Managing Diabetes - Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland


Managing Diabetes - Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland
2010 Annual Report
managing diabetes. together.
Managing Diabetes: More Highs Than Lows
A note from Board Chair Debbie Hoffmann and President & CEO Helen M. Dumski
“Highs” and “Lows” are the challenges of diabetes management. Those who handle their
own diabetes care or manage the care of others know how important management is in order
to live well with the disease. It would be easy to label the year 2010 as a year of “highs” and
“lows,” given the state of the economy and the overall mood of the country. Diabetes
Partnership of Cleveland (formerly Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland), however, chose
to concentrate on our organization’s “highs” as we began our transformational journey toward
our new identity and our continued commitment to serving those in the Cleveland area affected
by diabetes.
Our transformation was set in motion in 2010 as we began to position several elements
outlined in our three-year strategic plan. These were developed during an intensive strategic
planning process in 2009. Some of these elements included updating our Aronoff Family
Resource Center, a step towards our holistic wellness center; new education programs to reach
larger numbers of clients in our community, continued development of community partnerships;
improvements to the Camp Ho Mita Koda campus; and additional outreach to Camp families.
During 2010, our Board of Directors as well as our administrative staff used our strategic plan
as a blueprint to prepare for more exciting changes in the following years.
A significant “high note” of 2010 was the continued support of and commitment from
dedicated friends like you. Together, we transformed the lives of nearly 10,000 friends, family
members and neighbors who looked to Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland for the next steps in
their diabetes care. In these pages, you will meet a few of the hundreds of people whose lives
were touched by the work we do everyday thanks to your support.
We continue to face the ever-growing challenge of meeting the needs of the one in ten
people in Northeast Ohio affected by diabetes. This challenge also includes assisting many
people we serve who are affected by the economic downturn. Since we opened our doors in
1954, we have depended on your generosity to help transform the lives of those living with
diabetes. With your help, we have built strong partnerships within the community that directly
impact those we serve. With your support, we have helped others manage diabetes.
Looking towards the future, we continue to see more “highs” than “lows” as our
strategic plan guides us, emphasizing relationships with our donors and community partner
organizations as well as strong community outreach. On behalf of everyone at Diabetes
Partnership of Cleveland including those we assist each day, thank you for being our partner in
2010 and beyond.
Debbie Hoffmann
Chair, Board of Directors
Helen M. Dumski, MA, RD, LD
President & CEO
We reached 9,917 people in 2010 through the following programs:
Diabetes Education and Support Services
Individual and Group Diabetes Education Programs
Telephone Calls
Emergency Assistance (Lend Each a Hand)
Camp Ho Mita Koda
Summer Residence Camp and Daylong Programs
Professional Education and Training
Education Programs for Diabetes Professionals and Students
Clients Served
The following pages describe our key accomplishments in each of our service
areas and also include stories about some of the clients we’ve helped, thanks
to the generous support of our donors who are recognized in this report.
Managing diabetes is a team effort. In 2010, Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland educators
worked diligently with individuals, their families and community partner organizations to solidify
healthy lifestyles and build solid collaborations for the future.
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland’s Diva program (formerly the DAGC Divas)
continued throughout 2010 with monthly themed meetings to teach and support those
living with or caring for someone with diabetes. The popular program was expanded to
include the Diabetes Ambassadors. These volunteers were trained to discuss diabetes
risk factors, symptoms and treatments to family members, co-workers and community
and church groups. The Diabetes Ambassadors helped put a friendly face on diabetes
with free 30-minute presentations available in English or Spanish.
Supporting those with diabetes includes assisting those who are under-insured or
uninsured. In 2010, our Lend Each A Hand (L.E.A.H.) emergency assistance
program saw increased demands for diabetes supplies and more urgent requests for
connections to diabetes drugs. Thanks to the generous support of individual and
foundation donors, we were able to fulfill 160 emergency requests
Diabetes affects all systems of the body, and therefore, it is natural for Diabetes
Partnership of Cleveland to team up with other health organizations in our community.
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland partnered with the Arthritis Foundation twice in
2010 to present seminars to those living with diabetes, arthritis or both. These included
discussions from experts on disease management as well as exercise demonstrations.
Our organization also joined forces with the Kidney Foundation of Ohio at 2010
World Kidney Day at the Galleria to provide health screenings and information about
healthy lifestyle changes.
A grant from the Healthy Vision Community Awards Program sponsored by the
National Eye Institute enabled Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland to convert our free
“good health” literature materials to compact discs and USB flash drives for those with
impaired vision. We also worked closely with Cleveland Sight Center, Ohio College
of Podiatric Medicine and Case Western Reserve University on a diabetes selfmanagement program for good foot health focused on “touch techniques.”
In 2010, we continued our popular “Dining with Diabetes” series in conjunction with the
YMCA of Greater Cleveland and Ohio State University Extension, which included
nutrition education as well as food demonstrations.
Thanks to your support, Bettye Moore of Willoughby Hills is living well with diabetes. Bettye
joined our Diva group soon after she was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009. While attending
Diva sessions during 2010, she learned the importance of a healthy lifestyle and subsequently
lost 38 lbs. and brought her A1c down to 6.0. Bettye says: “I was amazed that all the
education, friendship and love I received was at no charge. How can that be? I volunteer now
at Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland as my way of giving back.”
Camp Ho Mita Koda was the place to be during the summer of 2010 for 240 children and
teenagers with type 1 diabetes. Specially-trained counselors and staff welcomed campers to
the 72 beautifully wooded acres in Newbury Township, Ohio where they saw old camp friends,
met new ones and enjoyed many exciting activities, all under the watchful eyes of a full-time
medical staff. A variety of camp sessions were available to families including 3-day, 5-day, and
12-day overnight programs. In addition to activities at camp, several teenagers with type 1
diabetes enjoyed the CHMK spring Bicycle Adventure along the Cuyahoga Valley Towpath Trail.
Thanks to support from many individuals, foundations, and organizations, several improvements
were made to the 81 year-old camp. Upgrades included a new parking lot as well as a new
reach-in kitchen refrigerator. Much-needed repairs were made to the camp swimming pool, and
one of the camp’s two tennis courts was refurbished. Well before the first camper arrived in
2010, several volunteer groups generously donated their time and talents to help prepare the
camp for its 82nd year of welcoming children with diabetes.
In an effort to help parents cope with the challenges of having a child with diabetes, Camp Ho
Mita Koda implemented a monthly parent support group called TOPS (Type One Parent
Support) at the Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland office. Each month the group, led by a
psychotherapist, would delve into a different topic specific to dealing with type 1 diabetes.
Parents shared their experiences and diabetes-related resources and gained valuable insights by
learning from others in similar situations.
Thanks to your support, Teresa Criswell of Strongsville gained the self-confidence she
needed to help her son manage his newly diagnosed diabetes. “I was scared after Philip was
diagnosed with diabetes and had a lot of questions with no where to turn for answers. The
parents at the Type One Parent Support meetings gave me advice about how to handle
situations such as sleepovers, birthday parties and school. I learned a lot about diabetes from
the other group members, which helped me feel better about my decisions toward Philip’s
Thanks to your support, Teresa’ son Philip has learned to better manage his diabetes while
enjoying summer activities with his friends at Camp Ho Mita Koda. “Each day at Camp Ho Mita
Koda is filled with fun activities and people who understand diabetes. While at camp, I learn
how daily exercise helps keep my blood sugar under control. I look forward all year to camp
where I feel safe and get to see other kids going through the same things I do each day.”
At Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland, we understand that staying on top of new diabetes
research and medical developments is another important part of managing diabetes.
Throughout 2010, we offered several opportunities for those in the medical and allied health
communities to learn more about the latest developments in diabetes research and
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland’s Summer Internship Program in Diabetes
Research gives college students the unique opportunity to gain firsthand experience in
the development of diabetes research. In 2010, five undergraduate students and one
medical student worked on research projects with established investigators at area
medical facilities as well as at Camp Ho Mita Koda for children with diabetes. The
Summer Internship Program in Diabetes Research is made possible by generous bequest
from the estate of Helen Weil Ross.
Throughout 2010, we sponsored several internships for dietetic, medical and
nursing students to work closely with our clients in our office and at Camp Ho Mita
Koda. Participating interns came from Case Western Reserve University, University
Hospitals of Cleveland, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation and University of Akron. The students became familiar with our organization
and gained a real understanding of diabetes and its consequences. A valuable part of
their internship included their presenting a diabetes-related presentation for our staff.
Some of these included information on the potential link between chronic diseases and
vitamin D and an overview of gestational diabetes.
On the professional end, more than 100 nurses, dietitians, pharmacists and other health
professionals attended our 2010 Allied Health Symposium “Diabetes Matters: Steps
to Solutions.” The daylong event included presentations and lectures from experts in
diabetes management. We thank Animas Corporation and Becton, Dickinson and
Company for sponsoring two of our speakers that day.
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland’s Endocrinology Club, a gathering of area
physicians and diabetes researchers, meets quarterly to discuss new developments in
medical research as it pertains to diabetes. In 2010, more than 200 distinguished guests
attended these meetings to hear presentations from Cleveland area physicians and
Thanks to your support, Ann S. Williams, Ph.D., R.N. of Case Western Reserve University’s
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing (and a Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland board
member) was able to complete a research project that teaches people with diabetes and visual
impairment how to better care for their feet. “For those with diabetes who are blind or visually
impaired, good foot care is more difficult and, in many cases, leads to serious complications.
With help from Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland, we produced a set of recorded diabetes selfmanagement materials that we used in classes for people with visual impairment or blindness.”
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland (formerly Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland)
offers its sincere appreciation to our generous financial donors, whose gifts allow us to
continue our mission of ensuring that Greater Clevelanders with diabetes
have the support they need to live well with the disease.
The following lists reflect contributions from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010.
Annual Fund
Ms. Sylvia Adler
Mr. John Alessandro
Theodore and Dona M. Ashton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Babin
Ms. Pauline Barker
Mr. Warren Barr
Ms. Nancy Batchlet
Mrs. Ercil Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Belz
Mr. Joseph Bena
Ms. Esther M. Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Bernatowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bernbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Berry
Ms. Kathy Boland
Bonomo Family Foundation
Mr. Leo J. Boylan, Jr.
Mrs. Vicki Brochetti
Ms. Betty Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bucci
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burns
Mrs. Linda Busch
Mr. David R. Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Carlino
Ms. Melinda L. Carter
Dr. Pat Catalano & Dr. Sylvie Hauguel deMouzon
Ms. Marilyn Chase
Mrs. Nina Christman
Ms. Connie Chuhaloff
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Cohen
Mr. Tverner Collier
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cotter
Ms. Rose M. Danko
Mr. Ran Datta
Mr. Ran Datta
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Dempsey
Ms. Diane DeRubertis
Ms. Carina S. Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dickinson
Mr. Lee DiGeronimo
Mr. & Mrs. David Dobranic
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Doris
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dumski
Mr. & Mrs. George Dzurik
Ms. Sally K. Ebling
Mr. Alan Edelman
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl A. Edwards
Mrs. Joan Eigner
El Hasa Court No. 47 Daughters of Isis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Elsoffer
Ms. Marcia Emsheimer
Ms. Margaret English
Epstein Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Epstein
Mrs. Erin Eyler
Mr. Paul E. Falzone
Mrs. Elaine Feather
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fein
Mr. & Mrs. James Feiten
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Fletcher
Fetnat M. Fouad-Tarazi, MD
Mr. Joseph Fracassi
Mr. & Mrs. Luca Francescone
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frank
Mary A. and Gerald F. Franklin Sr.
Mr. John E. Fretter
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Galvin
Gannett Company
Pacita E. Gabriel Garcia, MD
Ms. Elfriede Gehring
Mr. & Mrs. M. Larry Gilbert
Mr. Brian Gillespie
Mr. Jerry Gillett
Ms. Irene Golub
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grabowski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Graeff
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Graff
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Grapo
Ms. Dorothy Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Greenis
Mr. Thomas Gubitosi
Ms. Lilly Gyulveszy
Ms. Ann Hall
Ms. Margaret Hammonds
Mrs. Elizabeth Hewit
Mr. & Mrs. John Hibshman
Ms. Debbie Hoffmann
Barbara A. Hornyak, R.D.
Daniel D. Hostetler, Jr., M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Elton Hoyt III
Mr. John Hutchinson
Iron Worker's Local 17
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Isakovic
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Izeman
Ms. Arie Jackson
Mr. Ted Jacobs
Dr. Elise Jancura
Ms. Helen M. Jaracz
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jech
Ms. Suzanne K. Johnson
Mrs. Beatrice Joseph
Mr. Henri Pell Junod, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kamins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kanner
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Karr
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Kaung
Ms. Deborah A. Kavulich
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Kay
Ms. Jean Keller
Mrs. Altomease Kennedy
Mr. David Kennedy
Ms. Shirley King
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon A. Kittrells
Mrs. Sandi Klee
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Klotzman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knight
Irene Kokotaylo
Ms. Saundra Kolt
Ms. Pat Korcheck
Mrs. Eleanor E. Krongold
Mrs. Danielle Kucharski
Mr. Paul K. Kuczkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kutina
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice G. Lader
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Laino
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Landeg
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Landies
Mr. Paul Laskovich
Victor C. Laughlin, MD Memorial Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lazzaro
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Roy Lehrke
Mrs. Dolores Leiden
Mr. Bracy E. Lewis
Ms. Marla Lipman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lommler
Ms. Anna Long
Milagros Lopez-Velez, MD
Mr. Robert L. Lovelace, Sr.
Mr. Joe Low
Ms. Beth Lucas
Ms. Carol Lucas
Ms. Terry Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. John Mack
Mr. Lawrence Mack
Ms. Ruby J. Mack
Mr. & Mrs. David Maggiore
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Maggiore
Mr. James Makowski
Mr. & Mrs. John Mallardi
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Marcus
Lynn & Ann Marcy
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Margolius
Ms. Paula R. Markowitz
Ms. Jessie L. Martin
Ms. Angela M. Marton-Crego
McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal, & Liffman
Medina Vision Centre
Mrs. Anne T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Miller
Mrs. Elaine Miller
Ms. Jane A. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Marinko Milos
Therese A. Mohorcic, RD, CDE
Ms. Dolores Monsour
Ms. Marcia Moreno
Morgan Stanley
Mr. Peter T. Morgan
Ms. Betty Morrison
The Murfey Family
Ms. Jane Murphy
Mrs. Julianne Nader
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nara
Mrs. Catherine Nasca
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nash
Christian Nasr, M.D.
Mrs. Dianne M. Noice
Ms. Margaret E. O'Brien
Leann Olansky, MD
Ms. Thelma M. Oleff
Mr. & Mrs. David Ostro
Dr. Doug Owens
Mr. Thomas Papadimoulis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Papke
Ms. Estelle Payner
PFI Displays
Ms. Rebecca N. Piotrkowski
Ms. Julia Popovich
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Postan
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Power
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Relman
Mr. Lloyd Richardson
Mrs. Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Roborecki
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Roling
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Romanowski
Ms. Sally Roseman
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rubin
Mr. John E. Rupert
Mr. Sylvester Sandacz
Ms. June Sanders
Ms. Julie A. Saracusa
Roberta Sas, RN, CDE, MEd
Mr. William Sattin
Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. Scaglione
Ms. Donna Schaaf
Mrs. Esther Schlak
Ms. Marla Schmittke
Ms. Alice H. Schneider
Dr. Suzanne A. Schneps
Mr. Howard R. Schramm
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scibana
Dr. John Sedor & Ms. Geri Presti
Marla & Joseph Shafran Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Shapiro
Mr. Mark T. Shea
Corrine Sherels, LPN
Sudheer Shirali, M.D.
Ms. Ellaree Shomo
Ruth E. Siegel, PhD
Ms. Ruth H. Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Smith
Ms. Ruth D. Souder
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Staab
Ms. Marcia Starkey
Mr. & Mrs. Ellias R. Stimac
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Stock
Morton J. and Mathile W. Stone Fund
Ms. Renei Straus
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stupiansky
Mr. & Mrs. Riaz Tarar
Ms. Theresa M. Temas
Mr. William F. Toth
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Truthan
Mrs. Joan T. Uniatowski
Ms. Bernadine Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Walek
Ms. Laura Walek
Mr. & Mrs. James Wearsch
Ms. Lori Weinstein & Mr. David Sherriff
Mrs. Betty Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weltman
Mr. George A. Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wiesenthal
Bishop & Mrs. Arthur Williams
Ms. Clarice Williams
Barbara A. Wolfe, R.D.
Ms. Beatrice Woodard
Mr. Douglas Wyer
Diane O. Yates, RD, LD
Song-Lim Yuh, MD
Ms. Margaret E. Zellmer
Mr. Jeffrey Zelman
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Zucker
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bricmont
Mrs. Bettsy Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Charvat
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Curtiss
Mr. & Mrs. Moses Dannenhirsh
Ms. Mary M. DeFino
Ms. Casie M. Downing
Ms. Debby Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dumski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Edwards
Mr. Mike Engelke
Mr. & Mrs. James Flauto
Mr. & Mrs. McDara P. Folan III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gueulette
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Herman
Mr. Roger W. Hoover
Mrs. Eileen Horowitz
Daniel D. Hostetler, Jr., M.D.
Ms. Barbara H Hoyt
George M. & Pamela S. Humphrey Fund
Mr. Peter Imrey
Ms. Louise Jesserer
Mrs. Olivia Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Keefe
Mr. John Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry M. Klotzman
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kubb
Mrs. Janice J. Laba
Mr. & Mrs. David Lehmer
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Lindeman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lyon
Ms. Kristine A. Manges
Mr. & Mrs. James Miller
Mr. John Paul Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Morris
Ms. Mary C. Nir
Mr. & Mrs. William O'Dell
Ms. Carolyn E. Perez
Mrs. Shirley Pluta
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Postan
Relational Solutions Inc.
Mr. William E. Riedel
Dr. & Mrs. James Sampliner
Mr. Dale Smith
Mr. David A Spartano
Ms. Valerie Stefancin
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Sunkel
Kathleen Tompkins, B.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tramte
Ltc. Karen S. Vogt
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Willis
Ms. Carole White-Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Zbin
Tribute Gifts
Ms. Sally E. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Adamski
Mr. & Mrs. Brandi Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Allenick
Alternate Solutions Homecare
American Greetings Corp
Ms. Karen Anzuini
Aquilegia Garden Club
Mr. Richard Armstrong
Baldwin Wallace College Women's Club
Ms. Alice Baldwin
Ms. Karen Bartolozzi
Ms. Tricia Baumgartner
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Beech
Mr. Lothar Beke
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde J. Bena
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan, & Aronoff
Ms. Colleen Bennett & Mr. Ken Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bernstein
Mr. Robert W. Best
Pam & Sandy Besunder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bitterman
Mrs. Mary Lou Blauch
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Blaugrund
Mrs. Rita J. Blaugrund
Ken Blech & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bobrowski & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bodnar
Mrs. Marianne Boeing
Ms. Corinne Bomba
Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Bordonaro
Mr. Jeremy Borger
Mrs. Lois J. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bowser
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Boxerbaum
Mr. Darren Boyle
Mr. Matthew Braidech
Mrs. Susan Bright-Belanger
Mrs. Holly Brinda
Ms. Cheryle Britton
Mr. George M. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Betty L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Bruno
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burns
Ms. Jo Ellen Burt
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Busser
Mrs. Betty J. Cable
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cadmus
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Calamia
Ms. Judith Carlson
Carr Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bill E. Cashbaugh
Mr. Grant B. Castle
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Chec
Chi Omega Alumnae Association
Mr. George Christie
City of Peoria Public Works Dept
Mr. & Mrs. David Clar
Cleveland Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Cleveland Steel Container Corp
Clinic Physician Services
Condux International
Constellation Schools
Ms. Dena Corrao
Mr. & Mrs. Santo Costanzo
Ms. Marge Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Crocker
Mr. Glen E. Danahey
Ms. Cheryl LeAnn Davis
Mrs. Julia Dawson
Ms. Rose DeAngelis
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Delman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. DeMore
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dermer
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dickinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Dickson
Ms. Sally Doman
Mr. Terrance K. Donley
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Donley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Dowell
Ms. Dee Driscole
Mr. & Mrs. Don Duell
Ms. Linda Dukes-Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dumski
Helen M. Dumski, MA, RD, LD
Mr. & Mrs. George Dzurik
Eberhard Mfg.
Ms. Nancy Ehrman
Ms. Julie Eichmuller & Mr. Andrew
Mr. Jeff Eichmuller and Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Ekmann
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Elbrand
Mr. & Mrs. John Elliott II
Mrs. Roz Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Epstein
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Fader
Harriet L. Fader, CAE
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Faiman
Ms. Judy Sacter Fair
Mr. Robert L. Fairbank, Jr.
Ms. Rosemarie Farnsworth
Ms. Elizabeth D. Fien
The Filak Family
Ms. Mary Jane Filarski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fimiani
First Federal Savings & Loan
Ms. Ashley Fisher
Ms. Tess L. Foltz
Ms. Glenna Forbes and Ms. Beth Sterosky
Ms. Lori Forst
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Fraley
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Frankhart
Ms. Charlene Fratantonio
Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Frederick, Jr.
Lynne Frederick, & Family
Ms. Jane T. Gardner
Peggy Garr, ABR, CRS
Ms. Dorothy Gates
Mrs. Chris Gaul
Ms. Kathleen Gharrity
Ms. Mary Cornelia Ginn
Mr. Bruce Glagola
Ms. Zory Glazer
Ms. Mary Godwin
Dr. Gerald Goldberg
Grady Goldstein, & Family
Janet Goodman, PhD
Ms. Elaine Goss
Dr. & Mrs. Bob F. Gradisek
Ms. Lynette Gray
Mr. Matt Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Greenis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Grosel
Dr. & Mrs. Bahman Guyuron
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Guzik
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hallo
Mr. & Mrs. James Hanson
Ms. Eleanor J. Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hejduk
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hendrickson
Herbst Electric Co.
Donald K. Herman, MD
Mrs. Dee Hildt
Ms. Elaine Hill
Mr. Julius Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hlivyak
Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Holmes
Dr. Sandra Jo Hornick
Mrs. Kara Horvat
Ms. Virginia Host
Mr. Frank Hrdlicka
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hughart
Hughes Consultants
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hyde
Mr. Anthony Iacobucci
The Imaging Center
Mrs. Lori Izeman
Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Javorsky
Mr. Brad Jeffries
Ms. Denise Johnson
Mrs. Nancy C. Johnson
Ms. Ann Kanocz
Kapalin Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kapalin
Ms. Kristen Karakul
Ms. Patricia Karres
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Keller
Kent State University Foundation
Ms. Cheryl Kerner
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kessell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kirk
Mrs. Henrietta Kirschenbaum
Mrs. Sandi Klee
Mr. & Mrs. David Kleinschmidt
Mr. Howard A. Kline
Mrs. Pat Kluck
Ms. Jen Knotts
Ms. Ann E. Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Kocorek
Helen Kopinsky
Ms. Diane Koster-Marquard
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kozma
Mr. & Mrs. John Kral
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Kramer
Ms. Helen Kuharich
Mr. & Mrs. John Kurtis
Ms. Eleanore J. Kust
Mr. & Mrs. Dorel Kuzma
Lake Erie Silver Dolphins Booster Club
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Laserson
Ms. Maureen M. Legan
Mrs. Norma Lerner
Ms. Joan Levin
Ms. Bev Levon
Mrs. Holly Lewis
Ms. Jan Lieser
Ms. Janet Litvak
Ms. Diane Lockard
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Loeb
Ms. Amy Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lommler
Mr. Greg Lopez
Ms. Patricia Cameron
Ms. Carol Lucas
Ms. Cherie Ludwig & Ms. Shelley Kmetz
Lutheran Family Services
Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern
Debbie & Buddy Macur
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Madorsky
Mrs. Anne Maggiore
Ms. Anita Mahoney & Ms. Elvira Clark
Mr. Kevin Margolis
Mrs. Megan Mariano
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Marski
Ms. Jane Martin
Ms. Diane Maslovsky
Ms. Nicole Mastrangelo
Mr. Edmund Maynard Family
The McCreery Family
Ms. Patsy McGlothlin
Mr. & Mrs. Craig McNeil and Family
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic P. Mediate
Ms. Kathleen Medvin
Mentor Yachting Club
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Mervis
Ms. Charlotte Michaels
Mr. Hans Miggo
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Miller
Ms. Terry Miller
Ms. Victoria Miller
MJM Industries
Mrs. Marie Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Mullins
Mrs. Kirsten Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Manny H. Naft
Ms. Rose Napalo
Mr. Marco Napolitano
Neway Stamping & Mfg Co
Mr. & Mrs. Chris O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Tim P. O'Brien
Ms. Susan Oelbracht
Ohio Army National Guard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ortman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe T. Ostrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Tom L. Packard
Mr. A. Pahler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Painter
Mr. & Mrs. Cy Palazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Palmer
Ms. Anne Palomaki
Ms. Meredith Panzica
Ms. Jane M. Paralusz
Mr. & Mrs. Don Park
Parma Animal Shelter Volunteers
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Payner
Ms. Ruth E. Peck
Ms. Linda Peeler
Mrs. Stella Perrine
Jan L. Pesa, & Friends
Mr. & Mrs. Don J. Pettinger
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Phillips
Ms. Nora Piotrowski
Ms. Pam Piotrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Poe
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Postan
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Prest
Ms. Blanche Price
Mr. Kenneth L. Ptak, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Puntel
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Rand
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Rawson
Drs. Ronald and Carol Ricci & Staff
Mrs. Dorothy Richards
Ms. Melanie Richards
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Richner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Rippner
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Roe
Mr. & Mrs. John Rokasy and Family
Ms. Sophie Romack
Ms. Mary Rosa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosen
Ms. Judith O. Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Ross
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Roth
Ms. Mary Lou Rouse-Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. John Ruggiero
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sakach
Ms. Lisa Satonick
Mr. & Mrs. T. P. Sauber
Ms. Alicia Schatz
Anita & Alexis Schoch
Ms. Judith Schwed
Ms. Sandra Scott
Mrs. Mary Scott
Dr. John Sedor & Ms. Geri Presti
Ms. Zelda B. Segal
Mr. Cary Seidman
Ms. Florence Sgro
Dr. & Mrs. David Shapiro
Ms. Linda M. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Shaw
Shoreline Logistics
Mr. & Mrs. John Shoup
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd B. Silver
Ms. Jeannette Slusarski
Ms. Patricia L. Smirnoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snyder
Mr. David Sobochan
Sobonya McAllister Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Solonche
Mr. Michael J. Sostarich
Spero-Smith Investment Advisors, Inc.
SS&G Wealth Management
St. Mary Magdalene Society
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Straka
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stuckert
Ms. Carolyn Suddreth
Ms. Joni Suddreth
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Sugars
Mr. & Mrs. Ed M. Thellman
Third Federal Savings & Loan
Ms. Margaret Toczek
Ms. Barbara M. Towslee
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Trejbal
The Tuskes Family
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of
Mr. Gerry Vale
Mrs. Judith P. Vanke
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Vanniel
Mr. John Vargas
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Vargo
Mrs. Pauline Vazur
Mr. John S. Veres
Ms. Jeanne J. Veverka
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Vidd
Village of Valley View
Vineland Growers Co-Op
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Violetta
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Vitek
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vogt
Dr. & Mrs. David Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wargo
Ms. Carol Washumick
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Weenink
Ms. Beth Weiner
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Weiner
Mr. & Mrs. Dale L. Weinschreider
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Weinstein
Mr. Soloman Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Weiler
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Wengel
Dr. & Mrs. Terrence L. Wenger
Ms. Claudette Whitelaw
Mrs. Vanessa Wicks
Mr. James A. Wilkens
Mr. Dale Williams
Willoughby Baseball League
Willowick Senior Center
Ms. Vicki S. Wollpert
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wyss
YMCA of Greater Cleveland
Ms. Joyce A. York
Mrs. Ruth Zake
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Zakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Zappa
Mr. & Mrs. D. Zavagno
Ms. Joann Zelch
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zwolenik
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Zych
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Mrs. Peggy Andryszak
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bak
Mr. Doug Bannerman
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Baumann
Ms. Charlyn S. Boyer
Mr. James Breznai
Mr. & Mrs. James Breznai
Ms. Janet Daly
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Deighton
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dickinson
Energy Management Specialists
Harriet L. Fader, CAE
F.O.E. Auxillary #3505
Mrs. Elizabeth Fullerman
Ms. Linda Gandee
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. George
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Mrs. Clara Guzik
Hampton Lenzini and Renwick
Horsburgh & Scott Co
Mr. Frank Hrdlicka
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Jira
Mr. David Kaufman
Ken McNeill Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Matt C. Kirbabas
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Lemmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Mackenbach
Lynne Lieberth & Mary Messina
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lyncha
Ms. Karen Maxa
Ms. Shannon McAdams
Mrs. Karin McCullough
Louise & Sandy McGinnes
Mr. Thomas Muranko
Ms. Nancy S. Pazelt
Ms. Ruth Podulka & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Alan G. Psota
Mr. Adelbert Raymond
Mr. Bill Rittman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Salamalekis
Mrs. Cheryl Stefanik
Mr. Robert Stilwell
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Syroney
Ms. Michele Tills
Mr. & Mrs. James Valentz
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Vomero
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Willis
Ms M. Joan Willis
Ms. Joanne H. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Young
Ms. Greta Ziegman
Special Contributions
Anchor Manufacturing Group
Melissa Borowy, RN
City of Beachwood
Bettsy Brown, RN, BSN, CDE
Bonne Bell Family Foundation
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
DAGC Divas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dietrich
Corinne L. Dodero Trust
Ms. Barbara Duncan
Lake West Hospital
Ms. Maumyrta Flowers
Ms. Sylvia Galizio
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Graff
Ms. Vida Habjan
Ms. Katie Hagan
Ms. Lynn Hawkins
Heinen's Retirees Club
Ms. JoEllen Hoheisel
Ms. Ann Hricko
Mr. Ted Jacobs
Ms. Carolyn Kent
Ms. Helen M. Jaracz
John Hancock Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kendel
Ms. Heidi D. Kilbane
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Koncos
Mr. Richard J. Kuhel
Mrs. Annette Laserson
The Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
Mr. Brent Lewanski
Mr. George Lianopoulos
Reuben S. Lorenzo, MD
Mandel Foundation
Mr. Gene Marsh
Ms. Imogene McCulley
Ms. Irene McGlothan
Mrs. Ethel McGuigan
Mrs. Ruth A. Melluso
Staff of Mentor Library
Ms. Brenda Mikota
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Mortimer
Mrs. Catherine Nasca
National Partnership For Women & Families
Ms. Daurine W. Noll
Order of the Eastern Star - Third District
Mr. Peter J. Pappadakes
Ms. Karen Paul
The Michael Pender Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. James Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Postan
Ms. Kelly Rieger
Ms. Shelley Rubino
Roberta Sas, RN, CDE, MEd
Mr. Joseph D Scarpitti
Ms. Donna Schaaf
Ms. Susan Schaul
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Schelling
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schrembeck
Ms. Becky Seitz
Ms. Ruth H. Siegel
Mrs. Joyce Steinhoff
Ms. Laszlo Szori
Ms. Joy Theobald
Ms. Julia Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. James Tomaszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Vigneulle
Visa Check/Master Money Antitrust
Ms. Laverne Whitworth
Willoughby Hills Veterinary Clinic
Ms. Margaret Wright
Song-Lim Yuh, MD
Mrs. Hazel B. Zickefoose
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Bedford Metal Recycling
Mr. Ben Bonanno
The Cat's Meow Village
Chagrin Falls Auxiliary #2436
CEAC Theo. F. Fins
Heights Lion Heart Lodge
Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club, Chagrin Valley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Keefe
Ms. Ashley Luke
Merchandise Mart Properties
Sealed With A Kiss
Mr. Dale Smith
St. Ann's Society #11
Mrs. Susan Norr Sunkle
Ms. Jeanne Tripp
Ms. Tricia Vance
Campership Fund:
B.A.L.D. Run
Cleveland Lodge #781 Free and Accepted
Masons of Ohio
Lester & Kathleen Coleman Foundation
Diabetes Action Research & Education
Grand Council of Royal & Select Masons
Ms. Heather M. Pycraft
Ms. Jeanne Tripp
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wagner
School Nurse Appreciation Campership
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Cohn
Ms. Sandra S. Dobos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Graff
Mrs. Eileen Horowitz
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Humel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Hurley
Dr. Karen Horowitz & Mr. Jeffrey Kahn
Ms. Ann V. Klotz
Ms. Paula Kramer
Laurel School
Mr. & Mrs. David MacGregor
Dr. & Mrs. William McHale
Mrs. Esther Oden
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Patacca
The Michael Pender Memorial Fund
Mr. Jon Ross & Dr. Elisa Ross
Mr. Terry Landis and Ms. Tracey Reed
Drs. Gary and Debra Tabas and Family
Leslie Andrews, RN, BSN, MPA
Janet Anselmo, RD, LD, CDE
Virginia Babitsky, DTR
Susan L. Barlow, RD, LD, CDE
Mr. Joseph S. Baskovic
Ms. Elizabeth Carleton
Patrick M. Catalano, M.D.
Mrs. Rosemarie Cintron
Ms. Carol Consolo
Mr. Ran Datta
Ms. Judy Dorer
Lori Dragmen, RN, CDE
Mrs. Liz Edgerton
Maryellen Eickman-Fiala, RD,LD,CDE
Charles Faiman, M.D.
Mr. Earl Fausz
Matthew P. Finneran, M.D.
Mrs. Karen Glueck
Norman W. Goldston, M.D.
Michael T. Gyves, MD
Betul Hatipoglu, MD
Debra R. Hayes, RD, CDE
Carolyn G. Holt, MSN, CDE
Byron J. Hoogwerf, M.D.
Daniel D. Hostetler, Jr., M.D.
Mrs. Marilyn Kenner
Jane E. Korsberg, MS, RD, LD
Mrs. LaVerne Lehrke
Martin Mandel, M.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Martin
Ms. Carol Mayka
Ms. Dolores Monsour
Ms. Claire Moore
Ms. Leslee Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nash
Christian Nasr, M.D.
Kenneth Nekl, MD
Ms. Irma Pangrac
Dr. Allison Petznick
Mrs. Evelyn Reuse
Douglas G. Rogers, M.D.
Mrs. Beth Rosenblum
Michele Rosich, R.N.
Joan Rupp, RD, LD
Rebecca J. Sauvey, RN,RD,CDE
Mr. Samuel M. Savin
Arthur J. Schechtman, DDS
Mr. Bradford Smith
Mrs. Patricia Smith
Rex Speerhas, RPh
Ms. Courtney Stonestreet
Ms. Diane Strickland
Joanne P. Stuimer, R.N.
Ms. Irma Sudomier
Mr. Charles Tice
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Tiffe
Mr. Chip Tighe
Ms. Margaret Turek
Mr. Steve Varrone
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Weiner
Daniel Weiss, M.D., CDE
Ann S. Williams, PhD., R.N., CDE
Mr. Charles Williams
Mrs. Laurene Young
Mr. Burt Zucker
Workplace and Federated Giving
Aetna Foundation
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving
AT & T
Community Shares
Dominion Employee Giving Program
Gannett Company
Give With Liberty
Give With Liberty Employee Giving Program
Home Depot PAC
Johnson & Johnson
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Lubrizol Foundation
Members Give powered by Just Give
Morgan Stanley
Nestle Community Care Campaign
Nestle Foundation
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
United Way of Allegheny County
United Way of Greater Cleveland
United Way of Greater Lorain County
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
United Way of Greater Union County
United Way of Lake County
United Way of Summit County
United Way of West Central Connecticut
The Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Nephrology Foundation
Cuyahoga County Board of Health
Giant Eagle Foundation
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Ohio
Macro International Inc.
Sisters of Charity Foundation
United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland
The Wuliger Foundation
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Children's Guild
Lincoln Electric Foundation
The Murch Foundation
Ohio Attorney General
Old Stone Church
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Northeastern Ohio
S.K. Wellman Foundation
Industry Support
Abbott Labs
Amylin Pharmaceuticals
Bayer Diabetes Care
Becton Dickinson
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Case Western Reserve University School of
Edwards Healthcare Services
Eli Lilly & Company
Home Diagnostics
Lifescan, Inc.
Medco Health Solutioons
Medtronic Minimed
Michel Skin Care Enterprises
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Roche Diagnostics
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Santarus Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
of Francine R. Cole
of Richard Haber
Jaworski Trust
of Anne Mackulin
of Edith Neiditz
Estate of Richard A. Peterka
Estate of Hilda A. Schmuck
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Alice M. Battles Fund
25th Annual Swim for Diabetes
Title Sponsor
Honorary Co-Chairs
Diana Munz
Jerry Holtrey
Gold Medal Sponsors
Olympian Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
Titanium Sponsors
Copper Sponsors
Akron Beacon Journal/
BD Medical
Nobbynees Ltd.
Home Team Sponsors
Beachwood Buzz
Cleveland Magazine
Grant Thornton LLP
Lake Health
Neighbor News
Retina Associates of Cleveland
Star Beacon
Tate Davidson Photographic
The Morning Journal
West Side Leader
Special Donations
Barbara & Martin Zweig, in memory of Sydney J. Zweig
Bob J. Munz Memorial Fund
Special Thanks
Pool Directors
Pool Leaders
Pool Volunteers
Tony Frazer
SCUBA Special Thanks
Aqua Amigos Dive Club
19th Annual Golf Tournament
Presenting Sponsor
Bill Murman
Cliff Baggott
Ward Dumm
Paul Graff
Scott Holton
Gary Lichtenstein
Ryan Lichtenstein
Jim Marra
Dinner & Awards Sponsor
Luncheon Sponsor
RBC Financial Group
Photo Sponsor
Peggy Garr, Howard Hanna
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Porsche of North Olmstead
Raffle Ticket Sponsor
Legacy Village
Hosted by
Canterbury Golf Club
Tee Sign Sponsors
Barnes Wendling
Boehm Pressed Steel
Bill Murman, RBC Wealth Management
Boehm Pressed Steel
Cleveland Steel Tool
Consolidated Graphics Group, Inc
Fairmount Minerals
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
Highland Consulting
Legacy Village
New Balance
Pinnacle Auto Transport, Ltd.
Porsche of North Olmsted
RBC Wealth Management
Retina Associates of Cleveland
The Todd Organization
Dr. Steven P. Marsh
SportsTime Ohio
Akron Symphony Orchestra
Alfredo’s International Hair Design
Anatomy Nightclub
Arnold Palmer Enterprises
Banchee & Rascol Jewelry Design
Bill Murman
Bistro On Main
Blame The Moon
Bradford Portraits
Branding Iron Cookhouse
Bunker Hill Golf Course
Carina Diamond
Carol Milgram
Chessie’s Salon
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Cinemas
Cleveland City Dance
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Zoological Society
Auction Donors
Creekside Restaurant
Crowne Plaza Cleveland City Centre
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Dallas Cowboys Charities
Danny's The Hair Salon
Dewey’s Pizza
Doogan’s of Aurora
Dr. Steven P. Marsh
Embassy Suites Cleveland Rockside
Evolution Yoga Studios & Boutique
Fish Furniture Shops
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
Gary Lichtenstein
Grovewood Tavern
Hyde Park
Improv Comedy Club and Restaurant
Jack’s Deli & Restaurant
John Roberts Salon
Julie Dawson
King Nut Companies
Lake County Captains
Lake Metroparks
Lakeland Community College
Lolly The Trolley
Marriott Cleveland Airport
Mitchell's Ice Cream
Pat Joyce-Portraits by Pat
Phoenix Theatres
Pickwick & Frolic Restaurant and Club,
Home to Hilarities 4th Street Theatre
Pine Hills Golf Club
Quintana's Barber & Dream Spa
Ralph DellaRotta Jr.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Scott Holton
Second Sole
Shaker Square Popcorn Shop Factory
Steven P. Marsh, DDS
Susan Skove
The Melting Pot
Trolley Tours of Cleveland
Whirlyball-Laser Sport
Wolf Investors LLC
Event Donors
John Hancock Financial Services
Victor Rauser
Special Thanks
Ahmed Aly
Paul Graff
Michael Kernicki, PGA
Susan Sunkle
Renee Thornbrugh
Backpack Bivouac XIX
benefitting Camp Ho Mita Koda
Anne Harmody
Kay AuWerter
Val Durica
Janel Miller
Michelle Ryb
Sarah Snow
Tricia Vance
Table Sponsors
Michelle and Alex Constable
Bill Crowley
Carina S. Diamond and Dr. Gary T. Kutsko
Colleen and Ward Dumm
Sharon and Steven Gerbasi
Marilyn and Paul Graff, Jr.
Anne and Mark Harmody
Debbie and Andrew Hoffmann
Dr. Karen Horowitz and Jeffrey Kahn
Karen and John Kirk
Kathy and Jim Pender
Medtronic Diabetes
Oswald Companies
Kay and Richard Oxford
Tricia Vance
Auction Donors
African Safari Wildlife Park
Lindsey Cottone
Akron Aeros
The Courtyard - Brecksville
Akron Civic Theater
Crowne Plaza Cleveland South
Alpine Valley Ski Area
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Amazone Family Entertainment Center
Daffin's Candies
American Hot Rod Races
Danny's: The Hair Salon
Apple American Group LLC
Dave & Buster's
Dewitt's Jewelery
Auntie Anne's
Carina S. Diamond
Auto Zone
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Doris
Kay Auwerter
Doubletree Hotel Cleveland
Beau Coiffure
Dr. Phil Foundation
Bella Toccare de' Spa & Salon
Dunham Tavern Museum
Bolotins Furniture
Valerie Durica
The Bonfoey Gallery
Edible Arrangements
Bonne Bell
Emerald Woods Golf Course
Boston Mills/Brandywine
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
First Watch
The Brew Kettle Taproom & Smokehouse
Fish Furniture
Buhl Mansion Guesthouse & Spa
Fox And Hound English Pub & Grille
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Frames Unlimited
Butterfly House/Island Transportation
Freaky Family Fun
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
Freeway Lanes
Carnegie Science Center
Gateway Clipper Fleet
Carrie Cerino's Ristorante and Party Center
Gibs Floral
Chagrin Valley Recreation Center
Goldstein's Furniture & Bedding
Chagrin Valley Roller Rink
Great Lakes Brewing Company
Cheesecake Factory
Great Wolf Lodge
The Children's Museum of Cleveland
Green's Floral
Cleveland Browns
Hampton Inn - Erie
Cleveland Cavaliers
Hampton Inn - Youngstown
Cleveland Cinemas
Hampton Inn & Suites - Pittsburgh
Cleveland Metroparks
Hampton Inn Downtown Cleveland
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Nancy Haydoo
The Cleveland Play House
Debbie Hoffmann
Cleveland Public Theatre
The Holden Arboretum
Cleveland Zoological Society
Houlihan's of Cleveland Ltd.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Constable
Improv Comedy Club & Restaurant
Cookies by Design
Inspired Bodies Pilates
J. Alexander's Corp.
John Q's Steakhouse
John Roberts Salon & Spa
Julia's Bed & Breakfast at Pine Lakes
Mr. J. Kahn & Dr. K. Horowitz
La Barberia
Lake County Captains
Lake Erie Crushers
Lake Erie Monsters
Lake Metroparks
Laskey's Furniture
Ken Lee
Lertikal Productions
The Lodge at Geneva on the Lake
Lowe's Greenhouse
Mally Beauty
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Mameco division of Tremco Inc.
Maria Giallanza Salon
Nikki Maschke
Max & Erma's - Mentor
The Melting Pot
Miller Ferries to Put-in-Bay
Miracle Shield
Mitchell's Ice Cream - Rocky River
Mitchell's Ice Cream - Westlake
National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc.
Nautica Queen
Omaha Steaks
The Painted Penguin
Pampered Chef
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Paula Deen Enterprises
Petitti's Garden Centers
Philadelphia Candies
Pickwick and Frolic Restaurant and Club
Pine Lakes Golf Club
Pizza Hut
Pizzazz on the Circle
Playground World
The Powder Room
Premier Designs Jewelry
Premier Jewelry
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Quaker Steak & Lube
Radisson Hotel - Sharon
Janel Rauso-Miller
Red Maple Inn
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
The Ritz Carlton
Roseland Lanes
RPM International Inc.
Roger D. Ruch
Sam Ash Music Corp.
Snow Trails
Todd Steele
Melissa Stenoff
Steven P. Marsh, DDS, Inc.
RaeAnne Stock
Strongsville Golf
Sweet Mango
Tano's Salon
Thunderbird Hills Golf Club
Tom's Shoes
Trolley Tours of Cleveland
Tricia Vance
Village Auto Wash
Weathervane Community Playhouse
Weingartner's Floral
Western Reserve Bread Company
Western Reserve Historical Society
Western Reserve Historical Society - Bath
WhirlyBall - Laser Sport
The Winner
Wise Foods
Event Donors
Kathleen Breen
Jacquie and Greg Dickinson
Valerie and Bill Durica, Jr.
Epstein Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Faiman
Ashley and Michael Fisher
Paul Merik
North American Breweries
Susan Sunkle
26th Annual Promenade
Tammy Coney
Honorary Co-Chairs
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoffmann
Roma Aronoff
Laurie Aronoff
Roma Aronoff
Tammy Coney
Jill Buchanan
Peggy Garr
Venera Izant
Molly Kraynik
Rose McGee
Maria Molnar
Evet Rodriguez
Barbara Silverberg
RaeAnne Stock
Ballroom Table Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maschke
Retina Associates of Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sukenik
The Cleveland Clinic Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute
The Cleveland Clinic Pediatric Institute and Children's Hospital
The Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals
The MetroHealth System
Samba Table Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. George Aronoff
Cleveland Clinic Department of Cell Biology
Grant Thornton
Huron Diabetes Center
Iceland USA
Tango Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laino
Photography Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. George Aronoff
Patrick Catalano, MD, Honorary Director
Douglas Rogers, MD, Director of the Year
Karen Horowitz Kahn, MD, Board Leadership in Development Award
Andrews Osborne Academy, Volunteer of the Year
WOIO -19 Action News, Media Award
Special Thanks
Rebecca Sweet, Viva dance! Studio
Professional Dancers
Jennifer Halstead, Fred Astaire - Northfield
Gordon Kwan, Avon Ballroom
Heriberto Perez, Viva dance!
Andy Slimak, Fred Astaire – Northfield
Rebecca Sweet, Viva dance!
Ilia Volokh, WHYM
Lisa Vegas, American Dance Exchange
Celebrity Dancers
Jenn Harcher
Jill Katzenberg
Cyril Kleem
Tonia Kwiatkowski
Dominique Moceanu
Chris Van Vliet
Fred Vander Peet
Kevin Joseph Kelly
Frank Leo
William Wymer
Darielle Snipes, WKYC Reporter
Akron Aeros
Akron Civic Theater
Alson Jewelers
Amazone Family Entertainment Center
Auction Donors
Anatomy Nightclub & Ultra Lounge
Arnold Palmer Enterprises
Mrs. Roma C. Aronoff
Audrey's Sweet Threads
Bamboo Garden
Banchee & Raskol Jewelry Designs
Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa
Berger & Silver Jewelers
The Black Orchid
Body Wave Pilates
The Bonfoey Gallery
Bonnie's Goubaud
Branding Iron
Carol Ungvarsky Interior Design
Carrie Cerino's Ristorante and
Party Center
CWRU Theater Department
Chagrin Valley Roller Rink
The Children's Museum of Cleveland
Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Cleveland Cinemas
Cleveland City Dance
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Public Theatre
Joseph Coney, MD
Cookies by Design
Creekside Restaurant & Bar
Crowne Plaza City Centre
Crowne Plaza Cleveland South
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Danny's: The Hair Salon
Details Accessory Gallery
Dewey's Pizza
Dewitt's Jewelery
Dick Kleinman Fine Art Gallery
Dolce Wraps
Doogan's of Aurora
Doubletree Hotel Cleveland
Helen M. Dumski, MA, RD, LD
Dunham Tavern Museum
Dunn Hardware & Home Center
Embassy Suites Rockside
Emerald Woods Golf Course
Esthetica Salon
Everybody Eats
Fire Food & Drink
Fish Furniture
Freeway Lanes
Great Lakes Theater Festival
Harry Buffalo
Harry's Steakhouse
Hilton Cleveland East
Home Entertainment Solutions
Improv Comedy Club & Restaurant
InterContinental Hotel and Conference
J. Alexander's Corp.
Joe's Deli
Joey's Restaurant
John Roberts Salon & Spa
Julia’s Bed & Breakfast
King Nut Companies
La Barberia
La Coiffe
Lake County Captains
Lake Erie Monsters
Lake Metroparks
Mr. Ken Lee
Let's Dance Cleveland
Liquid Planet - Edgewater
Loganberry Books
Lowe's Greenhouse
Lucky Shoes
LZL Interiors
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Mandel JCC
Mrs. Nikki Maschke
Max & Erma's
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Milgrim
Mitchell's Ice Cream – Rocky River
Mitchell's Ice Cream - Solon
Mitchell's Ice Cream - Westlake
Ms. Marcia Moreno
Moxie Hair Design
Mulholland & Sachs
National Baseball Hall of Fame
Nautica Queen
Norm Friedman
Petitti's Garden Centers
Pickwick and Frolic Restaurant and Club
Pine Hills Golf Club, Inc.
Pine Lakes Golf Club
Pizzazz on The Circle
Playground World
Playhouse Square Foundation
Playmatters Toys
Portraits By Pat Joyce
Quintana's Barber & Dream Spa
Rider's Inn
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Roseland Lanes
Rustic Restaurant
Sam Ash Music Corp.
Larry Singerman, MD
Larry & Margaret Singerman
Snow Trails Ski Resort
Steven P. Marsh, DDS, Inc.
The Stone Oven
Studio MZ
Table 45
Tano's Hair Salon
TASTE Restaurant & Lounge
The Cheesecake Factory
The Lodge at Geneva on the Lake
Trolley Tours of Cleveland
University Dermatologists
Viva dance! Studio
Village Auto Wash
Weathervane Community Playhouse
Western Reserve Historical Society
WhirlyBall - Laser Sport
WHYM Dance Movement & More
Wolf Investors
Yours Truly
Event Donors
Applied Industrial Technologies
Jacquie and Greg Dickinson
Harriet and Alfred Fader, MD
Lola and Melvin Kamins
Key Private Bank
The Michael Pender Memorial Fund
Ms. Susan Norr Sunkle
Lesley and Thomas Venturella
Ellen and Daniel Zelman
Sandra and Burton Zucker
Beneficiary Events
Applied Industrial Technologies
Association of Indian Physicians of Northern Ohio (Sandhia Varyani, MD)
Chick-fil-A of Macedonia
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Indians Fill the House for Charity
Flatbush Reunion
Lake County Captains
Mickey’s Around the Corner Saloon (Douglas Kupec, Robert Heiss, Matthew Thomas)
Steven P. Arnold Walkathon, Beta Theta Pi-CWRU
Designated for Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Blue Knights Chapter XV
Chagrin Valley Woman’s Club
Greenville Inn, Amanda and Phil Siegel
Houlihan’s of Cleveland, Inc. Golf Outing, Chris and Dennis Bohrer
Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club, Chagrin Valley Chapter
In-Kind Donors
Brandan Baki
Consolidated Graphics Group, Inc.
John’s Photography
Suzanne K. Johnson
Lifebalance Enterprises Inc.
Schneider, Smeltz, Ranney & LaFond
Camp Ho Mita Koda:
Animas Corporation
Becton Dickinson
Stephen Burgen, MD
Bruce Christman
Cleveland Clinic
Ajuah Davis, MD
Chuck DiStaulo
Ward Dumm
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Durica
Amy Edwards, MD
Eli Lilly
Dennis Frampton
Emily Geib, DO
Sharon Gerbasi, RN
Steve Gerbasi, Cleveland Industrial Group
Paul Graff
Greater Lake County Young Marines
Rose Gubitosi-Klug, MD
Anne Harmody & Family
Anzar Haider, MD
Danielle Hange, DO
Karen Horowitz, MD
Tracy Ivy, MD
Kenston High School Swim Team
Doug Kerr, MD
Key Bank
John Klein
Kayla Koontz, MD
Vivenne Leyco-Policarpio, MD
Maria Madden, MD
Rachel Mathew, MD
Alison Matthew, MD
Julie McClave, MD
Meghan McGarry, MD
Medtronic Minimed
Adi Mehta, MD
Bill Nagode, Exactitude Home Repairs & Services
Sumana Narasimhan, MD
Bill O’Donnell & Family
PriceWaterhouse Coopers
Roche Diagnostics
Dave Roberts, MD
Doug Rogers, MD
Rockwell Automation
Craig Rosala, Northeast Ohio Carpenter's Training Trust Fund
Sanofi Aventis
Dick Schmidt
Sapna Shah, MD
Mario Skugor, MD
Don Styka, Tarkett North America
Naveen Uli, MD
Kirstin Weerdenburg, MD
Robert Zimmerman, MD
Terry Zimmerman, MD
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists.
Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions and inform
the office at (216) 591-0800 so that we may correct our records.
Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland
(formerly Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland)
(Based on audited financial statements* for year ended December 31)
Operating Revenues
Grants, Contributions and Bequests
Special Events-Net
Program Revenue
Donated Goods & Services
United Way Allocation
Investment Income
Membership Dues, Sales, Misc Income
Operating Expenses
Program Expense
Management and Administration
2010 Operating Revenue: $1,947,792
United Way
Goods &
2010 Operating Expenses: $1,963,066
Dues, Sales,
Misc. Income
*Full audited financial statements from 2010 and 2009 are available at
2010 Leadership
Board of Directors
Debbie Hoffmann
Gary Lichtenstein
Roger Ruch
James R. Pender
Past Chairman:
John Kirk
Kim Behm, RN, CDE
Patrice Blakemore
Joseph W. Boatwright IV
Joseph Coney, MD
Wanda Cruz-Knight, MD
Mark C. Dawson
Carina Diamond
Charles A. DiStaulo
Ward Dumm
Larry Gilbert
Philip N. Goldberg, MD
Paul Graff
Theodore Gullia, Jr.
Anne Harmody
Richard J. Hauer, Jr.
Karen Horowitz, MD
Kenneth G. Laino
Dave Lasko
Jack Maschke
Marcia Moreno
Diana Munz
William Murman
Leann Olansky, MD
Dave Roberts, MD
Monica Robins
Lauren Rock
Douglas Rogers, MD
Juan Sanabria, MD
Jeffrey Schelling, MD
Pamela E. Smith
Sara Snow, MS, RD, LD, CDE
Todd Steele
Bradley Stetzer, DO
RaeAnne Stock
Donna Taliaferro
Tricia Vance
Lori Weinstein
Dan Zezena
Robert Zimmerman, MD
Helen M. Dumski, MA, RD, LD
Lori Izeman
MaryAnn Nicolay, DTR, BA
Ruth Dobranic
Suzanne Johnson
Tammy Randall, MS, RD, CDE
Melinda Carter
Jan Laba
Dyhann Rhodes, RN, BSN
Tracy Francescone
Anne Maggiore
Susan Woodford
Julie Hewitt
Bill Nagode
Siri Zimmerman, MS, RD, LD
President & CEO
Development Specialist
Annual Fund/Grants Manager
Director of Camp & Youth
Special Events Manager
Director of Operations
Administrative Assistant
Director of Finance
Camp Caretaker
Health Educator
Director of Education
Nurse Educator
Camp Director
Nutrition Educator
Annual Report Copywriter: Stacey Hader Epstein
3601 S. Green Rd., #100
Cleveland, OH 44122
Phone: (216) 591-0800
Fax: (216) 591-0800