GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting
GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting
GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Sherri Clark Kim Harrison Marlane Bernardo (phone) Meeting Commenced: 6:30 pm Annual Meeting Treasurer’s Report – Report for October 2015 Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Phillips 66, John Dalton Racing, Event Wines, Chevron, iGive, Safeway (Randall’s) and o Received $1290 (partial total) from the 2015 online auction o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 and 2016 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: HyperOffice database cost for 10 users (this fee was donated back by a member) Sherri moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Marlane seconded the motion. Approved. . Meeting Minutes – Minutes for September were sent out prior to the meeting. Arden moved that the minutes be approved and Kim seconded the motion. Approved. Dogs Dog Status There are currently 28 dogs in the program including 10 that are available for adoption, 6 that are being prepared for adoption, 11 permanent fosters, 1 on medical leave. All of the dogs have foster homes scheduled for Thanksgiving foster period except for Astrid and we have a potential spot for her. Audi did well during her spay. Kaskey and Penny are in homes as “foster-with-intent”. Nick and Carly were adopted recently and are doing well in their homes. Shyla and Hendrix are doing well in their foster homes. Current Adoptions, Applications 52 adoptions in 2015 through mid-November. 21 applications at this time – 12 approved and 9 are pending. Events / Fundraising Gulf Greyhound Park Closing We have a statement about the cessation of live racing at GGP on our website and will add one to the next newsletter Ken Hoffman had a link and blurb about GGP in his column Pat will talk to Genie at GGP about getting a “Marky” (lure) to use in an auction Online Auction Auction made about $5500 – still have some shipping costs to calculate. Kingwood Barkfest – November 7th Windy and rainy weather for the event. Need to revisit whether or not this is a good event for GPAH No Label Brewery “Pups and Pints” Event – Katy TX – December 19th Andrea Steger is coordinating this event. We still need more information about the event. Kim will contact Andrea and the brewery Christmas T-shirt We will have a limited edition Christmas t-shirt – total of 36 shirts. Member Appreciation Party 2016 The event will be held February 7th at Houston Farm & Ranch Vet Baskets Arden will coordinate asking members to provide appreciation baskets for the veterinarians that donate services to GPAH Matching Funds We again have a generous member who will match donations to GPAH during December 2015. Discussion Board Kate Peary is looking into a different discussion board forum program for GPAH to use with our website. December Meeting will be canceled Adjourned at 7:30 pm Sherri moved to adjourn and Kim seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Kathy Henry Sherri Clark (phone) Kim Harrison Marlane Bernardo (phone) Kenny Freedman Mark Brooks Guests: Jennifer Winters Alan Bath Connie Bath Meeting Commenced: 6:48 pm Annual Meeting Treasurer’s Report – Report for August 2015 Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Amazon Smile, Giving Works, Haliburton, Chevron, Safeway (Randall’s) and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Annual tax preparation fee for GPA Corporation Report for September 2015 Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from John Dalton Racing, Chevron, iGive, Kroger Share Card and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Yearly fee for auction software (24 Fundraiser) but this cost was donated back by a member 2 months of telephone billings Mark moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. . Finance & Investment Report - 3rd Q 2015 Kenny prepared a variance report comparing 3rd Q 2015 to 3rd Q 2014, 3rd Q 2015 to 2nd Q 2015, and 9 months ending 9/30/2015 to 9 months ending 9/30/2014. . 3rd Q 2015 to 3rd Q 2014 o Both quarters have negative net income; however the loss was less in 2015. o Higher private donations and higher adoption fees in 2015. o Medical Expenses were lower in 2015 3rd Q 2015 to 2nd Q 2015 o Negative net income for both quarters but the loss in 3rd Q was significantly more. o Lower corporate and private donations in the 3rd Q compared to the 2nd Q. o Medical Expenses were higher in the 3rd Q than in the 2nd Q 9 months ending 9/30/2015 to 9 months ending 9/30/2014 o Both periods have negative income but the loss was less in 2015 o Private donations were significantly more in 2015. Corporate donations and adoption fees were also higher in 2015. o Large difference in payroll and payroll taxes because of an additional employee in 2015. Meeting Minutes – Minutes for September will be provided in November Dogs Dog Status There are currently 30 dogs in the program including 10 that are available for adoption, 9 that are being prepared for adoption, 10 permanent fosters, 1 on medical leave. Holmes was adopted today Carly is doing well in her foster home and has lost 12 pounds. Very good news for her health. It is likely that we will not get any more dogs before the end of the year, as we will not have time to have them altered before foster period begins We still do not know what effect the closing of Gulf Greyhound Park will have on GPAH and other adoption groups. Some breeders are starting to pull their dogs out of GGP now. Current Adoptions, Applications 49 adoptions in 2015 through mid-October. 18 applications at this time. 7 applicants are approved and are waiting on the right dog for their situation or on timing issues. Several more applicants are close to being ready for adoption. Events / Fundraising National Convention – GPA Marlane and Joe Bernardo attended as GPAH representatives The GPA National president is very much on top of what is happening in the industry National realizes all groups are having a hard time getting enough volunteers and some groups are having financial difficulties. They want groups to know that national is available to help them both with financial problems and to just talk through problems and ideas. Communication from National to the chapters needs to improve – ideas for how to implement this were discussed. There is now a GPA National Facebook page where the chapters can share information about events etc. Discussed ways for chapters to support and communicate with other GPA chapters At local events, we should stress that GPAH is part of a national organization. Also need to make sure our representatives at events are racing neutral in their comments. Discussed contingency plan to move dogs to adoption groups when a track closes. In Texas, Abilene (TGA) has space for ~ 400 dogs. Need to show all of our dogs on Greyhound Data as “rehomed by GPAH” or other similar words. This gives another method of reuniting lost dogs with their owners plus it helps get more accurate information out to the public about the true number of greyhounds that are adopted. National bylaws are out-of-date and need to be updated. Joe Bernardo is on the bylaw review committee. Online Auction Auction is in progress and ends next Monday. 153 items in the auction – current bids ~$2400 Nancy Brooks will help with packaging and shipping CreekFest/Blessing of the Animals - Recap Mark reported that GPAH received some donations and that while there may not be any immediate applications from the event, seeds were planted for future adoptions. Kingwood Barkfest – November 7th Terri White, Kathy Henry and Mark and Nancy Brooks will attend plus possible other volunteers. We will have a tent and canopy Last year the event was “rained out” even though it ended up not raining. Festival hours are from 10-4. We need to have volunteers there for the entire shift. No Label Brewery Event – Katy TX - December Andrea Steger is coordinating this event. One animal group is invited to attend on Saturdays The venue is outside and is pet friendly so people bring their dogs. We need more information about whether or not we can have raffles, take donations or sell items. Old Town Spring Storefront On December 12th the event will change times from 2-4 pm to 11-1 pm because of a conflict with a members wedding. Adjourned at 7:39 pm Pat moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Kim Harrison Mark Brooks Sherri Clark Kenny Freedman Arden Tucker Guests: Meeting Commenced: 6:40 pm Treasurer’s Report – Not available at this time Meeting Minutes – Minutes for July were sent out prior to the meeting. Kim moved that the minutes be approved and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. Dogs Dog Status Currently 31 dogs in the program, 10 are permanent fosters, 10 are available for adoption, 9 are in the process of being medically evaluated and 2 have adoptions pending (Daisy and Dottie). Penny is doing well in foster but she is still timid. Express is having health issues and has had several vet visits. Nina is new to our permanent foster program. She is a lovely 10 ½ year old cow dog that will be going to an experienced foster home. Shirley is also new to the program. She was found as a stray in Garwood, TX along with a Saluki that is going to STOLA. Shirley was spayed and had a dental last week while she was in quarantine. She will be coming to the kennel tomorrow. Nicholas is being treated for a potential UTI and seems to be doing better. We recently got in Rosewire, Lochte, Stevie and Cabernet. Current Adoptions, Applications 41 adoptions so far in 2015 (net of returns) and 2 dogs have been chosen and will be adopted soon. 18 applications Several adopters are approved and waiting on the right dog. 3 of these are current members waiting on another dog. Events / Fundraising Old Town Spring Meet and Greet Mark and Nancy Brooks are taking over as coordinators for this event Fall Online Auction – Event will be held October 18th – 26th Pat finished proofing the auction items list and photos. Arden and Sherri will also proof everything. Gulf Greyhound Park Closure Discussed what effect the end of racing will have on GPAH. There are a lot of questions and not many definitive answers Big questions are: o Will there be enough greyhounds in the future o Will there be too many greyhounds needing to enter adoption programs at the same time. We will await more information from official sources before trying to make any long term decisions Kingwood Barkfest Event will be held November 7th Kathy Henry and Teri White will be the coordinators The weather was forecast to be bad last year so GPAH did not attend. We are hoping for better weather this year. No Label Brewery - Katy Event will be held December 19th from 12 - 3 GPAH will be the only animal group there that day Event will be held outside – they limit the attendance to 800 people. CreekFest/Blessing of the Animals Event will be held October 3rd Mark and Nancy will be the coordinators. Need to pick up additional GPAH banners from the office. Possible event – Animal Parade & Festival in Rosenberg We do not have much information about the event at this time other than the date – October 25th. Adjourned at 7:27 pm Sherri moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Kim Harrison Mark Brooks Sherri Clark Pat Freytag Guests: Meeting Commenced: 6:47 pm Treasurer’s Report – Reports for July 2015 Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, Event Wines Chevron, and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Quarterly tax preparation fee Annual liability insurance premium High vet bills including $4000 for emergency surgery for Zullo. Kim moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. Meeting Minutes – Minutes for July will be provided next month Dogs Dog Status Currently 28 dogs in the program, 11 are permanent fosters including Dottie and Express, 9 are available for adoption and 8 are in the process of being medically evaluated. Dottie came in from Lott, TX. She is very anemic and can’t have shots or spay until she has gained weight and her blood work is better. She is staying with an experienced foster family and is already gaining weight. Cat testing and small dog testing will be set up soon. Current Adoptions, Applications 35 adoptions so far in 2015 (net of returns) 20 applications Several applicants are ready to adopt, a few have been on the list for quite a while without adopting so will probably drop out. The rest are working through the process with office visits, home visits and reference checks. Events / Fundraising Fall Online Auction – Event will be held October 18th – 26th Sherrie Kent has been working hard on this and has many of the items photographed and ready to load in the software program. Nancy Brooks has offered to help. Gillman Subaru Storefront The August storefront was much slower than the prior month. Some of the people who stopped by seemed seriously interested – planted seeds for the future Had good volunteers working at the event. Discussed having a larger banner Kingwood Barkfest Event will be held November 7th Kathy Henry and Teri White will be the coordinators Other Handicap Van donation Mark Brooks told us about a program where Las Vegas Metro/City donates handicap vans to non-profit groups once they have a certain amount of miles on them. We discussed whether or not a van would be of use to GPA-Houston. Adjourned at 7:34 pm Mark moved to adjourn and Kim seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Kim Harrison Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Sherri Clark Pat Freytag Marlane Bernardo (phone) Guests: Lisa Kostrzynski Nancy Brooks Meeting Commenced: 6:37 pm Treasurer’s Report – Reports for April, May and June 2015 April 2015 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Giving Works, Hale Pet Door, Event Wines, Chevron, and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Event fee for use of Houston Farm & Ranch for Membership Party Filters/adapter for the water lines at the kennel. Boarding fees for 3 dogs (quarantine for stray/shelter dogs) Valentine, Anubis and Lulu May 2015 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Amazon Smile, Giving Works, Halliburton, John Dalton Racing, Chevron, iGive, NGA and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: 2 months of AT&T phone service Higher than normal vet bills. June 2015 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donations from ThermoFisher, Jefferies & Co, Chevron, Safeway (Randall’s), Kroger Share Program, and iGive. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund including a donation from Kathy Glockl’s estate. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Fee for the booths at the July Dog Show. Annual copier maintenance fee Worker’s compensation insurance premiums Annual fee for Constant Contact (newsletter service) Mark moved to approve the treasurer’s reports and Sherri seconded the motion. Approved. Financial Variance Report – Kenny prepared a variance report comparing 2nd Q 2015 to 2nd Q 2014, 2nd Q 2015 to 1st Q 2015, and 6 months ending 6/30/2015 to 6 months ending 6/30/2014. . 2nd Q 2015 to 2nd Q 2014 o Both quarters have negative net income; however the loss was less in 2015. o Higher corporate and private donations and higher adoption fees in 2015. o Payroll costs and payroll taxes are higher in 2015 because of an additional employee. 2nd Q 2015 to 1st Q 2015 o Negative net income for 2nd Q and positive net income in 1st Q. o Significantly lower private donations in the 2nd Q compared to the 1st Q. o Payroll taxes were higher in the 2nd Q than in the 1st Q 6 months ending 6/30/2015 to 6 months ending 6/30/2014 o Both quarters have slightly negative income o Private donations, corporate donations and adoption fees are all higher in 2015. o Large difference in payroll and payroll taxes because of an additional employee in 2015. Meeting Minutes – Minutes for March and April were sent out by email and approved in June. The meetings for May and June were canceled so there were no minutes for those months. Dogs Dog Status Currently 29 dogs in the program, 10 are permanent fosters including Dottie, a new senior expected to be a permanent foster. Dottie came in from Lott, TX. She is very anemic and can’t have shots or spay until she has gained weight and her blood work is better. She is staying with an experienced foster family and is already gaining weight. 7 new dogs came in last week. New dogs are very friendly. Three girls came to us from HOT when they had to close. They have had shots and been spayed already – Astrid, Josie and Amira. Express is doing well for a 12 ½ year old. We have not heard anything from his prior owner. Current Adoptions, Applications 32 adoptions so far in 2015 (net of returns) 16 applications – 1 with a pending adoption 2 current members want to adopt again 4 applicants have been approved and are waiting on timing or for us to have the right dogs to choose from. A new adopter/foster family will be coming in next week with their shy greyhound, Phoebe. They are hoping that she will be more comfortable and gain confidence from being with another greyhound The rest of the applicants are moving through the application process. Events / Fundraising Houston Dog Show Recap The booth looked great and it was very nice having 3 spaces Volunteers did a good job including several new people and dogs. Only made $265 this year – usually we make enough to cover the cost of the booths. There were less people attending and less quality vendors this year. Next time we will have a table out front with a large donation jar on it. This year it was on the side and not everyone saw it. The setup and tear down was fast and very well planned out. Gillman Subaru Storefront This will be an ongoing event on the 3rd Saturday of the month Sonya Denisuk and Mark Brooks will coordinate the event The dealership is small and does not have a lot of space for us – we will need to bring a maximum of 4 dogs for each shift. Mark has a banner to use for the event and we will have a donation jar. We have been tentatively chosen as one of two charities to receive funds during Gillman’s End of Year sale event (mid-November through December 31st). For every car sold during that period, one of the charities receives $250. GPA National Meeting – September 18th and 19th Marlane will be attending the meeting as the representative from GPA-Houston. She has not received a lot of information yet so she doesn’t know the schedule. She will bring back detailed information about what GPA National has planned. Vet Research Study A vet at the dog show is doing research and talked to some of our members about using greyhounds for the study. They would need blood samples which should not be a problem. They also want a skin sample ~ 1” sample from under the arm which might be a problem for a greyhound with their thin skin. We need more information about this to be able to make a decision. Adjourned at 8:17 pm Sherri moved to adjourn and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Kim Harrison Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Sherri Clark Pat Freytag (phone) Meeting Commenced: 6:54 pm Treasurer’s Report - Not available at this time Dogs Dog Status Currently 27 dogs in the program, 8 are permanent fosters including Buttercup, a new permanent foster 3 new dogs are coming in next week. Rebel, a 10 year old male is being surrendered. We will take him then he will be going to GALT. Carly, who was adopted about 5 years ago is being returned because of family problems. Elsa has 4 broken toes instead of the 1 that we knew about when she came in. The breaks are not recent. Two new dogs will need to be treated for tick-borne disease but have low titers. Plan to do small dog testing later this week Cogburn will be fostered with intent by the same family that adopted Dreamer. Current Adoptions, Applications 19 adoptions so far in 2015 (net of returns) 14 applications (2 just came in) – 1 plans to pick up Blaise soon Several applicants are waiting on moves, graduation etc. Events / Fundraising Barkin’ Beans Event Recap The rain held off, but there was almost no traffic. Store is very nice and the owner, Leslie gave a bag of beef lung filets for the kennel dogs. We will try again in the fall. Spring Online Auction Auction will be postponed because our auction coordinator has health issues. We will look at having a small Facebook auction. Texas A&M Vet School Open House The annual event will be this Saturday, April 25th. There are a lot of new people signed up to participate Gillman Subaru Storefront Sonya Denisuk has met with Gillman Subaru and they would like to host and event for us It will be either the 1st or 2nd Friday in May Lisa Kostrzynski is taking over the items we will be handing out at the event for their approval This may be a regular event if it is successful April Murphy Second Saturday at Winter Street Studios – June 13th from 2-5pm April will again be highlighting GPAH in her studio at this event. No greyhounds will be allowed to attend April will donate one print to GPAH for every print sold at the event Caricature Artist Kim met an artist who draws caricatures of pets and she will donate one for us to have in an auction or other event Greyhounds as Emergency Blood Donors Mark Brooks told us that Stuebner Airline Animal Clinic is offering free services for greyhounds whose owners would bring them in as emergency blood donors. His 3 dogs will be signed up for this. Dr. Choyce at All Pets Animal Hospital in Katy also offered this for greyhounds. Discussed how to let our members know about these offers. We will send Lisa K the information about the programs. Adjourned at 7:48 pm Mark moved to adjourn and Sherri seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Sherri Clark Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Kim Harrison Marlane Bernardo (phone) Guests: Laurie Green Dave Clark Meeting Commenced: 6:54 pm Treasurer’s Report January 2015 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donations from WoofTrax, Schwab Charitable Fund, BP, John Dalton Racing, Event Wines, Chevron, Meyer Foundation, Walmart, Safeway (Randall’s), TGA (grant), Kroger Share Program, iGive and o Received an additional $60 for the Fido’s Photos Christmas photo fundraiser. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Yearly sales tax Tax preparation fee for W-2’s and W-3’s High Protatek fees for tick-borne disease testing because there were a lot of new dogs to evaluate. Costco yearly membership National dues ($3 for each dog adopted and $3 for each dog returned) Costs for cardiologist to evaluate Kaybee Sherri moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Kim seconded the motion. Approved. Meeting Minutes – November minutes were sent out prior to the meeting Mark moved to approve the minutes and Arden seconded the motion – Approved. January minutes were handed out during the meeting and several small changes were made. Mark moved to approve the minutes as corrected and Arden seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status Currently 26 dogs in the program, 8 are permanent fosters There are pending adoptions on 3 dogs: Menlo, Tea Rose and Vodka. Small dog testing was done recently with poor results. We have several very high prey drive dogs. Several of the new dogs also had hookworms and will need to be treated for tickborne diseases. Blaise will need to be treated for Babesia Keefe still has high Erlichia titers after being treated with Doxycycline for 30 days. Prior titer was 1:89,000 and current is 1:49,000. He will need to stay on Doxycycline for another 2 months then he will get Babesia shots. Arden will foster him throughout his treatment. Patrice is doing very well in her foster home and sleeps on her foster father’s lap. Pedro is doing excellent in his foster home with Pat. Turbo and Zullo both have very high prey drive Current Adoptions, Applications 12 adoptions so far in 2015 (net of returns) 3 pending adoptions of current dogs. Many applicants need small dog friendly greyhounds Events / Fundraising Member Appreciation Party We had a good turnout for the party considering there were a number of other events being held that day around town. One negative issue was that we were locked out of the venue in the morning so we were not able to get in early to set up. All the volunteers worked very hard to get everything ready before most of the members arrived. It appears that we netted between $1500 and $1600. Barkin’ Beans Event Event is planned for April 11th from 1-4 on the sidewalk in front of the Barkin’ Beans Pet Nutrition store. The owner of Barkin’ Beans says that there is usually a lot of foot traffic on Saturday afternoon It is in the same strip center as Bayou City Seafood on Richmond Ave. and Bayou City Seafood will provide snacks Spring Online Auction Auction will probably move to late May or June. Nancy Brooks offered to help with the auction Will need donations of items for the auction – a notice will be placed in the newsletter Texas A&M Vet School Open House The annual event will be on April 25th. Jennifer and Brent Winters have offered to help Kathy Henry organize the event this year We will be in the same spot as last year with 2 ½ spaces and a fan. Will need the logo for the newsletter. Membership Renewal We plan on sending out a renewal letter with an emphasis on updating contacting information rather than focusing on the membership dues. With our new database, we want to make sure we have current information on as many members as possible with more information about the dogs included on the form. Discussion about sending out an email letter then following up with regular letter and maybe a phone call for those who do not respond. Will check into whether it is possible to have an electronic version of the renewal/information form on the website or in HyperOffice Volunteer Involvement There was a lot of discussion about ideas for getting more members involved with the organization events and especially with becoming members of the board. We will include an article in the newsletter each monthly highlighting a member of the board (or other person actively involved with GPAH). They will talk about “why I like being on the board” or “why I choose to be involved with this activity” Kathy Henry volunteered to be the board member highlighted for April. She will focus on the A&M event that she has been involved with for many years. New Discussion Board Our current discussion board is outdated and not many people are using it. We will look at options for upgrading/changing it. GPAH Bylaws of the Corporation Our current bylaws are 25 years old and need to be reviewed and possibly revised. Arden will send out copies of the bylaws to members of the board. Adjourned at 8:40 pm Kim moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Kim Harrison Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Ken Freedman Guests: Jennifer Winters Brent Winters Sandy Herman Meeting Commenced: 6:47 pm Director Resignation Lisa Pierce is resigning from the Board and the Adoption Committee as of March 1, 2015. We would like to thank Lisa for all her work on the adoption committee, fundraising and general dedication to the organization and look forward to seeing her at our future events. Treasurer’s Report November 2014 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donations from Macaroni Grill, Amazon Smile, Giving Works, Hale Pet Door, Chevron, and Safeway (Randall’s). o Received and advance on the 2014 December Matching Fund o Some revenue from the fall online auction and calendar sales o Late payments for golf tournament received o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 membership dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Event fees for the golf tournament Cost for switching from Trackabeast to Hyperoffice Boarding fees while dogs in The Woodlands facility December 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Texas Adopt a grey Society, Chevron and NGA. o Generated ~ $485 from the Fidos Fotos event; $3,480 from the Fall Online Auction o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Cost for the new Hyperoffice Database (however the cost was donated back to GPA) Shipping for the online auction items Boarding fees for The Woodlands location Higher than normal veterinary charges Mark moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Kenny seconded the motion. Approved. Dogs Dog Status Currently 19 dogs in the program 10 in permanent foster 5 out 10 new dogs have Tick Borne diseases New dog in on Friday, 11yrs old. Current Adoptions, Applications 57 adoptions for 2014 (net of returns) 13 current applicants – plus some members who are possibly looking for another greyhound Most of the current applicants require a small dog friendly hound. Events / Fundraising Membership Appreciation Party – February 15th at Houston Farm and Ranch There will be items for a silent auction and raffle Not too many responses at the moment however this is normal and people either register last minute or just show up. T-shirt colours were discussed and the conclusion was to offer 2 colours, purple on green and green on purple. New logo created for us by member Crystal looks wonderful! December Matching Funds Drive Recap During the month of December, a member had generously offered to match donations up to $20,000. The total amount raised during the drive including the matching was approximately $43k. Calendar for 2016 Began discussion on the type of calendar we should produce for 2016. Recapped calendar sales from previous years and pros and cons of various types. No conclusion reached and decided to postpone further discussion until the Spring. Future Fundraising / Events Discussion around a big fund raising event for 2015. Challenge we have is not coming up with ideas but rather the volunteers to research options and then coordinate the events. Casino night and events at a brewery were mentioned. Will be revisited in future meetings. Walk-for-a-dog App – some of us are registered but we are unsure of how it all pulls together and how we receive money but we’re doing it anyway. Spoke about some of the other ways we can earn donations by doing the things we do every day – Kroger, Amazon Smile (GPA Houston Inc.), Randalls, iGive etc. Suggested putting flyer in the giveaway at the appreciation party to remind us of ways to generate money without even trying! Adjourned at 8:35 pm Arden moved to adjourn and Kathy seconded the motion. Approved. `GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag (phone) Sherri Clark Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Guests: Stephen Ostrow Meeting Commenced: 6:50 pm Treasurer’s Report August 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Amazon Smile, John Dalton Racing, Chevron, iGive and o Starting to see some revenue for the 2015 Calendar and the Golf tournament. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2014 dues and merchandise sales and an insurance refund from Texas Workers Comp. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Tax preparation fee Higher than normal vet bills include charges for compounding Doxycycline and HW treatment for Carson (partial) September 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Phillips 66, Hale Pet Door, Chevron, iGive and o Received ~ $584 for sponsorships for the 2015 calendar and $1480 partial player fees and donations for the golf tournament. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: 24 Fundraiser Fee (however the cost was donated back to GPA) Wormer purchased from Australia Higher than normal veterinary charges included heartworm treatments, and surgery for broken legs on 2 dogs October 2014 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donations from Event Wines, Peck Kennels, iGive, and Kroger Share Program. o Received $19,476 partial player fees and donations for the golf tournament. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2015 dues and merchandise sales (primarily calendars). Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Quarterly tax preparation fee Cost of golf tournament trophies Merchandise costs for calendars, leashes, collars and muzzles National GPA dues ($3/dog adopted and $3/dog returned) Higher than normal vet fees include repair of a broken leg. Sherri moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. Meeting Minutes – September and October minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Mark moved to approve the minutes and Arden seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status Due to the emergency status at the Royalton Best Friends location, our dogs were moved to the Woodlands Best Friends location in October. This delayed getting some of our dogs ready for adoption. Anastasia (Greyhound/Saluki mix) has been spayed and a portion of her tail was docked because of damage to the end. She is positive for Babesia and possibly Lyme disease. She is cat and small dog friendly. Andie, who had been adopted out of Gulf Greyhound Park, was relinquished to GPAH. She needs a dental and Babesia shots. She is beings fostered with intent. Carmella is very sweet but has high prey drive. Castle, who had surgery to repair his broken leg in August has a bone infection and will have to have another to remove the plate. He will foster with Pat until the stitches come out. His alone training is not going well. Cogburn has Pannus in both eyes. He did well in his foster home; but is high prey drive and shouldn’t live in an apartment with small dogs around. Duke is in foster, possibly with intent to adopt. Felicity, is new to the program. A little girl who was pulled from a shelter along with a male that was taken by GALT. She is not a racing greyhound and is HW positive. She will foster in College Station until January and has started her 30 days of Doxycycline prior to her HW treatment. Karma has been very good in her foster home with Sherri. She may have a bit of sleep aggression with other dogs. Kaybee (will be called Dazzle) has been cleared for her spay and dental by a cardiologist. She has been in a foster home and will be adopted by them. She needs to have another cardio checkup in the summer. Ki is in foster with a family with multiple dogs and a cat. Liz appears to be child friendly and will foster with a family with a toddler. Oliver will be neutered tomorrow and will go into foster – hopefully he will stay as a permanent member of the family. Current Adoptions, Applications 52 adoptions so far in 2014 (net of returns) 10 of these were in November with another 2 likely (Kaybee and Andie). 10 current applicants – plus some members who are possibly looking for another greyhound Best Friends – Royalton There is a security presence at Best Friends because of safety concerns resulting from incidents at the apartment complex next door. Events / Fundraising Online Auction - Recap The auction raised between $3800 and $4000 (net after shipping costs). 15 orders have been shipped to date 7 or 8 buyers have not paid yet Everything will be shipped out by the end of the week. A lot of new bidders participated in this auction so it seems that word is getting out to the greyhound community about our auctions. Next auction will be in the spring. Kingwood Barkfest Kathy reported that we are ready for the event. Several volunteers have already signed up. Mark and Nancy, Kathy, Terri with Pierce, Kate with Baron and possible more people and greyhounds. New Database Our current WebEx database, with all of our member and dog information, will be ending on November 30, 2014. Kathy Gloeckl began looking for a new database site in January; but she got sick and was not able to finish the project. In April, another member began researching options for a new site; and in August we decided to use Trackabeast. By the end of October, the data migration to the Trackabeast site had not started; and the executive committee made a decision to go with a different company – HyperOffice. The HyperOffice team has been evaluating our data and the conversion is planned for this Friday. All documents in the current database will be migrated at that time as well. Administration training will be tomorrow and “Go Live” for the new site will be on Monday. New Website Last month we also received notice that the host for our GPA Houston website was being discontinued. We have contracted with a new server (professional company) and our website has been migrated. Family Holiday Portraits On December 6th from 11 – 3 pm GPAH will hold a photo session for families and pets. This year we will allow dogs other than greyhounds. All dogs will be required to be on leads. Mark Brooks has offered to wear the Santa suit and pose for photos if the families wish for Santa to be included. Kathy Henry offered the use of her bench and backdrops for the photos. Lizz Hinch will be the photographer again this year and will have an assistant. The cost will be $25 for at least 3 shots and the photos will be provided on a flash drive. Sandy Herman will be the point person for scheduling appointments (2 appointments max per 15 minute interval) Matching Funds Drive During the month of December, a member has generously offered to match donations up to $20,000. Puppy Litter Naming Auction Janelle Peck has agreed to let GPAH hold an auction for the naming rights for a litter of their puppies. Pat will contact Janelle for details. December Meeting Decision was made to cancel the December meeting. Adjourned at 8:11 pm Sherri moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Kathy Henry Lisa Pierce Mark Brooks Kenny Freeman Guests: Nancy Brooks Meeting Commenced at 6:40 pm Dogs and Adoptions/Applications Kennel dogs moved to Best Friends Spring location due to emergency safety concerns at the Royalton location Volunteers are taking shifts letting dogs out to run twice a day; Best Friends personnel are doing the feeding and cleaning of kennels Unknown at this time when Royalton location will reopen; discussion re options if it doesn’t reopen Events / Fundraising Golf Tournament Preliminary numbers – raised approx. $19,000 for Greyt Wellness Fund; final numbers to follow Fewer players than in the past but good tournament and auction .Online Auction Sherrie Kent has uploaded all the photos and descriptions to 24fundraiser website; support team running final checks before auction starts Auction will run from November 2 – November 10 New Database Pat to follow up re Track-a-Beast software; deadline for WebEx One is November 30 Adjourned at 7:45 p.m. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Kim Harrison Sherri Clark Kathy Henry Mark Brooks Guests: Stephen Ostrow Meeting Commenced: 6:55 pm Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer’s report is unavailable this month. It will be provided at the next meeting. Meeting Minutes – August minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Mark moved to approve the minutes and Arden seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 32 dogs in the program (includes 9 permanent fosters). Two new females arrived today – Brooklyn and Giselle. One more small dog friendly girl will be coming in on Saturday - Karma. We currently have 11 available dogs of which only 2 are female. One of those is in foster-with-intent and the other is likely to be adopted on Saturday. Of the 9 males, a couple may be adopted soon. We had to euthanize one of our permanent fosters Linus/Gabe because of a large mass in his abdomen that was preventing him from being able to eat. The vet felt it was almost certain to be cancerous. Betsy who is in foster-with-intent will be adopted. KayBee is having a heart issue evaluated to determine if we can spay her. Two of our current females are in estrus and we won’t be able to spay them until they have finished their cycle. A couple of our currently unavailable females will be adopted as soon as they are medically available. Current Adoptions, Applications 34 adoptions so far in 2014 (net of returns). This is much lower than in prior years. Last year we had 53 adoptions by this date 13 current applicants – 1 will likely be archived due to no response in setting up a home visit. Our applicants seem to have more “needs” than in prior years so adoptions are slower as we wait for the right dog to come into the program. . Events / Fundraising 2015 Calendar The calendar is at the printers now and will probably be ready the 1st week of October. The sales price will be $15 and our cost is approximately $8. Pre-orders will be available on our website/giftshop soon. We will print 100 calendars to start and can reprint if they sell out. Golf Tournament – October 17th Flyers for the tournament have been put up around town and the link to the flyer is on the GPAH website. We will also put a notice on the GPAH Facebook page and on the website discussion board. We have a number of nice items for the auction and expect to get more before the event. Online Auction - November The auction items have been photographed and the descriptions are being checked before uploading the data. Kim has jackets to donate to the auction. Chew-Chew-Train Fundraiser We have received 18 bags of CET chews so far. Each week there will be a new picture of the “train” with cars loaded to illustrate how many chews have been donated. New Database Doug Hensen reports that he is working with Trackabeast and the conversion is on schedule. We will have to download all of our documents from the current database separately. TGA Meeting for Greyhound adoption groups Sherri reported on the Texas Greyhound Association meeting held in Bruceville, Texas. Pat and Sherri attended for GPA-Houston There were representatives from most of the surrounding area greyhound adoption groups: Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Greyhounds Unlimited, Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, FastK9’s Greyhound Adoption, Heart of Texas Greyhound Adoption, Austin Greyhound Association as well as other TGA members and the inspectors for TGA. Inspection of adoption group facilities by TGA inspectors was a main topic of discussion. TGA would like to “certify” our groups as being the ones that breeders and trainers should call when they have dogs available. They would like to be able to tell them that inspectors have visited and that the dogs have acceptable housing – not overcrowded. Adjourned at 8:00 pm Sherri moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Pat Freytag Arden Tucker Sherri Clark Kathy Henry Kenny Freedman Mark Brooks Marlane Bernardo (Facetime) Guests: Matt Browning Stephen Ostrow Nancy Brooks Jeff Tucker Meeting Commenced: 6:37 pm Treasurer’s Report June 2014 - Net Income for the month is positive; however vet charges were not paid this month – July will include 2 months of charges. Income o Corporate donations from Hale Pet Door, Best Friends Referral, Jefferies & Co, Chevron, and NGA. o Spring Online Auction brought in another $1442 (partial total) ~ $3020 total. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Shipping charges for the auction Expenses are low because no vet charges were paid this month July 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative – this includes 2 months of vet charges. Income o Corporate donations from Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, Event Wines, Chevron,, Safeway (Randall’s), and Kroger Share Program. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from adoption fees, 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Quarterly tax preparation fee Merchandise costs for Therapaws Annual insurance premiums Veterinary charges were for 2 months of billings. These include heartworm treatments, pain management treatments for our permanent fosters, and normal evaluation, spay/neuter and dental charges. This is also the first month of salary charges for our new office manager Sherri moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. Financial Variance – Kenny prepared a variance report comparing 2nd Q 2014 to 2nd Q 2013, 2nd Q 2014 to 1st Q 2014, and 6 months ending 6/30/2014 to 6 months ending 6/30/2013. . 2nd Q 2014 to 2nd Q 2013 o Both quarters have negative net income; however the loss was less in 2014. o Higher corporate and private donations in 2014. Higher revenue from adoptions in 2013. o Insurance charges are included in the 2nd Q 2013 numbers but in 2014, they are in the 3rd quarter numbers. o Medical charges are higher in 2014 (note: an estimated portion of the medical charges paid in July are included in June for this variance report). nd 2 Q 2014 to 1st Q 2014 o Significantly lower private donations in the 2nd Q compared to the 1st Q. o On the expense side, Cost of Event was a large difference because of the Member Event in the 1st Q 2014. o Another large difference is higher medical expense in the 2nd Q vs. the 1st Q 2014. 6 months ending 6/30/2014 to 6 months ending 6/30/2013 o Total revenue is similar. o Insurance charges are included in 2013 numbers but are in the 3rd quarter numbers in 2014. o Medical charges were higher in 2014. Kenny also prepared a plot of income, expense, and net for the last 10 years. Since 2010 the net income has been steadily increasing. Expense numbers are relatively flat through the entire period. There were no questions about the plot and everyone thought it was a great graphic. Meeting Minutes – July minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Pat moved to approve the minutes and Mark seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 32 dogs in the program (includes 10 permanent fosters). 10 dogs are in various stages of being vetted. Castle came in to Dr. Wall’s on Thursday to have his broken leg evaluated. He is in a medical foster home and will have surgery on Thursday. We’ve had 3 dogs returned: Duke, Gino and Sofia. We have 2 male dogs that are cryptorchids and Dr. Miller will perform their surgeries. Paisley will be spayed once she finishes estrus. Sierra will have to be treated for Lyme disease before her spay. Linus/Gabe had a pain evaluation and x-rays showed a possible large mass. He will have an ultrasound. Current Adoptions, Applications 30 adoptions so far in 2014 (net of returns). We have one pending adoption and one foster-with-intent. 12 current applicants – 11 to adopt and 1 to foster. Many of the applicants are approved but are waiting on small dog friendly or cat friendly greyhounds. In addition we have several members wanting second dogs. . Events / Fundraising . Reliant Dog Shows – July 18th – 20th Successful show – lots of fun and “planted lots of seeds”. Three booths worked out great. It looked good and felt good. Traffic flow was good. We were not on the same row as most of the rescues and that worked out to our benefit Received no negative feedback. We collected $405 in donations - Kathy Henry purchased 2 more vests for the next event. It was a smaller crowd this year with less venders (probably because the vender fees increased). 2015 Calendar The judges have made their decisions on submitted photos. Arden is working on the artwork and adding photos from Playgroups, Storefronts, and Kennel Hounds and Permanent Fosters that died since the last calendar. We do not have a lot of businesses advertising or dedications this year. We have a mid-September deadline to go to the printer to get calendars ready to sell by the end of September. Golf Tournament – October 17th Jeff Tucker gave an update on the status of the tournament. We already have 2 teams signed up. John Eagle Honda is providing a “hole-in-one” vehicle. We have a sponsor for the Golf Cart and some other prizes. Marlane and Joe Bernardo want to offer a trip to Europe to meet them in Sweden, Germany, or Spain as either a raffle item or auction donation. Discussed which would bring in the most money. The consensus was that there would be very few people at the golf tournament willing to pay the full value of what this would be worth. They will instead donate United flight miles to anywhere in the US that United flies. We have auction items from Byron Beatty (toolbox), Keith Shaftel (jewelry gift certificate), Texans tickets from Linda and Michael Lee, and fishing trips from Jeff. We will have polo shirts for the GPA staff. Each player will get a golf towel and either a shirt or a cap plus other things in the goodie bag. There will be door prizes for the players that will be drawn during the day and the players will be notified when they finish their round. We need sponsors for the trophies, more hole sponsors, and general sponsors. A notice about this will be in the September e-grey. Lisa K will promote on Facebook and the GPA Giftshop has tickets for the dinner only for those who don’t play golf. Online Auction - November The auction will be held November 2nd – 10th (Sunday – following Monday) and will end at 9pm CST. Sherrie Kent, Sharry MacLaren and Janny Planting have been working on photographing items and writing descriptions of the auction items. Arden and Sherri will learn the software so that they can help with the auction. Chew-Chew-Train Fundraiser In September we will have an online fundraiser to provide CET chews for the kennel hounds to keep their teeth nice and clean. The goal is to get 60 bags donated during the fundraiser. Each week there will be an update showing train cars loaded with CET chews depicting how many have been received to that point in time. New Database GPA will be transferring our dog and member database to the Trackabeast software package. Doug Hensen is coordinating the data conversion. TGA Meeting for Greyhound adoption groups Texas Greyhound Association has asked the adoption groups in Texas to send a representative to a meeting held at their headquarters in Bruceville, Texas next Saturday. Pat and Sherri will be attending for GPA-Houston One of the main topics of discussion will be inspections of the adoption groups by TGA inspectors. Pet Therapy at Mental Health Coop Matt Browning said that the members he contacted who have certified therapy dogs were not able to commit to bringing their dogs to this new event. He did get suggestions from them for some additional people who might be interested. Sherri will get him email addresses for these members. Adjourned at 8:00 pm Pat moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, July 15, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Pat Freytag Lisa Pierce Sherri Clark Kenny Freedman Mark Brooks Marlane Bernardo (Facetime) Guests: Matt Browning Stephen Ostrow Nancy Brooks Meeting Commenced: 6:33 pm Treasurer’s Report The July report is not available at this time. It will be provided in August. Meeting Minutes – June minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Mark moved to approve the minutes and Lisa seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 25 dogs in the program (includes 10 permanent fosters). Betsy’s dental is being paid for by Keystone Greyhounds (her original adoption group). Three new dogs from John Dalton came into the program last week. We will be getting 2 more new dogs in from Chris Miller, 1 from John Mitcham and 2 from John Dalton very soon. The dog from John Mitcham is named Slaytex Maria and she is being retired because she is having seizures at the track. Paige and Bella will be adopted soon. Birdman is in foster in a cat household. If he is good there, he will go into another home as a foster with intent. Spencer is now available. He was excellent while fostering at Pat’s. It appears that his earlier aggression toward other dogs was fear based. Current Adoptions, Applications 27 adoptions so far in 2014. No adoptions so far in July; but we have just finished the Fourth of July foster period. There is one definite adoption this weekend and 1 possible adoption if we have the right dogs available for the applicant. 11 current applicants. . Events / Fundraising . Reliant Dog Shows – July 18th – 20th Setup for the dog show was today. Sandy, Lisa K and Nancy all worked on this. We have 3 booths this year and everything looks good and is ready to go. Spots on the schedule are filling up and more people have said they are interested in coming but haven’t officially signed up yet. We have a process in place for the volunteers to call when they get to the event to get their wristbands. Pat, Sandy, Mark/Nancy and Arden will take the calls according to a schedule sent out to the volunteers. 2015 Calendar Only 3 families have submitted so far and we have 2 sponsorships. We need a lot more promotion on our Website and on Facebook and possibly a mid-month egrey. Lisa K will be starting to work with our Facebook account and she will post something on this. Golf Tournament – October 17th Flyers about the golf tournament will be printed tomorrow so they will be available to hand out at the dog show. We are getting some prizes donated; however we still need more. Pet Therapy at Mental Health Coop Matt Browning will contact members with dogs that are currently part of therapy pet programs to see if they are interested in participating. Sherri will provide Matt the names and email addresses for these members. New Database Doug Hensen is evaluating several database programs to see if they will fit GPAH’s needs. He will report back on the results soon. We hope to start testing a transfer of data by August 1st. Closed Session – Board Only Adjourned at 8:15 pm Pat moved to adjourn and Lisa seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, June 17, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Lisa Pierce Sherri Clark Kathy Henry Kim Harrison – (phone) Marlane Bernardo (Facetime) Guests: Sandy Herman Mark Brooks Nancy Brooks Matt Browning Stephen Ostrow Jeff Tucker Meeting Commenced: 6:35 pm Treasurer’s Report April 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, Best Friends Referral, Event Wines, Chevron, NGA, Safeway (Randall’s), Kroger Share Program and o Spring Online Auction raised $1536 (partial total) o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Expense charged to wrong account (items charged to GPA account but reimbursed by purchaser) Quarterly tax preparation fee Vet bills were lower than normal May 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Amazon Smile, Phillips 66, Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, Chevron, Peck’s Kennels, Walmart and o Received the last $42 in payments for the Spring Online Auction. Pat will report a final total for the auction next month. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Event fees for the Reliant Dog Shows (3 spaces) Yearly copier maintenance contract Merchandise Costs for collars and T-shirts (reimbursed by donor) Veterinary charges were higher than normal because they included 3 months charges from Sunset Blvd. Animal Clinic for 9 dogs including ICU charges for Margie. Also had Heartworm Treatment charges for Spencer from Stuebner Airline Vet Hospital. Lisa moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Sherri seconded the motion. Approved. Meeting Minutes – April minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Lisa moved to approve the minutes and Pat seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 25 dogs in the program (includes 10 permanent fosters). Buford was adopted today. Bandana has a bad case of hookworms that required a vet visit. Betsy is a new dog in our program. She is 9 ½ years old and was originally adopted out of Pennsylvania. Her owner recently moved to Texas; but had to surrender Betsy as the new home had a small dog and she is not small dog tolerant. Betsy is currently in a foster home. We will need to get additional dogs after the 4th of July foster period. We have had several recent adoptions and have a number of new applicants that will be ready for adoption soon. Females are more in demand than males and harder to find. Marlane thought she had heard of a kennel closing recently that might be a source for new dogs. She will try to find out more information. Pat will contact the breeders where we normally obtain our dogs to see if they have any available. Current Adoptions, Applications 25 adoptions so far in 2014. 4 adoptions so far in June 16 current applicants. We are trying to get a few more adoptions completed before the foster period and to get most of the first office visits done by then. . Events / Fundraising April Murphy Event Received $26 in donations from a raffle. April donated $700 worth of prints for us to use in our auctions (greyhound themed and other). This was based on the number of prints that she sold during the event. . Reliant Dog Shows – July 18th – 20th Marlane is working on the volunteer schedule. The last shift on Sunday is the hardest slot to fill – Arden offered to work then. We need to curtail the number of dogs working in the booth at any time to 3. Otherwise it is too crowded for interested attendees to come in and visit. Having 3 booth spaces should help with overcrowding; and if too many dogs are there, we can ask the owners to walk around the arena with donation vests and talk to people about greyhounds. Lisa Kostrzynski will have a portion of the booth for her artwork and will raffle off 1 or 2 prints for GPAH Sandy Herman and Nancy Brooks are in charge of set-up of the booths. 2015 Calendar The 2014 calendar did not sell very well last year (about 100 out of 250 left over – now being given out in adoption packets) We would like to try something different this year and do a desk calendar instead of a wall calendar. Had a lot of discussion about whether or not to make it a “contest” this year or use photos from prior years and photos of kennel dogs. Decision was to keep it as a contest with each family able to submit 6 photos. The desk calendar format allows us to have 56 photos (all the same size ~ 5x8) instead of 16 large photos and the rest smaller ones. The photos will be chosen by 3 people who are not members of the board or the adoption committee. A maximum of 1 photo will be chosen from each family submitting photos (unless not enough entries are received). The contest will run from July 1 – July 31. There will be a notice on the website and in the next egrey. Golf Tournament – October 17th Jeff Tucker gave us an update on the golf tournament preparation. October 17th is a Friday so we hope more people will attend the dinner and auction part, even if they do not play golf, since most will not have to work the next day. Southwyck will allow us to have dogs in the dining room. Jeff will meet with one of our new members who is experienced in fundraising. We will have a flyer for the golf tournament at the dog show and will have information about sponsoring holes, trophies, drink carts, awards, etc. We will also need auction and raffle items. Sandy Herman will coordinate the raffle and auction. Jeff will speak with Southwyck about the need for more drink carts for the players. Only one was available during the last tournament. One of our members can drive the drink cart if it carries only non-alcoholic items. Tickets for dinner only (no golf) will cost $25 and will be available online (includes lunch buffet). Fall/Winter Online Auction We will use the same auction service as last time (we will have to renew our contract with them). Auction will run from the first Sunday in November to the 2nd Monday in November. This should allow plenty of time for shipping to reach people before Christmas. Sherri Clark offered to help as an auction administrator with Sherrie Kent and Arden. Sandy asked about whether or not we will offer gift wrapping. She is willing to gift wrap items for us. The auction software doesn’t allow us to add gift wrapping charges at the “checkout” so it would be difficult for us to offer it at this time. We will think about whether or not there would be a way to include this. Travel Agency Sandy spoke about an online travel agency that approached GPAH for the purpose of possibly raising funds through them. A member would register on the travel agency website then pick GPAH as the charity recipient then proceed to rent a car or book a cruise or airline or other travel need. GPAH would then receive a percentage. After discussing this idea, it was determined that we need more information and references from other groups who have used them. Need also to check with the BBB and the IATA to see if they are an official travel agency before recommending them to our members. Other New Employee Lisa Kostrzynski will be assuming the job of office manager for GPAH. She will be working 30 hours per week (6 hours a day – 5 days a week); and it will again be a paid position. We have been extremely fortunate to have Pat Freytag fill this role for almost 4 years with no salary. Pat will work with Lisa until she is comfortable handling everything on her own. The goal is to have Lisa completely running the office by the end of the summer. At the end of 90 days we will have a review. New Board Members and other volunteer positions Arden stressed the need for getting more people involved in volunteering with GPAH especially with new members for the Board of Directors. The current officers are serving their second term and will be not be eligible for another term after 10/2016 because of term limits. To be elected as an officer, a member must have been on the board for a year. Discussed how we should recruit board members, how to demystify the process of becoming a board member, and how to let members know what board members actually do. Talked about ways to get younger members involved in the organization. Discussed holding an event inside the Loop (where many of our younger members live) with greyhounds and members. They would be able to meet each other and learn about opportunities to get further involved with GPAH. Pet Therapy at Mental Health Coop Matt Browning asked if GPAH would be interested in beginning a therapy program at the Mental Health Coop where he works The dogs would not need to be certified therapy dogs; but would need to have the right temperament (very calm). Arden is very interested in working with him on this and we will contact some of our other members who have certified therapy dogs to see if they would like to participate. Adjourned at 8:38 pm Pat moved to adjourn and Lisa seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, April 15, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Lisa Pierce Sherri Clark Kim Harrison – voting proxy to Arden Marlane Bernardo (Facetime) Guests: Sandy Herman Mark Brooks Meeting Commenced: 6:45 pm Treasurer’s Report March 2014 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donations from Phillips 66, Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, GE Foundation, Chevron, Lubrizol Foundation, iGive and o 2014 Membership Party raised funds of $4541 mainly through the auction and collar sales. o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund (January and February) and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Event supplies (but these were reimbursed by a donor) Golf Tournament deposit and 2015 Member Event deposit Collars and leashes for adoptions were purchased Green volunteers T-shirts were purchased Sherri moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Lisa seconded the motion. Approved. Financial Variance – Kenny prepared a variance report comparing 1st Q 2014 to 1st Q 2013, 1st Q 2014 to 4th Q 2013 and 1st Q 2014 to 2013 Average. . 1st Q 2014 vs. 1st Q 2013 o Largest difference: private donations were lower in 2014. st 1 Q 2014 vs. 4th Q 2013 o Significantly lower private donations in the 1st Q because of the matching gift challenge in the 4th Q 2013. On the expense side, Cost of Event was the largest difference because there was no major event in the 4th Q 2013 and the Member Event was in the 1st Q 2014. 1st Q 2014 vs. 2013 Average o Largest revenue difference: Private donations are lower in the 1st Q vs. 2014 o On the expense side the major differences were that Event Costs were higher for 1st Q 2014 and medical costs were lower. Lisa moved to approve the financials and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. Discussed asking Sharry MacLaren about sending out letters again on Membership Dues. This was very successful for 2013. Meeting Minutes – March minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Pat moved to approve the minutes and Lisa seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 24 dogs in the program (includes 8 permanent fosters), 10 are at the kennel and 6 are in regular foster or at the vet. Mama Smoke and Oakley will be adopted after their medical procedures are finished. Permanent foster Max died recently. Garth is still doing well with Sheila and George Beutell Express is in foster. His official owner is still having health issues. Express is due for shots in June. Carson is a stray from Blessing that is about 2-4 years old. She is HW positive and starting the initial treatment of doxycycline. She also is positive for Rocky Mountain Fever and we will not spay her yet. Spencer will start his HW treatment next week. Johnny is on a high dose of medicine for seizures. We will try to determine if this can be lowered. Bailey is ready to go – we will cat test again even though he lived with cats. The prior owner said that he mouthed and licked them. Niles may be able to go into foster. Cogburn was supposed to get his Babesia treatment today; but it has been changed to tomorrow Birdman is doing excellent in his foster home. Snoopy is doing great and his tail should be OK by this weekend. SPCA has a couple of greyhound crosses that GPA may take if we have kennel space. Current Adoptions, Applications 18 adoptions so far in 2014. Only 4 applications at this time. Hopefully more applications will be coming in soon. There are a couple of people interested in fostering only. . Events / Fundraising Spring Online Auction – Recap Auction made about $3000 – only a couple of people haven’t paid at this time Kathy Gloeckl and Sherrie Kent did a great job on this. . Texas A&M Open House The event was really packed with children and adults. We had good volunteers at our booth both human and canine. A couple of students are interested in adopting Storefronts The Stuebner Airline Veterinary Clinic event is becoming an official monthly event on the 2nd Sunday from 1-5. For May it likely will move to the 1st Sunday since the 2nd Sunday is Mother’s Day. Groups with cats and small dogs also participate in this event so we need to be very careful with our dogs. Question was raised if the Petco 290 Storefront could move to the 1st Sunday so that it doesn’t conflict with the Stuebner Airline event. Golf Tournament We will need to send out “Save the Date” cards sometime soon – maybe in May. Requests for sponsors will start in July We were rejected for free tickets by United Airlines. Meet and Greet – Houston Premium Outlets Meet and Greet at the Houston Premium Outlet Mall in Cypress is planned for May 4th from 11-1. The Easter Bunny photos at Sunset Animal Clinic raised $113 for GPAH. Other Database We will need to find someone else to look into getting a new database set up. Kathy Gloeckl was working on this and has some information compiled. Adjourned at 7:50 pm Arden moved to adjourn and Lisa seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Kathy Henry Sherri Clark Kim Harrison Lisa Pierce Kenny Freedman Marlane Bernardo (Facetime) Guests: Sandy Herman Meeting Commenced: 6:45 pm Treasurer’s Report January 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Walmart, Giving Works, iGive (6 years of donations), Kroger Share Program and o Received donations for the Greyt Wellness Fund and for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2014 dues and merchandise sales. Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Annual Sales Tax Tax Preparation fees Large volume of kennel drugs – HW preventative and Dewormer Cost of a new monitor Boarding over the holiday period (later reimbursed) Annual Intranet fee Annual Costco Membership fee February 2014 - Net Income for the month is negative Income o Corporate donations from Giving Works, John Dalton Racing, Safeway (Randall’s) and o Received donations of $1737 from the Membership Party as well as donations to the Greyt Wellness Fund and the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2014 dues and merchandise sales Expenses o Expenses beyond normal monthly items included: Event supplies for the membership party Large billing from Sunset Boulevard Animal Clinic for charges from April through December 2013. They gave us a significant discount. Sherri moved to approve the financials and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. Meeting Minutes – January minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. Lisa moved to approve the minutes and Arden seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We currently have 26 dogs in the program (includes 9 permanent fosters) We are limited in the number of dogs we can take in right now because of limited space available from Best Friends. We have 9 lower level kennels (generally used for the males) and 10 upper level kennels for females. If we do not have a foster home for the females after they are spayed, they need to be in the lower kennels so they do not have to jump. This further limits the number of male dogs we can take in at any point in time. Addison is at the kennel and she is very social and about 2-3 years old Birdman will be cat tested again tomorrow Deeter had another TBD (tick borne disease) blood draw today – the prior blood was sent to the wrong place Express is in foster Garth is doing well with Sheila and George Beutell Janie is great per Kathy Henry Josephine and Marlane had their canine evaluations today Linus is very happy with Pat Walker but still needs a pain evaluation Hell Yeah is in foster with Pat Freytag. Mama Smoke will get a blood test to see if it is OK to spay her. Margie’s stitches were taken out Oakley will have additional bloodwork before doing the remaining dental procedures that she needs. Snoopy will likely have a partial amputation of his tail tomorrow. Spencer is coming in tomorrow. He is about 18 months old and unfortunately is HW+ Current Adoptions, Applications 13 adoptions so far in 2014. 5 adoptions so far in March with a couple more likely this weekend. 12 applications at this time. Most need cat friendly and/or small dog friendly. Events / Fundraising St Patrick’s Day Parade Sandy and Marlane gave a report of the parade. Great volunteers who walked through a downpour at the end. Approximately 20 people and 10-12 greyhounds attended the parade. The parade officials were very complimentary of GPAH because we are always organized and have all of our paperwork prepared. Last year the Irish Wolfhounds couldn’t participate because they didn’t have their insurance Suggestion for next year is to rent the trailer earlier so that we will have one with sides (safety). Another suggestion is to have some of the dogs ride in convertibles. Member Appreciation Party Successful party with 80 adults, 21 children and 66 dogs attending. Many new adopters attending Raised about $5400 gross and $3400 net from the event for the Greyt Wellness Fund. Spring Online Auction – Starts March 30th There are only a few items left to photograph. The item descriptions and shipping information have been QC’d by Arden and Sherri at Kathy Gloeckl’s request and are ready to load. We are using the same auction software that we had for the fall auction. Texas A&M Open House The event will be March 29th from 8:30 – 4. Kathy Henry reported that she has a number of volunteers to work at the event including Brent and Jennifer Winters, Lindsay Randolph, Crystal Eng and new applicant Jason Dubman. Golf Tournament We are sending in our $200 deposit to Southwyck (same place the tournament was held in 2012) for holding the event on Friday October 17, 2014. We will need to start getting sponsors and then sign ups in July. Meet and Greet – Houston Premium Outlets We are considering another Meet and Greet at the Houston Premium Outlet Mall in Cypress on April 13th, the Sunday before Easter Other Database This is on hold until after the online auction. Possible Fundraising Event GPAH – Microchip Tim Heller had asked about a fundraiser where people would come and have their dog’s microchipped by a vet or tech with a portion of the money coming to GPAH. Discussed that two of our primary vets, Dr. Young and Dr. Wall, both felt that it is painful for the dogs and best done under anesthesia when the dog is having a dental or other procedure. Decided that it was not something that GPAH wants to pursue. YouTube Movies Pat has been making movies that showcase greyhounds. We can link to YouTube instead of loading them on Facebook. Calendar Suggestion was brought up that we have a page in the 2015 calendar that shows different GPAH events i.e. Storefronts, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Membership party, etc. Adjourned at 8:10 pm Lisa moved to adjourn and Arden seconded the motion. Approved. GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Tracy Gee Community Center 6:30 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Arden Tucker Pat Freytag Kathy Henry Sherri Clark Kim Harrison Lisa Pierce (phone) Guests: Jennifer Winters Mark Brooks Nancy Brooks Lindsay Brooks Sandy Herman Meeting Commenced: 6:50 pm Treasurer’s Report December 2013 - Net Income for the month is positive Income o Corporate donation from o Received donations of $413 for the Santa Paws photo event and an additional donation of $24 from the Online Auction (partial), plus a large contribution to the Greyt Wellness Fund because of the matching gift challenge from an anonymous member. We also had donations for the General Fund. o Additional revenue was received from 2013 dues and merchandise sales (mostly from Christmas T-shirts and calendars). Expenses o Expenses were routine for the month; however, we are still missing the billings for several months from Sunset.Boulevard Animal Clinic. Sherri moved to approve the financials and Kim seconded the motion. Approved. Financial Variance – Kenny prepared a variance report comparing 4 th Q 2013 to 4th Q 2012, 4th Q 2013 to 3rd Q 2013 and Year 2013 to 2012. . 4th Q 2013 vs. 4th Q 2012 o Main difference: cost of events because there was no golf tournament in 2013 4th Q 2013 vs. 3rd Q 2013 o Significantly higher revenue in the 4 th Q because of the matching gift challenge and significantly higher expenses in the 3 rd Q because of treatments for dogs with broken legs and intake of strays that need boarding for isolation before coming to the kennel, plus costs for older dogs that are permanent fosters. 2013 vs. 2014 o Private donations are up in 2013 primarily because of the matching gift challenge o Event costs are lower in 2013 because we did not hold a golf tournament o Kennel supplies are higher in 2013 because of having to add gates to the fences in the back of the building and a filter for the dogs water supply o Medical costs are higher in 2013 because of taking in several dogs with broken legs, older dogs, and strays that need boarding and additional care. o Overall we have been able to sustain our program without having to dip into our savings, a very good thing. Other Financial Matters – Arden will check on the status of the savings account to see if there is anywhere else we could be earning more on our money without adding risk. Meeting Minutes – December minutes were sent out prior to the meeting. . Pat moved to approve the minutes and Kim seconded the motion – Approved. Dogs Dog Status We are getting 4 new dogs in this weekend. Oakley will have x-rays before she is spayed to be safe. Great news – Santorini was adopted. Redford is still very scared outdoors. Current Adoptions, Applications 6 adoptions so far in January. 13 applications at this time. 9 came in after Christmas Mark Brooks offered to call applicants or references if we need help. Events / Fundraising Member Appreciation Party Sandy Herman will head up the auction and raffle Mark Brooks will be our auctioneer Nancy Brooks will be in charge of decorations The Junior Volunteers will help out and have a table with items to sell Zach Tucker will again be the BBQ master chef – discussed putting his business card in the goodie bags Lisa Kostrzynski is going to have a booth with her Pop Dog art and GPAH will get a percentage of her sales Kathy Henry will be in charge of the collar booth. Nancy Brooks said that GPAH has a number of used coats that were donated and they will be available for sale/donation at the party. Julie Richter has offered to bring her embroidery machine and do custom embroidery on collars/leashes. Emails about the event will go out to about 700 people and approximately 300350 people usually open them Spring Auction Spring Auction will be held March 30 th – April 6th. Kathy Gloeckl and Sherrie Kent will again head up the auction project Charity Wine Program The wine labels have been redone with the art from the Greyt Face Project. They will debut at the member event with a box/basket of the wine being included as one of the auction items The same labels will be used on scented candles that we will be able to sell at our events. Samples of the various scents for the candles were passed around to determine which ones we wanted to include. Collar Charms Kathy Henry purchased a number of charms from a woman in Israel, Keren Minz, and Keren will also donate some charms to GPAH as a result of Kathy’s purchases. Other Database Kathy Gloeckl has been researching other options for us and has 2 or 3 recommendations. Book Recommendations – Kathy Henry brought several books that were recommended by Dr. Lore Haug to share with the group Canine Behavior: A Photo Illustrated Handbook by Barbara Handelman, Decoding Your Dog: The Ultimate Experts Explain Common Dog Behaviors and Reveal How to Prevent or Change Unwanted Ones by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists Member Directory Mark Brooks brought up the idea of creating a member directory with names, address and photos of members and their dogs so that people could connect easier with other greyhound people in their area of town. Several people brought up privacy issues and we discussed that people would need to opt in to be included instead of having to opt out. Discussed how this data might be pulled from our database (not including photos) and who would maintain it. This will be discussed again at a future meeting. Adjourned at 8:15 pm Kathy moved to adjourn and Kim seconded the motion. Approved.