Willy the Wet Wacky Weasel


Willy the Wet Wacky Weasel
Willy the Wet
Willy wanted a wax wing so he bought one. when willy the wet wacky weasel got the
waxwing. IT WENT CRAZY!
Willie the wet weasel wonders weekly to the waterfall to see his friend the wood cock
and his friend the worm to walk to his wickiup for the show wheel of fortune. When the
weatherʼs bad they wonder around his wickiup.
While Wally was walking he met up with Wilbur the whale shark and Wilfred the
waxwing. He bought some waffle shoes.
Willies whale friend was weak minded so he went to the bathroom to wet his whale
face. He felt better than before . They all went to Willies to watch wheel of wow. After
that willy left.
On the way home he found some wonder lizards. They were all different kinds.
Willy bought a welcome mat. At Walmart . With a side of waffles.
Willy needs to go get some wheels for his wagon. At the wheel store.
Willy the wet weasel meets a new wheels in the wheel store.
He found a willow tree near his wigwam.
Willy the wet weasel found some chicken wings on the willow tree.
Willy was bitten by a wolf spider . Willy went to the Walmart hospital.
When he came home he was very sick.
Then he was stung by wasps because he was eating honeycombs.
willy was found by wolferines and wolves. They took him to the cave.
Then he goes scuba diving he gets stung by a wolf eel .
Willy the wet weasel screamed and died.