed in it as well, in one way or another. An activity related to the exhibition In the Chinese City. Perspectives on the Transmutations of an Empire, this lecture series aimed to approach the complexity of China today, with all its contrasts and paradoxes, from complementary perspectives. Participants: Javier Castañeda, Frédéric Edelmann, Manel Ollé, Alfredo Pastor, Carles Prado and Harry Wu. 43 INDEX DEBATE AND REFLECTION THE CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE ESPAIS DE DEBAT I REFLEXIÓ IN COLLABORATION WITH… EL CAIRE, MEGALÒPOLI AL NIL Dates November 10 and 11 Directed by Fred Halliday, ICREA Research Professor at the IBEI Organised by CCCB With the support of El País Additional collaboration Edicions de 1984 CONFERENCE SERIES TAKE AWAY LANDSCAPES Dates February 22 to April 25 Organised by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona With the collaboration of Caixa Catalunya’s Fundación Territori i Paisatge, Direcció General d’Arquitectura i Paisatge del DPTOP de la Generalitat and CCCB The CCCB hosted the lecture series Take-Away Landscapes, presented by the UAB’s Masters degree course in Landscape Intervention and Management. Several specialists offered a collective view of some present-day approaches of landscape intervention and management to a constantly changing territory. Participants: José Ballesteros, Daniela Colafranceschi, Gerald Domon, Teresa Galí-Izard, Josefina Gómez Mendoza, Juan José Lahuerta, Rafael Mata, Oriol Nel·lo and Carme Pinós. LAUNCH OF THE BOOK BALAS DE PLATA Date March 13 Organised by Editorial Tusquets Featuring the author’s presence, the CCCB hosted the launch of the latest novel by Mexican writer Elmer Mendoza, Balas de plata (“Silver Bullets”, Tusquets, 2008), winner of the 3rd Tusquets Editores Novel award. Mendoza is considered to be the first author to successfully capture the effect of drug trafficking in his country. LAUNCH OF THE BOOK ECONOMÍA CANALLA LA NUEVA REALIDAD DEL CAPITALISMO With 12 million inhabitants, the Egyptian capital Cairo the largest city in the Arab world and the largest in any country bordering the Mediterranean. Site of the pharaonic pyramids and of the mosques and citadels of the medieval Islamic world, the opening of the Suez Canal in the mid-nineteenth century transformed it into a cosmopolitan capital with communities from all over the Mediterranean. As Cairo’s greatest modern writer, Naguib Mahfouz, shows in his novels, cultural currents of a regional and national nature have long intersected here with those of universal concern. Since the Egyptian revolution of 1952, however, the city has become the hub of Arab nationalism and the place from where the military rulers who continue to control its destiny exercise their influence. 44 This new debate in the series on Middle Eastern cities examined both the historical and architectural legacy of Cairo’s past, and the changing attitudes of its writers and artists to the city’s place in the modern Egyptian and Arab worlds. The debate included the screening of the films The Beginning and the End by Salah Abu Saif (Egypt, 1960) and Salata Baladi by Nadia Kamel (Egypt-France, 2007). Participants: Alaa Al Aswani, Khaled Fahmi, Sabri Hafez and Nadia Kamel. Date May 8 Organised by Editorial Paidós The CCCB hosted the launch of Loretta Napoleoni’s Economia canalla. La nueva realidad del capitalismo (“Rogue Economy. Capitalism’s New Reality”) (Paidós, 2008), a stark essay on economic problems in today’s world, which was introduced by the author. THE NEW FORMS OF TOTALITARIANISM Date May 13 Organised by Herder Editorial, Philosophy and Gender Seminar at the UB, with the collaboration of the CCCB A debate organised to coincide with the launch of Simona Forti’s book Los espectros contemporáneos del totalitarismo (“Contemporary Spectres of Totalitarianism”, Herder, 2008). Participants: Fina Birulés, Antonio Campillo, Manuel Cruz and Simona Forti. 45 INDEX ESPAIS DE DEBAT I REFLEXIÓ IN COLLABORATION WITH… ESPAIS DE DEBAT I REFLEXIÓ IN COLLABORATION WITH… 10TH INTERNATIONAL GEO CRÍTICA SYMPOSIUM THE ARCHITECTURE OF GLOBALISATION Dates May 26 to 30 Date November 25 Directed by Horacio Capel, Professor of Human Geography at the University of Barcelona Organised by CCCB with the collaboration of the Universitat de Barcelona’s Observatori de l’Urbanització and Editorial Gustavo Gili Organised by UB Launch of the book by geographer Francesc Muñoz, Urbanalización: paisajes comunes, lugares globales (“Urbanalisation: Common Landscapes, Global Sites” Gustavo Gili, 2008). The CCCB hosted some sessions of the 10th International Geo Crítica Symposium, which was held at the University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Geography and History. The symposium took a wide-ranging look at some of the main changes that have taken place in the fields of geography, the social sciences and the world in general over the last few years. Participants: Iñaki Ábalos, Manuel de Solà Morales and Francesc Muñoz. CITIZENSHIP AND IDENTITY: INDIGENOUS AND AFRO-AMERICAN MOVEMENTS More information: CONTROLLING MIGRATIONS Dates May 29 and 30 Directed and organised by University of Barcelona’s Observatori del Dret Penal i els Drets Humans With the collaboration of Project CHALLENGE, funded by the European Commission 9th Framework Program The CCCB hosted the annual meeting of the European project CHALLENGE - Liberty & Security directed by Didier Bigo, a lecturer at the Institut d’Études Politiques in París and King’s College, London. The project is a collaboration between a number of European universities and research centres that are working in the area of immigration and security policies. The meeting, coordinated by the University of Barcelona’s Observatori del Dret Penal i els Drets Humans, brought together a group of leading experts in this area to reflect on: the obsession with security and migration policies in the EU, the imprisonment of migrants, shortfalls in democracy, and citizenships denied. Dates November 26, 27 and 28 Organised by Study Group on Indigenous and Afro-American Cultures (CINAF), Department of Cultural Anthropology and American and African History, University of Barcelona. A conference that analysed the contemporary processes in which Indigenous and Afro-American communities are undergoing, in the context of large areas of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Coast, Middle America, the Lowlands and Central Andes in Latin America. METROPOLIS MASTER ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D’ARQUITECTURA DE BARCELONA- UPC Dates Spring-Summer More information: FREE OF FEAR Date November 12 Organised by PEN Català, with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya An event to celebrate the awarding of the 20th Catalonia International Prize to writer and politician Aung San Suu Kyi and medical doctor Cynthia Maung. 46 A UPC postgraduate degree aimed at graduates in art, humanities, social sciences and architecture, led by philosophers, anthropologists, art critics and artists, urban designers and architects, which aims to reflect on the new realities emerging around today’s big cities. The 2008 faculty included Martí Peran, Santiago Cirugeda, Gonçalo Furtado, Reinhold Martin, Antoni Muntadas and Ole Bouman. Participants: Cynthia Maung, Dolors Oller, Zoya Phan, Xavier Rubert de Ventós, Raffaella Salierno, Mae Sot and Maran Turner. 47 INDEX ESPAIS DE DEBAT I REFLEXIÓ IN COLLABORATION WITH… INSTITUT D’HUMANITATS DE BARCELONA Dates Throughout the year From philosophy to literature, cinema to theatre and history to art the Institute aims to penetrate deep into the world of humanities and discover different disciplines through the opinions of leading intellectuals and thinkers. Through a lecture series featuring a different guest each week and specialised seminars imparted by a single teacher, the courses aim to encourage sharing among different fields of culture, to help spread their work and contribute to the reception of the most important examples from European culture. The courses programmed during 2008 included: The World and its Shadow, False, Seeing the Invisible, Dance and Scandal and Cinema Readings, among others. CUIMPB. CENTRE ERNEST LLUCH Dates Throughout the year The Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo-CUIMPB regularly offers a series of courses and master seminars that can be taken as optional credits towards various degrees. In 2008, it offered the following courses: Moving Worlds. Paths and Strategies of Insertion for Young Migrants, Women and Families, The Challenge of the Non-Carbon Society, Local Services and the Collaboration Between the Public and the Private Spheres, The Science of Services. Service Science Management and Engineering (SSME), Strategies and Policies for Managing Low Density: Remove, Fix or Encourage?, The Collaboration between the State and Autonomous Communities, the Nature of Time, from Physics to Psychology, Cross-border Cooperation in the European Union, The UE and its Mediterranean Neighbours in the East: Relationships based on Responsibility or Security?, Doing Science, a Way of Thinking, Networked Society: Social Changes, Organisations and Citizenship, The Audiovisual Regime in the Digital Age, Sign Languages as Minority Languages: Linguistic, Social and Political Approaches, Local Government and Statutory Development, the Construction of a New Social Law: the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Services for Dependence, Keys to Tax Federalism in Spain. A Model for the State, Autonomous Funding and Territorial Redistribution, Brain and Cognition. Pain and Suffering, Modernity and Non-Violence, New Approaches to Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimers Disease, African Voices in the Developing World, The Barcelona Metropolitan Area: Institutional Organisation and Public Policy Management, The Environment, Energy and Security in Asia, Latin America: The Challenge of Social Cohesion. 48 OPEN CCCB Information and communication technologies are moving forward and transforming the way that culture is produced and spread. Through these projects, the CCCB aims to map a mid- to long-term strategy designed to strengthen the use of the Net as tool for producing and disseminating culture and to support innovation in terms of new formats. In the short term, the CCCB intends to use technological channels to reach remote audiences, in order to extend the reach of its productions beyond the physical space of the CCCB. It is not a project about technology, but a way of exploring new options that can improve the centre’s ability to meet the traditional objectives of cultural centres. 49 INDEX OPEN CCCB ONLINE PROJECTS OPEN CCCB EXHIBITIONS BEYOND THE CCCB ANELLA CULTURAL THE CITY OF K. FRANZ KAFKA AND PRAGUE WWW.ANELLACULTURAL.CAT Transversal Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals, Fundació I2Cat and the CCCB, with the collaboration of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació, the Secretaria de Telecomunicacions i Societat de la Informació, the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, Al-pi telecomunicacions and Abertis Telecom. The Anella Cultural (“cultural ring”) project involves developing a network of cultural centres that can intensively use the new possibilities offered by second-generation Internet to stimulate content exchange and co-production of online events and promote research on new ways of using the net for cultural production. In 2008, the pilot project culminated in the active participation of programmers from all of the centres involved in this initial stage (CCCB, Lleida’s IMAC, Olot’s FES, Granollers Museum and Cal Massó in Reus). IN PRAGUE The CCCB participated in the following Anella Cultural activities: Curated by Juan Insua Produced by CCCB Although Prague doesn’t ever explicitly appear in Kafka’s work, Prague and Kafka are inseparably intertwined. The way in which Kafka sifts his city into his work remains one of the most enigmatic operations in modern literature. In his stories, Kafka pulls off a difficult manoeuvre: Prague is transformed into an imaginary topography that transcends fallacious realism. September: Hipnotik Meeting (CCCB-Reus-Lleida) October: Kosmopolis (CCCB-Olot-Lleida-Reus) November: REC, Festival de Videoclips (Olot-Reus-Lleida-CCCB) November: Memorimages Festival (Reus-CCCB) Meanwhile, beyond the network of cultural centres that make up the Anella, the very nature of the project will offer the CCCB new ways to channel collaborations with national and international institutions, adding a new dimension to the Centre’s already extensive touring program. This third exhibition in the CCCB’s Cities and their Writers series was presented at the CCCB in 1999, The Jewish Museum of New York from August 2002 to January 2003 and from June 2005 it can be visited as a permanent exhibition in Prague, at the Hergetova Cihelna gallery, which has become the Franz Kafka Museum. LITERATURES OF EXILE IN SANTO DOMINGO LIVE WWW.CCCB.ORG In 2008 the CCCB set up a more continuous version of the live Internet broadcast (streaming) that began in October 2007 with Naomi Klein’s lecture to launch her latest book, The Shock Doctrine. The Centre plans to stream a large part of its lectures by leading international intellectuals, as well as a selection of the most important artistic interventions that take place there. The aim is to reach people who are unable to physically visit the CCCB and offer them opportunities to access the content of the activities from their computers. Once edited the material will be placed online and remain accessible through the CCCB web site, making it the main environment for spreading the Centre’s content. Curated by Julià Guillamon, Joaquim Jordà and Francesc Abad Produced by CCCB, SEACEX and Institut Ramon Llull The exhibition maps an itinerary that follows places linked to the Catalan literary exile (1939-1975) through testimonies narrated by the writers themselves, in their literature and their personal experiences and histories. The exhibition allows visitors to relive the experience of exile through the voices and words of its protagonists: how the disappearance of a world leads to certain decisions being made and survival strategies developed, and also to the opening up of new horizons, resulting in a great number of cultural initiatives. The exhibition has been presented in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Mexico, and has been shown at the Santo Domingo Museum of Modern Art until February 2008. 50 51 INDEX OPEN CCCB EXHIBITIONS BEYOND THE CCCB OPEN CCCB EXHIBITIONS BEYOND THE CCCB THAT’S NOT ENTERTAINMENT! CINEMA BEGETS CINEMA ERICE - KIAROSTAMI. CORRESPONDENCES IN VALENCIA IN MELBOURNE Curated by Andrés Hispano and Antoni Pinent Curated by Alain Bergala and Jordi Balló Produced by CCCB Produced by CCCB and La Casa Encendida with the collaboration of SEACEX This exhibition offers a journey through the cinema of ideas - cinema that is not part of the entertainment industry and reveals the medium’s artistic, thoughtprovoking and documentary potential through its content and the way it is made. The exhibition presents key filmmakers and movements in experimental and independent cinema, but it’s not conceived as an alternative history in relation to mainstream cinema. The idea is to define cinema based on practices that often contradict clichés, and reveal a world of cinema that can be practiced in ways that are similar to painting, music or essays. A specially adapted version of the exhibition was presented at the Centro Cultural de Bancaja in Valencia from the 13th of December 2007 to the 24th of March 2008. An exhibition that brings together two key filmmakers, Víctor Erice and Abbas Kiarostami, in a dialogue concerning their creative interests: transparency in filming, their search for reality and how to capture it, etc. Following its presentation at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (September 2007 to January 2008), the exhibition travelled to Australia where it has been presented at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne from August 21st to November 2nd, 2008. FEZ. INTERIOR CITY IN ALCALÁ DE HENARES Curated by Albert Garcia Espuche and Toni Serra Produced by CCCB IN TRANSITION IN CADIZ AND MADRID Curated by Manel Risques, Ricard Vinyes and Antoni Marí Produced by CCCB, Direcció General de la Memòria Democràtica del Departament d’Interior, Relacions Institucionals i Participació - Generalitat de Catalunya, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales (SECC) and Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX) In Transition isn’t meant to be a chronological, narrative description of a particular period in history. The exhibition offers a possible approach to understanding a dense, complex process that served as the threshold between the dictatorship and democracy, one which affects and grew from the people who lived through it. This process is explained through big sections that evaluate and question the past, in terms of the historical approach and its conclusions and instruments. Fez is a complex, mixed and conflictive city, nothing like the tourist clichés. A city that requires an in-depth approach, because its structure is based on many layers, each succeeding one harder to penetrate. The exhibition is configured by video projections that offer a journey into the interior of the city of Fez, looking at different aspects of its anthropological, sociological, urban and religious fabric. This exhibition has been presented at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, from November 2008 to January 2009, by the Fundación Bancaja. After its season at the CCCB and before touring internationally, the exhibition was presented at Cadiz’s Claustro de Exposiciones del Palacio Provincial from March to May 2008 and the Centro Cultural de la Villa in Madrid from October to December 2008. 52 53 INDEX OPEN CCCB EXHIBITIONS BEYOND THE CCCB OPEN CCCB SCREENINGS BEYOND THE CCCB IN FAVOUR OF PUBLIC SPACE XCÈNTRIC. CINEMA BETHINKS ART IN MILAN Produced by Dates January 14 to 30 Place Faculty of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano Organised by Politecnico di Milano University, with the collaboration of the CCCB CCCB After seven seasons and around 300 original programs, XCÈNTRIC comes out of the CCCB auditorium with Cinema Bethinks Art. This first touring program focuses on essay as a film genre and the relationship between cinema, photography and painting. A showcase of the winning projects from the fourth European Prize for Urban Public Space was presented at the Politecnico di Milano’s Faculty of Architecture and Society. To complement the exhibition, a lecture series featuring Piotr Lewicki, Carme Ribas Seix, Franco Tagliabue and Chiara Toscani was organised, as well as a working session with the guest lecturers and students from the faculty’s Architectural Projects Laboratory. Cinema Bethinks Art explores the intimacy of creative processes (filmmakers filming, painters in their studios) and investigates the questions posed by film in art and art in film. The program is structured along the following five lines: Film in process; The filmmaker’s workshop; About photography; About painting; The artist’s workshop; and Home Movies: (Self)Portraits of artists; with films by: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jean Dreville, Jean-Luc Godard, Chantal Akerman, Jean-Michel Bouhours, Robert Frank, Anne Marie Miéville, Raymond Depardon, Michael Snow, Francesc Català Roca, Andrés Hispano, François Campaux, Hans Namuth, Pierre Koralnik, André Delvaux, Stan Brakhage, René Magritte, Man Ray, Jean Cocteau, Andy Warhol and Jonas Mekas. In 2008 Cinema Bethinks Art was presented at the Filmoteque and Centro Párraga in Murcia, Centro Huarte de Arte in Pamplona, La Casa Encendida in Madrid and CGAI in La Coruña. PANTALLA CCCB. ONE MONTH, ONE ARTIST IN FAVOUR OF PUBLIC SPACE IN BELGRADE Produced by Dates September 3 to 26 Place Belgrade Museum of Applied Arts Organised by The Institute of Urbanism, Belgrade with the support of the Spanish Embassy in Belgrade The Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade presented a selection of the projects submitted to the 2008 European Prize for Urban Public Space, with a special focus on the winning project and the three special mentions. The museum also presented a sample of the work that the CCCB has carried out to date in the area of current thinking around the contemporary city, in terms of urban planning and architecture as well as political, social and philosophical dimensions. 54 In a related activity, Manuel de Solà Morales, president of the jury for the 2008 Prize, and Josep Ramoneda met with a group of urban planners, architects and sociologists from Belgrade to discuss the importance and the future of public space, with an emphasis on Belgrade and other cities in transition. CCCB The CCCB presents the work of a different audiovisual artist each month, in order to allow visitors to see independent or experimental works and come into contact with new formal languages and themes. As a touring project for 2008, the CCCB offered a selection of ten artists who had participated in the 2007 program. They were presented at the Centre Cultural Blanquerna in Madrid. 55 INDEX OPEN CCCB DEBATES BEYOND THE CCCB THE SEARCH FOR THE FOURTH WAY. NEW LEFT, NEW RIGHT IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Dates September 20 and 21 Venue Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia, Bulgaria Directed by Ivan Krastev, director of the Centre for Liberal Strategies Organised by Centre for Liberal Strategies, Open Century Project at the Budapest Central European University and CCCB This debate, which was held on September 20th and 21st at the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia (Bulgaria), began by looking at the breakdown of traditional definitions of the political left and right as a result of the changes that have taken place over the last twenty years. The traditional right has been overwhelmed by new populisms in both Western Europe and countries that have recently joined the European Union, while the traditional left is immersed in a deep-seated identity crisis. The politics of Nicolas Sarkozy in France and the desperate attempts of the Italian and Greek left to reinvent themselves are symptoms of the search for a “fourth” way in European politics. The discussions centred on an attempt to define the focal points being configured by the left and right in Europe in the context of the new world order. Participants: Judit Carrera, Marta Dassu, Ivaylo Ditchev, Federico Fubini, Ernst Hillebrand, Ivan Krastev, Svetoslav Malinov, Arbjan Mazniku, Dennis McShane, Gáspár Miklós Tamás, Jan-Werner Mueller, Soli Ozel, Andrei Plesu, Antoinette Primatarova, David Rieff, Andrea Romano, Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca, Sławomir Sierakowski, Alexander Smolar and Marina Valensise. CCCB HOLDINGS OPEN CCCB INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS In the framework of ongoing reflection on the city and new cultural imaginaries, the CCCB has established regular collaborations with the following institutions: Albanian Media Institute (Tirana, Albania) / Bard College (New York, United States) / International Centre for Culture (Krakow, Poland) / Centre for Liberal Strategies (Sofia, Bulgaria) / Centre for Research Architecture Goldsmiths College (London, United Kingdom) / Institute of Dialogue and Communication (Tirana, Albania) / Open Century Project, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary / Partners for Urban Knowledge and Action Research (Mumbai, India) / Social Science Research Council (New York, United States) / The Development Bank of Southern Africa, Johannesburg (DBSA) / ESPRIT magazine (Paris, France) / The New School University (New York, United States) / University of Bilgi (Istanbul, Turkey) / University of Durham - Department of Human Geography (United Kingdom) / Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER) (University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) / Wilson Center (Washington DC, United States) 56 Project GAUDI The CCCB is an associate member of GAUDI (Governance, Architecture and Urbanism as Democratic Interaction), a program promoted by the European Commission. Its aim is to encourage reflection on cities and architecture in Europe, with the participation of some of the most important urban design and architecture institutions from several European cities. Cities and institutions participating in the GAUDI program Athens: Hellenic Cultural Heritage / Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) / Barcelona: Fundació Mies van der Rohe / Brussels: Centre International pour la Ville, l’Architecture et le Paysage / Copenhagen: Dansk Arkitektur Center (DAC) / Frankfurt: Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) / Glasgow: The Lighthouse / Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Architecture (MFA) / London: The Architecture Foundation (AF) / Paris: Institut Français d’Architecture (IFA / Paris: Direction de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Ministère de la Culture) / Rome: Istituto di Cultura Architettonica / Rotterdam: The Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) / Rotterdam: Berlage Institute (BI) / Vienna: Architekturzentrum Wien (AzW) 57 INDEX CCCB HOLDINGS CCCB HOLDINGS ARCHIVE ARCHIVE CCCB ARCHIVE Dates Directed by Production January 21 – December 31 CCCB CCCB EUROPEAN ARCHIVE OF URBAN PUBLIC SPACE AND URBAN LIBRARY Production: CCCB Sponsored by: COPCISA With the collaboration of Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Paris), The Architecture Foundation (London), Architecturzentrum Wien (Vienna), Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (Rotterdam) and Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki) The CCCB Archive is a thematic multimedia archive that makes all of the material that has been generated by the CCCB throughout its thirteen years of cultural activity available to the public for the first time. Over the years, the CCCB has accumulated an exceptional collection of material as a result of the exhibitions, film programs, conferences and debates, festivals, and the many kinds of cultural activities that have allowed the centre to reflect on, and intervene in, key issues in contemporary society and culture. The CCCB Archive is the processed, compiled and digitalised holdings of an institution that does not have its own permanent collection, but has nevertheless generated knowledge, produced and spread new ideas, and contributed to opening up new cultural imaginaries. Four major themes have defined the CCCB’s history, and now structure its holdings: (1) the human condition; (2) the world and cosmopolitanism; (3) the city and public space; and (4) artistic creation. As from 2008, the CCCB Archive makes these holdings available through a series of theme-based presentations that deal with each of these major themes, and that will gradually grow to encompass the entire CCCB holdings. Each of these presentations offer visitors all of the material that the CCCB has produced on these major themes. At the same time, the CCCB puts together showcases to display the materials that summarise its contribution in a more meaningful way. The European Archive of Urban Public Space is a digital archive that brings together the projects submitted to the five editions of the European Prize for Urban Public Space. The archive aims to contribute to making these projects better known as initiatives that seek to give new value to the public nature of urban spaces, and in doing so have fostered greater collective use of these spaces, the activities held in them, and the way citizens identify with them as part of their everyday lives. The Urban Library brings together the most important texts on urban issues that the CCCB has been accumulating since it was founded. Exhibitions, debates and lectures make up these holdings on contemporary cities that take the form of a virtual library. It places the CCCB’s more theoretical approaches to cities within everyone’s reach. The Library includes texts by Zygmunt Bauman, Jordi Borja, Manuel Castells, Jean-Louis Cohen, André Corboz, Robert Fishman, Jan Gehl, Oriol Nel·lo, Xavier Rubert de Ventós, Saskia Sassen, Michael Sorkin, Eyal Weizman and Sharon Zukin, among others. During 2009, two theme-based CCCB Archive showcases were held: Pardoxical Times and World. A Cosmopolitan View. XCÈNTRIC ARCHIVE Paradoxical Times (January 21 – September 14, 2008) is the first CCCB Archive showcase, and presents all the materials that have contributed to the centre’s reflection on the new and old contradictions of the human condition in a constantly changing world. With this showcase, the CCCB offers visitors over 150 videos from its holdings, which are a record of its reflections on the social and cultural transformations that define the globalised world. Since its public launch as the epilogue to the exhibition That’s Not Entertainment. Cinema Begets Cinema, the Xcèntric Archive has gradually expanded with the incorporation of new titles, and know holds 700 works. Since 2008, the Archive was available for free, public viewing in an ad hoc space that was accessible during exhibition opening hours. World. A Cosmopolitan Vision (October 22, 2008 – August 31, 2009) is the second CCCB Archive showcase. It presents all the CCCB holdings material related to cosmopolitanism and the reflection on cultural plurality in today’s world. This second showcase, which coincided with Kosmopolis’08, also presents the Kosmopolis Archive, which offers the public all the material relating to this International Literature Fest. World. A Cosmopolitan Vision multiplies the materials that the CCCB makes available to the public • 50 exhibitions • 700 lectures and performances The archive is conceived to mirror Xcèntric programming. Without intending to create an exhaustive collection of experimental video, it will grow each year in line with the works programmed at Xcèntric, the CCCB’s cinema. A specifically designed interface allows visitors to view films by: Peggy Ahwesh, Martin Arnold, Stan Brakhage, Abigail Child, Stephen Dwoskin, Harun Farocki, Oskar Fischinger, Jean Genet, Jean-Luc Godard, Kurt Kren, Malcom Le Grice, Len Lye, Mara Mattuschka, Jonas Mekas, Norman McLaren, Werner Nekes, David Perlov, Jürgen Reble, Hans Richter, Paul Sharits, Alexander Sokurov, Peter Tscherkassky, José Val del Omar and Johan van der Keuken, among others. Recent additions are the complete works of Norman McLaren, 1970s films by Chantal Akerman and a selection of recent works by John Smith. • 250 audiovisual works • 800 biographies of guest authors • 260 photographic reports • 90 CCCB publications 58 59 INDEX CCCB HOLDINGS CCCB HOLDINGS 2008 PUBLICATIONS 2008 PUBLICATIONS In the Chinese City: Perspectives on the Transmutations of an Empire EXHIBITION CATALOGUES Post-it City 63 projects, 63 ways of temporarily occupying public space in different cities around the world. Temporary activities (playful, artistic, sexual, commercial) that create occasional micro-cities, sometimes through the use of ephemeral architectural devices, and reveal the subjective imaginary of those who dwell in contemporary cities. Texts by Martí Peran, Giovanni La Varra, Robert Kronenburg, Solomon Benjamin, Jorge Mario Jáuregui, Alessandro Petti, Pelin Tan, Manuel Delgado and Filippo Poli. 17 x 24 cm Catalan and Spanish side by side, with English translation at the end 208 pages, 250 colour and black and white images Published by: CCCB and Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona ISBN: 978-84-9803-275-8 A reflection on the complex reality of different aspects of Chinese culture: its history, urban design, architecture, landscape, heritage, arts, symbols, families and so on. A comparison between the Western imaginary and Chinese culture as it actually is today, through historic documents and images, photographs, audiovisual materials, etc. Texts by Frédéric Edelmann, Francis Rambert, Jordi Balló, Liu Yanjun, Danielle Elisseeff, Chiu Che Bing, Yves Kirchner, Arnauld Laffage, Catherine Bourzat and Pierre Haski, among others. 17 x 24 cm Published in Catalan (A la ciutat xinesa), Spanish (En la ciudad china), French (Dans la ville chinoise) and English (In the Chinese City) 380 pages. 300 colour and black and white images Published by: CCCB, Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona and Actar ISBN (Catalan): 978-84-9803-301-4 / ISBN (Spanish): 978-84-9803-302-1 / ISBN (French): 978-8496954-57-1 / ISBN (English): 978-84-96954-49-6 BREUS CCCB COLLECTION L’image d’après - The image to come Or how cinema has inspired photographers: Is there a shared ground between photography and film, where the two can coexist, compete and share their visions? How are photographers’ imagination influenced by remembered images from films? Can we imagine a hybrid world, which combines both genres? What do the great photographers from the Magnum agency owe to cinema, or to their experiences with films? Gilles Peress and Alain Resnais, Harry Gruyaert and Antonioni, Alec Soth and Wim Wenders, Bruce Gilden and film noir, Mark Power and Krzysztof Kieslowski, Gueorgui Pinkhassov and Andrei Tarkovsky, Donovan Wylie and Alan Clarke, etc. Texts by Serge Toubiana, Alain Bergala, Olivier Assayas, Mathieu Orléan and Diane Dufour. 29 x 22 cm Published in French (L’image d’après) and English (The image to come) 280 pages, 350 colour and black and white images Published by: Magnum Steidl and La Cinemathéque Française ISBN (French): 978-3-8521-438-6 / ISBN (English): 978-3-8521-396-9 J. G. Ballard A journey through the creative universe of this visionary writer. A tour through his themes, obsessions, symbols, influences from the arts and literature, visions of the present and the future, etc. Texts by Jordi Costa, V. Vale, Rodrigo Fresán, Vicente Luis Mora and Simon Sellars. 17 x 24 cm Catalan with Spanish and English translations at the end 200 pages, 150 colour and black and white images Published by: CCCB and Direcció de Comunicació de la Diputació de Barcelona ISBN: 978-84-9803-291-8 The Breus CCCB Collection highlights some of the best lectures delivered at the CCCB throughout the year by publishing them in summarised form. 12.4 x 17 cm Original language and Catalan translation Between 40 and 90 pages, approximately. Published by: CCCB The following volumes have been published in the Breus CCCB Collection to date: (1) Zygmunt Bauman, Noves fronteres i valors universals / New Frontiers and Universal Values (2) Roger Bartra, Culturas líquidas en la tierra baldía / Liquid Cultures in the Wasteland (3) Jürgen Habermas, El dret internacional en la transició cap a una conjuntura postnacional / International Law in the Transition to a Postnational Scene (4) Michael Walzer, Terrorisme i guerra justa / Terrorism and Just War (5) Ulrich Beck, Reinventar Europa: una visió cosmopolita / Reinventing Europe: A Cosmopolitan Vision (6) Alain Touraine, Globalització econòmica i fragmentació social/ Globalisation économique et fragmentation sociale (7) Daryush Shayegan, Teheran és una ciutat emblemàtica?/ Téhéran est-elle une cité emblématique (8) Harvie Ferguson, Desig, passió i rendició / Desire, Passion and Self-Surrender (9) Pascal Bruckner, La vida bona / La vie bonne (10) Olivier Roy, La mundialització de l’islam / La mondalisation de l’Islam (11) Jean & John Comaroff, La violència i la llei a la postcolònia / Violence and the Law in the Postcolony (12) Gilles Lipovetsky, Els temps hipermoderns / Les temps hypermodernes (13) Teresa Caldeira, Democràcia i murs: noves articulacions de l’espai públic / Democracy and Walls: New Articulations of the Public (14) Jorge Semprún, Pensar Europa / Thinking Europe (15) Dipesh Chakrabarty, L’humanisme en l’era global / Humanism in an Age of Globalisation (16) John Gray Tecnologia, progrés i l’impacte humà sobre la Terra / Technology, Progress, and the Human Impact on the Earth (17) Kwame Anthony Appiah, El meu cosmopolitisme / My Cosmopolitanism (18) Remo Bodei, Las lógicas del delirio / Logics of Delusion (19) Fred Halliday, El destí de la solidaritat: usos i abusos / The Fate of Solidarity: Uses and Abuses (20) Chantal Maillard, En la traza. Pequeña zoología poemática / In the Tracing. Small Poetic Zoology (21) Ash Amin, Cultura col·lectiva i espai públic urbà / Collective Culture and Urban Public Space (22) James Holston, La ciutadania insurgent en una època de perifèries urbanes globals / Insurgent Citizenship in an Era of Global Peripheries (23) Michela Marzano, La violència / La vilolence (25) Judith Butler, Vulnerabilitat, supervivència / Vulnerability, Survivability Volumes 1 to 20 have been brought together as a boxed set: 13 x 12.5 x 17.5 cm ISBN 978-84-612-6667-8 Published by: CCCB 60 61 INDEX CCCB HOLDINGS 2008 PUBLICATIONS DIXIT COLLECTION Dixit, fruit of a colalboration between the CCCB and Argentinean publishers Katz Editores, publishes Spanish-language versions of a selection of the lectures that Breus CCCB publishes in their original language and Catalan. Through Dixit, the CCCB makes the best lectures delivered at the CCCB available to readers in Latin America and the rest of Spain. The following volumes have been published in the Dixit Collection to date: (1) Roger Bartra, Culturas líquidas en la tierra baldía / El salvaje europeo (2) Jürgen Habermas, El derecho internacional en la transición hacia una coyuntura postnacional / Europa: en defensa de una política exterior común (in collaboration with Jacques Derrida) (3) Michael Walzer, Terrorismo y guerra justa / Interview with the author (4) Daryush Shayegan, ¿Es Teherán una ciudad emblemática? / El horizonte de las mezclas (5) John Gray, Tecnología, progreso y el impacto humano sobre la Tierra / Interview with the author (6) Zygmunt Bauman, Archipiélago de excepciones / With comments by Giorgio Agamben (7) K. A. Appiah, Mi cosmopolitismo / Interview with the author (8) Zygmunt Bauman, Múltiples culturas, una sola Humanidad / Interview with the author URBANITATS COLLECTION GENERAL INFORMATION Aquesta col·lecció recull els materials generats pels seminaris, cicles de conThis collection brings together the material generated in the seminars, lecture series and symposiums that are held at the CCCB, producing a record of the current debates and reflections around issues that concern contemporary society. The presentations are published in their original language. Architectures of Fear. Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West was published in 2008. The book is a compilation of the lectures held at the CCCB on May 17 and 18, 2007, as part of the conference Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Western Urbanism, directed by Stephen Graham, Professor of Human Geography at Durham University, which reflected on the ideology of fear that has defined the international scene post 9/11. The texts explore the reformulation of security policies in the West, the threat they pose to the preservation of democratic principles, and their impact on city design. Authors: Louise Amoore, Julie-Anne Boudreau, Angharad Closs, Jordan Crandall, Ulrike Engel, Frank Furedi, Stephen Graham, Francisco R. Klauser, Peter Marcuse, Francesc Muñoz, Deborah Natsios and Jeremy Packer. 62 63 GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 CCCB STAFF General Director Josep Ramoneda i Molins Deputy Director-Manager Rafael Vila-San Juan Sanpere Services Co-ordinator Elisenda Poch i Granero Administrator Clara Rodríguez i Serrahima Head of Exhibitions Service Jordi Balló Fantova Head of Documentation and Debate Centre Judit Carrera Escudé Head of Cultural Activities Service Juan Insúa Sigeroff Head of Audiovisuals and Multimedia Section Àngela Martínez Garcia Head of General Services Manel Navas i Escribano Head of Recruitment and Human Resources Cori Llaveria Díaz Head of Communication and External Resources Section Mar Padilla Esteban Head of the Budgets and Finance Section Anna Sama Vaz Management Office González Castro, Carolina Mitats Flotats, Montse Novellón Giménez, Montserrat Exhibition Services Amice Corella, Esther Escoda Alegret, Anna Giménez Moreno, Mònica Exhibition Co.ordination Unit Ibàñez Dalmau, Mònica Anglès Pérez, Teresa Antoniucci Garcia, Liliana Broggi Rull, Carlota Ciriani, Patricia Gimeno Cases, Eva Nogués Colomé, Miquel Pérez Bares, Cira Valls Rodríguez, Guillem Vila Fernández, Cristina 64 INDEX COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS AND COMPANIES Records and Conservation Unit Moyano Miranda, Neus García San Vicente, Susana Papalini Lanprecht, Alex Querol Pugnaire, Josep Educational Services and Touring Unit Navas Ferrer, Teresa Production Unit Corea Dellepiane, Mario Aznárez Antigas, Luís Fuertes Moya, Eliseo García Rodríguez, Francisco Molinos López, José Luis Monfort Pastor, Oscar Navas Escribano, Antonio Porras Zambrano, Gabriel Saludas Fortuna, Albert Tarragona Ramírez, Rosó Debate and Documentation Centre Aran Ramspott, Sònia Carreras Font, Neus Ciurana Risques, Muntsa Goula Sardà, Elisabet Ibàñez Tudoras, Anna Mallart Romero, Lucila Sala Villagrasa, Olga Zrncic, Masha Cultural Activities Service Alonso Ortega, Eva Farràs Drago, Maria Giralt Romeu, Marta Guarro Navarro, Anna López Jiménez, Manel Pratdesaba Druguet, Olga Roestel Antigas, Victoria Roig Isern, Bàrbara Romero Yuste, Maria Rosell Nicolás, Teresa Audiovisuals and Multimedia Section Brossa Vidal, Cristina Coll Deopazo, Eduard Curcó Botargues, Toni Desmonts, Marc Gómez Farran, Jordi Mallol González, Maria Moya Taulès, Ferriol Rodríguez González, Juan Carlos Soria Soria, José Antonio Viza Serra, Igor Unitat de Gestió de Recursos Externs Llabrés Bernat, Amàlia Pérez Testor, Teresa Publications Unit Palà Selva, Marina Puig Carreras, Rosa Ma. Communications Unit Betoret González, Matilde Blanco Pérez, Carme Duran Vicente, Vanessa Fernández Alonso, Susana Fructuoso Calafell, Guillem Llaberia Cots, Magda Martínez Bermúdez, Elena Muñoz Castanyer-Gausset, Eulàlia Ribas Bruguera, Maria Roig Sitjar, Teresa Salinas Calle, Núria Soler Cases, Ingrid CCCB is a concorcium of: Co-producers: Publications Unit Muñoz Castanyer-Gausset, Mònica Calvo Bermejo, Lucia Ruiz Auret, Irene Technical and General Services Bellmunt Duran, Guillem Maicas Guillen, Emili Miragall Peláez, Alberto Peraire Alabart, Enrique Pérez Barrera, José Antonio Sangerman Vidal, Lluís Zamora Gómez, Maribel Recruitment and Human Resources Section Andrès Beltran, Mònica Ferrer López, Núria López Artero, Francesc Martín Tarrason, Lara Budget and Finance Section Aran Perramon, Ma Dolors Boix Lara, Xavier Esteve Mateu, Mariàngela Jara Cuenca, Remei Jornet Espax, Jordi Sponsors: Collaborating Media: Sponsors and collaborators: MSF, Intermón-Oxfam, Mans Unides, DKV Seguros, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institut Cervantes, Fundació Photographic Social Vision, Mostra Internacional de Film de Dones de Barcelona, OVNI, Hamaca, Associació Audiovisual Debitas, Fundació Quepo, AICEC-ADICAE, Pocket Producciones, Imprevist, Analogic Té, British Council, ICatFM, Festival GREC, Centre de Fotografia Documental de Barcelona, Videolab, Cintex, 100.000 retinas, Taller de Músics, Districte Ciutat Vella, Foro Cultural de Austria, Instituto Italiano de Cultura de Barcelona, Centre d´Art Santa Mònica, Orquestra del Caos, Advanced Music, Associació Marató de l’Espectacle, Sonarcam, Associació Documentalista Tercer Ojo, La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu, Associació Drap-Art, La Santa, Anella Cultural, Al-pi telecomunicacions, Institut d’Urbanisme de Belgrad, Ambaixada d’Espanya a Belgrad, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Open Century Project de la Universitat Europea Central de Budapest, Memorial Democràtic, Púrpura Visual, Editorial Paidós, Institut Internacional de Cultura de Cracòvia, Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de València, Katz editores, FRIDE, Espai en Blanc, Libros del Asteroide, Anthropos Editorial, Tusquets Editores, Heer Productions, The Architecture Foundation, l’Architektur Zentrum Wien, la Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimonine, el Nederlands Architectuurinstituut, i el Museum of Finnish Architectur, Edicions de 1984, UB, UAB, Editorial Paidós, Herder Editorial, PEN Català, , Editorial Gustavo Gili 65 GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 CCCB 2008 VISITS VISITORS FIGURES small scale exhibitions 13% 19.949 COURSES, CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIUMS’ VISITORS activities 40% exhibitions 38% EXHIBITIONS 2008 CCCB 2008 VISITS FOR OPEN DAY 600 500.000 500 400.000 400.677 13.009 CCCB ARCHIVES’ VISITORS 400 300.000 380 3.554 11.082 7.383 6.149 100 0 254 205.094 197.778 195.583 147.349 100.000 0 Activities ‘08 Business events Various presentations Varied conferences Rental of museum space 200 272 287 Activities ‘07 28.163 VENUE HIRE/RENTAL OF MUSEUM SPACE’ VISITORS 200.000 315 301 Exhibitions ‘08 300 Exhibitions ‘07 5.222 2.862 4.925 In the Chinese City Paradoxical Times World Xcèntric Archive 406.253 Total ‘08 1.406 3.495 120 485 190 70 230 106 226 209 180 20 200 254 270 290 710 400 60 200 428 110 297 7.925 2.068 Total ‘07 In Transition - parallel activities The Human Condition Presentation of Ishmael Beah’s book The Metamorphoses of Communism Darfur conference Mined Lives conferences Tel Aviv conference Totalitarianism conference Barcelona, Meta-City conference Cycle Origins: Lahore conference Cosmopolitanism conference Xcèntric Classroom Awarding of the Prize for Urban Public Space The Enigmas of Iran conference Equatorial Guinea, Black Memory conference Targeted Publics conference China conference Cairo conference Awarding of the International Catalonia Prize (Pen) Presentation of Francesc Muñoz’s book The Force of Anonymity conference Tibet conference Metropolis master’s degree The Institut d’Humanitats CUIMPB TOTALS 66 venue hire 7% archives CCCB 3% Ballard 472 2.567 8.688 8.830 2.050 1.010 6.000 518 3.114 0 680 3.778 71 1.576 29.679 245 3.300 1.050 7.340 10.500 913 44 168 6.634 12.000 42 2.590 110 11.105 70 516 7.151 219 198 2.675 7.123 602 3.721 13.012 12.932 2.816 34.397 11.119 Magnum I+C+i BCNmp7 NOW OVNI The Influencers Zeppelin Book World Cinergies BAFF Festival Festival OFF Museums at Night - activities Ciutat Vella Flamenco Festival LOOP MICEC Sónar Festival Under the Influence... Magnum Dance Days Fast Forward Gandules Hipnòtik Festival BAM Netaudio On translation: Muntadas Docúpolis Festival Kosmopolis Kosmotica workshop Trafic OCC Concerts L’Alternativa Festival Relaxa’t concert orquestra caos Projecció Endeutats Drap’art Friends of the CCCB Reading Club Friends of the CCCB Outside Visits Xcèntric Pantalla CCCB Weekend itineraries Group itineraries Women We Don’t Know installation Mined Lives. SF exhibition Ten Years Kosmotica SF exhibition World Press Photo SF exhibition BAC! SF exhibition courses and debates 5% Post-it City 147.349 ACTIVITIES’ VISITORS 74.276 SMALL-FORMAT EXHIBITIONS’ VISITORS In Transition 7.358 14.141 25.453 37.761 24.437 14.352 Apartheid 123.502 EXHIBITIONS’ VISITORS Apartheid EXHIBITION In Transition EXHIBITION Post-it City EXHIBITION Magnum EXHIBITION Ballard EXHIBITION In the Chinese City EXHIBITION INDEX GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 406.253 67 GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 LIST OF SPEAKERS IN THE DEBATES AND LECTURES BUDGET Income Actual income Income from activities Patrimonial income Funding from collaborating institutions Income from assets Total: Budgeted 3.679.429,20 217.994,09 8.444.344,00 623.148,98 12.964.916,27 5.117.855,94 140.000,00 8.444.344,00 590.330,73 14.292.530,67 5% Aportacions de capital 28% Ingressos per activitat 2% Patrimonial income 65% Aportacions Institucions Consorciades Expenditure Personnel Structure Activities Investments Depreciation of assets Total: Actual expenditure Budgeted 3.679.429,20 217.994,09 8.444.344,00 623.148,98 485.890,41 12.920.929,30 5.117.855,94 140.000,00 8.444.344,00 590.330,73 485.890,41 14.292.530,67 4% Amortitzacions de capital 7% Inversions 34% Personal 36% Activitat 19% Estructura 68 INDEX GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 IN TRANSITION (14/01/08 - 22/02/08) Jaume Badia, Toni Batllori, Jordi Borja, Pilar Calveiro, Santiago Carrillo, Celestino Corbacho, Forges, Mercè García Aran, Elizabeth Lira, Pasqual Maragall, Antoni Marí, Anna Miñarro, José Montilla, Magda Oranich, Júlia Otero, Isabel Piper, Josep Ramoneda, REP, Manuel Risques, Miquel Roca, Joan Saura, Albert Solé, Ricard Vinyes i Pere Ysàs. URBAN PUBLIC SPACE: DEBATE IN MILAN (16/01/08) Piotr Lewicki, Carme Ribas Seix, Franco Tagliabue i Chiara Toscani. THE HUMAN CONDITION (21/01/08 - 10/03/08) Remo Bodei, Judith Butler, Terry Eagleton, Ivan Klíma, Jordi Llovet, Chantal Maillard, Michela Marzano i Enrique Vila-Matas. POLITICS AND PO-ET(H)ICS OF WAR IMAGES (15/02/08) Rafael Argullol, Miquel Berga, Andrés Hispano, Antonio Monegal, Gervasio Sánchez i Francesc Torres. CONFERENCE SERIES TAKE AWAY LANDSCAPES (22/02/08 - 25/04/08) José Ballesteros, Daniela Colafranceschi, Gerald Domon, Teresa Galí-Izard, Josefina Gómez Mendoza, Juan José Lahuerta, Rafael Mata, Oriol Nel·lo i Carme Pinós. THE METAMORPHOSES OF COMMUNISM (06/03/08 - 07/03/08) Harriet Evans, Emilio de Ipola, Iván de la Nuez, Stanislaw Obirek, Manel Ollé, Teodoro Petkoff, Jacek Purchla, Jorge Semprún, Bashkim Shehu i Magdalena Vasaryova. POST-IT CITY. OCCASIONAL URBANITIES (13/03/08 - 29/04/08) Pablo Brugnoli, Julian D'Angiliollo, Joseph Grima, Carmella Jacoby Volk, Franco la Cecla, Giovanni la Varra, Daniele Pario Perra, Martí Peran, Stefano Romano i Marina Zuccón. TEL AVIV, THE LAST MEDITERRANEAN CITY (05/05/08 - 06/05/08) Yoram Kaniuk i Sharon Rotbard. LAUNCH OF THE BOOK ECONOMÍA CANALLA. LA NUEVA REALIDAD DEL CAPITALISMO (8/05/08) Loretta Napoleoni. THE NEW FORMS OF TOTALITARIANISM (13/05/08) Fina Birulés, Antonio Campillo, Manuel Cruz i Simona Forti. BARCELONA, METACITY (15/05/08) Mikel Aramburu, Núria Benach, Leonardo Cavalcanti, Monica Degen, Juli Esteban, Marisol García, Emili Garcia, Ricard Gomà, Jordi Martí, Francesc Muñoz, Rosa Mur, Arturo Rodríguez Morató i Carlota Solé. ORIGINS: LAHORE (18/05/08 - 19/05/08) Mohsin Hamid, Jordi Puntí i Rashed Rahman LAUNCH OF THE BOOK BALAS DE PLATA (13/03/08) Elmer Mendoza. COSMOPOLITANISM. ETHICS IN A WORLD OF STRANGERS (26/05/08) Kwame Anthony Appiah DARFUR: CONFLICT AND INTERESTS (14/04/08 - 16/04/08)l Munzoul Assal, Jean-Hervé Brado, Mansour Khalid, Jamal Mahjoub, Mahmoud Mamdani i Rafael Vila Sanjuan. EUROPE, AN URBAN CIVILISATION (13/06/08) Manuel de Solà Morales i Peter Hall. 69 GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 LIST OF SPEAKERS IN THE DEBATES AND LECTURES THE ENIGMAS OF IRAN (30/06/08 - 01/07/08) Mariano Aguirre, Ali Ansari, Haleh Afshar, Fred Halliday, Rosemary Hollis, Baqer Moin, Johannes Reissner i Luciano Zaccara. IN SEARCH OF THE FOURTH WAY. NEW LEFT, NEW RIGHT IN THE EUROPEAN UNION, IN SOFIA (20/09/08 - 21/09/08) Judit Carrera, Marta Dassu, Ivaylo Ditchev, Federico Fubini, Ernst Hillebrand, Ivan Krastev, Svetoslav Malinov, Arbjan Mazniku, Dennis McShane, Gáspár Miklós Tamás, Jan-Werner Mueller, Soli Ozel, Andrei Plesu, Antoinette Primatarova, David Rieff, Andrea Romano, Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca, Sławomir Sierakowski, Alexander Smolar i Marina Valensise. URBAN PUBLIC SPACE: DEBATE IN BELGRADE (23/09/08) Manuel de Solà Morales i Josep Ramoneda. EQUATORIAL GUINEA, BLACK MEMORY(29/09/08) Xavier Montanyà, Gustau Nerín i José Luis Nvumba. TARGETED PUBLICS: ART AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE SECURITY CITY (02/10/08 - 03/10/08) Louise Amoore, Judit Carrera, Deborah Cowen, Dana Cuff, Volker Eick, Marina Garcés, Stephen Graham, Alexandra Hall, Andrés Hispano, Ana López Sala, Antonio Monegal, Francesc Muñoz, Deborah Natsios, Marcos Ramírez, Josep Ramoneda, Iñaki Rivera Beiras, Pere Saborit, Toni Serra, Meghan Trainor i Gijs van Oenen. VENUE HIRE “Creando a Matisse” presentado por Dra. Michelle Nielsen. Cercle Desenvolupament Imatge i Modafad. Academia de Estudios Mir, S.L. CIDEM Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial ACEI Associació Catalana d’Empreses d’Inserció. Col·legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca. Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya. Ajuntament de Barcelona Col·legi Professional de Disseny Gràfic de Catalunya. ANONYMITY (02/12/08 - 04/12/08) Marc Augé, Érik Bordeleau, Amador Fernández-Savater, Wenceslao Galán, Marina Garcés, Carles Guerra, Santiago López Petit i Leónidas Martín. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Àrea de Prevenció, Seguretat i Mobilitat. Confederación sindical de la comisión obrera nacional de Cataluña. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Àrea de Prevenció, Seguretat i Mobilitat. Congrex Sweden AB THE DILEMMAS OF TIBET(15/12/08) Isabel Hilton. Asociación Cultural Humanitaria de Bangladesh. THE ARCHITECTURE OF GLOBALISATION(25/11/08) Iñaki Ábalos, Manuel de Solà Morales i Francesc Muñoz. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Direcció de Relacions Ciutadanes. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Gabinet de Protocol i Relacions Institucionals. APAT Associació per a la Prevenció d’Accidents de Trànsit. Asociación Cultural Vía de la Paz Asociación de Camarógrafos de TV y vídeo. Consejo Islámico de Cataluña Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya. CAC Consell Islàmic Cultural de Catalunya. Constelion, S.L. Consulado General de Colombia en Barcelona. Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya- Secretaria de Cultura. Asociación de periodistas de Bangladesh en España Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya. Secretaria Política Social i Família. Asociación Nangten Menlang Coordinadora Catalana d’Entitats Budistes (CCEB) Asociación Poros Coorporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. CHINA. PERSPECTIVES ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF AN EMPIRE (06/11/08 - 27/11/08) Javier Castañeda, Frédéric Edelmann, Manel Ollé, Alfredo Pastor, Carles Prado i Harry Wu. Asociación Prevención Violencia de Género. Diputació de Barcelona Asociación Puja de fiestas culturales bangalí. Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea de Desenvolupament Econòmic Assegurances Catalana Occident S.A. Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea de Desenvolupament Econòmic. Servei de teixit productiu. CAIRO, MEGALOPOLIS ON THE NILE (10/11/08 - 11/11/08) Alaa Al Aswani, Khaled Fahmi, Sabri Hafez i Nadia Kamel. Associació Cooperació FREE OF FEAR (12/11/08) Cynthia Maung, Dolors Oller, Zoya Phan, Xavier Rubert de Ventós, Raffaella Salierno, Mae Sot i Maran Turner. Associació Professional d’Il·lustradors de Catalunya. Associació Catalana d’Enginyeria Sense Fronteres. Associació Catalana per la Celebració del Dia Internacional Comissió 8 de març. Associació Comunitats CAF. Associació Crèixer Junts Associació Cultural Bangladesh. Associació Greenpeace España Associació Institut d’Estudis de la Sexualitat i la Parella. Bangladesh Nationalist Socio-Cultural Organisation . Benecé Produccions S.L. Blariacum College Centre Cultural Euskal Etxea Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial (CIDEM). Centre Espirita Amalia Domingo Soler. Centro de Estudios Pianísticos - CEP 70 INDEX GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Educació. Diputació de Barcelona. Direcció de Relacions Internacionals. Diputació de Barcelona. Gerència de Serveis d’Infraestructures Viàries i Mobilitat. Dones amb Iniciativa. Educación Sin Fronteras Escola Superior de Diseño y Moda S.L. FEMP Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias. Fundació Alfons Comín. Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Fundació Catalunya Europa Fundació del Món Rural Fundació Jaume Bofill Fundació Josep Irla Fundació Lluís Carulla Fundació Nous Horitzons 71 INDEX GENERAL INFORMATION CCCB 08 VENUE HIRE Fundació Privada Carme Serrallonga. Setem-Catalunya Fundació Privada Escola Universitària Societat Catalana Educació Ambiental. Fundació Privada Portal Synovate Healthcare Iberia. Fundación Alternativas. Tribugest, Gestión de Tributos, S.A. Fundación Carmen Arnau Muro para el estudio y la difusión cultura pueblos indígenas de Siberia. Tusquets editores S.A. Fundación CATmón. Fundación Tanja Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura. Subdirecció General d’Arxius i Gestió Documental. Generalitat de Catalunya. Secretaria per a la Immigració Grup de Cientifcs i Tècnics per un Futur No Nuclear. United Nations Development Programme Universidad de Salamanca. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. UOC Universitat Pompeu Fabra UTE ASO/RPM Xarxa d’Enllaç amb Palestina. Grup de Transsexuals Masculins de Barcelona. Grup Municipal Convergència i Unió. ICA Informática y Comunicaciones Avanzadas S.L. ICV-EUiA IDOM INGENIERÍA Y SISTEMAS, S.A. Iniciativa Catalunya Verds - euia Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals ICIC. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques. Institut d’Estudis de la Sexualitat i la Parella. Institut Municipal d’Educació - Consell Escolar Municipal de Barcelona. Intelligent Coast International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Ketchum Seis S.A. Kontrast Produccions, S.L.U. Kreisjugendring Rems-Murr e.V Musagetes Foundation Novantia Integral Obvious Business, SL. Pla integral del poble gitano. Direccció General d’Acció Comunitària. Prodetur, S.A. QSL Serveis Culturals. Quark Media House Sàrl Random House Mondadori, S.A. Seguros Catalana Occidente S.A. 72 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS GENERAL CCCB MENTIONS IN THE PRESS INDEX EL PUNT - 04/05/2008 SECTION CULTURA ON DISEÑO - 01/06/2008 SECTION ARQUITECTURA 74 75 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL 9 NOU - 08/08/2008 AVUI - 15/01/2008 ESPECIAL 76 INDEX SECTION POLITICA 77 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PUNT - 19/04/2008 SECTION CULURA 78 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS INDEX MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 79 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 80 INDEX 81 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 82 INDEX 83 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MUSEO MANÍA - JULIOL/AGOST 08 LAS MUJERES QUE NO CONOCEMOS INDEX ABCD - 20/03/2008 SECCIÓ INSTALADORES 84 85 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS - 23/01/2008 LA RAZÓN - 23/01/2008 SECTION CATALUÑA 86 INDEX 87 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MAGNUM EL CULTURA - 22/05/2008 INDEX SECTION ART PÚBLICO - 22/04/2008 SECTION ART 88 89 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS - 23/04/2008 SECTION CULTURA 90 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS INDEX BENZINA - ESTIU 08 91 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS BENZINA - ESTIU 08 BENZINA - ESTIU 08 92 INDEX 93 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS PLAYBOY - 01/06/2008 SECTION SELECCIÓ 94 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS PLAYBOY - 01/06/2008 SECTION SELECCIÓ 95 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS POST-IT CITY ABCD - 12/04/2008 INDEX SECTION ART EXIT EXPRESS - 01/04/2008 SECTION EXPOSICIONS 96 97 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL CULTURAL - 20/03/2008 SECTION ART 98 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL CULTURAL - 20/03/2008 SECTION ART 99 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DAM - ABRIL 08 100 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DAM - ABRIL 08 101 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DAM - ABRIL 08 102 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DAM - ABRIL 08 103 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DAM - ABRIL 08 104 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS UNITÀ - 19/06/2008 105 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS RADIKAL - ABRIL 08 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS VIDES MINADES EXIT EXPRESS - FEBRER 08 SECTION ART 106 107 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS - 14/03/2008 EL PERIODICO - 28/02/2008 SECTION CATALUÑA 108 SECTION ART 109 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS WPPH 20 MINUTOS - 18/11/2008 SECTION REVISTA GUIA DEL OCIO - 14/11/2008 SECTION OCIO 110 111 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PUNT - 18/11/2008 SECTION CULTURA MENTIONS IN THE PRESS J.G. BALLARD QUIMERA - 01/09/2008 SECTION NOTICIAS 112 113 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS THE NEW YORK REVIEW - 09/10/2008 THE NEW YORK REVIEW - 09/10/2008 SECTION NOTICIAS 114 SECTION NOTICIAS 115 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS THE NEW YORK REVIEW - 09/10/2008 PRESÈNCIA -12/09/2008 SECTION NOTICIAS 116 SECTION ARTE 117 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS ABCD - AGOST 2008 ABCD - AGOST 2008 SECTION LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS 118 SECTION LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS 119 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS BENZINA - SETEMBRE 2008 MENTIONS IN THE PRESS CIUTAT XINESA DESCUBRIR EL ARTE - 01/12/2008 SECTION REPORTAJE 120 121 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DESCUBRIR EL ARTE - 01/12/2008 DESCUBRIR EL ARTE - 01/12/2008 SECTION REPORTAJE 122 SECTION REPORTAJE 123 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DESCUBRIR EL ARTE - 01/12/2008 DESCUBRIR EL ARTE - 01/12/2008 SECTION REPORTAJE 124 SECTION REPORTAJE 125 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL MUNDO -05/11/2008 ABCD - 27/12/2008 SECTION CULTURA 126 SECTION ARQUITECTURA 127 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS ABCD - 27/12/2008 SECTION ARQUITECTURA MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EN TRANSICIÓ EXIT EXPRESS - 01/02/2008 SECTION LA EXPOSICIÓN 128 129 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PUNT - 02/02/2008 EXIT EXPRESS - 01/02/2008 SECTION CONTRAPORTADA 130 SECTION LA EXPOSICIÓN 131 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS LA VANGUARDIA - 16/01//2008 LA VANGUARDIA - 16/01//2008 SECTION CULTURA 132 SECTION CULTURA 133 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS DIARI DE TERRASSA - 24/01//2008 SECTION CULTURA MENTIONS IN THE PRESS AUDIOVISUALS LA VANGUARDIA - 04/06/2008 SECTION CULTURA 134 135 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS - 05/05/2008 DIARIO DE NOTICIAS - 06/03/2008 SECTION CULTURA 136 SECTION CULTURA 137 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS - 07/08/2008 DIARI DE GIRONA - 10/12/2008 SECTION CATALUÑA 138 SECTION COMUNICACIÓ 139 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS TIME OUT - 14/02/08 EL PERIODICO- 14/11/2008 SECTION CCCB 140 SECTION CULTURA 141 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS TIME OUT - ABRIL 2008 PÚBLICO- 18/12/2008 142 SECTION ECONOMÍA 143 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS AVUI - 19/09/2008 EL PAÍS- 20/11/2008 SECTION DIALEG 144 SECTION CATALUÑA 145 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS LA VERDAD - 25/06/2008 EL PUNT- 24/09/2008 SECTION CULTURA 146 SECTION CULTURA 147 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PUNT - 26/06/2008 LA VOZ DE GALICIA- 29/11/2008 SECTION CULTURA 148 SECTION CULTURA 149 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS AVUI - 04/12/2008 CAHIERS DU CINEMA- SETEMBRE 2008 SECTION CULTURA 150 SECTION CULTURA 151 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS PUBLICACIONS DEBATS I CONFERÈNCIES EL PAÍS - 01/03/2008 LA VANGUARDIA- 22/05/2008 SECTION BABELIA 152 SECTION CULTURA 153 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS AVUI- 02/01/2008 ABCD- 05/07/2008 SECTION MON 154 SECTION ARQUITECTURA 155 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS ABCD- 05/07/2008 AVUI- 07/05/2008 SECTION ARQUITECTURA 156 SECTION DIALEG 157 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS- 09/12/2008 ADN- 11/11/2008 SECTION CULTURA 158 SECTION BARCELONA 159 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PUNT- 12/03/2008 EL PERIÓDICO- 16/03/2008 SECTION CULTURA 160 SECTION CLASIFICADOS 161 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PERIÓDICO- 16/03/2008 LA RAZÓN- 16/03/2008 SECTION CLASIFICADOS 162 SECTION OPINION 163 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS LA RAZÓN- 16/03/2008 ADN- 16/04/2008 SECTION OPINION 164 SECTION LA VIDA 165 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS AVUI- 18/10/2008 EL PERIÓDICO- 19/01/2008 SECTION DIALEG 166 SECTION CULTURA 167 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PERIÓDICO- 19/01/2008 LA VANGUARDIA- 26/09/2008 SECTION CULTURA 168 SECTION CULTURA 169 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS LA VANGUARDIA- 29/05/2008 L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 SECTION CULTURA 170 171 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 172 173 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 174 175 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 L’AVENÇ- 01/01/2008 176 177 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS- 25/05/2008 METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 SECTION CATALUÑA 178 179 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS EL PAÍS- 25/05/2008 METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 SECTION CATALUÑA 180 181 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 182 183 INDEX MENTIONS IN THE PRESS MENTIONS IN THE PRESS METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 METROPOLIS- PRIMAVERA 2008 184 185 CCCB08 ANNUAL REPORT
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