Varietal Forestry - Forest Landowners Association
Varietal Forestry - Forest Landowners Association
Accelerating Loblolly Pine V i t l Forestry Varietal F t in i the th Southeastern USA Forest Landowners Association Charleston South Carolina Charleston, May 2007 Jeff Wright, ArborGen Summerville, SC Presentation Overview ¾ ArborGen Overview ¾ Background on varietal development ¾ Two reasons why varietal forestry should be accelerated in the Southeastern USA ¾ Core components of a varietal forestry program ¾ ArborGen Testing Service model for accelerating g varietal forestry y in the Southeastern USA ¾ Summary/Needs to move varietal forestry forward 2 | ¾ ArborGen is dedicated to developing trees that grow faster, on less land, thus conserving native forests in all their diversity and complexity for future generations generations. 3 | ArborGen Today ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Headquarters: q Summerville,, SC 100+ employees worldwide Employees in US, New Zealand, and Brazil World-wide collaborations with academia and industry Full range of commercial functions Providing leadership in varietal research and development 4 | About ArborGen ¾ Current products – Loblolly pine varietals ¾ Future products – Eucalyptus with improved pulping – Short rotation loblolly pine – Short rotation hardwoods for pulp and energy markets ¾ Conservation Collaborations – American Chestnut restoration 5 | Background B k d on Varietal Development Seedlings From Open-Pollinated Germplasm Have a Wide Range of Performance Frequ uency of Oc ccurrence Mean σ Poor = 17% Concept can apply to numerous measures of performance: ¾ Growth/Biomass ¾ Straightness ¾ Branching ¾ Disease Resistance σ Average = 66% Very Good = 12% Performance 7 | Exceptional = 5% Typical Loblolly Pine Stand 8 | Traditional Tree Improvement Has Led to New Generations of Germplasm With Improved Performance Frequenc cy of Occu urrence Generation 2.0 1.0 The same distribution of performance applies P f Performance 9 | Varietal Technology Allows ArborGen to Select the Highest g Performing g Varieties Varieties Seedlings Select varieties provide a uniform stand of the highest quality trees 10 | Improvements with Varietals ¾ Improved Consistency ¾ Improved Quality ¾ Faster Growth 11 | Two Reasons We Need to Accelerate Varietal Forestry y in the Southeastern USA: ¾ Reason #1. To Enable Forestry on High Value Land Land Cost ($/Acre) Regen. Cost –Yr-0 ($/Acre) Fert. Cost Yrs 9, 15 ($/Acre) Green tons/Ac For 7% return Site Index For 7% return MAI For 7% return $500 $350 $100/trt 78 55 3.9 $1000 $350 $100/trt 114 67 5.7 $1500 $350 $100/trt 147 75 7.4 $2000 $350 $100/trt 181 81 9.0 $2500 $350 $100/trt 214 88 10.7 $3000 $350 $100/trt 250 95 12.5 Annual Tax $5.00/acre Capital gains tax rate 22% Rotation length: 20 Years Blended Price $35/Green ton 400 trees/acre 12 | Two Reasons We Need to Accelerate Varietal Forestry y in the Southeastern USA: ¾ Reason #2: Improve Investment Returns – Three Keys: 2. Higher Stand Quality % Sawtimber Potential Trees 80 70 Heig ght (ft) 60 50 40 30 Clone 93 20 Clone 32 SI 100 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 3. Shorter Rotations 35 90 80 70 60 50 40 SI 70 30 25 Years to Ht. of 85 5 Feet 1. Higher Yields 30 20 10 0 OP 20 SI 100 15 10 5 0 Variety 0 2 Age Powell Bay Variety Test 4 6 Site Index Class CSER3 Variety Test Site Index Tables – Combined with disease resistance and operational efficiencies gained from uniformity 13 | 8 Components of a Varietal Program Define Ideotype(s) Full F ll Deployment Focus F Breeding Phase II Test S l ti Selection Variety Valuation Efficient Production Variety Testing 14 | Influence of Site Index on Final Harvest Product Class Breakdown 435/200, Thin at 45’, CC 23* Tons by P T Productt Class 250 Sawtimber Chip-n-saw 200 Pulpwood 150 30 183 95 100 50 0 85 63 17 25 33 SI 75 SI 85 SI 95 28 Site Index at Base Age 25 * Data Courtesy Dougherty & Dougherty 15 | Influence of Increasing Site Index on Final Harvest Value 435/200, Thin at 45’, CC 23* Final H Harvest Value $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $9,115 $4,000 $5,861 $2,000 $3,356 $0 SI 75 SI 85 SI 95 Sit Index Site I d att Base B Age A 25 * Data Courtesy Dougherty & Dougherty 16 | ArborGen Testing Service Provides the Necessary Selection Rigor ¾ ArborGen Testing Services (ATS) conducts variety testing on multiple sites in multiple tree production locations throughout the southeastern th t U.S. US – Planting Season 2005, 5 sites, 500 varieties – Planting Season 2006, 14 sites, 1400 varieties – Planting Season 2007, 14 sites, 1200 varieties ¾ To date, ArborGen has 3100 Varieties in 33 ATS Field Trials 17 | ArborGen Testing Service Varietal Trial Zones 18 | Additional ATS Trial Collaborators ¾Clemson University ¾University of Florida ¾University of Georgia ¾Louisiana State University ¾Mississippi State University ¾Virginia Tech University ¾Rayonier ¾Plum Creek ¾Forest Capital Partners ¾GP/Koch Industries ¾South Carolina Forestry Commission ¾Virginia Division of Forests Opportunities for Advancement ¾ Better projections of Growth and Yield as well as Value of selected varieties for improving returns from forestry investments. ¾ Increased effort to fully integrate varietal forestry into tree improvement and silvicultural programs. programs ¾ Better wood and p product quality q y evaluation techniques must be developed to take advantage of the potential for varieties to improve p p important p wood properties and the uniformity of raw material furnish 20 | Summary ¾ Advancements are Being Made: Production testing and selection of Production, superior varieties of loblolly pine have been greatly accelerated and will soon b d be deployed l d on a llarge scale. l ¾ Adoption is Crucial: To have a g “wood-basket-wide” significant influence on the Southeastern USA forest resource, steps must be taken to get this technology adopted by federal federal, state, private and industry stakeholders as soon as possible. 21 | Summary ¾ Projection of Yield and Value: One of the greatest opportunities for advancing the acceptance of varietal forestry is projecting yields and values l off selected l t d varieties i ti and d th their i impact on improving returns from forest investments. ¾ ArborGen’s Leadership: ArborGen has increased customer cooperative testing programs and efforts are greatly expanding in 2007. 22 | THANK YOU. YOU Jeff Wright 843 991 2911 843.991.2911