Princethorpe College
Princethorpe College
Princethorpe College February 2013 Princethorpe College 1900 – 2012 This catalogue comprises the records of Princethorpe College from its formation in 1966 to the present day. The site at Princethorpe, previously known as St. Mary's Priory, was purchased by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) from a group of nuns in 1966 who had occupied the site since 1838 as well as running a girls ’ school. Princethorpe was run with and formed the senior school for St. Bede's College on Binswood Avenue in Leamington Spa, until the site in Leamingt on was closed in the 1970s and Princethorpe continued as the only site. For earlier records of the college and those records specific to St. Bede's College, see the St. Bede's College catalogue (SB). For earlier records of the site and records of the nuns and the school they ran, see the St. Mary's Priory catalogue (SMP). 1 Princethorpe College February 2013 GOVERNING BODY ........................................................................................................................... 5 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Headteacher's reports ................................................................................................................. 5 Foundation & title deeds ............................................................................................................. 5 ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................ 7 Logbooks ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Gap logbooks boarding ............................................................................................................ 7 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................ 7 School magazine editorial panel .............................................................................................. 7 Staff meetings/briefings........................................................................................................... 7 Priory Holiday Trust ................................................................................................................. 8 Ad hoc committee .................................................................................................................... 8 Stratford and Warwick Independent Schools Committee ....................................................... 9 Religious Studies ...................................................................................................................... 9 Appeal steering committee...................................................................................................... 9 School Council .......................................................................................................................... 9 Weekly diary ............................................................................................................................ 9 Report review committee ...................................................................................................... 10 Merger communications group and development and communication group .................... 10 Correspondence ......................................................................................................................... 10 Princethorpe College farm ..................................................................................................... 10 Past pupils .............................................................................................................................. 11 Enquiries & open days ........................................................................................................... 11 Appeals & funds ..................................................................................................................... 12 Vocations................................................................................................................................ 13 International Boys Town Trust ............................................................................................... 13 Property ................................................................................................................................. 14 Prize giving ............................................................................................................................. 14 Nineteen Nineties Group ....................................................................................................... 18 Service Children's Education Authority.................................................................................. 18 Other ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Financial records ........................................................................................................................ 20 Summer School ...................................................................................................................... 20 Financial minutes ................................................................................................................... 20 2 Princethorpe College February 2013 Records of Princethorpe College Farm ................................................................................... 21 Property records......................................................................................................................... 22 Specifications, plans ............................................................................................................... 22 Staff records ............................................................................................................................... 43 Visitors' books ............................................................................................................................ 43 HMI reports ................................................................................................................................ 44 Department of Education and Science and HM Inspectors ................................................... 44 Calendars .................................................................................................................................... 44 Handbooks & guidance .............................................................................................................. 46 PUPIL RECORDS .............................................................................................................................. 49 Admission ................................................................................................................................... 49 Admission registers ................................................................................................................ 49 Pupil rolls ................................................................................................................................ 51 Attendance registers .................................................................................................................. 52 Pupil record files ......................................................................................................................... 53 Punishment books ...................................................................................................................... 53 Honour & merit books ................................................................................................................ 53 Year books .................................................................................................................................. 53 Year eleven ............................................................................................................................. 53 Upper sixth ............................................................................................................................. 54 From other colleges and schools ............................................................................................ 55 PRINTED AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL..................................................................................... 57 Photographs ............................................................................................................................... 57 Buildings ................................................................................................................................. 57 Pupils ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Events ..................................................................................................................................... 59 Scrapbooks and press cuttings ................................................................................................... 59 General ................................................................................................................................... 59 General - Catholic education .................................................................................................. 63 General - Children................................................................................................................... 64 General - Independent schools .............................................................................................. 64 General - Teaching.................................................................................................................. 79 General - University ................................................................................................................ 80 Princethorpe College .............................................................................................................. 81 3 Princethorpe College February 2013 Princethorpe College - Former pupils .................................................................................. 104 Princethorpe College - Pupils ............................................................................................... 109 Princethorpe College - Staff ................................................................................................. 132 Publicity material ..................................................................................................................... 134 Prospectus............................................................................................................................ 134 Publicity material ................................................................................................................. 135 Printed material ....................................................................................................................... 140 Books .................................................................................................................................... 140 Booklets................................................................................................................................ 141 Magazines & newsletters ..................................................................................................... 142 History ...................................................................................................................................... 149 Pupil's work .............................................................................................................................. 151 Events ....................................................................................................................................... 152 Entertainments committee .................................................................................................. 152 Concerts, recitals, tours and carol services.......................................................................... 154 Orders of service .................................................................................................................. 160 Theatre productions ............................................................................................................ 163 Awards and prize giving ....................................................................................................... 169 Sports ................................................................................................................................... 175 Other events ........................................................................................................................ 182 Newspaper cuttings and reviews ......................................................................................... 183 AUXILIARY ORGANISATIONS ........................................................................................................ 184 Parents' Association ................................................................................................................. 184 Old Princethorpians ................................................................................................................. 184 MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................................................... 186 Memories of past pupils and staff ........................................................................................... 186 Ephemera ................................................................................................................................. 186 4 Princethorpe College February 2013 GOVERNING BODY Minutes PC.01.01 Management team and administrative structure Draft administrative structures, draft constitution of the management team, consultation on the management of Princethorpe in response to the Ad Hoc report, articles and guidance on school management c. 1980s 1990s PC.01.02 Mission statement File of papers relating to a mission statement for Princethorpe college, including an education report from the Channel Four commission on education entitled 'Every child in Britain' c. 1990s Headteacher's reports PC.02.01 Provincial chapter, Princethorpe College community report Report on the involvement of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart at Princethorpe College Two copies Enclosing a site plan of Princethorpe College farm 1981 Foundation & title deeds PC.05.01 Agreements Agreement between the Passionists & the Selly Park Sisters Agreement between the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and the Selly Park Sisters, two copies Agreement between Daniel O'Connor and Janet Griffin of the Cottage, Princethorpe College Farm Agreement between W J Clarkson and Mr P Rex Also enclosing letters from Princethorpe College on a property available at Broadway, Hereford and Worcester and regarding Miss Appolonia Lucy Baines Litterae ordinationis for Michael J A O'Connell A letter from the Archbishop of Birmingham regarding the Perpetuity Mass Fund Three bundles of letters forwarded to the college by Varley Hibbs & Co. regarding appeals made to the M.S.C. Charity Trust 5 20th cent. Princethorpe College PC.05.02 February 2013 Trust deeds and registration as a charitable institute Correspondence with the charity commission, Varley, Hibbs & Co. and photocopies of the trust deeds 6 1960 - 1976 Princethorpe College February 2013 ADMINISTRATION Logbooks Gap logbooks boarding These volumes record daily occurrences for boarders such as meals eaten, extended day and activities PC.06.01 Logbook 1998 PC.06.02 Logbook 1999 PC.06.03 Logbook 2000 PC.06.04 Logbook 2003 - 2004 PC.06.05 Logbook 2004 Minutes School magazine editorial panel PC.07.01.01 School magazine editorial panel List of members 20th cent. Staff meetings/briefings PC.07.02.01 Staff meeting Minutes of the staff meetings Enclosing various loose papers including minutes of the entertainment committee and the staff briefings, letters to parents, financial reports and guidance notes on examinations and school administration 1977 - 1988 PC.07.02.02 Staff briefings Minutes of the staff briefings Enclosing a loose copy of the minutes for 23rd June 1986 1978 - 1986 7 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.07.02.03 Staff briefings Staff meeting minutes 1984-1986 Staff briefing sheets 1985-1993 1984 - 1993 PC.07.02.04 Staff briefings 1986/1987 Minutes of the staff briefings Enclosing a letter to Parents from the Chairman of the School Affairs Committee on forthcoming GCSE talks, 1986 1986 - 1987 PC.07.02.05 Staff briefings Minutes of the staff briefings 1988 - 1992 Priory Holiday Trust PC.07.03.01 Priory Holiday Trust Minutes, agendas, leaflets and correspondence 1983 - 1986 Ad hoc committee PC.07.04.01 Ad hoc committee 1. Minutes of Ad Hoc Meetings & Interim report of 26th April 1988 2. Reports so far: info on teaching staff & finance, community, facilities, admission policy, non-dept. facilities, proposed new showers 3. General curriculum info 4. Info on teaching staff 8. Admin structure diagrams, summary version of report Drafts on teaching staff, curriculum, administrative structure and future developments Draft version of final report 1988 PC.07.04.02 Ad hoc committee 5. Summary departmental info 6. Copies of Dept. Mtg. minutes 7. Samples of Boards of Governors info - other schools 9. Miscellaneous info 11. Spare copies of Ad Hoc Minutes Letter and questionnaire from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, with response attached Master copies of the Ad Hoc report Survey of the Organisation and Administration of Princethorpe College, October 1973 1973 - 1993 8 Princethorpe College February 2013 Stratford and Warwick Independent Schools Committee PC.07.05.01 Minutes of meetings 1990 - 1995 PC.07.05.02 Correspondence with other schools and the Independent Schools Information Service 1990 - 1996 Religious Studies PC.07.06.01 Religious Studies Minutes, pupil marks, syllabus, details of the Journal of Raising GCSE Achievement in RE and a Mass of Thanksgiving in memory of James Dick 1990 - 1997 PC.07.06.02 Chaplaincy Pastoral and Chaplaincy meeting minutes, articles and prayers 1990 - 1991 Appeal steering committee PC.07.07.01 Minutes Relating to the Silver Jubilee Appeal [see PC.26.2.2-3 & PC.10.2.22] 23rd May 1991 PC.07.07.02 Silver Jubilee committee Minutes, agendas, letters and publications relating to the Silver Jubilee Committee [see PC.26.2.2-3 & PC.10.2.22] 1989 - 1992 School Council PC.07.08.01 School Council Minutes, agendas and related reports 1992 - 1994 Weekly diary PC.07.09.01 Weekly diary Weekly news bulletin 1993 - 1996 9 Princethorpe College February 2013 Report review committee PC.07.10.01 Report review committee Draft and master copies of new style reports detailing the work carried out by GCSE students for each term. July 1994 Year 10 reports, February 1994 Year 10 reports, February 1994 Year 11 reports 1994 Merger communications group and development and communication group PC.07.11.01 Minutes and agendas Relating to the merger of St Joseph's School with Princethorpe College 2001 - 2002 Correspondence Princethorpe College farm PC.08.01.01 Correspondence from Howkins & Harrison regarding Princethorpe farm Correspondence regarding valuations, sale of livestock, Kingsbury-Buncefield pipeline and the general management of the farm 31st Dec 1965 - 25th Jul 1983 PC.08.01.02 Correspondence from various companies regarding Princethorpe farm Correspondence with the British Friesian Cattle Society, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Somerset Milking Parlours Ltd., Rugby Borough Council, Jones Farm Supplies Ltd., T O'Brien, contractor, John Thornborrow & co., livestock auctioneer, Gascoigne Milking Equipment Division, Milk Marketing Board, Varley Hibbs & Co., Sacred Heart Missionaries, David Duffy, chartered surveyor, British Pipeline Agency ltd., Severn Trent Water, Fir-lap Ltd., G H Finch & sons, Regarding subscriptions, movement of cattle, farm management, building works, income and expenditure, farm and horticulture development scheme, milk records, water rates 3rd May 1966 27th Sep 1983 10 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.01.03 File of correspondence with Locke & England, chartered accountants and estate agents, regarding Princethorpe farm Regarding the annual stocktaking valuation, United Kingdom oil Pipelines Ltd and the sale of livestock 6th Jan 1968 8th Mar 1982 PC.08.01.04 File of correspondence relating to Princethorpe farm Correspondence and copy correspondence from Varley Hibbs & Co., Solicitors and Howkins & Harrison, chartered surveyors, regarding a grazing agreement, a sewer pipe easement to Woodhouse Hotel, the Kingsbury-Gatwick pipeline project and the management of the farm in general 1st Oct 1981 22nd Sep 1982 Past pupils PC.08.02.01 Past pupils card index Containing cards giving the addresses of past pupils for both Princethorpe College and St. Bede's 1967 - 1973 PC.08.02.02 Old Boy's file Correspondence file containing letters from and copy letters to past pupils of the college, along with correspondence between Princethorpe College and other Schools and Institutions providing information on their progress [Formerly in a lever arch file titled 'Old boy's file] 1975 - 1986 PC.08.02.03 Correspondence from other Colleges and Institutions providing news on past pupils Also containing a press cutting on a former pupil's degree 1981 - 1983 PC.08.02.04 Past pupils File containing the names and addresses of past pupils who visited the College on Open Days A list of Old Boys who have visited Princethorpe 1981 - 1997 Enquiries & open days PC.08.03.01 Sixth Form enquiries File containing correspondence requesting a prospectus or other information prior to applying to join the Sixth Form [Formerly in a ring binder titled Sixth Form Enquiries 1997] 11 1996 - 1997 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.03.02 Intake enquiries File containing correspondence requesting a prospectus or other information prior to applying to join the College, as well as completed open day questionnaires [Formerly in a level arch file titled Intake Enquiries 1997] 1996 - 1997 PC.08.03.03 Open day forms Bundle of open day forms requesting to be added to the mailing list or requesting a copy of the Prospectus 1996 - 1997 PC.08.03.04 Old Princethorpians Letters and emails from past pupils c. 1998 Appeals & funds PC.08.04.01 Correspondence with En-tout-cas Regarding sports equipment Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2084 1976 - 1979 PC.08.04.02 Sports hall appeal List of contributions Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2084 1977 - 1978 PC.08.04.03 Sports hall Activities and finances Report on building a new sports hall Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2084 1980 PC.08.04.04 Princethorpe College development fund Appeal leaflet, three letters explaining progress of the fund, example pledge form, address cards Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2084 1983 PC.08.04.05 Sports hall appeal Plans, correspondence and requests of funding Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2084 1984 12 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.04.06 Facsimile from Appeal Office, Princethorpe College to Mr E J Stocker Detailing the Annual Silver Jubilee appeal incomes between 1992 and 1999 c. 1991 PC.08.04.07 Facsimile from Rev C J Sweeney to Rev T Gleeson Listing options to move forward from the Silver Jubilee Appeal. Also including a copy of a Bulletin regarding the appeal and details of contributions received c. 1992 Vocations PC.08.05.01 File of correspondence relating to vocations in the priesthood Correspondence between Robert Jolly, Fr O'Connor, Steve Smith, Mrs R C Scott, Sister Mary Bernard, Terence O'Brien, Martin G Hagues, Sheila M Lewis, Ian P Teelan Printed literature Expenses from Campion House and The Universe newspaper Items within this folder are unavailable for general access until 2083 1982 - 1984 International Boys Town Trust PC.08.06.01 Letter to Fr Clarkson (Headmaster) from Chairman, Joe Horman Support Group Coventry and Warwickshire Thanking him for the cheque presented to him by Sr Marguerite for £547.36 to be added to the £100 already presented by the School to Joe They have now surpassed their target of £5,000 for a Warwickshire Boys Town They should soon be surveying the Princethorpe Acre They would be pleased to visit the school after their return 1st Jan 1980 PC.08.06.02 Note of thanks and receipt Thanking all who helped Sr Marguerite Receipt from Chairman, Joe Horman Support Group Coventry and Warwickshire to the Pupils of the Lower School, Princethorpe College for a donation of £547.36 1st Jan 1980 PC.08.06.03 A4 map showing the location of the boys town at Pannaikadu near Madurai in Southern India c. 1980 13 Princethorpe College PC.08.06.04 February 2013 Plan of the Boys Town at Pannaikadu Showing the Princethorpe Acre alongside other parcels of land funded by other groups and individuals from Coventry and Warwickshire Surveyed by H Rees assisted by Tangu Vello 15th Feb 1980 Property PC.08.07.01 Correspondence with Locke and England, auctioneers and Varley, Hibbs & Co., solicitors Regarding Norwood House, 51 Binswood Avenue, properties owned by Princethorpe College and let to staff members and the possible purchase of the Convent of Mercy, Princethorpe 18th Nov 1959 - 30th Mar 1981 PC.08.07.02 Correspondence with Varley, Hibbs & Co., solicitors and Stephen Gateley & Sons, solicitors Regarding the sale of Kenlea Market Gardens and the drawing up of an agreement 28th Jul 1966 2nd May 1974 PC.08.07.03 Correspondence with Rugby District Council and Warwickshire County Council Correspondence relating to the construction of a Sewer on land owned by the College and the connection of various properties to it Enquiries relating to a grant for improvements to a dwelling The removal of a hedge A refusal of an application to erect signage at the junction of the A423 and the B4453 for Princethorpe College 1972 - 1973 Prize giving PC.08.08.01 Prize giving Correspondence with Ronald Mason, Head of Drama, BBC Radio, 27th Sep-28th Nov 1977; Press cuttings: Princethorpe College near capacity, 1970 College policy 'challenges' boys, 25th Nov 1971 Head spells out the role of schooling Britain great no longer - Bishop, 1974 1970 - 1977 PC.08.08.02 Fr. Clarkson's speeches Headmaster's speeches 1970 - 1980 14 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.08.03 Prize giving Invitation Correspondence with Rev. D Beirne, 8th Nov 1978 Photographs from the Coventry Evening Telegraph; Press cuttings: Too many after college places, 1978 1978 PC.08.08.04 Prize giving Photographs from the Coventry Evening Telegraph Costings for prize giving; Press cuttings: Pupils 'should join a union' 1979 PC.08.08.05 Prize giving Correspondence with Mr Ball, Keble College, Oxford, 9th Sep-20th Oct 1980 Financial breakdown Preparation for prize giving Press cuttings: Education: 'crisis of attitudes more than of funds' 1980 PC.08.08.06 Prize giving Invitation Headmaster's address Preparations for speech day (two copies one with annotations) Notes for prizegiving speech Correspondence with C C Tremlett, 23rd Oct 1981 Correspondence with Peter Hodgson, 28th Oct 1981; Press cuttings: Politicians told to stop meddling with education An eye for the girls 1981 PC.08.08.07 Prize giving Headmaster's speech (two copies, one draft) Notice Preparations for speech day Correspondence with Bishop McCartie, 30th Sep 1982 Notice to prize winners Notice regarding a meeting of the Entertainment committee Notice to boarders; Press cuttings: 'Robot' children tuned to a music god Parents must be given the choice 1982 15 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.08.08 Prize giving Invitation Photographs featuring Dr Grace Headmaster's report Departmental reports Correspondence with Dr Grace, Department of Education, University of Cambridge, 4th-28th Oct 1983 Correspondence with Barbara Carpenter, 20th Oct 1983 Notice of arrangements; 1983 PC.08.08.09 Prize giving Correspondence with Tim Hunt, 14th Oct 1984 Correspondence with Sister Christina, 24th Oct 1984 Headmaster's report (Two copies) Notice Correspondence with Sean Hughes, MP, 30th Aug-22nd Oct 1984 Departmental reports Notice to prize winners Correspondence with Fr. Anthony M Jones, Archbishop's secretary 1984 PC.08.08.10 Prize giving List of guests Two wallets of photographs Notice to prize winners Time-table arrangements for speech day Thank you letters Headmaster's speech Departmental reports 1985 PC.08.08.11 Prize giving Correspondence with Geoffrey Holroyde, Coventry Lanchester Polytechnic, 15th Dec 1986 Correspondence with Sir Edmund Liggins, 17th Oct 1986 Speech day time-table Headmaster's speech (two copies, one a draft) Departmental reports Press cutting: Plea for an industrial future College increase 1986 16 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.08.12 Prize giving Headmaster's report Correspondence with Christopher Greenwood, Magdalene College, Cambridge, 30th Sep 1987 Invitation Speech day time-table; Press cutting: College comes of age and plans for a bigger future 1987 PC.08.08.13 Prize giving Correspondence with David Woodhead, Director of the National Independent Schools Information Service, 15-18th Jul 1988 1988 PC.08.08.14 Prize giving Correspondence with Katheleen O'Gorman, 19th May 1993 Correspondence with the Lord St. John of Fawsley, 23rd Nov 1992 Evaluation of Speech day 1992 Correspondence with Rt. Rev. Philip Pargeter, 24th Jul-10th Nov 1992 Correspondence with Terence J Brain, 24th-27th Jul 1992 Press release Headmaster's report Notice 1992 - 1993 PC.08.08.15 Prize giving Points to consider before awarding the 'Princethorpe Shield' Prize-giving - summary of considerations (two copies, one typed); c. 1980s PC.08.08.16 Programmes from other school's prize givings Our Lady's Convent, Abingdon, 1978, 1981, 1984 St. John's Preparatory School, Alton Castle, 1985, 1988 (including an invitation) Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby, 1987 Kingswood School, Solihull, 1988 St. Boniface's College, Plymouth, 1976 Arnold Lodge School, Leamington Spa, 1983-1987 (including an invitation and a press cutting Warwick School, 1977 (including a press cutting c. 1977 - 1988 17 Princethorpe College February 2013 Nineteen Nineties Group PC.08.09.01 Nineteen Nineties Group Correspondence with the Nineteen Nineties Group, a group for Catholic headteachers A transcript of a speech given by Jack Mahoney, SJ entitled 'Moral life in a secular society' 1992 - 1994 Service Children's Education Authority PC.08.10.01 Questionnaire 1989 PC.08.10.02 Questionnaire 1990 PC.08.10.03 Questionnaire 1991 - 1992 Other PC.08.11.01 Organ File of correspondence and invoices relating to the Organ built by Mr Binns in the church at Princethorpe College Also including an invoice in German for a number of crosses 1900 - 2001 PC.08.11.02 Prospectus Proof copies of photographs and captions, probably for a prospectus c. 1960s PC.08.11.03 Correspondence with Archbishop & the diocese Including faculties and Litterae Ordinationis, some of which are in Latin 1963 - 1970 PC.08.11.04 Correspondence with Archbishop & the diocese Including faculties and Litterae Ordinationis, some of which are in Latin 1964 - 1980 18 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.11.05 Sale of St Mary's Priory Newspaper cuttings relating to the sale of St Mary's Priory to St Bede's College or a 'New Age' group a telegram from the Community of Fernham to Princethorpe College on their opening day A letter to the Mother Prioress of the Community of Fernham from Father Fleming, MSC thanking her for her telegram and telling her about the College's opening day notice of an advertisement for Princethorpe College from the Liverpool Daily Post 1965 - 1966 PC.08.11.06 School data Statistics and milestone relating to the college 1970 - 1976 PC.08.11.07 Correspondence with convents Regarding the Covent of Mercy 1972 - 1973 PC.08.11.08 Correspondence with SCC (Schools and Charity Consultants Ltd.) Regarding a survey carried out at the College and subsequent advice. Also includes correspondence with Pierrepont School, Surrey regarding a reference for SCC 1973 - 1975 PC.08.11.09 Notes on organisation and administration Various notes regarding school organisation and administration including draft copies for the school handbook 1973 - 1986 PC.08.11.10 Correspondence file Correspondence with various bodies, including the Secondary Heads Association, Independent Schools Information Service, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Department of Education and Science as well as newspaper cuttings, reports and minutes 1978 - 1990 PC.08.11.11 Correspondence relating to the Papal visit Correspondence with Cotswold Collotype Company regarding a limited edition copy of the officially commissioned portrait of His Holiness Pope John Paul II Correspondence with Lahdrover Ltd, Locke and England and the Papal Visit to England & Wales Central coordinator's office regarding expenses for providing accommodation during the visit 5th Apr - 30th Jul 1982 19 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.08.11.12 Wroxall Abbey School, Golden Jubilee Envelope containing correspondence inviting Father McManus to the Golden Jubilee concert, enclosing programmes and tickets Jun - Jul 1986 PC.08.11.13 Letter to the Headmaster from Warwickshire Police A follow up letter to the theft of musical instruments on 16 January 2004 12th Mar 2004 PC.08.11.14 School examination survey Various returns for the School examination survey and associated paperwork 1991 - 1993 Financial records PC.09.01 Account book Receipts and expenses Combining receipts and expenses concerned with the school and the farm 1966 PC.09.02 Correspondence with Midland Bank Ltd. 11th Nov 1965 - 13th Jul 1968 PC.09.03 Farm accounts Receipts and expenses 1968 - 1980 PC.09.04 Development 1982 Book recording covenants and donations, including notes on donations 1982 - 1985 Summer School PC.09.05.01 Summer School finances 1983 - 1985 PC.09.05.02 Summer School finances Correspondence with McCranors Accountants Summer School costs for 21st March 1985 1984 - 1985 Financial minutes PC.09.06.01 Minutes of the Provincial Finance Commission 20 1st Dec 1975 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.09.06.02 Minutes of the Provincial Finance Commission 9th Oct 1976 PC.09.06.03 Statements of income and expenditure for Princethorpe College Relating to the school in general, summer schools and the Sports Hall 30th May 1978 - 1983 PC.09.06.04 Letter to Father Clarkson from Malvern College Regarding the duties, qualifications, remuneration and terms of appointment for bursars 6th Dec 1978 PC.09.06.05 Letter to Dan from Liam Regarding the closure of the Allied Irish Account 14th Jul 1981 PC.09.06.06 Letter to Mr W Bennett, Bursar from J W Townshend of Midland Bank Ltd. Regarding an overdraft limit 21st Aug 1981 PC.09.06.07 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - promotion account 31st Dec 1982 Records of Princethorpe College Farm PC.09.07.01 Annual valuations Annual valuations of the farm by Howkins & Harrison, chartered surveyors, charted auctioneers & estate agents 1st Jan 1973 1st Jan 1978 PC.09.07.02 Income & expenditure c. 1970 - 1977 PC.09.07.03 Income tax assessments 1973 - 1975 PC.09.07.04 Invoice from Sam Moreton & Sons, drainage To excavate a ditch along Princethorpe Wood 13th Apr 1978 PC.09.07.05 Letter to Mr O'Connor from Somerset Milking Parlours Limited Regarding the construction of a composite building at Princethorpe College farm 30th Apr 1979 PC.09.07.06 Record of movements of animals Photocopy 20th Sep 1976 - 26th Feb 1979 PC.09.07.07 Brief plan for the growth of the cattle herd Including projected income and expenditure 20th cent. 21 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.09.07.08 Ordnance survey with farm land annotated 20th cent. PC.09.07.09 Correspondence to Princethorpe College form British Pipeline Agency Ltd Regarding plans to construct a pipeline running under land owned by Princethorpe College Jun 1980 Property records Specifications, plans PC.10.2.01 New roadway - layout and details Proposed new roadway running past the roundhouse 20th cent. PC.10.2.02 Plan of the North, East and West wings Second floor, ink on tracing paper Showing boys' dormitories 20th cent. PC.10.2.03 Proposed new shower baths, proposed scheme 'St. Bede's School' Scale: 1/4" to 1' 20th cent. PC.10.2.04 Old chapel floor Now the library 20th cent. PC.10.2.05 Aerial plan of the College and grounds Sketched diagram of the college grounds with significant features labelled Two copies 20th cent. PC.10.2.06 Ordnance Survey sheet Second edition Sheet XXVII Scale: 6" to 1 mile 1906 PC.10.2.07 Ordnance Survey sheet Delineating the grounds of Princethorpe College Post 1905 PC.10.2.08 Correspondence relating to Sewage disposal File of correspondence with Severn River Authority on work needed on sewage disposal for Princethorpe College 1963 - 1967 22 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.10.2.09 School boiler - oil fired boiler and associated equipment S G Gibson Ltd., Heating and Ventilating Engineers Drawing no. 2080/1 Scale: 1/2" to 1' 5th Aug 1966 PC.10.2.10 Installation of showers S G Gibson Ltd., Heating and Ventilating Engineers Drawing no. 1889/1 Scale: 1" to 2' Dec 1966 PC.10.2.11 Preliminary layout for kitchen Lockhart Equipment Division Drawing no. 3541 Scale: 1 1/4" to 1' 27th Nov 1973 PC.10.2.12 Plans of proposed prefabricated building to be erected at Princethorpe College Locke and England, Chartered Surveyors Scale: Various Sep 1976 PC.10.2.13 Proposal for hired accommodation from Terrapin Hire Ltd to Princethorpe College Enclosing correspondence with John T Rhodes Ltd, building contractors, The Rev'd Mother Superior of Our Lady's Covent, Abingdon, The West Midlands Council for Sport and Recreation regarding various building projects 18th Apr 1977 - 19th June 1987 PC.10.2.14 Plinth detail for 1 QW8 and 1 or 2 4004 washers Specification for concrete plinth for washing machines Anglowest Distributors Ltd. Drawing no. 01-005-7285 12th May 1977 PC.10.2.15 Sketched outline of the college First floor Pre 1980s PC.10.2.16 Plan of foundations c. 1980s PC.10.2.17 Plan of the Ground floor and grounds c. 1980s PC.10.2.18 Plan showing layout of ceilings Star ceilings Ltd. Drawing no. C5337/1 Scale 1:50 Jun 1980 23 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.10.2.19 Elevation to new main entrance Proposed new main entrance on the east side of the old chapel c. 1982 PC.10.2.20 Bricking arrangement of XH12 cornish boiler Nu-way heating plants Ltd. Drawing no. XS206 Contract no. OB2424/85 Scale: 1 1/2" to 1' c. 1985 PC.10.2.21 Sketch plan of Princethorpe College Hand drawn aerial sketch plan of the college and grounds c. 1990s PC.10.2.22 Plan of proposed covered study area Sketch layout plan by Associated Construction Consultants, Stratford-upon-Avon Scale: 1:50 [see PC.7.7.1-2 & PC.26.2.2-3] Jul 1990 PC.10.2.23 Quinquennial Inspection Report on Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby, Our Lady of the Angels Chapel and Mortuary Building By P E Brownhill, Dip.Arch. RIBA Report produced by P E Brownhill of Brownhill Hayward Brown, Chartered Architects, listing their findings and suggesting repair work necessary Sep 2002 PC.10.2.24 Draft conservation plan Draft Conservation plan for Princethorpe College, enclosing notes on the history of St Mary's Priory and email correspondence 2005 PC.10.2.25 Planting plan Proposed planting plan for the inner quad Lee Sanders, Garden and Landscape design Scale 1:100 Mar 2006 PC.10.2.26 Archaeological recording of trial investigations at The Round Room, Princethorpe College By Nicholas Palmer Report produced by Nicholas Palmer of Warwickshire Museum Field Services, Warwickshire County Council Report 0931 Two copies Jun 2009 PC.10.2.27 Princethorpe College first and second floor layout c. 2010 24 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.10.2.49 New Art Room First Floor Laundry Conversion, Princethorpe College - Structural Calculations By John Bracey John Bracey Associates, Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers Job No. 1774 29th Jul 2010 PC.10.2.28 Designs for a bookcase and coat stand Commissioned for Princethorpe College from Andrew Varah [see PC.27.1.5 for other work by Andrew Varah] 24th Feb 2011 PC.10.2.50 The Round Room, Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Warwickshire - Archaeological Recording By Catherine Coutts Report commissioned by A T Architects and prepared by Catherine Coutts and Kevin Wright Report 1129 Oct 2011 Modular building PC. Proposed woodwork classroom Modular building Banbury Commercial Buildings Ltd. Drawing no. 412/71-2 Scale: 1:100 1st Jun 1971 PC. Base detail for modular building Banbury Commercial Buildings Ltd. Drawing no. 380 Scale: 1:5, 1:100 7th Jun 1971 Sports accommodation PC. Index Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(00)001 c. 1977 PC. Setting out plan, ground floor & first floor Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1001A Scale: 1:50 Jul 1977 25 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Roof plan Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(27)1001A Scale: 1:100 Jul 1977 PC. Key elevations Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1002 Scale: 1:50 Jul 1977 PC. Key elevations Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1003A Scale: 1:50 Jul 1977 PC. Window details Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(3-)2001 Scale: 1:20 Jul 1977 PC. Key sections Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1004A Scale: 1:50 Aug 1977 PC. Superstructure details Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)2001A Scale: 1:10 Aug 1977 PC. Superstructure details Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)2002A Scale: 1:10 Aug 1977 PC. Squash court details Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)2003A Scale: 1:50, 1:5 Aug 1977 PC. Finishes specification Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(4-)6001 Aug 1977 26 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Finishes specification Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(4-)6002 Aug 1977 PC. Door schedule Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(32)4001A Aug 1977 PC. Overhead door detail Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(32)2001 Scale: 1:20, 1:20 Aug 1977 PC. Specification - lintels, doors, frames Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(3-)6001B Aug 1977 PC. Internal finishes schedule Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(4-)4001 Aug 1977 PC. General arrangement plan - ground & first floors Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(--)1001 Scale 1:50 Aug 1977 PC. Roof light baffle detail Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(27)2001 Scale 1:50, 1:10 Jan 1978 PC. Plan - building sheet Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1006A Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 PC. Changing facilities Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1006B Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 PC. Changing facilities - elevations & sections Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1007A Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 27 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Changing facilities - roof plan Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1008 Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 PC. Changing facilities - roof plan Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1008 Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 PC. Changing facilities - roof plan Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1008B Scale 1:50 Jun 1978 PC. Changing facilities - Tank room detail Quorum One Associates Drawing no. 672/(2-)1009A Scale 1:20 Jul 1978 Princethorpe College floor plan PC. Ground floor With annotations and key c. 1980s PC. First floor With annotations and key c. 1980s PC. Second floor With annotations and key c. 1980s Princethorpe College floor plan PC. Ground floor c. 1980s PC. First floor c. 1980s PC. Second floor c. 1980s 28 Princethorpe College February 2013 Princethorpe College floor plan (annotated) Annotated plans with details of toilet and washroom facilities attached PC. Ground floor c. 1980s PC. First floor c. 1980s PC. Second floor c. 1980s Proposed alterations/extensions to Princethorpe College Staff room and science laboratory PC. Sections Now the staff room Drawing no. CS100/1 Scale: 1:50 Two copies Jul 1982 PC. Main elevation & site plan Drawing no. CS100/2 Rugby BC no. R82/0865/7255/P Scale: 1:50; Jul 1982 PC. Ground floor plan Biology laboratory Including a planning application form Drawing no. CS100/3 Rugby BC no. R82/0819/7255/B Scale: 1:50 Two copies Jul 1982 PC. First floor plan Staff room Drawing no. CS100/4 Rugby BC no. R82/0819/7255/B Scale: 1:50 Two copies Jul 1982 PC. Large scale sections Drawing no. CS100/5 Rugby BC no. R82/0865/7255/P Scale: 1:5 Two copies Jul 1982 PC. General arrangement of steelwork & foundations Scale: 1:50, 1:10; 1st Oct 1982 29 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Plans showing units to first floor Richard Lees Drawing no. WTS1/A Scale: 1:50; 1st Mar 1983 PC. Laboratory extension - ground floor plan Rugby BC no. R83/0599/7255/P Scale: 1:50 Jun 1983 PC. Laboratory extension - elevations and sections Scale: 1:50 Jun 1983 PC. Laboratory extension - main elevations and sections Scale: 1:50 Jun 1983 PC. Laboratory extension - side elevation and location plan Scale: 1:50, 1:2500 Jun 1983 PC. Proposed mezzanine floor to form projectionists room Scale: 1:50 Jun 1983 PC. Laboratory extension - side elevation and location plan Rugby BC no. R83/0599/7255/P Scale: 1:50 22nd Aug 1983 Changes to College kitchen PC. Proposed kitchen and servery layout G F E Bartlett & Sons Ltd. Drawing no. B/20531 Contract no. C977 Scale: 1:50 Partial copy 30th Nov 1983 PC. Service counter & beverage unit G F E Bartlett & Sons Ltd. Drawing no. 20531-1 Contract no. C977B Scale: 1:20 21st Jun 1984 PC. Service counter & beverage unit G F E Bartlett & Sons Ltd. Drawing no. 20531/C Contract no. C977B Scale: 1:20 21st Jun 1984 30 Princethorpe College February 2013 Plan of Princethorpe College PC. Plan of Princethorpe College, ground floor Some minor annotations Drawn by James C Beaumont, architect Drawing no. 5400/PC/G3 Scale 1/192 Two copies Aug 1987 PC. Plan of Princethorpe College, first floor Some minor annotations Drawn by James C Beaumont, architect Drawing no. 5400/PC/F3 Scale 1/192 Two copies Aug 1987 PC. Plan of Princethorpe College, second floor Some minor annotations Drawn by James C Beaumont, architect Drawing no. 5400/PC/S3 Scale 1/192 Two copies Aug 1987 Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service plan PC. Ground floor Drawing no. 231/1 Scale 1:200 14th Dec 1987 PC. First floor Drawing no. 231/2 Scale 1:200 18th Dec 1987 PC. Second floor Drawing no. 231/3 Scale 1:200 11th Jan 1988 PC. Basement Drawing no. 231/4 Scale 1:200 14th Jan 1988 PC. Roof and hydrant plan c. 1980s PC. Rolled copies Rolled copies of PC. Drawing nos. 231/1-4 & roof and hydrant plan c. 1980 - 1988 31 Princethorpe College February 2013 Proposed changing facilities PC. Extension to sports hall L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Scale: 1/50 Jun 1988 PC. Plan L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8850/1A Scale: 1/50 Three copies Jun 1988 PC. Section A-A L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8850/2A Scale: 1/50, 1/250 Three copies Jun 1988 PC. Electrical layout L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8850/3 Scale: 1/50 Two copies Oct 1988 PC. Setting out plan L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8850/4 Scale: 1/50 Four copies Oct 1988 PC. Levels L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8850/5 Scale: 1/50 Three copies Oct 1988 PC. Proposed renovation to cart shed, elevation, plan and section L M Uzzell Designs Ltd. Drawing no. 8911 Scale: 1/50; Feb 1989 32 Princethorpe College February 2013 Alterations to staircases See PC. and PC. for plans showing the locations of the staircases and doors and the locations of additional fire doors, call points etc. PC. Proposed alterations to form fire escapes, stairs 1, 3 & 5 as proposed Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/3 Scale: 1:96 Two copies Jun 1988 PC. Proposed alterations to form fire escapes, stairs 4, 6 & 7 as proposed Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/4 Scale: 1:96 Two copies Jun 1988 PC. Staircase 7, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/5 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 PC. Staircase 6 plans, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/6 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 PC. Staircase 6 plans Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/6B Rev A: Notes added, newel transfer from staircase 4, 25th May 1991 Rev B: D 6/2 amended, 28th May 1991 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 28th May 1991 PC. Staircase 6 sections, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/7 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 33 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Staircase 6 sections Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/7C Rev A: Notes added, dec. newel shown, 23rd May 1991 Rev B: D 6/2 amended, 28th May 1991 Rev C: D 6/2 amended, 12th Jun 1991 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 12th Jun 1991 PC. Staircase 5 plans, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/8 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 PC. Staircase 5 plans Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/8B Rev A: D 5/1 amended, 8th May 1991 Rev B: Notes added, position of screen amended, 24th May 1991 Scale: 1/20 Oct 1990 24th May 1991 PC. Staircase 5, section A-A, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/9 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 5 section A-A Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/9A Rev A: Notes added, screen revised, 24th May 1991 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 24th May 1991 PC. Staircase 5 sections sheet 2, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/10 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 5 sections sheet 2, details of D 5/1 and D 5/5 Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/10C Rev A: D 5/1 amended, 8th May 1991 Rev C: D 5/5 amended, 12th Jun 1991 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 12th Jun 1991 34 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Dormitory block, north elevation Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/11 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 4, plans and sections, first and second floors, preliminary Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/12 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 4, plans and sections, first and second floors Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/12A Rev A: Screen and newels amended, 3rd Apr 1992 Scale: 1/20 Nov 1990 - 3rd Apr 1992 PC. Staircase 4, plans as existing, ground and first floors Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/13 Scale: 1/20 Two copies Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 4, plans, ground and first floors Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/14 Scale: 1/20 Two copies, one with notes Nov 1990 PC. Staircase 4, sections sheet 1, ground to first floor Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/15 Scale: 1/20 Two copies, one with notes Dec 1990 PC. Staircase 4, sections sheet 2, ground to first floor Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/16 Scale: 1/20 Two copies, one with notes Dec 1990 35 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Details of glazed screens Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/17A Rev A: Detail G amended 26th Jun 1991, detail M Added Scale: Full size Two copies, one with additional detail 'J' Apr - 26th Jun 1991 PC. Staircase details, details of D 5/1 Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/18 Scale: 1/5 & 1/2 full size Apr 1991 PC. Stair 8 / Stair 3, details of proposed lobby Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/19 Scale: 1/20 Jan 1992 PC. Staircase details, Stair 4 Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects 88/1211/20 Scale: 1/5, 1/2 May 1992 PC. Letter to Mrs J Elliott, Bursar from Michael Partridge 5th Jun 1992 Partnership, chartered architects They enclose copies of the drawings and specifications sent to Mr Mazurek PC. Specification and door schedule for alterations to stair 4 and other fire precautions From Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects May 1992 PC. Letter to Chubb Alarms Ltd from Michael Partridge Partnership, chartered architects Letter copied to Mrs J Elliott, asking for progress after their investigations into the fire alarms at Princethorpe College 3rd Dec 1992 36 Princethorpe College February 2013 Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service plan Copy plans with additional annotations related to the building work carried out on staircases at the college [see PC.] These plans are copies of the original fire and rescue service plans [PC.], but include some changes to layout since the originals were produced, such as the creation of a covered study area in place of an oil storage tank PC. Ground floor Annotations of staircases and doors relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/1 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. Ground floor Annotations of staircases, doors and escape locks relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/1 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. First floor Annotations of staircases and doors relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/2 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. Second floor Annotations of staircases and doors relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/3 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. Basement Annotations of staircases and doors relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/4 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s 37 Princethorpe College February 2013 Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service plan Copy plans with additional annotations related to the building work carried out on staircases at the college (see PC. These plans are copies of the original fire and rescue service plans (PC., but include some changes to layout since the originals were produced, such as the creation of a covered study area in place of an oil storage tank PC. Ground floor Annotations of additional fire doors and fire call points relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/1 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. First floor Annotations of additional fire doors and fire call points relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/2 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. Second floor Annotations of additional fire doors and fire call points relating to PC. Drawing no. 231/3 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s PC. Basement Drawing no. 231/4 Scale 1:200 c. 1990s Library redecoration PC. Decorating scheme for library ceiling c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling No. 1 Motif border c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling No. 2 Chalice c. 1990 38 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Tracings from library ceiling No. 3 Leaves/cross c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling No. 4 Leaves/berries c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling No. 8 Sheaf of corn c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling Bird/swan c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling Border for ribs c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling Border for windows c. 1990 PC. Tracings from library ceiling Stars c. 1990 Princethorpe College new technology rooms and school entrance PC. Ground floor as existing Drawing no. 3015/20 Scale 1:100 Feb 1990 PC. Ground floor as proposed Drawing no. 3015/21 Scale 1:100 Mar 1990 Proposed conversion of existing building to art studio and craft workshop PC. Ground floor plan Association Construction Consultants Drawing no. 1000/A/01A Revision A - updated to as built 28 Jul 1990 Scale 1/50 Two copies 39 Dec 1988 28th Jul 1990 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. First floor plan Association Construction Consultants Drawing no. 1000/A/02B Revision A - 6 no. roof lights omitted to comply with L.A. planning requirements Jul 1989 Revision B - updated to as built 28 Jul 1990 Scale 1/50 Two copies PC. Elevation to car park Dec 1988 Association Construction Consultants 28th Jul 1990 Drawing no. 1000/A/03B Revision A - 2 no. roof lights to this elevation omitted to comply with L.A. planning requirements Jul 1989 Revision B - updated to as built 28 Jul 1990 Scale 1/50 Two copies PC. Typical cross section Association Construction Consultants Drawing no. 1000/A/04B Revision A - structural notes added/amended Revision B updated to as built 28 Jul 1990 Scale 1/50 Two copies Dec 1988 28th Jul 1990 PC. Site & location plans Association Construction Consultants Drawing no. 1000/A/05 Scale 1/50 Two copies Dec 1988 PC. First floor beam & roof window details Association Construction Consultants Drawing no. 1000/A/06B Revision A - structural notes added/amended Revision B - updated to as built 28 Jul 1990 Scale 1/50 Two copies Dec 1988 28th Jul 1990 PC. Ground floor plan Drawing no. 3015/01 Scale 1/50 Dec 1988 PC. First floor plan Drawing no. 3015/02 Scale 1/50 Dec 1988 40 Dec 1988 28th Jul 1990 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Elevation to car park Drawing no. 3015/03 Scale 1/50 Dec 1988 PC. Typical cross section Drawing no. 3015/04 Scale 1/50 Dec 1988 PC. First floor beam & roof window details Drawing no. 3015/06 Scale 1/50 Dec 1988 PC. Specification for the conversion of existing buildings to new art studio and craft workshop A D Bishton, Architect c. 1989 Sports Hall extension, proposed fitness centre PC. Scheme B Michael Partridge Partnership Drawing no. 95/1611/3A Scale: 1:100 Mar 1995 PC. Proposed plan sections A-A B-B Michael Partridge Partnership Drawing no. 95/1611/4D Scale: 1:50 Jun 1995 Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Goodwill recommendation plan PC. Ground floor Drawing no. 84B131-AT Scale 1:200 20th Feb 2000 PC. First floor Drawing no. 84B132-AT Scale 1:200 20th Feb 2000 PC. Second floor Drawing no. 84B133-AT Scale 1:200 20th Feb 2000 41 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Basement Drawing no. 84B134-AT Scale 1:200 20th Feb 2000 PC. Rolled copies Rolled copies of PC. Drawing nos. 84B131-AT - 84B134-AT Scale 1:200 c. 2000 Princethorpe College diagrammatic floor layout PC. Ground floor Jun 2003 PC. First floor Jun 2003 PC. Second floor Jun 2003 Sixth Form Centre PC. Proposed ground floor plan Peter Manning design group, architectural consultants Drawing no. 2454-200 Scale: 1:100 Feb 2004 PC. Proposed first floor plan Peter Manning design group, architectural consultants Drawing no. 2454-201 Scale: 1:100 Feb 2004 PC. Proposed North & South elevations Peter Manning design group, architectural consultants Drawing no. 2454-202 Scale: 1:100 Feb 2004 PC. Proposed East & West elevations Peter Manning design group, architectural consultants Drawing no. 2454-203 Scale: 1:100 Feb 2004 42 Princethorpe College February 2013 Staff records PC.11.01 Staff appraisals Notes on the introduction of staff appraisal Guidance on lesson evaluations This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2034 20th cent. PC.11.02 Professions Exercise book containing renewals of vows for Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Report for the renewal of temporary Profession for three years for Brother James O'Rourke "Ceremonial", a handbook for the use of the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2034 21st Feb 1969 - 22nd Sep 1976 PC.11.03 Teacher (new) interviews Recording interviews with prospective teachers enclosing a note on staff attending study hall as required This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2034 3rd Jul 1976 3rd Jun 1983 Visitors' books PC.13.01 Visitors' book The latter part of this volume appears to have been used to record attendees of events such as re-unions and leavers' suppers 1974 - 1992 PC.13.02 Visitors' book Visitors open day 1980 PC.13.03 Visitors' book The first part of this volume relates to the visit by Pope John Paul II on Sunday 30th May 1982 enclosing an invitation to the Papal visit 1982 - 1993 43 Princethorpe College February 2013 HMI reports Department of Education and Science and HM Inspectors PC.14.01 HMI report for Princethorpe College 24th - 27th Feb 1970 PC.14.02 Article entitled 'The Catholic School' An address given to the Conference of Catholic Colleges in 1979 1979 PC.14.03 Letter to Independent schools from the Department of Education and Science on the Assisted place scheme Relating to the up-coming Education (No 2) Bill 6th Dec 1979 PC.14.04 Article entitled 'Some aspects of secondary education in England' 15th Jan 1980 PC.14.05 Inspections guidance 1991 - 1995 Guidance on Ofsted inspections and Independent Schools Joint Council (ISJC) accreditation from the Secondary Heads Association, Nfer-Nelson and ISJC Calendars PC.15.01 Games calendar 1974 - 1975 PC.15.02 School calendar 1975 - 1976 PC.15.03 School calendar 1976 - 1977 PC.15.04 School calendar 1977 - 1978 PC.15.05 Rugby Football Fixtures 1977 - 1978 PC.15.06 School calendar 1978 - 1979 PC.15.07 School calendar 1979 - 1980 PC.15.08 School calendar 1980 - 1981 44 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.15.09 School calendar 1981 - 1982 PC.15.10 School calendar 1983 - 1984 PC.15.11 School calendar 1985 - 1986 PC.15.12 School calendar 1986 - 1987 PC.15.13 School calendar 1990 - 1991 PC.15.14 School calendar Silver Jubilee year 1991 - 1992 PC.15.15 School calendar Two copies 1992 - 1993 PC.15.16 School calendar 1993 - 1994 PC.15.17 School calendar 1994 - 1995 PC.15.18 School calendar 1995 - 1996 PC.15.19 School calendar 1996 - 1997 PC.15.20 School calendar 1997 - 1998 PC.15.21 School calendar 1998 - 1999 PC.15.21a School calendar Michaelmas Term 2010 PC.15.22 School calendar Lent term 2010 PC.15.23 School calendar Trinity term 2011 PC.15.24 School calendar Trinity term Three copies 2012 45 Princethorpe College PC.15.25 February 2013 School calendar Lent Term 2013 Handbooks & guidance PC.16.01 Third Year Options booklet Enclosing options choice forms from 1980 and 1981/2 c. 1980 PC.16.02 Guide for members of the college Provides term dates, lists of members of staff, daily routine and expectations and general guidance 1980 - 1981 PC.16.03 Princethorpe College - General Outline on Administration and Discipline Guidance provided to staff and teachers 1983 - 1984 PC.16.04 Third Year Options booklet 1985 PC.16.05 Sixth Form studies Details of the subjects available and the entrance requirements for Princethorpe Sixth Form College 1990 PC.16.06 Princethorpe College clothes list c. 1990s PC.16.07 The King's School Worcester - Fact sheet Fact sheet for the academic year 1995/1996 1996 PC.16.08 Regular Extra Curricular activities List of regular activities throughout the week, including details of the venue, time, years involved and staff member Five pages c. 2000s PC.16.09 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2000 - 2001 PC.16.10 Prefects list Listing prefects 2001 - 2002 PC.16.11 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2002 - 2003 46 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.16.12 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2003 - 2004 PC.16.13 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2004 - 2005 PC.16.14 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2005 - 2006 PC.16.15 Examination results 2005 Providing a summary of GCSE, AS level and A level results by subject 2005 PC.16.16 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2006 - 2007 PC.16.17 Examination results 2006 Providing a summary of GCSE, AS level and A level results by subject 2006 PC.16.18 Handbook Providing a list of staff members and governors and details on fees and subjects taught 2006 PC.16.19 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2007 - 2008 PC.16.20 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2008 - 2009 PC.16.21 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2009 - 2010 PC.16.22 Information booklet Providing a list of staff members and governors and details on fees and subjects taught 2009 - 2010 PC.16.23 Handbook Providing lists of staff and governors and details of fees and subjects taught 2009 - 2010 PC.16.24 Parents' Association information sheet Including details of events during 2010-2011 c. 2010 47 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.16.25 School appointments Listing head boy and girl, prefects and captains 2010 - 2011 PC.16.26 Examination results 2010 Providing a summary of GCSE, AS level and A level results by subject 2010 PC.16.27 Uniform shop price list 2010-2011 - Girls 2010 PC.16.28 Uniform shop price list 2010-2011 - Boys 2010 PC.16.29 Information booklet Providing lists of staff and governors and details of fees and subjects taught Three copies 2010 - 2011 PC.16.30 Handbook Providing lists of staff and governors and details of fees and subjects taught 2010 - 2011 PC.16.31 Induction afternoon Booklet including a list of pupils with their assigned forms 30th Jun 2010 PC.16.32 School week Timetable for the school week Sep 2010 PC.16.33 Bus services Timetables for Princethorpe College bus services Sep 2010 PC.16.34 Home-School Agreement form Sep 2011 PC.16.35 Information booklet Providing lists of staff and governors and details of fees and subjects taught 2011 - 2012 48 Princethorpe College February 2013 PUPIL RECORDS Admission Admission registers PC.17.1.01 Admission register Admission numbers 1 - 1372 1966 - 1978 PC.17.1.02 Admission register Admission numbers 1373 - 2010 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2023 1978 - 1983 PC.17.1.03 Admission register Admission numbers 2010 - 2687 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2029 1983 - 1988 PC.17.1.04 Admission register Admission numbers 2687 - 4272 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2034 1988 - 1993 PC.17.1.05 Admission register Admission numbers 4273 - 5013 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2038 1993 - 1997 PC.17.1.06 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2037 1995 - 1996 PC.17.1.07 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2037 1995 - 1996 PC.17.1.08 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2038 1996 - 1997 49 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.17.1.09 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2038 1996 - 1997 PC.17.1.10 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2039 1997 - 1998 PC.17.1.11 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2039 1997 - 1998 PC.17.1.12 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2040 1998 - 1999 PC.17.1.13 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2040 1998 - 1999 PC.17.1.14 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2040 1999 PC.17.1.15 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2041 1999 - 2000 PC.17.1.16 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2041 2000 PC.17.1.17 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2042 2000 - 2001 50 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.17.1.18 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2042 2000 - 2001 PC.17.1.19 Admission register, new pupils Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2043 2001 - 2002 PC.17.1.20 Admission register, leavers Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2043 2001 - 2002 PC.17.1.21 Admission register, new pupils - Autumn and Spring Terms Printed by the school This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2044 2002 - 2003 PC.17.1.22 Admission register, Feeder School names and addresses Printed by the school 2003 Pupil rolls These volumes provide details taken from the admission registers for all pupils attending the college for the academic year PC.17.2.01 Addresses 93-94 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2035 1993 - 1994 PC.17.2.02 Addresses 94-95 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2036 1994 - 1995 PC.17.2.03 Addresses 1996-97 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2038 1996 - 1997 PC.17.2.04 Princethorpe College Pupils on Roll This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2040 1998 - 1999 51 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.17.2.05 Addresses 1999-2000 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2041 1999 - 2000 PC.17.2.06 Addresses 2000-2001 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2042 2000 - 2001 PC.17.2.07 Addresses 2001-02 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2043 2001 - 2002 PC.17.2.08 Princethorpe College Nom Roll 2004-2005 This volume is unavailable for general access until 1st January 2046 2004 - 2005 Attendance registers PC.18.01 Attendance register Transition 1967 - 1968 PC.18.02 Attendance register II D 1967 - 1968 PC.18.03 Attendance register 2F 1967 - 1968 PC.18.04 Attendance register Form III A 1967 - 1968 PC.18.05 Attendance register Form III 1967 - 1968 PC.18.06 Attendance register Form IV 1967 - 1968 PC.18.07 Attendance register Form IV A 1967 - 1968 PC.18.08 Attendance register Lower V A 1967 - 1968 52 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.18.09 Attendance register Lower V B 1967 - 1968 PC.18.10 Attendance register VC 1967 - 1968 PC.18.11 Attendance register Upper V 1967 - 1968 Pupil record files PC.20.01 School report book Blank volume containing school report forms c. 1960s Punishment books PC.21.01 Book of punishment bills Book used to award punishments to students [blank] 20th cent. Honour & merit books PC.22.01 House & application points book Book of forms used to award house and application points to students [blank] 20th cent. Year books Year eleven These volumes contain anecdotal collections of memories and photographs of Y11 leavers PC.23.1.01 Princethorpe College Year Eleven Year Book 1999-2000 2000 PC.23.1.02 Princethorpe College Year Eleven Year Book 2000-2001 Two copies 2001 PC.23.1.03 Princethorpe College Year Book 2002 Two copies 2002 53 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.23.1.04 Princethorpe College Yearbook 2003 Library copy 2003 PC.23.1.05 Princethorpe College Class of '04 Two copies 2004 PC.23.1.06 Princethorpe College Class of '05 Two copies 2005 PC.23.1.07 Princethorpe College Yearbook Class of 2006 Two copies 2006 PC.23.1.08 Princethorpe College Class of '07 2007 PC.23.1.09 Princethorpe College Class of '08 2008 PC.23.1.10 Princethorpe College Class of 2009 Two copies 2009 PC.23.1.11 Princethorpe College Class of 2010 Two copies 2010 PC.23.1.12 Princethorpe College Class of 2011 2011 PC.23.1.13 Princethorpe College Class of 2012 2012 Upper sixth These volumes contain anecdotal collections of memories and photographs of U6 leavers PC.23.2.01 Princethorpe College Upper 6th 1990 - 1991 Yearbook By Elliot,J et al 1991 PC.23.2.02 Princethorpe College Upper 6th 1991 - 1992 Yearbook 1992 PC.23.2.03 Princethorpe Leavers 93 Two copies 1993 PC.23.2.04 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 1994 Two copies 1994 PC.23.2.05 Leavers' Yearbook 1995 1995 54 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.23.2.06 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 1996 1996 PC.23.2.07 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 1995-1997 1997 PC.23.2.08 Princethorpe College Leavers' Book 1998 Two copies 1998 PC.23.2.09 Princethorpe College: The Class of 2001 Two copies 2001 PC.23.2.10 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 2002 Two copies 2002 PC.23.2.11 Princethorpe College U6 Yearbook 2003 Two copies 2003 PC.23.2.12 Princethorpe College Yearbook 2004 Two copies 2004 PC.23.2.13 Princethorpe College Year Book 2005 Two copies 2005 PC.23.2.14 Princethorpe College Yearbook 2006 Two copies 2006 PC.23.2.15 Class of 2007, Princethorpe College Two copies 2007 PC.23.2.16 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 2008 Two copies 2008 PC.23.2.17 Princethorpe College Yearbook 2009 2009 PC.23.2.18 Princethorpe College Leavers 2010 2010 PC.23.2.19 Princethorpe College Leavers' Yearbook 2011 2011 From other colleges and schools Various yearbooks from other schools and colleges acquired by the College PC.23.3.01 Harlaxton College Yearbook, Spring 1988 55 1988 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.23.3.02 Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form Yearbook 1989-1990 Enclosing a letter and business card from Jostens School services 1990 PC.23.3.03 A Long, Long Road - Long Road Yearbook 1988 1988 PC.23.3.04 Sacred Heart School, Beechwood - Yearbook 1986-1987 1987 PC.23.3.05 St. Paul's School - Yearbook Class of 1988 1988 PC.23.3.06 Sevenoaks School Sixth Form Year Book 86/87 1987 PC.23.3.07 Trent College Yearbook '88 1988 56 Princethorpe College February 2013 PRINTED AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL Photographs Buildings PC.24.2.01 Album containing six photographs and one letter Three photographs of the building, along with three of the Nuns leaving St Mary's Priory A letter to Mrs Grant from Howard Colin, thanking her for the photographs c. 1966 Pupils Whole School Photographs PC. Whole School Photograph Whole school photograph from 1967. Fr. Fleming. Fr. Clarkson. Matron Condon. 1967 PC. Whole School Photograph 1968 PC. Whole School Photograph 1969 - 1970 PC. Whole School Photograph 1970 - 1971 PC. Whole School Photograph Whole school photograph from 1972-1973. Fr. Clarkson. Matron Condon. 1972 - 1973 PC. Whole School Photograph 1975 PC. Whole School Photograph 1976 - 1977 PC. Whole School Photograph 1977 - 1978 PC. Whole School Photograph 1979 PC. Lower School Photograph 1979 - 1980 57 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Upper School Photograph 1979 - 1980 PC. Whole School Photograph 1980 - 1981 PC. Whole School Photograph 1981 - 1982 PC. Whole School Photograph 1982 - 1983 PC. Whole School Photograph 1985 PC. Whole School Photograph 1986 PC. Whole School Photograph 1988 PC. Sixth Form Photograph 1989 PC. Whole School Photograph 1990 PC. Whole School Photograph 1993 PC. Whole School Photograph 1996 PC. Whole School Photograph 1999 PC. Whole School Photograph 2002 - 2003 PC. Whole School Photograph 2005 - 2006 PC. Whole School Photograph 2008 - 2009 PC. Whole School Photograph 2011 - 2012 Pupils PC. Box containing photographs of pupils Posed photographs of pupils of all ages taken in October 1978 Some printed on rolls, others printed individually with the names and forms of the pupils written on the back. 58 1978 Princethorpe College February 2013 Events PC.24.4.01 Barnado's Fun Day Envelope of photographs labelled 'Photos of Barnado's Fun Day' c. 1994 Scrapbooks and press cuttings General PC.25.01.01 Short convention Letter to the editor on the accepted length of shorts 20th cent. PC.25.01.02 Hon. Mrs Victor Bruce Obituary for Hon. Mrs Victor Bruce 20th cent. PC.25.01.03 Crime goes unpunished: but just try double-parking On crime and punishment 20th cent. PC.25.01.04 Trio strike silver Alveston Manor and the Warwickshire teamed up to win the Forte Grand Challenge at Sunningdale 20th cent. PC.25.01.05 Prime Blackrock site in demand On the sale of land near Blackrock College by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 20th cent. PC.25.01.06 Returning with a different view of poverty Coventry Cathedral Choir back from America c. 1980s PC.25.01.07 Press cutting on cross country Photograph of Rugby mayor John Barford with prize winners from the Town League cross-country season c. 1980s PC.25.01.08 Press cutting on Simon Morely Tower Lodge School pupil Simon Morely winning a music composition contest c. 1980s PC.25.01.09 Press cutting on a wedding Leamington Courier On the marriage of Michael Sharlot and Karen Casey 3rd Feb 1984 59 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.01.10 School strikes up a proud century Leamington Courier Article on Kingsley School 9th Mar 1984 PC.25.01.11 Press cutting on art classes etc. Coventry Evening Telegraph Articles on art classes at a Coventry primary school and a tour by Coventry Cathedral Choir 2nd Oct 1984 PC.25.01.12 Those were the days Leamington Courier School photograph from Clapham Terrace School, 1936 17th Jan 1986 PC.25.01.13 City kids set hot pace Coventry Evening Telegraph Two articles on the Schools Cross-Country Championships 4th Dec 1986 PC.25.01.14 Oliver gets ready for his TV debut Leamington Courier Coten End Middle school pupil Oliver Braithwaite appearing in a programme about his diabetes 24th Jul 1987 PC.25.01.15 Riley-McCullagh wedding On the Wedding of Kate Riley, from a family which has run Emscote Lawn school for 80 years to Andrew McCullagh c. 1990s PC.25.01.16 Down with sham exams: it's time we learnt the facts Daily Telegraph On the failings of A-level and GCSE exams c. 1990s PC.25.01.17 Bus services in new crisis Leamington Courier On the collapse of Central Couches due to a licensing problem Tony McAndrews 5th Jan 1990 PC.25.01.18 Sing Daily Telegraph Weekend On the value of singing at work and play 11th May 1991 PC.25.01.19 Parents' choice, part three A selection of Britain's best schools 5th Jul 1992 60 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.01.20 Learning the lesson of a lifetime: where we went wrong Daily Telegraph An article written by the departing headmaster of Eton on the failings of the education system 8th Jun 1994 PC.25.01.21 Goalie's bid to save others' school dreams Evening Telegraph Steve Ogrizovic's fight to get his son and other children into Finham Park School 4th Aug 1995 PC.25.01.22 Des. Res. For man who goes for space and the States… Rugby Advertiser Article on Clifton Hall, home of Michael Ewer 25th Jan 1996 PC.25.01.23 Rival schoolgirls run riot after fight over boyfriend The Times Police called to a fight involving 200-300 school children from Ricards Lodge High School and Ursuline High School in Wimbledon 16th Nov 1996 PC.25.01.24 Performers urged to sign up for contest Leamington's Competitive Festival for dancing, singing and acting Mike Rigby, Brandon Wong, Daniel Leung 16th Nov 1996 PC.25.01.25 Academic faces jail for seducing boy, 14 Daily Telegraph Dr Anthony Gray, an Oxford scholar, facing jail for seducing and sexually assaulting a 14 year old boy 21st Feb 2001 PC.25.01.26 Drunk, doped up and still in school Daily Telegraph Results of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs 21st Feb 2001 PC.25.01.27 Race watchdog denies equality to its own staff Daily Mail The commission for racial equality failed to meet the standards of Investors in People 28th Apr 2001 PC.25.01.28 RSC plans for revamp hit by resignation Sunday Times Resignation of former RSC artistic director Terry Hands at news of changes to the company 4th Nov 2001 61 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.01.29 Let's get behind the City kids! Coventry Evening Telegraph Article on Coventry City FC 21st Oct 2002 PC.25.01.30 No-one seems to be prepared to play ball with Princethorpe Children in Princethorpe hoping for somewhere to play football c. 2003 PC.25.01.31 Are you at a crossroads in Life? Catholic Herald Advertisement from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 21st Feb 2003 PC.25.01.32 Labour's ban on the flag of Saint George Daily Mail On Rugby councils decision not to fly the flag of Saint George over a civic building 23rd Jul 2003 PC.25.01.33 Relief at news of airport decision Warwickshire Evening Telegraph News that a white paper on the future of aviation in Britain would be published in December 19th Nov 2003 PC.25.07.127 Who's you're Hero? Coventry Evening Telegraph Article inviting nominations On page 12 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Jan 2004 PC.25.01.34 £330,000 for former altar boy abused by priest Daily Mail An out of court settlement over a case of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest 13th Jan 2004 PC.25.01.35 Mum praised for community spirit Evening Telegraph Former teacher Virginia Eneje wins an award for her Neighbourhood Watch group 4th Feb 2004 PC.25.01.36 Name and shame these biased JPs Evening Telegraph Reactions to news that Magistrates in Coventry have been reprimanded for racist comments 26th May 2004 62 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.01.37 Our Winners! Daily Mail William Thomas House in Leamington Spa winner of a number of awards in the Daily Mail UK Property Awards 7th Oct 2005 PC.25.01.38 Shoppers and critics clash over new area Leamington Observer Reactions to a new shopping area linking Regent Street with the Parade in Leamington Spa 13th Oct 2005 PC.25.01.39 The next chapter of our adventure begins Telegraph Article on a book club, reporting having read C S Lewis's The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and introducing the next book The Wind Singer by William Nicholson Julian Fellowes, Peregrine Fellowes and Emma Fellowes 3rd Dec 2005 PC.25.01.40 The Times schools report The Times School league tables 19th Jan 2006 PC.25.01.41 Key stage 4 education tables Evening Telegraph For Coventry and Warwickshire 19th Jan 2006 PC.25.01.42 Junior Sport Coventry Evening Telegraph Weekly roundup 7th Mar 2006 PC.25.01.43 Labour red tape hits free nursery places Parents at risk of losing free nursery places 28th Jun 2006 PC.25.01.44 'I just can't afford to lose £20 a week for each child' Parents at risk of losing free nursery places 28th Jun 2006 PC.25.01.45 Flooding threat Warwickshire Telegraph Flood alerts on three rivers in Warwickshire 6th Mar 2007 General - Catholic education PC.25.02.1 Who are the poor? Letter to the editor on Nuns leaving the teaching profession 63 c. 1990s Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.02.2 Praise for Jesuits Catholic Herald Cardinal Hume on the importance of the Jesuits in Catholic education c. 1991 PC.25.02.3 Schools for sound values Defending Catholic independent schools in face of the recession 6th Apr 1994 General - Children PC.25.03.1 Surviving teenage turbulence On the agony and infrequent ecstasy of life with an adolescent c. 1990 General - Independent schools PC.25.04.001 Private schools uphold our values On the value of independent schools 20th cent. PC.25.04.002 Parents accuse Rugby over A-level time-off Parents of a sixth form student refused to pay part of their fees because their daughter was 'abandoned' after her exams 20th cent. PC.25.04.003 Boarding school choice dictated by friendliness A survey of boarding parents shows they value flexibility and friendliness over tradition and religion 20th cent. PC.25.04.004 Grammar school set to close in summer Closure of Church Farm Grammar School, Elmesthorpe 20th cent. PC.25.04.005 Top school's drug scandal The Independent Twenty pupils at St. Bede's College, Manchester disciplined after they were caught dealing with cannabis 20th cent. PC.25.04.006 Public schools under threat, parents are told On a meeting at Warwick School concerning a threat to public schools, attended by Rev B Kennedy, Princethorpe College Headmaster c. 1980s 64 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.007 Press cutting on Lawrence Sheriff Photograph of Lawrence Sheriff deputy head Roland Davies and pupils at the annual speech day c. 1980s PC.25.04.008 Bishop gives pupils recipe for happiness The Bishop of Coventry, Rev John Gibbs speaking at Emscote Lawn School's speech day c. 1983 PC.25.04.009 Silver celebration of equal opportunities Rugby Advertiser Silver jubilee of Dunsmore Boys' School 17th Mar 1983 PC.25.04.010 Katie on course Rugby Advertiser Dunsmore School for Girls pupil Katie Tebbet with golfing success 28th Jul 1983 PC.25.04.011 Head warns parents about expectations The head of Arnold Lodge school calling on parents to support the teachers c. Oct 1983 PC.25.04.012 Bishop's recipe for true success Leamington Courier The Bishop of Warwick, Rev Keith Arnold, speaking at Warwick School's speech day 21st Oct 1983 PC.25.04.013 University's record is defended Leamington Courier University of Warwick Vice chancellor John Butterworth speaking at Kingsley School's speech day 21st Oct 1983 PC.25.04.014 Back the teachers, head tells parents Leamington Courier The head of Arnold Lodge school calling on parents to support the teachers 28th Oct 1983 PC.25.04.015 The teaching family which made school feel like home Leamington Courier Golden jubilee for the Hall family at Arnold Lodge 8th Jun 1984 PC.25.04.016 School to end boarding as numbers fall Evening Telegraph Warwick school ending boarding 11th Oct 1984 65 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.017 Powell's classic appeal Leamington Courier On Enoch Powell's visit to Warwick School prize giving day and the associated protests 12th Oct 1984 PC.25.04.018 Old boys fight to save boarders Evening Telegraph Warwick school old boys fighting to save boarding 22nd Oct 1984 PC.25.04.019 The Good Schools Guide, Part one: Prep schools Daily Telegraph 11th Mar 1989 PC.25.04.020 The Good Schools Guide, Part two Daily Telegraph Education editor John Clare talks to Amanda Atha and Sarah Durmmond about their guide to schools and senior schools 13th Mar 1989 PC.25.04.021 The Good Schools Guide, Part three Daily Telegraph Amanda Atha and Sarah Dummond advise parents on what to look for during their fieldwork 14th Mar 1989 PC.25.04.022 The Good Schools Guide, Part four Daily Telegraph Judging value for money is one of the most difficult problems when choosing a school to suit the budget and the pupil 15th Mar 1989 PC.25.04.023 The Good Schools Guide, Part five Daily Telegraph Averil Burgess argues that separate schooling suits girls best 16th Mar 1989 PC.25.04.024 Instilling the right stuff Daily Telegraph David Jewell as the Headmaster's conference chief 14th Dec 1989 PC.25.04.025 Schools scour world for pupils Recession-hit public schools are trying to recruit pupils in the Far East and the Gulf c. 1990s PC.25.04.026 School 'is too macho for girls' Belmont Abbey School return to single-sex status after a five year trial c. 1990s 66 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.027 Head boy quits after drunken late night party at pub The Daily Telegraph Jared Greenblatt quits after organising a drunken party for up to 60 under-aged pupils c. 1990s PC.25.04.028 Public strains claim fourth school head Pressure on public schools saw the resignation of another headteacher as David Cope resigned a master of Marlborough College, Wiltshire Two pages c. 1990s PC.25.04.029 Successful fundraising for new school hall Fundraising for Kingsley School, Leamington Spa c. 1990s PC.25.04.030 Schools where girls are still just sugar and spice Highlighting the difficulties faced by girls as pupils at boys' public schools c. 1990 PC.25.04.031 Order retreats on plans to close Twickenham school [Catholic Herald] The Sisters of Mercy gave an assurance that they would continue to run their Twickenham schools c. 1990 PC.25.04.032 School ends boarding tradition Wroxall Abbey school closing its doors to weekend boarders, with a comment by Alex Darkes, development director at Princethorpe College c. 1990 PC.25.04.033 School fees reduction scheme ended The Daily Telegraph Sixteen independent schools will be added to the Government's Assisted Places Scheme 8th May 1990 PC.25.04.034 Row as head fines innocent pupils Western Daily Press 'Fines' imposed on pupils after money was stolen from a teachers study 14th May 1990 PC.25.04.035 Educating the hearts as well as the minds [The Daily Telegraph] On the importance of freedom of choice in education c. 1991 67 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.036 Seedlings in a monastery garden Life and Times Talking to Father Dominic Milroy, Ampleforth's head, about the challenge of reversing the decline in Catholic education c. 1991 PC.25.04.037 Even if you could afford it, would you really want it? On the decline in the popularity of boarding schools c. 1991 PC.25.04.038 Public school drug abusers can expect to face expulsion The Times On whether drug taking is on the rise in public schools 21st Jun 1991 PC.25.04.039 Telegraph Magazine The Daily Telegraph Including a special supplement on Independent Schools 12th Oct 1991 PC.25.04.040 Strategies to weather the storm The Independent As parents struggle to make ends meet, fee-paying schools need astute financial management to survive c. 1992 PC.25.04.041 Now the inspector must call The Evening Standard The implications of the Children Act's requirement that local authorities must carry out regular care inspections of Britain's independent boarding schools 24th Jan 1992 PC.25.04.042 School for scandal? Daily Mail: Femail Two Old Rugbeians offer two sides of the argument on coeducational schools 31st Jan 1992 PC.25.04.043 What will Labour do to private schools? The Daily Telegraph Concerns of the editor over what Labour will do to private schools 3rd Apr 1992 PC.25.04.044 Private schools and parents feel the pinch The Daily Telegraph The number of children in fee paying schools had fallen for the first time since 1983 29th Apr 1992 68 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.045 The Daily Telegraph Schools Guide The Daily Telegraph Independent Schools 15th Sep 1992 PC.25.04.046 The Daily Telegraph Schools Guide The Daily Telegraph State Schools 16th Sep 1992 PC.25.04.047 Head quits at scandal-hit school The Sunday Telegraph Resignation of David Cope as headmaster of Marlborough College 20th Sep 1992 PC.25.04.048 A sad end to terms of trial Life and Times Resignation of David Cope as headmaster of Marlborough College 25th Sep 1992 PC.25.04.049 Boarding party for Cheltenham boys A 24 hour initiative to dispel the myths of boarding c. 1993 PC.25.04.050 Fees rise by 8 per cent as the recession hits public schools Daily Express On the rise in fees at public schools along with a decline in pupil numbers 28th Apr 1993 PC.25.04.051 Heads who had a basinful The Daily Telegraph On the closure of Dunchurch-Winton Hall Preparatory School as a result of the Children Act 3rd Jun 1993 PC.25.04.052 Gentleman of the old school Sunday Telegraph Recollections from Old Etonians 6th Jun 1993 PC.25.04.053 The hard sell The Daily Telegraph Independent schools are now having to market themselves much in the manner of boats or ideal homes 12th Oct 1993 PC.25.04.054 'St Trinian' head defends decision End of year vandalism at St Mary's Wantage c. 1994 69 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.055 When she was good she was very, very good, but... Recollections of end of year events in light of the vandalism at St Mary's Wantage c. 1994 PC.25.04.056 Blinkers on, it's a boarding school In reaction to the BBC2 documentary 'The Making of them' on boarding c. 1994 PC.25.04.057 Parents win reprieve for Buckfast Parents won a temporary High Court injunction against Buckfast Abbey closing c. 1994 PC.25.04.058 £1m debts bring the demise of cleric's boarding school dream The Daily Telegraph Closure of St Michael's, Burton Park c. 1994 PC.25.04.059 Second Catholic boarding school forced to close The Daily Telegraph Closure of Belmont Abbey, Hereford 2nd Mar 1994 PC.25.04.060 Abbot defies parents on school closure Sunday Telegraph Parents seeking a High Court injunction to prevent the Abbot from closing the school 6th Mar 1994 PC.25.04.061 The secret of staying power The Daily Telegraph Reflecting on the fortunes of boarding schools over the previous 10 years 30th Mar 1994 PC.25.04.062 Former pupils help to raise £1m for school buyout The Daily Telegraph Staff and former pupils buying out Allhallows School 23rd Apr 1994 PC.25.04.063 The night the gels of St Mary's ran riot The Daily Telegraph End of year vandalism at St Mary's Wantage 17th Jun 1994 PC.25.04.064 Only the best is good enough The Daily Telegraph Education editor asks parents at the independent schools show why they are shunning the state sector 19th Oct 1994 70 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.065 A 'one-stop' independent school Courier Advertising feature on Kingsley School 9th Dec 1994 PC.25.04.066 Navy school closes without warning Closure of The Indefatigable School at Llanfairpwll, Anglesey c. 1995 PC.25.04.067 Judge orders school to give girl's results A school had withheld exam results when parents fell behind with fees c. 1995 PC.25.04.068 Pupils hit by prep school closure Closure of Salters Hall School in Sudbury, Suffolk c. Apr 1995 PC.25.04.069 Independent schools show small upturn in numbers The Observer Independent schools in Warwickshire showing a slight growth in pupil numbers 27th Apr 1995 PC.25.04.070 Genial monk is called in to halt school's decline Sunday Telegraph Appointment of Dom Anthony Sutch as headmaster of Downside, Bath 11th Jun 1995 PC.25.04.071 I was a Martian: they were Neanderthals Sunday Times Louise Woolcock appointed as the first Head Girl at Rugby School 18th Jun 1995 PC.25.04.072 Private school bid to dip into lottery Evening Telegraph King Henry VIII School bidding for National Lottery funds to building a swimming pool and gym 27th Sep 1995 PC.25.04.073 Pick of the independents, Plan ahead to pay the fees, Common worries on entrance exam, Preparing the ground well The Times A series of articles on independent schools 22nd Nov 1995 71 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.074 Sacked head condemns reliance on exam tables The Daily Telegraph Peter Wilkes, headmaster at Cheltenham College was sacked after poor A-level results and criticised an overreliance on league tables for measuring performance c. 1996 PC.25.04.075 New post for top head in dispute with governors Appointment of Peter Wilkes as headmaster of Arden Lawn, Henley-in-Arden c. 1996 PC.25.04.076 Cheltenham governors driven by market forces, says sacked head Peter Wilkes speaking publically after being sacked as headmaster at Cheltenham College c. 1996 PC.25.04.077 Cheltenham College Letter to the editor on the resignation of Peter Wilkes from Cheltenham College c. 1996 PC.25.04.078 College parents tell governors to stand down Parents of pupils at Cheltenham College voted to demand the resignation of the school's governors and the reinstatement of Peter Wilkes as headmaster c. 1996 PC.25.04.079 Cheltenham governors told to quit Parents demanding the resignation of Cheltenham College governors c. 1996 PC.25.04.080 Governors defend move to dismiss headmaster The Daily Telegraph Concerning the dismissal of Peter Wilkes as headmaster of Cheltenham College c. 1996 PC.25.04.081 A question of value added The Daily Telegraph A response by The Daily Telegraph on the possibility that their league table of independent schools was responsible for the dismissal of Peter Wilkes as headmaster of Cheltenham College c. 1996 PC.25.04.082 One more test they may have to pass On the intended introduction of drug testing at Rugby School c. 1996 72 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.083 Kelsall Prescot The Daily Telegraph Obituary for Kelsall Prescot, Master and Librarian at Eton 1st Jan 1996 PC.25.04.084 Government's help for independent school Coventry Evening Telegraph The Government granted five assisted places to Henry VIII's junior school in Coventry 16th Mar 1996 PC.25.04.085 St Paul's tops the table again The Daily Telegraph St Paul's Girls' School, London topping the A-level league table for the second year running 23rd Aug 1996 PC.25.04.086 Cheltenham College Letter to the editor on the forced resignation of Peter Wilkes from Cheltenham College 22nd Oct 1996 PC.25.04.087 Cash probe at top city schools Coventry Evening Telegraph The Charity Commission to look into the financial affairs of the Coventry School Foundation 28th Oct 1996 PC.25.04.088 Boarding school is saved by parents Douai School, Upper Woolhampton saved from closure c. 1997 PC.25.04.089 Governors of top city school broke rules Coventry Evening Telegraph Governors of the Coventry School Foundation breached Charity Commission rules by awarding business contracts to a firm which employed one of its members Two pages 18th Feb 1997 PC.25.04.090 Leading Catholic school to close as numbers fall Closure of Douai School, Berkshire c. 1998 PC.25.04.091 Parents withhold Charterhouse fees Parents withholding fees after the headmaster insisted that A-level pupils should leave as soon as they have completed their exams c. 1998 PC.25.04.092 Post A-level exodus is routine, say schools The Daily Telegraph On A-level students leaving before the end of term 20th Apr 1998 73 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.093 School expels teenage lovers A 13-year-old girl and 15-year-old boy were expelled from Bloxham School, Banbury for having sexual intercourse 3rd Nov 1998 PC.25.04.094 Job advertisement Oundle School Bursar c. 2000s PC.25.04.095 Independent schools must ignore the government Against the involvement of independent schools in the state education sector c. 2000s PC.25.04.096 Job advertisement Kingsley school Senior Finance Manager c. 2000s PC.25.04.097 Arden lawn will close due to financial shortcomings Leamington Courier The directors of Arden Lawn school in dispute with the owners over the school's future 23rd May 2001 PC.25.04.098 Specialist schools get glowing report The Times Specialist schools perform better because they attract better teachers and expect more from their pupils 30th May 2002 PC.25.04.099 Private schools' finances riddled by amateurism The Times Amateurism in independent schools is inflating fees and putting smaller institutions at risk 30th May 2002 PC.25.04.100 How one assistant managed to steal £225,000 The Times The Leys school in Cambridge resisting employing expensive financial professionals after its assistant bursar was found guilty of embezzling money 30th May 2002 PC.25.04.101 Gap from best to worst widens The Times The gap between professionally managed independent schools and those with an amateurism has widened 30th May 2002 PC.25.04.102 Private study The Times On the many independent schools which are poorly managed 30th May 2002 74 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.103 'Amateur' bursars put public school finances at risk The Times The reliance of independent schools on untrained bursars 30th May 2002 PC.25.04.104 Eton's assets fall by £53m The Daily Telegraph Eton reducing planned spending as a result of market losses 24th Jul 2002 PC.25.04.105 Private school pays out for poor teaching Sunday Times Hurstpierpoint College settled out of court with a student who claimed her future career had been marred by poor teaching during her A-level Latin course 10th Nov 2002 PC.25.04.106 A lesson in private enterprise Sunday Times On the money to be made from private schools 15th Dec 2002 PC.25.04.107 School fees 'fly in the face of market rules' The Daily Telegraph A study by Economics-Plus showed that costs of independent schools rise the more competition there is in an area c. 2003 PC.25.04.108 Private schools struggle to pay salaries of £120k The Times Bursars at independent schools are struggling to pay the rising wages of some staff members 3rd Apr 2003 PC.25.04.109 Lessons learned from school theft Lessons learned after a woman stole £140,000 from the Cheshunt school in Coventry 8th Apr 2003 PC.25.04.110 Private schools in row over fee fixing, Top schools 'operate cartel over fees' Sunday Times Private schools including Eton, Westminster and Marlborough accused of meeting to fix fee rises 27th Apr 2003 PC.25.04.111 The old school fixers Office for Fair Trading launching an investigation into claims that dozens of private schools had colluded on setting fees c. Jun 2003 75 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.112 Watchdog proves Eton and Harrow for fee fixing Sunday Times Office for Fair Trading launching an investigation into claims that dozens of private schools had colluded on setting fees 29th Jun 2003 PC.25.04.113 Email and message board post on alleged fee fixing 2nd Jul 2003 PC.25.04.114 'Fee-fixing' schools face £150m fines Sunday Times 7th Dec 2003 PC.25.04.115 Threat to charity status of public schools Private schools must demonstrate how they benefit the public in order to retain their charitable status c. 2004 PC.25.04.116 A question of upbringing The Times Various opinions on the possibility of removing the charitable status of independent schools c. 2004 PC.25.04.117 Labour plans a class-size war on private schools Sunday Times A draft charity bill to remove the charitable status of feepaying schools unless they offer extra bursaries for pupils from poorer backgrounds 11th Jan 2004 PC.25.07.127 The Daily Telegraph school league tables The Daily Telegraph Providing guidance on interpreting the tables and a copy of the table for Warwickshire On page 13 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 15th Jan 2004 PC.25.04.118 Old school ties The Times On the possibility of removing charitable status from independent schools with rising fees 10th May 2004 PC.25.04.119 Independent schools fight to stay as charities The Times On proposals by the new Specialist Schools Trust to involve independent schools in improving state education 10th May 2004 76 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.120 Are public schools of public benefit? The Times Article on the charity bill by Luke FitzHerbert, head of the Directory of Social Change 28th Jun 2004 PC.25.04.121 'Select 7' schools to face inquiry into running fee-fixing cartel The Times A group of seven midlands independent schools to face investigation over fee-fixing 4th Oct 2004 PC.25.04.122 Private schools get tax boost The Times Private schools retaining their tax breaks after the charity bill was published 21st Dec 2004 PC.25.04.123 Heads celebrate but now face price fixing inquiry The Times Private schools successful in defending their charitable status but still face investigation over fee-fixing 21st Dec 2004 PC.25.04.124 Fee rises slow but are still twice the rate of inflation The Times Independent school fees at their lowest level prior to an Office of Fair Trading report into fee-fixing 15th Aug 2005 PC.25.04.125 Father sues school over refusal to let his son enter sixth form The Daily Telegraph A court case based on the use of a vague clause within the contract to parents allowing Marlborough College to terminate the contract on the basis of poor behaviour 16th Aug 2005 PC.25.04.126 Bias against private schools a 'myth' The Times The Independent Schools Commission have found that prejudice against private school pupils by universities does not exist 17th Aug 2005 PC.25.04.127 Top public schools found guilty of fee-fixing Sunday Times Private schools to be found guilty of fee-fixing 23rd Oct 2005 PC.25.04.128 Independent schools face huge fines over cartel to fix fees The Times Private schools found guilty of fee-fixing 10th Nov 2005 77 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.129 Unfair trading The Times Private schools found guilty of fee-fixing 10th Nov 2005 PC.25.04.130 Rugby School in line for big cash fine Rugby Observer Office for Fair Trading rules Rugby School was one of the schools to fix school fees 17th Nov 2005 PC.25.04.131 Behind all the clever talk The Evening Standard On the gap between state and independent education 2nd Dec 2005 PC.25.04.132 Private schools accused of ageism The association of Teachers and Lectures have heard of six independent schools where teachers have been told they must retire at 60, contrary to European Union employment directions banning fixed retirement ages c. 2006 PC.25.04.133 School has new youngest head Leamington Observer St Patrick's primary in Leamington Spa has the youngest headteacher in the country with the appointment of Noel Neeson 26th Jan 2006 PC.25.04.134 Public schools behaved badly - as did Labour The Daily Telegraph On fee fixing in public schools 25th Feb 2006 PC.25.04.135 50 public schools fined for fixing their fees The Daily Telegraph On fee fixing in public schools 25th Feb 2006 PC.25.04.136 Why did OFT take a pile-driver to crack a nut? The Daily Telegraph On the OFT's investigation into fee-fixing 25th Feb 2006 PC.25.04.137 Stop raising school fees, heads are told The Daily Telegraph Jonathan Shephard, general secretary of the Independent Schools Council warns head teachers to stop raising fees or they will price themselves out of the market 22nd Mar 2006 78 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.04.138 Bridging the gulf between the state and independent sectors The Daily Telegraph Suggestions on how to bridge the gulf between state and independent schools to benefit all pupils 22nd Mar 2006 PC.25.04.139 Schools face bill to protect pupils in case of closure 24th Apr 2006 The Times Independent schools may have to pay into a fund to ensure pupils are unaffected by sudden closures PC.25.04.140 Fee-paying schools face challenge to charity tax break The Times On renewed effort to re-evaluate the status of independent schools as charities 2nd May 2006 PC.25.04.141 Labour's plans for faith schools will only make divisions deeper The Daily Telegraph An article against government amendments concerning admissions to religious schools 24th Oct 2006 General - Teaching PC.25.05.01 Press cutting on rugby Photograph of Bilton Grange Rugby team c. 1980s PC.25.05.02 Sell Britain, pupils told Founder and chief executive of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management, John Fenton, speaking at Myton School's speech day c. 1983 PC.25.05.03 Building a business piece by piece 21st Oct 1983 Leamington Courier Students at a Kenilworth Sixth form centre taking part in an enterprise scheme PC.25.05.04 Focus on schools Leamington Courier An article on Aylesford School Two pages 28th Oct 1983 PC.25.05.05 School's A-level results 'excellent' Leamington Courier Kings High School speech day 28th Oct 1983 79 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.05.06 Dyslexia is no joke OK? Evening Telegraph Article on the problems of dyslexia 15th Nov 1983 PC.25.05.07 Licensing law hits fund-raising The Evening Standard Alkborough primary school complaining that licensing laws were restricting their ability to raise funds 30th Mar 1984 PC.25.05.08 The Prices 'at home' Leamington Courier Staff and children at St. John's Museum portraying a middle class family from the 1860s 27th Jul 1984 PC.25.05.09 He is a teacher of 21 years' standing, she is an 'unruly' 13year-old. Yet, when she accused him of hitting her, guess who police believed? Now, 10 months on despite being totally vindicated, his life and career are still in ruins Daily Mail, Femail Magazine Article on Michael Turnbull 16th Dec 1999 PC.25.05.10 Slap case teacher 'should not have been convicted' Daily Express Headteacher Marjorie Evans cleared of hitting a child 2nd Sep 2000 PC.25.05.11 Blair boasts of teachers' pay 'breakthrough' The Times Teachers awarded a pay rise of 3.5 percent 24th Jan 2002 PC.25.05.12 Job advertisement The Times Advertisement for a School Business Manager at Kingsley School, Leamington Spa 24th Jan 2002 PC.25.05.13 Teachers' pay is frozen until after general election The Times 24th Jan 2002 General - University PC.25.06.01 Aptitudes for Oxbridge On the domination of Oxford and Cambridge by independent school pupils 80 c. 1990s Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.06.02 More costly than you think say five college freshers The Independent Interviewing five undergraduates at the end of their first term 11th Jan 1992 PC.25.06.03 Spanner in works of education revolution Sunday Telegraph On the growth in higher education 29th Nov 1992 Princethorpe College PC.25.07.001 College confident On the annual speech day at Princethorpe College Headmaster Father Charles Sweeney, Dr Gerard Hyland, Christopher Saxton, Mark Conmy, Christine Shepherd, Adam Sturt and Colin Byrne 20th cent. PC.25.07.002 Athletics Rugby & District Warwickshire Cross Country Championships at Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.25.07.003 Trophies are prizes in law and order quiz Rugby's second law and order quiz finals "1st Place Princethorpe College" 20th cent. PC.25.07.004 Press cutting on football coaching George Kirby coaching Princethorpe College football team Peter Kearns 20th cent. PC.25.07.005 College policy 'challenges' boys On the failure of some students to respond to self supported learning Rev W J Clarkson, Archbishop of Birmingham Most Rev. George Dwyer 20th cent. PC.25.07.006 Popular place On an increase in prospective admissions to Princethorpe College Geoffrey Holroyde, Patrician Whelan, Michael Masding and Rev Charles Sweeney 20th cent. PC.25.07.007 Ex-pupil from New Guinea in Rugby reunion Mr Christian Rangatin travelled half way around the world to meet Father J K Fleming, his former teacher, at Princethorpe College 20th cent. 81 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.008 Non stop bouncing 12 hours of sponsored basketball in aid of CAFOD Ralph Moore 20th cent. PC.25.07.009 Kenilworth's first time four-time Kenilworth sweeping the board in the Mid Warwickshire Schools' cup at Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.25.07.010 Priory preparing for boy scholars Coventry Evening Telegraph Preparing the site at Princethorpe for the arrival of the new students 26th Aug 1966 PC.25.07.011 Archbishop opens college Coventry Evening Telegraph Formal opening of Princethorpe College by Archbishop George Patrick Dwyer c. Sep 1966 PC.25.07.012 Roman Catholic Archbishop opens boys' college Formal opening of Princethorpe College by Archbishop George Dwyer Headmaster Father John Fleming, Father W Davenport, Father A Brennan, Father S MacManus c. 1967 PC.25.07.013 'Self-restraint more important that GCE's Formal opening of Princethorpe College by Archbishop George Dwyer c. 1967 PC.25.07.014 A school opens as other fight for survival Birmingham Post On the opening of Princethorpe College 25th Apr 1967 PC.25.07.015 Results for college are best ever Princethorpe College recording their best ever O level and CSE results Father William Clarkson, Mr Ronald Mason, C D'Lima, V Leung, C Barnes, A Frain, M Kirby, R Williams, N Ngai, M Bailey, N Brooks, Robin Abeyesinhe, M Nagaur, S Hampton, A Wadland, M Honore, D Quinn c. 1970s PC.25.07.016 College celebrate Rugby Advertiser On Princethorpe College winning the Sutton Coldfield Rugby Sevens title, the Under-14 and Under-15 Rugby and District Rugby Sevens titles and coming close to winning the Under-19 Sutton Coldfield Rugby Sevens title c. 1970s 82 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.017 Fog grounds naval display Fog prevented a helicopter display at Princethorpe College Father James McManus, careers master c. 1979 PC.25.07.018 Sports hall gets go-ahead Rugby Borough Council having given permission to building a new sports hall and squash courts at Princethorpe College c. 1979 PC.25.07.019 School's new sports hall scores with boys Coventry Evening Telegraph On the opening of the new sports hall at Princethorpe College Father William Clarkson 13th Sep 1979 PC.25.07.020 Keys to success of private education Coventry Evening Telegraph David Woodhead, national director of the Independent Schools Information Service at Princethorpe College speech day Jackie White, Adam Sturt, Mark Conmy, Brian Duggan Father Charles Sweeney c. 1980s PC.25.07.021 Press cutting on floral displays Rugby Advertiser Floral displays at Princethorpe College autumn fair Julie McCann, Delia Pope and Janet Dyde c. 1980s PC.25.07.022 Game success Princethorpe College 13th out of 2000 in a Stockpiler game c. 1980s PC.25.07.023 Final schools records League table for schools' rugby c. 1980s PC.25.07.024 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College rugby team with a 100 percent season record for the first time c. 1980s PC.25.07.025 Press cutting on rugby Schools' rugby fixture list c. 1980s PC.25.07.026 Press cutting on Geoff Capes Geoff Capes offers a helping hand to Princethorpe College youngsters c. 1980s 83 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.027 Juba, county champ Warwickshire County Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.028 Cricket roadshow stops at College Former Derbyshire and England cricket player Bob Taylor at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.029 Press cutting on cross country Princethorpe College team in the National Catholic Schools Boys' Cross Country Championships c. 1980s PC.25.07.030 Press cutting on cross country Warwickshire Cross Country Championships held at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.031 Press cutting on cross country Third place for Princethorpe College in the Michelin Open cross-country meeting at Stoke c. 1980s PC.25.07.032 Holidays trust formed On the formation of the Priory Holiday Trust at Princethorpe College by Edward Tolcher, Simon McElwain, Alex Darkes and Marie Bartlett c. 1980s PC.25.07.033 Pupils piling up contest profits Princethorpe College sixth form students in a national stockpiler investment game c. 1980s PC.25.07.034 Mike's top of the class! Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.035 A little flattering Rugby match between Princethorpe College and Mid Warwickshire College c. 1980s PC.25.07.036 Plea for an industrial future Geoffrey Holroyde speaking at Princethorpe College Speech Day Patricia Whelan, Michael Masding, Rev Charles Sweeney c. 1980s PC.25.07.037 Press cutting on Princethorpe Photograph of Princethorpe village, with the college in the background c. 1980s 84 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.038 Press cutting on a trophy presentation Photograph of a Princethorpe College competition team receiving a trophy and cheque from Williams & Glyn's Bank Plc c. 1980s PC.25.07.039 Press cutting on speech day Princethorpe College Speech Day Rev David O'Connor, Henry Chan, Mr David Engleheart, Gerard Byrne, Simon Hall, Mr Brian Ray c. 1980s PC.25.07.040 Lateral way to solve engineering problems A lateral thinking course held for pupils at Princethorpe College Andrew Davies, Alun Lewis, Stephen Temple, Stephen Mazurke, Mr Frank McGreevy, Damien Joyce c. 1980s PC.25.07.041 Press cutting on cross country Mike Jacobs in the Warwickshire Schools' Cross-Country Championships staged at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.042 Press cutting on cross country Mike Jacobs in the Warwickshire Schools' Cross-Country Championships staged at Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.07.043 Redman back to give Spa squad last race lift On Leamington C & AC's performance at the final Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College c. Feb 1982 PC.25.07.044 Sporting silhouette On the final Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College c. Feb 1982 PC.25.07.045 The recovery is complete On the final Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College 26th Feb 1982 PC.25.07.046 Jacobs turns back the clock at Princethorpe Rugby Advertiser Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College 24th Feb 1983 PC.25.07.047 College welcomes naval invasion Royal Naval and Royal Marine schools' presentation team Father James McManus 21st Oct 1983 85 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.048 Christmas stocking 31st Dec 1983 Midweek Advertiser Including a photograph of a 24 hour disco held at Princethorpe College to raise money for theatre equipment PC.25.07.049 Birchfield on top Coventry Evening Telegraph Birmingham and Cross-Country League race held at Princethorpe College 22nd Feb 1984 PC.25.07.050 Press cutting on cross country Evening Telegraph On the final Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College 22nd Feb 1984 PC.25.07.051 Forster turns in splendid display Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College in the Northern Schools CrossCountry Championships 22nd Mar 1984 PC.25.07.052 College concert Concert to celebrate the restoration of the College organ Dr Norman Bailey, Mr Hugh Page 20th Jun [1984] PC.25.07.053 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College are rugby sevens U-19 champions c. 1985 PC.25.07.054 Jacobs sweeps to victory Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College c. 1985 PC.25.07.055 Rugby Schools again dominate the county scene Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College c. 1985 PC.25.07.056 School winners On St. Thomas More, Nuneaton, winning their fifth Cross Country Trophy at the National Catholic Schools championships c. 1985 PC.25.07.057 Rugby host county races Rugby Advertiser Warwickshire Championship Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College 3rd Jan 1985 86 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.058 Evans defends county crown Evening Telegraph Rugby and District Cross Country Championship at Princethorpe College 4th Jan 1985 PC.25.07.059 Brown shows way Evening Telegraph Warwickshire Cross Country Championships held at Princethorpe College 7th Jan 1985 PC.25.07.060 Glory hunters Coventry Evening Telegraph On a cross-country event held at Princethorpe College 9th Jan 1985 PC.25.07.061 Scotched! Rugby Advertiser Warwickshire Cross Country Championships held at Princethorpe College 10th Jan 1985 PC.25.07.062 Eliot at the double Coventry Evening Telegraph Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College 7th Feb 1985 PC.25.07.063 It's so easy for Jacobs Coventry Evening Telegraph Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College 10th Feb 1985 PC.25.07.064 Press cutting on cross country Rugby Advertiser Birmingham League Cross-Country race held at Princethorpe College 14th Feb 1985 PC.25.07.065 Best in six years! Rugby Advertiser Birmingham Cross Country League meeting held at Princethorpe College 21st Feb 1985 PC.25.07.066 Title bonanza Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College team in the National Catholic Schools Boys' Cross Country Championships 28th Feb 1985 87 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.067 Runners look for lift... Nuneaton's St. Thomas More struggling to find transport to the Northern Schools Cross Country Championships 7th Mar 1985 PC.25.07.068 KH seniors power home Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College team at the Northern Schools Cross Country Championships 28th Mar 1985 PC.25.07.069 Press cutting on cross country Rugby Advertiser Photograph of prize winners in the Rugby Schools' Athletic Association Town Cross Country League 28th Mar 1985 PC.25.07.070 Village scene Rugby Advertiser A visit by the His Grace The Most Reverend Maurice Couve de Murville, Archbishop of Birmingham to Princethorpe College Father Dan O'Connor 17th Oct 1985 PC.25.07.071 Warning of risk to private education Evening Telegraph David Engleheart from the independent Schools Information Service speaking at Princethorpe College's speech day Headmaster Rev Daniel O'Connor, Dr Ray, Simon Hall, Gerard Byrne 19th Oct 1985 PC.25.07.072 Double joy for Whorton Evening Telegraph Birmingham Cross-Country League fixture at Princethorpe College 4th Nov 1985 PC.25.07.073 Harris at the double Princethorpe College in the Rugby and District Cross Country League c. 1986 PC.25.07.074 Fortunes of two families A production of Friedrich at Princethorpe College Dominic Hopkinson, Moira Weir 1986 PC.25.07.075 Evans cracks course record Rugby Advertiser Warwickshire Cross-country championships at Princethorpe College 2nd Jan 1986 88 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.076 Evans and James set for battle Evening Telegraph Warwickshire Cross-country championships at Princethorpe College 3rd Jan 1986 PC.25.07.077 Godiva quartet make history Coventry Evening Telegraph Warwickshire Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Princethorpe College 6th Jan 1986 PC.25.07.078 Down the Fosse Way Leamington Spa Courier Article on the Fosse Way, mentioning Princethorpe College 14th Feb 1986 PC.25.07.079 College pushes boat out Coventry Evening Telegraph A production of HMS Pinafore at Princethorpe College Rebecca Hilditch, Marie Noble, Sue Francis 27th Mar 1987 PC.25.07.080 Doubling up for art's sake Leamington Courier Sixth form students producing surrealist paintings Lou Skiffington 1988 PC.25.07.081 Pupils view of fantasy world Coventry Evening Telegraph Sixth form students producing surrealist paintings Lou Skiffington, Robert Smith 11th Feb 1988 PC.25.07.082 Sailing away to sing Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College choir travelling to Ireland for a musical concert tour Sue Francis, Dionne Sambrook 26th May 1988 PC.25.07.083 Players reflect history Coventry Evening Telegraph More than 40 Princethorpe College pupils giving up their half-term holiday to take their production of Robin Hood and the Turkish Knight on tour to the Lake District and Yorkshire 10th Feb 1989 89 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.084 Baker's boy is all for reforms Leamington Courier On a visit by Alistair Burt MP - parliamentary private secretary to Education Secretary Kenneth Baker - to Princethorpe College Neil Marsh, Jonathan Harris, Martin Murray, Mark Urvin, Father Sweeney 17th Feb 1989 PC.25.07.085 Press cutting on a wedding Coventry Evening Telegraph Marriage of Clare Leddy and Andrew Havers 4th Sep 1989 PC.25.07.086 Top author is school guest Coventry Evening Telegraph Author Jeffrey Archer to be the guest at Princethorpe College Parent association annual meeting 20th Sep 1989 PC.25.07.087 Archer's college aims Leamington Courier Jeffrey Archer signing books in aid of Princethorpe College funds Father Charles Sweeney, Colin Byrne and Adam Sturt 29th Sep 1989 PC.25.07.088 Honour for College Princethorpe College to host the 1990 Schools International cross-country event 28th Dec 1989 PC.25.07.089 Caring Joanne scoops a top award Joanne Sexton, the first recipient of the Princethorpe College memorial trophy, in memory of James Aspinall and Graham Wright of Huyton school c. 1990s PC.25.07.090 Health first Princethorpe College cooks Janet Griffin, Julie Hopkins and Colin Jamie receiving the Heartbeat Award from Rugby Mayor Carolyn Lane c. 1990s PC.25.07.091 Teachers offered help with work A project started by Princethorpe College to help Primary Schools organise Geography field trips c. 1990s PC.25.07.092 Test of endurance Rugby Advertiser Photograph of a cross-country event held at Princethorpe College c. 1990s 90 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.093 Guest professor Margaret Maden as guest speaker at Princethorpe College prize giving c. 1990s PC.25.07.094 New kit for college New kit for Princethorpe College XV through sponsorship from Trevor Johnson of Trojan Display Ltd and Gerry Higginbotham of Newbold Insurance Charlie Ellison, Anthony Johnson c. 1990s PC.25.07.095 School teams in top flight Two team from Princethorpe College have qualified for the final of the West Midlands Industry '96 competition Mike McHale, Mike Edwards, Patrick Ward, Tom Palmer and Phil Miles c. 1990s PC.25.07.096 Dominic opens Former pupil and cricket star Dominic Ostler returned to Princethorpe College to open their new fitness centre as part of the Jubilee celebrations c. 1990s PC.25.07.097 School A level success for Princethorpe College pupils c. 1990s PC.25.07.098 School is host to horses Princethorpe College holding its first dressage event Liz Best c. 1990s PC.25.07.099 Kingsley team rides off with top prize A team from Kingsley School winning the first prize at the first dressage competition held by Princethorpe College c. 1990s PC.25.07.100 Press cutting on rugby Photograph of the Rugby & District U14s squad c. 1990s PC.25.07.101 Press cutting on cross country Photograph of a cross-country event held at Princethorpe College c. 1990s PC.25.07.102 Job advertisement Advertisement for the post of Bursar at Princethorpe College c. 1990s 91 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.103 County double date Warwickshire Schools Athletic and Cross County Association staging two events at Princethorpe College c. 1990s PC.25.07.104 Press cutting on cross country Sports Advertiser Photograph of a cross-country event held at Princethorpe College 15th Feb 1990 PC.25.07.105 Great Scott Rugby Advertiser On a the Schools Cross County International at Princethorpe College 12th Apr 1990 PC.25.07.106 Students share challenge success Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students success in a stock exchange competition Jun 1993 PC.25.07.107 Business success Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupils reach the regional leg of the Proshare National Investment Programme 4th Jun 1993 PC.25.07.108 First for college First prize giving at Princethorpe College since introducing girls to the school Margaret Maden c. 1994 PC.25.07.109 School by school guide Leamington Courier Including details of Princethorpe College A-level results Father Alan Whelan, headteacher 27th Aug 1993 PC.25.07.110 Girls to make history at Princethorpe Princethorpe College to admit girls throughout the school Father Alan Whelan, Michelle Foist, Faye Hampton and Margaret-Louise O'Keeffe c. 1994 PC.25.07.111 An appeal address Universe Students at Princethorpe College raising £600 for CAFOD's Rwanda appeal 28th Aug 1994 92 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.112 Plus ju-jitsu medals Leamington Courier Medal success for the jiu-jitsu team that meet at Princethorpe College Stuart Macfadyn, Andrew George, Chris Lloyd, James Reynolds and Adam Leary 2nd Sep 1994 PC.25.07.113 Girls bid by boys' school Rugby Observer Princethorpe College to admit girls throughout the school 13th Oct 1994 PC.25.07.114 College prepares to accept girls Leamington Courier Princethorpe College to admit girls throughout the school Rev Alan Whelan, Michael Boyle 18th Nov 1994 PC.25.07.115 White pips rival to take top spot Coventry Evening Telegraph On the Warwickshire cross country event at in the grounds of Princethorpe College 21st Dec 1994 PC.25.07.116 College celebrations bloom Arts week at Princethorpe College c. 1995 PC.25.07.117 Audience wanted for Princethorpe Hot Spurs Show Advertisement for the college production of Hot Spurs c. 1995 PC.25.07.118 School starts a new chapter Coventry Evening Telegraph On the introduction of girls to all years at Princethorpe College Fleur Oldring, Polly Poulter, Katy Ewer, Emily Whitehead, Gareth Watts, Raymond Bethley, Tom Barrett, Scott Hoare 8th Sep 1995 PC.25.07.119 Autumn arts Rugby Observer Autumn arts week at Princethorpe College 19th Oct 1995 PC.25.07.120 Cheques for young achievers Recipients of Rugby Borough Councils Excellence in Sport awards 23rd Nov 1995 93 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.121 College students on the right course c. 1996 Young entrepreneurs from Princethorpe College through to the next round of the 1996 Young Business People of the Year Competition PC.25.07.122 College qualifiers Princethorpe students through to the next round of the 1996 Young Business People of the Year competition c. 1996 PC.25.07.123 Red nose madness goes to the head Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College "Whole school hug" for red nose day 14th Mar 1997 PC.25.07.124 Pupils close ranks to help Comic Relief Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College "Whole school hug" for red nose day 14th Mar 1997 PC.25.07.125 Why the Prince of Wales lent a helping hand to nuns on the run Coventry Evening Telegraph On the history of St. Mary's Priory 4th Jun 1997 PC.25.07.126 Making a career out of helping others choose right careers Courier On the retirement of John Randerson from the careers service, after helping many Princethorpe College students 26th Dec 1997 PC.25.07.127 College in trouble on bid for new classrooms Rugby Borough Council may demand the demolition of a part built extension at Princethorpe College and the reinstatement of the original building On page 6 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general c. 2000s PC.25.07.128 Poised for cup success Rugby Observer Princethorpe College hockey team qualified for the Midlands Hockey Final Sean Whitehouse, Luke Sellers c. 2000s PC.25.07.129 Job advertisement Senior Secretary/Administrator c. 2000s 94 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.130 Press cutting on the sixth form centre Leamington Courier On Princethorpe College being given permission to build a sixth form centre c. 2000s PC.25.07.127 Schools merger threatens jobs Rugby Evening Telegraph Teachers from St. Joseph's School will be competing for jobs with Princethorpe College staff as a result of the merger On page 2 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 1st Nov 2000 PC.25.07.131 Top flight college Leamington Courier Princethorpe College named as one of the top 99 improving schools by the Department of Education and Skills 23rd Nov 2001 PC.25.07.132 Celebrating our schools, Princethorpe College Mentor An article on Princethorpe College John Shinkwin, Fr Alan Whelan MSC, Ian Bell c. Sep 2002 PC.25.07.127 Passionate pupils say it with flowers Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupils exchanging flowers on Valentine's Day Kim Maxwell, Laura Boardman, Mitch Reid an Charlotte Ward On page 7 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 14th Feb 2003 PC.25.07.127 Princethorpe forges ahead The Universe On plans to phase out boarders and for building extensions John Shinkwin On page 8 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 11th May 2003 PC.25.07.127 Glowing report for college Leamington Courier A glowing report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate On page 8 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 27th Jun 2003 95 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Princethorpe's all weather pitch opens Leamington Courier A glowing report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate On page 9 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 30th Oct 2003 PC.25.07.127 Rugby News Rugby World Princethorpe College mentioned in a piece on the Daily Mail U15 Cup On page 10 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 1st Nov 2003 PC.25.07.127 Music students put on a treat Coventry Evening Telegraph A-level music students from Princethorpe College put on a recital at Earlsdon Day Centre Sue Francis On page 11 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 21st Nov 2003 PC.25.07.127 In-the-pink students raise £400 Princethorpe College students raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness On page 11 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 28th Nov 2003 PC.25.07.127 Tackling poverty Princethorpe College raising money for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Sion Williams, Daniel Farrell, Chris Lee On page 17 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general c. 2004 PC.25.07.133 Tackling poverty Princethorpe College raising money for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Sion Williams, Daniel Farrell, Chris Lee On page 21 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. 2004 96 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Students aid African orphans Princethorpe College students raising money for the Rotary Club of Rugby Dunsmore's Rainbow project, helping children in Africa orphaned by aids On page 18 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. 2004 PC.25.07.127 Job advertisement The Evening Standard Director of ICT On page 13 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 16th Jan 2004 PC.25.07.133 Students raise £400 from loose change Rugby Observer Year nine pupils raise money for an HIV and Aids project Father Carl Tranter, Laura Praciac, Zoe Skinner, Pippa Spencer and Cathryn Price On page 21 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. Feb 2004 PC.25.07.133 Students give to AIDS project Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students raising money for charity On page 18 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 5th Feb 2004 PC.25.07.127 Princethorpe students mark a great sporting achievement Leamington Courier Princethorpe students reliving Sir Roger Bannisters record breaking run On page 18 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 16th Jan 2004 PC.25.07.134 College defends teacher's behaviour after complaint about leavers' ball Leamington Courier Princethorpe College defend the behaviour of the art master at a leavers' ball 9th Jul 2004 PC.25.07.127 Pupils' recycling provides pets' beds Princethorpe College students recycling paper into bedding for pets Frank Gahan On page 20 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 23rd Sep 2004 97 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Pupils' recycling provides pets' beds Princethorpe College students recycling paper into bedding for pets Frank Gahan On page 19 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 23rd Sep 2004 PC.25.07.127 National Poetry Day Pottery painting and poetry Jane Winchester On page 22 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.133 National Poetry Day Pottery painting and poetry Jane Winchester On page 19 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 8th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.127 Students eat their words Rugby Observer Pottery painting and poetry Jane Winchester On page 23 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 14th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.133 Students eat their words Rugby Observer Pottery painting and poetry Jane Winchester On page 19 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 14th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.127 Students in the pink to raise money Leamington Courier 20 boys and staff dressed up as women to win the title of Miss Princethorpe 2004 in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness Month On page 24 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 30th Oct 2004 98 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Students in the pink to raise money Leamington Courier 20 boys and staff dressed up as women to win the title of Miss Princethorpe 2004 in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness Month On page 18 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 30th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.133 Students raise cancer cash Rugby Observer Princethorpe College sixth form students raising money for charity On page 18 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 12th Nov 2004 PC.25.07.133 Press cutting on fundraising Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students raising money for charity through a non-uniform day On page 17 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 17th Dec 2004 PC.25.07.135 Tour of a lifetime c. 2005 Princethorpe College hockey and rugby tour of South Africa Chris McCullough PC.25.07.127 League tables for GCSE and A-level Leamington Courier On page 29 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 14th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.127 Princethorpe pupils upset by exam mix-up Leamington Courier Over a mix-up which left pupils unable to complete their English Literature exam On page 29 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 21st Jan 2005 PC.25.07.127 Phone recyclers on right lines 27th Jan 2005 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students collecting old mobile phones for recycling On page 30 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 99 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Phone recyclers on right lines 27th Jan 2005 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students collecting old mobile phones for recycling On page 13 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card PC.25.07.127 Press cutting on Valentine's deliveries Rugby Observer Flower delivery service at Princethorpe College for Valentine's Day Stuart Rose, Alistair Whit, Oliver Warner, Katherine Burns On page 31 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general Feb 2005 PC.25.07.133 Press cutting on Valentine's deliveries Rugby Observer Flower delivery service at Princethorpe College for Valentine's Day Stuart Rose, Alistair Whit, Oliver Warner, Katherine Burns On page 13 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card Feb 2005 PC.25.07.127 Such close racing in schools' cross country championship at Princethorpe Leamington Today Providing the results of the races On page 30 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 11th Feb 2005 PC.25.07.127 Students' lottery of poverty Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students raising money for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Sophie Bayer and David Kirby On page 31 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 18th Feb 2005 PC.25.07.133 Students' lottery of poverty Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students raising money for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Sophie Bayer and David Kirby On page 13 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 18th Feb 2005 100 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Where are they now? Leamington Courier Two photographs of sports team from Princethorpe College in 1974, inviting anyone to identify those featured On page 12 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 4th Mar 2005 PC.25.07.127 Job Advertisement Library Assistant and Cover Teachers On page 32 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Apr 2005 PC.25.07.127 Tories win in school's mock poll Princethorpe College pupils held a mock general election Alex Corkhill, Shaun Edden, Stuart McGlone, Dr Simon Peaple On page 33 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 12th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 Tories win in school's mock poll Princethorpe College pupils held a mock general election Alex Corkhill, Shaun Edden, Stuart McGlone, Dr Simon Peaple On page 5 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 12th May 2005 PC.25.07.127 College caterers Leamington Today Princethorpe College catering team nominated Star of the Term On page 35 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 27th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 College caterers Leamington Today Princethorpe College catering team nominated Star of the Term On page 5 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 27th May 2005 PC.25.07.127 African day Princethorpe College students held a concert for Africa Day Margaret-Louise O'Keeffe On page 36 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 1st Jul 2005 101 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Students do their own Live 8 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students held a concert for Africa Day Margaret-Louise O'Keeffe, Sarah Robertson On page 35 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.133 Students do their own Live 8 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students held a concert for Africa Day Margaret-Louise O'Keeffe, Sarah Robertson On page 2 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.127 Spelling out the message at Princethorpe College Leamington Courier Africa day On page 36 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.133 Spelling out the message at Princethorpe College Leamington Courier Africa day On page 1 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 8th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.136 Players broaden horizons 20th Sep 2005 Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College hockey and rugby tour of South Africa Chris McCullough PC.25.07.137 Spanish success Leamington Courier Spanish students at Princethorpe College were ranked in the top five for their GCSE results Vanessa Marin, Tom Small, Orietta Cabrera 23rd Sep 2005 PC.25.07.138 Press cutting on a Dickensian Fair Leamington Courier Princethorpe College Dickensian Fair Holly Cooke and Anthony Watters Vanessa Marin, Tom Small, Orietta Cabrera 9th Dec 2005 102 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.139 Slap-up meal - but only for a few Ash Wednesday meal lottery at Princethorpe College Margaret Louise O'Keefe, Tim Smith, Lucy Coulson and Jessica Riddell Vanessa Marin, Tom Small, Orietta Cabrera On page 3 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall c. 2006 PC.25.07.139 Silence is golden for Princethorpe College students Leamington Courier A sponsored silence and cake sale at Princethorpe College to raise money for those with HIV and Aids in the Gaunteng Province of South Africa On page 11 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall c. 2006 PC.25.07.139 Princethorpe in final triumph Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College U16 Hockey team win the County Championships Michael Ancona, Tom Ainley, Luke Sellars, Sam Turner, Alex Pittaway, Louis Loach, Chris Wood, James Spenle, Sean Whitehouse, Michael Mitchell and Laurence Meade On page 8 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 14th Feb 2006 PC.25.07.139 We need action to combat poverty Coventry Evening Telegraph Fundraising event held at Princethorpe College in aid of CAFOD Jamie Moore, Sarah Todd, Ian Lovering, Katherine Stone, Jamie Shanks, Beth Foster On page 4 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 4th Mar 2006 PC.25.07.140 £2m plans to extend college get go-ahead Rugby Observer Princethorpe College given permission by Rugby Borough Council to build a new Sixth Form centre 1st Jun 2006 103 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.141 Princethorpe sweep all before them Princethorpe College Under-16 boys' hockey team win the Warwickshire Schools championship and are through to the Midland Schools semi-final Sean Whitehouse, Luke Jackson-Miller, Laurence Mead, Michael Mitchell, Henry Green, Michael Antona, Louis Loach, Richard Bubb, Chris Wood, Michael Fraser, Aaron Fermahan, Callum Spencer, Felix Heath, Laurie Price, Charlie Kennedy, Salim Shehan and Luke Sellars c. 2007 PC.25.07.142 Archbishop is top guest at college's anniversary Rugby Advertiser The Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Birmingham was the guest at a Mass celebrating the 40th anniversary of Princethorpe College 11th Jan 2007 PC.25.07.143 Pupils see 'Sir in new 60s light Warwickshire Telegraph Princethorpe College pupils experiencing lessons as they were from the 1960s, as part of their 40th anniversary celebrations 26th Feb 2007 Princethorpe College - Former pupils PC.25.08.01 Press cutting on Rob Cockerton Rob Cockerton named man of the match for MidWarwickshire College's Under 21s 20th cent. PC.25.08.02 Nick is trotting onto the boards Former Princethorpe College pupil Nick Pettit abandoning a career as a farmhand to pursue ballet 20th cent. PC.25.08.03 Press cutting on Simon James Truelove Simon James Truelove on gaining a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance 20th cent. PC.25.08.04 Tall Ships race On the Tall Ships race featuring former Princethorpe College pupil Christopher Knight onboard the HMSTY Merlin 20th cent. PC.25.08.05 From chilly to Chile Former Princethorpe College pupil Richard Garland preparing for an expedition to Chile c. 1980s 104 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.08.06 Press cutting on Michael Clements Former Princethorpe College pupil Michael Clements taking up an assistant professional's post at Whitnash Golf club c. 1980s PC.25.08.07 Paul's road to success Former Princethorpe College pupil earning his passenger vehicle licence c. 1980s PC.25.08.08 Cash conscious Simon's award Former Princethorpe College pupil Simon Loasby helping Austin Rover save tens of thousands of pounds c. 1980s PC.25.08.09 Press cutting on Kevin Kerrigan Leamington Courier Former Princethorpe College student Capt Kevin Kerrigan receiving his wings from Lt Gen Sir Charles Huxtable 10th Aug 1984 PC.25.08.10 Christmas present recovery Rugby Advertiser On the recovery of former Princethorpe College pupil Simon Bennison from a crippling nerve disease 20th Dec 1984 PC.25.08.11 Degree of inspiration to dyslexic people Coventry Evening Telegraph Former Princethorpe College student Christopher Gough gaining a BSc in Natural Sciences from Durham University despite his dyslexia 13th Aug 1985 PC.25.08.12 JLW candidate takes RICS auction prize Chartered Surveyor Weekly Former Princethorpe College pupil Tim Stevens on winning the Rogers/Donaldson Award, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors auction prize Attached a letter from C P J Stevens to Mrs Jackson of Princethorpe College 3rd Mar 1986 PC.25.08.13 Jean hands over Leamington Courier Lady Jean Liggins handing over the chairmanship of the Leamington and Warwick Conservative Association to former Princethorpe College pupil Christopher Hannon 18th Apr 1986 105 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.08.14 Hot-shot Neil chasing Open breakthrough Coventry Evening Telegraph Former Princethorpe College pupil Neil Connolly hoping to qualify for the Golf Open 13th Jul 1989 PC.25.08.15 Digging the music scene Money Guardian On the career of former Princethorpe College pupil Marc Marot c. 1990s PC.25.08.16 Record round slices David's handicap down to one Former Princethorpe College pupil David Owen broke the amateur course record at the Warwickshire golf club c. 1990s PC.25.08.17 First class achievement Former Princethorpe College pupil Ian Ingram graduating with a first class honours BSC in Quantity Surveying from Reading University c. 1990s PC.25.08.18 See you in a year, then Weekend Telegraph Article on gap years, featuring Robin Knowles 3rd Mar 1990 PC.25.08.19 Penthouse boss is ex Advertiser man Former Princethorpe College pupil Tom Hilditch becomes editor of Penthouse magazine 7th Aug 1997 PC.25.07.127 Raising cash is not all plain sailing Rugby Observer Former pupil Katy King returns to Princethorpe College to tell of her experiences white water rafting in Nepal to raise money for NCH Action for Children Photographed with head teacher John Shinkwin On page 4 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 5th Nov 1998 PC.25.08.20 Cricketers avoid earthquake Ian Bell playing for England U19 on tour in India c. 2000s PC.25.08.21 England call up high-flying Bell Sports Advertiser Ian Bell called up to play for England in New Zealand after returning from Australia 21st Mar 2002 106 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Proud day for teacher who saw talent early on Gwilym Price, former director of sport at Princethorpe College on Ian Bell's success at cricket On page 22 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. 2004 PC.25.07.127 Cricket fans to cheer on local hero Coventry Evening Telegraph On Ian Bell's possible debut for England Gwilym Price On page 19 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 18th Aug 2004 PC.25.07.133 Cricket fans to cheer on local hero Coventry Evening Telegraph On Ian Bell's possible debut for England Gwilym Price On page 23 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 18th Aug 2004 PC.25.07.126 Ian Bell Daily Mail Profile on former Princethorpe College pupil Ian Bell On page 38 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 25th Aug 2005 PC.25.07.127 School pride in hero batsman Evening Telegraph Gwilym Price, former director of sport at Princethorpe College on Ian Bell's success at cricket On page 39 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 25th Aug 2005 PC.25.07.127 Bell's big day in Ashes Advertiser Ian Bell playing for England in the Ashes On page 38 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Sep 2005 PC.25.07.127 Ian's place in Ashes history Rugby Advertiser On Ian Bell's part in England's victory in the Ashes On page 41 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 8th Sep 2005 107 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Students catch Ashes fever Evening Telegraph On support for Ian Bell from Princethorpe College On page 42 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 9th Sep 2005 PC.25.07.127 Bell's first-ball duck quickly forgotten as old school celebrates Evening Telegraph On support for Ian Bell from Princethorpe College On page 43 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 13th Sep 2005 PC.25.07.127 Agony - and ecstasy Evening Telegraph On support for Ian Bell from Princethorpe College On page 44 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 13th Sep 2005 PC.25.08.22 The Ashes ecstasy.....and agony Leamington Courier Princethorpe College pupils celebrate Ian Bells cricketing efforts 16th Sep 2005 PC.25.08.23 Winning Ashes is amazing Rugby Advertiser Former Princethorpe College student Ian Bell reflects on England's Glory 22nd Sep 2005 PC.25.08.24 I want to be a famous face too Coventry Evening Telegraph Former Princethorpe College pupil Sam Evetts appearing on Rolf on Art on the BBC 30th Sep 2005 PC.25.08.25 Blaikie bolsters Light Blues The Daily Telegraph Former Princethorpe College pupil T Tombleson taking part in the MMC Trophy match between Oxford and Cambridge Universities 29th Nov 2005 PC.25.08.26 Queen's honour for Ashes hero Bell Evening Telegraph Former Princethorpe College student Ian Bell awarded an MBE 31st Dec 2005 108 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.08.27 Ashes star Bell collects his MBE at the palace Former Princethorpe College student Ian Bell receiving his MBE 10th Feb 2006 PC.25.08.28 Talented student rejoins city's orchestra for one night Coventry Observer Former Princethorpe College student Karho Wong playing with the Coventry Youth Orchestra 17th Oct 2011 Princethorpe College - Pupils PC.25.09.001 Chris in tune for star role Princethorpe College pupil Chris Billings taking the role of the Artful Dodger in Rugby Theatre's production of Oliver 20th cent. PC.25.09.002 Powerful display by England On England U16 rugby team victory over Portugal, including J Fielding of Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.25.09.003 Press cutting on fundraising Princethorpe College pupils in a 48 hour billiards marathon in aid of a children's charity 20th cent. PC.25.09.004 Press cutting on hockey Five Princethorpe College students in the Warwickshire Under-15 hockey team Richard Ray, Neil Connolly, Jet Kang, Stephen Mangan and Stephen Allan 20th cent. PC.25.09.005 Prize pupils in profit Two teams from Princethorpe College won first and second place in the Lloyds Bank annual business game Paul Lucas, Michael Lynskey, Tony Mogboh, Giuseppe Caputo, Alex Varley, Stephen Doherty, Claire Tickell, Stephen Mangan and Philip Treanor 20th cent. PC.25.09.006 Concern shown in art Princethorpe College students have produced art to highlight environmental issues Lou Skiffington, Goliath Lau, Phil McLean, Vicky Carlisle 20th cent. 109 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.007 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College winning the Leamington Under-19 Rugby sevens Mick Penlington, Sean Daly, Luke Farrell, Simon Gusah, Simon Gusterson, Nic Rae, Gwilym Price, Steve Lee, Pieter Rypma, Rick Relton, Will Fyfe, Andy Francis 20th cent. PC.25.09.008 National champions Princethorpe College pupils Mark Gibson and Allan Watts becoming national champions in Kempo-Jitsu 20th cent. PC.25.09.009 Press cutting on a camp at RAF Waddington Princethorpe College pupils and members of 2028 (Princethorpe College) Squadron baked a cake as a thank you to Station Commander Gp Capt Hall 20th cent. PC.25.09.010 Pupils win £100 for public speaking Ian Lucas and other Princethorpe College pupils involved in a public speaking competition sponsored by Lloyds Bank Ltd. Rugby Advertiser 20th cent. PC.25.09.011 Shield for the head boy Shield presented to Charles Crowley by Archbishop George Dwyer on the opening of Princethorpe College c. 1967 PC.25.09.012 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College Under-16 Rugby team having won the Warwickshire championship Steve Couchman, Martin Donnelly, Steve Palmer, Daljit Takhar, Parminder Badial, Chris Wehri, Richard Sibbick, Jonathan Turner, Edward Shillinglaw, Bernie Moroney, Eqbal Samra, Rajinder Mahal, James Parker, Chris Thomas, Eddie Simkiss, Stephen Hall, Ben Horne, Stuart Ingram, Esteban Abad, Chris McMullan, Michael Edwards c. 1970s PC.25.09.013 Winning Streak! 22 records were broken at the annual Princethorpe College sports P Matthews, Chris Nelson, David Duckham, Philip Clements, Michael Flanagan 7th Jun 1974 PC.25.09.014 Celia reigns supreme Celia Morse as the only girl at Princethorpe College c. 1976 110 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.015 Brave Celia enjoys the lone role Celia Morse praised by the headmaster as a 'young, brave lady' at the annual prize giving for being the only girl at Princethorpe College Father William Clarkson, Monseigneur Bernard Doyle, Robert Cox, Kevin Kerrigan, Simon McElwain, John Vincent, Mark Hampton, Michael Evans, John Shanahan 30th Oct 1976 PC.25.09.016 Pupils scoop cash prizes in literary awards Rupert Brooke literary awards presented to Mark Johnson and Ciaran Murtagh of Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.09.017 College is proud to care On Princethorpe College speech day Father Charles Sweeney, Michael Hoare c. 1980s PC.25.09.018 RAF scholarships Daily Telegraph P S MacGrath of Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.09.019 Princethorpe's stock profit Princethorpe College students Jeremy Butler, John Hayes, Man Kit Chow, Kevin Grant, Patrick Hassan and Alexandra Healey doing well in the British Junior Chamber Stockpiler game c. 1980s PC.25.09.020 Richard the schoolboy soccer ambassador Princethorpe College student Richard Childs part of the Peter Gordon Lawrence training scheme [football] squad on tour in the United States c. 1980s PC.25.09.021 Athletics Princethorpe College pupils Richard Chapman and M Cleary at the Rugby and District Schools' Cross-Country Championships c. 1980s PC.25.09.022 Quickfire Kim proves a cut above the rest Princethorpe College pupils Simon Moore and Richard Hill in the Warwickshire Schools Race Walking Championships c. 1980s PC.25.09.023 It's champ Connolly Princethorpe College student Neil Connolly on winning the English Schools' under-15 golf title c. 1980s 111 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.024 Press cutting on Neil Connolly Princethorpe College student Neil Connolly on winning the English Schools' under-15 golf title c. 1980s PC.25.09.025 Walking to stardom - that's Simon and Kim! Princethorpe College student Simon Moore close to qualifying for the Senior AAA title c. 1980s PC.25.09.026 Top scholars Emscote Lawn pupils Justin Reece and Paul Ayres winning scholarships to Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.09.027 Bursary award Mary Dormer Harris Memorial Bursary awarded to Princethorpe College pupil Sean Webb c. 1980s PC.25.09.028 Top marks for Oxford Mary Dormer Harris Memorial Bursary awarded to Princethorpe College pupil Sean Webb c. 1980s PC.25.09.029 Youngsters with a gift of the gab Princethorpe College pupil Gerard Byrne in the Lloyds Bank national schools' public speaking competition c. 1980s PC.25.09.030 Literary talents Princethorpe College student Sean McGovern runner-up in the Rupert Brooke Literary Awards c. 1980s PC.25.09.031 Speakers corner awards Princethorpe College pupils Ian Lucas, Gerard Byrne and Robert White in the Rugby Junior Chamber speaking competition c. 1980 PC.25.09.032 we were all saying Princethorpe College pupils Ian Lucas, Gerard Byrne and Robert White in the Rugby Junior Chamber speaking competition c. 1980 PC.25.09.033 Three below standard! Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College student Michael Pennington in the Warwickshire Schools 19 group rugby team 23rd Dec 1980 112 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.034 Thinking deeply... Leamington Courier Princethorpe College pupil M Carson winning the Under-14 chess tournament 23rd Jan 1981 PC.25.09.035 Top painters out of 1,000 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College pupils Philip Bailey and Andrew Wadland winning prizes in a painting competition run by Coventry Economic Building Society 17th Apr 1981 PC.25.09.036 Blowin' in the wind.. Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Guy Rylatt practising his bagpipes in the college grounds 2nd Jul 1981 PC.25.09.037 Mitch is glory bound Princethorpe College pupil Mitchell Hoare on taking the gold medal for the octathlon in the Midland Counties c. 1982 PC.25.09.038 Moore's the merrier Simon Moore in the Midland Area 10 mile walking championship c. 1983 PC.25.09.039 Press cutting on rugby Rugby Advertiser Photograph of the Rugby Under-15s rugby side 10th Mar 1983 PC.25.09.040 Super medal haul Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Moore at the English Schools Race Walking Championships on the Isle of Man 12th May 1983 PC.25.09.041 Race walkers smash records Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Moore setting a record of the Coventry Schools Race Walking Association 23rd Jun 1983 PC.25.09.042 Helen Price leads the way Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College pupils Richard Chapman and Paul Sullivan at the Inter Counties Cross Country race held at Princethorpe College 22nd Dec 1983 113 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.043 Fun day finance lessons Princethorpe College students Dominic Ryan, Giancarlo Bonati, Mark Bainbridge and Peers Varley selected as winners at the 1984 Business game held at Lanchester Polytechnic c. 1984 PC.25.09.044 Hannah lands county title Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College pupil Paul Sullivan at the Warwickshire Schools' Cross Country Championships 1984 PC.25.09.045 Double celebration for the Connors Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College students Richard Chapman and Simon Moore in the English Schools Cross-Country Championships 15th Mar 1984 PC.25.09.046 Moore's magic! Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Simon Moore on winning the Midland Junior 10 km Race-Walking title 5th Apr 1984 PC.25.09.047 Warwicks toast Kim Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Moore taking fifth place in the Senior Boys race at the English Schools Race Walking Championship 10th May 1984 PC.25.09.048 Moore magic comes ninth at Cwmbran Rugby Advertiser Simon Moore in the UK Closed 10km Championship at Cwmbran 31st May 1984 PC.25.09.049 Thanks Jan, for saving my life Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Jan Coggins praised for alerting police to a 92 year old woman who had collapsed 5th Jun 1984 PC.25.09.050 Schools' tripartite success Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students Sean Kennedy and C Tagg in the Rugby and District Schools Athletics Championships 14th Jun 1984 114 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.051 Rare virus cripples star pupil Rugby Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Benison struck down by Guillain Barre syndrome PC.25.09.052 Pupil crippled by a rare virus 25th Oct 1984 Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Simon Benison suffering from Guillain Barre syndrome Daniel O'Connor, Father James McManus, Janine Matthew, Sister Christina Grace, Richard Relton, Carl Tranter, Gerard Byrne, Jeremy Masding, Timonthy Hunt, Sean Webb, Nicholas Essex, Simon Moore, Ian Rudolph, Simon Truelove, Dominic Ostler, Joseph Clune, Tony Hung PC.25.09.053 Scourge from the trenches has the doctors puzzled Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Benison struck down by Guillain Barre syndrome 26th Oct 1984 PC.25.09.054 Best ever Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College achieve their best ever result at a cross country event at Stoke on Trent Martin McHugh, Andrew Turlej, David McAtamney, Scott Hope, Chris Lowe and John Harwood 8th Nov 1984 PC.25.09.055 Brave Simon's battle of courage Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Simon Benison's fight against Chronic Progressive Polyneuropathy 13th Nov 1984 PC.25.09.056 Boy dies of crash injuries Evening Telegraph On the death of James Williams, aged 16 after a moped accident 29th Nov 1984 PC.25.09.057 Students overcome strike to make £4m Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College students Jeremy Butler, John Hayes, Patrick Hassan and Kevin Grant winning a business game at Coventry Lanchester Polytechnic 18th Dec 1985 115 20th Oct 1984 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.058 Bablake and KH team-up Princethorpe College students S Gusterson, A McKeown and A Francis in a Warwickshire Schools Rugby XV to face Coventry Schools c. 1986 PC.25.09.059 Warwicks set sights on 'Nationals' revival Coventry Evening Telegraph Warwickshire schools athletics looking forward to the nationals, including Princethorpe College students Michael Lynskey, Charles Beresford-Webb, Andrew Pattison and Richard Williams 27th Nov 1986 PC.25.09.060 Youth flew recklessly Princethorpe College student David Michael Taylor in court for flying an aircraft dangerously c. Mar 1988 PC.25.09.061 Low-flying show-off risked life Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student David Michael Taylor in court for flying an aircraft dangerously 31st Mar 1988 PC.25.09.062 Craig's lead Rugby Advertiser Rugby School's Under-14 victory over Coventry, including Princethorpe College pupils Adam Goodway, Carl Elkerton, Andrew Delemarre, Angus Shillinglaw, Stephen Nosowski, Tim Morffew, Chris Wright, Simon Craig, Sukhdip Samra 9th Mar 1989 PC.25.09.063 Press cutting on work experience Leamington Courier Princethorpe College's first venture into work experience for the whole Lower Sixth at South Staffordshire Waterworks Company and local legal, accountancy, architectural and veterinary practices 7th Jul 1989 PC.25.09.064 Press cutting on Mitchell Hoare Rugby Advertiser Mitchell Hoare of Princethorpe College as one of 28 young English athletes to receive £150 training expenses from the English Schools' Athletics Association 'Milk in Action' scheme 20th Jul 1989 116 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.065 Barrier is key to success for school pupils Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College students win the Midlands Schools challenge competition with their design for a lamb-proof silage barrier Dick Jones, Keith Wellsted, Simon Langdale, Stephen Mazurek, Andrew Barnes, Jonathan Molloy, Andrew Farquharson, Jeremy Harris, Jonathan Taylor, Andrew Palmer and Leigh Hunt 25th Sep 1989 PC.25.09.066 Pupils moved by soccer disaster Rugby Advertiser On the annual speech day and the students raising money to provide a shield to a Liverpool school in memory of the Hillsborough disaster Christopher Sexton, Mark Conmy, Adam Sturt, Colin Byrne, Christine Shepherd, Dr Gerard Hyland and Headmaster Charles Sweeney 26th Oct 1989 PC.25.09.067 Schools challenge Leamington Courier The schools challenge won by Princethorpe College Stephen Mazurek, Andrew Barnes, Jonathan Molloy, Andrew Farquharson, Jeremy Harris, Jonathan Taylor, Andrew Palmer and Leigh Hunt 27th Oct 1989 PC.25.09.068 Stuart on key with praise The praise of Princethorpe College pupil Stuart Howatson brought Ian Wells of Liverpool Cathedral to play the Princethorpe College organ c. 1990s PC.25.09.069 Sam to the rescue in horrific crash drama Princethorpe College pupil Jamie Manning was helped by fellow pupil Sam Archer after he was injured in a BMX accident c. 1990s PC.25.09.070 On the ball from France 98 Princethorpe College pupil Rupert Rand having won the opportunity to be a ball boy at the World Cup qualifying match against Columbia c. 1990s PC.25.09.071 Pupils urged to say no to drug pushers Princethorpe College pupil Nick Lahill among other local school children attended Rugby Police station to learn more about SNAP, a scheme to encourage children to report drug pushers c. 1990s 117 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.072 Pair win prizes for dramatic ability Princethorpe College pupil Leanne Meaney, along with Alice Scott from Stivichall Primary having won awards at the Performance Festival c. 1990s PC.25.09.073 Bell eyes England spot Princethorpe College pupil in line for an England cricket call up c. 1990s PC.25.09.074 Students put their class art on display Artwork by Princethorpe College student Luke Skiffington on display at The Earl of Smith Gallery in Leamington c. 1990s PC.25.09.075 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College student Lee Rees scoring two tries for England Schools 16 Group c. 1990s PC.25.09.076 Lower sixth form student awarded Royal Air Force scholarship Princethorpe College student Robin McIver having been awarded an RAF scholarship c. 1990s PC.25.09.077 Press cutting on academic achievements Princethorpe College students Jonathan Fielding and Matthew Hopkins with achievements in fine art and music c. 1990s PC.25.09.078 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe pupil Lee Rees playing for the England U16s c. 1990s PC.25.09.079 England trial Princethorpe College pupil Lee Rees competing for a lace in the U16 England Rugby squad c. 1990s PC.25.09.080 Pupils rally to keep Kati Princethorpe students aiming to raise £10,000 to help Hungarian teenager Kati Rado remain at the college James Oldring, Helen Bowler, Mike Edwards and Paula Jane Harris c. 1990s PC.25.09.081 Debut try for Rees Princethorpe College pupil Lee Rees scoring a try for England U16s against Wales c. 1990s 118 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.082 County champion at 14 Princethorpe College pupil Craig Lakey on winning the Warwickshire Skeet championship c. 1990s PC.25.09.083 Stars of the future Eight youngsters recognised by Rugby Borough Council for their sporting success, including Princethorpe College pupil Ian Bell c. 1990s PC.25.09.084 Press cutting on rugby Princethorpe College pupil Lee Rees playing for England in a 16 Group international c. 1990s PC.25.09.085 Boy, 15, killed crossing road On the death of James McLeish in a road accident 6th Jan 1990 PC.25.09.086 Teenage son dies in his dad's arms Coventry Evening Telegraph On the death of Princethorpe College pupil James Dick as the result of a car accident 22nd Nov 1991 PC.25.09.087 Tributes to James Leamington Courier The funeral of Princethorpe College pupil James Dick 29th Nov 1991 PC.25.09.088 School's tribute to James Leamington Courier A memorial to be unveiled at Arnold Lodge for Princethorpe College pupil James Dick 17th Apr 1992 PC.25.09.089 William comes up to scratch Princethorpe College pupil William Robins on winning the regional final of the DHL Junior Golf Classic tournament c. 1993 PC.25.09.090 Pupil's tale Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupils Rinaldo Merlo and Chris James having written a musical version of Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities 25th Feb 1993 PC.25.09.091 Institute has home of its own at last Coventry Evening Telegraph On the opening of the new centre of the Dyslexia Institute Princethorpe College pupils Sam Jenkins and Garry Oliver rewarded for their creativity 19th Mar 1993 119 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.092 Bowlers strike out for charity Kenilworth Weekly News Princethorpe College bowling team won a special prize for raising the most money for Barnardos in a sponsored bowling match Gregory Quick, Kieron Bird, Andrew Merriman, Stuart Taylor and William Grant 16th Jul 1993 PC.25.09.093 Will powers to national final Princethorpe College pupil William Robins in the DHL Junior Classic at East Sussex National 28th Aug 1993 PC.25.09.094 Press cutting on life saving Princethorpe College pupil Robbie Kerr, Bradley Murphy, Martin Hughes and Bill Barratt having achieved their 'life saving one' badge c. 1994 PC.25.09.095 Wall panel earns Stuart art award Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College student winning the colleges art prize for his crucifixion themed mural Lou Skiffington 16th Sep 1994 PC.25.09.096 College students step out in style for charity Press release on a fashion show involving Zoe Leigh, James Lakey, Jason Evans and David Crozier in aid of Helen Ley House 29th Sep 1994 PC.25.09.097 Press cutting on rugby Coventry Evening Telegraph Six Princethorpe College students in a Warwickshire U-16 Rugby team James Gerathy, Ben Lewitt, James Downs, Anthony Johnson, Adrian Sarkies and Paddy Ward 29th Oct 1994 PC.25.09.098 Young environmentalist of the year award Press release on Christopher Garvey of Princethorpe College as runner up 16th Nov 1994 120 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.099 Press cutting on scholarship awards Courier Star line-up of pupils from Arnold Lodge moving to (among other schools) Princethorpe College Edward Holt, Caroline Barlow, Paul Bennett, Michael Buckworth, Lucy Cocks, Christopher Edwards, Edward Griffiths, Daniel Hills, Ted Ingham, Elizabeth Isham, Ben Jones and Lawrence Wong 16th Jul 1995 PC.25.09.100 Press cutting on Craig Lakey Princethorpe College pupil Craig Lakey is the youngest ever Warwickshire County Skeet shooting champion c. 1996 PC.25.09.101 Business game success Two team from Princethorpe College have qualified for the final of the West Midlands Industry '96 competition Rory Murtagh, Mike Edwards, Patrick Ward, Matthew George, Peter Griffin c. 1996 PC.25.09.102 Students are the business Two team from Princethorpe College have qualified for the final of the West Midlands Industry '96 competition Mike Edwards, Patrick Ward, Matthew George, Rory Murtagh and Peter Griffin c. 1996 PC.25.09.103 Banking on success! Princethorpe students Michael Rust, Scott Hoare, Tom Gleghorn and David Kendall winners of the Midland Bank & LTA Schools' Central Area tennis team competition 8th Feb 1996 PC.25.09.104 Game, set and match for Princethorpe boys Leamington Courier Princethorpe students Michael Rust, Scott Hoare, Tom Gleghorn and David Kendall winners of the Midland Bank & LTA Schools' Central Area tennis team competition 9th Feb 1996 PC.25.09.105 Shane does entertaining drive Princethorpe College pupil Shane Bland in pole position in the Eurocar saloon championship c. 1997 PC.25.09.106 Shane stays in top eight Princethorpe College pupil Shane Bland within reach of a top four finish in the Eurocar saloon championship 7th Aug 1997 121 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.107 Eye, eye pupils' contest success Four Princethorpe College pupils through to the final of a marketing competition marking National Eye Week James Baker, Jonathan Edwards, Alex Robinson and Henry Thornton 7th Aug 1997 PC.25.07.127 Michael Wheildon Princethorpe College pupil accompanied a group of disabled children on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France On page 6 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general c. 2000s PC.25.09.108 Bears' club roar to life in academy On the creation of the Edgbaston academy for young cricketers c. 2000s PC.25.09.109 Sean grabs a hat-trick in county title victory Leamington Courier Princethorpe College U-16 hockey team winning County Championship Sean Whitehouse, James Spenle, Chris Wood, Tom Ainley, Sam Turner, Luke Sellars, Louis Loach, Michael Mitchell, Laurence Mead, Michael Antona and Alex Pittaway c. 2000s PC.25.09.110 Well done to young scholars Arnold Lodge pupils Jack Dempster, Aimee Dyos, Tom Thorogood, Sophie Watts, Alexander Tremlett, Oliver Watts and Christina Pope having won scholarships to Princethorpe College c. 2000s PC.25.09.111 Pirates of Princethorpe walk to boost Aids project Leamington Courier Year 9 Princethorpe College students walking in Pirate costume to raise money for charity c. 2000s PC.25.07.127 Lawford teenager's flower power success Selina Moses taking first place in a national floral art competition On page 9 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 30th Oct 2003 PC.25.07.133 Musician, 16, breezes through tough exams Princethorpe College pupil Karho Wong passing his Dip ABRSM exam On page 17 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. 2004 122 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 In Lyne for England Princethorpe College pupil Will Lyne invited to take part in the England rugby trials On page 22 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. Jan 2004 PC.25.07.133 Will in Lyne for England trials Princethorpe College pupil Will Lyne invited to take part in the England rugby trials On page 23 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. Jan 2004 PC.25.07.127 Who's your Young Hero? Featuring a photograph of Michael Wheildon, winner of young hero 2003 On page 14 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 15th Jan 2004 PC.25.07.127 Will gets his chance with England Leamington Courier Princethorpe College pupil Will Lyne invited to take part in the England rugby trials On page 15 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 23rd Jan 2004 PC.25.07.133 Will gets his chance with England Leamington Courier Princethorpe College pupil Will Lyne invited to take part in the England rugby trials On page 22 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 23rd Jan 2004 PC.25.07.127 College girls are coining it in for charities Leamington Courier Year nine pupils raise money for an HIV and Aids project Father Carl Tranter, Laura Praciac, Zoe Skinner, Pippa Spencer and Cathryn Price On page 16 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 6th Feb 2004 PC.25.07.133 College girls are coining it in for charities Leamington Courier Year nine pupils raise money for an HIV and Aids project Father Carl Tranter, Laura Praciac, Zoe Skinner, Pippa Spencer and Cathryn Price On page 21 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 6th Feb 2004 123 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 College staff and pupils join in Great North Run Rugby Advertiser Nick Storey, Francis Batt and Jon Sant taking part in the Great North Run On page 22 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 7th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.133 College staff and pupils join in Great North Run Rugby Advertiser Nick Storey, Francis Batt and Jon Sant taking part in the Great North Run On page 19 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 7th Oct 2004 PC.25.07.127 James sky-high after talent show win Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student James Mills won an outing in a glider after winning a school talent show On page 25 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 19th Nov 2004 PC.25.07.127 Roderick draws praise in art contest Advertiser Princethorpe College student Roderick Spollon on winning the Under-16 Independent Schools National Art Competition On page 26 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 2nd Dec 2004 PC.25.07.133 Roderick draws praise in art contest Advertiser Princethorpe College student Roderick Spollon on winning the Under-16 Independent Schools National Art Competition On page 16 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 2nd Dec 2004 PC.25.07.133 Art award Princethorpe College student Roderick Spollon winning the Under 16s Independent Schools National Art Competition On page 16 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card c. Jan 2005 124 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Ben and Rory step onto the tee for England Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan and rival and friend Ben Bernamont broken through into the England ranks On page 36 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general c. 2005 PC.25.07.127 Rod's Dali-inspired self-portrait picks up national award Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College student Roderick Spollon on winning the Under-16 Independent Schools National Art Competition. Fellow pupil Richard Revill came second in the Under-17 competition On page 26 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 6th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.133 Rod's Dali-inspired self-portrait picks up national award Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College student Roderick Spollon on winning the Under-16 Independent Schools National Art Competition. Fellow pupil Richard Revill came second in the Under-17 competition On page 16 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 6th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.127 'I Thought it was the end' Advertiser Princethorpe College student Ed Campbell relating his experiences of the Asian Tsunami On page 27 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 13th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.133 'I Thought it was the end' Advertiser Princethorpe College student Ed Campbell relating his experiences of the Asian Tsunami On page 14 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 13th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.127 Schoolboy thought 'this is the end' as water rose below Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student Ed Campbell relating his experiences of the Asian Tsunami Ruby Pope, Abigail McGaw, Hugh Bissett and Stelios Kyriakou On page 28 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 14th Jan 2005 125 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Schoolboy thought 'this is the end' as water rose below Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student Ed Campbell relating his experiences of the Asian Tsunami Ruby Pope, Abigail McGaw, Hugh Bissett and Stelios Kyriakou On page 14 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 14th Jan 2005 PC.25.07.127 Gifted mathematicians accepted into academy James Ashley and Jon Ikin, students at Princethorpe College accepted into the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth Mrs Sharpe On page 33 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general c. Apr 2005 PC.25.07.133 England calling Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student Mark Lewis having spent the Easter holiday cricket training with the England Development Squad On page 9 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 1st Apr 2005 PC.25.07.127 That figures Leamington Courier James Ashley and Jon Ikin, students at Princethorpe College accepted into the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth Eileen Sharpe On page 33 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 29th Apr 2005 PC.25.07.133 That figures Leamington Courier James Ashley and Jon Ikin, students at Princethorpe College accepted into the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth Eileen Sharpe On page 5 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 29th Apr 2005 126 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 College boys secure place in Heart final Rugby Advertiser Michael Antona, James Spenle and Sam Turner, pupils at Princethorpe College having secured places at the regional final of the British Heart Foundation Junior Golf Championship On page 34 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 12th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 College boys secure place in Heart final Rugby Advertiser Michael Antona, James Spenle and Sam Turner, pupils at Princethorpe College having secured places at the regional final of the British Heart Foundation Junior Golf Championship On page 5 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 12th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 Students hold lunchtime poll Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College AS-level students held a mock election Dr Simon Peaple, Alex Corkhill, Shaun Edden, Stuart McGlone On page 4 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 19th May 2005 PC.25.07.127 Youth ballet success for dancing queen Isla Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Isla Gilbertson has the opportunity to appear in the English Youth Ballet production of Coppelia On page 34 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 26th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 Youth ballet success for dancing queen Isla Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Isla Gilbertson has the opportunity to appear in the English Youth Ballet production of Coppelia On page 3 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 26th May 2005 127 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.133 Ballerina makes top production Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College pupil Isla Gilbertson has secured a place in the forthcoming English Youth Ballet production of Coppelia On page 3 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 2nd Jun 2005 PC.25.07.127 Good luck to Sophie and Sam Rugby Advertiser Sophie Hine, pupil from Princethorpe College competing in the English Schools Championships On page 35 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.133 Good luck to Sophie and Sam Rugby Advertiser Sophie Hine, pupil from Princethorpe College competing in the English Schools Championships On page 2 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.127 Teeing off for England Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan earned an Under 18 England Cap after coming joint second in the English Schools National Golf Championship On page 35 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.133 Teeing off for England Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan earned an Under 18 England Cap after coming joint second in the English Schools National Golf Championship On page 2 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 7th Jul 2005 PC.25.07.127 Sam's a star at art Sam Evetts of Princethorpe College finished among the 10 ten in his A-level art exams On page 38 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 30th Aug 2005 PC.25.09.112 Teachers amazed by Kar Ho's skills on the piano Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student commended for his skills on the piano c. Sep 2005 128 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Sarah has plenty to sing about Leamington Observer Princethorpe College pupil Sarah Robertson performing on ITV's Junior Eurovision On page 40 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 1st Sep 2005 PC.25.09.113 Sarah's talent televised for Junior Eurovision Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Sarah Robertson came third out of eight finalists in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 15th Sep 2005 PC.25.09.114 Music award could be key to my future Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College student Karho Wong awarded the Licentiate of the Royal School of Music for his piano playing 26th Sep 2005 PC.25.09.115 Short story competition Leamington Courier Entries to the Leamington Courier Short story competition from Princethorpe College students Victoria Kathryn Smith, Matt Filhol, Rebecca Morris, Luke Sellars, Amy O'Brian, Sarah Todd, Anna Pollard 30th Sep 2005 PC.25.09.116 Language of success for college students Spanish students at Princethorpe College were ranked in the top five for their GCSE results Vanessa Marin, Tom Small, Orietta Cabrera 6th Oct 2005 PC.25.09.117 Pink project for pupils Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College students wearing pink to raise money for Breast Cancer Research UK 20th Oct 2005 PC.25.09.118 College girls' national title Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College senior girls winning the Independent Schools Association Swimming Gala Leigh Stokes, Lauren Wightman, Sophie Hine 8th Dec 2005 PC.25.09.119 Students dress up to sell candy canes for charity Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students Amy Prendagast, Fiona Robertson, Sophie Wood, Lucy Gillas, Vanessa Marin and Catherine Pears selling candy canes to raise money for CAFOD 16th Dec 2005 129 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.139 Student wins art accolade Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Richard Revill winning first prize in the Over 16 painting and Sketchbook categories of the Independent Schools Association Art Competition On page 12 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 12th Jan 2006 PC.25.07.139 ...and heart charity too Princethorpe College head girl Sharne Drewitt selling roses and carnations for Valentine's day in aid of the British Heart Foundation On page 6 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall c. Feb 2006 PC.25.07.139 Messages of love help charity fundraising event Leamington Courier Princethorpe College head girl Sharne Drewitt selling roses and carnations for Valentine's day in aid of the British Heart Foundation On page 7 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 24th Feb 2006 PC.25.09.120 Tom on the ball in both rugby and cricket Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Tom Lewis with sporting success in both cricket and rugby 28th Feb 2006 PC.25.07.139 Tom on the ball in both rugby and cricket Coventry Evening Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Tom Lewis with sporting success in both cricket and rugby On page 5 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 28th Feb 2006 PC.25.07.139 Will's film is heart shaped Leamington Courier Princethorpe College pupil and former heart transplant patient Will Moreland helping to make an animated film with other cardiac patients On page 1 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 3rd Mar 2006 130 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.09.121 Kirwan retains coveted county title Observer Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan winning the Warwickshire Schools' Golf Championships for the second year in a row 4th May 2006 PC.25.09.122 Psychology helps Rory on the road to victory Leamington Courier Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan on the role of a sports psychologist in his win at the Warwickshire Schools' Golf Championship 5th May 2006 PC.25.09.123 County's best again Rugby Advertiser Princethorpe College student Rory Kirwan winning the Warwickshire Schools' Golf Championships for the second year in a row 11th May 2006 PC.25.09.124 England call-up for Tom Rugby Times Princethorpe College student Tom Lewis selected to play for England's U-15 cricket team 30th May 2006 PC.25.09.125 England call-up for Tom Leamington Times Princethorpe College student Tom Lewis selected to play for England's U-15 cricket team 14th Jun 2006 PC.25.09.126 For the big parade Warwickshire Telegraph Princethorpe College pupil Rosie Smith and pupils from Crackley Hall involved in the Kenilworth Carnival Emma Litterick 9th Jul 2007 PC.25.09.127 The Language of Music Warwickshire Life An interview with Daniel Leung, a student at Princethorpe College and a talented pianist. Feb 2012 131 Princethorpe College February 2013 Princethorpe College - Staff PC.25.10.01 School head appointed to top missionary post Father Kennedy replacing Father Clarkson as headmaster of Princethorpe College Father Clarkson to become second-in-charge of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Anglo-Irish Province after 16 years as head 20th cent. PC.25.10.02 Sister's sudden death On the death of Sister Alban, lecturer at St Paul's College and subsequently Princethorpe College c. 1980s PC.25.10.03 Mum finds mix-up hard to swallow Coventry Evening Telegraph Rose Holland, assistant secretary at Princethorpe College on mistakenly fasting for 48 hours for charity 20th May 1988 PC.25.10.04 Princethorpe thespians enjoy national success Press release on Rosie Neal, head of theatre studies at Princethorpe College and her play 'Nelly' at London's Hoxton Hall 9th Sep 1994 PC.25.10.05 Layman takes the helm at Princethorpe On the appointment of John Shinkwin as head of Princethorpe College in place of Fr Alan Whelan 24th May 1998 PC.25.10.06 Head first for layman Catholic Times On the appointment of John Shinkwin as head of Princethorpe College in place of Fr Alan Whelan 31st May 1998 PC.25.07.133 A challenge of a Kenilworth Weekly News Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall teacher Emma Litterick on completing the London Marathon in a Noddy costume On page 18 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 23rd Apr 2004 132 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.25.07.127 Marathon veteran to warm up with the town's Regency Run Leamington Courier Teacher Emma Litterick taking part in the Leamington Spa Regency Run ahead of the London marathon On page 32 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 4th Mar 2005 PC.25.07.133 Marathon veteran to warm up with the town's Regency Run Leamington Courier Teacher Emma Litterick taking part in the Leamington Spa Regency Run ahead of the London marathon On page 9 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 4th Mar 2005 PC.25.07.127 College production Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students in 'Big Sister' an adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's 'Dr Faustus' written by English Teacher Emma Litterick On page 33 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general 6th May 2005 PC.25.07.133 College production Leamington Courier Princethorpe College students in 'Big Sister' an adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's 'Dr Faustus' written by English Teacher Emma Litterick On page 7 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card 6th May 2005 PC.25.07.139 Royal invitation for Princethorpe teachers Leamington Courier Teachers Catherine Warne and Simon Robertson invited to a Buckingham Palace garden party On page 2 of a booklet of articles relating to Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall 31st Mar 2006 133 Princethorpe College February 2013 Publicity material Prospectus PC.26.1.01 Prospectus The first and only combined prospectus for St. Bede's College and Princethorpe College following the acquisition of St. Mary's Priory in 1966 Two copies 1967 PC.26.1.02 Prospectus The first prospectus for Princethorpe College 420 boys in school of which approximately one half are boarders. 1972 PC.26.1.03 Prospectus The first prospectus for Princethorpe College Includes manuscript editing and inserts in preparation for the next edition 420 boys in school of which approximately one half are boarders 1972 PC.26.1.04 Prospectus Shows the new St. Bede's Sports Hall which was opened in 1979 Two copies, one enclosing two maps showing the location of the College 470 boys in school of which 200 are boarders. 1979 PC.26.1.05 Prospectus A one-off special for a Summer School; 1980 PC.26.1.06 Prospectus A one-off special which is in Spanish for a Summer School Two copies 1980 PC.26.1.07 Prospectus Early draft of an Overseas Prospectus only produced once Manuscript corrections 1981 PC.26.1.08 Prospectus An Overseas Prospectus only produced once Two copies 1981 134 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.26.1.09 Prospectus The first A4 prospectus. 500 students in school Two copies 1986 PC.26.1.10 Prospectus 550 students Girls, both boarding and day are admitted to the sixth form Two copies, one including application forms and paperwork 1989 PC.26.1.11 Prospectus 480 students Two copies, one enclosing additional information, handbook and registration form 1997 PC.26.1.12 Prospectus 650 students having gone full co-educational in 1995 Two copies, one with enclosures 2002 PC.26.1.13 Prospectus 865 students in total because the Warwickshire Catholic Independent Schools foundation has been established incorporating Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall (formerly St. Josephs Kenilworth). 2004 PC.26.1.14 Prospectus Now called a Handbook incorporating Trustees, Staff, Curriculum, Fees, Uniform, Exams, Parents' Association, Old Princethorpians, Scholarships and Bursaries, Bus Services, Term Dates and Key Dates Enclosing a registration form, art scholarship application, entrance examination 2010 2010 PC.26.1.15 Prospectus Serving approximately 1,000 pupils, incorporating Princethorpe College Sixth Form, Princethorpe College, Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery c. 2012 Publicity material PC.26.2.01 Christmas card Showing an etching of St. Mary's Priory by J Brandard 135 20th cent. Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.26.2.02 Silver Jubilee Appeal Booklet providing details on developments at the school over the last 25 years, the programme of building works planned and details of the appeal, including targets and ways to donate [see PC.7.7.1-2 & PC.10.2.22] Two copies 1991 PC.26.2.03 Silver Jubilee Appeal - An invitation to become a Patron of our Silver Jubilee Appeal Leaflet detailing how donations can be made [see PC.7.7.1-2 & PC.10.2.22] Two copies 1991 PC.26.2.04 Brochure on Princethorpe College Written in German c. 2000s PC.26.2.05 Brochure on Princethorpe College Written in French c. 2000s PC.26.2.06 Rosie Neal - a tribute from Princethorpe College Poster from a presentation c. 2000s PC.26.2.07 Christmas card Depicting 'Angels kneeling in adoration' by Joseph Aloysius Pippet, from the baldachin of the high altar in the Church of Princethorpe College c. 2001s PC.26.2.08 Invitation to an open morning 8th Jan 2004 PC.26.2.09 Princethorpe at 40 Christmas card Designed by inter-house Christmas card competition winner Alexandra Fiddis, Year 7, Fisher house 2006 PC.26.2.10 Princethorpe at 40 Christmas card Designed by inter-house Christmas card competition winner Charlotte Jackson, Year 8, Austin house 2006 PC.26.2.11 Princethorpe at 40 Christmas card Designed by inter-house Christmas card competition winner Danny McNamara, Year 9, Fisher house 2006 PC.26.2.12 Princethorpe at 40 Christmas card Designed by inter-house Christmas card competition winner James Goodwin, Senior, Fisher house 2006 136 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.26.2.13 Display panel Copies of newspaper articles on Crackley Hall and Princethorpe College, including the following newspaper articles on Princethorpe College: Talented pianist Daniel has praise for his tutor, Leamington Courier, March 2009 Princethorpe girls net national title, Coventry Evening Telegraph, 19th March 2009 Live Remembered - Fr William Clarkson, Catholic Herald, 17th April 2009 Duo are raring to go, Rugby Observer, 25th April 2009 History Boys is really in a class of its own, Rugby Advertiser, 7th May 2009 Twins, 17 take on prestigious roles at college, Rugby Advertiser, 14th May 2009 Star pupils come down with case of Disco Fever, Rugby Advertiser, 21st May 2009 Mar - 21st May 2009 PC.26.2.14 Display panel Copies of newspaper articles on Crackley Hall and Princethorpe College, including the following newspaper articles on Princethorpe College: The teenage view, Coventry Telegraph, June 2009 Clean sweep for Princethorpe, Rugby Advertiser, June 2009 Connor qualifies for major championships, Leamington Courier, 12th June 2009 Joe to become an elite Tiger, Leamington Courier, September 2009 Hester family is looking forward to a busy year, Universe, 27th September 2009 Connor clocks four personal bests, Coventry Telegraph, 1 October 2009 Jun - 1st Oct 2009 137 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.26.2.15 Display panel Copies of newspaper articles on Crackley Hall and Princethorpe College, including the following newspaper articles on Princethorpe College: Youngsters fire a warning to a Government in crisis - "EU fare no better with us, Mr. Brown", Rugby Advertiser, 18th June 2009 Rugby fun run, Rugby Observer, 25th June 2009 Students raise funds for Malawi school, Rugby Advertisers, 2nd July 2009 Princethorpe girls are up to speed, Coventry Telegraph, 7 July 2009 Callum steps it up to get to World Championship, Rugby Advertiser, September 2009 James treks 100 miles in 3 days for charity, Rugby Advertisers, 17th Sep 2009 Hat-trick of titles for Princethorpe, Rugby Advertiser, 1 October 2009 College bucks the trend as pupil numbers rise, Rugby Advertiser, 8th October 2009; 18th Jun - 8th Oct 2009 PC.26.2.16 Display panel Copies of newspaper articles on Crackley Hall and Princethorpe College, including the following newspaper articles on Princethorpe College: Eco-friendly pupils aiming for silver status, Rugby Advertiser, 22nd October 2009 Students get sound advice from awards event speaker, Leamington Courier, November 2009 The Empire strikes back, Rugby Advertiser, 19th November 2009 Princethorpe pupils in five-star show, Coventry Evening Telegraph, 8th December 2009 Students put on Christmas spread for pensioners, Rugby Advertiser, 10th December 2009 Students grilled at mock interview with police and engineering firm, Leamington Courier, January 2010 Students tower over competition, Rugby Advertiser, February 2010 Princethorpe net two tournament successes, Leamington Courier, 26th March 2010 22nd Oct 2009 - 26th Mar 2010 138 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.26.2.17 Display panel Copies of newspaper articles on Crackley Hall and Princethorpe College, including the following newspaper articles on Princethorpe College: Talented Jodie wins award with grade A sketches, Rugby Advertiser, 5th November 2009 College celebrate place in last 16, Rugby Advertiser, January 2010 Students get to hear the gospel truth, Rugby Advertiser, January 2010 Teacher's medal dream comes true, Rugby Advertiser, February 2010 Cake-for-quake sale at college, Coventry Telegraph, 1st February 2010 Dancing for charity, Leamington Courier, 5th March 2010 Head leads school team, Coventry Evening Telegraph, 15th March 2010 5th Nov 2009 15th Mar 2010 PC.26.2.18 Christmas card Photograph by Alex Darkes Sold in aid of the Princethorpe College South Africa Tour c. 2010 PC.26.2.19 Princethorpe Historic Buildings Appeal Brochure providing details on the restoration projects on the Roundhouse and Chapel c. 2010 PC.26.2.20 Flyer Providing details of Open events at the school prior to admissions in September 2012 Two copies 2011 PC.26.2.21 Christmas card Showing the top of the tower Two copies 2011 PC.26.2.22 Christmas card By Alys McWilliams, 7SS Two copies 2012 139 Princethorpe College February 2013 Printed material Books PC.27.1.01 Graphic Charts of British History By H G Newman, BA Charts and diagrams illustrating various points in British history and the development of institutions 1930 PC.27.1.02 Health and Safety in Schools By David Brierley 1991 PC.27.1.03 Colaiste an Chroi Naofa - Carraig na bhFear (Sacred Heart College - Carrignavar) Golden jubilee publication celebrating 50 years in Carraig Enclosing a letter to Mr J M Shinkwin, headmaster of Princethorpe College, from Eamonn O Donnabhain of Sacred Heart College 1991 PC.27.1.04 From a Benedictine Kitchen: Recipes from Minster Abbey A collection of recipes produced to raise funds for a new wing at Minster Abbey, with a tenth going to CAFOD (Catholic Association for Oversees Development) c. 2000s PC.27.1.05 Beyond Belief By Andrew Varah Dedicated to Princethorpe College Comprises photographs of 'Infinity Models' produced by Andrew Varah An infinity model made by Andrew Varah sits in the Visitor's Reception Hall at Princethorpe College, along with other furniture also made by Andrew Varah Enclosing a compliment slip [See PC.10.2.28 for designs by Andrew Varah] Nov 2009 PC.27.1.06 Old Princethorpians: Ian Bell, Princethorpe College 2010 PC.27.1.07 The Georgian Group Journal, Volume XIX 2011 PC.27.1.08 The Georgian Group Journal, Volume XX 2012 140 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.27.1.09 The English Resistance: The Underground War against the Normans By Peter Rex 2004 PC.27.1.10 Harold II: The Doomed Saxon King By Peter Rex 2005 PC.27.1.11 Hereward: Outlaw and Hero By Peter Rex Two copies 2006 PC.27.1.12 Hereward: The Last Englishman By Peter Rex 2007 PC.27.1.13 King & Saint: The Life of Edward the Confessor By Peter Rex 2008 PC.27.1.14 1066: A new history of the Norman Conquest By Peter Rex 2009 PC.27.1.15 William the Conqueror: The Bastard of Normandy By Peter Rex 2011 PC.27.1.16 Preposterous erections - a book of English towers By Peter Ashley Including, on page 106 the tower at Princethorpe College 2012 PC.27.1.17 True Principles - the journal of The Pugin Society By Gerard Hyland et al Vol IV No III Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Booklets PC.27.2.01 Sports Hall appeal Includes a list of those who had made a contribution to the fund 1977 - 1978 PC.27.2.02 Princethorpe College Development Fund Providing details of the appeal and how to make a contribution 1982 - 1983 141 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.27.2.03 Monumental Inscriptions of Our Lady of the Angels, Princethorpe, Warwickshire By Mrs Pauline Page Transcription of monumental inscriptions produced by the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry 1985 PC.27.2.04 Burial registers of St. Mary's Priory, Princethorpe, Warwickshire By Mrs Pauline Page Transcription of the burial registers of St. Mary's Priory produced by the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry 1986 PC.27.2.05 The Pugins: A Ramsgate Town Trail By Catriona Baker Leaflet published by the Pugin Society Jul 2009 PC.27.2.06 Anniversaries of Members of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Irish Province Jul 2009 PC.27.2.07 The Birmingham Pugin Trail Listing buildings in Birmingham connected with Pugin c. 2011 Magazines & newsletters College Magazine Student articles, news, opinions, poems, criticisms, events about College life PC. The Tower Two copies 1969 PC. Princethorpe '71 Two copies 1971 PC. Princethorpe '72 Two copies 1972 PC. Princethorpe '73 Two copies 1973 PC. Princethorpe '74 Two copies 1974 142 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Princethorpe '75 1975 PC. Princethorpe College 10th Anniversary. Two copies 1976 PC. Princethorpe '78 Two copies 1978 PC. Princethorpe '79 Two copies 1979 PC. Princethorpe '80 Two copies 1980 PC. Princethorpe '81/'82 Two copies 1982 PC. Princethorpe '83 Two copies 1983 PC. Princethorpe '85 Two copies 1985 PC. The Tower Two copies Summer 1988 PC. Princethorpe '89 Two copies 1989 PC. Princethorpe '90/'91 Two copies 1991 PC. The Tribune, Volume I, No.1 Two copies Easter 1993 PC. The Tribune, Volume I, No.2 Two copies Summer 1993 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.1 Two copies Autumn 1993 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.2 Two copies Christmas 1993 143 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.3 Two copies Spring 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.4 Two copies Easter 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.5 Two copies Summer 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume II, No.6 Two copies Summer 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.1 Two copies Autumn 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.2 Two copies Christmas 1994 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.3 Spring 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.4 Two copies Easter 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.5 Two copies Summer 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume III, No.6 Two copies Summer 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.1 Two copies Autumn 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.2 Two copies Christmas 1995 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.3 Two copies Spring 1996 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.4 Two copies Easter 1996 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.5 Two copies Summer 1996 144 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. The Tribune, Volume IV, No.6 Two copies Summer 1996 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.1 Two copies Autumn 1996 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.2 Two copies Christmas 1996 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.3 Two copies Spring 1997 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.4 Two copies Easter 1997 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.5 Two copies Summer 1997 PC. The Tribune, Volume V, No.6 Two copies Summer 1997 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.1 Two copies Christmas 1997 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.2 Two copies Feb 1998 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.3 Easter 1998 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.4 Two copies May 1998 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.5 Two copies Summer 1998 PC. The Tower, Volume I, No.7 Two copies Oct 1998 PC. The Tower Two copies Christmas 1998 PC. The Tower Containing tributes to Fr. McManus MSC, 1935 - 1999 Feb 1999 145 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. The Tower Two copies Autumn 1999 PC. The Tower Two copies Christmas 1999 PC. The Tower Two copies Spring 2000 PC. The Tower Two copies Easter 2000 PC. The Tower Two copies Whitsun 2000 PC. The Tower Two copies Summer 2000 PC. The Tower Two copies Spring 2001 PC. The Tower Two copies Summer 2001 PC. The Tower Two copies Spring 2002 PC. The Tower Two copies Summer 2002 PC. The Tower Two copies Winter 2002 PC. The Tower Two copies Spring 2003 PC. The Tower, No.15 Two copies Summer 2003 PC. The Tower, No.16 Two copies Jan 2004 146 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. The Tower, No.17 Two copies May 2004 PC. The Tower, No.18 Two copies Aug 2004 PC. The Tower, No.19 Two copies Spring 2005 PC. The Tower, No.20 Two copies [See also PC.25.07.133, page 15] May 2005 PC. The Tower, No.21 Two copies Sep 2005 PC. The Tower, No.22 Feb 2006 PC. The Tower, No.23 May 2006 PC. The Tower, No.24 Aug 2006 PC. The Tower, No.25 Feb 2007 PC. The Tower, No.26 Summer 2007 PC. Princethorpe College - Rugby Draft of a rugby newsletter, reporting on success in the sport and advertising coaching posts [see PC.] 2007-2008 PC. Princethorpe College - Rugby Second draft of a rugby newsletter, reporting on success in the sport and advertising coaching posts 2007-2008 The Pinnacle Showcasing exceptional work by students from Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall School PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 1 c. Autumn 2009 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 2 c. Spring 2010 147 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 3 c. Summer 2010 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 4 c. Autumn 2010 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 5 c. Spring 2011 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 6 Jul 2011 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 7 Oct 2011 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 8 Two copies Jan 2012 PC. The Pinnacle, Issue 9 Two copies Jun 2012 The Georgian The magazine of the Georgian Group PC. The Georgian, Issue 1, 2010 2010 PC. The Georgian, Issue 2, 2010 2010 PC. The Georgian, Issue 1, 2011 2011 PC. The Georgian, Issue 1, 2012 2012 Miscellaneous PC. Mission News, No. 1 Newsletter of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Winter 1969 PC. The Trinity Quarterly, Vol 3 No. 1 The magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Coventry Easter 1976 PC. Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Message Including an article on Mr John Shinkwin replacing Fr. Alan Whelan MSC as Head-Teacher at Princethorpe College Autumn 1998 PC. Present State, No.9, Spring 2011 The newsletter of the Pugin Society Spring 2011 148 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC. Present State, No.10, Autumn 2012 The newsletter of the Pugin Society Two copies Autumn 2012 PC. Aspect Ecclesiastical's Annual Art & Heritage Review 2011 PC. The Pugin Society newsletter 2012 PC. The Pugin Society newsletter 2012 History PC.28.01 Princethorpe A short architectural history of St. Mary's Priory from 1832 to 1901 20th cent. PC.28.02 Church of Our Lady of the Angels A short booklet on the history and architecture of the church, the bells within the church and the church organ. Also including a sketch plan of the church 20th cent. PC.28.03 Bells of St Mary's Priory, Princethorpe Photocopy of a sheet showing the inscriptions from the bells in the church at St. Mary's Priory 20th cent. PC.28.04 Princethorpe Church Short history and architectural description of the church at Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.28.05 Plans of Wappenbury cemetery Photocopies of two plans of the old and new cemeteries at Wappenbury church, as well as a photocopy of a memorandum for the allotment of graves 20th cent. PC.28.06 Church history File containing various histories and leaflets on the Church of Our Lady of the Angels 20th cent. PC.28.07 Church of Our Lady of the Angels, Princethorpe College Brief history of the church, along with a colour floor plan c. 1990s 149 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.28.08 Pugin/Hardman File containing leaflets, correspondence and printouts relating to Pugin, the Hardmans and others connected to the history of the Church of Our Lady of the Angels c. 2000s PC.28.15 Article titled 'The Grey Nun (Princethorpe)' Photocopy of an articles from 'Midland Spirits and Spectres' by Anne Bradford & Barrie Roberts Two pages c. 1998 PC.28.09 The Angels of Our Lady of the Angels, Princethorpe A short booklet on the imagery used in the church at Princethorpe by Francis Young, a former member of staff Two copies c. 2000s PC.28.10 Simpson & Brown, Architects Correspondence with and research from Simpson & Brown Architects on the Church of Our Lady of the Angels and Peter Paul Pugin 23rd Sep 2001 PC.28.11 The Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels A short booklet on the chapel at Princethorpe by Simon Peaple BA PhD GCTC, including the background behind Catholic Emancipation, the building of the chapel and the imagery contained within it. Two copies 2008 PC.28.12 St. Mary's Priory Census returns 1841 - 1901 Folder of census images and transcriptions for St. Mary's Priory, compiled by Kate Taylor for Mrs Bennett 1st Aug 2008 PC.28.13 The Clock at Princethorpe CD Rom featuring a powerpoint presentation containing information on the history and engineering of the clock in the turret of the old chapel, as well as PDF files on the preservation of turrets. Two copies 2010 PC.28.14 The Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels incorporating The Angels of Our Lady of the Angels A combined booklet containing two works on the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels by Simon Peaple BA PhD GCTC and Francis Young respectively Two copies 2012 150 Princethorpe College February 2013 Pupil's work PC.29.01 Collection of art and literature work Five projects on the theme of trees containing extracts from literary works along with photographs and drawings By P Walsh, Joan Dixon, Pauline White, Sheila Murray and P Webster 20th cent. PC.29.02 Artwork entries Folder containing short comic strip cartoons for entry into the School Magazine, eleven by N Essex and two by P Henham Three photocopies of a drawing of St Thomas More A certificate of thanks to Princethorpe College from Cafod, thanking them for the £250 raised by the college 20th Cent. PC.29.03 Christmas card Handmade Christmas card by 'Daisy' from form 7CM 20th Cent. PC.29.04 Pen and ink sketch of the church at Princethorpe College Either drawn by Robert Cheshire, at former student, or by Sheila Lewis, the mother of a former student Three copies, including a negative 20th Cent. PC.29.05 History of St Mary's Priory Various projects produced by pupils on the history of St Mary's Priory and in particular Our Lady of the Angels Enclosing photocopies of source material c. 1980 - 2002 PC.29.06 Blot, Volume 1, Number 1 Student magazine 1986 PC.29.07 The Query?, Issue 2 Student magazine Oct 1994 PC.29.08 The Query?, Issue 1 Student magazine Jun 1995 PC.29.09 Lager 'n Life, Issue 1 Student magazine Oct 1995 PC.29.10 The Badger Knows, Issue 1 Student magazine 21st Nov 1996 151 Princethorpe College PC.29.11 February 2013 Clay Tile Clay tile painted blue showing Princethorpe College Chapel Marked on the back: "S" "Princethorpe College 2005 CMSO" 2005 Events Entertainments committee PC.31.1.01 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Chairman, A P Darkes Agenda: Chairman's report, Election of new Chairman, Revue '82, Supervision of Discotheques, Intended Christmas Production - Three Musketeers and any other business 21st Oct 1982 PC.31.1.02 Minutes of the meeting Agenda: proposed vote of thanks to APD[arkes], financial report, list of those involved in Musketeers needing priority tickets, tickets going fast, refreshment for Musketeers. 8th Dec 1982 PC.31.1.03 Minutes of the meeting Agenda: Concert preparations are going well, Dramatic production, ideas for improvements in theatre, complimentary tickets and school reviews 31st Jan 1983 PC.31.1.04 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Agenda: Chairman's report, New Officers, Financial report, Theatre Balcony project, Revue '83, VIth Form Disco, Raked theatre seating and extending stage apron over Orchestra Pit 20th Sep 1983 PC.31.1.05 Minutes of the Theatre Development ad hoc Committee Meeting Agenda: New Theatre Entrance, Costumes and Costume Hire, Sound System/Communications, Closed circuit television/Coaxial Cables, Remote control wires, Auditorium Lighting, Emergency Lighting, Stage Lighting, Mains outlets, Miscellaneous items, Matter arising 15th Nov 1983 152 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.1.06 Minutes of the meeting Chairman: P J Jewel Agenda: VIth Form Video club, Social events, Years I and II, Year III, Bar query, Control balcony, Panto, 29th Nov [1983] PC.31.1.07 Minutes of the meeting Chairman: P J Jewel Agenda: Last term's events, Theatre Balcony - report of sub-committee, Account of expenditure, this term's events, Organ Restoration Fund, Any other business 17th Jan 1984 PC.31.1.08 Agenda Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting, matter arising, concert, summer term production, talent competition, report of sub-committee on balcony, A.O.B., date of next meeting 7th Feb 1984 PC.31.1.09 Minutes of the meeting Chairman, P Jewel Agenda: Matters arising, Concert, Summer-time entertainments, Talent Contest, Sub Committee, A.O.B. 7th Feb [1984] PC.31.1.10 Agenda Minutes of last meeting, Matters arising, Princethorpians' Night, Lower School Talent Contest, Theatre subcommittee report, She Stoops to Conquer, 4th/5th year Disco, Choir and Orchestra trip, A.O.B. 8th Mar [1984] PC.31.1.11 Minutes of the meeting Chairman, P Jewel Agenda: Matters arising, Princethorpians' Night, Lower School Talent Contest, Theatre Sub-Committee Report, 'She Stoops to Conquer', 4th/5th year Disco, Choir and Orchestra Trip, A.O.B., Sixth Form Social 8th Mar [1984] PC.31.1.12 Agenda Minutes of the previous meeting, Matters arising, Staff 6th Form Social, She Stoops, 4th/5th Year Disco, InterHouse Music Competition, Official opening of theatre, A.O.B. 3rd Apr [1984] PC.31.1.13 Minutes of meeting Agenda: Matters arising, Staff - VI Form Social, 'She Stoops', IV and V Year Disco, Inter-House Music Competition, Official Opening of Theatre, A.O.B. 3rd Apr 1984 153 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.1.14 Letter to Parents, Staff, Students and Friends from Princethorpe College Entertainments Committee On the Grand Revue organised to celebrate the extensive alterations to the Theatre 5th Nov 1984 PC.31.1.15 Letter to Parents and Friends from P J Jewel, Director of Music, on behalf of the Entertainments Committee On the Princethorpe Summer Concert and Barbecue 26th Jun 1985 PC.31.1.16 Letter to Parents, Staff, Students and Friends from Princethorpe College Entertainments Committee On the Spring stage production of 'Friedrich' 6th Feb 1986 Concerts, recitals, tours and carol services PC.31.2.01 Programme for Cantate Domino: A Concert of Sacred Music through the Ages In aid of Castle Froma and Wappenbury Parish Church 20th cent. PC.31.2.02 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Includes a list of Choir and Orchestra members 20th cent. PC.31.2.03 Programme for A service for Christmas 1973 PC.31.2.04 Programme for The business of good government Christmas play and carol service lists members of the cast 17th Dec 1975 PC.31.2.05 Programme for Service of Nine Lessons and Nine Carols Dec 1976 PC.31.2.06 Programme for Carol Service Dec 1976 PC.31.2.07 Programme for Carol Service: Unto us a child is born Includes a list of Choir and Orchestra members Dec 1977 PC.31.2.08 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1978 PC.31.2.09 Programme for RNSPT Tour Details of their arrival 1979 PC.31.2.10 Programme for Princethorpe College Musical Society presents Hinckley Sinfonia List performances and performers 13th Oct 1979 154 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.11 Programme for Princethorpe College Concert Lists performances and performers 9th Feb 1983 PC.31.2.12 Envelope of papers relating to St. Valentine's Choral & Orchestral Concert Comprising: Two copies of the programme, rough notes on income, invoice from Bablake Wines Ltd., letter to Parents and Friends from Peter Jewel, Head of Music inviting them to the concert, programmes, 3rd Feb 1984 Feb 1984 PC.31.2.13 Programme for Princethorpe College Organ Recital Two copies, one enclosing a covering letter and a hand made poster 20th Jun 1984 PC.31.2.14 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1984 PC.31.2.15 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1985 PC.31.6.37 Ticket for Princethorpe College Parents' Association Family Barn Dance Held at the College Reused as a display card recording Adam Budworth as winner of the Rugby Schools Chess Championship 15th Mar 1986 PC.31.2.17 Programme for a Christmas concert Words to the carols Dec 1986 PC.31.2.18 Envelope of papers relating to Princethorpe College Carol Service Comprising: Notices regarding rehearsals, two copies of the programme Dec 1986 PC.31.2.19 Prospero Quartet concert tour Newspaper cutting, programmes and a literary meditation for a series of concerts given by the Prospero Quartet, one of which was held in the chapel at Princethorpe College Apr 1987 PC.31.2.20 Running Order for Princethorpe College Music Department's ''Summer Serenade" Including a list of Choristers 6th Jul 1987 PC.31.2.21 Programme for Summer Serenade Lists performers 10th Jul 1989 155 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.22 Programme for a Recital by Suzanne Deller Lists performances c. 1990s PC.31.2.23 Programme for An evening of Music and Readings for Christmas Leamington Spa Opera Group c. 1990s PC.31.2.24 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1990 PC.31.2.25 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1992 PC.31.2.26 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Dec 1993 PC.31.2.27 Programme for a Memorial Concert for Hugh Page 6th May 1994 PC.31.2.28 Programme for St. Celia's Day Concert Lists performances and performers Enclosing a covering letter 22nd Nov 1994 PC.31.2.29 Programme for Cantiques de Noel St Peter's Festival Chorus 11th Dec 1994 PC.31.2.30 Programme for Princethorpe College Christmas Carol Service Dec 1994 PC.31.2.31 Programme for the Year 10 & 11 Music Students Recital Lists performances and performers 22nd Mar 1995 PC.31.2.32 Programme for Festival of Praise Lists performances and performers 30th Apr 1995 PC.31.2.33 Programme for a Summer Concert by Stretton Chamber Choir and Mixed Spice Lists performances and soloists 3rd Jun 1995 PC.31.2.34 Programme for an Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 3rd Jul 1995 PC.31.2.35 Programme for a GCSE Recital Lists performers 2nd Nov 1995 156 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.36 Programme for a Choral Concert by the Choirs of Arnold Lodge School and Princethorpe College Lists performances 24th Nov 1995 PC.31.2.37 Papers relating to Princethorpe College Carol Concert Seating plans, choir members and hymn sheets Dec 1995 PC.31.2.38 Programme for a GCSE Music Recital Lists performances and performers 13th Mar 1996 PC.31.2.39 Programme for an Easter Concert Lists performances and performers 27th Mar 1996 PC.31.2.40 Programme for The Midlands Wind Orchestra Concert Princethorpe College Arts Society 4th May 1996 PC.31.2.41 Programme for Summer Serenade Lists performances and performers 25th Jun 1996 PC.31.2.42 Programme for the Annual Hugh Page Memorial Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 4th Jul 1996 PC.31.2.43 Programme for Dances, Doublets and Doggerel: From Court to Country Princethorpe Arts Society presents Saltarello with Lord Leycester's Consort Lists performances and performers 12th Oct 1996 PC.31.2.44 Programme for the Sixth Form Recital Lists performances and performers 16th Oct 1996 PC.31.2.45 Programme for the Years 10 & 11 GCSE Recital Lists performers 7th Nov 1996 PC.31.2.46 Programme for an Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 23rd Nov 1996 PC.31.2.47 Papers relating to Princethorpe College Carol Concert Seating plans, choir members and hymn sheets Dec 1996 PC.31.2.48 Programme for the Spa Opera Group Lists performances and performers c. 1997 157 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.49 Programme for An Evening of Music and Readings for Christmas Lists performances and performers c. 1997 PC.31.2.50 Programme for a Concert given at St Michael's Gymnasium, Monschau and Princethorpe College Lists performance and performers 18th Apr 1997 PC.31.2.51 Programme for a Summer Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 25th Jun 1997 PC.31.2.52 Programme for The Coull Quartet - The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ, Joseph Haydn Lists performances and details of the quartet 30th Oct 1997 PC.31.2.53 Papers relating to Princethorpe College Carol Concert Seating plans, choir members and hymn sheets Dec 1997 PC.31.2.54 Programme for Wassail Christmas Music and Readings Lists performances and performers 5th Dec 1997 PC.31.2.55 A Programme of Music of Ash Wednesday: Man's Search for God Lists performances and performers 25th Feb 1998 PC.31.2.56 Programme for Princethorpe College Choir: On Tour, Rhineland, Germany Apr 1998 PC.31.2.57 Programme for Princethorpe College Choir Concert A special concert following their most successful tour of the Rhineland, Germany Apr 1998 PC.31.2.58 Programme for An Evening of Entertainment to mark the retirement of Father Alan Whelan as Headmaster Lists performances and performers 2nd Jul 1998 PC.31.2.59 Programme for The Annual Hugh Page Memorial Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 7th Jul 1998 PC.31.2.60 Programme for St. Cecilia's Day Celebratory Piano Recital Lists performances 21st Nov 1998 158 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.61 Programme for a Concert of Christmas Music Lists performances and performers 10th Dec 1998 PC.31.2.62 Programme for In Harmony Christmas Concert 10th Dec 1998 PC.31.2.63 Programme for Princethorpe College Carol Service Lists performers and carols 1998 PC.31.2.64 Papers relating to Princethorpe College Carol Concert Seating plans, choir members and hymn sheets Dec 1998 PC.31.2.65 Programme for O du Stille Zeit: A Christmas Concert with St Peter's Festival Chorus 20th Dec 1998 PC.31.2.66 Programme for An evening of entertainment Presented by the College Staff, Parents' Association and Students Lists performances and cast 15th Oct 1999 PC.31.2.67 Programme for a Dickensian Christmas Fair Princethorpe College Parents' Association Sunday 27th November 2000s PC.31.2.68 Poster for a Dickensian Christmas Fair Princethorpe College Parents' Association Sunday 27th November 2000s PC.31.2.68a Programme for A Summer Serenade Light music for a summer evening College Theatre 3rd Jul 2003 PC.31.2.69 Programme for Princethorpe College Choir Post Tour Concert Concert following a tour of the Rhineland 21st Apr 2004 PC.31.2.70 Programme for Princethorpe College Choir Post Tour Concert Concert following a tour of Ireland Apr 2005 PC.31.2.71 Programme for The eleventh annual Hugh Page Memorial Organ Recital 5th Jul 2005 PC.31.2.72 Programme for Princethorpe College Choir tour of Paris List of performances and performers Apr 2008 159 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.2.73 Programme for The seventeenth annual Hugh Page Memorial Organ Recital Lists performances and performers 5th Jul 2011 PC.31.2.74 Princethorpe College South Africa Ball Silent auction brochure Two copies 10th Nov 2012 PC.31.2.75 Princethorpe College South Africa Ball Menu 10th Nov 2012 PC.31.2.76 Princethorpe College South Africa Ball Two tickets 10th Nov 2012 Orders of service PC.31.3.01 Ash Wednesday Order of Mass 20th cent. PC.31.3.02 Ascension Day Mass 20th cent. PC.31.3.03 Programme for the blessing and official opening of St. Bede's Hall Two copies 9th Sep 1979 PC.31.3.04 Order of Service for John Douglas Lawrence Boswell Held at All Saints' Church, Sherbourne 19th Oct 1979 PC.31.3.05 The Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to England and Wales Official Souvenir Mass Book & Programme Enclosing a certificate of thanks to Fr D O'Connor for making the visit a success Two copies 30th May 1982 PC.31.3.06 The Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to England and Wales Provincial Guests lunch menu Two copies 30th May 1982 PC.31.3.07 The Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to England and Wales Guidelines for Spiritual and Pastoral preparation Sep 1981 160 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.3.08 File of papers on the Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to England and Wales Accommodation provided itinerary for the visit Correspondence May - Jun 1982 PC.31.3.09 File of papers on the Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to England and Wales Photocopies of blank certificates of thanks Lists of those who helped Newspaper cuttings relating to the visit May - Jun 1982 PC.31.3.10 Order of Service for the marriage of Rachel Elizabeth Hunt and John Howard Mallorie Held at Saint John Baptist Church, Honiley 31st Jul 1982 PC.31.3.11 Envelope containing cards in loving memory of Liam Bennett 13-Dec-82 PC.31.3.12 Order of Mass for the reception into the Catholic Faith of Carl Tranter 11th Dec 1983 PC.31.3.13 Order of Service for James Richard Williams Held at Mid-Warwickshire Crematorium, Oakley Wood Enclosing a press cutting of the announcement recording the flowers sent by the College 5th Dec 1984 PC.31.3.14 Wedding Mass For the wedding of Catherine and Nigel 19th Mar 1988 PC.31.3.15 Mass of Thanksgiving Jun 1990 PC.31.3.16 Service in memory of James Dick Enclosing a Newspaper cutting Nov 1991 PC.31.3.17 Ordination to the Diaconate of Terence O'Brien M.S.C. and Carl Tranter M.S.C. Enclosing a Newspaper cutting 5th Dec 1992 PC.31.3.18 Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation Our Lady of the Angels 11th Jun 1993 PC.31.3.19 Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation Our Lady of the Angels 28th Feb 1995 161 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.3.20 Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation Our Lady of the Angels 13th Mar 1997 PC.31.3.21 Flower festival to celebrate the Centenary of the Church of Our Lady of the Angels Includes a short history of the church c. 2001 PC.31.3.22 Order of Service for a Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion Princethorpe College Year 11 2004 PC.31.3.23 Order of Mass Princethorpe College Upper VI leavers Mass Including a list of leavers 2004 PC.25.07.127 Princethorpe College Opening Eucharist Order of service On page 21 of a cuttings book relating to St. Joseph's School, Princethorpe College and teaching in general Sep 2004 PC.31.3.24 Princethorpe College Opening Eucharist Order of service Sep 2005 PC.31.3.25 Princethorpe College Start of Term Eucharist Order of service 25th Apr 2007 PC.31.3.26 A service of celebration for the life of Jason John Tebaldi Including two press cuttings 3rd Mar 2008 PC.31.3.27 A celebration of the life of Loretta Kathleen Mary Spears 24th Apr 2008 PC.31.3.28 Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate the Headship of Jane Le Poidevin 8th Jul 2008 PC.31.3.29 Order of service for the Wedding of Victoria and Ciaran 26th Jul 2008 PC.31.3.30 In Loving Memory of Alex Wallis Princethorpe College Two copies 21st Jan 2011 PC.31.3.31 Old Princethorpians' Annual Festival Day and Mass 8th May 2011 PC.31.3.32 A celebration of the life of Heather Harris 21st May 2011 162 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.3.36 In loving memory of Isabel Clare Cousins Order of service for a member of the Chartwells catering team who worked at Princethorpe College Held at Oakley Wood Crematorium 13th Dec 2011 PC.31.3.33 Requiem Mass for Peter Rex Former teacher at Princethorpe College Mass held at St Etheldreda's Church, Ely Two copies 11th Apr 2012 PC.31.3.34 Old Princethorpians' Festival Day and Mass Two copies 13th May 2012 PC.31.3.35 Old Princethorpians' Festival Day and Mass, speech notes Notes on a speech given by Matt Parsons, Old Princethorpian 13th May 2012 Theatre productions PC.31.4.01 Programme for Oklahoma! A Princethorpe College Presentation produced by Lou Skiffington, Moira Weir, Pat Weir with assistance from Rosie Neal 20th cent. PC.31.4.02 Programme for Princethorpe College Revue 20th cent. PC.31.4.03 Programme for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The 6th Form Presents Written by Chris Hodge and Luke Holbrook Directed and produced by Chris Hodge, Luke Holbrook, Mike Kearney & Dave Moroney 20th cent. PC.31.4.04 Programme for Space: Lost without a clue Year 9 Drama Club Presents Three productions called Cluedo, Lost and Space 20th cent. PC.31.4.05 Programme for 'The Red Herrings' & 'Billy Bunter' Princethorpe College Amateur Dramatic Society c. 1970 PC.31.4.06 Programme for Albert's Bridge Princethorpe College Amateur Dramatic Society 1972 163 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.07 Programme for Paint Your Wagon Princethorpe College Musical Society Presents By Lerner & Loewe's Feb 1977 PC.31.4.08 Envelope of papers relating to 'Frank Ass' Comprising: Five tickets to the performance, programme, seating plan, 'Boys who will assist with arrangements for the musical', list of guests Mar 1978 PC.31.4.09 Envelope of papers relating to 'Viva Mexico' Comprising: List of guests, list of couriers, ushers etc. 1979 PC.31.4.10 Envelope of papers relating to 'Joseph' Comprising: Two copies of the programme, two copies of a notice asking the audience to be seated five minutes before the performance is due to begin, two copies of a notice on car parking, ticket book containing a ticket for the performance, two loose tickets for the performance, three tickets for the Rugby Theatre Society, letter to Parents from T F O'Brien M.S.C. inviting them to the performance, lists of guests, lists of helpers, seating plans Dec 1979 PC.31.4.11 Envelope of papers relating to 'The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew' Comprising: two copies of the programme, income and expenditure, invoices, notes on expenditure, receipts for tickets, draft cast and crew lists, estimated budget for school play, seating plans 1980 PC.31.4.12 Programme for Tom Sawyer Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents A play by John Carlesworth & Tony Brown from Mark Twain's novel, designed & directed by Lou Skiffington May 1981 PC.31.4.13 Envelope of papers relating to Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Revue Comprising: Two copies of the Programme, Notice of dates and times of final rehearsals, Letter to Parents, Friends and Boys from Princethorpe College Drama Society inviting them to the performance, 1st Oct 1981, Income and expenditure, Volume containing an alphabetical list of names who have returned booking slips, enclosing ten slips of paper with notes on income and expenditure Oct 1981 164 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.14 Programme for Cinderella Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents A pantomime by Moira Weir, designed and directed by Louis Skiffington Dec 1981 PC.31.4.15 Envelope containing papers relating to 'Pirates of Penzance' Comprising: Two copies of the programme, Two tickets to the performance, Income and expenditure, Seating plans Mar 1982 PC.31.4.16 Programme for Revue '82 Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents Oct 1982 PC.31.4.17 Envelope of papers relating to The Three Musketeers Comprising: Two copies of the programme, Two tickets to the performance, Lists of guests, Seating plans, Letter from the Dramatic Society inviting people to the Pantomime, 22nd Nov 1982, Letter to Parents, Students, Staff and Friends from Princethorpe College Dramatic Society inviting people to the Christmas Production, 26th Nov 1982, Notice of Provisional Final Rehearsal Dates Dec 1982 PC.31.4.18 Envelope of papers relating to A Midsummer Night's Dream Comprising: Two Tickets, Two copies of the Programme, Letter to Parents, Students & Friends from Princethorpe College, Entertainments Committee inviting them to the production, Seating plans Jun 1983 PC.31.4.19 Programme for Revue '83 Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents Ticket enclosed Oct 1983 PC.31.4.20 Envelope of papers relating to Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs Comprising: Programmes, Seating plans, Letter to Parents, Staff, Students and Friends from Princethorpe College Dramatic Society, inviting them to the production, 22nd Nov 1983, Notice of arrangements to all involved with the production, Tickets to the performance, Ticket to An Evening of Venetian Music presented by Warwickshire Schools String Orchestra and Warwickshire Youth Brass Consort, 1st May 1983, Rough notes on income Dec 1983 165 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.21 Envelope of papers relating to Princethorpian Night Feb 1984 Comprising: Two copies of the programme, Rough notes on income, Invoice from Treanors Hardware & Drapery Store, Invoice from Centre of England Stores, Two tickets to the performance, Newspaper cutting on the money raised, programme PC.31.4.22 Envelope of papers relating to 'She Stoops to Conquer' Comprising: Programmes, Tickets to the performance, Seating plans, Letter to Parents from P J Jewel, Producer, inviting them to the performance, 1st May 1984 May 1984 PC.31.4.23 Programme for Revue '84 Enclosing a draft running order Nov 1984 PC.31.4.24 Programme for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents By Tim Porter, produced by Peter Jewel, musical direction by Sue Francis Mar 1985 PC.31.4.25 Programme for Gunslinger Princethorpe College Presents A play by Richard Crane Designed and Directed by Lou Skiffington Musical arrangement & Direction by Sue Francis Nov 1985 PC.31.4.26 Envelope of papers relating to Gunslinger Comprising three tickets, a programme, two posters, seating plans, receipts and invoices Nov 1985 PC.31.4.27 Programme for Friedrich Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents A play adapted by Moira Weir from the novel by Hans Peter Richter Directed by Pat & Moira Weir Musical arrangements by Sue Francis Mar 1986 PC.31.4.28 Script for Friedrich With a list of props Mar 1986 PC.31.4.29 Programme for Revue '86 Princethorpe College Presents Nov 1986 166 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.30 Programme for H.M.S. Pinafore or The Lass that Loved a Sailor Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents Written by W.S. Gilbert Composed by Arthur Sullivan Produced by Moira and Pat Weir Musical Direction by Sue Francis Enclosing two tickets Mar 1987 PC.31.4.31 Programme for A Tale of Two Cities Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents By Charles Dickens adapted for the stage by Moira Weir Designed and directed by Moira Weir and Louis Skiffington Original score and arrangement by Rinaldo Merlo Lyrics by Chris James Enclosing two photocopied press cuttings on the production Feb 1993 PC.31.4.32 Programme for Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves By David Swan, directed by Mo[i]ra Weir, Lou Skiffington and Pat Weir Enclosing a photocopied press cutting on the production from the Courier, 9th Dec 1994 Two copies Dec 1994 PC.31.4.33 Envelope of papers relating to Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Comprising: Tickets printed on coloured paper, A letter to Parents, Students and Friends from M Weir, L Skiffington and P Weir inviting them to the pantomime, 25th Nov 1994, Two A3 posters for the Pantomime, List of tickets sold Nov - Dec 1994 PC.31.4.34 Folder containing papers relating to Alibaba Newspaper cuttings containing articles on the performance, two caricatures of characters produced for the performance, a poster Nov - Dec 1994 PC.31.4.35 Programme for Hot Spurs Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Presents Presented as a newspaper called 'Cliche Chronicle' A pantomime by Moira Weir, directors Moira Weir, Lou Skiffington and Pat Weir Dec 1995 PC.31.4.36 Flyer for Hot Spur Dec 1995 167 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.37 Programme for Lost on the Yellow Brick Road Mar 1996 PC.31.4.38 Programme for Peter Pan Princethorpe College Dramatic Society Adapted by Moira Weir, original music by Trystan Francis Dec 1998 PC.31.4.39 Programme for The Dream Club Based on A Midsummer Night's Dream By Emma Litterick, music by Jeremy Dibb Mar 2003 PC.31.4.40 Programme for Robin Hood Princethorpe College Sixth Form present A somewhat convoluted version of Robin Hood by Gareth Watkins Nov 2003 PC.31.4.41 Programme for Alice Everywhere but Home Year 8 Drama Club By Rosie Neale 12th Feb 2004 PC.31.4.42 Programme for Musical Extravaganza Entertainment from Year 8 Produced & Directed by Susan Dadley and Felicity Coulson with assistance from Sue Francis Two copies May 2004 PC.31.4.43 Programme for Big Sister Princethorpe College An adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's Dr Faustus written and directed by Emma Litterick Apr 2005 PC.25.07.133 Big Sister Programme and photographs relating to the production of Big Sister On pages 6-7 of a folder containing articles on Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall, mounted on card Apr 2005 PC.31.4.44 Programme for The Power of Music! Year 8 Present Including a selection of songs from Starlight Express, Princethorpe Champions, a selection of songs from Fiddler on the Roof and We Will Rock You May 2005 168 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.4.45 Programme for The Film Star Year 8 A play based on the Wizard of Oz Produced and written by Rosie Neal Directed by Philmena Mattheson Jun 2005 PC.31.4.46 Programme for Let us entertain you! A musical extravaganza from Year 8 Enclosing a flyer for the production Guys and Dolls, Jazz Band, The songs of Robbie Williams and Music from Barnum May 2006 PC.31.4.50 Programme for Pop Tales Princethorpe College presents Pop Tales A musical journey of song and dance through the last hundred or so years. Year 8 17th May 2011 PC.31.4.47 Programme for Little Shop of Horrors Music by Allen Menken, Book and Lyrics by Howard Ashman, Directed by Vicky Roberts, Musical Direction by Gil Cowlishaw Held in Princethorpe College Theatre 2nd - 4th Feb 2012 PC.31.4.48 Poster for Little Shop of Horrors 2nd - 4th Feb 2012 PC.31.4.49 Ticket for Little Shop of Horrors 2nd Feb 2012 PC.31.4.51 Programme for Schools Will Rock You Princethorpe College presents We Will Rock You By Queen and Ben Elton Directed by Vicky Roberts Musical Direction by Gil Cowlishaw 7th - 9th Feb 2013 Awards and prize giving PC.31.5.01 Princethorpe College Prize day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1969-1970 presented on Tuesday 8 December 1970. 8th Dec 1970 PC.31.5.02 Princethorpe College Distribution of Prizes A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1970-1971 presented on Wednesday 24 November 1971. 24th Nov 1971 169 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.5.03 Princethorpe College Distribution of Prizes A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1971-1972 presented on Friday 24 November 1972. 24th Nov 1972 PC.31.5.04 Princethorpe College Prize Giving A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1972-1973 presented on Friday 25 October 1973 Includes a newspaper cutting from the Rugby Advertiser of Friday 2 November 1973. Oct 1973 PC.31.5.05 Princethorpe College Prize Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1973-1974 presented on Friday 24 October 1974 Includes press cutting from Friday 1 November 1974. 1974 PC.31.5.06 Princethorpe College Prize Giving A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1974-1975 presented on Friday 24 October 1975 Includes press cutting from Coventry Evening Telegraph 25 October 1975 Two copies, one copy annotated by Fr. McManus. 24th Oct 1975 PC.31.5.07 Princethorpe College Prize Giving A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1975-1976 presented on 29 October 1976 Includes invitation card. 29th Oct 1976 PC.31.5.08 Princethorpe College Prize Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1976-1977 presented on 26 October 1977. 26th Oct 1977 PC.31.5.09 Princethorpe College Prize Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1977-1978 presented on 27 October 1978. 27th Oct 1978 PC.31.5.10 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1978-1979 presented on Friday 26 October 1979. 26th Oct 1979 170 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.5.11 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1979-1980 presented on Friday 24 October 1980 Two copies and one photocopy, annotated 24th Oct 1980 PC.31.5.12 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1980-1981 presented on Friday 23 October 1981. 23rd Oct 1981 PC.31.5.13 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1981-1982 presented on Friday 22 October 1982. 22nd Oct 1982 PC.31.5.14 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1982-1983 presented on Tuesday 8 December 1970. 21st Oct 1983 PC.31.5.15 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1983-1984 presented on Friday 19 October 1984. 19th Oct 1984 PC.31.5.16 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1984-1985 presented on Friday 18 October 1985. 18th Oct 1985 PC.31.5.17 National Stockpiler Competition 1985 1985 Card recording the presentation of the Warwickshire Junior Chamber of Commerce Trophy to Jeremy Butler, Kevin Grant, Patrick Hassan, M K Chow and Alex Healy PC.31.5.18 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1985-1986 presented on Friday 24 October 1986. 24th Oct 1986 PC.31.5.19 File of papers on relating to Speech Day Brochure from The Coventry Silvercraft Company Ltd., timetables, notices, seating plans, draft programme, programme 24th Oct 1986 171 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.5.20 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1986-1987 presented on Friday 23 October 1987. 23rd Oct 1987 PC.31.5.21 File of papers relating to Speech Day Two copies of the programme, notices regarding duties, rehearsals and timetables, signs 23rd Oct 1987 PC.31.5.22 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1987-1988 presented on Friday 21 October 1988 Includes a cutting from Coventry Evening Telegraph dated 24 October 1988. 21st Oct 1988 PC.31.5.23 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1988-1989 presented on Friday 20 October 1989. 20th Oct 1989 PC.31.5.24 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1989-1990 presented on Friday 19 October 1990. 19th Oct 1990 PC.31.5.25 Princethorpe College Speech Day A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1990-1991 presented on Friday 8 November 1991. 8th Nov 1991 PC.31.5.26 Princethorpe College Prizegiving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1991-1992 presented on Friday 6 November 1992. 6th Nov 1992 PC.31.5.27 Princethorpe College Prizegiving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1992-1993 presented on Friday 12 November 1993. 12th Nov 1993 PC.31.5.28 Princethorpe College Prizegiving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1993-1994 presented on Friday 11 November 1994. 11th Nov 1994 172 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.5.29 Princethorpe College Prizegiving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1994-1995 presented on Friday 10 November 1995. 10th Nov 1995 PC.31.5.30 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1995-1996 presented on Monday 28 October 1996. 28th Oct 1996 PC.31.5.31 Princethorpe College Prizegiving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1996-1997 presented on Friday 7 November 1997. 7th Nov 1997 PC.31.5.32 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1997-1998 presented on Monday 9 November 1998. 9th Nov 1998 PC.31.5.33 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1998-1999 presented on Friday 5 November 1999. 5th Nov 1999 PC.31.5.34 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 1999-2000 presented on Friday 3 November 2000. 3rd Nov 2000 PC.31.5.35 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2000-2001 presented on Friday 2 November 2001. 2nd Nov 2001 PC.31.5.36 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2001-2002 presented on Friday 18 October 2002. 18th Oct 2002 PC.31.5.37 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2002-2003 presented on Friday 7 November 2003 Photocopy 7th Nov 2003 173 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.5.38 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2003-2004 presented on Friday 5 November 2004. 5th Nov 2004 PC.31.5.39 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2004-2005 presented on Friday 4 November 2005. 4th Nov 2005 PC.31.5.40 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2005-2006 presented on Friday 3 November 2006. 3rd Nov 2006 PC.31.5.41 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2006-2007 presented on Friday 2 November 2007. 2nd Nov 2007 PC.31.5.42 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2007-2008 presented on Friday 7 November 2008. 7th Nov 2008 PC.31.5.43 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2008-2009 presented on Friday 6 November 2009. 6th Nov 2009 PC.31.5.44 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony A record of the academic, sporting and general awards made to pupils in the school year 2009-2010 presented on Friday 5 November 2010. 5th Nov 2010 PC.31.5.45 Invitation to Princethorpe College Prize Giving At the Warwick Arts Centre, Warwick University 4th Nov 2011 PC.31.5.46 Princethorpe College Prize Giving Ceremony At the Warwick Arts Centre, Warwick University Two copies 9th Nov 2012 174 Princethorpe College February 2013 Sports PC.31.6.01 ISAI Rugby Sevens, U16 Programme for the annual tournament held at Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.31.6.02 ISA National X Country Championships Results from the races held at Princethorpe College 20th cent. PC.31.6.03 Princethorpe College Sports Programme for the annual inter-house athletics competition 20th cent. PC.31.6.04 Mid Warwickshire U 14 Basketball League Card recording Princethorpe as winners 20th cent. PC.31.6.05 Mid Warwickshire Schools' Sports Association Certificate presented to Holliday of Princethorpe for placing 2nd in the U14 Boys Freestyle Swimming Gala 1971 PC.31.6.06 Mid Warwickshire Schools' Sports Association Certificate presented to Cordier of Princethorpe for placing 3rd in the Inter Boys Shot Putt 1971 PC.31.6.07 Mid Warwickshire Schools' Sports Association Certificate presented to Went of Princethorpe for placing 2nd in the Junior Boys 200m 1971 PC.31.6.08 Mid Warwickshire Schools' Sports Association Certificate presented to Bean of Princethorpe for placing 3rd in the Senior Boys Shot Putt 1971 PC.31.6.09 Orienteering Notes and maps for a course through Wappenbury Wood, laid out in 1971 1971 PC.31.6.10 Sports day Programme Two copies 1974 PC.31.6.11 Sports day Programme 1975 175 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.12 Sports day Programme Layout of the sports field 28th Jun 1977 PC.31.6.13 Sports day Programme 21st Jun 1979 PC.31.6.14 Sports day Programme Two copies 29th Jun 1980 PC.31.6.15 Cross Country 1st Town League race Results 22nd Oct 1980 PC.31.6.16 Sports Day Programme of events 27th Jun 1982 PC.31.6.17 U13 Boys Cross-Country, Second Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Second Place in the 2nd Town League Race 19th Oct 1983 PC.31.6.18 U15 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the 2nd Town League Race 19th Oct 1983 PC.31.6.19 U15 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the 1st Town League Race 29th Sep 1983 PC.31.6.20 Mid Warwickshire Schools Basketball Association Cup Finals Display material featuring a programme listing the previous year's winners and a photocopy of a press cutting relating to the staging of the finals at Princethorpe College 1983 - 1984 PC.31.6.21 U15 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the 3rd Town League Race 8th Feb 1984 176 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.22 Senior Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the 3rd Town League Race 8th Feb 1984 PC.31.6.23 U15 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Overall Town League Championship Sep 1983 - Feb 1984 PC.31.6.24 U13 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Town Championships 7th Mar 1984 PC.31.6.25 U15 Boys Cross-Country, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Town Championships 7th Mar 1984 PC.31.6.26 Senior Boys Cross-Country, Second Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Second Place in the Town Championships 7th Mar 1984 PC.31.6.27 Under 13's Boys Cross-Country Team Race, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Overall Town League Championships Sep 1984 - Feb 1985 PC.31.6.28 Under 15's Boys Cross-Country Team Race, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Overall Town League Championships Sep 1984 - Feb 1985 PC.31.6.29 Seniors Cross-Country Race, Third Place Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Overall Town League Championships Sep 1984 - Feb 1985 PC.31.6.30 File of papers relating to Warwickshire Schools Athletics & Cross Country Association Programme of events for the championships held at Princethorpe College Reviews of achievements 1983-4 and 1984-5 2nd Feb 1985 177 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.31 12th National Catholic Schools Boy's Cross Country Championships Programme of events held at Princethorpe College 17th Feb 1985 PC.31.6.32 Under 13 Boy's Cross Country Team Race Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Town Championships 6th Mar 1985 PC.31.6.33 Under 15 Boys Cross Country Team Race Rugby and District Schools Athletic and Cross Country Association Third Place in the Town Championships 6th Mar 1985 PC.31.6.34 Rugby and District Cross-Country Championships Card recording Princethorpe College as winners 1985 PC.31.6.35 The Tom Gibson Cup Card recording Princethorpe College as winners of the Warwickshire County Hockey Championships 1985 PC.31.6.36 Annual Sports Day Held at Godiva Track, Warwick University 22nd May 1986 PC.31.6.37 Rugby Schools Chess Championship Trophy Winner, Adam Budworth On the back of a ticket for a barn dance held at Princethorpe College 1986 PC.31.6.38 Mid Warwickshire U14 Basketball Cup Competition Card recording Princethorpe College as winners Team: J Fowler, F Megias, J Contreras, S Hope, J Lawler, M An, D Shillinglaw, L Kenningale, C Morffew, P Taylor 1986 - 1987 PC.31.6.39 File of papers relating to the 9th Milk Cross Country School's Cup Final Programmes and correspondence 2nd Dec 1989 PC.31.6.40 Milk International Cross-Country Match Held at Princethorpe College 7th Apr 1990 PC.31.6.41 Rugby Football Schools Union, 16 group, England V Spain The English team included Angus Shillinglaw from Princethorpe College 2nd Apr 1991 178 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.42 Princethorpe's Fun-Day Programme for a fun-day in aid of Barnardos 5th Aug 1994 PC.31.6.43 Letter to Mr Jason Evans, Princethorpe College from Mrs Chris Vinnicombe, Barnardos Thanking him [Jason Evans] and Moira Weir for arranging the fun day at Princethorpe College and inviting them to visit either the Kitts Green Project or Harris House. 8th Sep 1994 PC.31.6.44 Twentieth Annual MCCA Cross Country Relays Programme of events held at Princethorpe College 29th Oct 1994 PC.31.6.45 Cricket - Personal Performance for Ian Bell Batting and bowling statistics 1995 PC.31.6.46 Warwickshire Schools Athletic Association Cross Country Championships Held at Princethorpe - results 1995 PC.31.6.47 Warwickshire Schools Athletic Association Cross Country Championships Held at Princethorpe 21st Jan 1995 PC.31.6.48 English Schools Athletic Association Cross Country Championships Held at Royal Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh 4th Mar 1995 PC.31.6.49 National X Country Championships - ISAI Programme of events held at Princethorpe College 10th Mar 1995 PC.31.6.50 ISAI National Rugby Sevens U16 and U14 Programme of events held at Princethorpe College 10th Mar 1995 PC.31.6.51 Warwick School, 27th Annual Invitation Sevens Competition Programme of events 11th Mar 1995 PC.31.6.52 Annual Sports Day Programme of events held at Edmondscote Athletics Track 11th Jun 1995 PC.31.6.53 ISAI Midlands Area Swimming Championships Overall winners 7th Nov 1995 179 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.54 National Schools Cross Country Programme of events 1996 PC.31.6.55 Princethorpe College Rugby & Netball Tour Provisional Itinerary and transport and fixture contact details Feb 1996 PC.31.6.56 ISAI National X Country Championships Programme of events held at Princethorpe College enclosing details of events in at Bedstone College and Cirencester 8th Mar 1996 PC.31.6.57 BVAF Open Cross Country Championships List of entrants 8th Mar 1996 PC.31.6.58 Annual Sports Day Programme of events held at Edmondscote Athletics Track 9th Jul 1996 PC.31.6.59 Inter area Cross Country meeting Warwickshire Schools Athletic Association programme of events enclosing a map of the course and details of the event 2nd Nov 1996 PC.31.6.60 Inter County Cross Country Meeting Warwickshire Schools Athletic Association Programme of events Enclosing a map of the course 30th Nov 1996 PC.31.6.61 ISA National Cross Country Championships Race timetable 7th Mar 1997 PC.31.6.62 ISA National U16 Rugby Sevens Programme of Events 14th Mar 1997 PC.31.6.63 National Schools Teams Cross Country Competition Programme of Events Two copies 31st Mar 1997 PC.31.6.64 Junior & Open Team Show Jumping Programme of Events held at Stoneleigh Abbey 21st Jun 1997 PC.31.6.65 National Schools Cross Country Programme of Events held at Primrosehill Farm 1998 180 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.66 ISA National U14s Rugby Sevens Two copies 11th Mar 1998 PC.31.6.67 Warwick School 30th Annual Invitation Sevens Programme of events 14th Mar 1998 PC.31.6.68 Warwick School 30th Annual Invitation Sevens Winners certificate 14th Mar 1998 PC.31.6.69 ISA National U16 Rugby Sevens Programme of events 20th Mar 1998 PC.31.6.70 Junior & Open Team Show Jumping Programme of events held at Stoneleigh Abbey Enclosing a note of thanks and an entry form from Princethorpe College 20th Jun 1998 PC.31.6.71 Summer Sports Awards Programme Jul 1998 PC.31.6.72 National Schools and Pony Clubs jumping championship Programme 29th Aug 1998 PC.31.6.73 Princethorpe College Inter-Schools Dressage Competition Programme of events 26th Sep 1998 PC.31.6.74 Downlands College Tour Itinerary and hosting arrangements Dec 1998 PC.31.6.75 Downlands College Tour Booklet entitled 'Queensland Emblems' Dec 1998 PC.31.6.76 Programme for Downlands College - United Kingdom/European Rugby Tour The team stayed at Princethorpe College between 7-9th December 1998 and played a rugby match against Princethorpe College 1998 - 1999 PC.31.6.77 Inter-Schools Dressage Competition Programme of events 21st Sep 2002 PC.31.6.78 Inter-Schools Dressage Competition Programme of events 24th Apr 2004 181 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.31.6.79 Stoneleigh Riding Club Two Day event Programme of events 28th - 29th May 2005 PC.31.6.80 Princethorpe College Rugby and Hockey Tour Programme of events 13th - 27th Jul 2005 PC.31.6.81 Princethorpe College Hockey Training Camp Hockey Training Camp trip to Holland Letter to parents, code of conduct form and programme 20th Sep -19th Oct 2011 PC.31.6.84 Ian Bell receiving and honorary doctorate Photograph of Ian Bell with Princethorpe headmaster Ed Hester receiving an honorary doctorate in Business Administration from Coventry University. Nov 2011 PC.31.6.82 English Schools' Athletic Association Track & Field Cup 2012 Information booklet Dec 2011 PC.31.6.83 English Schools' Athletic Association Cross County Final 2012 Event programme Held at Princethorpe College 3rd Dec 2011 Other events PC.31.7.01 Autumn Arts Week Three flyers and posters 15th - 21st Oct 1995 PC.31.7.02 Motoring Festival The 10th annual road run, route book 26th Jun 2011 PC.31.7.03 DAF camping week Programme for the DAF Owner's club camping week Aug 2011 182 Princethorpe College February 2013 Newspaper cuttings and reviews PC.31.8.01 Envelope of newspaper cuttings, reviews of performances and letters of thanks Comprising: Review of the Princethorpe College Revue, c. 1980s Newspaper cutting on 'Friedrich', c. 1986 Newspaper cutting from the Rugby Advertiser on 'Friedrich', 27th Mar 1986 Banner for 'Friedrich', c. 1986 Newspaper cutting on 'HMS Pinafore', c. 1987 Poster for 'HMS Pinafore', c. 1987 Letter of thanks from Lutterworth Age Concern Club, 28th Mar 1987 Letter of thanks from Lutterworth & District Volunteer Bureau, 9th Apr 1987 Newspaper cutting on 'Robin Hood and the Turkish Knight', c. 1988 Newspaper cutting on 'A Tale of Two Cities', c. 1993 Newspaper cutting on 'A Tale of Two Cities', c. 1993 Newspaper cutting from the Leamington Observer on a play by Rosie Neal, 15th Sep 1994 Newspaper cutting from the Courier on a play by Rosie Neal, 7th Oct 1994 [2 copies] Newspaper cutting from the Courier on 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves', 9th Dec 1994 Newspaper cutting on 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves', c. 1994 1980 - 1994 PC.31.8.02 Press cutting on Princethorpe College Choir and Ensemble in Bad Neuenahr Typed extract from the Municipal Times, issue 19/98 Maps to the venue for the concert c. 1998 PC.31.8.03 Press cutting from the Kreisstadt Echo On a tour made by the Choir and Ensemble of Princethorpe College of Germany With a partial translation c. 1998 183 Princethorpe College February 2013 AUXILIARY ORGANISATIONS Parents' Association PC.32.01 Parents' Association Minutes, agendas and correspondence, including information on events run by the association, the association's constitution and discussion of the parent teacher relationship 1975 - 1996 Old Princethorpians PC.33.01 List of Old Boy's addresses 'Old Boy 0' Left from 1967 - 1983 Arrived 1966 Unavailable for general access until 2024 1966 - 1983 PC.33.02 List of Old Boy's addresses 'Old Boy 1' Left from 1979 - 1990 Arrived 1976 - 1984; Unavailable for general access until 2031 1976 - 1990 PC.33.03 List of Old Boy's addresses 'Old Boy 2' Left from 1986 - 1990 Arrived 1985 - 1988 Only one page extant Unavailable for general access until 2031 1985 - 1990 PC.33.04 List of Old Boy's addresses 'Old Boys' Arrived 1966 - 1984; Unavailable for general access until 2025 1985 - 1990 PC.33.05 File of papers relating to Old Princethorpians Correspondence with past pupils Invitations to events such as the Silver Jubilee 1990 - 1995 184 Princethorpe College February 2013 PC.33.06 Letter to Old Princethorpians from Alex Darkes and Peter Griffin With news of the last reunion, details of the Silver Jubilee celebrations and an invitation to stay in touch Dec 1991 PC.33.07 Events calendar Two copies 2010 - 2011 PC.33.08 OP dinner speech A speech given by Sean Philpott at his retirement dinner Jun 2011 PC.33.09 Events calendar 2011 - 2012 185 Princethorpe College February 2013 MISCELLANEOUS Memories of past pupils and staff PC.34.1.01 Memoir of an evacuee Memoir of a girl (known then as Pat Case) evacuated to St Mary's Priory from Coventry during the Second World War Covering letter from Debbie, daughter of Pat Case Photograph of Pat Case aged approximately 10 years Covering note to Dr Peaple 2010 PC.34.1.02 Letter to Mr Darkes from Beryle Peeke A short letter sharing some of her memories of her time at Princethorpe from September 1942. 17th May 2011 Ephemera PC.34.2.01 Pennant Princethorpe College Pennant 20th cent. PC.34.2.02 Banner Double sided fabric banner for the Theatre, featuring drama masks 20th cent. PC.34.2.03 Banner Green banner featuring a maroon badge with the letters M S C in gold 20th cent. PC.34.2.04 Princethorpe College cap c. 1960s PC.34.2.05 Princethorpe College blazer c. 1972 PC.34.2.06 Papal flag Most likely from the Visit of Pope John Paul II c. 1981 PC.34.2.07 T-shirt T-shirt from 'A Tale of Two Cities' Feb 1993 PC.34.2.08 T-shirt T-shirt from Princethorpe College's 40th anniversary 2006 186 Princethorpe College PC.34.2.09 February 2013 ID Badge ID for an Official at the English Schools' Athletic Association English Schools' Cross Country Cup, held at Princethorpe College 187 3rd Dec 2011