the banner - California Heights United Methodist Church


the banner - California Heights United Methodist Church
February 2015
California Heights United Methodist Church
Long Beach, California
California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
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Ken Crawford
Jan Doty
Don Gordon
Cathy Jones
Kathy Kaonohi
Sally Kola
Betty Patterson
John Polinski
Don Scoville
Laurie Smith
LaRue Souddress
Hector & Ruthann
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
On behalf of The Neighborhood/La Vecindad UMM, we express gratitude for all your support, and hard work at the 2014 Annual Christmas
Worship Service Las Posadas.
We profoundly appreciate the work each church made to raise funds
needed for the gifts. In addition, thank you Pastor Melinda Dodge for the
helpful volunteers from Los Altos UMC. This year we had 33 families enjoy
our worship service and Christmas lunch and family fellowship. What a
wonderful and marvelous time seeing families spending time with each
other. Besides the great time we spent, we had the joy to bless 85 children with a gift for the holidays.
Special thanks to our Associated Hispanic Director Rev. Joel Hortiales,
our Board member Dr. Bob Paull, our ESL Breakfast Club Director Jane W.
Barboza, Lena Gonzalez our (First District
Counselperson), Pat Kennedy (ICO Director), Nina Fernando (CLUE) for
delighting us with their presence.
Once again, thank you for your continued kindness. Happy New Year
to all.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Jackeline Vives
The 2nd Monday of each month Cal Heights hosts
a grief support group open to all. This is an ongoing
group, meeting monthly 6:00-7:30p.m. The group
integrates faith and emotional healing and is facilitated by Robin Wells, MDiv of Silverado Hospice
(949) 240-7744.
Joram & Genece
Cassandra Geoghegan 22
Bryan Doukenick
Stephen White
Sadie Vega
Pastor Amy
Max H.
Jackson T.
Cliff Usher
LeRoy Doty
Karen White
Owen T.
Abby G.
Walt Smith
Rick McCandless
Priscilla Miranda-Sanchez
Carrie Kim
Dawn Swanson
Davis M.
Rhys L.
Frances Middlebrooks
Linda Benson
Sharon Collier
Julian Silva
If we missed your special day please let the church office
know so we can include you next time.
From Urban Community Outreach:
Dear Helen [Freeborn],
Thank you for having a Cal Heights United Methodist Bake Sale to benefit Urban Community Outreach and our Temporary Shelter. I can’t even imagine the work that went into baking all the gingerbread houses and making the trains. The $1,040 will
certainly help! We are grateful. Together we are
temporarily sheltering and helping many poverty
stricken and homeless individuals and families on their
way to a better life.
Ongoing contributions like yours are vital to make it
possible for us to help people with resources and referrals as we also help them to compete in the job
market with computer and food service skills, give
them access to a computer lab, healthcare, dental
screening and care, and nourishing food. Thank you
again. We are delighted to partner with you to serve
those in need.
Best wishes and Happy New Year!
Arlene K. Mercer, Executive Director
The Banner is a monthly newsletter publication of
California Heights United Methodist Church.
Editor—Kathy McCandless
Deadline to submit information-15th of each
month for the following month’s issue.
Email to [email protected], or send hardcopy to the church office.
California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
Page 3
Amy’s Angle
The most profound words spoken in worship this
past Sunday came from a five year old. Erin was
talking with the children about Sunday’s Gospel
reading where Jesus tells the disciples that he will
make them “fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). She asked
the children what that might mean, was Jesus going
to catch us up in a net and capture us? Arabella
raised her hand and said, quite simply, “No, it means
that Jesus just wants to hold our hand.” We all took a
deep sigh and nodded our heads. Arabella just
summed up the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ in one
short, sweet sentence. I’ve read countless books of
theology, written over centuries, and that sentence,
my friends, said it all better than any theologian I’ve
ever read.
When Nikki was little, I can remember holding her
hand through parking lots and stores, having her little
hand reach out to me when she was scared, or
grabbing her hand forcefully when she got too near
a danger. Courting couples reach out cautiously at
first for one another’s hand, and as relationships
mature, holding hands in public, or in private
becomes a natural expression of companionship and
presence. As a friend and often as a pastor, I’ve sat
and prayed at hundreds of bedsides, holding hands
with people as they face illness, surgery and even
death. As I sat holding my mother’s hand while her
body was letting go of this life, I couldn’t help but
think of all the times her hand had reached out to me
in gestures of motherly affection and protection. All
of these expressions of love, nurture, protection and
simple presence tell us something profound about
the nature of God’s love for us.
During the seasons of Advent and Christmas we
talk a lot about the Incarnation, the belief that God
became human and lived among us. After millennia
of covenants, laws, prophets and teachings, God
decided that perhaps the best way to truly reach the
heart of humanity was to become one of us, to walk
along side us and model for us a way of living in
community, of loving and caring for one another.
If the Incarnation says anything about the nature of
God, and about the mission of Jesus Christ, it is that
God wants to be present to, with, and for us, to “hold
our hand,” if you will.
Someone came up to me after worship yesterday
and said that in their whole experience growing up
in the church, they were taught to be afraid, even
terrified of God. God was wrathful, angry and
vindictive, ready to send us straight to hell for even
the slightest error. My husband Mark told me after
the first time he visited Cal Heights that up until that
day, he had never left a worship service feeling
better than when he walked into it. Sadly, we all
know something of those churches that leave
people fearful and full of shame. For me, such
wrathful expressions are a harmful (and often
abusive) distortion of Christian theology. Christ
came as the Incarnation, a physical embodiment
of God’s love for us, and a witness to how we ought
to love one another. Christ came in love, to walk
and live in love, that we might also bear witness to
love. God, in Christ, reaching out a hand to us?
Walking along side us? Nurturing, protecting and
guiding us with a gentle, protective hand? Yep,
that’ll preach! Thanks, Arabella, for helping all of us
to understand the essence of Christian theology- yes,
“Jesus just wants to hold our hand.” Truer words have
rarely been spoken.
Cal-Pac Conference Event for Lay People and Clergy = Everyone!
“Caring is not for the Fainthearted”
Sat., Feb. 28, 2015, 8:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. at Vista UMC, 490 S. Melrose Dr., Vista CA 92081
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Glenna Kyker Brayton
—The Essence and Appearance of Loving the Stranger
—“Come, Sit with Me Awhile”; an invitation to Visiting Ministries
—Bringing Light into Darkness: Ministering to Those Behind Bars
—Becoming a Disability-Friendly Church—Opening Doors, Minds and Hearts Wider!
—Ministering to an Aging Congregation
Registration Brochures are available in the narthex or register online at
$45.00 (fee includes lunch)
California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
Page 4
In February we traditionally celebrate Valentine’s Day and show our
love with homemade valentines,
hearts, candy and lots of hugs. This
day (and any other!) is also a perfect
opportunity to talk with our kids about
the importance of demonstrating love for others
through care and compassion. Compassion is a virtue extolled through many lessons of the Bible and
hopefully in our personal daily interactions. However,
our society may seem, at times, to be filled with people who are distant and disconnected and it is vital
for our children’s sense of esteem, well-being and
optimistic outlook that we help them adopt compassion as a philosophy which propels their actions in
childhood and throughout their lives.
So what are some suggestions that you might incorporate into your own family which would help teach
your kids to be compassionate and care for others?
Perhaps some of the following ideas can help in your
goal of raising kind and empathic children:
Be a role model for your children. As they see you
serving others at home and in the community,
they will learn the importance of reaching out
with care;
Consider offering a ride to church for families who
are struggling to find transportation on Sundays;
Call the nursing home in your neighborhood and
inquire about an “adopt a grandparent” program they may offer or ask if your family might
organize one.
During holidays, or any time, help your children
write thank you notes for the local fire department or police headquarters and deliver these
notes with some cookies your kids have helped
Volunteer at a homeless shelter as a family and
encourage your children to be sensitive to the
plight of others;
Get involved with the animal care shelters and
include your children in the service of these
animals. If you have a pet at home, reinforce
the feelings of love and care your child shares
with your pets;
Periodically have your children go through their
clothes, toys and books and bag them up to
take to a shelter or charity. Take your child with
you when you deliver these bags so that they
can make the connection between donating
their things in order to help others in need;
Encourage their care of our earth by participating
in beach clean ups, tree planting or simply
take your kids to your neighborhood park with
a plastic bag to pick up trash;
Read stories about children and families from
other countries and discuss the challenges of
poverty and ways of living in underdeveloped
nations. Talk with them about ways to help
such as fundraising and including them in their
Carry bottles of water in your car and walk with
your children to share them with homeless people on the street or corners, especially on hot
When your child is celebrating a birthday, talk
with them about having a party and asking
guests to bring donations instead of gifts for the
birthday child’s favorite charity. After the
party, take the birthday person with you to deliver the donations; (Note: one mom always
begins the child’s birthday morning with a couple of their own gifts to open!)
Spend a Saturday morning going to the dollar
store to buy items to place into “goodie bags”
for homeless people. Things that you might include are water, fruit, first aid kit, a pair of
gloves, gum, etc. Keep these in your car to distribute when you see a person on the corner or
take them to the closest shelter or church to
distribute to those in need;
Seek out volunteer opportunities for you and your
family to share. Habitat for Humanity is one
option and if your children are too young to
actually work on construction, make brownies
together and deliver them to the work site;
Find overseas charity organizations or orphanages
and have your children write letters to children
Talk about reaching out to neighbors who may
need help with their yards or their grocery
California Heights United Methodist Church
Cont. next page —
The Banner
Page 5
The Altar Flower Chart
Sign Up for EScrip
The Altar Flower chart is posted and available for
signing. If you would like to donate for the Sunday
altar flowers for 2015 please sign your name next to
the date you would like. You may wish to commemorate a special date in your life or donate in
memory of a loved one. A reminder postcard will be
sent when it is your turn and then you may communicate a dedication to the church office if you wish.
The donation for 2015 remains at $50.
Dear friends,
We have a painless way to help our church make
ends meet. Escrip will give a percentage of your
grocery and other shopping purchases to California
Heights UMC just for signing up.
We all buy groceries. We may as well let the
grocery stores give us some of it back. Visit and sign up your grocery cards with the
participating markets and designate California
Heights UMC as your favored charity. It's very simple
to do. If you need help, call me and I'll walk you
through the process.
Susan Van Wig
California Heights UMC bookkeeper
562 980-6088
We Still Need Worship Greeters
Sign up for this very important ministry of
hospitality. Yours will be the first welcoming
smile as people arrive for worship. Greeters
stand by the front entrance to the sanctuary
and welcome all who come to Cal Heights on Sunday mornings. Greeters will be reminded when their
turn is near. If you have any questions please see
Constance Green.
Offering Envelopes
Please pick up your 2015 envelopes at the church.
Once again, in order to save money on postage we
will not be mailing the envelopes except to our
homebound members.
The Book Group meets at 7:00p. Call the church
office for location.
February 9 - "The Husband's Secret"
by Liane Moriarty
Cont. from preceding page —
shopping; make it a family day of helping;
As a family, participate in a local walk or run for a
good cause like the American Cancer Society,
the Children’s Hospital, or other organizations in
your neighborhood;
Encourage your older children to offer their babysitting services for free to someone they know
who may need a break or is struggling right
On a family night, read through the Bible for specific verses which teach compassion such as 2
Corinthian’s 8:7, Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:2,
Ephesians 6:7, Galatians 2:10 and think of actions you can take to honor each lesson;
Make a casserole together with your children and
deliver it to a local homeless shelter. Your children will see the impact of feeding those who
are hungry;
Seek children’s books to read with your children
that help them understand the challenges of a
special needs child and develop compassion
for others. Some suggestions are The Friendship
Puzzle: Helping Kids Learn About Accepting
and Including Kids with Autism by Julie L. Coe,
Introducing…Sasha Abramowitz by Sue
Halpern, Arnie and the New Kid by Nancy Carlson and My brother Charlie by Holly Robinson
Peete and Elizabeth Peete.
The value of compassion is truly best taught by the
attitudes and activities of the adults our children love
and respect. As they witness us (their parents), other
family members and friends demonstrate kindness,
empathy and generosity, our kids are more likely to
emulate our actions, feel good about the consequences and begin to appreciate the connection
between compassion, service to others and a personal sense of peace.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
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California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
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California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
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Sunday Morning Childcare
0-3 year olds: Nursery
3-5 year olds: Seedling ClassroomUpstairs by Balcony
Elementary age: Rainbow Room-Classroom
above the Nursery
Worshiping together as a family is valued here
at Cal Heights. On Communion Sunday, the first
Sunday of the month, we do not have Sunday
School, to allow for families to remain together.
Activity bags are available in the narthex, and
the nursery remains open.
Other weeks, children are dismissed to Sunday
School following “Good News for Kids.”
Sunday School: 10:15-11:00 AM
Preschool through Mid-Elementary
Unit 3: Miracles
February 1- No Sunday School.
The Wedding at Cana
February 8– Jesus Walks on Water
Matthew 12:22-33
February 15–Feeding of the 5000
John 6:1-14
February 22– The Man Beside the Pool
John 5:1-17
*If you are interested in teaching,
please contact Erin at
[email protected]
6pm -8pm!
Who: High School & Jr. High Youth
What: 2015 Winter Retreat
Where: Camp Colby
When: Feb. 14-16
Cost: $130
What does the Lord require of you?
SEE ERIN if you want to go!
California Heights United Methodist Church
Worship &
California Heights
United Methodist
Children’s Sunday School
11:00a Coffee & Conversation
Presidents Day
Fire Within Us
Youth Group
5p Pizza with the Pastor
6:30p Covenant
Bible Study
7p Church Council
First Sunday
in Lent
6:30p Covenant
Bible Study
(Church Office Closed)
7p Finance Committee
7p Staff-Parish
6p Grief Support Group
6:30p Covenant
Bible Study
7p Board of Trustees
6:30p Covenant
Bible Study
Ash Wednesday
7p Lenten Study
10:30 Bible Study
7p Worship
10:30 Bible Study
9a Project Achieve
10:30 Bible Study
10:30 Bible Study
9a Project Achieve
6p Carillon Choir
7:30p Chancel Choir
6p Carillon Choir
7:30p Chancel Choir
6p Carillon Choir
7:30p Chancel Choir
Page 9
“Fantasy & Fairy Tale”
6p Fundraiser Dinner
7p FOM Concert
9a Harmony Bound
9:30a Harmony Bound
3759 Orange Avenue  Long Beach  CA 90807
562.595.1996 
6p Carillon Choir
7:30p Chancel Choir
February 2015
California Heights United Methodist Church
The Banner
California Heights United Methodist Church
3759 Orange Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807
FAX 562.424.8232
Contact Us
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Amy Aitken
[email protected]
Director of Ministries with Children, Youth & Families: Erin Stenberg
[email protected]
Office Manager: Kathy McCandless
[email protected]
Director of Children’s Center: Lizet Vargas
[email protected]
Chancel & Carillon Handbell Choirs Director: Dr. Anna DeMichele
[email protected]
Organist: James Petri
Please note: Banner Submissions are due to the editor by the 15th day of each
month for the next edition, and can be emailed to [email protected].
California Heights United Methodist Church
3759 Orange Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807
California Heights United Methodist Church