News Letter Winter 2012 -


News Letter Winter 2012 -
Humanely Speaking
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Director’s Desk
Local Students Support Animal Welfare
Volunteers don't get paid, not because
they're worthless, but because they're
~Sherry Anderson
Kids. Animals. Clubs. What do they have in common? When you combine all
three, local students rally behind something they believe in and learn valuable
lessons outside the classroom.
Yesterday, a volunteer was sitting on the
floor cleaning the baseboards with a scrub
brush. It’s an important, but very unglamorous job. Viruses can be spread through
microscopic amounts of urine, feces or
sneeze droplets. Thorough cleaning is an
important part of animal care.
Students from Hinsdale Central High
School started the CARE Club this
fall. CARE is an acronym of Club for
Animal Respect and Education. Student leaders, Iliana Bladsell and
Elisabeth Greve, organized the club
to support animals in the local community and raise awareness about
animal injustices that are occurring
around the world. Approximately 50
students participate in CARE, showing they CARE about how animals
are treated, respected and protected.
In December, club members helped
Hinsdale Humane Society in a big
way. They organized a supply drive
at Hinsdale Central and raised $1,638
in donations! Elisabeth and Iliana
remarked, “For a new club, we are
very happy with the immediate turnout and the interest in our program.
It’s all about giving back to the animal community!”
Think about this for a moment. This teenaged volunteer wasn’t being forced and
he wasn’t being paid. He was scrubbing
minuscule corners because he wanted to
keep the animals healthy.
Wow! Our volunteers are priceless!
HHS Executive Director, Lori Halligan
folds laundry with Volunteer Sandy Hayes
We are very blessed to have a vibrant,
active volunteer corp. In 2011, Hinsdale
Humane Society had 306 active volunteers who provided over 9,400 hours of
service. Our Pet Therapy teams made
over 400 visits to hospitals, nursing
homes, libraries and schools, touching an
estimated 8 to 10 THOUSAND lives!
There are “fun” volunteer jobs like walking dogs and playing with cats… and then
there are the tedious ones… laundry,
dishes, scooping litter boxes, picking up
continued on page 3
Hinsdale Middle School club members Ian
S., Kate E., Charlotte P., and Charlotte S
visit the shelter.
In 2010, Hinsdale Middle School
students organized the HMS Humane
Society Club. The purpose of the
club is to raise awareness of animal
issues in the community and to educate students on keys to being a reC.A.R.E Club Students from Hinsdale
sponsible pet owner. Students take
Central High School drop off donations
frequent after school field trips to
Hinsdale Humane Society to learn about adoptable animals and how the shelter
operates. The focus is both educational and fun.
Emily Alsip and Eileen BungE, faculty sponsors of the HMS club, reported that
students form important emotional connections to animals. "These kids are
learning about some really difficult things, like animal neglect and puppy
mills. I think these challenging discussions increase their empathy, not only
towards the animals but also towards people as they learn to see situations from
a compassionate perspective. But they also have some really great uplifting
experiences and learn how to channel that compassion into positive actions that
help the animals."
continued on page 3
Holiday Highlights
We are thankful to all those who
helped support our holiday fundraising programs. These funds allow us
to continue to provide shelter and
care for our homeless animals year
round. Thanks to our friends who
purchased sponsor an animal certificates, giving tree ornaments, holiday
cards and cookbooks. And to those
who shopped at Vern Goers or made
a donation to our holiday appeal. A
special thanks to Wet Nose, Oakbrook who held a photo with Santa
event and made a donation to HHS.
A big thank you for the generous
donations from our local area scouting troops: Girl Scout Troop
58493 and Pegi Tangney for collecting food, toys, leashes, and
treats; and to Daisy Troop 51489
and Elizabeth McDaniels.
Special thanks for giving from the
heart to help the HHS animals: Joe
Saban, Natalie Robey, Michael
Flynn, Emma Dziura and Cara Perez,
Katie Ford and Abbie Russell, Kelly
Millins and Mia Hackett, Amy Bazzoni, Kevin & Barbara Garrow, Elsa
Ward and to the Cruz Family.
Neighborhood kids hosting a
Charity Dog Wash
Thanks to Kelly M. & Mia H. and
friends for organizing a neighborhood Charity Dog Wash. The girls
and dogs had a great time!
Monte and Lila pose with Santa at
Wet Nose, Oakbrook
Holiday Gift Wrapping
HHS volunteers enjoyed wrapping gifts
and collecting donations at our popular
annual gift wrapping fundraiser. This
year we hosted 18 shifts and logged in
over 40 volunteer hours at Barnes &
Noble, Oak Brook and Barbara’s Bookstore, Burr Ridge. We also thank those
shoppers who stopped by to say hi,
share an animal story, or made a donation to our shelter animals.
HHS volunteer Vicky Jacobson collects
donations with Sadie at Barbara’s
Bookstore in Burr Ridge
Congratulations and thank you to
Anya Egli, a sixth grade student at
Clarendon Hills Middle School,
for creating the original animal drawing that was selected for the cover of
the HHS’s Annual Holiday Appeal
Thanks to the students at Cossitt
School: Natalia Bernard, Camila
Alvarez, Miriam Nunez, Bridget
Anscombe, Grace Reilly and Julia
Clarke. To the Lane School, Third
Grade Class for collecting and donating shelter food, supplies and gift
cards; and to Glow Preschool, Jan
Jawor and Laura Leibundguth in
Westchester and to the P.A.W.S
Club of Lace School for making
handmade cat toys. And to Amanda
Kania, Out U Go Dog Walking,
for collecting and donating food,
supplies and toys. Thank YOU!
Special thanks to those children who
celebrated birthdays and made
donations to our shelter animals:
Maggie Hanner, Bella Pisani, Olive
Hinton and Charlotte Hellyer, Claudia Rudzinski, Abbie Moody, Kathleen McMahon, Claire Arnold and
Claire Cirrincione.
We thank the staff at LaForce, Inc,
Willowbrook Office who in lieu of
exchanging holiday office gifts,
decided to make a donation to help
our shelter animals.
A special thanks to our lemonade
stand partners: Ariana Jiotis,
Gianna Sipich, Marisa Sipich,
Juliana Petrovich, Terah Thomas,
Alexa Thomas, The Knutson family,
Emma Francis, Emily McColgan and
Ingrid Shaller, Sean Milstead, Mary
King and Catherine Bosch, Jackie
and Becky Blake, Brady Pollard,
Rehan and Kristen John and Jin the
golden retriever.
A GREAT BIG Thanks to Rose
Farrell, for organizing food and
shelter supply drives at her work,
Cosco, in Lombard, with her
neighbors through the Riveria
Townhomes Homeowners Association and at Millers Ale House Restaurant in Lombard.
Cosco, Downers Grove employees collect
food & shelter supplies for HHS
Thanks to Jacob Furlong and his
cousins in Canada who decided to
give to Hinsdale Humane Society
instead of exchanging gifts. And to
Samantha Barton who donated 46
homemade beds to comfort the cats’
stay here at HHS.
Local Students....continued from page 1
Two Paws Up!
Several elementary schools have “Kids Care” clubs, where kids learn about ways
to help others in their communities and around the world. The local “Kids Care”
clubs often adopt a cause every month, such as national disasters, childhood hunger or warm coats for inner city kids. More than a dozen of our local elementary
schools have participated in Pennies for Paws where students collect spare change
to help the animals while Hinsdale Humane Society provides lesson plans for humane treatment of animals.
3rd, 4th and 5th grade students from Lace School in Darien District 61 participate in
the PAWS Club: Pets and Wildlife for Students. 115 students meet once a month
and focus on animal welfare causes, particularly how the children can directly
help animals in need. For December, students made cat toys for our shelter animals. In addition, they’ve raised funds to support wildlife preservation, military
dogs, Hinsdale Humane Society and other rescue organizations. Student Emily
Koziol shared, "PAWS club is so important because it helps homeless animals get
healthy and helps them find a better home. We also donate the money we get
from selling lollipops and bookmarks to animal groups.”
Executive Director Lori Halligan stated, “Developing compassion for others is
one of the most important life lessons students can learn.” Hinsdale Humane Society is very grateful to have the opportunity to work with local student clubs as
they share their passion for animals.
Director’s Desk continued from page 1
Think about the people who volunteer their professional services: photography,
technical writing, website development, plumbing and electrician trades, veterinary skills, even financial and legal services. These dedicated volunteers save us
thousands of dollars in professional fees we would otherwise have to purchase.
And by the way, the IRS does not allow these professionals or any other volunteer
to deduct the value of their services.
...Thanks to our friends at 9Lives
for creating the 2nd Annual 9Lives®
Morris the Cat 2012 Calendar. The
12 month calendar features Morris
along with photos of a select group
of his four-legged feline facebook
fans! The proceeds of the calendar
benefit The Hinsdale Humane Society, which was his original home!
Special thanks to Kelly Timmons,
Social Account Supervisor,
9Lives®/Morris, for producing the
calendar and for choosing HHS as
the beneficiary. If you would like to
purchase a calendar, call 630-3235630 x17.
So if volunteers don’t get paid, why do they dedicate their time to Hinsdale Humane Society?
A few of our volunteers shared these thoughts.
I love working with the animals and staff. Every time I volunteer it leaves me in a
happy and wonderful mood afterwards.
The animals need our help and I love giving my time to making their day better.
I enjoy being a part of making someone's life a happier day - whether it is taking
my dog to visit Senior Residences or a day program for developmentally disabled
people or walking a dog or talking to a cat. Even helping staff with laundry so
they don't have to do as much is an enjoyable part of my day.
I love being able to give back and help the animals that need care and love. All of
us are so blessed in our lives, and it is an honor to help those animals in need.
We are so proud of our volunteers and their devotion to the animals and the humans who make Hinsdale Humane Society such a vibrant part of the community.
We try to say “thank you” as often as we can, but we realize we don’t express our
appreciation nearly enough. National Volunteer Appreciation Week is February
12 – 18. If you volunteer for our organization or anywhere, we are proud of your
dedicated service to helping others in need. THANK YOU!
And finally, why do we appreciate our volunteers so much? Because they really
give back so much more than they receive!
Kristin Skelton, Floofins & Co. donates food &
shelter supplies to Hinsdale Humane Society
Special thanks to Kristin Skelton,
of Floofins & Co. who hosted a
“Presents 4 Pets” collection drive
benefitting area animal shelters.
Kristen collected a variety of food,
treats, toys and supplies. Thank you
for including Hinsdale Humane Society as a recipient of this year’s
If you would like to hold a donation
drive, our wish list can be found at
The following list reflects the generous response of our supporters as of January 1, 2012.
In Memory of Pets
Abby by Ann Olzak
Abby by Jean Kadow
Abby by Mr. Frank Annicks
Abby by Ms. Hannah Crabbe
Abraham by Dwight & Mary Lou Wood
Aladdin by Ms. Shirley Eatwell
All our cats by Dr. & Mrs. Robert Briney
All the Gorski Pets by Ms. Cheryl Gorski
Amiza by Mr. John Dainauskas
Amy & Sam by Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Angel Marie & Tiffany Ann by Ms. Janice
Angell, Ashes, Cinders, Cricket, Peanut by
Sarah Soukup
Annie & Mikie by Harriet Potenza
Annie by Mr. & Mrs. Dan Swartz
Annie, Kitty, Clyde, Kelly & Trouble by Mr.
& Mrs. David Klick
Apache by Ms. Christine Jordan
Arco & Daisy by Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Arden by Pat Pope
Athena by Charles Stuparits
Babe, Buttons & Rusty by Sharlene A. Jantz
Bailey by Ms. Patricia Tucker
Bailey by Norman Wiessmann
Bandit by Mr. & Mrs. Alan Busic
Barkley & Schooner by Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Baron by Lori Kolodziejski
Baron, Jeff, Penny, Duke, Nibbons, Charlie
by Mrs. Loretta Goessling
Bary & Missy by Mrs. Raymond Moore
Basil Kitty by Mr. & Mrs. James Casey
Bear by Anne Lach
Bear by Joan & Robert Wronkiewicz
Bear by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mumford
Bear, Sam, GBPshaw & Murphy by James &
Martha Bojan
Beau & Murphy by Dr. & Mrs. Paul West
Beauregarde by Ms. Sandra Seelman
Beeky by Ms. Laverne Dooley
Belle by Gregory Bond
Ben & Nicky by Jan Kostrewski
Benji by Ms. Lorraine Kozak
Benny & Lucy by Ms. Trenna Hoppe
Benzie by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wangard
Betty by Joy A. Lemm
Biko & Zucki by Ms. Martina Frick
Binti by Mrs. William Caplice
Biskit & Mello by Mr./ Mrs. George Menton
Blackie & K. C. by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Blackie by Mr. & Mrs. James Klima
Blue by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinnear
Blue by Robin & Kevin Mc Grath
Bob & Tramp by Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Cunningham
Bogart by Mr. & Mrs. Michael La Forte
Bogart by Ms. Maryann Reczek
Bonnie, Taffy & Brandi by Mr. & Mrs.
Edmund Swires
Booker by Mr./Mrs. Edward Mc Cambridge
Brandy & Taffy by Mr. & Mrs. John Craig
Brandy & Candy by Adrienne Beutler
Brandy by Dr. & Mrs. Juan Angelats
Brookie by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Trainer
Brownie by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sousa
Buckwheat by D. Robenhorst
Buddy & Abbey Kellie by Ms. Denise Rebot
Buddy by Mr. & Mrs. James Krillenberger
Buffy by Ms. Florence Mazur
Bugsy & Marmie by Francesca Catalano
Buster by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pajak
Butterscotch by Ms. Barbara Deren
Buttons, Smokey, Tia, Zipper & Max by Ms.
Karen Knaack
Cassie by Donna Schultz
CC, Chloe & Arnold by Ms. Annette Collins
Chance & Taz by Ms. Bonnie Kendall
Charlie by Mr. & Mrs. Don Brown
Charlie by Ms. Aniko Kulhanek
Charlie by Ms. Kathleen Hennessy
Charlie by Susan Gathercoal
Chelsea by Mr. & Mrs. James D. Petrole
Cher by Frank Carrillo
Chi Chi by Ms. Carmella Mc Donnell
Chili Pepper by Ms. Rosalie Hill
Chloe & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zak
Chowder Nelson by Deborah, Stephen &
Sophie Kraus
Christmas by Mrs. Marie Bargemann
Chubby by Mrs. Arlene Raila
Cinnamon by Mr. & Mrs. Chris Marema
Clara by Colette Pecinka
Coco & Thumper by Cheryl Musch-Olhava
Coco by Ms. Charlotte Andres
Cocoa by Thomas Durica & Sue Jacob
Cody by Jennifer & Bill Voss
Cookie by Walter Arentz
Copper & Jacks by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kamin
Cora by Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Goetz
Cosmo by Robert & Kristen Parsons
Cricket my Love by Mrs. Madeline LoPresti
Daisy by Barbara Jean Lang
Daisy by Brad & Doreen De Zur
Daisy by Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Johnson
Daisy by Susan Bertuglia
Daphne by Mr. & Mrs. John Haarlow
Dara by Gail Davis
Dean Dean & Spunky by Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Deano & Frankie by Ms. Candy Pearson
Decker McCarthy by Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
Dexter & Hunter by Laura Ricks
Dinky by Mrs. Constance Nelson
Diogene, Freddi, Shelby, Teddi by Mr. &
Mrs. Gary Scherer
Dispensa by Ann Piccininni
Diva by Ms. La Verne Horan
Dunkin by Terry Maderak
Ebony by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schaefer
Eli & Ezra by Mr. & Mrs. Zed Francis
Elinor & Marianne by Ms. Emily Puntuzs
Fawn by Ms. Rosemarie Moore
Finn Dog by Mrs. Albert Taliani
Fiona by Ms. Elizabeth Wilcox
Fluffy by Ms. Elaine Hansen
Fluffy, Buddy & Heidi by Joseph Bamberger
Fozzie by John Wydra
Frankie & Barney by Drs. K. B. & N. K.
Frankie & Charlie by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Frankie by Ms. Evans Angelos
Frisbie, Duncan, Spencer, Jake by Mr. &
Mrs. Paul Schneider
Fritz & Wilbur by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fritzi & Wolfgang by Mr. Joseph Martan
Ftitz Otto Von Bismark by Mr.Mrs. James
George by Regina & Michael Eng
Goldie II by the Zilligen family
Gordon by Henry Messerschmidt
Gracie by Ms. Melissa Abel
Greta & Junior by Ms. Felicia Wood
Grover by Jennifer Voss, Zoe Halligan &
Yoffi Sidorow
Gucci, Cica, Dottie, Oreo, Chucky & Cuirca
by Lillian Obucina
Gus by the Metke Family
Gypsy Seroka by Ms. Alice Seroka
Harley & Boomer by Ms. Carolyn Suarez
Hector and Heather by Mary M. Forester
Heide by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lloyd
Heidi by Mr. William Chalberg
Heidi, Daisy & Spanky by Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Rutkowski
Herbie by Mr. & Mrs. James Novak
Hershey by Mr. David Lezondra
Holly & Barbie by Helen De Witt
Hubert by Elizabeth Home
Indi by Ms. Roxana Bishop
Inga by Elaine Tockson
Ivy by Alexandria Meccia
Izzie by Mr. & Mrs. Olen Cragg
Jack & Deuce by Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Jack by Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Drucker
Jake & Duffy by Ms. Catherine Laskey
Jake by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ondrus
Jake by Mrs. Mary Jane Kobal
Jasmine by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stenftenagel
Jenna & Ginger by Ms. Therese Erskine
Jenny, Joey & Andrew by Cindy Rein
Jessie Everette by The Huber Family
Jessie by Mr. & Mrs. James Kravcik
Jessie Tilly by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tilly
Jimmy by The Kayser Family
Jimmy Mc Grath by the Paul West family,
the Mc Grath family
Jimmy, Annie, Luke, Smokey, Rocky, Emily,
Charlie Racke by Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
Jingles, Paka & Beepers by Mr. & Mrs.
Lester L. Fiene
Jody by Ms. Corinne Venturi
Joe by Ann Marie Harkins
Josie & Chance by Janet Wendt
K-9 by Mr. Earl L. Smith
Kabernet by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Panzer
Kadar by Barbara Eubeler
Kali by Mrs. Vivian Tvrdik
Kasha, Barney & T.J. by Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Kathy & Elliott by Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Katie Rose by Jean Waringo
Keesha by Mr. Ron Stigler
Kelly by Kathleen Olinger
Kelsey Labinsky by Ms. Jill Harley
Kipper & Kittleby by Milton Klail
Kitties I’ve known & Loved by Ms. Janet
Klink, Liebschen & Gretchen by Ms. Suzanne Gaumond
Krinda by Jennifer Voss, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Porta, Mr. & Mrs. Mel Weiss, Ms. Kathryn
M. Dieskow, Lori Halligan
In Memory of Krinda
Laddie, Sam & Duncan by Ms. Cheryl
Lady by Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bouzios
Lady by Mr. & Mrs. Ning Li
Lady Girl by Ms. Gail Reinke
Lady Mindy by Louise Carrozzo
Lamps by Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Svetich
Lassie by Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Marshall
Lewy by Mr. & Mrs. James Hyman
Licorice by Virginia Jamieson
Lilly by Dolores & Dic Davis
Little cat Cosbey by Mr. & Mrs. John
Liz by Mr. & Mrs. James Bock
Loki by Elizabeth Wendt
Lolly by Kathy Dieskow
Louis by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vogts
Luck Dog by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jedovnicky
Lucky by Ms. Kathleen O’Toole
Lucy by Ms. Dorothy L. Altman
Lucy by Ms. Phyllis Hastings
Madison by Susan Salak
Maggie by Ms. Diana Aldridge
Maggie by Ms. Helen Ordman
Makenzie by Jennifer Voss, Kathy Dieskow,
Suzanne Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gavin,
Mary Schueren
Mandy & Mia by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Abel
Mandy by Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Charmoli
Mandy by Ms. Marilyn Halbreich
Mariah by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zillier
Marley by Sandra Kasper
Mattie by Adele Mayer
Maui by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grandy
Mausi by Ms. Simone Bok
Max by Carol Krawczyk
Max by Karen Rippon
Max by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Herold
Max by Mr. & Mrs. John Kroc
Max by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kmiec
Max by Ms. Deborah Rexroad
Max by Ms. Mary E. Jopa
Max by Ms. Sharon Natanek
Maxine by Julie Cochiaro
Maxwell & Sadie by Mr. & Mrs. Valli Gupta
McEnroe by Mr. & Mrs. Hans Fauske
Meatballs by Alexandra Kiefer
Mello & Biskit by Joan E. Menton
Mickey by the Pavlik family
Mike & Quay by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stonesifer
Milo & Chloe by Ms. Pamela Murphy
Mimi by Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sherry
Ming & Smokey by Gail Milligan
Mingie by Sussanne Zakhireh
Mischief by Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Rudow
Miss Jewell by Howard, Miki, Nick & Alex
Miss Kelly by Mrs. Nancy Battaglia
Missy & Maggie by Mr. & Mrs. Al Pate
Misty & Shelly by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Garnett
Misty by Joel & Christine Perrino
Mitzi Cat Jens by Ann Boisclair & Jeff Jens
Mitzie by Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hovanec
MoJo by Jim & Ann Beatty
Mojo by Ms. Julie Dumon
Molly by Julie Liesse, B.J. & Mike Ryan
Molly by Ms. Elizabeth Jamison
Monny by Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Kitz
Morris by Mrs. Thomas Winningham
Moses by Pat De Mars
Mr. Bond by Ms. William Steineke
Mr. Bumps & Loki by Mr. & Mrs. William
Derrah, Ms. Mary Schueren
Muffin by Debra Jaworski & Patricia
Mugzy by Ms. Rena Mulligan
Munch by Mr. & Mrs. Don Davis
Murdock by Ms. Anna Rezek
Murphy by Moira & George Rice
Murphy by Ms. Cheryl Schilling
Murphy by Ms. Maureen Marino
Murphy by Ms. Sarah Koten & Mr. Tom
Murphy Jansyn by Roy & Flo Swanson
Muskie by Ms. Colette Pecinka
Nellie by Mr. & Mrs. David Beckman
Nellie by Ms. Mary Ann Counsell
Nellie, Blanche & Marilyn by Catherine
Nickey by Cindy Kostaken
Nikki & Squirt by Mr. Jonathan Beener
Nikki by Ms. Betty Tetens
Nina & Harley by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cantore
Noah by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuras
Odie by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Oliver “Footz” by Ms. Linda Molloy
Oliver Surdenik by Susan & John Surdenik
Ollie by Virginia Janis
Orca by Susan Partipilo
Oreo & Blaze by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Fezekas
Oreo by Mr. & Mrs. David Skibbe
Otto by Mr. & Mrs. David Keil
Oz by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Winkel
Paige (Miss Kitty) by Mr. Robert Kalt
Pal by Anne Landgraf
Pal by Jennifer, Bob & Allie Maresso
Patch by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lemmler
Patchez by Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fiorito
Peaches, Lily, Elwood, Jake & Bud by Mr. &
Mrs. Roger Godel
Peanut by Ms. Roberta Light
Peanut, Maggie, Schnitzel & Sunny by Ms.
Sandra Borcherding
Peggy & Martha by Mr. & Mrs. Charles B.
Pepe by Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Tewart
Pepper & Whitney by Mr. & Mrs. Roy Frack
Pepper by Ms. Karen Rebey
Pepper, Frosty & Joshua by Eleanor Friedl
Pete by Mrs. Elizabeth Osgood
Pete by Ms. Dawn Mackie
Petey by Dr. & Mrs. Raymond White
Petey l by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stack
Phoebe by M. K. Hinton
Pickles & Peaches by Anita & Walter
PK by Deanna Dechene
Pokey & Harley by Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Pookie by Barb Feller
Prince & Tazzie by Mrs. Alice Abraham
Princh, Gesha & Fluffy by John Lubien
Priscilla by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nutter
Pugsy by Ms. Ann Mc Laren
Puss, Boots, Mew, Loki & Tigger by Mr. &
Mrs. William Heidorn
Quincy by Linda, Gary, Paul & Grandma
R. J. & Wolf by Joanne Kenig
Rainbow by Judy Joerms
Raleigh by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eshleman
Ramsey by Ms. Lisbeth Ann Tarrant
Razzle by Chris Cordts
Rebel by Ms. Ann Collins
Reggie by Mr. & Mrs. Dave Cyranoski
Rocket by Ellen Glista
Rocky & Sam by Ms. Linda Murray
Rocky by Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
Rocky, Tinkerbelle, Laverne & Shirley by
Ms. Marion Paulus
Rolf by Mr. & Mrs. John Stutte
Romulus by Judith Haddon
Roo & Tommy by Cora Ekins
Rookie & Beav by Fred Asp
Rose Bud Ondrus by Mrs. Mary Jane Kobal
Rosie B by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ondrus
Rosie by Glenn & Joanne Mrjenovich
Roxy by Mr. & Mrs. George Kapusta
Rudy Cartwright by Cindy & Henry
Rugby Wroble by Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooper
Rusty & Tommy by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dibbern
Sadie by Mr. & Mrs. Hank Scheier
Sam by Ms. Judy McFall
Sam J, Erin, Styx & Klink by Susan Collins
Samantha, Patches & Fleur by Mr. & Mrs.
Stephen Furge
Sambuca by Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Pietrini
Sammy & Rhonda by Chris & Mike Biank
Sammy by Laura Donohue
Sammy by Mr. David Wiersema
Sandy by Ken Allegretti
Sandy by Ms. Anne Bermier
Sandy by Ms. Linda Bergstrom
Sandy Girl by Mary Beth Manville
Sarge by Ms. Catherine Squance-Jarrett
Sasha & Misty by Ms. Geraldine Ziemke
Satin & Ditto by Connie Guintoli
Schnoopy by Rosemary Balazs
Seka by Sandra Schmidt
Serena by Mr. & Mrs. Martin Retzer
Seymour, Patches & Moses by Ms. Patricia
A. De Mars
Shadow by Mrs. Susan Long
Shadow by Ms. Mary Long
Shasha by Ms. Patricia Welegala
Shawn, Justin, Sonny, Caesar & Samson by
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Incrocci
Sheena by Kate Dwyer
Simba by Anita & Henry Stanislav
Simba by Mr. & Mrs. Terry Freeburg
Simba by the Lollar Family
Smokey, Fluffy & Sheena by Mrs. Violet
Snicky by Paula Fullager
Sniffles by Ken Thompson
Socks & Snowball by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Sophie & Blackie by Mr. & Mrs. Ron Walter
Spanky by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lukasiewicz
Spanky by Ms. Diana Cicenas
Spencer & Max by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Strom
Spenser by Cindy Pavel
Spice & Shadow by Ms. Hollis B. Hess
Spider by G. Wyszynski
Spike (the Wonder Dog) by Mr. & Mrs. Will
Spike by Jonathan Larsen
Spike by Mr. & Mrs. Mike Farias
Spooky by Donald Goss
Spurs by J. Coglianese
Squeaky by Vittoria Berardi
Squeekie & Bandit by Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Stormy by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scherer
Suzie by Betty Ann Perek
Sweet Pepper, Bowser & Abbey by Ms.
Nancy Petrovich
Sweetpea by Dan & Carol Smith
Sylvester by Ms. Merrily Burkland
Taffy & Brandy by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Harkabus
Taffy & Timmy-Buffy by Winifred Schuett
Tammy, Jan & Higgins by Ms. Kathy Hinton
Tartuffe, Amber & Harlie by Ms. Judy
Tarzan by Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brudnak
Taz by Alice Abraham
Taz by Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kutz
Teddy by Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Baralt
Teddy by Sandra Feffer
Terrapin by Ms. Marlene Burton
Thunder by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Vijuk
Tiffany by Ms. Christine Holm
Tiger Kraus, Max Kraus, Chiang Baratta,
Baby Chiang by Deborah & Stephen Kraus
Tilda, Clancy, Keisu, Karma Cat, Murray &
Myra, Hedge by Mr. & Mrs. John Hagedorn
Timmy by Mr. & Mrs. Duane Hammer
Tiny by Mrs. Charles Borcherding
Tiny Tim & Taffy by Winifred Schuett,
Dorothy Cochran & Arthur Schuett
Wynston by Anne Babinec
Yargo, Hershey & Smudge by Mr. & Mrs.
Douglas Frazier
Yoda by Mr. Von Ray Barnes II
Zoe by Mr. Ron Mihalcean
Zoey by Colette Pecinka
Zooey Reher by Ann Boisclair & Jeff Jens
Zoomie & Killer by Mary Beth Rudd
Adeline Wunderlich by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Agnes Ruzicka by Ms. Janice Marek
Alice Smith by Mr. Earl L. Smith
Alicia Todd by Georgia Fisher, Deb Sharkey,
Dorothy & Jerry Montgomery, Bill & Mary
Ann Boh, Tony & Norma Lovett, Chuck &
Mary Ellyn Witt, Melinda Blondis, Mr. Kenneth Koch, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Leffler, Steve
& Sue Voelz, Ms. Debbie Hardtke, Mr.
Kevin Weiss, Ms. C.J. Zanter
Alkanah by Ms. Sandra Seelman
All My Family by Mr. Richard Gintz
Amy Marie Jackson by Barb O’Connell, Mr.
Phil Hansen, Pat Hammerman, Chris Marsyla, Andrew Socut, Mary L. Schwartz, Barb
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Youngberg,
Carole Besler, Judy Onik, Lois Hansen
Andrew Smialek by Mr. & Mrs. Nick Ciaglia
Anna Fein by the Darien Woman’s Club
Anthony J. Lazzara by Mr. Tony Lazzara
Arden by Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pope
Arlene Horgan by John & Rebecca Bercini
Audrey Talsky by Elaine Szablewski
Barbara Burner by Karen Conley & members of Surface Deployment & Distribution
Command, Amy Komsthoeft & the VFC
Board, Linda Zulaski, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
Motycka, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley,
William & Celeste Vickers
Barbara Mackay by Theresa Cortez
In Memory of Grover
Bernadine Borkowski by Christopher
Tip by Ginny Reed
Bert Karp by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Karp
Tippy & Jo by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stejskal
Bertha Belzer by Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Strahan
Tobi & Fritzie by Barbara Gacek
Betty Kozak by Ann Kalata
Toby by Geraldine Carpson
Betty L. Schnaufer by Norman Schnaufer
Tootsie by Darlene Boncimino
Betty Nicholson by Cathleen Callen
Topaz, Tasha & Frosty by Ms. June Brooks Bob Held by Caroline Johnston
& Mr. John Fort
Bonnie Jean by Ms. Patricia Welegala
Tory & Shelly by Ms. Carol Grench
C. Walter Fritz by Mariel Schlesinger
Tramp by Mrs. M.L. Koranda
Carl Hammond by Ms. Allison HammondTressa by Ms. Valerie Spale
Twiggy & Tiggy by Mr. Fazlollah Alavi
Carole ‘Suzie’ Pavett by Ms. Audrey Stolfa
Wags, Quiz, Irky, Smirky & Patty Cake by
Carole Zaccari by Beverly Garside
Ms. Elayne Ihnchak
Charles & Shirley Cunningham by Mr. &
Webbster by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carey
Mrs. Peter Dignan
Wendy by Mrs. Sandra Hayes
Charlotte Schuler by Ms. Martha Schuler
Whipper by Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Baranowski Cheryl Marie Boudreau by Valeria Boudreau
Willen & Reddy by Ms. Sheila Henschel
Chet Moculeski by Mrs. Chester Moculeski
Willi by Sandy & Fred Hayes
Cindy Wilcox Fletcher by Ms. Elizabeth
Willie by Ms. Dana Stewart
Willie, Sniffles, Harley, Dingy, Midnight by Clement Mehler by Colette Gallian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Madej
Daniel Goessling by Mrs. Loretta Goessling
Willy by Arvin Sierra
David Long & Shadow by Joseph Long, Ms.
Willy by Ms. Carol Rowells
Mary Long, Susan Long
David Regnery by Ms. Nora Arnold
Dorothy Gumba by Deborah Piha
Edward Davison by Ms. Beverly A. Davison
Edward L. Briscoe by Marlys G. Allen
Edward Torres by Elizabeth Vantassel
Edwin Pavlik by Marie Marilynn Pavlik
Edwin Ubis by Eldora Ubis, Mrs. Edwin
Ellen & Harry Shimmin by Susan Trefil
Emilie Matiasek by Melanie Matiasek
Eunice “Wicky” Wickstrom by Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Bacastow, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Wickstrom
Eva Margarete Brahtz Gilgen by Mr. & Mrs.
Carl Nodus
Evelyn Smith by Ms. Janice Panek
Gary Peart by Vinaya Sharma
Gene Prochaska by Joan Prochaska
Gil & Lil Pasquini by Alan & Kathy Sraga
Gladys Metz & Brian Metz by Mr. & Mrs.
Bert Metz
Gladys Schoij by Hinsdale Central High
School, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Tyler, Jr., Ms.
Barbara Reisse, Ms. Margaret Koerner
Helen Chodl by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wright
Helen Grabowski by Ms. Susan Williams
Helen Szafranski by Mr. Thomas & Dr.
Laura Tomaszek, Scott, Reanell, Jeffrey,
Debra & Robert Low, Patricia Teichert, Ms.
Margaret Brennan, Ms. Patricia Brennan,
Mr. Philip Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. John Carey,
Mr. & Mrs. Con Ejka, Ms. Barbara Glapa,
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery Grassle, Ms. Agnes Limanowski, Mr. & Mrs. Terence Mc Mahon,
Mrs. Mary Rach, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Ragan,
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Sumouske
Henrietta & Joseph Cimfe by Joseph Cimfe
Henry Tymick by Mrs. Henry Tymick
Irvin Lesnewski by Mr./Mrs. Peter Barton, Jr.
Jacquie Bond by Gregory Bond
James Herda by Inge Panek
James Kopka by Gary & Carol Gould
Janet Soukup by Sarah Soukup
Jean & Alan Hurd by Mrs. Nancy Bassett
Jean Borcherding by Mrs. Charles
Jean West by Janet Bochar & Family
Jeanette Brenk by Mr.Mrs. Leonard Turnbull
Jeffrey Jones by Jennifer Jones
Jerry & Adeline Hubeny by Mr. & Mrs.
Michael Fijolek
Jerry Ziff by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vogts
Jimmy McCarthy by Jennifer Voss
Joan Knauber by Ms. Marian Lynch
Joanne Dean by Donna Haag
John & Rosalind Blake by Mr. & Mrs. David
Jordan Crist by Mr. & Mrs. Rick Agriesti
Joseph Pearson by Candy Pearson
Juanita Skorepa by Doris Volenec
Karen Stec by Ms. Charlene Nemec
Karl Halbig by Rose Hodges, Mr. and Mrs.
John McAvoy, Jeannie Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Togliatti
Kelli O’Laughlin by Gale Tlapa
Kelly Williams by Jack Williams
Larry Yonkers by Mary Beth Manville
Leslie Martin by the Tirandazi Family:
Karen, Daryoosh & Nadia, Nora Pardo
Lillian Koresch by Mr. & Mrs. Silviano
Loretta Pearson by Mr. Russell Pearson
Louis R. Agresto by Mrs. Louis Agresto
Margarete Martan by Mr. Joseph Martan
Marilyn Haase by G. Wheeler, Joyce Nemec
In Memory of Dexter
Marion Rende by Deborah Ainley
Mary Dispensa by Robin & Jeff Kerensky,
Dawn Siebert, Leonard & Pamela Murphy,
members of The Property Loss Research
Bureau, Ann Piccininni
Mateo G. Quevedo by a retired friend
Matthew Lazzara and Bandit by Kathleen
Melissa Schmidt by Cowen Insurance, Dr.
and Mrs. James Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Chase
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Remes, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Edward Stanish, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Gottlieb, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Cruise, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smerz, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Banky, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lennon, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dowiarz, Mr.
Dale Taylor, Mrs. Jerome Hahn, the
Odlands, Ms. Gail Skowron, Ms. Gail Uctum, Ms. Judith Ann Lang
Michael Barna by Bev & Henry Grey &
family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lange, Mr. &
Mrs. William Vickers
Michael C. Gaffney by Isabelle Gaffney
Michael G. Ogonowski by Marilyn A.
Michael Jendras by Juanita Baruth
Michele Catanzaro by Mr. Anthony
Monika Scheier by Mr. & Mrs. Hank Scheier
Mr. & Mrs. C. Steiner by Cynthia Steiner
Muriel Lettsome by Ms. Laura Walther
Nancy Nasharr by Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Pat Chize by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mumford
Pete Walch by Diana Aldridge
Ray Moore by Mrs. Raymond Moore
Robert Anderson Vickie BrautigamMargaris by Mrs. Marilyn Anderson
Robert C. Ziemke by Ms. Geraldine Ziemke
Robert Grimm by Ms. Judy McFall
Robert O. Anderson by Marilyn Anderson
Robert Paulus by Ms. Marion Paulus
Roy Bender by Mrs. Virginia Bender
Ruth Cordin by Chris Cordin Blitstein
Shari Wiessmann by Norman Wiessmann
Suzanne Miller by Mr. Fred Miller
Sylvia Gintz by Richard Gintz
Ted Benner by Bonnie Engel
Ted by Ms. Trenna Hoppe
Terry Myles by Ms. Rita Myles
Thomas Winningham by Mrs. Thomas
Todd Falkenberg by Ms. Anita Coughlan
Tom Abraham by Mrs. Alice Abraham
Tony Stege by David Benson
Vern Jantz by Sharlene A. Jantz
Virginia & Walter Major by David Eller
Virginia Beutler by Adrienne Beutler
Virginia Dainauskas by Mr. John
Virginia Healy by James Healy
Virginia McKinnon and Moree Venard, our
aunts by Deborah & Stephen Kraus
Walter Fritz by Mariel Schlesinger
William Plourde by Ms. Doris Plourde
In Honor of Pets
Albee & McMurtry by Mr. & Mrs. George
Alexus by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Asp
All hungry dogs and cats by Thomas Stormer
All my pups by Judy Topinka
Amelia & Big Boy by Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Andrew and Christy by Mary M. Forester
Angel by Lucy Drescher
Annie & Lizzie by Ms. Lisbeth Ann Tarrant
Arum, Mel & Bando by the Bandauskas
Axle by Mr. & Mrs. Hans Fauske
Bailey by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brownback
Bailey by Mr. Jeffrey Tobolski
Bambino by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nizzere
Basil & Giotto by Ms. Virginia
Baxter by Linda Sticklen
Bear by Mr. & Mrs. Otto Schlesinger, Jr.
Bear by Ms. Mary Lee Sedivy
Bearan by Lori Kolodziejski
Beau by Ms. Maryann Darnaby
Beauty by Ms. Jacqueline Fask
Bella by Debra Jaworski & Patricia Desmold
Bentley by Kathy Rajter
Bernie Bernstein by Donna Knuth
Billie & Allie by Bonnie Keefe
Billy by Anthony & Mary Ann Trekas
Bingo by Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Nash
Bishon by Tom Stormer
Blue, Foof, Mim & Smudge by Mr. & Mrs.
Frank J. Voznak
Bluebelle by Ms. Judith A. Horvath
Boo by Lisa Szostak
Bosco by Kathryn Mc Inerney
Brownie by J. Sousa
Bucky & Holly by Marilynn Pavlik
Buddy & Callie by Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Buddy Bear by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kovacic
Buddy by Ms. Alice Saracco
Buddy by Ms. Eleanor Sarussi
Bunny & Kilgore by Catherine Terry
Buster & BeBe by Carol Stockwell
Calli by Mr. & Mrs. James Besso
Calliope by V. Haverl
Calvin, Claude, Catherine & Charleston by
Elizabeth Reckers
Candy by Mr. & Mrs. David Skibbe
Captain by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wangard
Caramel by Bonnie Reid
Ceili by Ms. Amy Scott
Champion by Ms. Christine Jordan
Charley by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stein
Charlie by the Spinelli Family
Cheech by Mr. & Mrs. Steve Birkenmeyer
Cheeto & Cody by Ms. Laurel Carlson
Chelsea by Beverly De Phillips
Chewy by Gail Rosen
Chief by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Jozwiak
Chippy by Ms. Martha Schuler
Chu Chu by Anne Babinec
Cinder by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Knaack
Clarence James by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindsay
Cleo by Ms. Diana Cicenas
Clipper, Cricket, Dusty & Poto by Mr. &
Mrs. Joseph Lizzadro
Cody by Janet Jarr
Cubby, Millie by Laura Meyer
Cupcake by Pat Spadoni
Daisy by Mr. & Mrs. Ron Trzos
Dennie by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Metz
Diego by Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Tewart
Dottie by Mr. James Spiegel
Dudley by Roslyn Fittin
Eddie Spaghetti by the Odlands
Einstein by Mr. William Rolf
Eleanor by Alice Gregory
Ella & Desmond by Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Emmy by Ginny Reed
Ernie by Ms. Kathleen Hennessy
Esther, Abbie & Uma by Mr. & Mrs. John
Ethel by Ms. Laverne Dooley
Fannee & Samantha by Mr. & Mrs. John
Ferdie & Lucky by Chris Jacobs
Foo Foo by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jenig
For All Homeless Pets by Diane Novak
Frank by Susan Trefil
Franky by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Masek
Frisky, Mittens, & Ivy by Alexandria Meccia
Frosty by Ms. Beverly A. Davison
Garfield the cat & Gromit the dog by Mr. &
Mrs. John Biel
Ginger by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mattheeussen
Goldie by Mrs. Helen Bills
Grace by Mr. & Mrs. David Bennett
Gracie by Ms. Jean McInerney
Gus & Ollie by Cathy Obradovich
Harley by Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McGrath
Harriet by Patricia Johnson
Hemingway by Charlie & Danny
Henry, Steve & Liam by Jana Fruh
Herman by Mr. & Mrs. William MacIntosh
Hilly by Ms. Elizabeth Jamison
Holly by Mrs. Geraldine Kusnierz
Howl & Sophie by Sandra Condon
Isabel by Harriet Dygert
Izzie by Kathryn Cragg
Izzy by Mr. & Mrs. James Hyman
Izzy by Mrs. Joan M. Hurst
Izzy by Ms. Sarah Koten
Jack by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tomczyk
Jack by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jablonski
Jack by Mr. & Mrs. Tom Garrow
Jack by Ms. Susan Georgeson
Jackie by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leptich
Jessie & Quincy by Mr. & Mrs. John Haarlow
Jinx by Mr. & Mrs. William Burns
JJ by Mr. Scott Barlow
JJ by Ms. Deborah Rexroad
Jo Jo by Ms. Diana Aldridge
Kate & Spencer by Mary Wheeler
Kayla, Chango, Hank, Boris by Mr. Ron
Kitty Girl by Mr. & Mrs. Roger Davis
Kitty Girl by Ms. Bonnie Mack
Kobie by Char Kunesh
Krissy by Paula Jansen
In Memory of Taz
Lance & Toby by Cindy Pavel
Lexi & Lilly by Mr. & Mrs. James Krillenberger
Libby by Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stuart
Lilo by Ms. Sarra McClintock
Lilyanna by Ms. Marilyn Halbreich
Louie by Joyce & John Putz
Lucky & Minnie by Ms. Joyce Nemec
Lucy by Mr. Keith Zagroba
Lucy by Ms. Clarice Brady
Maggie by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Harkabus
Maggie May by Michelle Holbrook
Makers by Cwik Family
Many Pets by Mrs. Loretta Goessling
Marble by Virginia O’Connor
Marley by Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Devlin
Marley by Ms. Heidi Kreplin
Maui, Buster & Dexter by Linda Battaglia
Max & Maisie by Mrs. Annette Harrison
Max by Barbara Liberty
Max by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneider
Maxine by Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Strahan
Meme & Willie by June Herdzina
Mia by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Stankevicius &
Cindy Bergmann
Midnight by Donald Goss
Miley & Chloe by Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph
Mimi, Galaga & Smudge by Ms. Christine
Minnie by Donna Schultz
Misha by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Folkers
Mitzi by Mr. & Mrs. John Craig
Molly by Mr. & Mrs. George Graves
Molly by Ms. Kelly Reiss
Monique & Stosh by Kristine Hegner
Moosey by Mrs. M.L. Koranda
Moretti by Anastasia Urban
Niko by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Incrocci
Nugget & Sophie by Julia & Allison Burke
Nugget by Ms. Shirley Hesslau
Obi & Luke by Regina & Michael Eng
Ollie by Mr. Bruce Martinelli
Oreo & Flash by Cathy Duncan
Oreo by Mr. & Mrs. Phil Nelson
Oscar by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zak
Owen & Milagro by Sr. Edith Crews
Paige by Betty Wild
Petey & Mia by Ms. Patricia A. De Mars
Petey & Sammy by Ms. Kelley Mical
Phoebe by Sean Milstead
Pinnochio by Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hrehoriak
Porkchop by Fred Fabishak
Precious by Mr. & Mrs. Zed Francis
Pumpkin by Mr. & Mrs. Roger Godel
Purrcilla & Koshka by Mr. & Mrs. William
Quila by Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Marth
Rags by Russ Laube
Rebel & Tiggs by Ruth Andersen
Riley James by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kazmierczak
Ruby & Duke by Dr. & Mrs. William Nelson
Rusty by William Lindeman
Rusty/Redd by Arlene Cook
Salty by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lukasiewicz
Sam the Man by Mr. & Mrs. William Nicol
Samantha by Ms. Connie Newman
Samson by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Vijuk
Sandy Beaches by Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lipkin
Satin by Vi Polak
Saturn & Stanley by Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Savanna by Ann Piccininni
Scarlet by Sue Sobek
Scout by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Porretta
Shadow by Marilyn Czajkowdki
Shadow by Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Svetich
Shadow by Mr. & Mrs. Terry Freeburg
Sheba by Margaret Kryda
Shelby, Rufus, Opie & Little One by Mr. &
Mrs. Gary Sible
Shruti & Pandora by Mrs. Gillian Antani
Simba, Nyla & Smokey by Joel & Christine
Sketcher by Mariam Kasprzak
Smokey & Misty by Tanya Melich-Munyan
Socks & Ginger by Ms. Jeanne House
Spade by Mr. Russell M. Evans
Sprout by Kathleen Greenawalt
Star by Ms. Carmella Lederer
Stubby by Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Rudow
Sunday by Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Garza
Tabby by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Greene
Teddy, Norman & Joey by the Dignan family
Tia by Ruth Stella
Tiger Lily by Ellen Lockwald
Tiger, Jake, Mag, Cody & Sam by Dorothy
Toby by Ms. Elsie Pfizenmaier
Toby, Dash, Levy, Samson by Ms. Teresa J.
Trixie by Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Lofthouse
Troy & Jodie by Leslie Besecke
Tucker & Lulu by Dayna Murphy
Vincent by the Willman Family
Whisker & Brandy by Ms. Elly Tolin
Whiskers by Joanne Kenig
Willis by Ms. Annette Collins
Wrigley by Ed Sekal
Zack-a-roo & Mocha-chino by Christine
In Honor of People
Brian Riordan by Diane Wilson
50th Wedding Anniversary , Norb & Rose
Florek by Ms. Mary Beth Turek
Anna H. Kuhn by Mrs. Joan M. Hurst
Anne Racke by Suzanne Strohschein & the
Kayser Family
Anya Egli by Ms. Julie Duteau
Audrey Talsky by Elaine Szablewski
Beverly DePhillips by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Bill, Malinda, Ben & Quintin Lee by Mr. &
Mrs. David Schafer
Carole Huebotter by Ms. Diana Aldridge
Charles & Judy Porta by Ms. Frances Pettersen
Dr. Peggy Hannon by Ms. Susan Salak
Ellen & Rich Rothe by Mrs. Kathy Daly
Ferris Geoszek by Ms. Jill Harley
Grace Smith’s 15th Birthday
Grandma by Laura Meyer
Hrehoriak Family by Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Jake Stern by the Stanfield Family
Jean Archambault & Cheryl by Mr. Charles
Jean Narimatsu by Ms. Kathleen Lo Verde
Joyce Kik by Michelle Holbrook
Karen Lambert’s birthday from Tom &
Louise Lambert, Joseph Sulek & Dorena
Dan, Christine & David
Kari Lindeman by Peggy Beyer
Kathy Veleta by Ms. Karen Slehofer
Laura De Laurentis by Jean C. Collins
Leah Tarabour by Mark Cunningham
Leslie & Ross Forbes by Mr. C. Timothy
Linda Nash by Patricia Gaughan
Loretta Goessling by Loretta Goessling
Makayla Krumpfes’ 1st Birthday
Manikandan, Jayanthi, Govind, Swaminathan, Shanmugan, Sasirek by Anonymous
Marilyn by Marilyn Czajkowski
Megan Varchetto’s birthday
Melinda McMahon, Amy Zimmerman, Lynn
Morgan & Peg Bellick by the Pergantis
Meredith Anderson by Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Serwat, Mosora & Anna Appel & Jack Reiss
Mrs. Kamila Smyk-Jaworski by David Strand
Ms. Feeney by Matthew Lorenz
Natalie Deegan by Mr. & Mrs. John Deegan
Patricia Troost by Mary Kay Peacock
Phil Hansen by Barb O’Connell
Raleigh & Aurelia Deren by Mrs. Barbara
Regina (Harris) & Michael Eng’s Wedding
Sandy Hayes by Ms. Gertrude Zis
The opening of Tail Gate Doggie Day Care
Willowgrove Pet Clinic
HHS Director Achieves CAWA
Professional Designation
Hinsdale Humane Society is pleased to
share that Lori Halligan, HHS Executive Director, has achieved the highest
level professional designation for animal welfare professionals, Certified
Animal Welfare Administrator
(CAWA). This designation acknowledges excellence and the accomplishments of non-profit and municipal executives across the US, Canada, Australia, Virgin Islands and India.
HHS Board Members Announcements
Hinsdale Humane Society is pleased to
announce the appointment of two new
members to the HHS Board of Directors: Barb Parsons, and Cindy Rein.
The new board members will serve a
three year term, which began January 1,
Congratulations to Hinsdale Humane
Society Board Member and McDonald's
Executive, Carole Koepke, who was
selected as a recipient of the 2011 Influential Women in Business Award. The
award was presented by the Daily Herald Business Ledger in partnership with
the National Association of Women
Business Owners and Women's Innovation Network.
The award recognizes outstanding
women executives who excel in business, civic and personal arenas. The
twenty honorees were among a group
that were nominated by their peers.
Koepke was nominated by Hinsdale
Humane Society Executive Director,
Lori Halligan. The recognition reception was held on November 17, 2011 at
the Meadows Club, Rolling Meadows.
HHS Pam Salomone & Lori Halligan,
with HHS Board Member & McDonalds
Executive, Carole Koepke
Arnaud Brel, Senior Product Manager,
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Lori Halligan, Executive Director, Hinsdale Humane Society,
Dianne Hills Perkins, US Shelter Program
Manager, Hills Pet Nutrition.
The professional certification program,
administered by the Society of Animal
Welfare Administrators (SAWA), distinguishes top-level executives and
managers working in nonprofit and
municipal agencies for their knowledge, experience and expertise. There
are currently only 76 professionals who
have achieved this designation.
CAWA candidates must meet strict
eligibility requirements in leadership,
management, and animal welfare experience, and then successfully pass a
rigorous exam, developed to test the
highest competency standards.
Maurine Dyer Stevens, SAWA president & chief executive officer, commented, “The certification program is a
demonstration of the highest standards
of leadership and management among
nonprofit organizations, and we congratulate Lori Halligan, CAWA on her
achievement of this distinction.”
Halligan attended the 2011 National
SAWA Conference in San Francisco on
a scholarship provided by Hill’s Pet
Save the Date(s)…
HHS Bowling Fundraiser
Willowbrook Lanes, March 3rd
You won’t want to miss the fun, food
and friendship at our 4th Annual
“Bowl for the Animals” Charity Event
coming up on Saturday, March 3rd,
10:30am - 1:30pm at Willowbrook
Lanes in Willowbrook.
Admission is $25
for adults and $15
for children: includes bowling,
shoes, and food.
The proceeds
benefit our shelter
In Memory of Irene and Lyndell Bowman
The Hinsdale Humane Society gratefully acknowledges a generous gift from the
Bowman estate. Lyndell, a ticket agent for Greyhound Bus Lines and Irene, a
seamstress for many of the finer clothes designers in Chicago, were residents of
Westchester for 59 years. As lifelong cat lovers, they would often take in strays,
feed them and nurse them back to health. For the ones they could not place
themselves, they would turn them over to local shelters to find them homes.
For over 25 years, Mr. and Mrs.
Bowman were regular visitors to
Hinsdale Humane Society to volunteer and “chat” with the animals.
Irene enjoyed crocheting yarn toys
for the kitties. The toys became so
popular they were later sold by the
shelter to raise funds.
HHS Pam Salomone & Lori Halligan,
with HHS Board Member & McDonalds
Executive, Carole Koepke
Feeling lucky? Be sure to enter the
“Bowl for the Animals” special drawing for a chance to win prizes, gift
certificates, baskets and more!
The Bowmans are survived by
their cat Barney, a Himalayan
adopted from Hinsdale Humane
Society in 1996. He is currently
being cared for by others and
makes regular visits to Irene’s
sister, Helen Nowicki.
To sign up or for more information
call 630-323-5630 x17 or download a
reservation form from our website:
John Gajkowski, a friend of the Bowman family shared these thoughts. “I hope
this donation will aid in continuing and expanding your work of protecting the
animals that were so dear to the Bowman’s. It was a mission they dedicated
their lives to and wanted to continue well after they were gone.”
Hinsdale Humane Society
New and Improved Website!
We are excited to announce that our
newly redesigned website will launch
soon. The new site will include
FAQ’s, shopping cart functions, video
clips of adoptable animals, adoption
stories, an events calendar and more.
The website focuses on Celebrating
Pets and the People who love them and
showcases heartwarming photos
throughout the site. Watch for more
information coming soon!
HHS 23rd Annual Pet Walk
Sunday, June 3rd
Mark your calendar to attend Pet Walk
2012 coming up on June 3rd at Katherine Legge Memorial Park, Hinsdale.
Pet Walk is our largest fundraiser of
the year. All money raised through
pledges, donations, registration, sponsorship, and prize raffles help our
homeless animals year round.
Registration information and event
details will be available soon. For
more info call Pam 630-323-5630x17.
Lyndell and Irene Bowman
“Pennies for Paws” 2012 Spare Change Drive, April 16 - May 17th
The “Pennies for Paws” spare change drive, now in it’s 4th year, has raised over
$14,000! That’s a lot of change - helping a lot of animals.
Join the Hinsdale Humane Society and area schools as we work together to help
raise awareness of homeless pets, to educate hundreds of children, and to make
a difference in our community.
Animal related lesson plans
and classroom presentations
are also available at no cost.
Classrooms, students, children’s clubs or groups are
invited to collect spare
change for the Hinsdale
Humane Society.
Participating classrooms
can win great prizes, too,
including movie tickets,
pizza, and trophies. Special
thanks to Hinsdale Bank,
Elm School Classroom enjoys a pizza party and trophy
our official Pennies for
presentation from “Pennies for Paws 2009”
Paws Bank Sponsor and to
our prize sponsor, Classic Cinema/York Theatre, Elmhurst.
To sign up your classroom, school, or group for the upcoming spare change
drive, call 630-323-5630 x17 or email [email protected]. For
more detailed event info go to our website:
Jenny…HHS Operations Manager,
Jennifer Vlazny, answers pet related questions and
offers practical advice.
Q. My dog barks excessively. Is there a way to stop him from barking?
Lois, Tinley Park
A. It is not realistic to expect your dog to stop barking altogether. Not only
is it an inherent behavior and vital form of canine communication, there are
times when a barking dog is welcome, such as to alert you to things that go
bump in the night, and to let potential intruders know that your house has a
four-legged security system. In most cases, the sound of a barking dog is
enough of a deterrent to easily convince a would-be intruder to exit stage left.
There are breeds, too, that were bred and are revered for their loud, repetitious
barking, such as Beagles and Hounds, while a high percentage of small-breed
dogs, especially those in the Terrier family, bark excessively seemingly just
for the sake of hearing themselves bark!
Many dogs that are bored or stressed use barking as an outlet for their anxiety.
Satisfying a dog’s need for physical exercise and variance with daily walks
and interactive playtime, as well as keeping him mentally stimulated with
interactive toys that will keep him occupied for long periods of time, will help
alleviate excessive barking for those reasons. Never leave an excessive
barker outdoors for any length of time. It is important to remember that dogs
get good at behaviors they practice, both positive and those that are less than
While trying to stop a dog from barking entirely would be inane and inhumane, you can teach a dog when it is appropriate to bark and when enough is
enough. You first, though, have to teach your dog a word that means “stop
barking” (such as Quiet, Enough, or Shush). Do not wait until the dog is in an
aroused state barking ferociously at the mailman. Instead, have someone ring
your doorbell, allow the dog to bark a couple times, then wave a very tasty
treat under his nose as you say your signal word. The dog will stop barking
as he takes the treat, while you reward with verbal praise, too. With repetition, your dog will soon learn “Enough” = stop barking = tasty treat! Gradually diminish the use of the treat reward , but always use verbal praise for
compliance. Before you know it, your dog will have an invisible on/off
switch and you hold the remote!
If you have a question for “Ask Jenny” email [email protected]
Or call our behavior helpline 630-323-5630
Humanely Speaking
is published quarterly for the
members and friends of the
Hinsdale Humane Society,
22 N. Elm Street,
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521.
FAX 630-323-6027
Shelter hours: Tuesday 2-8pm;
Wednesday through Friday
12 noon to 6pm;
Saturday and Sunday
10am to 4pm
Closed Monday
Board of Directors
President: Judy Porta
First VP: Tom McFadden
Secretary: Anne DeSimone
Treasurer: Diane Malzahn
Members: Thomas Prohaska, Carol
Koepke, Ann Marie LoPiccolo,
John Haarlow, Barb Parsons, Cindy
Executive Director:
Lori Halligan
Operations Manager:
Jennifer Vlazny
Assistant Manager:
Samantha Cheatham
Animal Care Staff:
Robyn Garrison, Patty Powell,
Katie Wolfe, Alan Lis, Mallory
Receptionist: Kathy Daly
Contributing Services
Pam Salomone:
Public Relations/Special Events
Follow HHS on Facebook!
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Check out Hinsdale Humane Society on
Facebook. You will find
hundreds of photos of our
adoptable animals, read
happy adoption stories,
and learn about what’s
happening at the shelter.
Go to and enter Hinsdale Humane Society.
Laura Donohue
Humane Education
Volunteer Coordination
Mary Alex
Donate Online
Look for this button on our website!
Deborah Kraus
Pet Therapy Coordination
Kym Iffert
Obedience Instructor
Hinsdale Humane Society
22 N. Elm Street
Hinsdale, IL. 60521
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #279
Hinsdale, IL
Save the Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012
HHS “Bowling for the Animals” Fundraising Event!
I adopted "Dusty" a couple of years
ago and he is the most amazing cat
EVER! I visited The Hinsdale Humane Society with this mindset: "I
want the youngest female kitten you
have available" yet I left with a three
year old male, Dusty, and he is simply
the most loving stuffed animal with a
heartbeat. Thank you, thank you for
such an amazing pet.
Laura E.
I adopted Jill in December. She is
such a great cat! Love her! Wanted to
let you all know she's doing well. I'm
lucky to have adopted such a great
kitty cat! Thanks!
Kathy S.
We adopted “Vinny” formerly named
"Schroedinger” a few years ago. He
has been doing great and is a wonderful addition to our household. We can't
imagine not having Vinny around.
Thank you to the wonderful staff at the
Hinsdale Humane Society for taking
him in and giving him such wonderful
care until we fell in love with him and
brought him home.
Courtney & Sean
Hi Hinsdale Family, We wanted to update you on Emma. We love her!! We
picked her up Christmas Eve morning
and brought her to her forever home.
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to our family and would
like to thank Alan for his time despite
the busy rush. We renamed Emma and
sticking with our Beatles theme think
that Jude is the perfect name for
her. She the smartest, sweetest, most
well behaved dog we have ever
owned. Thanks again!
Jude's parents
Piper has brought a renewed energy to
our household. She is a willing learner
and a loving puppy. It's been fun getting
back into that puppy mindset after having an adult dog the past 15+ years.
Thanks to everyone at Hinsdale Humane Society!
Mark B.
We Want To Hear from You!
If you have a favorite photo or pet story, we
would love include it in our quarterly
newsletter. Send to:
[email protected]