Info EG Bil. 1/2011


Info EG Bil. 1/2011
Chief Editor’s Note
Assalamualaikum, Salam
Kegemilangan and Salam
1Malaysia: People First,
Performance Now.
Welcome to the first issue of
Info EG for the year 2011!
This year marks the start of the 10th Malaysia Plan.
Being one of the four pillars of National Transformation,
namely 1Malaysia: People First, Performance Now,
Government Transformation Programme (GTP), Economic
Transformation Program (ETP) and 10th Malaysia Plan, it
sets new heights of expectations on the Malaysian Public
Sector. The 10th Malaysia Plan introduces the “Wholeof-Government” implementation approach which calls
for Public Sector agencies to work together towards
achieving an integrated Government to provide best-inclass public services to citizens. The quantum leap in the
plan will see the ICT sector shift from the vertical to the
horizontal dimension.
Included in this issue are articles on two of the projects
that will be implemented under the 10th Malaysian Plan.
The first is 1Gov*Net initiative by the Government to
provide a single network infrastructure for all Government
agencies. The other project highlighted is Government
Regional Electronic Advancement Transformation
(G.R.E.A.T) which aims to replicate the implementation
of eKL to other regions in Malaysia. Both of these projects
are in line with the Government’s effort to support
integrated and connected government.
The other articles included in this issue are
MyGovXchange or MGX which functions as a Public
Service Gateway delivering Government services through
an integrated and connected Klang Valley, integration of
the Human Resources Management Information System
(HRMIS) with other business applications as well as the
achievements of one of the electronic Governments
flagship projects, ePerolehan, after 10 years of
Also included are updates on several innovative initiatives
by public sector agencies that support the agenda to
expand the utilisation of ICT across a broad spectrum of
Government operations. These involve the development
of systems and applications related to areas such as health
education, external trade and community development.
I would like to thank all contributors and relevant agencies
in making this publication possible.
Enjoy Reading!
Dato’ Dr. Nor Aliah Mohd Zahri
Editorial Board
Government Regional Electronic Advancement Transformation (G.R.E.A.T.)
Dato’ Dr. Nor Aliah Mohd Zahri
Deputy Director General (ICT)
MyGovXchange (MGX) : Gateway to Government Electronic Submission
and Electronic Payment
HRMIS Integration with Public Sector Business Applications System
ePerolehan - A Decade of Driving Public Procurement Excellence
Ms Parmjit Kaur
Director, EG Development and
Management Division
eLearning in Health Education
Sistem Pertukaran Guru (e-GTukar)
Assistant Editors:
MATRADE Incoming Buying Mission (IBM) System
Ms Susie Dorai Raj
Ms Siti Noorasmah Hashim
Ms Poon Ai Phin
Ms Norasikin A Wahab
Satellite Images For Bigger Fish Catch
Pustaka 1Malaysia : Touch Point to Connect Communities with Knowledge
Resources and Services
Dato’ Mohamad Zabidi Zainal
Director General
Chief Editor:
JAN - JUNE 2011
management and monitoring of the network and
customer relationship management or CRM.
An early initiative of 1Gov*Net is the establishment of
a centralised Network Operation Centre to coordinate,
maintain and monitor the entire Public Sector network.
This makes the monitoring and control of network
activities easier, more comprehensive and regulated and
helps the operations team be more proactive.
By The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and
Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
1Gov*Net is a Government initiative to develop a Public
Sector ICT network infrastructure that will be centrallymanaged and providing data communication, voice and
video services (or unified communications). This network
will not only be used to facilitate communications
between Government agencies, but also to support
mobile computing and enhanced security on access to
Government applications.
The Government needs to provide a big budget
allocation with the high demand by agencies to develop,
upgrade and widen network coverage. Through the
implementation of 1Gov*Net, the Government is able
not only to save costs but also provides uniformity in
terms of infrastructure and services.
Author:Puan Zaiha Mat Noor
ICT Shared Services Division
The establishment of the 1Gov*Net is to realize our
Prime Minister’s aspiration to
create one integrated network specifically for the use of
Government agencies nationwide. The development of this
network will involve the integration of existing networks such
as the EG*Net, the Putrajaya
Campus Network (PCN) and
other wide area networks
(WAN) and Intranets used
Implementation of the 1Gov*Net
will be carried out in stages.
The 1Gov*Net will act as
a platform for accessing to
Electronic Government (EG)
applications, agency’s internal
applications and also to the
Internet. This platform facilitates
between Government agencies
but also between Government
agencies and citizens.
There are four (4) focus areas
in implementing the 1Gov*Net.
First, it will provide integrated
network services that will have
a long-term impact on delivery
services. Apart from this,
network security, centralised
(EG*Net Rebranding)
Jobs Malaysia
Single Link
Diagram 1 : Concept of 1Gov*Net
Current Scenario :
Government agencies have
to manage several networks
Future : 1Gov*Net
(Single network)
Services in a
single link
Diagram 2 : Transformation 1Gov*Net Network
JAN - JUNE 2011
Oleh Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran dan Perancangan Pengurusan Malaysia (MAMPU)
nisiatif eKL yang diterajui oleh MAMPU sejak
tahun 2007 memperkenalkan konsep No Wrong
Door bertujuan untuk menampilkan identiti
tunggal Kerajaan “Satu Kerajaan Pelbagai Agensi”
kepada pelanggan terutamanya rakyat Malaysia. Inisiatif
ini adalah satu usaha meningkatkan sistem penyampaian
perkhidmatan agensi-agensi Kerajaan bagi membolehkan
pelanggan menikmati perkhidmatan daripada Kerajaan
dengan mudah dimana saja dan pada bila-bila masa.
perkhidmatan adalah di agensi-agensi Kerajaan di
kawasan Lembah Klang yang meliputi tiga (3) negeri
iaitu Selangor (Daerah Petaling, Klang, Gombak, Hulu
Langat, Kuala Langat, Kuala Selangor dan Sepang),
Wilayah Persekutuan (Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya) dan
Negeri Sembilan (Nilai). Matlamat yang hendak dicapai
adalah supaya agensi-agensi Kerajaan dilihat sebagai
satu entiti yang bersepadu, terselaras (well-coordinated),
berpengetahuan (well-informed) dan mesra pelanggan.
Pelanggan boleh berurusan dengan agensi Kerajaan
melalui pelbagai saluran perkhidmatan untuk mendapat
kepuasan melalui tindakan yang cekap daripada anggota
Perkhidmatan Awam. Harapan Kerajaan, inisiatif ini
akan dapat meningkatkan daya saing negara, dengan
meningkatkan kedudukan Malaysia di tangga teratas
dalam kategori penyampaian perkhidmatan.
eKL berjaya meraih pelbagai pengiktirafan di peringkat
kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Di antaranya adalah:
a. Asia Government Technology Awards 2009 bagi
kategori Technology Leadership;
b. Public Service Empowerment Through Mobility
Innovation dalam inOvation Malaysia 2009
c. Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2009 bagi kategori
JAN - JUNE 2011
d. MSC Malaysia APICTA 2010 Awards kategori Best
of e-Government & Services;
e. eIndia 2010 Citizen Awards bagi kategori eGov,
mGovernance Initiative of the Year;
f. Prestasi Cemerlang Malaysia Government Portals
and Websites Assessment (MGPWA) Tahun 2009
dan 2010; dan
g. Prestasi Cemerlang Berterusan MGPWA Tahun
2005 - 2010.
Selama lebih dari tiga (3) tahun pelaksanaan, eKL telah
membangunkan pendekatan dan model yang tersendiri
yang boleh diguna pakai bagi tujuan menambah baik dan
meningkatkan panyampaian perkhidmatan. Pendekatan
dan model ini akan membolehkan inisiatif eKL dan
projek-projek dibawahnya diperluaskan ke peringkat
kebangsaan, iaitu luar dari Lembah Klang.
Keberkesanan pendekatan dan model pelaksanaan
inisiatif eKL dijangka dapat diperluaskan dan seterusnya
mentransformasikan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan
Kerajaan. Bab 7 dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10
(RMKe-10) yang bertajuk ‘Mentransformasikan Kerajaan
Ke Arah Mentransformasikan Malaysia’, Jadual 7-1,
Kerajaan telah menggariskan mengenai peluasan
inisiatif eKL untuk memberi tumpuan kepada kawasan
pertumbuhan ekonomi yang strategik di bawah
program Government Regional Electronic Advancement
Transformation (G.R.E.A.T).
G.R.E.A.T akan mewujudkan sistem penyampaian
perkhidmatan Kerajaan yang disatukan melalui
pendekatan No Wrong Door bagi menyokong
pertumbuhan ekonomi negara terutama di lima (5)
wilayah ekonomi iaitu Wilayah Ekonomi Iskandar Malaysia,
Wilayah Ekonomi Koridor Pantai Timur, Wilayah Ekonomi
Koridor Utara (NCER), Wilayah Ekonomi Koridor Tenaga
Diperbaharui Sarawak (SCORE) dan Wilayah Ekonomi
Koridor Pembangunan Sabah (SDC). Objektif G.R.E.A.T
adalah untuk:
a. Memperluaskan konsep transformasi penyampaian
perkhidmatan agensi-agensi di kawasan Lembah
Klang (termasuk inisiatif eKL) ke agensi-agensi
di lima (5) wilayah ekonomi berdasarkan konsep
b. Menginovasikan perkhidmatan online baru dengan
mengkonsolidasi dan mengintegrasi perkhidmatan
online yang merentasi agensi di setiap wilayah
dan menfrancaiskan perkhidmatan online antara
wilayah dan juga antara wilayah-wilayah dan
Lembah Klang;
c. Mensasarkan peningkatan bilangan perkhidmatan
online yang efisien, berkualiti, selamat dan mesra
pelanggan sebanyak 90% menjelang 2015 di lima
wilayah; dan
d. Memastikan tahap penggunaan mencapai 90%
menjelang 2015.
Bagi menjayakan
berperanan untuk:
a. Mengkonsolidasi, mengintegrasi, menghubungkait
dan menginovasikan perkhidmatan online di lima
(5) wilayah bagi memudahkan agensi terlibat
memberi perkhidmatan yang mudah kepada rakyat,
komuniti peniaga dan komuniti pelabur;
b. Melaksana dan menyokong persetujuan kolaborasi
strategik merentasi wilayah dan Lembah Klang;
c. Meneraju usaha mempromosikan perkhidmatan
online kepada rakyat, komuniti peniaga dan komuniti
pelabur asing dan tempatan bagi meningkatkan
penggunaan perkhidmatan online; dan
d. Mempermudahkan proses pelaburan di wilayahwilayah menerusi perkhidmatan online bagi
menyokong pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayahwilayah berkenaan dan seterusnya mencapai
negara berpendapatan tinggi.
Agensi-agensi Kerajaan bertanggungjawab untuk:
a. Bekerjasama dan memberi komitmen padu kepada
program G.R.E.A.T.;
b. Memberi sokongan dari segi memobilisasikan
pasukan projek agensi bagi program G.R.E.A.T;
c. Memastikan kesediaan sistem back-end agensi
d. Merancang
Perubahan di agensi masing-masing; dan
e. Bekerjasama mempromosikan perkhidmatan online
G.R.E.A.T dan agensi.
Pelaksanaan G.R.E.A.T akan memberi impak kepada
peningkatan bilangan perkhidmatan online yang efisien,
berkualiti, selamat dan mesra pelanggan. Ia dijangka
mampu memberi impak yang tinggi dan menjadi saluran
alternatif kepada rakyat, komuniti peniaga dan pelabur
serta Kerajaan. Ini termasuk:
a. Memudahkan rakyat, komuniti peniaga dan pelabur
berurusan dengan agensi-agensi Kerajaan dalam
wilayah berkenaan dan antara wilayah;
b. Meningkatkan pertumbuhan pekerja berpengetahuan (Knowledge Workers) dan seterusnya
peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat Malaysia;
c. Meningkatkan daya saing negara menerusi
penambahbaikan penyampaian perkhidmatan
Kerajaan selaras dengan teras RMKe-10;
d. Menggalakkan pelaburan di wilayah ekonomi dalam
bidang-bidang di bawah NKEA seperti perindustrian,
pertanian, pelancongan dan lain-lain; dan
e. Menyokong sasaran Model Ekonomi baru ke arah
negara yang rakyatnya berpendapatan tinggi bagi
membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
Akhir sekali, kejayaan pelaksanaan G.R.E.AT., agar ianya
terlaksana mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan, iaitu dalam
jangka masa lima (5) tahun, adalah bergantung kepada
beberapa faktor penting, iaitu:
a. Sokongan dan komitmen padu stakeholders;
b. Kerjasama antara MAMPU, Setiausaha Kerajaan
(SUK) Negeri, Pihak Berkuasa Wilayah Ekonomi,
Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan dan agensi-agensi
c. Kesediaan infrastruktur ICT di agensi-agensi
d. Pelaksanaan Program Pengurusan Perubahan di
semua agensi yang terlibat; dan
e. Pembudayaan penggunaan perkhidmatan online
Kerajaan kepada rakyat bagi meningkatkan
penggunaan perkhidmatan yang disediakan.
Pengarang: Pasukan G.R.E.A.T.
Bahagian eKL
JAN - JUNE 2011
through a gateway to Government electronic submissions
and electronic payment. This enables citizens and
businesses to enjoy a convenient access to various
services provided by multiple agencies via a single
gateway. This will benefit the citizens as they need not
access multiple agency portals using different userID/
passwords. Further-more, they need not know which
agency provides which service thus realising the “No
Wrong Door” Concept.
By The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and
Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
The eKL Initiative (eKL), was launched in 2007, with the
aim to transform the Government service delivery
system through the use of ICT and based on the
“One Government, Many Agencies No Wrong Door”
approach. One of the strategies undertaken is to
integrate service delivery across agencies in an effective
and efficient manner to benefit citizen and businesses,
thus realizing a digitally connected Klang Valley where
services of all Government agencies are linked. The
sharing of resources and information will facilitate
the provision of end-to-end interactive online services
24 X 365 via multiple service delivery channels.
myGovXchange (MGX) is one of eKL’s initiative that
provides an alternative channel to Government services
Single Window
to Government
MGX is a one-stop online centre and gateway using a
single platform, offering seamless end-to-end interactive
online services across Government agencies. Besides
this, it has a trusted and secure interface orchestrating
the movement of related data to and from various
Government agencies, without users realising the
underlying movement of such data. Thus, MGX promotes
the sharing of services and information across multiple
Government agencies.
The MGX features a centralised monitoring mechanism
for the submission of forms and payments. The
application(s)/form(s) submitted in a single transaction
will be transmitted to the various authorities involved in
the approval value chain for processing. Data routed is
formatted according to requirements of the agencies’
in-house back-end systems via the Agency Interface
Server (AIS). MGX keeps track of all the related
transactions. It supports two (2) categories of services
Data Store
Interface server
Trans Db1 (Submission)
User registration
User Profile
Loan & Grant
Trans Db2 (Central Directory)
Portal Content
Online Services
Trans Db3 (Payment)
Diagram 1 : MGX Framework
JAN - JUNE 2011
namely myBayar and myForms offering ePayment and
eSubmission services respectively. These services are
accessible from the myGovernment Portal, the official
Malaysian Government Portal (URL:
my). The MGX framework is depicted in Diagram 1.
Register and login to myGovernment Portal
Access myBayar
Select and register myBayar services
Services Offered
• myBayar - a consolidated and personalised
myBayar is a one-stop ePayment centre which offers a
consolidated and personalized platform for registered
users, enabling them to check and make multiple
payments without the need for a physical bill or
statement from the various agencies. MGX displays the
amount to be paid by extracting the information from
agencies’ back-end systems. Users can view the bills
(bill presentment)/ statements and pay one or more
bills in just a single transaction. Payment can be made
using a credit card or direct debit by selecting the list of
banks under the Bank Islam Malaysia (BIMB) Financial
Process Exchange (FPX) payment gateway system. A
single official receipt will be generated which can be
printed by users. Users are able to check payment history
and reprint receipts anytime. Lump sum payments
(based on the number of bills selected) is made to
BIMB (via MEPS) which will process, split the payment
according to the bills and credit the respective
amounts to the agencies’ banks on the next working
day from the day the transaction(s) was made. At
the end of each day, MGX will automatically send
transaction reports to agencies for reconciliation
purposes. Diagram 2 shows the steps in the
epayment process.
• myForms - a consolidated eSubmission
eSubmission gateway provides services for business
communities in three (3) categories:
(a) Starting a business - registration can be made to
Inland Revenue Board, Employees Provident Fund
and the Social Security Organisation;
(b) Starting business operations - companies can
apply for business premise and advertisement
licences to six (6) Local Authorities within the
Klang Valley; and
(c) Businesses which are already in operation and
require assistance from the Government to
expand their businesses - application for loans,
grants and incentives can be made to eight (8)
View bills/statements
** Users can subscribe for new bill(s)
presentment notification via email/SMS
Pay bills and print receipts
Check payment history
Diagram 2 : Steps in one stop ePayment
agencies. Established IT companies can also apply
for MSC status to the Multimedia Development
Corporation (MDeC).
Application(s) requiring information from Malaysian
Companies Commission (SSM) will be automatically
entered into the selected form(s) after payment of RM15.00
has been made regardless of the number of service(s)/
forms used in one transaction. This is a cost saving to
companies as SSM normally charges RM15.00 for each
form requiring SSM data. Users can view the status of their
application(s) as well as check their submission history
anytime. Steps for the eSubmission process are shown
in Diagram 3.
Information Sharing
Another benefit of the MGX is that it enables the
sharing of information by agencies such as the sharing
of information on applications and approval of loans,
grants and incentives. It also facilitates agencies in
their decision-making process by preventing duplicate
approvals as there are times when the same applications
are made to different agencies offering the loans and
Dashboard for Centralised Monitoring
The MGX has a dashboard for overall monitoring purposes.
It is used to monitor the flow of each transaction. It
also assists the Helpdesk team in identifying issues,
queries and complaints from the public and participating
agencies regarding applications. Besides this, MGX also
has an audit trail and log system problem(s) to enable
tracking of applications when necessary.
JAN - JUNE 2011
Benefits To Citizens
Register and login to myGovernment Portal
Access myForms
Select services from directory
Fill-up form(s)
Submit and pay SSM (only if application need
SSM information)
Check SSM information and submit
Check submission record(s)
** Users can subscribe for status notification
via email/sms
Check application status and print payment
Diagram 3 : Steps in eSubmission
Benefits To The Government
The MGX has successfully brought together 33
Government agencies in the effort to improve
Government’s service delivery to citizens and business
communities. MGX provides a single gateway to
horizontal type of services that cut across multiple
Government agencies with myBayar providing users
with a consolidated and personalised ePayment; and
myForms offering a consolidated eSubmission service.
The MGX provides an information highway transporting
data to the right agencies without affecting agencies’
own internal processes, thus enabling an integrated
environment for the Government agencies while at
the same time reducing bureaucracy to citizens and
businesses needing such services from Government
agencies. MGX services are accessible via the Internet,
anywhere, anytime thus minimising paper usage in
support of the “Green Initiative”. Rich in features based
on the tenets of consolidation and integration, the MGX
certainly facilitates the centralised monitoring of services
and enhances information sharing amongst agencies.
JAN - JUNE 2011
MGX provides an alternative delivery channel to citizens
in transacting with various Government agencies in a
convenient way. Citizens can now make several online
payments to agencies from within Malaysia or from
anywhere around the globe with just a single “Click”.
Citizens are also able to check the amount due for payment
without the need for physical bills or statements as the data
is extracted from agencies back-end databases. They are
also able to track transactions history for both payments
and submissions, print payment receipts anytime and
check the status of their applications online.
The payment gateway which leverages on the FPX and
the MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (MiGS) enables
citizens to make payments to more than one (1) bank (as
FPX currently supports 6 main local banks) at the same
site. Citizens can select as many payment services as
desired and make a lump sum payment either by direct
debit or using credit card in a single transaction.
Benefits To Private Sector/Business
MGX provides a conducive environment in dealing with
the Government to the business communities for either
starting up, operating or expanding the business. It enables
multiple online applications to various agencies in just one
transaction and that the online submission(s) can be done
anywhere and at their convenience. With the one-stopcentre in place, setting up businesses in Malaysia is made
easier. Personal data of the company’s representatives
will be auto-populated from the myGovernment Portal
registration database and the company’s profile will be
populated from the SSM database respectively. Example:
For the process of setting up a new business, submissions
for registration of employers with the Inland Revenue
Board, Social Security Organization and Employee’s
Provident Fund can be done in just one transaction. Any
required payment can also be done at the same site. This
has transformed the conventional practice requiring four
(4) days to complete the transactions to just one (1) day.
This initiative helps create an attractive environment
for bussinesses to invest in Malaysia by minimising
bureaucratic procedures and allowing direct and easy
access to Government services.
Author:MGX Team
eKL Division
In most situations, the
same data are used
elements of the Human
and co-exist in other
Resource Management
system. The same
data will be input in
By Public Service Department of Malaysia
(HRMIS) development
two different systems
and implementation is its integration with other
even though both systems are used in the same agency. If
application systems.
these systems are not integrated, there will be duplicated
which is not only costly to the agencies but can result in
both systems having different data. On the contrary, if
the data could be shared by integration, cost could be
reduced and data integrity problem can be handled.
HRMIS Portal
The purpose of HRMIS integration is to enable Public
Sector’s Human Resource data sharing mechanism
between HRMIS and agency’s business application
to ensure the accuracy of both application’s data and
functions especially in Human Resource (HR) processes.
With this integration, data sharing can be done
automatically and systematically through a transport
engine called Integration Hub (IHub).
HRMIS integration is defined as a connection link between
HRMIS application and agency’s business application
system using IHub as a middleware to send and receive
data from HRMIS to the agency’s system and vice versa.
IHub will be used to manage the transmission of data.
Agency’s application system is developed to suit its
current business processes where a database is created
to store its business transaction data and history data
specific to the system. Hence, all data usage is limited
to the agency’s business application system only. This
silo trend tends to isolate the data and this defers
accurate management decision making due to the lack
of information. This scenario is not in line with current
Government policies, that emphasise on fast decision
making and quick action.
HRMIS integration provides enhancement to the
human resource (HR) functions in the agency’s business
system. For instance, salary payment and deduction
changes for the Federal Public Service (FPS) are made
through the Remuneration and Payroll Management
Module in HRMIS and are integrated with the Payment
Function in Government Financial and Management
Accounting System (GFMAS) application owned by
Accountant General’s Department (JANM). Thus, HRMIS
integration is focused on enhancing agency’s business
applications by providing the human resources functions
that are required.
The purpose of HRMIS integration are:
a) Data integrity: For example, HRMIS integration
with Sistem Informasi Rekod Kependudukan
Negara (SIREN), a system developed by National
Registration Department (NRD) allows legitimate
user identification (MyID Number) taken from the
rightful source.
b) Electronic transaction process accomplishment: For example, a payroll change which is
done in HRMIS could be continued into GFMAS to
accomplish part of the whole cycle in payroll payment for the Government servant.
c) Reduce data redundancy: For example, the
integration between HRMIS and Pensions Online
Workflow Environment (POWER) at Bahagian
Pasca Perkhidmatan, JPA, provides all the future
pensioner data from HRMIS to POWER without the
need to re-input.
d) Single Windows Concept establishment
where multiple information could be access through
single point of access.
JAN - JUNE 2011
HRMIS integration started in 2002 with the linking
of HRMIS with SIREN which enables HRMIS to get
legitimate employee’s identification through 13 basic
profile information. The development of HRMIS
integration with agency’s system is based on the
standard Cross Flagship Integration (CFI) framework
developed by Multimedia Development Corporation
(MDeC). It fulfills the standard and specifications for
data integration such as the guidelines set forth in
the Malaysian Government Interoperability Framework
HRMIS Integration-Agencies System
Integration Description
1. HRMIS eGL - THIS Total Hospital
Information System (THIS), Putrajaya
Guarantee Letter (GL) is sent by HRMIS to THIS as per
request at real time based on patient’s IC Number. (officer
and family including parents)
2. HRMIS eGL - THIS, Selayang Hospital
As above.
3. HRMIS Payroll sub module - GFMAS
Integration between HRMIS-GFMAS is meant for payroll.
The integration process involved:
• New officer salary number request or those who
transferred (within state).
• Payroll changes information in SG20 form/Kew. 320 will
be sent by HRMIS to GFMAS through integration for a
particular month.
• Payroll status based on changes made and sent by
• Deduction information at GFMAS to HRMIS.
4. HRMIS Claim Management Sub module Budgeting Management System (e-SPKB)
Integration between HRMIS-eSPKB is meant for claim
Note: e-SPKB is a feasible claim payment
system for FPS Officer.
5. HRMIS Cassation of Services module
The integration process involved:
• Budget checking (sufficient and vice versa);
• Claim information and feasible amount to be paid; and
• Payment status from e-SBPKB to HRMIS.
Integration between HRMIS-POWER is meant for officer’s
retirement and finally to process the pension and benefit to
be received by future pensioner.
The integration process involved:
• Future pensioner information for two (2) years ahead.
• Compulsory Retirement, Optional Retirement and
Death Information.
• Status from POWER - benefit, Cash Award in lieu of
Accumulated Leave and pension amounts.
Legitimating of officer’s ID and receiving 13 basic profiles
information to be updated in HRMIS.
7. HRMIS-eSPDM (Service, Promotion,
Disciplinary and Monitoring System)
Notification to eSPDM relates to promotion, placement and
disciplinary actions towards officers.
HRMIS-iTIMs integration to facilitate officers in application
for INTAN courses.
Table 1: Successfully implemented HRMIS integration with agency’s business applications.
JAN - JUNE 2011
(MyGIF) document by MAMPU.
By 2009, eight (8) integration were successfully
implemented as shown in Table 1.
Selection of integration implementation depended on the
agency’s readiness to send and receive required data.
The benefits of the HRMIS integrations are:
a) Online, real-time information
Updated information related to human resource
management can be accessed anywhere at
b) Transparency in human resource
management policies and procedures
The competency owner can easily get their HR
c) Productivity acceleration
HR business processes become easier, faster, zero
defects and repeating processes can be done
d) To widen and improve efficiency of
information sharing
The communication will be smooth and easy in
term of information exchange among agencies.
e) Increasing of value added activities
No redundancy workloads and officers can focus
on other task such as planning, enhancement and
analysis or beneficial study.
HRMIS integration is in line with JPA’s Information
Strategic Planning (ISP) for 2009-2013 which are:
a) Strengthen and consolidate current HRMIS
integration comprise of:
(i) Improvement of current HRMIS integration
process with agency’s business application;
(ii) Increasing main integration server capacity
(IHub); and
(iii) Improving the sending/receiving data engine
b) Expand implementation of HRMIS and GFMAS
with the involvement of particular public sector for
payroll management.
c) Developing new HRMIS integration with agency’s
business application such as Standard Accounting
for Government Agencies (SAGA), State Government
Standard Computerisation Accounting System
(SPEKS), a payroll system at state Government
agencies and JobsMalaysia, an automated online
job matching system.
d) To establish standard mechanism of HRMIS data
sharing according to regulation and policies by JPA
For agencies that are unable to integrate with HRMIS, they
will be provided with HRMIS data sharing mechanism.
There might be an application requiring for HRMIS data
for certain reasons such as officer’s confirmation status
to generate report for their management. HRMIS
provides three (3) methods of data sharing. to
accommodate such request. There are:
a) Method I: SQL Reporting Services (SRS) Enable agencies to do HRMIS data extraction which
is needed to be used in reports and for updating
their internal database or applications;
b) Method II: Data Conversion Tools (DC Tools)
- Authorise the agencies to upload certain data for
the purpose of updating agency’s data into HRMIS
database. This exercise can be implemented once
only; and
c) Method III: Integration Interface - By using
web services technology and web application,
agencies are able to download the data or use the
services for updating their application database in
Integration is part of an important element in HRMIS
implementation as it is a crucial approach for data sharing
between HRMIS and agencies’ application systems and
not only for completing human resource management
process. However, commitment of the agencies involved
is a critical factor in contribution to the success of
Author:Mazni Binti Ahmad
Information Management Division
JAN - JUNE 2011
The Government Transformation Programme (GTP)
Roadmap and the 10th Malaysia Plan unveiled by
Prime Minister The Honourable Dato’ Sri Najib bin Tun
Abdul Razak in January and June 2010 respectively
have indicated that the Government procurement as
a prevailing area which will be continuously improved
for the benefits of the nation and economic well-being.
Towards this end, the Government has taken many
bold steps by tackling corruption practices, improving
procurement legislations and enhancing the quality
of Public Sector services. These collective activities
have contributed towards the overall strengthening of
the Government procurement regime. In this sense,
good procurement will contribute to the Government’s
legitimacy and credibility. Likewise, the Government’s
official electronic procurement system - ePerolehan has
also contributed greatly as a key enabler in promoting
the use of ICT in addressing procurement effectiveness,
efficiency, transparency and security among the Public
Launched in year 2000, the ePerolehan system is a
comprehensive end-to-end electronic procurement
solution which includes registration of suppliers
and five (5) procurement modes under Goods and
Services comprising Direct Purchase, Central Contract,
Quotation, Tender and eBidding. The year 2010 saw
many achievements for ePerolehan which considerably
elevated the Government’s performance on enhancing
its procurement agenda.
Growth of Usage and Transactions
Cumulatively, procurement via ePerolehan has reached
a total of three (3) million transactions valued at RM33
As at December 2010, transaction volume via ePerolehan
increased by 23.6 per cent from 805,046 in 2009 to
994,706. The annual cumulative procurement value also
increased by 21.4 per cent from RM9.093 billion in 2009
to RM11.042 billion. Transactions via ePerolehan have
Billions (RM)
Thousands (TXN)
TXN 995K
TXN 805K
TXN 514K
TXN 327K
TXN 170K
TXN 107K
TXN 36
TXN 295
TXN 13
Value (RM)
Number of Transactions (TXN)
Annual Procurement Transaction Growth via ePerolehan from year 2000 - 2010
JAN - JUNE 2011
ePC Alor Setar
ePC P.Pinang
ePC Kota Bharu
ePC K.Terengganu
ePC Petaling Jaya
ePC Putrajaya
ePC Kinabalu
ePC Kinabalu II
ePC Ipoh
ePC Sandakan
* Commencing in 2011
ePC Kuantan
ePC Miri
* Commencing in 2011
ePC Cyberjaya
* Commencing in 2011
ePC Johor Bahru
ePC Melaka
ePC Kuching
ePC Kuching II
*Commencing in 2011
Commencing in 2011
Location of ePerolehan Centres in Malaysia
accounted for 59 per cent from the overall Government
spending for goods and services amounting for RM18.441
billion for the year 2010. The electronic catalogue offered
free of charge to the suppliers saw a quadruple increase
from merely 240,000 items in 2009 to more than 1.2
million in 2010.
The positive growth of usage via ePerolehan saw
contributions from various factors. The Government
has enacted the usage of ePerolehan as one of the
Ministerial Key Result Area (MKRA). Effective April 2010,
the Ministry of Finance (MOF) had announced a Treasury
Instruction (TI) indicating a 70 per cent annual threshold
level for every ministry to use ePerolehan in conducting
their procurement activities under their budgeted supply
of goods and services.
certificate medium which was introduced in January
2010. This has further boosted the efficiency and quality
of the service level to the suppliers.
Expansion of Support Services
The growth and achievements of ePerolehan as one
of the major Government ICT projects is driven by the
breadth of support services offered continuously to the
ePerolehan community. The ePerolehan project is one of
the initiatives that offer comprehensive support channels
ranging from counter services, call centre helpdesk and
on-the-field support.
It is projected that the annual procurement transaction
via ePerolehan will grow further to RM14 billion worth of
procurement value in 2011.
Enablement of Government Procurement
Offices and Suppliers
Public procurement in Malaysia is largely decentralised
where as at December 2010, a total of 2,534 procurement
offices (Pusat Tanggung-jawab) nationwide have been
eP-enabled to date. This represents 99 per cent ePenabled procurement offices from all 25 federal
ePerolehan has created greater opportunities for suppliers
to participate in Government procurements. There are
currently 72,559 eP-enabled suppliers nationwide with
an average of 294 applications approved by the MOF on a
weekly basis. The registration of suppliers via ePerolehan
has been further enhanced through the issuance and
delivery of MOF supplier registration license via virtual
ePerolehan Centre, Ministry of Finance
MAMPU visit to ePerolehan Centre,
Ministry of Finance
JAN - JUNE 2011
The presence of ePerolehan Centres nationwide has
also uplifted a closer relationship between the project
team and the ePerolehan community. A total of four (4)
new ePerolehan Centres have commenced its operations
in 2010 making the overall ePerolehan Centres to 14
nationwide. The new ePerolehan Centres are located at
Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan and Kuching.
Plans have been made for the setup of additional five
(5) new ePerolehan Centres in Cyberjaya, Malacca, Miri,
Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan for 2011 where two (2) are
already operational i.e. Cyberjaya and Kota Kinabalu. The
current counter at the Procurement Division in Putrajaya
has also undergone a major facelift with more modern
design and facilities to accommodate the growing needs
of the community.
The ePerolehan project has also clinched awards and
recognitions in conjunction with its 10-year anniversary,
The year 2010 also marked the launch of the new IP-PBX
and Call Centre system for ePerolehan. This resulted in
tremendous levels of improvements for the ePerolehan
Call Centre operations by offering efficient customer
service experience to the ePerolehan community.
Concerted efforts are currently being invested to
further enhance ePerolehan support services from its
infrastructure, technology and people perpectives.
• “ePerolehan Pemangkin Pembangunan Sektor
Teknologi Maklumat Negara” by the Association
of the Computer and Multimedia of Malaysia
Awards and Recognitions
The ePerolehan project has reached its 10-years of
operation in which it has accumulated various awards
and recognitions throughout the project implementation
period. Many developing countries such as Indonesia,
Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have shown their
considerable interests to adopt the ePerolehan model.
Last January 2011, two (2) special events were held to
mark the 10-year anniversary of the ePerolehan
project. The event themed “A Decade of Dedication in
Driving Government Procurement Transformation” was
an appreciation to the ePerolehan community, project
stakeholders and associates who have endured many
challenges and accomplishments in the past. A seminar
was hosted by the ePerolehan team where papers
on Government procurement-related subjects were
presented by various agencies such as MOF, Malaysian
Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning
Unit (MAMPU) and the Accountant General’s Department.
In commemoration with the 10-year anniversary,
an appreciation dinner was held and saw 11 awards
being honoured to various Government agencies that
have shown merits in their ePerolehan usages.
JAN - JUNE 2011
• Anugerah Apresiasi MSC Malaysia bagi
Perkhidmatan Kerajaan ke Perniagaan (G2B)” by
Multimedia Development Corporation;
• “ePerolehan Perintis Pembangunan Sistem
Berasaskan Perisian Sumber Terbuka (Open
Source) Berskala Enterprise” by MAMPU;
• “ePerolehan Menjana Transformasi Keushawanan
dalam e-Dagang” by the Malaysian Malay Chamber
of Commerce (DPMM); and
The ePerolehan project has undeniably played
an important role within the GTP. The use of ICT
in Government procurement has instilled tighter
Government procurement in accordance to the principle
of accountability, transparency, value for money, open
and fair competition and fair dealing.
There is still a vast area to cover in the ePerolehan
system in terms of making the procurement process
more transparent, yet we are evolving to adapt to the
ever changing technology and best practices. This
evolution is also happening at the international front.
Electronic procurement is now evolving from its mere
transactional role to playing a more strategic and
prominent role in managing Government funds. Rapid
technological advancements have opened greater
possibilities for achieving even more superior electronic
procurement solutions.
Puan Hjh. Nor’ Aini Binti Abdul Razak
Deputy Project Director,
eProcurement Unit
By Ministry of Health
information and education on health for Malaysian
through ICT. The portal was developed as one of the
Telehealth components under Multimedia Super Corridor
(MSC) flagship. Since the commencement of the portal
in 2005, it serves as an important source of information
on local health issues. The portal serves as a source of
information to suit the local needs covering a wide range
of health issues.
he primary function of Health Education
Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia is
to empower the community with health
information using various methods. With the
advancement of the ICT technology, the Internet is
increasingly used by people to gain information on
health. In order to bridge the gap between the
conventional and the modern technology, MyHEALTH
portal was developed as an alternative for the
people to have easy access to health information and
education. MyHEALTH portal provides accurate and
up-to-date information on health issues. The portal to
date has featured 739 topics in Bahasa Malaysia and 768
topics in English.
MyHEALTH portal was developed as a vital source of
Services available in the portal are as follows:
• Health Information
• Ask The Expert
• Health Risk Assessment
• Health News
• Health Articles
• Health Alert
• Health Event / Activities
• Health Services Directory
• Health Quiz
• Online Polls
• Frequently Asked Questions
Under ICON (Integrated Content Development
Taskforce), 80 videos, 80 audios, 80 animations, 32
health games, 600 illustrations and 2880 images have
been developed to increase the comprehension of health
issues and ease the learning process.
MyHEALTH Portal provides other services such as
podcasting, health games, streaming of animations,
videos and audios. An online health game is
an edutainment instrument that can effectively
disseminate health information through fun learning
process to specific target groups. Children and
adolescent are easily attracted to the online health
games where they could gain beneficial knowledge
about health and increase their creativity while at the
same time provide entertainment.
JAN - JUNE 2011
Examples of Health Videos
Title : Teknik penggunaan inhaler
Duration : 00:04:57
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Medication and you
Title : 7 langkah bagi mengurangkan
berat badan
Duration : 00:08:42
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Nutrition
Title : Sawan
Duration : 00:01:51
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Kids
Title : Dengkur
Duration : 00:01:54
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Adult
Title : Kudis tekanan
Duration : 00:01:56
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Elderly
Examples of Animations
Title : Rawatan penskaleran
Duration : 00:02:50
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Group : Oral Health
Examples of Health Games
Title : Bug Hunt
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Examples of Illustrations
Title : Simpan ubat dengan
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Author : Health Education Division
Title : Amalan kitar semula
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
JAN - JUNE 2011
Title : Pengasuh bayi
Language : Bahasa Malaysia
Oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM)
pemohon perlu mengisi borang sebanyak empat (4)
salinan. Borang-borang ini akan disemak di peringkat
penyampaian Kementerian. Sistem ini memudahkan dan
sekolah dan diluluskan oleh Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah
mempercepatkan proses pertukaran guru di sekolah-
(PPD), Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri (JPN) atau Kementerian
sekolah melalui kemudahan secara atas talian di mana
tertakluk kepada jenis pertukaran sama ada antara
permohonan boleh dibuat pada bila-bila masa dan dari
negeri, antara daerah atau dalam daerah. Di antara
mana-mana lokasi sepanjang tempoh permohonan
kelemahan pelaksanaan secara manual adalah keciciran
borang permohonan yang kerap berlaku. Ini adalah
kerana jumlah permohonan yang terlalu banyak dan
Sistem ini telah digunakan sepenuhnya sejak 2008
melibatkan pergerakan borang yang perlu melalui
melibatkan pertukaran guru antara negeri, antara daerah
beberapa peringkat tindakan. Proses pertimbangan
dan dalam daerah.
untuk kelulusan juga adalah rumit kerana ia bergantung
kepada faktor - faktor berikut:
i. jenis kumpulan sekolah asal;
ii. jenis sekolah asal;
iii. jenis kumpulan sekolah dipohon; dan
iv. bidang pengkhususan guru yang memohon.
Selain daripada itu, pihak pengurusan sukar untuk
membuat pemantauan. Urusan pertukaran ini lazimnya
mengambil masa yang agak panjang iaitu selama empat
(4) hingga lima (5) bulan. Urusan pertukaran guru
hanya dilaksanakan sebanyak dua (2) kali sahaja dalam
setahun iaitu sesi pertukaran pada bulan Januari dan Jun
setiap tahun.
Laman Utama e-GTukar
JAN - JUNE 2011
pertukaran guru secara manual, KPM mula
mengkaji untuk menambah baik urusan
pertukaran pada tahun 2007. Sistem
pertukaran guru ini siap dibangunkan
secara in house pada akhir 2007. Sistem
yang berasaskan web based ini dirintis
untuk pertukaran antara negeri bagi sesi
Januari 2008 melibatkan Kuala Lumpur,
pelaksanaan sistem ini telah diperluaskan
ke semua negeri pada sesi Jun 2008.
Statistik Pertukaran Antara Negeri Bagi Menengah Sesi Jan 2011
dipertimbangkan untuk kelulusan.
Peningkatan sistem telah dilaksanakan pada Jun 2009
v. Semakan status pertukaran - pemohon boleh
untuk membolehkan pertukaran antara daerah dan
menyemak status permohonan dan penempatan.
dalam daerah dapat dilakukan.
Sesi Pertukaran
Jumlah Permohonan
Jumlah Kelulusan
Jan 2008
Jun 2008
Jan 2009
Jun 2009
Jan 2010
Jun 2010
Jan 2011
Rintis antara negeri di Terengganu,
Kuala Lumpur dan Melaka
Pertukaran antara negeri di seluruh
Rintis antara daerah dan dalam daerah
di Terengganu, Johor dan Kuala Lumpur
Pertukaran antara daerah dan dalam
daerah di seluruh negara
Jadual 1: Statistik Permohonan dan Kelulusan Pertukaran Bagi Setiap Sesi Pertukaran
e-GTukar melibatkan pengautomasian proses pertukaran
vi. Cetakan surat arahan pertukaran.
sepenuhnya (end-to-end process) seperti berikut:
vii. Pemantauan - kemudahan pemantauan oleh pihak
i. Permohonan - pemohon hanya perlu mengisi
maklumat pertukaran sahaja.
ii. Pengesahan - setiap permohonan perlu mendapat
Statistik permohonan dan kelulusan bagi tempoh Januari
2008 sehingga Januari 2011 adalah seperti di Jadual 1.
pengesahan guru besar/pengetua sekolah.
iii. Semakan - setiap permohonan disemak dan
disokong/ tidak oleh PPD/JPN.
iv. Kelulusan - permohonan yang telah disokong akan
JAN - JUNE 2011
Dengan pelaksanaan sistem ini, ianya telah memudahkan
para guru di 10,000 buah sekolah di seluruh negara
untuk membuat permohonan pertukaran di mana mereka
hanya perlu mengisi maklumat pertukaran sahaja. Proses
mengintegrasikan lain-lain sistem berkaitan guru
semakan, sokongan dan kelulusan juga dilaksanakan
antaranya Sistem Kenaikan Pangkat dan Sistem
secara sistematik yang mana dapat meningkatkan
keberkesanan dan memendekkan keseluruhan proses
ii. Menyediakan kemudahan aplikasi mobile.
daripada empat (4) hingga lima (5) bulan kepada kurang
dari dua (2) bulan.
Secara keseluruhannya e-GTukar telah meningkatkan
kecekapan dalam penyampaian perkhidmatan kepada
Kelebihan Sistem eGTukar adalah seperti berikut:
guru selain mengurangkan kos operasi. Ia juga akan
menjadi asas kepada pembangunan Sistem Maklumat
i. Memendekkan keseluruhan proses daripada empat
Guru yang akan memusatkan segala data dan maklumat
(4) hingga lima (5) bulan kepada kurang dari dua
serta mengintegrasikan semua sistem berkaitan guru
(2) bulan;
di KPM. Sistem ini
ii. Memudahkan
permohonan dan semakan keputusan;
akan dapat membantu pihak
pengurusan membuat perancangan dan keputusan
yang terbaik untuk perkhidmatan guru. e-GTukar boleh
iii. Membolehkan proses penempatan guru dibuat
diakses melalui:
mengikut bidang pengkhususan pengajaran dan
iv. Mengurangkan tenaga kerja sebanyak 30 peratus di
PPD dan JPN terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan
pengurusan borang;
v. Menjimatkan perbelanjaan operasi merangkumi
menyurat berkaitan, pengangkutan dan tuntutan
vi. Meningkatkan
membuat keputusan; dan
vii. Memudahkan penyelenggaraan, peningkatan dan
penambahbaikan sistem serta tiada kos terlibat
kerana dibangunkan secara in house.
Rancangan Jangka Pendek (Tahun 2011)
i. Mengintegrasikan
Perjawatan dan Pengisian.
ii. Meningkatkan sistem untuk meliputi pertukaran
guru di bahagian, PPD, JPN, Institut Perguruan
Guru (IPG) dan Kolej Matrikulasi.
Rancangan Jangka Panjang
i. Pangkalan data eGTukar akan menjadi asas kepada
Mesyuarat Post Mortem Sistem eGTukar pada
1 hingga 3 Disember 2010
pembangunan Sistem Maklumat Guru yang akan
JAN - JUNE 2011
By Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
schedule the business meetings between the buyers
As the national trade promotion agency of Malaysia,
and sellers according to the product is a very tedious
organising Incoming Buying Missions (IBM) to promote
process as it may involve a total of
the export of Malaysian goods and services to foreign
business meetings over a 1 ½ days period. The
buyers is one of MATRADE core activities.
MATRADE Incoming Buying Mission System was
IBMs are
usually held in conjunction with MATRADE organized trade
3,000 to 5,000
developed to assist in this process.
exhibitions, and the two major exhibitions held annually
are the Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS)
During the event, registration of the participants’
and the International Trade Exhibition (INTRADE).
attendance and scheduling of ad-hoc business meetings
for walk-in participants are among the activities carried
During the IBMs, business meetings are arranged
out, while post events activities include compilation
between foreign buyers and Malaysian exporters, where
of feedback from the participating companies and
the total number of participating buyers and exporters
generating statistical reports on outcome of the IBM.
may range from 800 to 1,500.
Users of MATRADE Incoming Buying Mission
MATRADE Incoming Buying Mission in Brief
The organization of an Incoming Buying Mission (IBM),
The users of this system comprises:
involves several activities, which can be categorised
as Pre-Event, During Event and Post-Event activities.
• Malaysian Exporters;
The pre-event activities include the selection of
• MATRADE Trade Commissioners;
qualified potential foreign buyers by MATRADE Trade
• IBM Secretariat; and
Commissioners operating at 40 overseas offices, and
• Management of MATRADE.
the invitation to Malaysian exporters registered with
MATRADE Exporters database are invited to participate in
Features of the MATRADE IBM system
the IBM. Business meetings are then scheduled between
Access of the system by MATRADE personnel is through
the foreign buyers and Malaysian exporters according
MATRADE’s intranet i.e MyMATRADE Portal. The system
to the products and services. To manually match and
consists of several modules, which include:
JAN - JUNE 2011
• Registration of buyers - updated online by Trade
form of reminder for notice of participation two
Commissioners after the process of selection of
(2) days before event and as reminder on day of
qualified buyers;
event to late comers;
• Registration of sellers
- registered online by
Malaysian exporters through MATRADE portal
• Email and e-fax - medium used to notify business
meeting schedule to sellers; and;
• Downloadable into Excel or Word document • Auto-matching - automated process of matching
between buyers and sellers, and scheduling
publication of Buyers and Sellers Directory which
are distributed to participating companies during
business meeting. The automated matching
is strictly based on 500 product and services
the event.
classification code according to a pre-defined
Outcome of MATRADE IBM System
• The auto-matching process has reduced the time
• Business Meeting - auto generated by the system
taken to manually match the buyers and sellers
to generate business meeting schedule of buyers
from about 4-6 weeks to 6 hours. The reduction
and sellers, which include the time, date, buyers
in the time taken to do the business matching has
and sellers details;
enabled MATRADE officers to focus on checking
and refining the business matching for greater
• Attendance of buyers - updated online by Logistic
Committee upon arrival at airport and check-in at
the hotel, Updated online by IBM Secretariat on
day of event;
• The use of multi-channel communication comprising
mySMS, email and e-fax for the notification
of business schedule has reduced the cost of
• Attendance of sellers - updated online by IBM
Secretariat on day of event; and
• Feedback - on immediate and potential of foreign
buyers, and updated online by IBM Secretariat
information dissemination
to the participating
• Enable timely analysis of sales by country and
product sectors.
upon completion of daily session.
Other features include:
• Search by various parameters
such as name of company,
date of meeting schedule,
companies with no meeting (for
ad-hoc meeting arrangement)
and hotel;
• mySMS Alert - sent to Malaysian exporters as a
The landing page of the MATRADE IBM System
for INTRADE 2010
JAN - JUNE 2011
Business meeting in session between foreign buyers and Malaysian exporters
While the IBM system has facilitated MATRADE in
organizing and conducting business matching, the
accuracy and effectiveness of the business matching
between the buyers and sellers are very much dependent
on the industry/product knowledge and experience of
the MATRADE Trade Commissioners overseas and
MATRADE officers in headquarters who specialise in
the various products and services. The knowledge and
experience will not only enable quality buyers and sellers
Buyers viewing the Business Matching generated
by the IBM system
to be identified, but it will help to improve the accuracy
of the output from the auto-matching. As an example,
the IBM system will only match based on the high level
product categories such as cocoa products, juices and
cordials. However, should a buyer also specify a more
detailed product description such as cocoa butter or
pineapple juice, then the MATRADE officers specialized
in the respective products will have to refine the business
matching manually after the auto-matching process is
done by the system.
MATRADE will continue to enhance and improve the IBM
system to incorporate new features, improve the process
flow as well as adopt new technologies from time to time
Malaysian exporters registering
to further improve MATRADE’s online service delivery to
the business communities.
Author : Raja Nor Zihan binti Raja Mohsin &
Aireen Naquiah binti Hamzah
JAN - JUNE 2011
Positioning System (GPS) coordinates
and disseminated via SMS to fishermen
through NEKMAT regional centres.
By Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency
The system has drawn favourable
feedbacks with the following benefits
Who would have thought that fishermen could locate
to the fishermen; (i) reducing 30% of fuel consumption
rich fishing grounds before actually going out to the sea
and searching time; and (ii) increasing income by 20%.
simply through SMS and the Internet? They can now
In addition, the potential fishing location maps can also
directly sail without the need to spend long hours at sea
be utilised by relevant enforcement agencies responsible
to search for the right fishing ground.
for the management of national fishery resources. This
RM3.2 million inter-agency collaboration is indeed another
This was made possible by an intelligent computerised
success story of the Government efforts on optimising
system known as the Fishing Site Identification System
available expert resources and facilities in various related
or FSI which was developed through a concerted
Government agencies toward uplifting the quality of life
effort of four (4) Government agencies. In mid-
of fishermen and hence, the national fishing industry.
2007, Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (ARSM), the
Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM), the
FSI Work Flow
Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DOF) and the National
Fishermen’s Association of Malaysia (NEKMAT) took the
initiative to utilise images from satellites to improve the
income of local fishermen. The satellite images are being
directly received by the ARSM Ground Receiving Station
in Temerloh.
The FSI was first introduced to the fishermen in the
east coast of peninsular Malaysia. It has now been
extended to the west coast and Sarawak. Overall, the
system will benefit 25,000 pukat jerut fishermen when it
is subsequently expanded to Sabah.
The satellites are able to detect the availability of
phytoplankton, which is the primary food source for
fish, and also measure sea surface temperature that
have significant influence to fish concentration. Both
parameters are used in the production of potential fishing
location maps. The location is then translated into Global
ARSM Ground Receiving Station in Temerloh, Pahang
JAN - JUNE 2011
By Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
n the quest for excellence in providing ubiquitous
availability of knowledge resources and services,
The aspirations of u-Pustaka envisage three (3)
the role of u-Pustaka that beholds a ubiquitous
library effort within the ambit of ‘Pustaka 1Malaysia
society experience engaged life-long learning anytime,
is vital for our nation today, as it promotes the soft values
anywhere, for continued enhancements to quality of
in society with respect to equality, social cohesion and
work and life; our libraries and information agencies are
quality in the context of development, national unity and
energised with their innovative use of u-Pustaka, thus
competitiveness. The congruence of infrastructure and
becoming attractive knowledge space and place for
infostructure development for knowledge integration
local talents; and our communications and multimedia
and application in the multi-faceted knowledge-based
industry is acknowledged for its provision of ubiquitous
economy sector warrants a special focus as it means that
products and services in respect of infrastructure and
innovative efforts in the provision of quality knowledge
infostructure. This is reinforced by three (3) objectives
and information service delivery have become key to
that blend infrastructure, infostructure and services, in
competitiveness and growth. Hence, the successful
the following sequence.
transformation of the nation into an inclusive knowledgebased society provides a good opportunity to “leap-frog”
In support of the aspirations and objectives of u-Pustaka,
to a higher level of growth and competitiveness, as the
the project life cycle has gone through the phases of
culture of life-long learning permeates pervasively.
conceptualisation, development and implementation.
With guidance from the Ubiquitous Library Steering
Pustaka 1Malaysia represents three (3) salient areas
Committee (ULSC) and the Ubiquitous Library Technical
that encompass the provision of access to the
Committee (ULTC), the conceptualisation phase in
embodiment of knowledge resources, anytime, anywhere
2008 consolidated invaluable ideas through readiness
and by anyone; enrichment of experience in life-long
assessment, awareness programme, policy workshops
learning for social and economic development, whilst
and weaving of approaches for a selected model, and
upholding the concept of 1Malaysia for an inclusive
all of which was supported by the Integrated Taskforce
knowledge-based society. In recapitulating the National
for Content Development (ICON). Taking cognisance of
Broadband Initiative (NBI), the positioning of libraries as
the significant role of libraries with respect to unlocking
agents of knowledge content is well depicted through
access to knowledge resources, the Economic Planning
the inclusion of the clause on ‘leveraging traditional
Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister’s Department sanctioned
information resources’ in invoking ‘attractiveness’ for
an allocation under the “Bridging The Digital Divide
the broadband demand take-up with omnipresence of
(BDD)” Programme, in support of implementing the pilot
knowledge resources and services.
project for the development of network infrastructure
JAN - JUNE 2011
Objectives of u-Pustaka
and infostructure underpinning broadband. A brief trial
c) Networking and broadband services as well as
run to simulate the inter-lending service amongst the
requirements for data centre and disaster recovery
consortium libraries and Pos Malaysia had encouraging
centre services.
feedback on the internalization of approach for ubiquitous
library service to be visualised. The overall system
The project started at the beginning of 2010 with the
requirement are:
kick-start of the implementation phase and the whole
gamut of activities, covering strategy workshops; design
a) RFID-enabled equipment and UHF RFID tags
and testing strategies; approval for cashless payment
with conformance to the MCMC spectrum release
strategy with MEPS and Touch ’n Go gateways through
viz. frequency of 919-923 MHz and standard
the Ministry of Finance and the Accountant General’s
conformance to EPC Global Class 1 Gen 2/ISO
Office; interfacing with Poslaju delivery service gateway;
interfacing with MyID and MySMS15888; Standard
b) Development of the u-Pustaka portal for inter-
Service Level Agreement; training and documentation;
lending service with seamless connections to the
installation and commissioning activities and preparation
National Union Catalogue and the heterogenuous
for promotion activities. The official launch of Pustaka
Library Management Systems with conformance
1Malaysia by the Honourable Dato’ Seri Utama Dr. Rais
to Z39.50 protocol / a suite of web service
Yatim, Minister of Information, Communications and
components; and
Culture was on 31st March 2011 at the National Library
JAN - JUNE 2011
of Malaysia and it marks an auspicious moment for
u-Pustaka to serve the nation.
u-Pustaka has been landscaped with the convergence
of technologies, processes and people. Technologies
covering broadband, portal, RFID, smart card, cashless
The u-Pustaka Pilot Project manifests the collaborative
payment and delivery service have been utilised to
effort of Ministry of Information Communications and
Culture (KPKK) through Malaysian Communications and
seamlessly with an extension of delivery service to
Multimedia Commission (MCMC), with the support of the
the door step. U-Pustaka offers free membership
National Library of Malaysia (PNM) and other u-Pustaka
Consortium members, comprising the State Library
membership or affiliated membership, with the use of
of Selangor (PPAS), State Library of Negeri Sembilan
MyKAD/MyKID/MyPR in supporting the Government’s
(PPANS), State Library of Pahang (PPAP), Pustaka
MyID initiative, online verification is handled by the NRD.
Negeri Sarawak (Pustaka), State Library of Sabah,
U-Pustaka members receive transaction alerts via emails
Kuala Lumpur Library (PKL) and INTAN Library at Bukit
and SMS besides their member dashboards that offer
Kiara. The realisation of u-Pustaka is also attributed
active engagements in a ‘knowledge hub’.
to the innovative collaboration with Public and Private
Sector agencies that include Malaysian Administrative
The portal of u-Pustaka which could be navigated via
content management, collaboration and inter-lending
(NRD), National Centre of Excellence for Sensor
services for more than 170,000 members who are now
Technology, at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Pos Malaysia
eligible to borrow more than one million books from the
Berhad, FPX Gateway Sdn.Bhd (MEPS), Bank Islam
consortium libraries, on the basis of self pick-up at the
Malaysia Berhad and Touch ’n Go Sdn.Bhd.
u-Pustaka kiosk or service to the door-step via Poslaju,
Ubiquitous Library
JAN - JUNE 2011
u-Pustaka Portal
whilst returning of books could be undertaken at any of
communities would be empowered to gain access to the
the u-Pustaka bookdrops with locations that are listed at
suite of services at Community Broadband Centers (CBC)
the ‘Info Cube’ service in the portal. Daily highlights on
and Community Broadband Libraries (CBL), telecentres,
knowledge-based events will continuously be available at
digital districts and ‘Kampung Wi-Fi’. Finally, u-Pustaka
the portal with webinar sessions, discussion forums and
brings forth the idea of ‘putting a library in every
perusal of electronic resources. Readers are also invited
to reciprocate with their ‘thinking aloud’ mechanism
from their good reading habit. The four (4) ‘knowledge
pillars’ embracing Teaching, Integration, Application and
mechanism to leverage on the existence of more than
Knowledge Discovery could offer a platform to attract
12,000 libraries throughout the whole nation, with a
local talents, scholars, researchers, writers, historians
treasure of knowledge resources and services, that
and experts within any knowledge domain to be
could be harnessed for knowledge resource sharing
continuously engage with the u-Pustaka consortium as
through the provision of broadband infrastructure. As
part of the knowledge sharing activities, from teaching
any librarian will attest, information is useless unless one
until knowledge discovery, with the idea of contributing
knows how to access and apply. It is the fervent hope that
to the generation of local content.
the ubiquitous availability of knowledge resources and
services through u-Pustaka would be serving pervasively
as part of our life-long learning lifestyle.
Citizens from all walks of life will now have the opportunity
to be reached by the National Library of Malaysia and
Think knowledge, think u-Pustaka
INTAN Library; State libraries and Local Government
authority libraries. u-Pustaka members from the rural
Assoc. Professor Indahsah Haji Sidek
JAN - JUNE 2011