northlands live - Volunteer at Northlands
northlands live - Volunteer at Northlands
Volunteer Newsletter NORTHLANDS LIVE Hello Volunteers! The excitement is building at Northlands. As the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show and the Canadian College Finals Rodeo come to another successful close, we’re looking forward to the snow melting. The weather is warmer and the sun is shining brighter to the summer ahead, which can only mean we are gearing up for one of Northlands’ largest events–K-Days! This year’s K-Days will feature an enhanced entertainment experience while remaining true to the history and tradition of the fair. We are excited to be sharing more exciting information with you within the coming months. Stay tuned for some very exciting announcements! The past month has been bustling with actions and events throughout the Northlands campus. March saw the Edmonton EXPO Centre packed to the brim with guests for the Harlem Globetrotters, Mom, Pop & Tots Fair, the 2014 Edmonton Golf Show, Edmonton Boat & Sportsman Show and the Edmonton Home & Garden Show. Rexall Place at Northlands was abuzz with sporting events and world-class concerts such as Lady Antebellum. At Northlands Park, we said goodbye to another successful season of Harness Racing, but we are excited to welcome APRIL 2014 Northlands most recent Make-A-Wish child, Ava, glows after receiving her gifts. back the thoroughbreds on May 2. With the return of the thoroughbreds, we’re busy planning for Northlands Park Racetrack & Casino’s biggest event – the 85th running of the Canadian Derby. On February 26 we were thrilled to announce our latest initiative at Northlands. “Alberta Flavour. Local. From the Ground Up,” is our brand new program aimed at getting more local food on the plates of Albertans. By encouraging likeminded organizations to purchase locally made and sourced products, we hope to help protect the vitality of Alberta’s agriculture industry for years to come! Thank you for all of your hard work throughout the winter months. Although our winters are long and cold, your dedication always makes things a little warmer. Here’s to another great summer. Sharilee Fossum Acting President & CEO, Northlands Laura Gadowsky Chair, Northlands Board of Directors What’s Up in the Community On March 4, Northlands welcomed Ava, our new Make-A-Wish child, to the Edmonton EXPO Centre to meet staff and receive presents bought specifically for her. Staff also had the extreme pleasure of breaking the news to her that she is Disneyworld-bound, courtesy of Northlands! Ava is Northlands’ 4th Make-A-Wish child and will be traveling to Florida with her parents and older sister in the coming months. Northlands was happy to host Bust-A-Move which raises funds for the Alberta Cancer Foundation in support of the Cross Cancer Institute on March 22 at the Edmonton EXPO Centre. Teams worked out for six hours in a high energy atmosphere raising $400,000! Early in April, Northlands hosted United Way’s 5th Annual UDodge tournament! UDodge is a community based initiative designed to connect youth and mentors together to encourage cross peer interaction and community spirit. It’s a one day dodge ball tournament with each team consisting of four youth, four corporate adults, a member of the Edmonton Police Service and a Northlands representative. Did You Know? Larry Grotkowski regularly helps various departments at Northlands by volunteering his time to come in and shred documents needing recycling. Larry has been volunteering for 12 years and also volunteered as an arrival ambassador, for booth relief, helped at volunteer fairs, and his all time favourite, CFR Six Pack. Jean Kapoor meets Shania Twain! Jean Kapoor had the exciting experience of meeting Shania Twain last year and had her photo with her son Raj and Twain featured in the Edmonton Journal this February! Her son, Raj, is the director of the “Shania: Still the One” Las Vegas show. Northlands Site Tours As promised in our Sneak Preview for 2014, we launched Site Tours of Edmonton EXPO Centre, Rexall Place and Northlands Park for volunteers. The first tour took place on April 15 with subsequent tours occurring the third Thursday of each month from 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Space is limited so sign up soon on VicNet for May and June! Volunteer Winners: Congratulations! Dave Nonay won two tickets to Monster Jam from the February birthday draw. Edith Aubichon won two tickets to see the Edmonton RUSH vs. Calgary Roughriders from the March birthday draw. Change of Address Update Please remember to update Volunteer Services if you move or your address has been affected by the recent Canada Post/Sturgeon County addressing initiative aimed at aligning mailing addresses. Memory Makers We are pleased to announce the successful launch of our Memory Makers program with our first two recipients Mary Smith and Mary Laliberte. Mary Smith took on a project at home working on her computer and put in over 100 hours finishing before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve to ensure that it was finished in 2013! Mary Laliberte visited the Volunteer Services office to do a data entry job. The one day project turned into a much bigger one lasting a week. These are instances of volunteers going above and beyond our expectations and reinforcing our Service Excellence values. Thank you ladies. Volunteer Engagement Results In the last edition of Northlands Live the results of the Information and Communication category of the August 2013 volunteer engagement survey were shared. We promised that the final two categories— Teamwork and Volunteer Resources Leadership— would be shared this time. The overall Teamwork score at 86% favourable has surpassed the last 2 survey scores as well as scoring 15 points above the benchmark. From the survey results in March 2012, Volunteer Services chose to do more on the “sharing of information with volunteers” score even though we were already well above the benchmark. We are pleased to see that the strategies and actions taken over the last 18 months (such as increasing both the content and frequency of the newsletter and our overall communication) improved the level of information our volunteers had regarding Northlands and our events. The overall Volunteer Resources Leadership score, at 81% favourable, exceeded the benchmark by 4 points. Although the organizations score for “acts consistently” has improved with each of the 3 surveys, it still falls 5% points lower than the benchmark. It is the only item in this dimension that is not above the benchmark. We are working with the Advisory Committee to identify ways that future scores in this area can reach or exceed the benchmark. To that end, we have had a training session with Northlands Events staff, the Volunteer Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs to ensure a consistent message was received by all. Those chairs and vice-chairs who were not able to attend the January session will have an opportunity in the near future. All volunteers are asked to share their comments and/or suggestions with a member of the Advisory Committee or with Fran Lucas regarding how the area of “acts consistently” can be enhanced. Fran can be reached at 780-471-7192 or by email at [email protected]. Training Opportunities: Knowing that our Northlands volunteers love to be kept up-to date, Volunteer Services offered training for those wanting to know how to use the on-line scheduling system, VicNet, and sign-in system, VicTouch. We had a good turn out and the two groups of volunteers asked great questions. With the use of a giant TV screen Kaitlyn demonstrated how to access the website and the scheduling system as well as other features of Volgistics. Volunteers were then encouraged to sign in using VicTouch which will be used again at K-Days and also go on-line to practice what they had just learnt. Would you like to know more about Facebook and Twitter? A class on how to use these social media platforms is being planned for the near future. Volunteer Corporate Orientation: Did you join us as a volunteer in the past year? If so, have you attended an orientation session (not to be confused with a kick off session)? If not, please call Kaitlyn at 780-471-7339 to register for one of the following classes: May 6, 2014, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. June 19, 2014, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Please note that attending an orientation session is required prior to signing up for future volunteer shifts. Recent Volunteer Orientation Participants: Front left to right: Margaret Niehaus, Mary Smith, Odette Dionne, Vonda Dunn, Ellen Filson Front left to right: Wendy Williamson, Sue Posteraro, Don Mcouat, Lorne Niehaus Back left to right: David Gonzalez, Cody Labelle, Lauren Martin, Erin Polson, Janice Kuethe, Kat L’Heureux Middle left to right: Di Zhang, Amy Strasser, Denise Strasser, Joan Michaud, Betty Bezaire Back left to right: Sylvia Duban, Bucky Mah, Terry Tuleck, Allan Brayford Vicnet and VicTouch Training Participants: Front left to right: Mary Smith, Patricia de Champlain, Eileen Purschke, Ellen Filson, Marjorie Teichert, Dorothy Gregg Middle left to right: Remi de Champlain, Pat Srala, Iryna Shustova, Betty Boychuk, Dolores Hoffman Back left to right: Carl Nieberding, Marlen Shustova, Marjorie Michalenko, Jack Francis Front left to right: Don Mcouat, Lorne Niehaus, Margaret Niehaus, Loveth Bradley Back left to right: Ivy Evans, Odette Dionne, Laurel Graham, Barb Makuch Harlem Globetrotters The world famous Harlem Globetrotters have been thrilling families and millions of fans for 88 years, all the while innovating the game in exciting new ways. The players were in our city appearing at Edmonton EXPO Centre. Prior to the event, one of the female players, Joyce “Sweet J” Ekworomadu, used the skills of one of our volunteer Courtesy Vehicles drivers Barry Newcombe to drive her for two days to all of her radio and television appearances across the city. Barry thoroughly enjoyed his experience meeting this lovely 5’10” Texan. Thank you Barry. Joyce “Sweet J” Ekworomadu and Barry Newcombe K-Days Teaser Ladies and gentlemen have you cleared your calendars yet for the 10 days of fun that are K-Days? Returning again this year will be The Farm but on a bigger scale and a fresh format including live animals. Kids Town will be enhanced this year featuring small interactive shops such as the Post Office and Library. Maybe this is the year that you would like to get involved with the Downtown Parade or the K-Days on-site mini parade, helping to carry banners, setup or handing out collateral. There will also be many more exciting opportunities that are yet to be unveiled. Please keep watching this space and your email for further information. Survival Training Volunteer Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and Northlands staff met to better understand their working relationships and roles for the coming year in the various programming areas. Front left to right: Geraldine Bidulock, Karen Herzog, Bill Dean, Diane Pysh, Rick Chornoluck, Joanne Borle, Mark McBain, Colleen Prefontaine Back left to right: Kaitlyn Majeski, Sophia Birchall, Nikki Fullerton, Dana Seymour, Arthur Lewandowski, Kristen Moser, Chandra Rayner, Desa Radic, Amanda Frigon, Fran Lucas Mike Derenowsky and Kenneth Kerr volunteering as Arrival Ambassadors at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Remi and Pat de Champlain volunteering at Canadian College Finals Rodeo Alberta Flavour. Local. From the ground up Northlands launched Alberta Flavour. Local. From the ground up – an initiative that helps bring more local food to the plates of Albertans, at the end of February. Northlands starts by helping local agri-food companies field test their products and ingredients, then will work with other organizations to get these products on their menu. “With a 135-year history as an agriculture society, we’re continuously looking for opportunities to support the agri-business in Alberta and beyond,” said Sharilee Fossum, acting President and CEO of Northlands. “Recognizing that people want sustainable, local and environmentally responsible food without compromising flavour, freshness and nourishment – we know this can be challenging. That’s why we’re proud to support agri-food companies in Alberta and we look forward to their successes.” The Alberta Flavour program has four key components: ucts are currently produced in Leduc at the Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD) Food Processing Development Centre. Siwin Potstickers are served at Colours Restaurant, Uplinks Lounge and are available for all Northlands’ catered events. Latin Foods Cheese: Calgary-based Latin Foods cheeses are all based on traditional Venezuela recipes. Latin Foods cheeses are served at Colours Restaurant. Uplinks Lounge and are available for all Northlands’ catered events. Calahoo Meats: Founded in Calahoo, Alberta in 1973, Calahoo Meats is a family owned meat processing company whose ham and ring sausage are processed in Leduc’s AARD centre. Northlands currently uses Calahoo ham as a part of its food service operations. Blue Kettle Specialty Foods: For 13 years, Blue Kettle Specialty Foods has been producing some of the province’s finest salad dressings (along with other products) out of St. Albert. Northlands uses almost 7000 liters of salad dressing each year and is transitioning to Blue Kettle Products. Progressive Foods: Progressive quick cook barley is the result of an applied research project by Marvin Nakonechny for Alberta 2. Northlands provides feedback to the manufacturer on how the Agriculture and Rural Development. Northlands’ culinary team is product can be improved for a commercial kitchen. currently developing new dishes that include this grain. 1. Newly developed food products are tested at Northlands. 3. When the product is ready, Northlands integrates it into its operations. Cheemo Perogies: Walter Makowecki started Heritage Frozen Foods in 1972 and the business is still family owned and operated today—where it produces over 3 million perogies per day in a 4. Northlands then helps build relationships with foodservice organizations to get Alberta Flavour food products on menus state of the art food processing plant in Edmonton. Northlands uses over 1,500 kg of Cheemo perogies each year. across the province. Agri-food Companies Currently Involved: Siwin Foods Potstickers: Based in Edmonton, Siwin Foods’ prod- Bles-Wold Dairy Products: Hennie and Tinie immigrated to Canada in 1994 and started Bles-Wold Dairy in Lacombe, Alberta. Northlands currently uses Bles-Wold yogurt and sour cream within it’s food service operations. Rick Chornuluk volunteering for Access Control at CCFR pictured with Cathy Kiss, Vice President Corporate Relations P.J. Takacs timing an event at CCFR with Desa Radic (Northlands Events Coordinator) Virginia Pegg, Volunteer Coordinator with Helen Slugoski who was volunteering as a 50/50 seller at CCFR Mary Smith and Darlene Collins sharing a hug at Northlands Farm and Ranch Show What Volunteers are Saying: “Thank you so much for the beautiful card and get well wishes, your thoughtfulness touched my heart. I know how busy you are so I thank you again for taking the time and caring.” Jean Kapoor “Thanks so much. What a nice gesture to perk up a person’s day!! I really thought it was such a special thoughtful touch--you Northlanders really know how to take care of your volunteers!” Rebecca Kallal “Thanks for the birthday wishes and also for always making me so welcome when I come to volunteer. I always have three smiling faces to greet me and to make sure my needs are fulfilled. The past 30 hours or more that I recently did was a good example, the Volunteer Services team was there for me when I needed something.” Mary Laliberte “Pleased to learn of Alberta Flavour. Local. From the ground up - a most welcome Northlands initiative in advancing, showcasing and supporting Alberta’s innovative Agriculture and Food industry.” Reg Norby, P. Ag. RT “Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!! It meant a lot to be thought of and to know that you are working with a great group of people who take the time to remember your special day. Love the balloons!! Nice touch!” Janet Mackell “Thank you from Kauai. The birthday wishes were very thoughtful and appreciated Aloha” Nelson Modin “You all are so kind to remember my big “B-Day”! Luv you for that!” Allan Wachowich Jeff Haswell, Daniel High, and Peggy Dick with memory makers received at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Amanda Schmidt and Valerie Wittek volunteering at CCFR What Staff are Saying “Nice to see how enthusiastic volunteers are even while working out in the cold at Hockey Hooky. Thanks to all of you – Bill P, Mike D, David L , Jason F, Allan P, David S – for your amazing help.” Sue Harris Assistant Manager, Parking “At Northlands, our volunteers not only help us out through our events, but also backstage. I recently had the opportunity to work with Mary Laliberte who committed her time to complete a Database for a project our team is currently working on. Her patience and determination to get the job done is an example to us here at Northlands. It took her longer than anticipated to enter all the data, but she never complained about it. Thanks a lot, Mary. As a volunteer you mean a lot to this organization, and we hope we can count on you again next time!” Elis Valera Finance Analyst Thoroughbred Racing Thoroughbred Racing begins again at Northlands Park on Friday, May 2 and runs Fridays and Saturdays in May. Starting in June, thoroughbreds will race Wednesday and Friday evenings, as well as the afternoons on Saturdays and holiday Mondays. Full schedule can be found on Making Your Memories Social Join the conversation, get up to date information and see pictures from our events and community initiatives. Best of all, you don’t have to be a member of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to view any of Northlands social media pages. Visit one of the links below. Facebook Twitter Important Volunteer Services Dates May 20 : Site Tour of Northlands June 18 : Site Tour of Northlands July 9 : K-Days Kickoff July 18 - 27: K-Days November 2 – 9 : Farmfair International November 5 – 9 : Canadian Finals Rodeo To keep volunteers in the loop on all upcoming events at Northlands, we supply the calendar below. For these types of events , volunteers are seldom required. When they are we will advise you by email, phone, or in the newsletter. APRIL 22 Black Sabbath Rexall Place 25 Edmonton Cottage Life & Cabin Show Edmonton EXPO Centre 25 The Grape Escape Edmonton EXPO Centre 30 AUTOMATION Expo & Conference Edmonton EXPO Centre Instagram Northlands Blog MAY 9 Investors Group Stars on Ice Presented by Lindt Rexall Place 10 Luke Bryan That’s My Kind of Night Tour Rexall Place 12 Luke Bryan That’s My Kind of Night Tour Rexall Place 13 14th Annual You’re Welcome Edmonton Awards Gala Edmonton EXPO Centre 20 City and Colour Rexall Place 26 Lady Gaga’s artRAVE: The Art Ball Rexall Place Volunteer Services Contacts Please visit our website: Email us: [email protected] Volunteer Hotline: 780-491-3400 Dates subject to change; check for schedule.